Balboa Island Museum & Historical Society Founded 2000
Diane Bock
The Balboa Island Museum's most recent Speaker's Series event
took place on Friday evening, September 27 th. The Museum's
courtyard was filled to capacity as Friends of the Museum and local
dignitaries gathered to learn about the history of the Balboa Island
Fire Station.
Moderator Conrad Baumgartner, Shirley Pepys, and speakers
Carolyn Gaw and Captain Glenn White
Balboa Island Fire Department around 1931
Conrad Baumgartner introduced the featured speakers and
moderated questions from audience members. First to share was
Carolyn Gaw, whose father, Clarence E. McCormick (“Mac”),
served as a volunteer fireman in the late 1920s and early 1030s. She
told the story about how her mother, Leona, a waitress at Lenna’s
Cafe near the fire station, set off the fire alarm at night so the
firemen would come visit her at the cafe, thereby getting Mac’s
attention. Mac and Leona later married!
Long time Balboa Island residents echoed many of Carolyn’s
reminiscences with stories of their own from the same era. Captain
Glenn White, Acting Battalion Chief and 25-year veteran with the
Newport Beach Fire Department, filled in many of the facts, figures
and details about the station and its colorful history. He fielded a
variety of lively questions and entertained everyone with witty
anecdotes and good humor. We learned how in the early days of
Orange County, the local firefighters would respond to calls as far
away as Saddleback Mountain. Can you imagine a fire car (literally a
car, not a truck) putting out fires on Saddleback Mountain? In the early
days it was an all-volunteer fire department with one man on duty at
the station. When the whistle blew, the volunteer firefighters would
come running. The location was signaled by a code: one, two or three
blasts from the whistle would signify the whereabouts of the fire.
Three men from the Balboa Island Station, Captain Rick Zaccaro,
Engineer Jeff Bogin, and Firefighter John Mollica, were also in
attendance but they had to leave to respond to a call. Fortunately, they
were able to return in time to participate in some of the discussion. The
antique fire truck, which is housed at the fire station, was parked in
front of the Museum and provided the backdrop for numerous photos.
Newport Beach Mayor Keith Curry, and his wife Pam, were in
attendance, along with many of our local Island residents. Wine,
cheese and delicious desserts were served. Guests lingered after the
program, enjoying the refreshments and admiring the Museum's new
Clarence “Mac” McCormick with the Newport Beach fire car.
Notice the suitcase and other items tied to the side of the car.
Please stay tuned for news of the next event in our Speaker's Series.
Balboa Island Museum & Historical Society
We Celebrate our Firefighters at the Museum Speaker Event
Balboa Island Museum & Historical Society
Ed Trainor
Shirley Pepys
Ed Trainor
Thank you to all of our members in 2013 for making our Museum such a success. We have over
300 members and we couldn’t be more pleased.
The Museum’s Executive Board has begun a
series of discussions about our future plans. How
can we grow the Museum? Will we need a permanent home? It is gratifying to realize that the Museum is expanding and that people are excited
about the exhibits and enjoy learning more about
the Island and our surrounding communities.
The Balboa Island Holiday Home Tour is on Sunday, December 8 th,
from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. We are pleased that the Museum will
once again be a part of this event. Be sure to get your tickets and
come visit the Museum, along with the other beautiful homes on
Shirley Pepys and the Development Team met recently and are getting ready for the new year. I am sure that means we have some
interesting events coming our way.
Mark your calendar! Santa will be at the Museum on
Sunday, December 15th, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. All
children, young and old, are invited to pay Santa a
Volunteer chairman Sue Sibley, with help from Sharon Lambert and
Mariel Pinkman, welcomed over 20 docents at our first “movie night”,
held October 8th at the Museum. Our attendees listened to “My Balboa
Island”, a song written by Balboa Island residents Bob Gilmartin and
Betsy Caputo, followed by a viewing of a new video, “Did You
Know”, which features Balboa Island scenes and information. The
concept for this video was conceived by docent Hank Ives and produced by the Museum’s Heritage Group.
Look what is turning 100 years old—526 S. Bay Front—my house! Built in
1913, this house displays the
same wide roof line that was
very common in the Island’s
earliest dwellings. The basic
design of the house, as you can
see, has been retained.
We do not know who built the
house originally, but Seymour
Beek, who lived next door,
remembers that the Sukow
526 S. Bay Front in about 1919
family lived here when he was a
little boy, and remained until after
World War II. Around 1945, the
Baird family moved in and stayed
until the late 1940s. Charles and
Muriel Gay were the next owners.
They owned Gay’s Lion Farm, a
public attraction in El Monte dedi-
526 S. Bay Front in 1981
cated to African lions. After the
Farm closed, they retired to Balboa
Island, where they remained until
Charles died in 1950. The house was
sold to an unidentified person, and
then in the mid-1970s, Willard Harris became the owner. The Harris’
did major remodeling. My late husband, Eric, and I bought the house
in 1995. (Thanks to Seymour for
Current photo, decorated for the holidays
helping with the historical details.)
More recently, my house has become known as the Penguin House, since playful
penguins have been part of my holiday decorations for several years. In celebration of the house’s birthday, the penguins will be dressed in vintage outfits this
The feature movie of the evening was the 1949 production of “The
Reckless Moment”, starring James Mason and Joan Bennett. This movie includes scenes which were filmed on Balboa Island. Everyone enjoyed the film and especially seeing glimpses of the Island. Information about the movie is available at the Museum.
2013- 2014
Docents are the heart of our Museum. Please consider spending time
volunteering each month greeting visitors at the Museum. Contact Sue
at suesibley55@yahoo.com or at 916-799-6053.
Bob Dennerline
It’s time to renew your membership for the coming year. One
of the benefits of being a member is that you are invited to our
special events. Memberships also make great gifts. Give someone special a gift membership to the Balboa Island Museum &
Historical Society and watch their wonder, appreciation and
curiosity for this charming Island grow.
The membership period runs from January 1st to December 31st.
However, we have a grace period, so donations received from
October 1st on will be valid through 12/31/14.
Ed Trainor
Michael Smith
About the Museum
Founded in 2000, the Balboa Island Museum &
Historical Society provides a place for Islanders
and visitors to gather and share the history and
heritage of this beloved location. Browse in the
Museum often and plan to attend one of our
upcoming events. Donations are tax deductible;
volunteers are desired; contributions of photos,
memorable stories and artifacts depicting island
life welcome.
Hours: Wed., Fri., Sat., Sun. 10 am - 4 pm
Location & Contact Info:
331 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, CA 92662
Balboa Island Museum & Historical Society
Diane Bock
Don Abrams
Conrad Baumgartner
Steve Bromberg
Alice Dear
Robert B. Lambert
Sharon Lambert
Tia Morris-Lowell
Jack Northrup
Shirley Pepys
Sue Sibley
Tina Wayt
MEMBERS/DONORS 2012 - 2013*
PLATINUM - $20,000
City of Newport Beach
DIAMOND - $5,000
Argyros Family Foundation
Jack Scudder Memorial Fund
Meguiar, Barry & Karen
Northrup, Jack & Joan
Pepys, Shirley
EMERALD - $2,500
Hershey Family
RUBY - $1,000
Abrams, Don & Gwenn
MHET/Mayor Keith Curry
Trainor, Ed & Shelly
Bock, Diane & Larry
Brusco, Bo & Terri
Carstensen, Nancy & Jim
De Witt Family, Bill & Mary
Dennerline, Bob & Celeste
Lambert, Robert & Sharon
Lowe, Stan & Renee
TOPAZ - $250
Bromberg, Steve & Ronnie
Causey, Terry
Cencibaugh, Chuck
Cholakian, Mr.& Mrs.
Cooper, Mr.
Cornell, Janet
Ctvrtlik, Cosette & Bob
Edwards Family
Hall, Heidi & Steven Guzowski
Hill, Councilman Rush
Johnson, Myrna & Chuck
Marotta, Peggy
Pulaski, Rolly
Scioscia, Mike & Anne
Seaver, Christopher
Shonk, Al & Elizabeth
von Kleinsmid-Randolph, Marilyn
PEARL - $100
Allan, Kaki & David
Allen, William
Anderson, Donna
Auchter, Terri
Baker, Cheryl & Bob
Ballback, Steven
Baumgartner, Conrad & Barbara
Beek, Seymour
Bergman, Marielle & Peter
Bilezikjian, Zaven & Jamie
Birnie, Bill & Barbara
Blum, Mike & Patty
Bowers, Don & Pam
Brazeel, Steve & Casey
Bridges, Steve
Brittingham, John & Kathy
Brower, Ron & Stacy
Buettell, Michael & Susanne
Cassidy, Lee & Jim
Caton, Bill & Cathy
Cheney Family
Christensen, Thomas
Cleland, Ann & Robert
Cook, Bob & Marcy
Cooper, Beth & Ted
Crawford, William
Curci, Janet
Curci, Kit
Davies, John & Sharon
Deardorff, Tom & Connie
DesCombes, Gordon & Susan
Devine, Barbara
Donovan, William & Elana
Eggert, Pam & Steve
Ehming, Bill & Sue
Emerick, Catherine
Fellinge, Audrey & Lee
Fenton, Richard & Georgie
Freidenrich Family
Fuller, Joan & Ted
Gale, Lee
Goodwin-McNiff, Janet
Gram, Marshall & Virginia
Grant, Jim & Joanne
Hagemeyer, Bill & Pat
Halderman, Bob & Diana
Hall, Ed & Mary
Harmsen, Harlan
Harris, Joyce & Bert
Heisel, Albert
Hoofe Family
Houston, Tom & Cindy
Hurd, Joi Dell
Hurray, Matt & Carolyn
Hynds, Ruth
Janssen, Terry & Patti
Jones, Sug & George
Kallestad, Larry & Pamela
Kelley, Bob
Kensey, John & Linda
Kirst, Jim & Sue Ann
Kohorst, Bob & Shelley
Larson, Ksenia
La Spada, Kim & Ken
Leventhal, Ted & Christine
Mahoney, Thomas
Mariscal, Can
Mays, Richard
McNeill, Anne
Meyers, Fran
Moloney, James & Erin Walsh
Munroe, Dorothy
Nance, MD, Joyce
Nicola, Barbara
Nicholson, Bob & Marilyn
Noonan, Susan
Nunnally, Cary
O’Brien, Denis & Laurie
Parks, Kathy
Pearson, Michael & Lisa
Peets, Terry & Diane
Pepys, Noel & Catherine
Pizitz, Ron & Jackie
Rasmussen, Douglas
Rawlins, Rick & Lucy Dem
Rivett, Richard
Romo, Mary & Michael
Rountree, Danna
Smith, Michael & Lorrie
Spragins, Gigi & Sam
Stacey, Sherman
Starr, Dean
Steele, Tim & Jan
Stringer, Dan &Nancy
Taft, Kristine & Skip
Tarr, Judy
Thabit, Susan & Cory
Torrance, Anthony
Tucker, Larry & Jill
Wick, Don
Williams, Barton
Witt, Basil & Judi
Witzel, Ken & Marilyn
Wood, Linda
Woods Family, Cam & Suzanne
Anderson, Marilyn & Fred
Avanzino, Bohnie
Bear, Nancy & Dennis
Bessler, Anita
Bohn, Anne
Bonhall, Bill & Joanne
Brown, Bruce
Brown, Maggie & Scott
Bryan, Carol
Burton, Janice
Byers, Daniel & Jill
Callahan, Bob & Terry
Campbell, Dennis & Carol
Celio, Rick & Nancy
Chase, Wayne & Sherry
Culpepper, Patti
Cunningham, Lynn
Daniel, Bobbie
Davis, Sandra
Dear, Alice
Deardorff, Tom & Connie
Di Bari, Donna
Douglas, Debbie
Dunlap, Kay & Mickey
Egdorf, Nicole
Esnard, Audrey
Farmer, Robert
Gerbi, Ray & Jeanne
Girling, Bing & Vickie
Goodman-Beal, Michael & Ellen
Gouvion, Wayne & Nancy
Gregorius, Joan
Grime, Greg & Irma
Halderman, Dick & Rosemary
Harris, Marilyn
Henle, Tom & Christy
Herdman, Jeff & Sally
Hershey Finley, Ruth
Holden, Greg & Ann
Hubbell, Virginia A.
Hunt, Margaret
Jennings Jr., Jim
Jones, Edward
Kelleher, Jerry & Nancy
Kredel, Rich & Stacy
Lane, Mary
Leinaus & Schneiders, in memory of
Lewis, Diane
Long, Helen
Lord, Margaret
Lowell-Morris, Tia & Reid
Lyon, Barbara
Marcin, John & Clarice
Mathews Family
McOwen, John & Cynthia
Miller, Jim
Morcos, Ellis
Morrison, Bob & Phyllis
Newport Harbor Area Alumnae Panhellenic
Olsen, Mary Lee
Parnkope, Sallie
Pedley, Frances J.
Podany, Suzanne
Preusch, Al
Pugh, Gary & Diane
Pyle, Tippi
Robinson, John
Rohrer, John & Andrea
Rohrer, Ronald & Bonnie
Saliba, Tom & Betty
Sandberg, Albert & Jeannette
Schmid, Ben & Jeanne
Seely, Hall & Melinda
Sibley, Scott & Sue
Smith, Helen
Soule-Maggio, Stephen & Lynne
Swanson, Charles & Charlotte
Torrance, Bert & Charlotte
Tuppan, Helen
Turner, Kristen & Brett
Wachtel, W & C
Walker, Josh & Carrie
Wickett, Geof
Williams, Bill & Bobbitt
Young, Barbara
BRIDGE - $35
Bakuy, Lynn & Mel
Banning, Phin & Lisa
Bergenfeld, Joe & Helen
Biggs, Barb
Birdsong, Jacqueline
Bonin, Peter
Bress, Dennis & Sol
Bromberg, Mike & Donna
Carmack, George & Shirley
Carney, Sam & John
Chiapuzio, Kymberly & Anton
Childs, Bob & Bev
Christie, Diane
Claxton, Scott & Tiara
Conforti, Jennifer
Curci, Erin
Davis, Jane
Daun, Lyle
Dawson, Susan
Dollander Family
Everson, Andy & Lori
Flamson, Arden
Gilbert, Steve
Golnick, Larry & Shirley
Grant, Gay
Heath, Edward & Pat
Hemphill, Mary Ann
Herold, Diane
Hewitt, Les & Bettsie
Jones, Dick & Judy
Kinton, Sandi & Doak Hefner
Kirkpatrick, Sandra
Klyver, Mary Jane
Lamb, Wink
LaMontagne, Joan & John
Lawson, James & Terri
Lehman, Charles & Patricia
Lenihan, Maureen
Lewand, Kevin & Jeanne
Lowe, Buz & Patty
McCauley, Pam & Tom
Miller, Ron & Lois
Moller, Jorgen & Irma
Nangle, Pat
Neimeister, Steve
O’Neil, Barry & Ann
Pepys, Max & Charity
Pepys Hoey, Tiffany
Phillips, Maxwell & Pam
Pirkle, Hubert & Jacquelyn
Remy, Jon
Rogers, Bob & Robin
Roxburgh, Claudia
Runner, Dan & Jane
Ruston, Jeane
Sadler, Ron & Mary
Samuel, Jenni
Schmidt, Judity
Scott, William
Seastrom, Marea
Selson, John Karen
Sims, Susan & Ralph
Smith, Allison
Sutherland, Lee & Hollie
Talley, Terry & Curt
Thomas, Joanne & Doran
Took, Sandra
Torrey, Margaret
Vasterling, Rusty
Veden, Vicki
Wayt, Bill & Tina
Weinstein, Charles & Ann Marie
White, Marilyn & Mike
White, Shirley Ann
Balboa Island Ferry
The Village Inn
Dad’s Donut & Bakery Shop
Hershey’s Market
Kamps Island Flooring
Martha’s Bookstore
Maryam’s Salon
Wilma’s Patio
*as of 10/15/13. Please call (310) 7172325 with any corrections.