application - West Ohio Conference

Next Generations Leadership
of The United Methodist Church
2016 Ethnic Minority
Scholarship Application
Thank you for your interest in a scholarship from Next Generation Leadership at the West Ohio
Conference of The United Methodist Church. Based on available funds, we offer two different
scholarship opportunities for undergraduate students attending accredited institutions of
higher eduction. The Ethnic Minority Scholarship is for an incoming freshman and the Call
to Leadership is for students that have completed at least one semester of higher education
(Complete the 2016 Call to Leadership Scholarship Application).
The Ethnic Minority Scholarship
A $3,000 award available to an incoming freshman of ethnic origin who plans to attend any
United Methodist college or university, has a 2.5 GPA minimum, financial need, and meets the
basic criteria. If there is no qualified applicant the funds may be awarded to the highest rated
student(s). Funds for this award come from the West Ohio Conference Next Generations
Leadership budget.
(Please carefully read the entire application before starting to ensure that you meet the criteria to be considered for a scholarship.)
In order to be considered for a scholarship,
a student must meet the following basic criteria:
An active member of a United Methodist Church in the West Ohio Conference for at
least one year by April 15, 2015
A citizen or a permanent resident of the United States of America
Currently, or planning on, attending an accredited institution of higher education as a
full-time student
...and needs to send the following by April 15, 2016:
A completed scholarship application
A completed certification of church membership or a letter from
your church, on church letterhead, providing membership date
Three letters of reference (refer to Section E for details)
An official transcript from your current institution of learning
All application materials should be sent to:
West Ohio Conference Scholarship Task Force
c/o RaNae Street
32 Wesley Boulevard
Worthington, Ohio 43085
All application questions should be directed to:
RaNae Street, Director of Discipleship Resources | 614.844.6200 ext. 325
Remember: Your application & supporting documents need to be postmarked by April 15, 2016.
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Next Generations Leadership
of The United Methodist Church
2016 Ethnic Minority
Scholarship Application
A. Applicant Information:
Full Name: Gender: Date of Birth:
Ethnicity: Address: City: State:
Zip Code: Email Address: Primary Phone Number: □ Home
□ Cell
□ Work
Secondary Phone Number:
□ Home
□ Cell
□ Work
B. High School Education Information
Current School’s Name: School’s Address and City:
C. College or University
Fall 2016’s College or University: Is this a UMC College or University:
□ Yes
□ No
Current Grade Point Average:
Declared Major: Anticipated Career & Goals After Graduation:
Next Generations Leadership Scholarship Application
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Next Generations Leadership
of The United Methodist Church
2016 Ethnic Minority
Scholarship Application
D. Parent’s / Guardian Information (may list up to four people)
Name: Relation: Occupation: Name: Relation: Occupation: Name: Relation: Occupation: Name: Relation: Occupation: E. Church Information
Church where you hold membership:
□ Capitol Area North □ Capitol Area South □ Maumee Watershed □ Foothills
□ Miami Valley
□ Northwest Plains
□ Ohio River Valley □ Shawnee Valley
Name of the Senior Pastor:
Youth Ministry Contact (if applicable): F. References
Please provide three letters of reference. One must be from a pastor who is
serving your church. Non-relative and academic references should speak to
your leadership within church or school.
1. Pastoral Reference Name: 2. Other Non-Related Reference Name: 3. Academic Reference Name: Next Generations Leadership Scholarship Application
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Next Generations Leadership
of The United Methodist Church
2016 Ethnic Minority
Scholarship Application
G. Personal Statements
Please answer each question in 250 words, or less.
Questions should summarize your philosophy of life, religious development,
and what or who influenced your career goals.
1. Identify one person who has greatly influenced you. Explain why.
2. Describe, with examples, your participation in church, school and community activities.
List your activities with dates of participation and a brief explanation of your participation.
Next Generations Leadership Scholarship Application
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Next Generations Leadership
of The United Methodist Church
2016 Ethnic Minority
Scholarship Application
3. a) Please list all financial aid, scholarships and grants that you have received and their
amounts for the 2016-17 academic year.
b) Is there any additional information you would like for the selection team to know?
To properly submit application, you must save the document to your computer
and open using free Adobe Reader. Before submitting your document, be sure to
save to your computer one last time.
Next Generations Leadership Scholarship Application
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