Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems Simulator Design Report

Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Jonathan Martin
Dr. Anup Kumar
CECS 622 -50
March 27, 2014
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
The purpose of this project is to build a simulator using a high-level language for singleserver queuing, multi-server queuing, and multi-server queuing with separate queues.
This project will benefit its users by allowing them to calculate throughput, response time,
average wait time, and server utilization for the above scenarios.
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
The significance of this project is to demonstrate my understanding of queing models, and to
also demonstrate a working knowledge of the elements required to create a simulator.
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Scope of the Simulator
1. I am simulating the following cases of queing models:
Multi-server with a shared queue
Multi-server with individual queues per server
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
2. This is the flow diagram of the simulation environment:
(From p.145 of Discrete-Event System Simulation 5th Ed.)
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Assumptions Made for Building the Simulator
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
I will assume the simulation ends after a user-defined number of customers are processed
I will assume each customer has either zero or one server at any given time.
I will assume that each server has either zero or one customer at any given time.
I will assume that the interarrival times are exponentially distributed with a user-defined
I will assume that service times are normally distributed with a user-defined mean and
standard deviation
I will assume that no customers are turned away when the servers are busy, but rather put
in the queue.
I will assume no customers leave the system until they have been processed.
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Design Details
1. Inputs from the user:
a. Number of customers to be served
b. Mean of (exponential) interarrival time distribution
c. Mean of (normal) service time distribution
d. Standard deviation of (normal) service time distribution
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
2. Event explanations:
a. ProcessArrival (Event method that executes arrival events)
(From p.117 of Discrete-Event System Simulation 5th Ed.)
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
b. ProcessDeparture (Event method that executes departure event)
(From p.118 of Discrete-Event System Simulation 5th Ed.)
3. Statisitcs I will collect:
a. TotalBusy – Total busy time of server
b. SumResponseTime – Sum of customer response times for departed
c. NumberOfDepartures – Number of departures
4. Performance parameters I will calculate based on above statistics:
a. Throughput
b. Average response time
c. Average waiting time
d. Server utilization
5. Outputs I plan to display to the user (same as part 4):
a. Throughput
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
b. Response time
c. Average waiting time
d. Server utilization
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Manual Simulation Example of Planned Simulator
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
6 customers, Interarrival Mean = 3, Service Time Mean = 5, sigma = 5
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Expected GUI Screenshots of Simulator
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
Language to Be Used in the Implementation
I intend to use the Java JDK (8) and Eclipse Kepler IDE for Java Developers for the
Simulation and Modeling of Discrete Systems
Simulator Design Report
implementation. My computer is running Windows 7 (64 bit).