COATINGS MANUAL HRSD 6.0 EQUIPMENT AND PIPING COLOR IDENTIFICATION CODE The objective of this Equipment and Piping Color Identification Code is to provide easy and rapid identification of the various unit process equipment and piping in a treatment plant. The large amount of equipment and piping in the treatment plant requires that a simple system be used to identify and distinguish the equipment and piping. A. The Color Shade Code should be used to provide a uniform shade of color when using various manufacturers and types of coatings (see Color Shade Code). The color should be based on the U.S. Government Federal Register 595 Paint Color Number. B. The Color Selection Code should be used to select the color for all equipment and piping in the treatment plant. The selected color for individual equipment and piping would be based on the type of flow involved. C. The Equipment and Piping Color Identification Code should be used to identify all equipment in the treatment plant (see Equipment & Piping Color Identification Code). The identification for all equipment should include both the proper coating color and the proper stenciled markings. D. 1.) Stenciled marking should be placed on multiple units of equipment to indicate the unit number, i.e., No. 1, No. 2, etc. 2.) Stenciled markings should be black or white in color to contrast with the equipment background color as appropriate. 3.) Stenciled markings should be 2 ½ inches in size. The Equipment and Piping Color Identification Code should be used to identify all piping in the treatment plant. The identification for all piping should include both the proper coating color and the proper stenciled markings. 1.) Stenciled markings should include both the proper unit process flow abbreviations and a directional arrow indicating the proper flow direction as appropriate. 2.) Stenciled markings should be placed wherever pipes pass thru walls, at the influent and effluent of pumps or valves, at intersections, and at regular intervals along pipe runs as appropriate. 3.) Stenciled markings should be black or white in color to contrast with the pipe background color as appropriate. OD/Coatings Manual 2011 Section 6.0 COATINGS MANUAL HRSD 4.) Stenciled markings for pipes should be all capital letters sized as follows: Pipe Size Up to 1 ½ inch 2 to 6 inches 8 inches and up E. ½ inch 1 ¼ inch 2 ½ inch Color Shade Code Color Shade Aluminum Black Blue Brown Gray Green, Dark Green, Light Orange Red White Yellow F. Letter Size U.S. Government Federal Register 595 Paint Color Number 17178 17038 15050 10091 16473 14062 14533 12246 11105 17875 13655 If piping is stainless steel and/or PVC and/or there are other viable reasons not to paint (piping is already painted and may not be economical to repaint), then the following is permissible: All piping must be distinctly marked with color-coded bands around the pipe and labeled. All piping shall be frequently marked with color-coded bands and labels as stated in item A, B, C, and D above. OD/Coatings Manual 2011 Section 6.0 COATINGS MANUAL HRSD G. EQUIPMENT AND PIPING COLOR IDENTIFICATION CODE Equipment and Piping Color Identification Code Unit Process Odor Control Flow Non Potable Water Non Potable Well Water Potable Water Drain Drainage Pump Station Discharge Electrical Conduit Fire Protection Floor Drain Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Supply Fuel Oil Return Hot Water Supply Hot Water Return Hot Water Reverse Return HVAC Hydraulic Oil Hot Potable Water Lube Oil Natural Gas Polymer Dry Air Process Drain Propane Roof Drain Seal Water Service Air ( Low Pressure) Service Air (High Pressure) Sanitary Drain Sanitary Sewer Force Main Spray Water Steam Storm Drain Sump Pump Discharge Tank Drain Vacuum Vent Odorous Air Scrubber Blowdown Scrubber Chemical Feed OD/Coatings Manual 2011 Section 6.0 6-2 Color Lt. Green Lt. Green Dk. Green Gray Gray Abbreviation NPW NPWW PW DRAIN DPSD Red Red Gray Black Black Black Lt. Green Lt. Green Lt. Green Gray Black Dk. Green Black Yellow Blue Gray Yellow Gray Lt. Green Blue FIRE FD FO FOS FOR HWS HWR HW REV RET HVAC HDO HPW LO NAT GAS DA DRAIN LP RD SW LPSA Blue HPSA Gray Gray DRAIN SSFM Lt. Green Aluminum Gray Gray Gray Blue Gray Gray Orange Orange SPRAY STEAM STORM SPD DRAIN VAC V OA SBD SCF COATINGS MANUAL HRSD Equipment and Piping Color Identification Code Unit Process Preliminary Treatment Primary Treatment Intermediate Treatment Biological Treatment Flow Scrubber Recirculation Cleaning Scrubber Recirculation Discharge Scrubber Recirculation Suction Scrubber Drain Scrubber Exhaust Scrubber Intake Scrubber (vessel) Cyclone Influent Cyclone Recycle Grit Raw Wastewater Influent Screened Effluent Septic Tank Unloading Primary Clarifier Influent Primary Clarifier Effluent Primary Clarifier Solids Primary Scum Oxidation Tower Influent Oxidation Tower Effluent Intermediate Clarifier Influent Intermediate Clarifier Effluent Intermediate Biosolids Intermediate Scum Aerated Supernatant Return Anaerobic Influent Anaerobic Effluent Anoxic Influent Anoxic Effluent Anoxic Recycle Aeration Influent Aeration Effluent Mixed Liquor Nitrified Recycle Secondary Clarifier Influent Secondary Clarifier Effluent Secondary Scum Return Activated Solids OD/Coatings Manual 2011 Section 6.0 6-3 Color Orange Abbreviation SRC Orange SRD Orange SRS Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Brown Gray Gray Gray Gray DRAIN SCRUB EXH SCRUB INTK --CYCL INF CYCL RCY GRIT RWI SE SEPTIC UNLDG PCI PCE PCS SCUM OTI OTE ICI Gray ICE Brown Gray INS SCUM ASR Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Brown Gray Gray ANI ANE AXI AXE ARCY ARI ARE MLSS NRCY SCI Gray SCE Gray Brown SCUM RAS COATINGS MANUAL HRSD Equipment and Piping Color Identification Code Unit Process Disinfection Effluent Pumping Scum Disposal Solids Thickening Digestion Solids Holding Tank Flow Waste Activated Solids Contact Tank Effluent Contact Tank Scum Final Effluent Holding Pond Drain Feed Scum Concentrated Scum Scum Concentrator Subnatant Scum Decant Supernatant Return Decant Tank Drain Flotation Thickener Feed Solids Flotation Thickener Recycle Flotation Thickened Solids Flotation Thickener Subnatant Gravity Belt Thickener Feed Solids Gravity Belt Thickener Filtrate Gravity Belt Thickened Solids Gravity Thickener Feed Solids Gravity Thickened Solids Gravity Thickener Overflow/Supernatant Primary Digester Feed Solids Primary Digested Solids Digester Recirculation Solids Primary Digester Supernatant Primary Digester Transfer Solids Secondary Digested Solids Secondary Digester Supernatant Digester Gas Holding Tank Feed Solids OD/Coatings Manual 2011 Section 6.0 6-4 Color Brown Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Abbreviation WAS CTE SCUM FNE DRAIN FD SCUM CN SCUM SCB Gray Gray Gray Brown SCUM DSR DRAIN FTFS Gray FTRCY Brown Gray FTS FSB Brown GBFS Gray GBFL Brown GBTS Brown GTFS Brown Gray GTS GSP Brown PDFS Brown Brown PDS DRS Gray PDSP Brown PDXS Brown Gray SDS SDSP Yellow Brown DGAS HTFS COATINGS MANUAL HRSD Equipment and Piping Color Identification Code Unit Process Solids Conditioning Solids Dewatering Solids Incineration Nitrification Enhancement Facility Chemicals Chemical Storage Tanks Flow Conditioning Tank Feed Solids Centrifuge Feed Solids Centrifuge Biosolids Cake Centrifuge Centrate Centrifuge Thickened Biosolids Centrifuge Thickening Centrate Foreign Biosolids Loading Foreign Biosolids Unloading Incinerator Feed Cake Incinerator Ash Incinerator Scrubber Water Effluent Scrubber Intake Scrubber Exhaust Nitrification Enhancement Facility Influent Nitrification Enhancement Facility Aeration Effluent Nitrification Enhancement Facility Secondary Effluent Nitrification Enhancement Facility Solids Acid Wash Supply Acid Wash Return Alum Ammonia Caustic Caustic Solution Dry Polymer Ferric/Ferrous Hydrogen Peroxide Liquid Polymer Muriatic Polymer Solution Sodium Bisulfite Sodium Bisulfite Solution Sodium Hypochlorite Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Chemical Tanks OD/Coatings Manual 2011 Section 6.0 6-5 Color Brown Abbreviation CNFS Brown Brown Gray Brown CFS CCK CCT CTS Gray CTCT Brown Brown FLS FUS Brown Brown Gray IFC ASH ISE Gray Gray Gray SI SE NEFINF Brown NEFARE Brown NEFSCE Brown NEFS Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Purple Orange Orange Orange AWS AWR ALUM AMMONIA CAUSTIC CAUSTIC SOL DPOLY FERRIC/FERROUS PEROXIDE LPOLY MURIATIC POLY SOL BISULFITE BISULFITE SOL HYPO HYPO SOL Gray OR White (Name of Chemical) COATINGS MANUAL HRSD Equipment and Piping Color Identification Code Unit Process Bollards Water Reclamation Misc Flow Reclaimed Water Main Abandoned Sample OD/Coatings Manual 2011 Section 6.0 6-6 Color Yellow Purple Unit Process Color Abbreviation --RWM ABAND (Unit Process Name)/SAMP