UVic Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ELEC 300 – Linear Circuits II Spring 2013 Instructor: Tom Tiedje Tel: 250-721-8611 E-mail: engrdean@uvic.ca Office Hours: Monday, Thursday 5:00-6:00pm EOW 248 (please knock) Look for me in my office anytime, make an appointment with Michelle if I am not in. Put “ELEC 300” in subject line of email messages. Lectures: A01 / CRN 20361, A02 / CRN 23293 Monday and Thursday 10:00-11:20am ECS 116 Labs: TBA Required Text: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (5th or 4th ed) Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N. O. Sadiku McGraw-Hill, 2013 or 2009 Grading: Assignments: Labs Mid-term 1 Mid-term 2 Final 14% 18% 15% 15% 38% 8 assignments Jan. 28, 2012 March 4, 2012 Failure to complete all laboratory requirements will result in a grade of N being awarded for the course. Due dates for assignments: 4:30 pm one week after each assignment is handed out. 10% /day reduction in grade for late assignments Course Outline: 1. AC Circuit Analysis - Review phasors - Impedance and admittance - Node and mesh analysis - Op Amp Circuits 2. AC Power - Power factor - Complex power - Three phase circuits - Wye-Delta connections - Transformers 3. Frequency Response - Transfer function - Bode plots - Passive Filters - Active filters 4. Laplace Transform - Poles - Circuit analysis - Transfer functions 5. Two-Port Networks - Impedance parameters - Hybrid parameters References: Engineering Circuit Analysis, (7th ed) W.H. Hayt, Jr., J.E. Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin McGraw-Hill, 2007 Electric Circuit Analysis, (3rd ed) David E. Johnson, Johnny R. Johnson, John L. Hilburn and Peter D. Scott Wiley, 1999 Introduction to Electric Circuits, (8th ed) Herbert W. Jackson Oxford, 2008 Commitment to Inclusivity and Diversity The University of Victoria is committed to promoting, providing and protecting a positive, supportive and safe learning and working environment for all its members. Standards of Professional Behaviour You are advised to read the Faculty of Engineering document Standards for Professional Behaviour at http://www.engr.uvic.ca/policy/professionalbehaviour.php which contains important information regarding conduct in courses, labs, and in the general use of facilities. Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic fraud are taken very seriously by both the University and the Department. You should consult http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2010/FACS/UnIn/UARe/PoAcI.html for the UVic policy on academic integrity.