Winchester Hospital`s Annual Report

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A n n u a l
R e p o r t
To C are. To He a l. To E xc el.
In 1912, a three-story house on the
corner of Washington and Lincoln
streets in Winchester was adapted
by the Visiting Nurse Association to
use as a hospital.
In S e r v i ce to our C ommunit y.
On March 11, 2012, Winchester
Hospital turns 100. This anniversary
marks not only 100 years of medical
care given to the community but also
100 years of community support
and involvement – a tradition we
honor in this annual report.
It was nearly 100 years ago that the roots of Winchester Hospital began to grow. It started
variety of entertainments and activities to help the hospital meet its goal of providing the
when a group of dedicated women saw the need to make health care universally available
best quality health care. This tremendous support continues.
to the Winchester community and beyond.
We celebrate the founders, nurses, medical staff, administrators and all employees who
It was the nurses of the Visiting Nurse Association, or “the angels of the town” as they
helped the hospital survive and expand. We commemorate a century of Winchester Hospital’s
were affectionately known, who traveled by foot to care for the sick regardless of their
being at the forefront of medical service, its commitment to safe and quality care, and its
class or ability to pay. This dedication to community health care and sense of unyielding
responsiveness to changing community needs, medical trends, and technological advances.
compassion led to the building of a hospital which opened its doors on March 11, 1912.
This year’s annual report recognizes 100 years of excellence and spotlights some
This is a time to pause, reflect and celebrate this incredible story, a 100-year exchange of
of the great work being done currently throughout the organization across our five
service to and from our community. success factors: Quality and Safety, Employee Engagement, Physician Alignment, Patient
Throughout our 100-year history, Winchester Hospital has been supported by so many
Experience and Growth and Finance.
in countless ways. Community organizations and individuals supported the hospital with
As Winchester Hospital begins its next century and continues to expand its facilities and
pennies and with millions of dollars, with a basket of peaches and with expensive and
advance its services, it will continue to build upon the principles with which it began and
sophisticated equipment, with thousands of hours of volunteer service, and with an endless
strive to provide the best care possible for the next 100 years and beyond.
Paul J. Andrews
Arthur F. Little, MD
Dale M. Lodge
Kevin F. Smith
Chairman, Board of Directors
President, Medical and Allied
President and Chief Executive Officer,
President and Chief Executive Officer,
Healthcare Professional Staff
Winchester Healthcare Management
Winchester Hospital
For nearly 100 years, Winchester Hospital has been
providing award-winning care. This year was no
exception. We are honored to be consistently recognized
at the national level for our high-quality care and
nursing excellence, and as a top employer.
Winchester Hospital was recognized as one
of the top acute care hospitals in the nation
by Thomson Reuters when it received a
100 Top Hospitals award for providing safe,
effective and patient-centered care.
For the fourth year in a row, Winchester
Hospital achieved the HealthGrades
Outstanding Patient Experience Award™ from
HealthGrades®, the leading independent
health care ratings organization which
recognizes hospitals performing in the
top 10 percent nationally.
Winchester Hospital continues to earn
recognition as a best place to work based
on employee feedback from the Boston Business Journal and
the Boston Globe.
Magnet® recognition is an honor bestowed
on fewer than 7 percent of the nation’s
hospitals. Of approximately 390 hospitals in
the United States and abroad which
have earned this recognition, only eight
are in Massachusetts.
Winchester Hospital achieved the 2011
Patient Safety Excellence Award™ from
HealthGrades®, the leading independent
health care ratings organization which
recognizes hospitals performing in the
top 5 percent nationally.
Winchester Hospital received accreditation
from The Joint Commission and was
awarded a Gold Seal of Approval.
Success Factors
We measure the following organizational
success factors: Quality and Safety, Employee
Engagement, Patient Experience, Physician
Alignment and Growth and Finance. As you
read more about each of these factors on the
following pages, it is evident that we are proud
of the outstanding care we provide. We are
grateful to all members of our team for helping
us achieve such notable accomplishments.
Quality AND Safety
A core focus for the past several years has been to reduce the incidence of selected preventable harm
for our patients as measured by inpatient falls with serious injury, ventilator-associated pneumonia,
serious medication errors, central line-associated bloodstream infections and surgical site infections. We
are pleased to report that we have continued our successful journey and limited this number to seven for
the past year.
While we continue to work hard to provide the safest environment for all of our patients, national rating
organizations are taking note of our efforts and success.
In 2011, Winchester Hospital was recognized as one of the top acute care hospitals in the nation by
Thomson Reuters when it received a 100 Top Hospitals award for providing safe, effective, and patientcentered care.
The hospital also achieved the Patient Safety Excellence Award from HealthGrades ®, which recognizes
hospitals performing in the top five percent nationally, in addition to the Outstanding Patient Experience
Award. Winchester Hospital is one of only four hospitals statewide (along with Massachusetts General
Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Cape Cod Hospital) and among 59 out of 5,000 hospitals
nationwide to receive both awards from HealthGrades®.
The hospital’s pharmacy underwent extensive renovations in 2011. Dispensing more than 100,000
medication doses per month to patients, the pharmacy installed a new robotic device to process electronic
prescriptions submitted through the hospital computer system to reduce the potential for serious medication
errors. The medications are then automatically dispensed through medication stations located throughout
inpatient areas. To avoid potential drug reactions, new and improved systems have also been put in place
to continually monitor all medications that a patient may be taking.
The hospital continues to support and encourage performance improvement training for more than
200 leaders from throughout the organization and this year they were introduced to Lean Six Sigma.
Used primarily to improve the quality of businesses processes by minimizing the risk of variability, the
methodology has already helped to streamline hospital processes in the emergency and inpatient areas
as well as operating rooms and central materials services. Several hospital leaders have chosen to move
to the next level and become trained as Green Belts, who are expert in these methods.
Employee Engagement
Winchester Hospital was again named to the Boston Business Journal’s Best Places to Work—placing
ninth and making the list for the ninth year in a row. We also placed fifth on the Boston Globe’s 100
Top Places to Work.
These designations are the result of a continued focus on creating the best work environment possible
for employees. Each year, leaders work with staff to create action plans that are then executed faithfully.
For example, this past year the radiology department wanted to improve its working relationship with the
emergency department.
Some written comments on the employee partnership survey revealed an opportunity for improvement
and as a result a team was formed. Through a series of collaborative meetings and the use of a “walkin-my-shoes” program, where radiology employees spend time in the emergency department and
vice versa to better understand each others roles, recent surveys have revealed an improvement in
department relations.
Winchester Hospital’s tobacco-free initiative has been a major focus this past year. Launched by the
Board of Directors as part of the Massachusetts Hospital Association’s campaign called “Healing Inside
and Out—MA Tobacco-Free Hospitals,” the effort recognizes the role of the hospital as stewards of
community health. Communications with all audiences have been extensive and employees who smoke
have been supported with smoking cessation programs. The tobacco-free restriction on hospital and
off-site locations became effective on November 17, the date of the Great American Smoke Out.
Patient Experience
Members of the Winchester Hospital team take special pride in providing the best experience possible
for every patient who walks through our doors. A comprehensive service excellence program launched
several years ago has provided training to every employee. This focus, and our patient satisfaction
results, has been recognized nationally.
In July, HealthGrades®, the leading independent health care rating organization, presented the 2011
Outstanding Patient Experience Award. This is the fourth year in a row that Winchester Hospital has
received this prestigious award. The distinction recognizes hospitals performing in the top ten percent
nationally based on patient satisfaction scores compiled by Medicare.
A performance improvement project, which utilized the Lean Six Sigma methodology, focused on
improving patient throughput in the hospital has made amazing strides. Recognized as an opportunity
to vastly improve the patient experience, the amount of time to move a patient from the emergency
department to an inpatient bed has been reduced by more than half.
We also continue to look for ways to enhance our facilities so that patients and their families experience
the least amount of inconvenience. We implemented a new policy whereby the majority of hospital
employees are expected to park at off-site locations thereby freeing up more spaces for visitors. This
was made possible with the opening of a new employee lot on Maple Street in Stoneham.
In addition, funding was approved and work began for a new elevator in the hospital parking garage.
The elevator, expected to be operational this fall, is located adjacent to the entrance and was developed
to accommodate individuals of all physical abilities.
Our patients’ feedback for “likelihood to recommend” placed us, on average, in the 94th percentile
nationally for inpatient care and in the 95th percentile for outpatient areas including radiology,
rehabilitation, oncology and the Breast Care Center.
Physician Alignment
Without a doubt, we are currently grappling with some of the most sweeping changes to
the health care industry. Private health insurers are implementing payment models in which
providers will be responsible for managing the health of a population and the different levels
of care associated with the management of chronic diseases. We expect the federal and state
governments to follow with similar payment systems.
These changes underscore the critical importance of working collaboratively with our physicians.
Hospital administrators and physician leaders come together on a regular basis to strategize
about how best to navigate the current environment and prepare for anticipated changes.
One example of how Winchester Hospital is preparing for health care reform is the opening of its
new advanced primary care practice at 1021 Main Street in Winchester. The newly renovated
facility offers a team-based model in patient care. The Winchester Primary Care Associates
team includes physicians, a nurse practitioner, a nurse care manager and a number of medical
and administrative staff members who work collaboratively and take a more integrated view
of the care of the patient.
A community health needs assessment conducted this past year revealed some opportunities
for improved care of area residents. These opportunities include management of patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension and congestive health failure.
Effective management of these patients will be integral to health care reform as hospitals will
be reimbursed based on their ability to keep these patients healthy. Leaders from the hospital’s
Community Health Institute are working collaboratively with physicians to develop new ways of
caring for these at risk patients.
Our physicians’ feedback placed Winchester Hospital in the 97th percentile nationwide for the
question, “would you recommend Winchester Hospital to friends and family.”
Many oncology department staff
members signed the final steel beam
at the Topping Off ceremony for the
Center for Cancer Care last October.
Growth and Finance
It’s hard to believe that Winchester Hospital’s vision for 620 Washington St. in
Winchester began as far back as 2005 when the hospital purchased the elevenacre site. The former site of a watch-hand factory, 620 Washington St. was not
built out for many years due to complicated regulations and appeals relating to
its proximity to the Aberjona River and wetlands. We have recently made great
progress and it is now time to celebrate.
In August, the new Center for Cancer Care was opened, bringing together all
oncology services—radiation and chemotherapy treatment as well as all staff
including doctors, nurses, a social worker, nurse navigator and support services—
together under one roof to offer integrated care. In addition, the hospital broke
ground on a new 31,000 square foot ambulatory surgery center scheduled to open
next year.
The Center for Cancer Care also launched a multi-disciplinary team approach to
diagnosing and treating head and neck cancers, the first of several such models
expected to be developed. This leading-edge approach brings together head and
neck diagnostic and cancer specialists on a regular basis to collaboratively review
cases and discuss the best options for each patient to ensure optimal outcomes.
The hospital’s geriatric service has gained traction in 2011. Led by Wayne Saltsman,
MD, PhD, vice president of geriatric services, a multi-disciplinary hospital team
has been working collaboratively to develop an integrated model of care whereby
geriatric specialists work closely with providers from all aspects of the health
care continuum. New relationships have been developed with many area nursing
homes and assisted living facilities to ensure that the provision of medical care is
coordinated and seamless.
Our physician recruitment team had another outstanding year. There were a
total of 93 physicians recruited from throughout the country. These new medical
staff members include specialists and primary care physicians, several of
whom are based in Medford where historically we have not had a strong primary
care presence.
Despite a challenging economic environment, we were able to make a three
percent operating margin due to outstanding expense management. In addition,
we received more than $7 million in philanthropic contributions—the most ever in
the hospital’s 100-year history.
A Century-Long
Community Partnership
Spirited Volunteerism
In 1919, after the Town of Winchester and the hospital survived the epidemic of Spanish
Influenza, the secretary of the Visiting Nurse Association, which founded the hospital,
wrote, “We couldn’t have done it alone; the whole town did it with us.” This statement
characterizes the whole of the hospital’s history. From the time the decision was made
to found a hospital through all the years that it grew and expanded in facilities, services,
equipment, staff, programs, and everything else related to hospital health care, we couldn’t
have done it alone. The whole hospital community did it with us.
The hospital’s history is rooted in volunteerism. The hospital was begun by the Visiting
Nurse Association, which was formed by a group of women who saw a need for home care
and nursing in Winchester and set about in 1899 to remedy the situation. While one nurse
and one woman doctor were associated with the group when it started, the women were
otherwise not professional business or medical people but rather a group of volunteers
who set out with determination and courage to help the poor and needy. First one, then
two, and later three nurses traversed the town daily to care for those who needed help.
Supporting them were groups of church women who sewed supplies for the nurses, many
tradesmen offered discounts, and hundreds of townspeople joined the Association, paying
annual dues which helped fund the work of the nurses.
Steadfast Support
Soon after the Visiting Nurse Association was formed, local doctors who had long
wanted a hospital in Winchester encouraged the women to open one. And they
did, once the community responded to their fund-raising campaigns. The first
hospital was located in rented quarters on Washington Street. It quickly proved that
Winchester needed a hospital but also that a rented house was inadequate. Again
the community responded to fund-raising appeals, and a permanent building was
built between Maple Road and Highland Avenue. At both locations, the community
was integrated into the success of the hospital. During the early years, donations
came in the form of money, endowments of free beds, furniture, clothing, towels,
soap, teapots, dishes, an electric fan, a Bennet Inhaler, a sitz bath tub and other
The laying of the hospital’s cornerstone
took place in 1916 and the hospital was
first occupied by patients in 1917.
medical equipment, a basket of peaches, a barrel of potatoes, other fresh and
canned fruits and vegetables, jellies, pickles, a planting garden, a ton of coal, as
well as labor and credit or discounted bills.
Even youngsters helped out. A dollhouse was made and contributed by children of
the Washington School. The Baseball Boys held benefit games and Flower Girls sold
flowers to raise funds. Throughout the hospital’s first century, people of all ages
have not only responded to its capital campaigns but also given thousands of hours
of volunteer service to and within the hospital.
As the Rev. Henry Hodge said at the dedication of the cottage hospital in 1912,
“All good things cost something, and the better they are, the more they cost. And
in proportion as we give the best that we are and have to this hospital, in that
proportion shall we have success. It costs life as well as money to make a hospital
a success.”
Valued Traditions
Over the past century, community support of the hospital has given
rise to some community traditions. From 1902 until World War I broke
out, about 2,000 people would gather annually in Town Hall on the
first Saturday of June for a breakfast served by the willing hands of
two hundred more as a benefit for the visiting nurses and hospital.
Annual Pop Concerts were given from 1907 through the 1920s to
raise money. For nineteen years during the 1920s and 1930s, horse
shows drew thousands from the region, first to the Sanborn Estate
on High Street and later to the Winchester Country Club, and raised
even greater sums.
Winton Club members began the
tradition of sewing hospital linens.
In 1935, the En Ka Society held a Street Fair to raise
money for Winchester Hospital’s Nurses’ Home.
Other annual events rooted in the hospital’s history continue today.
Over a century ago, the women of The Winton Club assumed the
responsibility of supplying the hospital linens. The Winton Club
Cabaret was also begun to benefit the hospital, which has always
been the sole beneficiary of this popular entertainment. These shows
have drawn onstage and backstage talent from many communities
and afforded Winton Club husbands, who traditionally build the sets,
and others the opportunity to support the Club in its assistance to
the hospital. Even the doctors, nurses, and other personnel take to
the stage to sing and dance in an annual hospital number. In 1935,
the En Ka Society unanimously voted to assist in the upkeep of the
Nurses’ Home, which had been neglected during the Depression.
To raise money, it held a Street Fair behind Winchester Town Hall.
The Fairs continue to the present day, its proceeds benefiting many
local organizations.
Over the century, there have been other community activities – balls,
golf tournaments, races, and more – all incorporating hospital support
into the life of the community, just as the hospital has been integrated
for a century into the health care of the communities it serves.
Since 1920, the Winton Club Cabaret has been
a major fundraising event for the hospital.
Beginning Our
Second Century
Building at 620 Washington Street
As Winchester Hospital embarks upon its second century of care, 620 Washington St. is in the spotlight.
The new Center for Cancer Care is operational, while construction on the Ambulatory Surgery Center is
well underway. It’s an exciting time for Winchester Hospital, patients, staff and the community.
According to Mary Sweeney, vice president of planning, business development and communications,
“Our services are growing but we are over capacity at our main hospital campus. While a new hospital
was out of the question, we realized that the development of a major outpatient facility could meet our
immediate needs.” These new facilities support the hospital’s goal of providing integrated, coordinated
care focused on patients’ needs.
Comprehensive Cancer Care
“I was there in August of this year when the first patient arrived at the Center for Cancer Care,” recalled
Robby Robertson, vice president of facilities and real estate. “The elevator doors opened, the gentleman
and his wife looked out, and they both said, ‘Wow!’ It was an affirmation that we got it right.”
The two-year process of planning, architecture and design focused on the patient experience and
employee satisfaction. The facilities at 620 Washington St. incorporate a design which emphasizes a
patient-centered, welcoming environment.
Throughout the process, planners invited feedback from
patients, as well as oncologists, clinicians and administrative
staff. “It was, and continues to be, a collaborative effort,”
Robertson said. “We used evidence-based design with the
goal of providing compassionate, supportive patient care.”
The Center for Cancer Care is 43,250-square feet of natural
lighting, warm tones and inviting places for patients, family
members and friends. The center boasts a fireplace, skylights,
artwork, comfortable chairs, a café and wi-fi. Volunteers
greet patients as they enter, ensuring they receive a warm
reception in every sense of the word.
Several members of the Center for Cancer Care
multi-disciplinary advisory board
In just two months’ time, oncology
operations and staff from Baldwin
Park and Montvale Avenue sites
moved in. The old sites were
originally business offices, Robby
Robertson explained. “We had no
chance to design them correctly
in the first place. We didn’t own
the buildings and we couldn’t expand. We needed a larger space to be able to
function. Physicians’ offices were too small, examination rooms were old, and the
technology was outdated.” That has all changed dramatically.
“One of the most obvious differences is that it’s a beautiful space,” said Dr. Arlan
Fuller, Jr., clinical vice president for cancer services and academic affiliation.
“Patients aren’t subject to the hustle and bustle of a crowded space, and can talk
to their doctor in confidence.”
There are 28 chemotherapy treatment chairs and amenities include a patient
resource area, where individuals receive support and answers to questions and
concerns, and conference rooms where doctors can confer with colleagues.
“We have a multi-disciplinary clinic with all the specialists under one roof. Instead
of a patient having to see a surgeon here, a radiation therapist there, an oncologist
somewhere else,” Dr. Fuller added, “he or she can see them all in one place. For me,
the new Center means not practicing in isolation but in collaboration, communing
with colleagues, which reduces the risk of error and improves safety.
“In addition, we now have a very different, comforting environment for patients.
The delivery of patient care is better. The staff is happier and less stressed with
more time to focus on people.”
A new ambulatory surgery center,
designed by DiGiorgio Associates Inc.,
is scheduled to open in 2012.
Next Up: The Ambulatory Surgery Center
Every year at Winchester Hospital between 9,000-10,000 procedures are performed
in seven operating suites. That may not mean much at first…until you learn that the
industry standard is a capacity of 7,000, or 1,000 procedures per operating room.
After surgery, patients are filtered into a small recovery room.
The new Ambulatory Surgery Center is just what the doctor – or in this case, doctors,
nurses, staff, and patients – ordered. In July 2012, when three of the four new
operating suites are available, it will greatly relieve the pressure on the current
operating rooms at the hospital’s main campus at 41 Highland Avenue and will allow
for faster, more convenient scheduling of outpatient procedures. The 31,000-square
foot one-story building will offer outpatient surgery in five areas: orthopedics,
ear/nose/throat, gynecology, podiatry, and urology. The design also allows for future
growth and expansion as needed.
Like the Center for Cancer Care, the Ambulatory Surgery Center is being designed
with the patient experience in mind. “It is really going to be beautiful,” said Dr.
Rick Weiner, medical director of surgical services. “It will feel like going to a spa
– attractive and patient friendly, not at all institutional – with wi-fi in the lobby and
a café.
“Surgeons, nurses, and staff will work in a beautiful facility, which helps boost
morale,” Dr. Weiner continued. “The new Ambulatory Surgery Center means we are
continually investing in ourselves so that we are able to do the best we can do to
serve our community.”
Performance Improvement
At Winchester Hospital, we are serious about leadership development and
performance improvement as they equate to superior patient care. Two years ago,
we deepened our commitment as our hospital leaders partnered with Covidien,
a global health care products company with a division focused on operational
excellence, to learn about Lean Six Sigma, a multi-disciplinary team approach to
optimizing processes, reducing waste and minimizing variability.
Lean Six Sigma, a manufacturing industry program, was developed in the mid1980s to affect positive change. The strategy has since been adapted to health
care as a way to enhance patient care while remaining competitive in a complex
and rapidly changing field. “Standard Work,” as applied to health care, is the
best known Lean Six Sigma method for a given process to achieve efficient flow,
high quality, balanced workload, elimination of waste and maximum benefit to
the patient. A six sigma result is one in which 99.99966% of the products or
services offered are expected to be free of defects; mathematically that would be
3.4 defects per million.
Nancy O’Hare, clinical services development manager and the primary liaison
for Lean Six Sigma, explained that we are striving to create improved processes
through teamwork for the delivery of patient care. “We’re talking about taking the
way we used to do things and bringing it into modern times.”
The first step is a three-day Value Stream meeting that takes a broad, deep look
at a process. Team members produce maps showing how systems work now
(current state) and how they could work if improved (future state). Following
the first successful Value Stream workshop, which focused on operating room
systems, hospital leadership embraced Lean Six Sigma as an integral part of its
mission of providing safe, high quality care.
This year, the Lean Six Sigma Steering Committee members identified three Value
Stream projects. Value Stream One focused on inpatient access and throughput.
Representatives from nursing, registration, the emergency department,
housekeeping services, medicine, billing, and information systems were among
those involved. Members thoroughly analyzed the process of inpatient access –
from admission through discharge.
From that came a Kaizen event. Kaizen is Japanese for “improvement” or “change
for the better.” A Kaizen, O’Hare explained, “is an area where we can improve,
where we say, ‘Here’s something we can do quickly.’”
The “something,” was emergency department bed assignments to the inpatient
floors. “It may sound simple,” she said, “but it’s a complicated process.”
workshop and Kaizen event. The final activity is the successful undertaking and
completion of a Green Belt project.
The Kaizen event helped identify the problem: there were delays in gaining bed
assignments resulting in patients waiting for admission to the inpatient floors.
Kathy Schuler, vice president for patient care and chief nursing officer, is a Steering
Committee member and executive sponsor of Value Stream One. “We developed
a new position, bed assignment coordinator,” she explained. “Before, there were
lots of phone calls being made [to find a bed]. Now, there is just one call – to
the coordinator. This allowed us to streamline the process. It took ten to twelve
minutes to get a bed; we reduced that to 5.4 minutes.” After more than six months
of implementation, the bed assignment process is holding at times less than five
minutes. This is a key feature of any Lean Six Sigma improvement ~ sustainability
of the change.
Green Belt trainee Ilana Mogolesko works in clinical services development. Her
Green Belt project focuses on coordination with nursing homes, rehabilitation
facilities and ambulance companies. Although being a Green Belt trainee translates
into a lot more responsibility, she is enthusiastic about her new role.
In addition to the Kaizen, a Value Stream results in multiple in-depth projects,
called Green Belt projects, which take from four to six months to complete. Over
20 employees are Green Belt trainees involved in an in-depth certification process.
To become a certified Green Belt, a trainee must attend a one-day workshop,
completing 25 hours of rigorous online training, and participate in a Value Stream
The Lean Six Sigma Value Stream process has given us
the opportunity to address complex issues and improve
organizational processes. The best part of the process is
having staff closest to the issue and closest to the patient
participate in designing more efficient and better ways
to provide care.
– Director of Inpatient Nursing Services Marlene Williamson, RN
“Learning about Lean Six Sigma has taught me to look at things differently. I love
solving problems and working in a team environment,” she said. “Each Green Belt
project has been designed to eliminate the non-valued, wasteful activities that
can cause patient wait time or confusion, and ensure all steps are coordinated
and informative for the patient. Now we are empowered as an organization to
solve anything.”
Value Stream Two, Emergency Department (ED) Patient and Information Flow,
focuses on patients who aren’t admitted to the hospital. The Kaizen event will
involve a reorganization of the ED work areas, called a 5S: Sort (remove clutter),
Straighten (make locations for everything), Shine (clean, polish, paint), Standardize
(find the best way) and Sustain (make it work). Five additional Green Belt projects
are underway.
Value Stream Three, Medication Administration Process, focuses on complex
issues surrounding how medications are prescribed, administered, monitored, and
reviewed. The team includes representatives from nursing, information systems,
pharmacy, lab and involves physicians, hospitalists, technologists, management
and support staff.
“Ultimately, all of us involved in the Lean Six Sigma effort are change agents,”
O’Hare said. “Awareness, education and teamwork are key. There is a willingness
to discuss ideas. We are a consensus-driven organization with a strong track record
of performance improvement. Leadership is pro-innovation and wants to be on the
cutting edge. Winchester Hospital is truly unique. We are building on our success!”
Improving Primary Care
Costs associated with our nation’s medical system are skyrocketing while state
and federal funding is decreasing. An aging population strains already overtaxed
systems. Physicians, seeing more patients in less time, are inundated with
paperwork and regulations. Preventive, pro-active care takes a back seat to
episodic treatment for acute care.
Driven by the dual realities of health care reform and rising medical costs, a new
model of care – called patient-centered medical home (or advanced primary
care) – will fundamentally change how primary care is delivered and financed.
Winchester Hospital, through Winchester Primary Care Associates (WPCA) and its
parent organization, Winchester Physicians Associates (WPA), is at the forefront of
this effort.
“We are evolving into a far more integrated health care organization,” said
Winchester Healthcare Management CEO Dale Lodge. “Systems have gotten very
complicated and segregation of care can result in room for error.
“We are trying to eliminate complicated processes and provide care in the
safest, most effective way. We look at this as a great opportunity. The culture of
the organization is to not push things under the rug. It’s why our employees are
confident and enthusiastic. We can work together to make it better.”
This system ensures safe, high-quality, patient-centered, cost-effective care. A
physician leads a team of professionals (nurse practitioner, nurses, care managers,
social workers, dieticians, therapists, office administrators, medical assistants and
medical secretaries), who collectively take responsibility for a patient’s ongoing
care. Compassionate, personal care includes the use of evidence-based medicine,
active participation by the patient and family in decision-making and feedback, as
well as information technology to enhance care, track performance and outcomes,
eliminate duplication, support education, and foster better communication.
Winchester Hospital is focusing on three key aspects of care: early detection/
prevention; disease management of individuals with high-risk chronic care
diagnoses; and management of patients who are transitioning their care setting.
“The delivery of medical care has become episodic,” said Ted Sullivan, director of
Winchester Physician Associates. “To remedy that, the idea is to have a physician
direct the comprehensive care of each patient by leading a medical team.” A key
resource and liaison is the nurse care manager, who may oversee between 150200 patients. The nurse care manager is often the first point of contact, reaching
out to patients and families.
“We need to be proactive, monitoring those patients who need extra resources to
help keep them well, and knowing when to step in. It has been proven that it can
work and I believe it can be achieved. This is the right idea,” Sullivan emphasized.
“It will be a better system.
“We want to improve the patient experience, take better care of the population, and
reduce costs. Our vision is to connect all the practices to easily share information
and resources. There will be less duplicative testing and more communication. We
want to be cohesive and collaborative, which will allow us to thrive in a changing
payment environment.”
Three new physicians and a nurse care manager have been hired at Winchester Primary Care
Associates, which moved into a new building at 1021 Main Street in Winchester in June, with plans
underway to hire more doctors and a nurse practitioner. The staff holds team meetings to review
operations and answer questions such as: How are we meeting our goals? Who are our highest
need patients? What is the best next step for interventions?
Dr. Russell Zide, WPCA medical director and member of the newly formed WPA Physicians
Leadership Council, focuses on care innovation and physician development. The Leadership Council
focuses on quality/safety, technology, payment reimbursement, and physician development/care
innovation. “We need to manage people with chronic diseases and do a better job of keeping them
out of the emergency room and the hospital because that places a huge burden on the system,”
Dr. Zide said.
“Improving the quality of care and keeping costs down is a challenge,” he admitted, “but the
medical system is fracturing. This is a long-term project to bring medicine back to where the
patient is at the center. We’ve moved away from that.”
Dr. Joel Solomon, WPA board member and Leadership Council member, focuses on payment
reimbursement. “We are on a path of increased health care expenditures that is not sustainable.
We spend much more per capita than other countries. We are seriously committed to the question
of how can we do this better,” he said.
An important step is moving from fee-for-service to a global payment model, which rewards the
quality, not quantity of care. This approach, which incentivizes doctors and hospitals for keeping
patients healthy and better managing chronic illnesses, will eventually result in improved patient
care while slowing rising costs.
“It’s a start,” Dr. Solomon explained. “The real problem is how to do a better job with
fewer resources. It’s been done in manufacturing and we can do it, too. We are trying.”
Winchester Hospital’s leadership is committed to this change. “As community
providers, we take care of family and friends all the time,” said Dale Lodge. “That
raises the bar significantly.
“We are passionate about health care. We have to be. We’re not dealing with cars; we
are taking care of people.”
Winchester Physician Associates’
physicians, a nurse practitioner,
a nurse care manager and
a number of medical and
administrative staff members
collectively take responsibility
for a patient’s ongoing care
at the new advanced primary
care practice.
Winchester Hospital Foundation Vice President
Maribeth Canning and Winchester Hospital
Foundation Chair Deborah R. McDonough
2011 Winchester Hospital
Foundation Board Members
Deborah R. McDonough
Dale M. Lodge
Maribeth Canning
Kevin F. Smith
Matthew Woods
Ann R. Blackham
Donna Burke
Darina Gilley Chesterton
Brian J. Connor
Kelley Cornell, MD
Leo C. Donahue
Patrick Fortin
Anthony Gattineri
Karen R. McAlmon, MD
Anne Neilson
Ann Norberg
Joan P. O’Neil
Susan C. Powers
Richard H. Salter
Dennis Sargent
John J. Sullivan
Marvin Weiner
Marlene Williamson
This was a momentous year for the Winchester Hospital Foundation and those we serve. We raised more
than $7 million dollars, the largest amount ever in the hospital’s 100-year history. Our many loyal community
members generously gave to the Foundation and we are most grateful for their steadfast support. Our 2 nd
Century Campaign has engaged countless individuals and businesses who understand the benefits of
having a community-based Center for Cancer Care and Ambulatory Surgery Center that are state-of-theart and welcoming in every respect. Thanks to this generosity, our Center for Cancer Care has opened and
cancer patients now can be treated with family and friends at their side to ease the journey. The tremendous
response from our own employees, physicians, and volunteers underscores the hospital community’s deep
and abiding commitment to our projects and, above all, to our patients.
Similarly, once our Ambulatory Surgery Center opens its doors in 2012, our surgery patients will experience
faster, more convenient scheduling of outpatient procedures. The construction of the Ambulatory Surgery
Center, with new operating rooms, has the same guiding principles and patient-centered approach that
informed every aspect of the building of the Center for Cancer Care: ease of access, comfortable surroundings
designed with the patient’s needs first and foremost, and streamlined processes.
We are honored to be the recipient of many awards, including high patient satisfaction scores, employer
rankings, and quality measures. Yet, we see firsthand that expertise and the latest technologies are the
most powerful healing forces only when delivered by compassionate caregivers. Our ability to bring comfort
and ease suffering is, in large measure, due to the philanthropic support and humanity of so many. We hope
that you too will continue to be inspired by the impact of these gifts.
Deborah R. McDonough
Winchester Hospital Foundation Chair
John and Suzanne Reno – Giving Circles
Philanthropists of the Year John and Suzanne Reno gave an extraordinary donation of $1 million to
Our 2 nd Century Campaign. The Winchester residents made this generous gift as a tribute to the dedicated,
compassionate care provided by two Winchester Hospital physicians: Dr. Arlan F. Fuller, Jr., clinical vice
president for the integration of oncology services and academic affiliations; and, Dr. Jonathan Adler, an
internist who has been on the hospital’s active medical staff for over 30 years.
“Seeing how intelligently the hospital is operated, and how it continually wins top clinical and employer
awards, speaks well. They attract great physicians and provide an excellent experience for patients,” John
Reno said. “We had been looking for something big to do for Winchester Hospital. When we heard about the
hospital’s expansion, a light went on.”
The Renos have also donated their time and talents to the hospital and other deserving institutions. John
served as a member of the Winchester Hospital Board of Directors and Suzie began volunteering in the
early 1990s, when her unwavering efforts helped the hospital establish a program to support expectant
and new parents. More recently she has been involved with establishing a link between Carleton-Willard At
Home, a program for local seniors, and Winchester Hospital.
The Renos continue to be impressed by Winchester Hospital’s superb leadership and high quality medical
care. “They are forward-thinking, continually asking, ‘What can we do better?’” Suzie said. “Jon [Adler]
has been my doctor forever. He is a very good physician and always interested in my overall well-being.
Arlan [Fuller] is a fabulous surgeon and a great human being. He was simply perfect when he cared for our
daughter. What I love about Winchester Hospital is that they think about what’s best for the patient. We are
lucky to have them in our town.”
John Reno, who also sees Dr. Adler, acknowledged the important role the hospital plays in maintaining a
strong, vibrant community. “It is one of the essentials,” he said, “right behind the fire and police departments
and the school system. We look at this gift as not just for the hospital, but in a larger sense it is a gift for the
benefit of the whole community.”
To honor and thank the Renos, the medical oncology floor at the newly opened Center for Cancer Care at
620 Washington St. has been named the Reno Center for Medical Oncology. It is a fitting tribute to this
generous and caring couple and we are extremely grateful.
John and Suzanne Reno
We had been looking for
something big to do for
Winchester Hospital. When
we heard about the hospital’s
expansion, a light went on.
– John Reno
Shields Health Care Group – Business Partner
For five years, Winchester Hospital and Quincy-based Shields Health Care Group have provided radiation
treatment to thousands of area cancer patients through a joint venture at 620 Washington St. in Winchester.
A recent gift of $100,000 from Shields to Our 2 nd Century Campaign is further testament to this strong
community health partnership.
The generous donation helps fund Winchester Hospital’s new Center for Cancer Care which combines medical
oncology, radiation oncology and all support services under one roof at the 620 Washington St. location.
(Left to right): Thomas A. Shields, president of Shields Health Care
Group, and Thomas F. Shields, founder, chief executive officer and
chairman of Shields Health Care Group
The great people at
Winchester Hospital share
our values and our common
vision of patient-centric,
quality-driven care.
– Thomas F. Shields
As founder, chief executive officer and chairman of Shields Health Care Group, Thomas F. Shields is selective
when making charitable giving decisions. He chose to support Winchester Hospital because he believes his
family-run business and the community hospital share so many qualities.
“It’s important to us that each patient is treated the way we’d want our own mother treated,” said Shields,
a longtime supporter of education and children’s charities. “The great people at Winchester Hospital share
our values and our common vision of patient-centric, quality-driven care. It feels like family.”
Through their donation, the Shields family chose to name the Center for Cancer Care’s second floor skylight
area where sunlight pours down, highlighting a vine sculpture with multicolored, stained glass leaves
suspended along the ceiling.
Thomas A. Shields, president of Shields Health Care Group, noted that radiation oncology services were
traditionally delivered to patients in basements of buildings. For this reason, he especially appreciates the
healing environment within the Winchester Hospital Center for Cancer Care, which is enhanced by airy
spaciousness, light and other natural elements.
“We are grateful for the generous gift from Shields Health Care Group, which will allow us to continue to
invest in the most advanced technologies and facilities for our patients,” said Kevin Smith, president and
chief executive officer of Winchester Hospital.
Thomas F. Shields said he is proud of the “blossoming relationship” between his family business and
Winchester Hospital. “We enjoy the opportunity to extend a helping hand when it’s needed,” he added, “and
we look forward to growing together.”
Winchester Laboratory Associates, PC and Strata Pathology Services, Inc. – Physicians
Three years ago, Richard Heidbreder, MD, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou
Gehrig’s disease). A year later weakness in his arms forced him to retire from his role as medical director
of Winchester Hospital’s radiation oncology service. In tribute to Dr. Heidbreder and his 25 years of service,
Our 2 nd Century Campaign received a $2 million donation from Winchester Laboratory Associates, PC, the
physician group that provides laboratory and pathology services at Winchester Hospital, and Strata Pathology
Services, Inc., a Lexington-based company that provides pathology services to area medical providers.
One of the largest gifts in the hospital’s 100-year history, the donation brings us closer to the $10 million
capital campaign that is helping to fund the Center for Cancer Care and Ambulatory Surgery Center, both
located at 620 Washington St., and renovations at the 41Highland Ave. main campus. According to pathologist
Mark Zuckerman, MD, president of Strata and chair of Winchester Hospital’s pathology department, the
organizations made the gift as a tribute to their friend and colleague. The funds have been designated for
the new Dr. Richard Heidbreder Center for Radiation Oncology, located at the Center for Cancer Care, and
the Healing Garden which will be located behind the Center for Cancer Care when completed. A special
ceremony was held for the naming of the Center and Dr. Heidbreder was in attendance with his family.
Dr. Heidbreder passed away on November 14, 2011.
Dr. Heidbreder joined Winchester Hospital’s medical staff in 1985; in 2007 he founded its radiation oncology
program. Under his guidance, the formerly named Winchester Hospital Radiation Oncology Center became a
premier facility, offering state-of-the-art treatment for cancer patients. He also established the Dr. Richard
Heidbreder Comfort Fund to assist cancer patients with medical and related costs not covered by insurance.
“Dr. Heidbreder was an outstanding clinician and a wonderful human being. He represents everything that a
physician should provide to patients and the community: clinical excellence, compassionate care and a vision
for the future, all with a great deal of class,” said Dr. Zuckerman. “This is an opportunity for my colleagues
and I to give back to Winchester Hospital, and at the same time recognize Dr. Heidbreder for his incredible
contributions to the hospital and its patients.”
(Left to right): From Strata Pathology Services, Inc. are May Azar, MD;
supervising histologist Gene Mercado; Mark Zuckerman, MD;
Robin Kirby, MD; and Aldo Gonzalez Serva, MD.
Not pictured: Terrence Harrist, MD.
“ ”
This is an opportunity for my
colleagues and I to give back to
Winchester Hospital.
– Mark Zuckerman, MD
“The naming of the radiation oncology center for Dr. Heidbreder is so fitting,” said Kevin Smith, president and
chief executive officer of Winchester Hospital. “No one has done more to advance cancer care at Winchester
Hospital. This is a perfect tribute to a great man.”
Richard Heidbreder, MD
We Gratefully Acknowledge Our LEADERSHIP Lifetime Donors
Lifetime donors exemplify a loyal group of community members who have generously supported the hospital through
annual giving, tribute giving, capital giving, planned giving or through event support through September 30, 2011.
Mrs. Elaclaire Gosselin and the late
Raymond J. Gosselin
Winchester Laboratory Associates, PC
and Strata Pathology Services, Inc.
The Winton Club
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999
Mrs. Muriel B. Dawes*
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reno
Mrs. Phyllis M. Stearns
$500,000 - $999,999
Abbott Laboratories
Telemachus and Irene Demoulas
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. O’Neil
The Charles Irwin Travelli Fund
Professor Emeritus Dr. John C. Wells
Winchester Mount Vernon House
$250,000 - $499,000
North Shore Radiological Associates, Inc.
Salter HealthCare
Yankee Alliance
$100,000 - $249,000
Armstrong Ambulance Service
Mrs. Ann Blackham
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
The Cedar Street Foundation
Cummings Foundation, Inc.
En Ka Society
Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Gibson
Arthur Griffin Family Foundation
The Lodge Family
Martini Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. P. Barry McDonough
Middlesex Surgical Associates
John Moriarty & Associates, Inc.
John and Mary Murphy
Educational Foundation
New England Inpatient Specialists, LLC
Mr.* and Mrs. Daniel O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Roll
Shields Health Care Group
Sodexo Health Care Services
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Willing
Wilmington Community Roundtable
Winchester Anesthesia Associates, Inc.
Winchester Co-operative Bank
Winchester Emergency Medical
Associates, PC
Winchester Savings Bank
Woodbriar of Wilmington/Windsor
Place of Wilmington
$50,000 - $99,999
A. J. Martini, Inc.
Affiliates in Footcare, PC
Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund
Anthony and Anita Martignetti Foundation
athenahealth, Inc.
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Belkin
Dr. Barbara H. Bjornson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunter Boll
Bonnell Ford
Mr. Allan T. Buros
Cardinal Health
Mr. and Mrs. K. Paul Chase
Children’s Hospital Boston
Dr. Kelley Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cummings
Mr.* and Mrs. David Dettinger
Dr. and Mrs.* Barry C. Dorn
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Federal Heating & Engineering Co., Inc.
Friends of Winchester Hospital
Dr. Arlan and Alice Fuller
Mr. Frank M. Gunby, Jr.
Mr. George S. Hebb
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lamson
Mr. and Mrs. David Leland
LifeLine Healthcare Solutions
Mr. John F. Martin and
Ms. Jeannine M. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Martini
Mechanical Construction Services, Inc.
Ms. Anne J. Neilson
Northmark Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ockerbloom
Owens & Minor, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Quinn
Reading Co-operative Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Rotolo
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rotondi
Elizabeth and George L. Sanborn Foundation
Seaman DiCarlo Corporation
Mrs. Kay L. Shubrooks
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Skates
Mr. Kevin Smith and Ms. Molly Jenks
Ms. Elizabeth Spiller
Steffian Bradley Architects, Inc.
Stoneham Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio J. Tambone
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
Winchester Rotary Charitable Fund, Inc.
$35,000 - $49,999
Action Ambulance Service, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Adler
The Beacon Grille
Drs. William L. Breckwoldt and Caroline Foote
Dr. Marilyn R. Capek
James & Veronica Chesterton
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Marion G. Crandall
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Delaney
Ms. Sara Delano and Mr. William G. Zink
DiGiorgio Associates
Ms. Barbara J. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Drummond
Mr. Bahaa Fam and Ms. Carol L. Nowacki
Dr. Richard Iseke and Ms. Margaret Pothier
Laboratory Corporation of America
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. LaGatta
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Laverty
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Martignetti, Esq.
McDermott, Will & Emery
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mulvaney
Mystic Valley Urological Associates, Inc.
Newpro, Inc.
Nixon Peabody, LLP
Mrs. Barbara B. O’Connell
Orthopaedics Plus
Parris and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador F. Porras
Reading Cardiology Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sayre
Ms. Patricia Simboli
Drs. Richard E. Toran, Jr. and Ann Toran
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. D. Reid Weedon, Jr.
Wilmington Pediatrics, Inc.
Woburn Lions Breakfast Club
$25,000 - $34,999
Ms. Katherine K. Allen
Dr. Darius Ameri
Dr. Donald T. Amiralian
Boston Communications Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burke
Cain Brothers & Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carr
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Doe
Dr. and Mrs. Alan D. Edelstein
Electrical Dynamics, Inc.
James A. Ficociello, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gattineri
Dr*. and Mrs. Richard C. Heidbreder
Howland Development Company
Dr. Mohammed Jaleel
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Kemper
Dr. Chitra Y. King and Mr. Christopher King
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kingsbury
Dr. Gloria E. Korta
Mr. Joseph A. Martignetti
Mass Electrical Contractors
Dr. Karen R. McAlmon and
Mr. Kwame Ofori-Asante
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Lane McGovern
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Moors
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Mucci
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norberg
Mrs. Virginia O’Grady
Mrs. Kay O’Hare
Robby and Catharine Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Sargent
Ms. Elizabeth Spiller
Ms. Mary T. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Tarby, III
Dr. Dean Tully
Vacuum Barrier Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Weiner
Dr. Gregory J. Weisz and Dr. Paula Fang
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Williams
Woburn Host Lions Club
Woburn Pediatric Associates
Dr. Dana I. Zitkovsky and Mr. Ivan Zitkovsky
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Zuckerman
Heritage Society
Winchester Hospital’s legacy of support was first established in 1916 when Sophronia A. Harrington
made the first planned gift - a bequest - the simplest of all planned gifts.
The Heritage Society recognizes those who have continued Mrs. Harrington’s tradition. Gift planning is
more than a link to our past; it is the source of our current strength and the promise of a healthy future.
It also provides our donors with a way to leave a legacy that perpetuates their most deeply held values.
Those listed below have provided for the hospital in their estate plans through
a life income gift such as a charitable gift annuity or a remainder trust.
Mrs. Celena D. Bradlee
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Chen
Mrs. Muriel B. Dawes*
Mrs. Margaret Duca*
Mrs. Virginia B. Gay
Mrs. Elaclaire Gosselin
Mr. George S. Hebb
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Kemper
The Lodge Family
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Martini
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mulvaney
Mrs. Barbara B. O’Connell
Ms. Janet Pavliska*
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador F. Porras
Mrs. Kay L. Shubrooks
Mr. Kevin F. Smith and Ms. Molly Jenks
Ms. Elizabeth Spiller
Professor Emeritus Dr. John C. Wells
The individuals listed below included Winchester Hospital in their estate plans through a bequest or trust
prior to their passing. We remain grateful for their generosity in leaving a legacy to benefit the patients
of Winchester Hospital.
Mr. Frank O. Adams
Mrs. Evelyn Akeson
Mr. and Mrs. George Aligas
Dr. William Daniel Barone
Mr. George Blackwood
Mrs. Deborah L. Broadhurst
Mr. Harrison Chadwick
Mrs. Helen M. Coakley
Mrs. Dorothy S. Coleman
Mr. Arthur J. Connell
Mrs. Ruth Dietz
Mrs. Marguerite Diorio
Mrs. Elsie E.C. Ferguson
Mary Alice Fitch
Mrs. Pauline Griffin
Mrs. Virginia Hackett
Mrs. George A. Haskins
Mrs. Harry P. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Reese James
Mrs. Marion A. Littlefield
Mr. Donald Manzelli
Mr. Eugene J. McCarthy
Dr. James F. McDonough
Dr. and Mrs. Donald McLean
Mrs. Constance Morrill
Mr. Charles C. Parkhurst
Mr. Leo M. Pistorino
Mr. Gregory Rodes
Mrs. Sandra Shepard Rodgers
Mrs. Margaret J. Shaw
Mrs. Florence Jope Smith
Kathryn Wholley
Mr. and Mrs. Walworth B. Williams
Our dear friend and esteemed volunteer Muriel Dawes
passed away at her Winchester home on August 24, 2011
at the age of 98 years old. A member of the Heritage
Society, Muriel was a steadfast donor and recipient of
the hospital’s Philanthropist of the Year Award in 1997.
Many can attest to Muriel’s dedication to Winchester
Hospital. Not only was she a donor, she also began
volunteering in 1977 and logged nearly 5,300 volunteer
hours – a value of more than $100,000 in today’s
workplace. Muriel was also a longtime member of the
Friends of Winchester Hospital’s Board of Directors. She
enjoyed her annual birthday celebration at the hospital
and she loved Amigo, one of the dogs that visits patients
through the hospital’s Caring Canines program.
In Muriel’s true wisdom, she left her home to Winchester
Hospital through a retained life estate, in which she
donated her home while retaining the right to live in it for
the rest of her life. We are truly grateful to Muriel for the
legacy she left us.
We are proud to report that the community has enthusiastically rallied
in support of the capital projects which will be the beneficiaries of
Our 2 nd Century Campaign. As of this printing, with the help of more
than 150 volunteers, we have raised more than $8 million toward
our goal of $10 million since the inception of this campaign. With
the exception of the Healing Garden, construction of the new Center
for Cancer Care is complete and patients are now enjoying this
state-of-the-art facility. Uniting our oncologists from three facilities into one location places less stress on
our patients and enables our talented physicians to seamlessly integrate their patients’ treatment plans.
How rewarding it is to see our vision realized!
Peggy and Jack Roll
Our 2 nd Century Campaign Co-Chairs
With the help of more than
150 volunteers, we have raised
more than $8 million toward
our goal of $10 million
since the inception of
The construction of the Ambulatory Surgery Center is well underway as we watch the determined pace and
progress of John Moriarty and Associates’ construction crew. We anticipate that the steel beams will be
fully enclosed by the end of fall so that the interior work can continue throughout the winter months. When
the surgery center is complete with new operating rooms, it will dramatically improve our ability to serve
the community’s demand for surgical procedures. Once this facility is complete in the spring, we will turn
our attention to the operating rooms and recovery suite of the hospital.
We have been encouraged by the community’s outpouring of generosity, which has grown dramatically
from its initial phases when we invited those closest to Winchester Hospital to endorse the effort. In just
over one year, we have engaged many community members and businesses to join us in this endeavor. The
emphasis of the campaign now is to share the story with each and every individual in our service area and
urge others to join us to ensure that the very
best care remains close to home.
this campaign.
– Peggy and Jack Roll
Campaign Cabinet Members (standing left to right):
Maribeth Canning, Richard Iseke, MD, Jack Roll,
Kathy Schuler, RN, Arlan Fuller, MD, John Sullivan, Esq.,
John Looney, and Patricia Thompson
(Seated left to right): Kelley Cornell, MD, Deborah
McDonough, Ann Blackham, Peggy Roll, Dale Lodge,
Jane Walsh, Patricia Annino, Esq., Donna Sherrill, RN, and
Gerry O’Neill (not pictured: Rich Salter and Dick Sayre)
Capital Giving
The Capital Campaign’s listings recognize donors who
have made leadership gifts from the campaign’s inception
through September 30, 2011.
Ted and Marsha Lamson
Karen and David Leland
Mystic Valley Urological Associates, Inc.
Anne J. Neilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Norberg
The Ockerbloom Family
Reading Co-operative Bank
Kevin Smith and Molly Jenks
Elizabeth Spiller
Bob and Sally Willing
Winchester Co-operative Bank
Woodbriar of Wilmington/Windsor
Place of Wilmington
$10,000 - $24,999
Several members of the Winchester Hospital medical staff at the
Ambulatory Surgery Center groundbreaking ceremony
Elaclaire Gosselin and the
late Raymond Joseph Gosselin
Winchester Hospital Laboratory Associates, PC
and Strata Pathology Services, Inc.
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reno
$500,000 - $999,999
Telemachus and Irene Demoulas
Family Foundation
The Winton Club
$100,000 - $499,999
Jean and Bill McCall
New England Inpatient Specialists, Inc.
North Shore Radiological Associates, Inc.
Joan and Gerald O’Neil
Peggy and Jack Roll
Salter HealthCare
Shields Health Care Group
Winchester Anesthesia Associates, Inc.
Winchester Emergency Medical
Associates, Inc.
For a full list of all campaign donors, please visit
$50,000 - $99,999
Affiliates in Footcare, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Belkin
Barbara H. Bjornson, MD
The Blackham Family
Bill and Joyce Cummings
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Dr. Arlan and Alice Fuller
The Lodge Family
Anthony and Anita Martignetti Foundation
The Martin Family
Martini Insurance Agency, Inc.
Middlesex Surgical Associates
Northmark Bank
Stoneham Bank
Winchester Savings Bank
$25,000 - $49,999
Dr. Darius Ameri
Armstrong Ambulance Service
Brian and Laura Carr
The Cedar Street Foundation
Dr. Kelley Cornell
Marion G. Crandall
Sara Delano and Bill Zink
The Duffy and Conway Families of Woburn
Anthony and Lisa Gattineri
Mary and Dan LaGatta
Sunny and Jon Adler
Dr. Moe and Betty Akbarian
Paul and Janet Andrews
Dr. Dennis and Debbie Begos
Joyce Brisbois and Marvin Weiner
Maribeth and John Canning
Dr. Marilyn Capek
Dr. Nancy Chun
Dr. Donald and Gale Druga
Dr. Alan and Deborah Edelstein
James Ficociello, DDS
Dr. Jose Guerra
Ron and Colleen Hertel
Dr. Virgina Hung
Dr. Richard Mazandi Iseke
and Margaret Pothier
Cathie and Dean Jackson
Dr. Katherine Kim
Dr. Chitra Y. King
Dr. Gloria Korta
Lifeline Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
Dr. Arthur and Susan Little
Dr. Karen McAlmon and Kwame Ofori-Asante
Mr. and Mrs. P. Barry McDonough
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulvaney
Stephen and Cecily Parkhurst
Dr. Peter and Maureen Rotolo
Richard H. and Elisabeth N. Sayre
Mary T. Sweeney
The Taylor Family
The Taymor Family Foundation/Philip and
Kathleen Taymor
Dr. Franklin Waddell
Jane and Michael Walsh
Dr. Richard and Janice Weiner & Family
Janet and Matthew Woods
$5,000 - $9,999
Donna and Bob Burke
Dr. Joseph and Wendy Czarnecki
Leo and Deborah Donahue
Ear Nose and Throat Consultants, Inc.
Ric Guarante
Eric Hayden and Tove Hellerud
Janice T. Houghton
Alice J. Kuhne and Dennis W. Manning
Joanne and Bill Marsden
The Mastrangelo Family
Fiona McCaughan
Norma and Salvador Porras
Reading Cardiology Associates
Robby and Catharine Robertson
Dr. Wayne Saltsman
Kathy and Frank Schuler
Deborah and Joseph Tarby
The Travaglini Family
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Virnelli
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Young
$2,500 - $4,999
Dr. Stephanie Bernstein
Dr. William L. Breckwoldt and
Dr. Caroline Foote
Gail and Richard Canzano
Dr. David J. Carroll
Drs. Daniel and Lenna Finger
Gail A. Forthoffer
Dr. Kathleen and Patrick Fortin
Richard and Susan Fougere
Friends of Winchester Hospital
Dr. Jonathan and Susan Hall
Marie B. Johnson
Mary Klayda
Dr. Debra Knee and Jonathan Lang
Anne M. Lang and John Talbot
Gayle and Jeff O’Grady
Gerry and Anne O’Neill
Sue and Steve Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sampson, Jr.
John J. Sullivan, Esq.
Patricia and Michael Thompson
Glenn and Anne Welch
Dr. Robert and Marlene Williamson
$1,000 - $2,499
A&M Roofing Services, Inc.
Kathleen Beyerman, RN
Jean D. Brown, RN
Clennan Bunn
Carol A. Callan
Marit Davies*
Aileen Day, RN
Danielle DeHate
Jeanne Dempster
Carla Destramp
Melissa Donais, FNP
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Esposito
Family Care Centers, Stoneham
and Tewksbury
Kathleen Fitzgerald, RN
Jim and Deb Fiumedora
James Foley
Freeman and Susan Fraim
Helen C. Gailis
Vincent Gatto
Gerald Greeley
Joanne and John Grega
Kenneth and Kathleen Grisley
Robert and Marylou Hardy
Karen J. Hart
Yu-Chi Hong-O’Rourke
Catherine Hutchins
J&M Brown Company, Inc.
Mary E. Johnson
Lee Kaufmann
Karen and David Keaney
Lauren Kiely and David Gill
Kate Lane
Christine Livingston
John and Kathleen Looney
Linda Lutey
Dr. Mark Macklis
Nance Martin
Mechanical Construction Services, Inc.
Sue Mizer
Mary Moloney and Paul King
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Orifice
Orthopedic Surgery
Maggie and John Russell
Lori Schatzl
Pat Selleck-Graham
Donna Sherrill
Ted and Mary Sullivan
Surgical Services Staff
Sheila Trafton
Paulette and Robert Van der Kloot
Winchester Hospital Directors
Janet Gallant Wood and Kevin Wood
Kathleen Young
The Giving Circles program recognizes the generous commitment of individuals and businesses who contributed annual gifts of
$100 or more between October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2011. Over the years, philanthropy has been the cornerstone of our efforts
to enhance patient care initiatives, secure state-of-the-art technology and equipment, and fund renovation projects. Unrestricted gifts
received through our Giving Circles program provide the hospital with the flexibility to use these resources where needed most.
Giving Circles
Dr.* and Mrs. Richard C. Heidbreder
Professor Emeritus Dr. John C. Wells
Winchester Mount Vernon House
Yankee Alliance
$10,000 - $24,999
Ms. Katherine K. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Gibson
$5,000 - $9,999
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Alessandro
Choate, Hall & Stewart
Mr.* and Mrs. David Dettinger
Mr and Mrs. David W. Donahue
Dr. Joseph A. Hill, III
Mr. and Mrs. William F. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Mucci
Mr. Robert W. Murray
Pink Ribbon Benefits
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Quinn
Mr. A. Thomas Traina
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsh
$2,500 - $4,999
Sunny and Jon Adler
Mrs. Ann R. Blackham
Dr. Kelley Cornell
Mr. Frank M. Gunby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hood
Janice Houghton
Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kelly
Dr. William D. Kenyon
Mr. William J. McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Moeser
Northmark Bank and Trust Company
Kathy and Frank Schuler
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Ahearn
Armstrong Ambulance Service
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Begos
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Dr. William Breckwoldt and Dr. Caroline Foote
Brighton Collectibles & Brighton Retail
Ms. Joyce K. Brisbois and Mr. Marvin Weiner
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burke
Maribeth and John Canning
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Caulfield
Mr. Christopher P. Choma
Alicia and Dennis Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Conway
Ms. Mary E. Costello
Dr. Michele Crage and Mr. Geoffery Sauter
Mr. and Mrs. Foster K. Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Curtis, Jr.
Ms. Sara Delano and Mr. William G. Zink
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Denhard
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Doe
Mr. Francis H. Doughty
Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Druga
Ms. Rebecca E. Duseau
Dr. and Mrs. David Fefferman
James A. Ficociello, DDS
Mr. Jay M. Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Fitzpatrick
Freeman and Susan Fraim
Dr. Arlan and Alice Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gattineri
The Gatto Family
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Ghareeb
Gorgeous Fabrics
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co., LLC
Lee Griffin
Mr. John E. Guarente
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gulino
Hair Designs, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hawley
Mrs. Yu-Chi Hong-O’Rourke
Houghton Mifflin Matching Gift Program
Dr. Virginia Hung
Dr. Richard Iseke and Ms. Margaret Pothier
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Jackson
Dr. Roy A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Kadnar
Dr. Gloria E. Korta
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. LaGatta
Anne M. Lang
Mr. Gordon Lawrence
The Lodge Family
Ms. Doris T. Lynch
Ms. Martha M. MaDan
Judy and Mike Manzo
Ms. Elaine M. McLatchy
Mr. William G. McPadden
Mr. Alan K. Melkonian
Mr. and Mrs. Vinod K. Misra
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mulloney
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Murray
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Nash
Anne J. Neilson
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Neuner
Dr. William A. Numa
Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O’Brien Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ockerbloom
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Parkhurst
Partners Healthcare
Mr. Frederick Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Quinn
Dr. Paul Radvany
Mr. and Mrs. J. Irving Rawding
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reno
Robby and Catharine Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Roll
Mr. Harry A. Rothmann
Ms. Nancy Sachetti and Mr. Vincent Swiniuch
Mr. Richard H. Salter
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Savage
Richard H. and Elisabeth Sayre
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shagoury
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Skates
Mr. Kevin Smith and Ms. Molly Jenks
Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Spiller
Ms. Mary T. Sweeney
Mr.* and Mrs. Anthony J. Triglione
Ms. Sandra A. Urie and Mr. Frank F. Herron
Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Virnelli
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Walsh
Wealth Management Advisors, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. D. Reid Weedon, Jr.
Winchester Co-operative Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Woods
$500 - $999
Andrew Abela, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Bonnell
Ms. Martha A. Bullard
Mr. Clellan O. Bunn
Lisa and Matthew Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Mario P. Carco
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Chesterton
Ms. Donna Cook
Marion G. Crandall
Cummings Realty, LLC
Dynamex, Inc.
Dr. Andrew J. Escoll and Ms. Tina S. Snider
Ms. Alice Fitzgerald
Dr. Kathleen and Patrick J. Fortin
Mr. Alex Gold, Jr.
Dr. Donald Grande
Joanne Grega
John Hancock Matching Gifts Program
Karen J. Hart
Mr. Eric W. Hayden and Ms. Tove Hellerud
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Herbert
Mr. Jacob A. Hershberger
IBM Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Johnson
David and Karen Keaney
Dorothy Kelly-Flynn, RN
Justin L. and Mary Anne Magee
Mr. Joseph A. Martignetti
Mr. Michael J. Martini
Ms. Lydia Massa
Dr. Karen R. McAlmon and
Mr. Kwame Ofori-Asante
Winchester Hospital employees
raised more than $340,000
through the hospital’s 2011
employee appeal to support the
care of the patients they serve
every day.
Mr. Harold McDonnell
Rep. and Mrs. James R. Miceli
Ms. Mary E. Moloney, RN
Ms. Carrie Murphy
Ms. Judith Nutile
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. John Otis
Ms. Florence M. Popolo
Ms. Elinor Quill
Dr. Khether Raby
Mimir Reynisson and Shari Agatstein
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Rotolo
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Saia
Mrs. Irene Schneller
Ms. Paula Schumann
Bharti Shah
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shapiro
Donna and Pete Sherrill
Dr. Julianne Stoughton
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Strauss
Ted and Mary Sullivan
Mrs. Paula M. Sweeney
Tenant Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Turpin
Vida Health Communications, Inc.
Dr. Gregory J. Weisz and Dr. Paula Fang
Mr. John F. Whelton
$250 - $499
Mr. Sean Ahern
Apartment Connection USA, Inc.
Mary Ellen Armstrong, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Beane
Stephanie M. Bettinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bohne
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brady
Janice M. Bubbers
Judi Bucci
Kathy Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Teriggi Ciccone
Mr. Michael Cima and Ms. Elizabeth Cortesi
John and Nicole Clark
Tad and Nancy Cleary
Stephen Conrad
Mr. Jared Couture
Ms. Anita M. Cristiano
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Damour
Rev. and Mrs. Earl Darlington
Miss Janessa DeCata
Ms. Patricia A. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Dermady
Mr. and Mrs. Christie L. DeRosa
DJM Properties, LLC
Leo and Deborah Donahue
Maureen and Mark Donnay
Ms. Diane M. DuShane
Ms. Eleanor J. Dutoit
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dwyer
Mrs. Ruth Elio, RN
Kathleen Fitzgerald, RN
Focuscope, Inc.
Ms. Jane L. Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Govostes
Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Harte
Mr. George S. Hebb, Jr.
Cathy and Rusty Helmar
Ms. Alice Hovenanian
John and Cheryl Hurchik
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Johnson
Glenn and Christine Johnson
Ms. Jean Joyal, NP
Ms. Robin G. Kantrowitz
Dr. Monte I. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kinton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kozlowski
Jayne and Marty Kruszkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lamson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. LaPointe
Mrs. Casey Leber
Mr. Phillip Ledin
Mr. and Mrs. E. Donald Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus B. Linscott
Ms. Deidre C. Lyons
Ms. Joanne Macedo
Mr. John F. Martin and
Ms. Jeannine M. Barrett
Nance Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. McCarthy
Dr. Martha E. McCarty
and Mr. J. Mark H. McCarty
Rosemary McCormack
Ted and Kathy McCormack
Mr. and Mrs. P. Barry McDonough
Lane and Ann McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McManus
Mary E. Miller
Mr. Mailaja Mohammed
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mulvaney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Murphy
Mr. Harry Z. Nalbandian
Mrs. Barbara B. O’Connell
Sun Park
Mr. David E. Pearson
Ms. Lory Peta
Susan Petrosino, RN
Jeanne K. Phillips
Donna M. Pihlaja
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador F. Porras
Steven C. Re
Mr. Kevin C. Reidy, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Roche
Brad and Barbara Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Salani
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman W. Saltmarsh
Dr. Benjamin Scheindlin and Beth Kantrowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Segerstrom
Patricia C. Selleck-Graham
Denise Shanning, RN
Mrs. Mary E. Shannon
Ms. Winnie Silk
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith
Dr. Benjamin A. Solky and Dr. Ana Solky
Ms. Janet V. Spanknebel
Mr. Richard Steenbruggen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stetson
Mr. Frank Tempesta
Mr. and Mrs. Kane Thompson
Patricia and Michael Thompson
Ms. Julieann Thurlow
Dr. Peter and Nora Tiffany
Richard L. and Ann Marie Tilley
Ms. Sheila Trafton
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Ms. Bridget Vitale
Ms. Margaret J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Walsh
Winchester Hospital Patient
Financial Services
Ms. Myrna Zaffina
$100 - $249
Ms. Paula Abreu
Ms. Sharon R. Abreu
Ms. Deborah Adams
Colette Ahern, RN
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammed Akbarian
Dr. Salvador Albanese
Ms. Kathryn Albertian
Mrs. Eugene F. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Amate
Mr. Charles A. Anderson
Betsy Andrews
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Antidormi
Mrs. Anna Aronis
Mr. Philip A. Arsenault
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Athanasia
Mr. and Mrs. William Attwood
Ms. Maria A. Badaracco
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Barch
John and Leslie Barrett
Mrs. Alice Barry
Judy Barry
Prof. and Mrs. Janos M. Beer
Ms. Katherine Belmont
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Bennett, Jr.
Ms. Carol A. Bergeron
Ms. Andrea Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bigelow
Mr. and Mrs. Bengt E. Bjarngard
Ms. Florence M. Black
Mr. Dudley Blodget
Ms. Jill K. Bohlin
Ms. Suzan Boudreau
Ms. Diane Bowen
Mrs. Celena D. Bradlee
Ms. Mary P. Brady
David and Catherine Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Brickley
Ms. Jennifer Brooks
Ms. Marian Brooks
Ms. Jean D. Brown, RN, MS
Ms. Mary P. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Reynold L. Brown, Jr.
John and Diane Bujalski
Mr. Nelson S. Burbank
Barbara Burke
Jillian Buttaro
Ms. Christine M. Callahan, RN
Anthony and Barbara Camoscio
Ms. Jane Cantillon
Mr. Alfred A. Capobianco
Mr. Edward Capone
Mr. Nicholas Cardarelli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Werner A. Carlson
Ms. Emilie P. Carpenter
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Carson
Mrs. Deborah Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carson
Ms. Dorothy A. Casey
Mr. Paul C. Casey
Ms. Brenda Evelyn Catucci
Ms. Bonnie J. Cavanagh
Ms. Louise M. Cecchini
The Cefalo Family
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Cerullo
Ms. Lucille T. Cesari
Mr. David C. Chamberlain, Jr.
Roxanne Chamberlain
Drs. George and Kimberlee Chatson
Karen M. Chepulis
Janice T. Chisholm
Mr. Phillip Chockley
Ms. Gail Ciano
Cityline Donuts, Inc.
Peg Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Coakley
Elaine Cobucci
Mr. James C. Coffen
Dr. Donald J. Colantino
Mr. and Mrs. Elio Commito
Valerie and Brian Conley
Mr. Andrew J. Connolly
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Contompasis, RN
Ms. Jane E. Cook-Campbell
Margaret L. Copithorne
Ms. Marianne Cortes
Maria L. Costa
Ms. Linda A. Coyne
Ms. Barbara Crawley, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Cross
Kathy Crowe
Ms. Mary Crowley
Karen A. Cuipylo
Nancy L. Cummings, RN
Ryan M. Curtin
Richard H. Curtis
Jane S. Daddario
Mr. and Mrs. James V. D’Agostino
Ms. Marlena Dagostino Bita
Sharon Daley
Maria L. Dalton, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. D’Angio
Mr. and Mrs. Don DeHart
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Delgaizo, V
Mr. John S. Della Svetura
Mrs. Cornelia A. DeLuca
Nancy Denizkurt
Dr. and Mrs. Richard d’Entremont
Matt D’Errico
Carla Destramp
Mrs. Debra Dimattia
Shawn DiSessa
Mr. and Mrs. John Dobbins
Mr. Christopher Doherty
Dr. Elizabeth G. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Donald
Dr. and Mrs. David F. Donohoe
Michael and Susan Dooley
Ms. Catherine A. Durante
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elia, V
Mrs. Frances P. Elliott
Mr. Harry L. Emmons
Lisa Enaire and Vito Gorrasi, Jr.
Mr. Jon W. Etheridge
Mr. Lawrence J. Fava
Mrs. Irene Fearnside
Ms. Nancy Fennelly and
Ms. Donna Guildersleeve
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferullo
Mr. Rudolph Fiore, Sr.
Mrs. Sharon Fitzpatrick, RN
Ms. Charlotte S. Fixler
Mr. James Foley
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Foley
Kimberly Q. Foley
Mr. Walter C. Fowle
Evander and Leslie French
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frost
Mr. Edward Gaiero
Helen C. Gailis
Mrs. Ruth E. Garbarino
Ms. Marguerite M. Gay
Mrs. Mary B. Gentile
Ms. Phalia Ghikas
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Gillespie
Give with Liberty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gladden
Manon Glassford
Dr. Gary L. Goldfarb*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Gorman
Ms. Adrienne Gover
Mrs. Gale S. Graham
Mr. Jose A. C. Granito
Mr. Frederick D. Greene
Ellen Haggerty
Patti Haggerty
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Hall
Mr. Shawn M. Hallisey
Ms. Katherine Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hanlon
Toni-Lynn Hansen
Hal Harder
Mr. John Harding
Robert and Marylou Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Harrington, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Harris
Mr. George A. Hart, Jr.
Ms. Susan Hawes
Ms. Marianne M. Heard
Nancy J. Heffron
Mr. William Helliesen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hitchcock
Mrs. James P. Hodgkins
Ms. Jeanne M. Holland
Dr. and Mrs. F. Sheppard Holt
Ms. Phyllis Hovenanian
Mr. Chester Howe
Mr. Herbert Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hussey, Jr.
Mrs. Alaina B. Huxtable
Jake Builders, Inc.
Mr. Daniel S. Jandreau
Mr. Anthony Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Johnedis
Ms. Cynthia Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Johnson
Marie B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Joy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joyce
Kerri L. Kanyoko
Lee Kauffman
Ms. Ann T. Kearn
Mr. Joseph T. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kent
Mr. and Mrs. W. Prescott Keyes
Young and Eun Kim
Mrs. Marie A. Kleponis
Ms. Gail A. Krom
Lancer Security, Inc.
James and Diana Lane
Ms. Patricia J. Langell
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Leaf
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson C. Lees
Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Lewis
Joi Ann Loewy
Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Loria
Linda M. Lutey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Lyons, Jr.
Audrey and Guy Macauda
Mrs. Karen W. MacKenzie
Dan and Elaine MacKinnon
Dr. Mark A. Macklis
Ms. Ellen MacMullin
Ms. Janet M. Macrina
Mr. Ian Macrobbie
Mr. Robert M. Magee
Mrs. Barbara A. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Mahoney
Ms. Rosemary Maida
Mr. James A. Major
Mr. James R. Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Marchant
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maria
Ms. Debra A. Marr, RN
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Marshall
Catherine and Ronald Martin
Ms. Elizabeth Massey
Ms. Jean Mattuchio
Arlene L. Mazochia
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McAveeney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCabe
Laura McCarthy
Mr. Joseph McCarthy
Ms. Fiona C. McCaughan
Mrs. Alice M. McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCleary
Ms. Donna M. McDonald
Nancy L. McGinty
Mrs. Linda McGowan, RN
McKinley Family
Bernadette McNally
Karen and Bill Meaney
Mr. James E. Meehan, Jr.
Mr. Robert D. Menucci
Ms. Rebecca Merrill
Rev. Richard C. Messina
Ms. Joyce K. Miller
Mr. William J. Mills, III
Michael and Susan Minchello
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Mizioch
Ms. Mary Beth Moran
Jillyan Morano
Joan Francis Moriarty
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mourikas, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn C. Murphy
Ms. Patricia A. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Murphy
Ms. Teri Muskavitch
Mr. Edner Narcisse
New England Document Systems, Inc.
Ms. Mary F. Newcomb, RN
Ms. Caitlin Newton
Mr. James T. Newton
Ms. Cornelia G. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nicolopoulos
Mr. Frederick Niland
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Norris, Sr.
Nursing Mothers’ Group
Ms. Donna O’Brien, RN
Ms. Catherine C. O’Connell
Mr. James F. O’Connell
Ms. Janet O’Connor
Mrs. Rosemarie E. O’Connor
O’Hare Giffen Family
Michael O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Orifice
Mr. and Mrs. Brent E. Outwater
Ms. Cordelia M. Overhiser
Dr. Peter C. Paicos
Roger and Janice Palmer
Ms. Heather M. Parker Olson
Mr. Harry W. Parshley
Jonas Paul
Karen L. Peters
Ms. Joanne Piselli
Ms. Madeline C. Plansky
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Polen
Miriam S. Pollack
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Poole
Mr. William Porteous
Ann M. Powers
Mr and Mrs. Steven L. Powers
Kathy Puccia
Veronika F. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Raffi, Jr.
Ms. Alice Raia
Christine M. Randazzo
Ms. Paula Ranieri
Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Rashba
Mrs. Barbara C. Reed
Mr. John J. Regan, Jr.
Ms. A. G. Reid
Mr. Stanley S. Rezendes
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Ricci
Ms. Donna L. Robbins
Ms. Cathy G. Robinowitz
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Rossettos
Ms. Jeanine Y. Rousseau
Ms. Martha A. Rumley
Ms. Jane E. Ryan
Ms. Elizabeth Sabounjian
Joyce Sasso
Robyn Sateriale
Mrs. Emma Schelzi
Ms. Celia L. Schulhoff
Brad Schultz
Mr. and Ms. Sidney C. Schweiger
Mr. Roy V. Serrentino
Shanahan Real Estate Group
John and Valerie Silvia
Ms. Edith M. Simpson
Mrs. Janet A. Smith
Mr. John R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Smith
Mrs. Lorraine M. Smith
Dr. Robin A. Smith
Sheryl A. Smith
Ms. Kelley Snow
Dr. and Mrs. Joel M. Solomon
Ms. Jamie Sommer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Soucy
Spadafora Slush Company
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Spadafora
Mrs. Patricia Spinazola
Mary and Matthew Staten
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Stone
Dr. Sharon Stotsky
Anne M. Strong, RN
Dr. John J. Sullivan
Charlie Sweeney
Mr. Edward D. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sweeney
Deborah and Joseph Tarby
Miss Adrienne V. Tashjian
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taurasi
Dr. Joseph B. Taylor and Marie Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Test
Ms. Raj Tiku
Mr. Carmen P. Tofuri
Mr. James M. Traniello
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Travaglini
Mr. Chester F. Tyminski
Mrs. Janice Vallarelli
Dr. and Mrs. Luis F. Valles
Paulette and Robert Van der Kloot
Dr. William M. Vanneman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Veilleux
Ms. Elizabeth Veno
Mr. John A. Verrengia
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Vitale
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Waite, Jr.
Eliza Wall
Ms. Camille R. Wallace
Mrs. Mary M. Walsh
Eris White
Ms. Mary L. White
Mr. Michael White
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. White
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Wickwire
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Williamson
Eileen Wills
Glenn and Gerry Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Winslow
Mr. Mark S. Wolin
Mrs. Robin F. Wortmann
Mr. Steven E. Yates
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Young
Christie Young-Leavitt
Mr. and Mrs. Homer N. Ypsilantis
Mrs. Jane L. Yusen
Mrs. Mei Zhang
Winchester Hospital Business Partners Program was launched in 2011 as a way
to encourage businesses to help support Winchester Hospital. Through a series
of breakfasts and forums on topics ranging from the sweeping changes in health
care to the latest developments in cancer research, the business community
and the hospital come together to consider, discuss, and build collaborative
relationships that benefit and strengthen our respective communities.
Employees of Business Partners can participate in our “Adopt-A-Department”
initiative and in day-long projects that provide the benefit and satisfaction of
rewarding volunteer experiences. Business Partners receive special recognition
and acknowledgement that underscore the positive affiliation with Winchester
Hospital. Expansion of the program continues as we invite companies to join and
make a sound investment in the health of the community.
Mintz Levin
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Action Ambulance Service, Inc.
Bureau of Medical Economics, Inc.
Curbside Hospitality
DSCI Corporation
M&M Landscaping
Wotton’s Fleet Services, Inc.
Kelley Habib John
Orthopaedics Plus
Public Financial Management, Inc.
The Business Partners Program is an excellent way to connect and engage with
Winchester Hospital in a meaningful way while supporting the hospital’s work.
I have seen firsthand the wonderful
care and compassion the hospital staff
provides. I am so happy to be a part of the
Winchester Hospital family.
– David Portman, president, Action Ambulance Service, Inc.
The Grateful Patient program began in
2011 to recognize gifts from patients in
honor of physicians, nurses, caregivers
and departments. Recipients of the award
receive a silver pin commemorating the
honor. Patients have made donations to
the Annual Fund or Our 2nd Century
Campaign between October 1, 2010 and
September 30, 2011.
In honor of Dr. Jonathan Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Werner A. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Irving Rawding
John and Suzanne Reno
In honor of Kaitlyn Arriel, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferullo
In honor of Dr. Armen Arslanian
Celia L. Schulhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shagoury
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Vincent
In honor of Dr. Richard Beasley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shagoury
In honor of Dr. Dennis Begos
Katherine Belmont
Lisa Enaire and Vito Gorrasi, Jr.
Carmen Fama
In honor of Dr. Barbara H. Bjornson
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Damour
Mr. John L. Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. William Fontaine
Marianne M. Heard
In honor of Dr. Beverly Bowker
Katherine Belmont
Lisa Enaire and Vito Gorrasi, Jr.
Susan Sheppard
Winchester Hospital Ambulatory Care Unit
Kaitlyn Arriel, RN received her Grateful Patient pin from Nurse
Manager Chrissie Quill, RN. Kaitlyn was recognized by
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferullo for the outstanding care she
provided during Mrs. Ferullo’s stay at Winchester Hospital.
Mary E. Reddy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Surabian
In honor of Susan Coyne
Mary Crowley
In honor of Dr. Paul Radvany
Mr. Frederick Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shagoury
In honor of Dr. Brian Cruz
Mr. Alfred Chiuve
In honor of Grace Ryan
Mrs. Debra Dimattia
In honor of Carol DiCecca
Mary DiPerna
In honor of Dr. Robyn Sachs
Carmen Fama
In honor of Dr. John Dickason
Nancy Fennelly and Donna Guildersleeve
In honor of Mona Sudue
Dorothy S. O’Connor
In honor of Dr. Arlan F. Fuller, Jr.
Lena El-Chehabi
Laura, Brian, Alexis and Caroline Carr
Telemachus and Irene Demoulas Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. R. Terrance Fuller
Dr. Richard Iseke
Karen and David Leland
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Marsden
Joseph A. Martignetti
Ronald and Lynne Martignetti
John and Suzanne Reno
Mrs. Cecelia Sangermano
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shapiro
In honor of Dr. Joseph B. Taylor
Mr. A. Thomas Traina
In honor of Dr. Kathleen Holly Gallivan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Poole
In honor of Dr. William L. Breckwoldt
Mrs. Gloria Reddivari
In honor of Dr. Taranga Ghosh
Nancy Fennelly and Donna Guildersleeve
In honor of Dr. Matthew W. Brown
Nancy Fennelly and Donna Guildersleeve
In honor of Dr. Harris Gibson
Mr. Edward Gaiero
In honor of Jane Burd
Michael and Susan Sweeney
In honor of Linda S. Hanson
Dorothy S. O’Connor
In honor of Suzie Carzo, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Surabian
In honor of Dr. Fehmida A. Chipty
Lorraine F. McDonough
In honor of Dr. Richard C. Heidbreder
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Coffey
Carmen Fama
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Robinson
Strata Pathology Services, Inc.
Winchester Laboratory Associates, PC
In honor of Mary Jo Cholod
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McAveeney
In honor of Dr. H. Katherine Kim
Mr. Jacob A. Hershberger
In honor of Dr. Nancy Chun
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Murphy
In honor of Dr. Arthur Little
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shagoury
In honor of Dr. Kelley Cornell
Catherine Bastien
Carmen Fama
Alice Raia
In honor of Dr. Robert A. Muggia
Nancy Fennelly and Donna Guildersleeve
In honor of Dr. Leo Cass
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Tourtellotte
In honor of Dr. Thomas J. Mulvaney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Brickley
In honor of Dr. Peter Tiffany
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Damour
In honor of Dr. Kenneth K. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight
In honor of Winchester Hospital
Breast Care Center
Dennis Sokol
In honor of Winchester Hospital
Emergency Department
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Brooks
In honor of Winchester Hospital
Intensive Care Unit
Mr. Joseph F. Duffy
In honor of Winchester Hospital Oncology
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Fama
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mulloney
In honor of Winchester Hospital
Radiation Oncology
Mr. James R. Manuel
In honor of Winchester Hospital
Radiology Department
Leona Angelo
In honor of Winchester
Physician Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shapiro
In honor of Janet Gallant Wood
Joseph A. Martignetti
Ronald and Lynne Martignetti
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shapiro
In honor of Dr. Dana I. Zitkovsky
Bonnie J. Cavanagh
Tribute Gifts
Tribute gifts allow donors to honor or
remember loved ones and friends and
support the hospital. Listed are honor
and memorial gifts made between
October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2011.
Through a gift to Our 2nd Century Campaign, Ron and Lynne
Martignetti recognized Janet Gallant Wood and Dr. Arlan Fuller, Jr.
for the extraordinary care they provide to cancer patients.
Honor/Memorial Contributors Gifts
In honor of Dr. Jonathan Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dohan
In honor of Barbara
and Kathleen Ahearn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ahearn
In honor of Sean Ahern
Dr. Richard Iseke
Kathy Schuler, RN
In honor of Dr. Moe Akbarian
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Mary Ellen Armstrong, RN
The McDonough Family
In honor of Claudia Azevedo
Dorothy S. O’Connor
In honor of Dr. Dennis Begos
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Kathleen L. Beyerman, RN
Linda M. Lutey
North Eastern Organization of Nurse Educators
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Dr. Barbara H. Bjornson
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Theresa A. Bomal, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Dr. William L. Breckwoldt
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Jean D. Brown, RN, MS
Dr. Richard Iseke
Linda M. Lutey
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Dr. Bismarck E. Cadet
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Maribeth Canning
Lianne M. Green
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
Kathy Schuler, RN
Kevin Smith
Mary T. Sweeney
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Case Management Department
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Sargent
In honor of Amy K. Chi
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Lisa Cipriano, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Kimberly C. Cole
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Michele Crage
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Jen Darfoor, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Kay Deakoff, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of George S. Hebb
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Adler
In honor of Dr. Glen Dixon, Jr.
Mrs. Mei Zhang
In honor of Yu-Chi Hong-O’Rourke
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Donald Druga
Mrs. Debra Dimattia
In honor of Dr. Robert P. Fortunato
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Richard Iseke
Maribeth Canning
Winchester Hospital Case
Management Department
Kathleen Fitzgerald, RN
Lianne M. Green
Dorothy Kelly-Flynn, RN
Dale Lodge
Kathy Schuler, RN
Kevin Smith
Mary T. Sweeney
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Alexandra Gamer
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Gamer
In honor of Mohammed Jaleel
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Kelley Garcia
Dorothy S. O’Connor
In honor of Cynthia Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Forester
Melissa Johnson
In honor of Sheila Dugas, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Dr. Andrew J. Escoll
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Kathleen Fitzgerald, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
In honor of Gerald Greeley
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Joanne Grega
Dr. Richard Iseke
Winchester Hospital
Radiology Department
In honor of Kathleen Grisley
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Roy A. Johnson
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Leslie Kauffman
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
Kathy Schuler, RN
In honor of Karen Keaney, RN
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Dorothy Kelly-Flynn, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
In honor of Dr. Gloria E. Korta
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dr. Martha McCarty
In honor of Robyn Kozachuk, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Anne Lang
Maribeth Canning
Lianne M. Green
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
Kathy Schuler, RN
Kevin Smith
Mary T. Sweeney
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Sheri Lanni, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Dr. Dennis S. Lin
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Pamela Linzer, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Arthur Little
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dale Lodge
Maribeth Canning
Beth A. Gerrior
Lianne M. Green
Dr. Richard Iseke
Leslie Kauffman
Kathy Schuler, RN
Kevin Smith
Mary T. Sweeney
Bob and Sally Willing
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Linda M. Lutey
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Karen MacKenzie, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Dr. Dennis Markovitz
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Catherine Martin
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Serena Mazza, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Donna McCarthy
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Dr. Martha McCarty
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Lesley McDermottroe, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Linda McGowan, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Middlesex Community
Physicians, Inc.
Mrs. James P. Hodgkins
In honor of Janet Mirabella, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Thomas J. Mulvaney
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Brenda Roy, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Donna O’Brien, RN
Alberghini-McGuff Family
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Nancy Sachetti
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
In honor of Kerin O’Brien, RN
Alberghini-McGuff Family
In honor of Dr. Wayne Saltsman
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. JoAnne Oh
Josephine D’Eon
In honor of Valerie Santini, RN
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Williamson
In honor of Willard Olsan
In honor of Lori Schatzl, MHA, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Gerald F. O’Neill
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Kathy Schuler, RN
Maribeth Canning
Lianne M. Green
Bonnie Harding
Dr. Richard Iseke
Leslie Kauffman
Dale Lodge
Kevin Smith
Mary T. Sweeney
Marlene Williamson, RN
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Jamie Orsi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sangster
In honor of Janice Palmer
Caitlin Newton
Nursing Mothers’ Group
In honor of Lisa Paolillo, Esq.
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Kanubhai Patel
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Susan Petrosino, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Laurence Pickering
Leslie Kauffman
In honor of Christine Quill, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Lauren Reardon
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Catharine Robertson
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Mary Moloney, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
Linda M. Lutey
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Robby Robertson
Maribeth Canning
Lianne M. Green
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
Kathy Schuler, RN
Kevin Smith
Mary T. Sweeney
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Maria Movalli
Alberghini-McGuff Family
In honor of Dr. Peter Rotolo
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Sue Mizer
Kathy Schuler, RN
In honor of Laura Scott, RN
Alberghini-McGuff Family
In honor of Donna Sherrill, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
Linda M. Lutey
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Deborah L. Smith, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Kevin Smith
Maribeth Canning
Beth A. Gerrior
Lianne M. Green
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
Kathy Schuler, RN
Mary T. Sweeney
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Mary Beth Strauss, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
Linda M. Lutey
Marlene Williamson, RN
In honor of Ted Sullivan
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
In honor of Mary Sweeney
Maribeth Canning
Lianne M. Green
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
Kathy Schuler, RN
Kevin Smith
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Dr. Joseph B. Taylor
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Ann Marie Tilley, RN
Marlene Williamson
In honor of Richard E. Toran, Jr., MD
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Janet Villemaire
Marlene Williamson
In honor of Dr. Franklin B. Waddell
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Stephanie Wall
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. William C. Walsh
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Richard Weiner
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Gregory J. Weisz
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Marlene Williamson, RN
Dr. Richard Iseke
Linda M. Lutey
Lesley McDermottroe, RN
Janet V. Spanknebel
Mary Beth Strauss, RN
In honor of Winchester Family Physicians
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carleton
Kathleen A. Coombes
Mr. David B. Fitzgerald
Shannon Henderson
and Sandra Iversen
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCann
Inez Santiago
In honor of Winchester Hospital Home Care
Celia L. Schulhoff
In honor of Winchester Hospital
Labor and Delivery
Susan Petrosino, RN
Rob Roth
In honor of Winchester Hospital
Staffing Office
Janet V. Spanknebel
In honor of Matthew Woods
Maribeth Canning
Lianne M. Green
Dr. Richard Iseke
Dale Lodge
Kathy Schuler, RN
Kevin Smith
Mary T. Sweeney
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
In honor of Dr. Russell Zide
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Dana I. Zitkovsky
Dr. Richard Iseke
In honor of Dr. Mark Zuckerman
Dr. Richard Iseke
In memory of Louis Alberghini
Mr. and Mr. James Hughes
Mr. Thomas McGough
Ms. Irma M. McGuff
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McGuff
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Selian
Ms. Laura M. Ventimglia, EdD
In memory of Holley Barbieri
Ms. Ruth Holley
In memory of Paulette Blake
Winchester Hospital
Environmental Services
In memory of Walter V. Bowen, Jr.
The Winton Club
In memory of Lillian Boyle
Mr. John B. Boyle
In memory of Vincent Boyle
Mr. John B. Boyle
In memory of Daniel P. Bradley
Mr. Jerry Dignam and
Ms. Marge Dignam
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. McElhinney, Sr.
Ms. Mary Reilly
Winchester Savings Bank
In memory of Mary Beth Brenan
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Acosta
Mr. Coley Brenan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. William Hagstrom
Ms. Linda A. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John Mobilia
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Reagan
Mr. and Mrs. Garth Smith
Trinity Elementary
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yamartino
In memory of Leonard Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven DeFilippo
In memory of Frances Bushee
Ms. Rochelle Belanger
Mr. Gerard Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bushee
Ms. Caroline Jensen
Jo Lazzaro
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Luken
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John Moran
Kanta Nagpaul, MD
Mr. David Rooney and Ms. Helen Lee
Strata Pathology Services, Inc.
Ms. Adeline Sweeney
Ms. Jeanne Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Terzi
In memory of Gus Cantillon
Ms. Jane Cantillon
In memory of Antonette
Mrs. Marion M. Procopio
In memory of Mr. Robert Casey
Josephine Albano, MD
In memory of Eileen Ciambriello
Karen M. Chepulis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mazzei
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Santoro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiebold
In memory of Rose M. Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berg
Mr. and Mrs. William Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Celli
Mr. Christopher Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Driscoll
Ms. Sally A. Duff and
Ms. Kathleen M. Duff
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Grieco
Ms. Johanna Herook
Ms. Carla Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. John Margarita
Ms. Mary A. McCarron
Ms. Joanne A. Thompson
We Care Cleaners
In memory of Debra Collins
Highland Healthcare Associates, IPA
In memory of Dorothy L. Collins
Ms. Jane Gagne
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gallo
Highland Healthcare Associates, IPA
Mr. Kevin Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jennings
Debbie and Steve Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Marfione
Mr. and Ms. Timothy Ring
Ms. Nancy Sachetti and
Mr. Vincent Swiniuch
Ms. Rosemarie Spinazola
In memory of Domenic Cortese
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Cortese
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tighe
In memory of Fern Coyle
Kim and William Tetterton
In memory of Doris L. Cummings
Ms. Norma Browinski
Mr. and Mrs. David Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ohlson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paynter
Mr. and Mrs. George Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Polakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Protheroe
VMB Ladies
In memory of Marit Davies
Patrice M. Baril
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Borelli
Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott
Jim and Deb Fiumedora
Linda McGowan
Sue and Steve Powers
Nancy Sachetti and Vincent Swiniuch
Kathy and Frank Schuler
Mary T. Sweeney
In memory of Muriel Davis
The Winton Club
In memory of Leonard F. Delaney
Ms. Patricia A. Delaney
In memory of Ms. Grace Delsolio
Ms. Jennie Amico
Mr. and Mrs. H. Steven Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bertino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cafarella
Mrs. Nora Close
Ms. Bernice Gomes
Mr. and Mrs. Brian MacKenna-Rice
Ms. Lorraine Maggio
Ms. Betsy Masucci
Ms. Jennie Patrikis
Ms. F. Rita Rotondo
Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Sands
Ms. Celia L. Schulhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Scolaro
Ms. Genevieve Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sullivan
Ms. Karen L. Vars
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Worthen
In memory of Margaret Devita
Cobham Sensor Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore
Ms. Nancy Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Palmieri
Mrs. Virginia Peterson
Wells Financial Partners, LLC
The Winchester Hospital family would like to
acknowledge Dr. Gary Goldfarb and Deanne
Dorn who passed away in the past year.
In memory of Ellen E. Doenges
Ms. Linda Magaldi
In memory of Deanne Dorn
Sunny and Jonathan Adler
L. Popkewitz Alper
The American College Of
Physician Executives
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. Jose D. Angeles
Mr. Scott Bannett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Black
Mrs. Ann Blackham
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Boeglin
Mr. and Mrs. David Brezniak
Mr. and Mrs. June Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Buscemi
Mr. Jack Carroll and Mrs. Fran Lipson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Casalinuovo
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cherney
Mr. Nicholas Cirillo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Cohen
Ms. Jennifer Coplan
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cushner
Philip D. Cutter, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Effron
Mr. David English
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fallick
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fallon
Dr. Helene E. Feiler
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Fields
Dr. Gary Goldfarb
Dr. Goldfarb was a beloved pediatrician who practiced medicine
for more than 30 years. He was a valued member of the
hospital’s medical staff who loved his profession and adored
his patients. He will always be remembered for his warmth and
caring for hundreds of Winchester Hospital’s youngest patients.
Deanne Dorn
Pictured with her grandson Charlie Jones, Deanne Dorn was
involved with the hospital for more than 30 years. She touched
the lives of many within the hospital family. Her dedication and
commitment in her service as a corporator and director of the
Winchester Hospital Foundation was unwavering.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Fineberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. John Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Flanagan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Fossier
Ms. Joanne Frolich
Ms. Carole Bosman Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goldberg
Dr. and Mrs. Brian M. Golden
Greater Boston Knitting Guild
Michelle Greenberg
Edward M. Haley, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Herbert
Highland Healthcare Associates, IPA
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hirschfeld
Mrs. Andrea Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jacobson
Marie B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jones
Ms. Merideth Joy
Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Kaplan
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Kermond
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kingsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lamson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Leader
Ms. Rosemary Leeming
Mark Lichtenstein
The Lodge Family
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mahlowitz
Nancy Mazonson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. McNulty
The Nancy S. Hodin Trust
Ms. Judith Neitherman and
Mr. Robert Dockser
Dr. Richard D. Norberg
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Oshin
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pedlikin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Provost, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Reddy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rosenthal
Peter and Maureen Rotolo
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rubinovitz
Schwab Charitable Fund
Ms. Elinor Shankman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Silverman
Ms. Carol Silverstone
Nancy Simpson-Banker
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Smith
Mr. Jonathan J. Sobel, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Steinburg
Ms. Jamie Stevens
Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Suskind
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Taylor
Patricia Thompson
Mr. Martin Thrope
Dr. and Mrs. Jean-Charles Toussaint
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Visnick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiner
Mr. and Mr. Clifford Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Welch
Ms. Helen Werngren
Wilmington Pediatrics, Inc.
Woburn Medical Associates, PC
Woburn Nephrology Associates, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wolk
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Zabin
In memory of John H. Druker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Powers
In memory of Denis D. Dugas
Ms. Patricia Buchan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Canney
Capone Iron Corporation
Mrs. Joan Constantine
Ms. Mary Ellen Dargie
Mrs. Marjorie E. Dugas
Edward F. Sennott Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Fulchini
Mary Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. William Katinoglou
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Keefe
Ms. Margaret Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laskey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merrill
Mountview Prop. Owners Association
Ms. Doris Robertson
Ms. Paulette M. Shea
Ms. Susan Sheppard
Mr. William Swanson and
Ms. Susan Decolaines
Winchester Hospital
Ambulatory Care Unit
Winchester Hospital Pain Management
In memory of Richard Dunn
Kathleen Fitzgerald
In memory of Deborah Elmstrom
Mr. Phillip Chockley
Mr. Raymond D. Crane
Mr. Thomas P. Cronin, III
Harvard University Employees
Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Lawton
Longfellow Financial, LLC
Ms. Carol A. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pershan
Thomson Reuters
In memory of Donna L. Farrow
Winchester Hospital Cardiac Unit
In memory of Mark J. Fitzgerald
Mr. James R. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Libman
Ms. Cynthia Robtoy
In memory of Dr. Thomas A.
Pediatricians, Inc.
In memory of Betty Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Huebner
In memory of Barbara F. Fowle
Chona Guiang, MD
In memory of Ray Frost
Ms. Loreen E. Frost
In memory of Mary Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Anderson
Blueprint Medicines
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carnevale
Mr. and Mr. Robert Carr, Jr.
Dr. Nancy Chun and Mr. Sung Chun
Ms. Virginia Cleary
Ms. Rosemary Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Crockett
Ms. Patricia E. Diskes
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Faulkner
Ms. Marilyn Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Flynn
The Gallant Golf Group
Mr. and Mrs. James Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gallant
Mr. Thomas Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. Riccardo P. Gentile
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gregory
Mr. John Kohut
Ms. Norma J. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marcovecchio
Mr. Michael P. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Parr
Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce
Ms. Marilyn L. Stackhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Aurel Thibodeau
Ms. Ann Tompkins
Ms. Mary Videtto
In memory of Leonardo Garcia
Winchester Family Physicians
In memory of Dr. Gary L. Goldfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. Asher Bennnun
Ms. Olga Blustein
Mr. and Mrs. William Breslin
Burlington OB/GYN Associates, Inc.
Burlington Pediatrics
Mr. and Mrs. William Butze
Drs. Kim and George Chatson
Ms. Carol A. Cogan
Ms. Ida Cohen
Mrs. Lori Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cooney
Mr. Robert Costello and
Ms. Carol Burak
Dr. Elizabeth G. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dratch
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eisner
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Eisner
Emerald Pointe Duplicate Bridge Club
Excel Orthopedic Specialists
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fast
Dr. and Mrs. Garry Feldman
Ms. Elizabeth Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Glass
Ms. Norine Glick
Marc Goldberg
Ms. Evelyn Goldfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goldstein
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Goldstein
Mr. Marc Gorenstein and
Ms. Marian Novick
Ms. Carol Hartman
Highland Healthcare Associates, IPA
Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kolodny
Ms. Rose Kraus
Mr. Cliff Larsen and Ms. Linda Koretsky
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L’Heureux
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Liben
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lichtman
Dr. Karen R. McAlmon and
Mr. Kwame Ofori-Asante
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moss
Ms. Alison Moy Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Paris
Anne, Steve and Alex Parker
Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson
Pediatric Associates of Medford, PC
Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Rashba
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rosenstock
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Rotolo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Santilli
Ms. Sonya Saxe Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seder
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Senor
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Silevitch
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Simas
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith
Robin A. Smith, MD
Mr. Sheldon Toplitt and
Ms. Sandra Goldsmith
Winchester Hospital Medical and
Allied Health Professionals
Winchester Hospital Mother Baby Unit
Woburn Pediatric Associates
Mr. David R. Zeidman
Ms. Ruth Zeidman
In memory of Cheryl Gorton
Ms. Kimberly Jayasinghe
In memory of Virginia Hanson
Ms. Katherine Hammond
In memory of Logan Heffron
Nancy J. Heffron
In memory of Mr. William Hicks
Mrs. Mary Klayda
In memory of Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Andreadis
Mr. and Mrs. James Braithwaite
Ms. Paula Decaro-Copley
Ms. Margaret Fleming
Kan Am Services, LP
The Kranzdorf Family Foundation
Ms. Phyllis R. Noonan
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Radford
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Saunders
In memory of Virginia Janson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bairnsfather
Mr. Frederick W. Booth
Ms. Martha P. Bund
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Truman S. Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delaney
Ms. Karen Kirwan
Ms. Barbara J. Wiedenman
In memory of Mrs. Florence Jenks
Maribeth and John Canning
Mr. and Mrs. John Gerien
Highland Healthcare Associates, IPA
Anne Lang and John Talbot
Dale Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Moccia
Kathy and Frank Schuler
In memory of June Kelleher
Jeanne K. Phillips
In memory of Morin Keltgen
Ms. Debra A. Marr, RN
In memory of Viola Kray
Mr. and Mrs. John Kula
South End Italian Club, Inc.
In memory of MaryAnn LaRosa
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Devasto
In memory of Norman Lavoie
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bower
Karen M. Chepulis
Mr. David English
Mr. James A. Kiley
Ms. Fanny Martinez
Specialized Roofing Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiebold
In memory of Antonio Lima
Ms. Paula Abreu
In memory of Sylvia Macaulay
Mr. Bruce A. Macaulay
In memory of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard C. MacFarland
Julieane Hurley
In memory of Eileen MacKay
Kathleen Fitzgerald
Ms. Charlene Szloch, RN
In memory of Joseph P. Mahoney, Jr.
The Winton Club
In memory of Marjorie Main
The Winton Club
In memory of John Marshall
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Ghareeb
In memory of Mary B. Mastrangelo
Cobham Sensor Systems
In memory of Mr. and
Mrs. James F. McAvoy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baron
In memory of Frances McCool
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fox
Ms. Frances E. Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wainer
In memory of Martha McGarry
The Winton Club
In memory of Daniel McMahan
Ms. Lois M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Corey
Ms. June E. Saunders
Mr. Peter Tenaglia and
Ms. Maureen Tenaglia
In memory of Betty S. McVicar
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McVicar
In memory of Michael Moyniham
Tina Crognale
In memory of Natalie R. Murphy
Mr. Richard Bonito and
Ms. Santonelli Sayre
Mr. Peter C. Dimaria
Ms. Margaret Dowling and
Ms. Maureen Dowling
Ms. Susan L. Ellis
Ms. Mary E. McAdam and
Ms. Virginia L. Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Greg O’Connell
Mr. William Porteous
Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Savage
Ms. Virginia Shea
In memory of Mary Priscilla O’Neil
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Ghareeb
In memory of Abbie Pearson
Mr. David E. Pearson
In memory of Mary Percoco
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Devasto
In memory of Harrison Peters
Mrs. Jean Boyd
In memory of Dorothy Pierce
Ms. Margaret E. Littlewood
In memory of Mary R. Pinard
Mr. Warren Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. David Condurelli
Ms. Doris Difronzo and
Ms. Nancy Difronzo
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hallstrom
Ms. Susan M. Hendee
Ms. Marjorie Hery and Ms. Marie Davis
Mr. Stephen Leone
Ms. Lisa Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. O’Connor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Pinard
Mr. and Mrs. Deane Pomeroy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roy
Mr. H. Michael Smolak
Mr. John F. Zahoruiko
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Zenevitch
In memory of Salvatore Pintone
Carol and Ann Bono
Ms. Paula Clinton
Ms. Barbara Colucci
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiBella
Ms. Alice Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Lopez
Maria Montuori and Vera Ossen
Mr. John Rego
Mrs. Guity Roshan
Ms. Leslie Sarmanian
Mrs. Mary J. Sliney
Drs. Coakley and Trainor, DDS
In memory of Shirley Plouff
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cheverie
Ms. Penelope Collins
EMD Serono, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Gladu
Carolyn Hooper & Family
Dr. Robert F. Kenerson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pesce
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Safarick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schlesinger
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vellante
In memory of Patricia Plumer
Ms. Jill L. Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Feudo
Ms. Kristen Plumer
In memory of Joshua D. Puleo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Puleo
In memory of Marlene Rothmann
Mr. Harry A. Rothmann
In memory of Audrey Sapienza
Melissa Donais, FNP
In memory of Edward Sarno
Ms. Irene P. Catania
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Desmond
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmonds
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Green
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tyler
In memory of Laura Scott
Mr. Thomas McGough
Ms. Irma M. McGuff
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McGuff
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Selian
Mrs. Laura M. Ventimiglia
In memory of Peter Sentas
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Banos
JoAnne and Tom Doherty & Family
Nancy and John Geljookian & Family
Sue and Pete Haimeling & Family
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Killilea
Carol and George Quinn & Family
Brenda and Scott Sutherland & Family
Tom and Ann Marie Tower & Family
In memory of Alma Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Campanella
Ms. Lenore Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore P. Falzone
Ms. Theresa Fiore
Melissa and Marty Hines
Gail and Evelyn Hoenig
Ms. Ruth E. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. David Lundgren
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Myers
Portland Maine Baseball, Inc.
Mr. Charles F. Russo and
Mrs. Lisamarie Russo
Jennifer Toce
In memory of Alma Shuhan
Ms. Linda Reppucci
In memory of Linda R. Sinclair
Ms. Jessica Forrest
In memory of Jeanette A. Smith
Ms. Dorothy Coughlin
In memory of Sheila Sullivan
Kate Lane
In memory of Connie Tagliarino
Winchester Family Physicians
In memory of Eleanor Tarmey
Mrs. Marion P. Joyce
In memory of Barbara Thomas
Mr. Heinz Altherr
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benoit
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Brassard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cannizaro
Mr. Robert F. Davis
Mr. Anthony L. Duskey
Mr. Peter Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Genest
Mr. and Ms. Bryadon Guild
Ms. Elaine Gustafson
Ms. Bonney Hunt
Hunt’s Photo & Video
Mr. Don Hyde
Ms. Jacqulyn Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kazmierczak
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. King
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin
Ms. MaryEllen Matthew
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Okeson
Ms. Virginia Paul
Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Pohlman
Mr. Edward Raymond
Mr. Neal Rich and Ms. Joan Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Al Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Robinson
Ms. Constantina Stringos
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Suffredini
Wealth Management Group
Mr. and Mrs. George Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weiner
Mr. Charles Wills
In memory of Barbara
and James Trafton
Ms. Sheila Trafton
In memory of Diane Trio
Marion G. Crandall
Mr. Kevin J. Dewey
John J. McGlynn Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lombardelli
Mr. Daniel Quattrocchi and
Ms. Susan Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Quattrocchi
Mr. Michael Salvo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Trio
In memory of Edward Urquhart
Ms. Mary Jane Bergman
Ms. Carroll J. Callahan
Mr. Carl G. Caplan and
Mrs. Shirley Levinson
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Carilli
Ms. Barbara L. Kolodner
Ms. Shirley S. Langford
Ms. Janet Loucks
Mr. and Mrs. John Lydstone
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Netten
Ms. Maureen E. Noone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliveira
Ms. Ellen Prager
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Puleo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schellenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Skelley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Surmach
Mrs. Margaret E. Tivnan
Ms. Norma J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wood
In memory of Thomas J. Wardan
Mr. Norman Berkowitz
Ms. Linda M. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dipersio
Ms. Ann M. Doyle
Ms. Dorris Doyle
Ms. Victoria Gamage
Ms. Diane Golini
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Golini
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kaslauskas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kenny
Ms. Mary T. Marquebreuck
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Osgood
Ms. Ruth Penney
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sand
Mr. Thomas Violette
Ms. Wanda Wardan
In memory of Paula Wells
Professor Emeritus Dr. John C.Wells
In memory of Anne M. Whelton
Mr. John F. Whelton
In memory of Robert Whitman
The Winton Club
In memory of Charlie Whitten
Marion G. Crandall
In memory of Carroll William
Kathleen Fitzgerald
In memory of Marion Wright
Kathleen Fitzgerald
In memory of Lavina Wadsworth
The Winton Club
In memory of Clayton W. Tiffany
Dr. Peter and Nora Tiffany
Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of our donor lists. Please contact
the Winchester Hospital Foundation at (781) 756-2156 with questions or concerns.
The McDonough Fund – An Investment in Our Employees
The James F. McDonough, MD Fund for Nurse Education and Development
provides educational scholarships to qualified nurses seeking to expand their
knowledge and advance in their field. The late Dr. McDonough, a Winchester
Hospital physician, was known for his deep appreciation of and respect for the
nursing profession. The fund was established as a way for grateful community
members to memorialize this much-admired doctor.
Since its inception, the McDonough Fund has raised more than $2 million and
provided financial support for 35 Winchester Hospital employees who have
earned nursing degrees and four employees currently enrolled in the program
who will graduate by 2013. The fund has contributed to the Winchester
Hospital-based Simmons College BSN and MSN programs, benefiting more
than 20 nurses. It also has provided reimbursement to more than 150 registered
nurses who have achieved certification in their specialty areas.
For the past ten years, the James F.
McDonough, MD Golf Classic has been
the fund’s main fundraising event. This
year’s friendly competition was held at the
Winchester Country Club and raised more
than $190,000, bringing the running total
to nearly $2.2 million. We are grateful to
everyone who supported the 2011 Golf
Classic and to our nursing staff.
Justin Vallas, RN, who works in Winchester Hospital’s
emergency room, wanted to give back to the James
F. McDonough, MD Fund for Nurse Education and
Development, which provided the financial support
that allowed him to earn a nursing degree. Justin
decided that volunteering at this year’s McDonough
Fund Golf Classic would be an ideal way to show
his appreciation.
Justin, who holds a bachelor’s degree in health
education, had been working as an EMT in Winchester
Justin Vallas, RN
Hospital’s Emergency Department for several years,
doing “hands-on clinical stuff,” he said. He loved the work and when he learned
of the McDonough Fund, he applied.
“It changed my life,” Justin said. “I couldn’t have gone through school without
the Fund’s support. I know I wouldn’t have been able to retain as much if I
was going to school and working full time. You have to keep your grades up to
receive full reimbursement and the financial assistance allowed me to work
part-time, which helped me stay focused on my studies.”
Justin graduated from Salem State College in May, passed the boards in July,
and started working as an emergency department nurse the next week. “I
jumped right in,” he said.
“The doctors, nurses and technicians are like my second family. Everyone is so
nice; there are no big egos. I am so lucky because I love my job.”
2011 Golf Classic Winners (left to right)
John Weaver, Dick Willett, Steve Kovacks
(all of DiGiorgio Associates Inc.) and
Bryan Meehan of Winchester Hospital
Justin is now focused on his next goal – to play in the 2012 McDonough Golf
Classic. “I’m starting to raise money so I can participate and contribute to a
great cause.”
James F. McDonough, MD
Golf ClassiCc
Exclusive Tournament Sponsor
DiGiorgio Associates Inc./Monitor Builders Inc.
Gold Sponsors
Armstrong Ambulance
athenahealth, Inc.
Bank of America
Barrell Plumbing
Beacon Grille, Woburn, MA
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Marilyn R. Capek, MD
Children’s Hospital Boston
Digestive Health Associates
DiGiorgio Associates Inc. /
Monitor Builders Inc.
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Dr. Arlan Fuller / Dr. Richard Weiner
Dr. Richard Iseke / David Leland
IKON Office Solutions
John Moriarty & Associates, Inc.
LifeLine Ambulance Service
Barry and Deb McDonough
MEC Electrical Contractors, Inc.
& MEC Technologies
Mechanical Construction & Services, Inc.
Michael Shea Co., Inc.
New England Rehabilitation Hospital
Owens & Minor
Parris & Associates, Inc.
Salter HealthCare
Sodexo Healthcare Services
Strata Pathology Services, Inc.
Stratford Associates
Drs. Richard and Ann Toran
Winchester Hospital Radiation Oncology Center
Woodbriar of Wilmington /
Windsor Place of Wilmington
Silver Sponsors
J&M Brown Company
Linc Health
Orthopaedics Plus
Seaman DiCarlo General Contractors, Inc.
W.B. Mason Co.
Nurses Helping Nurses – Locally and Globally
Thanks to $2,100 from the Magnet Nurses’ Charitable Fund, last May Winchester
Hospital IV Therapy nurse Tracy Nadolny-Burton was able to lead fifteen premed students from Boston University to Punta Gorda, Belize. This would be the
students’ first clinical experience and Tracy’s role was clinical instructor, leader
and unofficial mom/nurse for the students whose ages ranged from 20-24.
It was a busy week. They visited seven schools, performing health screenings
and nutrition education for 1,200 children. They even built a playground. In the
village, the group tended to wounds and minor health issues, and screened
residents for hypertension and diabetes, the number one killer in the country.
“We can’t pin down why diabetes is such a problem,” Tracy said. “The people
aren’t overweight. They don’t have cars and they walk everywhere.” To help with
research, she plans to write a paper through Boston University, based on data
the group collected.
They also identified needed equipment, supplies and medicines. “The hospitals
and clinics were in deplorable condition with nothing in them. Back home I can
grab any piece of equipment, anything I need. It made me realize how fortunate
we are.
“The people were poor but happy and very welcoming. The children would climb
into your lap and hug you. And this was the greatest bunch of students!
“I am grateful to the Magnet Nurses’ Charitable Fund for allowing this amazing
trip to happen,” Tracy said. “I could never have done it on my own.”
Winchester Hospital nurses created the Magnet Nurses’ Charitable Fund in
2005 to support the hospital’s strong tradition of nurses helping nurses while
providing a philanthropic platform to support the Magnet mission. The Fund,
which has raised more than $83,000 since its inception, allows donors to give
in a meaningful way, directly impacting the health of people at home and around
the world. In addition to mission trips to less developed countries, funds have
provided for education through conferences and mobile libraries, and money for
medicine, equipment and supplies.
I am grateful to the
Magnet Nurses’
Charitable Fund for
allowing this
amazing trip
to happen.
– Tracy Nadolny-Burton, RN
The Winton Club Support
In May 2010, The Winton Club donated $110,000 to Winchester Hospital. At the
time, Club president Gail Canzano said, “Despite this challenging economy, we
always hope for the best…” Well, the economy wasn’t less challenging this year but
The Winton Club was undaunted. In May 2011 they donated $125,000 – $15,000
more than the year before. Canzano credits the hard work of club members and
strong support of hospital employees. “We pushed hard,” she said, “and it paid off.”
The money was earmarked for two sites at the new Center for Cancer Care at
620 Washington Street: $115,000 was donated to help with the creation of
a healing garden, scheduled for completion next summer, and the remaining
$10,000 was donated to A Caring Place, the hospital’s resource for wigs and head
coverings, prosthesis, intimate apparel and other items for oncology patients.
(Left to right) Winchester Hospital Foundation
Vice President Maribeth Canning, Winchester
Hospital President and CEO Kevin Smith
and The Winton Club President Gail Canzano
The Winton Club raised money through Winton Gift Shop sales, the holiday fair
and the annual Cabaret. Members worked to increase Cabaret sponsorships and
acquire more ads for the program book. In addition, the volunteers
continued in their efforts to increase gift shop sales by offering
diverse selections, new items and reasonable prices.
“Our members are highly motivated to work as hard as they can,”
Canzano explained. “What comes through loud and clear for all of
us is that Winchester Hospital always thinks in terms of treating
the whole person, not just the ‘patient.’ That makes such a big
difference. That concern extends not only for the person being
treated but to the entire family. We are so lucky to have a
community hospital of this caliber.”
The Winton Club celebrates 100 years.
Winchester Hospital’s annual Gala, One Shining Night,
was held on December 3, 2011 at the Westin Waterfront
Hotel in Boston. The success of this event would not
be possible without our loyal sponsors and guests who
join us each year in support of Winchester Hospital’s
Center for Cancer Care. This year’s Gala was especially
memorable and festive as the Center for Cancer Care has opened and is providing a peaceful and
pleasing environment with state-of-the-art therapies, technologies, and care, all housed in one
location. Gala guests celebrated the Center’s opening and the season with flair and good cheer.
We acknowledge with sincere thanks the generosity of our Gala sponsors, the auction donors
whose unique live and silent auction donations resulted in spirited bidding, and the hard work
of our energetic Gala Committee. The enduring support of our many friends directly benefits
Winchester Hospital and helps us to remain the provider of award-winning care, close to home.
Our steadfast supporters and treasured partners for the 2011 Gala are listed below (as of
September 30, 2011). With their help, the Gala raised more than $350,000 for the Center for
Cancer Care and our cancer patients.
Shooting Stars
Rising Stars
The Beacon Grille, Woburn, MA
John Moriarty & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Neil
Winchester Laboratory Associates, PC
and Strata Pathology Services, Inc.
A.J. Martini, Inc.
Action Ambulance Service, Inc.
Dr. Jonathan and Sunny Adler
Affiliates in Footcare, PC
Armstrong Ambulance Service
Drs. Bernstein, Bowker, Finger, and King
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Bonnell Ford
Boston Wireless
Commonwealth Surgical Associates
Cooley Manion Jones, LLP
Dr. Arlan and Alice Fuller
Eaton Vance
Shining Stars
Jeannine Barrett and John Martin
Ann Blackham and Ann Norberg
Darina Gilley Chesterton and Andrew Chesterton
Middlesex Surgical Associates
North Shore Radiological Associates
Winchester Co-operative Bank
In Memory of Sumner Andrews
Wingate Healthcare
Woodbriar of Wilmington Rehab & Skilled Nursing/
Windsor Place Assisted Living
(Left to right) One Shining Night Gala Chairs
Jeannine Barrett and Darina Gilley Chesterton
Eighty Eight Montvale Avenue Realty Trust
Excel Orthopedic Specialists
Gorgeous Fabrics
Dr. Rick Iseke and Ms. Margaret Pothier
Drs. Lawner, Lui, and Rolfs
Karen and David Leland
LifeLine Ambulance Service
Dale Lodge
Martini Insurance Agency, Inc.
Deb and Barry McDonough
Murtha Cullina, LLP and Allen & Major Associates, Inc.
Mystic Valley Urological Associates, Inc.
Palomar Medical Technologies
Salter HealthCare
Shanahan Real Estate Group
Kevin Smith and Molly Jenks
Stoneham Bank
Eike and Bob Traina
Brenda and Michael Travaglini
Waterfield Sotheby’s International Realty
Gerry and Sheri Weber and Creative Office Pavilion
Wilmington Health Care Center/
Lexington Health Care Center
Winchester Anesthesia Associates, Inc.
Winchester Emergency Medical Associates, PC
Winchester Hospital Radiation Oncology Center
The Winton Club
2011 Corporator List
Jonathan L. Adler, MD
Sunny Adler
Daniel S. Ahearn
Anthony F. Albiani
Ann Marie P. Anderson
Alison E. Andrews
Paul J. Andrews
Donald J. Annino, MD
Mary Ellen Armstrong
Cathy P. Baranofsky
James E. Barger
Ann R. Blackham
Paul Bohne
Celena D. Bradlee
William Breckwoldt, MD
Joyce K. Brisbois
Ellen F. Brown
Janice M. Bubbers
Donna M. Burke
Maribeth Canning
Daniel M. Carson, MD
Deborah Carson
Paul C. Casey
Audrey L. Caulfield
William E. Caulfield
David C. Chamberlain, Jr.
Paul N. Chervin, MD
Darina Gilley Chesterton
Teriggi Ciccone, MD
Dennis A. Clarke
Peter D. Collins
P. Timothy Connolly
Brian J. Connor
James B. Conway
Kelley M. Cornell, MD
Raymond R. Couture
Marion G. Crandall
Joyce M. Cummings
William S. Cummings
Harold L. Cunningham, II
Henry J. Curtis, Jr.
Richard H. Curtis
George A. Deemys, DMD
Sara Delano
Richard A. d’Entremont, MD
Cindy DeRosa
Carolyn Dettinger
James DeVellis, MD
Domenic DiGiorgio
John F. Doherty, III
David F. Donohoe, DDS
Carol A. Donovan
Barry C. Dorn, MD
Barbara J. Doyle
Robert J. Drummond
James Dwyer
Bruce R. Fador
Bahaa Fam
Helene Feiler, MD
James Ficociello, DDS
Jay M. Finn
Jane M. Fiore
Patrick J. Fortin
Robert P. Fortunato, MD
Evander French, Jr.
Karl Fryzel
Arlan F. Fuller, Jr., MD
Albert L. Fullerton, MD
Anthony Gattineri
Louis J. Gentile, Jr.
George E. Ghareeb, MD
Mary Stuart Thomas Gillespie
Phyllis R. Gleason
Elaclaire Gosselin
John T. Gosselin, Esq.
W. Robert Graves, Esq.
Lee Claire Griffin
John E. Guarente
Frank M. Gunby, Jr.
Patrick C. Hall
Mabel S. Harris
Neal J. Harte
Susan Hartmere
Eric W. Hayden
George S. Hebb, Jr.
Edward E. Hicks
Suzanne R. Hill
William P. Hood
Janice T. Houghton
Dorothy I. Hoyt
Richard M. Iseke, MD
Catherine A. Jackson
Daniel J. Johnedis, Esq.
Glenn Johnson
James A. Johnson, III
Marie B. Johnson
Roy A. Johnson, MD
Paul F. Kelly, MD
Clarence A. Kemper
Kathleen D. Kemper
Raymond J. Kenney, Jr.
Barbara W. Keyes
Thomas J. Kinton, Jr.
Daniel P. LaGatta
Edward F. Lamson
Marsha H. Lamson
James Lane
Anne Lang
Brian D. LaPointe
Jason Lewis
Dale M. Lodge
Eugene E. Loubier
Justin L. Magee
James A. Major
Judith A. Manzo
Nance Martin
John C. Martini
Michael J. Martini
Karen R. McAlmon, MD
William F. McCall, Jr.
Deborah R. McDonough
P. Barry McDonough
Ann W. McGovern
Alan K. Melkonian
James R. Miceli
Vinod K. Misra
Joan Moriarty
John J. Moriarty
Helen Morley
Robert A. Muggia, MD
Thomas J. Mulvaney, MD
Peter Murphy
Lawrence M. Murray, Esq.
Anne J. Neilson
Kathleen M. Neuner
Donna O’Brien
Anne J. Ockerbloom
Richard C. Ockerbloom
Barbara B. O’Connell
Catherine C. O’Connell
Gayle C. O’Grady
Gerald B. O’Grady, III
Gerald F. O’Neil
Joan P. O’Neil
Ann M. Orifice
Margaret E. Otis
Brent E. Outwater
Stephen R. Parkhurst
James Peterson
Stephen P. Peterson, Esq.
Joseph A. Piantedosi, Jr.
Margaret K. Plansky
Stephen L. Powers
Susan E. Powers
Frank E. Previte
Charles L. Raffi, Jr.
Christine M. Randazzo
John F. Reno
Suzanne M. Reno
Earton C. Robertson, MD
William J. Robertson, Jr.
Leo F. Roche, Jr.
John B. Roll
Margaret M. Roll
Joy Rossettos
Maureen A. Rotolo
Peter J. Rotolo, MD
Samuel Rotondi, Esq.
Elizabeth Sabounjian
Richard H. Salter
Marcia S. Saltmarsh
Sherman W. Saltmarsh, Jr.
Nancy P. Saundreuter
Dennis S. Sargent
Richard H. Sayre
Margaret P. Schleicher
Kathy Schuler, RN
Peter J. Segerstrom
John G. Shack, Jr.
Nannette Shanahan
Kay L. Shubrooks
Mary A. Skates
Kevin F. Smith
Elizabeth Spiller
Neal F. Splaine
Gary M. Sullivan
John J. Sullivan, Esq.
Mary T. Sweeney
Joseph R. Tarby, III
Joseph B. Taylor, MD
Frank Tempesta
Ellen E. Terry
Julieanne M. Thurlow
Michael Travaglini
Mark T. Vaughn
Jane C. Walsh
Marvin Weiner
Richard Weiner, MD
Mary West
Nancy L. West
Marlene Williamson
James R. Willing
Sally Willing
Matthew Woods
Robin F. Wortmann
James H. Young
Michael C. Zaslow, MD
Ex-Officio Members
of the Corporation
Jeannine Barrett
Dennis Begos, MD
Gail Canzano
David Dohan, MD
Andrew Escoll, MD
John Hutcheson, MD
Arthur Little, MD
Martha McCarty, MD
Franklin Waddell, MD
William Walsh, MD
Gregory Weisz, MD
Mark Zuckerman, MD
Throughout the years, volunteers
have been a driving force at
Winchester Hospital. This year
alone, 780 volunteers donated
more than 60,000 hours at the
hospital. Pictured here is one of
our many dedicated volunteers,
Marion Nee, a former Winchester
Hospital employee who began
volunteering at the hospital
in 1962.
2011 Medical Staff Leadership
Arthur Little, MD
David Dohan, MD
Family Medicine
Richard Toran, MD
Andrew Escoll, MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
William Breckwoldt, MD
Franklin Waddell, MD
Assistant SecretaryTreasurer
Dana Zitkovsky, MD
Mark Zuckerman, MD
William Walsh, MD
Martha McCarty, MD
John Hutcheson, MD
Robert Fortunato, MD
Associate Chair
Keith Long, MD
Associate Chair
Emergency Medicine
Haldon Bryer, MD
Gregory Weisz, MD
Emergency Medicine
Dennis Begos, MD
Associate Chair
Dana Zitkovsky, MD
Breast Surgery
Kelley Cornell, MD
Phillip Gendelman, MD
Oral Surgery
Paul Radvany, MD
Suzanne Grevelink, MD
Robert Muggia, MD
General Surgery
Dennis Begos, MD
Franklin Waddell, MD
Hand Surgery
David Alessandro, MD
Chitra King, MD
Karen McAlmon, MD
Paul Chervin, MD
Franklin Waddell, MD
Andrew Abela, DDS
Paul Andrews
Holly Gallivan, MD
Plastic Surgery
Jonathan Hall, MD
2 Year of 2 Term – Dennis Markovitz, MD
2nd Year of 2nd Term – Luis Valles, MD
1st Year of 2nd Term – Helene Feiler, MD
Dana Zitkovsky, MD
Jane Walsh
Peter Paicos, DPM
Dale Lodge
Monte Kaufman, MD
Pulmonary Medicine
Vice President
Kevin Smith
Najmuddin Patwa, MD
Radiation Oncology
Matthew Woods
Richard Heidbreder, MD*
Sharon Stotsky, MD
Thoracic Surgery
Shalini Reddy, MD
Jerry Rittenhouse, MD
William Breckwoldt, MD
Vice Chairman
Vascular Surgery
Members at Large
2011 Winchester Healthcare
Management, Inc. and Winchester
Hospital Board of Directors
Director of Hospitalist Program
Mohammed Jaleel, MD
Chairperson of Quality Assurance &
Peer Review Committee
Richard Iseke, MD
Medical Director of ICU Program
Joseph Taylor, MD
Joseph R. Tarby, III
Jonathan Adler, MD
James Conway
James Ficociello, DDS
Robert Fortunato, MD
Janice Houghton
John Martini
Deborah McDonough
Richard Ockerbloom
Peter Rotolo, MD
Joseph Taylor, MD
Michael Travaglini
James Young
Ex-officio Members
Arthur Little, MD, president
of medical and allied
healthcare professional staff
Gail Canzano,
Winton Club president
Jeannine Barrett,
Friends of Winchester
Hospital president
Non-voting Members
Eric Hayden
Richard Sayre
2011 Financials
Winchester Healthcare Management, Inc. & Affiliates
Combined Balance Sheets
Cash and cash equivalents
Investments at market value
Accounts receivable, net
Other assets
Investments in property and equipment, net
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Amounts set aside for settlements with third party payors
Long-term debt
Other liabilities
Total net assets
Combined Statements of Operations
Net patient service revenue
Other operating revenue
Total Operating Revenue
Gain (loss) from Patient Care Operations
Nonoperating revenue, net
Operating Expenses
Salaries, wages and benefits
Supplies and other expenses
Health Safety Net
Depreciation, amortization and interest
Provision for bad debt
Total Operating Expenses
Excess (deficiency) of Revenue Over Expenses
2011 Financials
Winchester Hospital
Balance Sheets
Cash and cash equivalents
Investments at market value
Accounts receivable, net
Other assets
Investments in property and equipment, net
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Amounts set aside for settlements with third party payors
Long-term debt
Other liabilities
Total net assets
Statements of Operations
Net patient service revenue
Other operating revenue
Total Operating Revenue
Gain (loss) from Patient Care Operations
Nonoperating revenue, net
Operating Expenses
Salaries, wages and benefits
Supplies and other expenses
Health Safety Net
Depreciation, amortization and interest
Provision for bad debt
Total Operating Expenses
Excess (deficiency) of Revenue Over Expenses
41 Highland Avenue
Winchester, MA 01890
(781) 729-9000
Produced by:
Winchester Hospital Communications and
Public Affairs Department
Shields Design Studio
Atlantic Photo - Boston
and Bill Ryerson
Hannaford & Dumas