La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Newton Email: Office: B252h Office Hours: These will be announced in class. I’m happy to arrange to meet with you. Email is always the quickest way to reach me. Please feel free to e-mail me to set up an appointment. Again, I am pleased to meet with you! Course Overview Social Psychology is a compelling area of psychology that examines how we think, act and feel when we are around other people. Research in the field has had a tremendous influence on how our day-to-day lives are structured. Psych 2322 is a lively course where we will actively explore a wide range of social psychological issues including: Attitudes, Conformity, Social Groups, Interpersonal Attraction, Aggression and much more. This is an interactive class where we will enliven psychological concepts with real life examples, cutting-edge research, in-class and online demonstrations and exercises. Major Takeaways By the end of the course, you should… 1. Have a broad, practical understanding of key principles in Social Psychology 2. Be able to apply new psychological insights to your day-to-day life 3. Develop a better sense of the social psychological areas that interest you most La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed THE MIXED MODE APPROACH As you know, this is a Mixed Mode class. What this means is that each week we’ll have 1 session in the classroom and you’ll have 1 session to complete on your own online. You should budget an equal amount of time to the class and the online activities. You need to complete your weekly online activities by the end of the given week, Sunday midnight. You will have specific tasks to do for these online sessions – tasks related both to the Chapter reading and to what we are doing in class. Your grades will be based on both in-class and online activities. Blackboard In order to participate in the class, you need to get onto Blackboard right away to access class slides, materials and activities. Langara Ed Tech can help you if you are having difficulties as can the Psych Lab. Every Week you need to go to Blackboard first to see what work you are expected to complete that week in and outside of class. Remember to read your online work instructions in the Online Slides Folder on Blackboard. The slides we review in class will be stored in the Live Slides folder. Opening Slides If you have trouble opening up slides on Blackboard, first make sure you are using the latest Adobe and Internet Explorer to do so. If you are still having difficulty, you can try the computers @ Langara or contact Ed Tech. These are often big files, so be patient while they load. Saving Slides It is useful to save the slides onto an external hard drive just in case something should happen to your Internet access right as you are going to study for your Midterms or Finals. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed The Social Psych Website You also need to buy an Access Code in order to access your online activities on our website. With your textbook, you will find your own Access Code for the website. You need to get onto the website right away as you will have assignments directly on the Social Psychology site. You will access the code right from the publisher. Here’s how: Go to:, click on Purchase, and then select your province and school from the dropdown menu. You should see the course listed: “Social Psychology – Newton, Elizabeth”. Once you choose the Social Psych course, you will see the special $15.00 price on the purchase page. It will look like this… La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Course Materials La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed The textbook for this course is: Myers, David, Spencer, Steven J, Jordan, Christian th (2009). Social psychology, 4 Canadian ed. McGraw Hill. Additional readings, web links and updates may be provided in class. Lectures will build on, but not repeat what you read in your text. Tests will be based on both what we cover in class and your assigned text chapters. If you have any questions about text material, please do come and ask me. Class slides will be posted on Blackboard after the relevant class. These are designed primarily for class, but can also help you in your studying. It is recommended that you also take some of your own notes to fully capture all that we cover. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Performance Evaluation Student Evaluation will be based on: 1. Midterm 1 – 20% 2. Midterm 2 – 20% 3. Participation: 20% 4. Assignments: 20% 5. 1 Final Exam: 20% • All midterms are to be completed as scheduled. In case of extreme emergency, please contact the Instructor before you are due to write the test. Make-up tests will require both written confirmation of the Emergency – such as a Medical note – and permission of the Instructor. • Final Exam scheduling is done through the Registrar during the Exam period. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Class Participation A dynamic, actively participating class will learn far more. We will look forward to your initiative, your relevant examples and thoughtful analysis. Participation will include: Active Participation in Class Completion & Submission of your Short Bio Completion & Submission of In-Class Exercises Online Discussions Participation in Langara Psych experiments Full Attendance & Active Participation in Class is #1 most critical for your participation mark. If you are ill and unable to attend class, please email the Instructor prior to class. The Psychology Lab The Psychology Lab is an excellent, unique resource that Langara offers Psychology students. Please see the Lab Handout for more details. The Langara Academic Code of Conduct In this class, as all, you are expected to follow the academic rules of conduct. Please consult the on-line calendar for details. • Discussion Question on Blackboard La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed •YOURComplete theW Self Confidence Video Activity & Quiz on the Social Psych ORK Website SCHEDULE • • All Readings should be done prior to the class. All Online Activities need to be completed by the end of the week, Sunday 11:55 pm Week 1: Week of September 5th • Reading: Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Psychology • Live Class • Prepare Your Short Bio Online Activities • Discussion Question on Blackboard • Familiarize yourself with the Social Psych Website th Week 2: Week of September 12 • Reading: Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World • Live Class Short Bio Due Online Activities • Discussion Question on Blackboard • Complete the Self Video Activity on the Social Psych Website th Week 3: Week of September 19 • Reading: Chapter 3: Social Beliefs & Judgments Chapter 4: Behaviour & Attitudes • Live Class Online Activities • Complete the Confirmation Bias Activity on the SP Website Week th 4: Week of September La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed 26 Reading: Chapter 5: Persuasion La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Live Class Prepare for Midterm next Live Class La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Online Activities La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Discussion Question on Blackboard Complete the Brain Fingerprinting La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Video Assignment on the SP Website Discussion Question on Blackboard • Watch and complete the Wisdom of Crowds on the SP website La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed • • • Complete the Catching Liars activity on the SP Website Week 5: Week of October 3nd • Live Class: Midterm Online Activities • • Discussion Question on Blackboard Watch the Psychology of Evil link on the SP Website and complete the assignment indicated, due next live class Week 6: Week of October 10 th th October 10 : School closed • • Reading: Chapter 6: Conformity Live Class: 4 ‘Evil’ Questions Due Online Activities • Discussion Question on Blackboard • Complete the Milgram Obedience Study assignment on the SP website • Complete the Obedience & Authority assignment on the SP website Week 7: Week of October 17 • th Reading: Chapter 7: Group Influence • Live Class Online Activities • Watch and complete Social Decision Making on the SP website th La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed • Discussion Live Week 8: Week of Question October on 24Blackboard • read the APA Anger link on the SP Website. This is testable on the Class –Please Jonestown & Activity Final Activities Online • Discussion Question on Blackboard • Complete the Social Psych Links on Cults on the SP Website assignment Week 9: Week of October 31 • • st Reading: Chapter 8: Culture & Language Live Class: Cults Assignment due Online Activities • Discussion Question on Blackboard • Complete the Cultural Psychology Links exercise due next class • Complete the Assessing Psychopathy Exercise on the SP Website Week 10: Week of November 7th th November 11 : School Closed • • Reading: Chapter 9: Altruism Live Class: Cultural Psychology Assignment Due Online Activities • Discussion Question on Blackboard • Complete the Whom Do We Help Activity on the SP Website • Live Class: Midterm • Prepare for Midterm Next Live Class th Week 11: Week of November 14 Online Activities • Complete the Is it Aggression exercise on the SP Website. 12: Week of November La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Week st 21 Reading: Chapter 10: Aggression Chapter 11: Attraction & Intimacy La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Live Class Online Activities • Discussion Question on Blackboard • Complete the IAT activity on the SP Website th Week 13: Week of November 28 • • Reading: Chapter 12: Prejudice Live Class: Bring your IAT Completion Print-Out • Online Activities • Discussion Question on Final Review nd Blackboard • December 2 – Last Day of Classes Final Exam Scheduled by the College La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Grading System LETTER GRA DE PERCEN TAGE A+ 95-100 A 90-94 A 85-89 B+ 80-84 B 75-79 B 70-74 C+ 65-69 C 60-64 C 55-59 D 50-54 F 0-49 Langara College Note: All final grades in this course are subject to the approval of the Psychology Department Chairperson, the Social Sciences Division Chairperson, and the Social Sciences Dean of Instruction. Therefore, this letter grade table is only intended as a rough guideline and doesn’t guarantee that a given percentage will result in the letter grade indicated. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Your Short Bio To accelerate my getting to know you and to tailor class examples, please hand in a brief one-page bio at our Week 2 Live Class. This should include: 1. Name 2. E-mail address 3. A Photo of you 4. Why you are interested in Social Psychology 5. Hobbies; things you like to do outside of school La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 1 - ge ed Elizabeth Newton is a Social Psychologist who graduated with her Ph.D. from Stanford University. A native of Vancouver, she is a registered Organizational Psychologist who has consulted for years with companies across Canada and the U.S. She also teaches at the University level, including the Sauder School of Business @ UBC Dr. Newton is a writer whose work and columns have been featured in magazines and papers such as the New York Times, the Globe & Mail, the Vancouver Sun and the Montreal Gazette. She runs her own website and is currently working on a book. Elizabeth is actively involved in the Arts. She earned her A.R.C.T. in Piano Performance and is particularly dedicated to her ongoing volunteer work on tbe Board of the Sarah McLachlan School of Music. Elizabeth particularly enjoys spending time with her family and Labradoodle, music photography, traveling, reading/surfing and exercising.