ADI’s Medical Ultrasound Solutions Medical Ultrasound System Theory and Typical Architecture the transmit voltage is increased, but it is limited by safety requirements from agencies such as the FDA. By transmitting acoustic energy into the body and receiving and processing the returning reflections, ultrasound systems can generate images of internal organs and structures, map blood flow and tissue motion, and provide highly accurate blood velocity information. Ultrasound systems include transducers, high voltage multiplexing, high voltage transmitters, Tx/Rx switches, receive-path Analog Front End (AFE), beamformers, beamformed digital signal processing, display processing and peripherals. The AFE includes a low-noise amplifier (LNA); a variable-gain amplifier (VGA); an antialiasing filter (AAF); and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). There are two kinds of beam-formers— digital beamformers and analog beamformers for different applications. • Beam-Former Complexity— High image quality requires a large number of beam-forming channels. The increased complexity in turn leads to higher power dissipation and requires more imaging volume to implement • Heat Dissipation— Heat dissipation is an important issue for miniaturized devices, particularly when improving image quality is the goal. Historically, the large number of high-performance transmitters and receivers required to implement these imaging systems resulted in large and expensive cart-based implementations. Recently, advances in integration have allowed system engineers to design smaller, lower cost, and more portable imaging solutions with performance equal to cart-based systems. Medical Ultrasound System Design Considerations and Major Challenges Total solutions from ADI • AFE Circuit Performance, such as: noise performance, SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio), and DR (Dynamic Range). Typical required DR is: 70dB for B mode, 140dB for PWD (Pulse Wave Doppler) and 160dB for CWD (Continuous Wave Doppler). • Transmit Voltage— High transmit voltages are needed to improve signal penetration and also for harmonic imaging. The acoustic power grows as ADI provides an extensive selection of amplifiers, data conversion, signal processing and power management solutions that maximize image quality, and reduce power consumption and cost in cart-based and battery-powered portable ultrasound equipment. In addition, ADI provides evaluation boards, gerber files, simulation tools and applications expertise to support customer design and development efforts. Main Signal Chain : HV AMP ADuM240x AD9709/AD9763/65/67 Isolation DAC AD9271/72/73/76/77/78/79 Beamformer Central Control Processor ADI Integrated Solution LNA-VGA-ADC Array (Up to 256 Channels) AD8332/34/35 HV Mux and T/R Switches T/R Switches LNA VGA ADC AD8432 ADA4899 Switch Control Transducer Array AD9212/22/28 AAF ADA4939/AD8132 ADG714/ ADG619 Amp ● ● ● ● ● ● Gain Control DAC Clocks AD5326 /53xx ADV7180/ADV7441/AD9880 Video Decoder / HDMI receiver AD951x/952x/ADCLK854 ADC I/Q Processing Other Key Components FPGA Digital Rx Beam former Amp AD8333/39 Digital Potentiometer Interface References Signal Control Supervisory Thermal Management ADC AD7685/86 AD7980/82 ADA4898/ADA4841 as I-V CW Doppler Processing Image and Motion Processing (B Mode) Color Doppler Processing (F Mode) Video Compression ADSP-21462 Video DAC / Video Encoder ADV7125/ADV739x ADA4841/ADA4004 as Filter ADA4932/ADA4841 as ADC Driver ADV202/212/216 Audio DAC ADAU1361/1761/SSM2604 Power Management Solution Amp/ Filter ADA4420-3/ADA4417-3 Amp DVR Integrated AFE Solutions ADI’s AD927x Integrated Analog Front End (AFE) series provide more options to address ultrasound system design challenges. Customers can select an AFE to best match RX requirements for performance, power consumption, and imaging mode. Parameter ADC resolution Input Voltage(0.1dB compression) LNA Gain Unit AD9272 AD9273 AD9276 AD9277 AD9279 bit 12 12 12 14 12 AD9278 12 mVp-p 733/550/367 733/550/367 733/550/367 733/550/367 1000/750/450 1000/750/450 dB 15.6/17.9/21.3 15.6/17.9/21.3 15.6/17.9/21.3 15.6/17.9/21.3 15.6/17.9/21.3 15.6/17.9/21.3 LNA Input Noise Voltage nV/√Hz 0.98/0.86/0.75 1.6/1.42/1.26 0.98/0.86/0.75 0.98/0.86/0.75 0.95/0.85/0.75 1.6/1.42/1.27 TGC Input Noise Voltage @ Max VGA gain, Rs=0 nV/√Hz 1.26/1.04/0.85 1.94/1.64/1.38 1.26/1.04/0.85 1.26/1.04/0.85 1.12/0.96/0.81 1.7/1.5/1.3 Input Noise Current pA/√Hz 1 1 1 1 2.5 1.5 Power TGC @40MHz mW/ch 191 104 191 191 141 89 Power TGC @65MHz mW/ch 209 111 @50MHz 209 209 150 92@50MHz Power CW mW/ch 119 72 85 85 60 25 TGC Output DR mid channel gain dB 66.9 64.6 66.9 68.6 68.6 67.8 TGC Output SNR@ -1dBFS output dB 65 64 65 67.5 67.4 65.4 VGA Gain Range dB 42 42 42 42 45 45 MHz 8~18 8~18 8~18 8~18 8~18 8~18 AAF Low Pass Cutoff Sampling Rate (Max) CW Input DR CW Input Noise Voltage (including output amplifiers) MSPS 80 (80/65/40) 50 (50/40/25) 80 (80/65/40) 80 (80/65/40) 80 (80/65/40) 50 (50/40/25) dBFS/√Hz 161/161/160 160/159/158 164/162/160 164/162/160 164/162/160 162/160/157 nV/√Hz 2.35/1.82/1.31 2.6/2.1/1.6 1.5/1.4/1.3 1.5/1.4/1.3 1.5/1.4/1.3 2.0/1.9/1.8 CW LO Interface CW Output Package 4xLO 4xLO 4xLO 4xLO 4xLO 4xLO Compatible with AD8339 Compatible with AD8339 Current Current Current Current 14mmx14mm TQFP 14mmx14mm TQFP 10mmx10mm BGA 14mmx14mm TQFP 14mmx14mm TQFP 10mmx10mm BGA 10mmx10mm BGA Supply Voltage V 1.8/3.0 1.8/3.0 1.8/3.0 1.8/3.0 1.8/3.0 1.8/3.0 Operating Temperature V −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C Other Related Products Part Description AD8339 DC to 50 MHz, Quad I/Q Demodulator and Phase Shifter; 16 phase select on each output (22.5°per step) AD8332/4 Ultralow Noise VGAs with Preamplifier and Programmable RIN; Voltage noise = 0.74 nV/√Hz ; Current noise = 2.5 pA/√Hz AD7980 AD9520/2 1Msps, 1.5LSB (24ppm), 92dB DR, 7.5mW pin-pin compatible with 18bits and higher sampling rate version, AD7982/3, etc. 12 LVDS/24 CMOS Output with Integrated 1.6 GHz VCO; On-chip VCO tunes 1.4 ~ 1.8 GHz; external 3.3/5 V; CO/VCXO to 2.4 GHz; 1 differential or 2 single; Accepts 16.67 MHz to 33.3 MHz crystal ADP2114 Dual channel provides compact solution size; Optimized gate driving circuitry provides low system noise and easy power sequence control ADP2323 High efficiency due to external low-side MOSFETs; Dual channel provides compact solution size; Parallel configuration provides higher output current capacity up to 6A DSP ADI’s Blackfin series DSP provides wide options for digital signal processing What ADI Can Provide to Customers Analog Front End (AFE) • • • • • • • • • AD9271/2/3/6/7/8/9 evaluation board with schematic and PCB layout Gerber file High Speed FPGA-Based Data Capture Board (HSC-ADC-EVALCZ) VisualAnalog™ software AFE SPI Interface Software (SPI Controller) AD927x Configuration Tool ADIsimADC Modeling Tool AD9278/9 BGA PCB Layout Gerber files AD8331/32/34 evaluation board with schematic and PCB layout Gerber file AD8333/39 evaluation board with schematic and PCB layout Gerber file Clocking • • ADIsimCLK Modeling Tool AD951x/952x evaluation software and board Power Management • • ADIsimPower Evaluation board DSP • Evaluation board, emulation tools More Healthcare Applications and Products information, please visit: http: // Sample Applications, please visit: Customer Interaction Center Engineer Zone index.jspa