Newton Community High School News 9-25-1942

Eastern Illinois University
The Keep
With the Colors: Jasper County IL Servicemen
Overseas, 1941-1945
Newton Community High School News
Newton Illinois Public Library
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The federal governm ent is establishing w ithin Illinois several classes
know n as ru ra l train in g courses. Con­
gress has placed a definite responsi­
bility on the schools of the sta te s. I t
is expected th a t 2,000 of these courses
will be conducted during the year.
On the evening of Septem ber 29, a
m eeting for high school principals and
teachers of high school vocational a g ­
ricu ltu re for this section will be call­
ed. This is one of tw enty-one a re a
m eetings to be arran g ed in the sta te .
F u rth e r inform ation on this course
will be available a fte r this m eeting.
New Office S ecretary
Miss M ary M attingly, d au g h ter of
Mr. and Mrs. B ert M attingly, is the
new secretary to P rincipal M. B. P latz.
She is a g rad u a te of N ew ton Com­
m unity high school, class of 1939, and I
since her g rad u atio n has had consid­
erable office and clerical experience.
This, to g eth er w ith her fine qualities j
of ch a racter and good citizenship, J
should well qualify her for the m any
duties involved in this position.
Mrs. K ath ry n Connor, who has very
capably filled this position for the p a s t
three years, resigned recently.
U pper Classes O rganize
The senior and junior classes elect­
ed officers la s t week. Sponsors w ere
chosen the previous week. Officers
Were th en nom inated, and a fte r three
days had elapsed, elections w ere held
in the office.
Senior Officers: George Bevis, p resi­
dent; N orm a Je a n Short, vice p resi­
dent; N orm a Je a n W estendorf, secre­
ta ry -tre a su re r; and D elbert L. Young,
Ju n io r Officers: P hyllis F lanagan,
president; Billy H ayes, vice president;
Ju a n ita F oster, se creta ry ; C hester AU*
A n im p o rta n t p a r t of every m odern
high school is th e ac tiv ity program .
This includes club w ork and activities
of various kinds, w hich give stud en ts
experience essential to a well rounded
school life.
The ac tiv ity hour in our school is
scheduled every d ay from 11:20 to
12:00. M any of these activities m eet
tw ice a week. M ost stu d en ts are en­
rolled in tw o activities. Follow ing is
a brief account of the organized ac ­
tivities of th e school:
Dramatic Club
The D ram atic Club m e t under the
.leadership of its sponsor, Mrs. B e tty
Lou Johnson, to elect th e class offi­
cials of th e year. N orm a Je a n W estendorf w as chosen president, Jam es
D oerr, vice president, and G eraldine
^ M cK niahL se cretary.
Before an y new m em bers can be
ta k e n into th e club, th ey m u st first
show th eir ab ility to a c t and speak
before a num ber of judges and th eir
D ebate
The second w eek of school, th e De- j
b ate Club m e t and found th a t this
y ea r its enrollm ent to taled eleven.
George Bevis, Bob H ubbard, Bob W or­
cester, Lois M adelyn Clark, D orothea
W indle, M axine W ilson, John D avid
King, E stalin e U lm e r,. M ary Jeane
E b erh ard t, D onald Lee and George
N eese compose the te am th is year.
The subject will be on po st-w ar o r­
ganizations and will be phrased by
N. U. E. A. this m onth.
L ate in December, the fifth annual
debate to u rn am en t will be held here
if sufficient schools are interested. D e­
b a tin g by m ail m ay be necessitated
this y ea r by th e sh o rtag e of tire s and ^
Red Cross Club
F o ur sections of a Red Cross Club
have been organized under the direc­
t i o n of Mrs. E ugenia H unt and Miss
Laicille Bayles. The activities will in­
clude the k n ittin g of soldier sw eaters
and th e m aking of bandages.
club will ta k e the place of la st y ear’s
Hobby Club for Girls.
Office Practice
An Office P ractice Club has been
organized under the direction of Miss
E rm a Fitch, who calls this a bread
and b u tte r club. The purpose is to
tra in boys and g irls for office jobs.
Stencil cu ttin g, filing, m im eograph
w ork and o th er se creta rial jobs will be
tau g h t. M em bers of this club will be
secretaries of the teachers.
T^he m em bers of O. P. are seniors
whQ were ty p in g stu d en ts la st year.
Boys’ Glee Club
The B oys’ Glee Club organized w ith
tw enty-six m em bers, seven of whom
| are new. The boys and O. M. Tobias,
jtheir sponsor, hope to have an interjesting y ear and expect to develop a
| num ber of q u arte ts, octets, and other
!group com binations. A m instrel show
will probably be one big fe a tu re of the
Chess and Checker Club
This club of th ir ty m em bers is di­
vided into groups th a t m eet once a
week. T ow ard th e end of the year
the cham pion players of both chess
and checkers will be determ ined
through to u rn am en ts. Mr. Tobias will
sponsor th is club.
Home Economics Club
Over one hundred girls m et recently
to organize a club under the sponsor­
ship of M rs. E ugenia H unt. N orm a
Jean S h o rt w as elected president; Cole tta E m m erich, vice president; and
V erna M ae W illiams, secretary. A l­
though any girl is eligible for m em ­
bership, only girls who have had one
g YfjiT*
^ n m
f i
Future Farm ers of America
The F u tu re F arm e rs of A m erica is
l one of th e m ost active school clubs.
. This y e a r’s officers are as follows:
i Law rence Dhom, president; P au l Gir\ hard, vice p resident; M arion Crouse,
I se creta ry ; E a rl Webb, tre a s u re r;
R ichard Jan sen, rep o rter; and R oy
J Goebel, w atch dog.
This o rg an ization m eets in sm all
: groups daily and in a com bined m eet- ing the la st M onday of each m onth.
3 Girls’ A thletic Association
The G irls’ A thletic A ssociation has
no t been organized.
T ravel Club
3 The T ravel Club under the sponsorJ ship of Miss H elen Jacobs organized
- w ith a m em bership of 105 th is year.
- This club will tra v e l over the U nited
3 S tate s and th e r e s t of th e w orld by
3 w ay of m oving pictures, books, m a g a ­
zines, and pictures. I t has n o t y e t
3 jelected officers.
- Band
: ' The B and has added a new fea tu re
‘ th is year, flag tw irling. This innova­
tion h as an in te re stin g history. F lag
signaling o riginated in Sw itzerland,
• w here herdsm en would signal their
i fam ilies on th e re tu rn trip hom e a fte r
spending th e sum m er in the m oun­
tain s herding th e ir cows and goats.
E ig h t g irls com prise the tw irling
team . These are E rnestin e Benefiel, |
B e tty Lou B rack ett, Lois M a d ely n ;
Clark, Carolyn F ranke, P a tty Lollar,
G eraldine M cKnight, H e n rie tta Schaf­
er, and D orothea W indle.
F ifty-seven m em bers of the band
are new this year. The clarin et sec­
tion h as increased from ten to tw enty.
The band is p rep arin g to play a con­
c e rt a t 1:00 o’clock today for the P.
T. A. Convention.