Curriculum vitae NAVDEEP SINGH DHILLON, PH.D. 77 Massachusetts Ave, 35-134, Cambridge, MA 02139 | (510) 229-7819 | 67 Grove Street, Apt 34, Arlington, MA 02474 | EDUCATION Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering 2012 University of California, Berkeley Areas: Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics, MEMS & Nano, Minor in Physics Dissertation Title: “Micro-Columnated Loop Heat Pipe: The Future of Electronic Substrates” M.S. in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley Thesis: “Coherent Porous Silicon Wick for a MEMS Loop Heat Pipe” 2012 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering 2006 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Thesis: “Coupled Electro-Thermal-Phase Change Modeling of a Chalcogenide Switch” B.Tech. in Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India 2004 PROFES SIONAL APPOINTMENTS Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Mechanical Engineering Postdoctoral Research Associate Shapiro Postdoctoral Fellow 2013 – Present 2012 – 2013 PUB LICATIONS Refereed Journal Articles Navdeep S. Dhillon, Jacopo Buongiorno, Kripa K. Varanasi, “Critical heat flux maxima during boiling crisis on textured surfaces", Nature Communications 6, 8247, September 2015. Navdeep S. Dhillon, Albert P. Pisano, “Enabling two-phase microfluidic thermal transport systems using a novel thermal-flux degassing and fluid charging approach", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Volume 24, Issue 3, March 2014. Manuscripts in Submission Navdeep S. Dhillon, Albert P. Pisano, “Liquid evaporation and meniscus dynamics in a microscale loop heat pipe”, Submitted to Journal of Applied Physics Christopher J. Love, Navdeep S. Dhillon, Kripa K. Varanasi, “Laser-textured micro and nano surface features for boiling heat transfer enhancement”, Submitted to Applied Materials & Interfaces NA VDEEP SINGH DHILLON, PH.D. PA GE 2 Manuscripts in Preparation Navdeep S. Dhillon, Jacopo Buongiorno, Kripa K. Varanasi, “Effect of texture on growth and departure of bubbles”, Submitting to Physical Review Letters Navdeep S. Dhillon, Jacopo Buongiorno, Kripa K. Varanasi, “Effect of surface texture on the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient”, Submitting to Langmuir Navdeep S. Dhillon, Albert P. Pisano, “Parasitic heat flow and other thermal considerations in a microscale loop heat pipe”, Submitting to International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Refereed Conference Papers Navdeep S. Dhillon, Chris Hogue, Matthew W. Chan, Jim C. Cheng, Albert P. Pisano, “Integrating Coherent Porous Silicon as a Wicking Structure in the MEMS Based Fabrication of a Vertically Wicking Micro-Columnated Loop Heat Pipe", Proc. ASME IMECE 2011, Denver, doi:10.1115/IMECE2011-64676, Oral presentation by Navdeep S. Dhillon. Navdeep S. Dhillon, Jim C. Cheng, Albert P. Pisano, “Minimizing the Wick Thickness in a Planar Microscale Loop Heat Pipe Using Efficient Thermodynamic Design", Proc. ASME IMECE 2011, Denver, doi:10.1115/IMECE2011-64698, Oral presentation by Navdeep S. Dhillon. Navdeep S. Dhillon, Jim C. Cheng, Albert P. Pisano, “Device Packaging Techniques for Implementing a Novel Thermal Flux Method for Fluid Degassing and Charging of a Planar Microscale Loop Heat Pipe", Proc. ASME IMECE 2011, Denver, doi:10.1115/IMECE201164944, Oral presentation by Navdeep S. Dhillon. Navdeep S. Dhillon, Jim C. Cheng, Albert P. Pisano, “Heat Transfer Due to Microscale Thin Film Evaporation From the Steady State Meniscus in a Coherent Porous Silicon Based Micro Columnated Wicking Structure", Proc. ASME IMECE 2011, Denver, doi:10.1115/IMECE201165057, Oral presentation by Navdeep S. Dhillon. Navdeep S. Dhillon, Christopher Hogue, Matthew A. Hopcroft, Albert P. Pisano, “MLHP - A High Heat Flux Localized Cooling Technology for Electronic Substrates", Proc. ASME IMECE 2008, Boston, doi:10.1115/IMECE2008-66993, Oral presentation by Navdeep S. Dhillon. Navdeep S. Dhillon, Jayathi Y. Murthy, “Coupled Electro-Thermal-Phase Change Modeling of a Chalcogenide Switch", Proc. ASME IMECE 2006, Chicago, doi:10.1115/IMECE2006-13950, Oral presentation by Jayathi Y. Murthy. Non-refereed Conference Papers Navdeep S. Dhillon, Matthew W. Chan, Jim C. Cheng, Albert P. Pisano, “Noninvasive Hermetic Sealing of Degassed Liquid Inside a Microfluidic Device Based on Induction Heating", Proc. PowerMEMS 2011 Conference, Seoul, South Korea, Oral presentation by Navdeep S. Dhillon. Navdeep S. Dhillon, Christopher Hogue, Jim C. Cheng, Albert P. Pisano, “Experimental Investigation of Thin-Film Evaporation in an Open-Loop Columnated Micro-Evaporator", Proc. PowerMEMS 2011 Conference, Seoul, South Korea, Oral presentation by Navdeep S. Dhillon. Navdeep S. Dhillon, Christopher Hogue, Matthew A. Hopcroft, Albert P. Pisano, “Geometric Control of the Fluid-Transport Meniscus in a Passive Phase-Change Microfluidic Electronics Cooling Device", Proc. PowerMEMS 2011 Conference, Leuven, Belgium, Oral presentation by Navdeep S. Dhillon. Patents NA VDEEP SINGH DHILLON, PH.D. PA GE 3 Navdeep S. Dhillon, Jacopo Buongiorno, Kripa K. Varanasi, “Surface textures and methods for enhancing and controlling critical heat flux in boiling on surfaces", Provisional filed on July 01 2015. AWARDS AND HONORS Shapiro Postdoctoral Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Best Presentation, Microfluidic 2011 symposium, ASME IMECE Fellowship, Summer Institute for Preparing Future Faculty, UC Berkeley Ross Fellowship, Purdue University, West Lafayette Institute Silver medal, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 2012 2011 2011 2004 2004 ADDITIONAL CONFERENCE TALKS “Observation of bubble dynamics and the mechanism of the boiling crisis on textured hydrophilic surfaces”, InterPACK & ICNMM conference, San Francisco, Jul 2015 “Evaporation and liquid-vapor interface dynamics in an ultra-thin MEMS loop heat pipe”, InterPACK & ICNMM conference, San Francisco, Jul 2015 “Effect of surface micro-texture on bubble dynamics and boiling critical heat flux”, APS 67th Annual DFD Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2014 “Surface wetting and bubble dynamics of dielectric fluids boiling in high electric fields”, APS 67th Annual DFD Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 2014 “An Experimental Study Determining the Effects of Surface Texturing on Different Aspects of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer”, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, Dec 2013 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Recitation Instructor – Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thermal Fluids Engineering I Spring 2012, Fall 2012 Graduate Student Instructor – University of California, Berkeley Electronic Techniques for Engineering Spring 2010, Summer 2010 Parametric and Optimal Design of MEMS Spring 2010 Introductory Physics Summer 2010 Experimentation and Measurement Fall 2007 Teaching Assistant – Purdue University Fluid Mechanics Heat and Mass Transfer Fall 2004 Spring 2005 RES EARCH EXPERIENCE Postdoctoral Researcher – Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2012 – Present Developed micro and nano surface textures for boiling applications using cleanroom microfabrication and laser rastering techniques. Executed boiling experiments to investigate critical heat flux (CHF) and heat transfer coefficient (HTC) enhancement on textured surfaces and formulated predictive theoretical models. NA VDEEP SINGH DHILLON, PH.D. PA GE 4 Designed and constructed a sophisticated pool boiling facility for high-speed optical and thermal visualization of boiling processes. Graduate Research Assistant – University of California, Berkeley 2006 – 2012 Conceived and constructed microscale loop heat pipes (µLHP) using MEMS microfabrication techniques for high-heat-flux electronics cooling applications. Developed a novel degassing technique for µLHP operation and investigated device evaporation and thermal/flow characteristics using experiments and theoretical/numerical modeling. Graduate Research Assistant – Purdue University 2004 – 2006 Developed a numerical code to model the coupled heat transfer, charge transport, and phase change inside a Nanoscale chalcogenide alloy switch for non-volatile memory applications. S ERVICE TO PROFESSION Reviewed two articles submitted to the journal Scientific Reports (Oct 2015, Feb 2015) Reviewed an article submitted to International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Apr 2015) Reviewed three papers submitted to the InterPACK/ICNMM 2015 conference (Mar 2015) Reviewed two papers submitted to the ASME IMECE 2011 conference (Nov 2011) Co-organized the session ‘Embedded cooling for 3D ICs’ (Session 5-8) at the InterPACK/ICNMM 2015 conference (Jul 2015) Organized Faculty seminar series at UC Berkeley Mechanical Engineering (Fall 2009) MEDIA COVERAGE “Better boiling”, MIT Spotlight, Sep 10, 2015. “Bubble, bubble … boiling on the double”, MIT News, Sep 8, 2015. “MIT study heals dangerous hotspots”, The Chemical Engineer, Sep 10, 2015. “Breakthrough in plant efficiency”, The Engineer, Sep 10, 2015. “New analysis of textured surfaces to improve safety and efficiency of power plants”, World Industrial Reporter, Sep 10, 2015. “Nucléaire : Des chercheurs du MIT réapprennent à faire bouillir de l'eau”, Industrie and Technologies, Sep 10, 2015. “Réinventer l’eau bouillante pour améliorer le rendement des centrales électriques”, Lenergeek, Sep 15, 2015. RELATED PROFES SIONAL SKILLS Extensive experience in leading individual and group research projects and writin g funding proposals and reports: - Assisted Dr. Kripa K. Varanasi (PI) in writing multiple yearly proposals and project reports for Chevron Corp. grant titled “Nano-engineered Surface and Coating Technologies for Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer in Oil & Gas Operations”, 2013-2014 NA VDEEP SINGH DHILLON, PH.D. PA GE 5 - Assisted Dr. Albert P. Pisano (PI) in writing the original grant proposal and yearly project reports for DARPA grant titled “The MicroColumnated Loop Heat Pipe (mLHP): The future of electronic substrates”, 2007-2011 Extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of cleanroom microfabrication techniques such as photolithography, film deposition, etching, packaging, and characterization. Experienced in building sophisticated experimental setups employing mechanical, electrical, and instrument control components. Proficient in the use of optical, infrared, and SEM imaging techniques. Knowledge and experience in the use of scientific numerical and CFD packages such as Matlab, Igor Pro, ImageJ, Comsol, OpenFOAM, etc. LANGUAGES English Hindi Punjabi German/French Fluent speaker, Excellent reading and writing skills Fluent speaker, Good reading and writing skills Native speaker, Excellent reading and writing skills Can read with dictionary MEMB ERS HIPS American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Physical Society (APS) Materials Research Society (MRS) GRADUATE COURS EWORK Thermal: Advanced Thermodynamics, Intermediate Heat Transfer, Convection of Heat and Mass, Micro-Nano Scale Energy Transfer Processes, Nano scale Thermal Transport, Heat Transfer in Electronic Systems, Laser Processing and Diagnostics. Fluids: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics, Intermediate Fluid Mechanics, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Microscale Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Methods in Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, Electrodynamics in Continuous Media. Physics: Advanced Math for Engineers and Physicists, Electromagnetism and Optics, Statistical Thermal Physics, Solid State Physics, Quantum Mechanics. MEMS/Nano: Introduction to MEMS, Microfabrication Technology, Introduction to MEMS Design, MicroElectro-Mechanical systems, Introduction to Nano Science and Engineering, Nano Fabrication. Electronics: Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, Solid State Devices, Charge Transport in Semiconductors