An Uncertainty Analysis for Two Freeway Sites Submission Date: August 1, 2002 Word Count: 7,246 Nathan Higgins Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180 Phone:(518) 276-8306 Fax:(518) 276-4833 Email: Corresponding author: George List Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180 Phone: (518) 276-6362 Fax: (518) 276-4833 Email: Stacy Eisenman Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180 Phone: (518) 276-8306 Fax: (518) 276-4833 Email: Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM Original paper submittal – not revised by author. Abstract Uncertainty is a major issue in many phenomena. The operation of highways is no exception. Yet, one of the most common methodologies for assessing the performance of intersections, freeways, etc. lacks the ability to reflect uncertainty in the inputs or the outputs. Methods that allow explicit examination of the variations that arise in the performance of given facilities or systems are necessary. This paper examines the issue of uncertainty for two freeways that are located in upstate New York and provides a commentary on the perspectives that might be adopted to portray the stochastic performance of such facilities to analysts. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 1 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. 1 INTRODUCTION Traffic engineers and planners often model highway facilities using fixed values for the inputs. Implicitly, one surmises, they are assuming that the data represent average conditions or average values for a specific condition, such as a peak hour. In reality, it is likely that the analysts know the inputs are stochastic. For example, they realize that the volumes vary by time of day, day of the week, etc. They know that driver behavior also varies, as does vehicle mix, the ambient light conditions, etc. One of the reasons the analysts are accustomed to fixed inputs is that the procedures in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) (1) are deterministic. Single valued inputs yield single valued outputs. The HCM gives no indication of the variability in the answer. However, efforts are underway to develop that capability. The importance of conveying this uncertainty is highlighted when one considers the impetus behind performing the analysis in the first place. That is, the analyst wants to know what quality of service should be expected for a given facility. In addition, they need to know what incremental improvements result from incremental capacity additions (e.g., extra lanes). This paper examines the issue of performance characterization for two freeway sites in upstate New York. One is I-87 between exits 18 and 19 and the other is I-84 between exits 15 and 16. The paper provides a commentary on how uncertainty might be treated for such facilities and how the results of that analysis could be interpreted. 2 EMERGING RESULTS FROM RESEARCH The treatment of uncertainty within highway capacity is just beginning. Tarko et al. (2) proposed a framework from which uncertainty can be viewed. That framework builds on earlier work by Tarko (3), Tarko and Tracz (4), Kyte and Khatib (5), Roess and Prassas (6) and, Luttinen (7). Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 2 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. Tarko et al. (2) provided a framework for categorizing the uncertainties that can arise. One category is uncertainty in the demands, another is uncertainty in the model parameters, and a third is uncertainty in the model itself (i.e., limitations in the model’s ability to completely and accurately capture all of the relevant cause and effect relationships). If the uncertainty can be portrayed in a well-defined manner, then the results of the analysis can be interpreted reliably and succinctly. Additionally, the results will be reliable in terms of the cause-and-effect relationships between the variance in the inputs and the expected variance in the predicted performance. (In principle, it is possible to directly relate the variance in the causal variables and the variance in the outcome variable, but no such models have been proposed to date. For example, if z = x + y, then the variance of z is the sum of the variances in x and y.) Kyte and Khatib (5) consider the treatment of uncertainty and how it propagates through the analysis of signalized and unsignalized intersections. They discuss the effect of uncertainty in the input parameters and the effect of those uncertainties on the performance predictions. They look specifically at three categories of uncertainty: “uncertainty in the volume forecast, uncertainty in driver behavior, and uncertainty in the nature of quality of forecasting model itself.” The motivation for this examination is a search for a higher degree of confidence in decision making during planning and design. In examining unsignalized intersections, Kyte and Khatib (5) consider three cases that have different volumes and levels of service (LOS). They vary the volume and the critical gap ± 10% and study the outcome. They find that as the LOS degrades, a greater variation in delay occurs when either the volume or the critical gap is varied. For example, when the initial LOS is B and a 10% increase in volume is considered, the delay remains nearly unchanged while when the base LOS is E, a 10% increase produces a significant change in delay. In the case of signalized intersections, Kyte and Khatib (5) consider the effect of variations in volume and four other parameters (lane width, heavy vehicle percentage, grade, and driver type) on delay and the volume-to-saturation-flow-rate ratio (v/s). Changes in volume of ± 10% and ± 20% are considered across five volumetric conditions. They find that when the lane width is changed by 1 foot, the delay changes noticeably while the v/s ratio changes little. However, Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 3 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. when the heavy vehicle percentage is changed, it has a significant effect on both delay and the v/s ratio. Additionally, if the grade is changed it has a minimal affect while if driver behavior is selected it has a significant effect. This paper approaches the issue of uncertainty in a manner similar to Kyte and Khatib (5) and Tarko (3). However, variations in traffic flow are not hypothesized but based on real observations from the field. Questions are addressed such as: what is the probability density function for vehicle density (i.e., pc/km/lane, the LOS metric) during a given timeframe? If the facility’s peak-hour performance is studied, what does that tell us? If a different perspective is employed, what else do we learn? Can ways be devised to synthesize results for a given operating condition and anticipate the variation in LOS performance that would result? 3 CASE STUDY SITES Real-world facilities always provide a proving ground for methodological developments. This paper uses two as sites for that purpose. The first is I-87 between exits 18 and 19 near Glens Falls, New York. The second is I-84 between exits 15 and 16 in Dutchess County. Both of these are continuous count stations monitored by NYSDOT. Because the stations gather data automatically, a variety of count-related data can be collected. We obtained two datasets for each site. The first contains volume counts by hour and lane from April 2001 to December 2001. The second has 15-minute counts for up to four days from Friday January 4, 2002 until Monday January 7. We obtained trends in volume by day, week, etc. from the former and, from the latter we examined trends in the peak hour factor, etc. 3.1 I-87 between Exits 18 and 19 This site lies along I-87 between Albany and Montreal near Glens Falls, NY. Glens Falls is at the foot of the Adirondacks. The traffic is going to and from work, Canada, winter ski resorts, and summer vacation spots. The facility has three lanes in each direction and an interchange density of 0.3 interchanges/km. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 4 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. Figure 1 shows the distribution of volumes by direction. The most common condition is a volume of 0-200 vph. Of the 6576 hours in the dataset, volumes in that range occur for 1072 hours northbound and 1390 hours southbound. A second common condition is a volume of 10001200 vph. It occurs for 806 hours northbound and 841 hours southbound. Figure 2 provides a plot of the average two-way traffic volumes for each day of the week. The heaviest day is Friday; the lightest is Tuesday. The heaviest hour of use is in the afternoon regardless of which day is studied. The maximum of the maximums is 4-5pm on Friday. The volume then is 4045 vph (2275 northbound + 1770 southbound or an average of 760 and 590 vehicles per lane per hour respectively). Figure 3 shows a plot of the variations in the peak hour factor (PHF) for this site in the northbound direction. Rather than just computing the PHF each hour, every 15 minutes it has been recomputed. PHFi , where i is a time period, is based on 15-minute periods i, i+1, i+2, and i+3. As can be seen, the PHF ranges from 0.53 to 0.99. It stays between 0.9 and 1.0 during the daytime hours and is lower otherwise. This is consistent with what would be expected: it should be higher and more consistent when the volumes are larger, and lower and less consistent when the volumes are smaller. In the southbound direction, the PHF ranges from 0.51 to 0.98. It is also highest and most consistent between 11am and 5pm. (The trend is very similar to Figure 3.) 3.2 I-84 between exits 15 and 16 The second site is a segment of I-84 between exits 15 and 16 in Dutchess County. This site is east of the New York State Thruway (I-87) and west of the Taconic Parkway. The traffic is a mix of suburban trips (around New York City) and intercity trips going between New England and points south and west. The facility has two lanes in each direction and the interchange density is 0.3 interchanges/km. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 5 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. Figure 4 shows the distribution of traffic volumes in the east and westbound directions. The most common condition is a volume between 200-400 vph, which occurs for 1183 hours eastbound and 782 westbound out of the 6576 hours in the dataset. The next most common volume is 12001400 vph. That occurs for 837 hours eastbound and 767 hours westbound. Figure 5 shows the temporal trends in the average daily two-way traffic volumes. Friday has the most traffic while Sunday has the least. On the weekdays, the heaviest volumes occur late in the afternoon while on the weekend the heaviest volumes are closer to midday. The hour with the most traffic is Friday from 5-6pm, when the average is 4717 vehicles in both directions (2853 westbound, 1865 eastbound, or an average of 1427 and 934 vph per lane respectively). The PHF varies similar to the way it did for the I-87 site. The trends for the eastbound direction show that during the daytime, the PHF ranges from 0.9 to 1.0 while at other times it is lower. The trends in the westbound direction are similar. The PHF ranges from 0.65 to 0.99. It is highest and steadiest between 11am and 5pm. During the other hours, it is lower and more variable. 4 UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS The basic freeway section methodology in the HCM uses five demand (volume) related inputs (volume, PHF, truck/bus percentage, RV percentage, and driver population adjustment) and two facility-related inputs (number of lanes and terrain). In addition, if a free-flow speed has to be estimated (i.e., none has been measured), three more facility-related inputs are needed (lane width, right-shoulder lateral clearance, and interchange density). Some of these are arguably invariant for a given site (number of lanes, right-shoulder clearance, interchange density) while others are not. 4.1 Preparing for the Analysis A comprehensive study of uncertainty in performance would need field data for all of the variable inputs (volume, peak-hour factor, truck/bus percentage, RV percentage, driver Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 6 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. population). However, today’s sensor and instrumentation technology cannot provide data concerning the truck/bus percentage, the RV percentage, or the driver population factor. Still, volume and peak hour factor data can be collected with ease. We will focus on these two inputs. Given the methodology, we also need to select at least one “case study hour” or “peak hour” as it is often called. The HCM operational procedure for freeway sections assumes an hour has been identified when the facility is at its “intended”, “design,” or “peak use.” The methodology provides assessments of performance that are predicated on that hour. From Figures 2 and 5 it seems that picking the “case study hour” may not be as easy as one would like. In the case of Figure 2, for example, 4-5pm is the peak hour during the week, but the peak hour on Sunday is 12-1pm and on Saturdays, it is 11am-noon. Moreover, the Saturday peak is about 10% larger than Monday through Thursday. (In the northbound direction, it is 33% larger.) So is the right hour to select Friday 4-5pm, the average weekday, Saturday 11am-noon, or some combination? What is the “correct” characterization of the performance of this facility? If Monday through Thursday 4-5pm is selected as the “peak hour”, on two days each week the peak hour LOS will be worse than the modeled condition. If Friday 4-5pm is selected, the “average” peak hour LOS will be better than reported. This may mean that the idea of selecting one or more “study hours” should be revisited. Next, a stochastic dataset that captures the variation in operating conditions for the peak hour is needed. The dataset has to contain a large number of “representative” combinations of volume and PHF. Empirical data would be best with an assumption that the other parameters are constant. In lieu of that, a synthesized dataset must be created. In this case, no large dataset of field observations containing volume and peak hour factor values was available. In the datasets from NYSDOT, the first contained hourly data for nine months and the second had 15-minute counts for a few of days. Consequently, the “observations” for the two sites had to be synthesized. Combinations of volume and peak hour factor were generated from assumed density functions. Those values were then combined to form a large synthesized dataset. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 7 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. In this instance, the synthesized observations were created in this way. First, the mean µv and standard deviation σv for the peak hour volumes were computed. The hourly data (for the nine months) were tallied by day-of-the-week and hour of the day. The “peak hour” was identified by finding the weekday hour with the largest total volume. Based on the data for that hour, µv and σv were computed. Fifty volume observations were then synthesized assuming the underlying density function was normal (truncated). That is, each volume observation, vi was computed using: vi = NormInv(ω i | µ v , σ v ) ∀ i (1) where NormInv is the inverse normal function, ωi is the random variable (from a uniform density function between 0 and 1) associated with the ith volume observation, and µv and σv are the volume-based mean and standard deviation values respectively. The following steps were taken to compute the mean µβ and standard deviation σβ for the peakhour PHF. First, µv and σv were used to derive upper and lower bounds for the peak hour volume. The minimum was V- = µv - 2.5 σv and the maximum was V+ = µv + 2.5 σv. This encompasses about 99% of the volumes that might be observed. The next step was to use V- and V+ to select plausible “peak-hour” PHF observations from the PHF dataset. This was done by finding those (volume, PHF) combinations for which the volume was between V- and V+. The resulting PHF observations were then used to compute µβ and σβ. Fifty PHF observations were synthesized assuming the underlying density function was normal (truncated). Each PHF observation, βj was computed using: β j = NormInv(ω j | µ β , σ β ) ∀ j (2) where ωj is the random variable (from a uniform density function between 0 and 1) associated with the jth PHF observation, and µβ and σβ are the PHF-based mean and standard deviation values respectively. The 50 values of vi were then combined with the fifty values of βj to generate 2500 pairwise combinations of volume and PHF (vi, βj) (i.e., for all (i,j) combinations). Additionally, assumptions were made about the other parameters needed by the HCM procedure: the terrain was level; the lane width was 3.6 meters; the right shoulder clearance was 1.8 meters; the Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 8 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. truck/bus percentage was 13.5%; the RV percentage was 1.5%; the basic free flow speed was 120 km/h; and the driver population factor was 0.925. 4.2 I-87 between Exits 18 and 19 For the I-87 site, µv is 1606 vph and σv is 485 vph in the northbound direction. Thus, V- is 394 vph and V+ is 2817 vph. Based on the PHF observations with volumes within these limits, µβ is 0.907 and σβ is 0.051 (220 samples are in the PHF dataset). The 2500 synthesized combinations of peak-hour volume and PHF yield the I-87 northbound CDF for freeway density (pc/km/lane) shown in Figure 6. The minimum density is 1.83 (LOS A), the maximum is 10.34 (LOS B), the mean value for the density is 5.89, and the standard deviation is 1.61. Since the boundary for LOS A/B is 7 and for LOS B/C it is 11, approximately 74% of the time this facility should be at LOS A during the peak hour in the northbound direction and 26% of the time it should be at LOS B. The southbound direction is similar: µv is 6.02 and σv is 1.27. Approximately 82% of the time the facility should be at LOS A during the peak hour in the southbound direction and 18% of the time it should be at LOS B. 4.3 I-84 between Exits 15 and 16 For the I-84 site, µv is 1822 vph and σv is 286 vph for the eastbound direction. Thus, V- is 1108 vph and V+ is 2536 vph. Based on the PHF observations with volumes within these limits, µβ is 0.941 and σβ is 0.028 (82 samples are in the PHF dataset). The minimum density among all 2500 synthesized conditions is 6.12 pc/km/lane (LOS A) and the maximum is 13.74 (LOS C). The mean value for density is 9.84 pc/km/lane and the standard deviation is 1.34. Approximately 2% of the time the eastbound direction should be at LOS A during the peak hour, 82% of the time it should be at LOS B, and 10% of the time it should be at LOS C. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 9 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. In the westbound direction, µv is 2512 vph and σv is 388 vph for the peak hour. This means V- is 1542 vph and V+ is 3482 vph. Based on the PHF observations with volumes within these limits, µβ is 0.894 and σβ is 0.043 (19 samples are in the PHF dataset). Figure 7 shows the CDF for density in the westbound direction. The minimum is 7.98 (LOS B) and the maximum is 26.07 (LOS D). The mean is 14.68 and the standard deviation is 2.61. There are no times during the peak hour for the westbound direction when LOS A should pertain. Approximately 5% of the time, the LOS should be B, another 70% of the time it should be C, 22% of the time it should be D, and 3% of the time it should be E. 5 AN ALTERNATIVE PERSPECTIVE Selecting a single peak hour to analyze presents an interesting dilemma. In the case of the I-87 situation, for example, it limits one’s ability to depict the actual range of operating conditions that pertain to the facility’s performance. In this light, the 1965 Capacity Manual’s notion of an Nth highest hour seems like a good idea to revisit (8). Brilon (10) describes a way to view capacity analysis that is predicated on marginal economics. His idea is that as capacity increases the total user cost falls while the total facility cost rises. At some point, the total cost reaches a minimum. Capacity investments should be made up to that point, but not further. Brilon’s (10) idea provides a thought about how a comprehensive uncertainty analysis should be conducted for a given facility. Maybe it should be predicated on a complete year’s use of the facility (that is, one complete use cycle). It would be even better to consider its performance across a series of years. The use cycle (an entire year) analysis would give a comprehensive picture of how well the facility could be expected to perform. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 10 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. 5.1 Doing a Use Cycle (Whole-Year) Analysis Brilon (10) argues that one should examine a facility’s performance across an entire use cycle. In most instances, that cycle is one year. He says that focusing on this timeframe provides a more accurate sense of the operational conditions that pertain for the facility. An approximation to a use cycle analysis was conducted for the two case study sites as follows. The 6576 volume observations were treated as a use cycle. A PHF was computed for each (see text below). Based on the volume and PHF combinations, a density (pc/km/lane) was computed. These were used to identify the level of service and a histogram was prepared showing the percentage of time the facility spent in each LOS. To develop PHF values corresponding to the 6576 volume observations, the following procedure was used. (Remember that the 6576 volume observations were whole hour observations, not 15minute observations, so PHF values had to be synthesized.) As Figure 8 shows, there is a relationship between hourly volume and PHF for I-87 southbound. This relationship cannot be overlooked if credible density (pc/km/lane) estimates are to be developed. The PHF increases as the volume increases. It also becomes more consistent. Higher traffic levels produce more consistency in the 15-minute counts and less variation in the PHF. Log-log regression applied to the PHF data for all the 15-minute data yielded the following relationship: PHF = e 6.44 * (V/n)0.0621 (3) Where PHF is the estimated peak hour factor, V is the hourly volume, and n is the number of lanes. If the sites are examined individually, the values of the exponents are slightly different, but the differences are not substantial. A disappointing result from the regression analysis is that the scatter plot that compares the observed PHF values with the estimated ones does not produce a 1:1 correspondence. (Most likely, the data points for high PHF values mask the ability of the low PHF observations to influence the regression line.) The PHF estimates are too high at low volumes (i.e., the PHF Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 11 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. estimates are higher than those observed) and too low at high volumes (i.e., the PHF estimates are lower than those observed). A more visually convincing relationship is provided by the following equation. It was developed by trial-and-error (which is heresy from an analytical perspective): PHF = e 5.74 * (V/n)0.163 (4) Figure 9 shows that this function predicts PHF values that have the same trend as the observed PHF values. The observed values are plotted along the horizontal axis and the estimated values along the vertical axis. A few PHF values (technically 13 out of 1156) exceed 1.0, but the correspondence in general is good. (Future work in this area would be beneficial.) Based on equation (4), we can synthesize PHF value for each volume (6576 values). Since equation 4 does not guarantee an upper bound of 1.0 that limit should be applied. The corresponding density (pc/km/lane) and LOS can then be computed. 5.2 I-87 between Exit 18 and 19 The use cycle analysis (in this instance, the 6576 hourly observations that were part of the ninemonth sample provided by NYSDOT) of the southbound direction for the I-87 site produces the cumulative density function (CDF) for density (pc/km/lane) shown in Figure 10. We see that 93% of the use cycle, the facility should be at LOS A, 6% of the time it should be at LOS B, and 1% of the time, it should be at LOS C. The results for the northbound direction are similar. During 93% of the use cycle, the facility should be at LOS A and 7% of the time it should be at LOS B. 5.3 I-84 between Exits 15 and 16 Figure 11 shows the corresponding CDFs for density (pc/km/lane) in the westbound direction for the I-84 site. These results are predicated on the directional hourly volume distributions across the nine-month timeframe presented in Figure 3. In the westbound direction, the results are 55% at LOS A, 37% at LOS B, 8% at LOS C and less than 1% at LOS D. Similarly, in the eastbound direction, the results are 55% of the use cycle in LOS A, 39% in LOS B, and 6% in LOS C. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 12 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. 6 CONCLUSION Two very different perspectives have been presented concerning the analysis of uncertainty in basic freeway sections. Consistent with the current HCM, the one considers a “study hour” and looks at uncertainty in terms of quantifying the variations in LOS that might occur during that hour. This yields statistically defensible predictions of how the facility will perform given those “peak hour” conditions. The other perspective considers the performance of the facility across an entire use cycle (one year). From this one learns about the percentages of time that the facility will function at various levels of service. With this information, the analyst can decide whether the percentile point for a given LOS is high enough or if design changes are needed. In either case, such analyses should be helpful to those who need more than a point estimate of how well a facility is performing. In addition, these ideas can be carried into other analysis situations and provide a richer and more comprehensive picture of the performance of a given facility or system. Future considerations with regard to this research include: • Finding a more defensible relationship between volume and peak hour factor • Analyzing the uncertainty of a dataset produced by deriving PHF by volume for an entire years worth of data • Considering the nature of uncertainty with regards to the optimization of economic investment and quality of service • Looking into the nature of the relative proportionality of volume and density Acknowledgment The authors are deeply indebted to Bernard Schatz, Michael Shamma, Todd Westhuis, and Michael Fay from NYSDOT who made the continuous count station data available. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 13 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. References 1. Transportation Research Board. Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2000. 2. Tarko, A., R. Benekohal, J. Bonneson, E. Elefteriadou, and J. Sacks. Uncertainty in HCM Fundamental Concepts and Issues, Working Paper, January meeting, Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January, 2002. 3. Tarko, A. Uncertainty Issue in the Highway Capacity Manual, Presentation, Midyear Meeting, Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee, Transportation Research Board, Lake Tahoe, CA, July 24-28, 2001. 4. Tarko, A. P. and M. Tracz. Uncertainty in Saturation Flow Predictions, Fourth International Symposium on Highway Capacity, Transportation Research Board, Maui, Hawaii, June 27 - July 1, 2000. 5. Kyte, M. and Z. Khatib. Uncertainty in Projecting the Level of Service of Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 7-11, 2001. 6. Roess R. and E. Prassas. Accuracy and Precision in Uninterrupted Flow Analysis, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C, January 7-11, 2001. 7. Luttinen, T. Uncertainty in the Operational Analysis of Two-Lane Highways, Presentation, Two-Lane Highway Subcommittee, Midyear Meeting, Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee, Transportation Research Board, Lake Tahoe, CA, July 24-28, 2001. 8. Transportation Research Board. Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1965. 10. Brilon, W. Traffic Flow Analysis beyond Traditional Methods, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Highway Capacity, Transportation Research Board, Maui, Hawaii, June 27 - July 1, 2000. Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 14 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. Tables and Figures FIGURE 1 Distribution of Hourly Volumes for I-87 FIGURE 2 Daily Variations in Average Two-Way Volume for I-87 FIGURE 3 Variation in the PHF for I-87 Northbound FIGURE 4 Hourly Volume Distributions for I-84 FIGURE 5 Daily Variations in Volume for I-84 FIGURE 6 "Peak Hour" Density (pc/km/lane) CDF for I-87 Northbound FIGURE 7 CDF for "Peak Hour" Density (pc/km/lane), I-84 Westbound FIGURE 8 Typical Relationship between PHF and Volume (I-87 Site, Southbound) FIGURE 9 Estimated versus Observed PHF FIGURE 10 CDF for Density (pc/km/lane) for One Use Cycle, I-87 Southbound FIGURE 11 CDF for Density (pc/km/lane) for One Use Cycle, I-84 Westbound Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 15 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. Distribution of Hourly Volume 1600 Number of Hours 1400 1200 1000 NB 800 SB 600 400 200 38 00 34 00 30 00 26 00 22 00 18 00 14 00 10 00 60 0 20 0 0 Volume (vph) FIGURE 1 Distribution of Hourly Volumes for I-87 Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 16 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. Averag e Tw o-Way V olumes 4500 Av e rag e Tw o-W ay Volu me 4000 3500 Sun 3000 Mon T ue 2500 W ed 2000 T hu 1500 F ri 1000 Sat 500 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Ho u r FIGURE 2 Daily Variations in Average Two-Way Volume for I-87 Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 17 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. PH F by H our of D ay 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 F ri P HF 0.8 S at 0.75 S un 0.7 M on 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Ho u r O f Da y FIGURE 3 Variation in the PHF for I-87 Northbound Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 18 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. D istribution of H ourly V olumes 1400 Num be r of Hours 1200 1000 800 EB 600 WB 400 200 00 34 00 30 00 26 00 22 00 18 00 14 10 00 0 60 20 0 0 Volum e (vph) FIGURE 4 Hourly Volume Distributions for I-84 Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 19 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. 5000 4500 4000 S un 3500 M on 3000 Tue 2500 W ed 2000 Thu 1500 Fri 1000 S at 500 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Ave ra ge Tw o-W a y V olum e (ve h) Average Tw o-W ay H ourly V olumes Hour FIGURE 5 Daily Variations in Volume for I-84 Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 20 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. CDF for Density, I-87 Northbound 1 LOS B/C Boundary at 100th percentile 0.9 0.8 0.7 LOS A/B Boundary at approximately 74th percentile Percentile 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Density (pc/km/lane) FIGURE 6 "Peak Hour" Density (pc/km/lane) CDF for I-87 Northbound Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 21 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. CDF for Density, I-84 Westbound 1 0.9 LOS D/E Boundary at approximately 99th percentile Cumulative Density Function Value 0.8 0.7 LOS C/D Boundary at approximately 75th percentile 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 LOS B/C Boundary at approximately 5th percentile 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Density (pc/km/lane) FIGURE 7 CDF for "Peak Hour" Density (pc/km/lane), I-84 Westbound Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 22 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. P eak H our Factor (P H F) versus V olume 1.2 Pe a k Hour Fa ctor 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Pe a k Hour V olum e (ve h) FIGURE 8 Typical Relationship between PHF and Volume (I-87 Site, Southbound) Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 23 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. 1100 1000 Estim a te d 900 800 700 600 500 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Obse rve d FIGURE 9 Estimated versus Observed PHF Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 24 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. CDF for Density (pc/km/lane) for a Use Cycle I-87 Southbound 1.1 1 0.9 LOS B/C boundary at approximately 99th percentile 0.8 LOS A/B boundary at approximately 93rd percentile Percentile 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Density (pc/km/lane) FIGURE 10 CDF for Density (pc/km/lane) for One Use Cycle, I-87 Southbound Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 25 Original paper submittal – not revised by author. CDF for Density for a Use Cycle I-84 Westbound 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 LOS B/C boundary at approximately 92nd percentile Percentile 0.7 LOS C/D boundary at approximately 99.9th percentile 0.6 0.5 LOS A/B boundary at approximately 55th percentile 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Density (pc/km/lane) FIGURE 11 CDF for Density (pc/km/lane) for One Use Cycle, I-84 Westbound Uncertainty in LOS for Basic Freeway Sections TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM 26 Original paper submittal – not revised by author.