ECEN 214 – Electrical Circuit Theory Spring 2014 Time & Place Lecture: Recitation: Lab Sections: 200 501 502 503 Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Office Hours: TR M 11:10am-12:25pm 5:30-6:30pm ETB1037 ZACH 223B W T R W 4:10-6:00pm 2:20-4:10pm 5:30-7:30pm 10:20am-12:10pm ZACH 113D ZACH 113D ZACH 113D ZACH 113D Scott L. Miller WERC 310B 862-8744 MTWRF 1:30-3:30pm, or any time my door is open. Teaching Assistants: Lab Section TA 200, 501, 502 Arunvenkatesh Alagappan 503 Daniel McBride Email Textbooks: 1) Nilsson, Riedel, Electric Circuits, 9th ed. Prentice Hall, with Mastering Engineering. 2) Laboratory Manual for ECEN 214 (available on Prerequisites: Upper division status in ECE Physics 208 - Electromagnetics Math 308 (co-requisite) – Differential Equations Grading Policies: There will be three midterm exams and a comprehensive final exam. The exams will take place as per the schedule below, unless you are notified of a change in date and time. Reading assignments will not be made; you are expected to study the book topics as appropriate. The dates indicated for the material are approximate; some modifications will be inevitable. Homework 10% Laboratory 20% Quizzes 20% Midterm Exams (3) 30% (10% each) Final Exam 20% All requests for re-grading of any material should be submitted in writing to Prof. Miller within one week of when the graded material was returned to the class. Please state what problem/material you want regarded and why you feel you deserve more credit. Homeworks: Homeworks will be assigned through Mastering Engineering typically on Tuesday of each week and will be due at 11:59pm on the following Monday. After Monday evening, points will be reduced by half (50%) but you can complete missed homework any time until the day of the final exam. When you log onto ME, look for the course name “ECEN214Miller”. If it asks you for a course ID, use “ECEN214MILLERSpring2014.” If you need help with homework, I recommend you try the following resources for help: 1) Stop by Dr. Miller’s office for help. 2) Post a question on Piazza to get suggestions from classmates. 3) Ask your lab TA for help. 4) Go to the ECEN 214 Help Desk. Quizzes: There will be an in-class quiz at the beginning of class on every Tuesday in which there is not an exam (except the first week of class). Your quiz grade will be formed from the average of the best 9 out of 10 quiz scores (i.e., one quiz will be dropped). These quizzes are closed book/notes but you may use a calculator. The quiz will consist of one of the homework problems you just completed the night before (usually with the numbers changed so that you cannot just memorize all the HW answers). If you understood the HW, you should have no problem doing the quiz. Please make sure to show up to class on time so that you do not miss the quiz. Exams: All exams (midterms and final) will be in class and closed book. You will be allowed to bring in one sheets of notes (one-sided, 8.5x11 inches) which can contain any material you want to put on it. You are also allowed to use a calculator (and it is highly recommended that you bring one). Piazza: We will be using Piazza as a discussion forum and I will also use this site to post course materials, make announcements to the c lass, etc. I will monitor the discussions as much as I can and will chime in when I think it is helpful. For now, you can enroll in the course on Piazza by going to their web site at Select the school (Texas A&M) and the course (ECEN 214). You will see several options under ECEN 214. Select the one that says “MillerSpring 2014.” Recitation: The optional recitation meetings each week will focus on solving example circuit problems in order to help solve homework problems and prepare students for the weekly quiz or exam. Computer Access: To use PSPICE or LabView, you can either use the ECE open lab (213B), the ECEN 214 lab (ZEC 113D), or ZEC 103. Academic Integrity Statement and Policy (All syllabi should contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Honor Council Rules and Procedures on the web: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.” Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. For additional information visit Tentative Lecture, Quiz & Exam Schedule Week 1. Jan. 14, 16 2. Jan. 21, 23 3. Jan. 28, 30 4. Feb. 4, 6 5. Feb. 11, 13 6. Feb. 18, 20 7. Feb. 25, 27 8. Mar. 4, 6 Mar 10-14 9. Mar. 18, 20 10. Mar. 25, 27 11. Apr. 1, 3 12. Apr. 8, 10 13. Apr. 15, 17 14. Apr. 22, 24 Topics (tentative, subject to change) Course Intro, Math Review 1-Solving Simultaneous Equations Electrical Quantities, Passive Sign Convention, Conservation of Energy, Sources, Ohm’s Law, KVL, KCL Quiz 1 in class More KVL, KCL, Equivalent Resistances, Voltage/Current Dividers, Wheatstone Bridge, -Y equivalent circuits Quiz 2 in class Node-voltage analysis, Mesh-current analysis Quiz 3 in class Source transformations, Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuits, Power Transfer, Superposition Exam 1 – In class Intro to Op Amps, Op Amp Configurations, Non ideal op amps Quiz 4 in class Fundamentals of Inductors and Capacitors, Serial Parallel Combinations of Is and Cs, , Math Review 2 – First Order Differential Equations, Natural response of 1st order circuits Quiz 5 in class Step response of first order circuits, Response to sinusoidal inputs, 1st order op-amp circuits Exam 2 – In class Math Review 3 – Second Order Differential Equations, 2nd order circuits – finding the differential equation, Spring Break - No Classes or Labs Quiz 6 in class 2nd order circuits – finding the initial conditions, solving the circuit, order op-amp circuits Quiz 7 in class Math Review 4 – Complex Numbers, Intro to Phasors, Complex Impedance Quiz 8 in class AC circuit analysis using phasors Quiz 9 in class Phase relationships in passive circuit elements, AC power transfer. Exam 3 – In class Optimizing power transfer Quiz 10 in class TBD Final Exam, Friday May2nd, 3-5pm Section(s) in Text 1.1-6, 2.1-4 2.5 3.1-4,6-7 4.1-8 4.9-13 Covers Chs. 1-4 5.1-7 6.1-4 7.1-2 7.3,5, 7 Covers Chs. 5-7 N.A. (Ch. 8) N.A. (Ch. 8) 9.1-4 9.5-9 9.12 10.1-5 Covers Chs 8-10 10.6 Lab Schedule Date Week of Jan. 13 Week of Jan. 20 Week of Jan. 27 Week of Feb. 3 Week of Feb. 10 Week of Feb. 17 Week of Feb. 24 Week of Mar. 3 Week of Mar. 10 Week of Mar. 17 Week of Mar. 24 Week of Mar. 31 Week of Apr. 7 Week of Apr. 14 Week of Apr. 21 Lab No Labs Meet Please read the syllabus and take some time to become familiar with LabVIEW and PSPICE Intro Session. Be sure to read Lab #1 before coming to lab. Lab #1 - Introduction to ECEN 214 Lab Lab #2 - Non-Ideal Sources and Renewable Energy Sources Lab Report #1 Due Lab #3 - Equivalent Networks and Superposition Lab Report #2 Due LAB PRACTICUM #1 – Testing student on the use of the lab equipment. Lab Report #3 Due Lab #4 - OpAmps/Security System Part 1 Lab #5 - OpAmps/Security System Part 2 Lab Report #4 Due Spring Break – No labs Lab #6 - Using a Biomedical Transducer and the Transient Response Lab Report #5 Due Lab #7 - Transient Response of a 1st Order RC Circuit Lab Report #6 Due Lab #8 - Transient Responses of RLC circuits and Active 2nd Order Circuits Lab Report #7 Due LAB PRACTICUM #2 Lab Report #8 Due Lab #9 – AC Power No Labs Lab Report # 9 Due Note: * At each lab session, a Prelab is due. No Late Prelabs are allowed. ** At the beginning of each lab session, there will be a short Lab Quiz.