A FULLY DIFFERENTIAL CMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER IMPLEMENTED WITH MOS GAIN BOOSTING TECHNIQUE by PING LO, B.S.E.E. A THESIS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Approved Accepted May, 1996 I C^Cjk ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I like to express my gratefulness to Professor Kwong Shu Chao, without whose thoughtful guidance and patience, the success of this work would never have been possible. I am also thankful to Professor Sunanda Mitra and Osamu Ishihara for their interest and advice in this work. I appreciate the support of my fellow students in the EE department, in particular, Ramesh M.C. for his circuit insight, and Stephen Bayne for his help in chip testing. Lastly, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my father, for his unprecedented love and support throughout my graduate studies. Without him, my study here would not have been possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii LISTOFTABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi CHAPTER I. II. III. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Structure of Thesis 3 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESIGN REVIEW 4 2.1 Performance Metrics 4 2.2 Differential Amplifiers 6 2.3 Operational Amplifier Toplogies 8 2.3.1 Multi-Stage Amplifier 8 2.3.2 Single Stage Amplifier 11 2.3.3 Gain Boosting Techniques 14 SUPER-MOST STRUCTURE 16 3.1 Overview of Current Mirror Structures 16 3.2 Principle of Super-MOST 19 3.3 Super-MOST Topologies 23 3.3.1 Topology 1 23 3.3.2 Topology 2 26 iii 3.4 IV. Proposed New Structure 28 3.4.1 Circuit Analysis 30 3.4.2 Simulation Results 31 DESIGN OF FULLY DIFFERENTIAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 38 4.1 Design considerations 39 4.2 Operational Amplifier Architecture 40 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.4 V. VI. Comparisons of Single Stage and Two Stages Implementation 40 Comparisons of Single Ended and Differential Implementation 41 Circuit Description 42 4.3.1 Main Stage 42 4.3.2 Bias Circuit 48 4.3.3 Common Mode Feedback Circuit 49 Simulation Results 52 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 60 5.1 Description of Experimental Chip 60 5.2 Test Setup 61 5.3 Test Results 62 CONCLUSION 69 REFERENCES 71 APPENDIX: MOSIS PROCESS PARAMETER 74 IV LIST OF TABLES 3.1 Dimensions of transistors in Super-MOST 33 4.1 Dimensions of transistors in the operational amplifier 58 4.2 Summary of fully differential operational amplifier performance 59 LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Differential amplifier 6 2.2 AC equivalent model of the differential amplifier 8 2.3 Two-stage operational amplifier configuration 9 2.4 Telescopic cascode amplifier 12 2.5 Folded cascode operational amplifier 13 2.6 Mirrored cascode operational amplifier 13 2.7 Cascode Circuits 14 3.1 Cascode (a) transistors circuit, (b) small-signal equivalent circuit 17 3.2 Regulated cascode transistors 19 3.3 Simple Super-MOST structure 21 3.4 Modified Super-MOST structure 23 3.5 Super-MOST configuration 1 24 3.6 Super-MOST configuration 2 27 3.7 Proposed Super-MOST configuration 28 3.8 Symbols for (a) N-type, (b) P-type Super-MOST 29 3.9 Current-voltage characteristics of (a) a single n-transistor, (b) the N-type Super-MOST with KG-T ranging from-1.5 V to-1 V 34 Current-voltage characteristics of (a) a single p-transistor, (b) the P-type Super-MOST with KGS ranging from 1 V to 1.5 V 35 Simulation result of the current mirror using N-type Super-MOST with /,„ ranging from 40 (xA to 200 fxA 36 3.10 3.11 VI 3.12 Frequency response of the inverting amplifier 37 3.13 Output voltage swing of the inverting amplifier 37 4.1 Main stage of the fully differential operational amplifier 43 4.2 Equivalent circuit of the Super-MOST 44 4.3 Equivalent circuit for the input differential pair 45 4.4 Small signal equivalent half circuit of the main stage 47 4.5 Bias circuit 48 4.6 Simplified configuration of a fully differential switched capacitor network . . 50 4.7 Common mode feedback circuit 51 4.8 Frequency reponse of the fully differential operational amplifier (a) magnitude plot, (b) phase plot 53 Step response of the fully differential operational amplifier with (a)±0.2V,(b)± 1.5 V input 54 4.10 Output voltage swing of the fully differential amplifier 55 4.11 Transient response with 5 mV sinusoidal input 56 4.12 Output response of an integrator implemented with the operational amplifier 57 4.9 4.13 Output response of a differentiator implemented with the operational amplifier 57 5.1 Layout of the experimental chip 64 5.2 Die photo of the experimental chip 65 5.3 Measured current-voltage characteristics of N-type Super-MOST 66 5.4 Measured current-voltage characteristics of P-type Super-MOST 66 vu 5.5 5.6 Input and output waveforms of the operational amplifier for (a)frequencyof 2 kHz, and (b)frequencyof 200 kHz 67 Input and output waveforms for frequency varied sinusoidal signal in the range of (a) hundred-ldlo-Hz, and (b) mega-Hz 68 vm CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation CMOS technologies have rapidly improved over the past few years. To date, the size of transistor is shrunk to sub-micron and fabrication processes attain finesse, resulting in dramatic increases in the speed and density of integrated circuit devices. The result of this trend is the system on a chip, in which aU circuitry wiU be housed within a couple of square centimeter of die area, in particular for a large digital system. Compared with their analog counterparts, digital circuits are less susceptible to noise and more endurance to the supply and process variations, and allow easier design and test automation. These facts contribute to more digital circuits and less analog circuits being integrated within a chip. However, since naturally occurring signals are analog, in order to perform any digital signal processing (DSP), data conversion system is needed to digitize the signal at the input and reproduce the signal at the output. For example, applications such as high definition television (HDTV), compact disc players, CD ROM, and modems, as well as special systems such as medical imaging, speech processing, and radar employ data conversion systems for interfacing. As the demand for these high performance appUcations increases, the design of data conversion system becomes increasingly difficult. This is because a high speed and high accuracy analog circuit is not easy to attain, and tradeoff often has to be made. Furthermore, in the mixed signal system, analog portions 1 are susceptible to the coupling noise via power supply, substrate current and crosstalk of adjacent line during digital switching. As a result, mixed signal system designs become a challenging problem. In most of the data conversion systems, such as switched capacitor circuits [1], sigma-delta converters [2], pipeline A/D converters [3], [4], algorithmic A/D converters [5], [6], and sample-and-hold amplifiers [7], [8], operational ampUfiers form the basic building block. High gain and high unity gain frequency amplifiers are needed to meet the requirements for high performance systems. Satisfying both of these requirements, however, is difficult to achieve since high unity gain frequency calls for short channel devices which has low intrinsic gain. Therefore, gain enhancement techniques are necessary for designing a high gain and high unity gain frequency operational amplifier. This thesis investigates the gain boosting technique proposed by K.Bult and G. Geelen [9]. An improved cascode circuit that combines both high gain and high speed is developed. Using this cascode circuit, a high performance fully differential operational amplifier is designed. A prototype of the cascode circuit and operational ampUfier was fabricated in a 2 |im n-well CMOS technology. Simulation results indicate that the cascode circuit has at least 100 MQ output impedance, while the amplifier has an open loop gain of 98 dB and a unity gain frequency of 17 MHz for 10 pF load capacitor. 1.2 Structure of Thesis This thesis is outlined as follows. Chapter n analyzes a differential amplifier, which is the building block for an operational amplifier. Various operational amplifier topologies are also examined with emphasis on the speed and gain analysis. Some previous works are studied and their performance limitations are discussed. In chapter in, the problems associated with the conventional cascode circuits are identified and an improved version of cascode circuit, which is called Super-MOST, is introduced. Also presented is the principle and operation of the Super-MOST. Two previous designs using this principle are then described along with their drawbacks. A new topology is proposed that has superior performance over the two previous design. Chapter IV describes the design of the fuUy differential operational amplifier. The reasons of choosing the topology are explained. Also, a common mode feedback stage is presented that is employed to control the output bias point. Chapter V shows the experimental results from a prototype chip which includes the Super-MOST and the operational amplifier. In chapter VI, the summary of this research and the suggestions for future work are presented. CHAPTER II OPERATIONAL AMPLIHER DESIGN REVIEW This chapter presents an overview of some of previous CMOS operational amplifier configurations, but stand alone designs are not addressed. Since this research is focused on designing an operational amplifier that can be used as a building block for analog signal processing system, the primary emphasis in this chapter is placed on the factors affecting the gain and speed of an operational amplifier. Detailed discussions of design techniques and performance tradeoff can be found in many literature [10], [11], [12]. Section 2.1 describes some of the parameters that characterize an operational amplifier, thus providing an assessment of an operational amplifier. Section 2.2 gives a conceptual description of the building block for an operational amplifier - differential amplifier. Some of the operational amplifier topologies are described and issues related to the performances of each circuit are discussed in Section 2.3; however, this section is not intended to be a comprehensive review; rather, it provides some background for the design of operational amplifiers. 2.1 Performance Metrics A full assessment of the performance of operational amplifiers requires an evaluation of a large number of parameters [13], [14]. This section defines a number of terms for performance metrics. • DC gain is the low frequency gain of the amplifier and usually characterizes the accuracy of the amplifier. • Unity gain bandwidth is the frequency at which the open loop gain of the amplifier becomes unity or 0 dB. • Phase margin is defined as the phase shift of the amplifier at the unity gain bandwidth. • Slew rate is the rate of output change for a large input step signal. • Settling time is the amount of time the amplifier required to settle within a predetermined tolerance (typical value is 0.1 percent) of the final value of the output step response. • Input common mode range is the range of input voltages over which the operational amplifier can still operate properly, i.e., all transistors in the input stage are operated in saturation region. • Ou^ut voltage swing is the voltage range over which all the transistors in the output stage are still biased in saturation region. • Power supply rejection ratio is defined as the ratio of the differential gain to the gain from the variation of power supply to the output with the differential input set to zero. • Common mode rejection ratio is defined as the ratio of the differential gain to the common mode gain. 2.2 Differential Amplifiers In most operational amplifier topologies, the input stage is realized by a differential pair. It is, without doubt, the most commonly used building block in analog processing system. Therefore, we examine its small signal behavior, which serves as the background material for the next section. Shown in Fig. 2.1 is the CMOS differential pair. It consists of a curtent source with value Ibias and two equal or matched transistors Ml and M2. For differential output, transistors M3 and M4 are implemented as current source/sink loads or active loads; while for single ended, they are connected as a current mirror. Here, it is assumed that M3 and M4 are current source loads for the analysis, but similar analysis can also be applied to the current mirror load. M3 'DD 5 M4 'bias Vout2 'outl M2 Ml -• V. bias Vss Fig. 2.1. Differential amplifier. Conceptually, the smaU signal analysis of the differential amplifier of Fig. 2.1 can be best understood by using the ac equivalent model shown in Fig. 2.2. This model assumes that the sources of the two input transistors is effectively shorted to ground as the voltage across the ideal current source does not vary. Practically, there is finite impedance across the current source, however, no significant change on the differential gain derivation is resulted. The differential gain of this circuit can now be calculated. ^oull ~ ^outl ~ ~\^m\ ^zs\ V dsl l^dsa ) ~ Sm2 ^gs2 yds! lyds^ )) • (.•^' ^ ) If we assume that g^^ = g^^ and r^JIr^j = rj^2\\fds4 (i-e- M1=M2, M3=M4), Eq. (2.1) can be further simplified and then the voltage gain can be expressed as \=-8.i{r^ih3)- (2.2) Typically values for gm and r^j are in the order of hundred-|iS and MQ., respectively, and the voltage gain of the differential amplifier is only about 20-25 dB. Further increase in the gain requires some modifications on the configiu^ation. The frequency response of the differential amplifier is mainly associated with the sum of parasitic capacitors at the output nodes. At node 1, the parasitic capacitors consist of Chdi, Cbd3, Cgs3 and Cgdi; while at node 2, they are Ctdi, Cbd4, Cgs4 and Cgdi- Since matched transistors are assumed, the equivalent capacitance at these two nodes is the same. From this conclusion, the frequency response of the differential amplifier consists of a single pole given by 1 / {rj^\r^^\C^^^ + C^^^ + C^^^ + C^^j). + + grfVgi/r> r&i TcfeS Voul Vou2\r<b* raa /p>&£V^ Fig. 2.2. AC equivalent model of the differential amplifier. 2.3 Operational Amplifier Topologies The small voltage gain of the differential amplifier is found inapplicable for most analog system design. For this reason, operational amplifier is introduced to circumvent the limitation of differential amplifier. Most operational amplifier architectures employ the differential amplifier as the building block and, in general, can be classified into two broad categories, namely, single-stage or multi-stage operational amphfiers. Also they can be implemented as either single-ended or fully differential types. The merits and drawbacks of these two implementation will be discussed in Chapter IV. 2.3.1 Multi-Stage Amplifier The most widely used circuit approach for the implementation of operational amplifiers is the two-stage configuration [15] shown in Fig. 2.3. This configuration consists of a differential amplifier as the first stage, a curtent source load inverting amplifier as the second stage, and a Miller compensation capacitor Cc. Both of the dc 8 Fig. 2.3. Two-stage operational amplifier configuration. gain and the gain bandwidth product of the circuit are found to be related to the bias cmxent and the sizes of input transistors. Although both of these parameters can be increased by using larger device area, the tradeoff between the dc gain and gain bandwidth product has to be made by varying the bias curtent. These relationships thus provide flexibility in meeting the desired performance. The principal drawback of this architecture is the degradation of the settling behavior resulted from the nondominant pole formed by the output impedance and the load capacitance. This implies that the capacitive loading is limited and relied on the compensation capacitor Cc [10]. Furthermore, the effect of the right half-plane zero resulted from feedforward through Cc often requires other circuit techniques to ensure stabiUty [10], [16]. In precision applications involving large loop gain, this configuration may be inadequate. More gain can be obtained by appending cascode transistors to the first stage, second stage or both. The result is that the incremental gain of the circuit is equal to the open circuit gain of the cascode transistor. For example, a triple cascode amplifier has been implemented in [17] where the gain is proportional to (gmrof- One disadvantage of this technique is a substantial reduction in voltage swing, which resulted in limited allowable number of cascode devices. However, in applications where dynamic range is the primary concern, two-stage topology has its own merit. The first stage can provide a high gain, while the second stage is designed for rail-to-rail output swing [18]. The other approach, which is well known but not commonly employed, for achieving high gain is cascading amplifier stages. Though, unlike the cascode topology, this approach does not suffer the reduction in voltage swing, the frequency response is degraded as each cascade stage introduces an additional pole. This problem is alleviated by the nested Miller compensation structure [19] which utilizes Miller capacitors that are connected from the output node of the amplifier to the inputs of the subsequent internal amplifier stages, and thus, nondominate poles are splitted apart. In [20], an operational amplifier employs similar compensation scheme, mulipath hybrid nested Miller structure. This design was reported to obtain a high gain without degradation in speed. Despite its advantage, the nested Miller compensation structure has a major drawback that the bandwidth is reduced by pole splitting capacitors. This implies that further increase in the number of cascading stages wiU eventually be limited by the bandwidth of the circuit. Additionally, this structure has a slower slew rate than the twostage counterpart as there are increases in charging current for the compensation capacitors. In summary, multi-stage topologies can allocate gain and voltage swing in separate stages, thereby providing viable choices for low voltage design and resistive load drivers. Since Miller capacitors for frequency compensation must be used in these topologies, the 10 load driving capacitance is restricted. The high gain requirement for multi-stage is to use long channel devices biased at low current levels, contradicting the requirement for a high slew rate. 2.3.2 Single-Stage Amplifier In switched capacitor designs that utilize operational amplifier, the single stage topology is more commonly used [21], [22] than a multi-stage amplifier because of its capability of driving large capacitive load. This is due to the fact that the load capacitor acts as the compensation capacitor simultaneously, and the dominate pole is formed by the total output resistance and the load capacitance. In order to obtain high gain, a single-stage topology which employs cascode devices can be used. Fig. 2.4 shows one of the version of the single-stage topology - the telescopic cascode operational amplifier. Since the circuit employs five stacked devices, its output voltage swing is limited. To achieve both high gain and large voltage swing, the channel width of the devices in the circuit must be large so that their transconductances are maximized and their saturation voltages are minimized. On the other hand, the bias currents must be made large enough to obtain a high slew rate while the channel length of the devices are made longer to maintain a high gain. The large size of the transistors results in large parasitic capacitance, thereby degrading the settling behaviors. The folded cascode architecture or the mirrored cascode architecture, as shown in Fig. 2.4 and Fig. 2.5, respectively, is designed to increase the input and output voltage swings. Here the circuit has three stacked devices in the input stage, and four in the 11 output stage, giving larger input and output swings than the telescopic cascode counterpart. However, these two structures have different performances for various load capacitance. The mirrored cascode architecture demonstrates faster settling time for large capacitive loads due to its high slew rate, while the folded cascode architecture provides better settling time for smaU capacitive loads due to its superior small signal response. In order to overcome the corresponding problems associated with these two structures, a complementary folded cascode architecture is introduced [23] for providing exceUent frequency response for various load capacitors. However, one disadvantage of this architecture is its very low dc gain which is not suitable for high precision appUcation. In summary, single stage topologies are the feasible choice for high frequency switched capacitor filters, but they usuaUy have limited dc gain. • Vr Fig. 2.4 Telescopic cascode amplifier. 12 VDD ' biasl h |-^V.. M 5 ^ | M 6 ^ >Vbias2 »Vo„, M7 71M \L"' » M9 1 p H — I U"o Fig. 2.5. Folded cascode operational amplifier. I VDD M5 I f—I M3 M4 I—• M6 M8 M7 •H I Ml M2~~| - • V bias H' 'V„ M9 MIO 0 M12 Mil "Vss Fig. 2.6. Mirrored cascode operational ampUfier. 13 2.3.3 Gain Boosting Techniques The Umited gain in single-stage topologies and the low bandwidth associated with multi-stage architectures have resiilted in the need for the development of gain boosting techniques [24], [25]. The principle of these techniques is to add a feedback ampUfier to the cascode device, as shown in Fig. 2.7(b), yielding an output impedance approximately A times larger than the simple cascode circuit of Fig. 2.7(a), where A is the open loop gain of the feedback amplifier. This ampUfier tends to maintain the drain voltage of Ml by adjusting the gate voltage of M2. In other words, if there are changes in the drain current at the output, the amplifier varies the gate voltage of M2 such that the changes in the drain voltage is minimized. (roi -I- (l+gm2Aroi)ro2) (roi + (l+gm2roi)ro2) M2 Ml -•V bias2 J -• Vbiasl -• VSS (b) gain-enhanced (a) simple Fig. 2.7. Cascode circuit 14 The operational ampUfier designs in [24] and [26] utUized the gain boosting techniques to increase the dc gain without degradation in speed. In their designs, a fully differential folded cascode topology is implemented and the gain enhancement is obtained by replacing the regular cascode circuits with active cascode circuits. By using two fully differential operational amplifiers instead of four single-ended ampUfiers for the gain enhancement, an improvement in performance over [24] has been reported [26]. However, the disadvantage of these implementations is the complexity of the design and its layout [9]. The requirement of long wire in layouts results in larger die area and higher crosstalk interference. In summary, the gain boosting techniques can be used in high gain and fast settUng operational ampUfier designs, but care must be exercised with layout plans. 15 CHAPTER n i SUPER-MOST STRUCTURE This chapter addresses the problems associated with the gain boosting technique, as mentioned in the previous chapter. A building block Super-MOST is presented. In section 3.1, a brief overview of some of the structures which are commonly used in current mirrors is presented. Section 3.2 discusses the basic operating principles of the Super-MOST. In section 3.3, some previous structures of Super-MOST are reviewed and remarks are made. Then, in section 3.4, a new structure is presented along with its simulation results. 3.1 Overview of Curtent Mirror Structures A single MOS transistor, biased in the saturation region, has an approximate output impedance 7/A/DS which is typicaUy in the range of 100 kilo-ohms. This magnitude is not large enough to give a good accuracy in a current mirror or to provide a high gain in an ampUfier. Cascoding an additional device, as shown in Fig. 3.1(a), wiU increase the output impedance by the intrinsic MOS transistor gain gmro. The output impedance can be easily derived from the small signal equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 3.1(b) to be rou,={8n.2fds2+^ydsl+fds2- (3-1) 16 'DD 'ref H Vin • - | P M I • 1 • 'SS (a) rds2 • Tdsl 4> ^ gm2Va gmlVi, (b) Fig. 3.1. Cascode (a) transistors circuit, (b) small signal equivalent circuit 17 Typical VOM of this structure is ten times larger than that of a single transistor. This impedance boosting results in better accuracy in a current mirror or a larger gain in an amplifier. However, the output voltage swing is reduced by Vosisat) of the additional cascode device. An improved version of the cascoded structure is the regulated cascode transistors [25]. By means of an additional gain stage consisting theti-ansistorM3 and a current source as shown in Fig. 3.2, the output impedance of the structure is further increased to the order of hundred mega-ohms compared with the simple cascoded version of Fig.3.1. Acting as a feedback amplifier, the transistor M3 and the current source maintain the drain of the transistor Ml at a constant voltage. This eUminates the cortesponding variation in drain current, resulting in a higher output impedance. The value of the output impedance can be calculated as rout = [gntl^dsl iSmSr^S + 0 + ^}dsi + ^<fc2 • (3-2) While the two cascode structures provide much higher output impedance, they have two significant disadvantages. First, the output voltage swing is decreased by yDS(sat)min of the cascode transistor. Secondly, if the input signal voltage VGSI is increased, the fixed bias of the cascode device will tend to drive the lower device to the ohmic region. This introduces nonUnearities in the output signal. The solution is to use an adaptive Vbias or self-biasing that enables all the transistors to operate in the saturation region so that the nonUnearities are eliminated. This self-biasing is the basic principle of a Super-MOST which is discussed in the next section. 18 VDD • )1 (1 M2 «— ir IL « Vi • — M3 Ml ' '—» • —• Vss Fig. 3.2. Regulated cascode transistors 3.2 Principle of Super-MOST The topology of Super-MOST is the modified version of regulated cascode transistors. A feedback amplifier is used to boost the output impedance to the order which is proportional to the gain of the ampUfier. As mentioned in the previous section, the improvement of Super-MOST over the regulated cascode structure results from the self biasing principle. A simple configuration of Super-MOST is shown in Fig. 3.3. A voltage sensing branch, transistors M4 and M5, is added to the regulated cascode structure. This branch is a simple inverting amplifier. The input voltage to this amplifier is the same as that to the lower device of the cascode transistors. Thus the curtent IDS4 through M4 is related to VGSI and can be written as 19 ^DSA~ jj VGSI ^TA) • (3-3) This current is then converted back to voltage by the active load transistor M5, which has the gate connected to the drain. This will ensure M5 operated in saturation region. The bias voltage VGSS can then be calculated by yGSS=}^JoSA+yTS- (3.4) This voltage in turn wiU become the biasing voltage for the current source, transistor M6, of the feedback amplifier. An adaptive biasing network is thus estabUshed. Care must be exercised to estabUsh proper bias for M2 such that VDS of Ml is not driven to ohmic region or is at the edge of the saturation. If Ml is operated in the ohmic region, it wiU introduce nonUnearities to the output signal; while if VDS is driven high above the edge of saturation, it will increase the output voltage swing. These two requirements often conflict with one another, so a compromise needs to be made. The foUowing derivations give an indication of how to satisfy the requirements. An attempt is made to formalize the relations of bias voltages for transistors of the adaptive biasing network for the proper operation of main transistor Ml. For simpUcity, kWthe expression —'- is replaced by P ,• , where / is the index of the respective transistor. 2LEq. (3.3) shows that/os^ is related to VGSI, the bias voltage of Ml. Substituting (3.3) into (3.4), a direct relationship between VGSS and VGSI is then written as yoss = JE(^c5i-^r4) + V'„. (3.5) 20 • - • V DD «— —» . i ) M6 • 1 M5 1 M2 (1 (1 •— M3 —¥> V MI m M4 —• 1.„ • Fig. 3.3. Simple Super-MOST stiiicture. Applying the curtent-voltage relationship, IDS6 is given by 'DS6 V nr- \ vPs ; ~" P ( " -V 76 (3.6) Normally, VT of M6 and M5 have the same value because their source and substrate are tied to the same node. Eq. (3.6) can be simplified to ^ DS6 ~ P 6 o VGSI (3.7) ^T4 ) • Ps Since the current through fransistor M3 is identical to IDS6, VGSS can be expressed in terms of VGSI by using Eq. (3.7). (3.8) Vas^=-^^(Vos.-yT4)+Vr^- It is assumed that all theti-ansistorsare operated in saturation region in the above derivations. 21 It can be observed from Fig. 3.3 that VGSS is equal to VDSI by the principle of KVL. Combining the result that is obtained from Eq. (3.8), an expression of VDSI in terms of VGSI is written as Vosi = j^i'^os^ -yT4)+Vrs. (3.9) P6p4 The term I is determined by the ratio between the respective sizes of the transistors since the parameter k is process-dependent, and so this term is considered as a constant once W/L of each transistor is fixed. The magnitudes of VT4 and VT3 are also process-dependent These two results thus imply that VDSI is directiy proportional to yosi = ^yos:+c, VGSI'- (3.10) where P = 1 - ^ and C = 7 „ " I 4 ^ V V 4 . This indicates that V^,, » V„,,^,,,^^^ if P > 1 andl/,, > Vr, - l M ± 7 ^ ^ , where V,,,,,^„^^ = {V^^i " ^ n ) To reduce the voltage across drain-source of Ml, additional tiansistors are included in the voltage loop as shown in Fig. 3.4. An expression is obtained by using KVL: '^DSl ~'GS3 If (YGSS "^Gsa) - ~*^GS2- (YGSI -V'n), ^--^.A^y Ml wUl be biased near the edge of saturation. This condition gives the design constraint which determines ratios of W/L of the transistors for the circuit 22 VGS2 Ml l + M2 + '—*| V GS3 DSl Fig. 3.4. Modified Super-MOST structure. 3.3 Super-MOST Topologies This section describes two previous designs and gives an intuitive analysis of their performances. Both of these topologies employ the structure of the regulated cascode transistors with an adaptive biasing network. The biasing networks, however, distinguish the different biasing requirements and design techniques for these two topologies. Discussion of the circuits wiU emphasis the biasing network only and not the main transistor Ml and cascode transistor M2. 3.3.1 Topology 1 Fig. 3.5 shows one of the configurations for Super-MOST [9]. Transistors M3, M4, M9, MIO, M i l and M12 form the biasing circuit The additional gain stage, which consists of transistors M5, M6, M7 and M8, produces impedance boosting effect. These tiansistors act to maintain the drain voltage of Ml such that V^^i = ^osuMOmin • This condition is achieved if Eq. (3.10) is satisfied. It can be proved by applying KVL around the loop as indicated in Fig. 3.5. The foUowing equation is obtained: 23 ^DSl ~ ycSlO '^yCSS ~^GS11 ~^GS9 • (3.12) In the previous section, it is assumed that aU the tiansistors are operated in the saturation region, except one of the tiansistors Ml 1 or MIO in Fig. 3.5 which has to be biased in ohmic region. Note that Von = Von = VGIO, and Vsjj = VDJO. If M i l and MIO are assumed to be biased in the saturation region, the foUowing conditions have to be satisfied: (3.13) ii) (3.14) ^D5io = ^sii - ^510 ^ Von " ^510 " ^7 Drain • Folcas Gate • Source • Fig. 3.5. Super-MOST configuration 1. [9] 24 Reartanging tiiese two equations and summing them together yields VV,i-K„o<0. (3.15) However, Eq. (3.15) can not be met since the source of Ml 1 is at higher potential than the source of MIO. It foUows that either Ml 1 or MIO cannot be operated in saturation region. In the ohmic region, the curtent-voltage relationship is given by l0S=^{vGS-yT-^y0S- (3.16) Since VDS in this equation is not a constant, a closed form representation of VGS intermsof IDS cannot be obtained. As mentioned in the previous section, in order to satisfy the condition, Vpsi = V,)si(sat)mm' ^ach term on the right-hand side of (3.12) has to expressed as a function of VGSI VGSI- However, from (3.16), it is very complicated to solve for VGSI in terms of if the corresponding ttansistor i is biased in the ohmic region. Though this Super-MOST topology was reported to have an intiinsic gain of more than 90 dB, there is a significant disadvantage. As concluded from the above argument, it is difficult to obtain a suitable bias, which is determined by the W/L ratios, for a transistor operated in the ohmic region. The design often requires "trial-and-error" steps, which means extensive amount of simulation time to acquire proper sizes of tiansistors. 25 3.3.2 Topology 2 Another version of Super-MOST was reported in [27]. Fig. 3.6 iUusttates the topology of this design. It employs the surular structiare of the previous design. Transistors Ml and M2 are the main transistor and the cascode tiansistor, respectively. The additional gain stage is composed of cascaded amplifiers that include transistors M3, M4, M8, M9, MIO and Ml 1. The first stage consists of M3, MIO , and Ml 1. Transistors M4, M8, and M9 form the second stage. The input tiansistors for these two stages are M3 and M4 respectively. Transistors M5, M6, and M7 form the voltage sensing circuit, and provide the adaptive bias voltages for the cascode current sources for the two gain stages. To ensure that V^ji = ^DSKsat)mm' Eq. (3.10) must be satisfied. Again KVL is appUed around the loop as shown in Fig. 3.6. The voltage across the drain and source of Ml, VDSI in terms of the gate-source voltage of other tiansistors, ^DSl Expressing VGSI ~ 'GS3 VGSI, is: ~\'GS4\- \J-^') on the right-hand side of this equation in terms of VGSI, the condition for satisfying the bias requirement, V^^, = yosusaDr^ > can be related to the sizes of the transistors, thereby establishing design consttaint for the circuit. It is noted from Fig. 3.6 that the ttansistor M4 has its drain connected to the lower power supply rail. This connection may cause problems in this configuration. TypicaUy, the buUc of M4, a p-channel ttansistor, is taken to the most positive potential. Consider the relation of the threshold voltage, VT, to the buUc-source voltage, VBS, of a p-channel 26 VDD M M9 M7 ^ Ml 0 h I MsSj I HM6 Drain M2^ PMS Folcas Gate •- r"^M4 Ml M5 Source • Fig. 3.6. Super-MOST configuration 2. [27] ttansistor, Vj = Vj-o - Y ( V ^ + ^BS ~ V^) > a large potential difference between buUc-tosource causes a large |Vj-|. If ^j\ > ^GS\^ the ttansistor will not be turn on or will operate in the subthreshold region. LUce the previous design, it may be difficult to find the proper bias to satisfy the requirement (Y^si = ^DsusaDmm )• The solution is to place tiansistor M4 in a separated well such that it wUl operate in the saturation region. Output impedance of this cUcuit was reported to be as large as a few hundreds of mega-ohms. However, the main shortcoming of this circuit is that ttansistor M4 need to be placed in a separated weU. If both N-type and P-type Super-MOST have to be implemented in the same die, Twin-Well process is required and more expensive technology is needed. 27 3.4 Proposed New Structure To circumvent the shortcomings of the previous two designs, a new sttucture as shown in Fig. 3.7 is proposed in this section. This circuit comprises an adaptive biasing feedback network and uses the principle similar to that discussed in Section 3.2. Transistors M5-M7 form the voltage sensing circuit which adjusts the bias voltages for the gain stage tiansistors M3-M4 and M8-M11, with respect to the change of gate voltage of M1. This gain stage is biased in the proper region such that the drain voltage of Ml will be maintained just above the edge of saturation. Fig. 3.8 shows the symbols VDD Mil —» M9 —>l A— M7 •— tt MS —¥ MIO Drain • •— r~^M6 1 M2 h J — ( 1 » M3 '• |4— { ) i M4 «—' Folcas Gate •••:••• Ml M5 I—* — • Source m Fig. 3.7. Proposed Super-MOST configuration. 28 Vss F G " G (a) (b) Fig. 3.8. Symbols for (a) N-type, (b) P-type Super-MOST. for the Super-MOST, where G is the gate, D is the drain, S is the source, and F is the folcas which is the low impedance point of the Super-MOST. Unlike the design in Topology 1, all the tiansistors in this circuit operate in the saturation region. As a result, it is more easy to obtain a relationship for the ratio of W/L of tiansistors in the feedback network than that in Topology 1, and reducing the time required on the design. Comparing to the circuit of Topology 2, ttansistor M4 in this circuit is a n-channel device and has its gate and drain shorted; therefore, a separated well is not required for this ttansistor to operate in the saturation region. Therefore, this circuit can be reaUzed in N-weU or P-well technology such that manufacturing cost can be reduced. 29 3.4.1 Circuit Analysis The sizes of ttansistors can be obtained by using the same principle discussed in Section 3.2. Writing a loop equation around ttansistors Ml, M3 and M4 yields ^DSl ~ ^GS3 ~^GS4- (3.18) Applying the curtent-voltage relation, /^^ saturation region, the expressions for VGSS kW =—(VGS and VGS4 2 -V-J-) for a tiansistor in the in terms of VGSI are given as y^J'^yn^ (3.19) a n d V G 5 4 = j | 2 ^ ( ^ G 5 1 - ^ r 5 ) + ^7-4- (3.20) ^GSi ~ J r, r. VGSI kWrespectively, where p; = —'-. Substituting the expressions (3.19) and (3.20) into (3.18) yields Ps yosi - J n P7 VV VP K3 If VDSI A Pn P4y VGS\ ^75 )'^^T3 (3.21) ^T4' is assumed to be just above the edge of saturation, then Vp^^ = V^^j -Fj., H- C, where C is normally taken as few hundred mV. Equating this relation with Eq. (3.21) gives an expression: V ^ Gsi -V y Tl +C ^ ^ P5 Pn P7 P. 1/ R vGSl ^TSj'^^TS ^T4- (3.22) V P4 y Assuming V^si - V^i = V^si "~ yrs and comparing coefficients on both sides of (3.22), the foUowing conditions are presumed: 30 p. 1) J l ^ = l' WPS iii) (3.23) 'VP4J ^1, (3.24) VV3=VV4. (3.25) These conditions impose the design criteria on sizes of the ttansistors for tiie feedback network to minimize the voltage across the cascoded ttansistors Ml and M2. 3.4.2 Simulation Results Both N-type and P-type Super-MOST were designed accordmg to the conditions given by Eqs. (3.23), (3.24), and (3.25). For the P-type Super-MOST, the n-ttansistors in Fig. 3.7 are replaced by p-ttansistors and vice-verse. Sizes of each ttansistor are given in Table 1. Ciurent characteristics of these two Super-MOST sttuctures were simulated in Pspice using parameter given in the Appendix. Fig. 3.9(a) shows the current IDS of a single n-channel ttansistor when VGS is ranging from -1.5 V to -1 V and VDS is changing from -2.5 V to 2.5 V. Same simulation is done on the N-type Super-MOST. The result is shown in Fig. 3.9(b). An increase in the output impedance of approximately 1000 times compared to the single ttansistor is measured. The value is approximately 300 MQ.. For the P-type Super-MOST, a simulation was run when the VGS is ranging from 1 V to 1.5 V; and the results for a single p-channel ttansistor and the P-type Super-MOST are shown in Fig. 3.10. The output impedance given from the graph of Fig. 3.10(b) is approximately 100 MQ.. Note that the satiiration voltage of these two Super-MOST is only sUghtiy 31 above that of one single tiansistor. A simple curtent mirror structure using N-type SuperMOST was simulated. The input current level is varied from 40 |iA to 200 [xA. Fig. 3.11 Ulusttates that this current mirror has a very high output impedance. An inverting amplifier utUizing Super-MOST is designed and simulated with 10 pF load capacitor. The frequency response of this ampUfier is depicted in Fig. 3.12, where 100 dB dc gain is demonstiated. Fig. 3.13 shows that the output voltage swing isfrom- 2 V to 2 V. 32 Table 3.1. Dimensions oftiansistorsin Super-MOST. Transistor Ml M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Transistor Ml M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 N -Type Super-MOST W(^m) L(|im) Transistor 24 24 3 7 3 12 2 M7 2 M8 7 M9 2 MIO 3 Mil 2 P -Type Sut)er-MOST W(^m) L(|im) Transistor 100 100 3 4 6 9 2 2 7 3 2 3 M7 M8 M9 MlO Mil 33 W(^m) L(|lm) 7 6 3 7 4 2 3 6 2 2 W(|im) L(|im) 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 12 3 6 2O0un looufl-! -Oufl + -3.0U -2.0U n ID(M1) O.OU 1 . OU 2.OU 3.OU UDS (a) -| -3.BU -2.0U • ID(H2) -1.eU 0.BU 1.0U 2.aU 3.0U UDS (b) Fig. 3.9. Curtent-voltage characteristics of (a) a single n-ttansistor, (b) the N-type Super-MOST with VGS ranging from -1.5 V to -1 V. 34 3B0un 2 00uA lOOuO.' -Oufl-I-3.0U -2.8U D -ID(M1) (a) 200uA m h 1--- -3.0U -2.0U o -ID(I12) T __, OU -1.0U — I 1.0U 1 — 2.0U 3.0U UDS (b) Fig. 3.10. Curtent-voltage characteristics of (a) a single p-ttansistor, (b) the P-type Super-MOST with VGS ranging from 1 V to 1.5 V. 35 Fig. 3.11. Simulation result of the cmrent mirtor using N-type Super-MOST with /,„ ranging from 40 |J.A to 200 |iA. 36 1B0T^ (100,000u,98.012) 7417n -59.089ni) -100-1lOOuHz • db(U(4}) T— 1.0Hz .___, 100MHz 1 lOKHz 1 I.OTHz Frequency Fig. 3.12. Frequency response of the inverting ampUfier. 4.01I-- (-1.2001,1.9667) OU- (-1.1998,-1.9659) -k.W + -1.25U a U(l») 1 — I -1.20U UIN Fig. 3.13. Output voltage swing of the inverting ampUfier. 37 -1.15U CHAPTER IV DESIGN OF FULLY DIFFERENTIAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER As pointed out in Chapter n, compromise between dc gain and speed often has to be made in an operational ampUfier design. It is difficult to maximize one characteristic without sacrificing the other. A solution to this problem by using gain boosting technique to improve the dc gain without penalty in speed has been proposed [9]. When used in operational ampUfier design, tiiis technique results a combination of tiie high-frequency behavior of a single-stage operational amplifier with a dc-gain compatible to a multi-stage ampUfier design. This chapter presents the design of a fully differential amplifier that incorporates an architecture similar to [9]. Process parameters are supported by one of the vendors of MOSIS, Orbit. Most of the designs described in this chapter are computer-simulated using the device parameters provided for the process. Analog Low Noise 2 |Lim technology. The Usting of the parameters is given in the Appendix. Section 4.1 examines the design considerations for an operational ampUfier which is used in switohed capacitor circuits. Sections 4.2 to 4.3 describe the main circuit, the bias circuit, and the common-mode feedback circuit. Computer simulation results are presented in Section 4.4. 38 4.1 Design Considerations Operational ampUfier is often found in switched capacitor filter and Analog-toDigital (A/D) or Digital-to-Analog (D/A) architectures, but the requirements for the ampUfier in these two appUcations are different. An operational amplifier in a switched capacitor filter usually has to deal only with small changes in the output during any particular clock cycle because the sampling frequency is usually much greater than the signal bandwidth. In conttast, an operational amplifier in an A/D or D/A must be able to drive large output swing in one clock period. For smaU signals, the settiing time of an operational amplifier is mainly dependent on the bandwidth of the amplifier. On the other hand, for large signals, the slew rate of the amplifier becomes a major conttibutor to the settiing time. Therefore, both high slew rate and wide bandwidth are important factors in choosing the right architecture for the amplifier in an A/D or D/A converter. In the switched capacitor designs, only bandwidth of an amplifier is the determining factor. Besides the slew rate and the bandwidth, open loop gain is another important factor in choosing the right architecture for an operational ampUfier. The switched capacitor technique is based on the idea that a capacitor is periodically switched and can be arranged to cause packets of charge to be tiansferted between two circuit nodes. These operations assume that the operational ampUfier has infinite gain. In reaUty, however, most MOS operational amplifiers have relatively low gain, typically in the range of 1000. The effect of finite gain of an operational amplifier on a switched capacitor integrator has been discussed in [28] and [29]. In an A/D or D/A converter, the linearity of the conversion [30] determines the gain requkement of an operational amplifier which 39 incorporates switched capacitor technique to perform multiplying or sampUng function. It is concluded that high loop gain of the operational amplifier conttibutes to better performances. One of the goals of this thesis is to design an operational ampUfier as a buUding block which can be used in any switched capacitor designs. Thus the configuration of the amplifier need to meet tiie gain and speed requirements to achieve optimal performance in the switched capacitor circuits. 4.2 Operational Amplifier Architecture In Chapter n, various architectures of operational amplifier and the corresponding advantages and disadvantages were discussed. The selection of the architecture for the operational ampUfier is briefly discussed. 4.2.1 Comparisons of Single Stage and Two Stages Implementation The single stage configuration, which is a folded cascode structure, seems to be a logical choice for designing a building block mainly because of two reasons. First, unlike the two stages configuration which is frequency compensated by a pole spUtting capacitor, the load capacitor acts simultaneous as the compensation capacitor in a single stage. Thus, the folded cascode configuration simpUfies the compensation scheme especiaUy when the load consists of a smaU capacitor, and it also imposes less constiaints on the output load capacitance. Second, the slew rate of the operational ampUfier in a single stage is determined by the load capacitor (CL); on the other hand, for a two-stages 40 configuration, it is Umited by the biasing curtent of the first stage and the compensation capacitor (Cc). The slew rate (SR) of these two configurations are given as Single Stage: SR= — , Two Stages: SR = — , where / is the bias curtent. GeneraUy, the slew rate is faster in the single stage than in the two stages configuration. 4.2.2 Comparisons of Single Ended and Differential Implementation Though a single ended implementation requires approximately half the hardware of a fuUy differential approach, and is usuaUy significantiy less complex, for example, no common-mode feedback circuitty is required, a fully differential architecture is employed in the design of the operational amplifier because of certain advantages. First, in circuits where supply voltage has to be reduced to consume less power, dynamic range becomes critical. In this case, a differential implementation is preferred over a single ended because the output signal swing is doubled, whUe the magnitude of the input-referred operational amplifier noise remains the same, giving a 6 dB improvement in operational ampUfier noise Umited dynamic range. Second, the first order charge injection effect from MOS ttansistor switches is canceled due to the inherentiy differential nature of the circuit. Third, the power supply rejection ratio is higher for a differential architecture than a single ended structure. 41 4.3 Circuit Description The operational amplifier consists of three parts, the main stage, the bias circuit, and the common mode feedback circuit. 4.3.1 Main Stage The main stage of the operational amplifier, shown in Fig 4.1, is a folded cascode configuration. The load branch and the taU current source are different from the conventional design. Blocks SM5 - SM8 act as the load of the amplifier. Block SM9 is the tail ciurent of the differential amplifier which consists of ttansistors Ml to M4. Blocks SM5 - SM9 are the Super-MOSTs. The reason of using Super-MOST instead of a single ttansistor is because of its high output impedance. The dc gain (Av) and common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the operational amplifier are benefited from the use of SuperMOST because these two characteristics are related to the equivalent impedance seen by the input tiansistor at the drain and the tail current source. They can be approximated as A^=2g„/„„,, (4.1) CMRR = g^,r^„ (4.2) where gmi : tiansconductance of the input n-channel ttansistor, rds9: output impedance of ttansistor SM9, Vout: equivalent impedance seen by the input ttansistors Ml or M2 at the drain. Botii of these equations indicate that high output impedance is desired. As described in Chapter ID, the Super-MOST has an output impedance at least hundred times larger than 42 'DD PM2_ VcM I M4 SM5 SM7 H I MI M2 I H' I' • Vo, Vn • - SM9 SM6 SM8 - • Vss Fig. 4.1. Main stage of tiie fuUy differential operational amplifier. a single ttansistor while increases the voltage across the drain and source by only one VoSfmin)- For the input differential pair, normal ttansistors are used instead of Super-MOST. This is because there is no significant advantage of using Super-MOST over normal ttansistors for the input pair Ml and M2 but more severe mismatch problems are resulted. It can be proved that equivalent ttansconductance of the Super-MOST (gmeff) is close to g^ of a single ttansistor assuming that the main ttansistor Ml of the Super-MOST has the same size and bias curtent. From the simplified configuration of the Super-MOST shown in Fig. 4.2, the effective ttansconductance can be derived as 43 'DD • Vss Fig. 4.2. Equivalent circuit of the Super-MOST. ^ iSn.2rdsM + l) + r^Jr^2) ""' ^"fe„2^..(A + l) + r,,/r,,-Hl)=^-' (4.3) where A : gain of the feedback amplifier within the Super-MOST, gmi : ttansconductance of ttansistor Ml in the Super-MOST, gm2'-ttansconductanceof ttansistor M2 in the Super-MOST. From (4.3), it can be concluded that the use of Super-MOST in the input pair does not increase the dc gain of an operational amplifier. Super-MOST inherentiy display somewhat higher input offset voltage than normal tiansistors for the same level of geometric mismatch or process gradient. The reason for this is perhaps best understood by means of the conceptual circuit shown in Fig. 4.3. Here the input active devices are biased at a curtent / and display a ttansconductance gm- If the 44 load elements, in this case assumed to be resistors, are assumed to have a A percentage mismatch, then in order for the output voltage of the differential ampUfier to be zero, the absolute difference in the curtents in the two devices must be equal to A/. This in turn requires that the dc input difference voltage applied to bring about this difference be (4.4) o m Thus, the input offset in this case depends on the I/gm ratio of the active devices. As it can be seen from (4.3), variation of gme^is normaUy smaller than gm of a single ttansistor assuming the same level of geometric mismatch. A similar dependence is found for mismatches in many of the parameters of the active devices themselves, such as channel length and width mismatches, as well as the threshold mismatch. -•Vr Ri R: -I-, gmVi Q gmV2l o -IV2 ^ 0 Fig. 4.3. Equivalent circuit for the input differential paU. 45 The inputttansistorsMl and M2 are NMOS rather than PMOS because less area is required to obtain an equivalentttansconductancefor the same bias curtent as indicated by gnt = J ^ ^ > (4.5) where k is the process gain factor \i£/tox, and it is usually 2-3 times larger for a n-device than for a p-device. It is seen from (4.1) and (4.2), the dc gain and common mode rejection ratio of the operational amplifier are increased by the magnitude of output impedance of the SuperMOST, which is more than hundredtimesthan the conventional design. The dc gain of the operational ampUfier can be derived from its differential half equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 4.4 as A,=-2g„,(g,,„,(A + l)r,o,-HK, (4.6) where A : gain of the feedback amplifier within the Super-MOST, gmi :tiansconductanceof the input pairtiansistorMl or M2, gsM -tiansconductanceoftiansistorM2 in the Super-MOST M5, KM : output impedance oftiansistorM2 in the Super-MOST M5, r,„: equivalent impedance at node 1. The equivalent impedance is given by nn=igdsl+8ds3+8s0lT^ ('^•'7) 46 Fig. 4.4. Small signal equivalent half circuit of the main stage. where goi and gos are the output conductance of tiansistor Ml and M3 respectively, and gs02 is the output conductance of ttansistor Ml in the Super-MOST M5. The bias voltages Vp and Vn need to be optimized so as to (i) maximize the input common mode range and output voltage swing of the operational amplifier, (ii) minimize the size of ttansistors. These voltages need also to be greater than threshold voltage to ensure that all ttansistors are biased in the saturation region. Since the supply voltage is ± 2.5 V, Vp and V„ are set at + 1.2 V and - 1.2 V, respectively, to fulfiU these consttaints. The bias current for the input differential amplifier and the load is related to (i) slew rate, (ii) dc gain, and (iu) power dissipation as discussed in Chapter II. In order to achieve a balance among large slew rate, high dc gain, and low power dissipation, a current level of 130 |LiA is selected. 47 4.3.2 Bias Circuit The bias circuit for the main stage is shown in Fig. 4.5. It consists of six ttansistors to set up the two bias voltages Vp and K. AU the ttansistors in this circuit are implemented as active resistors by connecting their gate to the drain. Transistors Ml, M2, and M3 are biased to set Vp at -H 1.2 V and - 1.2 V is taken from the bias point Vn of ttansistors M4, M5, and M6. This circuit utiUzes two branches of ttansistors ratiier than a single branch even though the two bias voltages can be set up by a single branch. The drawback is because a voltage of 2.4 V has to be dropped across the middle ttansistor of a single branch and so that the length of tiiis ttansistor need to be very long. Therefore, a single branch implementation does not reduce the utUized area. On the other hand, larger variation in the bias points, which is due to process gradients, may arise from using a single branch. ? M6 S c M5 1 .M4 D M3 v.DD V„ M2 Vn jMl 'SS Fig. 4.5. Bias cUcuit 48 4.3.3 Common Mode Feedback Circuit There is an inherent problem of using fully differential configxttation. The output common mode level is not weU-defined if the circuit is used in closed loop form. This can be best understood conceptually by considering the circuit of Fig. 4.6. When reset switches Si and S2 are on, the ampUfier becomes unity gain differential feedback. Since Ibias must balance (IDS +104), Vx and Vy are not well defined. For example, if hias is sUghtiy less than {IDS + ID4), the output nodes approach VDD, driving M3 and M4 into Unear region. WhUe the feedback simply senses die difference between Vx and Vy and is therefore unable to correct the common mode level. For this reason, differential operational ampUfiers need to employ a common mode feedback networks to achieve a stable common mode level. The principal issue in the design of common mode feedback networks is that they must maintain a constant common mode level even for large differential voltage swings. Primarily, there are two approaches to realize these networks. The first approach, which is usually incorporated in switched capacitor circuits, is to utUize capacitors network to sense and correct the common mode level [31]. However, this approach requires refreshing period to charge the capacitors to a proper voltage and so it implies that it operates in discrete time domain. The second approach is to employ sensing amplifier to tiack the output voltages to maintain the common mode level [32], [33]. Unlike the previous approach, this does not require separate circuit to contiol the period of refreshing, but the tiansient response is usuaUy slower. 49 Since the second approach requires a simpler configuration, it is used in the design of the common mode feedback circuit. Fig. 4.7 illustiates the circuit schematic which consists of two differential pairs (Ml, M2 and M3, M4), two tail current sources (M7 and M8), and a curtent mirror load (M5, M6). In this circuit, the two differential pairs sum their differential curtents into the current mirror load with the output taken from M6. The common mode voltage is held at a reference potential VCM which is usuaUy the analog ground in order to maximize the output voltage swing. M3 _S^^, 5 MA - • V DO 5 X Y MI M2 ,V^ P © Vs Fig. 4.6. SimpUfied configuration of a fully differential switched capacitor network. 50 7" S^ M5 'DD I M6 'CM s Ml Vn •- M2 M3 M4 P^ • V, Qi, _M1. -•Vss Fig. 4.7. Common mode feedback circuit 51 4.4 Simulation Results The complete operational amplifier design was simulated in Pspice using the process parameters Usted in the Appendix. The simulatedfrequencyresponse of the amplifier witii load capacitance variedfrom0 to 20 pF is depicted in Fig. 4.8 where a dc gain of 98 dB is shown in part (a) and it can be seen in part (b) that there is at least 45 degrees of phase margin with various load. Thetiansientresponse with a small signal (+ 0.2 V) and a large signal (± 1.5 V) step input are shown in Fig. 4.9. The output voltage swing is shown in Fig. 4.10. Thetiansientresponse with 5 mV sine wave input is shown in Fig. 4.11. An integrator and a differentiator implemented by using the operational amplifier were simulated and the results are depicted in Fig. 4.12 and Fig. 4.13, respectively. The sizes of thettansistorsare given in Table 4.1. The summary of the fuUy differential operational amplifier is shown in Table 4.2. 52 -80 IleOuHz LOHz a o ^ JL o db(U(3) - U ( 6 ) ) 1QKHZ 1OOMHz Frequency (a) 8dT -2aodH -40flcl-llOOuHz 10OtiHz 1.0Hz 1.OTHz D 0 V A o p(U(3)-U(6)) Frequency (b) Fig. 4.8. Frequency response of tiie fuUy differential operational ampUfier (a) magnitude plot, (b) phase plot. 53 257.78nU r- 8U-1 D1 = D2 = dif= - 2 3 7 . BiinU "9.691us i^jUO) -U(6) -i--lO.OOOus o U(oin-) -U(uin+) Time Probe Cursor 10.077U, 204.826m lO.OOOu, - 1 9 9 . 9 9 7 m 77.382n, 404.823m 10.400US 10.6ii3us (a) 1.816U - Probe Cursor K1 = 9 0 . 1 2 7 U , 776.971n K2 = 9 0 . 0 1 8 U , -1.4483 dif= 116.888n, 2.2253 OUH -1.751U ' 89.Q16US rD"iU(3) 91.000US 9Q.008US -U(6) Tine (b) Fig. 4.9 Step response of the fuUy differential operational ampUfier with (a)±0.2V,(b)± 1.5 V input. 54 4.0UT (100.000u,2.2672) 0U-I (-77.157u,-2.2318) -4.8U-Ir---2e0nU -leenu D U(3) -U(6) _ _ i — 8U — I leonu 1 2e0mU uin Fig. 4.10. Output voltage swing of the fully differential operational amplifier. 55 2.0U- -2.0U-IOs 1 n T- lOus 20us 30us Q U(3) - U ( 6 ) 0 250»(U(13) r40us -U(12)) Tine Fig. 4.11. Transient response with 5 mV sinusoidal input. 56 SOUS 20OIIIUT TTn 0U \i = •} M e g , t: = 0 1 uH R = 2 Meg, C = 0 0 1 uF; -200nU-" -488nU-l1 11--Os 0.2s 0.4s 0.6s • • U(6)-U(3) V A 1B«(U(win+)-U(uin-)) Tine — I — 0.8s H 1.0s Fig. 4.12. Output response of an integrator implemented with the operational amplifier. 4.0U- MSL OU "WuT R = 2 neg, C = 0.01 uF -4.0U+ r r Os 0.25 0.4s • U(6)-U(3) 0 100»(U(uin+)-U(uin-)) Tine r— 0.6s _ _ i — e.8s 1.0s Fig. 4.13. Output response of a differentiator implemented with tiie operational amplifier. 57 Table 4.1. Dimensions of ttansistors in tiie operational ampUfier. Ml M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 MIO Mil Ml M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 SM5, SM7 W(^im) L(|im) 38 2 38 2 3 6 9 2 3 3 12 2 7 2 6 2 3 7 7 2 4 2 CMFB W(^im) L(|j,m) 60 60 60 60 24 24 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SM6, SM8 W(|im) L(|Lim) Ml M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 MIO Mil Ml M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 160 2 160 2 3 7 4 3 10 2 9 3 3 2 3 3 3 8 6 3 3 5 Bias Stage W(^m) L(|j,m) 34 11 8 34 9 8 58 4 9 4 4 25 4 SM9 W(|im) Ml M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 MIO Mil Ml M2 M3 M4 L(|j,m) 2 75 2 75 3 7 2 6 3 3 2 10 2 6 4 2 3 7 2 7 4 2 Input Pairs W(|im) L(|im) 300 300 160 160 2 2 2 2 Table 4.2. Summary of fuUy differential operational amplifier performance. Simulated ampUfier performance Supply voltage ±2.5V Bias curtent 250 |iA Power dissipation 3mW Load capacitance 10 pF Open loop gain 98 dB Unity gain bandwidth 17 MHz Slew rate 22 V/|is ± 0.2 V output settle within 0.1 % 80 ns PSRR+(0) >200 dB PSRR-(O) >200 dB CMRR >200 dB Input common mode range -1.5 V — 1 . 9 V Differential output voltage swing -2.23 V —2.27 V 59 CHAPTER V EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS This chapter describes the implementation of the Super-MOST and the operational amplifier. Botii of the sttuctures were integrated on a tiny chip that was fabricated by Orbit 2 |j,m Low Noise Analog CMOS technology, supported by MOSIS. The description of the layout for a prototype implementation is presented in the next section. The test setup is described in Section 5.2. Experimental results are presented in Section 5.3. 5.1 Description of Experimental Chip The layout of the chip is shown in Fig. 5.1. The chip is designed to be mounted on a 40-pin tiny chip package. Four separated circuits are put in the prototype chip. The complete fully differential operational ampUfier is seen on the top of the chip. Below this circuit is the operational ampUfier design without the bias cUcuit. The bias voltages are taken from external supply so that the operational amplifier design can be verified. The N type Super-MOST is at bottom left; and the P type Super-MOST is at bottom right. The die photo of the experimental chip is shown in Fig. 5.2. The layout of the tiansistors in the chip uses the foUowing guideUnes to minimize component mismatch and noise injection problems: i. wide tiansistors are spUt into parallel connection of smaUer ttansistors, u. matched ttansistors, such as the input differential pans, are artanged in common centioid symmetty, 60 ui. WeUs and Guard Rings are placed at critical parts to shield noise injected from the substtate and crosstaUc. Two types of pads, which are supported by MOSIS, are used for the interface between ckcuits and pins in the chip. Power pad, a sandwich of two metal layers, is used for the connection of power supply, and bias voltages to the cUcuits. To buffer tiiose varying signals (V,„, V<,„, of the operational ampUfier; VG , VD of the Super-MOST) from damaging the circuitry inside tiie chip, analog I/O pad is used. This pad consists of diode connected ttansistors and resistors for curtent limitation. 5.2 Test Setup This chip is designed to be operated with + 2.5 V supply. Two 2.5 V voltage sources are connected in series to give ± 2.5 V with the analog ground taken from the middle point. Transistor Curve Tracer is used to characterize the current-voltage relationship of the Super-MOST. A step voltage generated from the Curve Tracer is applied to the gate of the Super-MOST. This voltage is set to vary from 0 V to 2.6 V with 0.2 V increment for each step. The current-voltage characteristic curve is displayed on the screen of the Curve Tracer and is then recorded by an oscUloscope camera. A 5 MHz function generator is used to apply a differential analog input signal, which includes a sinewave and frequency varied sinewave, to the operational amplifier. The differential output from tiie operational amplifier is measured by an 100 MHz oscUloscope, and is recorded by a camera. 61 5.3 Test Results The current-voltage characteristics of the N-type Super-MOST is illusttated in Fig.5.3 where the scale of the horizontal (x) axis is 0.5 V/div and the scale of vertical (y) axis is 50 [O-A/div. It can be seen tiiat IDS = OA if ^ 0.8 V and VGS VDS(SAT) is close to VDS(SAT)min of a slugle tiauslstor; for example, the second curve from the x-axis cortesponds to VDS(SAT) = 0.5 V and VGS = 1.4 V when V,h = 0.9 V given from the process parameters. The slope shown on each curve is caused by the caUbration error of the Curve Tracer; otherwise, the graph exhibits large output impedance. Fig. 5.4 shows the results of the measurement of the P-type Super-MOST. The x-axis is 1 V/div scale and the y-axis is 200 |J,A /div. SmaUer curtent and larger VDS(SAT) are exhibited in this graph compared to Fig 5.3 for the same VGS- However, as indicated from this graph, the output impedance is quite large for the P-type Super-MOST. Shown in Fig. 5.5 and Fig. 5.6 are the oscillographs of the input and output waveforms of the operational ampUfier. In Fig. 5.5(a), the larger amplitude sinusoidal waveform is the input signal witii amplitude of 240 mV and frequency of 2 kHz while the smaUer one is the output with approximated 2 V in ampUtude and same frequency but a smaU phase shift. In Fig. 5.5(b), an amplitude of 240 mV and a frequency of 200 kHz input signal (the larger ampUtude waveform) generates a phase shift output with amplitude of approximated 1.8 V and witii the same frequency. These two figures indicate that the phase shift of the output increases when tiie frequency of tiie input increases. The oscUlographs in Fig. 5.6 show tiie frequency response of tiie operational ampUfier. Ui Fig. 5.6(a), the input frequency varies in the range of hundred-kilo-Hz and in Fig. 5.6(b) in the 62 range of mega-Hz. Botii graphs iUusttate that the output gain decreases as the input frequency increases. From the results of Fig. 5.5 and Fig. 5.6, it can be concluded that the operational ampUfier exhibits good performances in low frequencies. 63 Fig. 5.1. Layout of the experimental chip. 64 Fig. 5.2. Die photo of tiie experimental chip. 65 Fig. 5.3. Measured current-voltage characteristics of N-type Super-MOST. rt«(MtMMMMktMtfMHM*HM«M^M^ Fig. 5.4. Measured curtent-voltage characteristics of P-type Super-MOST. 66 (a) (b) Fig. 5.5. Input and output waveforms of the operational ampUfier for (a) frequency of 2 kHz, and (b)frequencyof 200 kHz. 67 im mus ii/ IliintnillMilfflHI;! iliiiiiiiiiiijijiiiyr nnk^mUmUmmml ii iiuuilmmmim (a) a^ i w iv I f uhlilnnMlHlHuiHH (b) Fig. 5.6. Input and output waveforms for frequency varied sinusoidal signal in the range of (a) hundred-kilo-Hz, and (b) mega-Hz. 68 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION In high precision appUcations, operational ampUfiers are required to attain high gain and high speed. However, most of the operational amplifier topologies suffer ttadeoff between these two requirements. Obtaining both requirements becomes a difficult task that requires a compUcated circuit architecture and often results in degradation in other characteristics. An improved cascode circuit employing the gain boosting technique is inttoduced in this work. With an active feedback amplifier maintaining the voltage at the drain of the main ttansistor of the cascode circuit, the output impedance is enhanced by a factor of the gain of the amplifier over a simple cascode circuit. Since an adaptive sensing network that biases the ampUfier is able to ttack the input gate voltage such that the two cascode ttansistors are operated in the saturation region, the cascode ckcuit can be function as a single ttansistor. Simulation results have demonstiated that the cascode circuit obtains an output impedance in the order of 100 MQ with a saturation voltage sUghtiy above a single ttansistor; and has a superior performance when implemented in a current mirror or an inverting ampUfier A fuUy differential operational ampUfier which incorporates the cascode circuit in the topology has been presented. For the purpose of acting as a building block in an analog system, the operational amplifier must be able to drive various capacitive load without degradation in performance. Close examination of different topologies concludes 69 tiiat the folded cascode structure is a feasible choice. However, a gain enhancement for this folded cascode topology is required and is obtained through the high output impedance of the cascode circuit. Also the common mode rejection ratio and the power supply rejection ratio are improved by employing the cascode circuit as the tail current source. In order to maintain the common mode output voltage of a fully differential amplifier, a common mode feedback stage is required. This common mode feedback stage is implemented by using two differential pairs. An experimental chip was fabricated in a 2 [xm N-weU technology. This chip consists of both N-type and P-type Super-MOST, and the fuUy differential operational amplifier. Experimental results show that the Super-MOST circuits have an output impedance in the order of 100 MQ, and the fuUy differential operational ampUfier has good performance in low frequencies. 70 REFERENCES [I] R. Gregorian, K.W. Martin, and G.C. Temes, "Switched-capacitor circuit design," Proc. IEEE, vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 941-966, Aug. 1983. [2] T. Ritonieml et al., "A stereo audio sigma-delta A/D converter," IEEE J. SolidState Circuits, vol. SC-29, pp. 1514-1523, Dec. 1994. [3] B.S. Song, M.F. Tompsett, and K.R. Lakshnukumar, "A 12-bit 1-Msample/s capacitor ertor-average pipeUned A/D converter," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-23, pp. 1324-1333, Dec. 1988. [4] Y.M. Lin, B.Kim, and P.R. Gray, "A 13-bit 25-MHz self -caUbrated pipelined A/D converter in 3-|im CMOS," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-26, pp. 628-635, April 1991. [5] P.W. Li, M.J. Chin, P.R. Gray, and R. Castello, "A ratio-independent algorithmic analog-to-digital conversion technique," IEEE J. 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