Application of Static VAR Compensation on the Southern California Edison System to Improve Transmission System Capacity and Address Voltage Stability Issues Part 1. Planning, Design and Performance Criteria Considerations Janet Kowalski, Southern California Edison Ivars Vancers, Mark Reynolds, Heinz Tyll, Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc. Abstract: This paper describes the planning, specification and design of the 500 kV Static Var System (SVS) installed on the Southern California Edison network at Devers Substation. The Devers SVS includes a static var compensator (SVC) a form of flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) technology and a controlled mechanically-switched shunt capacitor bank. The Devers SVS project is one of several planned projects to increase power imports into the Los Angeles basin from generation sources east of the Colorado River (EOR). A follow-up paper is planned which will present the construction and final commissioning of the Devers SVS at project completion expected in September 2006. I. [1]. Increased import and export conditions as studied by the California Independent System Operators (CAISO) and Southern California Edison (SCE) in the Southwest Transmission Expansion Planning (STEP) process highlighted the need for additional dynamic var support at several SCE Network locations. The Static Var System (SVS) at the Devers 500 kV substation was the first in a planned series of SVC additions necessary for the reliable operation of the SCE Transmission Network, while maintaining a strong import/export flexibility to proved rate payer benefits by allowing time of day and seasonal diversity energy purchases and exchanges. [2] INTRODUCTION Deregulation of electric utility industry in North America has resulted in several new generation interconnections. However, due to the uncertainty of cost recovery and environmental concerns, very little has been done in the area of transmission. Most of this new generation is located away from major load centers. The major load centers in the southern California Los Angeles (Greater Metropolitan area) have a high concentration of induction motor arrangements and prime movers, that support critical air conditioning loads and are heavily dependent on local generation and or dynamic compensation to provide the necessary reactive support. The existing fleet of local generation presently serving the native load customers is slowly being replaced by the new generation located remotely from the load. The major portion of the real power into the load center has to be supplied from outside the area through heavily loaded long transmission lines. These combined impacts are the primary reasons voltage instability problems occur at the major load centers 1­4244­0178­X/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE Based on planning studies jointly conducted by CAISO and SCE increased imports primarily from the Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station in Arizona were limited by potential voltage stability problems. The studies identified several 500 kV, 230 kV and 115 kV interconnections at the Devers and Valley substations in the SCE system with transient voltages outside the bounds of the WECC criteria for N-1 contingency simulations. Comprehensive voltage stability studies were performed for this area of the SCE transmission system and various reinforcement options were evaluated. Based on technical, economical and reliability factors, a Static VAR System (SVS) comprised of a Static VAR Compensator (SVC) and Mechanically switched shunt capacitor bank (MSC) was selected as the preferred solution. 451 PSCE 2006 II. PLANNING STUDY METHODOLOGY AND CRITERIA USED II. STUDY RESULTS TABLE 1: HASSAYAMPA – NORTH GILA OUTAGE (WITHOUT DYNAMIC REACTIVE ADDITIONS) A. System Performance Criteria In order to compare various alternative solutions a standard set of performance criteria was established. This dynamic performance criterion was based on the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) reliability criteria [3]. This criterion considered three main factors: 1) Voltage Dip 2) Duration of the voltage dip, and 3) Post Transient Voltage recovery level. The voltage dip criteria required that the voltage at any bus should not dip below 30% for more than 20 cycles. For post transient voltage level criteria, the buses with voltage below 0.92 p.u. at the end of dynamic simulation were flagged. The primary objective of the dynamic study was to come up with a solution which would eliminate all violations on the buses in the areas studied for all system disturbances analyzed. Substation/Bus High Desert/115 kV Devers/500 kV Valley Substation/115 Initial Voltage/Post Voltage pu 0.978/0.972 1.035/0.812 1.000/0.805 B. Load Models For dynamic voltage stability assessment a load model was assumed for the SCE Network that properly captured the effect of higher levels of induction motor load. For the study the default case of 20 % was increased to 50 % for this area. This higher percentage was based on the summer peak loading caused by air conditioners. Sensitivity studies were made with induction motor loading as high as 80 % ; However the results at 50 % distribution was judged to provide an adequate representation of the motor connected load. C. Dynamic Performance Sensitivities Sensitivity studies were performed on the 20062008 peak and off peak models to evaluate the relative impacts of varying system load, generation, and inertia and transfer levels on dynamic support requirements. This was done to get an understanding of the severity of the contingencies and identify the most critical contingency from a dynamic standpoint. This worst case scenario was identified to be a three phase fault and tripping of the Hassayampa- North Gila 500 kV line under off peak conditions with high East of River (EOR) flows. Fig 1/1A: Transient voltages in the SCE Network for the loss of the Hassayampa-N. Gila 500 kV line. (Simulation does not include any dynamic reactive additions) A typical simulation result is plotted in Figure 4 showing voltage swings outside the WECC criteria bounding for several critical buses at both Devers and Valley substations. Table 1 shows the maximum impact of the most critical study cases. A summary of the different solutions considered is provided in Table 2. 452 TABLE 2: PROPOSED (SOLUTIONS TO THE DYNAMIC PROBLEM) Solution SVC SVC STATCOM Series Capacitors Size 600 MVAR on Devers 500 kV bus 400 Mvar at Devers 500 kV and 200 Mvar on Valley 115 kV bus ±600 MVAR at Devers 500kV bus Increase compensation on the Devers-Palo Verde 500 kV line Figure 3: V/I characteristic of Devers SVC (note the reactive contribution from the MSC is additive to the capacitive part of this characteristic) A comprehensive functional specification was developed for a Static Var System with continuous operating range of 440 Mvar capacitive to 110 Mvar inductive at the Devers 525 kV operating voltage. This specified characteristic provided the primary basis for the solicitation and technical evaluation of bid proposals from the major SVC suppliers. Fig 2: Plot comparing No Reactive Support (a) (red), STATCOM (b) (green) , SVC (c) (blue) All of the solutions proposed in Table 2 corrected the transient voltages at the Devers-Valley area buses to levels within the WECC criteria bounds (see Figure 2). The initial solution selected was the installation of 400 Mvar SVC at the Devers Substation 500 kV bus and two 100 Mvar SVCs on the Valley Substation split 115 kV buses. Though the dynamic study simulations did not identify a need for a net inductive output the inductive range was extended to 110 Mvars for improved steady-state voltage regulation for all system conditions. An option for continuous or vernier controlled reactive output was selected to provide flexibility and smooth voltage regulation of the Devers Substation 500 kV bus which is a critical location in the SCE system. The Devers Substation is located about 125 miles east of Los Angeles near Palm Springs, California. The original system selected from the over twenty proposed configurations featured 3 – 110 Mvar Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC), 2 -110 Mvar Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR) and 2- 55 Mvar Filter branches connected to the SVC transformer secondary bus and a 110 Mechanically Switched Capacitor (MSC) bank on the 500 kV bus. The third TSC branch was initially provided as a spare branch to meet the high availability requirements for the system. An optional equipment upgrade of this configuration would allow the short time use of the spare TSC branch to increase the SVC capacitive dynamic range to 440 Mvar. An increase in the MSC bank size from 110 Mvar to 165 Mvar resulted in a SVS with a short-term capacitive output of 605 Mvar. Follow-up simulations have confirmed that this increase in dynamic range defers the requirement for additional compensation on the Valley Substation 115 kV system beyond the planning study timeframe. The basic characteristic V-I curve specified (without the added MSC branch) is shown in Figure 3. Please note that the V/I characteristic for the secondary side (LV) of the SVC are shown in Figure 5 after the One-Line configuration. 453 IV. SVS DESIGN Based on the study results and in conjunction with SCE SVS design Specifications, the contract to design and construct the Devers Static Var System was awarded on a turnkey basis to Siemens PT&D. 3AC60Hz525kV STF2 165 Mvar VMS C C MSC LMS CF2 C LF2 SN = 330MVA, uk = 11 % 3AC60Hz 17.3kV LTC1 R2 LTS1 LTS 2 C V1 V 1 V2 R C V 2 V3 R CTS 1 LTC1 R2 CTS 3 C C LF1 CF1 V3 R CTS 2 C LTC2 R2 LTS 3 C LTC2 R2 Figure 5: TCR1 TSC1 TSC2 TSC3 TCR2 STF1 V/I-characteristic of the SVC at the LV-side of the SVC-transformer Figure 4. Devers SVS Simplified One Line B. MSC design The arrangement of the SVS is shown in the simplified single line diagram in figure 4. It includes SVC and a mechanically- switched capacitor (MSC) bank connected to the HV bus. The Mechanically Switched Capacitor MSC branch of the SVS was designed to be pre-installed as a stand alone manually switched shunt capacitor bank to provide temporary var support before completion of the final system. In the final installation, the switching of the 525 kV, 165 Mvar shunt capacitor bank will be integrated into the control algorithm of the SVC. A 500 kV SF6 circuit breaker functions to both switch and protect the MSC equipment. A. SVC design The nominal voltage of the secondary busbar of the SVC was optimized to 17.3 kV. The 17.3 kV bus is connected to the HV system via the SVC transformer rated continuously for 330 MVA with a short-term (1 hour) overload capability of 440 MVA. For the SVC output, three TSCs together with two filter branches provide the total capacitive output. For the Devers static var system, the inclusion of a MSC branch offered several advantages. The most obvious is the increase in capacitive output from 440 to 605 Mvars without additional transformation capacity, power electronics and the associated cooling requirements. Voltage stability simulations have shown that the MSC branch can effectively extend the dynamic range of the SVC when switched within 8 cycles after initial fault event. This is well within the typical circuit breaker 2-3 cycle closing time. Other advantages include the reduction of operating losses and the ability to provide partial dynamic compensation even if SVC equipment is not available as long as the control system is functional. The major disadvantage is the additional discharge time required between successive energizations. The fixed filter branches are designed to provide the required capacitive power at 60 Hz and are tuned to limit the harmonic voltage distortion at the point of common coupling (PCC) to within IEEE 519 guidelines. Voltage distortion typically dominant in the 5th and 7th harmonics can result from the variation of the TCR firing angles. The secondary voltage V-I characteristic can be shown below in figure 5. This V/I characteristic are the basis for the determination of the secondary side connected components. 454 The final arrangement of the MSC is shown in the simplified single line diagram in figure 4. The nominal voltage of the HV busbar is 525 kV (1.0 p.u.). The MSC tuning reactor is located in series with the grounded side of the capacitor and protected by an associated arrester for lightning and switching surges. The MSC was tuned to the 5th harmonic so as to effectively reduce ambient network harmonic voltages. x The bus voltage is below the defined steady state operating range and above the under voltage control block level. x The SVC steady-state output exceeds 165 Mvar capacitive for a defined time period. The MSC branch will be switched off when SVC output is at its full inductive limit (-110 Mvar) for a defined time period. The Devers SVS control also features a reactive output or Q-Mode which has been modified to limit the steady-state output to predetermined levels [5, 6]. This will maintain a “dynamic reserve” by resetting the voltage reference to allow other equipment to be switched in regulate the system voltage or make up var deficits. B TSC protection The philosophy behind control based protection in an SVC, for the most part, is to protect the thyristor valves in the TSCs. Thyristor protection is based on the maximum off-state voltage across the thyristor valves and the maximum on-state current for which the thyristor is designed. These quantities are a function of the physical make-up of the thyristor and the operating junction temperature. For transient over currents such as those associated with misfiring, maximum thyristor junction temperature under which the valve can safely block becomes an important consideration in addition to the over current value itself. Other operating parameters like di/dt and dv/dt that play an important role in determining the rating and transient withstand capability of the thyristor are accounted for in the design of the thyristor valves and control equipment. Figure 6 Shows the various reactive branch MVA contributions during the operation of the SVC (without showing the additional 165 MVAR MSC contribution) V. CONTROL AND PROTECTION A. SVS Control Strategy The primary control mode of the Devers Static Var System is the regulation of the 500 kV bus voltage by either supplying or absorbing reactive power. This is accomplished by coordinating the firing angle of the reactor branch thyristors and the electronic switching of the capacitor branches. Figure 5 shows the operating and transition points for each reactive exchange level through the -110 to +440 MVAR SVC operating range (without the MSC). It is important to note the hysteresis between operating levels which ensures smooth transitions and eliminates the possibility of undefined operating points. 1). Over-voltage protection The over-voltage strategy employed for TSC legs is usually the quickest protection for blocking the valves during overvoltages. Only the SVC coupling transformer high side voltages are monitored. For higher and sustained over-voltages, the strategy is to trip the SVC. TSC capacitor banks and the thyristor valves. The TSC valve together with the associated MOV arrestor is configured to block all significant and sustained overvoltage conditions. The MSC branch will be switched on during the following conditions 455 2) permitted for a second misfire within a predetermined time period. Under-voltage protection Transformer energization and geomagnetically induced currents can cause harmonic inrush which might induce the control system to initiate false protection. So, proper signal processing and filtering of the voltage and current signals is done before they are seen by the control system. Usually, notch filters added at the 2nd, 3rd 5th, 6th, and 7th harmonics filter the voltage and current signals. The most commonly used strategy for dealing with under voltage conditions is to block firing of TSC valves because the valves do not have sufficient forward voltage to safely turn on [6,7]. In addition, blocking the TSC valves prevents the occurrence of large transients that would occur if the voltage happens to recover at that instant. The stability controller (the gain-supervision control or the deadband control) is also usually blocked during the under voltage condition. After the system voltage recovers, the stability controller is deblocked after a suitable time delay. 3) In order to accomplish the junction temperature misfiring protection mentioned above, a thermal replica is also incorporated in the SVC control system which evaluates the thyristor valve junction temperature. The thermal replica takes into account the hot-spot effects and junction switching losses. Based on the differential resistance of the thyristor wafer (which is a function of time) and based on the thyristor currents in each phase, the thermal loss in each phase is computed. Over-current protection Transient over-currents caused by valve misfiring and thyristor junction heating caused by increased switching and conduction losses at maximum continuous current are the two main concerns while developing the strategy for controlbased TSC over-current protection. A misfire event combined with maximum valve blocking voltage (under worst system over voltage) with a precondition of maximum steady state junction temperature caused the most severe stresses to the valve. When the thyristor valve current exceeds an over-current threshold (usually around 4 p.u. rated current), a misfire is assumed to have occurred. The misfire over-current protection strategy is then decided by the particular application. From these losses and from the junction to case and case to heat sink thermal resistances, the temperature rise due to junction heating is computed in the thermal replica for each phase and current direction. Using this temperature rise and the ambient temperature of the coolant, the junction temperature, each worst case thyristor level can be identified, and the tripping point can be determined. If the junction temperature as computed by the thermal replica to be over 120 degrees C, then TSC valve pulse blocking is disabled because thyristors lose blocking capability. If however, protective firing occurs, an SVC trip is simultaneously initiated. In any case, if the junction temperature exceeds 148 degrees C, an instantaneous SVC trip is issued. If it is desired that the SVC survive a misfire and still be available, then the thyristor valves have to be, in effect, designed to withstand the stresses of a second misfire. In such a situation, the corresponding TSC valve is blocked for a period of time (usually around 0. 5 seconds). Misfire detection is then disabled for a quarter of a cycle to avoid retriggering due to the second half-wave of the 4th harmonic misfire current. If a second misfire is then detected, a block inhibit signal is sent to the valves, triggering the valves continuously and then tripping the SVC because the valves may have lost their blocking capability. 4). Miscellaneous TSC protection Valve base electronics (VBE) also are tasked to perform other important protective duties. The grading circuit, or snubber circuit, consisting of resistances and capacitors, ensures uniform voltage across thyristor pairs and provides a shunt for transient over voltages. Break-over diodes (BODs) are incorporated into each thyristor, to provide overvoltage protection of the valves if the voltage exceeds the thyristor breakover voltage. This BODs function could be external, as in electrically triggered thyristors, or incorporated into the thyristor wafer as in the case of direct light triggered (LTT) thyristors as applied to this Project. If, on the other hand, the misfire protection philosophy is to ride through only one misfire, the TSC valves are usually continuously fired followed by an SVC trip. This prevents thyristor valve blocking following the high current condition. The Devers substation SVC is specified to experience one misfire without tripping. Tripping is 456 D. The VBE also monitors the voltage across each thyristor pair; when a block is issued, the VBE determines the number of thyristor pairs supporting forward voltage. After a delay, if a sufficient number of levels indicate that they are not supporting forward voltage, the TSC is preventively fired and the SVC is tripped. When the monitored anode-cathode voltage in the thyristor valves is greater than a voltage threshold (usually 10 – 50 V), the forward thyristors are fired. When the monitored anode-cathode voltage is less than the reverse pair threshold (usually between -10 and -50 V), the reverse pair is fired. Fire latches are usually set for longer than 180 degrees. Additionally, an interlock is provided which prevents fire latches being set if the forward voltage of the respective string exceeds a safe value. The VBE transmit data back to the control system regularly, whether the thyristor pair is energized or not. This allows detection of gate circuit faults prior to energization. If failure to deblock is detected (failure to detect current in a deblocked state), the TSC thyristors are protectively blocked. If failure to block condition is detected (detection of current when in blocking state), the TSC thyristors are protectively fired and the SVC tripped. TCR protection 1) TCR Valves and Reactors The TCR valve is equipped with integrated BOD protection on each thyristor. This results in a minimum valve protection level of 60 kV when the valve is not conducting. During conduction period, the current surges will be applied across the reactor. Each reactor is designed with an insulation level of 150 kV terminal to terminal and terminal to ground. This assures a straightforward main-circuit protection arrangement with the minimum of complexity. Design simulations were made to complete the protection arrangement adequacy. In Figure 7 below the effect of trapped charges and worst case conditions are demonstrated after a worst case fault sequence. 6000 5.21 kA [A] 4000 2000 The valves in the TSC branches are protected by MOV arresters. The VR-arrester (valve and reactor) is connected across the TSC valve and the reactor. A V-arrester (valve) is connected across the TSC valve. The arrestors are coordinated together with the minimum blocking voltage capability to ensure that BOD valve firing will not occur. 0 -2000 -4000 -6000 0.00 0.05 0.10 (file DCODE_01.pl4; x-var t) c:TCR1RS-TCRI1R Another important protective control employed in TSCs is current supervision. This function supervises correlation between thyristor pulses and thyristor main current and is used to detect major faults. Capacitor bank current is calculated from the low-side voltage and TSC susceptance. This value is compared to the measured TSC branch current. If the difference in the two is more than a certain threshold value for more than a time period, an SVC trip is issued. Transient events like transformer energization may cause this protection to malfunction. Harmonic distortion of the voltage and current waveform during ac network events may cause the TSC to extinguish when normally the current is expected to be at a maximum level. If this condition persists for an extended period of time, the TSC current supervision control may incorrectly trip the SVC. However, this condition was tested and it was verified that the control system did not incorrectly trip the SVCs. 0.15 c:TCR1ST-TCRI1S 0.20 0.25 [s] 0.30 c:TCR1TR-TCRI1T Figure 7 Shows the trapped current levels after a three phase fault (at the worst possible set of conditions) 2) DC Trapped Current on a TCR Valve The TCR valves will be stressed with a DC trapped current when a three phase system fault occurs at the peak of one TCR current. Different cases of 3-phase faults have been regarded. The highest stresses occur during a fault sequence starting with inductive operation with both TCR and without the MSC in operation at increased system voltage of 1.1 pu followed by the 3-phase fault and fault clearing. Only little damping is present due to the high quality factor (X/R = 250) of the TCR branches. Depending on the time of fault clearing an additional peak in thyristor current will occur [7,8].Clearing the fault after about 90 ms the TCR current reaches a peak value of approximately 5.21 kA. 457 E. MSC protection Anticipated completion of total project including the SVC branch is mid-September 2006. The MSC protection is based on standard Shunt Capacitor protection philosophy, configured with a main and back-up protection arrangement. The next SVC will be installed and commissioned on the SCE system at the 230 kV Rector substation in the Northern Region of SCE’s Network system near Visalia, California. The continuous output range of this SVC is +200 Mvar capacitive to -120 Mvar inductive. Completion of the Rector substation SVC is anticipated to be in service mid June 2007. The power circuit breaker used for this MSC was protected by PCB failure protection, along with two coordinated and overlapping differential protection arrangements. This protection was further coordinated with the 500 kV bus differential protection scheme REFERENCES The capacitor bank is protected first by timeovercurrent relays, phase unbalance detection, and time-overcurrent overload protection for the series connected air-core reactors. The reactor protection scheme is essentially based on the temperature rise characteristics of the reactor coils. [1] C.W.Taylor, Power System Voltage Stability, McGraw-Hill Inc, 1992 [2] I. Green , CAISO Grid Planning, “Dynamic Stability Analysis for the Short-Term Upgrades of the STEP Project,, July 2004. [3] WECC Reliability Criteria Document, Voltage Performance Parameters. [4] I. Green , CAISO Grid Planning, “Dynamic Stability Sensitivities for the Short-Term Upgrades of the STEP Project,, September 2004 [5] D. Dickmander, B. Thorvaldsson, G. Stromberg, D. Osborn, et al, “Control System Design and Performance Verification for the Chester, Maine Static VAr Compensator,” IEEE Power Engineering Society, Summer Meeting 1991 [6] H. Tyll, K. Leowald, F. Labrenz, D. Mader, “Special Features of the Control System of the Brushy Hill SVC,” CEA HVDC and SVC control committee, Power System Planning and Operating Section, March 1989. [7] S.R.. Chano et al., “Static VAr Compensator Protection,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 10, No. 3, July 1995. [8] G. Thamm, H. Tyll, “A closer look at thyristors in SVC applications”, Energy and Automation Vol X No 1, 1989 All of these protection setpoints are calculated and arranged so that any temporary overvoltage stresses on the capacitors are coordinated within the inherent overvoltage vs. time limit ratings determined by the capacitor unit supplier. VI. CONTROL AND PROTECTION SUMMARY In addition to voltage control and reactive power control, the control system of the SVC plays an important role in the protection of the various SVC components. The control based protection schemes employed in the SVCs augment the conventional protective relays. As part of the SVC commissioning, the real-time simulator tests proved to be particularly helpful in studying and understanding the control and protection systems of the SVC. AUTHORS: VII. CONCLUSION Janet Kowalski is a Senior Engineer in the Apparatus Engineering Department at Southern California Edison Company, Rosemead, California, USA (e-mail: Ivars Vancers is with Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Wendell, North Carolina (e-mail: Mark Reynolds is with Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Lake Oswego, Oregon ( Heinz Tyll is with Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution AG, Erlangen, Germany ( Based on system studies performed by SCE and selected consultants, it was recommended to install a Static Var System in SCE Devers substation located near Palm Springs, California. The primary purpose of Static Var System was to address dynamic voltage stability issues and increase import capability from generation sources east of the Colorado River (EOR). It will also provide steady-state voltage regulation of the Devers Substation 500 kV bus during the extremes of load and import conditions. The MSC portion of the Devers SVS was commissioned into service by July of 2005. 458