Tutorial on Photovoltaic power converters Mahinda Vilathgamuwa, Geoff Walker Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Gamini Jayasinghe University of Tasmania CRICOS No. 00213J Queensland University of Technology Tutorial content • • • • • • Introduction (MV) PV inverters (MV) PV dc-dc converters (GW) PV-grid interaction (GW) Grid-storage (SGJ) Active power decoupling (SGJ) a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Introduction • What are photovoltaics ? • Photovoltaic (PV) systems convert light energy directly into electricity. • Commonly known as “solar cells.” • Simpler systems power the small calculators we use every day. More comprehensive systems provide a significant portion of the electricity in Australia and in other countries • PV represents one of the most promising means of maintaining our energy intensive standard of living while not contributing to global warming and pollution. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Introduction • The sun, which is the key source of energy in photovoltaic systems can be considered as a huge nuclear fusion reactor that produces 3.89×1020 MW of power having approximately 60000C surface temperature. • Sun radiates its energy in a wide spectrum and the earth’s atmosphere receives around 1370 W/m2 of sun’s energy. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Introduction • All such energy reached at the earth’s atmosphere cannot be received by the earth’s surface as atmospheric gases and water vapour attenuates solar radiation while around one third is reflected back to the outer space and another significant portion is scattered. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Principles of PV cell operation (a)p-n junction with its current and voltage indicated, (b) symbolic notation of p-n junction (diode), and (c) V-I characteristics of the p-n junction. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Principles of PV cell operation Fig. 1.6. Principle of the operation of a photovoltaic cell. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J PV cell equivalent circuit (a) PV cell equivalent circuit with current direction indicating it as a passive device, (b) PV cell equivalent circuit with current direction indicating it as an active source, (c) V-I and V-P characteristics for the circuit shown in (b). a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J PV cell characteristics Photovoltaic cell characteristics with varied insolation, (a) V-I characteristic, (b) V-P characteristic a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J PV cell equivalent circuit PV cell equivalent circuit considering cell series and parallel resistances. PV cell V-I characteristics, considering the effect of (a) Rs, and (b) Rp a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Modularization (a) PV module, and (b) PV array a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Modularization V-I characteristics when modules are connected in (a) series, and (b) parallel a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Modular characteristics (a) PV array with uneven insolation, and (b) its P-V characteristics a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Grid integration of PV modules Grid integration configurations of PV modules using (a) centralized inverters, (b) modularized system with dc-dc converters, and (c) modularized system with DC-AC inverters a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Central inverter based PV power conversion systems Central inverter based PV power conversion systems with (a) isolated DC-DC converter, and (b) non-isolated DC-DC converter a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Central inverter based PV power conversion systems Central inverter based PV system with an impedance source a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J String based PV power conversion systems Multi-string inverters with (a) non-isolated and (b) isolated DC-DC converters a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Transformerless PV inverters (a)Basic elements of the transformerless PV inverter and (b) its implementation with a half-bridge converter a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Multi-level inverter topologies a) diode clamped three-level inverter, b) capacitor clamped three-level inverter, c) cascaded multi-level inverter, d) modular multi-level inverter a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Microinverters Micro inverter based PV power conversion systems (a) basic configuration and (b) topology classification a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Transformerless microinverters Transformerless micro inverters with grid-connected (a) full-bridge (b) half-bridge and (c) three level inverter a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Grid isolated micro inverters Micro inverters with DC-link based on (a) half-bridge converter (b) fly-back converter and (c) push-pull converter a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J DC-link less or high-frequency-link micro inverters Q5 Q1 Q3 Q1 C2 Cin C1 Q4 Q2 Q9 Q1 1 Q10 Q1 2 AC Q4 Q8 (a) Q8 C2 Q7 Q2 Q6 Q3 L1 AC Q7 Filter C1 Filter Q6 L1 Cin Q5 (b) HFL micro inverters with (a) half-wave (b) full-wave cycloconverters a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Microinverter control strategies Controllers of the micro inverter with a (a) DC-link and (b) HFL a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Customer distributed generation sources and their integration to the grid CRICOS No. 00213J Queensland University of Technology UQ St Lucia 1.22 MWp PV array a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Sir Samuel Griffith Centre, Nathan campus 6 storey, 6 star green star Off grid building PV arrays 303 kW on roof, tilted 15° to North 84 kW on Northern façade shades Aircon chiller and cooling towers Two x 200kW DC-AC inverters Two x 160kW Solar inverters Chilled water storage 8 x 400V DC Lithium Battery strings, 900 kWh usable capacity , 3000 cycles 200 kW electrolyser Hydride storage system for 100kg H2 60 kW fuel cell a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Energy flows Electrolyser Hydride storage PV array PV inverter Fuel Cell Battery inverter Batteries Building load a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Progress – Now completed … a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Australia: Falling demand, but rising electricity prices http://grattan.edu.au/static/files/assets/965 a university for the real world CRICOS No. 00213J 5afc0/804-shock-to-the-system.pdf R Both consumption and demand are dropping … What will EVs and batteries do? http://www.climatespectator.com.au/commentary/ electricity-demands-speedy-descent a university for the http://www.wattclarity.com.au/2012/12/a-more-detailed-look-atR real world how-demand-has-trended-over-15-summers-in-the-nem CRICOS No. 00213J Today Demand reduction = Distributed generation Caloundra 2015 a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J PV capital cost less than $2/Wp, even without subsidy (NB this was 2013!) a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Expensive grid connected PV systems? (2015) http://www.solarchoice.net.au/blog/solar-pva university for the real world CRICOS No. 00213J system-price-index-january-2015 R Payback usually under 7 years Invest $5000 for 3 kWp system Generation (Brisbane) approx = 3 x 4.4 kWh/day x 365 days = 4,818 kWh annually If offsetting retail tariff at $0.279 / kWh = $1345 / year. (inc GST) Simple payback in under four years. BUT with new Qld feed-in tariff at $0.00 / kWh = $0 / year. New mantra: self consume, don’t export. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Today Demand reduction = Distributed generation Caloundra 2015 a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Currimundi 3A (as at Oct 14) - 2642 customers - predominantly residential - 937 solar PV systems (37%) - 2870 kW installed generation a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Renewables in South Australia, 2013-14 • • Wind: 22% of capacity, 31% of delivered energy Rooftop PV: 10% of capacity, 6% of delivered energy a university for the http://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Planning/South-AustralianR real world Advisory-Functions/South-Australian-Electricity-ReportCRICOS No. 00213J Renewables in South Australia – future growth? a university for the http://www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Planning/South-AustralianR real world Advisory-Functions/South-Australian-Electricity-ReportCRICOS No. 00213J Local context – ENERGEX • • • • • • • $7 billion in assets 1.3M+ retail customers 600,000 poles 36,000+ km of OH line, 13,000 km UG cables 250 + substations Mix of CBD, residential, C&I and rural network 3,800 + staff a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Local context – Ergon Energy • • • • • $6 billion in assets 500,000+ retail customers 1 million poles 30,000+ km of line Highly radial & sparse network – 70% zone subs and – 50% feeders are radial – 4.2 connections per line km (nat avg 24) • • 35 power stations Extensive use of SWER and Stand-alone generation (sea blue area) a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J LV Distribution networks: “suburban streets” • • • • • Voltages are low – – 415 V three phase, 240 V single Distances must be short – – Under 1 km from distribution transformer Powerflows are low – – Up to rating of distribution transformer (50 – 500 kVA) Losses are moderate to high Voltage drops are the largest (proportionately), up to 6 - 7% a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Approx. 300m Distribution Transformer a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J LV feeder – unverified modelling Va 241.5 V Vb 237.6 V Vc 246.9 V Va 235.6 V Vb 239.3 V Vc 246.1 V Va 247.3 V Vb 247.0 V Vc 248.2 V Va 230.1 V Vb 225.1 V Vc 245.2 V Va 234.3 V Vb 238.5 V Vc 246.3 V Va 238.7 V Vb 235.3 V Vc 247.3 V a university for the real world Va 0.959 Vb 0.938 Vc 1.022 R CRICOS No. 00213J • TransmissionApprox. lineNormal cyclic rating: Pluto > 700 A or 40 MVA @ 33 kV Resistance Moon > 400 A or 8 MVA @ 11kV Aluminium cable used for overhead a university for the real world Mars > 300 A or 200 kVA @ LV R CRICOS No. 00213J Transmission line Reactance • • • • Inductance and thus reactance is a function of line spacing. For a single phase system: Lab = µ0/π loge dab/rm H/m = 0.2 (loge d/GMR) mH/km = 0.2 (0.25 + loge d/r) mH/km d = conductor separation (mm) r = conductor radius (mm) rm = GMR = geometric mean radius of conductors (mm) • • • For a three phase system, must use GMD instead of d • a university for the real world GMD = 3√ (dab dac dbc) = 3√ (900*1550*650) = 968 mm. GMR = r e-1/4 = 0.7788 * r = 5.2 mm for Moon L = 0.2(loge GMD/GMR) mH/km = 0.2(loge 968/5.2) = 1.046 mH/km X1 = 2 π f L = 329 mΩ/km R CRICOS No. 00213J Transmission line Impedance • • • Impedance is the combination of resistance and reactance For the 11 kV Moon distribution line discussed: Z = R + j X = 0.284 + j 0.329 Ω/km = 0.434 Ω/km @ 49° Conductor name Moon 7/4.75 AAC - LV flat Banana 6/1/3.75 ACSR/GZ Calc. Inductance (ohm/km) Z arg (degrees AC Resistance Z mag (ohm/km) (ohm/km) ) 0.329 0.284 0.4343 49.2 0.331 0.582 0.6693 29.6 7/.080 HDC 0.383 0.986 0.9860 21.2 LVABC 95mm2 0.084 0.398 0.4074 11.9 UG 240mm2 Al XLPE Tyree 200 kVA transformer 0.078 0.162 0.1735 25.7 0.036 0.0096 0.0375 75.2 a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J P Voltage drop V • • • • For short transmission lines (true for distribution lines), – shunt admittance (capacitance) can be neglected, and – Series impedance lumped For a simple radial AC circuit VS = VR + I . Z Voltage drop vs. load power is a parabola V Note that for a DC circuit, VS = VR + I . R and voltage drop vs current (or load power) is a straight line. Transfer Capability P P Pmax 0 a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Voltage drop as per AS 3008 • • • • • • • • ∆V = IP.R + IQ.X = I cos θ . R + I sin θ. X = I cos θ . Z cos Φ + I sin θ . Z sin Φ = I . Z cos (θ - Φ) VS = VL + I . Z cos (θ - Φ) I = I /θ = the load current IP = I cos θ = real or in-phase component of load current IQ = I sin θ = imaginary, quadrature or reactive component of load current p.f. = cos θ = displacement power factor, θ = phase delay of the load current relative to the load voltage. Z = Z /Φ = transmission line impedance = R + j X R = Z cos Φ, X = Z sin Φ, and thus tan Φ = X/R a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Effect of VARs on volt drop • • • • The voltage drop for a unity power factor load current is only seen across the resistive portion of the transmission line and transformer impedance. Equally, a purely reactive load will only cause a voltage drop (if inductive, that is, absorbing VARs from the grid) or rise (if capacitive, exporting VARs) across the reactive portion of the transmission line and transformer impedance. The voltage drop seen at the load due to real power flow (in-phase current) can be partially or even completely cancelled by a proportionate or equal voltage rise due to VARs generated by a capacitive load (leading current) in parallel with the load. Complete cancellation occurs when the displacement power factor angle θ (where p.f. = cos θ) is set equal to the transmission line impedance angle Φ (where tan Φ = X/R). a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J AS3008 fig.2 a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Switched capacitor TX line compensation • • VR P The addition of leading VARs on a transmission line – Improves power factor, – Lifts the load voltage – Increases maximum possible power transfer Switched capacitors can be used to regulate bus voltage a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Solutions already waiting – SMA inverters as example Tools for grid stabilization and support: • • • • • • Grid Stability Management – power limiting on utility request Reduction of active power in cases of over-frequency Ability to supply/absorb reactive power during PV operation, and during night if programmed Ability to control cos phi / VAR Stay connected during grid failures (FRT limited) Delivers reactive current in cases of failure And of course generate power from PV a university for the real world http://iea-pvps.org/fileadmin/ 6_SMA_Grid_Management_APVA_UNSW.pdf R CRICOS No. 00213J Storage! Solution #2 Currimundi 3A (as at Oct 14) - 2642 customers - predominantly residential - 937 solar PV systems (37%) - 2870 kW installed generation = 3.06 kW average system size New max of 2700 kVA 1900 kWh of storage = 2 kWh per customer New min of 420 kVA 1900 kWh of storage = 2 kWh per customer a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J BYD EPS-3000 UPS solution • • • • BYD LiFePO4 battery, 2.4, 4,8 or 7.2 kWh 3 kW inverter output power 190 kg, 475 x 795 x 655 mm WxHxD Indoor installation • Available now from Australia PV installers a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Sony, Samsung, Bosch, … Sony Lithium module • 52 Vdc, 1.2 kWh Li-ion, 6000+ cycles • 432 x 421 x 80mm • 17kg Samsung all-in-one energy storage system • 5 kVA PV/battery inverter (240V 22A) • 60 Vdc, 3.6 kWh Li-ion, 6000 cycles • 1000 x 267 x 680mm • 95 kg Bosch all-in-one energy storage system • 5 kVA PV/battery inverter (240V 22A) • 4.4 to 13.2 kWh, 96 V Li-ion, 6000 cycles • 597 x 706 x 1693 mm • 220 kg http://rfisolar.com.au/browse-products/energystorgae.html a university for the real world CRICOS No. 00213J R Playing the market with 3.6 kWh of storage? Buy cheap SA wind power Battery empty, Peak is over anyway Feed into the morning peak Sell your stored SA wind power to your neighbours during peak Send your PV to local C&I rather than store But not at lunch … market tanks at lunch! a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Examples of technology adoption • • • Note slow (dishwasher) vs. rapid (microwave) Note complete (refrigerator) vs. partial (automobile, air-conditioning) Which curve will PV or battery storage follow, and when? a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Many possible LV voltage regulation solutions? • • • • • • • • • • • • dSTATCOMs? Move customers between phases to rebalance load & generation? Re-tap distribution transformers? Add switched capacitors at end of LV feeders? Tie feeders together (mesh rather than radial?!!) Set PV inverters to operate with a lagging power factor Set inverter air-conditioners to operating with a leading power factor Set PV or A/C units to operate as dSTATCOMs Add storage to PV converters … or Air conditioners? Add storage to dSTATCOMs? Work out a better tariff? Electric Vehicles? a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Converter topologies for grid connection of PV a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Converter topologies for grid connection of PV: • Centralized inverters, • String inverters, • Module Integrated Converters (MICs) • DC AC DC AC DC DC AC DC AC AC Cascaded dc-dc MICs and DC • DC AC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC Bypass dc-dc MICs. AC DC DC Focus now on module integrated converters (MICs): DC-DC and micro-inverters. a university for the real world DC DC DC DC DC AC R CRICOS No. 00213J Motivation for Per-Module PV converters Advantages • Per module MPPT – – – – • • • • Partial shading of array OK Non planar array OK Mismatched modules OK Failed modules OK Per module monitoring Incremental expansion Longer strings (upto 30%) Safety advantages Drawbacks • Electronics in harsh environment with PV – Reliability penalty – Maintenance penalty • Cost penalty? • Efficiency penalty? Note that the cost of one additional PV module < $1/W and Balance of System (BoS) now more significant. Advantages and drawbacks must be viewed in this light. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Baseline for comparison: String inverters • • • One inverter, one grid connection, one or two long PV strings Typical specifications: – 2 MPPT boost converters, eg 125-440Vdc, 15A each – 220-240Vac at 3-5kW Full bridge is actually a more complex arrangement such as “HERIC” or “H5” to manage common mode voltages a university for the real world R Boost Converter DC Bus DC-AC Inverter AC filter PV Module etc. PV Module Z. Li, S. Kai, F. Lanlan, W. Hongfei, and X. Yan, "A Family of Neutral Point Clamped Full-Bridge Topologies for Transformerless Photovoltaic Grid-Tied Inverters," CRICOS No. 00213J Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 28, pp. 730-739, 2013. String inverter with transformer isolation • • • • • One inverter, one grid connection, Shorter strings are possible Simple full bridge, with no additional MPPT boost stage required Example specifications: – Nominal 85V or 170V, 25A input – 240Vac at 1.6 or 3.1 kW Paralleling of PV strings permits better resilience to shading, possibly better safety, but Higher currents, and transformer isolation may compromise efficiency a university for the real world DC Bus DC-AC Inverter Transformer / AC filter PV Module TX1 TRANS1 PV Module etc. R CRICOS No. 00213J Module Integrated Converters with AC output • • • • Many small inverters, with one or two PV modules per inverter. Large step-up is required, efficiency penalty. Wiring to PV array is AC. Short strings are possible Example specifications: – Nominal 30-60V input – 220-240Vac at 250 or 500W Larger examples (1kW) and three phase examples are appearing Step up Converter DC Bus DC-AC Inverter PV Module a university for the real world R B. Sahan, Arau, x, S. V. jo, No, x, et al., "Comparative Evaluation of Three-Phase Current Source Inverters for Grid Interfacing of Distributed and Renewable Energy CRICOS No. 00213J Systems," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 26, pp. 2304-2318, 2011. AC filter etc. Module Integrated DC-DC “Optimisers” • • • • Many small DC-DC converters, one per PV module, one single DC-AC grid connect inverter. Our initial work assumed best solution was buck, or alternatively boost (2003-2006) Built and tested two phase buck Erickson’s group (CoPEC) chose non-inverting buck-boost (2008-) a university for the real world Module DC-DC Converter DC Bus DC-AC Inverter AC filter PV Module etc. Series connected Module DC-DC Converter R CRICOS No. 00213J Commercialisation of Optimisers, Maximisers • • Optimisers commercialised by Solaredge (2006-), Tigo (2007-), and many more Example Optimiser specs: – Nominal 30-60V input and output, 10A max, 250W Module DC-DC Converter real world DC-AC Inverter AC filter PV Module etc. Series connected Module DC-DC Converter • a university for the DC Bus The Inclusion of wireless or powerline communications an integral part of the offering. R CRICOS No. 00213J IC vendors support of Optimisers, Maximisers • National Semiconductor (now TI) first offered “SolarMagic” in 2008 • Other manufacturers offering PV specific power or support products Example: ST SPV2010 Interleaved four phase DC-DC boost converter with integrated MPPT algorithm • a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Module integration of Optimisers, Maximisers • Some optimisers integrated into PV module junction box… (Tigo + Trina, and many others) a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Module integration of Optimisers, Maximisers • … and now into the module laminate itself a university for the real world R C. Deline, B. Sekulic, J. Stein, S. Barkaszi, J. Yang, and S. Kahn, "Evaluation of Maxim module-Integrated electronics at the DOE Regional Test Centers," in CRICOS No. 00213J Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 2014 IEEE 40th, 2014, pp. 0986-0991. Bypass DC-DC MICs • • • • If PV modules are still connected in series, most power can flow in series connection. Only the power difference between modules due to shading or mismatch needs processing by DC-DC converters Advantages – Much lower power ratings – Lower efficiency acceptable – Safety + monitoring But – DC-AC converter must again perform overall MPPT – Paralleling strings??? a university for the real world DC AC DC AC DC DC DC AC DC DC DC AC DC DC DC AC DC DC AC DC DC AC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC AC R CRICOS No. 00213J Processing only PV module power differences • • • The DC-DC converters can have – Much lower power ratings – Lower efficiency acceptable Then smaller simpler converters are OK, and inverting modules are a natural fit – But PV Module PV Module Cuk Converter PV Module Flyback Converter PV Module Buck-boost Converter a university for the real world R G. R. Walker and J. C. Pierce, "Photovoltaic DC-DC module integrated converter for novel cascaded and bypass grid connection topologiesCRICOS No. 00213J - design and optimisation," PESC 2006 Module Integrated DC-DC “Optimisers” • Each module only needs to process the difference in current between neighbouring modules. 0.39 3.6 0.66 2 3.6 0.66 a university for the real world 0.13 3.6 3.33 0.39 R CRICOS No. 00213J Not a new idea (2001) – “Generation Control” • T. Shimizu, M. Hirakata, T. Kamezawa, and H. Watanabe, "Generation control circuit for photovoltaic modules," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 16, pp. 293-300, 2001. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Excellent research has continued recently • J. T. Stauth, M. D. Seeman, and K. Kesarwani, "Resonant SwitchedCapacitor Converters for Sub-module Distributed Photovoltaic Power Management," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 28, pp. 1189-1198, 2013. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J • Switched capacitors operated at their resonant frequency (or a subharmonic) to achieve a lower equivalent impedance. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Energy Storage Interfacing and Active Power Decoupling in PV Systems a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Outline • Energy storage – Storage technologies – Grid, PV and ES characteristics – PE converter based interfacing technologies • Active power decoupling (APD) – Double frequency power ripple in single phase PV systems – Large capacitor based solution – PE converter based solutions for APD a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J PV power in a day • • Large power fluctuations present during 11am -4pm period may be due to clouds a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Source: Instantaneous PV power, UQ Centre, St Lucia: 14 Mar 2015. available at http://solar.uq.edu.au/user/reportPower.php?pa=2-2&dtra=day&dts=2015-0314&etp=n Intermittency - How it affects • Isolated PV systems – – – – Might be the only source Demand-supply imbalance Surplus/lack of power Results in voltage fluctuations • Grid connected residential PV systems – Power fluctuations are passed into the grid – Might require automatic tap change in distribution transformers • Large scale PV systems – Power fluctuations may cause instabilities – Need spinning reserve a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Images from http://www.bernardalvarez.com/a_few_things_to_consider_when_buying_rural_and_off_grid_property , https://www.choice.com.au/homeimprovement/energy-saving/solar/articles/solar-panel-payback-times , http://arena.gov.au/project/agl-solar-project/ Energy storage is the promising solution • In isolated PV systems – Possible to match the demand and supply – ESS absorbs power fluctuations – Regulated voltage • In grid connected residential PV systems – Not essential if the grid is strong • In large scale PV systems – Regulate output power – Improve system stability a university for the real world R Image at top right is from http://news.panasonic.com/press/news/official.data/data.dir/en120223-3/en120223-3.html CRICOS No. 00213J Other advantages of energy storage • Load shifting – Store energy during low demand and discharge during high demand a university for the real world R Image from http://www.codaenergy.com/solutions/microgridscampus/ CRICOS No. 00213J Other advantages of energy storage -LVRT a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Other advantages of energy storage - GSS • Reactive power support – Similar to STATCOM – Improve voltage regulation |Vs| (kV) 3 2.5 2 0.2 • Harmonic suppression MV/HV TF transmission Energy storage element Cdc Id, Iq and Iq* (A) Inverter TF Filter Sensitive loads DC-DC converter Reactive power exchange real world 0.7 0.8 0.9 Time (s) 1 Vd with STATCOM Vd without STATCOM 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Time (s) 1 Iq* Iq Id 0 -500 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Time (s) 1 500 0 -500 0.2 a university for the 0.6 500 0.2 ia,stat (A) Cbuf DC-DC converter 0.5 2.5 2 0.2 Distribution bus PV panel 0.4 3 Vd (kV) Generator 0.3 R CRICOS No. 00213J Time (s) 1 Energy storage technologies a university for the real world R Emerging Energy Storage Technologies in Europe. Rapport Frost& Sullivan, 2003. CRICOS No. 00213J Cost ESSs a university for the real world Electricity Storage Association. www.electricitystorage.org. R CRICOS No. 00213J Battery technologies for small PV systems • Lead-acid – Not very expensive – Well matured technology – Low efficiency and cycle life • Li-ion – Highest efficiency and cycle life – Expensive – Popular in consumer electronics, electric vehicles and low power systems R real world Images from , http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2015/05/sustainability-off-grid-solar-power.html a university for the http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lithium-Ionen-Accumulator.jpg CRICOS No. 00213J Battery technologies for large PV systems • Flow batteries – Zinc-Bromide , Vanadium- Redox, IronChromium – moderate cost, efficiency and cycle life – Suitable for large scale PV systems • Molten-salt batteries – Sodium-Sulfur, Sodium-Nickel – moderate cost, efficiency and cycle life – Suitable for large scale PV systems R CRICOS No. 00213J real world Images from http://redflow.com and Renato M, Michael M, Giorgio C, “ZEBRA ELECTRIC ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM: FROM R&D TO MARKET,” a university for the THE hi.tech.expo, pp. 1-20, Nov. 2008 Battery characteristics Rp1 + - VSOC R0 + - Cp1 Rp2 + + - VB Cp2 Voltage (V) A simplified battery equivalent circuit • Steady power for a long period • Voltage drop across the internal resistance R0 • R0 limits the maximum power VI curves for charging and discharging a university for the real world An example VI chart for a RedFlow battery R VI chart for the Redflow battery is from the ZBM Installation and Operation Manual. redflow.com CRICOS No. 00213J Supercapaciors • AKA EDLC • Very high capacity (F) • High cycle life • High power rating Maxwell Technologies • Fast charging/discharging Panasonic Cap XX • Suitable for absorbing fast Saft Epcos Batscap Nichicon power fluctuations Ness R real world http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AElectric_double-layer_capacitor_(2_models)_-1_NT.PNG , www.Maxwell.com a university for the Skeleton CRICOS No. 00213J Supercapaciors model and characteristics (b) Simplified SC equivalent circuit 1 (a) An example SC equivalent circuit e arg Ch rge sha Di Only 50% voltage drop is required for 75% of energy discharge 1 2 Su p ercap acito r V o ltag e (V ) 400 A typical VI characteristic of a SC a university for the real world R 300 Voltage drop 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 Energy (kJ) Energy taken out CRICOS No. 00213J 80 Battery supercapacitor combination • Batteries got high energy capacity (good for absorbing long fluctuations) • SCs got high power capacity (good for absorbing short fluctuations) • Combination can provide both high power and high energy capacity a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J PV characteristic a university for the real world • MPPT is required for better utilization • Output voltage should be allowed to vary in a certain range R CRICOS No. 00213J Grid characteristic and requirements • Number of phases – 1 or 3 • Voltage – regulated (230V, 400V etc) • Frequency • Angle – Synchronization is required • Other requirements Voltage (V) – Regulated (50Hz, or 60Hz) 200 va vb vc 0 -200 0 5 10 15 – THD – Islanding – FRT a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J 20 Time (ms) Let’s put things together Voltage (V) Power (W) Power flow 200 va vb vc 0 -200 0 Voltage (V) I = constant Battery real world 10 15 20 Time (ms) Grid PV module a university for the 5 ( ) SC Time (t) At least an inverter is required for grid connection R CRICOS No. 00213J Simple direct connection PV panel Q1 Q3 Q2 Q4 R0 CSC Cdc VSOC Grid Inverter Maximum power point curve • Strongest element decides the operating point • MPPT cannot be guaranteed • Underutilization of SC Supercapacitor Battery voltage range voltage range a university for the real world R Voltage (V) Required PV panel output voltage range CRICOS No. 00213J Interfacing converter for the PV module L1 PV panel D1 Q3 Q2 Q4 R0 Q5 Cbuf Q1 CSC Cdc VSOC Inverter MPPT is possible • But limited control over battery power • SC is still underutilized • Required SC voltage is large Power (W) DC-DC converter • Grid Maximum power point curve DC-link voltage range Voltage (V) a university for the real world R Required PV panel output voltage range Battery Supercapacitor voltage voltage range range CRICOS No. 00213J Interfacing converter to PV and SC L1 PV panel D1 Cbuf Cdc Battery Power (W) DC-DC converter Maximum power point curve Q2 Q4 R L3 ESR CSC Battery voltage range real world Supercapacitor Q9 Voltage (V) Required PV panel output voltage range Grid Inverter Q8 DC-link voltage range a university for the Q3 R0 Q5 VSOC Supercapacitor voltage range Q1 DC-DC converter for the supercapacitor • Still the control over battery power is limited CRICOS No. 00213J Separate converters for PV, SC and Battery Power (W) Filter • Individual control • Better dc-link voltage regulation • Better utilization and low voltage for battery and SC Maximum power point curve • Better ESS interfacing arrangement a university for the real world R Supercapacitor voltage range Battery voltage range DC-link voltage Voltage (V) PV panel output voltage range CRICOS No. 00213J Connection to the grid through inverters Filter • Suitable for large scale PV systems DC Cbuf Cdc Q3 Q2 Q4 Grid Filter Filter PV panel Q1 DC INverter for the PV panel Supercapacitor L3 Q9 CSC DC-DC converter for the supercapacitor real world Q7 Q6 Q8 R0 Cdc1 Q10 a university for the Q5 VSOC Battery Filter Filter ESR Inverter For the battery R CRICOS No. 00213J Interfacing converter requirements • Buck-boost operations – Buck operation for charging – Boost operation for discharging • Bidirectional power flow • Galvanic isolation – Reduce leakage current – Safely add/remove modules • High voltage gain – Multi-stage systems • High efficiency – Zero switching • Cooling – Liquid, forced air, natural air a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Fundamental bi-directional dc-dc converter • Simple operation and control • Low voltage gain • Requires a large inductor to reduce current ripple a university for the real world CRICOS No. 00213J R Combining two dc-dc converters Q6 Q8 Q8 L3 R0 L3 Vdc L2 R0 Vdc VSOC Q7 L2 Q6 Vdc1 Q9 Q9 Q7 VSOC Interleaved dc-dc converter Two stage dc-dc converter • Reduce voltage ripple • Voltage gain • Power sharing • No ripple reduction • No gain improvement • No power sharing • Reduce inductor size and switch ratings • Controller is relatively complex a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Buck-boost converter Q1 R0 Cdc1 VSOC Buck-boost type bi-directional DC-DC converter If the battery voltage is close to the dc-link voltage both buck and boost operations may be required • Negative output voltage real world Q3 Cdc2 Q4 cascade bi-directional buck-boost converter. • a university for the Q2 L1 • Positive output voltage with two additional switches R CRICOS No. 00213J Vdc Cúkc converter and Luo converter Bi-directional forms of the Cúkc converter • Two ‒ switches, ‒ capacitors ‒ inductors ‒ diodes Luo DC-DC converter a university for the real world R • Reduce current ripples • Require large inductors and capacitors CRICOS No. 00213J Isolated dc-dc converter • Provide galvanic isolation • ESS modules can be added, removed, replaced safely a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Zero switching converter topologies (a) series resonance, (b) parallel resonance, (c) series parallel resonance, (d) LLC resonance a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J SQ1 SQ2 SQ3 SQ4 SQ5 SQ6 A simulation study with a BESS a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Controller block diagrams VPV VPV IPV X PI dP/dV based VPVref + MPP algorithm - PPV IPVref + - PI mQ5 SQ5 PWM IPV MPPT controller DC-DC converter controller a university for the real world R Grid interfacing inverterCRICOS controller. No. 00213J Boost operation Simulation results Pg Pg Pb PPV Buck operation PPV PPV Pg Pb Pb a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Integrated energy storage interfacing • ESS interfacing dc-dc converters add – Additional cost – Power losses – Complexity • If the ESS can be integrated into the grid connecting inverter those can be reduce – It is possible – There are certain limitations as well a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Integrated ESS interfacing – Dual inverter dc-link Idc SMaT PV cell array with MPPT SMbT 1 SMcT SMaB 1 m SMbB SMcB 2 3 + 0 Cb1 Idcx SA1 SAbT 1 + - 1 - 1 SAcT SAaB 0 SA2 1 2m Grid 2 1 1 2m 1 2m 1-k Vdcx Cb2 Lb2 - SAaT + vas vbs vcs SAbB SAcB Auxiliary inverter PA 1 k P M k Auxiliary inverter 1 2m 1 2m 1 1 2m 1 3 0 1 -2 1 0.5 -1 1 1 m 1.5 m 1 m 1 2m 80 Ppv Pgrid Pb 60 40 Power (kW) Battery 2 Vb2 1 1 m ias ibs ics Main inverter Battery 1 Vb1 k - power sharing coefficient Vdc C1 Lb1 1 2m 20 0 -20 a university for the real world R -40 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 CRICOS No. 00213J 0.2 Time (S) 0.25 Integrated ESS interfacing – Three-level NPC vqs 120 020 121 220 221 210 021 110 010 022 122 200 211 111 222 000 011 001 100 vds 101 012 112 201 212 002 202 102 Vsc>Vb 4 Pout Pin Psc Pbl 2 Power (kW) • DC-link voltage is not constant • Filters required for SC and battery • Unbalanced operation • Vector pattern changes 0 -2 -4 0 a university for the real world R 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 CRICOS No. 00213J Time (s) 0.4 Integrated ESS interfacing –Capacitor clamped three-level inverter • Unequal and imbalanced capacitor voltages • Vector pattern changes • Dc-link voltage can be regulated a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Integrated ESS interfacing – HCMLI Power (kW) 80 60 Pout 40 20 Pin 0 Psc -20 -40 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Time (S) Vdc (V) and Idc (A) • Unequal and imbalanced capacitor voltages • Vector pattern changes • Variable dc-link voltage 1500 1000 Vdc 500 Idc 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Time (S) a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Power ripple in single phase system L1 PV panel D1 Q1 Q3 Q2 Q4 Q5 Cbuf Cdc DC-DC converter Grid Inverter Power (W) sin sin a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Power decoupling with a large capacitor 1 2 2 2 • Increase the dc-link voltage to reduce the required capacitance a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J DC-link vs requiredcapacitance 2 a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Active power decoupling (APD) • Ripple port can be realised in number of ways – A power converter in parallel with PV module in the DC-bus. – A power converter in series with the power flow. – A third port connected to the isolation transformer. – A power converter in the AC side of the micro inverter. a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Different ripple port arrangements (a) A power converter in parallel with PV module in the DC-bus. (c) A third port connected to the isolation transformer. a university for the real world (b) A power converter in series with the power flow. (d) A power converter in the AC side of the micro inverter. R CRICOS No. 00213J Parallel power port with PV module (a) A dc-dc converter parallel to PV module, (b), (c) flyback converter • Store power ‒ APD circuit operates as a boost converter • Release power ‒ APD circuit operates as a buck converter • Low efficiency • Required capacitance is still large a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Power converter in series with power flow • • • • Series power buffer can be placed at both sides Placing at the secondary side is advantages Phase shift modulation Conduction loss increases a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Third port at the isolation transformer • Possible to have a large voltage at the ripple port • Required capacitance is low if the voltage is high • Efficiency is low ‒ increased number of semiconductor devices ‒ imperfect coupling between magnetics a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J Ripple port at the ac side • Required capacitance is low due to ‒ high voltage ‒ higher allowable voltage ripple across the power decoupling capacitor a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J A simulation study with a third port With APD PV voltage Input current Output power Without APD Fluctuations are absorbed by the third port a university for the real world Ripple port voltage • R CRICOS No. 00213J Summary and conclusions • Energy storage plays an important role in isolated and commercial PV systems • Battery-supercapacitor combination is capable of absorbing both short term and long term fluctuations • Separate interfacing converters improve the utilization and control flexibility • Integrated ESS reduces power loss and cost • Power decoupling is required to ensure MPPT • Increase in the voltage reduces the required capacitance • PE converter based APD topologies help reduce required capacitance a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J