January 2016

John Hart Generating Station
Replacement Project
January 2016
Community Construction Update
Report #31
Prepared by: Stephen Watson, BC Hydro
(O) 250-755-4795 or (C) 250-616-9888
Twitter: @Puntledge Email: steve.watson@bchydro.com
Jan 10
Project Status
Pole relocation on access road to new surge tank site
completed. Work beginning on developing the surge tank
site in preparation for excavation, which is set to begin in
Excavation of operating gate structure at the intake
underway and expected to be complete by end of
Cofferdam dewatering underway. A water leak (a typical
occurrence during this process) was found and is being
addressed prior to completion of full dewatering;
Frontier-Kemper continues drilling and blasting within the
surge chamber, completing about 50 metres of 93 metres;
The tailrace excavation is now to 21.5 metres, with
another 19.5 metres to go. The next rock level to be
excavated is expected to begin in early February;
Excavation of the third rock level of the powerhouse is
nearing completion. 22 metres of vertical rock removed
with 18 metres remaining. This is where the main floor of
the powerhouse will be. Excavation of the fourth rock level
is expected to begin in early February; and
Adit D (connecting power tunnel to main access tunnel)
completed at end of January.
The Economic Review did a story on
the Site C and John Hart projects with
the link below:
Project Schedule
• For all the tunnelling works:
Complete: Service Tunnel;
Complete: Adit B;
Complete: Adit C;
Complete: Adit D;
Spring 2016: Main access tunnel to reach
Spring 2016: Powerhouse excavation to be
Fall 2016: Water intake works drilling completed;
Winter 2016: Surge tank tunnel excavation to
power tunnel;
Early 2017: Tailrace tunnel planned to be
completed; and
Late 2017: Power tunnel planned to be
View from the powerhouse cavern and what
will be the main access tunnel entrance.
Construction Pictures – Cofferdam
With the cofferdam essentially complete, this is the final picture from this vantage point.
A new camera vantage point has been created to better capture the downstream work.
Jan 10
Construction Pictures – John Hart Dam Area
The before: February 2015.
Jan 20
Construction Pictures – Downstream Work
Area Below John Hart Dam Area
This is a new camera vantage. The comprehensive photo will be able to capture, over time, the
full development of the new water intake works to the tunnel and the water release valve that
will provide the fish habitat flows (currently being provided by the spillway gates) down Elk Falls
Jan 24
Construction Pictures – Downstream of John
Hart Dam
Construction Pictures – Downstream of John
Hart Dam
Construction Pictures – Surge Tank Area
The two-lane access road is complete, including the moving of our power poles.
Excavation of the overburden or soils for the surge tank area is underway.
Construction Pictures – Powerhouse Cavern
Construction Pictures – Powerhouse Cavern
Crews began work on the main access tunnel from the powerhouse. From Adit D,
crews are also working on the main access tunnel to the powerhouse. Work is now
happening on the main access tunnel in three different areas.
Construction Pictures – Powerhouse Cavern
Construction Pictures – Surge Chamber
Moving down on the second level within the Surge
Chamber, on the downstream side of the powerhouse.
Construction Pictures – Main Access Tunnel
Shows the
tunnel on the
left and the old
route to the
right. Probe
holes are
drilled ahead
in advance to
confirm solid
rock mass.
Construction Pictures – Tailrace
Testing & Modelling Of The Turbines
Alstom/GE, InPower BC’s turbine/generator supplier, is
testing and modelling the conditions for the three new
units. The testing is proceeding well at a specialized
centre in France;
Tests look at the efficiency, cavitation (formation of vapor
pockets – see small column of white water on the right),
and pressure and pressure fluctuation under various
water flows to mimic the conditions in the new tunnel
and generating station;
The small-scale model turbine blades are shown with
the yellow arrow; and
The steel pipe at the bottom right is called the draft tube,
where the water flows from the spinning turbine (strobe
lights give the turbines a stationary appearance).
Environment Update
Maintaining water standards during the dewatering of the cofferdam has been a critical
environmental focus for the month. To stay within turbidity requirements during the quick
removal of water to determine the leak and make repairs, given the volumes of water pumped
out, the project team discharged water through one of the three John Hart penstocks. The
pumped water was very small in comparison to the penstock water flows to the turbines.
The site may have been closed down over the holiday weeks, but that didn’t stop some
special visitors from dropping in. Sightings of an owl and wolf tracks in the snow were
reported by the small staff that stayed on during the shut-down period.
Looking back on 2015, Hatfield Consultants had an opportunity to review all the work in
environmental management for the year. What were their greatest successes? “Making sure
everyone who is working on the project is included in how we all can help with environmental
protection,” said Hatfield’s Environment Manager Amber Ashenhurst. Starting with
environmental training with the new-worker orientation, to lunch-hour learning sessions,
award stickers and solution-building as a team – keeping the environment at the forefront of
everyone’s mind led to their highest achievements.
Dewatering (pump and
line) the cofferdam water.
People Profile - Francis Gonella
About Francis
With a Bachelor of Engineering in electrical engineering from
the University of Victoria (specializing in electrical energy
systems, electromagnetics and photonics) Francis had worked
with Western Forest Products in Nanaimo, Capital Region
Emergency Services Telecommunications in Victoria and Ballard
Power Systems in Burnaby before joining this project in October
Born in Quebec City, his family eventually moved to California. At 16, Francis began moving
around to play competitive ice hockey, spending time in places like Montana, Campbell River,
Powell River, and North Dakota.
Francis’ primary hobby is playing sports - mainly ice hockey – but he also enjoys mountain
biking, fishing and camping.
Project Responsibility:
As Field Engineer for ASL-JV, Francis’ responsibilities range from site work preparation and
execution, procurement of materials, to communication with sub-contractors.
“Working on the John Hart project has been a great opportunity for me to step out of my comfort
zone and expand my knowledge in the area of civil construction. I am very eager to see what
challenges the next few years will bring.”
Construction – Point Of Interest
Each month, BC Hydro and InPower BC will provide a construction
fact, occurrence, or situation.
Cleaning debris from the John Hart dam water intake.
On January 19, crews raked off and removed the grassy and woody debris that was building
up on the water intake trash racks. The debris, if left to accumulate, can cause pressure
problems within the penstocks that deliver water to the generating station. To safely remove
the debris, the amount of water drawn into the penstocks must be reduced; and
BC Hydro has a fish flow target in the Campbell River below the generating station. With only
about 40 cubic metres per second coming out of the generating station during the one-day
cleaning process, the target river flow of about 85 m3/s was provided by spilling about 45
m3/s down Elk Falls Canyon. The spill down the canyon and over Elk Falls was about 10
times the normal flow rate (4 m3/s).
CHEK and CTVVI aired stories
on the Jan 19
activities and
viewer reactions
to the Elk Falls
flow. Story link:
Construction – Point Of Interest
Each month, BC Hydro and InPower BC will provide a construction
fact, occurrence, or situation.
Cleaning debris from the John Hart dam water intake.
45 cubic metres per second spill down Elk Falls Canyon.