Data Field Number (NEMA Number) Data Field Definitions Additional Explanation Examples IDEA Board Current Rules Directed Change (red font) Exception to Mandatory based on: Exception to Mandatory based on: ITEM Status Code STOCK Status Code Message/Communication All Products - Stock, Quick Ship, Non-Stock (NOTE: configurables and made to order products are exempt from the Critical Fields evaluation/certification) 5.100 Catalog Number 5.110 / 5.115 U.P.C. (1-5-5-1) 6.120 Brand/Label 6.120 Catalog Description 6.120 Invoice Description 5.105 Item Status 5.300 Stock Indicator Code Seller’s catalog number. [Refer to the IDEA IDW Product Catalog & Descriptive Field Guidelines for more details.] Only letters, numbers, forward slashes, hyphens, periods, single quotes, plus signs, and double quotes are allowed. ABC123 Mandatory Mandatory U.P.C. (1-5-5-1). This number is the U.P.C. for the consumer Mandatory to unit. Note: The IDW standard requires the inclusion of the IDW runs an algorithmic check to validate 061377543214 or have UPC, Mandatory to check digit as defined by the Uniform Code Council (UCC) the check digit, ensuring it is a real U.P.C. 0321578265105 EAN or Catalog have UPC or EAN now called GS1. The U.P.C. is one format type of the Global number Number Trade Identification Number (GTIN) Optional - If not provided, but distributor Name of Brand, or if no specific product requires, they The recognizable name used by a brand owner to uniquely brand name exists, then use company can turn on identify a line of trade item or services. This name is Kleenex Mandatory name. No abbreviations, full name is IDW default to recognizable by the consumer. required. E.g. Hubbell-Kilark or Panduit populate with manufacturer name on extract The Catalog Description (long description) is a 3,072 character field allowing the manufacturer to provide more descriptive information, as opposed to other fields that are more restrictive due to field length. This field is widely used for web storefronts and key word searches. This is not meant as a replacement for providing schema attributes but as an additional field of information. The long description can also include some of the same information that is in the invoice description. It can include some of the Attribute data, but only if it clearly Must not contain catalog number or any identifies and explains what the product is and does. of these characters: ; [ ] { } ~ | % ! $ * ^ \ ? When building the long description, the same logic should be and must not contain 3 or more pound followed as the invoice description where the most important signs (#) in a row. descriptors or attributes are first. Widely used acronyms are permissible (LED, HID) as well as unit of measure abbreviations (A, W, V, IN, FT, LB). Other abbreviations, such as BLK for black or GRND for grounding, should not be used. Features and benefits statements may be included, however if provided this information should be populated at the end and only if field length constraints permit. **Use of special characters & symbols (trademark, copyright, C3) may not yield results in the search engine. 2 Port Aluminum Lug 600 MCM - 2 AWG Aluminum Double Lugs are versatile and reusable set screw connectors made of 6061T-6 aluminum alloy. Electro tin plated for low contact resistance. Suitable for use with both copper and aluminum conductors. Rated 600 volts, 90 degrees C. UL 486A/B Listed. Optional Must not contain catalog number, must not be equal to catalog number, must not be ALUMINUM Description that would be printed on an invoice (40 characters greater than 40 characters, must not DOUBLE LUG (2) Mandatory max). contain any of these characters: ; [ ] { } ~ | 600 MCM - 2 AWG % ! $ * ^ \ ? and must not contain 3 or (AL/CU) more pound signs (#) in a row The current status of this item. IDW status codes identify the Must contain valid code stages of product life cycle; Refer to the IDEA IDW Product E.g: Mandatory, Change Management white paper for more details on the IDW A=Active defaults to A if A Item Status (codes) that identify various states of an item, the K=Non-price maintained nothing conditions around that state, and the status codes for each P=Planned Obsolescence provided state. O=Obsolete A "Stock" item is an item that is considered stocked and/or published, or available to order or purchase, that does not require product or packaging configuration and is not produced to meet a customer's unique specifications. Must contain valid code A "Quick-Ship" item is a "Stock" item that is always available S=Stock to be shipped without delay. Mandatory, Q=Quick-Ship A "Non-Stock" item is an item that is not necessarily kept in defaults to S if N=Non-Stock S inventory, and could have a longer lead-time. nothing C=Configurable "New" A "Configurable" item is an item that is built from readily provided M=Made-to-Order "New" available products to match the customers specifications and become a regularly ordered product. A "Made-to-Order" item is an item that is custom built to meet a customers unique specifications. The Catalog Number has always been mandatory, however to support the distributors who's business system cannot handle spaces in catalog numbers, IDEA will provide a normalized output option, replacing spaces with hyphens, for those distributors to extract. For any items that are considered stock, and are not configurables or made to order products, a valid UPC or EAN is required. All products must have a Brand name populated or a company name for those companies who don't identify products by Brand. Mandatory The catalog description, or long description as some call it, must be populated, per the definition outlined. The quality of the description will be further evaluated in the new certification program. Mandatory The Invoice description will remain mandatory. Mandatory The Item Status codes remains mandatory, however will no longer be defaulted to A for active. It must be populated by the manufacturer. (no default) Mandatory (no default) The Stock indicator code remains mandatory, however will no longer be defaulted to S for Stock. It must be populated by the manufacturer. Configurable and Madeto-Order products are exempt from the "Critical Field" evaluation/certification. Data Field Number (NEMA Number) Data Field Definitions Additional Explanation Examples IDEA Board Current Rules Directed Change (red font) Exception to Mandatory based on: Exception to Mandatory based on: ITEM Status Code STOCK Status Code Message/Communication All Products - Stock, Quick Ship, Non-Stock (NOTE: configurables and made to order products are exempt from the Critical Fields evaluation/certification) 5.230 Country of Origin The Country of Origin Field is intended to indicate where product is produced, Accepts both 2 and 3 digit codes from ISO 316. Country of manufactured, OR assembled, to support origin where product was produced/manufactured/assembled, the Tariff Act and International related to the "Tariff Act" for importing/exporting product as it Harmonization Code for taxation relates to the International Harmonization Code and purposes, and is NOT intended for ARRA applicable duties and taxes. Refer to ISO 3166 document for or the Buy America regulatory act. the country codes that can be used. USA Optional - If not provided, but manufacturer opts to turn on IDW default, USA is populated Mandatory The Country of Origin field must be populated, to support the Tariff Act for importing/exporting product as it relates to the International Harmonization Code, the field preceding it, 5.220, in the IDW template. (no default) Must contain valid ISO Country Code New ARRA Compliant Is the product compliant with the United States Regulatory act for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Must contain Y or N. Y=Yes N=No Y **NEW IDW Field** Mandatory The ARRA field provides the manufacturer the ability to identify if the product is ARRA compliant, or not. It is a Yes/No field that must be populated. New Buy American Compliant Is the product compliant with the Unitied States Regulatory Act for U.S. Federal Government procurement Must contain Y or N. Y=Yes N=No N **NEW IDW Field** Mandatory The Buy American Compliant field provides the manufacturer the ability to identify if the product meets the US regulatory act for Federal Government procurement. It is a Yes/No field that must be populated. 5.320 UNSPSC The UNSPSC is an 8 digit code made up of four 2-digit pairs as follows: Segment: Aggregated for analytical purposes. Family: A group of commonly recognized interrelated commodities. Class: A group of commodities sharing a common use or function. Commodity(referred to as Category Code in Electrical Industry): A group of substitutable products or services. (Segment/Family/Class/Commodity) Must contain valid UNSPSC United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) 39122001 Mandatory Mandatory It is strongly recommended that the most current two versions of the UNSPSC be used, or at a minimum the version used in the latest Electrical Attribute Schema. 5.420 Order Minimum (Value/Quantity) Absolute minimum order value/quantity. (value /quantity) 10 Mandatory Mandatory Order Minimum UOM Unit of measure identifying the minimum order value/quantity. If the value is associated to an item quantity then a quantity unit of measure will be provided. If the value is associated to an item monetary value, then a ‘V’ will appear in place of the unit of measure. EA Mandatory Mandatory EA Mandatory Mandatory EA Mandatory Mandatory Y Optional Mandatory 5.430 5.440 Order Multiple Must be ordered in this multiple. 5.450 Order Multiple UOM Unit of measure identifying the order multiple. 5.285 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Flag Flag to indicate whether the product has an MSDS sheet applicable ("Y" or "N") 6.120 MSDS URL Link to product's MSDS documentation. 5.710 RoHS Indicator Indicates the certification status of a product to meet the Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) regulations 8.100 Price Sheet Number Price sheet number/name. 8.112 Price Sheet Effective Date Date that the current price sheet goes into effect. 8.135 Price Sheet Description Description of the price sheet. 8.200 Price Effective Date Date price of item goes into effect. Can be different from Price Sheet Effective Date 8.300.34 8.300.34 8.300.30 Output Price Column - L Suggested List Price Output Price Column - T3 Trade Price Column 3 Price UOM Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be used in this field. Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be used in this field. Must contain Y or N. Y=Yes N=No https://ABCmanufa Link should be to manufacturers website, but can be stored on IDW servers pdf Must contain Y, N, X, U or C. "Y=Yes N=No X=Not Applicable U=Under Review C=Contact Manufacturer" Only valid data format accepted Only valid data format accepted Suggested List Price. Suggested resale Trade Price (column 3). Unit of measure for price. Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be used in this field. The MSDS Flag provides the manufacturer with the ability to identify if the product has an MSDS or not. Mandatory Optional If the MSDS flag is set to Yes, the MSDS URL must be populated. (if MSDS Flag is set to Y) U Optional Mandatory BA2014-001 Mandatory Mandatory 20140101 Mandatory Mandatory Wiring Devices Price Sheet Optional Mandatory 20140701 Mandatory Mandatory 3.00 Mandatory Mandatory 2.25 Mandatory Mandatory C Mandatory Mandatory The RoHS indicator provides the manufacturer with the ability to identify to the distributor if the product is compliant with the most current RoHS regulations. An optional field will be added to the IDW in the near future, to identify the date the product became compliant. K -No pricing is allowed J - Pricing not required K -No pricing is allowed J - Pricing not required K -No pricing is allowed J - Pricing not required K -No pricing is allowed J - Pricing not required K -No pricing is allowed J - Pricing not required K -No pricing is allowed J - Pricing not required K -No pricing is allowed J - Pricing not required The Price Sheet Description provides the distributors with a human readable naming convention for the price sheet. E.g. 2014 Datacomm. This field is not available for upload but must be provided in advance on the manufacturer profile webpage. Data Field Number (NEMA Number) Data Field 6.120 Specification Sheet URL 6.120 Image URL 7.100 Pack Description Text description of the package 7.105 Pack UOM The unit of measure code associated with this package type. E.G., EA = each, BX = box, CA = case, etc. 7.110 GTIN - Package 7.120 Number of Sub Packs 7.125 SCC-14 Next Lower Level Sub Pack 7.130 Total Units 7.140 Lowest Level UOM 7.150 Gross Weight per Pack Definitions A Specification Sheet (spec sheet) is a document that Link should be to manufacturers website, Allsummarizes Products Stock, Quick Ship, Non-Stock configurables the -performance and other technical but(NOTE: the digital content can be storedand on characteristics of the product. A spec sheet should be 1-3 IDW servers. No dynamic links permitted, pages in length. or link to secondary site. Link should be to manufacturers website, A digital image of a product should be a minimum of 500x500 but the digital content can be stored on pixels, maximum 1000x1000 pixels, with a resolution of 72IDW servers. No dynamic links permitted, 300 dpi, with a file type of JPG or PDF. or link to secondary site. Examples eet.pdf Weight per pack described. Gross Weight UOM 7.190 Length Length of package. 7.195 Length UOM Unit of measure for length. If length provided, UOM required. 7.200 Width Width of package. 7.205 Width UOM Unit of measure for width. If width provided, UOM required. 7.210 Height Height of package. 7.215 Height UOM Unit of measure for height. If height provided, UOM required. Product Attribute Set as identified in the UNSPSC-based IDEA Electrical Attribute Schema (Attribute Label, Value and UOM. Delivery method: XML or Flat File. Example: Color, Black ; Product Attribute Label and Voltage Rating, 200, V (Volt); Length, 12, IN (Inch) Note: Value Length, Width, Height in Attribute Schema relates to actual product dimension, which differs from IDW measurement fields which refer to the package dimensions. Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be used in this field. Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be used in this field. Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be used in this field. Exception to Mandatory based on: Exception to Mandatory based on: ITEM Status Code STOCK Status Code Message/Communication Optional Mandatory https://ABCmanufa ull1.jpg Optional Mandatory Case Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. 5 Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock LB Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock 15 Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock IN Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock 12 Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock IN Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock 10 Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock IN Optional Mandatory N - Non-stock This is the GTIN (SCC-14 Shipping Container Code) of the IDW runs an algorithmic check to validate next level within the packaging hierarchy. May be inner pack the check digit, ensuring it is a real U.P.C. 30099977543214 or carton. Use this field as often as needed to describe the number full packaging hierarchy. E.g. Each, case, carton, pallet The total number of pieces or packs in this container. Use this If any packaging information is provided field as often as needed to describe the full packaging 5 (B4) then this field becomes mandatory hierarchy. E.g. Each, case, carton, pallet If any packaging information is provided Use this field as often as needed to describe the full (B4) then this field becomes mandatory. EA packaging hierarchy. E.g. Each, case, carton, pallet Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be used in this field. Unit of measure for gross weight. (G = Grams; K = Kilograms: Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be L = Pounds; O = Ounces) used in this field. IDEA Board Current Rules Directed Change (red font) https://ABCmanufa The Spec sheet URL field must be populated with an made to order products are exempt from Fields J -the SpecCritical sheels might not evaluation/certification) Only valid Unit of Measure codes can be CA used in this field. If any packaging information is provided This is the GTIN for the item in a specific lowest level package (B4) then this field becomes mandatory. configuration. May be the each level. Use this field as often IDW runs an algorithmic check to validate 00099977543214 as needed to describe the full packaging hierarchy. E.g. Each, the check digit, ensuring it is a real U.P.C. case, carton, pallet number The number of pieces or packs in this container. Use this field If any packaging information is provided as often as needed to describe the full packaging hierarchy. 1 (B4) then this field becomes mandatory E.g. Each, case, carton, pallet 7.160 10.12 Additional Explanation Voltage, 220, V Optional be available J - Images might not be available Mandatory - Must be a minimum of identified critical J - Attributes might not be attributes (5 or available 30% of available if critical are not identified) N - Non-stock N - Non-stock N - Non-stock applicable URL. The quality of the sheet will be further evaluated in the new certification program. The Image URL must be populated with an image of the product. The quality of the image will be further evaluated in the new certification program. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. Packaging information is needed by distributors for warehousing and logistical purposes. The product attribute field set must be populated per the current SAID parameters, until the "critical attributes" have been defined by NEMA. Once defined, those critical attributes will be required.