#1 Journal in Primary Care MEDIA KIT 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS MEDIA KIT 2016 #1 JOURNAL IN PRIMARY CARE 1-4 PRINT ADVERTISING RATES, SPECS, AND DISCOUNTS 5-8 PRODUCTION 9-10 ONLINE ADVERTISING 11-13 ADVERTISING POLICIES 14-15 ABOUT US 16-17 CONTACT US back cover To engage physicians, you have to appear in journals they can’t live without. Who We Are American Family Physician (AFP) is the official clinical journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). With more than 120,900 members, the AAFP is one of the largest medical societies and the only society devoted solely to primary care. #1 JOURNAL IN PRIMARY CARE To reach physicians, you have to appear in journals they read. Required Reading AFP isn’t just read—it’s studied. The best-read journal in primary care by nearly every conceivable measurement, AFP focuses on diagnosis and treatment with physician-friendly content that readers can put into practice immediately. And, it offers more CME than all other primary care journals combined. Why Do Physicians Read AFP? n For the latest on diagnosis and treatment of common clinical conditions. n To earn CME credit required by the AAFP, ABFM, AMA, and AOA. n Because the physician-focused editorial content sets it apart from all other traditional medical journals. MEDIA KIT 2016 1 The #1 Media Brand in Primary Care #1 Projected Average Issue Readers, Office-based – Primary Care1 #1 “Essential Journal” in Primary Care (FP/IM)2 #1 Specialty Specific Website Visited Among PCPs3 #1 Projected Average Page Exposures, Office-based – Primary Care1 #1 Ad Page Exposures Office-based – Primary Care1 #1 Online and Offline Source Used for Scientific and Clinical Research Among GP/FM Physicians4 #1 High Readers Office-based – Primary Care1 #1 Scientific or Clinical Resource Accessed Digitally Among GP/FM Physicians4 #1 Scientific or Clinical Resource Accessed in Print Among GP/FM Physicians4 #1 Total Readers Office-based – Primary Care1 #1 Cover-to-Cover Readership Office-based – Primary Care1 1.Kantar Media, June 2015 Medical/Surgical Readership Study 2.The Matalia Group, The Essential Journal Study – Primary Care, January 2015 3.Manhattan Research, Taking the Pulse® U.S. – PCPs - 2015 4.Manhattan Research, Taking the Pulse® U.S. – GP-FM - 2015 2 MEDIA KIT 2016 2014 CME Quiz Returns per Issue 1 Physicians spend serious time with AFP. On average, they spend 2.2 hours reading each issue. And they re-read issues for the journal’s highest rated feature, the CME Quiz. n More than 37,700 AFP quizzes are completed each month— more than 450,000 a year. n AFP offers an average of 4 CME credits per issue— four times more than other journals. n Recipients must read all scientific articles to answer CME quiz questions. n The CME Quiz is the highest rated feature of value in AFP. 2 n More than 1.35 million CME credits were awarded in 2014. n AFP CME is acceptable as AAFP Prescribed credit, AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM, and AOA credit. 3 January 1 16,716 January 15 16,996 February 1 February 15 March 1 March 15 April 1 April 15 May 1 May 15 June 1 June 15 18,709 15,872 18,228 16,594 17,737 17,375 16,793 16,599 17,643 17,006 July 1 16,763* July 15 16,950* August 1 16,307* August 15 16,458* September 1 16,543* 15,745* September 15 October 1 October 15 November 1 15,776* 15,583* 15,802* 14,821* November 15 December 1 December 15 #1 JOURNAL IN PRIMARY CARE AFP Delivers Unparalleled Engagement 14,219* 13,772* Total to date: 394,977 *Completed CME Quiz returns to date. 1. American Academy of Family Physicians, WHO Survey Report, 2015 2. American Academy of Family Physicians, Editorial Survey, 2015 3. Physicians have up to one year after issue date to return quiz cards. Data as of 6/15. MEDIA KIT 2016 3 AFP Delivers Unparalleled Penetration #1 in Coverto-Cover Readership Unmatched Circulation 107% of the family physician universe* Readership by Department3 1 Hard-to-Reach Audiences 8,855 AAFP physician members are on the AMA’s Do Not Contact list Future Market 30,200 medical students** 5,075 Paid Subscribers Includes 1,517 physician assistants and 1,515 nurse practitioners *The “family physician universe” is generally defined as the number of names accessible through the AMA Masterfile. However, there are physicians who request “no promotional mail” and thus become invisible to advertisers. Fortunately, 8,855 of those do-not-contact physicians are AAFP members, and you have exclusive access to them. **Full digital access plus three-month trial print subscription. 2 First Quarter of Journal CME Quiz........................... 96% Table of Contents................. 89% AAFP News: AFP Edition...... 88% Letters to Editor................... 86% Editorials............................ 86% Second Quarter of Journal Cochrane for Clinicians......... 96% Close-ups........................... 87% Graham Center Policy One-Pager............... 74% Third Quarter of Journal Photo Quiz.......................... 97% U.S. Preventive Services Task Force....................... 97% Clinical Evidence Handbook....90% FPIN’s Clinical Inquiries......... 81% Fourth Quarter of Journal Practice Guidelines.............. 98% POEM(s)............................ 96% Point-of-Care Guides............ 94% Putting Prevention Into Practice...................... 93% Curbside Consultation.......... 89% STEPS............................... 88% AFP Journal Club................. 81% 1. American Academy of Family Physicians, Circulation Data on file 2. Kantar Media, June 2015 Medical/Surgical Readership Study 3. American Academy of Family Physicians, Editorial Survey, 2015 4 MEDIA KIT 2016 Full-Run, Run-of-Book Rates Rates Effective January 1, 2016 B&W Rates 1-x 6-x 12-x 18-x 24-x 36-x 48-x 60-x 72-x 84-x 96-x 120-x 144-x 192-x 240-x 288-x 384-x 480-x 1 page $13,410 $13,210 $13,000 $12,870 $12,750 $12,490 $12,070 $12,010 $11,940 $11,870 $11,800 $11,680 $11,540 $11,410 $11,270 $11,140 $11,040 $10,940 2/3 page 10,060 9,910 9,760 9,650 9,560 9,360 9,050 9,010 8,960 8,910 8,850 8,760 8,660 8,550 8,460 8,360 8,280 8,200 1/2 page 9,390 9,250 9,100 9,010 8,930 8,740 8,460 8,410 8,360 8,320 8,260 8,180 8,090 7,990 7,890 7,800 7,730 7,710 1/3 page 6,710 6,610 6,510 6,440 6,380 6,240 6,040 6,010 5,970 5,940 5,910 5,850 5,770 5,710 5,640 5,580 5,520 5,470 Color Charges Covers and Premium Positions Effective: Jan. 1, 2016 n Agency commission: 15% of gross billing for space and color. Subject to withdrawal on accounts not paid within 30 days of invoice date. n Rates subject to change with 90 days notice. Contracts are accepted with the understanding that rates will be guaranteed beyond the last issue closed. n Advertising is sold only at earned published rates. Contracts and insertion orders issued for units at less than published rates are not accepted. n Bleed: No charge Covers and premium positions are sold annually on a contract basis to individual advertisers. Premiums are charged on one page of ad unit when multiple page units are acceptable. n Premium position advertisers cannot be guaranteed more than two pages of separation from a competitor. n Cancellation of less than 60 days written notice will incur a fee equal to the cost of the premium for one month. n Note: Split runs are not available on covers or in positions. n n Color Rates Charge per Color per Page or Fraction Individual process color Matched color Matched color-metallic Three- and four-color process Five-color (four-color process + nonmetallic matched) Six-color (four-color process + two nonmetallic matched) $1,350 $2,090 $2,560 $3,290 $5,380 $7,470 Second cover Third Cover Fourth Cover 50% 10% 70% Premium on b/w space only Premium on b/w space only Premium on b/w space only % Special Positions Opposite table of contents Following newsletter Preceding lead article Consecutive right-hand pages 15% 10% 10% 5% Premium on b/w space only Premium on b/w space only Premium on b/w space only Full or fractional Cover Tips/Outserts Consult publisher for rates and availability. Cancellation policy with letter of agreement: n 60 days or more written notice prior to issue ad close, no charge n 30-60 days prior to issue ad close deadline, 50% of contract rate n 30 days or less prior to issue ad close deadline, 100% of contract rate Full-Run Insert Rates B&W Rates % Covers 1-x 6-x 12-x 18-x 24-x 36-x 48-x 60-x 72-x 84-x 96-x 120-x 144-x 192-x 240-x 288-x 384-x 480-x 2-page $28,700 $28,280 $27,840 $27,550 $27,210 $26,690 $25,830 $25,690 $25,550 $25,400 $25,260 $24,970 $24,690 $24,390 $24,120 $23,830 $23,620 $23,390 4-page 56,590 55,750 54,900 54,340 53,770 52,640 50,930 50,660 50,380 50,090 49,790 49,230 48,680 48,090 47,540 46,970 46,580 46,130 6-page 84,130 82,870 81,610 80,770 79,920 78,240 75,710 75,300 74,890 74,460 74,030 73,200 72,370 71,500 70,670 69,830 69,250 68,570 8-page 112,030 110,360 108,680 107,560 106,440 104,200 100,830 100,280 99,730 99,160 98,580 97,480 96,380 95,220 94,120 93,000 92,220 91,320 Full-Run Insert Specifications A. Availability: All inserts are subject to approval. Sample must be provided for review. B. Acceptance: No BRCs are accepted. Instructions and stock sample must be received six weeks preceding issue date; approval will be granted prior to space closing; inserts must be delivered to the printer two weeks prior to issue date. Variations from standard inserts will be accepted only after prior approval and at the discretion of the publisher. A special charge may be made for handling. n Paper attachment, die cuts, or other effects may not extend to within two inches of any trimmed edge, cover more than 20% of the page area, or result in otherwise undesirable changes in the characteristics of the insert stock. n Short-fold inserts are limited to a maximum of four for each issue. Short-fold inserts are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis upon receipt of a written insertion order. C. Trimming: Ship folded to 8” x 10 3⁄4”. Trim size is 7 3⁄4” x 10 1⁄2”. Trimming of oversize inserts will be charged at cost. Keep live matter at least 3⁄8” away n n PRINT ADVERTISING RATES, SPECS, AND DISCOUNTS Print Advertising Rates, Specifications, and Discounts from trim edges. Book is jogged to foot; head trim is 1⁄8” each side. D. Quantity: Full run is 197,000, which includes spoilage and 1,000 for publisher’s use. E. Outserts: Advertising outserts are accepted upon approval and at the discretion of the publisher. For more information, contact the Advertising Sales Office at (201) 288-4440. MEDIA KIT 2016 5 Split-Run Rates 50% or less of circulation 1-x 6-x 12-x 18-x 24-x 36-x 48-x 60-x 72-x 84-x 96-x 120-x 144-x 192-x 240-x 288-x 384-x 480-x 1-page 1 pg ROB (BW) 1st pg of ROB ad $9,910 $9,790 $9,660 $9,620 $9,590 $9,520 $9,420 $9,400 $9,390 $9,380 $9,370 $9,340 $9,320 $9,290 $9,280 $9,270 $9,250 $9,220 11,550 1-page ROB (4C) 1st pg of ROB ad 12,410 12,260 12,110 12,060 12,020 11,930 11,800 11,780 11,770 11,750 11,740 11,710 11,680 11,650 11,620 11,610 11,580 1-page ROB (BW) part of ROB ad unit 7,800 7,700 7,600 7,580 7,550 7,490 7,410 7,400 7,390 7,380 7,370 7,350 7,330 7,310 7,300 7,290 7,270 7,260 1-page ROB (4C) part of ROB ad unit 10,310 10,170 10,050 10,010 9,960 9,890 9,790 9,780 9,770 9,750 9,740 9,720 9,680 9,660 9,640 9,630 9,610 9,580 1-page ROB (BW) added to insert ad unit 8,630 8,510 8,410 8,380 8,350 8,270 8,190 8,180 8,170 8,160 8,150 8,130 8,110 8,090 8,080 8,070 8,050 8,020 1-page ROB (4C) added to insert ad unit 11,130 10,990 10,860 10,820 10,770 10,690 10,580 10,560 10,550 10,540 10,510 10,490 10,460 10,430 10,420 10,410 10,380 10,350 16,860 2-page insert 18,140 17,900 17,670 17,610 17,550 17,410 17,230 17,210 17,180 17,150 17,130 17,090 17,050 17,000 16,980 16,960 16,920 4-page insert 33,830 33,400 32,980 32,850 32,730 32,470 32,140 32,090 32,040 32,000 31,960 31,880 31,790 31,710 31,670 31,630 31,530 31,450 6-page insert 49,320 48,690 48,080 47,900 47,710 47,340 46,850 46,790 46,720 46,660 46,600 46,470 46,360 46,240 46,160 46,110 45,990 45,860 8-page insert 65,000 64,200 63,390 63,140 62,890 62,400 61,760 61,670 61,590 61,510 61,440 61,270 61,100 60,950 60,860 60,780 60,620 60,460 144-x 51% - 75% of circulation 1-x 6-x 12-x 18-x 24-x 36-x 48-x 60-x 72-x 84-x 96-x 120-x 192-x 240-x 288-x 384-x 480-x 1-page ROB (BW) 1st pg of ROB ad $11,790 $11,650 $11,500 $11,460 $11,420 $11,320 $11,210 $11,190 $11,180 $11,160 $11,150 $11,120 $11,100 $11,060 $11,040 $11,030 $11,000 $10,970 1-page ROB (4C) 1st pg of ROB ad 14,750 14,560 14,370 14,320 14,270 14,160 14,010 13,990 13,980 13,950 13,940 13,900 13,870 13,800 13,780 13,750 13,720 1-page ROB (BW) part of ROB ad unit 9,680 9,560 9,440 9,400 9,370 9,290 9,200 9,190 9,180 9,170 9,150 9,120 9,100 9,080 9,070 9,050 9,030 9,000 1-page ROB (4C) part of ROB ad unit 12,630 12,480 12,320 12,270 12,220 12,120 12,000 11,990 11,970 11,950 11,940 11,910 11,870 11,840 11,830 11,810 11,780 11,750 1-page ROB (BW) added to insert ad unit 10,500 10,380 10,250 10,200 10,170 10,090 9,990 9,960 9,950 9,940 9,930 9,900 9,880 9,850 9,840 9,820 9,800 9,780 1-page ROB (4C) added to insert ad unit 13,460 13,280 13,120 13,080 13,020 12,920 12,790 12,770 12,760 12,740 12,710 12,680 12,650 12,620 12,600 12,580 12,550 12,520 2-page insert 22,170 21,890 21,620 21,530 21,450 21,280 21,070 21,040 21,000 20,970 20,950 20,900 20,840 20,790 20,750 20,730 20,670 20,620 4-page insert 41,770 41,260 40,740 40,580 40,430 40,100 39,690 39,640 39,590 39,530 39,480 39,380 39,270 39,170 39,110 39,070 38,950 38,860 6-page insert 61,140 60,380 59,610 59,380 59,150 58,700 58,080 58,010 57,930 57,860 57,770 57,630 57,470 57,320 57,240 57,170 57,020 56,860 8-page insert 80,760 79,750 78,740 78,440 78,140 77,530 76,730 76,620 76,520 76,420 76,310 76,120 75,910 75,710 75,610 75,510 75,310 75,110 6-x 12-x 48-x 60-x 72-x 84-x 96-x 120-x 144-x 192-x 240-x 288-x 384-x 480-x $12,930 $12,800 $12,700 $12,600 Split runs to full circulation* 18-x 24-x 36-x 1-page ROB (BW) 1st pg of ROB ad $15,770 $15,150 $14,660 $14,540 $14,410 $14,150 1-page ROB (4C) 1st pg of ROB ad 20,050 19,620 19,320 19,200 19,070 18,800 18,400 18,340 18,260 18,200 18,130 18,000 17,870 17,740 17,590 17,460 17,370 1-page ROB (BW) part of ROB ad unit 13,660 13,450 13,380 13,250 13,120 12,860 12,450 12,380 12,320 12,250 12,190 12,050 11,920 11,780 11,650 11,510 11,420 11,310 1-page ROB (4C) part of ROB ad unit 17,930 17,920 17,910 17,890 17,780 17,520 17,110 17,050 16,980 16,920 16,840 16,710 16,580 16,450 16,300 16,170 16,080 15,970 1-page ROB (BW) added to insert ad unit 14,490 14,220 14,070 13,950 13,820 13,550 13,150 13,090 13,020 12,950 12,880 12,750 12,620 12,490 12,340 12,210 12,110 12,010 1-page ROB (4C) added to insert ad unit 18,760 18,740 18,680 18,610 18,480 18,210 17,810 17,750 17,670 17,610 17,540 17,400 17,280 17,140 17,000 16,860 16,780 16,670 2-page insert 30,680 29,760 29,130 28,850 28,560 27,990 27,110 26,980 26,830 26,690 26,540 26,260 25,980 25,680 25,400 25,110 24,920 24,680 4-page insert 58,570 57,100 56,190 55,630 55,050 53,920 52,220 51,940 51,660 51,370 51,080 50,530 49,970 49,380 48,830 48,260 47,860 47,420 6-page insert 86,120 84,090 82,900 82,060 81,220 79,530 77,000 76,590 76,180 75,740 75,320 74,490 73,670 72,790 71,970 71,120 70,530 69,860 8-page insert 114,020 111,430 109,970 108,850 107,730 105,490 102,120 101,570 101,020 100,450 99,860 98,760 97,660 96,500 95,400 94,280 93,500 92,600 Split-Run Print Specifications (Regional or demographic selections) Any regional or demographic selection that generates additional versions of the journal will be considered a split run. Demographic split runs are available at the discretion of the publisher. 6 13,820 1-x A. All split-run/list match insertions must be clearly specified on the insertion order. B. When running two identical split runs in the same issue or an additional split run in the same issue to an identical list match, an individual advertiser may deduct $1,000 from the quoted space rates for the second split run. C. An advertiser may choose to segment a split run (demographically or regionally) $13,740 $13,680 $13,610 $13,540 under the following terms and conditions: Available only for the same product (different indications acceptable); each segment must have ad units of identical size and run in the same position in the book; limited to two segments per split-run unit; the total qualified circulation of the two segments combined will determine which pricing category to apply; total cost is determined by adding $3,000 to the split-run rate. A maximum MEDIA KIT 2016 $13,470 $13,340 $13,210 $13,080 of three segmented split runs will be accepted for each issue. Specialtyspecific regionals are not available. D. Publisher reserves the right to limit the number of split runs. This may result in an issue closing for split runs earlier than the scheduled closing date. E. Split runs are not available on covers or in premium positions. 17,260 F. Due to technological limitations, no exceptions to the closing date allowed for any reason and no cancellations allowed after the closing date. *Mechanical charges are included in the rates quoted and include running two identically sized versions of an ad to two distinct audience segments of the full circulation. For more than two audience segments, add $3,000 each, with a maximum of four total. 2/15 Plan Pay early and earn credit! Advertisers will receive a 2% credit on the invoice net to be used toward a future insertion, provided payment is received at the publisher’s office within 15 days of invoice date. The credit will only be applied to future insertions. Continuity Rewards Buy five issues, get one free! Advertise the same product with five consecutive insertions and/or in consecutive issues and get the sixth insertion free. If consecutive insertions are of varied ad sizes, then award is given as an average of the consecutive ads, rounded up to the next full page. The free ad supersedes any other discounts for that ad unit. Free ad units count toward earned frequency. Continuity schedules that go beyond the calendar year are not rate-protected. Adjustments will not be made to the reward invoice(s). Corporate Rewards Earn yearlong savings. An individual advertiser (and its divisions or subsidiaries) whose 2015 accumulative ad units in AFP, Family Practice Management (FPM), and associated publisher billings* equaling 72 units or more will earn a discount on gross billings in 2016 as follows: 2015 Ad Units 2016 Discount 72-1051% Corporate Rewards are taken after all other discounts. An individual advertiser (and its divisions or subsidiaries) whose 2015 accumulative ad units in AFP, FPM, and associated publisher billings* equaling 316 or more units qualifies to receive–in lieu of all other discounts–a total discount of 10% on the gross billings of AFP and FPM in 2016. A 15% agency commission will be given on the adjusted gross billings. This discount supersedes all other discounts for the advertiser and is by option only. A qualifying advertiser not requesting this option prior to the first ad insertion in 2016 will receive all standard discounts for which the advertiser is qualified. Corporate Rewards Plus Exceed last year, and earn bigger savings! An advertiser who qualified in 2015 for the 2016 Corporate Rewards program is eligible to receive additional Corporate Rewards Plus discounts. Beginning with the 2016 issue subsequent to the issue in which the advertiser equals or exceeds total ad units for calendar year 2016, every ad placed in AFP for the remainder of calendar year 2015 will earn an additional $500 off per page (taken before all percentage discounts). Guaranteed Frequency Plan Corporate Rewards advertisers qualify for a guaranteed frequency equal to one (1) frequency above the prior year’s actual earned frequency. If the guaranteed frequency is exceeded, the advertiser’s rate will be adjusted to that higher frequency, but no short-rate will occur in the event of a shortfall. Qualification for Corporate Rewards in subsequent years is based on actual earned frequency (units placed) for the prior year, not on the guaranteed frequency granted for the prior year. 106-150 2% 151-225 3% Prescribing Information (PI) Page 226-315 4% Save when running three or more! 316 or more 5% Run three or more prescribing information pages with your ad and get 50% off the b/w rate per page starting with page three. If page three is a fractional page, the 50% discount will apply to that unit. PRINT ADVERTISING RATES, SPECS, AND DISCOUNTS Advertising Discounts *Associated publisher billings include AFP, FPM, editorial reprint orders, sponsorship of eTOC notifications, and other sponsorship opportunities. eTOC insertions count as one unit per sponsorship. MEDIA KIT 2016 7 9+ 2+ D 1+ EPF 1+ PF Additional Opportunities 18+ C 12+ D 6-11 Bulleted elements LC: Low complexity MC: Moderate complexity PALP: Palpation PF: Problem-focused PFSH: Past, family, and social history PT: Patient ROS: Review of systems S: Straightforward ASSMT: Assessment C: Comprehensive D: Detailed EPF: Expanded problem-focused EX: Examination HC: High complexity HPI: History of the present illness INSP: Inspection 2 of 3 required D EPF EPF 99213 PF 99212 — 99211 History Code HC MC LC PF S — Exam — Decision Making 40 min. 25 min. 15 min. 10 min. 5 min. Time C 99204 C D 99203 EPF 99202 PF 99201 History Code HC C MC D LC EPF S PF Exam S Decision Making 60 min. 45 min. 30 min. 20 min. 10 min. Time Exam LC: Low complexity MC: Moderate complexity PALP: Palpation PF: Problem-focused PFSH: Past, family and social history PT: Patient ROS: Review of systems S: Straightforward 2 of 3 required C 99215 D 99214 EPF 99213 PF 99212 C HC D MC EPF LC PF — 99211 History Code C C 99205 C C 99204 D 99203 EPF 99202 PF 99201 History Code S — Exam — Decision Making 40 min. 25 min. 15 min. 10 min. 5 min. Time 3 of 3 required D EPF PF Exam HC MC LC S S Decision Making 60 min. 45 min. 30 min. 20 min. 10 min. Time History Family Practice Management Pocket Guide to E/M Documentation Guidelines This folding reference card gives family physicians the cues they need to make sure their chart documentation meets Medicare requirements. The Family Practice Management Pocket Guide can be distributed by mail or by pharmaceutical detail reps, because it does not carry CME credit. The AAFP has sold more than 30,000 pocket guides to physicians since the product was introduced in 1995. The guide is useful for all primary care physicians and any other nonsurgical specialist, not just family physicians. MEDIA KIT 2016 Profile data by MMS, Inc. Symphony Health Solutions-Power Profiler prescription data available for therapeutic classes and products, profiled by physician specialty, prescription writing, and revenue levels. Data can be provided in desired format to active and prospective advertisers. 3 of 3 required C 99205 PFSH elements KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS D ROS systems 1. Kantar Media, Medical/Surgical Readership Study, June 2015 99214 — — Placing an outsert in AFP gives you prominent exposure to primary care physicians, and positions your message with the credible, authoritative, and “best-read journal in the primary care market.”1 Contact your sales representative for a quote today. C 1 1 History Documentation Guidelines Your Cover Tip here NEW PATIENT NEW PATIENT TO THE 1997 EVALUATION & MANAGEMENT C 2 (estab. pt) — HPI elements Pocket Guide 99215 >9 2-9 1-3 PF Exam ASSMT: Assessment C: Comprehensive D: Detailed EPF: Expanded problem-focused EX: Examination HC: High complexity HPI: History of the present illness INSP: Inspection > 3 (OR 3 or more chronic diseases) EPF 1-5 Systems/Areas Data Services ESTABLISHED PATIENT ESTABLISHED PATIENT AFP Outserts 8 C Sponsorship Opportunities Cover Tips Cover Tips are now accepted on a limited basis. Please check with your sales representative for availability. Acceptance: Creative is subject to review and requires prior publisher approval. Cover Tips cannot be reserved without a contract and scheduling. Specifications: •Standard size (w x h): 7.5-inches x 5.5-inches (For custom sizes, please contact the publisher.) •Stock: 80# text •Glue tipping and polybagging included For custom sizes and pricing, contact publisher. AAFP Member List The AAFP member list is available within set guidelines. For more information, contact INFOCUS Marketing at (800) 708-LIST (5478), sales@infocusmarketing.com, or www.infocusmarketing.com/datacard/ aafp. Editorial Reprints Available through Sheridan Reprints. Please contact Beth Ann Rocheleau at (803) 359-4578 or brocheleau@rockwaterinc.com. Inkjetting Available at the discretion of the publisher. Please contact your sales representative for more information. Ad Placement Policy First Issue: January 1970 Advertising is rotated and interspersed throughout the issue—within departments and between articles. Advertising placement is split equally between the first and second half. Issuance: Published 24 times per year Issue Dates: Twice monthly (1st and 15th) Mailing Date/Class: One week following issue date/Periodicals Issue and Closing Dates A. Insertion orders and all reproduction materials are due as indicated in production deadlines table. B. No cancellations after closing date of publication. Ad Space Sizes Full page: 2/3 page: 1/2 page vertical: 1/2 page horizontal: 1/3 page vertical: 7” x 10” 4-3/8” x 10” 3-1/4” x 10” 7” x 4-1/2” 2-1/8” x 10” Bleed Ad Space Sizes Production Deadlines Issue Closing Materials due Inserts due Jan 1 Jan 15 Feb 1 Feb 15 Mar 1 Mar 15 Apr 1 Apr 15 May 1 May 15 Jun 1 Jun 15 Jul 1 Jul 15 Aug 1 Aug 15 Sep 1 Sep 15 Oct 1 Oct 15 Nov 1 Nov 15 Dec 1 Dec 15 Dec 1 Dec 15 Jan 1 Jan 15 Feb 1 Feb 15 Mar 1 Mar 15 Apr 1 Apr 15 May 1 May 15 Jun 1 Jun 15 Jul 1 Jul 15 Aug 1 Aug 15 Sep 1 Sep 15 Oct 1 Oct 15 Nov 1 Nov 15 Dec 4 Dec 18 Jan 6 Jan 20 Feb 4 Feb 18 Mar 4 Mar 18 Apr 6 Apr 20 May 4 May 18 Jun 6 Jun 20 Jul 6 Jul 20 Aug 4 Aug 18 Sep 7 Sep 20 Oct 4 Oct 19 Nov 4 Nov 18 Dec 15 Dec 30 Jan 14 Jan 28 Feb 11 Feb 25 Mar 10 Mar 30 Apr 14 Apr 28 May 12 May 26 Jun 14 Jun 30 Jul 14 Jul 28 Aug 11 Aug 25 Sep 15 Sep 29 Oct 13 Oct 27 Nov 14 Nov 28 Full page: 2/3 page: 1/2 page vertical: 1/2 page horizontal: 1/3 page vertical: 8” x 10-3/4” 4-3/4” x 10-3/4” 3-7/8” x 10-3/4” 8” x 5-1 ⁄ 8 ” 2-3/4” x 10-3/4” Keep live matter 3/8” away from trim edges. Trim size of magazine: 7-3/4” x 10-1/2” Mechanical Requirements Paper Stock A. Inside pages (body pages): 34# UPM Cote B. Covers: 100# Sterling Ultra Gloss C2S Type of Binding: Perfect bound Reproduction Requirements AFP is printed web offset using CTP. File types accepted are PDF/X-1a or PDF. To upload files, visit www.adshuttle.com/aafp. One actual-size SWOP-certified color proof is required and must match the digital file. Ship color proof to: Quad/ Graphics (for AFP Journal) 1900 W. Sumner, Hartford, WI 58027. For digital specifications, contact Advertising Services at lporter@aafp.org or fclay@aafp.org. Insert Shipping Each insert carton should be marked for AFP journal, with date of issue, Quad/Graphics job number, name of advertiser, product, and quantity. To view requirements, go to www.qg.com/ shippingspecs.pdf. Insert shipments not meeting requirements are subject to additional charges. Contact Production Department at btaylor@aafp.org or (913) 906-6000, ext. 5141 for Quad/Graphics job number or additional information. Ship prepaid. C.O.D. not accepted. Send inserts to: Quad/Graphics N61 W2300 Harry’s Way Sussex, WI 53089 PRODUCTION Production Note: Excess inserts are destroyed after printing of each issue. Ad/Edit Information Jul-Dec 2014 Jan-Jun 2015 Jul-Dec 2015 (est.) Ad/edit ratio 52.2% 52.2% 55.0% Average Avg. # Avg. # folio size ad pages edit pages 87.7 46.1 41.6 87.3 45.8 41.5 87.5 48.1 39.4 Classified and Recruitment Advertising YourMembership AAFP Classified Ad Sales Team (860) 288-5434 aafp@yourmembership.com MEDIA KIT 2016 9 Editorial General Editorial Direction Circulation Definition of Recipient Qualification AFP’s mission is to provide CME with a focus on evidence-based medicine, report recent advances in medicine, serve as a forum for clinical opinion in matters related to family medicine, and disseminate important clinical information from other major medical organizations. Qualified recipients are family physicians, including medical teachers; selected officebased general practitioners; selected direct patient care office- and hospital-based general internists of family medicine osteopaths; Academy members in FM/GP/IM and other specialties, Canadian and other international physician members, student affiliate members and physician members with medical teaching, administration, research, and other activity as their major professional activity. CME Credit AFP offers several CME credits free in each issue. The CME quiz that readers complete covers most of the issue content, therefore encouraging cover-tocover reading. Editorial Department Features AAFP News: AFP Edition, BMJ’s Clinical Evidence Handbook, Close-ups, CME Quiz, Cochrane for Clinicians, Curbside Consultation, Editorials, FPIN’s Clinical Inquiries, Graham Center Policy One-Pagers, Letters to the Editor, Photo Quiz, Point-of-Care Guides, Practice Guidelines, Putting Prevention into Practice, STEPS (new drug reviews), POEMs, AHRQ: Effective Health Care Reviews, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, Medicine by the Numbers, and FPIN’s Help Desk Answers. (Several features include CME credit.) Clinical Review Articles Number of clinical review articles per issue: Three to four Length of articles: Seven pages (All include CME credit.) Origin of Editorial (Three-year average) A. Staff written: 20% (15% is written by MD editors under contract) B. Solicited: 78% C. Unsolicited: 22% D. All topic proposals must be approved before manuscript submission. E. Peer review: All articles are peer reviewed by family physicians plus some additional subspecialist reviewers. F. Rejection rate: 11% of solicited, 96% of unsolicited 10 Circulation Verification A. Audit: BPA statement for Jan 1, 2015 issue. For semiannual circulation updates, visit www.bpaww.com. B. Mailing house: MMS, Inc. Circulation Breakdown Family physician Office-based. . . . . . . . . . . 70,342 First-year Residents. . . . . . . 2,277 Residents, Other. . . . . . . . . 5,928 Full-time Hospital Staff. . . . 6,070 Other Professional Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,992 Total Family Physicians. . 95,609 General practitioners Office-based. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,803 Full-time Hospital Staff. . . . . . . 44 Other Professional Activities. . 581 Total General Practice . . . . 3,428 Internist Office-based. . . . . . . . . . . 50,490 Residents, Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Full-time Hospital Staff. . . . . . 412 Other Professional Activities . . 71 Total Internists. . . . . . . . . . 50,981 Other AAFP Members in Other Specialties or at Foreign Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . 13,435 AAFP Student Members. . . . 2,728 Total Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,163 Osteopaths in family medicine Office-based. . . . . . . . . . . . 14,159 Hospital-based. . . . . . . . . . . 1,287 Total Osteopaths . . . . . . . . 15,446 Total Qualified. . . . . . . . . . . . 181,627 Paid Subscriptions. . . . . . . 5,075 Grand Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186,702 Coverage and Subscriptions A. B. C. D. E. MEDIA KIT 2016 See the above table for a breakdown of circulation by classification of reader. Controlled = 42%; Paid = 3%; Request = 55% Subscription price in U.S.: $220; Canada: $305; foreign: $380 Institutional price in U.S.: $385; Canada: $484; foreign: $585 Medical students, residents, health care professionals, and office management staff in U.S.: $130; Canada: $215; foreign: $350 ONLINE Online Advertising Rates/Opportunities #1 Journal Website in Family Medicine1 American Family Physician’s website, www.aafp.org/afp, is the #1 most-visited journal website in family medicine.1 More than 90,700 family physicians and 30,200 medical students are registered users of the website. 728 x 90 AAFP.org COMBO2 Page views 4,040,349 Visits3,173,547 Unique visitors2,529,571 AAFP.org/afp2 Page views3,694,489 Visits2,952,546 Unique visitors2,358,860 160 x 600 AAFP.org/fpm2 Page views345,865 Visits231,349 Unique visitors190,680 AFP Site-Specific Advertising AFP Website Advertising Rates Effective: January 1, 2016 Ad Unit CPM/Cost Discounts/Options AFP/FPM Brand Combo BEST BUY! (banners) $90 CPM 5% discount on 100k-plus impressions per month AFP brand-specific (banners) $100 CPM 5% discount on 100k-plus impressions per month Interstitial AFP/FPM Brand Combo $160 CPM Interstitial AFP brand-specific $180 CPM Interstitial purchased alone $240 CPM $3,120/week AFP home page roadblock (two-week minimum) When purchased in conjunction with equivalent banner impressions in the same month When purchased in conjunction with equivalent banner impressions in the same month When purchased without equivalent banner impressions in the same month 1. Kantar Media, Website Usage and Qualitative Evaluations, June 2015 Family Medicine 2. Adobe Site Catalyst, Monthly Average Jan-Jun 2015 MEDIA KIT 2016 11 Email Sponsorships: eTOC Total distribution includes 90,700-plus registered and verified family physicians (AAFP members). Average Distribution: AFP eTOC = 118,000 Semi-exclusive opportunity: Only one display (box) and one inline text ad accepted per newsletter. AFP and Family Practice Management (FPM) box and text ads combine for the highest earned frequency. Frequencies in the AFP and FPM print journals also apply toward earned frequency in eTOCs. AFP eTOC Advertising Rates 1-x 3-x 6-x 12-x 18-x24-x Medium box $8,850 $8,410 $8,010 $7,570 $7,170 $6,820 Inline text ad $6,200 $5,890 $5,620 $5,310 $5,030 $4,780 Medium box and inline text ad COMBO (100% SOV) $14,520 $13,800 $13,150 $12,420 $11,770 $11,190 Discounts Earned in AFP and FPM Every eTOC sponsorship purchased counts as one unit toward earned frequency in AFP/FPM print. Every $10K invested on the AFP and/or FPM websites equals one unit toward earned frequency in AFP/FPM print. Website and eTOC Advertising Specifications Ad Units Expand on Click Third Party File Size Max Loops Alt Text Formats 728x90 Leaderboard 728x270 (down) accepted 40K 3 25 characters HTML, Pointroll, MediaMind, Flash, JPEG, GIF, Animated GIF 160x600 Wide sky 400x600 (left) accepted 40K 3 25 characters HTML, Pointroll, MediaMind, Flash, JPEG, GIF, Animated GIF 300x250 Medium box 600x250 (left) accepted 40K 3 25 characters HTML, Pointroll, MediaMind, Flash, JPEG, GIF, Animated GIF 300x250 Interstitial n/a accepted 100K no limit 25 characters HTML, Pointroll, MediaMind, Flash, JPEG, GIF, Animated GIF 800x400 Interstitial full page n/a accepted 100K no limit 25 characters HTML, Pointroll, MediaMind, Flash, JPEG, GIF, Animated GIF 320x50 Mobile (smartphone) n/a accepted 6K n/a 25 characters HTML, HTML5, JPEG, GIF, wBMP Home page roadblock Two ad units: Leaderboard and wide sky; see specifications above 300x250 (eTOC/newsletter) n/a 130 characters Static GIF or JPEG eTOC/newsletter text ad Headline=50 characters excluding spaces. Copy=300 characters max. Includes up to two website links. n/a *Subject to change. 12 MEDIA KIT 2016 Inline Text Ad eTOC Ad Deadlines Send to Advertiser AFP Issue Ad Space Closing Ad Material Due for Approval Advertiser Approval Due eTOC Delivery Date Jan 1 - eTOC 12/7/2015 12/14/2015 12/21/2015 12/23/2015 1/5/2016 Jan 15 - eTOC 12/18/2015 1/4/2016 1/11/2016 1/13/2016 1/18/2016 Feb 1 - eTOC 1/8/2016 1/15/2016 1/22/2016 1/26/2016 1/29/2016 Feb 15 - eTOC 1/26/2016 2/2/2016 2/9/2016 2/11/2016 2/16/2016 Mar 1 - eTOC 2/9/2016 2/16/2016 2/23/2016 2/25/2016 3/1/2016 Mar 15 - eTOC 2/24/2016 3/2/2016 3/9/2016 3/11/2016 3/16/2016 Apr 1 - eTOC 3/11/2016 3/18/2016 3/25/2016 3/29/2016 4/1/2016 Apr 15 - eTOC 3/28/2016 4/4/2016 4/11/2016 4/13/2016 4/18/2016 May 1 - eTOC 4/8/2016 4/15/2016 4/22/2016 4/26/2016 4/29/2016 May 15 - eTOC 4/22/2016 4/29/2016 5/6/2016 5/10/2016 5/13/2016 Jun 1 - eTOC 5/10/2016 5/17/2016 5/24/2016 5/26/2016 6/1/2016 Jun 15 - eTOC 5/24/2016 6/1/2016 6/8/2016 6/10/2016 6/15/2016 Jul 1 - eTOC 6/10/2016 6/17/2016 6/24/2016 6/28/2016 7/1/2016 Jul 15 - eTOC 6/24/2016 7/1/2016 7/11/2016 7/13/2016 7/18/2016 Aug 1 - eTOC 7/8/2016 7/15/2016 7/22/2016 7/26/2016 7/29/2016 Aug 15 - eTOC 7/26/2016 8/2/2016 8/9/2016 8/11/2016 8/16/2016 Sep 1 - eTOC 8/10/2016 8/17/2016 8/24/2016 8/26/2016 8/31/2016 Sep 15 - eTOC 8/25/2016 9/1/2016 9/9/2016 9/13/2016 9/16/2016 Oct 1 - eTOC 9/12/2016 9/19/2016 9/26/2016 9/28/2016 10/3/2016 Oct 15 - eTOC 9/23/2016 9/30/2016 10/7/2016 10/11/2016 10/14/2016 Nov 1 - eTOC 10/11/2016 10/18/2016 10/25/2016 10/27/2016 11/1/2016 Nov 15 - eTOC 10/26/2016 11/2/2016 11/9/2016 11/11/2016 11/16/2016 Dec 1 - eTOC 11/7/2016 11/14/2016 11/21/2016 11/23/2016 11/30/2016 Dec 15 - eTOC 11/23/2016 12/2/2016 12/9/2016 12/13/2016 12/16/2016 AAFP Journal Media Reach More Physicians in More Places MEDIA KIT 2016 13 The purpose of AFP is to serve the medical profession and provide continuing medical education (CME). The information and opinions presented in AFP reflect the views of the authors, not those of the journal or the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), unless so stated. Advertising is generally accepted if judged to be in harmony with the purpose of the journal; however, AFP reserves the right to reject any advertising at its sole discretion. A. Products and services to be advertised must meet the standards of generally accepted medical practice, be relevant to the clinical or socioeconomic practice of medicine, or be of special interest to the physician readership. B. Products that require approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for marketing must receive FDA approval before being eligible and must include “full disclosure” when required. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to conform to regulations of the FDA and all legal requirements for the content of claims made for products. C. Technical data and scientific documentation may be required for products not regulated by the FDA or other government agencies. D. Ads for nutritional supplements and vitamin preparations are not eligible unless the product is approved for marketing by the FDA or its efficacy and safety are substantiated by clinical studies acceptable to the AAFP—generally meaning studies that have independent support in authoritative, evidence-based medical literature. More specific guidelines are available from the AAFP. E. General purpose foods such as bread, meats, fruits, and vegetables are eligible. Special purpose foods (e.g., foods for carbohydrate-restricted diets and other therapeutic diets) are eligible when their uses are supported by acceptable data. Only diet programs prescribed and controlled by physicians may be eligible. F. CME courses, seminars, and conferences are eligible for advertisement. If CME accreditation is advertised, AAFP Prescribed credit must be approved and specified. G. For enduring materials (e.g., books, audio- and videotapes, computer software, etc.), submission of a sample for review to establish eligibility may be required. H. AFP follows the American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics Opinion 8.063 regarding the sale of health-related products from physicians’ 14 offices. Consequently, no ad will be accepted that promotes the sale of healthrelated products from a physician’s office unless documentation submitted to the advertising business manager with an ad clearly meets the guidelines set forth in Opinion 8.063. I. AFP follows the American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics Opinion 8.03 prohibiting physicians from placing their own financial interests above the welfare of their patients. Ads for products or services that assist the physician in running a more efficient practice, thus enabling the physician more time for patient care, will generally be accepted. Included here would be categories such as office equipment, medical billing systems, or other software products. Ads that focus solely on increasing profitability are not acceptable. J. Institutional advertising germane to the practice of medicine may be considered eligible. K. Other products and services not covered above will generally be accepted if they are determined to be in harmony with the stated purpose of the publication. L. Ads containing comparative claims for competitive products must be substantiated by supporting data. M. Ads for tobacco products and alcoholic beverages will not be accepted. The AAFP has no direct association with organizations involved in the manufacturing of tobacco products and urges its members to avoid such association. N. All ads must clearly and prominently identify the advertiser by trademark or signature. O. In consideration of publication of an ad, the advertiser and the agency, jointly and severally, agree to indemnify and hold harmless publisher, its officers, agents and employees against expenses (including legal fees) and losses resulting from the publication of the contents of the ad, including, without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation of privacy, copyright infringement, or plagiarism. P. Publisher shall not be liable for any failure to print, publish, or circulate any ad accepted by publisher; however, publisher shall use its reasonable efforts to place such ad in subsequent available space. Q. Publisher is not responsible for incidental or consequential damage for errors in printing an ad. R. Publisher will not be bound by any condition, printed or otherwise, appearing on order blanks or copy instructions when such conditions conflict with the conditions set forth in this rate card. S. Because editorial requirements change as issue production progresses, all advertising insertion order position clauses are treated as requests. T. In the event of nonpayment, advertiser and/or its advertising agency shall be jointly and severally liable for such monies as are due and payable to publisher. U. Ads must conform to mechanical specifications as indicated in this rate card. V. The placement of advertising adjacent to articles discussing the advertised company or products in the same class as the advertising product is prohibited. W. All ads are subject to approval of publisher and editor, who each reserve the right to reject or cancel any ad at any time, and/ or to evaluate ad copy to ensure that it does not contain any false or misleading statements or that is not in poor taste— offensive in either artwork or text. New copy must be received by the advertising department 10 days before the closing date. X. AFP defines the word “advertorial” to mean an advertisement or other paid content that resembles editorial content in style, intent, and format. While AFP welcomes such advertisements, we will publish no advertisement that, in the judgment of the publisher, resembles our editorial content enough to be mistaken for an AFP article. Such ads must also display the word “ADVERTISEMENT” in 10 pt. type (min.), all caps, at the top center of each page. The publisher must preapprove any piece that might be considered advertorial. At the discretion of the publisher, the advertisement may need to be reformatted to minimize its resemblance to our editorial content. All other guidelines pertaining to advertising in AFP also apply to advertorials. Y. AFP further adheres to the advertising policies of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS), the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Z. Publisher may change the terms set forth herein at any time, provided that no such change applies to ads whose closing date precedes announcement of the change. MEDIA KIT 2016 ADVERTISING POLICIES Print Advertising Policy Online Advertising Policy The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) accepts advertising on the American Family Physician (AFP) and Family Practice Management (FPM) websites. The appearance of advertising on these websites does not imply endorsement of the advertised company or product, nor is advertising allowed to affect editorial decisions or editorial content. Advertising Acceptance The AAFP has the right to refuse any advertisement that it seems inappropriate or incompatible with its mission and to stop accepting any advertisement previously accepted. The following types of advertisements are prohibited on AFP and FPM websites: n Alcohol and tobacco n Weapons, firearms, ammunition, and fireworks n Gambling and lottery n Pornography and related materials and services n Political and religious n Advertisements that claim to offer a “miracle” cure or method n Advertisements that make unsubstantiated health claims for the products advertised n Advertisements directed at children Advertisements are placed at random and do not appear adjacent to relevant editorial except by chance. 5. Advertisements may not imply endorsement by the AAFP or its journals. 6. Neither advertisers nor their agents may collect any personal information from any user viewing the AFP or FPM website except with the user’s knowledge and permission and only after giving the user substantive information about the uses to which the information will be put. Similarly, cookies, applets, and other such files are prohibited if those files transmit any personally identifiable information to the advertisers or agencies without the user’s knowledge and permission. 7. The full rules for any market research or promotion associated with an advertisement must be displayed in the ad or available via a prominent link. Advertising revenue is used to support the AAFP. The following advertisement formats are prohibited: n Pop-ups and floating ads n Advertisements that are designed to collect personally identifiable information from visitors to the AFP or FPM website without their knowledge or permission n Ads that expand across or down the page or send visitors to another site without the visitor having clicked on the ad Online Advertising Policy 1. Advertisements new to the AFP or FPM websites require AAFP approval before they can appear on the sites. Such review will extend to any landing page(s) the advertisement links to. The company sponsoring the website of any landing page must be clearly identified on that page. 2. Advertisements, advertising icons, and advertiser logos must be clearly distinguishable from editorial content. In addition, AFP or FPM web pages are designed to label all advertisements with the word “advertisement.” 3. Advertisers may be required to submit supporting documentation to substantiate claims. 4. The AAFP does not allow targeted placement of advertising adjacent to editorial content of similar nature. MEDIA KIT 2016 15 About the American Academy of Family Physicians Founded in 1947, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) represents 120,900 physicians and medical students nationwide. It is the only medical society devoted solely to primary care. Approximately one in four of all office visits are made to family physicians. That is 214 million office visits each year—nearly 74 million more than the next largest medical specialty. Today, family physicians provide more care for America’s underserved and rural populations than any other medical specialty. Family medicine’s cornerstone is an ongoing, personal patientphysician relationship focused on integrated care. To learn more about the specialty of family medicine, the AAFP’s positions on issues and clinical care, and for downloadable multimedia highlighting family medicine, visit www.aafp.org/media. For information about health care, health conditions, and wellness, please visit the AAFP’s award-winning consumer website, familydoctor.org. 16 MEDIA KIT 2016 Reach PCPs here. Guaranteed. On the #1 journal website visited by family physicians.1 Kantar Media, Website Usage and Qualitative Evaluations, June 2015 Primary Care 1 MEDIA KIT 2016 17 Engage with physicians whenever, however they want– in print, online, and on their mobile devices. Get started today. AAFP JOURNAL MEDIA Production/Editorial Office 11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway Leawood, KS 66211-2680 (800) 274-2237 (913) 906-6000 Fax (913) 906-6080 Senior Vice President for Journal Media and Strategic Partnerships Craig Doane..................................................................ext. 4450 Publisher/Director of Journal Media Stephanie Hanaway...................................................... ext. 5161 Senior Manager of Operations Darren Sextro.................................................................ext. 5154 JRM16030382 Advertising Business Manager John Payne.....................................................................ext. 5198 Advertising Specialist/Coordinator Linda Porter....................................................................ext. 5142 Advertising/Marketing Specialist Frances Clay.................................................................ext. 5503 Production Director Bret Taylor........................................................................ext. 5141 Digital Production Specialist Evan Palmer...................................................................ext. 5143 Billing Coordinator Marli Diaz.........................................................................ext. 1512 Advertising Sales Office 500 Route 17 South Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604-3121 (201) 288-4440 Fax (201) 288-4914 Director of Advertising Sales John Molluso............................................... jmolluso@aafp.org National Account Manager Mickey Cotter................................................mcotter@aafp.org Office Manager Karen O’Leary............................................... koleary@aafp.org Advertising Inquiries................................ AAFP_NJ@aafp.org