Minutes of the VSS Board Meeting No. 25 Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 9.30 am Seatem House, Belfast Board Members Present: Oliver Wilkinson (OW) Board Member (Chair) Richard Solomon (RS) Board Member Patricia Haren (PH) Board Member Bertha McDougall (BMcD) Board Member Beverley Clarke (BC) Board Member Stephen McIlveen (SMcI) Board member Séamus Magee (SM) Board Member VSS Officers in Attendance: Brendan Smith (BS) Head of Service Delivery Caroline Armstrong (CA) Finance and Governance Manager (Secretary) Sara Templer (ST) Communications Officer (Minutes) Apologies: Margaret Bateson (MB) Accounting Officer and Interim CEO A Apologies A1 Apologies were noted from MB, who was on annual leave. B Minutes of Previous Meetings B1 15 December 2015: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed. C Action Points Arising from 17 November 2015 C1 It was noted that AP2 would be addressed at point K below. C2 AP3 (Head of Service Delivery and Independent Assessment Panel sub group to develop the detail of Option 2 – VSS Board Assessment, in particular the resource implications and procedures including appeals mechanisms): BS proposed the sub 1 group should meet within the coming two weeks, and it was agreed that dates would be circulated via email. Arising from 15 December 2015 C3 It was noted that an update regarding AP1 (VSS to arrange a meeting with the Commissioner for Victims and Survivors to discuss governance requirements affecting the delivery of the INP) is provided in the Accounting Officer Report. C4 It was noted that AP2 (VSS to write to OFMDFM for approval to allocate additional funds to organisation under VSP) was complete, and further details would be provided at J below. C5 Regarding the actions to be undertaken from January 2016 as a result of the VSS Board review of the MSFM in December 2015: Point 3.5.4: Board Appraisals: The Chair confirmed the appraisals of relevant members for 14/15 had been completed and submitted. The appraisals of all current members for 15/16 should now be completed by 31/03/16. The Finance and Governance Manager advised that she would forward the pro-forma to the Chair. Point 3.5.5: Job Descriptions and Code of Practice: The Head of Service Delivery noted that he would liaise directly with the Chair to take this forward. Point 3.5.5: Register of Interests to be published on VSS website: It was noted that this will be completed by the end of January. Point 3.6.3: As part of this discussion, the Board asked whether VSS has been “designated” by OFMDFM in terms of its Equality Scheme. C6 The following progress was noted in relation to the following additional outstanding actions: VSS CEO Job Description and Recruitment: The Board met with the VSS HR Officer following the Board meeting to progress this action. VSS Organisation Structure: VSS held a staff planning day on 7 January 2016 and a further day is planned for 11 February 2016. These days are informing the development of the VSS Corporate Plan 2016-19 and the VSS Business Plan for 2016-17, and the associated updated organisation structure. D Conflict of Interest D1 The Board reviewed the Supplier List. D2 No conflicts of interest were declared. 2 E Chairperson’s Report E1 The Chair presented his update report, noting the activities undertaken. Additional developments since the report was drafted were noted as follows: F 1 16 January 2016 – The Chair attended a residential coordinated by the Ashton Centre, in relation to the Transitional Justice Grassroots Toolkit and Trainers’ Manual resource developed by Ashton in conjunction with the Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster. This was funded under the Victims Support Programme. 2 13 January 2016 – The Chair attended a session of the Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series at Stormont in relation to Dealing with the Past: Commemoration and Victims, and recommended the series to the other Board Members. Interim CEO and Accounting Officer Update The Head of Service Delivery presented the Interim CEO and Accounting Officer Update Report and highlighted the following points: 1 Budget Update: Commitment of the budget remains a priority, with VSS undercommitted by £728k at December. An action plan is in place, with the SMT meeting regularly to monitor progress on the following major actions, which will ensure maximum commitment by January month end: - The Disability Aids Pilot Scheme is now open. The Board discussed the merits of this Pilot Scheme, emphasising the importance of ensuring that VSS is not duplicating a service that the Housing Executive should be providing to people anyway. The Board agreed on the importance of a robust evaluation of the whole exercise, to highlight the added value of VSS support, but clear identification of boundaries to be observed in service delivery. - The Board were content with the actions being taken, as highlighted in the report. 2 AP1 Board: The Board noted the Staff Planning Day that took place on 7 January 2016, which circulated the updated Vision, Mission and Objectives to all staff and began the process of business and corporate planning for 2016/17. It was noted that the next Staff Planning Day is scheduled for 11 February 2016, and that the Draft VSS Corporate and Business Plan for the coming year will be circulated to the Board as soon as it is ready. Head of Service Delivery to circulate draft Corporate and Business Plan to Board as soon as it is available. 3 3 Audit: It was noted that the 10% spot check of Financial Assistance applications by Self Declaration is now underway. It was also noted that, following the NIAO audit and concerns regarding the Individual Needs Programme, the VSS Internal Audit supplier had requested additional days to conduct more extensive fieldwork in this area. The Board noted that the priority is to meet with NIAO and OFMDFM about their concerns to clarify how VSS can address these. Until this is clarified, VSS cannot agree to additional Internal Audit fieldwork. Once an agreed way forward is in place, however, consideration may be given to allocating additional days specifically to give assurance around the effective delivery of any additional NIAO requirements. 4 Progress Against Business Plan: The Board noted that Progress Against the current Business Plan is on track. 5 Risk Register: The Board noted that one new risk was added to the register in December, regarding controls in the delivery of the Individual Needs Programme and the need to clarify how VSS can manage the conflict between NIAO requirements and the victim centred approach required of VSS more generally. 6 Monitoring & Evaluation: It was noted that intensive engagement with the VSP funded groups is ongoing, in relation to collating qualitative information about the delivery of their Social Support activities. Work to establish MYMOP and CORENET for the monitoring and evaluation of Health and Wellbeing services is ongoing. 7 Eligibility: It was noted that VSS has engaged directly with the PSNI to develop a protocol for communicating in relation to individual clients, in particular with regard to ascertaining eligibility for VSS services where the ‘incident date’ is post-1998. A clear channel for communication has been established. It was noted that PSNI will not comment on any cases where there is an active investigation ongoing. The Board noted the complexity and sensitivity of this issue and the importance of ensuring that the Department, CVS and VSS are all on same page in this discussion. It was noted that a meeting has been proposed by the CVS in this regard, and VSS will communicate with the CVS to establish a suitable date in February. 8 Co-Design & Stakeholder Engagement: Ongoing per section G below. 9 VSPWG: It was noted that the regional roll-out of these meetings is progressing well, with VSS in the role of Chair. 4 10 G Resource pressure: It was noted that the VSS Psychologist resigned in January 2016. A contingency is in place to meet the resulting resource pressure, in terms of the seconded Health & Wellbeing G7 staff member due to start on 1 February 2016. This new staff member will review the Client Services function and define the requirements of HWB team. Co-Design Update including PEACE IV The Head of Service Delivery presented the update on Co-Design and PEACE IV, noting in particular that since the update was prepared, a Co-Design Meeting had taken place on Thursday 14 January 2016. At that meeting, the draft evaluation report on the Personalised Budget approach was reviewed. This report is not yet complete; as yet, it does not provide a clear outline of the resources needed for rolling out the model on a longer-term basis. VSS has emphasised the importance of this information for moving forward. It was noted that, in the meantime, VSS continues to prepare for the delivery of INP 16/17 on the basis of the INP 15/16 approach. The Board noted the remainder of the update. H Other Key Issues H1 Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) It was noted that there is no ARC meeting this month. The dates for the meetings scheduled in 2016 were noted. H2 Corporate and Business Planning Covered at point F above. I Standing Agenda Items The Board asked the Finance and Governance Manager to provide an update on the standing agenda items. Referring to the relevant reports, the Finance and Governance Manager updated the Board in relation to each standing agenda item, highlighting the following points: I1 – Compliance Update The Finance and Governance Manager provided an update in relation to the Suspected Fraud, Irregularities, Debtors and Whistleblowing Registers. VSS/FR/18: The Board considered the paper tabled by the Finance and Governance Manager. The Board approved an amended option 3. The Board noted the actions being taken with regard to remaining cases identified on each of these registers. 5 I2 – VSS Policies and Procedures Update The Finance and Governance Manager drew the Board’s attention to the following procedures, which had been updated as a matter of routine since the last Board meeting: Code of Conduct Policy Complaints Policy and Procedures The Board approved these policies. I3 – Complaints and Appeals It was noted that there were no new complaints or appeals tabled for the Board’s attention. I4 – Challenging and Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Register It was noted that no new cases were listed on the Challenging and Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Register in December 2015. There are currently no open entries on the register. I5 – Board Training Requirements The Finance and Governance Manager provided an update, noting that final training had now been scheduled, and that audit recommendations in this regard have now, therefore, been completed. I6 – Board Self-Assessment The Board reviewed the Status Update on Actions arising from the Board Self Assessment and agreed on the following action: AP2 Finance & Governance Manager to schedule the 16/17 Board Self Assessment for the February Board Meeting, to be facilitated by the VSS Internal Audit supplier. I7 – Board Attendance It was noted by the Board that the Interim CEO has formally written to OFMDFM for permission to increase allocation for 15/16 and for 16/17. J Any Other Business J1 Funding The Head of Service Delivery provided the Board with a summary overview in relation to the case of the organisation that has approached VSS requesting additional funding. It was noted that: - The case was unique in terms of the strategic importance of the service provided by the organisation, and the historical reasons as to why it had not 6 - - received sufficient funding under VSP to maintain its current level of service provision to the end of the current funded period. The VSS had sought OFMDFM approval to allocate an additional £29.7K for 15/16. This had been given in terms of budget approval, but the Department advised VSS to seek legal advice on the matter. The VSS had sought legal advice, and on that basis had reviewed the case in line with the VSS’s obligations under the current MSFM. In light of all of the information presented, the Board approved the allocation of the additional £29.7k for 15/16. It was noted that the allocation of any additional funding to the organisation in 16/17 would depend on further advice from OFMDFM. . J2 AP3 J2 AP4 K VSP Appeals It was also noted that up to now, in cases where an applicant to the Victims Support Programme has been successful in the initial application, but concerns have emerged in relation to governance over the course of the funded period, VSS has handled appeals in line with the VSS Complaints Policy and Procedures. It was agreed that VSS should consider developing a separate Appeals procedure for handling such cases. Head of Service Delivery to include development of an Appeals Process specifically for Victims Support Programme-funded organisations, where a decision is taken by VSS in the funded period to suspend or cease funding, as part of Independent Assessment Panel sub group discussions. Sub-Group on Policy and Resources The Board discussed membership and scheduling of the new sub-group on Policy and Resources. Head of Service Delivery to set up Board sub-group on Policy and Resources (to include SMcI and PH) to be scheduled for the same day as ARC meetings going forward. Head of Service Delivery to include a draft TOR for this sub group in the February Board papers. Date of Next Meetings The dates of upcoming meetings were agreed as follows: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 at 9.30am Tuesday, 15 March 2016 at 9.30am Tuesday, 26 April 2016 at 9.30am Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 9.30am Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 9.30am Tuesday, 16 August 2016 at 9.30am Tuesday, 13 September 2016 at 9.30am 7 - Tuesday, 25 October 2016 at 9.30am Tuesday, 15 November 2016 at 2pm Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 9.30am 8