Disorientation and Postural Ataxia Following Flight Simulation ROBERT S. KENNEDY, M.A., Ph.D., KEVIN S. BERBAUM, B.A., Ph.D., a n d MICHAEL G. LILIENTHAL KENNEDY RS, BERBAUMKS, LILIENTHALMG. Disorientation and postural ataxia f o l l o w i n g f l i g h t simulation. Aviat Space Environ Med 1997; 68:13-7. Background: Motion sickness-like symptoms can afflict pilots training in military simulators. This simulator sickness involves symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, eyestrain and disorientation. A Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) with subscales available for each of these dimensions has been developed to assess the problem. Hypothesis: This study examined the hypothesis that there is a strong correlation between the SSQ subscale which summarizes self report of disorientation symptoms and an objective measure of post-simulation postural instability. Methods: Data from two Navy simulators were analyzed: Device 2F114, a Weapon Systems Trainer for the A-6E Intruder; and Device 2F143, an Operational Flight Trainer for the EA-6B. Tests of standing and walking unsteadiness were administered along with the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ). Results: Significant correlations were found between scores on postural stability tests and the SSQ disorientation subscale scores, but correlations between scores on postural stability tests and the SSQ nausea and oculomotor subscale scores were much weaker and not statistically significant. Conclusions: These results provide some evidence for the validity of the disorientation subscale of the SSQ and suggest that the postural instability observed after simulator exposure may, in fact, result from disorientation. N THE NAVY'S SURVEY of simulator sickness, incidence from 10 simulator sites between 1980 and 1986 Iranged from 10-60% (15). In the analysis, "incidence" was defined as the percentage of exposures reporting " . . . at least one characteristic motion sickness related sympton~ (vomiting, retching, increased salivation, nausea, pallor, drowsiness, or sweating), but not accessory symptoms (e.g., feelings of depression or boredom)" (15, p. 13). Simulator sickness resembles other forms of motion sickness; however, vomiting is rare and visual symptoms predominate. Like the more classical forms of motion sickness (sea, air, etc.), simulator sickness presents a complex array of signs and symptoms and is properly called a syndrome. Of both student and experienced pilots alike, some exhibit all the signs and symptoms of the syndrome following their simulator exposure whereas others experience only a few. No single symptom predominates. A Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) has been developed which provides subscale scores which we hypothesize may be diagnostic of the cause of simulator sickness in a particular simulator (14). Symptom clusters were identified by factor analysis. The three distinct symptom clusters were labelled as: Nausea (N) (nausea, stomach awareness, increased salivation, burping); OcuAviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine ~ Vol. 68, No. 1 9 January 1997 lomotor (O) (eyestrain, difficulty focusing, blurred vision, headache); and Disorientation (D) (dizziness, vertigo). The existence of three (partially) independent symptom clusters may indicate that there are separate physiological mechanisms withfn the human affected by the simulator exposure. If so, then the subscale scores provided by SSQ scoring, based on factor analytic models,.may prove useful for diagnostic purposes. A given simulator may cause symptqms that fall into none, one or more, or all of these clusters, depending on the mechanism(s) by which the human is affected. Symptom profiles (e.g., excessive report of visual disturbance) may provide insight for the identification of specific simulator engineering features that should be targeted for engineering efforts to alleviate the problem. Postural instability has been documented following flight simulator training in many (e.g., Kennedy et al. (10)), but not all, studies (e.g., Hamilton et al. (7)). In the Navy's survey of simulator sickness, significant decrements in postural stability were observed in all movingbase simulators and one of three fixed-base simulators. Simulator-induced postural instability which outlasts the period of exposure may increase the risk associated with driving or flying, or for balance-critical activities such as roof repair, bicycling or rock climbing (1,9). Therefore, such aftereffects have direct implications for safety beyond the obvious effects of the malaise. This study compared the effects of simulator training on postural stability and the disorientation subscale of the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ). The immediate goal of this examination was to validate self-report of disorientation (via the SSQ) with a physiological measure of postural instability. Such a correspondence in the absence of correlation between postural instability and the other SSQ subscales would lend support to the notion that a particular physiological mechanism was involved. Such a result would encourage us to compare other subFrom the Essex Corporation (R. S. Kennedy); University of Iowa (K. S. Berbaum); and Naval Medical Research Development Center (M. G. Lilienthal). This manuscript was received for review in December 1995. It was revised in August 1996 and accepted for publication in September 1996. Address reprint requests to Dr. Robert S. Kennedy, Vice President, Essex Corporation, 1040 Woodcock Road, Suite 227, Orlando, FL 32803. Reprint & Copyright 9 by Aerospace Medical Association, Alexandria, VA. 13 DISORIENTATION & ATAXIA--KENNEDY ET AL. scales with corresponding physiological measures with the ultimate goal of testing whether there is a physiological basis for the decomposition of the SSQ into subscales. METHODS Pilots: The pilots flying these simulators were part of a replacement air group and were second-tour pilots who were members of a squadron. They were all experienced naval aviators who were designated for at least a year prior to the study. The lowest rank among them was lieutenant. Their flight hours ranged between 200 and 5600 hours. The pilots who flew these simulators did so as part of their regular flight training, not for an experiment. They completed our tests as part of their regular duties and were provided the opportunity to decline having their data included in the data base; none declined. The pilots included 44 who flew the 2F143 and 27 who flew the 2Fl14. Simulator characteristics: T h e simulators used in this study were Device 2Fl14, a Weapon Systems Trainer for the A-6E Intruder and Device 2F143, an Operational Flight Trainer for the EA-6B. The A-6E and EA-6B are essentially the same airframe which fly similar tasks but for different missions. The A-6E is a bomber aircraft, the EA-6B is an airborne/surface electronic jamming platform. Both aircraft and simulators have side-by-side cockpits and fly essentially the same routes at the same altitudes and airspeed although there are differences in mission. Types of missions flown include: low level navigation, formation flight, aerial refueling (tanking), carrier landings, aerobatics, bombing maneuvers, air-to-ground weapons delivery, emergency procedures, departure from normal flight (i.e., spins). Altitudes flown range as high as 10,000 ft and as low as 200-500 ft. Device 2Fl14: The 2Fl14 has a 24-ft dome which is necessary to obtain the vertical field of view required for air-to-ground maneuvers. The image generator is an Evans & Sutherland ESIG 500 SPX (Salt Lake City, UT) which operates at 60 hz with an approximate transport delay of 120 ms (67 ms for visual computation, flight information updated at 20 hz). An existing Reflectone 6~ of freedom motion base is disabled to accommodate dome display. It should be stressed that, as the motion base was disabled, the 2Fl14 was essentially a fixed-base simulator. Consequently, the nature a n d / o r magnitude of reported simulator sickness may have been different from that experienced in a motion-base simulator such as the 2F143. The device is used by the U.S. Navy for refresher and tactics training and there is a syllabus for Medium Attack Readiness. Device 2F143: The 2F143 has a Redifussion (Great Britain) wide wrap-around visual display that is 180~ (h) • 45~ (v). The image generator is an Evans & Sutherland SPX 500. The motion base made by Reflectone permits 6~ of freedom and includes an inset buffet platform to shake the cockpit to produce tremor without shaking projectors during stalls, and other departures from normal flight (i.e., spins). This study only reflects the levels of sickness associated with the use of these simulators during a 2-too period in the summer of 1992; both devices have since undergone modification which may have changed the levels and profiles of symptoms they occasion. 14 Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ): The theory behind scaling motion sickness severity is that vomiting, the cardinal sign of motion sickness, is ordinarily preceded by a combination of symptoms (18). Wendt (28) employed a 3-point continuum scale in which vomiting was rated higher than "nausea without vomiting" which, in turn, was rated higher than discomfort. Later, Navy scientists at the U.S. Naval Aerospace Medical Laboratory in Pensacola, FL, tested over 200 aviation personnel in standardized conditions aboard a slowly rotating room. Verbal protocols of the pilots' comments about symptoms they had experienced were collected to form the basis of a questionnaire. The first version of the Pensacola Motion Sickness Questionnaire (MSQ) was a checklist of symptoms ordinarily associated with motion sickness. The MSQ was developed for use in experiments in the Pensacola Slow Rotation Room (6,11). Later, it was used in studies of air and sea sickness (12,16,17). The MSQ was deemed suitable for assessing the polysymptomatic nature of motion sickness--multiple symptoms were scored because different individuals experience different symptoms. From this checklist, a diagnostic scoring procedure was applied to produce a single, 5-point scale reflecting overall discomfort. Unfortunately, the MSQ has limitations for use in studying simulator sickness. The single global score does not preserve specific information about the symptoms which could potentially reveal causes (e.g., visual distortion might cause eyestrain whereas some types of linear motions might be expected to cause nausea). Also, the MSQ scoring lacked statistical normalization. In order to obtain information about the separable dimensions of simulator sickness, more than 1000 Motion Sickness Questionnaires were factor-analyzed (14). This resulted in three specific factors and one general factor which could then be used to develop subscale diagnostic scoring. The weightings and statistical solutions are described in detail elsewhere (14). Scores on the Nausea (N) subscale are based on the report of symptoms which relate to gastrointestinal distress such as nausea, stomach awareness, salivation, and burping. Scores on the Oculomotor (O) subscale reflect the report of oculomotor-related symptoms such as eyestrain, difficulty focusing, blurred vision, and headache. Scores on the Disorientation (D) subscale are related to vestibular disarrangement such as dizziness and vertigo. The subscales are believed to reflect the sensitivity of different "target" systems in the human, each of which produces a different kind of undesirable symptom. In addition to the three subscales, an overall Total Severity (TS) score, similar in meaning to the old MSQ score, is obtained. It was also found that the list of symptoms could be abbreviated to 16 items without loss in accuracy. A Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) was developed based on these 16 symptoms only. Each SSQ subscale was scaled to have a 0 point of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Table ! shows which symptoms are scored in each of the SSQ subscales. The severity of each of the 16 symptoms listed in the first column are rated by pilots as "none" which is scored as 0, "slight" which is scored as 1, "moderate" which is scored as 2, or "severe" which is scored as 3. The subscales, N, O, D, TS, are computed by summing the ratings of all symptoms that apply and Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 9 Vol. 68, No. 1 ~ January 1997 DISORIENTATION & ATAXIA--KENNEDY ET AL. TABLE I. SCORING OF SIMULATOR SICKNESS QUESTIONNAIRE. Subscales Symptom Nausea Oculomotor Disorientation General discomfort Fatigue Headache Eye Strain Difficulty focusing Increased salivation Sweating Nausea Difficulty concentrating Head fullness Blurred vision Dizzy (eyes open) Dizzy (eyes closed) Vertigo Stomach awareness Burping X X X X X X X X X X X Standing on Non-Preferred Leg (SONL): The procedure for this test was identical to that of the SOPL test except that pilots stood on their non-preferred leg. Thoml4y et al. (25) showed the non-preferred leg score to be the more reliable. Whereas the preferred leg test was limited to one trial before and after simulator training in order to minimize the pilot's testing time (a costly commodity in these situations), the non-preferred leg test employed the best three of five trials. PROCEDURE X X X X X X X X X X then multiplying by an appropriate weight. This weight is 9.54 for N, 13.92 for D, and 7.58 for O. TS is computed by adding the sums of symptom ratings for N, O, and D and multiplying by 3.7. Postural stability tests: The tests of standing steadiness employed in this research were adapted from the 'test battery developed by Fregly and Graybiel (5). This battery of floor tests was empirically validated against the Fregly-Graybiel Rail Test which was itself validated in experiments using bilateral labyrinthine defectives as subjects, in experiments with subject-administered alcohol of various dosages, and in experiments with Coriolis induced stimuli in the Slow Rotation Room (cf. Fregly, 1974 for a review of this earlier work) (5). The standing tests do not require the use of special apparatus, an important consideration because experiments such as these are expected that they would not interfere with the operational training environment. Selection of postural tests for the current experiment was guided by the results of a previous study on the metric properties of floorbased ataxia tests. Thomley, et al. (26) studied the effects of practice, reliability and factor structure. Their factor analysis of the postural tests showed a strong, large, general factor and two ~maller factors which were carried by the walking and standing tests. Test performance showed some learning, but the battery otherwise appeared stable over trials. Hamilton et al. (6) also examined the psychometric properties of ataxia tests. They concluded that, in well-practiced subjects, the one-leg stand and the Sharpened Romberg were reliable, but the walking tests had reh'abilities too low for sensitivity to simulator-reduced ataxia. The postural stability tests used in this experiment were as follows: Standing on Preferred Leg (SOPL): This test of standing steadiness required pilots to first determine which leg they preferred to stand on. Pilots were asked to stand, fold their arms against their chest, close their eyes, lift their non-preferred leg and lay it about two-thirds of the way up the standing leg's calf. They attempted to remain in that position for 30 s. If they moved their pivot foot, moved their raised foot away from their standing leg, or grossly lost their erect body position, the trial ended and the time up to that point (in seconds) was recorded as the score for that trial. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 9 VoL 68, No. 1 9 January 1997 All individuals reporting for simulator training at the selected sites were asked to participate for the duration of the survey period. The pilots were told that all data would be confidential and that anyone could have their data removed from the sample if he or she so desired; however, no one elected to do so. Immediately before and after the simulator flight, participants were tested in the,same way to acquire pre-exposure and post-exposure measures. RESULTS Subjects who reported themselves not in their usual state of fitness prior to the simulator training session were excluded from analysis. Our initial analysis of differences in our measures between the two devices was conducted as a preliminary step toward combining the data from both devices in analyses of the relationship of SSQ subscale scores and postural test scores. The devices did not differ statistically from each other on any of their subscale scores (nausea: t(69) = -1.00, p = 0.32; oculomotor: t(69) = -0.76, p = 0.45; disorientation: t(69) = -1.55, p = 0.13). The two standing tests of postural stability also showed no significant'difference between the two devices (SOPL: t(69) = -1.05, p = 0.30; SONL: t(69) = -1.32, p = 0.19). The measures showed no difference, indicating that we are generally sampling a single population using data from the two devices. Our next analysis combined data from both devices to form a sample sufficient to reveal relationships between post-exposure SSQ subscale scores an~d post-exposure postural stability test scores. Of course, with three SSQ subscales and two posture tests, there were nine correlations so that a probability correction is needed for the number of tests (p K (0.05/6) = 0.009). At this corrected alpha level, only two of the correlations to be performed were statistically significant: post-simulation disorientation score with standing on non-preferred leg (r = -0.339, p K 0.004) and post-simulation disorientation score with standing on preferred leg (r = -0.375, p 0.001). Since the graphs of these two relationships are virtually identical, only the former is demonstrated in detail in Fig. 1. (These strong correlations of standing steadiness with disorientation remain significant in a rank order correlation.) Correlations of postural tests with SSQ nausea were near zero; correlations of the standing steadiness tests with the SSQ oculomotor subscale were not significant even using an uncorrected alpha. The correlations of SOPL with the nausea and oculomotor subscales were r = -0.18, p = 0.13 and r = -0.20, p = 0.09, respectively. The correlations of SONL 15 DISORIENTATION & ATAXIA--KENNEDY ET AL. 35 . 30 + n=71 = 2 5 r = -.375 p < .001 - y = 25.3- (.27 * x) z ~~ m - oo ; ~15i-t 10 45 0 i,,~,l,,W,l,,,~ll,,,i,,,~l,,,,i,,,,t,,,,i,,,,i,,,,i,,,,i O 5 10 15 20 25 30 Disorientation 35 40 45 50 55 Score Fig. 1. Post-simulation stand on non-preferred leg scores plotted as a function of post-simulation disorientation score. Dots are data from the 2F114, crosses are data from the 2F143. Some locations have multiple points. with the nausea and oculomotor subscales were r = -0.11, p = 0.37 and r = -0.19, p = 0.11, respectively. DISCUSSION The convergence found here of significant correlations between tests of standing steadiness and the SSQ disorientation subscale following exposure to simulated flight, coupled with the lack of correlation of steadiness and the nausea and oculomotor subscales, provides some evidence that the disorientation subscale of the SSQ is registering states (i.e., dizziness, vertigo) that are accompanied by a loss of postural stability (cf. Campbell & Fiske, 1959, for further discussion of the importance of convergent and divergent validation) (2). We are encouraged by these data as providing partial support for the factor analytic breakout of the SSQ. For example, perhaps subsequent post-simulation tests of gaze stability (or dark focus of accommodation) will correspond to scores on the oculomotor subscale and gastric motility will correspond to scores on the nausea subscale. These hypotheses will require rigorous testing, but hold an opportunity for improved understanding of this and other motion sickness maladies. The strength of the relationship between SSQ disorientation and postural change and its specificity may seem somewhat surprising. The SSQ scoring was based on the use of unit weights on variables identified by varimax rotation (14). As such, the subscales found are more highly correlated than would be obtained from hierarchical factor rotation. Measures based on the group factors with the general factor removed would likely be purer indicators of causes than those based on the less independent varimax factors. The varimax factors were used because they offer great scale robustness; that is, they are 16 defined in the mathematical sense for the limited set of symptoms contained in the SSQ. The specific correspondence between SSQ disorientation and postural instability has implications beyond supporting the validity of the disorientation subscale. Diagnostic subscale scoring challenges the notion that motion sickness is a unitary entity. Kennedy et al. (14) developed the SSQ subscales based on concordance of symptoms or "clusters" of symptoms as identified by factor analysis. Correspondences between objective tests of different physiological function and SSQ subscales tend to support the hypothesis that the symptom clusters each have their own physiological basis. Perhaps total severity is nothing more than a convenient summary of the impact of simulator exposure on different target systems within the human. If so, then the mix of the three types of symptoms produced by a given simulator would depend on the physiological mechanisms by which the human is affected. The practical importance of separate dimensions in simulator sickness is that the methods for control of symptoms may be different for these dimensions. Evidence that different symptom clusters result from inter-simulator differences has been reviewed by Kennedy et al. (13) The nature of the link between motion sickness and postural instability has been controversial. Reason and Brand (24) hypothesized that conflicting inputs from visual and vestibular afferents are responsible for motion sickness. In a more general form of sensory conflict theory, incompatible percepts in different sensory channels or a percept incompatible with an expectation produces motion sickness and postural instability (19,20). A divergent view has been presented by Riccio and Stoffregen (25) who state: "prolonged postural instability is the cause of motion-sickness." Whether symptoms associated with motion sickness produce postural instability or postural instability produces the symptoms remains in question. These two views of motion sickness have different interpretations for the postural instability observed after simulator training. For Riccio and Stoffregen (25), the adjustment to the simulator is simply to adapt to the newly presented, optically specified, motion until it has no effect on postural control. Ataxia experienced after simulation is the natural consequence of that adaptation or learning. For sensory conflict theory, the adaptation may be to the altered correspondence between inertial and visual motion (27). Postural control adapts to different environments by integrating visual, vestibular and kinesthetic inputs and changing the influence of each to fit the circumstance (3). Postural instability would result from a mix of influences that are appropriate for the simulation but not the ordinary environment. Postural instability observed in astronauts upon return to earth forms an interesting corollary/contrast to postsimulation postural instability. Paloski and his colleagues (22,23) report ataxia following shuttle flights of greater severity and duration than has been observed following simulation training. This is not surprising considering the magnitude of change in gravity during spaceflight and the extended duration of the exposure. These investigators noted an initial rapid component of readaptation to terrestrial force which gave way to a Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine ~ Vol. 68, No. 1 9 January 1997 DISORIENTATION & ATAXIA--KENNEDY ET AL. slower component, each of which accounted for about half of the recovery of stability. The fast component had a time constant of about 3 h whereas the slow component had a time constant of about 100 h. Given that the magnitude of the disruption in stability is so much less following simulator flights than spaceflight, it is possible that recovery from post-simulation instability also has two components but only the first is readily apparent. The longer-term manifestations that have been documented (1,9) may reflect continued slower component recovery. Whereas decoupling of visual and vestibular signals is a condition to be avoided insofar as possible in most flight simulation, it is the condition which is sought for the purpose of spaceflight pre-adaptation training (PAT) (8). The most widely accepted explanation for space sickness and its postural posteffect is the one based on neurosensory recalibration, specifically the otolith tilt-transla-. tion hypothesis (8,21). The adaptation produced in PAT involves a new relationship between otolith gravicepter and visual motion signals that is found in space. Parker et al. (21), discussing progress in preflight adaptation training, indicate that assessing the adaptation produced by the trainer remains uncertain. We believe that by studying the interrelationships between subscale scoring of the SSQ and physiological measures of posture and gaze stability, and autonomic activity, we may be able to develop more reliable and precise measurements of the adaptation in ordinary simulators and in PAT. This will enhance our ability to reduce or intensify their impact as appropriate for training simulators. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was sponsored in part by the Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C., under Contract number N00019-92-C-0157; the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., Grant number DMI-9400189; and NASA, Houston, TX, Contract number NAS9-19106. REFERENCES 1. Baltzley DR, Kennedy RS, Berbaum KS, Lilienthal MG, Gower DW. The time course of post-flight-simulator sickness symptoms. Aviat Space Environ Med 1989; 60:1043-8. 2. Campbell DT, Fiske DW. Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Psych Bull 1959; 56:81105. 3. Dichgans J, Brandt T. 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