Reactive Power Solutions Capacitor Catalogue 2016 Reactive Power Solutions About us 3 Havells Power Capacitors are designed and manufactured using S technology. It encompenses product with tripple shield with differential disconnector in the event of any fault within due to environmental compatability. Automatic controlled V ACcum potting of “Element Modules” ensures fault remains localised and protects the installation inspite of hazards. Advance technologies adopted in our “Capacitors” offer you unmatched safety and outstanding performance under Indian conditions benefiting you month after month and every year from now on... Our commitment to manufacturing excellence and providing a world class quality products at affordable prices in creating your industry more energy efficient, now from even wider spectrum of products from Havells; we offer you a complete solution which is not only safe and reliable but also help you save your energy. At Havells “Energy Conservation is our Motto” Reactive Power Solutions INDEX Introduction8-15 Sahibabad Capacitor Plant Product overview 16-21 IPFC Panels 22-29 Power Capacitors - Cylinderical 30-44 Power Capacitors - Square 46-57 Anti Resonance Harmonic Filter 58-65 Micorprocessor controlled power factor controler 66-70 PFC fundamentals 71-83 Reactive Power Solutions Sahibabad Capacitor Plant 4 Reactive Power Solutions 5 Reactive Power Solutions From Component to Solution 6 Reactive Power Solutions Range of Power Factor Correction Capacitors & Components Anti Harmonic Detuned Filter Cylindrical Microprocessor Controlled Power Factor Controller Square APFC Panel Range 6-350 KVAr TORRENT (Splendid Duty) Range 1-30 KVAr 8 & 12 Steps Range 5-100 KVAr CHAMP (Heavy Duty) Range 1-30 KVAr* (Heavy Duty) Range 1-25 KVAr (Normal Duty) Range 1-15 KVAr (Super Heavy Duty) Double Dielectric Range 1-25 KVAr* (Splendid Duty) Range 1-30 KVAr* *Higher ratings on requrest. Banking solution available. 7 Reactive Power Solutions Power Factor As electrical power demand increasing day by day the awarness of the necessity of the energy saving is also increasing. So awarness of power quality increases. The power factor correction (PFC) and harmonic filtering is a need of the hour. Its a way of fast return of investment. I U U I Linear loads: voltage was followed by current. Non linear load produce non sinusoidal currents when connected to sinusoidal voltage. Havells is single window for power quality solution togeather with • • • Application know-how Technical skills Extensive experience in the field of power quality improvement Uninterruptible Power Supply (optional) C DC link Frequency converter Charging resistor M Linear load with fixed PFC Tuned harmonic filters (Aluminum electrolytic or film capacitors) 3~ EMC filter Overvoltage protection • • • A worldwide network of partners Continuous development Sharing of information. Power Factor Correction (PFC) and Harmonic Filtering Dynamic PFC systems Overvoltage protection Passive harmonic filters Overvoltage protection Active harmonic filters Overvoltage protection Overvoltage protection C Output filter EMC filter 250/350/ 550 Hz (detuned PFC systems) M 3~ Power factor Power factor improvement Types of PFC Low power factor (cos f)results in Power factor improvement can be achieved by (Detuned or conventional) • Higher energy consumption and costs • Compensation of reactive power with capacitors • Less power distributed via the network • Active compensation – using semiconductors, • Power loss in the network • • Higher transformer losses Overexcited synchronous machine (motor / generator) • Increased voltage drop in power distribution networks. • Individual or fixed compensation (each reactive power producer is individually compensated) • Group compensation (reactive power producers connected as a group and compensated as a whole) • Central or automatic compensation (by a PFC system at a central point), • Mixed compensation. Important Notes Following points are applies to all products in this catalogue. • HAVELLS is either unfamiliar with individual customer applications or less familiar with them than customers themselves. For this reason, It is always ultimately incumbent on the customer to check and decide whether the HAVELLS product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in particular customer application. • We also point out that in individual cases, a malfunction of components or failure before the end of their usual service life cannot be completely ruled out in the current state of the art, even if they are operated as specified. In customer application requiring a very high level of operational safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of component could endanger human life or health (e.g. in accident prevention or lifesaving systems), it must therefore be ensured by means of suitable design of the customer application or other action taken by the customer (e.g. installation of protective circuitry or redundancy) that no injury or damage is sustained by third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of component. • The warnings, cautions and product –specific notes must be observed. • We constantly strive to improve our products, consequently, the product describe in this publication may change from time to time. Please check before or when you place the purchase order whether the product description and specifications contained in this catalogue. 8 Reactive Power Solutions Power Factor Correction - Components kWh meter Apparent power P Grid S Q kvarh meter Capacitors for compensation Capacitor Power factor correction (PFC) capacitors produce the necessary leading reactive power to compensate the lagging reactive power. They should be capable of withstanding high inrush currents caused by switching operations (>100 · IR). If they are connected in parallel, i.e. as banks, the inrush current will increase (≥150 · IR) because the charging current comes from the power line as well as from other capacitors connected in parallel. Design of capacitors MPP technology Metalized plastic compact capacitors with self-healing properties and a polypropylene dielectric. Film metallization with zinc/aluminum alloy results in high performance and a low film thickness allowing significantly more compact dimensions and a lower weight. Self-healing x 1 4 2 10 1 2 4 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 97 7 6 93 8 1 6 9 3 5 2 4 10 1 r 5 4 2 10 Dielectric Metalized electrodes Material displacing shock wave Air gap with metal vapor Plasma zone Boundary layer between gas phase dielectric and plasma Breakdown channel Gas phase dielectric Zone of displaced metalization and dielectric (isolating region) In the event of thermal or electrical overload, an electric breakdown occurs. The dielectric in the breakdown channel is broken down into highly compressed plasma that explodes out of the breakdown channel and pushes the dielectric layers apart. The discharge continues within the spreading charge continues within the spreading plasma via the metal layers so that the metal surrounding the faulty area is completely burnt out. This produces perfect isolation of the faulty area within microseconds. The self-healing process results in negligible capacitance loss – less than 100 pF per event. The capacitor remains fully functional during the entire process. 30 µm 10 µm 9 Reactive Power Solutions Introduction - Principle of Reactive Energy Management Under normal operating conditions certain electrical loads (e.g. induction motors, welding Reactive Power KVAr equipment, arc furnaces and fluorescent lighting) draw not only active power from the Q = S2 - P2 supply, but also inductive reactive power (KVAr).This reactive power is necessary for the equipment to operate correctly but could be interpreted as an undesirable burden on the supply. The power factor of a load is defined as the ratio of active power to apparent power, i.e. kW: kVA and is referred to as cosf. The closer cosf is to unity, the less reactive power is drawn from the supply: Active Active P = S2-Q2 S = P2-Q2 [KW] [kVA] f = phase displacement Cos f = P/S Sin f = Q/S S1 = uncompensated apparent power S2 = compensated power with Q = S Sin f Active Power (kW) capacitor for compensation Q = P tan f • It is power used by the loads to meet the functional output requirements Power Factor = Cos f Cos f = P (kW) / S (kVA) Reactive Power (KVAr) • It is power used by the load to meet its magnetic field equipments and the requirements of magnetic losses • The reactive power is always 900 out of phase with respects to the active power • The unit normally used to express the reactive power is VAr ( in practical usage KVAr) • The apparent power KVA is the vector some of active and reactive power Power Factor • Using IPFC panel at various points of the distribution network- The power factor is the cosine of the angle between Active power Here automatic power factor correction takes place with the help and Apparent power of power factor controller and power contactors by switching • Power Factor (cosf) = Active power (KW) Apparent power(KVA) • KVA = KW +KVAr 2 in/out 4/6/8/12 steps of capacitor banks as the power factor varies. 2 • kW = KVA x cosf KVAr • tanf = kW Effects of Reactive Energy It is now obvious that both active and reactive energy are necessary inputs in all electrical systems however the flow of reactive power has certain negative aspects which results in the increased cost of electrical systems and also drops in the efficiency of systems operations The increased flow of reactive power results in the following. Adverse condition • Overloading of transformers • Higher kVA demand on system • Higher voltage drop throughout the systems. • Increase IR losses leading to additional heating and loss of energy • Increase in the rating of switchgear cables and other protective devices • Reduction of voltage at the load end Power Generation Active energy Reactive energy Power Generation Transmission network Active energy Active energy Motor Reactive energy Transmission network Active energy Motor Capacitors Power Factor Correction kvar c (leading) Capacitors are most cost effective and reliable static devices which can generate and supply reactive power (energy). Capacitors consume virtually negligible active power and able to produce reactive power locally, thus enabling Power Factor Correction for inductive loads. The vector diagram given aside summarize the concept of power factor correction/ improvement by reactive power compensation with capacitors. kW ϕ2 kVA 2 ϕ1 kVA 1 kvar2 kvar C kvar 1 cosf1 = Initial power factor cosf2 = Target power factor KVA2<KVA1 10 Reactive Power Solutions Benefits of Reactive Energy Management • By providing proper Reactive management system the adverse effects of flow of reactive energy can be minimized • Following table provides some of the benefits of reactive energy management Reduction in Electricity bill Reduction in KVAr Reduction in kVA Demand Reduction in Line Current Reduced Loading on Transformer Reduction in Switchgear Rating Reduction in line losses / Cable losses Reduction in voltage regulations Savings on the electricity bill • Decrease in KVA demand • Eliminate penalties on reactive energy Copper loss = • Reduce power loss in transformers = Example: Loss reduction in a 630KVA transformer PW = 6500W (assumed) with an initial Power Factor = 0.7 With power factor correction we obtain a final power factor = 0.98 The losses become : 3316W i.e. a reduction of 49% = ( ( ( PF1 PF2 0.7 0.98 0.7 0.98 ) ) ) 2 X Full load copper loss 2 X Full load copper loss 2 X 6500W = 3316W Savings = 6500W – 3316W = 3183W Increase in available power A high power factor optimizes an electrical installation. Fitting PFC equipment on Low Voltage side of transformers increases available power at secondary of LV transformers. The table shows the increased available power at the transformer output by improving power factor from 0.7 to1. Example : Calculation for additional load in KW that can be connected by improving Power Factor Load = 500KVA Initial PF (cosf1) = 0.7 Target PF (cosf2) = 0.95 cosf1 kW1 Additional available power (kW) 0.7 0% 0.8 +14% 0.85 +21% 0.90 +29% 0.95 +36% 1.00 +43% = kW1/KVA = KVA x cosf1 kW2 Power Factor = 350 kW = KVA x cosf2 = 475 kW Additional kW that can be connected = 475-350 = 125 kW % of additional load = 125 /350 x100 = 36% 11 Reactive Power Solutions Reduction in line current Installation of PFC equipment results in, • • Reduction in current drawn from source Reduction in conductor cross section and reduced losses The table shows the Multiplying Factor(MF) for the conductor crosssection increase for fall in power factor. Example: Power Factor MF 1 1 0.80 1.25 0.80 1.67 0.40 2.50 Calculation of reduction of line current if PF improved from 0.60 to 1.00 Load = 350 kW 1. KVA1 I1 = 1kW/PF1 = 1350 / 1.00 = 1350 kVA = 1KVA x 1000 / Ö3 x V = 1583 x 1000 / Ö3 x 440 = 1765 A (Before PF compensation) 2. KVA2 = 1kW/PF2 = 1350/0.60 = 1583 KVA I2= 1KVA x 1000 / Ö3 x V = 1350 x 1000 / Ö3 x 440 = 1459 A (After PF compensation) Savings in line current Multiplying Factor = 1I1 / I2 = 1765 / 459 = 11.67 Improvement in voltage regulation Installing PFC equipment increases the voltage at the point of connection, which compensates the fall in voltage due to poor Power Factor DV = Q V S DV =Voltage Improvement V = System Voltage Without Capacitors Q = Capacitors Rating in MVAr S = System Fault Level In MVA Example: For a 150 KVAr, 440V capacitor & System fault level of 15 MVA. DV = Q V S 440 x 0.15 DV = 15 DV = 4.4 Volts 12 Reactive Power Solutions Types of compensation Broadly, there are two types of compensation: • Fixed compensation • Variable compensation Fixed compensation This arrangement uses one or more capacitors to provide a constant level of compensation. Control may be • Manual: by circuit-breaker or load-break switch • Semi-automatic: by contactor • Direct connection to an appliance and switched with it These capacitors are applied: • At the terminals of inductive loads (mainly motors), at bus bars connecting numerous small motors and inductive appliances for which individual compensation would be too costly • In cases where the load factor is reasonably constant Variable compensation • IPFC panels • Contactor / Thyristor based • ePFC • Electronic VAr compensator with IGBT The primary reason for Variable compensation is the variation of loads in the network. In many applications the process are not constant through out the day, hence the reactive energy required varies as per the load profile, to eliminate the risk of leading power factor and to optimize the kVA demand, the variable compensation techniques are used. Modes of compensation The selection of the Power Factgor Correction equipment can follow 3 levels of compensation • Central compensation • Group compensation • Individual compensaion Supply Transformer Circuit Breaker Central Compensation Group Compensation Group Compensation Individual Compensation Individual Compensation M Load M Load Individual Compensation Individual Compensation M Load M Load 13 Reactive Power Solutions The table below shows the values for typical power factors according to the formula Current achievable (Actual) (Target) Tan f Cos f cos f 0.800.820.850.88 3.180.302.43 2.43 2.562.64 2.960.322.21 2.26 2.342.42 2.770.342.02 2.07 2.152.23 2.590.361.84 1.89 1.972.05 2.430.381.68 1.73 1.811.89 2.290.401.54 1.59 1.671.75 2.160.421.41 1.46 1.541.62 2.040.441.29 1.34 1.421.50 1.930.461.18 1.23 1.311.39 1.830.481.08 1.13 1.211.29 1.730.500.98 1.03 1.111.19 1.640.520.89 0.94 1.021.10 1.560.540.81 0.86 0.941.02 1.480.560.73 0.78 0.860.94 1.400.580.65 0.70 0.780.86 1.330.600.58 0.63 0.710.79 1.300.610.55 0.60 0.680.76 1.270.620.52 0.57 0.650.73 1.230.630.48 0.53 0.610.69 1.200.640.45 0.50 0.580.66 1.170.650.42 0.47 0.550.63 1.140.660.39 0.44 0.520.60 1.110.670.36 0.41 0.490.57 1.080.680.33 0.38 0.460.54 1.050.690.30 0.35 0.430.51 1.020.700.27 0.32 0.400.48 0.990.710.24 0.29 0.370.45 0.960.720.21 0.26 0.340.42 0.940.730.19 0.24 0.320.40 0.910.740.16 0.21 0.290.37 0.880.750.13 0.18 0.260.34 0.860.760.11 0.16 0.240.32 0.830.770.08 0.13 0.210.29 0.800.780.05 0.10 0.180.26 0.780.790.03 0.08 0.160.24 0.750.80 0.05 0.130.21 0.720.81 0.100.18 0.700.82 0.080.16 0.670.83 0.050.13 0.650.84 0.030.11 0.620.85 0.08 0.590.86 0.05 0.570.87 0.540.88 0.510.89 0.480.90 0.460.91 0.430.92 0.400.93 0.360.94 0.330.95 0.290.96 0.250.97 0.200.98 0.140.99 Qc = PA * (tanf1-tan f2) Qc (KVAr) = PMotor * K = active power (kW) * factor “K” PMotor=S * cos j = apparent power * cos f tan f 1 + f 2 according to cos f values ref. Table Example: ACTUAL motor power P = 100 kW Actual cos f0.65 TARGET cos f0.96 Factor K from table 0.88 Capacitor reactive power Qc Qc = 100 * 0.88 = 88 KVAr (say 90 KVAr) 14 Reactive Power Solutions 0.90 0.92 0.940.960.98 1.00 Factor K 2.70 2.75 2.82 2.892.983.18 2.48 2.53 2.60 2.672.762.96 2.28 2.34 2.41 2.482.562.77 2.10 2.17 2.23 2.302.392.59 1.95 2.01 2.07 1.81 1.87 1.93 1.68 1.73 1.80 1.871.962.06 1.56 1.61 1.68 1.751.842.04 1.45 1.50 1.57 1.641.731.93 1.34 1.40 1.47 1.541.621.83 1.25 1.31 1.37 1.451.631.73 1.16 1.22 1.28 1.351.441.64 1.07 1.13 1.20 1.271.361.56 1.00 1.05 1.12 0.92 0.98 1.04 0.85 0.91 0.97 0.81 0.87 0.94 0.78 0.84 0.91 0.991.061.27 0.75 0.81 0.87 0.941.031.23 0.72 0.77 0.84 0.911.001.20 0.68 0.74 0.81 0.880.971.17 0.65 0.71 0.78 0.850.941.14 0.63 0.68 0.75 0.820.901.11 0.59 0.65 0.72 0.790.881.08 0.56 0.62 0.69 0.760.851.05 0.54 0.59 0.66 0.730.821.02 0.51 0.57 0.63 0.700.790.99 0.48 0.54 0.60 0.670.760.96 0.45 0.51 0.58 0.650.730.94 0.42 0.48 0.55 0.620.710.91 0.40 0.46 0.52 0.590.680.88 0.37 0.43 0.50 0.570.650.86 0.34 0.40 0.47 0.540.630.83 0.32 0.38 0.44 0.510.600.80 0.29 0.35 0.42 0.490.570.78 0.27 0.32 0.39 0.460.550.75 0.24 0.30 0.36 0.430.520.72 0.21 0.27 0.34 0.410.490.70 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.380.470.67 0.16 0.22 0.29 0.360.440.65 0.14 0.19 0.26 0.330.420.62 0.11 0.17 0.23 0.300.390.59 0.08 0.14 0.21 0.280.360.57 0.06 0.11 0.18 0.250.340.54 0.03 0.09 0.15 0.220.310.51 0.06 0.12 0.03 0.10 0.07 0.04 0.13 0.33 0.09 0.29 0.05 0.25 0.20 0.14 15 Reactive Power Solutions Power factor correction capacitors - Cylindrical Parameter Unit Hercules Qn 1 – 30 KVAr IS 13340 / IEC 60831 Reference Standard Power (Rated Capacitance) Tolerance 0 –10% Connection Delta Rated voltage VR 400 – 525 Rated Frequency fR 50 / 60 Hz Max. Permisible Voltage Vmax. VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Max. Permisible Current Imax. Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Max. Transient Inrush Current Handling Capacity IS up to 200 x IR AC Test Voltage Terminal to Terminal VTT 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. Insulation Voltage Between Terminal & Container VTC 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. Max. Ratings Test Data Losses: – Dielectric < 0.2 W/KVAr – Total* < 0.4 W/KVAr Climatic Category C Ambient Temperature 0 Max. humidity Hrel 95% 4000 M above sea level Max. Permisible Altitute Mean Life Expectancy -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C tLD (co) 100000 Hrs Design Data Case Material / Shape Aluminium / Cylindrical Dimensions According to specification table page no. 33, 34 Dielectric Polypropylene Film Impregnation Soft Resin Threaded Bolt M8 / M12 Fixing Max. Tourque for Fixing Nm 4 Nm / 10 Nm Mounting Position Upright. Horizontal mounting with additional head support possible. Terminals Upto 5KVAr fast on and above clamp Degree of Protection Safety IP20 optional IP54 Max. Tourque for Connection Terminals (6 KVAr and above) Nm 2.5 Nm Safety Mechnical Safety Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Discharge Device Resister Discharge Device Time Sec. ≤60 Sec (50 V) Cooling Natural or Forced Max. Switching Operations Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Ordering Code QHNTC* * without discharge resister 16 Reactive Power Solutions Phantom Agri Boost IS 13340 / IEC 60831 IS 13340 1 – 25 KVAr 1 – 15 KVAr 0 –10% 0 –10% Delta Delta 400 – 525 415 – 440 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) up to 250 x IR up to 200 x IR 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. 1.75 x UN, 2 Sec. 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. < 0.2 W/KVAr < 0.2 W/KVAr < 0.4 W/KVAr < 0.4 W/KVAr -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C 95% 95% 4000 M above sea level 4000 M above sea level 130000 Hrs 100000 Hrs Aluminium / Cylindrical Aluminium / Cylindrical According to Specification Table Page No. 39, 40 According to Specification Table Page No. 44 Polypropylene Film Polypropylene Film Soft Resin Soft Resin Threaded Bolt M8 / M12 Threaded Bolt M8 / M12 4 Nm / 10 Nm 4 Nm / 10 Nm Upright. Horizontal mounting with additional head support Possible. Upright. Horizontal mounting with additional head support Possible. Upto 5KVAr fast on and above clamp Wire Terminal IP20 optional IP54 IP54 2.5 Nm Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Resister Resister ≤60 Sec (50 V) ≤60 Sec (50 V) Natural or Forced Natural or Forced Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year QHHTC* QHATC* 17 Reactive Power Solutions Power factor correction capacitors - Square Parameter Unit Power (Rated Capacitance) Mini Master / Master IS 13340 / IEC 60831 Reference Standard Qn 1 – 100 KVAr 0 – 10% Tolerance Delta Connection Rated voltage VR 400 – 525 Rated Frequency fR 50 / 60 Hz Max. Permisible Voltage Vmax. VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Max. Permisible Current Imax. Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Max. Transient Inrush Current Handling Capacity IS up to 200 x IR AC Test Voltage Terminal to Terminal VTT 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. Insulation Voltage Between Terminal & Container VTC 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. Max. Ratings Test Data Losses: – Dielectric < 0.2 W/KVAr – Total* < 0.4 W/KVAr Climatic Category Ambient Temperature 0 C -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C Max. humidity Hrel 95% Max. 4000 M above sea level Permisible Altitute Mean Life Expectancy tLD (co) 100000 Hrs Design Data Case Material / Shape Powder Coated, Fabricated Sheet Metal / Rectangular Dimensions According to Specification Table Page No. 48, 49 Dielectric Polypropylene Film Impregnation Soft Resin Fixing Base Mounting Mounting Position Upright Degree of Protection Safety IP41 Fabricated sheet metal Safety Mechnical Safety Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Discharge Device Resister Discharge Device Time Sec. ≤60 Sec (50 V) Cooling Natural or Forced Max. Switching Operations Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Ordering Code QHNTM* * without discharge resister 18 Reactive Power Solutions Master Plus Champion IS 13340 / IEC 60831 IS 13340 / IEC 60831 1 – 100 KVAr 1 – 100 KVAr 0 – 10% 0 – 10% Delta Delta 400 – 525 400 – 525 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) up to 250 x IR up to 300 x IR 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. < 0.2 W/KVAr < 0.2 W/KVAr < 0.4 W/KVAr < 0.45 W/KVAr -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C 95% 95% Max. 4000 M above sea level Max. 4000 M above sea level 130000 Hrs 180000 Hrs Powder Coated, Fabricated Sheet Metal / Rectangular Powder Coated, Fabricated Sheet Metal / Rectangular According to Specification Table Page No. According to Specification Table Page No. 56, 57 Polypropylene Film Polypropylene Film Soft Resin Soft Resin Base Mounting Base Mounting Upright Upright IP41 Fabricated sheet metal IP41 Fabricated sheet metal Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Resister Resister ≤60 Sec (50 V) ≤60 Sec (50 V) Natural or Forced Natural or Forced Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year QHHTM* QHSTM* 19 Reactive Power Solutions Power factor control component - Anti Harmoni Detuned Filer Technical Data Reference Standard IEC 61558 / IS 5553 Tolerance of Inductance ± 3% V3 = 0.5% VR (duty cycle = 100%) V5 = 6.0% VR (duty cycle = 100%) Harmonics* V7 = 5.0% VR (duty cycle = 100%) V11 = 3.5% VR (duty cycle = 100%) V13 = 3.0% VR (duty cycle = 100%) Effective current Irms = (I12+I32 ... I132) Fundamental current I1 = 1.06 . IR (50 Hz or 60 Hz current of capacitor) Insulation (winding-core) 3 kV Temperature protection Microswitch (NC) Dimensional drawings and terminals See specific datasheets Three-phase filter reactors to EN 60289 / IEC 61558 Frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz Voltage 400, 440 V AC Output 5 … 100 KVAr Detuning Factors 5.67%, 7%, 14% Cooling Natural Ambient temperature 40 °C Humidity 95% Insulation class H Class of protection I Enclosure IP00 Max. Permissible Attitude Max. 4000M above sea level Terminals Lugs / Busbar Design Data Dimensions According to specification table page no Weight Approx. According to specification table page no Safety- All reactors are provided with a sepaerate screw terminal for the temperature switch (opening switch) which is located indisde the central coil. Response Temperature 1400C Voltage 250 V AC (<4A) ... 500 V AC (<2A) Ordering Code QHDTM* 20 Reactive Power Solutions Power factor control component Microprocessor Controlled Power Factor Controller Technical Data & Limit Values Reference Standard IEC 61010-1 Parameters Unit Intelligent Power Factor Controller Dimension m.m. 144 x 144 x 85 Weight kg. 0.75 Operating temperature Range °C –10 °C ... + 60 °C Storage temperature Range °C –20 °C ... + 65 °C Ambient conditions Mounting position Flush Mounting in Vertical Plane Protection class IP 54 ( Front) Operation Rated Operational Voltage V AC Rated Operational Current I Network Type Mains frequency 230 V AC+-20% 50 mA – 6A (--/5 A Current Transformer) Single Phase, 2 Wire Hz 50 / 60 Power consumption Current I <2VA Voltage V <10 VA Target Power Factor Cos Φ 0.8 < cos Φ <= 1 (Inductive) Switching Outputs Capacitor Steps 6,8 , 12 Steps (Max.) + 1 Alarm Relay Output Contact Max 250 AC, 1000 W Switching time range 2 Sec. – 30 Min. Control modes Automatic Bank Selection in accordance to Reactive Power Compensation Ordering code QHOSRA* 21 Reactive Power Solutions -Automatic Power Factor Correction System Introduction power factor under certain load conditions, which is unhealthy Modern Power network cater to a wide variety of electrical and for the installation as it can result in over voltages, saturation of power electronic loads, which create a varying power demand transformers, mal-operation of diesel generating sets, penalties on the supply system. It therefore becomes practically difficult by electricity supply authorities etc. to maintain a consistent power factor by the use of fixed It is therefore necessary to automatic switching operation of the compensation i.e. fixed capacitor to be manually switched ON suitable capacitor depending upon the load fluctuations without and OFF to suit the variation of the load. This will lead to situation manual intervention. This compensation is best suited to the load where the installation can have a low power factor causing higher requirements. demand charges and levy of power factor penalties. It can be achieved by using Automatic Power Factor Correction In addition to not being able to achieve the desired power (APFC) System which can maintain consistently high power factor that the use of fixed compensation can result in leading factor, without leading power factor operation. Range • Output Rating: 6-350 KVAr (Other KVAr rating on request) • Voltage Rating: 440V • IEC 60439-3: Low voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. Particular requirements for low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies intended to be installed in places Ref. Standard • IEC 61921/ IS 8623 The design of the Low Voltage Power Factor Correction banks and accessories shall comply with the following standards • IEC60831: Part 1 & 2-Shunt power capacitors of the self healing type for a.c systems having rated voltage up to and including 1kV. where unskilled persons have access for their use-Distribution boards. • IEC 60947: Low Voltage Switchgear Part 2: Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Air circuit Breakers Part 4: Power Contactors • IEC 60269: LV Fuses • IEC 60529: Degree of protection provided by enclosure • IEC 60044-1: Current transformers. • IEC 60664-1 / IEC 61326: Power Factor Controller. 22 Reactive Power Solutions Salient Features • Correction to Unit Power Factor. • Modular Design which allows easier assembly, installation and maintenance by the user. • Designed to minimize installation time and cost. • Higher voltage drops in the distribution network hence poor performance of electrical equipments resulting in production loss. • Higher voltage fluctuations hence damage to electrical equipments resulting in production loss. • Advanced Microprocessor relay • The incomer MCCB provided has upto 35 KA fault interrupting capability. • Manual Capacitor Switching Capability. Need to correct the poor power factor: If we are able to correct the poor power factor to near unity on all occasions at all loads, we can bring down the kVA demand, • Indicating light for Capacitor stage display. line losses, increase the utilization of the distribution equipments, • Industrial Duty, Safety disconnects Metallized dielectric increase the performance of electrical equipments, avoid damages capacitors, less than 0.2 watts per KVAr losses. • Colour Siemens Grey RAL. • Special cable used hence it can withstand temperature. • Step Switching. to electrical equipments and avoid production losses due to power related problems. Another major advantage is that unity power factor not only avoids penalty but also brings in incentive from Electricity Board for higher power factor. All the above savings in revenue expenditures improves the bottom line of the company • Capacitor Duty Contactor with dumping resistance. directly adding to the profit. Hence the investment on a good • Switch option Auto or Manual. power factor correction system will give an attractive payback. • Bus bar is made of copper. Subsequently the return on the investment will be high. • Provision of Rotary handle for incomer MCCB. Various Methods Of Power Factor Correction System Principle Operation • To continuously sense and monitor the load conditions by the use of the external CT (whose output is fed to the control relay). • To automatically switch ON and switch OFF relevant Using Power Capacitors, the poor power factor can be corrected in the following methods: • By providing fixed value of capacitors to the distribution network at various points. They will be switched in/out as per the load manually. capacitor steps to ensure consistent power factor. • To ensure easy user interface for enabling reliable understanding of system operation, such as display of real time power factor, number of switching operations carried out etc. • To protect against any electrical faults in a manner that will ensure safe isolation of the power factor correction equipment. Disadvantages of having poor power factor are generally understood as follows: • More kVA demand for the given kW load and penalty for poor power factor, hence higher running cost (electricity bill). • More line current for the given kW load and hence higher rated transformer, switchgears and cables are required, hence higher capital cost. • More the line current for the given kW load and hence higher losses at the transformer, switchgears and cables, hence higher running cost. • More line current for the given kW load- poor utilization of all electrical distribution network and hence poor return on investment. 23 Reactive Power Solutions Technical Data & Limit Values Details Rating Power Rating 6-15 KVAr Rated Voltage 25-50 KVAr 75-150 KVAr 175-250 KVAr 275-350 KVAr 3 phase 440 V - 20% 3 phase 440 V to 10% 20% to 10% 3 phase 440 V 20% to 10% 3 phase 440 V 20% to 10% 3 phase 440 V - 20% to 10% Frequency 50Hz +/-3% 50Hz +/-3% 50Hz +/-3% 50Hz +/-3% 50Hz +/-3% Protection when Voltage sensing fails “C Curve” “C Curve” “C Curve” “C Curve” “C Curve” Alarms with relay output OC, OV, Under Compensation OC, OV, Under Compensation OC, OV, Under Compensation OC, OV, Under Compensation OC, OV, Under Compensation Tolerance in KVAr ± 3.5 ± 3.5 ±7 ±8.75 ±8.75 Corrected PF 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Capacitor Bank ON indication By indication lamps By indication lamps By indication lamps By indication lamps By indication lamps KVAr/ current meter for Capacitor Optional- ICD Make Optional- ICD Make Optional- ICD Make Optional- ICD Make Optional- ICD Make Display of set/ actual values PF and KVAr PF and KVAr PF and KVAr PF and KVAr PF and KVAr Panel Temperature Rise 20 degree C above ambient 20 degree C above ambient 20 degree C above ambient 20 degree C above ambient 20 degree C above ambient Panel Enclosure IP20, Force Cooled IP20, Force Cooled IP20, Force Cooled IP20, Force Cooled IP20, Force Cooled Short Circuit Rating upto 35 kA 105 % Continuous Over Voltage 110 % for 8 Hours Daily 120 % for 5 Minutes 130% for 1 Minute Over Current 200 % the Rated Current Continuously Duty Continuous Power Supply Three phase, four line Ambient temperature -5 °C to + 40 °C Altitude 1000 metres above Sea level Incomer A three pole MCCB, Using FRLS cable, of adequate section Internal wiring Cylindrical, dry type three phase units (see table for step ratings) Capacitors MPP - SH, Normal duty cylinderical with over pressure Disconnector & Discharge Resistor. Contactors Three pole Capacitor duty contactors of adequate ratings for respective steps Relay A microprocessor based relay with 4, 8 & 12 output contacts for switching contactors Controller Protection Having PF indication, built in time delays, and alarm indication for CT reversal apart from the protections associated with the capacitor itself, there is a thermostat which disconnects the entire panel in the event of excessive temperature rise in the enclosure. As a safety measure, an inter lock is provided so that when the front door is opened, the entire panel will trip. Installation Indoor, floor mounted in a well-ventilated, non-dusty environment, cable entry from bottom 24 Reactive Power Solutions GA Drawings 6 - 15 KVAr R Y2 IPFC Relay Y Amiter H Volt Meter B MCCB W D Front D1 Side X1 B Bottom Foundation Rating B D1 D2 W H X1 Y2 6-12KVAr 552 180 200 600 800 500 700 15KVAr 652 230 250 700 1000 600 900 25 Reactive Power Solutions GA Drawing 25 to 50 KVAr R Y B IPFC Relay Volt Meter Amiter MCCB Side Front Bottom Foundation 26 Reactive Power Solutions GA Drawing 75 to 350 KVAr R Y B IPFC Relay Volt Meter Amiter MCCB Front Side Bottom Foundation Rating A B C D1 D2 W H X1 Y1 Y2 75-150KVAr 351 700 250 230 250 1500 1500 600 100 1400 175-250KVAr 351 700 250 230 250 1500 1750 600 100 1650 275-350KVAr 351 700 250 280 300 1500 2000 600 150 1900 27 Incomer MCCB 40A 63A 125A 200A 250A 315A 400A 500A 500A 630A 630A 800A 800A 800A 800A KVAr Rating 15 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 CT Rating 800 800 800 800 600 600 500 450 400 300 300 200 150 100 50 /5 Capacitor 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C1 Contactor 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 CC MCCB 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 6 6 6 MC Capacitor 10 7 5 5 10 7.5 5 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 C2 Contactor 20 12 12 12 20 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 CC MCCB 25 16 16 16 25 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 6 6 6 MC Capacitor 15 12.5 7 7 15 10 7.5 5 3 2 3 2 3 2 5 C3 Contactor 20 20 12 12 20 20 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 CC MCCB 32 25 16 16 32 25 16 16 16 16 16 16 6 6 10 MC Capacitor 20 15 10 10 20 15 10 10 5 3 3 3 4 3 7 C4 Contactor 30 20 20 20 30 20 20 20 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 CC MCCB 63 32 25 25 63 32 25 25 16 16 16 16 10 6 16 MC Capacitor 25 15 15 15 25 20 15 12.5 7.5 4 4 3 5 3 C5 Contactor 50 20 20 20 50 30 20 20 12 12 12 12 12 12 CC MCCB 63 32 32 32 63 63 32 25 16 16 16 16 10 6 MC Capacitor 25 20 15 15 25 20 20 15 10 7.5 5 4 7.5 4 C6 50 30 20 20 50 30 30 20 20 12 12 12 12 12 CC Contactor Step 6 MCCB 63 63 32 32 63 63 63 32 25 16 16 16 16 10 MC Capacitor 25 25 20 20 25 25 20 15 12.5 10 7 5 12.5 5 C7 Step 7 50 50 30 30 50 50 30 20 20 20 12 12 20 12 CC Contactor Step 5 MCCB 63 63 63 32 63 63 63 32 25 25 16 16 25 10 MC 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 15 12.5 7.5 7 15 7 C8 Step 8 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 30 20 20 12 12 20 12 CC Contactor Step 4 Capacitor Capacitor Step in KVAr with Capacitor Duty Contactor and MCB / MCCB Rating MCCB 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 32 25 16 16 32 16 MC Capacitor 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 20 20 15 10 10 C9 Step 9 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 30 20 20 20 CC Contactor Step 3 MCCB 125 125 125 63 63 63 63 63 63 32 25 25 MC Capacitor 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 20 12.5 15 C10 Step 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 20 20 CC Contactor Step 2 MCCB 125 125 125 125 63 63 63 63 63 63 25 32 MC Capacitor 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 C11 Step 11 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 50 CC Contactor Step 1 MCCB 125 125 125 125 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 MC Capacitor 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 C12 Step 12 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 CC Contactor Table of Step Rating MCCB 125 125 125 125 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 MC Reactive Power Solutions 28 Reactive Power Solutions Ordering Information Description- With Normal Duty(Hercules) Capacitor Product Code 6 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5006X0 9 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5009X0 12 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5012X0 15 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5015X0 25 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5025X0 50 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5050X0 75 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5075X0 100 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5100X0 125 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5125X0 150 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5150X0 175 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5175X0 200 KVAr/ 440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5200X0 225 KVAr/ 440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5225X0 250 KVAr/ 440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5250X0 275 KVAr/ 440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5275X0 300 KVAr/ 440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5300X0 325 KVAr/ 440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5325X0 350 KVAr/ 440V Standard APFC Panel ND QHCTRB5350X0 Panel size W X H X D in mm 600 X 800 X 200 700 X 1000 X 250 1050 X 1000 X 250 1500 X 1500 X 250 1500 X 1750 X 250 1500 X 2000 X 300 Description- With Heavy Duty(Phantom) Capacitor 6 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5006X0 9 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5009X0 12 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5012X0 15 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5015X0 25 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5025X0 50 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5050X0 75 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5075X0 100 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5100X0 125 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5125X0 150 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5150X0 175 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5175X0 200 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5200X0 225 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5225X0 250 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5250X0 275 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5275X0 300 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5300X0 325 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5325X0 350 KVAr /440V Standard APFC Panel HD QHKTRB5350X0 600 X 800 X 200 700 X 1000 X 250 1050 X 1000 X 250 1500 X 1500 X 250 1500 X 1750 X 250 1500 X 2000 X 300 Note: Manual version also available 29 Reactive Power Solutions TORRENT Cylindrical PFC Capacitor Hercules Three Phase PFC Capacitors - Normal Duty Non PCB, Soft Resin Impregnated • Stacked Winding • Tripple Safety System General Hercules capacitors are MPP (metalized polypropylene) capacitors from Havells which have been used for PFC applications for more than 7 years The power range varies from 1.0 to 30.0 KVAr. The Hercules capacitor is used for power factor correction in industrial applications. Applications • Power Factor Correction (PFC) • Automatic capacitor banks • Fixed PFC applications, e.g. motor compensation • Detuned PFC systems • Dynamic PFC systems • Filter Application Features • Compact design in cylindrical aluminum can with stud • Stacked winding • MPP technology • Voltage range 400 … 525 V • Output range 1.0 … 30.0 KVAr Electrical • Long life expectancy of up to 100000 hours • Max. transient inrush current handling capability is 200 x IR Mechanical and maintenance • Reduced mounting costs • Easy installation and connection • Low weight and compact volume • Maintenance-free Safety • Self-healing • Overpressure disconnector • Shock hazard protected optimized capacitor safety terminals above 6KVAr 30 Reactive Power Solutions TORRENT - Soft resin impregnated • Stacked winding • Tripple Safety System Parameter Unit IS 13340 / IEC 60831 Reference Standard Power (Rated Capacitance) Hercules Qn 1 – 30 KVAr Tolerance 0 –10% Connection Delta Rated voltage VR 400 – 525 Rated Frequency fR 50 / 60 Hz Max. Permisible Voltage Vmax. VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Max. Permisible Current Imax. Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Max. Transient Inrush Current Handling Capacity IS up to 200 x IR AC Test Voltage Terminal to Terminal VTT 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. Insulation Voltage Between Terminal & Container VTC 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. Max. Ratings Test Data Losses: – Dielectric < 0.2 W/KVAr – Total* < 0.4 W/KVAr Climatic Category C Ambient Temperature 0 Max. humidity Hrel -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C 95% 4000 M above sea level Max. Permisible Altitute Design Data Case Material / Shape Aluminium / Cylindrical Dimensions According to specification table page no. 33, 34 Dielectric Polypropylene Film Impregnation Soft Resin Fixing Threaded Bolt M8 / M12 Max. Tourque for Fixing Nm 4 Nm / 10 Nm Mounting Position Upright. Horizontal mounting with additional head support possible. Terminals Upto 5KVAr fast on and above clamp Degree of Protection Safety IP20 optional IP54 Max. Tourque for Connection Terminals (6 KVAr and above) Nm 2.5 Nm Safety Mechnical Safety Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Discharge Device Resister Discharge Device Time Sec. ≤60 Sec (50 V) Cooling Natural or Forced Max. Switching Operations Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Ordering Code QHNTC* Note: 1. It should be noted that presence of harmonics produce over voltage & over current on capacitors. Resonance may cause serious damage to capacitor if a significant level of total harmonic distortion level exists for voltage or current. In such cases, series reactors must be considered. 2. Operating temperature class: In accordance with the reference standards, these temperatures are those measured on the surface on the capacitor. * Without Discharge Resister 31 Reactive Power Solutions TORRENT Technical data, specifications & dimensional drawing of plastic top capacitor series up to 5 KVAr Diameter D (Ø) 50 / 63.5 / 68mm Expansion µ max. 12 mm Mounting M 12 M8 (Ø 63.5 mm / 68 mm) (Ø 50 mm) Torque T = 10 Nm T = 4 Nm Toothed Washer 12.5 8.0 Hex nut 12 8 12+1 Technical data, specifications & dimensional drawing of Metal top capacitor series above 5 KVAr Diameter D1 (Ø) Diameter D (Ø) 79.5 mm / 89.5 mm / 94.5 mm 75.0 mm / 85.0 mm / 90 mm Expansion µ max. 13 mm Mounting M 12 Torque T = 10 Nm Toothed Washer 12.5 Hex nut 12 Terminal Cover for IP 54 32 Reactive Power Solutions Three phase power capacitor (Normal Duty) KVAr Current (A) KVAr 50Hz Current (A) Capacitance (3XµF) D (mm) H (mm) Pack Unit* Product Code 60Hz Rated Voltage 400 V AC 1 1.4 1.2 1.7 6.6 50 157 16 QHNTCQ5001X0 2 2.9 2.4 3.5 13.3 50 157 16 QHNTCQ5002X0 2.5 3.6 3 4.3 16.6 50 157 16 QHNTCQ5002X5 3 4.3 3.6 5.2 19.9 50 157 16 QHNTCQ5003X0 4 5.8 4.8 6.9 26.5 50 157 16 QHNTCQ5004X0 5 7.2 6 8.7 33.2 63.5 157 16 QHNTCQ5005X0 6 8.7 7.2 10.4 39.8 75 165 8 QHNTCQ5006X0 7 10.1 8.4 12.1 46.4 75 165 8 QHNTCQ5007X0 7.5 10.8 9 13 49.7 75 165 8 QHNTCQ5007X5 10 14.4 12 17.3 66.3 75 195 8 QHNTCQ5010X0 12.5 18 15 21.7 82.9 85 195 8 QHNTCQ5012X5 15 21.7 18 26 99.5 85 195 8 QHNTCQ5015X0 20 28.9 24 34.6 132.6 85 270 4 QHNTCQ5020X0 25 36.1 30 43.3 165.8 85 270 4 QHNTCQ5025X0 Rated Voltage 415 V AC 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.7 6.2 50 157 16 QHNTCB5001X0 2.0 2.8 2.4 3.3 12.3 50 157 16 QHNTCB5002X0 2.5 3.5 3.0 4.2 15.4 50 157 16 QHNTCB5002X5 3.0 4.2 3.6 5.0 18.5 50 157 16 QHNTCB5003X0 4.0 5.6 4.8 6.7 24.6 50 157 16 QHNTCB5004X0 5.0 7.0 6.0 8.3 30.8 63.5 157 16 QHNTCB5005X0 6.0 8.3 7.2 10.0 37.0 75 195 8 QHNTCB5006X0 7.0 9.7 8.4 11.7 43.1 75 195 8 QHNTCB5007X0 7.5 10.4 9.0 12.5 46.2 75 195 8 QHNTCB5007X5 10.0 13.9 12.0 16.7 61.6 75 195 8 QHNTCB5010X0 12.5 17.4 15.0 20.9 77.0 85 270 8 QHNTCB5012X5 15.0 20.9 18.0 25.0 92.4 85 270 8 QHNTCB5015X0 20.0 27.8 24.0 33.4 123.2 85 345 4 QHNTCB5020X0 25.0 34.8 30.0 41.7 154.0 85 345 4 QHNTCB5025X0 Rated Voltage 440 V AC 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.6 5.5 50 157 16 QHNTCC5001X0 2.0 2.6 2.4 3.1 11.0 50 157 16 QHNTCC5002X0 2.5 3.3 3.0 3.9 13.7 50 157 16 QHNTCC5002X5 3.0 3.9 3.6 4.7 16.4 50 157 16 QHNTCC5003X0 4.0 5.2 4.8 6.3 21.9 50 157 16 QHNTCC5004X0 5.0 6.6 6.0 7.9 27.4 63.5 157 16 QHNTCC5005X0 6.0 7.9 7.2 9.4 32.9 75 165 8 QHNTCC5006X0 7.0 9.2 8.4 11.0 38.4 75 195 8 QHNTCC5007X0 7.5 9.8 9.0 11.8 41.1 75 195 8 QHNTCC5007X5 8.0 10.5 9.6 12.6 43.8 75 195 8 QHNTCC5008X0 10.0 13.1 12.0 15.7 54.8 75 195 8 QHNTCC5010X0 12.5 16.4 15.0 19.7 68.5 85 195 8 QHNTCC5012X5 15.0 19.7 18.0 23.6 82.2 85 270 4 QHNTCC5015X0 20.0 26.2 24.0 31.5 109.6 85 270 4 QHNTCC5020X0 25.0 32.8 30.0 39.4 137.0 85 345 4 QHNTCC5025X0 33 Reactive Power Solutions Three phase power capacitor (Normal Duty) KVAr Current (A) Current (A) KVAr 50Hz Capacitance (3XµF) D (mm) H (mm) Pack Unit* Product Code 60Hz Rated Voltage 480 V AC 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.4 4.6 50 157 16 QHNTCD5001X0 2.0 2.4 2.4 2.9 9.2 50 157 16 QHNTCD5002X0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.6 11.5 50 157 16 QHNTCD5002X5 3.0 3.6 3.6 4.3 13.8 50 157 16 QHNTCD5003X0 4.0 4.8 4.8 5.8 18.4 63.5 157 16 QHNTCD5004X0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.2 23.0 63.5 157 16 QHNTCD5005X0 6.0 7.2 7.2 8.7 27.6 75 165 8 QHNTCD5006X0 7.0 8.4 8.4 10.1 32.2 75 195 8 QHNTCD5007X0 7.5 9.0 9.0 10.8 34.5 75 195 8 QHNTCD5007X5 8.0 9.6 9.6 11.5 36.8 75 195 8 QHNTCD5008X0 10.0 12.0 12.0 14.4 46.0 85 270 8 QHNTCD5010X0 12.5 15.0 15.0 18.0 57.6 85 270 8 QHNTCD5012X5 15.0 18.0 18.0 21.7 69.1 85 270 4 QHNTCD5015X0 20.0 24.1 24.0 28.9 92.1 90 270 4 QHNTCD5020X0 25.0 30.1 30.0 36.1 115.1 85 345 4 QHNTCD5025X0 30.0 36.1 36.0 43.3 138.1 90 345 4 QHNTCD5030X0 Rated Voltage 525 V AC 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 3.8 50 157 16 QHNTCF5001X0 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 7.7 50 157 16 QHNTCF5002X0 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.3 9.6 50 157 16 QHNTCF5002X5 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.0 11.5 50 157 16 QHNTCF5003X0 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.3 15.4 63.5 157 16 QHNTCF5004X0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.6 19.2 63.5 157 16 QHNTCF5005X0 6.0 6.6 7.2 7.9 23.1 75 195 8 QHNTCF5006X0 7.0 7.7 8.4 9.2 26.9 75 195 8 QHNTCF5007X0 7.5 8.2 9.0 9.9 28.9 75 195 8 QHNTCF5007X5 8.0 8.8 9.6 10.6 30.8 75 195 8 QHNTCF5008X0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.2 38.5 75 195 8 QHNTCF5010X0 12.5 13.7 15.0 16.5 48.1 85 195 8 QHNTCF5012X5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.8 57.7 85 270 8 QHNTCF5015X0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.4 77.0 85 270 4 QHNTCF5020X0 25.0 27.5 30.0 33.0 96.2 90 270 4 QHNTCF5025X0 *Packing units for capacitors equal minimum order quantity. Orders will be rounded up to packing unit or multiple thereof. Note: Customized products available upon request. Minimum Order Quantity 50 Nos. All Hercules –type capacitors may be used for 60Hz, the output will be 1.2 times higher Replace X with E for export orders. 34 Reactive Power Solutions 35 Reactive Power Solutions Cylindrical PFC Capacitor Phantom Three Phase PFC Capacitors (Heavy Duty) Non PCB Soft Resin Impregnated • Stacked Winding • Tripple Safety System General Phantom capacitors are MPP (metalized polypropylene) capacitors from Havells which have been used for PFC applications for more than 7 years. The power range varies from 1.0 to 25.0 KVAr. The Phantom capacitor is used for power factor correction in industrial applications where some amount of harmonics are presents. Applications • Power Factor Correction (PFC) • Automatic capacitor banks • Fixed PFC applications, e.g. motor compensation • Detuned PFC systems • Dynamic PFC systems • Filter Application Features • Compact design in cylindrical aluminum can with stud • Stacked winding • MPP technology • Voltage range 400 … 525 V • Output range 1.0 … 25.0 KVAr Electrical • Long life expectancy of up to 130000 hours • Max. transient inrush current handling capability is 250 x IR Mechanical and maintenance • Reduced mounting costs • Easy installation and connection • Low weight and compact volume • Maintenance-free Safety • Self-healing • Overpressure disconnector • Shock hazard protected optimized capacitor safety terminals above 6KVAr 36 Reactive Power Solutions - Soft resin impregnated • Stacked winding • Tripple Safety System Parameter Unit Power (Rated Capacitance) Phantom IS 13340 / IEC 60831 Reference Standard Qn 1 – 25 KVAr 0 –10% Tolerance Delta Connection Rated voltage VR 400 – 525 Rated Frequency fR 50 / 60 Hz Max. Permisible Voltage Vmax. VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Max. Permisible Current Imax. Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Max. Transient Inrush Current Handling Capacity IS up to 250 x IR AC Test Voltage Terminal to Terminal VTT 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. Insulation Voltage Between Terminal & Container VTC 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. Max. Ratings Test Data Losses: – Dielectric < 0.2 W/KVAr – Total* < 0.4 W/KVAr Climatic Category C Ambient Temperature 0 Max. humidity Hrel -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C 95% 4000 M above sea level Max. Permisible Altitute Design Data Case Material / Shape Aluminium / Cylindrical Dimensions According to Specification Table Page No. 39, 40 Dielectric Polypropylene Film Impregnation Soft Resin Threaded Bolt M8 / M12 Fixing Max. Tourque for Fixing Nm 4 Nm / 10 Nm Mounting Position Upright. Horizontal mounting with additional head support Possible. Terminals Upto 5KVAr fast on and above clamp Degree of Protection Safety IP20 optional IP54 Max. Tourque for Connection Terminals (6 KVAr and above) Nm 2.5 Nm Safety Mechnical Safety Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Discharge Device Resister Discharge Device Time Sec. ≤60 Sec (50 V) Cooling Natural or Forced Max. Switching Operations Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Ordering Code QHHTC* Note: 1. It should be noted that presence of harmonics produce over voltage & over current on capacitors. Resonance may cause serious damage to capacitor if a significant level of total harmonic distortion level exists for voltage or current. In such cases, series reactors must be considered. 2. Operating temperature class: In accordance with the reference standards, these temperatures are those measured on the surface on the capacitor. * Without Discharge Resister 37 Reactive Power Solutions Technical data, specifications & dimensional drawing of plastic top capacitor series up to 5 KVAr Diameter D (Ø) 50 / 63.5 / 68mm Expansion µ max. 12 mm Mounting M 12 M8 (Ø 63.5 mm / 68 mm) (Ø 50 mm) Torque T = 10 Nm T = 4 Nm Toothed Washer 12.5 8.0 Hex nut 12 8 12+1 Technical data, specifications & dimensional drawing of Metal top capacitor series above 5 KVAr Diameter D1 (Ø) Diameter D (Ø) 79.5 mm / 89.5 mm / 94.5 mm 75.0 mm / 85.0 mm / 90 mm Expansion µ max. 13 mm Mounting M 12 Torque T = 10 Nm Toothed Washer 12.5 Hex nut 12 Terminal Cover for IP 54 38 Reactive Power Solutions Three phase power capacitor (Heavy Duty) KVAr Current (A) KVAr 50Hz Current (A) Capacitance (3XµF) D (mm) H (mm) Pack Unit* Product Code 60Hz Rated Voltage 400 V AC 1 1.4 1.2 1.7 6.6 50 157 16 QHHTCQ5001X0 2 2.9 2.4 3.5 13.3 50 157 16 QHHTCQ5002X0 2.5 3.6 3 4.3 16.6 50 157 16 QHHTCQ5002X5 3 4.3 3.6 5.2 19.9 63.5 157 16 QHHTCQ5003X0 4 5.8 4.8 6.9 26.5 63.5 157 16 QHHTCQ5004X0 5 7.2 6 8.7 33.2 63.5 157 16 QHHTCQ5005X0 6 8.7 7.2 10.4 39.8 75 195 8 QHHTCQ5006X0 7 10.1 8.4 12.1 46.4 75 195 8 QHHTCQ5007X0 7.5 10.8 9 13 49.7 75 195 8 QHHTCQ5007X5 8.0 11.5 9.6 13.9 53.0 75 195 8 QHHTCQ5008X0 10 14.4 12 17.3 66.3 85 270 8 QHHTCQ5010X0 12.5 18 15 21.7 82.9 85 270 8 QHHTCQ5012X5 15 21.7 18 26 99.5 85 270 8 QHHTCQ5015X0 20 28.9 24 34.6 132.6 85 345 4 QHHTCQ5020X0 25 36.1 30 43.3 165.8 85 345 4 QHHTCQ5025X0 Rated Voltage 415 V AC 1 1.4 1.2 1.7 6.2 50 157 16 QHHTCB5001X0 2 2.8 2.4 3.3 12.3 50 157 16 QHHTCB5002X0 2.5 3.5 3 4.2 15.4 50 157 16 QHHTCB5002X5 3 4.2 3.6 5.0 18.5 63.5 157 16 QHHTCB5003X0 4 5.6 4.8 6.7 24.6 63.5 157 16 QHHTCB5004X0 5 7.0 6 8.3 30.8 63.5 157 16 QHHTCB5005X0 6 8.3 7.2 10.0 37.0 75 195 8 QHHTCB5006X0 7 9.7 8.4 11.7 43.1 75 195 8 QHHTCB5007X0 7.5 10.4 9 12.5 46.2 85 195 8 QHHTCB5007X5 8.0 11.1 9.6 13.4 49.3 85 195 8 QHHTCB5008X0 10 13.9 12 16.7 61.6 85 270 4 QHHTCB5010X0 12.5 17.4 15 20.9 77.0 85 270 4 QHHTCB5012X5 15 20.9 18 25.0 92.4 85 270 4 QHHTCB5015X0 20 27.8 24 33.4 123.2 85 345 4 QHHTCB5020X0 25 34.8 30.0 41.7 154.0 85 345 4 QHHTCB5025X0 Rated Voltage 440 V AC 1 1.3 1.2 1.6 5.5 50 157 16 QHHTCC5001X0 2 2.6 2.4 3.1 11.0 50 157 16 QHHTCC5002X0 2.5 3.3 3 3.9 13.7 50 157 16 QHHTCC5002X5 3 3.9 3.6 4.7 16.4 63.5 157 16 QHHTCC5003X0 4 5.2 4.8 6.3 21.9 63.5 157 16 QHHTCC5004X0 5 6.6 6 7.9 27.4 68 157 16 QHHTCC5005X0 6 7.9 7.2 9.4 32.9 75 195 8 QHHTCC5006X0 7 9.2 8.4 11.0 38.4 75 195 8 QHHTCC5007X0 7.5 9.8 9 11.8 41.1 75 195 8 QHHTCC5007X5 8.0 10.5 9.6 12.6 43.8 75 195 8 QHHTCC5008X0 10 13.1 12 15.7 54.8 85 270 8 QHHTCC5010X0 12.5 16.4 15 19.7 68.5 85 270 4 QHHTCC5012X5 15 19.7 18 23.6 82.2 85 270 4 QHHTCC5015X0 20 26.2 24 31.5 109.6 85 345 4 QHHTCC5020X0 25 32.8 30.0 39.4 137.0 90 345 4 QHHTCC5025X0 39 Reactive Power Solutions Three phase power capacitor (heavy duty) KVAr Current (A) KVAr 50Hz Current (A) Capacitance (3XµF) D (mm) H (mm) Pack Unit* Product Code 4.6 50 157 16 QHHTCD5001X0 60Hz Rated Voltage 480 V AC 1 1.2 1.2 1.4 2 2.4 2.4 2.9 9.2 50 157 16 QHHTCD5002X0 2.5 3.0 3 3.6 11.5 50 157 16 QHHTCD5002X5 3 3.6 3.6 4.3 13.8 63.5 157 16 QHHTCD5003X0 4 4.8 4.8 5.8 18.4 63.5 157 16 QHHTCD5004X0 5 6.0 6 7.2 23.0 68 157 16 QHHTCD5005X0 6 7.2 7.2 8.7 27.6 75 195 8 QHHTCD5006X0 7 8.4 8.4 10.1 32.2 75 195 8 QHHTCD5007X0 7.5 9.0 9 10.8 34.5 75 195 8 QHHTCD5007X5 8.0 9.6 9.6 11.5 36.8 75 195 8 QHHTCD5008X0 10 12.0 12 14.4 46.0 85 270 8 QHHTCD5010X0 12.5 15.0 15 18.0 57.6 85 270 4 QHHTCD5012X5 15 18.0 18 21.7 69.1 85 270 4 QHHTCD5015X0 20 24.1 24 28.9 92.1 85 345 4 QHHTCD5020X0 25 30.1 30.0 36.1 115.1 90 345 4 QHHTCD5025X0 Rated Voltage 525 V AC 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 3.8 50 157 16 QHHTCF5001X0 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 7.7 50 157 16 QHHTCF5002X0 2.5 2.7 3 3.3 9.6 50 157 16 QHHTCF5002X5 3 3.3 3.6 4.0 11.5 63.5 157 16 QHHTCF5003X0 4 4.4 4.8 5.3 15.4 63.5 157 16 QHHTCF5004X0 5 5.5 6 6.6 19.2 63.5 187 16 QHHTCF5005X0 6 6.6 7.2 7.9 23.1 75 195 8 QHHTCF5006X0 7 7.7 8.4 9.2 26.9 75 195 8 QHHTCF5007X0 7.5 8.2 9 9.9 28.9 75 195 8 QHHTCF5007X5 8.0 8.8 9.6 10.6 30.8 85 195 8 QHHTCF5008X0 10 11.0 12 13.2 38.5 85 270 8 QHHTCF5010X0 12.5 13.7 15 16.5 48.1 85 270 4 QHHTCF5012X5 15 16.5 18 19.8 57.7 85 270 4 QHHTCF5015X0 20 22.0 24 26.4 77.0 90 270 4 QHHTCF5020X0 25 27.5 30.0 33.0 96.2 90 345 4 QHHTCF5025X0 *Packing units for capacitors equal minimum order quantity. Orders will be rounded up to packing unit or multiple thereof. Note: Customized products available upon request. Minimum Order Quantity 50 Nos. All Phantom – Type capacitors may be used for 60Hz, the output will be 1.2 times higher Replace X with E for export orders. 40 Reactive Power Solutions 41 Reactive Power Solutions Cylindrical PFC Capacitor Agri Boost Three Phase PFC Capacitors Non PCB Soft Resin Impregnated • Stacked Winding • Tripple Safety System General Agri Boost capacitors are MPP (metalized polypropylene) capacitors from Havells which have been used for PFC applications for more than 7 years. The power range varies from 1.0 to 15.0 KVAr. The Agri Boost capacitor is used for power factor correction. Applications • Agriculture Use Features • Compact design in cylindrical aluminum can with stud • Stacked winding • MPP technology • Voltage range 415 V • Output range 1.0 … 15.0 KVAr Electrical • Long life expectancy of up to 100000 hours • Max. transient inrush current handling capability is 200 x IR Mechanical and maintenance • Reduced mounting costs • Easy installation and connection • Low weight and compact volume • Maintenance-free 42 Reactive Power Solutions - Soft resin impregnated • Stacked winding • Tripple Safety System Parameter Unit IS 13340 Reference Standard Power (Rated Capacitance) Agri Boost Qn 1 – 15 KVAr Tolerance 0 –10% Connection Delta Rated voltage VR 415 – 440 Rated Frequency fR 50 / 60 Hz Max. Permisible Voltage Vmax. VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Max. Permisible Current Imax. Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Max. Transient Inrush Current Handling Capacity IS up to 200 x IR AC Test Voltage Terminal to Terminal VTT 1.75 x UN, 2 Sec. Insulation Voltage Between Terminal & Container VTC 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. Max. Ratings Test Data Losses: – Dielectric < 0.2 W/KVAr – Total < 0.4 W/KVAr Climatic Category C Ambient Temperature 0 Max. humidity Hrel 95% 4000 M above sea level Max. Permisible Altitute Mean Life Expectancy -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C tLD (co) 100000 Hrs Design Data Case Material / Shape Aluminium / Cylindrical Dimensions According to Specification Table Page No. 44 Dielectric Polypropylene Film Impregnation Soft Resin Fixing Threaded Bolt M8 / M12 Mounting Position Upright. Horizontal mounting with additional head support Possible. Terminals Wire Terminal Degree of Protection Safety IP54 Max. Tourque for Connection Terminals (6 KVAr and above) Nm Safety Mechnical Safety Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Discharge Device Resister Discharge Device Time Sec. ≤60 Sec (50 V) Cooling Natural or Forced Max. Switching Operations Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Ordering Code QHATC* Note: 1. It should be noted that presence of harmonics produce over voltage & over current on capacitors. Resonance may cause serious damage to capacitor if a significant level of total harmonic distortion level exists for voltage or current. In such cases, series reactors must be considered. 2. Operating temperature class: In accordance with the reference standards, these temperatures are those measured on the surface on the capacitor. 43 Reactive Power Solutions Three phase power capacitor KVAr Current (A) KVAr 50Hz Current (A) Capacitance (3XµF) D (mm) H (mm) Pack Unit* Product Code 60Hz Rated Voltage 415 V AC (Normal Duty) 1 1.4 1.2 1.7 6.2 40 157 16 QHATCB5001X0 2 2.8 2.4 3.3 12.3 40 157 16 QHATCB5002X0 3 4.2 3.6 5 18.5 50 157 16 QHATCB5003X0 4 5.6 4.8 6.7 24.6 50 157 16 QHATCB5004X0 5 7 6 8.3 30.8 50 157 16 QHATCB5005X0 6 8.3 7.2 10 37 63.5 157 16 QHATCB5006X0 7 9.7 8.4 11.7 43.1 63.5 157 16 QHATCB5007X0 7.5 10.4 9 12.5 46.2 63.5 157 16 QHATCB5007X5 8 11.1 9.6 13.4 49.3 63.5 157 16 QHATCB5008X0 10 13.9 12 16.7 61.6 68 192 16 QHATCB5010X0 12.5 17.4 15 20.9 77 85 192 8 QHATCB5012X5 15 20.9 18 25 92.4 85 192 8 QHATCB5015X0 1.2 1.7 6.2 157 16 QHITCB5001X0 Rated Voltage 415 V AC (Heavy Duty) 1 1.4 40 2 2.8 2.4 3.3 12.3 50 157 16 QHITCB5002X0 3 4.2 3.6 5 18.5 63.5 157 16 QHITCB5003X0 4 5.6 4.8 6.7 24.6 63.5 157 16 QHITCB5004X0 5 7 6 8.3 30.8 68 157 16 QHITCB5005X0 6 8.3 7.2 10 37 63 192 16 QHITCB5006X0 7 9.7 8.4 11.7 43.1 68 192 16 QHITCB5007X0 7.5 10.4 9 12.5 46.2 68 192 16 QHITCB5007X5 8 11.1 9.6 13.4 49.3 75 192 8 QHITCB5008X0 10 13.9 12 16.7 61.6 85 192 8 QHITCB5010X0 12.5 17.4 15 20.9 77 85 270 4 QHITCB5012X5 15 20.9 18 25 92.4 85 270 4 QHITCB5015X0 *Packing units for capacitors equal minimum order quantity. Orders will be rounded up to packing unit or multiple thereof. Note: Customized products available upon request. Minimum Order Quantity 50 Nos. All Agri Boost – Type capacitors may be used for 60Hz, the output will be 1.2 times higher 44 Reactive Power Solutions Havells easy way to perform energy consumption studies – Harmonic Analysis For finding energy waste in commercial, factory buildings and equipment through energy consumption studies and electrical load analysis and perform power quality logging and analysis according to IEEE 519 – 1992 IEEE Recommended Practices & Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power System. Electronic equipment study measures virtually every power system parameter: voltage, current, frequency, power, energy consumption, cos f or power factor, unbalance, and harmonics and inter-harmonics. Load studies and energy assessments • Monitor maximum power demand over user-defined averaging • • • • • periods Demonstrate the benefit of efficiency improvements with energy consumption tests Measure harmonic distortion caused by electronic loads Analyze reliability problems by capturing voltage dips and swells from load switching Showcase events like dips and swells, interruptions and rapid voltage changes, based upon ½ cycle rms values. Meets the stringent 600 V CAT IV, 1000 V CAT III safety standard required for measurements at service entrance Analyze every parameter on display The System-Monitor overview screen gives instant insight into whether the voltage, harmonics, frequency, and the number of dips and swells fall outside the set limits.provides analysis of user-selectable parameters to find intermittent problems or relate PQ issues to other phenomena/events. Measure and record power (W), VA and VARs. customize measurement selections and provides analysis of user-selectable parameters to find intermittent problems or relate PQ issues to other phenomena/events. Graph shows voltage and current unbalance, and helps verify connections For queries & price offer on harmonic analysis, please e-mail: or contact our nearest sales offices. 45 Reactive Power Solutions Square Cap PFC Capacitor Mini Master / Master Three Phase PFC Capacitors (Normal Duty) Non PCB Soft Resin Impregnated • Modular Construction • Tripple Safety System General Mini Master / Master capacitors are MPP (metalized polypropylene) capacitors from Havells which have been used for PFC applications for more than 7 years. The power range varies from 1.0 to 30.0 KVAr. The Mini Master / Master capacitor is used for power factor correction in industrial applications. Applications • Power Factor Correction (PFC) • Automatic capacitor banks • Fixed PFC applications, e.g. motor compensation • Detuned PFC systems • Dynamic PFC systems • Filter Application Features • Compact design in powder coated MS enclosure with base mounting facility • Modular Construction • MPP technology • Voltage range 400 … 525 V • Output range 1.0 … 100.0 KVAr Electrical • Long life expectancy of up to 100000 hours • Max. transient inrush current handling capability is 200 x IR Mechanical and maintenance • Reduced mounting costs • Easy installation and connection • Low weight and compact volume • Maintenance-free Safety • Self-healing shield • Overpressure disconnector shield • Notch shield 46 Reactive Power Solutions Square PFC capacitor series for power factor correction Parameter Unit IS 13340 / IEC 60831 Reference Standard Power (Rated Capacitance) Mini Master / Master Qn 1 – 100 KVAr Tolerance 0 – 10% Connection Delta Rated voltage VR 400 – 525 Rated Frequency fR 50 / 60 Hz Max. Permisible Voltage Vmax. VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Max. Permisible Current Imax. Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Max. Transient Inrush Current Handling Capacity IS up to 200 x IR AC Test Voltage Terminal to Terminal VTT 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. Insulation Voltage Between Terminal & Container VTC 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. Max. Ratings Test Data Losses: – Dielectric < 0.2 W/KVAr – Total* < 0.4 W/KVAr Climatic Category Ambient Temperature 0 C -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C Max. humidity Hrel 95% Max. 4000 M above sea level Permisible Altitute Mean Life Expectancy tLD (co) 100000 Hrs Design Data Case Material / Shape Powder Coated, Fabricated Sheet Metal / Rectangular Dimensions According to Specification Table Page No. 48, 49 Dielectric Polypropylene Film Impregnation Soft Resin Fixing Base Mounting Mounting Position Upright Degree of Protection Safety IP41 Fabricated sheet metal Safety Mechnical Safety Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Discharge Device Resister Discharge Device Time Sec. ≤60 Sec (50 V) Cooling Natural or Forced Max. Switching Operations Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Ordering Code QHNTM* Note: 1. It should be noted that presence of harmonics produce over voltage & over current on capacitors. Resonance may cause serious damage to capacitor if a significant level of total harmonic distortion level exists for voltage or current. In such cases, series reactors must be considered. 2. Operating temperature class: In accordance with the reference standards, these temperatures are those measured on the surface on the capacitor. * Without Discharge Resister 47 Reactive Power Solutions Technical Data, Specifications & Dimensional Drawing H A2 D A1 A3 Dimensions in (mm) Frame Size A1 A2 A3 D H B00 120 132 144 50 180 B0 155 167 179 60 225 B1 195 217 239 75 290 B2 220 242 264 80 290 B3 220 242 264 160 300 K H A1 D A2 A3 Dimensions in (mm) KVAr Bank Rating A1 A2 A3 D H K 50 25 X 2 nos 220 242 264 320 325 410 75 25 X 3 nos 220 242 264 480 325 570 100 25 X 4 nos 220 242 264 640 390 725 48 Reactive Power Solutions Three phase power capacitor (Normal Duty) KVAr Current (A) KVAr 50Hz Current (A) Capacitance (3XµF) Frame Size Pack Unit* Product Code 60Hz Rated Voltage 415 V AC 1 1.4 1.2 1.7 6.2 B00 30 QHNTMB5001X0 2 2.8 2.4 3.3 12.3 B00 30 QHNTMB5002X0 3 4.2 3.6 5 18.5 B0 24 QHNTMB5003X0 4 5.6 4.8 6.7 24.6 B0 24 QHNTMB5004X0 5 7 6 8.3 30.8 B0 24 QHNTMB5005X0 6 8.3 7.2 10 37 B1 1 QHNTMB5006X0 7 9.7 8.4 11.7 43.1 B1 1 QHNTMB5007X0 7.5 10.4 9 12.5 46.2 B1 1 QHNTMB5007X5 8 11.1 9.6 13.4 49.3 B1 1 QHNTMB5008X0 10 13.9 12 16.7 61.6 B1 1 QHNTMB5010X0 12.5 17.4 15 20.9 77 B2 1 QHNTMB5012X5 15 20.9 18 25 92.4 B2 1 QHNTMB5015X0 20 27.8 24 33.4 (2 X 61.6) B3 1 QHNTMB5020X0 25 34.8 30 41.7 (2 X 77.0) B3 1 QHNTMB5025X0 30 41.7 36 50.1 (2 X 92.4) B3 1 QHNTCB5030X0 50 69.6 60 83.5 (4 X 77.0) 25 X 2 NOS** 1 QHNTMB5050X0 75 104.3 90 125.2 (6 X 77.0) 25 X 3 NOS** 1 QHNTMB5075X0 100 139.1 120 166.9 (8 X 77.0) 25 X 4 NOS** 1 QHNTMB5100X0 Rated Voltage 440 V AC 1 1.3 1.2 1.6 5.5 B00 30 QHNTMC5001X0 2 2.6 2.4 3.1 11 B00 30 QHNTMC5002X0 3 3.9 3.6 4.7 16.4 B0 24 QHNTMC5003X0 4 5.2 4.8 6.3 21.9 B0 24 QHNTMC5004X0 5 6.6 6 7.9 27.4 B0 24 QHNTMC5005X0 6 7.9 7.2 9.4 32.9 B1 1 QHNTMC5006X0 7 9.2 8.4 11 38.4 B1 1 QHNTMC5007X0 7.5 9.8 9 11.8 41.1 B1 1 QHNTMC5007X5 8 10.5 9.6 12.6 43.8 B1 1 QHNTMC5008X0 10 13.1 12 15.7 54.8 B1 1 QHNTMC5010X0 12.5 16.4 15 19.7 68.5 B2 1 QHNTMC5012X5 15 19.7 18 23.6 82.2 B2 1 QHNTMC5015X0 20 26.2 24 31.5 (2 X 54.8) B3 1 QHNTMC5020X0 25 32.8 30 39.4 (2 X 68.5) B3 1 QHNTMC5025X0 30 39.4 36 47.2 (2 X 82.2) B3 1 QHNTMC5030X0 50 65.6 60 78.7 (4 X 68.5) 25 X 2 NOS** 1 QHNTMC5050X0 75 98.4 90 118.1 (6 X 68.5) 25 X 3 NOS** 1 QHNTMC5075X0 100 131.2 120 157.5 (8 X 68.5) 25 X 4 NOS** 1 QHNTMC5100X0 *Packing units for capacitors equal minimum order quantity. Orders will be rounded up to packing unit or multiple thereof. Note: QHNTW is with wire terminal & QHNTM is with bolt terminal. Customized products available upon request. Minimum Order Quantity 50 Nos. All Minimaster & Master – Type capacitors may be used for 60Hz, the output will be 1.2 times higher 49 Reactive Power Solutions CHAMP Square Cap PFC Capacitor Master Plus Three Phase PFC Capacitors (Heavy Duty) Non PCB Soft Resin Impregnated • Modular Construction • Tripple Safety System General Master Plus capacitors are MPP (metalized polypropylene) capacitors from Havells which have been used for PFC applications for more than 7 years. The power range varies from 1.0 to 100.0 KVAr. The Master Plus capacitor is used for power factor correction in industrial applications. Applications • Power Factor Correction (PFC) • Automatic capacitor banks • Fixed PFC applications, e.g. motor compensation • Detuned PFC systems • Dynamic PFC systems • Filter Application Features • Compact design in powder coated MS enclosure with base mounting facility • Modular Construction • MPP technology • Voltage range 400 … 525 V • Output range 1.0 … 100.0 KVAr Electrical • Long life expectancy of up to 130000 hours • Max. transient inrush current handling capability is 250 x IR • Reduced mounting costs • Easy installation and connection • Low weight and compact volume • Maintenance-free Safety • Self-healing shield • Overpressure disconnector shield • Notch shield 50 Reactive Power Solutions CHAMP Square PFC capacitor series for power factor correction Parameter Unit IS 13340 / IEC 60831 Reference Standard Power (Rated Capacitance) Master Plus Qn 1 – 100 KVAr Tolerance 0 – 10% Connection Delta Rated voltage VR 400 – 525 Rated Frequency fR 50 / 60 Hz Max. Permisible Voltage Vmax. VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Max. Permisible Current Imax. Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Max. Transient Inrush Current Handling Capacity IS up to 250 x IR AC Test Voltage Terminal to Terminal VTT 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. Insulation Voltage Between Terminal & Container VTC 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. Max. Ratings Test Data Losses: – Dielectric < 0.2 W/KVAr – Total* < 0.4 W/KVAr Climatic Category Ambient Temperature 0 C -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C Max. humidity Hrel 95% Max. 4000 M above sea level Permisible Altitute Design Data Case Material / Shape Powder Coated, Fabricated Sheet Metal / Rectangular Dimensions According to Specification Table Page No. 52, 53 Dielectric Polypropylene Film Impregnation Soft Resin Fixing Base Mounting Mounting Position Upright Degree of Protection Safety IP41 Fabricated sheet metal Safety Mechnical Safety Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Discharge Device Resister Discharge Device Time Sec. ≤60 Sec (50 V) Cooling Natural or Forced Max. Switching Operations Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Ordering Code QHHTM* Note: 1. It should be noted that presence of harmonics produce over voltage & over current on capacitors. Resonance may cause serious damage to capacitor if a significant level of total harmonic distortion level exists for voltage or current. In such cases, series reactors must be considered. 2. Operating temperature class: In accordance with the reference standards, these temperatures are those measured on the surface on the capacitor. * Without Discharge Resister 51 Reactive Power Solutions CHAMP Technical Data, Specifications & Dimensional Drawing H A2 D A1 A3 Dimensions in (mm) Frame Size A1 A2 A3 D H B00 120 132 144 50 180 B0 155 167 179 60 225 B1 195 217 239 75 290 B2 220 242 264 80 290 B3 220 242 264 160 300 K H A1 D A2 A3 Dimensions in (mm) KVAr Bank Rating A1 A2 A3 D H K 50 25 X 2 nos 220 242 264 320 325 410 75 25 X 3 nos 220 242 264 480 325 570 100 25 X 4 nos 220 242 264 640 390 725 52 Reactive Power Solutions CHAMP Three phase power capacitor (Heavy Duty) KVAr Current (A) KVAr 50Hz Current (A) Capacitance (3XµF) Frame Size Pack Unit* Product Code 60Hz Rated Voltage 415 V AC 1 1.4 1.2 1.7 6.2 B00 30 QHHTMB5001X0 2 2.8 2.4 3.3 12.3 B00 30 QHHTMB5002X0 3 4.2 3.6 5 18.5 B0 24 QHHTMB5003X0 4 5.6 4.8 6.7 24.6 B0 24 QHHTMB5004X0 5 7 6 8.3 30.8 B1 24 QHHTMB5005X0 6 8.3 7.2 10 37 B1 1 QHHTMB5006X0 7 9.7 8.4 11.7 43.1 B1 1 QHHTMB5007X0 7.5 10.4 9 12.5 46.2 B1 1 QHHTMB5007X5 8 11.1 9.6 13.4 49.3 B1 1 QHHTMB5008X0 10 13.9 12 16.7 61.6 B2 1 QHHTMB5010X0 12.5 17.4 15 20.9 77 B2 1 QHHTMB5012X5 15 20.9 18 25 92.4 B2 1 QHHTMB5015X0 20 27.8 24 33.4 (2 X 61.6) B3 1 QHHTMB5020X0 25 34.8 30 41.7 (2 X 77.0) B3 1 QHHTMB5025X0 30 41.7 36 50.1 (2 X 92.4) B3 1 QHHTCB5030X0 50 69.6 60 83.5 (4 X 77.0) 25 X 2 NOS** 1 QHHTMB5050X0 75 104.3 90 125.2 (6 X 77.0) 25 X 3 NOS** 1 QHHTMB5075X0 100 139.1 120 166.9 (8 X 77.0) 25 X 4 NOS** 1 QHHTMB5100X0 Rated Voltage 440 V AC 1 1.3 1.2 1.6 5.5 B00 30 QHHTMC5001X0 2 2.6 2.4 3.1 11 B00 30 QHHTMC5002X0 3 3.9 3.6 4.7 16.4 B0 24 QHHTMC5003X0 4 5.2 4.8 6.3 21.9 B0 24 QHHTMC5004X0 5 6.6 6 7.9 27.4 B1 24 QHHTMC5005X0 6 7.9 7.2 9.4 32.9 B1 1 QHHTMC5006X0 7 9.2 8.4 11 38.4 B1 1 QHHTMC5007X0 7.5 9.8 9 11.8 41.1 B1 1 QHHTMC5007X5 8 10.5 9.6 12.6 43.8 B1 1 QHHTMC5008X0 10 13.1 12 15.7 54.8 B2 1 QHHTMC5010X0 12.5 16.4 15 19.7 68.5 B2 1 QHHTMC5012X5 15 19.7 18 23.6 82.2 B2 1 QHHTMC5015X0 20 26.2 24 31.5 (2 X 54.8) B3 1 QHHTMC5020X0 25 32.8 30 39.4 (2 X 68.5) B3 1 QHHTMC5025X0 30 39.4 36 47.2 (2 X 82.2) B3 1 QHHTMC5030X0 50 65.6 60 78.7 (4 X 68.5) 25 X 2 NOS** 1 QHHTMC5050X0 75 98.4 90 118.1 (6 X 68.5) 25 X 3 NOS** 1 QHHTMC5075X0 100 131.2 120 157.5 (8 X 68.5) 25 X 4 NOS** 1 QHHTMC5100X0 *Packing units for capacitors equal minimum order quantity. Orders will be rounded up to packing unit or multiple thereof. Note: Customized products available upon request. Minimum Order Quantity 50 Nos. All Master Plus – Type capacitors may be used for 60Hz, the output will be 1.2 times higher 53 Reactive Power Solutions Square Cap PFC Capacitor Champion Three Phase PFC Capacitors (Super Heavy Duty-Double Dielectric) Soft Resin Impregnated • Modular Construction • Tripple Safety System General Champion capacitors are MPP (metalized polypropylene) capacitors from Havells which have been used for PFC applications for more than 7 years. The power range varies from 1.0 to 100.0 KVAr. The Champion capacitor is used for power factor correction in industrial applications. Applications • Power Factor Correction (PFC) • Automatic capacitor banks • Fixed PFC applications, e.g. motor compensation • Detuned PFC systems • Dynamic PFC systems• Filter Application Features • Compact design in square MS enclosure with base mounting facility • Modular Construction • MPP technology • Double Dielectric • Voltage range 400 … 525 V • Output range 1.0 … 100.0 KVAr Electrical • Long life expectancy of up to 180000 hours • Max. transient inrush current handling capability is 300 x IR Mechanical and maintenance • Reduced mounting costs • Easy installation and connection • Low weight and compact volume • Maintenance-free Safety • Self-healing shield • Overpressure disconnector shield • Notch shield 54 Reactive Power Solutions Square PFC capacitor series for power factor correction (Super heavy duty) Parameter Unit IS 13340 / IEC 60831 Reference Standard Power (Rated Capacitance) Champion Qn 1 – 100 KVAr Tolerance 0 – 10% Connection Delta Rated voltage VR 400 – 525 Rated Frequency fR 50 / 60 Hz Max. Permisible Voltage Vmax. VR + 10 % (up to 8 h daily) VR + 15 % (up to 30 min daily) VR + 20 % (up to 5 min daily) VR + 30 % (up to 1 min daily) Max. Permisible Current Imax. Up to 1.3 x IR (up to 1.5 x IR incl. combined effects of harmonics, over voltages and capacitance) Max. Transient Inrush Current Handling Capacity IS up to 300 x IR AC Test Voltage Terminal to Terminal VTT 2.15 x UN, 2 Sec. Insulation Voltage Between Terminal & Container VTC 3600 V AC, 2 Sec. Max. Ratings Test Data Losses: – Dielectric < 0.2 W/KVAr – Total* < 0.45 W/KVAr Climatic Category Ambient Temperature 0 C -25 / D; max. temp. 550 C; max mean 24h = 45 0C; max. mean 1 year = 35 0C; lowest temp. = -25 0C Max. humidity Hrel 95% tLD (co) 180000 Hrs Max. 4000 M above sea level Permisible Altitute Mean Life Expectancy Design Data Case Material / Shape Powder Coated, Fabricated Sheet Metal / Rectangular Dimensions According to Specification Table Page No. 56, 57 Dielectric Polypropylene Film Impregnation Soft Resin Fixing Base Mounting Mounting Position Upright Degree of Protection Safety IP41 Fabricated sheet metal Safety Mechnical Safety Tear of fuses, overpressure disconnector Discharge Device Resister Discharge Device Time Sec. ≤60 Sec (50 V) Cooling Natural or Forced Max. Switching Operations Max. 5000 Nos. Per Year Ordering Code QHSTM* Note: 1. It should be noted that presence of harmonics produce over voltage & over current on capacitors. Resonance may cause serious damage to capacitor if a significant level of total harmonic distortion level exists for voltage or current. In such cases, series reactors must be considered. 2. Operating temperature class: In accordance with the reference standards, these temperatures are those measured on the surface on the capacitor. * Without Discharge Resister 55 Reactive Power Solutions Technical Data, Specifications & Dimensional Drawing H A2 D A1 A3 Dimensions in (mm) Frame Size A1 A2 A3 D H B0 155 167 179 60 225 B1 195 217 239 75 290 B2 220 242 264 80 290 B4 220 242 264 80 390 B5 220 242 264 160 400 K H A1 D A2 A3 Dimensions in (mm) KVAr Bank Rating A1 A2 A3 D H K 50 25 X 2 nos 220 242 264 320 425 410 75 25 X 3 nos 220 242 264 480 425 570 100 25 X 4 nos 220 242 264 640 490 725 56 Reactive Power Solutions Three phase power capacitor (super heavy duty) KVAr Current (A) KVAr 50Hz Current (A) Capacitance (3XµF) Frame Size Pack Unit* Product Code 60Hz Rated Voltage 415 V AC 1 1.4 1.2 1.7 6.2 B1 1 QHSTMB5001X0 2 2.8 2.4 3.3 12.3 B1 1 QHSTMB5002X0 3 4.2 3.6 5 18.5 B2 1 QHSTMB5003X0 4 5.6 4.8 6.7 24.6 B2 1 QHSTMB5004X0 5 7 6 8.3 30.8 B2 1 QHSTMB5005X0 6 8.3 7.2 10 37 B4 1 QHSTMB5006X0 7 9.7 8.4 11.7 43.1 B4 1 QHSTMB5007X0 7.5 10.4 9 12.5 46.2 B4 1 QHSTMB5007X5 8 11.1 9.6 13.4 49.3 B4 1 QHSTMB5008X0 10 13.9 12 16.7 61.6 B4 1 QHSTMB5010X0 12.5 17.4 15 20.9 77 B4 1 QHSTMB5012X5 15 20.9 18 25 (2 X46.2) B5 1 QHSTMB5015X0 20 27.8 24 33.4 (2 X 61.6) B5 1 QHSTMB5020X0 25 34.8 30 41.7 (2 X 77.0) B5 1 QHSTMB5025X0 30 41.7 36 50.1 (4 X 46.2) 15 X 2 NOS* 1 QHSTCB5030X0 50 69.6 60 83.5 (4 X 77.0) 25 X 2 NOS* 1 QHSTMB5050X0 75 104.3 90 125.2 (6 X 77.0) 25 X 3 NOS* 1 QHSTMB5075X0 100 139.1 120 166.9 (8 X 77.0) 25 X 4 NOS* 1 QHSTMB5100X0 Rated Voltage 440 V AC 1 1.3 1.2 1.6 5.5 B1 1 QHSTMC5001X0 2 2.6 2.4 3.1 11 B1 1 QHSTMC5002X0 3 3.9 3.6 4.7 16.4 B2 1 QHSTMC5003X0 4 5.2 4.8 6.3 21.9 B2 1 QHSTMC5004X0 5 6.6 6 7.9 27.4 B2 1 QHSTMC5005X0 6 7.9 7.2 9.4 32.9 B4 1 QHSTMC5006X0 7 9.2 8.4 11 38.4 B4 1 QHSTMC5007X0 7.5 9.8 9 11.8 41.1 B4 1 QHSTMC5007X5 8 10.5 9.6 12.6 43.8 B4 1 QHSTMC5008X0 10 13.1 12 15.7 54.8 B4 1 QHSTMC5010X0 12.5 16.4 15 19.7 68.5 B4 1 QHSTMC5012X5 15 19.7 18 23.6 (2 X 41.1) B5 1 QHSTMC5015X0 20 26.2 24 31.5 (2 X 54.8) B5 1 QHSTMC5020X0 25 32.8 30 39.4 (2 X 68.5) B5 1 QHSTMC5025X0 30 39.4 36 47.2 (4 X 41.1) 15 X 2 NOS* 1 QHSTMC5030X0 50 65.6 60 78.7 (4 X 68.5) 25 X 2 NOS* 1 QHSTMC5050X0 75 98.4 90 118.1 (6 X 68.5) 25 X 3 NOS* 1 QHSTMC5075X0 100 131.2 120 157.5 (8 X 68.5) 25 X 4 NOS* 1 QHSTMC5100X0 *Packing units for capacitors equal minimum order quantity. Orders will be rounded up to packing unit or multiple thereof. Note: Customized products available upon request. Minimum Order Quantity 50 Nos. All Master Plus – Type capacitors may be used for 60Hz, the output will be 1.2 times higher 57 Reactive Power Solutions Anti-Resonance Harmonic Filter General The increasing use of modern power electronic apparatus (drives, uninterruptible power supplies, etc) produces nonlinear current and thus influences and loads the network with harmonics (line pollution). The power factor correction or capacitance of the power capacitor forms a resonant circuit in conjunction with the feeding transformer. Experience shows that the selfresonant frequency of this circuit is typically between 250 and 500 Hz, i.e. in the region of the 5th and 7th harmonics. Such a resonance although can lead to the following undesirable effects: • Overloading of capacitors • Overloading of transformers and transmission equipment • Interference with metering and control systems, computers and electrical gear • Resonance elevation, i.e. amplification of harmonics • Voltage distortion. These resonance phenomena can be avoided by connecting capacitors in series with filter reactors in the PFC system. These so called “detuned” PFC systems are scaled. in a way that the self-resonant frequency is below the lowest line harmonic. The detuned PFC system is purely inductive seen by harmonics above this frequency. For the base line frequency (50 or 60 Hz usually), the detuned system on the other hand acts purely capacitive, thus correcting the reactive power. Applications • Avoidance of resonance conditions • Tuned and detuned harmonic filters • Reduction of harmonic distortion (network clearing) • Reduction of power losses Features • High harmonic loading capability • Very low losses • High linearity to avoid choke tilt • Low noise • Convenient mounting • Long expected life time • Temperature protection (NC contact) Mechanical and maintenance • Low mounting costs • Easy installation and connection • Compact volume • Maintenance-free Safety • Temperature protection 58 Reactive Power Solutions Anti-Resonance Harmonic Filter Technical Data Reference Standard IEC 61558 / IS 5553 Tolerance of Inductance ± 3% V3 = 0.5% VR (duty cycle = 100%) V5 = 6.0% VR (duty cycle = 100%) V7 = 5.0% VR (duty cycle = 100%) Harmonics* V11 = 3.5% VR (duty cycle = 100%) V13 = 3.0% VR (duty cycle = 100%) Effective current Fundamental current Insulation (winding-core) Irms I Kv Irms = ß®(I12+I32 ... I132) I1 = 1.06 · IR (50 Hz or 60 Hz current of capacitor) 3 Kv Temperature protection Microswitch (NC) Dimensional drawings and terminals See specific datasheets Three-phase filter reactors to EN 60289 / IEC 61558 f 50 Hz or 60 Hz Voltage V AC 400, 440 V AC Output KVAr 5 … 100 KVAr Frequency Detuning Factor 5.67%, 7%, 14% Cooling Natural Ambient temperature °C 40°C Humidity 95% Insulation class H Class of protection I Enclosure IP00 Max. Permissible Attitude Max. 4000M above sea level Terminals Lugs / Busbar Design Data Dimensions According to specification table page no Weight Approx. According to specification table page no Safety- All reactors are provided with a sepaerate screw terminal for the temperature switch (opening switch) which is located indisde the central coil. Response Temperature Voltage Ordering Code °C V AC 1400C 250 V AC (<4A) ... 500 V AC (<2A) QHDTM* 59 Reactive Power Solutions Anti-Resonance Harmonic Filter Selection of Filter Losses Determine the necessary effective power (KVAr) of the capacitor The 50 Hz losses are comparatively low but when the filter circuit reactors are installed into the cabinet, they are charged with additional currents, predominantly those of the 5, 7 & 11 harmonics. Then the total heat losses dissipated can be of a level whereby they have to be extracted from the cabinet, by means of fans. bank in order to obtain the desired PF. Design the capacitor stages in such a way that the sensitivity of the bank is around 15–20% of the total available power. It’s not useful to have a more sensitive bank that reacts with a 5 or 10% of the total power because this would lead to a high amount of switching operations, wasting the equipment unnecessarily when the real objective is to have a high average PF. Terminals: the terminals for filter circuit reactors are designed as cable terminals. Try to design the bank with standard KVAr values of effective power steps, preferably multiples of 25 KVAr Design Features Measure the presence of harmonic currents in the main feeder Havells filter reactors are designed with properties like low temperature rise and lower flux density so that it can operate with worst conditions of Harmonic overloads. Reactors are available with detuned factor of 5.67%, 7% and 14% in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 KVAr rating. Any other specific rating can be made as per the request from the customer. cable of the system without capacitors at all possible load conditions. Determine frequency and maximum amplitude for every harmonic that could exist. Calculate the Total Harmonic Distortion of Current THD-I = 100 • SQR [(I3)2 + (I5)2 + ... + (IR)2]/Il Calculate every existing value for THD-IR = 100 • IR/Il An integrated switch allows external monitoring and/ or disconnection of the reactor in the event of impermissible built up of heat. Measure the presence of harmonic voltages that might come from outside your system, if possible measure the HV side. Calculate the Total Harmonic Distortion of Voltage THD-V =100 • SQR [(U3)2 + (U5)2 + ... + (UN)2]/Ul The following table shows a comparison for various reactor/ capacitor combinations at fundamental frequency of 50 Hz: p -Detuned factor f - Fundamental frequency f Res -Resonating frequency Resonance frequency 210 Hz 189 Hz 134 Hz De-tuning factor 5.67 7 14 60 Reactive Power Solutions Detuned PFC in general Detuned PFC Important Facts and Instructions When installing capacitors for PFC purpose, the problem of dealing with harmonics has to be faced. They have to be taken into account when designing the PFC system in order to prevent parallel and / or series resonance conditions that would damage the whole electrical system. When PFC capacitors are connected, the inductance of the transformer together with the capacitors forms a resonant circuit that could be excited by a harmonic current generated by the load. This resonant circuit has a resonance frequency, and if a harmonic current of this frequency (or close to it) exists, it will lead the circuit into a resonance condition where high current will flow through the branches (L: the transformer, and C: the capacitor bank), overloading them and raising the voltage across them and across the whole electrical system that is connected in parallel. PFC detuned filtering is a tech nique to correct the power factor avoiding the risk of resonance condition performed by shifting the resonance frequency to lower values where no harmonic currents are present. Important design instructions to be followed for detuned PFC Systems This is achieved by modifying the basic LC circuit formed by the transformer and the capacitor bank, introducing a filter reactor in series with the capacitors, making this way a more complex resonant circuit but with the desired feature of having a resonance frequency below the first existing harmonic. This way it’s not possible to have a real resonance condition. Besides this main objective, the reactor connected in series with capacitors form a series resonant circuit with a certain tuning frequency at which the branch will offer a low impedancepath. Filtering of harmonic currents and “cleaning” of the grid will be achieved. Components for PFC detuned filters must be carefully selected according to the desired PFC purpose, to the harmonics present in the system, to some features of the system like short circuit power and impedances, to the desired filtering effect and to the characteristics of the resonant circuit configured. For example, the voltage across the capacitors will be higher than the nominal grid voltage when they have a reactor connected in series. The reactors must be selected in line with the inductance value to obtain the desired tuning frequency and current capabi lity high enough for the harmonic current absorption that can be expected. The tuning frequency is usually indirectly referred to as the detuning factor p and expressed as a percentage. ( ) X ƒ 2 p = 100 · ––L– = ––––– · 100 X C ƒRES PFC detuned filtering is an engi neer ing speciality that takes ex per ienced know-how to implement it in a satisfying and safe way. The design-instructions for detuned PFC systems on page 75 have to be followed to ensure an optimum performance of the PFC system. Note: The recommendations given in the selection tables are meant as a support tool. does not take over any responsibility for the design as apart from the theoretical conditions the prevailing circumstances in the application have to be taken into account. 1)Determine the necessary effective power (KVAr) of the capacitor bank in order to obtain the desired PF. 2) Design the capacitor stages in such a way that the sensibility of the bank is around 15–20% of the total available power. It’s not useful to have a more sensitive bank that reacts with a 5 or 10% of the total power because this would lead to a high amount of switching operations, wasting the equipment unnecessarily when the real objective is to have a high average PF. 3) Try to design the bank with standard KVAr values of effective power steps, preferably multiples of 25 KVAr. 4) Measure the presence of harmonic currents in the main feeder cable of the system without capacitors at all possible load conditions. Determine frequency and maximum ampli tude for every harmonic that could exist. Calcu late the Total Harmonic Distortion of Current THD-I = 100 · SQR [(I3)2 + (I5)2 + ... + (IR)2]/Il Calculate every existing value for THD-IR = 100 · IR/Il 5) Measure the presence of harmonic voltages that might come from outside your system, if possible measure the HV side. Calculate the Total Harmonic Distortion of Voltage THD-V = 100 · SQR [(V3)2 + (V5)2 + ... + (VN)2]/Vl 6) Are there harmonics such as THD-I > 10% or THD-V > 3% (measured without capacitors)? If YES use PFC-DF and go to consideration 7. If NO use standard PFC and skip considerations 7, 8 and 9. 7) Is there 3rd harmonic content, I3 > 0.2 · I5? If YES use PFCDF with p = 14% and skip consideration 8. If NO use PFC-DF with p = 7% or 5.67% and go to consideration 8) THD-V is: 3–7% use PFC-DF with p = 7% >7% use PFC-DF with p = 5.67% >10% ask for special filter design 9) Select the proper components using Havells tables for PFCDF and standard values for effective power, the voltage and frequency of your grid, and the determined detuned factor p. 10)Always use genuine Havells application-specific designed components for PFC-DF. Please observe that reactors are specified for their effective power at grid voltage and frequency. This power will be the real effective power of the whole LC set at fundamental frequency. Capacitors for PFC-DF must be selected for a higher rated voltage than the grid’s because of the overvoltage caused by the series connection with the reactor. Contactors for capacitors are designed as applicationspecific to reduce inrush capacitors currents and to handle capacitive loads in a reliable way. 61 Reactive Power Solutions Anti-Resonance Harmonic Filter Technical Data and Specifications H W G Busbar 60 d n1 n2 b L Elevation Ordering Code KVAr R.H. Side View Current Inductance Net Weight Losses A mH Kg Watts Insulation Class Dimensions (mm)/Tolerance L W H n1 n2 b Ød1 Slot size dist between slot ØG Copper QHDTMCV005X0 5 6.56A 9.33mH 9 70W H 220 145 165 140 90 125 8 7 x 20 60 6 QHDTMCV010X0 10 13.12A 4.64mH 11 80W H 220 145 165 140 90 125 8 8 x 25 60 6 QHDTMCV012X5 12.5 16.6A 3.71mH 15 90W H 220 145 165 140 90 125 8 8 x 25 60 6 QHDTMCV015X0 15 19.68A 3.10mH 20 130W H 225 145 205 150 94 116 8 7 x 20 76 6 QHDTMCV020X0 20 26.24A 2.31mH 20 150w H 225 145 205 150 94 116 8 7 x 20 76 8 QHDTMCV025X0 25 32.8A 1.86mH 24 170w H 225 145 205 150 94 116 8 7 x 20 76 8 QHDTMCV050X0 50 65.6A 0.926mH 35 250w H 265 170 235 150 104 132 8 7 x 20 88 8 QHDTMCV075X0 75 99A 0.618mH 47 340w H 300 175 270 265 113 143 10 10 x 20 100 10 QHDTMCV100X0 100 131.5A 0.464mH 58 380w H 300 200 270 265 140 170 10 10 x 20 100 10 Aluminium QHTTMCV005X0 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QHTTMCV010X0 10 13.12A 4.64mH 10 90w H 220 150 165 150 90 125 8 8 x 25 65 6 QHTTMCV012X5 12.5 16.6A 3.71mH 12 100w H 240 160 165 150 90 125 8 8 x 25 65 8 QHTTMCV015X0 15 19.68A 3.10mH 20 140w H 225 175 205 150 94 116 8 7 x 20 76 8 QHTTMCV020X0 20 26.24A 2.10mH 20 160w H 225 175 210 150 94 116 8.5 7 x 20 76 8 QHTTMCV025X0 25 32.5A 37.2mH 20 180w H 240 190 210 170 94 116 8.5 7 x 20 86 8 QHTTMCV050X0 50 65.6A 0.926mH 28 270w H 285 220 235 210 104 132 8.5 7 x 20 103 10 QHTTMCV075X0 75 99A 0.618mH 41 360w H 340 180 270 265 113 143 10 10 x 20 115 10 QHTTMCV100X0 100 131.5A 0.464mH 52 400w H 340 270 270 265 140 170 10 10 X 20 115 12 Notes: 1) All Dimensions are in M.M. 2) Tolerance on Dimension - Overall (L,W,H) - +/-1% Mounting - +/-2MM" 3) Total max. losses, considering max. specified overvoltage and harmonic currents* 4) Other Voltages on request 5) Other Voltages/KVAr drawing may be changed QHDTMCV005X0: 5 KVAr/440 V - Order for other voltages Replace C with Q for 400V Q 400V C 440V QHDTMCV005X0: 5 KVAr/440 V - Order for other detuning factor Replace V with U for 5.67% and W for 14% U 5.67% V 50Hz 7% W 14% 62 Reactive Power Solutions Anti-Resonance Harmonic Filter Calculation of the requested rated capacitor output in detuned filter circuits (factors to be multiplied with the required output per step Supply Voltage: 400V Rated voltage * of capacitor (V) 5 5.5 6 Detuning Factor (%) 7 12.5 13 14 440 1.150 1.143 1.137 1.125 - - - 525 1.637 1.628 1.619 1.602 1.507 1.499 1.481 Rated voltage * of capacitor (V) 5 5.5 6 7 12.5 13 14 440 1.068 1.062 1.057 - - - - 525 1.520 1.512 1.504 1.488 1.400 1.392 1.376 Supply Voltage: 415V Detuning Factor (%) Supply Voltage: 440V Detuning Factor (%) Rated voltage * of capacitor (V) 5 5.5 6 7 12.5 13 14 525 1.352 1.345 1.338 1.324 1.246 1.239 1.224 Supply Voltage: 480V Detuning Factor (%) Rated voltage * of capacitor (V) 5 5.5 6 7 12.5 13 14 525 1.136 1.130 1.125 1.113 - - - 660 1.796 1.787 1.777 1.758 1.654 1.645 1.626 Example: Required output per step at supply voltage: Supply voltage: 50KVAr 440V Detuning factor: 7% Rated voltage of capacitor: 525V Factor of the table: 1.324 Requested rated output of the capacitors: 50KVAr X 1.327= 66.2 Selection: 2(PFC capacitors) x 33.1 * For filter circuits the capacitor rated voltage has to be chosen always higher than the supply voltage. i.e.: fundamental voltage increased by the reactor and harmonics 63 Reactive Power Solutions Anti-Resonance Harmonic Filter Component selection table for dynamic pfc Anti-resonance Filter Circuit Grid: 400 V - 50 Hz Detuned Filters components selection table Detuned factor % Effective filter output KVAr Grid voltage Capacitor voltage Selection Capacitor output KVAr Capacitance 3 * µF Reactor inductivity 3 * mH IRMS (Ieff) Rated voltage V = 400 V, f = 50 Hz, p = 5.67% (fr = 210 Hz) / Linearity: L ≥ 0.95 * LR for current up to 2.08 * I1 5.67 5.00 KVAr 5.71 KVAr 31.3 µF 6.13 mH 8.78 AMP 10.00 KVAr 11.41 KVAr 62.6 µF 3.06 mH 17.55 AMP 12.50 KVAr 14.27 KVAr 78.2 µF 2.45 mH 21.94 AMP 17.12 KVAr 93.9 µF 2.04 mH 26.33 AMP 22.83 KVAr 125.2 µF 1.53 mH 35.11 AMP 25.00 KVAr 28.53 KVAr 156.5 µF 1.23 mH 43.88 AMP 40.00 KVAr 45.66 KVAr 250.3 µF 0.77 mH 70.21 AMP 50.00 KVAr 57.07 KVAr 312.9 µF 0.61 mH 87.76 AMP 75.00 KVAr 85.60 KVAr 469.4 µF 0.41 mH 131.65 AMP 100.00 KVAr 114.14 KVAr 625.9 µF 0.31 mH 175.53 AMP 15.00 KVAr 20.00 KVAr 400 V 440 V Rated voltage V = 400 V, f = 50 Hz, p = 7% (fr = 189 Hz) / Linearity: L ≥ 0.95 * LR for current up to 1.73 * I1 7 5.00 KVAr 5.63 KVAr 30.9 µF 7.67 mH 8.03 AMP 10.00 KVAr 11.25 KVAr 61.7 µF 3.84 mH 16.07 AMP 12.50 KVAr 14.07 KVAr 77.1 µF 3.07 mH 20.09 AMP 16.88 KVAr 92.6 µF 2.56 mH 24.10 AMP 22.51 KVAr 123.4 µF 1.92 mH 32.14 AMP 25.00 KVAr 28.13 KVAr 154.3 µF 1.53 mH 40.17 AMP 40.00 KVAr 45.01 KVAr 246.8 µF 0.96 mH 64.28 AMP 50.00 KVAr 56.27 KVAr 308.5 µF 0.77 mH 80.34 AMP 75.00 KVAr 84.40 KVAr 462.8 µF 0.51 mH 120.52 AMP 100.00 KVAr 112.53 KVAr 617.0 µF 0.38 mH 160.69 AMP 15.00 KVAr 20.00 KVAr 400 V 440 V Rated voltage V = 400 V, f = 50 Hz, p = 14% (fr = 135 Hz) / Linearity: L ≥ 0.95 * LR for current up to 1.37 * I1 14 5.00 KVAr 6.19 KVAr 28.5 µF 16.59 mH 7.69 AMP 10.00 KVAr 12.38 KVAr 57.1 µF 8.30 mH 15.39 AMP 12.50 KVAr 15.48 KVAr 71.3 µF 6.64 mH 19.23 AMP 18.58 KVAr 85.6 µF 5.53 mH 23.08 AMP 24.77 KVAr 114.1 µF 4.15 mH 30.77 AMP 25.00 KVAr 30.96 KVAr 142.6 µF 3.32 mH 38.46 AMP 40.00 KVAr 49.54 KVAr 228.2 µF 2.07 mH 61.54 AMP 50.00 KVAr 61.92 KVAr 285.3 µF 1.66 mH 76.93 AMP 75.00 KVAr 92.88 KVAr 427.9 µF 1.11 mH 115.39 AMP 100.00 KVAr 123.84 KVAr 570.6 µF 0.83 mH 153.85 AMP 15.00 KVAr 20.00 KVAr 400 V 480 V 64 Reactive Power Solutions Anti-Resonance Harmonic Filter Grid: 440 V - 50 Hz Detuned Filters components selection table Detuned factor % Effective filter output KVAr Grid voltage Capacitor voltage Selection Capacitor output KVAr Capacitance 3 * µF Reactor inductivity 3 * mH IRMS (Ieff) Rated voltage V = 440 V, f = 50 Hz, p = 5.67% (fr = 210 Hz) / Linearity: L ≥ 0.95 • LR for current up to 2.08 • I1 5.00 KVAr 5.61 KVAr 25.9 µF 7.41 mH 7.98 AMP 10.00 KVAr 11.23 KVAr 51.7 µF 3.71 mH 15.96 AMP 12.50 KVAr 14.03 KVAr 64.7 µF 2.96 mH 19.95 AMP 16.84 KVAr 77.6 µF 2.47 mH 23.94 AMP 22.45 KVAr 103.4 µF 1.85 mH 31.91 AMP 25.00 KVAr 28.07 KVAr 129.3 µF 1.48 mH 39.89 AMP 40.00 KVAr 44.90 KVAr 206.9 µF 0.93 mH 63.83 AMP 50.00 KVAr 56.13 KVAr 258.6 µF 0.74 mH 79.78 AMP 75.00 KVAr 84.20 KVAr 387.9 µF 0.49 mH 119.68 AMP 100.00 KVAr 112.26 KVAr 517.2 µF 0.37 mH 159.57 AMP 15.00 KVAr 5.67 20.00 KVAr 440 V 480 V Rated voltage V = 440 V, f = 50 Hz, p = 7% (fr = 189 Hz) / Linearity: L ≥ 0.95 • LR for current up to 1.73 • I1 7 5.00 KVAr 5.53 KVAr 25.5 µF 9.33 mH 7.30 AMP 10.00 KVAr 11.07 KVAr 51.0 µF 4.64 mH 14.61 AMP 12.50 KVAr 13.83 KVAr 63.7 µF 3.71 mH 18.26 AMP 16.60 KVAr 76.5 µF 3.10 mH 21.91 AMP 22.14 KVAr 102.0 µF 2.31 mH 29.22 AMP 25.00 KVAr 27.67 KVAr 127.5 µF 1.86 mH 36.52 AMP 40.00 KVAr 44.27 KVAr 204.0 µF 1.16 mH 58.43 AMP 50.00 KVAr 55.34 KVAr 255.0 µF 0.93 mH 73.04 AMP 75.00 KVAr 83.01 KVAr 382.5 µF 0.62 mH 109.56 AMP 100.00 KVAr 110.68 KVAr 509.9 µF 0.46 mH 146.08 AMP 15.00 KVAr 20.00 KVAr 440 V 480 V Rated voltage V = 440 V, f = 50 Hz, p = 14% (fr = 135 Hz) / Linearity: L ≥ 0.95 • LR for current up to 1.37 • I1 14 5.00 KVAr 6.12 KVAr 23.6 µF 20.07 mH 6.99 AMP 10.00 KVAr 12.24 KVAr 47.2 µF 10.04 mH 13.99 AMP 12.50 KVAr 15.30 KVAr 58.9 µF 8.03 mH 17.48 AMP 18.37 KVAr 70.7 µF 6.69 mH 20.98 AMP 24.49 KVAr 94.3 µF 5.02 mH 27.97 AMP 25.00 KVAr 30.61 KVAr 117.9 µF 4.01 mH 34.97 AMP 40.00 KVAr 48.97 KVAr 188.6 µF 2.51 mH 55.95 AMP 50.00 KVAr 61.22 KVAr 235.8 µF 2.01 mH 69.93 AMP 75.00 KVAr 91.83 KVAr 353.7 µF 1.34 mH 104.90 AMP 100.00 KVAr 122.44 KVAr 471.6 µF 1.00 mH 139.87 AMP 15.00 KVAr 20.00 KVAr 440 V 525 V 65 Reactive Power Solutions Microprocessor Controlled Power Factor Controller General IPFC Relay for Power Factor Correction in Low Voltage applications measures the actual power factor and connect or disconnect capacitors to achieve a target power factor. The single phase electronic measuring system detects the reactive and active component of the network through the current and voltage path. From this it calculates the phase shift between current and voltage and compares this with the set target power factor. If there are deviations of the power factor, capacitor stages are switched in and out by the IPFC relay. The contactor control logic is optimised so that the desired power factor is achieved with minimum switching operations, thus ensuring an optimised life cycle of the capacitor bank. Features • User friendly program for target power factor, on/off delay, CT ratio. • Seven segment LCD display with backlight for readability in poorly illuminated areas. • Display parameters – KW, PF, KVAr, KVA, Volt, Amp, Frequency. • Key pad for user interface. • Compatible with RS 232 (Galvanically isolated). • Recall function of recorded values. • Available in 6, 8, 12, 14 stages. • User configurable parameters - Target PF Setting, Power Factor Tolerance, CT ratio, total capacitor banks, under current, Over / Under frequency, Over / Under voltage threshold for alarm / tripping capacitor bank, time delay between steps (2 sec - 1800 sec.). • Download Parameters - Target PF, CT ratio, total capacitor banks, Capcaitor banks status, under current, Over / Under voltage threshold for alarm / tripping capacitor bank, Over / Under frequency threshold for alarm / tripping capacitor bank, time delay between steps (2 sec upto 1800 sec.). • Load survey for 40 days for each 30 minute interval consisting of: Active energy & demand, reactive energy & demand, apparent energy & demand, average power factor, voltage (average 30 minutes), date, time. • P.C. based software for data storing and system monitoring. Mechanical and maintenance • Low mounting costs • Easy installation and connection • Compact volume • Maintenance-free 66 Reactive Power Solutions Microprocessor Controlled Power Factor Controller Technical Data & Limit Values Reference Standard IEC 61010-1 Parameters Unit Intelligent Power Factor Controller Dimension m.m. 144 x 144 x 85 Weight kg. 0.75 Operating temperature Range °C –10 °C ... + 60 °C Storage temperature Range °C –20 °C ... + 65 °C Ambient conditions Mounting position Flush Mounting in Vertical Plane Protection class IP 54 ( Front) Operation Rated Operational Voltage V. AC Rated Operational Current I Network Type Mains frequency 230 V AC+-20% 50 mA – 6A (--/5 A Current Transformer) Single Phase, 2 Wire Hz 50 / 60 Power consumption Current I <2VA Voltage V <10 VA Target Power Factor Cos Φ 0.8 < cos Φ <= 1 (Inductive) Switching Outputs Capacitor Steps 6,8 , 12 Steps (Max.) + 1 Alarm Relay Output Contact Max 250 AC, 1000 W Switching time range 2 Sec. – 30 Min. Control modes Automatic Bank Selection in accordance to Reactive Power Compensation Ordering code QHOSRA* 67 Reactive Power Solutions Microprocessor Controlled Power Factor Controller Operating Voltage (Un): 230 V AC ± 20%; 50/60 Hz Operating Current 50 mA – 6 A (--/5 A Current Transformer) Network Type 1 Phase, 2 wire Capacitor Steps 6, 8, 12 steps (max) + 1 ALARM Power Consumption < 2 VA (Current Circuit), < 10 VA (Voltage Circuit) Output Contact 3 A, 750 VA Cos Ø setting 0.8< cos Ø £ 1(Inductive) Ambient Operating temp. -10° C, +60° C Degree of Protection IP 54 (Front Panel) Connection/ Installation Terminal / Flush - Mounting with rear terminals Dimensions & 144 x 144 x 85 mm Packing Weight 770 gm (Approx.) CT Ratio Configurable (max. 1000/5) Automatic Mode Capacitors connect automatically to achieve target power factor of Load Manual mode By key pad to connect / disconnect the capacitors Setting mode For user configurable target Power factor, CT_Ratio, Over / under Voltage limit and Over / Under Frequency limit tripping time, total no of capacitor banks Communication RS 232 PROTECTION • Over / Under Voltage • Over / Under Frequency • Over / Under Compensation • Under current PROGRAMMABLE PARAMETERS • Target Power Factor Setting • Power Factor Tolerance • CT Ratio • Total Capacitor Bank • Number of Active Outputs • Over / Under Voltage Threshold For Alarm / Tripping Capacitor Bank • Over / Under Frequency Threshold For Alarm / Tripping Capacitor Bank • Time Delay Between Steps (2 Sec Upto 1800 Sec.) DOWN LOAD PARAMETERS • Target Power Factor • Power Factor Tolerance • CT Ratio • Total Capacitor Bank CONTROL PANEL • Capacitor Bank Status • Over / Under Voltage Threshold for Alarm / Tripping Capacitor Bank • Over / Under Frequency, Under Current Threshold for Alarm / Tripping Capacitor Bank • Time Delay Between Steps (2 Sec Upto 1800 Sec.) • Load survey for 40 days for each 30 minute interval consisting of: - Active Energy & demand - Reactive Energy & demand - Apparent Energy & demand - Voltage (Average 30 minutes) - Average Power Factor - Date & Time FAULT / ALARM INDICATION • Alarm relay contact is closed when the fault occur in the AC main supply for persistance of 5 sec. or more • Alarm display on the LCD will appear in the event of any abnormaility. Example : - Over / Under Voltage - Over / Under Frequency - Over / Under Compensation - Under Current To increase the value To decrease the value Scroll To scroll the parameters Automatic/manual or setting mode selection by Keys 68 Reactive Power Solutions Microprocessor Controlled Power Factor Controller CONNECTION DIAGRAM Microprocessor Controlled Power Factor Controller Ordering Info : Intelligent Power Factor Controller (IPFC - 11002) (Smart Relay) (1ø, 230V), 50Hz Product Code Description Min packing qty. QHOSRA5N0006 IPFC 11002 6+1Step Relay 1ø, 230V 50Hz 6 QHOSRA5N0008 IPFC 11002 8+1Step Relay 1ø, 230V 50Hz 6 QHOSRA5N0012 IPFC 11002 12+1Step Relay 1ø, 230V 50Hz 6 Ordering Info : Intelligent Power Factor Controller (IPFC - 11003) (Smart Relay) 3ø, 3 x 230V, Product Code Description Min packing qty. QHOTRB5N0006 IPFC 11003 6+1Step Relay 3ø, 3 x 230V, (L-N), 50Hz 6 QHOTRB5N0008 IPFC 11003 8+1Step Relay 3ø, 3 x 230V, (L-N), 50Hz 6 QHOTRB5N0012 IPFC 11003 12+1Step Relay 3ø, 3 x 230V, (L-N), 50Hz 6 69 Reactive Power Solutions Microprocessor Controlled Power Factor Controller INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE Ambient temperature Capacitors are divided into temperature classes, Each class in represented by a number followed by a letter e.g. -250/D. The number is the lowest ambient temperature at which a capacitor may operate. The upper limit temperature is indicated by the letter D, standing for 550C. A maximum case temperature of 600C. must not be exceeded. Temperature is one of the main. Exceeding maximum allowed temperature may set the safety device out of operation. Inrush current • Handle capacitors carefully, because they may still be charged even after disconnection due to faulty discharging devices. • Follow good engineering practice. • Do not use HRC fuses to power a capacitor up and down (risk of arcing). • Remember that the terminals of capacitors, connected bus bars and cables as well as other devices may also be energized. Over current and short circuit protection • Use HRC fuses or MCCBs for short circuit protection. Short circuit protection and connecting cables should be selected so that 1.5 times the rated capacitor current can be permanently handled. Switching LV PFC capacitors, especially when they are in parallel with others that are already energized, can cause high inrush currents of up to 200 times rated current. This leads to additional stress on contactors as well as capacitors and reduces their useful life. In addition, high inrush currents have a negative effect on power quality, producing transients and voltage drops. • HRC fuses do not protect a capacitor against overload-they are only for short circuit protection. As per IEC 60831 standard, a maximum of 5000 switching operations per year is acceptable. •Use thermal magnetic overcurrent relays for overload protection. Harmonics Maintenance Harmonics are produced in the operation of electric loads with a nonlinear voltage/current characteristic e.g. rectifiers and inverters for drives, welding apparatus and uninterruptible power supplies). Harmonics are sinusoidal voltages and currents with higher frequencies of a multiple of the 50 or 60 Hz line frequency. • Periodically check that connections and terminals are tight. Note : In applications subject to harmonics, you should only use power capacitors with reactors, so called detuned capacitor banks. Depending on the selected series resonant frequency, part of the harmonic current is absorbed by the power capacitor. The remainder of the harmonic current flows into the superordinate system. The use of power capacitors with reactors reduces harmonic distortion and lesser the disturbing effect on proper operation of other electric loads. A major reason for installing detuned capacitor banks is to avoid resonance. Resonance can multiply existing harmonics and create power quality problems, as well as causing damage to distribution equipment. Resonance cases must be avoided by appropriate application design in any case! Max. total rms capacitor current (incl. fundamental harmonic current) specified in technical data of the specific series must not be exceeded • The HRC fuse rating should be 1.6 to 1.8 times rated capacitor current. • Do not use HRC fuses to switch capacitors (risk of arcing). • Regularly clean terminals/bushing to avoid short circuits due to dust and soiling. • Check short circuit protection fuses. • Make a current reading twice annually to see if application conditions have altered. • Consider upgrading or modifying the PFC system if the application environment has changed. • In the event of a current above nominal, check your application for possible modification. • In the event of a significant increase in nonlinear loading, call consultant for a harmonics examination. • If harmonics are present consider installation of a detuned capacitor bank (reactors). • Check discharge resistors/reactors and their functioning : - Power the capacitor up and down -The voltage across the terminals must fall to <50 V within 60s. Capacitor life expectancy • Ensure good effective grounding for capacitor enclosures. Capacitors operation between any rated value and the corresponding absolute maximum rating is an overload that derates life expectancy of the device. •Provide means of disconnecting and insulating a faulty component/bank. Simultaneous overload conditions or exceeding any absolute maximum rating may reduce life expectancy significantly. Safety 70 Reactive Power Solutions PFC Basic Formulas The following electrical formulas may be used to calculate basic PFC values. Active power The amount of input power converted to output power is the active power. P= 3 · V · I · cos ϕ [W] Reactive power The reactive power is the power consumed in an AC circuit due to the expansion and collapse of magnetic (inductive) and electrostatic (capacitive) fields. Q= 3 · V · I · sin ϕ [VAr] Apparent Power The apparent power is the power delivered to an electric circuit. S= 3·V·I [VA] Power factor The power factor of an AC electrical power system is defined as the ratio of the real (active) power to the apparent power. Active power P Power factor = –––––––– = –– Apparent power S Power Factor Correction When the AC load is partly capacitive or inductive, the current waveform is out of phase with the voltage. This requires additional AC current to be generated that is not consumed by the load, creating I2R losses in power cables. Capacitors are used to supply reactive energy to inductive loads. Reactive energy must be produced as closely as possible to the loads to prevent unnecessary flow of current in the network. This is known as power factor correction. QC = P · (tan ϕ1 – tan ϕ2) QC: P: ϕ1: ϕ2: [VAr] active power needed total reactive power actual angle of cos ϕ actual target angle of cos ϕ target Connection and rating of capacitors The reactive power of the capacitor is a function of its rated voltage and current. Q C = V C · IC [VAr] V C · V C (V C)2 Q C = ––––––– – = ––––– XC XC 1 1 X C = ––––– = ––––––––– ·C 2 ·f·C f: frequency of network XC: impedance of capacitor C: capacitance value Q C = (V C)2 · · C = (V C)2 · 2 · f · C 71 Reactive Power Solutions PFC Basic Formulas Capacitor in three-phase PFC application Three-phase PFC applications have two types of capacitor connections: star and delta. STAR connection - The capacitor is subject to a voltage of ( VL / Thus total kVAR compansation is calculated as 3) Q TOT = 3 · Q C VL VC = V L / 1954 µF 3 (VL)2 Q TOT = 3 · –––––– · ( 3 )2 Star connection · C STAR Q TOT Q TOT C STAR = ––––––– –– = ––––––––––– –– (V L)2 · (V L)2 · 2 · f DELTA connection - The capacitor is subject to line voltage of VL, phase to phase Thus total KVAR compansation is calculated as 651 µF V C = VL VL Q TOT = 3 · (V L)2 · · C DELTA QTOT Q TOT C DELTA = ––––––– ––– = –––––––––––––– 3 · (V L)2 · 3· (V L)2 · 2 · f Delta connection STAR Conclusion: C DELTA = C –––––– 3 Capacitor output kvar: From the formula if we find the Qnew with ratio: C will be constant. ( VNew QNew = ––––– VR f Q ) · –––– f · 2 New R C These values are operating conditions: Qnew: new reactive power Vnew: new voltage new frequency fnew: These values are the values capacitor is designed: QC: rated capacitor reactive power VC: rated capacitor voltage fR: rated frequency Calculation example Real power = 100 kW Example 1: The relationship between active, reactive and real power and cos ϕ. After PFC = 105 kVA In the diagram below, the power triangle shows an initial power factor of 0.70 for a 100 kW (real power) inductive load. The reactive power required by the load is 100 kvar. By installing a 67-kvar capacitor, the apparent power is reduced from 142 to 105 kvar, resulting in a 26% reduction in current. The power factor is improved to 0.95. Before PFC = 142 kVA Apparent power Power factor calculations: Before PFC: 100/142 = 0.70 or 70% Reactive power After: 33 kvar Reactive power Before: 100 kvar Capacitance added = 67 kvar After PFC: 100/105 = 0.95 or 95% 72 Reactive Power Solutions PFC Basic Formulas Example 2: Calculation of capacitor rating for industrial installation Target to correct the power factor to 0.9: Given parameters: Induction motor Network (line delta) Frequency Power factor – Current cos ϕ – Target cos ϕ 220 kW 440 V AC, 3-phase 50 Hz cos ϕ1 = 0.7 cos ϕ2 = 0.9 tan ϕ1 = 1.02 tan ϕ2 = 0.48 440 V / 50 Hz Q C = P (tan ϕ1 – tan ϕ2) = 220 · 1 000 (1.02 – 0.48) = 118.8 kvar 0.7 0.9 M 220 kW cos ϕ = 0.7 118.8 kvar Example 3: Calculating capacitor ratings for D E LTA a n d S TA R c o n n e c t i o n s i n example 2 STAR connection: DELTA connection: 440 VL V C = –––– = –––– = 254 V 3 3 V C = V L = 440 V Q TOT Q TOT C STAR = ––––––– –– = ––––––––––––– (V L)2 · (V L)2 · 2 · f Q TOT Q TOT C DELTA = ––––––– ––– = –––––––––––––– 3 · (V L)2 · 3 · (V L)2 · 2 · f 118.8 · 1 000 C STAR = ––––––– –––––––––– (440) 2 · 2 · 50 = 1 954 µF / Line (phase) 118.8 · 1 000 C DELTA = –––––––––––––––––––– – 3 · (440) 2 · 2 · 50 = 651 µF / Line (phase) C TOT = 5 862 µF C TOT = 1 954 µF Example 4: Calculating apparent power - Due to power factor correction, the requried apparent power transmission can be reduce by Reduction (S1-S2) in example 2 S 1 = P / cos ϕ1 = 220 / 0.7 = 314 kVA S 2 = P / cos ϕ2 = 220 / 0.9 = 244 kVA S 1 – S 2 = 70 kVA Thus, additional power of 70 · (0.9) = 63 kW can be supplied and transferred via the existing network. Cable cross section calculation Line current drawn by the motor: I1 uncompensated load (0.7): 220 · 1 000 I1 = ––––––––––––––––– = 412 A 3 · 440 · (0.7) I2 compensated load (0.9): 220 · 1 000 I2 = ––––––––––––––––– = 320 A 3 · 440 · (0.9) Thus, the cable can carry an additional load of 92 A, or the designer can reduce the cable cross section. S1 - Uncompensated load S2 - Compensaited load 73 Reactive Power Solutions Loads in industrial and public electrical networks are primarily of an ohmic inductive nature. The purpose of systems for power factor correction in networks is to compensate the generated lagging reactive power by leading reactive power at defined nodes. In this way impermissibly high voltage drops and additional ohmic losses are also avoided. The necessary leading power is produced by capacitors parallel to the supply network, as close as possible to the inductive load. Static capacitive compensation devices reduce the lagging reactive power component transmitted over the network. If network conditions alter, the required leading reactive power can be matched in steps by adding and taking out single power capacitors (automatic PFC) to compensate the lagging reactive power. Advantages of power factor correction • Payback in 8 to 24 months through lower power costs. Power factor correction reduces the reactive power in a system. Power consumption and thus power costs drops in proportion. • Effective installation use An improved power factor means that an electrical installation works more economically (higher effective power for the same apparent power). • Improved voltage quality • Reduced voltage drop • Optimum cable design Cable cross-section can be reduced with improvement of power factor (less current). In existing installations for instance, extra or higher power can be transmitted. • Reduced transmission losses sensitive load for example. Reactor Power distribution networks are increasingly subjected to harmonic pollution from modern power electronic devices, so called nonlinear loads, e.g. drives, uninterruptible power supplies, electronic ballasts. Harmonics are dangerous for capacitors connected in the PFC circuit, especially if the capacitors operate at resonant frequency. The series connection of reactor and capacitor to detuned the series resonant frequency (the capacitor's resonant frequency) helps to prevent capacitor damage. Most critical frequencies are the 5th and 7th harmonic (250 and 350 Hz at 50 Hz). Detuned capacitor banks also help to reduce the harmonic distortion level and clean the network. Fuse A HRC fuse / MCCB acts as a safety device for short circuit protection. The HRC fuse rating should be 1.6 to 1.8 times nominal capacitor current. • Reactive power compensation for Motor The recommended capacitor rating for motor should be Sized to compensate up to 90 % of the motor magnetization Current of motor, to avoid self excitation phenomenon. The below table gives the selection chart for Capacitors as per the hp rating of the motor. Power capacitor rating for direct connection Induction Motors Capacitor KVAr at motor speed of The transmission and switching devices carry less current, i.e. only the effective power, meaning that the ohmic losses in the leads are reduced. Motor HP 3000 rmp 1500 rmp 1000 rmp 5 2 2 2 3 3 3 Main components of Capacitor 7.5 2 2 3 3 3 3 Power factor correction capacitors produce the necessary leading reactive power to compensate the lagging reactive power. PFC capacitors should be capable of withstanding high inrush currents caused by switching operations (>100*IR). If capacitors are connected in parallel, i.e. as banks, the inrush current will increase (=150*IR) because the charging current comes from the grid as well as from capacitors parallel to the one switched. 10 3 3 4 5 5 5 15 3 4 5 7 7 7 20 5 6 7 8 8 10 25 6 7 8 9 9 12 30 7 8 9 10 10 15 40 9 10 12 15 16 20 PFC controller 50 10 12 15 18 20 22 60 12 14 15 20 25 25 75 15 16 20 22 25 30 100 20 22 25 26 32 35 125 25 26 30 32 35 40 150 30 32 35 40 45 50 200 40 45 45 50 55 60 250 45 50 55 60 65 70 Modern PFC controllers are microprocessor based. The microprocessor analyses the signal from a current transformer and produces switching commands to control the contactors that add or remove capacitor stage Intelligent control by microprocessorbased PFC controllers ensures even utisation of capacitor stages, minimised number of switching operations and optimised life cycle of the capacitor bank. Capacitor contactor Contactors are electromechanical switching elements used to switch capacitors or reactors and capacitors in standard or detuned PFC systems. The switching operation can be performed by mechanical contacts or an electronic switch (semi conduction). Always used capacitor duty contactors for capacitor switching. The latter solution is preferable if fast switching is required for a 750 rmp 600 rmp 500 rmp *Above 250HP KVAr approximate 35% of the motor power 74 Reactive Power Solutions Table of Capacitance value measured between Phase to Phase terminals Reactive power compensation for Transformer Power and distribution transformers, which work on the principle of electromagnetic induction, consume reactive power for their own needs even when its secondary is not connected to any load. The power factor will be very low under such situation. To improve the power factor, it is required to connect a fixed capacitor or a capacitor bank at the LT side of the transformer. Below table gives the approximate KVAr of capacitors required. KVA rating of the KVAr required for Transformer compensation Up to and including 315 KVA 5 % of KVA rating 315 KVA - 1000 KVA 6 % of KVA rating Above 1000 KVA 8 % of KVA rating It is useful to note that, in the case of APFC system, the current Transformer providing feedback to the APFC system must be located in such a way that it does not measure this capacitor current. Welding Transformers Single phase, Single OperatorThree phase, Multi-operator Welding Required Transformer Capacitor Type TransformerCapacitor Welding Required continousrating continuousrating rating kVA KVAr rating kVA 9 4 300/354 16.5 12 6 300/690 30 18 8 300/9122 45 24 12 300/12453 60 KVAr Output Capacitance (µF) 400V Output Capacitance (µF) 415V Output Capacitance (µF) 440V 1 9.9 9.2 8.2 2 19.9 18.5 16.4 3 29.8 27.7 24.6 4 39.8 37.0 32.8 5 49.7 46.2 41.1 6 59.7 55.4 49.3 7 69.6 64.7 57.5 7.5 74.6 69.3 62.0 8 79.6 73.9 65.8 10 99.5 92.4 82.2 12.5 124.3 115.5 103.0 15 149.2 138.6 123.3 20 199.0 184.8 164.4 25 248.7 231.0 206.0 30 298.5 277.2 246.6 35 348.2 323.4 287.7 40 398.0 369.6 328.8 45 447.7 415.8 369.9 50 497.5 462.0 411.0 60 597.0 554.4 493.2 75 746.1 693.0 618.0 100 995.0 924.0 822.0 Note : The tolerance is - 5% / + 10% Output Capacitance (µF) 480V 6.9 13.8 20.7 27.6 34.5 41.4 48.3 51.8 55.2 69.1 86.3 103.6 138.2 172.7 207.3 241.8 276.4 310.9 345.5 414.6 518.1 691.0 KVAr 3015 3618 75 Reactive Power Solutions Standard Values: Selection Tables for Cables,Cable Cross Sections and Fuses The values mentioned in the following table are guidelines for operation in normal conditions at ambient temperatures up to 35°C. Upgrade accordingly if conditions differ, e.g. temperature or hamonics differ. The internal wiring of a capacitor bank is sometimes possible with a smaller cross section. Various parameters such as temperature inside the cabinet, cable quality, maximum cable insulation temperature, single or multi core cable, cable length and laying system have to be considered for a proper selection. The local panelbuilder/installer is responsible for a proper selection of the cable sizes and fuses according to the valid regulations and standards in the specific country where the PFC panels are installed. Selection Table Power KVAr Rated voltage 230 V, 60 Hz 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Current A Section mm2 Fuse A 6.3 12.6 18.8 25.1 31.4 37.7 50.2 62.8 3 75.3 100.4 125.5 188.3 251 – – – – 1.5 4 6 10 16 16 25 35 50 70 95 185 2 x 120.0 – – – – 10 25 35 50 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 315 400 – – – – Rated voltage 400 V, 50 Hz 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 3.6 7.2 10.8 14.4 18 21.6 28.8 36 43.2 57.6 72 108.3 144.3 180.3 216.5 252.6 288 1.5 2.5 2.5 4 6 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 120 185 2 x 95.0 2 x 95.0 2 x 120.0 10 16 16 25 35 35 50 63 80 100 125 160 250 315 350 400 500 Rated voltage 440 V, 60 Hz 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 3.3 6.6 10 13.2 16.8 19.8 26.4 33 39.6 52.8 66 99 132 165 198 231 264 1.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 16.0 25.0 35.0 50.0 70.0 95.0 185.0 2 x 95.0 2 x 95.0 2 x 120.0 10 16 16 25 25 35 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 315 350 400 500 76 Reactive Power Solutions Standard Values: Selection Tables for Cables, Cable Cross Sections and Fuses Power KVAr Rated voltage 480 V, 60 Hz 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Rated voltage 525 V, 50 Hz 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Current A Section mm2 Fuse A 3 6 9 12 18 21 24 30 36 48 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 1.5 2.5 2.5 4 6 6 10 10 16 25 35 70 95 120 185 2 x 95.0 2 x 95.0 10 16 16 25 35 35 50 50 63 80 100 160 200 250 315 350 400 2.7 5.5 6.9 11 13.7 16.5 22 27.5 33 44 55 82.5 110 137.5 165 193 220 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 4 4 6 10 16 25 35 70 95 95 185 2 x 95.0 2 x 95.0 10 10 16 16 25 25 35 50 63 80 100 160 200 200 300 350 350 77 Reactive Power Solutions Cautions Temperature class of capacitors to standard IEC 60831 / IS 13340 Capacitors are divided into temperature classes. Each class is Maximum Admissible Overvoltage Frequency Max. Max. Max. (50/60Hz) voltageduration duration (Vrms) (see table above). Line Frequency 1.00 VR Continuous duty Highest mean during entire operating time of capacitor, exceptions (see below) are admissible for times of <24h The use of a capacitor depends very much on temperature. Proper Line Frequency 1.10 VR 8 h daily Line voltage fluctuations cooling of a capacitor must ensure that the minimum temperature Line Frequency 1.15 VR 30 min daily Line voltage fluctuations is not exceeded of rewised useful life otherwise useful life is Line Frequency 1.20 VR 5 min daily Line voltage fluctuations degraded. When configuring a circuit, one should make sure that Line Frequency 1.30 VR 1 min daily Line voltage fluctuations represented by a number followed by a letter. e.g. -25/D. The number is the lowest ambient temperature at which a capacitor may operate. the upper limit temperature is indicated by the letter capacitors are not subjected to heat from adjacent components (reactors, bus bars, etc.). Forced cooling is preferable for compact designs and it is highly inadvisable to arrange capacitors directly Current rating/maximum admissible over current above reactors. The rated current (IR) is the current utilised for rated voltage (VR) Temperature Class of Capacitors (according IEC 60831) and frequency (in Hz.) excluding transient. Maximum permitted rms current for each particular capacitor is specified in the data Maximum mean for 24 h Maximum mean for 1 year sheet. Continuously exceeding of the nominal current will lead to Temperature class Temperature of capacitor surrounding air Maximum B 45°C 35°C25°C standard is maintained by all capacitors is this catalogue. The C 50°C 40°C30°C D 55°C 45°C35°C figures for overcurrent allow for the combined effects of harmonics, increased self heating of the capacitor and reduce life time. The maximum admissible overcurrent (I max) of 1.3*IR to IEC 60831 overvoltage and capacitance tolerance. Enclosure of Capacitors (IPxx) Enclosure First digit Second digit IP00 No protection against finger touch and ingress of solid foreign bodies No protection against ingress of water IP20 Protection against finger touch and solid foreign bodies 12.5 mm diameter No protection against ingress of water IP41 Protection against tool touch and solid foreign bodies >1mm diameter Drip-water protection IP54 Protection against tool touch and solid foreign bodies >1mm diameter. Protection against dust deposit Splash water protection 78 Reactive Power Solutions Individual PFC for Motors Approximate values for fixed PFC of Motors Motor rating Capacitor rating (1500 rpm) Capacitor rating (1000 rpm) Capacitor rating (750 rpm) kvar 0.5 kvar 0.5 kvar 0.6 1.2 kW 1 … 1.9 2 … 2.9 1 1.1 3 … 3.9 1.5 1.6 1.7 4 … 4.9 2 2.1 2.3 5 … 5.9 2.5 2.6 2.9 6 … 7.9 3 3.2 3.5 8 … 10.9 4 4.2 4.6 11 … 13.9 5 5.3 5.8 14 … 17.9 6 6.3 6.9 18 … 21.9 7.5 8.0 8.6 10.5 11.5 22 … 29.9 10 30 … 39.9 approx . 40% of the motor power 40 and above approx. 35% of the motor power The capacitor output should be approx. 90% of the apparent power of the motor when idle. This means a power factor of 0.9% at full load and 0.95 … 0.98 during idling. Important: The capacitor output must not be rated too high for individual compensated machines where the capacitor is directly connected with the motor clamp. This especially applies when the machine has a big oscillating weight and still continues to rotate after switching off. The capacitor placed in parallel may act as generator for the motor which will cause serious overvoltages. The consequence could be heavy damage to the capacitor as well as to the motor. Individual PFC for Transformers Standard values for transformer power factor correction Rated apparent power of transformer kVA Rated capacitor power for oil immersed transformers kvar Rated capacitor power for cast resin transformers kvar 10 1.0 1.5 20 2.0 1.7 50 4.0 2.0 75 5.0 2.5 100 5.0 2.5 160 7.0 4.0 200 7.5 5.0 250 8.0 7.5 315 10.0 8.0 400 12.5 8.5 500 15.0 10.0 630 17.5 12.5 800 20.0 15.0 1000 25.0 16.7 1250 30.0 20.0 1600 35.0 22.0 2000 40.0 25.0 2500 50.0 35.0 3150 60.0 50.0 For an exact calculation of the right capacitor value, following formula can be used: AN Q C = I 0% · –––– 100 Q c = needed capacitor (kvar) I0% = magnetising current of the transformer (A S%) A N = apparent rated power of the transformer in kVA There are regional differences in the guidelines of power suppliers concerning the admissible size of capacitors directly connected with a transformer. Therefore a consultation with the respective power supplier is recommended before installation of a compensation bank. Modern transformers have laminations which only need low capacity to reverse the magnetism. In case the capacitor output is too high, stress increase may occur during idling. 79 Reactive Power Solutions Cautions Bellow shield Normal capacitor module Notch shield Self healing shield } Triple 3 S Safety Fault operated capacitor module Overpressure disconnector 1. The elastic elements must not be hindered, i.e. At the end of the capacitor’s service life or when a high pressure – connecting lines must be flexible leads (cables), forms inside the can, the overpressure disconnector is activated. The specially designed cover with an expansion bead moves upwards. Expansion beyond a certain degree will separate the – there must be sufficient space (at least 20 mm) for expansion above the connections (specified for the different models), wires and disconnect the capacitor safely from the line. The – folding beads must not be retained by clamps. disconnector is separated at its break point (small notch) and the 2. The maximum permissible fault current of 10 000 A to the UL flow of current to the capacitor windings is interrupted. Caution: To ensure full functionality of an overpressure disconnector, the 810 standard must not be exceeded. 3. Stress parameters of the capacitor must be within the IEC 60831 / IS 13340 specification. following is required: 80 Reactive Power Solutions Dry technology/ V ACuum impregnation The active winding elements are heated and then dried for a critical frequencies are the 5th and 7th harmonics (250 and 350 defined period. Impregnation is performed under V ACuum. In Hz at 50 Hz grid frequency). Detuned capacitor banks also help to this way, air and moisture are extracted from the inner capacitor, reduce the harmonic distortion level and clean the network. and oxidation of the electrodes as well as partial discharges are avoided. Afterwards, the capacitor elements are hermetically sealed in cases (e.g. aluminum). This elaborate process ensures excellent capacitance stability and long useful life. Power factor controller Modern PF controllers are microprocessorbased. The microprocessor analyzes the signal from a current transformer and produces switching commands to control the contactors that add or remove capacitor stages. Intelligent control Discharge devices Discharge resistors are required to discharge capacitors and protect human beings against electric shock hazards as well as to switch capacitors in automatic PFC equipment (opposing phase). Discharge resistors are designed to discharge capacitors to 50V or less within 60 seconds. by microprocessorbased PF controllers ensures even utilization of capacitor stages, a minimized number of switching operations and an optimized life cycle of the capacitor bank. After the required capacitor output has been determined, the number of steps Caution: Discharge and short-circuit the capacitor before handling it! Discharge reactor Whenever fast discharge of a capacitor is required, a discharge Thumb Rule: The number of steps depends on the number of resistor is not sufficient. Discharge reactors must be used to allow loads, i.e. the more small inductive loads, the higher the number a discharge of within a few seconds. Also, the various steps in a of steps should be. The switching time is also of major importance PFC system can then be switched much faster, minimizing losses here: the more frequently a capacitor is switched, the more stress at the same time. is placed on it and its contactors. Multi measuring device An external meter combining several features in a single device. Combined with the appropriate PF Protection controller, it allows the monitoring, display and storage of various An HRC fuse or MCCB acts as a safety device for short-circuit grid parameters. It provides additional protection for the capacitor protection. HRC fuses do not protect a ca pac - itor against and the PFC system. As a standalone solution, it acts as a meter, overload – they are designed for short-circuit protection only. The a signal trigger for thyristor modules or as a switch. HRC fuse rating should be 1.6 to 1.8 times the nominal capacitor current. Capacitor contactor Contactors are electromechanical switching elements used to switch capacitors or reactors and capacitors in standard or Caution: Do not use HRC fuses for switching (risk of arcing!). detuned PFC systems. The pre-switching auxiliary contacts of capacitor contactors close before the main contact and avoid peak current values by pre-loading the capacitor. Note: Even when using capacitor contactors, it is important not to exceed the annual switching capability of the particular capacitor series. Reactors - (compensation and filtering) Power distribution networks are increasingly subjected to harmonic pollution from modern power electronics devices, known as non -linear loads, e.g. drives, uninter ruptible power supplies and electronic ballasts. Harmonics are dangerous for capacitors connected in the PFC circuit, especially if they operate at a resonant frequency. The series connection of a reactor and capac itor to detune the series resonant frequency (the capacitor’s resonant frequency) helps to prevent capacitor damage. The most 81 Reactive Power Solutions Cautions Mean life expectancy The mean life expectancy of power capacitors is mainly governed by the following factors: - duration of overload. - ambient temperature and the resulting case temperature. - Maximum rms current and the resulting case temperature The calculated life expectancy of the various series is stated for nominal operating conditions. If components are stressed less than the IEC 60831 factors, longer useful life can be expected, and a correspondingly shorter one or increased failure rate if nominal parameters are exceeded. Fuse protection of power capacitor and reactor. the circuit is tuned so that the series resonant frequency is below the lowest harmonics appearing in the system. This produces an inductive response to all frequencies above the series resonant frequency, avoiding resonances with system inductances. Depending on the selected series resonant frequency, part of the harmonic current is taken up by the detuned power capacitors. The remainder of the harmonic current flows into the superordinate system. The use of detuned power capacitors thus contributes to reducing voltage distortion through harmonics and lessens the disturbing effect on proper operation of other electric loads. Most international standards limit THD-V on LV side to 5% However it has to be noted that in many grids these levels are exceeded and even lower distortion, e.g. 3-4% THD-V can generate extreme overcurrents in case of resonance condition. Power capacitors have to be protected against short circuits by fuses or thermal magnetic overcurrent relays. Slow-blow, lowvoltage high rupturing capacity fuses (HRC) are preferable. The fuse rating should be 1.6 to 1.8 times the rated current of the capacitor. Magnetic short circuit relays should be set to between 9 and 12 times rated current to prevent them responding to high inrush currents. Maximum overcurrents as specified under technical data of each series must not be exceeded. HRC fuses must not be used for switching as it results in electric arcing which can cause death ! It may also cause capacitor failures. Make sure connection cables are of flexible type or flexible copper bands are used. This is mandatory to allow the overpressure disconnector work and avoid mechanical stress on the terminals and feedthroughs. The connection cables to the capacitor should be designed for a current of at least 1.5 times the rated current so that no heat is conducted into the capacitor. If reactors are used in an application, the distance between reactor and capacitor must be great enough so that no heat of the reactors, which are operating at a much higher temperature level, is conducted via connection cable to the capacitors. Switching of capacitors When a capacitor is switched to an AC system, the result is a resonant circuit damped to a greater or lesser degree. In addition to the rated current, the capacitor accepts a transient current that is a multiple of (up to 200 times), its rated current. Fast switching, low-bounce contactors should be used, and have the switching capacity for capacitive currents stated by the producer. Special capacitor contactor with leading contacts that feature precharging resistors to damp inrush currents are recommended. As per IEC 60831 standard, a maximum of 5,000 switching operations per year is acceptable. Discharging Capacitors must be discharged to a maximum of 10% of rated voltage before they are switched in again. This prevents an electric impulse discharge in the application, influences the capacitor's useful life in PFC systems, and protects against electric shock. The capacitor must be discharged to 50 V or less within 60 sec. There must not be any switch, fuse or any other disconnecting device in the circuit between the power capacitor and the discharging device. Caution : Discharge capacitor before handling! Capacitors in networks with harmonics Harmonics are produced in the operation of electric loads with a nonlinear voltage/current characteristic (e.g. rectifiers and inverters for drives, welding apparatus and uninterruptible power supplies). Harmonics are sinusoidal voltages and currents with higher frequencies of a multiple of the 50 or 60 Hz line frequency. In low-voltage three-phase systems the 5th and 7th harmonics are especially troublesome. Detuned filter (capacitor and reactor) should be used for power factor correction in systems subject to harmonics. These represent a series resonant circuit Resonance must be avoided by appropriate pannel design. Resonance may cause very high overcurrents which can lead to capacitor failures and worst case, to explosion and fire. Connection Avoid bending cable lugs, cables or other mechanical force on the terminals. Otherwise leakages may set the safety device out of operation. Ensure firm fixing of terminals, fixing torque to be applied as per individual specification. Maximum specified terminal current (please refer to technical data of specific series) must not be exceeded at any case. Grounding The threaded bottom stud of the capacitor has to be used for grounding. In case grounding is done via metal chassis that the capacitor is mounted to, the layer of varnish beneath the washer and nut should be removed. Storage and operating conditions Do not use or store capacitors in corrosive atmosphere, especially where chloride gas, sulfide gas, acid, alkali, salt or the like are present. In dusty environments regular maintenance and cleaning especially of the terminals is required to avoid conductive path between phases and / or phases and ground. Faliure to follow cautions may result, worst case, in premature faliures, bursting and fire. 82 Reactive Power Solutions Planning power factor correction CHECK LIST Introduction This document shall help identifying the key application criteria for a secure and economic solution in Power Factor Correction (PFC). Which loads have to be provided with Power Factor Correction? Inductive loads • Motors • Transformers Non-linear loads • Converters, Rectifiers, Inverters, Choppers • Electronic Valves Phase Controls • Discharge lamps with Magnetic Ballasts • Thyristor Controls, Three-Phase Controllers • UPS units (inverter technology) Attention! Non-linear loads generate harmonics. What are the power demand and the duty cycle of the loads? Power demand, duty cycle • Constant power demand and long duty cycle • Variable power demand and/or variable duty cycle Solution • Single- or group- fixed PFC • Controlled central PFC When is it necessary to install a detuned PFC system? Please use the following chart to find out whether a detuned system is needed • Sos : ST • Detuning • 0%... 10% • Non-detuned • >10%... 50% • Detuned • >40%...100% • Detailed calculation needed, if necessary use of filter circuit Abbreviations: Sos power of the harmonic generator in the own network ST rated transformer power or installed load A detuned PFC system is also necessary • If one or more harmonic voltages in the MV mains are >2%, and/or • If certain audio frequency control signals are used (see point 5) Attention! Non-detuned and detuned capacitors must never be combined together. Summarizing General Technical Data Type of PFC parameters of the mains • Fixed PFC • Automatic control system • Rated mains voltage/frequency ...V / ...Hz • Control voltage/frequency ...V / ...Hz PFC data • Reactive power by rated mains voltage …KVAr • Stages (sections) x reactive power …x…KVAr • Detuning factor …% Ambient conditions • Protection IP … • Ambient temperature min … °C • max …°C Note: *Other KVAr Rating / Voltage are Available on Request. *Detuned Anti Resonance Filter APFC Panel on Request. 83 Regional & Branch Offices: EAST - REGIONAL OFFICE: Kolkata: ICC Tower, 5th Floor, 4 India Exchange Place, Kolkata-700001, Tel: 033-40129851 / 52, Bhubaneshwar: Tel: 06746668101/102/103/104, Guwahati: Tel: 0361-2134521, 2458923, 2460355, Siliguri: Tel: 0353-2525907, Ranchi: 0651-2244861, 2244862, 2244864, 2244868, 2244869, Jamshedpur: Tel: 0657-6542492, 09234369436, Patna: Tel: 0612-2207221, 2207222, 2207223, 2655518 WEST - REGIONAL OFFICE: Mumbai: 301, Everest House, 3rd Floor, 6, Suren Road, Chakala, Andheri (E). 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Specifications and performance data are constantly changing. Current details should therefore be checked with Havells Group. Havells India Ltd. QRG Towers, 2D, Sector -126, Expressway, Noida - 201 304 (UP), Ph. +91-120-3331000, E-mail:, Consumer Care No.: 1800 11 0303, 1800 103 1313 (All Connections), 011-4166 0303 (Landline) Join us on Facebook at and share your ways to save the planet! CIN - L31900DL1983PLC016304. ZHQRC00001/NOV12/JUN 15 NORTH - REGIONAL OFFICE: Corporate Office: QRG Towers, 2D, Sector-126, Expressway, Noida-201304, Tel: 0120-3331000, Delhi: Tel: 011-47676700, 23888200, Chandigarh: Tel: 0172-4232400-401, Dehradun: Tel: 0135-6670202, Noida / Haryana: Tel: 0120-3331000, Ludhiana: Tel: 0161-4676000 / 24, Jammu: Tel: 0191-2490424, Sri Nagar: Tel: 0194-2490431, Jaipur: Tel: 0141-3914645, 3988210 Jodhpur: Tel: 0291-9214201640 / 45, Lucknow: Tel: 0522-6672100, Kanpur: Tel: 0512-6710400, 6710409