"Sharpening Skills..... Serving Nation" International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), Volume 5, Special Issue 1, April 2015) Second International Conference on Advanced Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICADET-15), INDIA. Control of Wind Energy by Using Buck-Boost Converter Anshul Mittal1, Khushboo Arora2 1 HRIT Engineering College ABES Institute of Technology 2 Abstract-- Wind energy is one of the most emerging technologies in the vast field of renewable energy. Eventually there have been much advancement in wind technology but the technological advancements are still needed for wind power control for different loading conditions. Therefore simulation of these conditions on software is essential. In this paper, a model of PMSG based wind turbine followed by power electronic circuits, such as rectifier, chopper & inverters then finally feeding to 3-phase load has been developed. The power is controlled with the help of Buck-Boost Converter connected across the dc link to keep constant voltage supply at output side. The simulation is carried on MATLAB/SIMULINK. Keywords: Permanent magnet synchronous generator, Hybrid System, buck-boost converter. I. INTRODUCTION Due to environmental concerns caused by excessive exploitation of conventional resources, now the focus is diverted to non-renewable resources especially solar & wind as these are environmentally clean and eco-friendly. In the beginning, wind power generation was negligible as compared to conventional plants due to lack of sophisticated wind turbine (WT) technology but now with the development of new technologies; there has been an exponential growth in the wind power. In the recent decade, Wind energy generation is been increased up to a remarkable milestone in gross power generation around the globe. The total installation of wind power capacity reaches to 305.4 GW around the world with 14107 wind farms. India has grown its installation up to 20.15 GW at the end of year 2013[1]. The total wind farms are grown to 443 in India. The advancements in this area of have unfolded many technological barriers in order to commercialize this technology. Also today there are number of options available for selection for wind power installation set up, one of the famous set up is Permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based wind turbine system. The ac power produced can be controlled by power electronic circuits in accordance to load application, such circuits may be ac voltage controller, rectifiers and for dc powered loads chopper are mostly employed. In this model generated power is converted to dc by rectifier then fed to buck boost chopper. The buck boost chopper controlled by PWM technique produces variable dc output voltage. This is the main circuit in the model which controls power. Further variable dc power is fed to ac load by MOSFET inverter. II. W IND T ECHNOLOGY Turbine blades are aerodynamically optimized to capture the maximum power from the wind in normal operation with a wind speed in the range of about 3 to 15 m/s. In order to avoid damage to the turbine at a high wind speed of approximately 15 to 25 m/s, aerodynamic power control of the turbine is required [2]. Power in air flow :Pair= 0.5ρA ν3 Where Pair is power in air flow, ρ is air density, Kg/ m3 ν is velocity of wind. (m/s) A is area swept by blade. (m2) Fig.2.1 Power speed variation of wind energy system. Power Coefficient: CP = P wind turbine /Pair Where, Pwind turbine is power of wind turbine. Tip speed ratio :λ= ω r / ν Where,ω= rotational speed of rotor. (Radian/sec) r = blade length (m) ν = upwind speed (m/s) Beta limit: the turbine can never extract more than 59.3% of power of air (Pair). Also CP ranges from 25 to 40 %. CP&λ are dimensionless and so can be used to describe the performance of any size of wind turbine rotor. Also maximum power coefficient is only achieved at a single wind speed[3]. Hence one argument for operating a wind turbine at variable rotation speed is that it is possible to operate at maximum CP over a range of wind speeds. Lord Krishna College of Engineering (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA. Page 293 "Sharpening Skills..... Serving Nation" International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), Volume 5, Special Issue 1, April 2015) Second International Conference on Advanced Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICADET-15), INDIA. III. PMSG CONFIGURATION Fig 3.1 Full Capacity converter configuration for wind energy system. The performance of the wind energy systems can be greatly enhanced with the use of full capacity power convertor. Fig.3.1 shows such a system in which the generator is connected to grid via a full-capacity convertor system. Squirrel cage induction generators, wound rotor synchronous generators, and permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) have all found application in this type of configuration with a power ratio up to several megawatts. The power rating of the convertor is normally the same as that of the generator. With the use of the power convertor, the generator is fully decoupled from the grid, and can operate in full speed range. This also enables the system to perform reactive power compensation and smooth the grid connection[6]. The main drawback is a more complex system with increased costs. It is noted that the wind energy system can operate without the need for a gearbox if a low speed synchronous generator with a large no of poles is used. The elimination of the gearbox includes the efficiency of the system and reduces initial costs and maintenance[7]. However a low speed generator has a substantial larger diameter to accommodate the larger no. of poles on the perimeter, which may lead to an increase in generator and installation costs. Some of the most common convertor topologies used for this type of WECS include two-level voltage source convertor in back to back configuration, diode bridge rectifier plus DC-DC boost stage and convertor in back to back conversion. IV. B UCK B OOST CONVERTERS A non-inverting buck-boost converter is essentially a cascaded combination of a buck converter followed by a boost converter, where a single inductor-capacitor is used for both. As the name implies, this converter does not invert the polarities of the output voltage in relation to the polarities of the input. This converter requires the use of two active switches and is designed by combining a buck converter and boost converter design in the same topology. Due to this design this converter can work as Buck-only, Boost-only or Buck-Boost converter. The input voltage source is connected in parallel with diode , MOSFET Switch-2 load capacitor, C as indicated in Figure 4.1. MOSFET Switch-1 is connected between the input voltage source and diode . The inductor is connected between and MOSFET Switch2, while is connected between MOSFET Switch-2 and the output or load capacitor[4]. Fig 4.1Two switch non-inverting buck-boost converter (1) Operation of Non-Inverting Buck-Boost Converter: In this topology the converter will be operated either in buck mode or boost mode depending upon the load condition. In buck-only mode, MOSFET Switch-1, with the diode . MOSFET Switch-2 is turned OFF and diode D2 is always ON. MOSFET Switch-1 and form the buck switching leg. Figure 4.2. shows the converter operating at buck mode. Fig 4.2 Converter operating at buck mode When the converter is operated at boost mode then, the MOSFET Switch-1 remains close. In boost-only mode MOSFET Switch-2 is used as a switch and acts as the diode in the boost regulator. MOSFET Switch-1 is always ON and is turned OFF. MOSFET Switch-2 and form the boost switching leg. Figure 4.3. shows the circuit diagram of the buck- boost converter operating at boost mode. Fig 4.3 Converter operating at boost mode Lord Krishna College of Engineering (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA. Page 294 "Sharpening Skills..... Serving Nation" International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), Volume 5, Special Issue 1, April 2015) Second International Conference on Advanced Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICADET-15), INDIA. In buck-boost mode the MOSFET Switch-1 and MOSFET Switch-2 are simultaneously ON during the switching cycle or ON time, while and are simultaneously ON during the opposite switching cycle or OFF time. This means that when MOSFET Switch-1 and MOSFET Switch-2 are turned ON, the inductor is getting charged, so and are turned OFF. Vice versa when , are ON, the inductor is charging the load capacitor, so MOSFET Switch-1 and MOSFET Switch-2 are turned OFF. (3) Flow Chart of PWM Controlling During the various wind speed, the wind variation occurs during this operation. To control the wind variation, it needs a controlling method to become a steady state operation, for this controlling[5], A PWM controlling method is used in this thesis. A PWM controlling method controls the two switches of buck-boost converter. This controlling method shows by a flow chart in this thesis as- (2) Design of Non-Inverting Buck-Boost Converter: The design of non-inverting buck-boost converter is same as the inverting buck-boost converter. The converter is designed considering the data below, = Output voltage = 17.2V = Diode forward drop = 0.525V = Minimum input voltage=12V = Average output current = 2.37A f= switching frequency=20 KHz The calculation starts with the calculation of duty cycle. The duty cycle can be calculated as: D= [27] So duty cycle, D = 0.6 Ripple Current in the inductor: Fig.4.4 Flow Chart of PWM Controlling In this model, a controlling technique is used which control the wind power. It is represented by a flow chart as shown in fig. 4.4, from above flow chart, the values of , & are to be compared. If the value of is less than than it will go for buck mode but if Vref is greater than than it will go for boost mode. We can see this process in single flow chart in fig. 4.5& fig. 4.6. i) Buck Mode- Where, = Average Inductor current = = 1A The inductor of the converter can be found as L= = So L=317 µH. This is the minimum inductor value for the converter. We choose 600 µH as inductance. The output capacitance can be found from the following equation. Considering, Δ = Output ripple voltage = 0.2 V, = 355uF. For this experiment we choose L=600µH and C=470µF. Fig 4.5 Buck Mode Condition Lord Krishna College of Engineering (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA. Page 295 "Sharpening Skills..... Serving Nation" International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), Volume 5, Special Issue 1, April 2015) Second International Conference on Advanced Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICADET-15), INDIA. In this Buck mode condition, the values of , , will be compared. If the value of than it will compare with triangular carrier wave to generate PWM for pulse-1of mosfet-1(mosfet-2 keeps off during this time). ii) Boost Mode- The simulation of above mentioned circuit topology has been carried out in MATLAB/ Simulink environment for performance analysis. The figure 5.1 shows the Simulink model of PMSG feeding a resistive load through a Buck-Boost converter. The Buck-Boost converter employs PWM controlling technique for providing the three phase balanced output voltage and frequency with fixed dc or inverter output. Fig. 5.1 MATLAB Simulation model Fig.4.6 Boost Mode Condition (4) PWM Controlling Model After the represent of both buck & boost modes, a practically model is designed by taking some blocks as triangular pulse, PI controller, relational operator & a constant block which are so combined as shown in fig. 4.7. Fig 4.7 PWM Controller From fig. 4.7, it represents two modes (buck & boost). If input voltage is high, it will subtract output voltage from reference voltage and pass to the relational operator & finally go for buck-boost modes. If the value of constant is 1 than it shows buck mode. If the value of constant is 0, it shows boost mode condition. V. MODELING & S IMULATION Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) is fed from a wind turbine. In the wind turbine, wind energy is converted into mechanical energy which energizes the generator to produce electrical energy. This generator has three phase distributed winding on the stator and permanent magnet pole on the rotor. In this case voltage and current are supplied through stator winding. The power filter (Rf,Lf ,Cf) located at the input of the converter mitigates the high-frequency components of the Rectifier input currents, generating almost sinusoidal source currents and avoiding the generation of over voltages and also employed to smoothen out the voltage and current waveform. Scope 1 is attached to measure speed of rotor in rad/s. Also Scope 1 displays the graph of stator current in phase A and electromagnetic torque. Three phase stator voltages and currents are displayed by scope 2. The phase voltage and current of the stator is observed from the scope 3 and 4, respectively. The output of three-phase generator is fed to the Buck-Boost Converter. The output of PMSG is AC and the Buck-Boost convertor is a DC to DC convertor. Scope 5 is attached to measure the converter controlled dc output and also display input of the converter. Output current of converter output, 3-phase inverter output voltage and inverter output voltage are observed from the Scope 6,7,8 respectively. A PMSG has been used to provide the variable voltage and variable frequency at its output and the output of the PMSG is fed to the Buck-Boost converter for improvement in its performance in terms of smoothing or constant output. Lord Krishna College of Engineering (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA. Page 296 "Sharpening Skills..... Serving Nation" International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), Volume 5, Special Issue 1, April 2015) Second International Conference on Advanced Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICADET-15), INDIA. VI. RESULTS & D ISCUSSIONS Fig. 6.6 Buck-Boost Input Current Fig.6.1Wind Speed 10 m/s Fig. 6.7 Buck-Boost Output Voltage Fig. 6.2 Rotor Speed Fig. 6.8 Buck-Boost Output Current Fig. 6.3 Load Torque & Electromagnetic Torque Fig. 6.9 Three Phase Inverter Voltage & Current Fig. 6.4 PMSG Active & Reactive Power Fig. 6.10 Inverter Active & Reactive Power Fig. 6.5 Three Phase PMSG Voltage & Current Lord Krishna College of Engineering (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA. Page 297 "Sharpening Skills..... Serving Nation" International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), Volume 5, Special Issue 1, April 2015) Second International Conference on Advanced Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICADET-15), INDIA. Table:1 Analyzed values at different wind speed. S. No. 1 Parameters Constant of PWM (Buck-boost ) 2 wind speed(m/s) 3 time run of model (sec.) 4 load torque (N-m) 5 6 7 8 9 Electromagnetic- Torque (N-m) rotor speed (rad/sec) active power (Watt) reactive power (VAR) voltage o/p of pmsg and i/p of rectifier (line-line) 220 220 220 220 10 12 15 15 1 1 1 2 31.2 31.8 33.5 34.1 28-36 29 - 35 30-36 31-37 149 154 164 175.7 4750 5000 5500 6100 -257 -300 -380 -442 1060 1100 1140 1200 5.5 5.5 5.7 5.7 350625 450 614 470720 470750 2 to -4 2 to -4 1.6 to 4.3 1.6 to 4.3 215.2 215.2 215.7 215.7 5.25 8.25 5.25 8.25 5.25 8.25 5.25 8.25 (Volts) 10 current o/p of pmsg and i/p of rectifier (Amps) 11 voltage o/p of rectfier and i/p of buck boost (Volts) 12 current o/p of rectfier and i/p of buck boost (Amps) 13 voltage o/p of buck boost and i/p of inverter (Volts) 14 current o/p of buck boost and i/p of inverter (Amps) 15 voltage o/p of inverter i/p to 3 phase load(Amps) 205 205 205 205 16 current o/p of inverter i/p to 3 phase load(Amps) 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 1500 1500 1500 1500 860 860 860 860 17 18 active power to load (Watt) reactive power to load (VAR) Lord Krishna College of Engineering (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA. Page 298 "Sharpening Skills..... Serving Nation" International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), Volume 5, Special Issue 1, April 2015) Second International Conference on Advanced Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICADET-15), INDIA. Fig. 6.11Graph of DC voltage output of buck boost when Vref. Constant is 400 Buck-Boost Output Voltage 600 500 400 > Voltage As the wind speed increases, the overall system working conditions become faster & operating electrical power, voltage/ current parameters increases accordingly. The model is subjected to run for 1 second in most of cases considered here. But within 1 second the system has reached almost steady state & at this steady state the magnitudes of system parameters are observed. As observing the table, PMSG output power increased with increment in wind speed, torque produced by machine also increases. Further PMSG output voltage increases accordingly as 1060 for 10 m/sec; 1100 for 12 m/sec; 1140 m/sec for 15 m/sec. In the same correspondingly current is controlled. This power passed through rectifier, the peak value of rectifier output voltage increases significantly as 625 to 720 for 10 to 15 m/s of wind speed respectively. The dc voltage is fed to buck boost converter, this controls dc voltage at output, the PWM firing pulse generator is employed for controlling dc power. The model is subjected to constant reference voltage magnitude (Vref) of 220 in PWM block for the results stated in above table. Conceptually if this ON time of buck boost (in terms of reference voltage in model) is increased/varied the dc output of buck boost can be increased / varied. The duty cycle of the buck boost converter is increased in order to increase charging time of inductor. As the charging time of inductor would be high, the output voltage peak would be high. Further the output voltage of dc buck boost is fed to 3 phase load via inverter. The variation of Vref and buck boost output voltage is shown in table as:- 300 200 100 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 > Time 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fig. 6.12Graph of DC voltage output of buck boost when Vref. Constant is 600 DC voltage (y-axis) vs Vref Constant (x-axis) 500 400 Table 2: Variation of voltage. 300 S. No. 1 Vref. Constant (in PWM Block) 150 DC Voltage Output (buck boost O/P) 220 Volts 2 450 220 Volts 3 600 422 Volts voltage 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Fig 6.13Graph between DC voltage output of buck boost and Vref. Constant (in PWM Block) Lord Krishna College of Engineering (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute) Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA. Page 299 "Sharpening Skills..... Serving Nation" International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459 (Online), Volume 5, Special Issue 1, April 2015) Second International Conference on Advanced Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICADET-15), INDIA. In this way the output voltage of the buck boost is controlled. Accordingly the power fed to 3 phase is varied as per need of load. [2] [3] VII. CONCLUSION Constant dc voltage is found to be improved by the use of the PWM controlling techniques in the Buck-Boost Converter switches incorporated in the WECS. The output dc voltage can be controlled for the values between 150-450 V and output Voltage of inverter could be constant automatically. In this way the dc or ac output is improved if WECS output is not constant. 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