Essay/report assessment criteria sheet Criteria Sophisticated/exemplary 1. Depth and breadth of knowledge demonstrated: Mark allocation: Mark range: All relevant ideas, concepts, theories covered with clear explanation, and with clear recognition of the provisional nature of knowledge and/or multiple perspectives possible. Clear evidence of a wide range of relevant, current and credible sources used to answer/explore the question/task. Competent/sound Marginal Clear fail Mark range Main relevant ideas, concepts, theories covered, (but with some minor omissions); and with some awareness of the provisional nature of knowledge and/or perspectives possible. Mark range Some important ideas, concepts, or theories relevant to the topic have been overlooked, or insufficiently described to indicate a clear understanding. Mark range Fails to grasp or address the core concepts, ideas and/or theories pertinent to the assignment (e.g. by not answering the question). A variety of listed sources used with discrimination to support the answer. Goes beyond listed resources to carry out independent research. 2. Quality of thinking in evidence Mark allocation: Mark range: 2.1 Integration of Ideas, theory and information relevant ideas to sources well integrated to support the answer provide sound argument for the conclusion(s) reached. 2.2 Application of theory to solve problems/issues Applies all relevant theory with precision and rigor to resolve the problem/issue. 2.3 Use of examples/personal experience Uses a range of well selected examples/personal experience and reflections to effectively support the points being made. Mark range: Ideas, theory and information sources sufficiently integrated to support the general thrust of the conclusion(s) made. Applies most of the relevant theory in a proficient manner in order to resolve the problem/issue. Examples/experience used generally support the points being made. Only a limited (or minimum) number of listed sources used to support the answer. Some sources lacking in currency, credibility and/or relevance. Little or no evidence of reading/research relevant to the topic. Mark range: Conclusions not always supported by evidencebased argument (e.g. reliant upon anecdotes or generalizations). Mark range: Little attempt to integrate ideas and information sources in any meaningful way to support the argument. Fails to apply, or accurately apply, some important theoretical aspects related to the problem/issue. Theory in the main ignored, or inappropriately applied, in addressing the problem or issue. Uses no or few examples or personal experience to effectively support the points made. Uses minimal examples or personal experiences to support the points being made, and/or those used, not always supportive of the argument. 2.4 Depth of analysis and/or evaluation (e.g. of self, or own organization) Identifies all relevant factors/matters pertinent to the problem, case, or issue and recognizes the significance of any interrelationships. Identifies the major factors/matters pertinent to the problem/case/issue and the significance of any interrelationships. Fails to identify a number of significant factors/matters pertinent to the problem/case/issue and/or their interrelationships. Fails to identify most of the relevant factors/matters and/or the significant interrelationships that exist. Critically evaluates information/evidence (e.g. in terms of reliability, validity, significance, relevance, contradictions, linkage to theory). Most of the key information/evidenc e scrutinized in some depth. Significant aspects of information/evidence either not scrutinized or scrutinized in only a superficial way. Little attempt to evaluate the information/evide nce in any critical way. Critically and perceptively evaluates self/self experiences or organizational practices and/or culture in light of theory. Evaluates self/self experiences or organizational practice/culture with reference to appropriate theory, but to varying depth. Some significant aspects of self/self experiences or organizational practice, culture not referenced against appropriate theory, and tending towards description. Little attempt to relate organizational practices/culture to theory; purely descriptive. 3. Quality of communication Mark allocation: Mark range: 3.1 Logical structure Judiciously uses headings, and organization sub-headings and other organizational methods (such as tables, charts, diagrams) to facilitate understanding on the part of the reader. 3.2 Clarity & succinctness of writing (including syntax, adherence to word limit and appropriateness for purpose) Mark range: Generally structured and organized to aid the reader Mark range: Poorly and/or ineffectively structured to aid the reader Mark range: No attempt made to structure the answer in any meaningful way Ideas flow clearly and coherently, with appropriate use of paragraphs to make points. Ideas in the main flow logically in suitable paragraph structure. Flow of ideas not always clear or logical. Line(s) of logic not clear at all Expression clear, fluent precise, focused on the question, within word limit, and in the appropriate genre; meaning crystal clear. Expression in the main clear and fluent, within word limit, and in the appropriate genre; meaning clear. Expression and/or meaning frequently unclear or ambiguous, repetitive, not always to the point, and/or inappropriate for purpose. Expression is unclear, rambling, and/or inappropriate for the genre; meaning is unclear. Grammar, spelling & punctuation is virtually free of errors. Grammar, spelling & punctuation is mostly free of errors. Interspersed with numerous grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Frequent grammatical and other errors seriously distract the reader. 2 Criteria Sophisticated/exemplary Competent/sound Marginal 4. Conformance to MLM Dept. formatting guidelines and referencing standards Mark Mark range: Mark range: Mark range: allocation: 4.1 Referencing Faultless application of MLM Dept. Inconsistently applies MLM Dept. referencing referencing style the MLM Dept. style. applied with few referencing style. errors. 4.2 Formatting All source material correctly acknowledged, with appropriate, balanced use of paraphrasing, summarizing and quoting. Closely adheres to all formatting requirements. Sources generally acknowledged through paraphrasing, summarising and quoting (although not always in appropriate balance). Generally adheres to the specified formatting requirements. Significant number of sources not acknowledged or otherwise not acknowledged appropriately, raising questions of plagiarism. Significantly deviates from formatting requirements. Clear fail Mark range: Incorrect referencing style used. Most sources not acknowledged, or acknowledged inappropriately. Guidelines/requirements largely ignored. MLM Toolbox links Criterion element Toolbox section 1.1 Preparing for an assignment>Understanding the assignment task 1.2 Getting started>Other study skills Preparing for an assignment>Locating resources Preparing for an assignment>Organising and analyzing your resources 3.1 Preparing for an assignment>Writing effective assignments Preparing for an assignment>Preparing an academic essay Preparing for an assignment>Sample assignment; Steve’s automotive’ 3.2 Preparing for an assignment>Writing effective assignments Preparing for an assignment>Using MS Word (2003) (to lay out and check your assignment) 4.1 Preparing for an assignment>Referencing and plagiarism 4.2 Preparing for an assignment>Preparing an academic essay Preparing for an assignment>Sample assignment; Steve’s automotive’ Preparing for an assignment>Using MS Word (2003) (to lay out and check your assignment) 3