Italo-Hellenic School of Physics 2006 The Physics of LHC: Theoretical Tools and Experimental Challenges An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking Francesco Ragusa Università di Milano June 12-18 2006, Martignano (Lecce, Italy) Contents LECTURE 1 LECTURE 2 Introduction Transport of parameters Motion in magnetic field Multiple Scattering Helical trajectories covariance matrix Magnetic spectrometers momentum resolutions at low momenta Tracking Systems: ATLAS & CMS Straight line fit Error on the slope Error on the impact parameter Vertex detector and central detector Momentum measurement impact parameter resolution at low momenta Measurement of the sign of charge Systematic effects misalignments and distortions Kalman Filter Sagitta Tracking in magnetic field Quadratic (parabola) fit Momentum resolution Extrapolation to vertex An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 1 Introduction Tracking is concerned with the reconstruction of charged particles trajectory ( tracks ) in experimental particle physics the sign of the charge F = q v×B the aim is to measure ( not a full list ) momentum (magnetic field) v B p = 0.3·B·R particle ID (mass), not necessarily with the same detector lifetime tag p = mo γ β secondary vertex primary vertex impact parameter An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 2 Motion in Magnetic Field In a magnetic field the motion of a charged particle is determined by the Lorentz Force dp = ev×B dt Since magnetic forces do not change the energy of the particle mo γ dv = ev×B dt and finally d 2r e dr = ×B p ds ds 2 In case of inhomogeneus magnetic field, B(s) varies along the track and to find the trajectory r(s) one has to solve a differential equation In case of homogeneus magnetic field the trajectory is given by an helix d 2r dr mo γ 2 = e × B dt dt vz using the path length s along the track instead of the time t ds = vdt we have d 2r dr mo γv 2 = e × B ds ds B An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa vs v 3 Magnetic Spectrometers Almost all High Energy experiments done at accelerators have a magnetic spectrometer to measure the momentum of charged particles 2 main configurations: solenoidal magnetic field tracking detectors arranged in cylindrical shells measurement of curved trajectories in ρ - φ planes at fixed ρ Dipole field dipole field B Solenoidal field x x z B z y rectangular symmetry deflection in y - z plane y cylindrical symmetry deflection in x - y ( ρ - φ ) plane tracking detectors arranged in parallel planes measurement of curved trajectories in y - z planes at fixed z An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 4 Tracking Systems: ATLAS Pixel Detector 3 barrels, 3+3 disks: 80×106 pixels barrel radii: 4.7, 10.5, 13.5 cm pixel size 50×400 µm σrφ= 6-10 µm σz = 66 µm SCT 4 barrels, disks: 6.3×106 strips barrel radii:30, 37, 44 ,51 cm strip pitch 80 µm stereo angle ~40 mr σrφ= 16 µm σz = 580µm TRT barrel: 55 cm < R < 105 cm 36 layers of straw tubes σrφ= 170 µm 400.000 channels An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 5 Tracking Systems: CMS Pixel Detector 2 barrels, 2 disks: 40×106 pixels barrel radii: 4.1, ~10. cm σrφ= 10 µm σz = 10 µm Internal Silicon Strip Tracker Pixel End cap – TEC- 2,4 m pixel size 100×150 µm Outer Barrel –TOBInner Barrel –TIBInner Disks –TID- 4 barrels, many disks: 2×106 strips barrel radii: strip pitch 80,120 µm 5.4 m σrφ= 20 µm σz = 20 µm volume 24.4 m3 External Silicon Strip Tracker 6 barrels, many disks: 7×106 strips barrel radii: max 110 cm strip pitch 80, 120 µm σrφ= 30 µm σz = 30 µm 30 cm An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa m 93 c 6 Tracking Systems: ATLAS & CMS ATLAS CMS An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 7 Momentum Measurement The momentum of the particle is projected along two directions PL ρ P orders of magnitude P⊥ = 1GeV B = 2T R = 1.67 m P⊥ = 10GeV B = 2T R = 16.7 m the sagitta s λ P⊥ s z in ρ - φ plane we measure the transverse momentum P⊥ φ P⊥ = P cos λ = 0.3BR R 2α = L R s = R ( 1 − cos α ) 2α α2 L2 s ≈R = 2 8R ρ in the ρ - z plane we measure the dip angle λ ρ λ assume a track length of 1 m P⊥ = 1GeV s = 7.4 cm P⊥ = 10GeV s = 0.74 cm z An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 8 Momentum Measurement Once we have measured the transverse momentum and the dip angle the total momentum is P = P⊥ 0.3BR = cos λ cos λ the error on the momentum is easely calculated P ∂P = ⊥ ∂R R ∂P = −P⊥ tan λ ∂λ ∆P 2 ∆R 2 = + ( tan λ∆λ )2 P R We need to study the error on the radius measured in the bending plane ρ - φ the error on the dip angle in the ρ - z plane We need to study also contrubution of multiple scattering to momentum resolution Comment: in an hadronic collider the main emphasis is on transverse momentum elementary processes among partons that are not at rest in the laboratory frame use of momentum conservation only in the transverse plane An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 9 The Helix Equation The helix is described in parametric form ( ) ( ) R (m ) = p⊥ (GeV ) 0.3B (T ) hs cos λ x ( s ) = xo + R cos Φo + − cos Φo R PL hs cos λ y ( s ) = yo + R sin Φo + − sin Φo R z ( s ) = zo + s sin λ λ B P⊥ P λ is the dip angle h =±1 is the sense of rotation on the helix The projection on th x-y plane is a circle ( xo , yo ) ( x − xo + R cos Φo )2 + ( y − yo + R sin Φo )2 = R 2 xo and yo the coordinates at s = 0 Φo is also related to the slope of the tangent to the circle at s = 0 Φo R sin Φo An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa R cos Φo 10 The Helix Equation To reconstruct the trajectory we put position measuring planes along the particle path We will consider the track fit separately in the the 2 planes perpendicular to B (x,y): circle containing B (x,z), (y,z) or (ρ,z) straight line ( x1, y1, z1 ) In the plane containing B (for example y - z plane) the trajectory is a periodic function of z ( ) hs cos λ y ( s ) = yo + R sin Φo + − sin Φo R ( s = ( x 2 , y2 , z 2 ) z − zo sin λ ) h ( z − zo ) y ( z ) = yo + R sin Φo + − sin Φo R tan λ however, for large momenta, i.e. R tanλ >> ( z-zo ), assuming for simplicity h = 1, Φo = 0 y ( z ) ≈ yo + 1 ( z − zo ) tan λ y ( z ) = yo + ctanλ ( z − zo ) An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa straight line 11 The Helix Equation An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 12 Straight Line Fit This is a well known problem θ b = tg θ = ctg λ a reference frame N+1 measuring detetectors at z0,…, zn, …,zN a particle crossing the detectors a N+1 coordinate measurements y0,…, yn, …,yN each measurement affected by uncorrelated errors σ0,…, σn, …,σN yo yn yN zo zn zN Find the best line y = a + b z that fit the track The solution is found by minimizing the χ2 N 2 χ = ∑ a = ( Sy Szz − Sz Szy ) / D n =0 b = ( S1Szy − Sz Sy ) / D N the covariance matrix (at z = 0) is σa2 cab S = 1 zz 2 cab σb D −Sz −Sz S1 depends only on σ, zn and N ( yn − a − bz n )2 1 S1 = ∑ 2 n = 0 σn σn2 N Sy = N z Sz = ∑ n2 n = 0 σn yn ∑ 2 n = 0 σn N Syz = yn z n ∑ 2 n = 0 σn N Szz z n2 = ∑ 2 n = 0 σn An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa D = S1Szz − Sz Sz 13 Straight Line Fit: Matrix Formalism The χ2 can be written as It is useful to restate the problem using a matrix formalism [4:Avery 1991] χ2 = ( Y − Ap )T W ( Y − Ap ) This is useful because: it is more compact it is easely extensible to other linear problems it is more useful to formulate an iterative procedure the linear model is given by f = Ap ( yi − yi ) ( y j − y j ( V )ij = σi2 δij if uncorrelated AT WY −1 1 z 0 a = 1 ... b = Ap 1 z N ( V )ij = −1 p = ( AT WA ) VP = ( AT V−1A ) measurements and errors are y 0 Y = ... yN The minimum χ2 is obtained by The covariance matrix of the parameters is obtained from the measurements covariance matrix V With the same assumption as before f a + bz 0 0 f = ... = fN a + bz N W = V −1 ) please notice (N+1 measurements, M parameters) dimensions A = (N+1) × M dimensions V = (N+1) × (N+1) T dimensions A WA = M × M dimensions ATW = M × (N+1) dimensions Vp =M ×M An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 14 Straight Line Fit Let’s consider the case of equal spacing between zo and zN with equal errors on coordinates σn = σ L The errors on the intercept and the slope are σa2 N zc2 σ 2 = 1 + 12 N + 2 L2 N + 1 σb2 σ2 12N = ( N + 1 ) L2 ( N + 2 ) a zc important features: zN zo L = z N − zo zc = both errors are linearly dependent on the measurement error σ z N + zo 2 both errors decrease as 1/ N + 1 The S are easily computed in finite form N +1 z Sz = ( N + 1 ) c2 2 σ σ 2 N + 1 (N + 2 ) L 2 = + z c 12 σ 2 N S1 = Szz D = L2 ( N + 1 )2 ( N + 2 ) N 12σ 4 the error on the slope decrease as the inverse of the lever arm L the error on the intercept increases if zc increase S and errors: all computed at z = 0 An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 15 Errors At The Center Of The Track We can choose the origin at the center of the track: z = zc L ip zc zN zo It is easely seen that for uniform spacing and equal errors N +1 N + 1 ( N + 2 ) L2 S1 = S 0 S = = z zz 12 σ2 σ 2 N L2 ( N + 1 )2 ( N + 2 ) D = N 12σ 4 S1 and D do not change Sz and Szz change The errors are now σb2 σ2 12N = ( N + 1 ) L2 ( N + 2 ) σa2 σ2 = N +1 unchanged changed The intercept is different from the previous case (origin at z = 0) Obviously, taking properly into account error propagation ve get the same result for the impact parameter ip ip = f (−zc ) = a − bzc 2 σip = σa2 + zc2σb2 2 σip σa and σb uncorrelated if origin at zc σ2 σ 2 12N zc2 = + N + 1 N + 1 N + 2 L2 An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 16 Vertex Detectors The previous result shows clearly the need for vertex detectors to achieve a precise measurements of the impact parameter L 2 σip σ2 σ2 12N zc2 = + N + 1 N + 1 N + 2 L2 We should have small measurement errors σ large lever arm L place first plane as near as possible to the production point: small zc zc zo zc zN The “amplitude” of the error is determined by the error on the slope σ/L Increasing the number of points also improves but only as N + 1 The technology used is silicon detectors with resolution of the order of σ ~ 10 µm by the distance of the point to which we extrapolate zc/L expensive by the size of the measurement error small L small N An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 17 Vertex Detectors Summarizing:the error on the impact parameter is σip L r = σ = Z ( r, N ) N +1 zc L ip zc for the ATLAS pixel detector z0 = 4.1 cm, z2 = 13.5 cm Z ( r, N ) = L = 9.4, zc=6.8, r = 0.72 σip = 12 µm zN zo N+1 = 3, σ = 10 µm r N 1 2 5 9 19 ∞ 1 + 12 N r2 N +2 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.75 0.60 0.50 10.1 12.3 14.7 15.7 16.5 17.3 6.08 7.42 8.84 9.45 9.94 10.4 4.12 5.00 5.94 6.35 6.67 7.00 3.16 3.81 4.50 4.81 5.04 5.29 2.24 2.65 3.09 3.29 3.44 3.61 An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 1.80 2.09 2.41 2.55 2.67 2.78 1.56 1.78 2.02 2.13 2.22 2.31 1.41 1.58 1.77 1.86 1.93 2.00 18 Vertex Detector + Central Detector We have seen that the error on the impact parameter is 2 σip = σa2 + zc2σb2 The second term depends on the error on the slope and is limited by the small lever arm L typical of vertex detectors (~ 10 cm) It is usually very expensive to increase this lever arm L A solution is a bigger detector (Central Detector) less precise (usually less expensive) but with a much bigger lever arm L ip zc zo zN The first term: depend only on the precision of the vertex detector it is equivalent to a very precise measurement (σa ~ 5 µm) very near to the primary vertex (zc) The error on the slope then become smaller The error on the extrapolation become smaller This is the arrangement usually adopted by experiments who want to measure the impact parameter An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 19 Momentum Measurement: Sagitta To introduce the problem of momentum measurement let’s go back to the sagitta a particle moving in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B R= p 0.3B δp δR = p R the trajectory of the particle is an arc of radius R of length L sagitta y3 s y1 y2 R L 2α = R 2α y1 + y2 2 L2 δR δs = ∼ δy 8R R L2 δ p = δy 8R p δp 8R = 2 δy p L δp 8p = δy p 0.3BL2 δp 8δy = p2 0.3BL2 important features the percentage error on the momentum is proportional to the momentum itself s = R ( 1 − cos α ) the error on the momentum is inversely proportional to B α2 L2 s ≈R = 2 8R the error on the momentum is inversely proportional to 1/L2 assume we have 3 measurements: y1, y2, y3 s = y3 − the error on the radius is related to the sagitta error by δs = 3 δy ∼ δy 2 the error on the momentum is proportional to coordinate measurement error An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 20 Tracking In Magnetic Field The previous example showed the basic features of momentum measurement Let’s now turn to a more complete treatement of the measurement of the charged particle trajectory We have already seen that for an homogeneus magnetic field the trajectory projected on a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field is a circle 2 2 ( y − yo ) + ( x − xo ) = R b= a = y (0) 1 c=− 2R dy dx 2 for not too low momenta we can use a linear approximation y = yo + R2 − ( x − xo )2 R2 >> ( x - xo )2 2 ( x − xo ) y ≈ yo + R 1 − 2R2 x x 1 2 y = yo + R − o 2 + o x − x R 2R 2R ( ) we are led to the parabolic approximation of the trajectory y = a + bx + cx 2 x =0 let’s stress that as far as the track parameters is concerned the dependence is linear The parameters a,b,c are intercept at the origin slope at the origin radius of curvature (momentum) An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 21 Quadratic Fit Assume N detectors measuring the y coordinate [Gluckstern 63] yo yn yN xo xn xN However we can use the matrix formalism developed for the straight line: yo Y = ... yN a p = b c −1 p = ( AT WA ) A track crossing the detectors gives the measurements y0, …,yn, …, yN Each measurement has an error σn Using the parabola approximation, the track parameters are found by minimizing the χ2 χ2 = ∑ n =0 ( yn − a 0 ... ..0 1 0 σN2 0 let’s recall the solution The detectors are placed at positions xo, …, xn, …, xN N 1 2 σ 2 x0 0 ... W = 0 2 x N 0 1 x 0 A = ... ... 1 x N 2 − bx n − cx n2 σn2 ) −1 ( A WA ) T F 0 = F1 F 2 M 0 AT WY = M 1 M 2 An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa F1 F2 F3 AT WY −1 F2 F3 F4 N x nk Fk = ∑ 2 n = 0 σn N Mk = yn x nk ∑ 2 n = 0 σn 22 Quadratic Fit The result is [4: Avery 1991, BlumRolandi 1993 p.204, Gluckstern 63] ∑ ynGn a = ∑Gn ∑ ynGn b= ∑ xnGn ∑ ynGn c= ∑ xn2Gn The result can be found in [Blum-Rolandi, p. 206] To get some idea of the covariance matrix let’s first compute it by setting the origin at the center of the track Gn = F 11 − x n F 21 + x n2 F 31 N xc = Pn = −F 12 + x n F 22 − x n2 F 32 n =0 with this choice one can “easely” find Qn = F 13 − x n F 23 + x n2 F 33 The quantities Fij are the determinants of the 2x2 matrices obtained from the 3x3 matrix F by removing row i, column j The covariance matrix −1 Vp = ( AT WA ) F 0 = F1 F 2 F1 F2 F3 x ∑ N +n 1 −1 F2 F3 F4 F1 = F3 = 0 N +1 σ2 L2 ( N + 1 )( N + 2 ) F2 = 2 12N σ 2 L4 ( N + 1 )( N + 2 )( 3N + 6N − 4 ) F4 = 2 σ 240N 3 L4 ( N − 1 )( N + 1 )2 ( N + 2 )( N + 3 ) S = F0F4 − F22 = 4 σ 180N 3 F0 = An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 23 Momentum Resolution The covariance matrix is F4 1 0 Vp = F0F4 − F2F2 −F2 0 F0F4 − F2F2 F2 0 −F2 0 F0 we are mostly interested on the error on the curvature σc2 CN F0 σ2 = = 4 CN F0F4 − F2F2 L 180N 3 = ( N − 1 )( N + 1 )( N + 2 )( N + 3 ) it can be shown that the error on the curvature do not depend on the position of the origin along the track Let’s recall from the discussion on the sagitta R= δp δR = p R p 0.3B also recall that c = 1 2R σc = 1 δR 2R 2 and finally the momentum error δp σ = p2 0.3BL2 4C N the formula shows the same basic features we noticed in the sagitta discussion we have also found the dependence on the number of measurements (weak) An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 24 Momentum Resolution We stress again that a good momentum resolution call for a long track δp 1 ∼ p2 L2 any trick that can extend the track length can produce significant improvements on the momentum resolution the use of the vertex can also improve momentum resolution: the common vertex from which all the tracks originate can be fitted the point found can be added to every track to extend the track length at Rmin → 0 the position of the beam spot can also be used as constraint Extending Rmax can be very expensive An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 25 Momentum Resolution We can now give a rough estimate of the momentum resolution of the ATLAS tracking systems There are different systems: some simplifying guess TRT: 36 point with σ = 170 µm from 55 cm to 105 cm: as a single point with σ = 28 µm at Rmax = 80 δp (%) p p⊥ = 500 GeV cm Rmin = 4.7 cm, L = 75 cm N+1= 3 + 4 + 1 = 8 σ = 12, 16, 28 ~ 20 µm C N ≈ 12 4C N ≈ 7 δp −4 −1 ∼ 4 × 10 GeV p2 At 500 GeV η δp = 20 × 10−2 p An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 26 Momentum Resolution An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 27 Slope And Intercept Resolution For completeness we give also the errors on the slope and intercept The error on the slope is given by σ2 1 σb2 = = BN 2 F2 L BN = 12N ( N + 1 )( N + 2 ) The only off diagonal element of the covariance matrix different from 0 is between intercept and curvature and we have σac F2 σ2 =− = −DN 2 F0F4 − F2F2 L DN = − 15N 2 ( N − 1 )( N + 1 )( N + 3 ) We find the same qualitative behaviour we had for the straight line fit The error on the intercept is σa2 = F4 = AN σ 2 F0F4 − F2F2 3 ( 3N 2 + 6N − 4 ) AN = 4 ( N − 1 )( N + 1 )( N + 3 ) An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 28 Extrapolation To Vertex L We want now compute the extrapolation to vertex and compare the behaviour of the results of the fit: L = 8.8 cm xc = 9.1 cm r = xc/L ~ 1 inside magnetic field no magnetic field having measured the parameters a,b,c at the center of the track, the intercept is yip = a + bx v + cx v2 Propagation of the errors gives 2 σip = σa2 + x v2 σb2 + x v4 σc2 + 2x v2 σac The calculation gives [Blum-Rolandi 1993] σip = σ Baa ( r , N ) N +1 where Baa(r,N) is analogous to Z(r,N) defined for the straight line fit (see next slide for a table of values) xv xc xc let’s compare the error assuming the geometry of the ATLAS pixel detector: Rmin = 4.7, Rmax = 13.5, N+1 = 3 we have r = 1 and from the 2 tables we get Baa(1,2) = 7.63 Z(1,2) = 2.65 We see that the error is degraded by a factor ~ 2.9 The reason is that the error on momentum cause an additional contribution to the error in the extrapolation a central tracking detector is needed An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 29 Extrapolation To Vertex σip = σ Baa ( r , N ) N +1 Baa ( r , N ) r N 2 3 5 10 19 ∞ 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.75 0.60 0.50 211 224 250 282 304 335 32.9 35.2 39.4 44.6 48.1 53.0 18.1 19.5 21.9 24.8 26.8 29.5 7.63 8.29 9.39 10.7 11.6 12.8 75/3 80.2 89.5 101 109 120 4.10 4.48 5.10 5.84 6.32 7.00 2.65 2.84 3.20 3.65 3.95 4.37 An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 2.05 2.07 2.26 2.54 2.72 3.00 30 Parameters Propagation We have seen that changing the origin of the reference frame the track parameters change the covariance matrix changes It is often useful to propagate the parameters describing the track from one “origin” (point 0) to “another” (point 1) For linear models this is very easely expressed in matrix form pi = fi ( pk ) = Di pk Di = ∂fi ∂pk To better understand the above formulas let’s apply them to the straight line and to the parabola straight line a p0 = b a + bz1 p1 = b zo z1 1 z1 ∂f1 ∂p1 = = ∂p0 ∂p 0 0 1 parabola xo x1 a p0 = b c a + bx1 + cx12 p1 = b + 2cx1 c 1 x x12 1 ∂f1 ∂p1 = = 0 1 2x1 ∂p0 ∂p0 0 0 1 Using the matrix D we can also propagate the covariance matrix of the parameters −1 V1 = ( DT V0−1D ) An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 31 Multiple Scattering Particles moving through the detector material suffer innumerable EM collisions which alter the trajectory in a random fashion (stochastic process) Few examples: Argon Xo = 110 m Silicon Xo = 9.4 cm consider a 10 GeV pion X θp εp θp θp2 = K X X0 1 X 2 εp2 = K X 3 X0 1 X εp θp = K X 2 X0 Argon: 1 m 0.10 × 10-3 80 εp µm Silicon: 300 µm 0.08 × 10-3 0.01 µm The effect goes as 1/p: for a pion of 1 GeV the effect is 10 times larger 0.0136 2 K = z pβ The lateral displacement is proportional to the thickness of the detector: usually can be neglected for thin detectors strongly correlated In what follow we will consider only thin detectors 2 ρ= εp θp εp2 θp2 = 0.87 For thick detectors ( for example large volume gas detectors) see [Gluckstern 63 Blum-Rolandi 93, Block et al. 90] An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 32 Multiple Scattering The scattering angle has a distribution that is almost gaussian P ( θp ) = 1 sin 4 θp2 = K θp 2 1 2 exp − θ 2 θp2 p 1 2π θp2 X X0 0.0136 2 K = z pβ 2 At large angles deviations from gaussian distributions appear that manifest as a long tail going as sin-4θ/2 In thick detectors the distribution of the lateral displacement should also be considered The joint distribution of the scattering angle and the lateral displacement is P ( εp , θp ) = 3 π θp2 3εp2 2 2 3εp θp exp − 2 θp − + 2 2 X X X θp An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 33 Multiple Scattering Multiple scattering is a cumulative effect and introduces correlation among the coordinate measurements The treatment of multiple scattering is different for: discrete detectors Here we consider only the simplest case of discrete and thin detectors For continous detectors see for example [5: Avery 1991] Let’s consider 3 thin detectors yi zi δθi zj yk The 3 coordinate have measurement errors σi, σj, σk due to the detector resolution yi = yi on plane i yj = yj yk = yk yi = y i Because of multiple scattering on plane i the actual trajectory cross plane j at Because of multiple scattering on planes i,j the actual trajectory cross plane k at δθ j yj yj y j = y j + ( z j − z i ) δθi yk yi yi They also have mean value continous detectors yj A track cross the 3 planes at positions yk zk yk = yk + ( z k − z i ) δθi + ( z k − z j ) δθj Since δθ = 0 yi = y i An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa yj = yj yk = yk 34 Multiple Scattering we can now compute the covariance matrix of the coordinate measurements including multiple scattering Vnm = ( ym − ym )( yn − yn ) yk First the diagonal elements 2 Vii = ( yi − yi ) yi 2 ( yi − yi ) = yi = (yj δθi zi Vii = σi2 Vjj = yj 2 − yj ) 2 (yj − yj ) = (yj yj zj yk zk 2 − y j + ( z j − z i ) δθi ) 2 + ( z j − zi ) δθi2 +2 ( z j − z i ) ( y j − y j ) δθi 2 δθi2 2 δθi2 + ( z k − z j ) Vjj = σ 2j + ( z j − z i ) δθ j it easy to verify that Vkk = σk2 + ( z k − z i ) 2 δθj2 An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 35 Multiple Scattering yk Vnm = ( ym − ym )( yn − yn ) yj yi yi The off-diagonal elements are δθi zi δθ j zj Vij = ( yi − yi ) ( y j − y j ) = ( yi − yi )( y j − y j + ( z j − zi ) δθi ) Vik = ( yi − yi ) ( yk − yk ) uncorrelated: <>=0 = Vjk = (yj − y j ) ( yk − y k ) ( y j − y j + ( z j − zi ) δθi )( yk = ( z j − z i ) δθi ( z k − z i ) δθi = ( z j − z i ) ( z k − z i ) δθi2 = Vjk ( yi − yi )( yk − yk + ( zk − zi ) δθi + ( zk − z j ) δθj ) yk yj zk Vij = 0 Vik = 0 uncorrelated: <>=0 − yk + ( z k − z i ) δθi + ( zk − z j ) δθj ) An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 36 Multiple Scattering Summarizing, the covariance matrix is σ2 i V = 0 0 0 σ 2j 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 z − z δθ z − z z − z δθ 0 + 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) j i i i j i i k σk2 0 ( z − z )( z − z ) δθ 2 ( z − z )2 δθ 2 + ( z − z )2 δθ 2 i j i i i i j i j k k The second matrix has diagonal elements due to any previous material affecting the trajectory impact point at the given plane off diagonal elements: only presents if a previous material layer affects at the same time the trajectory impact points for the 2 planes the same scattering at plane i affects the trajectory at plane j and plane k yj yi yi zi An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa δθi yk δθ j yk yj zj zk 37 Track Fit With Multiple Scattering The methods developed to fit a track to the measured points can be used to perform a fit taking into account M.S. the covariance matrix is computed the same fit procedure is applied Let’s now try to understand qualitatively the effect of multiple scattering on the determination of tracks parameters: the size of the effect goes as 1/p then the effect is important for low momentum track Assume we are dominated by multiple scattering the momentum resolution is given by δp σ = p2 0.3BL2 4AN we have then δp 0.0136 X 1 ∼ p β X 0 0.3BL 4AN N We conclude: for low momentum the percentage momentum resolution reach a almost constant value (still dependent on β) δp → constant p The momentum resolution only improves as 1/L The additional factor 1/N can help but in this case uniform spacing is essential the coordinate error due to M.S. is σ ∼ L L 0.0136 X δθ = N N pβ Xo An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 38 Momentum Resolution with M.S. δp p2 δp p2 [TeV −1 ] [TeV −1 ] solenoidal field no beam constraint η η δp p2 δp p2 [TeV −1 ] [TeV −1 ] η An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa solenoidal field with beam constraint uniform field no beam constraint η 39 Track Fit With Multiple Scattering Same kind of considerations for the error on the slope and on the intercept the multiple scattering error is σ ∼ L L 0.0136 X δθ = N N pβ Xo As far as the impact parameter resolution σip = σip = σ Baa ( r , N ) N +1 Baa ( r , N ) L 0.0136 N + 1 N pβ the error on the slope is σb = σb = σb = BN σ L L 0.0136 X BN LN p β Xo BN 0.0136 N pβ X Xo we cannot improve anymore the error on the slope (direction) by increasing the lever arm the limit is set by the multiple scattering angle itself X Xo large lever arm degrade the impact parameter resolution for a given error on the slope set by the multiple scattering angle the error on the extrapolation goes as the lever arm Unfortunately both ATLAS and CMS have a lot of material silicon detectors for high precision silicon for radiation hardness silicon for rate capabilities An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 40 Material in ATLAS An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 41 Tracker Resolutions With M.S. We have seen that for low momentum track the momentum resolution and the impact parameter resolution are dominated by multiple scattering the momentum resolution tend to kp δp → p p2 Kp δp → p sin θ p2 X Xo the impact parameter resolution tend to σip kip → p X Xo σip → K ip p sin θ The amount of material actually traversed by the particles depend on the polar angle Since the multiple scattering error and the measurement error are independent to total error is sum in quadrature of the 2 term For the ATLAS detector montecarlo studies have shown that the resolutions can be parametrised as σip = 11 ⊕ 73 p⊥ sin θ [ µm ] δ p⊥ 0.013 = ⊕ 0.00036 2 p⊥ sin θ p⊥ σip [GeV −1 ] 140 120 100 80 X sin θ p⊥ = 1 GeV p⊥ = 20 GeV p⊥ = 200 GeV 60 40 θ 20 0 0 An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 η 42 Sign Of The Charge The sign of the charge is defined by the sign of 1/R Q = +1 1 >0 R Q = −1 1 <0 R We remember that in our exemple we had CN = 12, L = 75 cm, s = 20 µm if we require a 3 σ identification 3σy 1 > 3σ 1 = 6σc = 2 R L R This measurement becomes more and more difficult as the momentum increases Let’s find up to which momentum the ATLAS tracker will be able to measure the sign of a charged particle We recall taht the error on the radius as determined from the parabola fit is σc2 σ2 = 4 CN L 3σy 1 > 0.3BR 0.3BL2 4C N 4C N 0.3BL2 p< 3 4C N σy inserting numerical values we find p < 800 GeV An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 43 Systematic Effects Recall the formulas we found for the parabola fit ∑ ynGn a = ∑Gn ∑ ynGn b= ∑ xnGn ∑ ynGn c= ∑ xn2Gn Using those formulas it is easy to evaluate systematic effects on the track parameters due to systematic errors on the position measurements Inserting, for example, in the formula for the curvature 3 ∑ Gn +δ n = 0 2 c= 2 ∑ xnGn ∑ xnGn ∑ ynGn ≡ ctrue + δc a more sofistcated effect could be the rotation of the vertex detector Examples: displacement of vertex detector with respect to the central detector y 0 → y 0 + δ0 y1 → y1 + δ1 y2 → y2 + δ2 3 y 0 → y 0 + δ y1 → y1 + δ y2 → y2 + δ c= ∑ ynGn ∑ xn2Gn An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa ∑ δnGn + n =0 2 ∑ xnGn ≡ ctrue + δc 44 Systematic Effects: Misalignment Let’s assume that one measurement is systematically displaced: misalignment or distortion (systematic error) y k → yk + δ 1 1 = + 2R 2Rtrue Gk ∑ xn2Gn δ ∆ 1 δ ∼2 2 R L the second term is the systematic effect on the radius due to the systematic error on the measurement y Since the coefficients Gk are know the effect can be precisely estimated Please notice xo xN xk Recall the formula for the radius from the parabola fit 1 = 2R ∑ ynGn ∑ xn2Gn the sign of the systematic error on 1/R is fixed by the sign of δ Q = +1 1 R 1 >0 R increases Q = −1 1 R 1 <0 R decreases introducing the coordinate with error 1 = 2R ∑ ynGn ∑ xn2Gn + Gk ∑ xn2Gn δ An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 45 Systematic Effects: Misalignment As an example consider a systematic effect as seen in the ALEPH TPC As the plot clearly show the error is quite large The resolution was studied using muon pairs produced in e+ e- annihilation at the Z0 peak To account for this error δ ~ 1 mm ! The muon are produced back to back and have exactly half the c.m. energy each The plot show the momentum reconstructed separately for positive and negative muons Magnetic field distortion A correction procedure is the essential The following plot shows the same distribution after proper magnetic distortion corrections are applied Ebeam/ptrack An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa Ebeam/ptrack 46 Problems With The Fit Procedure We have learned how to use linear models to fit the projection of the charged particle track The fit procedure gives the track parameters at a given surface or plane The method could be extendend to non linear problems (inhomogeneous magnetic field) by linearization and iteration The solution of the problem is given by −1 p = ( AT WA ) AT WY W = V -1 to solve the problem the matrix V has to be inverted easy if V diagonal ( time O(n) ) We have seen that multiple scattering introduces correlation among measurements and makes V non diagonal For large detectors the dimension of V can be prohibitively large (time O(n3)) Often prediction of the track crossing point at a different plane is needed impact parameter match with calorimeters match with particle ID (RICH) The fit procedure described is not optimal for this problem: multiple scattering makes prediction (extrapolation) non optimal The fit is normally used to rank track candidates during pattern recognition An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 47 Kalman Filter filtered predicted measured smoothed to start the Kalman Filter we need a seed The filtered trajectory the position on the next plane is predicted The smoothed trajectory the measurement is considered prediction and measurement are merged (filtered) filtered trajectory then new prediction … measurement … predicted trajectory filtering … prediction … measurement … smoothed trajectory filtering … prediction … measurement … An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 48 Kalman Filter The filtering is nothing but a weighted average of the new measurement yn The effect of multiple scattering, or any other stochastic effect, can be handled in the prediction The advantages of this procedure are the prediction yp 1 1 y + yn p σp2 σn2 yf = 1 1 + σ p2 σn2 σ p2 σn2 yf = 2 yp + 2 yn σp + σn2 σ p + σn2 is an iterative procedure not necessary to invert large matrices is a local procedure: at any step the estimate at the given plane is the best that make use of the prevoius measurements Clearly if the new measurement has a very large error σn → ∞ y f → yp measurement ignored If the prediction has a large error (for example large multiple scattering) σp → ∞ y f → yn prediction ignored An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 49 Kalman Filter The consequence is that if you want the optimal measurement at the origin you have to start the filter from the end of the track After all the measurements have been used (filtered) it is possible possible to build a procedure that uses the (stored) intermediate results of the filter gives the best parameter estimation at any point This is the smoother production vertex direction of flight Æ production vertex Å direction of filter An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 50 Kalman Filter Applications of Kalman Filter: navigation radar tracking sonar ranging satellite orbit computation stock prize prediction It is used in all sort of fields We only observe some measurements from sensors which are noisy: radar tracking charged particle tracking detectors As an additional complication the state evolve in time with is own uncertainties: process stochastic noise Eagle landed on the moon using KF deviation from trajectory due to random wind Gyroscopes in airplanes use KF multiple scattering Usually the problem is to estimate a state of some sort and its uncertainty location and velocity of airplane track parameters of charged particles in HEP experiments In case of tracking in HEP instead of time we can consider the evolution of the track parameter at the discrete layers where the detectors perform the measurement However we do not observe the state directly An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 51 Kalman Filter We give here the basics equations of the Kalman Filter Detailed discussion can be found in [2: Bock et al 1990], [6: Avery 1992], [7: Frühwirth 1987], [8: Billoir 1985] Consider 2 planes of our system pk pk −1 The covariance matrix of pk-1 is Ck-1 The covariance matrix Ck of pk is Ck = Fk Ck −1FkT + Mms The matrix Mms accounts for the effect of multiple scattering on the parameters covariance matrix On plane k we have some measurements mk with a covariance matrix V Using the track model (k means: origin at plane k ! ) k −1 k The measurements up to plane k - 1 allowed us to get an estimate of the track parameters pk-1 We then propagate pk-1 to plane k pk = Fk pk −1 Fk = ∂fk ∂pk −1 yk = Hk pk we can obtain a second estimate of the track parameter at plane k: q k T χ2 = ( yk − mk ) V−1 ( yk − mk ) T χ2 = ( Hk pk − mk ) V−1 ( Hk pk − mk ) minimizing χ2 gives the second estimate q k An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 52 Kalman Filter Summarising we have the estimate propagated pk with its covariance matrix The second estimate from the measurement at plane k qk with its covariance matrix We can obtain a proper weigthed average of those 2 estimate This is the filtered value at plane k The advantage of this method are it is clearly iterative at each step the problem has low dimensionality and no large matrix has to be inverted the computation time increases only linearly with the number of detectors The estimated track parameters closely follows the real path of the particle the linear approximation of the track does not need to be valid over the whole track length but only from one detector to the next Details and formulas can be found in the cited references An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 53 Conclusions We have seen the basic aspects of tracking with and without magnetic fields In both cases we have shown the use of powerful and easy linear models We have discussed optimization of momentum resulution: track length impact parameter resolution: vertex detector + central detector We have discussed the importance of multiple scattering at low momentum We have introduced the Kalman Filter a powerful iterative technique to optimally solve the tracking problem I Hope It Is Rather A Beginning I hope you found tracking interesting and that soon some of you will work on the tracking detector of his/her experiment An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 55 References 1 Gluckstern R.L. Uncertainties in track momentum and direction, due to multiple scattering and measurement errors NIM 24 p. 381 (1963) 2 Bock R. K., Grote H., Notz D., Regler M. Data Analysis technique for high energy physics experiments Cambridge University Press 1990 3 Blum W., Rolandi L. Particle detection with drift chambers Springer-Verlag 1993 4 Avery P. Applied fitting teory I: General Least Squares Theory Cleo note CBX 91-72 (1991) see: http// 5 Avery P. Applied fitting teory III: Non Optimal Least Squares Fitting and Multiple Scattering Cleo note CBX 91-74 (1991) see: http// 6 Avery P. Applied fitting teory V: Track Fitting Using the Kalman Filter Cleo note CBX 92-39 (1992) see: http// 7 Frühwirth R. Application of Kalman Filtering to Track and Vertex Fitting NIM A262 p. 444 (1987) 8 Billoir P. Track Element Merging Strategy and Vertex Fitting in Complex Modular Detectors NIM A241 p. 115 (1985) thank you for reading this lecture note: I hope you found it useful. If you find errors I will be grateful if you send me an email at An Introduction to Charged Particles Tracking – Francesco Ragusa 56