List of Publications

List of Publications
Journal: PRAMANA-Journal of Physics, Issue editors, S. B. Santra and S. S. Manna, Vol.71,
No.2, 2008.
Book: Computational Statistical Physics, Edited by S. B. Santra and P. Ray, (Hindustan Book
Agency, New Delhi, 2011).
Books/Book Chapters:
Book Chapter: Classical Monte Carlo Simulation, S. B. Santra and P. Ray in Computational
Statistical Physics, edited. By S. B. Santra and P.Ray, (Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi,
Book Chapter: Statistical Mechanics and Critical Phenomena: A brief overview, S. B. Santra and P.
Ray in Computational Statistical Physics, edited. By S. B. Santra and P.Ray, (Hindustan Book
Agency, New Delhi, 2011).
Advanced Statistical Mechanics, S. B. Santra, a web course under NPTEL, 2014.
Research Papers in refereed journals:
Static critical phenomena in Co-Ni-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloy, B. Sethi, S. Sarma, A
Srinivasan, S. B. Santra, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1591, 148 (2014).
Critical properties of a dissipative sandpile model on small-world networks, H. Bhaumik and S. B.
Santra, Phys. Rev. E, 88, 062817 (2013)
Continuous percolation transition in random cluster growth model, Croa. B. Roy and S. B. Santra,
Chem. Act. 86, 495 (2013).
Dissipative sandpile on growing random graph, H. Bhaumik and S. B. Santra, AIP Conference
Proceedings, 1447, 209 (2012).
Critical properties of island perimeters in the flooding transition of stochastic and rotational sandpile
models, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra, Physica A 391, 5932 (2012).
Modeling the Biomass Growth and Enzyme Secretion by the White Rot Fungus Phanerochaete
chrysosporium: a Stochastic-Based Approach, K. Sen, K. Pakshirajan, S. B. Santra, Appl.
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 167, 705 (2012).
Flooding transition in the topography of toppling surfaces of rotational and stochastic sandpile models,
J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra, Phys. Rev. E, 85, 031111 (2012).
Modelling the Biomass Growth and Enzyme Secretion by the White Rot Fungus Phanerochaete
Chrysosporium in Presence of a Toxic Pollutant, K. Sen, K. Pakshirajan, S. B. Santra, J. Environmental
Protection, 3, 114 (2012).
Crossover from rotational to stochastic sandpile, H. Bhoumik, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra,
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1349, 198 (2011).
10. Analysis of toppling surfaces of stochastic sandpile models, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra, AIP
Conference Proceedings, 1349, 192 (2011).
11. Rotational sandpile models: A finite size scaling study, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra,
Computer Physics Communications, 182, 1851 (2011).
12. Sandpile avalanche properties in terms of a microscopic parameter, J. A. Ahmed and S. B.
Santra, Europhys Lett. 90, 50006 (2010).
13. Finite size scaling in BTW like sandpile models, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra, Eur. Phys. J. B
76, 13 (2010).
Random walk on topologically biased anisotropic percolation clusters and transport properties,
S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, Eur. Phys. J. B 67, 429 (2009).
Invasion of a sticky random solid: self-established potential gradient, phase separation and
criticality, S. B. Santra, S. Sinha and J. A. Ahmed, Phys. Rev. E, 78, 061135 (2008) and also in
January 1, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research,
Finite size scaling theory for anisotropic percolation clusters, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, Ind. J.
Phys, 82, 919 (2008).
Effect of macromolecular crowding on the Enzymatic reaction rates, Manish Agarwal, S. B.
Santra, Rajat Anand and Rajaram Swaminathan, PRAMANA-J. Phys. 71, 359 (2008).
A numerical model for studying glass dissolution in water, S. Ranjita Chanu and S. B. Santra,
Ind. J. Phys, 82, 615 (2008).
Sandpile under Rotational Constraint, S. B. Santra and D. Deb, Ind. J. Phys., 82, 295 (2008).
Characteristics of deterministic and stochastic sandpile models in a rotational sandpile model,
S. B. Santra, S. Ranjita Chanu, Phys. Rev. E 75, 041122 (2007).
Multifractality in rotational percolation models, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, Physica A 376, 351
Effect of field direction and field Intensity on Directed Spiral Percolation, S. Sinha and S. B.
Santra, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C. 17, 1285 (2006).
Self-organized dynamical equilibrium in the corrosion of random solids, S. Sinha, V. Kishore
and S. B. Santra, Europhys. Lett. 71, 632 (2005).
Directed Spiral Percolation Hull on the Square and Triangular Lattices, S. Sinha and S. B.
Santra, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C. 16, 1251 (2005).
Multifractal Collision Spectrum of Ballistic Particles with Fractal Surfaces, S. B. Santra and
B. Sapoval, Fractals, 13, 9 (2005).
Breakdown of Universality in Directed Spiral Percolation, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, Eur.
Phys. J. B. 39, 513 (2004).
Study of Finite Size Effects on Directed Spiral Percolation, S. B. Santra, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B.
17, 5555 (2003).
Directed Spiral Site Percolation on the Square Lattice, S. B. Santra, Eur. Phys. J. B. 33, 75
30. Directed Self-avoiding Walks in Random Media, S. B. Santra, W. A. Seitz, and D. J. Klein, Phys. Rev.
E. 63, 67101 (2001).
Additivity of Vibrational Density of States in two-dimensional Mesoscopic Systems, B. Sapoval, S. B.
Santra and J. S. Andrade Jr. Phys. Rev. B. (rapids) 63, R60301 (2001).
Diffusion under Local and Global Biases in Disordered Systems, S. B. Santra and W. A. Seitz, Int. J.
Mod. Phys. C 11, 1357 (2000).
34. Critical fluctuations and Self-organized Fractality in Chemical Reactions:
Gradient Percolation in the Etching of Random Solids, S. B. Santra and B. Sapoval, Physica
A266, 160, (1999).
35. Interaction of Ballistic Particles with Irregular Pore Walls, Knudsen Diffusion, and Catalytic
efficiency, S. B. Santra and B. Sapoval, Phys. Rev. E57, 6888, (1998).
36. Pseudo-Equilibrium between a Random System and a Solution: a Monte Carlo Study of Glass
Dissolution in Water, S. B. Santra, B. Sapoval, Ph. Borboux, and F. Devreux, C. R. Acad. Sci.
(Paris), 326, Série II b, 129, (1998).
37. Fractal Interfaces in the Self-Stabilized Etching of Random Systems, B. Sapoval, S. B. Santra
and Ph. Borboux, Europhys. Lett., 41, 297, (1998).
Lévy distribution of collisions for Knudsen diffusion in Fractal pores, S. B. Santra, B. Sapoval, and O.
Heberlaé, in Fractals in Engineering, edited by J. Lévy Véhel, E. Lutton, and C. Tricot, (Springer
Verlag, London, 1997).
39. Fluid Induced Particle size Segregation in Sheared Granular Assemblies, S. B. Santra, S.
Schawarzer, and H. J. Herrmann, Phy. Rev. E 54, 5066, (1996).
40. Weak pinning of interfaces, S. B. Santra, A. Peterson, and S. Roux, Phys. Rev. E 53, 3867,
41. Rooted spiral site trees on triangular lattice, S. B. Santra, Journal de Physique I, 5, 1573,
A simple model for gelation under shear, S. B. Santra and H. J. Herrmann, Physica A218, 298,
Size distribution of different types of sites in Abelian sandpile avalanches, S. Banerjee, S. B.
Santra and I. Bose, Z. Phys. B, 96, 571, (1995).
Scaling behavior of cluster hulls in spiral site percolation, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, J. Phys A:
Math. Gen., 26, 3669, (1993).
Dynamics of forest fire under rotational constraint, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, Z. Phys. B., 89,
247, (1992).
Spiral site percolation on the square and triangular lattices, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, J. Phys.
A: Math. Gen., 25, 1105, (1992).
Percolation under rotational constraint: a finite-size scaling study, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, J.
Phys. A: Math. Gen., 24, 2367, (1991).
Statistics of spiral lattice site animals with loops, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, J. Phys. A: Math.
Gen. 22, 5043, (1989).
Research Papers in non-refereed journals / conferences
Stochastic sandpile model on small world network, H. Bhaumik and S. B. Santra, DAE solid
state physics symposium, Thapar University, Dec.17-21, (2013).
2. Static critical phenomena in Co-Ni-Gaferromagnetic shape memory alloy, B. Sethi, S. Sarma,
A. Srinivasan and S. B. Santra, DAE solid state physics symposium, Thapar University,
Dec.17-21, (2013).
3. High-temperature critical behaviour of mechanically alloyed Fe80Zr20 powder, B. Sethi, A.
Perumal, A. Srinivasan and S. B. Santra, International Conference on Materials Science
(ICMS 2013), 21-23 February 2013, Agartala (2013).
4. Critical properties of Fe74Zr11B19Co5 alloy ribbons, B. Sethi, A. Perumal, A. Srinivasan and S.
B. Santra, DAE solid state physics symposium, IIT Bombay, Dec.3-7, (2012).
5. Directed sandpile models on random and scale free networks, S. B. Santra and H. Bhaumik,
Conf. on Computational Physics, Kobe, Japan, Oct.14-18 (2012).
6. Does explosive percolation occur away from criticality, S. B. Santra and B. Roy, Conf. on
Computational Physics, Kobe, Japan, Oct.14-18 (2012).
7. High temperature magnetic properties of Fe_74Zr_11B_10Co_5 alloy ribon, B. Sethi, A.
Perumal, A. Srinivasan, and S. B. Santra, Proc. CMDAYS, BIT, Mesra, Ranch (Aug.2931,2012),61 (2012).
8. Random cluster growth and explosive percolation, B. Ray and S. B. Santra, Proc. CMDAYS,
BIT, Mesra Ranch (Aug.29-31,2012), 63 (2012).
9. Continuous phase transition in toppling surfaces of stochastic and rotational sandpile models, J.
A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra, Proc. SERC School and Sixth National symposium on rheology of
complex fluids, (Jan. 03-07,2012), 33 (2012).
10. Analysis of toppling surfaces of stochastic sandpile models, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra, AIP
Conf. Proc. 1349, 192 (2011).
11. Crossover from rotational to stochastic sandpile, H. Bhaumik, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra,
AIP Conf. Proc. 1349, 198 (2011).
12. Percolation transition in the toppling surfcaes of sandpile models, S. B. Santra and J. A.
ahmed, Proc. Int. Conf. Theo. and Appl. Physics, IIT Kharagpur (Dec.1-2, 2011), 44 (2011).
13. Dissipative sandpile on growing random graphs, H. Bhoumik and S. B. Santra, Proc. DAE
Solid State Phys. Symp. SRM University, Tamilnadu, Dec.19-23, (2011).
Dissipative sandpile on growing random network, H. Bhoumik and S. B. Santra, Proc.
CMDAYS, Gauhati University (Aug.24-26,2011), 85 (2011).
Anti percolation in the etching of a random solid, B. Ray, H. Bhoumik and S. B. Santra, Proc.
CMDAYS, Gauhati University (Aug.24-26,2011), 65 (2011).
Understanding the complex magnetic behaviour of mechanically alloyd Fe80Zr20, B. Sethi, D.
Mishra, S. B. Santra and A. Srinivasan, Proc. CMDAYS, Gauhati University (Aug.2426,2011), 64 (2011).
Flooding transition in toppling surfaces of stochastic sandpile models, J. A. Ahmed and S. B.
Santra, Proc. CMDAYS, Gauhati University (Aug.24-26,2011), 24 (2011).
Analysis of toppling surfaces of stochastic sandpile models, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra,
Proc. S. S. P. Symp., page 189, Manipal University, Manipal, 26-30 Dec., 2010.
19. Crossover from rotational to stochastic sandpile model, H. Bhaumik, J. A. Ahmed and S. B.
Santra, Proc. S. S. P. Symp., page 189, Manipal University, Manipal, 26-30 Dec., 2010.
20. Properties of toppling surfaces in different sandpile models, J. A. Ahmed and S. B. Santra,
Proc. Condensed Matter Days, page 98, University of Kalyani, 25-27th August, 2010.
21. Finite size scaling in rotational sandpile models, S. B. Santra and J. A. Ahmed, Proc.
Conference on Computational Physics, Trondheim, Norway, June 23-26, 2010.
22. Roughness and contour loop analysis of toppling surfaces of a rotational sandpile model, J. A.
Ahmed and S. B. Santra, Proc. S. S. P. Symp. page 259, University of Baroda, 14-18 Dec.
23. Microscopic avalanche properties of sandpile models, Jahir A Ahmed and S. B. Santra, Proc.
Discussion meeting on Statistical and Condensed matter physics, 31 Oct-1 Nov.. 2009.
24. Microscopic properties to determine the universality class of stochastic sandpile models, S. B.
Santra, Proc. Condensed Matter Days, 26-28 August, 2009; Page 23, 2009.
25. Self-organized criticality and phase separation in the dissolution of a sticky random solid in an
aqueous solution, S.B. Santra, Jahir Abbas Ahmed and Santanu Sinha, International
Conference on Disorder, Complexity and Biology II, Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 5-8
January, (2009).
Effect of macromolecular crowding on the enzymatic reaction rate, M. Agarwal, S. B. Santra,
R. Anand, and R. Swaminathan, International workshop and conference on Statistical Physics
Approaches in Multidisciplinary Problems, IIT Guwahati, 7-13 January, (2008).
Self established potential gradient, phase separation and criticality in the invasion of sticky
random solid, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, International workshop and conference on Statistical
Physics Approaches in Multidisciplinary Problems, IIT Guwahati, 7-13 January, (2008).
Formation of Turing Patterns on Fractal Substrate, S. B. Santra, A. Chakraborty and S. Sinha,
Proc. S. S. P. Symp. Mysore University, 27-31 Dec. 2007.
Multifractal toppling surface in rotational sandpile model, S. B. Santra, K. Ulman and S.
Sinha, Proc. S. S. P. Symp. Mysore University, 27-31 Dec. 2007.
Self-organized criticality at a dynamical equilibrium between a random soild and a solution, S.
B. Santra, Statphys Kolkata VI, Jan. 5-9 (2007).
A Numerical Model of Glass Dissolution in Water, S. B. Santra and S. Ranjita Chanu, Vth
Conference of Physics Academy of the North East, March1-2, 2007.
32. Finite size scaling and multifractality in directed spiral percolation, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra,
International conference on Recent advances in the Interdisciplinary application of Statistical
Physics, ICTP, Italy and ICTS, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, Sept.2022, 2006.
A simple model of Glass dissolution in water, S. B. Santra and D. Deb, Science and
Technology of Glass and Glass Ceramics, BARC, Mumbai, Sept. 15-16, 2006.
Finite size scaling theory for anisotropic percolation clusters, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra,
Condensed Matter Days 2006, Tezpur University, Assam, Aug.29-31, 2006.
Multifractality in Directed Spiral Percolation, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, Proc. S. S. Phys.
Symp. 50, 165 (2005).
Directed Spiral Percolation: A Model to Study Disordered Systems under Crossed External
Fields, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, 9th World Multi-Conference on Systematics, Cybernetics
and Informatics, July 10-13, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Effect of Crossed External Fields on Percolation, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, 3rd Indo-Israel
Conf on Condensed Matter Physics, Puri, April 17-21, 2005.
Multifractality in the Interaction of Ballistic Particles with Irregular Surfaces, S. B. Santra and
B. Sapoval, Statphys-22, Bangalore, 4-9 July (2004).
Hull Properties of Directed Spiral Percolation Clusters, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, Statphys-22,
Bangalore, 4-9 July (2004).
Roughening to Disolution of a Random Solid in Contact with a Solution, Vimal Kishore and S.
B. Santra, Statphys Kolkata V, 27th June to 1st July (2004).
Directed Spiral Percolation Hull on the Square and Triangular Lattices, S. Sinha and S. B.
Santra, Statphys Kolkata V, 27th June to 1st July (2004).
Sandpile on Percolation Clusters, P. Nandi and S. B. Santra, Proc. S. S. Phys. Symposium, 2630 December (2003).
Directed Spiral Percolation on the Triangular Lattice, S. Sinha and S. B. Santra, Proc. S. S.
Phys. Symposium, 26-30 December (2003).
Percolation Under Directional and Rotational Constraints, S. B. Santra, Discussion Meeting on
Statistical Mechanics of Threshold Activated Systems, March 24-26, 2003, Institute of
Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.
Biased Diffusion in Disordered Systems, S. B. Santra, Trends in Condensed Matter Physics,
Feb.25-27, 2000, organized by Department of Physics, I.I.T. Kanpur, India.
Hydrodynamic effects in shear-induced aggregation, Stefan Schwarzer, Reinmar Mück, S. B.
Santra, Proc. of the 9th Workshop on two-phase flow predictions, Merseburg, Germany, April
13-16, (1999).
Random Walk under Logistic Probability, S. B. Santra, W. A. Seitz, and D. J. Klein, 15th
SouthWest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas,
U.S.A., Nov.19 - 21, (1998).
Weak Swelling of Directed Linear Polymers in Porous Media, S. B. Santra, W. A. Seitz, and
D. J. Klein, 15th SouthWest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, University of North Texas,
Denton, Texas, U.S.A., Nov.19 - 21, (1998).
Exact Enumeration of Outwardly Directed Self-Avoiding Walks in 2 Dimensions, S. B. Santra,
W. A. Seitz, and D. J. Klein, 15th SouthWest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, University of
North Texas, Denton, Texas, U.S.A., Nov.19 - 21, (1998).
Self-Stabilized Etching of Random Systems, B. Sapoval, S. B. Santra, and Ph. Barboux,
Bullet. Am. Phys. Soc., 43, 447 (1998).
Ballistic Trajectories and Knudsen Diffusion in Irregular Pores, S. B. Santra and B. Sapoval,
Bullet. Am. Phys. Soc., 43, 268 (1998).
Pseudo Chemical Equilibrium in the Dissolution of Binary Glass, B. Sapoval, S. B. Santra, Ph.
Barboux, and F. Devreux, Bullet. Am. Phys. Soc., 43, 78 (1998).
53. Pseudo-Equilibrium between a Random System and a Solution: A Monte Carlo Study of Glass
dissolution in Water, B. Sapoval, S. B. Santra, and Ph. Barboux, Statphys 19, Paris, July 2327, (1998).
Evidence for a Pseudo Chemical Equilibrium, Restructuration, and Porosification in Monte
Carlo Studies of Glass Dissolution in Water, S. B. Santra, B. Sapoval, Ph. Borboux, and F.
Devreux, Proc. Summer Session: Glass: Scientific Research for High Performance
Containment, C.E.A., Valrho, France (1997).
Lévy distribution of collisions for Knudsen diffusion in Fractal pores, S. B. Santra, B.
Sapoval, and O. Heberlaé, Proc. 3rd Conference on Fractals in Engineering, Arcachon, France,
June 25 - 27 (1997).
Knudsen Diffusion in Porous Catalysts, S. B. Santra and B. Sapoval, Symposium on Statistical
Physics at E.S.P.C.I, Paris, France, Jan 26 - 27, 1997, organized by Ecole Ploytechnique,
Palaiseau, France.
Ségregation en taille en cisaillement, S. B. Santra, S. Schawarzer, and H. J. Herrmann,
Technical Report, ESPCI, Paris (1996).
Polymerizations of Monomers under Shear, S. B. Santra, and H. J. Herrmann, International
Summer School on Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics at University of Porto, Portugal,
Sept. 3 - 16, 1995.
Spiral Site Percolation, S. B. Santra, Symposium on Statistical Physics at E.S.P.C.I, Paris,
France, Jan 26 - 27, 1995, organized by Ecole Ploytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
Exact Enumeration of Spiral Site Animals, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, College on Computational
Physics at International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, May 16 - June 11, 1993,
organized by the I.C.T.P, Trieste, Italy.
Effect of rotational constraint on the scaling behavior of some lattice statistical models, S. B.
Santra, Proc. S. S. P. Symp. (India) (Thesis paper) 36c,39, (1993).
Spiral site percolation hull on a square lattice, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, Proc. S. S. P. Symp.
(India) 35c,357, (1992).
Spiral forest fire on a square lattice, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, Proc. S. S. P. Symp. (India)
34c,369, (1991).
Spiral site percolation on a square lattice, S. B. Santra. and I. Bose, Proc. S. S. P. Symp.
(India) 33c, 308, (1990).
Statistics of c-loop spiral lattice site animals, S. B. Santra and I. Bose, Proc. S. S. P. Symp.
(India) 32c, 258, (1989).