www.arkansasashrae.org Volume XVIII, Issue 1, September 2006 Arkansas Chapter Newsletter for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. SEPTEMBER MEETINGS Northwest Arkansas Date: Thursday, Sept 7th Location: A.Q. Chicken, Springdale Cost: $10.97 / person Schedule: 4:30 pm Steering Committee Meeting 5:30 pm Social 6:00 pm ASHRAE Business / Dinner 6:45-8:00 pm Program - School Standards for Mechanical Systems - Doug Eaton Central Arkansas Date: Wednesday, Sept 6th Location: Whole Hog Cafe Cost: $15.00 / person Schedule: 10:30 am Board Meeting 11:30 am Tech Session 12:00 pm Lunch 12:15-1:00 pm Program - School Standards for Mechanical Systems - Doug Eaton Inside This Issue: Page Chapter Meeting Calendar 2 Engineering Tip 2 Student Activities 3 Technology Awards 3 Membership 4 Chapter Technology Transfer 4 NW Section Update 5 Editor s Note 5 Social Activities 6 Student Design Competition Winners 6 William J. Collins Jr. Award 7 Research Promotion 7 Officer and Committee Chair list 8 November Meeting RSVP Form 9 The President s Message By John Hodoway Greetings to Arkansas ASHRAE. We are at the beginning of another ASHRAE year and are building on a record of great success. It s an honor to serve as your Chapter President this year. John Carter has won the Pinnacle Award for raising the most money for ASHRAE research in the entire society. Congratulations to John for a job well done. John would be the first to tell you that he did not do this alone. He had a hard working committee and a generous chapter and that s what made the difference. ASHRAE is a volunteer organization and it is our hard working volunteers that make everything happen. Society President Terry Townsend has made sustainability his theme for this year. Our chapter will have meetings on the ASHRAE Green Guide, the application of LEED to existing buildings, and we are planning a tour of the new Heifer International Headquarters, a building that is projected to use only 45% of the energy allowed by ASHRAE 90.1. We will also have joint meetings with USGBC, CSI, and IES. Our first continuing education event, the annual joint ASHRAE/ NEBB seminar, is scheduled for the 22nd of September. Put that on your calendar. It is always a highly informative session and offers 6 PDHs in one sitting. Our fall golf tournament is also right around the corner on October 6. Our September meeting starts our official chapter year. Our program is School Standards for Mechanical Systems. Bring someone to the meeting with you and let s start another great ASHRAE year. Cen t r a l Ar k a n sa s Fa l l g o l f t o u r n a m en t a t Rebsa m en Go l f Co u r se o n Fr i d a y, Oct o ber 6 t h . See flyer inside for details. Page 2 www.arkansasashrae.org THE RAZORBACK REPORT Month Topic Speaker September School Standards for Mechanical Systems Doug Eaton October HVAC Equipment and Piping Seismic Restraint Guidelines November December January Meeting Date Location Sponsor Central 9/6 Whole Hog Café NWA 9/7 AQ Chicken Comfort Systems USA Central 10/4 Whole Hog Café NWA 10/5 Cool Water Central 11/1 Whole Hog Café NWA 11/2 Catfish Hole Filtration Systems and Applications (ASHRAE 52.1) Central 12/6 Whole Hog Café NWA 12/7 TBA TBA Joint Meeting with CSI Central 1/9 Clarion Hotel TBA NWA TBA TBA Central 2/7 Whole Hog Café NWA 2/8 TBA Central 3/7 Whole Hog Café NWA 3/8 TBA Tour of LEED Project, Heifer International Central 4/4 Heifer International Cromwell TBA NWA TBA TBA TBA Past President s Night Central TBA TBA Batson Bravo TBA NWA TBA TBA TBA ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide Joint Meeting with USGBC February Refrigeration March Applying LEED to Existing Buildings April May Engineering Tip Submitted by Charles Wetzler, PE, LEED AP As mechanical engineers, we are usually responsible for the plumbing part of our projects as well as the HVAC portion. This month's tip applies to projects seeking LEED certification, and targeting Credits WE 3.1 and 3.2, water conservation. It is the objective of these credits to reduce water consumption of the facility by 20% and 30% respectively, when compared to fixture performance requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Everyone is familiar with the 1.6 gallon toilet flush mandated by this act and most of us have our horror stories. Because of these experiences, it is often difficult to persuade owners or engineers to consider even lower flow water closets, and many Page 2 Jim Sadler Fluid Solutions Ron Jarnagin Trane Arkansas Pettit & Pettit TBA Jan Swindler Powers of Arkansas Airetech Corporation Wade Company are not ready to make the leap to composting toilets. So where does the designer turn for water savings? In the 1970s, flow restrictors, which limited showers to 2.5 gpm were popular for hotels, schools, prisons and medical facilities. The above mentioned Act made that 2.5 gpm for showers the standard. So, if your project also targets Credit SS 4.2, Alternative Transportation, requiring showers and changing rooms, you can add either a flow restricting head limiting flow to 1.8 gpm or below, or, for less money, insert a restricting device between the head and shower arm. Even more effective is to restrict the flow of the sinks and lavatories. Standard for faucets on these fixtures is 2.5 gpm, with low flow considered to be 1.8. Faucets which restrict flows to the lower amounts are gener- ally more costly. There is, however, a cost efficient method which is just as effective and works with standard faucets. Several years ago, we began specifying flow restricting aerators on the outlets of all faucets and sinks. At the time, there were few manufacturers, and suppliers scrambled to find aerators that fit their products. Now, with numerous cities and states requiring these devices, there are more manufacturers available. I prefer 1.0 gpm for lavatories and bar sinks, with 1.8 gpm for kitchen sinks. We first applied this successfully on the Clinton Library, and since, on two more LEED certified buildings. Try this on your next LEED project (especially schools). Plug the numbers into the Credit 3 calculator (you will have to user define the 1.0 gpm) and you'll be surprised at the results. Page 3 Page www.arkansasashrae.org Student Activities Submitted by Bill Simpson, - Student Activities Chair The start of a new ASHRAE season means the start of a new school year. The Student Activities Committee has been busy preparing for the new year. Jason Brannen will be serving as the NW Section SA Liaison. His experience with Mini Baja and connections at U of A should help us reenergize the U of A chapter. After meeting with Dr. Nutter and Dr. Couvillion, the faculty advisors for the U of A student chapter, several activities are being planned. Some of those activities include a visit by Jason to Dr. Nutter s HVAC class to advise students about working in our industry and recruit them to join ASHRAE, a joint tour with the ASHRAE and ASME student chapters of a building in the construction process, and a student night at the November meeting. The ATU student chapter hopes to build on the success they ve had in recent years. Their student chapter has appointed officers and is in the process of planning their year as well. We hope to set up speakers and help organize tours for their chapter meetings. A planning meeting is currently being scheduled with Dr. Helmer and the ATU chapter officers to get the year rolling in Russellville. In addition to the traditional student activities focus at U of A and ATU, this year we hope to get Pulaski Tech and UALR involved as well. Historically, many of our chapter members have volunteered their time at Pulaski Tech. Consequently, many of the students who have graduated from that program have gone on to have successful careers in our industry. One goal this year is to organize our efforts at Pulaski THE THE RAZORBACK RAZORBACK REPORT Tech and investigate signing them up as a new student chapter. With their recent ABET accreditation, UALR will be another potential student chapter. The student activities committee has already made contact with the faculty at UALR and hope to generate interest in ASHRAE within their engineering department. One of ASHRAE s main services to college students is our scholarship program. The deadline for applying has been established as October 1. If you know any students who would be good candidates for the scholarship, please direct them to our website (www.arksansasashrae.org) where they can download the application. If they have any questions, they can contact me at wsimpson@trane.com. Another service we provide is career development. If you are interested in hiring a student for an internship, a part-time or full-time position, please e-mail me a description of the position, so we can work with faculty advisors to help you fill those positions with qualified students and graduates. ASHRAE Student Activities is not just limited to college. It is important for us to encourage students in K-12 as well. E-week is February 1824. The student activities committee plans to have a minimum of 8 Eweek activities. That means we need your support. If you are willing to go speak to a class (not just during Eweek), please let me know so we can help you set something up. For more information specifically on E-week, you can also check out www.eweek.org. The list of potential student activities is limitless. If you are interested in helping in any capacity, please contact me. We re looking forward to a great year in student activities. Check out the latest updates to our chapter website at www.arkansasashrae.org ASHRAE Technology Awards Program Submitted by Shaun Hayes Effective energy utilization is just one of several aspects of facility and building design. The ASHRAE Technology Awards program recognizes, on an international scale, successful applications of innovative design, which incorporate ASHRAE standards for effective energy management, indoor air quality, and good mechanical design. The purpose of the ASHRAE Technology Awards is threefold: 1. To recognize ASHRAE members who design and/or conceive innovative technological concepts that are proven through actual operating data. 2. To communicate innovative systems design to other ASHRAE members. 3. To highlight technological achievements of ASHRAE to others, including associated professionals and societies worldwide, as well as building and facility owners. All current members of ASHRAE and its Associate Societies may submit entries. Entrants must have had a significant role in the design or development of the project. ASHRAE Technology Award applications are accepted in each of the following categories: Commercial Buildings (New and Existing) Institutional Buildings (New and Existing) Health Care Facilities (New and Existing) Industrial Facilities or Processes (New and Existing) Public Assembly Facilities (New and Existing) Residential Buildings (New and Existing) Single Family Multi-Family (Low and High Rise) Alternative or Renewable Energy Use Awards are given at the judges discretion. All first-place awards in each category are automatically eligible for consideration for the "ASHRAE Award of Engineering Excellence." Second-place and Honorable Mention may also be awarded. ASHRAE honors only buildings and industrial facilities or processes that are outstanding in design innova(Continued on page 7) Page 3 Page 4 Page www.arkansasashrae.org Membership Report Submitted by James Dayer - Membership Chairman I hope everyone had a great summer! Its time to start-up a new year in ASHRAE. What better way to start the new year, than to welcome some new members that joined us over the summer. We have Arron Cooper from Lowell, Robert Feighl from Hot Springs, Dennis Miller from Fayetteville, Michelle Whillock from Hector, Anthony Welter from Lowell, Kristoffer Knickrehm from Sheridan, and Craig Phillips from Hot Springs. I would like to personally welcome our newest members, and look forward to seeing you at our September meeting. I encourage everyone to keep looking for new members among your colleagues and friends. If everyone would commit to bringing just one or two people to our meetings throughout the year, this could lead to great leaps in our membership numbers. We just need the opportunity to show them the benefits of being an ASHRAE member. A growing chapter is a healthy chapter. As always, if you have any questions pertaining to membership, please give me a call, and I ll be happy to assist you. THE THE RAZORBACK RAZORBACK REPORT Chapter Technology Transfer Submitted by Steve Titus, PE, - CTTC Chair Another ASHRAE year is upon us, and I know we will all pull together to make it better than ever. In my first article as CTTC, I would like to start by thanking Tom Hanlon for all his hard work planning our educational seminars. He has done an outstanding job over the last several years, bringing us lots of opportunities for professional development hours and good seminar topics. Tom has decided it is time for a much deserved break, and I would like to applaud him for a job well done. I think we have an exciting program schedule this year, and we are starting of with a "Government Affairs" meeting. Tim Staley of TME will be presenting a tech session reviewing the recent Energy Policy Act, and Doug Eaton of the Department of Education will be handling the our program on the new academic standards and their effect on mechanical systems. Our September meetings is also focusing Membership Promotion. I encourage eve- ryone to bring some people form your office who are not members, and let's show them what ASHRAE can do for them. For anyone who may be interested, we are still looking for a couple of tech session speaker. This is a great time to highlight our local engineers, and I am looking for participation from as many firms as possible. If you have an interesting application, case study or would like to review a technical paper you have recently read, contact me so we can get you a place in our calendar. In October we are going to be kicking of our Chapter Technology Awards competition. All of you start thinking about projects you have done in the past few years that may qualify. We will provide you with a short form to fill out describing the project, and the winners will be forwarded to Region VIII for the regional competition. This is an area in which our chapter has fallen short, and I am sure that their are plenty of projects that will represent Arkansas well at the region. I am looking forward to a great year, and encourage all of you to contact me with any ideas of how to make this year even better. Tired of endless invoices from your ASHRAE Treasurer? Chapter Website Update Submitted by Bill Simpson - Webmaster The website is up-to-date and full of helpful information! From ArkansasASHRAE.org there are direct links to pay dues, update your membership info (e.g. e-mail address), and donate to ASHRAE Research Promotion. There s also a calendar of events with a nearly complete list of meeting dates and program topics for the year. We strive to keep the content on the website current, complete and accurate. Don t hesitate to let us know how we can improve. Ple ase visi t us at www.arkansasashrae.org today. Page 4 Tired of annoying phone calls about past due ASHRAE payments? Tired of long check in lines at the monthly meetings? Want to get the benefit of all the ASHRAE meetings for less money? Then the Pre-Paid meals program is for you!!!! With the new pre-paid meals program you get all of the above benefits. Members who sign up and submit payment for the pre-paid meals program will receive 9 meetings for the price of 8. This program also helps the local chapter by reducing postage cost for invoicing and reducing the volunteer time needed for invoicing and collections. Please see the attached form and return it along with a check. If you have any questions or would like to know more information about the program please contact Kim Koch at 501-666-6776. Page 5 Page www.arkansasashrae.org THE THE RAZORBACK RAZORBACK REPORT Venting by Chris Ahne - Newsletter Editor W e are going to increase the stringency of Standard 90.1 in the 2010 version so it is 30% more stringent than the 2004 version. This will not be a matter of if we do it. It will be a matter of we will do it. There will not be another option. -2006-2007 President Terry Townsends Presidential Address at the Annual Meeting in Quebec City. NW Section Update Submitted by Benjamin Dye, - NW Section Chair September is almost here, which means, of course, the USC Trojans are headed to the Ozarks. Hopefully, the Hogs will put up a better fight this time around. September also means a welcome break from the sweltering summer heat and time to begin a new series of monthly ASHRAE meetings. I am extremely excited to serve as this years Presidential Liaison for the Northwest Arkansas Section and am also excited about this year s lineup of programs. Steve Titus has done a phenomenal job setting our schedule. Most of our dates are already filled, but there are a few dates still open. If there is a topic in which you would be more interested in learning about, please let me know. Our first meeting will be on Thursday September 7th back at the AQ Chicken House in Springdale at 5:30. As several of you have requested, we are going to try some different locations for the first three or four meetings and may also try a lunch meeting once this year. Hopefully, we can settle on one spot by the end of the year. This year s first program will be on School Standards for Mechanical Systems presented by Doug Eaton from the Arkansas Department of Education. School buildings are undoubtedly one of the fastest growing markets in Northwest Arkansas, and we will most likely see this growth continue over the next decade. Many different types of systems have been designed and installed. Come on out to discover what is actually acceptable in new and remodeled school building projects. Please be thinking of questions you would like to ask Doug. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to become better informed on the successful completion of compliant school projects. If you do not receive an evite this week or have suggestions for an alternate meeting location, please email me at bdye@trane.com. During our first meeting, we will also talk about our NWA Steering Committee and ways to become more involved with the NWA section of the chapter, so be thinking of improvement opportunities and ways you would like to contribute! I hope to see all of you on September 7th! I hope you have noticed the newsletter has a different look. I am trying to make changes to the publication as suggested by the newsletter judging committee. My objective is to gain recognition at the CRC in Oklahoma City as having the best newsletter in our region. During the summer Rick Sellers suggested that I work with Debbie Kelly who s job is graphic design. Debbie gave me some really great ideas and showed me some things that I could do differently. One of my favorite suggestions that she offered was to rename the newsletter to Venting . I thought this might be a stretch for our conservative organization so instead, I decided that throughout this year, I would title my article in recognition of Debbie s guidance. Thanks, Debbie! Board of Governor, Charles Wetzler suggested the idea of providing an Engineering Tip in the newsletter each month. This month he provided a great tip on water conservation. I would encourage all members share your engineering ideas with the community so that we can collectively move toward a sustainable environment. With that said, I would appreciate any tips that you would be willing to share with the chapter. Another feature that I would like to publish on at a quarterly basis is a highlight of our local projects that are going to be submitted for technology awards. I have heard that several consulting firms plan to submit projects this year so look forward to seeing more about these projects. If you have a project that you would like to highlight, please send me an email. Because this newsletter is aimed at informing our valued members, I am always open to new ideas or suggestions. Your comments will be greatly appreciated. You can reach me by email at cahne@trane.com. Page 5 Page 6 Page www.arkansasashrae.org THE THE RAZORBACK RAZORBACK REPORT ASHRAE Student Design Competition Winning Projects Focus On Mixed-Use Buildings Been involved with ASHRAE enough that you may qualify for a D ist inguished Service Award but can t r em em b er ? Keep track of your ASHRAE service history years down the road by recording your activity today on the Biographical Record System at the following URL. http:/ / x p 2 0 . ash r ae. o r g / bio/ Social Activities Report Submitted by James Panasiuk - Social Chair I would like to welcome everyone who is participating in this years Central Arkansas ASHRAE Fall Golf Tournament at Rebsamen Golf Course in Little Rock Friday, October 6th. The 3 person scramble will be a 1:00pm shotgun start. Plan to get there early, complimentary lunch will be served at noon and the driving range will be open till 12:50. Complimentary refreshments will be available on the course. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams, long drive and the closest to the pin. There will be an awards ceremony following the tournament. The course is in great shape and I'm looking forward to seeing you there. Page 6 ATLANTA Night pre-cooling, naturally daylit areas and lowemission HVAC systems are some of the sustainable measures selected by students as part of ASHRAE s 2006 Student Design Competition. This year s competition focused on the mixed-use renovation of the Dallas Power & Light building in a historic area of Dallas. The renovation includes converting the majority of the former office building into residential apartments, with retail space occupying the first floor of the building. Awards were announced in three categories: HVAC system selection, HVAC system design and architectural design. The winning entries in the HVAC system selection and HVAC system design categories are awarded to the same team from The Pennsylvania State University: Justin Bem, Kevin Kaufman, David Melfi, Jon Gridley, Jessica Lucas and Yulien Wong. Their faculty advisor is William P. Bahnfleth, Ph.D, P.E. For the HVAC system selection category, the students selected water source heat pumps, giving the system a life cycle cost of $7,464,000. The system selected calls for water-source heat pumps to parallel the one rooftop unit serving floors two through 20 and an additional rooftop unit for the firstlevel retail area. This system allows for easily converting first-level retail space to a new function, limits maintenance disruption to individual apartments and the roof, and allows for separate metering of retail space. The ventilation systems were evaluated using Standard 62.1 and on their ability to fit into available mechanical room and shaft space. The option chosen was a rooftop unit paralleled by WSHP for residential units, and a rooftop unit serving the retail areas. The students said, The separation of the two types of spaces allows for better flexibility in the system and allows for future growth. The system also allowed for lower cost and emissions as well while allowing the building meet Standard 90.1 without compromising historic integrity of building. For the HVAC system design category, the students designed a decoupled outdoor air system with a parallel sensible system with an energy cost of $4.72/square foot per year. Because the mechanical penthouse on the second-floor roof of the annex was so close to the ground, dealing with architectural, environmental and acoustical impacts were serious considerations. Some of the solutions the students used were: night time pre-cooling with unconditioned night air, and using only fan energy for the retail spaces to reduce cooling load during the day. The students also used a dedicated outdoor air system. First place in the architectural design category is awarded to Alissa Ogen and Sonia Carias of Savannah College of Art and Design. Their faculty advisor is Emad M. Afifi, Ph.D.. The students, who were required to design a mixed-use collegiate space, designed a student activities center complete with student dormitories, a theater, recycling centers, an amphitheater, retail, landscaping and dining space. The entry s sustainable design features included pervious sidewalk materials, photovoltaic glass panels inside the cafeteria, translucent, diffuse light-transmitting walls and reflective roofing materials. The students design also includes a naturally ventilated atrium near the lobby and a naturally daylit cafeteria that is also shaded to save on energy costs. Awards will be presented at ASHRAE s 2007 Winter Meeting Jan. 27-31 in Dallas. Winning student groups will each have a poster presentation to display their projects at the meeting. The competition recognizes outstanding student design projects, encourages undergraduate students to become involved in the profession, promotes teamwork and allows students to apply their knowledge of practical design. Page 7 Page www.arkansasashrae.org THE THE RAZORBACK RAZORBACK REPORT Research Promotion Submitted by Chance Hollingsworth, - Research Promotion Chair One important area of ASHRAE Research centers on improving Indoor Environmental Quality. Following are just a few ongoing research projects that directly touch our lives: Travel - Air Quality and Comfort on Commercial Aircraft Healthcare - Ventilation Rates in Hospitals Home - Air Change Rates in Homes Shopping - Study on Vertical Display Cases Work/ School - Optimal Indoor Environment for improved productivity 2005-2006 President Lee Burgett presents Rick Sellers with the William J. Collins Jr. Research Promotion Award at the Annual Meeting in Quebec City. Little Rock Engineer Earns ASHRAE Research Promotion Award QUEBEC CITY - Rick L. Sellers, P.E., has received the William J. Collins Jr. Research Promotion Award for the chapter research promotion chair who excels in raising funds for research for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and AirConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). The award was presented at the Society s Annual Meeting held here June 24-28. The award is named in honor of Presidential Member William J. Collins Jr., who was instrumental in organizing ASHRAE s research promotion program. Sellers is a principal at Pettit and Pettit Consulting Engineers, Little Rock, Ark. As chair of the Research Promotion Committee for the Arkansas Chapter, Sellers set a new record chapter contribution level of $47,525, and had a contribution per member amount of $181.35, which is five times the society average. The chapter has 262 members, of which 116 supported ASHRAE research promotion. This indicates that few, if any, stones were left unturned during the campaign , according to his nominator. Have you changed jobs recently? Do you have a new email provider? If so, you probably need to update your Biographical Information with Society. We are continuously trying to keep our membership data as current as possible. Please take a minute to make sure your contact information is accurate and up to date. You can navigate to the Biographical Record System through the membership section on ASHRAE s website, www.ashrae.org, or the following URL: http://xp20.ashrae.org/bio/ Currently AHSRAE is conducting over 7 Million in research all made possible through you support of ASHRAE Research. Research that is improving our world, our lives, and all of humanity. Thank you for your continued support of ASHRAE Research. Technology Award (Continued from page 3) tion. An award in a category is not given if entries do no meet the highest standards. The "ASHRAE Award of Engineering Excellence" is given at the judges discretion. The first-place Society Technology Awards and the "ASHRAE Award of Engineering Excellence" are presented during the Plenary Session at ASHRAE s Winter Meeting. Second and Honorable Mention awards are generally presented at ASHRAE Regional Conferences. We are currently looking for early submissions for the Technology Awards entries. We would like to have all entries in by March 15, 2007. This is a real high profile awards and it would be an honor to have Arkansas designs recognized on the national level. I am looking forward to receiving your entries for this recognition. Page 7 Page88 Page Page www.arkansasashrae.org THE RAZORBACK THE REPORT THERAZORBACK RAZORBACKREPORT 2006-2007 Chapter Officers Future ASHRAE Meetings: 2007 ASHRAE Winter Meeting January 27 - 31 Dallas, TX 2007 ASHRAE Region VIII CRC April 26 - 28 Oklahoma City, OK 2007 ASHRAE Summer Meeting June 23 - 27 Long Beach, CA 2008 ASHRAE Winter Meeting January 19 - 23 New York City, NY The Razorback Report is published monthly by the Arkansas Chapter of ASHRAE. Statements made in this publication are not expressions of the Society or of the chapter and may not be reproduced without special permission from the chapter. Arkansas Chapter of ASHRAE P.O. Box 180 Little Rock, AR 72203 President John Hodoway Vice-Pres. Steve Titus Treasurer Kim Koch Secretary Chris Ahne 501.372.2900 501.375.1181 501.666.6776 501.661.0621 john.hodoway@mail.ashrae.org sctitus@aristotle.net KKoch@tmecorp.com cahne@trane.com Board of Governors Charles Wetzler Keith Wortsmith Chris Call 501-663-8886 John Carter (CRC Delagate) 501-666-5463 Chance Hollingsworth (CRC Alternate) 501-374-5420 cwetzler@sbcglobal.net keithw@dashservice.com ccall@fluidsolutionsinc.com john@jcarterco.com chanceh@powersar.com Committee Chairs Membership Student Activities Programs Historian Refrigeration Research Honors & Awards TEGA Newsletter NW Section Social Reception Webmaster James Dayer Bill Simpson Steve Titus Tracy Hayes Miguel Purdy Chance Hollingsworth John Carter Steve Titus Chris Ahne Ben Dye James Panasiuk Ashley Sullivan Bill Simpson jdayer@fluidsolutionsinc.com wsimpson@trane.com sctitus@aristotle.net hayes-tracy@sbcglobal.net mlpurdy@vcaw.com chanceh@powersar.com john@jcarterco.com sctitus@aristotle.net cahne@trane.com bdye@powersar.com jpanasiuk@pettitinc.com Ashley.Sullivan@carrier.utc.com wsimpson@trane.com American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Arkansas Chapter Meeting RSVP For m ROUTING Company Name: _____________________________________ Phone #: ___________________ Fax #: _________________ Signed: ___________________________________________ For reservations to the Central Arkansas Chapter meeting send this form by Tuesday, September 5th to John Hodoway : john.hodoway@mail.ashrae.org or via FAX at 501-372-0482. For reservations to the Northwest Arkansas Chapter meeting send this form by Tuesday, September 5th to Ben Dye : bdye@trame.com or via FAX at 479-3615977. MEMBER NAME (PLEASE PRINT) NOTES: CENTRAL NW ARK September 6th September 7th EATING (Y or N) Please fax this form to the name and fax number as referenced above The meal is no cost to student members, however an RSVP is necessary. All no shows will be responsible for the cost of their meal. In order to provide you with the best service for your Chapter s money, it is necessary to RSVP for each meeting. RSVP for the September meeting online at www.arkansasashrae.org September Meeting Topics Tech Session - 2005 Energy Policy Act - Tim Staley, P.E. Program - School Standards for Mechanical Systems - Doug Eaton Membership Promotion Meeting Sponsor: Comfort Systems USA Online Seminars Earn PDHs With Live Instructors Learn More About Green Buildings, Energy-Efficiency, Leadership Skills and More! For complete course descriptions, visit www.ashrae.org/onlinepds REGISTER EARLY You will earn 3 PDHs/.3 CEUs or 3 AIA LUs for attending each of these seminars. Introduction to Green Buildings and Sustainable Construction Complying with ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004 HVAC/Mechanical Leadership Skills for Engineering Leaders-Situational Leadership® Designing Residential Ventilation Systems to Meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2 Complying with Requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004 Understanding and Designing Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) For complete course descriptions, visit www.ashrae.org/onlinepds Register Early and Save!! 2 Easy Ways to Register: Internet Phone Visit www.ashrae.org/onlinepds Call toll-free at 1-800-527-4723 (US and Canada) 404-636-8400 (Worldwide) 2006 NEBB SIX-HOUR RECERTIFICATION & ASHRAE EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2006 7:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. TRANE MIDSOUTH DSO 19 COLONEL GLENN PLAZA DRIVE LITTLE ROCK 7:30 8:00 A.M. REGISTRATION & CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:00 8:15 A.M. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS ARKANSAS NEBB PRESIDENT Jerry Baldwin 8:15 -10:15 A.M. Mike Spargo SEMCO-Columbia, Mo. TOPIC: Desiccant Wheel Based Energy Recovery Units Test/Balance & Perforamcne Evaluation 10:15 -10:30 A.M. BREAK 10:30 -12:30 P.M. ASHRAE 90.1 ED TINSLEY, P.E. 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. LUNCH LUNCH WILL BE CATERED 1:30 3:30 P.M. 3:45 P.M. Green Building Movement & The Commissioning Process Chris Ladner, LEED AP Tom Hanlon, NEBB Cx Ap Chapter Business Meeting CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR ONLY THOSE REGISTRANTS THAT COMPLETE THE SIX (6) HOUR SEMINAR ARKANSAS NEBB P. O. BOX 15964 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72231 501-753-2311 501-753-9649-fax Email: mcaaicasa@sbcglobal.net 2006 ARKANSAS NEBB RECERTIFICATION & ASHRAE EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2006 7:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. TRANE MIDSOUTH DSO #19 COLONEL GLENN PLAZA DRIVE LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS COMPLETE & RETURN TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS FAX TO 501-753-9649-EMAIL TO mcaaicasa@sbcglobal.net NAME__________________________________________________________ FIRM___________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ PHONE_________________________FAX__________________________ EMAIL_______________________________ TOTAL REGISTERED______@ $75.00 per person LIST OTHER REGISTRANTS ON SEPARATE SHEET) REGISTRATION FEE $75.00 PER PERSON REGISTRATION FORM & FEES MUST BE RECEIVED BY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 2006 (CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST & LUNCH INCLUDED) IF OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS ARE NEEDED LET Me KNOW VIA EMAIL: MCAAICASA@SBCGLOBAL.NET SEATING IS LIMITED REGISTER EARLY ! ! ! ! N EBB QUALIFIED SUPERVISORS WILL MEET THE SIX (6) HOURS REQUIRED ANNUALLY FOR FIRM RECERTIFICATION. Engineers will be given six (6) pdh credits for attending seminar only Certificate available only upon completion of seminar. if completed. Arkansas ASHRAE 2006 2007 Pre-Pay Lunch Plan Cost: $130 per person Includes: 9 Monthly meetings with meals Please complete the form below and mail or fax to the noted address/fax number. Bills will be sent in July. **Get one meeting meal free and express check-in when you pre-pay** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Company: _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Fax: ____________________ Names: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Please mail form to: Arkansas ASHRAE Attn: Steve Titus P.O. Box 180 Little Rock, AR 72203 Or fax to: Wade Company Attn: Steve Titus Fax: 501-375-4628