Current and Resistance

Net movement of electric charge through a
medium– current
◦ Actually measures rate of charges passing through
a cross-sectional area
◦ I = ΔQ/Δt
SI Unit: Ampere (A)
◦ 1 A = 1 C/s
Conventional current defined in terms of
positive charge movement
◦ Actual motion of charges can be positive, negative
or mixture of both
◦ Positive and negative charges in motion: charge
◦ Conventional current defined as current consisting
of positive charges that would have the same effect
as the actual motion of the charge carriers,
regardless of the actual charge of the charge
Charges set in motion by electric fields
◦ Good conductors permit easy motion of charge
 Metals
 Electrolyte solutions
Charge carriers move fairly slowly through
◦ When switch is closed, electric field established
through circuit
◦ Field sets charges in motion throughout wires
◦ Field moves at speed of light, charges move more
Drift velocity is net velocity of charge carriers
◦ In electrostatic equilibrium, charges move randomly
◦ A potential difference applied through wire
generates electric field
◦ Forces sets charges in motion opposite electric field
and establishes current
Charges do not move in straight lines
◦ Matter of conductor blocks straight path
◦ Charges and vibrating particles create zigzag
pattern in conductor
◦ Energy from charges transferred to conductor
through collisions and increases their kinetic energy
 Conductor’s temperature rises
Energy gained by charges as accelerated
through electric field greater than loss due to
◦ See net motion in direction opposite the electric
◦ Velocity: drift velocity (vdrift)
A potential difference applied to a conductor
sets charges in motion from higher electric
potential to lower electric potential
◦ Potential difference maintains current
Batteries/generators maintain potential
difference across terminals through
conversions of energy
◦ Batteries: chemical to electrical
◦ Generators: mechanical to electrical
Current may be direct or alternating
◦ Direct: charges move in only one direction
◦ Alternating: movement of charges continuously
changes direction
Batteries: each terminal has fixed sign so
charge flows only one direction
◦ Direct current
AC sources: terminals change sign constantly,
so net flow of charge is 0
◦ Slow motions can be seen with flickering of lights
◦ In US, AC operates at frequency of 60 Hz
Opposition to the motion of a charge through
a conductor
Ratio of potential difference to current
◦ R = ΔV/I
SI unit: ohm (Ω)
For many materials, resistance is constant
over wide range of potential differences
Ohmic substances
Ohm’s Law = ΔV/I = constant
Δ = IR
Graph of I vs V would be linear
Non-ohmic substances: resistance not
constant over voltage range
◦ Graph of I vs V would be nonlinear
◦ Diodes are non-ohmic
Ohm’s Law not considered a fundamental law
of nature
Length, cross-sectional area, material,
Length: ↑Length, ↑Resistance
X-section area: ↑Area, ↓Resistance
Material: Electrical conductivity determines
Temperature: ↑Temperature, ↑Resistance
Circuit components that regulate current flow
◦ May be a device (load) or component specificallydesigned to be resistor
◦ Usually cheaper to manipulate resistance than
potential difference for electronic devices
Materials that have zero resistance below a
certain temperature
◦ Critical temperature
◦ Normal resistance pattern for most temperatures
When temperature is at or below critical
temperature, resistance suddenly drops to
Thousands of substances are
◦ Aluminum, tin, zinc, lead
Conductivity not an indicator of
◦ Gold, silver, copper
When current established in superconductor,
current continues even when potential
difference is removed
◦ May persist without decay for years
◦ Electric currents produce magnetic effects
Meissner effect: interaction between a
superconductor and a magnet causes magnet
to levitate above superconductor
Current research seeks superconductors at
room temperatures
◦ Superconductivity found in some substances up to
◦ Energy requirements for cooling materials to very
low temperatures is high
 Benefits from superconductivity often outweighed by
As charges move through a system, they lose
energy due to collisions with other particles
and charge carriers
◦ Reach power source with zero potential energy
◦ Source must do work on charge to increase its
 Potential increases by QΔV
 Power source loses equivalent amount of energy
Electric power is the rate of conversion of
electric energy
◦ Rate at which charge carriers do work
Power is the rate at which charge carriers
convert electrical potential energy to
nonelectrical forms of energy
Formula: P = IΔV
◦ Describes rate at which charge carriers lose
electrical potential energy
SI Unit: Watt (W)
Power dissipated by a resistor or load:
◦ P = I2R; P = (ΔV)2/R
◦ Joule heating: conversion of electrical energy to
internal energy in resistant material
Power lines subject to joule heating or I2R
Power companies want to minimize loss and
maximize energy delivered to consumer
◦ Can either decrease current or resistance
◦ Equation I2R states reducing current has more
impact on joule heating than reducing resistance
From P = IΔV, power can be delivered
through high current/low voltage or high
voltage/low current
Power companies deliver electrical energy at
very high voltages
◦ Transformers reduce voltages until power reaches
homes at about 120V