International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014) Analysis of Effect of Physical Parameters on Energy Balance for Energy Conservation for Vehicle in Motion Shivraj Pawar1, Prof. N. N. Shinde2, Prof. M. M. Wagh3 1, 2, 3 Department of Energy Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India In a vehicle several forces act on it and the net or resultant force governs the motion according to the Newton's second law. The propulsion unit of the vehicle delivers the force necessary to move the vehicle forward. This force of the propulsion unit helps the vehicle to overcome the resisting forces due to gravity, air and tire resistance. The acceleration of the vehicle depends on: 1. the power delivered by the propulsion unit 2. the road conditions 3. the aerodynamics of the vehicle 4. the composite mass of the vehicle When the vehicle moves, it encounters a resistive force that tries to retard its motion. The resistive forces are 1. Rolling resistance 2. Aerodynamic drag 3. Uphill resistance Abstract— Fossil fuels will continue to play a dominant role in the energy scenario in the next few decades. The number of vehicles on road increased tremendously in last decades. The light duty vehicles are increased faster than other category. Thus it is necessary to conserve this energy in this transportation sector. This paper reveals the analysis of the effect of physical parameters of vehicle in motion for the energy conservation. The effect of these parameters such as mass of vehicle, air resistance, rolling resistance and braking resistance is studied. The power ad energy balance is further done and simulation is done through sankey diagram with ESankey software. Keywords— energy balance, road resistance, rolling resistance, air resistance, grade resistance I. INTRODUCTION In case of automobile vehicles energy balance can be written on the basis of energy used per kg or litre of fuel used. This energy is utilized to overcoming the forces acting on the vehicle in the opposite direction of the motion. The effort is made to write the energy balance considering the fundamental parameters that take part in forming the forces like drag, friction etc. while work is being done by the vehicle. The energy is involved when it is in motion A. Rolling resistance: Moment can be equivalently replaced by horizontal force acting on the wheel centre in the direction opposite to the movement of the wheel. This equivalent force is called the rolling resistance and its magnitude is given by [1], -------------------------------------- (2) When a vehicle is moving up a gradient, the normal force (P), in equation, is replaced by the component that is perpendicular to the road surface. Hence, equation is rewritten as, II. FACTORS AFFECTING THE ENERGY BALANCE Total fuel energy available is given by, ---------------------------------- (1) --------------- (3) Where, In vehicle performance calculation, it is sufficient to consider the rolling resistance coefficient as a linear function of speed. For most common range of inflation pressure, the following equation can be used for a passenger car on a concrete road, = rate of energy of power in kw = net heating value in kJ/kg m= mass flow rate of fuel in kg The fundamentals of vehicle design involve the basic principles of physics, specially the Newton's second law of motion. According to Newton's second law the acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force exerted on it. Hence, an object accelerates when the net force acting on it is not zero. --------------- (4) Where V is vehicle speed in km/h 268 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014) B. Air resistance: A vehicle travelling at a particular speed in air encounters a force resisting its motion. This force is known as aerodynamic drag. The main causes of aerodynamic drag are: 1. Shape drag 2. Skin effect The aerodynamic drag is expressed as [1] -------------------------- (8) Where = rotational inertia constant M = mass of the vehicle in kg V = speed of the vehicle m/s is Rotational Inertia factor, considering the equivalent mass increase due to the angular moments of the rotating components. The mass factor can be written as[4] ------------------------------- (5) Where = density of air in kg/m2 = vehicle frontal area in m2 V = vehicle speed m/s The dynamic equations of the vehicle are used to analyze the impact of drive cycle on the performance .The dynamic equations of the vehicle give the force required to move vehicle give the force required to move the vehicle and this force is given by = drag coefficient C. Grade resistance: When a vehicle goes up or down a slope its weight produces a component of force that is always directed downwards. This force component opposes the forward motion, i.e. the grade climbing. ------------------ (9) --------------------------- (6) Where w = total weight of vehicle in N ----------------- (10) The power can be determined as = inclination of the slope to the horizontal ----------------- (11) D. Transmission system In addition to the driving resistance occurring in steady state motion, inertial forces also occur during acceleration and braking. The total mass of the vehicle and the inertial mass of those rotating parts of the drive accelerated or braked are the factors influencing the resistance to acceleration. Where, Therefore equation (11) can be converted as = } -------------------------------- (12) ------------------------ (7) The energy at given time at velocity V, is therefore M = mass of vehicle in kg Jrot = inertia of rotational components V = vehicle speed in m/s = -------------------------------- (13) = dynamic radius of the tyre Rotational component is a function of the gear ratio. The moment of inertia of the rotating drive elements of engine, clutch, gearbox, drive shaft, etc., including all the road wheels are reduced to the driving axle. The acceleration resistance can be expressed as Eq.13 is called the fundamental energy equation as it is written in terms of fundamental design parameters like mass and vehicle speed, area, road angle etc.. 269 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014) The factors like gravity, drag coefficient, friction factor, density, rotational inertia etc are constant and derivatives of dependent parameters. The energy required for the vehicle to attain the velocity V1 from V2 is therefore given by the following equation, = ------------------------- (14) = ------------------------- (15) In practice the total energy generated by the fuel in engine is used for above basic resistances plus auxiliary consumptions like lighting, space conditioning, automation equipments and devices. Each of utilization has its own conversation efficiencies called losses. The energy conservation can be achieved by improving efficiencies or reducing the losses. The energy balance at steady state, thus can be written as under Where, Fig.1 Example energy flows for vehicle Similarly for electric vehicles, 270 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014) As these constants can be found out for different vehicle types the availability of the power can be determined using these equations as per the urban and highway conditions. Efficiency dependence: The efficiencies of various components from the energy flows for a car are classified as 1. Engines efficiency 2. Accessories efficiency 3. Driveline Efficiency Efficiency improvement opportunities: 1. Increase in efficiency can be achieved by reduction in engine losses including friction losses by various means. 2. Accessories losses are reduced by providing separate battery system for supplying electricity to accessories. 3. Reduction in rolling resistance: It will lead to increase in fuel economy and a proportional reduction in fuel consumption thus increasing efficiency. This can be attained by using low resistance tires. 4. Reduction in vehicle mass: This may lead to increase in efficiency. This can be done by usage of lightweight material for the vehicle body, tire materials and other components. 5. Enhancement in aerodynamics of vehicle: The reduction of aerodynamics resistance by better shape and reduction of vehicle frontal area result in decline in power loss due to air resistance hence results in increase in efficiency. Fig.2 Sankey diagram for overall energy flow for vehicle III. CONCLUSION The analysis of effect of physical parameters is done in case of vehicle in motion by considering energy balance and power balance. The energy conservation in vehicle has been targeted to achieve, improve energy efficiencies by analyzing base parameters such as mass of vehicle, friction factor, moment of inertia etc. The sankey diagram obtained by simulating each of the process parameters for urban and highway road conditions as per FTP-75. It is interestingly to note that the maximum power loss is in engine. The motion of the vehicle concluded only through aerodynamic design (air resistance), rolling resistance (friction factor) and brake resistance which range 16-20%. Nowadays for automobile vehicles energy conservation has been increased for standby and accessories energy kept idle as per their requirements. This concludes almost 60-65% of losses are in fuel to utility energy consumption. It is consciously derived that IC engines can be replaced by suitable electric drive which does have maximum loss of 10% for its conversion from electric to utility consumption. Fig.3 Sankey diagram for energy flow in driveline In sankey diagram the size of the arrow represents the percentage energy efficiencies in corresponding areas of application like engine loss, standby and accessories power consumption and driveline efficiency. The energy and power balance are first time derived in terms of dimensionless efficiency constants. This will help for energy conservation and finding control over base parameters as indicated below. 271 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014) [12] S.M. Ferdous, Walid Bin Khaled, Benozir Ahmed, Sayedus Salehin, Enaiyat Ghani Ovy. (2011). Electric Vehicle with Charging Facility in Motion using Wind Energy. Sustainable transport World Renewable energy Congress . 13 (8), p1-8. [13] Santiangeli Adrianoa, Fiori Chiara, Zuccari Fabrizio, Dell’Era Alessandro., Orecchini Fabio, D’Orazio Annalisa. (2013). 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