St. Bernadette Parish 2331 EAST LOURDES DRIVE, APPLETON, WI 54915, 920-739-4157 Parish Mission Statement With enthusiastic spirit and welcoming hearts, we join together in our Catholic Faith to know, love and serve God through worship, education, service and mission opportunities for all. Welcome to St. Bernadette You may come as a stranger to us; yet you are known to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and in His name we bid you welcome; praying that you find peace, inspiration and our friendship in this His house of worship. Stewardship St. Bernadette is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners through time, talent, and treasure. Your generosity to our church makes it possible for us to prepare for the many challenges we face in proclaiming the Gospel. Thank you for your commitment to St. Bernadette Parish. Parish Offerings Prayer Requests St. Bernadette Parish has a prayer chain. If you would like to request a prayer, please contact the parish office at 7394157 or by email at or drop your request in the collection basket. (All requests must be approved by the person whose name is being submitted). Welcome Visitors! We are happy that you have joined us in worship! If you would like to become a parish member, please contact the Parish office at 739-4157 to receive information on the upcoming Newcomer Welcome & Orientation gathering. The next session is Wednesday, February 1st at 6:30pm in the resource room. Pray the Rosary Please join us in church at 7:00am every Sunday to Pray the Rosary. We are also in need of volunteers to assist with Praying the Rosary. If interested please contact Sandy at 739-4157 or . St. Bernadette has an assistance listening system for persons with hearing impairment. Please ask the ushers for assistance. 2 St. Bernadette Parish · Appleton, WI Liturgical Ministers Sacraments 21st/4:00pm 22nd/7:15am Confessions Cantor/Choir Saturday 10:00am or by appointment E.M.: Baptisms Greeter: Infant Baptisms are celebrated during mass or after the last Sunday mass every second weekend of the month. To properly prepare for this sacrament, parents are asked to contact the parish office four months in advance and to attend a baptismal preparation program. The next two-hour session is being held this Thursday, January 19th at 7:00pm. M. Dart Seraphim Renewed Spirits G. Koth A. Mader B. Leonhardt R. Helms S. Humphrey Communion for the Homebound Please contact the parish office to arrange for regular or occasional visits by the pastoral staff to the homebound or shut-ins. Holy Communion is brought by the pastor each month. Eucharistic Assistance If you are unable to come forward to receive the Eucharist, please notify any usher before Mass and they will have a Eucharistic Minister bring Holy Communion to you. Eucharistic Worship Winter Schedule Labor Day Weekend (9/10) - Memorial Weekend (5/20) Saturday……………………………………………………………...4:00pm Sunday…………………………………...7:15am, 9:00am, 10:45am Captain: John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God." The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. Jn 1:35-37 Monday - 1/16 Tuesday - 1/17 6:30pm Bible Study (CR) 8:30am Mass 4pm Rel. Ed. Classes 4pm Rel. Ed. Classes Gr. 1-6 (SCH/RE#) Gr. 1-6 (SCH/RE#) 6pm Tiger Cubs (CAF) 6:30pm Boy Scouts (CAF) 7pm Finance Council (RR) 7pm Women’s Fellow. (CR) Martin Luther King Jr. Day . Wednesday - 1/18 8:30am Mass 9am CH Cleaning 6:30pm CRHP Meeting (RR) 6:30pm Seraphim (CH) 6:30pm Jr. High Rel. Ed. (PAC) Ferris Callies Klister Mauthe Schreiber Peterson R. Rippl S. Callies A. Campbell C. Kubiak S. Stefonik C. Sheptoski D. Jamron A. Jore D. Ferris V. Laundrie A. Goudzwaard E. Jore S. Ferris A. Zampaloni C. Rettler N. Jore J. Benz L. Dolsky L. Martilla A. Demers V. Bressers A. Stewart T. Doney M. Koth M. Kinderman N. Stewart G. Jamron D. Schuh M. Kinderman M. Trunk J. Klister J. Thomes B. Mader M. Adler P. Klister Mass Intentions Jan. 16th, Jan. 17th, 8:30am Jan. 18th, 8:30am Jan. 19th, 8:30am Jan. 20th, 7:45am Jan. 21st, 8:30am 4:00pm Jan. 22nd, 7:15am 9:00am 10:45am No Mass Thanksgiving for returned health For our Seminarians Ronald DuVernay John Schmalz Hazel Taylor Ethel Coon Carl & Viola Sutheimer Parish Members Joe, Adeline & Don Fox Readings for the week of January 15th Summer Schedule Memorial Weekend - Labor Day Weekend Saturday………………………………………………………….…..4:00pm Sunday………………………………………………...8:00am, 10:00am Briski Krause Servers: Ushers: L. Doney J. Kubiak Weddings Arrangements require at least twelve months for proper marriage preparation. Please contact the parish office as soon as possible. A one year active membership is required before planning the wedding. 10:45am E. Behnke Gr. Family: Lector January 21st & 22nd 9:00am Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Thursday - 1/19 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 1 Sm 15:16-23/Mk 2:18-22 1 Sm 16:1-13/Mk 2:23-28 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Mk 3:1-6 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Mk 3:7-12 1 Sm 24:3-21/Mk 3:13-19 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27/Mk 3:20-21 Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Friday - 1/20 8:30am Mass 6:30am FV Bible Study 6:30pm Renewed Spirits (CAF) (CH) 7:45am Mass 7pm Baptism Prep. (RR) Saturday - 1/21 Sunday - 1/22 3rd Sunday in 8:30am Mass Ordinary Time 10am Confessions 12:30pm Jr. High Retreat 7:15am, 9am & 10:45am Mass (CAF) 4pm Mass Capital Maintenance Collection Capital Maintenance Collection 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time · January 15, 2012 3 Religious Education This & That Grades 1-6 Religious Education Classes Monday, January 16th & 23rd at 4:00pm (SCH). Tuesday, January 17th & 24th at 4:00pm (SCH). Jr. & Sr. High Religious Education Classes Jr. High: Wed., January 18th (PAC) & February 1st at 6:30pm. Sr. High: Wed., January 25th & February 1st at 6:30pm (SCH). Youth Unity Night Grades 7 & 8 will be January 18th at 6:30pm at the PAC. RCIA: Monday, January 16th at 6:30pm @ Sacred Heart. St. Bernadette School Our Thanks St. Bernadette School would like to thank all of the parishioners who came out and test drove a vehicle this fall for Drive for Dodge at our Fun Run and Harvestfest. With your help our school received a check for $1,240.00! Thank you for your support! Christmas Poster Contest Winners Congratulations to the following students for winning the Knights of Columbus Council #12269 St. Bernadette Parish Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest: K - Pamela B 1st Grade - Peyton C 2nd Grade - Katie B 3rd Grade - Becca F 4th Grade - Alyssa K 5th Grade - Logan M. Thank you Mr. Zelinski, for letting our students participate in this contest. Diocese News Ecumenical Prayer Service Most Reverend David L. Ricken would like to invite all parishioners to an Ecumenical Prayer Service at 7:00pm on Wednesday, January 25th in the Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral located at 139 South Mason St., Green Bay. This date is the closing day of the eight days of special prayer during the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Fittingly, this ecumenical prayer service will take place on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. You are invited to this prayer service to pray together for the unity which Jesus prayed for so fervently. A social gathering with light refreshments will follow in the Bishop Aloysius Wycislo Center. Annual Diocesan Respect Life Mass Join The Most Reverend David L. Ricken for the Annual Diocesan Respect Life Mass Wednesday, January 18th at St. Pius X Catholic Church, Appleton or Friday, January 20th at Saints Peter and Paul Church, Green Bay. Masses at 7:00pm Interpreters for the Deaf will be available at both masses. Join us for refreshments afterward! For more information contact Tanya at 920/272-8291 or . Dear Fr. Zuleger, It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of 2011! This year seems to have flown by and I’m still wondering where it went! I hope that it has been a good year for you and your family. This season always causes me to stop and consider the good people who bless my life. You are at the top of my list! Thank you for sharing with those in need. Without your donations of time, talent, or goods, St. Joe’s would be unable to continue its mission of “Fighting Hunger. Sustaining Hope.” Thank you for the support you offer. Your giving heart makes a difference in the lives of many Fox Cities residents. Best wishes for a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year! Monica Clare Director of Operations St. Joseph Food Program Sacrificial Weekly Offerings January 1st - 8th, 2012 Weekly Contributions $31,399.89 Weekly Budget $33,285.00 Over/(Shortfall) ($1,885.11) Fiscal YTD Contributions Fiscal YTD Budget Over/(Shortfall) $429,361.99 $441,285.00 ($11,923.01) We thank you for your presence among us, for your prayers, and for your generous monetary offerings that we know are sometimes given in great sacrifice. Our promise is to be good stewards with the contributions you entrust to our care. “Advancing the Mission “Free to Serve” Program Goal $729,000 Pledged to Date $395,863 532 pledged 98-05 Bishops Appeal Parish Obligation Balance Needed $333,137 ATM Collected YTD Balance Needed $105,539 $105,539 0 $15,772 0 Repair School Roof $153,142 $153,142 0 Handicap Accessible School $145,000 $71,121 $73,879 Parish Scholarship Fund $140,000 0 $140,000 Parking Lot Repair $15,772 THANK YOU to all who have contributed! 4 St. Bernadette Parish · Appleton, WI Pastoral Perspectives Growth in Spiritual Life through the Scriptures: by Deacon Mike Madden Part 3 of 4 Part 5: Copy Problems Today, in the computer age, we understand the problems with hard copy written sources. There’s a computer-age saying that goes “once printed, it’s out of date.” Things change rapidly these days. Sacred Scripture has had sort of the same problem. Scripture does not change, but the culture around it does. Culture changes slowly, but over generations, these changes add up. Eventually, the sacred writings no longer synchronized with the culture around them. Human writers, even though inspired by the Holy Spirit, could only write according to their own language and culture and the recognized literary styles of the day. Even if they were somehow supernaturally able to write in some other style, that style would not have been meaningful to the people first reading it. As time went on, the culture changed, and the original writings were harder and harder to understand. These days also we are used to computers, typewriters, and other mechanical options. In the ancient world, everything was done by hand. Copies all had to be handwritten. Errors could easily creep in. The physical media on which the scriptures were recorded also deteriorated after so many years. This forced more hand copying, perhaps by scribes who were not familiar with the original style and culture, and more errors crept in. Today there are sometimes thousands of variants in the old texts available to us, and this makes the job of interpretation even more difficult. The need for interpretation of scriptural styles and customs, as well as the language itself, is only one of the reasons that we need to take care when reading either the Old Testament or the New Testament. There are sections of scripture that seem to contradict one another, and sections that appear to be very harsh or unrealistic. Understanding the styles and cultures of the original authors is critical to understanding some of these passages. Sometimes, however, even more assistance is needed. We’ll consider some of that next week. Part 6: Assistance with Interpretation The Church’s primary assistance in reading and understanding the Scriptures comes from the Holy Spirit. Christ said he was sending us the Holy Spirit to “remind you of all that I have said” (John 16: 13) and to “teach you everything” (John 14: 26). The Holy Spirit has been with the Church since Pentecost and will be with us to the end of time. The Spirit teaches us HOW to understand these difficult passages. This understanding “develops” as the Holy Spirit gradually leads humanity into a fuller and fuller understanding. The recollection of how the Holy Spirit has led the Church in this understanding of the written revelation is part of what we call “Tradition”. The Church has a solid Tradition, that is, a remembering, of how the Spirit has taught us to interpret certain things. Without this Tradition, it is easy to go astray, as many have in the past. The bishops have the final authority over what is truly the appropriate interpretation of both Scripture and our Tradition. This function of the bishops, exercised as a body, is called the Magisterium of the Church, or the Church’s “Teaching Office”. The bishops teach as a unified body, under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Our faith, therefore, is based today, no longer on just the oral teaching of the original Apostles, but on the “three legged stool” of Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium. On this basis, we can be assured today of an authentic faith as intended to be revealed by its ultimate author, God. Next week we’ll conclude with some thoughts about the ultimate impact of studying Scripture. Reflection Corner We're introduced this week to an unknown disciple in John's Gospel. Two disciples are followers of John the Baptist. When Jesus walks by, John points him out to them and says, "Behold, the Lamb of God." These two go and follow Jesus and spend the day with him. We find out in today's Gospel that one of the two was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, who then goes and gets Simon Peter and brings him to Jesus as well. So now there are three who will follow Jesus: Peter, Andrew, and this unknown disciple. As we'll discover in John's Gospel during Lent and the Easter season, this third person is the beloved disciple, the Gospel writer's stand-in for every Christian who follows Christ. John wrote into his Gospel the beloved disciple to highlight the fact that every believer encounters Christ. His presence among us is not some past event. Christ is with us now, and we meet him in the breaking of the bread, in the poor at our door, and in the neighbor we encounter. And Christ is present in the word of God, the Scriptures. There is a tried-and-true method of biblical prayer that capitalizes on this understanding of the presence of Christ. Take a Gospel story and place yourself in it as one of the characters. Read it and reflect on it as though you were in the setting. For example, with today's Gospel you could imagine that you are Andrew. You are chatting with John the Baptist when he points out Jesus. There is something about that man that immediately attracts you. What is it? Can you imagine that in your prayer? You and your friend go and spend the day with him. Imagine what took place. What entranced you that you had to go and find your brother, Simon, and bring him to Jesus? Let your prayer unfold, and see where it leads you. . Parish News Finance Council Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 17th at 7pm in the parish resource room. Women’s Fellowship Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 17th from 7:00-9:00pm in the choir room at St. Bernadette Church. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Cindy Keep at 730-0729. Baptismal Preparation Class To properly prepare for the sacrament of Baptism, parents are asked to attend this two-hour class. The next class is Thursday, January 19th at 7:00pm. Please contact the parish office at 739-4157 if you have questions or will be attending. Pancake breakfast A FREE pancake breakfast featuring The Pancake Brothers! To thank you for your support, St. Bernadette School families are sponsoring a free Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, January 29th from 8:15am – 12:30pm. All you can eat pancakes, with sausage, applesauce, orange juice and coffee. Donations will be accepted. Christmas Lights Wanted REMEMBER, the Rummage Sale Committee is collecting any unwanted, burned out, tangled up or broken strings of Christmas lights for recycling. As you take down your decorations, bring those strings to Church and place them in the box provided in the narthex. They will be collected until February 26th. Thank you! Mass Intentions, Many 2012 Dates Still Available Mass intentions are masses offered for many reasons, among them being, for the repose of the soul of any family members, friends, acquaintances who have died. You can also have Mass said for a Special Intention — for someone living who is sick, in Thanksgiving for something you have received, in celebration of a special occasion, etc. Please see Michele in the parish office to request a mass intention and choose an available date. Mass intentions are $10.00 each. Teen Gifts Update The Human Concerns Committee thanks the parishioners for their very generous donation of gifts for the Salvation Army to distribute. Your response has been terrific as the need is greater this year. Mittens, Hats, Scarves and Gloves Thanks so much for supporting our annual drive for Winter items. The Community Clothes Closet volunteers greatly appreciated the donations for distribution at this time of the year. A parish renew committee sponsors this drive every fall. Cell Phone Found A cell phone was found in the Chapel after the 10:45am Mass on January 1st. If you think this might be yours please call the parish office at 739-4157. . 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time · January 15, 2012 5 Parish News Knight’s Request Tom Stoeger, Grand Knight of Council #12269 here at St. Bernadette will be working on putting together a history book. Anyone who has pictures or stories of our past activities (ie: breakfast with Santa, punt pass 7 kick, free-throw contest, etc.) please contact Tom at or call 920-205-1733. Christ Renews His Parish Retreats Retreats run 8:00AM Saturday to 2:00PM Sunday. Details will be mailed to participants. The Men’s Retreat is at St. Bernadette, February 18-19. Men’s Retreat Information Kevin Kaufman Phone: 585-1532 E-mail: The Women’s Retreat is at Sacred Heart, February 25-26. Women’s Retreat Information Patricia Verbrick Phone: 739-7433 E-mail: St. Bernadette Parish phone: 739-4157 E-mail: Sacred Heart Parish phone: 739-3196 * Registration forms also available in the narthex * My fellow parishioners, I would like to share with you my experience with Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP – you'll hear it pronounced “chirp”). CRHP is a spiritual renewal experience which brings adult parishioners together in small groups in order to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and each other. In April 2011, a friend invited me to attend our parish's first CRHP retreat. Prior to the retreat, my faith had been lukewarm but growing again. When I received the invitation, I thought attending the retreat might be a good way to continue the momentum. I didn't have a good reason not to attend. I went into the retreat not really knowing what to expect. The retreat included some people sharing stories about their faith. We spent time in small group discussions; however there was no pressure on me to participate. I was allowed to be as involved as I wanted. The retreat was very worthwhile and enriching. I think I can say for all of us who have been a part of CRHP that we experienced spiritual renewal and that our parish is being renewed. The next time you hear about an upcoming CRHP retreat please give it serious consideration. It could be just the thing to keep your faith moving closer towards God. God bless you, Tim Stevenson - St. Bernadette parishioner FA M I LY D E N T I S T RY Parish Member JAMES SPRINGBORN, D.D.S. JANE MATHEN, D.D.S. We accept new patients The Valley’s Most Preferred Funeral Home 3212 S. Oneida St. 537 N. Superior St. 831-9905 739-1231 A-S-K Associates, Inc. Accounting & Tax Service Joseph H. Arnoldussen 525 N. Richmond St. 2315 West Main St., Appleton 920-733-9531 735-9366 Anne Siegrist, DDS Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome 224 W. 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