An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for

Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2008, 139-154
An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback
Linearization Controller for
Doubly-Fed Induction Machine Drives
Amir Farrokh Payam1
Abstract: In this paper a nonlinear controller is presented for Doubly-Fed
Induction Machine (DFIM) drives. The nonlinear controller is designed based on
the adaptive input-output feedback linearization control technique, using the fifth
order model of induction machine in fixed stator d, q axis reference frames with
stator currents and rotor flux components as state variables. The nonlinear controller can perfectly track the torque and flux reference signals in spite of stator
and rotor resistance variations. Two level SVM-PWM back-to-back voltage
source inverters are employed in the rotor circuit, in order to make the drive
system capable of operating in the motoring and generating modes below and
above the synchronous speed. Computer simulation results obtained, confirm the
effectiveness and validity of the proposed control approach.
Keywords: DFIM, Adaptive Input-Output Controller, Torque, Flux.
So far, the vector control (VC) and Direct torque control (DTC) methods
have been applied to squirrel cage induction machine drives [1]. Although field
oriented vector methods have been applied to DFIM drives [2, 3], little attention
has been given to DTC and flux control of these types of drives. In field oriented
methods applied to DFIM drives, in order to design the rotor current controllers,
the voltage drop across the stator leakage impedance needs to be neglected [2-4].
That is necessary in order to control the injected active and reactive powers to
the stator independently. Such an assumption generated a steady-state error for
both the motoring and generating modes of operation. In [5] the conventional
bang-bang DTC control method is combined with the direct rotor flux field
oriented control method and is applied to an adjustable speed DFIM drive. In
[5], the DTC controller is designed based on neglecting the voltage drop across
the rotor resistance. In [6,7], a backstepping tracking controller has been
introduced for a DFIM drive. The methods of [6] and [7] have been proposed
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran 1365/4563, Iran,
A.F. Payam
only for operation upon unity of the power factor, measured on the stator supply
voltage side.
This paper describes an adaptive nonlinear controller for DFIM drives based
on the adaptive input-output feedback linearization approach, using a fifth order
model in stator fixed d, q axis reference frames with stator current and rotor flux
vector components assumed as the state variables. It will be shown that the
controller proposed in this paper is capable of perfectly tracking control of active
and reactive power reference commands, which are injected into the stator in
spite of machine resistance variations and external load torque disturbance. One
may note that when the machine operates as a motor the injected active power
into the stator must be positive. The overall system stability was proved by
Lyapanov’s theory. Moreover, using two level back-to-back SVM-PWM voltage
source inverters in the rotor circuit, the proposed control method can be applied
for motoring and generating modes of operation below and above the
synchronous speed. In addition, the rotor dc link voltage is maintained constant
also based on input-output linearization, using a rotating reference frame with
the d axis coinciding with the space voltage vector of the main ac supply.
Doubly Fed Induction Machine Model
Under assumption of linear magnetic circuits and a balanced operating
condition, the equivalent two-phase model of a symmetrical DFIM with a stator
connected to the line, represented in a fixed stator d-q reference frame is
⎛ R R L2 ⎞
d ids
= − ⎜ s + 2r m ⎟ ids + 2r m ψ dr + r m ψ qr + ds − m udr
Lr Lσ
Lr Lσ
Lσ Lr Lσ
⎝ Lσ Lr Lσ ⎠
d iqs
⎛ R R L2 ⎞
= − ⎜ s + 2r m ⎟ iqs + 2r m ψ qr − r m ψ dr +
− m uqr
Lr Lσ
Lr Lσ
Lσ Lr Lσ
⎝ Lσ Lr Lσ ⎠
d ψ dr Rr Lm
ids − r ψ dr − ωr ψ qr + udr
d ψ qr
Rr Lm
iqs − r ψ qr + ωr ψ dr + uqr ,
where is , ψ r , us , ur , R and L denote stator currents, rotor flux linkage, stator
terminal voltage, rotor terminal voltage, resistance and inductance, respectively.
The subscripts s and r stand for stator and rotor while subscripts d and q stand
for the vector component with respect to a fixed stator reference frame.
ωr denotes the rotor electrical speed and Lm is the mutual inductance.
Lσ = Ls (1 − L2m /( Lr Ls ) ) is the redefined leakage inductance.
An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for Doubly-Fed…
The generated torque of DFIM can be expressed in terms of stator currents
and rotor flux linkage as
3P Lm
(ψ dr iqs − ψ qr ids ) ,
Te =
2 Lr
where P is the number of pole pairs. The mechanical dynamic equation is given
d ωm
+ Bωm + TL = Te ,
where J and B denote the moment of inertia of the motor and viscous friction
coefficient, respectively, TL is the external load and ωm is the rotor mechanical
speed ( ωr = ( P / 2)ωm ).
x = ⎡⎣ids
ψ dr
ψ qr ⎤⎦
be the state vector and let the generated torque Te be the output y of the
dynamic system (1) ,that is
3P Lm
y = Te =
(ψ dr iqs − ψ qr ids ) .
2 Lr
It is well known that torque control is very important for high-performance
motion control [9]. However from (1) and (5), we can note that the generated
torque Te of DFIM is a nonlinear output with respect to state variables x of the
dynamic model (1), ids , iqs , ψ dr and ψ qr . Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the
torque response from (5) by the control input udr and uqr designed for the model
(1). So based on the dynamic model (1), the torque control of induction
machines is a task for industrial and practical applications.
Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Control
For the proposed nonlinear adaptive input-output feedback linearization
controller, the state coordinate transformation is applied. Therefore the statecoordinates transformed model from (1) can be rewritten in a compact form as
x = f ( x) + g1udr + g 2uqr ,
where x is defined in (4) and
A.F. Payam
⎡ ⎛ Rs Rr L2m ⎞
Rr Lm
u ⎤
ωr Lm
ψ qr + ds ⎥
⎢ − ⎜ + 2 ⎟ ids + 2 ψ dr +
Lr Lσ
Lr Lσ
Lσ ⎥
⎢ ⎝ Lσ Lr Lσ ⎠
⎢ ⎛
u ⎥
⎢ − ⎜ Rs + Rr Lm ⎞⎟ iqs + Rr Lm ψ qr − ωr Lm ψ dr + qs ⎥
⎢ L
L2r Lσ ⎠
L2r Lσ
Lr Lσ
Lσ ⎥
f ( x) = ⎢ ⎝ σ
Rr Lm
ids − ψ dr − ωr ψ qr
Rr Lm
iqs − ψ qr + ωr ψ dr
⎡ L
g1 = ⎢ − m
⎣ Lr Lσ
0 1 0⎥ ,
g2 = ⎢ 0 − m
Lr Lσ
0 1⎥ .
At this stage the generated torque Te and the squared modules of the rotor
flux linkage, ψ r = ψ dr 2 + ψ qr 2 , are requested to be the controlled output.
Therefore, by considering
h1 ( x) =
3P Lm
(ψ dr iqs − ψ qr ids )
2 Lr
h2 ( x) = ψ + ψ
The following notation is used for the lie derivative of a function
h( x) : ℜn → ℜ along a vector field f ( x) = ( f1 ( x),…, f n ( x))
f i ( x)
i =1 ∂xi
L f h( x) = ∑
Iteratively, we define Lif h = L f ( Lif−1h) .
If the change of coordinates is defined as
z1 = h2 ( x)
z2 = h1 ( x)
Then, the dynamic model of DFIM is given in new coordinates by
An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for Doubly-Fed…
⎡ z1 ⎤ ⎡ L f h2 ⎤ ⎡ Lg1h2
⎢z ⎥ = ⎢ L h ⎥ + ⎢ L h
⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎣ f 1 ⎦ ⎣ g1 1
Lg 2 h2 ⎤ ⎡udr ⎤
Lg 2 h1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣uqr ⎥⎦
L f h2 = 2
Rr Lm
(ids ψ qr − iqs ψ dr ) − 2 r (ψ dr
+ ψ qr
3P Lm ⎛ ⎛ Rs Rr L2m Rr ⎞
× ⎜ −⎜ +
+ ⎟ (iqs ψ dr − ids ψ qr ) −
2 Lr ⎜⎝ ⎝ Lσ L2r Lσ Lr ⎠
uqs ψ dr uds ψ qr ⎞
) − ωr (ψ qr iqs + ψ dr ids ) +
− r m (ψ dr
+ ψ qr
Lr Lσ
Lσ ⎠
Lg1h2 = 2ψ dr
L f h1 =
Lg 2 h2 = 2ψ qr
3P Lm ⎛
ψ qr ⎟
⎜ iqs +
2 Lr ⎝
Lr Lσ
3P Lm ⎛
ψ dr ⎟ .
Lg 2 h1 = −
⎜ ids +
2 Lr ⎝
Lr Lσ
Lg1h1 =
Furthermore, a nonlinear state feedback decoupling of the control inputs
method is employed. We constructed the new control inputs as follows
⎡uˆdr ⎤ ⎡ Lg1h2 ( x)udr + Lg 2 h2 ( x)uqr ⎤
⎢uˆ ⎥ = ⎢ L h ( x)u + L h ( x)u ⎥ .
g2 2
qr ⎦
⎣ qr ⎦ ⎣ g1 1
Then, system (12) becomes
⎡ z1 ⎤ ⎡ L f h2 ( x) ⎤ ⎡1 0 ⎤ ⎡uˆdr ⎤
⎢ z ⎥ = ⎢ L h ( x) ⎥ + ⎢0 1 ⎥ ⎢uˆ ⎥ .
⎦ ⎣ qr ⎦
⎣ 2⎦ ⎣ f 1 ⎦ ⎣
By defining errors
ez1 = z1 − ψ∗r 2
ez 2 = z2 − Te∗ ,
derivation of error model (16) gives
ez1 = L f h2 ( x) + uˆdr − 2ψ∗r ψ∗r
ez 2 = L f h1 ( x) + uˆqr − Te∗ ,
and its error dynamics are derived as follows
A.F. Payam
ez = A( x) + B( x)Uˆ ,
⎡ L f h2 ( x) ⎤
⎡1 0 ⎤
, B ( x) = ⎢
A( x) = ⎢
⎣0 1 ⎦
⎣ L f h1 ( x) ⎦
considering error model (18) as:
ez1 = L f h2 ( x) + uˆdr + φ1d1 ( x)
ez 2 = L f h1 ( x) + uˆqr + φ2 d 2 ( x)
ez = [ A( x) + ΔA( x) ] + B( x)Uˆ ,
where φi ( i = 1, 2 ) and ΔA( x) denote the uncertainties defined
⎡ LΔf h2 ( x) ⎤
ΔA( x) = ⎢
⎣ LΔf h1 ( x) ⎦
⎡ −Δαids + Δβψ dr ⎤
⎢ −Δαi + Δβψ
⎢ ΔRr Lm
ψ dr ⎥
ids −
Δf ( x) = ⎢
⎢ Lr
⎢ ΔRr Lm
ψ qr ⎥
iqs −
⎣ Lr
⎛R RL 2⎞
⎛ ΔR ΔR L 2 ⎞
α = ⎜ s + r 2 m ⎟ , β = r2 m , Δα = ⎜ s + r2 m ⎟ , Δβ = 2r m . (23)
Lr Lσ
Lr Lσ ⎠
Lr Lσ
⎝ Lσ Lr Lσ ⎠
⎝ Lσ
LΔf h2 ( x) =
2ΔRr Lm
⎡ψ dr
⎡⎣ids ψ dr + iqs ψ qr ⎤⎦ −
+ ψ qr
Lr ⎣
3P Lm ⎛ ΔRr
LΔf h1 ( x) =
(ψ dr iqs − ψ qr ids ) − Δα(iqs ψ dr − ids ψ qr ) ⎟
2 Lr ⎝ Lr
An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for Doubly-Fed…
φ1d1 ( x) =
⎡⎣ Lm (ids ψ dr + iqs ψ qr ) − (ψ dr
) ⎤⎦
+ ψ qr
3P Lm ⎡ ΔRr
φ2 d 2 ( x ) = −
+ Δα ⎥ ⎡⎣ ψ dr iqs − ψ qr ids ⎤⎦ ,
2 Lr ⎣ Lr
that is [ φ1d1 ( x), φ2 d 2 ( x) ] = ΔA( x) .
Since the system resistances Rr and Rs are sensitive to the thermal drift, we
assumed that | φi | (i = 1, 2) is the unknown and bounded constant. Taking the
derivative of (16) with respect to time yields
ez1 = L f h2 ( x) + uˆdr + φˆ 1d1 ( x) − (φˆ 1 − φ1 ) d1 ( x)
ez 2 = L f h1 ( x) + uˆqr + φˆ 2 d 2 ( x) − (φˆ 2 − φ2 )d 2 ( x),
where φˆ i (i = 1, 2) is the estimate of φi , ki ( i = 1, 2 ) is a positive constant
feedback gain.
It is obvious that the controllers uˆdr and uˆqr are decoupled with respect to
two dynamic models, [ ez1 , ez 2 ] . According to the equations of (26), the adaptive
input-output control for the first equation of (26) is designed as
uˆ = − L h ( x) − φˆ d ( x) − k e
1 1
1 z1
where k1 > 0 and the adaptation law of φ̂1 is given by
φˆ 1 = γ1ez1d1 ( x)
where γ1 > 0 is the adaptation gain. Similarly, the adaptive input-output
feedback control for the second dynamic equation of (23) is designed as follows
uˆ = − L h ( x) − φˆ d ( x) − k e
2 z2
where k2 is the positive constant feedback gain and
φˆ 2 = γ 2 ez 2 d 2 ( x)
where γ 2 > 0 is the adaptation gain.
Theorem 2: Using the controller described by (27)-(30), the controlled torque
and flux amplitude of the DFIM is stable and robust to the mismatched
uncertainties due to parameter variations.
A.F. Payam
Proof: The proof is obtained by choosing the following Lyapunov function
V1 =
1⎡ 2
1 ˆ
⎢ ez1 + ez 2 + (ϕˆ 1 − φ1 ) + (φ2 − φ2 ) ⎥
Taking the derivative of (31) with respect to time and then substituting (26)
into this derivative, we can obtain
V1 = ez1 ⎡⎣ L f ( x ) h2 ( x) + uˆdr + φˆ 1d1 ( x) − (φˆ 1 − φ1 )d1 ( x) ⎤⎦ +
+ez 2 ⎡⎣ L f ( x ) h1 ( x) + uˆqr + φˆ 2 d 2 ( x) − (φˆ 2 − φ2 )d 2 ( x) ⎤⎦ +
1 ˆ
(φ1 − φ1 )φˆ 1 + (φˆ 2 − φ2 )φˆ 2
Substituting (27), (29), (28) and (30) into equation (32), gives
V 1= − k1ez21 − k2 ez22 ≤ 0
Defining the following equation
M (t ) = k1ez21 + k2 ez22 ≥ 0
Also, defining the following function
V1 (t ) = V1 (e(0), φˆ (0)) + ∫ V1 (τ) d τ = V1 (e(0), φˆ (0)) − ∫ M (τ) d τ
where e = [ ez1 , ez 2 ] and φˆ = ⎡⎣ φˆ 1 , φˆ 2 ⎤⎦ . From the definition of the Lyapanouv
function V1 (t ) ≥ 0 and the above equation, the following result can be deduced
lim ∫ M (τ) d τ ≤ V1 (e(0), φˆ (0)) < ∞
t →∞
Based on Barbalat’s Lemma [10], we can obtain
M (t ) → 0 as t → ∞
That is, ez1 and ez 2 will converge to zero as t → ∞ . Therefore, the proposed
controller is stable and robust, even if parametric uncertainties exist.
Active and Reactive Stator Power Control
For both the motoring and generation modes of DFIM operation, regulation
of the stator active-reactive power, whose references are Ps∗ and Qs∗ ,
respectively is desirable. Considering a synchronous d and q axis rotating
reference frame with the d axes coinciding with the space voltage vector for the
main ac supply, reference [11] shows that:
An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for Doubly-Fed…
3 Qs∗
3 Ps∗
id∗ =
In addition the rotor flux references can be obtained as:
iq∗ =
ψ ∗d =
1 ⎛ Rs ∗
− iq − ω0id∗ ⎟
βω0 ⎝ σ
1 ⎛ Rs ∗
1 ⎞
ψ =
id − ω0iq∗ − U ⎟
βω0 ⎜⎝ σ
σ ⎠
So the rotor flux reference and torque reference are calculated as below
ψ∗r = (ψ∗d 2 + ψ ∗q 2 )
Te∗ = μ(ψ ∗d iq∗ − ψ∗q id∗ )
Stabilization of Rotor DC-Link Voltage
The objective of this section is to maintain the rotor dc-link voltage constant
during drive system operation, which can be achieved using a supply side three
phase PWM converter as shown in Fig. 1. With proper control of this converter
the rotor dc link voltage can be maintained constant regardless of the magnitude
and direction of the rotor power. Vector-control of this inverter, with a reference
frame oriented along the stator (or supply) voltage vector position, enables
independent control of active and reactive power flowing between the supply
and the supply-side converter [11]. For this purpose a capacitor in the dc-link
and supply-side converter is used to mitigate variation of the capacitor voltage
due to variation of rotor power.
Fig. 1 – Connection of an inverter to the main supply.
A.F. Payam
Considering the d and q axis voltage equation of the main ac supply, derived
in the above mentioned rotating reference frame:
d id 1
= (vd − Rid + ωe Liq − vd 1 )
dt L
d iq 1
= (− Riq − ωe Lid − vq1 ).
dt L
Defining the d and q current errors as
e1 = id − id∗
e2 = iq − iq∗ ,
from equations (41) and (42), the d and q current dynamic errors are obtained as
vd R
− id + ωe iq − d 1 − id∗
vq1 ∗
e2 = − iq − ωe id −
− iq .
e1 =
Introducing the following control efforts
vd 1 = L ⎜ d − id + ωe iq − id∗ − ke1 ⎟
⎝L L
⎛ R
vq1 = L ⎜ − iq − ωe id − iq∗ − ke2 ⎟ ,
⎝ L
we have
e1 = −ke1
e2 = −ke2 .
Considering the Lyapanouv candidate as
V = e12 + e22
Derivations of function ∇ with respect to time t give
V = e1e1 + e2 e2 = − k (e12 + e22 ) < 0
The strategy is shown in Fig. 2.
An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for Doubly-Fed…
Fig. 2 – DC link voltage controller.
I or acting as a disturbance and its effect in the simulation.
Neglecting losses in the supply side converter the injected active power to
the rotor is:
Pr = Eior
also from Fig. 1, one can obtain
vd id = Eios
= ios − ior
Substituting ior and ios from equations (48) and (49) into (50), the rotor dc
link voltage variation is obtained as:
1 ⎛ 3 vd id Pr ⎞
− ⎟dt
C ⎜⎝ 2 E
Based on the theory mentioned in this section, the block diagram shown in
Fig. 2 is proposed to maintain the rotor dc link voltage constant.
dE =
A.F. Payam
System Simulation
The overall block diagram of the proposed control approach is shown in
Fig. 3. An C++ computer program was developed to model this system on a PC.
Fig. 3 – Block diagram of the proposed controller.
Table 1
Machine Characteristics.
Ls = 0.094 H
Lr = 0.022 H
Lm = 0.041H
Rr = 0.45 Ω
Rs = 0.95 Ω
J = 0.05 kg ⋅ m 2
Tn = 50 Nm
2P = 6
N se / N re = 2
In this program, a static Runge-Kutta fourth order method is used to solve
the system of equations. The effectiveness and validity of the proposed approach
is tested for a three-phase 5 KW, 380 V, six poles, 50 Hz DFIM drive by
simulation. The machine characteristics are given in Table 1.
Simulation results shown in Fig. 4 are obtained for the system motoring
mode of operation below and above the synchronous speed. These results are
obtained for the condition of an exponential speed reference from 0 to
An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for Doubly-Fed…
290 ( rad/s ) rise up to 375 ( rad/s ) at t = 2s with τω = 0.07 , an exponential
reference flux signal from zero to 0.3W-t at t = 0 , down to 0.235W-t at t = 2s
with τ f = 0.01 , a torque reference profile shown in Fig. (4-3) and Rr = 2 Rrn ,
Rs = 2 Rsn , where Rs and Rr are the stator and rotor resistances, respectively.
Note that subscript n shows the nominal parameters.
Fig. 4 – Drive system motoring mode of operation
below and above the synchronous speed.
Fig. 5 shows the drive system performance in the generation mode of
operation above the synchronous speed. These results were obtained for the
same conditions described for Fig. 4 but for a negative torque reference profile
shown in Fig. 5 and a constant speed ωr = 375 ( rad/s ).
Fig. 6 shows the drive system performance in the generation mode of
operation below the synchronous speed. These results were obtained for the
same condition described for Fig. 4 but for a negative torque reference profile
shown in Fig. 5 and a constant ωr = 290 ( rad/s ).
A.F. Payam
Fig. 5 – Drive system performance for the generating mode of
operation above the synchronous speed.
Fig. 6 – Drive system performance for the generating mode of
operation below the synchronous speed.
An Adaptive Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for Doubly-Fed…
In this paper an adaptive nonlinear controller has been introduced for DFIM
drives. The proposed controller design is based on the adaptive input-output
feedback linearization control approach and is capable of making the system
states trajectories follow the torque and flux reference signals in spite of stator
and rotor resistance uncertainties and external load torque disturbance. The
proposed control approach has been tested for both the motoring and generating
modes of operation bellow and above the synchronous speed, using two level
SVM-PWM back-to-back voltage source inverters in the rotor circuit.
Furthermore the rotor dc link voltage is maintained constant also based on the
input-output control method, using a rotating synchronous reference frame with
d axis coinciding with the direction of the space voltage vector of the main ac
supply. Computer simulation results obtained, confirm the validity and
effectiveness of the proposed control approach.
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