Guide to the Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Project The Purposes, the Role, and the Organization of the Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Town Building Conference Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Town Building Conference was established for the purpose of executing the development project that is to be carried out in that area, and, in this capacity, to respond speedily to any problems arising in the entire Toyosu area and to thus formulate a unified Secretarial Specialists’ Conference Regional Exchange Section Meeting Decisions on/execution of Exchange of opinions Town Building Guidelines with regional residents Discussion/Adjustment and tenants townscape. Up to the present, it has carried out discussions, adjustments in all matters related to urban planning, including area plans, and made decisions on town building guidelines, effecting the formulation of harmonious high quality urban spaces throughout the entire area. In the future, it will deepen its links with the area community, acting in accordance with local residents, tenants taking up residence, and local enterprises, aiming toward further enhancement of the attractiveness of the townscape. Plan/Rule Section The Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Town Building Conference h t t p: ht p : / /w / w ww. w w. t oyos u.or u . or g/ g/ Office of Facility Plans Discussion/Adjustment of Facility Plans Members Total of 12 companies as of April 2011 IHI Corporation Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Town Building Guidelines Greenery Street lighting Shibaura Institute of Technology Shade trees In order to aim toward formulation of Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. Urban Renaissance Agency TOMOE CORPORATION Bushes BUDDY Planning and Research Center, Inc. Mitsui Fudosan Co.,Ltd. Amenity space Mitsubishi Estate Co.,LTD. Sidewalk shape Aidewalks Street space Residental In Japanese 50 sound alphabet order (Example) Construction of sidewalk-shaped space and amenity spaces to create a rich city street space. Tok y oM Etai Dori Etchujima e Toyosu 2/3 Chome area ch o Li ne e JR Keiyo Lin Toyosu ay ssw xpe nE lita ute po tro or Ro Line e M sh kai y Rin Ba am om Shinkiba eL Metr No.1 opolita n 1D aiba Expes Rou swa y te rik Yu <Coastal area> Yurakucho u <Inland area> I n To y o s u t h a t s u p p o r t e d t h e “ c r e a t i o n o f t h i n g s , ” i n c l u d i n g s h i p b u i l d i n g , d u r i n g t h e 2 0 t h c e n t u r y, through re-conversion of the large-scale land use of sites of factories upon the occasion of the development c o n c e p t o f t h e R i n k a i ( c o a s t l i n e ) s u b - c i t y c e n t e r, redevelopment in the form of preparation of the foundation, installation of parks, etc., preparation of the sea protection embankment, and preparation of residential and business areas, redevelopment has been promoted. Municipal Expessway No.9 Fukagawa Route ak Contributions are being made for formulating a desirable townscape through preparation of designs that unify such public spaces as area trunk roads and traffic plazas with the sidewalk-shaped spaces (public empty land, etc.) that the entrepreneurs of neighboring areas have prepared. Also, in the pedestrian spaces, signs have been installed for area guidance that are unified in design with both the government and Tokyo r Yu Area guide signs Formulation of a pleasant pedestrian space Filmed in October 2014 LIXIL VIVA CORPORATION tro high quality spaces. Sekisui House, Ltd. The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., LTD. Sidewalk lighting harmonious and high quality urban spaces throughout the entire area, the “Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Town Builing Guidelines” were drawn up and decided upon. Also, specialist conferences on urban planning, lighting planning, and landscape design were held for the cross-referencing of opinions with the aim toward creating Anniversaire, Inc. ine Ariake private sectors. Town Building Policy Design that gives a heavy steel image evoking the history of shipbuilding A cheerful design with a white base that evokes theimage of the sea Town Management In order to maintain the attractiveness of Toyosu town, from now on, in addition to the development of hardware, management has also become necessary for maintaining and enhancing the value of the area as a town. The Town Building Conference is carrying out exchange of opinions between entrepreneurs, newly-entering enterprises, and area residents, while examining the methods for promoting future activities aimed toward smooth promotion of town building and town vivification. Development Framework (from the Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Town Building Policies) In October 2011, the city of Tokyo decided on the “Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Town Building Policies” that will serve as the guidelines for promotion of attractive town building in the Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area for which great expectations are held as a large-scale land-use conversion area. The project takes the large-scale ship-building factory ruins in the Toyosu area that consists of about 60ha as the site for the project, utilizing to the full its nearness to the coast and The Toyosu Watercolor Festival Joint cleaning in conjunction with KidZania Tokyo In collaboration with the children’ s congress KidZania Tokyo, joint cleaning was Urban Plan (Area Plan for determining the areas of progress in redevelopment) carried out on March 27, 2009. This c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h t h e K i d Z a n i a To k y o This is an area plan that was decided upon as an urban plan on June 28, 2012 for children’ s congress conveyed the importance of cleaning activities to the children who participated in the cleaning, and at the same time served as PR for the cleaning activities that are a reinstated part of the activities of the conference. In the future, this town building conference will obtain the participated in children and their parents, a ship café that utilized the dock, and a canal cruise. On into future, it will continue to hold events for deepening of communication between parents and children and among the people of the area and promoting the town building of the hometown of Toyosu. cooperation of various groups to continue its cleaning activities. Approx. 60ha Number of residents Up to approx 22,000 people Number of employees Up to approx 33,000 people the center of the city, and the “policies” indicate the directionality for determining what sort of attractive town can be created there. Based upon these policies set up by the city of Tokyo for urban restoration, the Conference solicits town building by enterprises, and, under its guidelines, it promotes the various procedures for harbor plan alterations and urban planning decisions, linking toward settling on a concrete urban planning proposal. The Town Building Conference has organized an executive committee with people of the area and “Toyosu Watercolor Festival” has been held. The Town Building Conference has been holding such summer events since 2008. In the festival, there are such activities as a water-gun classroom and a disaster prevention event that are Size of area Area plan for the Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Plaza Public facilities distribution diagram the purposes of preparing and maintaining such functions as the work and commercial functions for strengthening of the traffic node function and vivification of the existing industrial function, the communication functions that vivify the 7 Park Traffic plaza Pedestrian walkways 8-1 5 Area trunk roads 8-2 8-4 B 4 6 coastline and the dock remains, and the housing function, through vivification of 3 the environment and view of the land facing on the coast, and by this means, to aim toward formulation of a highly functional base complex townscape. A 8-3 Coastal link corridors (concept section) 4-1 Sidewalk-shaped open space 1 2 Area roads Pedestrian link corridors Coastal link corridors 9-1 9-2 Greenery road Deck for pedestrians Ja n uar y 2 0 1 5 v e r s i o n 4 1 To yo s u 2 / 3 C h o m e A r e a Pr o j e c t G u i d e 2 Chome base preparation method and development situation Area Summary Toyosu 2 Chome Land Plan Adjustment Project Enforcer Urban Revivification Organization (Individual Execution Agreement Execution) BLOCK Urban Dock Park City Toyosu In accordance with a land area adjustment project, re-preparation of land, preparation of public facilities and seawalls was carried out. Names of Enterprises To y o s u 2 / 3 C h o m e A r e a To w n B u i l d i n g C o n f e r e n c e Initiation of Construction in February 2006 Owner/Developer: The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Owner/Developer: IHI (SPC) 52F・32F・7F 14F/Amalgamate floor space 98,900㎡ (IHI Main Offices) 1,481 housing units/height 180m (Wing A) Height 75m 25F/ Amalgamate floor space 97,739m2, height 125m BLOCK 6 Urban Lala-Port Toyosu Population Plan Approx. 4000 people Opened in October 2006 Approx. 22.7% IHI: Site of Remains of Shipbuilding Factory Initiated construction in August 2014 Owner/Developer: IHI / Mitsubishi Estate(SPC) Owner/Developer: IHI / Mitsubishi Estate(SPC) Owner/Developer: Mitsui Fudosan Land Owner: IHI 15F/Amalgamate floor space 106,860.72㎡ 16F/Amalgamate floor space 101,502.57㎡ Amalgamate floor space 62,000m2, 190 shops/height 35m Height 75m Height 75m Ha 4.3(ha) 18.4% 2.4(ha) 10.0% 2.6(ha) 10.8% Residential Land Total Do ri Au xi lia ry 16.7(ha) 70.8% Within such open spaces as Toyosu Park and the traffic plaza, monuments are being installed to evoke the atmosphere of the historical land of Toyosu and thus contribute to the formulation of an individualistic townscape. 23.6(ha)100.0% 23.6(ha) 100.0% BUDDY Sports Kindergarten Koto Toyosu Garden (kindergarten) BLOCK 4-2 1 2 BLOCK 7 Approx. 2.9ha 300% Dock BLOCK CAFE;HAUS (cafe) 4-2 Initiated construction in March 2010 Initiated construction in April 2010 Owner/Developer: BUDDY Planning and Research Center Owner/Developer: RAFLink/W’s Company Land Owner: IHI Land Owner: IHI 2 Branch Garden (kindergarten) BLOCK Harumibashi Park BLOCK 4-2 Approx. 2.0ha BLOCK 6 Approx. 5.8ha 400% 500% 1 4-2 (Wedding Ceremony Hall) Initiated construction in February 2011 Owner/Developer: : Miwa-no-Kai Owner/Developer: Anniversaire Land Owner: IHI Land Owner: IHI 6 Closing of Tomoe Corporation Toyosu Factory Establishment of Toyosu 2/3 Chome Area Development Conference (at present called the Town Building Conference) Jun. 2005 Apr. Jul. 2006 Mar. Decision on planning and adjustment policies for the Toyosu 2/3 Chome Redevelopment Area BLOCK 3-1 Approx. 1.4ha Development Height 68m 44F/850 units BLOCK 8-2B Suns e t Walk BLOCK 8-3 Approx. 1.6ha 300% Koto Ward Toyosukita Elementary School BLOCK 1 Approx. 2.7ha 500% BLOCK 9-1 Approx. 2.6ha 400% BLOCK 9-2 Height 155m BLOCK The Toyosu Tower 8-3 Initiated construction in February 2008 Initiated construction in March 2009 Owner/Developer: Sekisui House, Ltd. Owner/Developer: Mitsui Fudosan Residential Land Owner: Urban Renaissance Agency Nomura Real Estate Development, Mitsubishi Estate, 14F/384 units/height 42m and Tokyo Tatemono 43F/825 units/height 155m Royal Parks Toyosu BLOCK 8-2A BLOCK City Towers Toyosu 9-2 The Twin Initiated construction in February 2007 Initiated construction in March 2009 Owner/Developer: Daiwa House Industry Owner/Developer: Sumitomo Realty & Development Land Owner: Urban Renaissance Agency /Hankyu Realty 14F/267 units/height 42m 48F X 2 wings/1,063 units Height 171m Approx .1.4ha 400% 4 Diagram of Previous Land Use Toyosu Station Parks Housing Land Commercial/Industrial Land Education/Research Facilities Yamato Stone Anchor Sinker (weight) BLOCK Opening of mutual use of Harumi Grand Bridge Toyosu Center Building Opening of the Town Initiation of Construction in October 1992 Owner/Developer: IHI (NTT Data Main Offices, etc.) 37F Amalgamate floor space 99,600m2, height 165m Viva Home Toyosu Toyosu Center Building Annex Opened in June 2005 Opening of Toyosu IHI Building 1 Initiation of Construction in August 2006 Owner/Developer: IHI (NTT Data, etc.) 33F Amalgamate floor space 105,300m2, height 147m Opening of Toyosu Park 2007 Apr. Toyosu 3 Chome Park Approx. 1.0ha Owner/Developer: Sumitomo Realty & 14F Residence 4 BLOCK 8-2 A Initiated construction in March 2010 Owner/Developer: Shibaura Institute of Technology Opening of Toyosu 3 Chome Park Opening of Shibaura Industrial University Toyosu Campus Oct. 300% 8-4 Mitsume Dori Commercial/Industrial/Housing Land Opening of the Yurikamome Toyosu Station Apr. BLOCK 3-2 Approx. 1.6ha BLOCK City Towers Toyosu The Symbol Opened in April 2006 Toyosu Approx. 1.7ha 5 Yuri kam ome Line Closing of IHI Ship Building Factory Jun. BLOCK 8-2 B Auxiliary #315 Line Shibaura Industrial University Toyosu entry decision 2002 BLOCK 2 Approx. 2.7ha 500% 6 Last launching-style IHI Tokyo 1st Factory BLOCK 3-3 Approx. 1.6ha BLOCK 8-4 Approx. 1.7ha 300% BLOCK 8-1 Approx. 1.1ha Toyosu Park Approx. 2.4ha History of the Toyosu Area 3 5 Traffic Plaza Initiated construction in April 2010 2001 BLOCK 4-1 Approx. 1.0ha 4-2 Shibaura Industria University Toyosu Campus BLOCK 8-1 Approx. 3.0ha 300% 500% BLOCK Anniversaire Toyosu BLOCK 5 Approx. 1.8ha 400% Mooring Pit S u n s e t Wal k Symphonia Kindergarten high quality housing, a housing urban overall preparation project (abbreviated to Jushiso), and speedy preparation of public facilities and housing areas was carried out. Toyosu Canal Dock ne #2 00 Li Canal Walk 2.4(ha) 10.4% Parks 79.6% mi Keyaki Dori Streets and Roads 18.8(ha) ru Industrial Remains Yurakucho Line Public Land area, urban reorganization was carried out without the help of public groups. In addition, in order to aim toward provision of Wheel with Cogs Bay Walk After execution 3-2 Initiated construction in August 2010 Koto Ward: Toyosu Park, Toyosu Culture Center Before execution BLOCK Toyosu Foresia 3-1 3 City of Tokyo: Fire Station, Remains of Harbor Side Line, Harbor and Bay Laborers’ Dormitory Contents of Enterprise Plan BLOCK Toyosu Front BLOCK 4 -1 3 Chome base preparation method and development situation In 3 Chome, a part of the land was obtained in advance for urban reorganization, and under a direct execution system for such related public facilities as trunk roads in the Initiation of construction January 2011 Owner/Developer:IHI/Mitsui Fudosan Residential Enterprise Period November 2013 to September 2017 By Type 5 Initiation of Construction in March 2008 Urban Lala-Port Toyosu town Annex Land Owner BLOCK Toyosu IHI Building 3-3 Photos: Nozomu Shimao (SS Tokyo) Area Land Size 23.6ha Average Land Reduction Ratio BLOCK Toyosu Cubic Garden 7 Completion of foundation preparation construction (streets, parks, etc.) Super Toyosu 2 Chome Area BLOCK Toyosu 3 Chome Area 9-1 Owner/Developer: LIXIL VIVA CORPORATION IHI Land Owner: TOMOE CORPORATION Sales facility floor space 22,840m2/height 20m TOMOE CORPORATION Toyosu Station Opening of Toyosu Kita Elementary School City use land Ward use land * The land use ratios printed in the diagram are those that correspond to the reconsidered land use ratios. 2 Ja n uar y 2 0 1 5 v e r s i o n 3