Volume 53, Number 1, 2012 69 Allocation of Static VAR Compensator in western Algerian Network F. BENZERGUA, N. KHALFALAH, A. CHAKER, J.L. MARTINEZ RAMOS, J. RIQUELME and A. MARANO Abstract: Due to the ever increasing load demand and reduced transmission rights, modern power transmission systems are forced to carry increasingly more power over long distances. Consequently, the transmission system becomes more stressed. Advances in power electronics and control technology, concretely the thyristor-controlled Static VAR Compensator (SVC), have introduced powerful tools to power utilities and System Operators (SO) in order to guarantee an adequate power transfer capability. This paper presents a based approach to determine optimal placement of Static VAR compensator (SVC) for voltage security enhancement, the proposed method has been applied to the Algerian distribution system. The SVC placement problem considers both, practical operation constraints of SVC, and the bound constraints on voltages which minimizes the system losses. A sensitivity-based analysis method is used to select the candidate buses for the installation of the SVC’s. SVC is integrated into FDLF program. More specifically the problem of low voltage profile in Western Algerian system is investigated with respect of the dynamic voltage margins. Keywords: Optimal power flow, Sensitivity analysis, Voltage control, Optimal SVC allocation. 1. INTRODUCTION The trend, which appears in the development of modern transmission systems, is the more intensive utilization of existing networks. Moreover, a new situation appears in distribution systems as is the spreading of distributed generation due to renewable energies employment. That provides a new aspect that the conventional analytical or control methods do not necessarily face conveniently. As a result, it is important to reconsider voltage and reactive power control in distribution systems [3]. In addition to this, due to deregulation and restructuring of the electric power industry arises the need to transport large blocks of energy among the different system areas through some defined corridors. Furthermore, the voltage profile of some remote buses needs to be kept within a pre-specified range. These reasons justify the installation of modern devices, such as SVC, into power systems. Static VAR compensators (SVC) are devices that control the reactive power injection at a bus using power electronics switching components [4]. Those SVC devices can be used to improve the performance of the electric power system providing reactive support, helping to control the voltage profile of the network, getting as a result a better power factor [9] and power system damping. The problem of VAR sources planning has received considerable attention in recent years, where different optimization methods have been used to solve the problem. Conventionally, the optimal operation of the power system networks has been based on economic criterion. However, recent concerns about power quality have forced power engineers to incorporate other criteria such as improving the system voltage profile, the transmission loss minimization etc. Generally, the transmission power losses cause a diminution of revenue due to increased generation capacity requirement. Optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) and incorporation of FACTS devices are some of the applications used in modern energy management. They are used to minimize total system transmission loss and improve voltage profile. Although earlier attempts to address this problem were made in the sixties, it is not until the eighties when more rigorous approaches can be found [5]. The work reported in [1] constitutes the reference frame from the point of view of classical optimization methods, like mixed-integer linear programming. More recently, several AI-related techniques, such as genetic algorithms [3], simulated annealing [6], Fuzzy tabu search [7], differential evolution [2], and hand hybrid method, have been explored. In this paper a heuristic technique based on sensitivities is used to determine the location and size of the VAR sources to be installed. The article consists of the following parts: Initially, an introduction to deregulation and restructuring of the electric power industry was made. Following, the problem is formulated showing how the Manuscript received February 5, 2012. © 2012 – Mediamira Science Publisher. All rights reserved. 70 ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA SVCs are used as active elements to retain the voltages magnitudes in allowable values for different loads levels. In Section 3 it is proposed the calculation of sensitivity factors and how to use them to select adequate locations for SVCs in order to regulate voltages. Later the needed steps to incorporate these factors into the electrical system are detailed. Finally, the method is applied to the problem of low voltage profile in the western Algerian transmission and subtransmission system (220/60 kV). The results are discussed and compared with the ones obtained using an OPF method. 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION The SVC placement problem considered in this paper is to determine the locations, number and sizes of SVC to be installed in the Algerian electrical distribution system. The objective is aimed to retain the voltage magnitudes of the system within their prescribed maximum and minimum allowable values for different loads levels. The Static Var Compensator (SVC) equipment is composed of capacitors, thyristors and inductances. There are two ways for modelling these devices. The first model considers SVC as variable impedance, which is adapted automatically to achieve the voltage control. This is called the passive model and its main disadvantage is the changing of nodal admittance matrix whenever there is a variation in the operation conditions of the power grid. The second model, called active model, represents SVC as a nodal reactive power injection. This is the model used in this work. The injected reactive power at bus i is Qsvc . Sensitivity factors are used to determine at which nodes additional SVC will have greatest effect in controlling the voltage limits and the size of those necessary SVC. 3. SOLUTION METHODOLOGY AND ALGORITHM OF THE PROPOSED METHOD The proposed optimal SVC placement method uses sensitivity factors to rank the feeder nodes in order to control the system voltages and reduce the power losses. The voltages along the feeder buses are required to remain within upper and lower limits (typically, within 5% of the rated feeder voltage) prior to, or after, the addition of the SVC on the feeder. Sensitivity factors are evaluated at each node every time a change occurs in the feeder, such as the addition of the SVC. The nodes are ranked in descending order of the values of their sensitivity factors. The top ranked nodes in the priority list are the first to be considered for adding new SVC. For the next iteration, the sensitivity factors are recalculated and the nodes are again ranked with the modification described in the previous paragraph. The nodes that have been selected for SVC addition during previous iterations occupy the highest positions in the priority list. However, in these algorithms, once a node has been selected and a SVC device has been placed, a load flow is performed to ensure that no voltage constraints have been violated. In the proposed method, an ideal candidate node for SVC placement will be selected based on both, the reactive power losses and voltage sensitivity. Thus, the likelihood of voltage violations accruing after the installation of the SVC is reduced [8]. Each node voltage magnitude is checked against its upper and lower limits. If a node voltage is not within limits, the particular alternative is rejected. If no constraint violation occurs the peak power loss, total energy loss, and released SVC are computed [9]. The proposed algorithm is summarized by the following steps: 1. Perform the load flow program to calculate bus voltages using the fast decoupled method. 2. Compute the sensitivity factors. 3. On the first iteration, arrange the nodes in a priority list in descending order of the value of their sensitivity factors. 4. Identify the candidate location as the bus with largest sensitivity factor. 5. In the next iterations, place the nodes with permanent SVC additions at the top of the list, and the remainder ones in descending order of their sensitivity factors. 6. Add Qsvc at bus k and perform a load flow to find new bus voltages. Exit if there is no voltage violation, otherwise go to step (1). Terminate the procedure when the maximum number of SVC additions has been allocated, or if no better solution can be found. 4. NUMERICAL RESULTS The assumption being tested is that the largest sensitivity coefficients indicate the buses at which reactive power injection is more effective in order to control the voltage limits. The purpose of the tests is not to study the economy of the reactive power injection. But, it may happen that the required Qsvc injection at a bus to take the bus voltage inside the acceptable range is also useful to minimize the system losses. The proposed method has been applied to the western Algerian transmission/ subtransmission system 220/60 kV (fig.1). Its main data and operational limits are summarized in table 1 and 2. This system has 64 load and 4 generator buses. Table 1. Main data of the Western Algerian system Load buses Generator buses Lines Transformers Shunt capacitors 64 4 78 12 5 71 Volume 53, Number 1, 2012 2 36 15 42 39 38 20 1 3 16 17 28 37 40 41 26 27 29 31 32 47 55 14 30 35 6 56 7 45 46 34 33 22 44 13 Morocco interconnection 52 53 11 25 51 48 67 49 54 50 12 61 63 68 66 64 43 21 62 60 65 59 18 19 24 23 4 5 10 9 8 57 58 Fig. 1. Algerian 220/60 KV transmission/ sub-transmission system. Table 2. Limits of control variables and bus voltages Magnitude 220 KV level 60KV level Taps (20steps) QShunt (2 steps) Q1g Q9g Q23g Q36g Lower 0.99 0.95 0.9 0 -250 Mvar -90 Mvar -15 Mvar -20 Mvar Upper 1.11 1.10 1.1 10 Mvar 500 Mvar 180 Mvar 35 Mvar 36 Mvar The inequality constraints for optimal Static VAR Compensator placement are the quality of service considerations and equipment limitations based on company’s experiences. Voltage magnitude constraints are expressed as: Vi,min Vi Vi,max Where | Vi ,min | and | Vi ,max | are the acceptable voltage magnitude limits at bus i. The adopted maximum and minimum tolerance have been defined in such a way that the allowed voltage interval is reduced to 0.95 <Vi <1.1 pu for all buses I. A large value of | Vmin | and | Vmax | indicates that one or more of the system buses has a voltage magnitude outside the desired limits, table 3. FDLF method is employed both, during the line search process and is updating the state before the next iteration. Table 3 shows the buses whose voltage is initially bellow the lower limit. Table 3. Buses with voltage violation Bus Vi 46 68 60 67 53 45 35 0.81281 0.82320 0.83915 0.87646 0.93768 0.94168 0.94690 Vi 0.137 0.127 0.111 0.074 0.012 0.008 0.003 After the calculation of the sensitivities, the recommendations at this step consist of introducing a SVC of 20 Mvar at bus 46. This first action could correct the voltages of buses 45 and 46.On the other hand, the voltage at bus 60 has not changed and buses 53, 60, 67 and 68 still remain out of limits but with a lower voltage violation, as shown in table 4. Table 4. Buses with voltage violation after the first iteration Bus Vi 68 60 67 53 35 0.82438 0.83915 0.87754 0.94088 0.94702 Vi 0.12562 0.11085 0.07246 0.00912 0.00298 New sensitivities are calculated for each bus and tested according the proposed algorithm. As a result, a new SVC located at bus 68 is needed, being the required reactive injection of 10 MVAR. This correction eliminated the bound violation from bus 68 and improved the voltage of bus 67, but it 72 ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA was not enough to eliminate the bound violation in this bus, as shown in table 5. Table 5. Buses with voltage violation after the second iteration Vi 0.1105 0.0463 0.0098 0.0031 Description The third correction obtained after running the algorithm is to place an SVC of 20 Mvar at bus 60. This injection eliminates all violations, remaining now all the bus voltages inside their feasible bounds. The active power losses in this state are 23.62 MW. The evolution of the active power losses is shown in table 6. 27.16 23.10 24.00 24.10 25.10 23.9 --14.94 11.63 11.26 7.58 12.0 Table 6. Evolution of total active losses Initial It 1 It 2 It 3 27.16 24.72 24.72 23.9 Reduction (MW) 2.17 2.44 3.26 Reduction (%) 7.98 8.98 12 Losses (MW) It should be noticed that after each voltage correction the active power generated by the slack generator (bus 1) decreased, which justifies that the voltage correction in the network decreases the active power losses as well. To compare the results obtained with the proposed algorithm two conventional OPF have been used. The first one (denoted by the subindex 1) has as objective function the minimization of the system losses, while the other one (denoted by the subindex 2) has as objective function the minimization of the reactive power injection. In both cases, two possibilities were taken into account, let the PV bus voltages free ( OPF1 and OPF2 ), or fix their values to a scheduled set-point obtained from a previous optimization ( OPF1 and OPF2 ), table 7. Table 7. Optimization results BUS OPF1 (Mvar) OPF1’(Mvar) OPF2 (Mvar) OPF2’ (Mvar) Sensitivity based solution (Mvar) 46 12.2 17.5 8.6 9.0 20 53 9.9 10.1 1.8 2.3 - 60 23.0 22.2 14.7 19.3 20 67 4.9 6.6 1.7 1.8 - 68 7.4 9.2 3.7 3.8 10 In all cases it can be observed that the use of SVC increases the system loadability, table 8. The results of OPF2 and OPF2 establish to add 5 SVC with a total reactive power of 30.5 Mvar and 36.2 Mvar respectively, located in the same buses than the previous OPF. In this case there is a fewer active power losses reduction, being of 11.26% and 7.58%, respectively. Base case OPF1 OPF1’ OPF2 OPF2’ Proposed method 5 SVCs 5 SVCs 5 SVCs 5 SVCs 3 SVCs The total reactive power injected (Mvar) Table 8. Comparison of system’s active power losses (Propsed method vs OPF) Number of VAR sources Added 0.8395 0.9037 0.9402 0.9469 % Loss reduction Vi 60 67 53 35 PL (MW) Bus The results of OPF1 and OPF1 show that the placement of 5 SVC with a total reactive power of 57.4 Mvar and 65.6 Mvar respectively, located in the buses 46,53,60,67 and 68, are sufficient to avoid the bus voltage violations and reduce the losses at about 14.94% and 11.63, respectively. 57.4 65.6 30.5 36.2 50 The proposed sensitivity algorithm determines the placement of 3 SVC, with 50 Mvar of total reactive power, located in the buses 46, 60 and 68. In this case, the active power losses decrease about the 12%. The results show that both, the proposed method and an OPF, give good results to avoid voltage violation, but the proposed sensitivity-based algorithm minimizes at the same time the number of SVC to be installed, this becomes an important aspect if the installation costs are taken into account. 5. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have proposed a sensitivity based solution methodology to determine the optimal locations of SVC devices, their number and size. The SVC devices should be placed on the most sensitive buses. With the loss sensitivity indices computed for each bus. The effectiveness of the sensitivity method to solve the combinatorial optimization problem of SVC placement has been demonstrated through the numerical examples. Results show the impact that the use of SVC devices has in transmission losses of real networks. Taking into account the obtained results, the following can be stated: The use of SVC devices helps to improve the voltage profile of the system. Including SVC devices reduce the system’s active power losses. An important advantage of the proposed method compared with the OPF is that it allows checking the changes caused in the system by each modification. Volume 53, Number 1, 2012 The proposed methodology is easy to implement and the control of the magnitudes can be determined after each action decision. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. M.E. Baran and F.F. Wu, Optimal capacitor placement on radial distribution Systems, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery. 4 (1989) 725-734. Ji-Pyng Chiou, Chung-Fu Chang, Ching-Tzong Su, Ant direction hybrid differential evolution for solving large capacitor placement problems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 19 (2004) 1794 – 1800. D. Das, Reactive power compensation for radial distribution networks using genetic algorithm, Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 24 (2002) 573-581. Delfanti. M, Granelli. G.P, Marannino. P, Montagna. 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Walid Hubbi, Takashi Hiyama, Placement of Static VAR Compensators to minimize power system losses, Electrical power systems research. 47 (1998) 95-99. 73 Prof. Fadela BENZERGUA Prof. Naima KHALFALAH Prof. Abdelkader CHAKER Laboratory SCAMRE Department of Electrical Engineering ENSET Oran, Algeria E-mail: benz_fad@yahoo.fr Prof. José Luis MARTINEZ RAMOS Prof. Jésus Manuel RIQUELME SANTOS Prof. Alejandro MARANO MARCOLINI Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Universidad de Sevilla, Spain Fadela BENZERGUA is a professor in the University Sience and technologies USTO, Oran, Algeria. She received a doctorate in science degree in electrical networks then university habilitation from the University of USTO, Oran. Member of the “SCAMRE” laboratory. Her search activities include the control of large power systems, FACTS devices and wind farm energy. Naima KHALFALLAH is a professor in the department of electrical engineering at the ENSET, Oran, Algeria. She received a Master degree in Electrotechnics from the ENSET. She prepares a doctoral thesis in metaheuristics methods applied to the electrical networks. Member of the “SCAMRE” laboratory. Abdelkader CHAKER is a professor in the department of electrical engineering of the ENSET, in Oran, Algeria. He received a Ph.D degree in engineering systems from the university of SaintPetersbug. Director of “SCAMRE” laboratory. His search activities include the control of large power systems, multiconverter systems and unified power flow controller. His teaching includes neural process control and real time simulation of power systems.