Building #2163-WHL Warehouse Lab Interior Buildout For USF St. Petersburg Facilities Services WDA Project # 1504-08 USF Project Number: PD245016450501 ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO (2) July 13th, 2016 DATE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: ISSUED TO BID: BID DATE: January 22, 2016 June, 2016 July 15, 2016 The following changes, additions, modifications, deletions and clarifications to the Contract Documents dated as shown are herewith issued and shall be made under this Addendum Number 2 as a part of the Bid Proposal submitted to the Owner. CONTENTS: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) 1. Attached RFI log with responses. ADDITIONAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 1. 2. 3. Attached new Section 10110 Visual Display Boards. Attached new Section 12510 Window Treatment. Attached product cut-sheet for projector ceiling mount structural support. INSTRUCTIONS 1. The Addendum is issued prior to the receipt of bids. 2. All work covered in this Addendum is subject to the General and Special Conditions. 3. This Addendum shall be acknowledged on the Proposal Form and the cost of the work herein specified shall be included in the Base Bid. 4. If this Addendum lists additional acceptable manufacturers, manufacturers listed remain responsible for meeting the design and performance criteria of specifications and drawings, as shown. End of Addendum #2. Page 1 of 1 University of South Florida St. Petersburg USFSP POYNTER WAREHOUSE LAB INTERIOR BUILDOUT Project No. PD245016450501 WDA Project # 1504-08 Pre-Construction Phase Date Submitted Submitted By 1 6/30/2016 CPPI 2 6/30/2016 CPPI 3 6/30/2016 CPPI 4 7/6/2016 DPR RFI No. Trade Sheet/Spec Not in Phase 2 Date Answered 7/12/2016 Not in Phase 2 7/12/2016 See Addendum #1 7/12/2016 See Addendum #2 attachment: Section 10110 ‐ Visual Display Board 7/12/2016 Yes 7/12/2016 The RO system piping shall follow the requirements of the above ground domestic water piping. 7/12/2016 Please reference 23 05 53 Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment (old 15190 section), for identifaction requirements. 7/12/2016 Please provide a specification for AV‐01, Ceiling Support Assembly & Projector Support assembly by Contractor, Projector by Owner. See attached product cut‐shet for projector ceiling structural support. 7/12/2016 Please provide a specification for EQ‐01, Window Treatment See Addendum #2 attachment: Section 12510 ‐ Window Treatment 7/12/2016 See Addendum #1 7/12/2016 The RO system piping shall follow the requirements of the above ground domestic water piping. 7/12/2016 Question Clarify if page A7.0 is not in phase 2 drawings Clarify alternate #1 for window replacement is in this project, not Section 01230 found in Phase 2 drawings Clarify construction time for this project A1.2, Marker & Please provide a specification for the marker board (MBO1‐MB03) Tack Boards and tack boards (TB01‐TB04) A7.0 Specialties 5 7/6/2016 DPR Specialties 6 7/6/2016 DPR Plumbing 1/A.2 shows Corner Guards (CG1) only at the 90 degree corners in A1.2, 102650 the corridor. The Equipment Legend indicates to provide corner Wall Protection guards at all major corridor intersections. The specifications reference 90 degree or 135 degree corners. Should we include corner guards at the 135 degree corners in the corridor? The Piping Schedule in Sectin 3.18 of Specification 221116 does not Section 221116 indicate the type of piping required for the RO water systems. Please provide. Specification 22 05 00, Section 1.32 indicates to "provide painting and touch‐up painting of exposed piping, ductwork, support structures, etc. Refer to Section 15190 for color scheme Section 220500 requirements of pipes and identification markers." This spec was not provide. If it required to paint and color code the exposed ductwork and piping please provide scheme. 7 7/6/2016 DPR Plumbing/ Painting 8 7/6/2016 DPR Specialties A1.2 & A3.0 9 7/6/2016 DPR Equipment A1.2 10 7/6/2016 VOGEL Bros. Bid Building Co. Documents We were told the bid date was moving to the 8th. Is there going to be an addendum put out changing the bid date? 11 7/6/2016 VOGEL Bros. Building Co. The Piping Schedule in Sectin 3.18 of Specification 221116 does not indicate the type of piping required for the RO water systems. Please provide. 7/12/2016 1 Plumbing Response University of South Florida St. Petersburg USFSP POYNTER WAREHOUSE LAB INTERIOR BUILDOUT Project No. PD245016450501 WDA Project # 1504-08 Pre-Construction Phase 12 13 14 7/12/2016 2 See Addendum #1 at‐ finance/purchasing/public‐bids/available‐bids.aspx . Scroll to the bottom of the page below NOTICE TO BID 7/12/2016 Need further clarifications on your bid documents in order to get a Bid Bond: what is the project value? What is the amount of liquidated damages? They are dicussed but no value given. Project value has not been determined. The Owner is looking for the bid to make that determination. Liquidated damages is $500 per day 7/12/2016 Is Builder’s risk insurance really required for this project? If so, is it really for the entire project, including the existing structure as listed in exhibit E, 11.3.1? And if so, what is the value of the entire structure with renovations that are now under construction? Builder's Risk Insurance needs to be any more than the value of the interior build out. 7/12/2016 7/6/2016 VOGEL Bros. Building Co. The bid invitation gives an address in St. Pete but the documents that is available to review says Tampa 7/7/2016 VOGEL Bros. Building Co. 7/12/2016 Creative Contractors, Inc. SECTION 10110 - 1 VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS #1504-08 SECTION 10110 – VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following types of visual display boards: 1. 2. 3. 4. Porcelain enamel markerboards (for liquid chalk). Vinyl-fabric-faced cork tackboards. Tackable wall panels Display rails. B. Related Sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this section: 1. Division 06 Section "Architectural Casework" for tackable surfaces in casework. 2. Division 06 Section “Rough Carpentry” for wood blocking and grounds. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division 01 Specification Sections. B. Product Data: Include manufacturer's data substantiating that markerboard and tackboard materials comply with requirements indicated. C. Shop Drawings: Provide shop drawings for each type of markerboard and tackboard required. Include sections of typical trim members and dimensioned elevations. Show anchors, grounds, and reinforcement, accessories, layout, and installation details. D. Samples for Verification: For each type of visual display surface indicated and as follows: 1. Visual Display Surface: Not less than 8-1/2 by 11 inches, mounted on substrate indicated for final Work. Include one panel for each type, color, and texture required. 2. Trim: 6 inch-long sections of each trim profile. 3. Accessories: Full-size Sample of each type of accessory. E. Samples: Provide the following samples of each product for initial selection of colors, patterns, and textures, as required, and for verification of compliance with requirements indicated. 1. Samples for initial selection of color, pattern, and texture: USFSP WAREHOUSE LAB BUILDOUT 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS – PERMIT SET JANUARY 22, 2016 SECTION 10110 - 2 VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS #1504-08 a. Porcelain Enamel Markerboard: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of actual sections of porcelain enamel finish showing the full range of colors available for each type of chalkboard and markerboard required. b. Vinyl-fabric-faced Cork Tackboards: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of actual sections of vinyl fabric, showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available for each type of vinyl-fabric-faced cork tackboard indicated. F. Certificates: In lieu of laboratory test reports, when permitted by the Architect, submit the manufacturer's certification that vinyl-fabric-faced cork tackboard materials furnished comply with requirements specified for flame spread ratings. G. Warranties: Special warranties specified in this Section. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of visual display surface through one source from a single manufacturer. B. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who is an authorized representative of the markerboard manufacturer for both installation and maintenance of the type of sliding chalkboard units required for this Project. 1. Maintenance Proximity: Not more than 2 hours' normal travel time from the Installer's place of business to the Project site. C. Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide vinyl-fabric-faced tackboards with surface burning characteristics indicated below, as determined by testing assembled materials composed of facings and backings identical to those required in this section, in accordance with ASTM E 84, by a testing organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Flame Spread: 25 or less. 2. Smoke Developed: 10 or less. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver factory-built visual display boards, including factory-applied trim where indicated, completely assembled in one piece without joints, where possible. If dimensions exceed maximum manufactured panel size, provide two or more pieces of equal length as acceptable to maximum manufactured panel size, provide two or more pieces of equal length as acceptable to Architect. When overall dimensions require delivery in separate units, prefit components at the factory, disassemble for delivery, and make final joints at the site. B. Store visual display units vertically with packing materials between each unit. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify dimensions by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA ST. PETERSBURG HARBOR HALL RENOVATION 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS JUNE 24, 2015 SECTION 10110 - 3 VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS #1504-08 1. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish dimensions and proceed with fabricating visual display surfaces without field measurements. Coordinate wall construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. 2. Allow for trimming and fitting where taking field measurements before fabrication might delay the Work. 1.7 WARRANTY A. Porcelain Enamel Chalkboard Warranty: Furnish the manufacturer's written warranty, agreeing to replace porcelain enamel chalkboards that do not retain their original writing and erasing qualities, become slick and shiny, or exhibit crazing, cracking, or flaking, provided the manufacturer's instructions with regard to handling, installation, protection, and maintenance have been followed. 1. Warranty Period: 25 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of one of the following: 1. Porcelain Enamel Marker Boards: a. b. c. d. e. f. AARCO Products, Inc. American Visual Products, LLC Claridge Products and Equipment, Inc. Greensteel, Inc. K-Pro Specialty Products Wenger Corp. 2. Tackboards: a. b. c. d. e. f. AARCO Products, Inc. American Visual Products, LLC Claridge Products and Equipment, Inc. Greensteel, Inc. K-Pro Specialty Products Wenger Corp. 3. Tackboard Panels: a. Basis-of-Design: Homasote Co. Pinnacle NCFR Tackboard panels. Paint color: As selected by Architect. USFSP WAREHOUSE LAB BUILDOUT 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS – PERMIT SET JANUARY 22, 2016 SECTION 10110 - 4 VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS #1504-08 B. Type: Field Installed Series. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Size: Single piece units, without joints, in sizes indicated on Drawings. B. Colors and Textures: Provide colors and textures as selected by Architect from manufacturer’s standards. C. Markerboards: 1. Porcelain-on-Metal: Balanced, high pressure laminated, 3-ply construction; with facing sheet, core and backing; complying with the following requirements: a. Facing Sheet: 24 gauge enameling grade steel sheet coated on exposed face with primer, and drymarker cover coat and on concealed face with two (2) coat process of primer and ground coat. Provide permanent fused grid and music line patterns as indicated. 1.) Cover Coat: Drymarker surface coat of high fired porcelain frits .0025" minimum thickness. 2.) Primer Coat: Nickel Cobalt primer .002" minimum thickness. b. Core: 7/16" thickness, Fiberboard, Class ‘A’. c. Backing Sheet: Aluminum foil, .005" thick. D. Vinyl-Fabric-Faced Tackboards: Provide mildew-resistant, washable, vinyl fabric complying with FS CCC-W-408, Type II, weighing not less than 13 oz./sq.yd., laminated to 1/2-inch thick fiberboard core. Provide fabric that has a flame spread rating of 25 or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. E. Tackboard Panels: Provide finely sanded, soft-textured, formaldehyde-free and asbestos free tackboard. a. Thickness: 3/8”-inch b. Weight: 1.13 lbs/sq.ft 2.3 ACCESSORIES A. Metal Trim and Accessories: Fabricate frames and trim of not less than 0.062 inch thick aluminum alloy, size and shape as indicated, to suit type of installation. Provide straight, singlelength units wherever possible; keep joints to a minimum. Miter corners to a neat, hairline closure. 1. Factory-Applied Trim: Manufacturer’s standard. 2. Where the size of boards or other conditions exist that require support in addition to the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA ST. PETERSBURG HARBOR HALL RENOVATION 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS JUNE 24, 2015 SECTION 10110 - 5 VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS #1504-08 normal trim, provide structural supports or modify the trim as indicated or as selected by the Architect from the manufacturer's standard structural support accessories to suit the condition indicated. 3. Chalktray: Furnish manufacturer's standard continuous box-type aluminum chalktray with slanted front and cast aluminum end closures for each chalkboard. 4. Map Rail: Furnish map rail at the top of each unit, complete with the following accessories: a. Display Rail: Provide continuous cork display rail approximately 2 inches wide, as indicated, integral with the map rail. b. End Stops: Provide one end stop at each end of the map rail. c. Map Hooks: Provide 2 map hooks for each 48 inches of map rail or fraction thereof. d. Flagholder: Provide one flagholder for each room. 5. Special-Purpose Graphics: Fuse or paint the following graphics into surface of porcelain enamel visual display unit: a. Music staff lines. 6. Provide two erasers and four boxes of dry-erase markers for each markerboard installation. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Porcelain-Enamel Visual Display Assemblies: Laminate porcelain-enamel face sheet and backing sheet to core material under heat and pressure with manufacturer’s standard flexible, waterproof adhesive. All porcelain-enamel markerboards shall be magnetic. B. Visual Display Boards: Factory assembled visual display boards, unless otherwise indicated. Trim shall be assembled and attached to visual display boards. C. Factory-Assembled Visual Display Units: Coordinate factory-assembled units with trim and accessories indicated. Join parts with a neat, precision fit. 1. Make joints only where total length exceeds maximum manufactured length. Fabricate with minimum number of joints, balanced around center of board, as acceptable to Architect. 2. Provide manufacturer’s standard vertical-joint system between abutting sections of markerboards. 3. Provide manufacturer’s standard mullion trim at joints between markerboards and tackboards of combination units. 4. Factory-applied trim shall be assembled and attached to visual display units at manufacturer’s factory before shipment. D. Aluminum Frames and Trim: Fabricate units straight and of single lengths, keeping joints to a minimum. Miter corner to neat, hairline closure. 2.5 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Comply with NAAMM’s “Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products” for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. USFSP WAREHOUSE LAB BUILDOUT 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS – PERMIT SET JANUARY 22, 2016 SECTION 10110 - 6 VISUAL DISPLAY BOARDS #1504-08 B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. C. Finish Designations prefixed by AA comply with the system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum finishes. D. Class II, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-M12C22A31 (Mechanical Finish: nonspecular as fabricated: Chemical Finish: etched, medium matte; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class II, clear coating 0.010 mm or thicker) complying with AAMA 611. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Deliver factory-built chalkboard and tackboard units completely assembled in one piece without joints, wherever possible. Where dimensions exceed panel size, provide 2 or more pieces of equal length as acceptable to the Architect. When overall dimensions require delivery in separate units, prefit components at the factory, disassemble for delivery, and make final joints at the site. Use splines at joints to maintain surface alignment. B. Install units in locations and at mounting heights indicated on drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Keep perimeter lines straight, plumb, and level. Provide grounds, clips, backing materials, adhesives, brackets, anchors, trim, and accessories necessary for a complete installation. 3.2 ADJUST AND CLEAN A. Verify that accessories required for each unit have been properly installed and that operating units function properly. B. Clean units in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Break in chalkboards only as recommended by the manufacturer. END OF SECTION 10110 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA ST. PETERSBURG HARBOR HALL RENOVATION 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS JUNE 24, 2015 SECTION 12510 - 1 WINDOW TREATMENT #1504-08 SECTION 12510 – WINDOW TREATMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. B. C. D. Provide all labor, materials, tools, fabrications, reinforcement, equipment and services for interior window shades as specified herein and/or as shown, detailed, scheduled, implied, required or otherwise indicated to provide a complete and proper installation. Completely coordinate with Work of all other trades. Although such Work is not specifically indicated, furnish and install all supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a sound, secure and complete installation. Related Work: 1. Division 0 2. Division 1 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. B. C. D. Comply with Section 01340. Product Data: 1. Materials Lists. 2. Manufacturers Specifications 3. Manufacturers Instructions Shop Drawings: 1. Installation Details. Samples: 1. Color Selector. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the Work of this Section. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Comply with Section 01630 for Product Options and Substitutions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCT A. Basis of Design: Hunter Douglas Architectural. 13915 Danielson St. Ste.100/ Poway, CAL 92064 1. Product : Model CX80 1” Mini Horizontal Aluminum Blinds (Premium Quality) 2. Materials: USPSP WAREHOUSE LAB BUILDOUT 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS – PERMIT SET JANUARY 22, 2016 SECTION 12510-2 WINDOW TREATMENT #1504-08 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Slats: 1” wide x .008” thick, heat-treated and spring tempered aluminum alloy 6011 with eased corners and manufacturing burrs removed. Product to have a minimum of 95% pre-consumer recycled content. Furnish not less than nominal 15.2 slats per foot in colors selected by Architect from manufacturer’s available contract colors utilizing Dust Shield finish to inhibit dust build-up for easier maintenance. Slat Support: Braided ladders of 100% polyester yarn color compatible with slats and spacing of ladder no more than 20mm. Headrail: U-shaped profile with rolled edges, measuring 1” x 1” x 0.024” constructed of corrosion resistant steel. Internally fit with components required for specified performance and designed for smooth, quiet, trouble-free operation. Headrail finish to be standard baked-on polyester and to match slats. Ends fitted with 0.024” steel end lock with adjustable tab for centering blinds. Bottom Rail: Steel, with corrosion-resistant finish formed with double-lock seam into closed oval shape for optimum beam and torsional strength. Ends fitted with color-coordinated engineered polymer caps. Color-coordinated engineered polymer tape buttons secure the ladder and cord. Bottom Rail finish to be standard baked-on polyester color coordinated to slats. Lifting Mechanism: Crashproof cordlock in engineering polymer housing with nickel-plate die-cast bearing surface and brass locking clips, two-ply polyester cord filler in braided polyester jacket lift cords, cord equalizers, cordlock adapter, and Cord Stop/Single Pull Cord. Located on either side of individual blind unit as per architect’s request. Tilting Mechanism: Permanently lubricated die-cast worm and gear type tilter gear mechanism in fully enclosed housing with clutch action to protect ladder tapes from over rotation of the solid steel, corrosion resistant tilt rod. Tilt Control Wand: Tubular construction 9/32” diameter extruded clear acrylic hexagonal, and detachable without tools. Located on either side of individual blind unit as per architect’s request. Mounting Hardware: Manufacturer’s standard 0.040” steel box brackets with baked-on polyester finish to match headrail with additional support brackets for blinds over 60” wide. 3. Aluminum Slat color: To be Selected from the manufacturer’s standard selection. 4. Fabrication: Blind measurements shall be accurate to within +/- 1/8” or as recommended in writing by manufacturer. 5. Manually operated @ each interior side of room /window indicated on plan. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA ST. PETERSBURG HARBOR HALL RENOVATION 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS JUNE 24, 2015 SECTION 12510 - 3 WINDOW TREATMENT #1504-08 A. Verify that the work area in which the blinds will be installed is free to conditions that interfere with blind installations and operations. Begin blind installation only when unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. B. C. Inspection: 1. Subcontractor shall be responsible for inspection on site, approval of mounting surfaces, installation conditions and field measurement for this work. 2. Other interacting trades shall be received drawings of shade systems, dimensions, assembly and installation methods from subcontractor upon request. Installation: 1. Installation shall comply with manufacturer’s specifications, standards and procedures as detailed on contract documents. 2. Adequate clearance shall be provided to permit unencumbered operation of shade and hardware. 3. Clean finish installation of dirt and finger marks. Leave work area clean and free of debris. Demonstration: 1. Demonstrate operation method and instruct Owner’s personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the blinds. END OF SECTION 12510 USPSP WAREHOUSE LAB BUILDOUT 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS – PERMIT SET JANUARY 22, 2016 CEILING PROJECTOR MOUNTS SELECTION GUIDE Build out your Chief ceiling-mounted projector installations using this step-by-step selection guide. The guide includes projector mounts and accessories that work seamlessly together to provide a state-of-the-art solution that is flexible and easy to install. Are you a Chief Certified Partner? Register at PROJECTOR MOUNTS SELECTION GUIDE MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) UNISTRUT TRUSS CONCRETE WOOD JOIST STEP CEILING 1 CEILING STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL SUPPORT SUPPORT MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) MAX WEIGHT: 250 LBS (113 KG) MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) CMS115 Ceiling Plate B W S CMA330 Offset Ceiling Plate B CMA365 Truss/Pipe Ceiling Adapter B CMA372 Offset Unistrut Adapter B CMS390/91 Dual Joist Ceiling Plate B CMA345 Shock-Absorbing Ceiling Plate B CMA366 Architectural Spanning Adapter B CMA110 Ceiling Plate B SUSPENDED VAULTED I-BEAM MAX WEIGHT: 50 LBS (23 KG) MAX WEIGHT: 50 LBS (23 KG) SUSPENDED MAX WEIGHT: 250 LBS (113 KG) MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) GENERAL PURPOSE CMA360 I-Beam Clamp CMA395 Angled Ceiling Plate B MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) CMA105 4" Ceiling Plate B CMA110 8" Ceiling Plate B CMA115 6" Ceiling Plate B B W CMS440P Ceiling Kit with PX2W Power W CMS445P Ceiling Kit with PX2W Power W CMS440 Above Tile Ceiling Kit W CMS445 Replacement Tile Ceiling Kit W ACCESSORIES Concrete – CMA380 Concrete Fastener Suspended – CMA471 Large Above Tile Enclosure Suspended – CMA473 XL Above Tile Enclosure Suspended CMS495 Angled Adapter Suspended – CMA470 Above Tile Enclosure Suspended – CMA472 Low Profile Above Tile Enclosure Suspended – CMSZ006 0-6" Fully Threaded Column for Ceiling Kits Power Outlet – PX2W Power Conditioner STEP 2 EXTENSION COLUMN ADJUSTABLE COLUMNS COLUMN Model MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) CMS-0xx-0xx Adjustable Column* B W S CMS-0xx Fixed Column* B W S Length Model FIXED COLUMNS Length ACCESSORIES Model Length Model Length CMS006009 6-9" (152-229 mm) CMS0507 5-7' (1.5-2.1 m) CMS003 3" (76 mm) CMS024 2' (0.6 m) CMS009012 9-12" (229-305 mm) CMS0608 6-8' (1.8-2.4 m) CMS006 6" (152 mm) CMS036 3' (0.9 m) CMS012018 CMS0709 7-9' (2.1-2.7 m) CMS009 9" (229 mm) CMS048 4' (1.2 m) CMS018024 18-24" (457-610 mm) CMS0810 8-10' (2.4-3.1 m) CMS012 12" (305 mm) CMS060 5' (1.5 m) CMS0203 2-3' (0.6-0.9 m) CMS0911 CMS018 18" (457 mm) CMS072 6' (1.8 m) CMS0305 3-5' (0.9-1.5 m) CMS1012† 10-12' (3.1-3.7 m) CMS0406 4-6' (1.2-1.8 m) 12-18" (305-457 mm) 9-11' (2.7-3.4 m) * All part numbers listed are black. To order alternate colors add an S (silver) or W (white) to the end of the part number. B W S CMA152 1-½" NPT Coupler with Port MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) ELECTRICAL MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) SWIVEL COUPLER CMA270 1-½" NPT Coupler CMA351 Swivel Adapter B CMA504 Outlet Coupler B CMA347 Vibration Isolator MAX WEIGHT: 25 LBS (11.3 KG) EXTENSION VIBRATION STORAGE MAX WEIGHT: 35 LBS (16 KG) CMA160 Electrical Storage Enclosure B B MAX WEIGHT: 250 LBS (113 KG) B Stability Support – CMA340 Support Bracket & Cable Assembly † Cannot ship by UPS due to length. STEP 3 IN-LINE COLUMN ADAPTER MAX WEIGHT: 500 LBS (227 KG) Cable Management – CMA274 Cable Cover CMSH3 Column Height Adjust (3") B S Aesthetics – CMA640 Finishing Ring STEP 4 EXTENSION COLUMN (SEE STEP 2) STEP 5 PROJECTOR MOUNTING SOLUTION MAX WEIGHT: 25 LBS (11.3 KG) RPMAxxxx/U Projector Mount B / B W S RPAAxxxx/U Projector Mount B / B W S RSMAxxxx/U Projector Mount B / B W S RSAAxxxx/U Projector Mount B / B W S HEAVY DUTY MAX WEIGHT: 25 LBS (11.3 KG) MAX WEIGHT: 50 LBS (23 KG) RPA™ SERIES RPA™ ELITE MAX WEIGHT: 50 LBS (23 KG) MAX WEIGHT: 250 LBS (113 KG) VCMU Projector Mount B ACCESSORIES PROJECTOR LOCK PROJECTOR GUARD STEP 6 SECURITY ACCESSORIES Cable – LC1™ Cable Lock PG2 Small Projector Guard B W PL2A/B/C RPA Small Projector Lock B PG1 Large Projector Guard B W PL1A/B/C RPA Large Projector Lock B PG3 X-Large Projector Guard B W Customer Service 800.582.6480 SSC1™ Screw Cover Kit BASIC ­ INTERMEDIATE ALL-POINTS SECURITY KEYED SECURITY Exclusive steel-into-steel locking hardware at all Keyed locking options (A/B/C/D) combined with connection points to protect against theft. All-Points Security steel-into-steel locking hardware PL SERIES* RPA™ SERIES at all connection points to protect against theft. MAX WEIGHT: 50 LBS (23 KG) RPAxxxx Custom Projector Mount B PL1(A/B/C) Projector Lock* B RPAU Universal Projector Mount B W S PL2(A/B/C) Mini Projector Lock* B RPA™ ELITE RPA™ MINI SERIES *For use with RPAxxxx Series MAX WEIGHT: 25 LBS (11.3 KG) MAX WEIGHT: 50 LBS (23 KG) B RPM(A/B/C/D)xxxx Custom Projector Mount B RSAU Universal Mini Projector Mount B W S RPM(A/B/C/D)U Universal Projector Mount B W S ACCESSORIES RPA™ MINI ELITE RSAxxxx Custom Mini Projector Mount MAX WEIGHT: 25 LBS (11.3 KG) CMS115 Ceiling Plate B W S RSM(A/B/C/D)xxxx Custom Mini Projector Mount B CMS0xx0xx Adjustable Extension Column B W S RSM(A/B/C/D)U Universal Mini Projector Mount B W S CMA152 1-½" to 1-½" NPT Coupler B S ADVANCED COMPLETE ALL-IN-ONE SECURITY ACCESSORIES Keyed locking options combined with All-Points Security PG3A Max Equipment Size (HxWxD) Extra Large Projector Guard 11.4 x 25 x 24.9" (288 x 635 x 633 mm) steel-into-steel locking hardware at all connection points RPA™ SECURITY SERIES to protect against theft (no exposed fasteners). W Security Anchor SSC MAX WEIGHT: 50 LBS (23 KG) ELITE SECURITY SERIES Secure Screw Cover Kits B W Model Compatibility Model Compatibility SSC1 Covers screws up to #10 (M5) SSC3 Covers screws up to 0.31" (M8) SSC2 Covers screws up to 0.24" (M7) SSC4 Includes three SSC1 and two SSC3 HC1 Includes Heavy-Duty Cable System SA1, cable, padlock, security pads, super glue LC1 Includes Security Cable Lock Kit coiled cable, padlock, security pads, super glue PL4 Includes Projector Security Cable Lock cable, security pad, lock housing PMSC Includes Security Cable Lock two cable and lock sets MAX WEIGHT: 50 LBS (23 KG) RPM(A/B/C/D)1 All-In-One Universal Security B W ACCESSORIES US A B SA1 RPA(A/B/C/D)1 All-In-One Universal Security Colors PG1A Max Equipment Size (HxWxD) Large Projector Guard 7.5 x 20 x 20.4" (191 x 508 x 518 mm) PG2A Max Equipment Size (HxWxD) Small Projector Guard 7.5 x 16 x 16" (191 x 406 x 406 mm) Colors B W Colors B W A BR AND O F MI L E S T O N E A V T E CH NO LO G IE S P 80 0 .5 8 2 .6 4 8 0 / + 1.9 5 2 .2 2 5 .6 0 00 n n SEC2 Compatibility Security Cable Kit for SLBU RSMA and RSA Mounts and RPA and RPA Elite Security Series www. ch ie fmfg. com F 87 7 . 89 4 . 6 9 1 8 / + 1 . 9 5 2 . 89 4 . 6 9 1 8 n c h i e f @ c h iefm fg.c om In British Columbia, Milestone AV Technologies ULC carries on business as MAVT Milestone AV Technologies ULC. ©2013 Milestone AV Technologies. 100076H 12/13 Chief is a registered trademark of Milestone AV Technologies. All other brand names or marks are used for identification purposes and are trademarks of their respective owners. All patents are protected under existing designations. Other patents pending.