Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011 Optimal Feedforward Filter Design for Flying Gauge Changes of a Continuous Cold Mill Camile WJ Hol ∗ Steven Sujoto ∗∗ Marc de Boer ∗ Vincent Beentjes ∗ Mike Price † Carsten W. Scherer ∗∗∗∗ Anton A.J. van der Weiden ∗∗∗ ∗ Tata Steel Research, Development & Technology, Rolling Metal Strip, P.O. Box 10 000 1970 CA IJmuiden (e-mail: ∗∗ Accenture, P.O. Box 75797, 1070 AT Amsterdam (e-mail: ∗∗∗ Delft University of Technology, Delft Center for Systems and Control (e-mail: ∗∗∗∗ SRC SimTech Chair Mathematical Systems Theory, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, (e-mail: † Tata Steel Port Talbot Works, Port Talbot, Wales ( Abstract: In a continuous cold mill subsequent hot rolled strips are welded together before rolling. The transition from strip A to strip B is called the Flying Gauge Change (FGC). Exit thickness errors and large strip tension variations occur if the actuators are not adjusted well during the transition. In this paper the model-based design of the FGC controller that minimizes off-gauge length and tension variations is presented. This is done through nonlinear local optimization of a cost function, that represents the economic cost of tension variations and off-gauge as accurately as possible. Simulation results show that the resulting controller reduces off-gauge and tension variations significantly, even if variation in friction and slip are taken into account. Keywords: control, cold rolling, optimization, feedforward filter 1. INTRODUCTION Tata Steel in Europe is Europes second largest steel producer with annual revenues of around 12 billion and a crude steel production capacity of over 20 million tonnes. One of the steps in the production process of the cold rolled steel strip is the continuous cold rolling process. This process takes place in a cold mill. This paper is concerned with the 5-stand continuous cold mill at Port Talbot. The input to this mill is a hot rolled steel strip that is made continuous by welding the tip (i.e. the ends) from two different hot rolled strips together (see Figure 1). These strips can differ in terms of thickness, width, hardness and profile of the strip. The goal of the rolling process is to reduce the thickness of the strip to a thickness as specified by the customer. Each stack of work rolls and backup rolls is a stand. The reduction takes place between the upper and the lower work roll of each stand. The area where the work rolls are in contact with the strip is called the roll gap. The considered mill has five stands, see Figure 2. The strip enters the mill through a bridle that connects the mill to the pickling line. At the end of the mill, the continuous strip is collected in a strip buffer. The strip is then cut Copyright by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Fig. 1. The situation just before the welding point enters a stand again at the welds in separate strips and wound on a coiler for further processing (e.g. annealing). During the transition from strip A to strip B the actuators are adjusted. The transition from strip A to B is denoted as Flying Gauge Change (FGC). During this transition phase the roll speed is significantly reduced. Furthermore additional adjustments are made by the main actuators of the mill: 8545 Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011 • the speeds of the roll drive motors of every stand • the gap position of every stand If the speed and gap adjustments during FGC are not performed well, exit thickness errors and large strip tension variations occur(see also e.g. V.B. Ginzburg et al. (1993)). Large tension variations result in strip breaks or pinches, which may cause roll damage and long down-time. Exit thickness outside the customer tolerances is denoted by off-gauge. Off-gauge strip must be cut off and can only be sold at a scrap price. Hence, large tension and thickness variations lead to a significant increase in production cost. The aim of the control system during FGC is to reduce the tension and thickness variations as much as possible, despite the different response times of the actuators. Due to the fast transient nature of the FGC, this is the most challenging phase during cold rolling. FGC has been well addressed in the literature. In Yamashita (1987) the responses of the speed and gap actuators are synchronized using low-pass filters. In Pittner et al. (2007) an LQ-optimal controller has been designed using state-dependent Riccati Equations. The authors of Wang et al. (2007) synchronize the speed and gap corrections as well. Furthermore, roll force and thickness measurement are used to adjust the gap settings. In Kijima et al., (1998) ‘standard’ thickness controllers, e.g. the BISRA AGC and Mass flow AGC controllers, are modified to address the transient behaviour during cold rolling. All these methods do not explicitly take primary controller objectives during FGC into account, i.e. they do not directly optimize for reducing tension and thickness variations. Furthermore, the uncertainty and inherent variation of forward slip and friction conditions in the roll gap are not considered explicitly in the papers mentioned above. Nonlinearities due to the deformation process, controller dead-bands and rate limiters play a dominant role in the mill’s dynamic response. These important system dynamics of a cold mill are omitted or linearized in several of the approaches found in literature. Finally, the techniques in those papers are often based on simulation models that have not been validated by measurement data. Contribution The current paper presents a method, based on time-domain optimization, to design a FGC controller that minimizes off-gauge length and tension variations. This is done through off-line nonlinear optimization of a cost function, that represents the economic cost of tension variations and off-gauge as accurately as possible. The cost-function evaluation is based on timedomain simulations of a rigorous simulation model that has been validated by measurement data, and contains the aforementioned nonlinear elements. The robustness of the optimal controller is assessed against variations in friction and forward slip. Outline In Section 2 the dynamical model of the mill and its controllers is presented and results of validation of this model to measurement data are shown. In Section 3 the causes of off-gauge and tension variations with the current FGC control strategy are explained. On the basis of this, the framework to optimize this controller is explained in Section 4. The results thereof and the improvements in Fig. 2. Cold Mill at Port Talbot terms of reduction of off-gauge and tension deviations are shown in Section 5. Finally, conclusions are given in Section 6. Notation Capitals and small caps are used for the strip property before and after the stand, respectively. For instance, H2 is the entry thickness of stand 2 and h2 its exit thickness. Tension force and tension stresses are distinguished by a subscript f or s, i.e. Tf 1 and Ts1 for the entry tension force and stress of stand 1 respectively. The index i is used for the stand. The symbol t is used for time, whereas tf i is used for the tension force at the exit of stand i. This should not cause confusion, since time never has an index, whereas the tension is always with an index. s is the Laplace Transform variable. 2. DYNAMIC MODEL OF A TATA STEEL 5-STAND MILL 2.1 Rolling Process The model to simulate Flying Gauge Changes is presented in this section. It consist of the following elements: • • • • • • the mass flow relation the deformation model the frame-stretch model the interstand model transport delays the screw-position and roll speed actuator models The mass flow relation (i.e. the conservation of mass) implies vi hi = Vi Hi , i = 1, . . . , 5 where vi and hi are the exit strip speed and thickness of the ith stand respectively, Vi the entry strip speed and Hi the entry strip thickness. The forward slip fi is defined as the relative difference between the exit strip and roll speeds Vp,i : vi − Vp,i fi := i = 1, . . . , 5 Vp,i The roll force Pi and slip fi , i = 1, . . . , 5 are determined by the deformation model, a nonlinear static function based on a Coulomb friction model and Orowan’s equation [Orowan (1943)]: (Pi , fi ) = F(µi , Yi , Tf i , tf i , Hi , hi , Vp,i , Ri , Yi , Wi ) for stand i = 1, . . . , 5, where µi is a coefficient of friction, Tf i and tf i are the tension forces at the entry and exit of the roll gap, respectively, Hi and hi are the strip thickness at the entry and exit of the roll gap, respectively, Vp,i is the roll speed, Ri is the work roll radius, Yi is the yield stress 8546 Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011 and Wi the strip width of the ith stand 1 . The function F represents the deformation model and outputs the total roll force Pi and the slip fi . The details are omitted and the reader is referred to Bryant and Osborn (1973) for a similar (more simplified) model. The deformability of the mill roll stack is modelled as a single stiffness, denoted by the Mill Modulus Mi , i = 1, . . . , 5. This implies that the exit strip thicknesses hi and the positions of the gap actuators Si are determined by Pi Si = hi − i = 1, . . . , 5 Mi The tension force tf i depends on the speed difference between the exit of a stand and the entry of the next stand 2 Z t E tf i (t) = hi (t)W (t) (Vi+1 (τ ) − vi ( τ ))dτ (1) 0 Li for stands i = 1, . . . , 4, where E is the Elasticity Modulus of steel and Li is the distance between stands i and i + 1, i = 1, . . . , 5. The strip speed and interstand distance determine the transport delays between the stands 3 . If the strip speed is constant, the delay is given by 4 : Li Hi+1 (t) = hi+1 t + , i = 1, 2, 3 (2) vi Similarly, gauge measurements located at LGM 1 and LGM 5 after stand 1 and 5 are delayed by LGM i , i = 1, 5 hmeas (t) = h t + i i vi if the speed is constant. The actuators of the mill consist of the roll speed actuator and the roll gap position actuators. The roll speed actuator is an electric motor. The roll gap position actuator is an electromechanical screw-down spindle motor or hydraulic capsule cylinder. Both are modelled with the reference ref value Vp,i and Siref as input and the actual roll speed/gap position as output. The speed actuator is modelled by a first-order transfer function with time constant τiV : 1 Vp,i (s) = V V ref (s), i = 1, . . . , 5 τi s + 1 p,i The response of the gap actuators is modelled as a firstorder transfer function time constant τig and a rate limiter 1 ref Si (s) = RL S (s), α , i = 1, . . . , 5 i τig s + 1 i where RL(·, α) is a rate limiting function with rate limit α > 0, i.e. y(t) = RL(u(t), αi ) is determined by the following differential equation αsign(u(t) − y(t)) if u 6= y ẏ(t) = (3) sign(u̇(t)) min(α, |u̇(t)|) if u(t) = y(t) 1 The width of a single strip is assumed constant throughout the mill. However, if the strips A and B have different widths, the strip width is not the same for all stands during the weld passage. 2 The entry tension T of the first stand and the exit tension t are 1 5 considered as disturbances to the model, and are set equal to their measured responses. Equation (1) is a simplification, since it assumes that the thickness is constant over the whole interstand length. 3 The entry thickness H of the first stand is considered as distur1 bance to the model, and is set equal to its measured response. 4 If the speed varies, the transport delay model is more complicated than (2). Although this is included in the model, the expression of the delay for varying speed is omitted here for brevity. where sign(·) is the sign function and min(·, ·) is the minimum of the two arguments. 2.2 Basic control loops Tension controllers The first three tension controllers are PI (Proportional-Integral) controllers with a deadband filter with hysteresis: Z t ei (τ )dτ, di , i = 1, 2, 3 Sictrl (t) = D Kipr ei (t) + Kiint 0 where ei (t) = tf i (t) − tref f i (t), i = 1, . . . , 4 (4) tref fi is the tension error after stand i, is the tension reference, Kipr and Kiint are controller gains and di is the size of the dead-band. D(·, α) represents the dead-band of size α > 0: sign(u)(|u| − α) for |u| ≥ α D(u, α) = (5) 0 otherwise If the tension force error exceeds a certain value, the overspill tension controller is activated which acts on the upstream stand. In Section 3 it will be revealed that this overspill controller is active during the considered weld passage at the mill. The strip tension between stands 4 and 5 is controlled by the speed of the stand 5 motor. Z t ctrl Vp,5 (t) = D Kipr e4 (t) + K4int e4 (τ )dτ, α 0 where e4 is defined in (4) Thickness controller FB1 This controller applies a correction to the first stand screw position for a given measured thickness deviation at the exit of stand 1 (hmeas − 1 −href 1 ). It is a pure integral controller with an integral gain K FB1 that depends on the variable transport delay between Stand 1 and Gauge-meter X1. Z t S1FB1 (t) = K FB1 hmeas (τ ) − href (6) 1 1 (τ )dτ 0 The mill contains a BISRA controller and feedforward mass flow controller at stand 1, which are included in the model, but not discussed here for brevity. Final Thickness controller FB5 This controller calculates the required speed adjustments of stand 1−3 in order to correct the exit thickness deviation, the measurement of which is obtained from the gauge-meter after stand 5. The distribution of the speed correction is given by KiFB5 , i = 1, 2, 3. Z t ctrl Vp,i (t) = KiFB5 hmeas (τ ) − href i = 1, 2, 3 5 5 (τ )dτ 0 The controller FB5 contains a Smith predictor, which is included in the model, but not discussed here for brevity. 2.3 Model validation Figure 3 shows the measured and simulated response of a coil, for several relevant variables. The simulated first stand roll speed and roll force match fairly well with the measurements. Although there is significant difference 8547 Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011 Fig. 3. Measured and simulated response of Vp1 tf 1 , F1 and h5 . between the measured and simulated tension tf 1 , the magnitude and timing of the tension peak at t = 10.1s matches very well. Due to confidentiality reasons, the numbers at the y-axes are not shown. The simulated exit gauge hmeas (bottom Figure 3) matches quite well with the 5 measurement. Since reducing off-gauge and tension peaks are the most important objectives for the FGC strategy, the model captures the most important aspects of the weld transition and is therefore accurate enough to design a controller for FGC. Fig. 4. The response of the h5 deviation as result of the closed-loop simulation of the complete model. the exit tension force reference (tref i ) is kept to the setup value of strip A. The screw position (Si ) shifts at a limited rate RLi to the setup value of strip B. We denote the corresponding gap actuator actions by Sisetup , i = 1, . . . , 5. The total control action on the gaps and speeds is the sum of the controller and the setup action: setup ref ctrl Vp,i (t) = Vp,i (t) + Vp,i (t) i = 1, 2, 3, 5 (7) for the speeds and Siref (t) = Sisetup (t) + Sictrl (t) i = 2, . . . , 5 (8) for the gaps. For stand 1, the FB1 controller action in (6) is added: S1ref (t) = S1setup (t) + S1ctrl (t) + S1FB1 (t) (9) 3. CURRENT ROLLING FGC PRACTICE 3.1 Setup FGC strategy The reference values of the strip tensions and the roll speeds are determined in the so-called setup strategy 5 . During the weld passage, a transition must be made from the setup values of strip A to those of strip B. How this is done is briefly described in this section. ref The reference for the roll speed (Vp,i ) is changed several times during FGC. Every time the weld reaches one stand ref i, the roll speed Vp,i of that stand is kept constant and ref the roll speed references of the upstream stands (Vp,k , k = 1, . . . , i − 1) are changed. The change consists of a transition value and the speed trim. ref Vp,i The transition value of is applied such that the speed distribution of the upstream stands matches the setup ref values of strip B. When the weld passes stand i, Vp,i is kept constant and considered as the setup value (for the mill at weld speed) of strip B, VpiB . The roll speeds of the upstream stands are then changed accordingly to follow the speed distribution of the setup values B. We denote the setup corresponding roll speed actions by Vp,i , i = 1, 2, 3, 5. The speed of stand 4 is kept constant, since it is the pivot stand. When the weld passes stand i, the exit thickness reference (href i ) is shifted to the setup value of strip B. However, 5 The controller actions are added to these reference values before they are used by the actuator, as will be described in Equations (7) and (8). 3.2 Main cause of off-gauge and tension Off gauge Figure 4 shows the measured strip thickness deviation at the exit of the mill, h5 , normalized to its corresponding reference value. Note that, at t = 23[s], there is a step change in the reference signal since, at that point of time, the simulated welding point passes stand 5. The thickness deviation is outside the tolerance limit from t = 19.3[s] until t = 23.5[s] and after t = 26[s]. The off-gauge at t = 19.3s is due to tension variation of the downstream stand during weld passage. Further analysis of the actuator responses shows that the off gauge after t = 22s is mainly caused by is a large response in the first stand roll gap S1 and roll speed, Vp1 . The large response in gap action of stand 1 is due to the setup action S1setup , but its slightly incorrect timing with respect to the weld results in thickness errors at t = 22[s], before the weld has arrived. The large Vp1 transition stems from the corresponding overspill correction of the first interstand tension controller, as discussed in Section 2.2. At t = 10[s], the first interstand tension force, tf 1 , is too high which is ctrl compensated by a large positive Vp1 correction. However, this increases the mass flow entering stand 2, which leads to the deviation in the corresponding exit thickness, h2 . This eventually reaches the last stand and causes the off- 8548 Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011 setup and Sisetup , filter for each actuator, before the setups Vp,i i = 1, . . . , 5 are applied to the mill. Timing is determined by the weld tracking system, that detects when the weld passes a stand. Due to the limited speed of response of the actuators, it is advantageous to start moving the actuator slightly before the weld passes the stand, as mentioned in the previous section. Hence we setup replace Vp,i in (7) by setup FF ) i = 1, 2, 3, 5 (10) (t + tadv,V Vp,i (t) = Lτi Vp,i i Fig. 5. The response of the 1−2 tension deviation as result of the closed-loop simulation of the complete model. gauge part of the strip. This is shown in Figure 4 after t = 26[s]. Tension deviations The tension deviations between stands 1 and 2 are shown in Figure 5. Since the transition in the strip characteristics from strip A to strip B is faster than the actuator’s speed of response, the resulting change in the tension stresses is also significantly faster. This results in a total tension stress peak which exceeds the boundary of acceptable variations of ±γtens % 6 . For this reason, lower tension stress peaks can be obtained by adjusting the tension level before the weld passes. This would distribute the tension error over the end of strip A and the beginning of strip B more evenly. A second cause is that the responses of the gap actuators and the roll speeds are not fully synchronized, which can be improved by better shaping the response of the actuators. It will be shown in Section 5 that the optimal controller indeed has these characteristics. 4. OPTIMAL CONTROLLER DESIGN The controller actions during FGC can be fully optimized, by parameterizing the speed and gap actions using discretization, by for instance first order hold parameterizations over the considered time frame. To simplify the optimization problem, and more importantly, to ease the implementation of the proposed control strategy at the cold mill, a control structure is chosen that matches as close as possible the existing controllers at the cold mill, but having enough freedom to improve the flying gauge change. 4.1 The decision variables The timing of the adjustments of the gap and speeds is crucial to reduce off-gauge and tension variations during FGC. Furthermore, it is important to synchronize the feed-forward actions of gap and speed, see also Yamashita (1987). It is therefore proposed to keep the existing controller structure intact and use a time-shift and low-pass 6 The boundary on tension variations will be motivated in Section 4.2.2. The numerical value of γtens is not revealed due to confidentiality reasons. where Lτi is a low-pass filter with unit static gain and is the time shift for stand i. time constant τi and tadv,V i adv,V may be positive, (resulting in a forward Note that ti setup is (noncausal) time-shift), since the setup action Vp,i known before the weld passes the particular stand. Since stand 4 is the pivot stand, there is no time advance for the speed action of stand 4. For the gap actuators we propose a similar time shift tadv,g i and a modification of the existing rate limiters within the setup controller. Sisetup in (8) and (9) is therefore replaced by SiFF (t) = RL Sisetup (t + tadv,g ), RL i = 1, . . . , 5 i i Finding the optimum settings of these time advances tadv,V i and tadv,g , time constants τ and rate limiters RL i i is i done through optimization. To this purpose, all these parameters are collected in a single vector x: x := xadv , xτ where xadv = tadv,V , tadv,V , tadv,V , tadv,V , tadv,g , . . . , tadv,g 1 2 3 5 1 5 and xτ := ( τ1 , τ2 , τ3 , τ5 , RL1 , . . . , RL5 ) In summary, determining the best parameter settings can be formulated into an optimization problem as presented in the next section, with the 18 parameters in vector x as the decision variables. Remark 4.1 Due to the low-pass filter, the mill speeds are adjusted more gradually. Manual tuning has revealed that, in combination of these low pass filters, it is advantageous to start the transition Vpisetup when the weld passes stand i. This is earlier than in the existing controller, where the mill speed of stand i is adjusted when the weld passes stand i + 1. 4.2 The cost function, J(x) J(x) expresses a control goal as a function of the parameter vector, x. As has been explained in Section 1, the control goal is minimizing two performance criteria, i.e. the offgauge part of the mill’s exit strip and the tension stress peaks/dips. Hence, the cost function should capture these two criteria mathematically. The following paragraphs show the formulation of each criterion which is followed by the formulation of the total cost function. A time period that completely contains the Flying gauge change is considered: 8549 • from t = 0: a few seconds before strip B enters the first stand Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011 • until t = tN : a few seconds after the weld passes the last stand . Amount of the off-gauge part of the strip The amount of the off-gauge part of the strip is usually described in term of its length, i.e. off-gauge length. However, there is a transition in the strip thickness around the welding point. Hence, the corresponding volume is used instead, since it better represents the financial costs of the off-gauge part. The volume of the Off-Gauge part, VOG , is then calculated as the integral of the product of the exit strip speed, the thickness and the width: Z tOG W5 (x, τ )href (11) VOG (x) = 5 (x, τ )v5 (τ )dτ such that the initial cost (for the initial point x = 0) equals J(0) = 1 and the contributions of both off-gauge and tension deviations are 12 . If we consider the relation between J(x) and x, it is clear that J(x) is a non-linear function of x. Hence, the optimization problem is a non-linear program. The optimization is conducted with Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP)(Hosford and Cadell (2006)) in Matlab 7 . For each evaluation of the cost function J(x) the model is simulated in Matlab/Simulink for t ∈ [0, tN ]. This is an off-line computation; the actual implementation does not require on-line optimization. 5. RESULTS OF OPTIMAL CONTROLLER DESIGN τ =0 where tOG is the point in time from where the exit thickness errors stays within tolerance: t (12) tOG = min |h5 (τ )−href 5 (τ )|<(τ )∀τ ∈[t,tN ], t>0 where (t) is the error tolerance, which may depend on time, since the tolerance for strip A may differ from that of strip B. VOG (x) in (11) is a function of the parameters x as discussed on the previous page. Amount of the excessive tension stress deviation The probability of a strip break or strip pinching becomes significant when the tension stress is ±γtens % larger or smaller than the corresponding reference value. Hence, we are only interested in the tension stress deviations that are outside the ±γtens % boundary. The tension stress deviation is therefore formulated as!follows: tif (x, t) tdev − 1, γtens , i = 1, . . . , 5 (13) f i (x, t) = D tref f i (x, t) 5.1 Results of the optimization First, an improved initial guess xinit has been determined by common sense. Good initialization of the parameter set is important, since the optimization routine is a local search algorithm: there are no guarantees to find the globally optimum solution. Therefore, an initial guess xinit has been determined. Based on knowledge and experience with FGC’s at the cold mill, best guesses for the values in xinit have been determined. The corresponding initial guess has a cost function value of J(xinit ) = 0.031. After optimization, the resulting parameter set x∗ has a cost of J(x∗ ) = 0.019. The optimal values of x are shown in Table 1, where P denotes a shift of a whole stand, i.e. applying setup the speed correction Vp,i to stand i when the weld passes stand i (instead of waiting until the weld has passed stand i + 1), as explained in the remark 4.1. Table 1. Parameters at the optimal solution x∗ . where D is the dead-band as defined in (5). The formulation of the cost of tensions is based on the following observations: (1) excessive tension stress deviations in a short time interval are much worse than small ones in a longer time interval (2) the longer the time when the tension stress is outside the ±γtens % boundary, the higher the risk of a strip break or a strip pinching The first postulate is translated by applying a quadratic function to tdev f i . The second postulate is translated by integrating the quadratic function of tdev f i with respect to time. The excessive tension stress deviation term of the cost function is therefore expressed as: 5 Z tN X dev 2 Ttot (x) = tf i (x, t) dt (14) i=1 0 The total cost function The off-gauge term and the excessive tension stress deviation term are weighted to their value when the current control system is applied to the model. J(x) = wOG VOG (x) + wTens Ttot (x) 1 1 (15) where wOG = 2VOG (0) and wTens = 2Ttot (0) are weighting functions for the off-gauge and tension variations respectively. This implies that the weighting functions are chosen i RLi [s−1 ] τi [s] [s] tadv,V i tadv,g [s] 5 1 0.99 1.5 0.52 + P 0.08 2 0.95 1.13 0.34 + P 0.23 3 0.26 1.5 0.53 + P 0.72 4 0.23 1.06 5 0.20 1.11 0.20 + P 0.48 5.2 Off-Gauge reduction The decrease in the cost function value mainly stems from the decrease in the off-gauge volume term wOG VOG . This corresponds with the simulated response of the normalized h5 deviations, which is shown in Figure 6. The responses in this figure are the results of the complete model simulation in closed-loop, where the solid grey line is the response with x = 0 and the dashed line with x = x∗ . Although the peak of the dashed line at t = 23.5[s] is higher than the peak of the grey solid line, the resulting off-gauge volume is much smaller. The smaller h5 deviation around t = 23[s] is mainly caused by the smaller tadv,g value, i.e. the response of the gap 1 of stand one is advanced in time. This optimized setting leads to a smaller h1 deviation, which eventually results in a smaller h5 deviation. 7 The cost functional J is a nonsmooth functional of the decision variables x. SQP uses derivatives of J, which do not exist for every x. Nevertheless, SQP appeared to work well enough to minimize J and therefore, a dedicated optimization method for nonsmooth functions was not used. 8550 Preprints of the 18th IFAC World Congress Milano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011 5.4 Robustness test The inherent hardness changes of the incoming strip and changes in lubrication conditions (due to e.g. temperature effects and varying oil percentage in emulsion) imply that the control strategy must be robust to these variations. Furthermore, the rolling model is not 100% perfect which also motivates a robustness analysis. The uncertainties considered are forward slip variation of ±20% for each stand and variation in the coefficient of friction of strip B equal to µrobust = µB + α(µB − µA ), where α ∈ {−2, 2}. B The worst-case performance that was obtained using these bounds is J(x) = 0.35. The responses are therefore still significantly better than without the new control strategy, but their figures are omitted for brevity. 6. CONCLUSIONS Fig. 6. h5 deviation: Original (grey solid) and Optimized (black dashed). The design procedure has revealed that by relatively minor modifications of the existing controller, the amount of offgauge and tension variations is reduced, even if variation of the friction and slip parameters is taken into account. It serves as an illustration of optimal controller design based on an economic objectives, which can have several other applications in the steel industry. The optimization routine has come up with the solution that distributes the tension error more evenly over strips A and B by anticipating on the tension increase, fully exploiting the range of acceptable tension variations of ±γtens %. This strategy is useful for strip transitions in other processes as well, such as continuous annealing and pickling lines. In the near future the optimized parameters are to be implemented on the actual mill. REFERENCES Fig. 7. Normalized tension stress ts1 deviation: Original (grey solid) and Optimized (black dashed) . 5.3 Tension deviations The decrease in the tension stress deviations is illustrated by Figure 7, which is the normalized ts1 deviation. Observe that the peak of the dashed line at t = 10[s] is significantly lower than the solid line. The peaks of the tension stress deviations of the other stands (not shown) are also significantly lower. The lower peaks lead to the lower value of the excessive tension stress deviation term. The main cause of the improvement in tension response is that the gap action of stand 2, S2setup is earlier than in the original controller configuration. This brings ts1 to a lower value, before it is increased by the strip characteristic transitions as the weld passes stand 2. Given that the transition in Vp2 also increases ts1 , by shifting its starting time the ts1 peak becomes lower. The new strategy lowers the tension level before the weld arrives, i.e. at t = 9[s] in Figure 7. This shows that the new strategy distributes the tension error more evenly over strips A and B by anticipating on the tension increase at t = 10[s], fully exploiting the range of acceptable tension variations of ±γtens %. Bryant, G. F. and Osborn, R. (1973) In Automation of tandem mills. G. F. Bryant (ed.), London: The Iron and Steel Institute. Hosford, W.F. and Cadell, R.M. (2006) Chapter 5 Constraints in Nonlinear Optimization. Optimization in Systems and Control., Delft: Delft University of Technology. 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