MV12 MV12 Vacuum Vacuum Circuit Circuit Breaker Breaker UP TO 31.5KA FAULT CURRENT UP TO 2500A CONTINUOUS CURRENT UP TO 75KV BIL IMPULSE WITHSTAND LEVEL LONG LIFE VACUUM INTERRUPTORS LOW MAINTENANCE MAGNETIC ACTUATOR MECHANISM SAFETY INTERLOCKS AND LOCKING FACILITIES ARE STANDARD SUITABLE FOR AUTO-RECLOSE DUTY STANDARD FEEDER EARTHING THROUGH CIRCUIT BREAKER OPTIONAL BUSBAR EARTHING THROUGH EARTHING TRUCK OPTIONAL FIXED OR ISOLATABLE FUSED, BUSBAR OR FEEDER VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER DESIGNED FOR MINIMUM COST OF OWNERSHIP FM35831 Medelec Switchgear Ltd. Manufacturers and suppliers of Medium Voltage Switchgear, Sub-stations and Electrical Equipment MV12 Vacuum Circuit Breaker The MV12 is the latest metalclad circuit breaker switchgear from Medelec Switchgear Limited. It has a continuous current rating of up to 2500A and a fault level rating of 31.5kA for 3 seconds. The fixed housing contains the busbars, current transformers, protection and instrumentation. Fixed or isolatable voltage transformers can be attached to either cable connections or the busbars to give a full range of measurement and metering capability. Feeder earthing is achieved by circuit breaker transfer. The moving portion, which is removable for system maintenance or testing, contains the vacuum interrupters and magnetic actuator. The circuit breaker is isolated from the fixed housing by horizontal movement of the truck. Final positioning of the truck is by means of a racking screw, which ensures easy insertion and security in service. PROVEN TECHNOLOGY Vacuum interruption is established as the predominant technology for current interruption at distribution voltages. It requires smaller contact movement and less mechanical energy than other methods. This minimises stresses on the equipment, and therefore helps to maximise longevity and reliability. The equipment is designed to meet the required impulse levels (up to 75kVp) through sophisticated component design. This simplifies assembly and installation, maximising reliability. Medelec has supplied high quality synthetic moulded insulation components of the type used in MV12 to industrial and power utility users over many years. MAGNETIC ACTUATOR AND ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER The vacuum interrupters are opened and closed by means of a magnetic latched actuator, incorporating mechanical safety interlocks and a manual tripping mechanism. The actuator is electronically controlled to provide optimum opening and closing responses. The energy for operation is stored electrically in a capacitor. MV12 Vacuum Circuit Breaker BUILT-IN SAFETY ADAPTABILITY TO USER NEEDS Operator and equipment safety are key features of the MV12. Mechanical interlocks ensure that users follow the correct procedures. The flexibility of the MV12 design allows it to be customised to meet the needs of individual users. Such interlocks ensure that the circuit breaker trucks cannot be removed or replaced with the circuit breakers closed ensuring current is not made or broken by truck movement. When the moving portion is removed, padlockable earthed metal safety shutters automatically cover the live fixed primary contacts to protect personnel. The MV12 is designed with a number of compartments, segregated by metal sheets, to ensure that any faults that may occur are contained. Vacuum technology gives a very rapid interruption of fault current and virtually instantaneous recovery of dielectric strength. This makes the MV12 ideal for fast auto-reclose duty and for breaking faults with high frequency transients. INSTALLATION SIMPLICITY The cable box, which gives easy access to cable termination, and the straightforward method of connecting units ensures that installation and extension of switchboards is as trouble free as possible. The low energy of mechanical shocks in operation result in lighter foundation requirements. With the moving portion removed, high voltage cable testing and current injection can be carried out using test bushings inserted into the unit primary connections. CIRCUIT BREAKER COMPARTMENT CABLE COMPARTMENT MV12 Vacuum Circuit Breaker ASSURED QUALITY Medelec Switchgear Ltd. follows ISO9001:2008 approved quality system. The MV12 is manufactured to IEC 62271. Vacuum interrupters are sealed for life, minimising the need for manual intervention and thus the possibility of human error. Careful selection of materials in the operating mechanisms minimises wear and maximises service life. The use of specially selected zinc coated steels, and hard, corrosion resistant polyester paint minimises corrosion and further reduces long term ownership costs. MV12 Vacuum Circuit Breaker DESIGN LAYOUT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rated Current 800A Fault Rating Lightning Impulse Rated Frequency General 1250A 2000A (2500A with forced ventilation). Up to 31.5 kA/3s 75kV 50Hz Busbar Rating 1250A or 2500A IP Rating IP4X IEC60529 Standards IEC 62271 Power Cables Cable Termination Up to 2x3-core or 6x1-core Bottom or Top Entry Control Cables Fixed Portion 345kg Circuit Breaker 17kg Height Width Feeder Unit Width Bus Section Depth Up to 3x3-core or 12x1-core Typical Unit Weights 400kg 180kg 515kg 300kg 1980mm Dimensions 1980mm 1980mm 630mm 630mm 920mm 930mm 930mm 1380mm 1900mm 1900mm 1900mm MV12 Vacuum Circuit Breaker MEDELEC SWITCHGEAR LTD Head Office: BLB033 Bulebel Industrial Estate, Zejtun ZTN 3000, PO Box 20 Paola, PLA 1001, Malta. Tel.: (+356) 21693750, 21693753 Fax.: (+356) 21693754 e-mail: Libya Office: Madaris El Funun W Assanaqa, Building 82, Flat 9, 1st September Street, Tripoli, Libya. Tel. & Fax.: (+218) 21 4444050 July 2010