Abena Vac Instruction Manual

Abena Vac
Instruction Manual
International Version
User Guide
Outside Vacuum Machine with inside Sealing Bar Type S02 (Art.
(Translated Extract from the original German Language Version)
Abena a/s
Egelund 35
6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18
Fax: +45 74 31 18 17
THEOcare Hygiene GmbH
Buchenallee 3
51427 Bensberg
Phone: +49 2204 30 67 650
Fax: +49 2204 30 67 659
Email: inko@theocare.de
Version: August 2014
Managing Directors: Klaus Heinrichs
Claus J. Metzner
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
This Instruction Manual describes the Base Model of Abena Vac S02, branded as
Abena Vac, as well as referring special models of Original Equipment Manufacturers.
Certificate of Conformity for Machines
according to Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
The Manufacturer
THEOcare Hygiene GmbH
Buchenallee 3
51427 Bergisch Gladbach
declares and certifies that the Vacuum Machine Abena Vac Model S02, Abena
Vac, is in conformity with the above mentioned directive.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Chapter / Subject
Description of the Vacuum Machine
Assembling of the Vacuum Machine
Information on the Vacuum Bags
Insertion of the Vacuum Bag
Keypad - Options Part 1
Expert - Options Part 2
Change of Hygiene Filter
Customer Service
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Important Information on Abena Vac
Please read the following information and instruction for Abena Vac carefully.
This vacuum machine is only supposed to be used for the vacuumization of
regular incontinence waste. Children and handicapped people should not use
Abena Vac, when being unattended.
Do not vacuumize liquid content which is unbound within the bag. Make sure
that you only vacuumize incontinence waste with sufficient super absorber
inside. Insufficient content of super absorber in incontinence material may
cause the very humid or wet inco content to ferment and to develop gas inside
the vacuumized bag, which can reduce the effect of volume reduction.
Refrain from vacuumizing content with pointed or sharp edges and tips. The
bag may be damaged and become leaky.
Please take care to store the bags safely in a place without hooks or pointed
surfaces. As they are subject to be vacuumized, the bags are sensitive even for
small damages and leaks.
If some of the vacuumized waste bags become soft after a strong vacuum, this
effect does not have to be unusual. It may be caused by hidden air inside the
incontinence waste, which is released after the vacuum. This effect is not to be
confused with bags, that have gained substantial gas volume after vacuumization, which is caused by fermentation due to unbound liquidity.
The manufacturer is not liable for damages or malfunctions, caused by nonobservance of handling information to the vacuum machine Abena Vac.
Abena Vac Type S02 Description
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
The picture shows the standard equipment of the vacuum machine
Abena Vac.
In the upper part you see the control panel with main switch and the keypad.
Below you can see the vacuum chamber with sealing bar. Beneath the vacuum
chamber you see the technical compartment on a rollable chassis. There is an
optional and additional support plate available for small bags.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Assembling of the Vacuum Machine
Please use the following steps when assembling the vacuum machine:
1. Unpack both shipping boxes.
No. 1 (heavy box) contains the tech compartment
No. 2 contains the chassis, reels, support plate, vacuum chamber
2. Plug the reels into the chassis, using the grey protection rings. Take care
that the reels with a stop pedal are subject to be installed at the wide
ends (front). Take the splint pin off the small hole.
3. Place the heavy tech compartment with the bottom side on top of the
chassis. The wide side of the chassis is the front side, corresponding to
the door side of the compartment. The 4 flat pins on top of the chassis
are subject to be plugged into the 4 trenches in the bottom side of the
4. Open the compartment door with the machine key and install the
security splint pin into the small hole in the right rear flat pin.
5. Take out the support plate with the long pins and push them carefully
into the lower holes in the bottom of the compartment through the holes
of the flat pins until they appear on the compartment's reverse side.
Now, twist two of the black star handles onto the pins and fix them with
a strong manual twist.
6. Unpack the vacuum chamber carefully out of the long sub-box. On the
reverse side of the vacuum chamber there are some apertures that are
subject to be double checked and equipped. The middle aperture shows
the connector for the air tube, which is inside the compartment and shall
be led out of the upper central hole below the control panel.
7. Insert and twist the
two bolts into the
outer screw threads
on the reverse side
of the vacuum
chamber. Install the
bolt side with the
flat recesses on
chamber's side and
fix the pins with a
fork spanner size 10
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
8. Insert the two contact pins into the two inner apertures with the outlets
or insert these contact pins into the corresponding outlets below the
control panel.
9. Now, you can push the vacuum chamber with
the long bolts into the upper holes of the
compartment. When there is a 5 cm distance
left between the chamber and the compartment, stop pushing and insert the
transparent air tube (end is inside the
compartment) into the connector with the
blue ring and push the chamber firmly
towards the compartment, while whatching
the contact pins moving into their
corresponding outlets.
10. Take the two star handles and twist them
firmly onto the pins at the reverse side, until
everything is fixed.
11. Finally, double check the sealing bar inside of the vacuum chamber. In
the front part of the vacuum chamber you see the sealing bar, which is
supposed to be even or let-in flush with the border of the chamber.
12. Plug the AC cable connector into
the outlet at the right side of the
machine and the big round jack
into the electric outlet in your wall.
13. The assembling of Abena Vac is
finnished. The machine is ready
for use now.
The Abena Vac construction and assembling will take about 15 minutes. You
will not need any tools for the assembling, even though a fork spanner size 10
is recommended in order fix the screw bolts durably in the chamber. All tech
connections are pluggable or screwable.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Information on the Vacuum Bags
The major purpose of Abena Vac is to suck the air which is in your vacuum
bags (incontinence disposal bags) through the vacuum chamber with the aim
to create a strong vacuum in the bag. In order to achieve this vacuum, where
the main part of the bag is placed outside the vacuum chamber, special
vacuum bags are required.
These special Abena Vac vacuum bags consist of double layer films PE/PA
80/20µ, which have an espacially prepared and rough surface inside. The
double layer film combination makes sure that the vacuum is going to be stable
and durable.
With Abena Vac, you will not be able to use standard PE disposal bags for
sucking and vacuumization. It is recommended not to try the use of regular
disposal bags, as this may cause strong damages to the vacuum machine.
You should fill these Abena Vac vacuum bags almost completely to the top in
order to achieve an optimum in vacuumization. Partly or incompletely filled
bags may cause disfunctions while attempting to create a vacuum.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Insertion of Vacuum Bag!
Slip the open side of the bag
under the clips.
Even the surface of the bag
over the sealing bar carefully
w/o cuttlings and double
check the position of the bag.
Close the cover of the vacuum
chamber by firmly pressing
the one-hand-catch down until
it locks under the lateral pins.
Finally, press the
The vacuum bag is now being
sucked and sealed automatically.
This process may take about 1-2 minutes until the machine stops. Release the
catch, open the cover and take out your compressed and sealed bag.
If you do not use the machine for some time, it is recommended to switch off
the machine at the illuminated main switch.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Abena Vac Keypad - Options
Part 1:
The keypad is your medium to make changes to the process programming of
vacuumization and sealing. Usually, the standard parameters have already
been set by manufacturer for the different types of bags and material.
In addition, your keypad with the LCD display is able to provide important
process information.
The big START key is supposed to be your normal key to start the process of
vacuumization. Usually, this is the only key for personel using the machine.
Supplementary, housekeeping service and technical personel should refer to
additional expert options for programming and service.
While processing, the display shows the current pressure status inside the bag
in "bar". When the programmed target pressure inside has been reached, the
display starts blinking, which indicates the initialization of the sealing and
cooling process in the chamber, counting down.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Press OK to show
program parameter defaults:
0.40 5 7
information on the active
E.g. the display shows:
The first line shows the active program. In the second line you see the
following information (from left to right):
Target Pressure for the Bag (bar)
Max. Duration of Vacuumization in Minutes
Sealing Time in Seconds
Cooling Time in Seconds
In the example, the bag is being vacuumized until 0,40 bar is being reached,
with a maximum time shift of 5 minutes, followed by 7 seconds of sealing und
another 10 seconds of cooling.
The maximum time shift has been applied in order to avoid false sealings due
to malfunctions or errors, e.g. because of leaky bags or open clamps.
There are several reasons for malfunctions or errors:
Leaky Bags
Positioning of Vacuum Bag is not even, but with cuttlings and folds
Rubber Sealing in Vacuum Chamber is positioned incorrectly
A click on the right arrow button provides release information to the software in line 1 and provides details on the last vacuumization process, such as
time of duration in decimal figures.
E.g., 1.26 means, the last process took 1 minutes and 26 seconds. If you see
an exclamation mark (!) at the end of line 2, the last process was finished by
time maximum, w/o meeting the target pressure.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Pressing the lower arrow button for 3+ seconds, you will be led to a Setup
Menu with further details. Just activate the desired menu item by clicking OK.
Each other arrow button will return to the menu.
Operating Time
Consecutive Counter for Processing Time
O: Total Operating Time in Days (d)
P: Total Operating Time in Hours (h)
S: Total Operating Time in Minutes (m)
Proc. cycles
Consecutive Counter for Vacuumization Processes
Number of Total Processes
Number of Processes since last Change of Filter
Number of Faults since last Reset of Error Counter,
independent from Change of Filter
Error Counter
Reset of Error Counter
In Line 1 you see the number of errors.
By pressing OK key, this number is being reset to zero. Each other arrow
button will return to the menu.
Change Filter
Reset of Filter Counter (after Change of Filter)
In Line 1 you see the number of processes since last change of filter.
By pressing OK key, this number is being reset to zero. Each other arrow
button will return to the menu.
End Setup
Ends Setup-Menu and goes back to operating mode.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Part 2:
Abena Vac Expert - Options
Switch the machine ON (main switch
is illuminated) and have a look at the
Insert bag
Press Start
Press both, the left and upper arrow
button simultaneously for 3+ Sec. to
be led to the Expert Setup Menu with
additional options.
Choose between the following Menu
Select program
Change program
Operating time
Proc. cycles
Error counter
Change filter
Set Language
Process Test
End Setup
Choose the Menu Option by using the
arrow button and OK. Same
procedure with
>Select program<
sub menus.
Change program
Return or OK will let you return to
the menu.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Select Program
Select one of five pre-defined programs for vacuumization. The first position is
pre-defined by manufacturer with standard parameters for vacuum bags. There
are four additional user specific programs that can be pre-defined individually
for certain applications. Select your desired program in this menu.
1. Standard
Double Layer Bags PE/PA with 70/20µ, goffered
2. User 1
individually programmable in pressure and
3. User 2
individually programmable in pressure and
4. User 3
individually programmable in pressure and
5. User 4
individually programmable in pressure and
The program currently activated is tagged with x.
Change program
This Menu Option allows you to change the parameters of each of these
programs. Select the program that you want to modify with the arrow buttons
and press OK. You will see the following sub menu:
Max. pump
Each parameter can be changed by using the arrow buttons (left/right).
But, all programs are individually programmable with your specific parameters.
However, this part of the programming is extremely critical for the effect of the
vacuumization process and should only be used by experts.
Finally, select Save or Cancel. You will return to the menu.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Operating time
You get an overview on time-related
information of the machine:
O: Operating Time in Days
P: Pump Time in Hours
S: Sealing Time in Minutes
1d P:
Press OK
to return to the Menu.
Proc. cycles
You get an overview on process
information of the machine:
Total: Total Number of Processes
... since last Change of Filter
Number of Errors
M: 13 F:
Press OK
to return to the Menu.
Error Counter
You get an overview on errors. Press
OK to reset the error counter to zero.
Reset? -
Use Arrow Button/left
to return to the Menu.
Change Filter
Press OK to confirm change of filter.
changed? - OK
Use Arrow Button/left
to return to the Menu.
Set Language
Select your User Language:
English, German or French.
Press Return to return to the Menu.
Process Test
Start a test run with the configured
End Setup
Return to the operating mode.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Change of Hygiene Filter
You have received THEOcare's Service Kit with Hygiene Filter Cartridge.
In order to change the Hygiene Filter (recommended after appr. 1000 sucking
processes), follow these steps:
Open the tech compartment by using the machine key. In the left upper part
inside the compartment you see the Hygiene Filter in a blue container with a
transparent cup and a filter cartridge inside. In order to avoid infections, we
recommend to wear rubber gloves while changing filter cartridge. Twist off the
transparent cup and replace the used Filter Cartridge with the new one that
you received from THEOcare for exchange. Please watch out that the big
O-ring seal on top of the cartridge (see picture) is going to be exchanged. The
new cartridge comes along with a new joint ring. Twist the cup on the filter
container tightly and close the compartment door. Lock it with the machine
Finally, you have to reset the Filter Counter in the Setup-Menu by pressing the
lower arrow button for 3+ seconds. Choose the menu item Change Filter.
In Line 1 you see the number of processes since last change of filter. By
pressing OK key, this number will be reset to zero. Each other arrow button
will return to the menu. Afterwards, please choose End Setup.
The used Hygiene Filter can be
littered on your site.
Congratulations! Service Kit
installation is finished now.
You should order your new Service Kit in time before the next apeal to change.
It will be necessary after another 1000 Cycles, but you will be reminded
automatically after 90% consumption by a displayed message.
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com
Customer Service
In case of problems or questions with Abena Vac, please contact your local
THEOcare Dealer or the manufacturer's Service Center:
THEOcare Hygiene GmbH
Service Center
Postfach 10 01 56
51401 Bergisch Gladbach
+49 2204 30 67 650
+49 2204 30 67 659
Email: inko@theocare.de
Available Vacuum Bags
Standard Bag 100 cm
Short Bag 60 cm
White Bag 100 cm
Abena a/s . Egelund 35 . DK-6200 Aabenraa
Phone: +45 74 31 18 18 . Fax: +45 74 31 18 17 . CVR: 25682742 . www.abena.com