Example 1! Ch 30 - Sources of Magnetic Field! Determine the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at the point O in the diagram. (Current I flows from top to bottom, radius of curvature = r.)! 1.) The Biot-Savart Law! ! ! I d s ! rˆ dB = km r2 magnetic field at a point P perpendicular to segment of wire ds & perpendicular to unit vector r from ds to P.! steady current in direction ds! 3.) determines direction to point! element of wire! Determine the direction and total magnitude of the magnetic field at the point P shown here, near a long, thin, wire.! P r a ds I P dB out The magnetic field for an infinitely long straight wire is! B= ! ˆr For straight segments, ds ! r = 0. For curved segment, ds ! r = ds, because s and r are ". µ I ds B= o $ 2 4# r µ I B = o 2 $ rd% 4#r µo I% B= 4#r Example 2! r km= 10-7 T•m/A ! km= µo /4π , where ! µo = permeability of free space! µo =4π x10-7 ! ds ! µo I 2!a ds 2.) 4.) Magnetic Force between wires! F = I! ! B = I!B sin " µI B (due to wire) = o 2#a $µ I ' F = I1!& o 2 ), or % 2#a ( F µo I1I2 = ! 2#a Ampère’s Law! ! ! B • ds If we evaluate the dot-product # in a circle around this wire, and sum this product over the entire path of the circle, we get! ! ! #µ I& B ! • d s = B ! ds = %$ 2"o r ('(2"r) = µoI B ds This result is valid for any closed path that encloses a wire conducting a steady current, and is known as Ampère’s Law:! Line integral, taken around a closed path that surrounds the current.! OR, if you find that the direction of the magnetic field lines in between the two sources are parallel to one another, it means the sources will repulse, whereas if the direction of the magnetic field lines between the two sources are anit-parallel to one another, it means the sources will attract one another. ! ! B ! • d s = µo I 5.) Oersted (1820)! 7.) Gauss & Ampère! If the wire is grasped with the right hand, with the thumb in the direction of current flow, the fingers curl around the wire in the direction of the magnetic field. ! The magnitude of B is the same everywhere on a circular path perpendicular to the wire and centered on it. Experiments reveal that B is proportional to I, and inversely proportional to the distance from the wire.! ! ! qin " E • dA = ! o ! ! "! B • ds = µ o Ithru 6.) 8.) Example 3! Example 3! Use Ampère’s Law to calculate the magnetic field at a distance r away from the central axis of a current-carrying wire of cross-sectional area R and current I. Do this for:! i.) r>R! i.) r<R! The current through the face of the Amperian path will be the fraction of current through the whole face. That is: " !r 2 % r2 ithru = $ I= 2I 2' R # !R & Amperian path R R So Ampere’s Law yields: r ! B • ds = µ i B! ds = µ i o thru o thru ii.) r<R! # r2 & B(2"r) = µ o % 2 I ( $R ' ) B= µoI r 2"R 2 9.) Example 3! 11.) Example 4! Use Ampère’s Law to calculate to calculate the magnetic field inside a toroid of N loops, at a distance r from the center.! i.) r>R! ! B • ds = µ i B! ds = µ i o thru Amperian path o thru B(2"r) = µ o I µI B= o 2"r R r 10.) side view:! I edge view:! 12.) side view:! As the wire passes through that Amperian path N times, the current through the face will be Ni. With that, we can write:! ! B • ds = µ I B ! ds = µ I Example 5! Find the magnetic field B for an thin, infinite sheet of current, carrying current of linear density J in the z direction.! I o imaginary Amperian path! edge view:! ! B • ds = µ I B ! ds = µ (J!) o o B(2"r) = µo NI µ NI B= o 2"r L o B(2!) = µo (J!) µJ B= o 2 w 13.) current out of page! current into page:! Note that if the path had been outside the toroid, there would have been as much current moving inward through the face as outward through the face. In other words, the net current through the face would have been zero and the B field outside zero.! I imaginary Amperian ! path! 15.) Electromagnets & Solenoids! A solenoid is a long wire wound in the form of a helix. Typically, you are given the number of winds per unit length, or “n.”! I If the turns are closely space and the solenoid is finite in length, the field lines from a solenoid look very similar to those of a bar magnet.! 14.) I 16.) B Field for a Solenoid! Inside = strong B field! Outside = weak B field! Between coils = 0 field! ! B • ds = µ i B! ds = µ ( nLI ) o thru o BL = µ o ( nLI ) " B = µ o nI This is the magnetic field function for the magnetic field down the central axis of a very long coil. 17.) Electric Flux! L Classically, the Amperian path for a very long coil, used to determine the effective magnetic field in the central region of the coil, is as shown to the right. Below is a “side” view. Note that the net magnetic field components perpendicular to the coil’s axis are zero, and the magnetic field strength far away from the coil is also approximately zero, so the only “circulation” that occurs is down the axis of the coil. With the path length of “L” and the amount of current passing through the Amperian face being (nL)i, where “n” is the number of winds-perunit-length and “nL” identifies how many wires there are inside the Amperian surface, we can write: 19.) Brief review of Electric Flux through an open surface is:! ! ! ! = E•A ! = EAcos " from side # ! " ! “The net electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the net charge inside the surface divided by ! o .” As such, we can write:! • • • • • • • • • • • L 18.) ! ! q !c = " E • dA = in #o 20.) Example 7! Magnetic Flux! # By the same token, through an open surface we can also write: ! ! !B = B • A !B = BAcos " Find the total magnetic flux through the loop shown here.! ! B" ! B = " B • dA ! $ µ I' = " & o ) ( b dx ) % 2#x ( µ Ib a + c 1 = o " dx 2# c x µ Ib $ a + c ' = o ln & ) 2# % c ( “The net magnetic flux through any closed surface is equal to zero as there are no magnetic monopoles (i.e., situations in which you can find a North Pole that isn’t attached to a corresponding South Pole. That is:! ! ! !B = " B • d A = 0 dx x b I c a Note that being able to do magnetic flux derivations will be needed in the next chapter on Faraday’s Law where we will be determine the time rate of change of magnetic flux. 21.) 23.) Example 7! Gauss’s Laws! Find the total magnetic flux through the loop shown here.! Electric field intensity depends only on the net internal charge. It is possible to have a single charge whose field lines produce a net electric flux through a closed surface. As such, we can write:! ! ! q !c = " E • dA = in #o It isn’t possible to have a single North Pole without a South Pole attached, which means that magnetic field lines are continuous and form closed loops (and magnetic field lines created by currents don’t begin or end at any point. Conclusion: the net magnetic flux through any closed surface is always zero, which means: ! b I c a !B = 22.) ! ! " B • dA = 0 N S 24.) Problems w/Ampère’s Law! d! E = dt ! ! ! B • d s = µo I = (dq dt) "o idisplacement "o # id = " o Two problems: ! 1.) What if current is changing?! 2.)What if Amperian path doesn’t enclose current?! d! E dt If we include this displacement current in Ampere’s Law, we take care of the pesky problems. Doing so yields a more complete version of Ampere’s Law which is: ! ! B "! • d s = µ o (I + I d ) open end = µ o (I + " o 25.) There is an electric field between the plates, and according to Gauss’s Law, there is an electric flux: !E = ! ! q " E • dA = # S o Furthermore, the electric flux is changing in time. As such, we can write: d! E d = dt ( " E • dA) = (dq dt ) ! ! S dt #o Ignoring the middle expression and noting that dq/dt is current I (referred to as the displacement current), we can write: 26.) d# E ) dt 27.)