Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. V. Introduction A. Team AWESOME B. Mission Requirements Analysis C. Design Rationale D. Expected Performance E. System Overview Airframe Systems Design, Development & Testing A. Airframe B. Autopilot Payload Systems Design, Development & Testing A. Video System B. Camera Gimbal C. Wi-Fi Repeater Ground Station Design, Development & Testing A. Air Vehicle Control B. Mission Payload Control Safety, Testing & Airworthiness A. Aircraft Testing B. Flight Line Command and Control C. Checklists D. Frequencies Used Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 1 I. Introduction A. Team AWESOME Embry Riddle- Prescott’s Team AWESOME is a multidisciplinary team comprised of three aerospace engineers and three aeronautical science majors, formerly military unmanned aerial systems operators. Combined, the team has over 300 manned and over 3,000 unmanned hours of flight experience. The team was established January 2011 and started with a donated Senior Telemaster aircraft. Since then the team has test flown 11 aircraft of increasing complexity, and now designs and builds lightweight composite electric aircraft. B. Mission Requirements Analysis The primary objective of the SUAS mission is to gather ISR as quickly, safely, and autonomously as possible. Specifically, the sub-objectives are to: C. Set up the system in 40 minutes or less Autonomously navigate from takeoff to landing Obtain real-time intelligence of targets with 50 ft. accuracy, identifying five characteristics Dynamically re-task the aircraft for adjusted waypoints and search areas Relay data from the Simulated Remote Intelligence Center (SRIC) Complete the mission in 20-40 minutes Implement an effective and dynamic safety/training program Design Rationale After analyzing the mission requirements, the team identified the Key Performance Parameters that would be realistically attainable, and established the values and competencies of the team. The goals the team set were to: Achieve all the objective Key Performance Parameters of the SUAS Competition Implement a real-time digital video payload in a two-axis gimbal Make the system rugged, field deployable, and reliable Make the system independent of runways Make the aircraft lightweight Make all aircraft modular with interchangeable parts Design the entire system for simplicity Many of the design decisions made by team AWESOME are largely motivated by the team’s practical experience. The team’s early systems were large, fragile balsa wood aircraft with unreliable gasoline engines. These aircraft were difficult to operate, and were limited by Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 2 runway availability and environmental factors. In addition, the team’s former military UAS experience drives the group to build simple, rugged, and dependable systems. D. Expected Performance At the outset, the team expected to build a single aircraft, purchase a single autopilot, and complete the systems integration by March 2012. Since then the team has designed and built three different aircraft, purchased six autopilots, crashed two aircraft, built and tested a deep-stall/airbag recovery system, redesigned the wings, designed and flight tested a new empennage, built a digital video system, reverted to analog, and went over budget. In the last year, all sections of the project have gone through multiple iterations of the systems engineering process, and the team has now produced an aircraft ready to complete the SUAS mission. E. System Overview The Goose II UAS (G2) is an electrically powered, composite construction airplane. The fuselage is made of a carbon fiber tube, and the mission dependent equipment is housed in a fiberglass pod fuselage attached to the bottom of the aircraft. The wings and tail surfaces are fiberglass over EPS foam, reinforced with carbon fiber spars. All of the aircraft sections, including the pod, are attached without tools. When disassembled, the aircraft is small enough to fit into a suitcase. The G2 has an 80” wingspan and weighs only 6 pounds empty, and can carry 6 pounds of payload. The G2 can fly roughly 20 minutes for every pound of batteries it carries. It has a carbon fiber two-axis gimbal, weighing less than 5 ounces. The plane is hand-launched, and lands on its replaceable skid plate belly. The plane uses an Ardupilot Mega 2.0 autopilot for autonomous navigation and camera control, and features an easy to use operator interface that allows for simple point-and-click flying. The Wi-Fi system on board can rebroadcast networks in its range up to 1 mile. Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 3 Aircraft Servos Aircraft Sensors ArduPilot Mega 2.0 Camera Gimbal Safety Pilot Air Vehicle Operator Video Transmitter Payload Operator Figure 1: System Command and Control Architecture II. Airframe Systems Design, Development & Testing A. Airframe The aircraft built for the competition is the Goose II, the third generation of systems engineering processes to construct the optimal platform. At the time of the initial Request for Proposal (RFP) the team was in a transitional phase, utilizing two aircraft. The first, Skywalker, was an electric, EPO foam RC airplane, which was reinforced with fiberglass to stiffen the fuselage, and Kevlar to protect the belly during skid landings. The platform was highly robust, and has survived several crashes. The second, WhitePlane I, was the team’s first attempt at building a composite aircraft. It had a carbon fiber tube fuselage, an aluminum pod underneath for payload carrying and skid landings, and used fiberglassed Skywalker wings with compartments cut out for lithium batteries. WhitePlane I was a successful platform, and helped to identify the center section as the weak point in the carbon tube fuselage design. The team decided to use WhitePlane I to explore a deepstall/airbag recovery method, in which the horizontal stabilizer rotates up and stalls the plane, and a ducted fan inflates an airbag out of the pod to cushion the landing. The recovery system was designed, built, and tested. However, the project was cancelled after three iterations of marginal results and repeated aircraft damage. Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 4 Figure 2: WhitePlane I, Deep-Stall/Airbag Test The team began designing a new aircraft, the Goose I, which would have a newly designed center section, modular and interchangeable parts, custom designed flight surfaces, and an upgraded, more efficient propulsion setup. In early stages, the Goose I was designed to carry the batteries in its wings, like WhitePlane I. However, the new propulsion setup included larger batteries, and the new wing design was too thin to accommodate them. Figure 3: Goose I The wing for Goose I was designed to create maximum endurance as well as a stable platform. This design was done in two phases, the first was the selection of a twoTeam AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 5 dimensional airfoil shape, and the second was the selection of the three-dimensional wing geometry. To start the airfoil selection a large array of NACA 4 digit, Selig and Eppler airfoils were analyzed in a program called XFLR 5, and example of this analysis can be seen in Fig. Four. The seven airfoils with the highest lift to drag ratios were then taken and given a weighted score based on their lift coefficient, pitching moment and lift over drag. The results of this weighted score can be seen in Table One, the result of this scoring demonstrated that the best airfoil choice was Selig 4110. Also the two dimensional coefficients can be seen plotted in Fig. Five, as well as the lift over drag ratio in Fig. Six. Figure 4: Airfoil Analysis Airfoil Lift over Drag L/D Weighted Score Eppler 216 82.15 8.22 Eppler 214 72.33 7.23 Eppler 212 67.39 6.74 Selig 4022 66.02 6.60 Selig 4110 65.67 6.57 NACA 4515 60.42 6.04 NACA 5515 63.87 6.39 Moment about the quarter chord Weighted Moment Score -0.18 0.75 -0.13 2.73 -0.11 3.72 -0.15 2.01 -0.09 4.40 -0.12 3.14 -0.15 2.11 Lift Coefficient 0.94 0.77 0.64 0.83 0.62 0.73 0.84 Weighted Lift Score 4.70 3.86 3.22 4.13 3.11 3.67 4.18 Total Score 13.66 13.82 13.69 12.74 14.07 12.86 12.68 Table 1: Airfoil Weighted Score Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 6 Figure 5:Two Dimensional Coefficients Figure 6: Lift to Drag Ratio Once the two-dimensional wing shape had been chosen, XFLR 5 was used again to analyze several different variations of three-dimensional wing geometry. This analysis gives 3D lift, drag, moments as well as pressure distribution. An example of this analysis can be seen in Fig. Seven. The aspect ratio, taper ratio and wing area were varied in order to find a geometry that would yield the most efficient wing possible, the three dimensional coefficients can be seen in Fig. Eight as well as the lift over drag in Fig. Nine. Figure 7: Wing Analysis Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 7 Figure 8: Three Dimensional Coefficients Figure 9: Lift to Drag Ratio For a truly modular design, all of the pieces of the aircraft (outboard wings, tail tube, motor tube, and pod) would need to attach in one place- the center wing section. The team needed to make the skeleton of the center wing as strong as possible, but still remain lightweight. To do this, the center wing of Goose I was designed to be built with carbon fiber tubing and plates in an interlocking fashion. The motor and tail tubes were designed to slide over the center section tubes and lock with push-button clips. The wings were designed with protruding carbon spars that would slide into the center section and hold in place with friction. The pod was designed to attach to the center section using bolts. The design of the skeleton is also where wing dihedral and incidence angle are built in. The skeleton was built, but the carbon plates were observed to be flimsy, so the plates were doubled to add rigidity. Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 8 Figure 10: Goose I Carbon Skeleton To build the wings and tail surfaces, the team researched composite construction techniques by watching instructional videos, talking to experimental composite aircraft builders, visiting local UAS manufacturer Brock Technologies, Inc, as well as a great deal of trial and error. The team used an inverse mold technique to make the flight surfaces. First, the end-point airfoils are printed 1:1 scale on paper, and used to cut out carbon fiber guides. Then, the guides are adhered to EPS foam and guide a hotwire that cuts the flight surface. Placement of the guides can facilitate wing taper, sweep, and washout. Then, the wings are drilled laterally and hotwired inside to form hollow sections and carbon fiber spar channels. The wings are fitted with carbon spars, carbon end-caps, and fiberglassed with lightweight cloth and resin. Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 9 Figure 11:Goose I, First Flight Goose I flew on March 20, 2012. The aircraft was observed to be overly maneuverable on pitch, and marginally stable on roll. Goose I also required a large angle of attack to maintain level cruise flight. The pitch control throw was reduced, and a 60 polyhedral was built into the three wing sections with brackets to add roll stability, with good results. The angle of attack required for straight and level flight produced undesirable drag, and would have to be corrected with a modified incidence angle. This would require a new wing and center section. The team decided then to design a new aircraft, Goose II, with a higher incidence angle and built-in dihedral. Goose II would also have a V-tail empennage for lower weight, simplicity in manufacturing, and ground clearance during landing. Other modifications included building an autopilot tray on the top of the center wing for easy access, and changing the pod attachment to a Picatinny scope rail for easy tool-less attachment and center of gravity adjustment. Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 10 Figure 12: Goose II with V-Tail, First Flight The first flight of Goose II was on May 15, 2012. The aircraft was stable in roll, and had a level pitch attitude in cruise. However, the V-tail made the aircraft unstable in yaw, and the aircraft entered several spins, which nearly crashed it. The Goose line of parts were made to be interchangeable, so the T-tail from Goose I was placed on Goose II. The flight test of Goose II with the T-tail was very successful, and it will serve as the competition aircraft. B. Autopilot The autopilot is solely responsible for autonomous UAS navigation. In order to find the best solution for the mission, the team evaluated several small UAS autopilots. At the initial RFP, the team was using the Uthere RUBY autopilot. RUBY has a 3 axis IMU, GPS, and a pitot/static system. It supports autonomous takeoff, waypoint navigation, and landing. The system did not yet support telemetry and waypoint adjustments at that time, so it was a poor choice for the SUAS competition. Shortly thereafter, the team had a MicroPilot 2028 LRC donated to the university, and the team decided to use it for the competition. The first problem with the 2028 was its large size and weight. The Long Range Communications modules would be unnecessary for the SUAS competition, and added a great deal of weight. Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 11 The team contacted MicroPilot to ask if the autopilot could be removed and used standalone. The company was unable to help, saying that technical support must be purchased at $1,500 per year. The other problem was that the license for the ground control station software, Horizonmp, was expired and would have to be purchased for an additional $1,500. The team decided that an investment of $3,000 was unwise, considering the functionality of the autopilot was unknown, and the team would be unable to replace the autopilot in the event of a crash. Figure 13: Uthere RUBY autopilot (left) MicroPilot 2028 LRC (right) Several autopilots were then evaluated for their cost, functionality, ease of use, and opensource architecture. Procerus Kestrel, Cloud Cap Piccolo, and MicroPilot 2128 were immediately ruled out for their high cost. The team then evaluated the inexpensive, open source Paparazzi and ArduPilot Mega, and chose the latter for its easy to use ground station. The team bought four ArduPilot Mega 1.4 autopilots, and later two ArduPilot Mega 2.0 autopilots all for less than $3,000. Figure 13: ArduPilot Mega 1.4 (Back) and 2.0 (Front) Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 12 The ArduPilot Mega 2.0 is the most powerful open-source IMU based autopilot available today. It supports full mission scripting, autonomous takeoff, landing, and waypoint navigation, simple “fly-to-here” commands, geo-fencing, area search path planning, and airborne PID tuning. Its sensors include 3-axis IMU, GPS, pitot/static, barometric altimeter, volts/current, and 3-axis magnetometer. The capability is outstanding for the price. After extensive flight-testing, the team believes the autopilot is well suited for the SUAS competition. One capability that the team had to add to the Ardupilot software was air vehicle flight termination. Utilizing the Ardupilot’s open-source architecture, the team wrote the necessary code to command the air vehicle to return home after 30 seconds of lost link, and terminate its flight after 3 minutes of lost link. III. Payload Systems Design, Development & Testing A. Video system The aircraft’s payload is a crucial system in completing the SUAS mission, and the team has concentrated much of its resources to advancing the payload capability and usefulness. The team initially planned to use a digital video system over Wi-Fi for the benefit of combining the video and SRIC payload. The team purchased an Arecont Vision IP Megapixel Camera, and two Engenius 300Mbps routers with 3-way Multiple In/Multiple Out (MIMO) technology. The system was assembled and field-tested with Omni-directional antennas and reached approx. 500 feet. Building on this success, the team purchased three bidirectional amplifiers and directional antennas and conducted field-testing. The team expected range of over 2 miles with this setup, but range was only increased a small amount, and video was unreliable at 1,000 ft. The cause is still not completely known, but is suspected to be losses in cabling and connectors. When the digital video system did not work as anticipated, the team decided to use analog video and a commercial-off-the-shelf Wi-Fi repeater. The current system uses a 2.4 GHz video transmitter and receiver, and a 720 line analog video camera. The system was ground tested at 2,500 ft. with good results. A signal amplifier was added to the receiver, with excellent results. Next the team plans to purchase and test a 10 db Omni-directional antenna. B. Camera Gimbal Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 13 Many of the team members have a great deal of UAS operating experience. Thus as a matter of preference, a two-axis camera gimbal was required. The team could not find a satisfactory gimbal for a low price, so one had to be constructed. The method of construction proved to be a difficult area, along with difficulty finding suitable hardware and parts. A gimbal was designed in CATIA so that the parts could be printed 1:1 scale and cut out of carbon fiber, and assembled with metal risers. Standard RC servos were insufficient to move the gimbal in the range and accuracy required, so the servos were modified with miniature chain/sprocket drives and external geared potentiometers. In addition, the gimbal’s standard pulse width modulation (PWM) control was undesirablethe gimbal always moved back to the center position when the joystick was released. To correct this behavior, an Arduino sketch was written and implemented into the ArduPilot software that interprets joystick distance from center, and changes servo PWM at a correlated rate and direction. C. Wi-Fi Repeater To address the challenge of the Simulated Remote Intelligence Center (SRIC), the team will use an off-the-shelf Wi-Fi repeater with an external antenna. The team will purchase the Amped Wireless 600mW Pro Smart Repeater. The system is simple and requires the user to attach the unit to a laptop via LAN, connect to the primary network, and then set up a secondary repeater network. Figure 14: Amped Wireless 600mW Pro Smart Repeater IV. Ground Station Design, Development & Testing A. Air Vehicle Control For the ArduPilot system, there are three ground stations available. Our team selected the APM Mission Planner program for its ease of use, simple HIL simulator interface, and operator preference. Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 14 Figure 15: APM Mission Planner The Mission Planner program required no modification from our team to be a usable interface. The team has used the program extensively for flight-testing, and found it to be suitable for completing the SUAS competition mission. The operator can command the aircraft to autonomously takeoff, fly to selected waypoints, right-click the map and select “fly to here,” define no-fly zones, create a geo-fence, create a search area, enter camera parameters and generate a search path, adjust the search area in flight, and autonomously land. The Ardupilot Mega uses telemetry radios from 3D Robotics that are capable of 250 kbps at 100 mW. With omni antennas, the team has flight-tested the range up to 1,500 feet with 90% signal strength. These antennas are a replacement for the Xbee radios the team used before, which were unreliable and faulty. B. Mission Payload Control For the mission payload operator, the team needed to determine the camera stare point coordinates as the gimbal moves. To that end, the team created a program in Microsoft Excel to calculate the trigonometry angles and distance/coordinate formulas. The operator inputs aircraft height/location and gimbal position, and the program calculates target coordinates. The system has been ground tested with good results. The next steps are to test the system in the aircraft, then write a program to auto-populate the aircraft’s telemetry data into the program. V. Safety, Testing & Airworthiness Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 15 A. Aircraft Testing Testing new unmanned aircraft always involves some inherent risk. To mitigate that risk, all of Team AWESOME’s aerial systems undergo rigorous physical inspection and lab testing. The systems are modeled in X-Plane and put through an extensive Hardware-inthe-Loop (HIL) test, whence PID gains are set for the model. All new aircraft are flown manually to determine airworthiness, stability, controllability, and stall/spin characteristics. Then the autopilot is installed and simulation PID gains are carefully tested and refined. B. Flight Line Command and Control The team captain is the Pilot-in-Command and is responsible for, and the final authority on, safety of flight. The Air Vehicle Operator programs the autonomous flight paths of the air vehicle. As per the Academy of Model Aeronautics safety documents, a Safety Pilot keeps the air vehicle in unaided visual range, and is always prepared to take manual control of the aircraft. A See-and-Avoid Spotter is charged with looking for manned aircraft and giving directions to the Safety Pilot to give the manned aircraft right-of-way. C. Checklists Team AWESOME develops checklists that are intended to assist flight line personnel to perform flight operations safely and efficiently. The checklists change with the dynamic nature of flight-testing, and are meant to assist. Flight line personnel do deviate from checklists to the extent necessary to complete the mission. The Pilot in Command is the final authority on flight line procedures. Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 16 Figure 16: Goose II Operating Checklist D. Frequencies Used 433 MHz- Safety Pilot RC control 72 MHz- Payload control 2.4 GHz- Analog Video 2.4 GHz- Wi-Fi re-transmitter 900 MHz- Autopilot telemetry and control Team AWESOME, ERAU Prescott AZ Page 17