SEPTEMBER 2015 (2) Headteacher – Mrs. Fiona Newton Chair of Governors – Mr. David Graham Website – E-mail Facebook We are excited to be able to launch the school Facebook page very soon to share news and celebrations from school and to use as another method to communicate messages with parents and the wider community. Please find attached the school policy which relates to school and the use of social networking sites. Also, for parents/guardians to send back, there is an additional consent form for us to be able to use your child’s photograph (children will not be named) on the Facebook page. We will make the school Facebook page live early next week, please look out for it. School meals A reminder that for children in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6, school meals cost £2.30 per day/ £11.50 per week. Dinner money should be paid for each week at the beginning of the week. Regrettably, if lunch money has not been paid for the previous week, children will not be able to have a school dinner until the debt has been cleared. Office staff will be sending a message if there are any outstanding dinner monies from last term. Please check with office staff if you are unsure. Macmillan Coffee Morning Askam Village School have registered to hold a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 25th September 2015 between 9.45am and 11.15am. Parents and members of the community can help by attending the event, contributing cakes on the day and letting other people in the community know about it. Please let the office staff know if you are able to help serving refreshments and/or setting up/clearing away afterwards. Breakfast Breakfast and AfterAfter-School Club Mrs Bloom and Mrs Parrington, who will be staffing the breakfast and after school provision, have nearly completed their additional qualifications and we will be able to open the breakfast club and after-school provision every day except Tuesday from next week (Monday 28th September 2015). The provision will also be available on a Tuesday after half-term. Please look out for a booking form coming home and information about payments within the next few days. School Council The children have been very busy electing school councillors to represent their classes. Charlie and Jessica represent Year 2, Nisha and Kurtis-Jay are from Year 3, Kaine and Erin Year 4, Ella and Max from Year 5 and Crystal and Jackson represent Year 6. One of the first tasks the school council have undertaken is to choose a colour for the Pupil of the Week jumper. Councillors have chosen jade green. The jumpers have been ordered and will hopefully be in school very soon. Governors needed Do you have knowledge and skills in building maintenance or do you have a legal knowledge? We have vacancies on our governing body and these are the areas we are particularly looking to recruit governors for. If you want to find out more come and have an informal chat about what the role involves or ask at the office to be put in contact with a current governor who would also be able to tell you more. School Uniform Please make sure all your child’s school uniform, including P.E. kit are labelled with their name. It makes it so much easier for us to be able to return lost items. Flora Tubs4Tablets We are collecting promotional tokens from Flora margarine tubs. Special tubs can be bought from Tesco only. If we manage to collect 50 we can exchange them for a Samsung tablet. Please look out for the special packs. Bingo Night There is a bingo fund raising event (Joint PTA/Carnival committee)to be held on Friday 25th September starting at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. This event is for over 18s only. Donations of bottles would be appreciated for the bottle tombola. Fun Run There is a fun run for anyone in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 this Friday (25th September) at Dowdales School between 3.45pm and 4.15pm. If you have any Lego at home we can most certainly find a good home for it at Lego club run by Mrs Kewley on a Tuesday lunchtime. Best Wishes, Mrs. Fiona Newton Headteacher Dates Date Friday 25th September 2015 Event Macmillan Coffee Morning. 9.45am – 11am. Fun Run at Dowdales for Rec/Year 1/Year 2 3.45pm- 4.15pm Bingo night at The Community Centre Tuesday 29th September 2015 M and M Productions – Peter Pan Week beginning Monday 12th October 2015 Parents’ Evening – further details to follow th Monday 12 October 2015 Furness Voices – further information to follow Friday 16th October 2015 PTA Afternoon tea / sharing photographs. Wednesday 21st October 2015 Harvest – for parents Thursday 22nd October 2015 Harvest – for older members of the community Week beginning 26th October 2015 Half-term Look out for separate letters coming home about after-school clubs but please see below for an overview. Please pop in to the school office if you think you may have missed a letter coming home. Monday Wednesday Table – tennis Homework Art club Lego Sewing/Gardening Choir Years 4-6 3-3.30 KS1 and 3.30-4.00 KS2 Years 5-6 Year 1 – lunchtime Key Stage 2 (Y3/4/5/6) Key Stage 2 (Y3/4/5/6) Mr Cairns Mrs Roberts Miss Merritt Mrs Kewley Mrs Athersmith Mrs Coates Thursday Football Years 5 and 6 Mr Cairns Tuesday