CHAPTER 4 Designing of MSA The design of RMSA, CMSA and nonlinear MSA is critical at higher frequencies due to number of factors. It becomes difficult for designer to optimize the parameters for extraction of best performance of any particular MSA. The process of designing of such antenna starts with appropriate selection of specific material suitable for fabrication. Further the designing process has to consider the patch dimensions along with thickness to optimize the antenna performance parameters such as percentage bandwidth ,return loss , bandwidth, VSWR etc. This chapter briefly elaborates the fundamental concepts of property of material of substrate, patch platting material and corresponding design equations with respect to RMSA, CMSA and Nonlinear MSA. 4.1 Properties of Material and Substrate There are various substrates which can be used for designing and fabrication of MSAs . The dielectric constant of substrates usually lie in the range of 2.2 to 12. Lower 96 Chapter 4. Designing of MSA the dielectric constant of substrate results better performance of antenna than that of thicker substrate, because they provide better efficiency and larger bandwidth. Table 4.1 shows various substrates with important electrical properties. In research work the substrate materials used such as FR4 Glass Epoxy, Paper Epoxy and ROGERS RO4350B while platting materials used such as Gold, Hal and Nickel[50]. Table 4.1: Electrical properties of commonly used substrate materials for MSAs Material Relative Relative Permittivity Bulk Loss Conductivity tangent (simens/m) Permeability (Dielectric Constant) Dielectric µr (tanδ ) r FR4 Glass Epoxy 4.4 1 0.02 0 Paper Epoxy 4.4 1 0.04 0 ROGERS RO4350B 3.66 1 0.004 0 Gold 1 0.99996 0 41 ×106 Hal 3.3 1 0.003 0 Nickel 1 600 0 145 ×105 Duroid 2.20 1 0.0009 0 Alumina96 pct 9.40 1 0.006 0 Arlon AR450 4.5 1 0.0026 0 4.2 Design Consideration of RMSA Effective dielectric constant [ ref f = r+1 2 ] [ + 2 where JJT University r− 97 1 ][ 1+12h w ]1 2 (4.1) Chapter 4. Designing of MSA ref f r = Effective Dielectric Constant, = Dielectric Constant of the substrate, h=,Heightofthesubstrateand w=,Widthofthepatch. Length of the patch L≈ 0.49λ d = 0√ 49λ r (4.2) where λ =Wavelengthoffreespaceand r = Dielectric Constant of the substrate. Effective length of patch c Lef f = 2f0√ (4.3) ref f where c=Velocityoflight, f0 =resonating frequency and L=Actualpatchlength. In Equation 4.3 the resonating frequency f0 is given by: f0 = [ 2√ ][( c L ref f JJT University m 98 )2 ( )2] n + (4.4) w Chapter 4. Designing of MSA where m and n = Operating mode parameters and L=Patchlengthw=Patchwidth Change in dimension of length due to fringing field [ ][w ] ( ref f + 0.3) h +0.264 Δ L = 0.412h w ( ref f − 0.258) h +0.8 (4.5) where w=Patchwidth, h=Heightofthesubstrateand ref f = Effective Dielectric Constant. Width of patch The Mathematical equations for length and width are as follows: Lg = 6h + L (4.6) Wg = 6h + w (4.7) where w=Patchwidth, h=Heightofthesubstrateand L=Actualpatchlength. JJT University 99 Chapter 4. Designing of MSA 4.3 Design Consideration of CMSA General View of Circular MSA is as shown in Figure 4.1. The design of CMSA is critical at higher frequencies due to number of factors. For example conventional CMSA at lower frequencies uses thin substrate and generally has narrow bandwidth performance. Figure 4.1: General View of Circular Microstrip Antenna The resonance frequency of a CMSA is obtained using the formula: f0 = 2π ae√ e where Kmn = mth root of the derivative of the Bessel function of order, C=velocityoflight, ae = effective radius and e = effective dielectric constant. Actual radius of the circular patch is given by: JJT University 100 (4.8) Chapter 4. Designing of MSA a= √ 1+ 2hFπ r F [ (π F) ln 2h + 1.7726 ] (4.9) where h=heightofsubstrate, r = dielectric constant. The value of F is calculated as: F = 8.7√ 1×109 er fr (4.10) Effective radius of the circular patch is given by equation ae = a { 1+ [ ( π a) ]} 2 2h ln + 1.7726 πa r 2h (4.11) One method of improving the bandwidth is to use thicker substrate. Therefore, as these substrates would be electrically thick at higher frequencies, one would expect a higher bandwidth, but at the same time the losses would increase and hence must be compensated. In addition as substrate thickness increased, higher order surface wave mode may propagate.[54] JJT University 101 Chapter 4. Designing of MSA 4.4 Design Consideration of NLMSA In research work nonlinear MSA has been design using FR4 Glass epoxy, paper epoxy and ROGERS RO4350B as a substrate material similarly Gold, Hal and Nickel can be used as a platting material. These nonlinear MSA’s are simulated by HFSS and fabricated. It is possible to design and fabricated various shapes and sizes of MSA (Nonlinear MSA) such as diamond, leaves of flower or tree. In research work RMSA is modified into nonlinear MSA by making residual change at one corner of RMSA. This change has been made at any one corner of RMSA. In this work Nonlinear equations, HFSS will generate automatically equations for designing NLMSA in the process of simulation[55, 56]. 4.5 Design Methodology General View of Design Methodology is as shown in Figure 4.2. Figure 4.2: General View of Design Methodhodology The design of MSA is critical at higher frequencies due to number of factors. One cannot start fabricating MSA because if the design gets failed the entire cost of fabrication cost and time is going to be waste. Therefore, simulation and testing prototype MSA is essential to reduce the cost of overall design and manufacturing. JJT University 102 Chapter 4. Designing of MSA The design process has three basic phases: 1. Select type of MSA : RMSA, CMSA or NLMSA. 2. Select type of variations: Substrate Thickness, Substrate Material or Patch platting Material. 3. Select Testing Method in Sequence: HFSS Simulation, VNA testing of fabricated MSA and AMS testing for real time practical validation of MSA. The output as shown in Figure 4.2 will be either MSA simulation results of HFSS or MSA fabricate measured results of VNA or MSA radiation profile results of AMS. 4.5.1 Design with Substrate Thickness Variation In research work simulation and fabrication design of MSA can be carried out for Rectangular, Circular and Nonlinear MSA. For these design the substrate material used is FR4 Glass epoxy with substrate thickness 0.2 mm, 0.8 mm and 1.6 mm[57]. Table 4.2 shows Substrate Thickness Variation with 0.2 mm, 0.8 mm, 1.6 mm, Glass Epoxy. Table 4.2: Substrate Thickness Variation MSA Shape Substrate Substrate Substrate Thickness(mm) Thickness(mm) Thickness(mm) Rectangular 0.2 0.8 1.6 Circular 0.2 0.8 1.6 Non-Linear 0.2 0.8 1.6 JJT University 103 Chapter 4. Designing of MSA 4.5.2 Design with Substrate Material Variation In research work simulation and fabrication design of MSA can be carried out for Rectangular, Circular and Nonlinear MSA. For these design the substrate material are used as is FR4 Glass epoxy, Paper Epoxy and ROGERS RO4350B with substrate thickness 1.6 mm[58]. Table 4.3 shows Substrate Material Variation with Glass Epoxy, Paper Epoxy, ROGERS substrate of 1.6 mm Table 4.3: Substrate Material Variation MSA Shape Substrate Material Substrate Material Substrate Material Rectangular Glass Epoxy Paper Epoxy ROGERS Circular Glass Epoxy Paper Epoxy ROGERS Non-Linear Glass Epoxy Paper Epoxy ROGERS 4.5.3 Design with Platting Variation In research work simulation and fabrication design of MSA can be carried out for Rectangular, Circular and Nonlinear MSA. For these design the platting materials are used as Gold, Hal and Nickel with substrate thickness 1.6 mm. basically, these platting materials are coated on copper patch FR4 Glass Epoxy. Table 4.4 shows Patch platting Material Variation with Gold, Hal, Nickel as platting material. This platting material is coated on patch of conducting material where the patch was on substrate material. 4.6 Design Analysis Methodology Simulation, fabrication and analysis of radiation pattern of MSAs have been elaborated in Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 respectively. All these subsequent chapter JJT University 104 Chapter 4. Designing of MSA Table 4.4: Substrate Platting Variation MSA Shape Platting Material Platting Material Platting Material Rectangular Gold Hal Nickel Circular Gold Hal Nickel Non-Linear Gold Hal Nickel comparison of substrate thickness variations, substrate material variations and patch platting variations are consolidated to give the truthfulness of design with respect to substrate antenna parameters and antenna profile patterns. Graphical presentation of analysis of various MSA parameters explained in Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 gives pictorial view of overall design process and therefore it becomes easier for the designer to identify the best MSA performance. Apparently designer has to select the MSA substrate material, its thickness and patch platting material depending upon application and constraint of cost while fabricating them. However, designer may have look on various options available during the simulation analysis and make a decision before he or she goes for actual manufacturing the specific MSA. The main focus of the work carried out and presented in this thesis emphasizes designing of substrate thickness variation, material and patch platting variations particularly for rectangular (RMSA), circular (CMSA) and nonlinear (NLMSA) microstrip antennas has been briefed in this chapter. Next subsequent chapters (5, 6 and 7) are dealing with simulation, fabrication and implementation respectively. JJT University 105