Automated layout of PCBs and LSI chips is a successful operation; testing is an active area of development. DA tools, however, are seldom used in logic design. A Survey of the State of the Art of Design Automation Melvin A. Breuer University of Southern California Arthur D. Friedman George Washington University Alexander losupovicz San Diego State University During 1978-79 we carried out an intensive study of the status of industrial and governmental design automation systems applied to digital systems, with primary emphasis on digital cards and LSI circuits. In this article we present some of the study's more significant data and conclusions. But, before presenting our results, a few introductory remarks concerning the study's background and structure are warranted. The study covers 18 companies and government laboratories, including three in Japan and three in Europe. Most of the companies surveyed are very large and have several divisions. Except for Company 12, we included data on only one division or plant per company, selecting the one dealing with LSI circuits where a choice existed. Hence, the data represent divisional activities, not those of the entire company or government laboratory. Because of our selection procedure, the results of our study are biased. Several companies we contacted insisted that custom LSI circuit design could not be automated. Since they use very few, if any, DA tools, these companies were not included in our survey. Companies marketing DA Because graphic systems are used by almost every company we interviewed, we included one graphics company to obtain firsthand knowledge of new developments for PC cards and LSI circuit design (see Company 11). The study was carried out in two parts. Part I consisted of a detailed questionnaire which almost all companies completed. Part 2 consisted of a site visit to each company. Table I summarizes a few important attributes of each company. Referring to this table while reading subsequent sections will help eliminate any confusion between companies that may arise. The entries in the column headed "Carrier Type" refer to the main product being produced or designed-namely, an LSI chip, IC; printed circuit cards, PCs; or a mix of both, M. The four major LSI technologies included in our work are polycell; master-slice or M/S, semicustom where most cells are macros, and custom. The "DA System Ranking" column indicates the scope of a company's DA system; these entries will be discussed later. is freely available. Finally, several companies have DA systems consisting primarily of software developed elsewhere. Typically such systems had commercially available circuit and/or logic simulators, and for custom LSI design used either a graphics system or manual layouts with digitized results. For polycell design these systems typically used either the PR2D or MP2D layout systems. I Because of the wide availability of all these programs and systems, companies using these systems as their primary tools were also excluded. systems software were also excluded because data on their systems General aspects and capabilities of DA This work was carried out by Breuer & Associates under contract to a US firm. 58 The data presented in this section was derived from our questionnaire. Sophistication. In investigating the current stage of development of each system, we found that the DA systems of the companies surveyed have the following attributes: * isolated programs for specific problems. 6.607o * isolated programs for generic problems . . . 12.1 07o * collection of generic programs which XtI8-9162/81/IOOO-0058S0O.75 © 1981 IEEE COMPUTER communicate with one another via data DA hardware. The system hardware configurations translation programs ............. 19.4/o have the following breakdown: * collection of generic programs written * largecomputers(batch).52.3% so that the output of one programvcan * large computers (interactive terminals) 28.1 % be input directly to another ..... . * minicomputer (batch).7.3% 18.8% * collection of generic programs which * minicomputer(interactivegraphics) 10.9% communicate with one another via a * distributed processing.1. l common database ............... * other. 0.3 100.0% 100.0% We refer to the first category of programs as unsophis- All but one company uses large computers, and interticated and the last as very sophisticated. active graphics is used extensively. Table 1. Major characteristics of companies studied. TECHNOLOGIES USED OR DESIGNED PRODUCT VOLUME NAv Commercial DP systems Very high 1 DA SYSTEM RANKING NAv CARRIER TYPE M 2 10 M Bipolar MOS M/S Custom Commercial DP systems Very high Low system cost 3 5 M CMOS Custom polycell Aerospace electronics Low Fast and reliable design 4 3-4 IC Bipolar MOS Custom Commercial DP systems Low Fast design 5 3-4 PC TTL Micropacks High-speed CPUs NAv COMPANY Polycell PRIMARY DESIGN OBJECTIVE Low system cost Low system cost, high maintainability 6 12 IC MOS All LSI chips NAv 7 15 IC MOS Semicustom and polycell Electronic parts NAv High density, fast design 8 2 PC Bipolar M/S High-speed CPUs NAv Fast design 9 9 PC Bipolar M/S Aerospace electronics Very low High density 10 17 IC MOS Custom LSI High Low design cost 11 NAp NAp NAp NAp Interactive graphics systems NAp NAp 12A 16 IC MOS Bipolar Semicustom M/S LSI chips NAv Low design cost 12B 11 PC Bipolar M/S CPUs NAv LSI chips Low system cost, high performance, reliability Fast design 13 13 IC CMOS Polycell LSI chips NAv Low system cost, fast design 14 7-8 M Bipolar MOS M/S Custom High-speed CPUs High Fast design 15 14 IC MOS Bipolar Custom M/S Electronics Minisystems computers Telephone systems Low Fast design, high density High High density, cost effective- Low to medium High High speed, high density Low system cost 16 1 M Bipolar M/S Commercial DP systems ness 17 7-8 M Bipolar NMOS M/S Custom High-speed CPUs LSI High Low system cost, maintainability 18 6 M Bipolar M/S High-speed CPUs and minis High Cost effectiveness, reliability, maintainability M =Mixed; M/S= Master Slice; NAp= Not Applicable; NAv= Not Available October 1981 59 Software development. The DA systems consist of software developed and obtained from the following sources: * outside the company ............. 22.8Wo *by an internal corporate DA development organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 .6Wqo n25.6Wo by a local development group . . ....... 100.(o test generation area, we found that the system capabilities and the design for testability constraints were equally important factors in determining effort. Note that the total hours/gate is minimal for medium-size circuits, ranging from about 0.1 to 0.8, and that the distribution of effort among logic design, physical design, and test generation is fairly uniform across the three categories of circuits studied. In all cases, logic design takes over 50 percent of the effort, with physical design requiring a little more effort than test generation. The percent of time for physical design and layout is minimal for noncustom LSI chip design. Unfortunately, there is considerable variance on this data: two companies obtain 80 percent or more of their software from outside, five companies obtain 80 percent or more of their software from corporate, and two comSystem capabilities. We surveyed specific DA capabilpanies produce 80 percent or more of their software locally. There is a very clear correlation between our data on ities in nine areas: (1) architecture, the view of a product software development and the sophistication of a DA as seen by its ultimate users; (2) system design; (3) logic system. Those systems relying heavily on outside-de- design; (4) logic verification; (5) circuit design; (6) physveloped software tend to be less sophisticated, i.e., their ical design; (7) test pattern generation for manufactured programs generally fall into the first three categories listed parts; (8) documentation; and (9) data base. Each area was subdivided into specific tasks. For examabove. ple, physical design (at all packaging levels) was divided Design times. In this section we summarize the times in into 17 tasks such as technology independent and/or man-hours required to complete certain phases of a dependent routing and placement programs, crosstalk design, where the product design was partitioned into checking, and logical to physical checking. The current three phases2'3: (1) the logic phase (including architec- DA capability of each task was then rated in one or more ture, system design, logic design, and logic verification), of the following categories: none, some, mature, and (2) the physical design phase, and (3) the test generation under development. We weighted "non-some-mature" with 0-1-2 and comphase. The available data was put into one of three categories depending upon the size of the circuit involved: puted the average capability for each of the nine areas. (1) small circuits, less than 1K gates; (2) medium circuits, The resulting order, from high (mature) to low (none) is IK-lOK gates; and (3) large circuits, more than 10K gates. (1) data base, (2) physical design automation, (3) circuit Table 2 summarizes our data. It is interesting to note design, (4 and 5) logic verification and testing, (6) logic that for Company 16, which has the most complete design, (7 and 8) system design and documentation, and physical DA system, the required effort (for physical (9) architecture. We see that as the design process proceeds from the ardesign) is about one order of magnitude less than for other companies working on similar technologies. In the chitectural phase through the logic design and down to the Table 2. Design times in hours and as a percent of total time: Top, small circuits (<1K gates); middle, medium circuits (1 K- K gales); bottom, large circuits (> 10K gates). COMPANY 3 NO. OF GATES/IC 8 12B 16 7 OR PCB 600 500 500 550 300 3 5 7 12A 6,000 6,000 1,000 10,000 transistors 3 8 12B 16 TECHNOLOGY Polycell Semicustom Master slice Master slice Master slice Average PCB PCB LSI memory Semicustom LSI LOGIC DESIGN 45 [78%] 280 [63%] 340 [82%] 150 [61%] 170 [96%] [76%] 500 330 480 3,500 [51%] [57%] [50%] TEST GENERATION [18%] [4%] [10%] [2%] [10%] 440 415 245 176 240 [24%] 50 [9%] 320 [33%] 240 [24%] 200 [34%] 160 [16%] 980 580 960 10 [17%] 80 15 25 3 [47%] 3,000 [40%] 1,000 [13%] Average [51%] [26%] [22%] 9,600 [23%] 6,800 [22%] Average 22,800 [54%] 21,000 [57%] 49,000 [64%] 22,000 [89%] [66%] 240,000 38,000 120,000 120,000 TOTAL HOURS PHYSICAL DESIGN 3 [5°/] 80 [18%] 60 (14%] 60 [24%] 3 [2%] [13%] 22,000 [29%] 2,000 [8%] [21 %] 9,600 3,200 15,000 500 [23%] [10%I [20%] [2%] [14%] 58 7,500 42,000 31,000 76,000 24,500 HOURS/ GATE (0.1) (0.88) (0.83) (0.44) (0.59) (0.16) (0.1) (0.1) (0.075)- (0.18) (0.82) (0.63) (0.20) *Assume 10 transistors/gate. 60 COMPUTER Ranking of capabilities for tasks in testing physical layout, the degree of automation increases sig1 Fault simulation (very mature) nificantly. 2 Diagnostic programs (dictionaries, probe data, etc.) By computing the average number of companies with 3 Test generation (not mature) development activity for each field, we obtained the 4 All others following ordering (from high to low): (1) testing; (2-4) physical DA, data base, and logic verfication; (5-7) docuTest generation, a less mature task than other areas of mentation, architecture, and system design; (8) logic detesting, is, as we have indicated earlier, one of the most acand (9) .9 cici circuit dsg. sign; sinan aeslgn. The following conclusions can be derived from this tive areas of development. Based upon the capabilities of each system studied, we survey of system capablities: were able to assign each system a numeric score indicating (1) Data base is important in any DA activity and thus is its present total capability. The ranking of these systems is at the top of the list, both in existing capabilities and in shown in Table 1. One correlation between part types (IC, PC, M) and DA system ranking is shown below. those under development. M DA logical than PC weight more DA given IC is (2) Physical since the gains from automating the former are larger Individual 1, 5, 6, 2, 3-4, 9, 11 3-4, 12, 13 Company than for the latter. 7-8, 10 14, 15, 16, 17 (3) The powerful capabilities in existing circuit design Rankings systems and the lack of development work in this area are Average 6.2 6.4 - 13 due to the fact that good circuit design software packages Ranking are generally available. Even though these systems can It -is seen that DA systems dealing with PC cards only process relatively small circuits, i.e., just a small the highest ranking and those only for LSI cirachieved fraction of an LSI chip, little if any new development excuits the lowest. This result may be due to the fact that PC ists in this area. (4) The highest level of development work is in the card design is an older, more mature-and thus testing area, especially in automatic test generation and "easier" -technology than LSI. diagnostic program generation. While most of the comMiscellaneous findings. We found that 60 percent of panies use a fault simulator, only a few use it to process the companies see DA as a mandatory tool in design. Survectors generated randomly. (5) The low level of interest in architecture can be par- prisingly, while DA is used extensively as a design tool, it tially attributed to the fact that this is not generally con- is seldom used as a tool to help manage the development and/or production of a system. Few companies have an sidered a DA activity. (6) In the area of system design, all the development ac- automatic capability to track the design status of parts. tivity deals with high-level or RTL modeling and simula- Also, very little is done to gather statistics on design tion; it is generally felt that such tools are needed to deal automation job runs. ,In most companies design engineers and technicians are with the increasing complexity of LSI circuits successthe primary users of the DA system. Other users included fully. (7) In the area of logic verification, all the companies draftsmen, production planners, and test engineers. use gate-level simulators, and most of them use or are developing interactive versions. (8) In the area of physical design, most of the cap- Detailed analysis of DA system abilities are concentrated in the fields of routing, placeIn this section we present findings, based upon our site ment, and logical-to-physical checking. the is due to in visits, on 10 items: (1) design systems, (2) design pro(9) The low level of interest partitioning widespread feeling that the problem is not worth the ef- cesses, (3) verification-simulation processes, (4) methods fort of automation. There are indications that this situa- of product assurance, (5) methods of physical implementation and design, (6) methods of processing engineering tion will change with the advent of VLSI changes, (7) methods used in test generation, (8) methods is (10) The main interest in automated documentation used in documentation, (9) cycle times for each design in the area of logic-level diagrams. (11) No specific type of data base is used predomi- method from beginning to release, and (10) existence of early hardware. nantly. In Table 1 we summarize several main aspects of the Below we indicate the ranked level of maturity of some companies visited, including their main product, production volume, primary design objective, and the of the tasks within the areas of physical design and testing technology and LSI circuit layout strategy used. We see, as one would expect, that polycell designs are used for Ranking of capabilities for tasks in physical design low-volume production and custom layouts for high(verymature) 1-2 Placement and routing B Shapes specification languages volume. Master-slice designs, sometimes referred to as standard cells or gate arrays, are used for both high- and 4 Logical to physical checking low-volume work. Custom and polycell designs typically 5 Ptath delay analysis use CMOS logic, while master-slice uses bipolar, typically 6-7 Cross-talk checking, wirability analysis ECL. Polycell is used when low system cost and fast 8 Power analysis (nonerto(very little) design times are required. 9 Partitioning October 1981 61 Table 3. Design system hardware. CO. GENERAL MACHINES TYPE OF USAGE SPECIAL PURPOSE TESTING GRAPHICS/DIGITIZING 1 NAv NAv NAv NAv 2 PDP-10 Batch Calma Xynetics plotter Teradyne Testing Aids GenRad 3 Honeywell H66/60 (4 Processors) Batch Applicon (6 work stations) Calcomp Macrodata MD500 DITMCO H P1 000 4 IBM 370/168 Batch Applicon 7000 Calma Calcomp 5 Honeywell 6680 (2 processors dedicated to DA) 11 Tektronix 4801s Batch Interactive Eclipse Honeywell H6660 Calma Batch Interactive 7 CDC 6600 (old system) PDP-10 (new system) Proprietary Batch Interactive 8 Univac Calma Batch Interactive 9 Univac 1100 Access to Cybernet (CDC) Batch 6 Dedicated H6680 for systemlevel testing and fault simulation Calma Computervision DITMCO FACT Macrodata MD154, MD501, MD107 HP 9500 DITMCO Mirco 10 Burroughs 7765 Batch Calma Computervision Calcomp 11 PDP-1 1/34 NAp Interactive 12A Equiv. to IBM 370/148 (dedicated) Equiv. to IBM 370/168 Batch Tektronix 4051, 4025 Applicon 835, 869, 870 12B Equiv. to IBM 370/148, IBM 370/168 (2 each, all dedicated) Batch Applicon 870, 835 Interactive Calma GDS-1 1 13 HP 21 MX Batch 14 2 equivalent to IBM 370/158 Access to UCC timesharing Batch Computervision Interactive Proprietary Gerber 15 CII Honeywell Bull IRIS-80 Interdata 8/32 IBM 370/158 (3 dedicated) Access to UCC timesharing Tektronix 4014 Batch Interactive Redac Access to UCC timesharing Computervision Applicon Macrodata Fairchild Special mini to run D-Lasar Proprietary ATE for LSI GenRad Trendar Proprietary ATE Gerber 16 Equiv. to IBM 370/168 Nova graphic terminals Batch Interactive Gerber 17 4 machines-0.6 MIPS 1 machine -3-4 MIPS 1/2 machine- 3 MIPS Batch Computervision (for custom LSI) Interactive Minis 18 6 dedicated computers (3.4-0.3 MIPS) Sentry 600 Sentry II Fairchild Applicon (for ceramic cards) Batch Interactive Calma NAp = Not Applicable; NAy = Not Available 62 COMPUTER Design Systems. The design system hardware is summarized in Table 3. Besides their large main computers, most installations employ interactive graphic equipment, the most popular being Applicon, Calma, and Computervision. Several installations employ in-house-developed graphic systems. Graphics is used primarily for custom LSI design, for processing engineering changes, and for completing the routing of carriers (boards, cards, and chips). Several installations have access to remote computers in order to use vendor-supplied software, such as Teledyne's D-Lasar4 and CCSS's Tegas5 for CDC's Cybernet, for fault simulation and/or test generation. But only Company 15, because of its extensive use of outside-developed software, uses numerous different CPUs. Design process. The design process is very similar among the companies visited. The main differences lie in the parts of the process which are automated or in which DA tools exist. Also, some companies use their tools more extensively than others, e.g., when high performance machines are being designed, simulation is used more extensively. We were rather disappointed by the complete lack of automated techniques in the area of logic design, although two companies reported the existence of (seldom used) aids for logic minimization and translation and several companies do have the ability to automatically map from T2L (SSI, MSI) to CMOS (LSI). Verification-simulation system. Table 4 summarizes the attributes related to the various simulation systems the companies employ. Those companies which produce large systems (see Table 1) are flagged in column 1 with a "t". Except for Company 18, they have simulators which can handle large circuits (from 20K to 500K). Companies which have architecture or RTL-level simulation capabilities are also ones which make large systems, but the converse is not always true. What may be one of the more surprising results of this survey is the fact that architecture-level simulation is used by several developers of large systems. Also, every developer of large systems identified either has an RTL simulator or is developing one. These facts are not evident from the open literature on design automation. It appears that multi-valued simulators (> 3) are used primarily for LSI design. Though most companies have developed their own simulator, several have purchased Tegas, a commercially available simulator. Although D-Lasar is an entire test-generation software package, some companies use the simulation module of this system for their primary simulator. Except for two cases, all companies use circuit-level simulators. Spice6'7 is used by many of the companies in addition to other commercial or in-house-developed simulators. Only one company reported any work in formal design verification. It uses, when appropriate, a boolean com- RESEARCH SCIENTISTS. The Corporate Computer Sciences Center of Honeywell, located in suburban Minneapolis, has excellent immediate research opportunities for Computer Scientists with backgrounds and interests in Software Technology or Design Automation for VLSI. Selected scientists will be key participants in a research project involving the development of software and hardware design methodologies. RESEARCH PROJECT LEADER. Desired qualifications include 5 years experience in software engineering, and a PhD degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related discipline. Considerable expertise in software technologies and demonstrated supervisory capabilities are required. A background in one of the following areas is desirable:IprogrammingImethodology, operating systems, communicating systems, concurrent processing, distributed computing, modeling, performance analysis, system architecture or database management systems. VLSI DESIGN AUTOMATION SCIENTIST Candidates should possess an MS, PhD or equivalent in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering. Technology background in computer graphics, IC design/layout, or design tool development desirable. Ability in creating applications of new techniques is essential. Honeywell offers a competitive salary, a comprehensive benefit package, and excellent opportunities for both personal and professional growth and recognition. For immediate confidential attention, direct your resume with salary history to: Ms. Cynthia O'Shaughnessy, (CM), Honeywell Corporate Computer Sciences Center, MN09-1200, 10701 Lyndale Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55420. Hone w T An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H parator which checks for the equivalence between two expressions. As we will see, simulation is the primary tool used in verifying the logic of an LSI circuit, but is not used as extensively in PCB development. Its use increases with the performance of a machine, since timing becomes more critical for this case. Note that many of the simulators can handle high-level primitives and that this trend is growing because of the increased complexity of parts. Several companies also use high (RTL) and low-level (gate) simulation results as a check on the correctness of the logic design. Often, functional or hardware test data is used as input to the simulator. Two companies have the ability to automatically compare the results from high and low-level simulation runs. Though simulation, like software debugging, is a crude approximation for verification, it appears to be, along with hardware prototypes, t e main tool used by designers for validating designs. Product assurance. Several techniques are used to gain product assurance; the following are the major items. Design rules checks. Almost all companies carry out DRCs for both PCBs and LSI circuits. These checks often include logical checks and always include physical checks, e.g., on layout. Table 4. Features of the process of design verification via simulation. GATE LEVEL ARCHITECTURE (PROCESSOR) RTL NO. OF LOGIC FUNCTIONAL LEVEL LEVEL VALUES MODELS DELAY MODELING COMPANY NAv NAv 1 NAv NAv NAv 2t - - .3 A* 3t - UD 2 (3 UD) 3 4 Assignable min/max rise/fall - - Unit (assignable rise/fall UD) - - Assignable rise/fall, Unit 6 3 Assignable 7 4 or8 P1 5 8t - 3 10 3 11 3 12A 3 * UD i l 40K 50K Unit - 3 o *Comparison between two versions at gate level - Assignable - Timing analysis by a separate program ,, * Assignable rise/fall Assignable 3 9 12Bt ,} * Levels of description can be intermixed inertial 2 5t COMPARISON MAXIMUM BETWEEN CIRCUIT NO. OF GATES RTL & GATE LEVEL COMMENTS NAv NAv NAv NAv ,, Assignable rise/fall Assignable 10K Assignable 500K , *GPSS used (not part of DA) Logic design is provided and assumed 13 correct UD 14t 15 5 Some Assignable rise/fall min/max 4-5 Some Assignable rise/fall min/max, inertial Modified Tegas system run interactively 16t - 3 i Assignable 17t UD 4 o- Assignable rise/fall U nit' 200K o. 3 * Assignable rise/fall 10K o- 18t mmn/max * Used for LSI design only 1K* 20K* - o. * Gates and/or functional primitives *For simulation of entire system *Memory blocks only NAy =Not Available; UD =Under Development; tCompanies which produce large systems; *See righthand column for related comment. 64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~COMPUTER ,D~ ~ ACKOFB. Testing. PCBs and chips are usually tested extensively. ICs are checked on incoming inspection. Naked board tests and sometimes in-circuit component tests are performed, and finally, functional board tests are carried out. For LSI circuits, cells are tested using wafer tests. Automatic test equipment is used extensively. Reliability. Most companies carry out some form of reliability analysis concerning LSI circuits and PCBs, but this is never done within the design automation group. It is often done by the quality control or technology group. Prototypes and simulation. Prototypes are rarely made for LSI circuits but are usually the "first board built" for PCBs. Simulation, at both the logical and circuit level, is used extensively for LSI circuit development and to a much lesser extent in PCB development. E we re SIN GIL an d _ ** we Physical implementation and design. Figure I summarizes our data dealing with the number of systems employing interactive, manual, and automatic techniques for the problems of IC logic assignment, placement, routing, and rules check. This data is related primarily to PCB design. We see that most companies rely mainly on automatic techniques; design rule-checks are never done interactively; partitioning of logic to PCBs is only done manually; and interactive techniques are used primarily for placement and routing. More details on specific aspects of DA for physical design can be found in the appendix. m x K 1 Gi re BACK I U of a.-..,.1S~of.. COMPUTER, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE MICRO.' COMPLETE YOUR LIBRARY TODAY. USE ORDER FORM AT ~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~See chart below for issuedsavailasblaeinmicrfcedoly COMPUTER Prepaid members $3.00 nonmembers $6.00 GRAPHICS & MICRO members $6.00 nonmembers $12.00 COMPUTER 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 JAN M M MM M M MM M FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV Figure 1. Degree of automation used in physical design. DEC M M M M M M MM M M MM M MM MM M M MM MM M M MM M MM MM M M M MM MM M M MM MM M M MM M MM M = microfiche only. October1981 M M Processing engineering changes. Some of the techniques for handling engineering changes that are common to many systems are summarized below. General. Prior to release, engineering changes are usually handled by designers, but after release, ECs can come from other sources, such as the field. Interactive graphics is a useful tool for communicating an EC to a system. LSI. ECs usually require resimulation and rerunning a portion of the DA system. For custom circuits or cells, ECs are processed manually. PCB. For some systems a difference file can be generated automatically, and jumper wires specified. For some systems an entire new run is required; others can process the change only. ECs are seldom followed by a resimulation since manual checks are usually faster and cheaper. We see that in a few systems considerable care has been given to the processing of ECs, while in others the DA system has no special attributes for processing ECs. By carrying out a formal top-down design, automating as many design functions as possible, and using extensive simulation at all levels, ECs can be minimized and the number of bill cycles reduced to nearly 1.0. Fault simulation and test generation. Data summarizing the areas of fault simulation and test generation can be found in Table A5 of the appendix. We found that most systems employ parallel simulation. Two commercial systems used are Tegas-3 (CCSS)5 and Caps VII rComputer Architect | A small. intluential computer systems architecture department has created a new position tor an experienced computer architect. This position combines a technical advisory role to company officers with the develop~nent of architecture concepts and designs. This department is responsible for establishing product architectural directions and works closely with key designers and corporate planners to implement machines based (GenRad).8 Two companies have concurrent simulators and one is under development. The D-Lasar system4 and Company 12A use deductive simulators. Since this system uses a fixed-length characteristic word vector for indicating the existence of faults, rather than a dynamic list, it is in some respects a "one pass" parallel simulator. Surprisingly, all simulators process mainly stuck-at faults even though LSI circuits really require a more complex fault model.9 Most simulators also process only three logic values, as one would expect, with only one simulator processing two logic values and five processing more than three logic values. In most cases we have * two logic values: 0, 1 * three logic values: 0, 1, u (unknown) * four logic values: 0, 1, u, Z (high impedance) Five simulators allow for assignable delays, with only three restricted to unit delay, and seven allowing for assignable rise/fall delays. These systems process circuits which are considerably smaller than those used for faultfree simulation. Because of the great length of time required to carry out fault simulation, two companies used dedicated systems for this function. In the area of test generation, a few companies use random testing techniques. For automatic test generation, a modified version of the D-algorithm is almost universally employed by those companies which have developed their own software. The effectiveness of these techniques varies significantly with the size of the circuits being processed and the degree of design for testability. Scan-Set10'11 is the predominant technique used to achieve easily testable designs. Again, several companies use the Lasar12 or D-Lasar4 system whose test generation algorithm is similar to the line justification part of the D-algorithm.'3'14 As stated Vlsewhere in this report and seen again in Table A5 in the appendix, a great number of fault simulation and test generation systems are being developed and improved upon. The basic trends appear to be toward functional-level modeling and designing for testability. Though designvformodelmgiandydis notnacforllysaaDAlacy Though design for testability is not actually a DA activity, the techniques employed in this area have significant impact on the effectiveness of the test generation system. Restricting our attention to those companies master-slice chips, nearly 60 percent employ Qualifpriedarycan uidate techisnpositi wlhvaemploying th cnSt ehiu stemjrcnetfrdsg design on proprietary circuit technology, Qualified candidates for this position will have a background in either computer architecture, software system design. processor organization. performance modelling or in the evaluation of hardware technologies. This position is with one of the industry s premier companies and.offers a professional environment which is unequaled. c the Scan-Set* technique as the major concept for for testability. The level of application is (1) PCB only-one company, (2) ICs and PCBs-two companies, and (3) ICs, PCBs, and system-one company. Among the companies not using master-slice technology, only enforces the Scan-Set technique. ~~~~~~~~~~one Documentation. Most companies employ several forms of documentation including such items as artwork, schematics, flowcharts, assembly drawings, timing dia- Forch cnfenale is 800-538-8157, ext. 940 (from outside California) # $ J t C ~~ ~ 800-672-3470, ext. 940 (in California) ~~~Orwrite to:! ~~~~Associates, ~~~~Dept.Box 793, ~~~P.O. Mountain View, California 94042. IC, grams, RTL descriptions, microprograms, and numeri- z ~~or cal-control machine tapes. While some companies may only a subset is of these documents, all or most automatically. produce produced The most common usually forms of documentation generated automatically are j*atok * drill tapes, and * logic diagrams. 'Sean-Set as used here is synonymous with Scan-Path. tv_______S_ L ~~~~~~~COMPUTER As seen elsewhere, automatic documentation, such as an indispensible part of the design process, and the automatic generation of logic diagrams, schematics, and assembly drawings leads to tremendous fi- artwork, is nancial savings. Both on-line and off-line documentation devices are common. Media for documentation consist of hard copy, microfilm, microfiche, film, disk, and tape. Cycle Times. Table A6 in the appendix summarizes the cycle times for systems and PCB and chip designs. The impact of design automation is clear. For those aspects of the design that have been automated, design time is significantly reduced. For example, there are orders-of-magnitude differences between the time required for a custom (manual) layout of a chip and that required for an automatic layout of a polycell chip. For large systems, a tremendous amount of time is spent in going from high-level design to logic design-an area where only some RTL tools exist-and in prototype raw data on Containing over 80 papers, this year's Compcon Spring Digest focuses on the technology and applications of VLSI. Sessions addressed such topics as local networks, packaging, data base machine architecture, speech processing, data flow architectures, LSI implementations of multiple-valued logic, attached array processors, memory management, intelligent instrumen- debugging. tation, and 32-bit VLSI computers. Order #341 Company 17's data on the design of PCBs demonstrates an interesting fact, probably common to most systems. Namely, the human design processes lead to numerous design cycles, errors, changes in specs, redesign, etc. However, once the final design is committed to manufacturing, the number of redesigns is quite small. There appears to be some inconsistency between the small values of bill cycles (I to 2) and the fact that debugging a system is a complex job. One company's experience indicated that the design time for a 5000- to 10,000-transistor custom MOS circuit was four to 10 man-months, or about 1070 transistors per man-month. A master-slice chip having 3500 transistors required 1.5 man-months, or about 2330 transistors per man-month. Therefore, master-slice designs require about one-half the effort of custom designs. Early hardware. Most companies do not make prototypes for LSI circuits but do employ logic simulation extensively. Prototypes using lower levels of integration, such as T2L MSI and SSI circuit chips, are seldom very useful because of poor mapping of this implementation and associated timing into an LSI circuit. For PCBs, prototypes and/or first release are used extensively. Sometimes two prototype systems are developed, one for software development and the second for hardware debugging. Summary and conclusions A few of the more basic findings derived from our studiesare summarized below, * Most DA systems consist of generic programs which communicate with one another via a common data base. * Most DA system hardware consists primarily of large general-purpose CPUs with extensive use of cormmercial interactive graphics systems. * About 50 percent of DA tools are developed by internal, corporate DA development groups. October 1981_ Digest of Papers from COMPCON '81 Spring: VLSI in the Laboratory, the Office, the Factory, the Home Members-$22.50 Non-Members-$30.O0 Use order form on p. 91. | This tutorial is a decision-making aid designed to help those responsible for purchasing an ECG computer sys- tem. It consists of pertinent articles from a variety of journals and a substantial amount of new material. In 19 ar- ticles, the nature of computerized ECG systems, the available analytical programs, criteria for choosing a system, economic considerations, system impact on staff and patient care, and the limitations of computer systems are discussed. 227 pp. Order #325 Tutorial-Computer Systems for the Processing of Diagnostic Electrocardiograms Edited by T. Allan Pryor, Erica Drazen, and Michael Laks November 1980 Members-$18.75 8Non-members -$25.00 * Logic design requires over 50 prcent of the total design effort, yet few automated tools are used for this aspect of the design cycle. * Architecture and RTL simulation is used extensively by designers of large main frames, though the former activity is usually not considered part of design automation. * Automated layout of PCBs and polycell and masterslice LSI chips is a well-developed, successful opera> tion. * Testing is one of the less-mature but most-active areas of DA development. * Little effort is being devoted to formal design verification; rather, designs are checked in an ad hoc fashion by simulation, by building prototypes, and by employing the "first built" machinq.o Clearly industry and government laboratories have * ofr * the iidesign * in developed many effective DA tools to* aid digital systems. Due in part to the lack of funds and inhouse expertise, some companies make extensive use of vendor-supplied software. This' leads to problems of system integration and hinders transmission of data from one process to another. The use of several standard algorithms by most companies implies a lack of in-house research groups. This was confirmed by site visits to locations where almost all technical DA staff members were engaged in software development. Because of this situation, most companies are either not ready to deal with VLSI design problems or are very reluctant to discuss their present and planned efforts in VLSI. RTL, design verification, layout, design for testability, and test generation must be strengthened if future DA systems are to take advantage of new technologies. * Table Al. Features of PCB placement process. Co. 1 NO. OF TYPES ICs OF ICs OBJECTIVE NAy 1) Center of gravity 2) Constructive20 3) Mincut (UD) Initial constructive Meet thermal, power distribution placement followed by and special posi- pairwise interchange tioning constraints and gate swapping (wire lenthvec Minimize total wire length 2 180 1 3 168 3 4 80 2 5 8 1 65 1 Minimize total length ~~~~~~~~~~~wire Minimize wire density 84 .1 Minimize total wire length; also thermal constraints 9 APPENDIX 11 this appendix we present detailed data on some techniques and characteristics of DA processes. 12B Methods of physical implementation and design PCB physical design. Table Al summarizes some of our data on automatic placement techniques for PCBs. The average number of SSI/MSI chips per board is about 100. Most systems tend to minimize wire length, though the newer systems are beginning to deal more with wire density and use versions of the mincut algorithm's or interactive techniques. Some results on the routing process are shown in Table A2. Most PCBs are multilayer; only four companies restrict themselves to two layers. Most companies also use fixed vias and orthogonal routing. The most popular routing process is line-search,'6 followed by mazerunning'7; channel routers'8 are used in only two cases. DIPs are used more often than flat packs. Because of the lack of data on track density, it is not possible to get a correlation between the number of layers and IC density. 68 pairwise interchange Interactive Random initial placement followed by a of forcecombination directed interchange and Steinberg algorithm20 100 21 Minimize total wire length Randpm initial placeby mentfollowed pairwise interchange NAp 10 In Initial constructive placement followed by pacementedby NAp NAp 6 8 METHOD 1 Minimize wire Interactive-based on densiry exchange NAp Minimize total 100 wire length MSI 27 LSI 17 performs pin NAp 13 15 16 Modified Steinberg algorithm (also 60-150 42 1 Outin dnity Initial placement followed by SteinbergRutman algorithm2021 NAv Wire density NAv Initial random placement followed up by mincut algorithm (also performs pin assignment) Force-directed interchange Minimize wire length Manual 18 110 UD= Under Development; NAp= Not Applicable; NAv= Not Available 'COMIPUTER In summary, the physical design for PCBs is a mature DA process, though partitioning is excluded. The trend in both placement and routing techniques appears to stress, to a great extent, the concept of wire density rather than just wire length. Unfortunately, no new layout techniques were encountered. Also, the problem of automatic placement of unequal-size objects (e.g., 14, 24, and 40-pin DIPs) has not been adequately addressed by the industry LSI physical design process. Table A3 summarizes our findings on the physical design process for noncustom LSI circuits. Master-slice (see Companies 2, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18): * technology-bipolar ECL, * average number of gates/chips-544, * assignment of logic to cells*-usually done manually, * placements-five automatic, four interactive, one manual, and * routing-six automatic, five interactive. We see that the layout of master-slice LSI circuits is to a large extent an automated and/or semi-automated process. In some cases the interactive system is used primarily to edit the results of the automated run or to process engineering changes. * There appears to be some confusion with this item. We assumed various types of cells and hence a choice of implementation, but it is not clear whether this question was answered according to that interpretation. Table A2. Features of PC routing process. NO. OF LAYERS VIAS TYPE OF INTERCONNECTION 2 2 FX ORT 3 .2 FX NR 4 2 FX 5 8 CO. DENSITY ICs/IN2 METHOD COMMENTS NAv 1.51 Hightower Results of routing used interactively to modify placement DIP FP 2.0 3.86 NAv Routing followed by postprocessing based on topological transformations FP 1.53 Channel NAp NAp Lee (interactive) TYPE OF IC 1 6 NAp 7 NAp 8 >2 9 .2 ORT FX FL DIP 1.2 Lee + Hightower DIP 1.5 Lee NAp 10 2 11 FX Line search + maze running ORT NAp 1 2A 12B ORT 2 Modified Lee + line search FP NAp 13 14 Includes programs for IC pin assignment and net ordering 2-8 FX FL MSI:1.56-2.5 Channel + ORT LSI: 0.42 line search Includes programs for net order- ing and density analysis NAv 15 16 2 3-10 17 6 18 2-8 FX FL ORT 2 ORT FX = Fixed; FL = Floating; FP = Flalpacks; NAp = Not Applicable; NAy = Not Available; NR = Not Restricted; October 1981 DIP Lee Hightower Designer can constraints impose various Line search + maze running Modified Lee DRT = Orthogonal. 69 Polycell (see Companies 3, 4, 6, 7, 13) well automated. The higher gate densities arise from the technology rather than the layout philosophy. * technology MOS, * average numberofces/chip-The algorithms employed for LSI layout are summa* average number of cells/chip-300, *aeaenmeofgtshi-70rized in Table A4. The same types of procedures are used * average number of gates/chip-2750, both polycell and master-slice layouts. For example, assignment oflogictocels-twoautoatfor * assignment of logic to cells-two automatic, three channel routers are applicable to both. Also, the same manual, basic techniques used for PCB layout appear to be used * placement-all automatic, and * placement-all ' routing-all automatic. for LSI layout. In fact Company 12B uses the same programs for PCB and LSI M/S chip layout. However, speAs stated previously, polycell is used for fast-design cial algorithms have been developed for polycell layout. (low-cost), low-volume work. Hence the process is fairly These take advantage of the fact that the cells are laid out Table A3. Basic characteristics of the LSI design process. CO. 1 TECHNOLOGY & CONFIGURATION 2 Bipolar (standard cell) 3 CMOS (polycell) 4 MOS (polycell) NO. OF CELLS NO. OF GATES ASSIGNMENT OF LOGIC PLACETO CELLS MENT ROUTING COMMENTS NAv 400 M A A 180 250 M A A 400 2000 M A A 5 NAp 6 MOS (all) 7 MOS (semicustom + polycell) 8 Bipolar ECL (master-slice) 9 Bipolar, SOS, CMOS (standard cell) 300 168 M A A A A A 1000 M 600 M General program also applicable to custom design High-performance circuits 10 Custom design only; program to convert symbolic layout to geometric layout 11 NAp 12A MOS (custom) ECL (master-slice- 500 see 1 2B) 12B Bipolar ECL (master-slice) 13 CMOS (polycell) 14 Bipolar ECL (master-slice) MOS* (custom) 500 6000 A 700 MOS (custom) Bipolar (custom) 16 Bipolar ECL (master-slice) 400 17 Bipolar ECL (master-slice) 100 M A A A A A M* M* A, A, Semicustom design only; simple program to convert symbolic layout to geometric layout *Initial rough placement and routing *Memory chips only A Bipolar 200 ECL (master-slice) A = Automatic; I= Interactive; M = Manual; NAp = Not Applicable; NAy = Not Available *See righthand column M A 1000 15 18 70 Cell design-manual M M M* A A A A A *Aided by a program for density prediction tor related comment. COMPUTER Table A4. Main features of LSI placement and routing programs. CO. PLACEMENT 1 2 3 ROUTING COMMENTS NAv Mincut15 Channel Channel Random initial (expandable placement and periphery) pairwise interchange to minimize total wire length 4 Constructive Line search 5 6 Initial constructive Channel (floating vias)6 (expandable placement (or periphery) user-specified) followed by pairwise NAp 100% routing interchange to obtain uniform wire density 7 Initial constructive Several channel General hierarchical placement followed routers (may program use nonuniform by iterative cell channel widths movement to and wide vias) minimize area (different size cells Material in this tutorial ranges from broad policy guidance to specific SCM implementation procedures. 21 reprints are divided among the subjects of quality The and product integrity, the definition of SCM, methods of implementing SCM, SCM planning, sample management concepts from the defense establishment, and the consequences of ineffective SCM. 452 pp. Order #309 Tutorial-Software Configuration Management Edited by William Bryan, Christopher Chadbourne, and Stan Siegel allowed) Interactive using Calma Interactive using Calma 8 9 10 11 1 2A 12B Modified Kurtzberg algorithm20 13 Manual and interactive NAp Manual x October 1980 Members-$15.00 ~~Non-members -$20.00/ Use order form on p. 136C. Modified Lee + line search ON Hierarchical program 1) Placement of functional blocks: Mincut modified version of M ionaduiiet Kernighan-Lin22 2) Placement of basic cells: a) Mincut b) Forcedirected23 c) Square-law force-directed, evaluated by psuedorouting a) Channel b) Line-search = c) Lee 14 Interactive 15 Manual and interactive 16 Manual (aided by Lee a program to predict density) Line search + 17 Force-directed pairwise interchanges 18 Cluster develop- ment as initial con- structive placement followed by pairwise relaxation method maze running Channel + line search ___________________________________________ October 1981 A new quantitative approach to software management and engineering is reflected in this tutorial, wvhich focuses on product-oriented attributes such as size, complexity, and reliability, and process-oriented attributes such as cost, schedules, and resources. The 27 articles include four specially adapted and one newly written for this tutorial. 343 pp. Order #310 Tutorial-Models and Metrics for Software Management and Engineering Edited by Victor R. Basili October 1980 Members-$1 5.00 Non-members -$20.00 CO. METHOD FAULT MODELS Table A5. Features of the fault-simulation and test-generation processes. FAULT SIMULATION LOGIC FUNCTIONAL DELAY OTHER TEST VALUES MODELS MODELING FEATURES GENERATION 1 Parallel24 Stuck (pins) 3 3 Parallel N=36 Stuck (all) 3 4 Concurrent24 Stuck (all) 3 (4 UD) UD 5 Parallel N = 36 Stuck (all) Diode shorts Bridge shorts 2 - 6 Parallel Stuck (all) Some functional 3 7 Parallel (N is machine dependent) Stuck (all) 4 or 8 8 Parallel N=36 Stuck (all) 9 Parallel N=16 Stuck (pins) 2 (on GenRad) N=5 N = 18 . Unit Concurrent UD DESIGN FOR TESTABILITY NAv Manual Assignable Up to 4000 rise/fall gates 1) Manual 2) Random Basic concepts* Assignable Up to 5000 rise/fall gates 1) Manual 2) Random Basic concepts* Assignable Dedicated computer rise/fall for fault simulation and test generation Automatic (D-algorithm) Assignable Manual Basic concepts* Assignable Manual (automatic UD) Program which computes testability measures 3 Assignable 1) Automatic (up to 7000 gates) 2) Manual for PC cards 3 Assignable Manual (automatic UD) - rise/fall 10 Basic concepts* Manual 11 NAp 12A Deductive Stuck (all) 3 Unit Up to 10K gates Manual 12B Parallel N=31 Stuck (all) 3 Unit Up to 5K gates Fpr LSI: Scan-set 1) j~andom (at board level) 2) Automatic (D-algorithm) For PCB: Manual 13 14 Manual (automatic UD) Deductive24 (D-Lasar) Stuck (all) 3 Scan-set enforced Assignable Uo to 75K gates rise/fall (27K on dedicated mini) Automatic Basic concepts* (D-Lasar) Manual Scan-set Special test bus systems NAv Stuck (all) 4 Assignable Up to 1 K gates rise/fall Deductive (D-Lasar) Parallel GenRad Stuck (all) 3 Assignable Up to 75K gates Automatic (9 val D-algorithm - 500 gates) Automatic (D-Lasar) Manual Manual Random (Trendar) 16 Parallel N = 11 Stuck (all) 3 Assignable Up to 3K gates and functional primitives Manual Automatic (D-algorithm) Scan-set (at all levels 17 Concurrent Stuck (all) 4 Random Automatic (D-algorithm) Scan-set (Iqs and PCBs) 18 Parallel Stuck (all) 4 Random Automatic (10 val 0-algorithm 3K gates) Manual Scan-set (ICs and PCBs) 15 rise/fall Stuck (pins) , Unit Some Up to 10K gates Assignable Up to 5K gates or unit *Basic concepts reters to techniques such as reset lines for tlip flops, control over local oscillators, etc. NAp = Not Applicable; NAy = Not Available; UD = Under Development. 72 COMPUTER in rows and the rows are separated by channels. Complete routability is achieved by making sure the channels are as wide as necessary to accommodate the routing. MP2D1 is an example of such a program. resulting low utilization of the logic. Hence, semicustom layouts may be mandatory, but companies were reluctant to discuss their ideas on these matters. Custom. In most cases, the layout of custom chips is done manually and. then digitized, or interactively using a graphics system. Surprisingly, while symbolic layout techniques, such as the Stick notation,19 appear to be getting wide attention in the literature, only one company (#10) reported using such a scheme. They also have the ability to automatically map this symbolic layout into a physical layout. Only one company (#7) reported work on the development of an automatic layout system for custom LSI. They are also employing a hierarchical approach, which appears to be essential for VLSI circuits. The lack of work in the general area of automatic techniques for the layout of custom or semicustom LSI and VLSI seemed, to us, rather distressing. Polycell chips appear to be decreasing in popularity, and the emergence of VLSI may make master-slice chips inefficient because of their high gate-to-pin ratio and the Miscellaneous tables Table A6. PCB design cycle times. (Companies 1, 4, 6-12A, and 18-not applicable) _______________________________________________________ TIME* BILL FUNCTION CO. CYCLE SIZE (weeks) 12 2 120-IC PCB Design through prototype 3 10-12 PCB system 5 12B 1.1 PCB 14 300K-600K 15 16 gate system 25-IC PCB Architecture Logic design to release Manufacturing 26-52 39-52 13-26 IC chip selection (SSI/MSI) through release to manufacturing 4-6 Specs for computer family (5 people) Individual machine architecture (5 people) System design (10 people) Engineering (15 people) Prototype build Prototype debug Elapsed time 12M Simulation Layout 1-2 50-PCB system Architecture (5 people) (nonstandard boards) Standard PCB 17 100.0 PCB 1.1 PCB *M =Months; Y=Years October 1981 Logic design, physical design, prototype build (1 0 people) Debug (15 people) Elapsed time From verified logic to prototype 6M 9M Tables A5, A6, and A7 provide s6me detailed data dealing with fault simulation/test generation and design cycle times. Table A7. LSI design cycle times. (Companies 1, 10, 11, 17, and 18-not applicable or not available) TIME BILL (weeks) FUNCTION CO. CYCLE SIZE 6 200-400 gate Layout 2 (custom) 3 4 (polycell) Logic to drawing release 20 MOS System concept and partitioning 2-4 (polycell) Logic verification Auto placement and routing Graphic editing Graphic edtn ~~~~~Elapsed Time 6 Cell, chip (polycell) 7 500 gate 8 Design Layout (MIS) 12M 3Y M/S 9 Logic design to masks 12A 2.5 Semicustom and M/S 12B 1.2 M/S 13 2 14 From verified logic to layout 3-4 700 gate (M/S) Logic design Simulation 4 1-2 1-6 1 Miscellaneous Elapsed time 1+ 16 2 LSI chip (polycell) Layout 15 8-12 From verified logic to layout using interactive graphics 2 custom-chip system 1-4 6M 12M 3 1-3 1.1 3M 3M 2-6 2-4 1-2 7-1 7-16 300 gate (M/S) g Architecture, logic design, simulation, layout Mask and fabrication Revisions Elapsed Time 5-22 4-13 26-56 <1 Syste design 1 Test generation 3H1 3H Qualification Manufacture build/test Engineering change Documentation Elapsed time Logic design Board build 13-22 Architecture Logic design Verification Physical design 12M 2.5Y 1 7-12 1 3H iSH 5H -5 H=Hours; M/S= Master Slice 73 22. B. W. Kernighan and S. Lin, "An Efficient Heuristic Procedure for Partitioning Graphs, " Bell System Technical J., Vol. 49, Feb. 1970, pp. 291-308. PR2D and MP2D, information and users' manuals are available from RADCOM, Fort Monmouth, N.J. 07703. 23. N. R. Quinn, Jr., and M. A. Breuer, "A Forced Directed Component Placement Procedure for Printed Circuit M. A. Breuer (ed.), Design Automation of Digital Boards," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-26, Systems-Theory and Techniques, Prentice-Hall, No. 6, June 1979, pp. 377-388. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1972. M. A. Breuer (ed.), Digital System Design Automation: 24. M. A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman, Diagnosis and Reliable Design of Digital Systems, Computer Science Press, Languages, Simulation and Data Base, Computer Science Woodland Hills, Calif., 1976. Press, Potomac, Md., 1975. D-LASAR User's Guide, University Computing Coin- References 1. 2. 3. 4. pany, Report No. 3544, Nov. 1973. 5. TEGAS User's Manual, Comprehensive Computing Systems and Services, Austin, Tex. 6. L. W. Nagel, SPICE2: A Computer Program to Simulate Electronic Circuits, Memorandum No. ERL-M520, Electronics Research Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif., 1975. 7. E. Cohn, Program Reference for SPICE2, Memorandum No. ERL-M592, Electronics Research Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif., 1976. 8. CAPS VII User's Manual, GenRad Corporation, Boston, Mass. 9. J. Galiay et al., "Physical Versus Logical Fault Models in MOS LSI Circuits-Impact on Their Testability," IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. C-29, No. 6, June 1980, pp 527-531. 10. M. J. Y. Williams and J. B. Angell, "Enhancing Testability for Large Scale Integrated Circuits vid Test Points and Additional Logic," IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. C-22, No. 1, pp. 46-60. 11. E. B. Eichelberger and T. W. Williams, "A Logic Design Structure for LSI Testing," J. Design Automation and Fault-Tolerant Computing, Vol. 2, May 1978, pp. 165-178. 12. J. J. Thomas, "Automated Diagnostic Test Programs for Digital Networks," ComputerDesign, Vol. 10., No. 8, pp. 63-67. 13. J. P. Roth, "Diagnosis of Automata Failures: A Calculus and a Method, IBM J. Research and Development, July 1966, pp. 278-291. 14. J. P. Roth, W. G. Bouricius, and P. R. Schneider, "Programmed Algorithms to Compute Tkts lb Detect and Distinguish Between Failures in Logic Circuits," IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. C-16, No. id, Oct. 1967, pp. 567-580. 15. M. A. Breuer, "Min-Cut Placement," @. DesignAutomation and Fault Tolerant Computing, Vol. 1 Oct. 1977, pp. 343-362. 16. D. W. Hightower, "A Solution to Lihe Routing Problems on the Continuous Plane," Proc. Sixth Design Automation Workshop, June 1969, pp. 1-24. 17. C. Y. Lee, "An Algorithm for Path Connections and Its Applications," IRE Trans Elect. Computers, Vol. 10, No. 9, Sept. 1961, pp. 346-365. 18. A. Hashimoto and J. Stevens, "Wire Routing by Optimizing Channel Assignment Within Large Apertures," Proc. Eighth Design Automation Workshop, June 1971, pp. 155-169. J. 19. D. Williams, "STICKS-A Graphical Compiler for High Level LSI Design," AFIPS Conf. Proc., Vol. 47 1978 NCC, pp. 289-295. 20. J. M. Kurtzberg and M. Hanan, "Placement Techniques," Chapter 5, Design Automation ofDigital Systems- Theory and Techniques, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1972. 21. R. A. Rutman, "An Algorithm for Placement of Interconnected Elements Based on Minimum Wire Length," AFIPS Conf. Proc., Vol. 24, 1964 SJCC, pp. 477-491. Additional references by subject Test generation and design for testability-see References 4, 12, 1 1 2 25. J. Grason and A. W. Nagle, "Digital Test Generation and Design for Testability," Proc. 17th Design Automation Conf., June 1980, pp. 175-189.* 26. L. H. Goldstein, "Controllability/Observability Analysis of Digital Circuits," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-25, No. 9, Sept. 1979, pp. 685-693. l 27. J. Grason, "TMEAS, A Testability Measurement Program," Proc. 16th Design Automation Conf., June 1979, pp. 156-161.* 28. J. D. Lesser and J. J. Shedletsky," An Experimental Delay Test Generator for LSI Logic," IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol. C-29, No. 3, Mar. 1980, pp. 235-248. Symbolic layout 29. M. Hsueh, Symbolic Layout and Compaction of Integrated Circuits, Memorandum Number UCB/ERL M79/80, Electronic Research Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif., Dec. 1979. 30. A. Dunlop, "SLIP-Symbolic Layout of Integrated Circuits with Compaction," CAD, Vol. 10, Nov. 1978, pp. 387-391. Verification 31. W. E. Cory and W. M. vanCleemput, "Developments in Verification of Design Correctness," Proc. 17th Design Automation Conf., June 1980, pp. 156-164.* 32. T. M. McWilliams, "Verification of Timing Constraints on Large Digital Systems," Proc. 17th DesignAutomation Conf., June 1980, pp. 139-147.* Synthesis-see Chapter 2 of Reference 2, Chapter 2 of Reference 33. M. J. Y. Williams and R. W. McGuffin, "A High Level Logic Design System," Proc. Int'l Symp. Computer Hardware Description Languages, Oct. 1979, 40-46. * 34. H. Weber, "High Level Design for Programmed Logic Arrays," Proc. Int'l Symp. Computer Hardware Description Languages, Oct. 1979, pp. 90-101.* as 2 ,aas well Data Base-see Chapter 5 off Reference ela eeec DaaBs-e hpe "An A. H. and Integrated CAD Teger, 35. A. J. Korenjak Data Base System," Proc. 12th Design Automation Workshop, June 1975, pp. 399-406. Semicustom layout 36. B. B. Preas and C. W. Gwyn, "Methods for Hierarchical Automatic Layout of Custom LSI Circuit Masks," Proc. l5th Design Automation Conf., June 1978, pp. 206-212. Master/slice layout 37. R. Kamikawai et al., "Placement and Routing Program for Master-Slice ICs," Proc. 13th Design Automation Conf., June 1976, pp. 245-250. 38. D. Hightower and F. Alexander, "A Mature 12L/STL Gate Array Layout System" Digest of Papers-COMPCON Spring 80, Feb. 1980, pp. 149-155.* COMPUTER 39. H. Shiraishi and F. Hirose, "Efficient Placement and Routing Techniques for Master Slice LSI" Proc. 17th Design Automation Conf., June 1980, pp. 458-464. Mixed-level simulation 40. P. L. Flake, G. Musgrave, and 1. J. White, "A Digital Systems Simulator-HILO," Digital Processes, Vol. 1, 1975, pp. 39-53. 41. T. Sasaki et al., "MIXS: A Mixed Level Simulator for Large Digital System Logic Verification," Proc. 17th Design Automation Conf., June 1980, pp. 626-633.* 42. M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer, and K. Kumar, "Concurrent Fault Simulation and Functional Level Modeling," Proc. 14th Design Automation Conf., June 1977, PP. 128-137.* Engineering changes 43. F.P. Mallmann, "The Management of Engineering Changes Using the PRIMUS System," Proc. 17th Design Automation Conf., June 1980, pp. 348-361.* Schematics 44. H. M. Bayegan, "CASS: Computer Aided Schematic M Proc. th DesignAutomationConf., Junem1977, SystemH pp. 396403. Artwork analysis and checks 45. C. R. McCaw, "Unified Shapes Checker-A Checking ToolforLSI,"Proc. 16thDesignAutomationConf, June 1979, pp. 81-87.* 46. J. Rosenberg and C. Benbassat, "CRITIC: An Integrated Circuit Design Rule Checking Program," Proc. 11th Design Automation Workshop, June 1974, pp. 14-18. * 47. S-P. Chao, Y-S. Huang, and L.M. Ya, "A Hierarchical Approach for Layout Versus Circuit Consistency Check, Proc. 17th Design Automation Conf., June 1980, pp. Arthur D. Friedman is chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at George Washington -University. His research interests include multiprocessor systems, fault diagnosis andfault-tolerantsystems,designautomation, and computer architecture. He was previously a member of the technical staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories and an associate professor at the University of He is a co-author of Theory and Design of Southern California. Switching Circuits (Computer Science Press) and Diagnosis and Reliable Design of Digital Systems (Computer Science Press). Friedman received his PhD in electrical engineering from Columbia University in 1965. pp. Alexander losupovicz is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at San Diego State University and a consultant in the area of fault-tolerant computers and automation of digital systems. design 0 0 He was previously on the faculty at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1970-1975) and 396°403.* at California State University Northridge \. (1975-1978), and on the scientific staff at Bell-Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada (1965-1967). His interests include design automation and fault diagnosis and simulation of digital systems as well as parallel computer architectures. losupovicz received the BScEE and MScEE degrees from the Technion Israel, in 1964 and 1966, respectively, and the PhD in SIS from Syracuse University in 1970. 270-276. * 48. D. G. Ressler, "Simple Computer-Aided Artwork System That Works, Proc. 11th Design Automation Workshop. June 1974, pp. 92-97.* 49. T. Mitsuhashi et al., "An Intergrated Mask Artwork Analysis System," Proc. 17th Design Automation Conf., June 1980, pp. 277-284.* 'This digest or proceedings is available from the IEEE Computer Society, West Coast Office, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720. Melvin A. Breuer is a professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. His main interests are in the area of switching theory, computer-aided design of. computers, fault diagnosis, and simulation. In addition to his research activities, Breuer has been at the forefront of developing courses on design automation and fault-tolerant computing at universities and at a number of research institutes. Breuer is a member of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and the IEEE. He is the editor and co-author ofDesign Automation ofDigital Systems: Theory and Techniques (Prentice-Hall), editor of Digital System Design Automation: Languages, Sim- ulation and Data Base (Computer Science Press), co-author of Diagnosis and Reliable Design of Digital Systems (Computer Science Press), and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Design Automation and Fault Tolerant Computing. He received the BS degree in engineering with honors from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1959 and the MS degree in engineering, also from UCLA, in 1961. In 1965 he received his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. October 1981 Presenting a quantitative methodology of cost estimating, this tutorial discusses economics, trade-off opportunities, and investment strategies for effective planning and control of software development. Designed for engineers at the MS level and business management analysts at the MBA level, it features almost 100 pages specially written by Putnam for this volume, along with 18 reprints. 349 pp. Order #314 Tutorial-Software Cost Estimating and LifeCycle Control: Getting the Software Numbers Edited by Lawrence H. Putnam October 1980 Members-$15.00 Non-members-$20.0O Use order form on p. 136C. 75