Accession No. Title 60001 Code of practice for use of cold formed

Accession No. Title
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60001 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60002 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60003 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60004 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60005 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60006 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60007 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60008 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60009 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60010 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60011 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60012 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60013 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60014 general building construction IS:801-1975
Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in
60015 general building construction IS:801-1975
60016 Indian standard specification for electric table fans and regulators
Indian standard voltages and frequency for AC transmission and distribution
60017 systems
Specification for leclanche type dry batteries and telecommunication signalling
60018 and general purposes IS:586- 1976
60019 Specification for pack rolled tinplate and pack rolled blackplate IS:597- 1978
60020 Specification for fixed paper dielectric capacitors for DC IS:590- 1964
Voltages and frequency for AC transmission and distribution systems IS:58560021 1962
60022 Specification for PVC insulated cables for voltages upto 100 v
60023 Specification for PVC insulated cables
60024 Specification for paper insulated lead sheathd cables for electricity supply
Specification for PVC insulated cables for working voltage up to and including
60025 100 volts
60026 Specification for drilling jig bushes IS:666- 1963
60028 Specification for flexible trailing cables for use in coal mines IS:691- 1984
60031 Specification for sheet linoleum IS:653- 1962
Specification for clay roofing tiles, mangalore pattern IS:654- 1972
Specification for metal air ducts IS:655- 1963
Specification for logs for plywood IS:656- 1975
Specification for logs for plywood IS:656- 1964
Specification for materials for use in the manufacture of magnesium
60036 oxychloride flooring compositions IS:657- 1982
60037 Code of practice for magnesium oxychloride composition floors IS:658- 1982
60038 Code of practice for magnesium oxychloride composition floors IS:658- 1982
60040 Safety code for air conditioning IS:659- 1964
60041 Safety code for mechanical refrigeration IS: 660- 1963
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy forging stock and
60046 forgings (for general engineering purposes) IS:734- 1975
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, plate(for general
60047 engineering purposes) IS:736- 1974
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, plate (for general
60048 engineering purposes) IS:736- 1965
Specification for wroght aluminium and aluminium alloys, sheet and strip (for
60049 general engineering purposes) IS:737- 1974
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy wire for general
60052 engineering purposes IS:739- 1977
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, rivet stock (for
60053 general engineering purposes) IS:740- 1960
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy rivet stock for general
60054 engineering purposes IS:740- 1977
60055 Specification for zinc base alloy die castings IS:742- 1981
60056 Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances IS:771(Part 4)- 1979
60057 Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances IS:771(Part 5)- 1979
60058 Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances IS:771(Part 6)- 1979
Specification for general requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary
60059 appliances IS:772- 1973
Specification for enamelled cast iron water closets, railway coaching stock type
60060 IS:773- 1964
Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances IS:771(Part 3/Sec 2)60061 1979
60062 Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances IS:771(Part 3/Sec 2)- 1985
60063 Specification for glazed earthware sanitary appliances IS:771- 1963
60064 Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances IS:771(Part 1)- 1979
60065 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances IS:771(Part 2)- 1979
60066 Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances IS:71(Part-3/Sec.1)- 1979
Specfication for cast iron brackets and supports for wash basins and sinks
60067 IS:775- 1970
60068 Specification for glazed earthware tiles IS:777- 1970
Specification for gunmetal gate, globe and check valves for general purposes
60069 IS:778- 1971
Specification for copper alloy gate,globe and check valves for waterworks
60070 purposes IS:778- 1984
60071 Specification for water meters (domestic type) IS:779- 1978
Specification for sluice valves for water works purposes(50 to 300 mm size)
60074 IS:780- 1984
Specification for cast copper alloy screw down bib taps and stop valves for
60075 water services IS:781- 1984
60076 Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes IS:783- 1959
60077 Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes IS:783- 1959
Specification for prestressed concrete pipes (including fittings) IS:784- 1978
Specification for coated abasives IS:715(Part 1)- 1976
Specification for AC electricity meters IS:722(Part 2)- 1977
Specification for coated abrasives IS:715(Part 2)- 1976
Specification for coated abrasives, glue bond IS:715- 1966
Specification for AC electricity meters IS:722(Part 3)- 1977
Specification for door spring rat tail type IS:452- 1973
Specification for double-acting spring hinges IS:453- 1973
Specification for portland slag cement IS:455- 1976
Specification for ac electricity meters IS:722(Part-8)- 1972
Specification for ac electricity meters IS:722(Part 9)- 1972
Specification for mild steel and brass cup, ruler and square hooks and screw
60099 eyes IS:724-1964
60100 Specification for Drawer locks, cupboard locks and box locks IS:729- 1979
60101 Specification for fasteners for corrugated sheet roofing IS:730- 1966
60102 Specification for fasteners for corrugated sheet roofing IS:730- 1966
Specification for porcelain insulators for overhead power lines with a nominal
60104 voltage greater than 1000v IS:731- 1971
Specification for concrete pipes( with and without reinforcement) IS:458- 1988
Specification for test sieves IS:460(Part 1)- 1978
Specification for test sieves IS:460 (Part 1)- 1985
Specification for test sieves IS:460(Part 3)- 1985
Specification for fireclay refractories for oil fired boiler furnaqces on naval ships
60114 IS:483- 1972
Requirements for settling tank(clarifier equipment ) for waste water treatment
60117 IS:10261- 1982
60118 Unified nomenclature of workmen for civil engineering IS:10302- 1982
60119 Dimensions for ceramic bushings for terminals IS:10314- 1982
General requirements and tests for axial lead cores made of magnetic oxides
60121 or iron powder IS:10320- 1982
60122 Specification for luminaries IS:10322(Part 1)- 1982
60123 Specification for luminaires IS:10322(Part 2)- 1982
60124 Specification for luminaries IS:10322(Part 4)- 1984
Specification for epoxy resin systems for cast resin insulated power and control
60125 cable joints and terminations up to and including 11 kv IS:10333- 1982
Code of practice for selectin,splicing,installation and providing protection to the
open ends of cables used for connecting resistance type measuring devices in
concrete and masonry dams IS:10334- 1982
Specification for 32.768 khz quartz crystal units for wrist watches IS:103371982
Glossary of terms for cold-reduced tinplate and cold-reduced blackplate
IS:10340- 1982
Specification for curtain rail system IS:10342- 1982
Specification for carbon and low alloy steel investment castings for general
applications IS:10343- 1982
Specification for magnetic tapes for cassattes for sound recording and
reproduction IS:9702- 1980
Methods of tests for linoleum sheets and tiles IS:9704- 1980
Specification for synchronizing pulse generator IS:9711- 1980
Specification for hot-rolled electrolytic copper wire rods for electrical
conductors IS:9713- 1983
60135 Methods of measurement on disk record playing equipment IS:9729-1981
60136 Specification for video test signal generator IS:9741(Part 2)- 1981
Method for determining strength giving properties of asbestos fibre IS:974560137 1981
Specification for flush valves and fittings for water closets and urinals IS:975860138 1981
60139 Guidelines for dewatering during construction IS:9759- 1981
Specification for plastics bib taps and stop valves( rising spindle) for cold water
60140 services IS:9763- 1981
Guide for evaluation of thermal endurance of varnish bonded glass fibre
60141 covered rectangular copper conductors IS:9778- 1981
60142 Specification for sound level meters IS:9779- 1981
60143 Specification for television sweep generators IS:9782- 1981
60147 Guidelines for the choice of the type of diversion works IS:9795(Part 1)- 1981
Specification for pressure meter for determination of air content of frashly
60148 mixed concrete IS:9799- 1981
60149 Specification for induatrial bitumen IS:702- 1961
60150 Specification for industrial bitumen IS:702- 1961
60151 Specification for crow-bars and claw -bars IS:704- 1984
60152 Specifiction for mild steel wire nails IS:723- 1961
60153 Specification for copper wire nails IS:725- 1961
60154 Specification for copper wire nails IS:725- 1961
60156 General classification of coal (tentative) IS:770- 1955
60162 Specification for wooden water - closet seat & covers IS:776- 1962
60165 Specification for double-acting spring hinges IS:453- 1963
60166 Specification for door springs, rat-tail type IS:452- 1963
Guide for inter-conversion of values from one sytems of units toanother IS:78760168 1956
Guide for inter-conversion of values from one systems of units toanother
60169 IS:787- 1956
Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel
60172 wire for concrete reinforcement IS:432 (Part 1)- 1982
Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel
60173 wire for concrete reinforcement IS:432(Part 2)- 1982
Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete
IS:383- 1963
Specification for aluminium conductors and overhead transmission purposes
IS:398 (Part 3)- 1976
Code of practice for preservation of timber IS:401- 1982
Specification for lead sheet and strip IS:405(Part 1)- 1977
Specification for lead sheet and strip IS:405(Part 2)- 1977
Specification for brass tubes for general purposes IS:407- 1966
60185 Specification for cold rolled brass sheet,strip and foil IS:410-1977
60186 Glossary of terms relating to bitumen and tar IS:334-1982
Specification for expanded metal steel sheets for general purposes IS:41260189 1975
60190 Specification for punches, round IS:413- 1965
60191 Specification for tungsten filament general service electric lamps IS:418- 1978
Specification for brass sheet and strip for the manufacture of utensils IS:42260192 1981
Methods of measurements on receivers for amplitude modulation broadcast
60194 transmissions IS:614- 1964
Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy ingots and castings for general
60197 engineering purposes IS:617- 1975
60198 Specification for general requirements for wooden tool handles IS:620- 1975
60199 Specification for wooden tool handles general requirements IS:620- 1985
60200 Specification for gold leaf IS:639- 1982
Specification for non-oriented electrical steel sheets for magnetic circuits
60201 IS:648- 1970
Methods of testing steel sheets for magnetic circuits of power electrical
60203 apparatus IS:649- 1963
60204 Specification for standard sand for testing of cement IS:650- 1966
60206 Rules for rounding off numerical values IS:2- 1960
60209 Specification for moderate heat duty firecely refractories, group"A" IS:6- 1983
60215 Specification for plywood tea-chest IS:10(Part 3)- 1974
60217 Specification for plywood tea-chests IS:10(Part 5)- 1976
Specification for cast aluminium and aluminium alloys for manufacture of
60218 utensils IS:20- 1977
60220 Specification for tin ingot IS:26- 1979
60221 Specification for pig lead IS:27- 1977
Specification for phosphor bronze ingots and castings IS:28- 1975
Specification for soft solder IS:193- 1982
Atmospheric conditions for testing IS:196-1966
Specification for dry batteries for flashlights IS:203- 1984
Specification for tower bolts IS:204(Part 1)- 1978
Specification for tower bolts IS:204(Part 2)- 1978
Specification for non-ferrous metal butt hings IS:205- 1978
Specification for tee and strap hinges IS:206- 1973
Specification for gate and shutter hooks and eyes IS:207- 1964
Specification for antimony IS:211- 1977
Specification for road tar IS:215- 1981
60241 Specification for creosote oil for use as wood preservatives IS:218- 1983
60243 Specification for structural steel (Standard quality) IS:226- 1975
60244 Methods of chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 2)- 1972
Methods for chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 3)- 1972
Methods of chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 8)- 1975
Methods for chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 9)- 1975
Methods for chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 10)- 1976
Methods for chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 11)- 1976
Methods for chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 12)- 1976
Specification for inert cells IS:267-1976
Specification for leclanche type sack cells IS:268-1976
Code of practice for roofing with mangalore tiles IS:2858- 1984
60261 Specification for branch pipe,universal for fire fighting purposes IS:2871- 1983
60267 Specification for wooden handles for felling axes and hand axes IS:2891- 1975
Specification for non load bearing gypsum partition blocks(Solid and hollow
60269 types) IS:2849- 1983
60270 Specification for pig iron for special purposes IS:2841- 1978
Specification for non- load bearing gypsum partition blocks (solid and hollow)
60271 types IS:2849- 1964
60273 Recommendation for nominal pressures for process equipment IS:2845- 1964
60274 Recommendation on nominal diameters for process equipment IS:2844- 1964
60275 Recommendation for nominal capacities for process equipment IS:2843- 1964
Specification for carbon steel castings for pressure containing parts suitable for
60277 high temperature service (fusion welding quality) IS:2856- 1979
Methods of test for dry pigments and extenders for plants IS:33- 1950
Specification for paving bitumen IS:73- 1961
Methods of test for oil pastes for paints IS:85- 1950
Recommendations for refractories for railways IS:194- 1950
Specification for tee and strap hinges IS:206- 1962
Specification for coal tar pitch IS:216- 1961
Specification for cutback bitumen IS:217- 1961
Specification for ordinary ,rapid hardenig and low heat portland cement IS:2691951
Specification for pick and beaters IS:273 - 1961
Specification for pick and beaters IS:273- 1973
Specification for shovels IS:274- 1961
Specification for shovels IS:274(Part 1 and 2)- 1981
Recommendations for maximum permissible moisture content of timber used
60309 for different purposes in different climatic zones (tentative) IS:287- 1951
60314 Methods for sampling and test for lubricants IS:310- 1951
Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete
60319 IS:383- 1952
Specification for lead acid storage batteries (light duty) for motor vehicles
60321 IS:395- 1959
Method for statistical quality control during production by the use of control
60322 chart (tentative) IS:397- 1952
60324 Specifcation for high strength ordinary portland cement IS:8112- 1976
60326 Specification for copper brazed steel tubing IS:8119- 1976
Dimensions and materials of cement rotary kilns,components and
60327 auxiliaries(dry process with suspension preheater) IS:8125- 1976
60328 Speciifcation for composite office tables IS:8126- 1976
Specification for conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords
60329 IS:8130- 1984
Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by penetration
60330 resistance IS:8142- 1976
60331 Specification for plugs and keys for resistance boxes IS:8143- 1976
60333 Method of measurement of reverberationtime in auditoria IS:8146- 1976
Functional requirements for twin co,fire extinguisher(trolley mounted) IS:814960334 1976
Specification for single speed three phase induction motors for driving lifts
60336 IS:8151- 1976
Method of measurement of speed fluctuations in sound recording and
60337 reproducing equipment IS:8152- 1976
60339 Specification for tangect galvanometers IS:8160- 1976
60345 Specification for commercial metric weights IS:1056- 1965
60346 Specification for commercial metric weights IS:1056- 1965
60347 Specification for commercial metric carat weights IS:1057-1968
60351 Preferred numbers IS:1076- 1967
60352 Specification for common burnt clay building bricks IS:1077- 1976
60353 Specification for common burnt clay building bricks IS:1077- 1970
60354 Specification for common burnt clay building bricks IS:1077- 1966
60355 Specification for hot rolled carbon steel sheet and strip IS:1079- 1963
60356 Specification for hot rolled carbon steel sheet and strip IS:1079- 1973
Code of practice for design and construction of simple spread foundations
60357 IS:1080- 1962
60359 Specification for manila ropes IS:1084- 1969
Method for detection and estimation of damage in jute yarn and cordage due to
60360 micro-organisms IS:2011- 1984
60361 Dimensions for T-slots IS:2013- 1962
Specification for carbon steel forgings for general engineering purposes
60362 IS:2004- 1978
60364 Specification for T-bolts IS:2014- 1962
60365 Specification for T- nuts IS:2015- 1962
60366 Specification for plain washers IS:2016- 1967
60367 Specification for silico-chromium IS:2024- 1970
60369 Specification for power transformers IS:2026 (Part 3)- 1981
60370 Specification for power transformers IS:2026(Part-4)- 1977
60371 Refercence tables for copper- constantan thermocouples IS:2056- 1962
60372 Specification for bicycle front forks IS:2061- 1962
Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of sanitary
60374 appliances IS:2064- 1962
60375 Specification for cotton covered rectangular copper conductors IS:2068- 1962
Specification for drums for covered winding wires and strips for electrical
60376 purposes IS:2069- 1962
Specification for distributors for hot tar and bitumen IS:2093- 1974
Specification for weldable structural steel IS:2062- 1984
Specification for asbestos cement flat sheets IS:2096- 1966
Specification for foam branch pipe IS:2097- 1983
60387 Specification for asbestos cement building boards IS:2098- 1964
60389 Specification for steel billets, bars and sections for boilers IS:2100- 1970
Recommendations for limits and fits for sizes above 500mm up to 3150mm
60392 IS:2101- 1962
60393 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 14)- 1971
60394 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 16)- 1972
60395 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 17)- 1975
60396 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 19)- 1977
60397 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 20)- 1977
60398 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 5)- 1965
60400 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 6)- 1965
60403 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 8)- 1965
60404 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 8)- 1965
60405 Graphical symbols used in electroetchnology IS:2032(Part 25)- 1976
60406 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 18)- 1976
60407 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 21)- 1977
60408 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 22)- 1978
60409 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 24)- 1980
60410 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 25)- 1980
60411 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032 (Part 27)- 1982
Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032 (Part 28)- 1983
Insulation co-ordination IS:2165(Part 1)- 1973
Insulation co-ordination IS:2165(Part 2)- 1983
Specification for accessories for milling arbors IS:2170- 1963
Specification for converted timber for lorry bodies IS:2179- 1979
60419 Specification for heavy duty burnt clay building bricks IS:2180- 1985
Specification for sewing machine needles for household purposes IS:218160420 1973
60423 Schedule for high pressure mercury vapour lamps IS:2183- 1973
60424 Tables for volume of round timber logs IS:2184- 1962
Environmental tests for electronic and electrical equipment IS:2106(Part 17)60425 1973
60426 Specification for whiteheart malleable iron castings IS:2107- 1962
60427 Specification for whiteheart malleable iron castings IS:2107- 1977
60428 Specification for blackheart malleable iron castings IS:2108- 1962
60429 Specification for blackheart malleable iron castings IS:2108- 1977
Methods for sampling dolomite limestone and other allied materials IS:210960430 1982
Code of practice for in-situ construction of walls in buildings with soil cement
60431 IS:2110- 1962
60432 Methods for assaying of silver in silver and silver alloys IS:2113- 1972
60433 Specification for rubber conveyor and elevator belting IS:1891(Part 1)- 1968
60434 Specification for rubber conveyor and elevator belting IS:1891(Part 2)- 1972
60435 Specification for rubber conveyor and elevator belting IS:1891(Part 3)- 1971
60436 Specification for rubber conveyor and elevator belting IS:1891(Part 4)- 1971
60437 Code of practice for site investigations for foundations IS:1892- 1962
60440 Method for tensile testing of steel tubes IS:1894- 1972
60441 Specification for copper strip for electrical purposes IS:1897- 1983
60442 Specification for aircraft timber in converted form( finished form) IS:1898-1975
Specification for cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
60443 IS:1538(Part 14)- 1984
60444 Specification for ballasts for fluorescent lamps IS:1534(Part-1)- 1977
Specification for cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
60445 IS:1538(Part 24)- 1982
60446 Specification for sand for plaster IS:1542- 1977
60447 Specification for solid drawn copper alloy tubes IS:1545- 1969
Specification for solid drawn copper alloy tubes for condensers and heat
60448 exchangers IS:1545- 1982
60449 Manual on basic principles of lot sampling IS:1548- 1969
60451 Specification for open jaw spanners IS:2028- 1968
60452 Specification for ring spanners IS:2029- 1971
60453 Specification for box spanners IS:2030- 1971
60455 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 1)- 1962
60456 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032 (Part 2)- 1962
60457 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 3)- 1962
60458 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 4)- 1964
60459 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032 (Part 4)- 1964
60460 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 7)- 1974
60461 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 13)- 1971
60462 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 9)- 1969
60463 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 10)- 1969
60464 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 12)- 1969
60465 Specification for parallel keys and keyways IS:2048- 1962
Reference tables for nickel/aluminium- nickel/chromium thermocouples
60468 IS:2054- 1962
Reference tables for platinum- platinum/rhodium thermocouples IS:2055- 1962
Code of practice for water supply in buildings IS:2065- 1963
Methods of high voltage testing IS:2071 (Part 3)- 1976
Specification for flashlights IS:2083- 1962
Code for designation of pig iron IS:2084- 1974
Specification for high tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete IS:20901962
Specification for dial gauges IS:2092- 1962
Specification for gypsum plaster boards IS:2095- 1964
Specification for T- bolts IS:2014- 1977
Specification for metallic manganese IS:2021- 1973
Specification for metallic chromium IS:2023- 1973
Specification for calcium silicon IS:2022- 1972
Specification for open jaw wrenches (spanners) IS:2028- 1981
Specification for ring wrenches (spanners) IS:2029- 1981
Specfication for parallel kays and keyways IS:2048- 1975
Code of testing machine tools IS:2063- 1962
Dimensions for T- slots IS:2013- 1974
Code for testing machine tools IS:2063- 1962
Specification for engineer's squares IS:2103- 1972
Specification for wooden tent pins IS:2133- 1962
60496 Specification for cold forged solid steel rivets for hot closing IS:2155- 1982
60497 Specification for carbide tipped single point turning tools IS:2163- 1976
60500 Specification for reinforced concrete dust bins IS:2174- 1962
60501 Specification for heat sensitive fire detectors IS:2175- 1962
60502 Specification for timber for use in aircraft propeller construction IS:2178- 1962
Specification for heavy duty burnt clay building bricks IS:2180- 1962
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(PartIII/Sec7)-1978
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 3/Sec 8)- 1974
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 4/Sec 1)- 1973
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 4/Sec 2)- 1973
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 4/Sec 7)- 1973
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 4/Sec 3)- 1970
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:185(Part 4/sec 5)- 1972
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 4/Sec 6)- 1972
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 4/Sec 8)- 1973
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 5)- 1965
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 4/Sec 4)- 1970
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 6)- 1978
60524 Specification for metal shelving racks (adjustable type) IS:1883- 1983
Specification for metal shelving recks(adjustable type) IS:1883- 1983
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 1)- 1961
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part LII/Sec 12)- 1980
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 42/Sec 13)- 1980
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part LV)- 1981
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 56)- 1981
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 61)- 1985
Code of practice for installation and maintenance of transformers IS:188660533 1967
60534 Code pf practice for installation and maintenance of transformers IS:1886-1967
60535 Method of load tests on soils IS:1888- 1962
60536 Method of load test on soils IS:1888- 1982
60538 Specification for library furniture and fittings IS:1829(Part-1)- 1978
60540 Specification for round steel wire for ropes IS:1835- 1976
60542 Specification for fanlight pivots IS:1837- 1966
Specification for preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavement and
structures(Non extruding and resilient type)part-1: bitumen impregnated fibre
60543 IS:1838(Part-1)- 1983
Specification for preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavement and
60544 structure(Non extrauding and resilient type) IS:1838(Part-2)- 1984
60545 Specification for EC grade aluminium rod produced by rolling IS:1841- 1971
60546 Specification for EC garde aluminium rod produced by rolling IS:1841- 1978
60547 Specification for surveying chain pins (arrows) IS:1842- 1961
Specification for lead-acid storage batteries for aircraft (aerobatic and non60548 aerobatic) IS:1846- 1961
60550 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part XLV)- 1977
60551 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part XLVI)- 1977
60552 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part XLVII)- 1977
60555 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 58)- 1984
60556 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part XLVIII/Sec 1)- 1978
60557 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part XLVIII/Sec 2)- 1978
60558 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part XLIX)- 1978
60560 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 50)- 1985
60563 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 52/Sec2)- 1980
60564 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 52/Sec3)- 1980
60565 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 42/Sec4)- 1980
60566 Eletcrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 42/Sec 5)- 1980
60567 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 52/Sec7)-1980
60568 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 52/Sec 9)- 1980
60569 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 52/Sec 10)- 1980
60570 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part LII/Sec11)- 1981
60571 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 29)- 1971
60572 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 31)- 1971
60575 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 34)- 1972
60577 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 36)- 1972
60582 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 40)- 1974
60583 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part XLI)- 1975
60585 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 43)- 1977
60586 Eletcrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 44)- 1978
60587 Specification for axes IS:703- 1966
Glossary of terms applicable to timber technology and utilization IS:707- 1976
Specification for medium strength aircraft plywood IS:709- 1974
Specification for marine plywod IS:710- 1976
Specification for building limes IS:712- 1984
Specification for building limes IS:712- 1972
Specification for coated abrasives, glue bond IS:715- 1962
Specification for prismatic angle gauges IS:6231- 1971
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 11)- 1966
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(PartXVI/Sec2)-1968
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 26)- 1968
Quantities, units and symbols IS:1890(Part 4)- 1982
60623 Specification for rubber conveyor and elevator belting IS:1891(Part 2) - 1978
60624 Recommendations for Earthquake resistant design of structures IS:1893- 1962
60626 Specification for vernier calipers IS:3651- 1974
60627 Specification for varnier callipers IS:3651(Part 2)- 1985
60628 Dimensions for shaft ends IS:3688- 1977
60629 Test chart for woodworking table banddsawing machines IS:3691- 1974
60630 Test chart for wood turning lathes IS:3694- 1976
Specification for capacitors for radio interference suppression IS:3723(Part 2)60631 1983
60632 Specification for thumb screws IS:3726- 1972
60633 Dimensions for worm gearing IS:3734- 1983
Specification for yoke type valve connections for small medical gas cylinders
60634 IS:3745- 1978
60635 Specification for high strength structural bolts IS:3757- 1985
60636 Specification for tungsten carbide tipped coal cutting tools IS:3820- 1982
Methods of evaluating dynamic load ratings of rolling bearings IS:3824(Part 1)60638 1983
Comparison of indian and overseas standards for iron coatings IS:3896(Part
60639 1)- 1978
60640 Recommendations for socketing of wire ropes IS: 3937(Part 1)- 1974
60641 Recommendations for socketing of wire ropes IS:3937(Part 2)- 1974
60642 Specification for electric wire rope hoists IS:3938- 1983
60643 Specification for spring collets IS:6238- 1971
Specification for gauging members for plain plug gauges 'GO' member (sixe
60644 range 30 to 100 mm) IS:6244- 1971
Specification for gauging members for plain plug gauges 'GO' member (size
60645 range 100 to 250 mm) IS:6246- 1971
60646 Specification for dove tail milling cutters IS:6255- 1971
60647 Specification for 50degree shell end single angle milling cutters IS:6256- 1971
60648 Specification for shell and mills IS:6257- 1971
60649 Specification for flexible shafts used in concrete vibrators IS:6276- 1971
Dimensions for interchangeability of milling cutters and milling arbors with key
60650 drive IS:6285- 1971
60651 Nomenclature of the assembly tools for nuts and screws IS:6293- 1981
60652 Specification for side and face milling cutters IS:6308- 1982
60653 Specification for cylinderical milling cutters IS:6309- 1971
Dimensions for interchangeability of milling cutters and milling arbors with
60654 tenon drive IS:6310- 1971
60655 Specification for ISO metric screw thread measuring cylinders IS:6311- 1971
Specification for single corner rounding milling cutters IS:6314- 1971
Specification for concave milling cutters IS:6322- 1971
Specification for convex milling cutters IS:6323- 1971
Specification for single angle milling cutters IS:6324- 1971
Specification for double angle milling cutters IS:6325- 1971
Specification for knurled thumb nuts(fixtures) IS:6335- 1971
Specification for screws for thrust pads (fixtures) IS:6336- 1971
Specification for thrust pads (fixtures) IS:6337- 1971
Specification for clamping screws (fixtures) IS:6338- 1971
60666 Specification for slot milling cutters with parallel shanks IS:6352- 1971
60668 Specification for end mills with morse taper shanks IS:6354- 1971
60670 Specification for sprue plugs for use in foundries IS:6366- 1971
60671 Specification for hexagonal box wrenches (spanners) IS:6374- 1971
60672 Specification for wood splitting wedges IS:6375- 1971
Specification for pattern lifting pins and hooks for use in foundries IS:637660673 1971
60674 Specification for mallets for use in foundries IS:6377- 1971
60675 Specification for pattern lifting and rapping plates IS:6378- 1971
60676 Specification for single ended ring wrenches (spanners) IS:6379- 1971
Specification for slot milling cutters with morse taper shanks IS:6388- 1971
Specification for combination wrenches IS:6389- 1972
Specification for dowel pins for use in foundries IS:6401- 1971
Specification for quick action drilling jigs IS:6440- 1972
Specification for lifters and cleaners for use in foundries IS:6443- 1971
Specification for vent wires for use in foundries IS:6447- 1971
Technical supply conditions for rolling bearings IS:6453- 1984
Specification for self aligning roller bearings IS:6454- 1972
Specification for single row radial ball bearings IS:6455- 1972
Specification for double row radial ball bearings IS:6456- 1972
60687 Specification for single row cylinderical roller bearings IS:6457- 1972
60688 Specification for double row cylinderical roller bearings IS:6458- 1972
60689 Specification for tampers and rammers for use in foundries IS:6482- 1971
60690 Specification for claw hammers IS:6546- 1972
60691 Dimensions for instrument precision rolling bearings IS:6548- 1972
60692 Specification for thread milling cutters with parallel shanks IS:6550- 1971
60693 Specification for thread milling cutters with morse taper shanks IS:6551- 1971
60694 Specification for soldering ferrules of straight through joints IS:6554- 1983
60695 Dimensions for pneumatic light rivet snap shanks IS:6572- 1972
60696 Dimensions for pneumatic coal pick shanks IS:6573- 1972
60697 Dimensions for pneumatic rivet snap shanks IS:6574- 1972
60698 Dimensions for pneumatic breaker and spade shanks IS:6575- 1972
60700 Technical supply conditions for steel wire ropes and strands IS:6594- 1977
60701 Specification for heavy washers for steel structures IS:6610- 1972
60702 Specification for high strength structural nuts IS:6623- 1985
60703 Specification for hexagon bolts for steel structures IS:6639- 1972
60704 Specification for high tensile friction grip washers IS:6649- 1972
Specification for hardened and tempered washers for high strength structural
60705 bolts and nuts IS:6649- 1985
Glossary of terms relating to metal forming machines and tools IS:6652(Part 1)60706 1972
Glossary of terms relating to metal forming machines and tools IS:6652(Part 2)60707 1973
Glossary of terms relating to metal forming machines and tools IS:6652(Part 3)1973
Test chart for general purpose gear shaping machines (table diameter upto
1000mm) IS:6679- 1972
Dimensions for self release 7/24 tapers for spindle noses for milling machines
IS:6681- 1972
Specification for morse taper extension sockets IS:6682- 1972
Specification for taper pins IS:6688- 1972
Specification for taper pins IS:6688- 1981
Specification for hardened cylinderical pins IS:6689- 1972
60715 Accuracy requirements for bulk meters used in petroleum trade IS:2801- 1967
Specification for steel plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and high
60716 temperature service including boilers IS:2002- 1982
60718 Dimensions for ball grips IS:2805- 1964
Glossary of terms and symbols relating to soil engineering IS:2809- 1972
Glossary of terms relating to soil dynamics IS:2810- 1979
Methods for sampling of coated abrasieves IS:2817- 1965
Methods for sampling of coated abrasives IS:2817- 1965
Method for determining comparative tracking index of solid insulated materials
under moist conditions IS:2824- 1975
Specification for vernier theodolite IS:2988- 1965
Specification for keys for lathe chucks IS:2989- 1965
Dimensions for tenons IS:2990- 1965
60738 Specification forplug cocks for water supply purposes IS:3004- 1964
60739 Specification for plug cocks for water supply purposes IS:3004- 1964
60741 Specification for plug cocks for water supply purposes IS:3004- 1979
Specification for grey cast iron ingot moulds, stools and slag laddles part
3:Grey cast iron ingot moulds of mass more than one tonne and up to eight
60742 tonnes IS:3005(Part 3)- 1982
Specification for grey cast iron ingot moulds, stools and stag laddles
60743 IS:3005(Part 4)- 1984
Specification for chemically resistant salt-glazed stoneware pipes and fittings
60745 IS:3006- 1965
Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets part 1: corrugated
60746 sheets IS:3007(Part 1)- 1964
Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets part 1: corrugated
60747 sheets IS:3007(Part 1)- 1964
Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets part 1: corrugated
60748 sheets IS:3007(Part 1)- 1964
60749 Specification for vaneered particle boards IS:3097- 1980
60751 Specification for oil, hydraulic,mineral oil type IS:3098- 1975
60754 Classification of burnt clay solid bricks IS:3102- 1971
60755 Code of practice for industrial ventilation IS:3103- 1975
General requirements for automobile lighting and signalling devices IS:310560756 1966
Specification for portable multipurpose direct acting electrical indicating
60760 instruments IS:3107- 1974
Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: cotton textile mills
60762 IS:3079- 1965
60764 Test chart for universal tool and cutter grinders IS:3080- 1965
60767 Specification for hexagonal keys for socket head screws IS:3082- 1965
60768 Specification for hexagonal keys for socket head screws IS:3082- 1968
60770 Method of test for prameability of cement mortar and concrete IS:3085- 1965
Specification for wood particle boards (medium density) for general purposes
60771 IS:3087- 1965
Specification for wood particle boards (medium density) for general purposes
60772 IS:3087- 1965
Code of practice for installation and maintenance of rolling bearings IS:309060773 1965
60775 Guidelines for the manufacture of solders for use in goldware IS:3095- 1981
60777 Mounting dimensions for grinding wheels IS:2996- 1986
60779 Specification for air circulator type electric fans and regulators IS:2997- 1964
60783 Dimensions for set collars IS:2995- 1965
60784 Dimensions for set collars IS:2995- 1965
60785 Specification for cold forged steel rivets for cold closing IS:2998- 1965
60786 Specification for cold forged steel rivets for cold closing IS:2998- 1965
60787 Specification for wooden handles for picks and beaters IS:2892- 1964
60788 Specification for wooden handles for adzes IS:2893- 1964
Specification for wooden handles for wood working chisels and gouges IS:289460789 1965
Specification for wooden handles for engineers' files IS:2895- 1978
Specification for wooden handles for shovels IS:2897- 1983
Specification for chromium alloy steel balls IS:2898- 1965
Specification for fixed carbon film resistors,type I IS:2902- 1964
Dimensions for ball handles IS:2904- 1964
Specification for sluice valves for water works purposes(350 to 1200mm size)
60799 IS:2906- 1984
Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations part 1:
60801 foundations for reciprocating type machines IS:2975(Part 1)- 1969
Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations part 2:
foundations for impact type machines(drop and forge hammer foundations)
60802 IS:2974(Part 2)- 1966
Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations part 5:
foundations for impact type machines other than hammers( forging and
60803 stamping press, pig breaker, elevator and hoist tower) IS:2974(Part 5)- 1970
60804 Dimensions for control levers with ball grip IS:2975- 1964
60806 Specification for optical theodolite IS:2976- 1964
60807 Recommended practice for hot tinning of brassware IS:2983- 1971
60809 Specification for steel castings for ship's structure IS:2985- 1973
Recommendations for direction of operation of controls for machine tools
60811 IS:2987- 1965
Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets part 2: semi-corrugated
60812 sheets IS:3007(Part 2)- 1965
Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets part 2: semi-corrugated
60813 sheets IS:3007(Part 2)- 1965
Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets part 2: semi-corrugated
60814 sheets IS:3007(Part 2)- 1965
Specification for appliance connectors and appliance inlets(Non reversible
three pin type) IS:3010(Part 1)- 1965
Specification for appliance connectors and appliance inlets(Non reversible
three pin type) IS:3010(Part 2)- 1965
Specification for chrome manganese IS:3012- 1985
Code of practice for fire precautions in welding and cutting operations IS:30161982
60821 Specification for thermostats for with electric water heaters IS:3017- 1965
Specification for Standard silica sand for raw material testing in foundries
60823 IS:3018- 1977
Specification for high speed steel single point turning tools IS:3019- 1965
Specification for ferrosilico-Zirconium IS:3011- 1973
Specification for ferroniobium IS:3014- 1973
Specification for ferroboron IS:3013- 1972
Specification for high speed steel butt welded single point turning tools IS:30191973
Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water and
wastewater IS:3025(Part 1)- 1987
Specification for single coil rectangular section spring washers for bolts, nuts
and screws IS:3063- 1972
Specification for hexagon socket screw keys IS:3082- 1973
60833 Specification for rigging screws and stretching screws IS:3121- 1981
Specification for v-grooved pulleys for v-belts groove sections A,B,C,D and E
60834 IS:3142- 1982
60835 Specification for brazed type pipe unions IS:3172- 1974
60836 Specification for sealing washers for pipe unions IS:3175- 1974
60837 Specification for pipe union bolt IS:3174- 1974
60838 Specification for feeler gauges (0.03 to 1.00mm) IS:3179- 1976
60839 Specification for die holders for circular screwing dies IS:3239- 1983
Specification for bobbin cases for sewing machines for household purposes
60840 IS:3375- 1974
60841 Dimensions for knurls IS:3403- 1981
60842 Specification for ladies bicycle frames IS:3404- 1979
60843 Gauging practice for plain workpieces IS:3455- 1971
60844 Gauging practice for plain workpieces IS:3455(Part 1)- 1985
Conical tapers and taper angles for general engineering purposes IS:345860845 1981
60846 Specification for small wire ropes IS:3459- 1977
60847 Specification for knurled nuts IS:3460- 1972
60848 Specification for pipe nuts IS:3468- 1975
Specification for 'go' and 'no go' snap gauges for size range 3 to 250mm
60849 IS:3477- 1973
Specification for plain and master setting ring gauges (size range from 1 up to
60851 and including 315mm) IS:3485- 1983
60852 Specification for threaded taper pins IS:3524(Part 2)- 1982
60853 Specification for flat nose pliers without cutter, long IS:3552- 1973
60854 Specification for rasps IS:3587- 1976
Method of testing fusion welded joints and weld metal in steel IS:3600(Part 4)60855 1984
Method of testing fusion welded joints andweld metal in steel IS:3600 (Part 5)60856 1983
Method of testing fusion welded joints and weld metal in steel IS:3600(Part 6)60857 1983
Method of testing fusion welded joints and weld metal in steel IS:3600(Part 7)1985
Method of testing fusion welded joints and weld metal in steel IS:3600(Part 8)1985
Method of testing fusion welded joits and weld metal in steel IS:3600(Part 9)1985
Specification for hexagon fit bolts IS:3640- 1982
Specification for combination side cutting pliers IS:3650- 1973
Specification for combination side cutting pliers IS:3650- 1981
Dimensions for hand cranks IS:2908- 1964
Dimensions for star grips IS:2909- 1964
Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations IS:2911 (Part
1/Sec4)- 1984
Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations IS:2911(Part 4)1985
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:2916(Part 7)- 1975
Specification for wooden test mallets IS:2922- 1975
Specification for industrial safety helmets IS:2925- 1984
Dimensions of connectors for radio batteries IS:2926- 1964
Specification for brazing alloys IS:2927- 1975
60876 Specification for hose laying tender for fire brigade use IS:2930- 1964
Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations part 1: design
60880 IS:2950(Part 1)- 1973
Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations part 1 : Design
60881 IS:2950 (Part 1)- 1981
Recommendation fo estimation of flow of liquids in closed conduits
60882 IS:2951(Part 1)- 1965
Recommendation for estimation of flow of liquids in closed conduits
60883 IS:2951(Part 2)- 1965
Recommendation for methods of measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice
60885 plates and nozzles IS:2952(Part 2)- 1975
Specification for copper alloy waste fittings for wash bains and sinks IS:296360887 1979
Specification for internal micrometers (Including stick micrometers) IS:296660888 1964
60891 Dimensions of slide rails for electric motors IS:2968- 1964
Code of practice for construction and testing of tubewells IS:2800 (Part 1 )60896 1979
60897 Code of practice forconstruction and testing of tubewells IS:2800(Part2)- 1979
60900 Test chart for single and double column planning machines IS:2877- 1974
60901 Specification for steel balls for rolling berarings IS:2898-1976
60903 REcommendation for determination of flow tidal channels IS:2913- 1964
Recommendations for estimation of discharges by establishing stage60904 discharge relation in open channels IS:2914- 1964
Specification for electroplated coatings of gold for general engineering
60905 purposes IS:3266- 1982
Recommendation for methods of measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice
60908 plates and nozzles IS:2952(Part 1)- 1964
60909 Specification for external micrometer IS:2967- 1983
60910 Specification for bicycle steering head assembly IS:2973- 1964
60911 Specification for slip gauges IS:2984- 1981
60912 Specification for cold forges steelrivets for cold closing IS:2996- 1982
60913 Schedules for wrought steels for general engineering purposes IS:1570- 1961
Specification for mixing valves for ablutionary and domestic purposes IS:170160914 1960
60916 General requirements for sewing machines (household model) IS:1610- 1960
Specification for enamelled high- conductivity annealed round copper wire
60917 (synthetic enamel) IS:1595- 1960
60920 Specification for wood wool for general packaging purposes IS:1707- 1960
Specification for vertical turbine pumps for clear, cold, fresh water IS:171060921 1972
Criteria for the design and construction of precast concrete trusses IS:320160923 1965
60926 Methods for testing local thickness of electroplated coatings IS:3203- 1982
Specification for engineers' drawing instruments, half set of compasses
60932 IS:3208- 1965
60936 Specification for engineers' drawing instruments, drawing pens IS:3210- 1965
60946 Specification for engineers' drawing instruments, needle points IS:3215- 1965
60951 Specification for wooden crates IS:3071- 1965
60954 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of switchgear IS:3072- 1975
60955 Assessment of surface roughness IS:3073- 1967
60956 Specification for steel tubes for automotive purposes IS:3074- 1956
60957 Dimensions for circlips IS:3075- 1965
60958 Glossary of terms for safety and relief valves and their parts IS:3233- 1965
60961 Specification for asphalt paver finisher IS:3251- 1965
60962 Specification for asphalt paver finisher IS:3251- 1965
General requirements for steel cowl ventilators with detachable components
60969 IS:3271- 1966
60970 Dimensions for oval head steel cowl ventilators IS:3272- 1966
60973 Dimensions for circular head wheel cowl ventilators IS:3273- 1966
60976 Dimensions for accessories for steel cowl ventilators IS:3275- 1966
Dimensions for mechanical turning arrangements for steel cowl ventilators
60979 IS:3276- 1966
Dimensions for detachable coaming covers and fire mesh grids for steel cowl
60981 ventilators IS:3278- 1966
60983 General requirements for mushroom ventilators IS:3279- 1966
Dimensions for mushroom ventilators wth adjustable head welded type IS:328060985 1966
Dimensions for mushroom ventilators with fixed head welded type IS:328160987 1966
Dimensions for mushroom ventilators with adjustable head cast iron type
60990 IS:3282- 1966
Dimensions for mushroom ventilators with adjustable head cast iron type with
60992 provision for passage of light IS:3283- 1966
60993 Specification for industrial lighting fittings with plastic reflectors IS:3287- 1965
60995 Glossary of terms for copper and copper alloys IS:3288(Part 1)- 1981
Dimensions for injection nozzle holders, size 'S' for diesel engines IS:317160996 1965
Specification for high pressure connections for fuel injection equipment for
diesel engines IS:3173- 1965
Handbook on medical education 2003
Code of practice for electric overhead travelling cranes and gantry cranes other
than steel works cranes IS:3177- 1977
Specification for abrasive emery grain IS:3178- 1965
Specification for abrasive emery grain IS:3178- 1965
Specification for fire resistant conveyor belting for underground use in coal
mines IS:3181- 1966
Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) fine aggregate for use in lime mortar
IS:3182- 1975
Specification for welded low carbon steel gas cylinders for the storage and
61013 transportation of liquefied petroleun gases IS:3196- 1965
Specification for thread take up levers for cam type sewing machines for
61015 household purposes IS:3290- 1969
Specification for thread take up cams for sewing machines for household
61017 purposes IS:3291- 1965
61018 Methods of chemical analysis of ferro boron IS:3295(Part 1)- 1969
61019 Method of chemical analysis of ferro boron IS:3295(Part 2)- 1970
61020 Specification for mild steel rivet bars for ship building IS:3298- 1981
Specification for oscillating rock shafts for sewing machines for household
61021 purposes IS:3299- 1969
61025 Specification for wood wool buildings slabs IS:3308- 1981
Specification for waste plug and its accessories for sinks and wash basins
61026 IS:3311- 1979
61027 Specification for steel shelving cabinets(Adjustable type) IS:3312- 1984
Specification for steel filing cabinets for general office purposes IS:3133- 1983
Specification for needle files IS:3152- 1965
Specification for needle files IS:3152- 1965
Specification for X-Ray tubes,diagnostic type IS:3154- 1965
Specification for X-Ray tubes,diagnostic type IS:3154- 1965
Specification for cap copper alloy strip IS:3167- 1982
61038 Specification for brass strip and foil for deep drawing IS:3168- 1981
Specification for engineer's drawing instruments, boxes for leads and needles
61044 IS:3219- 1966
61045 Specification for engineer's drawing instruments, screw drivers IS:3220- 1966
61046 Sets for drawing instruments IS:3221- 1966
61048 Specification for instrument screws IS:3222(Part 1)- 1966
Graphical symbols for process measurement for control functions IS:322361049 1967
61050 Specification for valve fittings for compressed gas cylinders IS:3224- 1966
61051 Specification for valve fittings for compressed gas cylinders IS:3224- 1971
Specification for electrical relays for power system protection IS:3231(Part
61052 1/Sec 3)- 1986
Specification for relays for power system protection IS:3231(Part 1/Sec 2)61053 1986
Specification for electrical relays for power system protection IS:3231(Part
61054 3/sec 5)- 1987
Specification for electrical relays for power system protection IS:3231(Part
2/Sec 2)- 1987
Marking of wooden hatchway covers IS:3046- 1965
Accuracy requirements for volumetric container filling machines used in
petroleum trade IS:3047- 1965
Dimensions for handwheels IS:3048- 1965
Dimensions for wrought copper and copper alloys, sheet, strip and foil (for
general engineering purposes) IS:3052- 1974
61063 Specification for cane baskets for general purposes IS:3053- 1977
Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: viscose rayon yarn and/or
61064 staple fibre plants IS:3058- 1965
61066 Specification for spring washers for bolts, nuts and screws IS:3063- 1965
61067 Specification for hot asphalt mixing plants IS:3066- 1965
61068 Specification for hot asphalt mixing plants IS:3066- 1965
Code of practice for general design details and preparatory work for damp61069 proofing of buildings IS:3067- 1966
Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) coarse aggeregate for use in lime
61070 concrete IS:3068- 1975
61074 Specification for structural steel (ordinary quality) IS:1977- 1975
61076 Specification for high-test line pipe IS:1979- 1971
Code for practice for hard chromium plating on iron and steel (for general
61078 engineering purposes) IS:1986- 1981
61079 Specification for high silica sand for use in foundries IS:1987- 1974
61080 Specification for high silica sand for use in foundries IS:1987-1962
61082 Specification for steel rivet and stay bars for boilers IS:1990- 1973
61083 Specification for electroplated coatings of lead IS:1992- 1979
Specification for cold-reduced tinplate and cold-reduced blackplate IS:199361084 1982
Method of dynamic force calibration of axial load fatigue testing machines by
61085 means of a strian gauge technique IS:6886- 1973
61091 Specification for steel wire for spokes IS:6902- 1973
61093 Specification for supersulphated cement IS:6909- 1973
Method of testing corrosion resistance of electroplated and anodized
61094 aluminium coatings by acetic acid salt spray test IS:6910- 1973
61096 Specification for copper and copper alloy forgings IS:6912- 1973
Recommendations for letter symbols,signs and abbreviations used in chemical
61100 engineering IS:3030- 1965
General requirements for testing the accuracy of commercial measuring
61101 instruments used in petroleum trade IS:3032- 1965
Accuracy requirements for dispensing pumps used in petroleum trade IS:303361103 1965
Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: electrical generating and
61104 distributing stations IS:3034- 1966
Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: electrical generating and
61105 distributiong stations IS:3034- 1966
Code of practice for laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish IS:303661107 1965
Code of practice for laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish IS:303661108 1965
Specification for bitumen mastic for use in waterproofing of roofs IS:303761110 1965
Specification for alloy casting for pressure containing parts suitable for high
61111 temperature service IS:3038- 1983
61112 Specification for single faced sluice gates(200 to 1200mm sizes) IS:3042- 1965
61113 Marking of hatchway beams IS:3045- 1965
61115 Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes IS:3114- 1965
Specification for round steel link chain( electric butt welded), grade 40 part 2:
calibrated load chain for pulley blocks and other lifting appliances IS:3109(Part
61116 2)- 1970
61117 Specification for silver leaf IS:3110- 1982
61118 Specification for silver thread IS:3111- 1984
61119 Specification for gold and silver embroidery materials IS:3112- 1984
61120 Specification for prismatic binoculars for common use IS:3113- 1965
61124 Specification for bitumen emulsion for roads(Anionic type) IS:3117- 1965
61125 Specification for rigging screws and stretching screws IS:3121- 1965
61126 Specification for particle board for insulation purposes IS:3129- 1965
61128 Recommendations for shaft diameters for chemical equipment IS:3132- 1965
61130 Specification for cotton ropes for power transmission IS:3143- 1965
61131 Specification for hexagonal wire netting for general purposes IS:3150- 1982
61132 Specification for earthing transformers IS:3151- 1982
61134 Specification for cathetometer IS:3135- 1965
Specification for polycrystalline semiconductor rectifier equipment IS:313661136 1965
Specification for polycrystalline semiconductor rectifier equipment IS:313661137 1965
61138 Specification for hexagonal bolts and nuts (M42 to M50) IS:3138- 1966
Dimensions for screw threads for bolts and nuts (Diameter range M42 to
61139 M150) IS:3139- 1966
61140 Code of practice for painting asbestos cement building products IS:3140- 1965
61142 Specification for starter motors for automotive applications IS:3141- 1983
61143 Recommendations for shaft diameters for chemical equipment IS:3132- 1965
61144 Method of test for determination of dynamic properties of soil IS:5249- 1977
Specification for eyepiece and screen graticlues for determination of particle
61145 size of powders IS:5257- 1969
Determination of particle size of powders by optical microscope method
61146 IS:5258- 1969
Specifications for test films for 16mm sound and picture cinematograph
61147 projectors IS:5260- 1969 to IS:5266- 1969
61148 Glossary of terms for worm gears IS:5267- 1969
61149 Specification for camel back type straightedges IS:5268- 1969
61151 Specification for carbon steel sheets for integral coaches IS:5272- 1969
61152 Specification for radius gauges IS:5273- 1969
61153 Recommended practice for hot-dip tinning of plain carbon steel IS:5274- 1969
Liquid sedimentation methods for determination of particle size of powders
61154 IS:5282- 1969
61156 Specification for landing valves( internal hydrant) IS:5290- 1977
61157 Specification for flat hoisting wire ropes used in mines IS:5202- 1969
61158 Specification for flat balancing wire ropes used in mines IS:5203- 1969
Recommendations on safety procedures and practices in electrical work
61160 IS:5216(Part 1)- 1982
Recommendation on safety procedures and practices in electrical work part
61161 2:Life saving techniques IS:5216(Part 2)- 1982
61162 Method of test for toughness of natural building stones IS:5218- 1969
61163 Specification for cast copper alloys traps IS:5219(Part 1)- 1969
61164 Specification for forged iron cleats IS:5220- 1969
61165 Methods of test for evaluation of performance of oil expellers IS:5223- 1969
Code of practice for construction of continuous movement monocable
ropeways with fixed grips intended for transportation of passengers IS:522861167 1969
Code of practice for construction of continous movement monocable ropeways
61168 with automatic grips intended for transportation of passengers IS:5229- 1969
Code of practice for construction of continuous to and fro movement bicable
ropeways intended for the transportation of passengers IS:5230- 1969
Methods for splicing of wire ropes IS:5245(Part 2)- 1971
Methods for splicing of wire ropes IS:5245(Part 1)- 1969
Specification for coniferous logs IS:5246- 1969
61176 Specification for converted timber (coniferous) IS:5297(Part 1)- 1982
61177 Specification for converted timber(coniferous) IS:5247(Part 2)- 1982
61180 Methods of tests for rotary shaft oil seal units IS:5125- 1979
61181 Specification for rotary shaft oil seal units IS:5129- 1979
Specification for boxes for enclosuer of electrical accessories IS:5133(Part 1)61182 1969
Specification for boxes for the enclosure of electrical accessories part 2:Boxes
61183 made of insulating material IS:5133(Part 2)- 1969
61184 Specification for continuously variable voltage auto transformers IS:5142- 1969
61185 Specification for flexible electric heating pads for domestic use IS:5161- 1969
61186 Methods for measurement of air pollutionIS:5182(Part 1)- 1969
61187 Methods for measurement of air pollution IS:5182(Part 14)- 1979
61188 Methods for measurement of air pollution IS:5182(Part 15)- 1974
Methods for measurement of air pollution part 16:Recommended practice for
collection by filtration and determination of mass, number and optical sizing of
atmospheric particulates IS:5182(Part 16)- 1980
Specification for flush bolts IS:5187- 1972
Specification for gland packing, jute and hemp IS:5414- 1969
Code of practice for packing and packaging of optical and mathematical
instruments and components IS:5415- 1969
61194 Methods of test for general purpose wooden chairs IS:5416- 1969
61195 Specification for pencil tray (wooden) for use in offices IS:5417- 1969
61196 Specification for wooden folding drawing tables IS:5418- 1969
61197 Specification for wooden scribing table IS:5419- 1969
61198 Glossary of terms relating to test sieves and test sieving IS:5421- 1981
61201 Methods of chemical analysis of misch metal IS:5425(Part 1)- 1969
61202 Method of chemical analysis of misch metal IS:5425(Part 2)- 1984
61203 Method of chemical analysis of misch metal IS:5425(Part 5)- 1987
Specification for gauge glasses for pressure vessels and boilers IS:5428(Part
61204 1)- 1969
Specification for gauge glasses for pressure vessels and boilers IS:5428(Part
61205 2)- 1969
61206 Dimensions for steel tubes for automotive purposes IS:5429- 1969
61207 Dimensions for steel tubes for automotive purposes IS:5429- 1979
61208 Glossary of terms relating to powder metallurgy IS:5432- 1982
61209 Specification for oil well steel casing pipes and couplings IS:5433- 1969
61210 Specification for non ferrous alloy bottle traps for marine use IS:5434- 1969
Method of testing oil fires rotary dryers for hot mix asphalt and bituminous
61212 macadam plants IS:5436- 1969
61213 Specification for oil pressure switches for automobiles IS:5439- 1978
61214 Specification for optical flats IS:5440- 1969
61216 Specification for apparatus used in 'le-chatelier' test IS:5514- 1969
61217 Specification for compaction factor apparatus IS:5515- 1969
Specification for variable flow type air permeability apparatus (blaine type)
61218 IS:5516- 1969
Deviations for untoleranced dimensions and mass of grey iron castings
61221 IS:5519- 1979
61223 Methods of testing anodic coatings on aluminium IS:5523- 1969
61224 Methods of testing anodic coatings on aluminium and its alloys IS:5523- 1983
61225 Test procedure for box pallets and post pellets IS:5325- 1969
Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced concrete works
61226 IS:5525- 1969
Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced concrete works
61227 IS:5525- 1969
Method of testing corrosion resistance of electroplated and anodized
aluminium coatings by copper accelerated acetic acid salt spray (cass) test
61228 IS:5528- 1969
Method of testing corrosion resistance of electroplated and anodized
aluminium coating by copper accelerated acetic acid salt spray (cass) test
61229 IS:5528- 1985
61230 Code of practice for in situ permeability tests IS:5529(Part 1)- 1969
61231 Code of practice for in situ permeability tests IS:5529(Part 2)- 1973
Specification for EC grade aluminium rod produced by continuous casting and
61232 rolling IS:5484- 1978
61233 Specification for quick release knife IS:5486- 1985
61234 Dimensions for hot rolled steel plates for ship's hull structure IS:5488- 1969
61235 Specification for carburizing steels for use in bearing industry IS:5489- 1975
Specification for refills for portable fire extinguishers and chemical fire engines
61236 part 1:For soda acid portable fire extinguishers IS:5490- 1977
Specification for refills for portable fire extinguishers and chemical fire engines
61237 IS:5490(Part 2)- 1977
Specification for refills for portable fire extinguishers and chemical fire engines
61238 IS:5490(Part 3)- 1979
Specification for refills for portable fire extinguishers and chemical fire engines
61239 IS:5490(Part 4)- 1979
Code of practice for laying in-situ granolithic concrete floor topping IS:549161240 1969
61241 Dimensions for wrought copper and copper alloy tubes IS:5473- 1981
Specification for leaded brass sheets and strips for use in the manufacture of
61242 tube well strainers IS:5494- 1969
61243 Dimensions for wrought copper and copper alloy tubes IS:5493- 1969
61244 Sizes and shapes for firebricks (300 mm and higher series) IS:5495- 1969
Guide for preliminary dimensions and layout of elbow type draft tubes for
61245 surface hydel power stations IS:5496- 1969
61246 Guide for topographical surveys for river valley projects IS:5497- 1969
61247 Guide for topographical surveys for river valley projects IS:5497- 1983
Code of practice for construction of underground air raid shelters in natural soil
61248 IS:5499- 1969
61249 Specification for lime-cement-cinder hollow concrete blocks IS:5498- 1969
Guide for preparation of drawings of semiconductor devices and integrated
61250 circuits IS:5001(Part 2)- 1973
Method of measurement of current noise generated in fixed resistors IS:502761251 1969
61252 Recommended sizes of cupola furnace for foundry IS:5032- 1983
61253 Specification for telescopic aerials for portable radio receivers IS:5033- 1969
Specification for distribution pillars for voltages not exceeding 1000 V AC and
61254 1200V DC IS:5039- 1983
Glossary of terms relating to aluminium and aluminium alloys IS:5047(Part 3)61255 1979
Specification for relays for electronics and telecomunication equipment
61256 IS:5051(Part 1)- 1982
Specification for relays for electronics and telecommunication equipment
61257 IS:5051(Part 2/sec 1 to 3)- 1982
Specification for relays for electronics and telecommunication equipment part
3: Armature relays, non-sealed section 1 type RA 1 IS:5051(Part 3/sec 1)61258 1985
Glossary of terms relating to methods of mechanical testing of metals IS:506961260 1982
61261 Method for beam unnotched impact test for grey cast iron IS:5070- 1985
61262 Method of rotating bar bending fatigue testing of metals IS:5075- 1985
61263 Specification for decoratice lighting outfits IS:5077- 1969
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy bars, rods, tubes and
61264 sections for electrical purposes IS:5082- 1969
61265 Method for sieve analysis of metal powders IS:5461- 1984
Code of practice for the use of semiconductor junction devices IS:5469(Part 2)61266 1973
Code of practice for the use of semiconductor junction devices IS:5469(Part 3)61267 1973
Methods for fixing the capcities of reservoirs IS:5477(Part 4)- 1971
Methods for sampling of clay building bricks IS:5454- 1978
Methods for sampling of clay building bricks IS:5454- 1969
Specification for cast iron steps for manholes IS:5455- 1969
Method for sieve analysis of metal powders IS:5461- 1969
Colour code for identificatiion for covered electrodes for metal ARC welding
61274 IS:5462- 1969
61275 Code of practice for the use of semiconductor junction devices IS:5469- 1969
61276 Specification for ships' side scuttles IS:5474(Part 1)- 1969
61277 Specification for polyatyrene film dieelectric capacitors IS:5475(Part 1)- 1978
61278 Methods for fixing capacities of reservoirs IS:5477(Part 1)- 1969
61279 Methods of fixing the capacities of reservoirs IS:5477(Part 2)- 1969
61280 Methods for fixing the capacitirs of reservoirs IS:5477(Part 3)- 1969
61281 Specification for thermostat metal sheet and strip IS:5478- 1969
61284 Specification for autoclaved cellular concrete blocks IS:5482- 1969
61287 Code of practice for magnetic particle flaw detection of welds IS:5334- 1969
Dimensions of indoor and outdoor porcelain post insulators and post insulator
units for systems with nominal voltage greater then 1000 V IS:5350(Part 2)61288 1973
Dimensions of indoor and outdoor porcelain post insulators and post insulator
units for systems with nominal voltages greater then 1000 V IS:5350(Part 3)61289 1971
Specification for screen luminance for the projection of 35mm film on matt and
61290 directional screens IS:5353- 1969
61291 Specification for sine bars IS:5359- 1969
61292 Data for procurement of cylindrical gear IS:5375- 1969
Specification for dioptric lenses for navigational lanterns IS:5376- 1969
Specification for general purpose ship's davit IS:5386- 1969
Specification for aluminium I-beams IS:5384- 1969
Specification for lifeboat accessories IS:5385- 1969
Dimensions for stillages IS:5387- 1969
Code of practice for laying of hardwood parquet and wood block floors IS:538961298 1969
61299 Code of practice for construction of timber ceilings IS:5390- 1984
Specification for adjustable metal chairs for use of typists and operators in
61300 telephonw exchanges IS:5391- 1981
61301 Specification for porcelain strain insulators IS:5300- 1969
61302 Specification for zircon flour for use in foundries IS:5303- 1974
61303 Glossary of mining terms(boring and exploration) IS:5307- 1969
Specification for swing check type reflux (Non return) valves foor water works
61304 purpose IS:5312(Part 1)- 1984
61305 Guide for core drilling observations IS:5313- 1969
61307 Specification for bitumen mastic for brigade decking and roads IS:5317- 1969
61308 Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile flooring IS:5318- 1969
61310 Letter symbols and abbreviations for electron tubes and valves IS:5323- 1969
61313 Specification for rigid bailers for lifeboats IS:5327- 1969
Mehod of test for determination of chemical composition of asbestos fibre
61314 IS:5328- 1969
Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings IS:532961315 1969
Criteria for design of anchor blocks for penstocks with expansion joints IS:533061316 1984
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD18 IS:5000(OD 18)61317 1974
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD19 IS:5000(OD 19)61318 1974
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD10 IS:5000(OD10)61319 1971
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD11 IS:5000(OD 11)61320 1971
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline DO12 IS:5000(OD 12)61321 1971
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD13 IS:5000(OD 13)61322 1971
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD14 IS:5000(OD 14)61323 1971
Dimensions of semiconductor devices devics outline OD15 IS:5000(OD 15)61324 1973
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD16 IS:5000(OD 16)61325 1973
Dimensions of semicnductor devices device outline OD17 IS:5000(OD17)61326 1974
Dimensions for semiconductor devices device otuline OD30 IS:5000(OD 30)61327 1981
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD31 IS:5000(OD31)61328 1981
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD32 IS:5000(OD32)61329 1981
61331 Dimension of semiconductor devices device outline 34 IS:5000(OD34)- 1981
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD35 IS:5000(OD35)61332 1981
61333 Dimension of semiconductor devices device outline 36 IS:5000(OD36)- 1981
Dimensions of semiconductor devices device outline OD 37 IS:5000(OD 37)61334 1982
61335 Specification for metal cutting bandsaw blades IS:5030(Part 1)- 1982
61336 Specification for metal cutting bandsaw blades IS:5030(Part 2)- 1982
61337 Specification for metal cutting bandsaw blades IS:5030(Part 3)- 1982
61339 Specification for metal slitting saws IS:5031- 1969
61340 Specification for metal slitting saws IS:5031- 1978
Dimensions for semiconductor devices device outline OD 38 IS:5000(OD38)61341 1984
61342 Dimensions for circular base plates IS:5091- 1969
Dimensions for square and rectangular base plates IS:5092- 1969
Dimensions for round locating sluds IS:5096- 1969
Dimensions for diamond locating sluds IS:5097- 1969
Technical supply conditions for twist drills IS:5099- 1983
Specification for twist drills, parallel shanks, stub series for right hand cutting
61348 IS:5100- 1969
61349 Specification for twist drills, parallel shanks, long series IS:5102- 1969
61350 Specification for twist drills, parallel shanks, jobber series IS:5101- 1969
61351 Specification for twist drills, morse taper shanks IS:5103- 1969
61352 Specification for twist drills ,oversize morse taper shank IS:5104- 1969
Recommendation on nominal rates of flow for oil hydraulic system elements
61353 IS:5108- 1969
Recommendation on nominal bores for oil hydraulic system elements IS:510961354 1969
61356 Technical requirements for rotodynamic special purpose pumps IS:5120- 1977
Specification for punched open jaw wrenches : Spanners IS:5167- 1981
Specification for swing clamps IS:5250- 1984
Specification for table clamps IS:5251- 1984
Specification for wide clamp plates IS:5252- 1984
61361 Specification for fixed resistors, general purpose, power IS:8909 (Part 1)- 1978
Guide for design and installation of vertical mixed feed type lime kiln part-2: for
61363 limeshell IS:1849(Part-2)- 1977
61364 Specification for single operator type arc welding transformers IS:1851- 1975
61365 Specification for arc welding transformers IS:1851(Part 1)- 1961
Specification for rolling and cutting tolerances for hot- rolled steel products
61366 IS:1852- 1973
61367 Specification for steel wire ropes for haulage purposes in mines IS:1856- 1970
61368 Specification for thread cutting dies IS:1859- 1961
Code of practice for installation, operation and maintenance of electric
61369 passenger and goods lifts IS:1860- 1980
61370 Specification for hair hygrograph IS:5900- 1970
61371 Specification for thermograph,bimetallic IS:5901- 1970
61372 Recommendation for safety devices for gas cylinders IS:5903- 1970
61373 Specification for chaplets for use in foundries IS:5904- 1970
61374 Specification for steel chaplets for use in ferrous foundries IS:5904- 1978
Specification for sprayed aluminium and zinc coatings on iron and steel
61375 IS:5905- 1970
61376 Specification for anemometer, cup counter IS:5912- 1970
61377 Methods of test for asbestos cement products IS:5913- 1970
Safety code for constructions involving use of hot bituminous materials IS:591661378 1970
61379 Specification for vitreous wash basins for marine use IS:5917- 1970
61380 Recommendations for fatigue testing of metals IS:5619- 1970
Recommendations for the preparation of drawings from optical elements and
61381 systems IS:5920- 1970
Specification for metal- clad base materials for printed circuits for use in
61382 electronic and telecommunication equipment IS:5921(Part 1)- 1970
Specification for metal clad base material for printed circuits for use in
61383 electronic and telecommunication equipment IS:5921(Part 2)- 1973
Specification for metal clad base materials for printed circuits for use in
61384 electronic and telecommunication equipment IS:5921(Part 3)- 1978
Specification for coal cutting tools, mushroom, flat faced, tungsten carbide
61385 tiped IS:5770-1970
Specification for coal cutting tools,straight bar,V and FV faced,tungsten carbide
61386 tipped IS:5773- 1970
61387 Specification for coal cutting tools,straight bar,core breaker IS:5774- 1970
Specification for coal cutting tools,radial,flat faced,tungsten carbide tipped
61388 IS:5775- 1970
61389 Specification for still projectors IS:5778- 1970
61390 Specification for burnt clay soling bricks IS:5779- 1970
Specification for fixed resistors general purpose, low power IS:5786(Part 1)61392 1978
Specification for iron castings with spheroidal or nodular graphite for pressure
61394 containing parts for use at elevated temperatures IS:5788- 1970
Specification for austenitic spheroidal graphite iron castings for pressure
61395 containing parts suitable for low temperature service IS:5789- 1970
Technical supply conditions for piston rings for IC engines IS:5791- 1970
Specification for aneroid barometers IS:5793- 1970
Specification for mercury barometers IS:5798- 1970
Specification for windvane IS:5799- 1970
Specification for flexible coaxial radio frequency cables with characteristic
impedance 50 IS:5801(Part 1)- 1970
Specification for flexible coaxial radio frequency cables with characteristic
impedance 50 IS:5801(Part 2)- 1970
Specification for flexible coaxial radio frequency cables with characteristic
impedance 50 IS:5801(Part 3)- 1970
Specification for flexible coaxial radio frequency cables with characteistic
impedance 75IS:5802(Part 1)- 1970
Specification for flexible coaxial radio frequency cables with characteristic
impedance 75 IS:5802(Part 2)- 1975
61406 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture IS:5807(Part 1)- 1975
Specification for non coniferous timber in converted form for
61407 ammunition/explosives boxes IS:5806- 1970
61409 Method of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture IS:5807(Part 2)- 1975
Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture part 3:Resistance to
61410 marking by oils and fats IS:5807(Part 3)- 1971
61411 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture IS:5807(Part 4)- 1975
Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture part 5:Test for low angle
61412 glare IS:5807(Part 5)- 1975
61413 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture IS:5807(Part 6)- 1978
61414 Glossary of mining terms(shafts and associated equipment) IS:5814- 1970
Code of practice for preparation and use of lime pozzolana concrete in
61416 buildings and roads IS:5817- 1970
61417 Recommended short-circuit ratings of high voltage PVC cavles IS:5819- 1970
61418 Specification for precast concrete cable covers IS:5820- 1970
61420 Code of practice for laying of welded steel pipes for water supply IS:5822- 1970
61422 Specification for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables IS:5831-1984
Specification for flameproof air-break electrically operated gate-end boxes
61423 IS:5833- 1970
Code of practice for construction of light- weight concrete block masonry
61424 IS:6042- 1969
61425 Code for designation of aluminium and its alloys IS:6051- 1970
Specification for jointed wood poles for overhead power and
61426 telecommunication lines IS:6056- 1970
61427 Specification for hard anodic coatings on aluminium IS:6057- 1970
Recommendations for liquid flow measurement in open channels by weirs and
61428 flumes- weirs of finite crest width for free discharge IS:6059- 1971
61429 Code of practice for daylighting of factory buildings IS:6060- 1971
Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks
61430 IS:6061(Part 1)- 1971
Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joist and filler blocks
61431 IS:6061(Part 2)- 1981
Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks
61432 IS:6061(Part 3)- 1981
Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks
61433 IS:6061(Part 4)- 1981
Methos of measurement of flow of water in open channels using standing wave
61434 flume fall IS:6062- 1971
Method of measurement of flow of water in open channels using standing wave
61435 flume IS:6063- 1971
61436 Specification for sounding and suspension equipment IS:6064- 1971
Memorandum on screw threads for sewing machine components IS:574061437 1970
61438 Terms and symbols for sieve bottoms IS:5742(Part 1)- 1970
61439 Terms and symbols for sieve bottoms IS:5742(Part 2)- 1970
61440 Specification for copper master alloys IS:5743- 1970
Specification for copper alloy screwed ferrules for condenser, evaporator,
61441 heater and cooler tubes IS:5744- 1970
Method of test for tensile strength of asbestos fibre IS:5748- 1969
Specification for forged ramshorn hooks IS:5749- 1970
Specification for sigmoidoscope IS:5750- 1970
Specification for precast concrete coping blocks IS:5751- 1984
Specification for pracast concrete,kerbs,channels,edgings,quadrants and
61446 gutter aprons IS:5758- 1984
Specification for coal cutting tools, mushroon, v-faced, tungsten carbide tipped
61447 IS:5769- 1970
Specification for mineral insulated aluminium sheathed cables with aluminium
61448 conductors IS:5755- 1970
61449 Specification for precast concrete kerbs IS:5758- 1970
61450 Code of practice for laying burnt clay brick flooring IS:5766- 1970
61451 Code of practice IS:5878(Part 2/Sec 3)- 1971
Code of practice for construction of tunnels part 4:Tunnel supports
61452 IS:5878(Part 4)- 1971
61453 Code of practice for construction of tunnels t IS:5878(Part 1)- 1971
Code of practice for construction of tunnels part 2:Underground excavation in
61454 rock section 1 drilling and blasting IS:5878(Part 2/Sec 1)- 1970
61455 Code of practice for construction of tunnels IS:5878(Part 2/Sec 2)- 1971
61456 Code of practice for construction of tunnels IS:5878(Part 3)- 1972
61457 Code of practice for construction of tunnels IS:5878(Part 5)- 1971
Code of practice for construction of tunnels conveying water IS:5878(Part 5)61458 1976
61459 Code of practice for construction of tunnels IS:5878(Part 6)- 1975
Code of practice for construction of tunnels part 7:Grouting IS:5878(Part 7)61460 1972
61461 Specification for nickel resistance thermometer elements IS:5883- 1970
61462 Specification for copper commutator bar IS:5885- 1977
Code of practice for design and construction of fire service drill tower IS:588861463 1970
61464 Specification for vibratory plate compactor IS:5889- 1970
61465 Specification for mobile hot mix asphalt plant,light duty IS:5890- 1970
61466 Specification for hand operated concrete mixers IS:5891- 1970
61467 Specification for concrete transit mixers and agitators IS:5892- 1970
61468 Specification for cryolite for use in aluminium industry IS:5893- 1970
Code of practice for selection,operation and maintenance of special fire fighting
61469 appliances IS:5896(Part 1)- 1970
Code of practice for selection, operation and maintenance of fire fighting
61470 appliances IS:5896(Part 3)- 1975
Code of practice for selection,operation and maintenance of fire fighting
61471 appliances IS:5896(Part 2)- 1975
Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy welding rods and wires and
61472 magnesium alloy welding rods IS:5897- 1985
Specification for copper and copper alloy bare solid welding rods and
61473 electrodes IS:5898- 1970
61475 Specification for bath room latches IS:5899- 1970
61476 Glossary of mining terms(strata control) IS:5767- 1970
61477 Specification for welded steel wire fabric for general use IS:4948- 1974
Specification for 2-Amp switches for domestic and similar purposes IS:494961478 1968
Specification for reference block for calibration of ultrasonic flaw detectors
61480 IS:4904- 1972
Safety requirements for floor and wall openings railings and toe boards IS:491261482 1979
61483 Glossary of terms applicable to landscape and horticulture work IS:4919- 1981
61484 Specification for ready mixed concrete IS:4926- 1976
Specification for electroplated coating of nockel and chromium on aluminium
61485 and aluminium alloys IS:4942- 1983
Assesment of butt and fillet fusion welds in steel sheet,plate and pipe IS:494361486 1968
Method for subsurface sounding for soils part 1:Dynamic method using 50 mm
61487 cone without bentolite slurry IS:4968(Part 1)- 1976
61488 Methods for subsurface sounding for soilsIS:4968(Part 2)- 1976
61489 Specification for sewage and drainage pumps IS:5600- 1970
Specification for universal gearless land operated pulling and lifting machines
61490 IS:5604- 1970
Specification for low frequency wires and cables with PVC insulation and PVC
61492 sheath IS:5608(Part 2)- 1970
Specification for low frequency wires and cables with PVC insulation and PVC
61493 sheath IS:5608(Part 3)- 1976
Specification for low frequency wires and cables with PVC insulation and PVC
61495 sheath IS:5608(Part 5)- 1983
Specification for low frequency wires and cables with PVC insulation and PVC
61496 sheath IS:5608(Part 6)- 1983
61497 Code of practice for waste stabilization ponds (facultative type) IS:5611- 1970
Specification for hose clamps and hose bandages for fire brigade use
61498 IS:5612(Part 1)- 1977
Specification for hose clamps and hose bandages for fire brigade use
61499 IS:5612(Part 2)- 1977
Code of practice for design,installation and maintenance of overhead power
61503 lines IS:5613(Part 2/sec 2)- 1985
Specification for electric butt welded steel chains for lifting purposes: general
61504 conditions of acceptance IS:5616- 1970
Guidelines for allocation of cost among different purposes of river valley
61505 projects IS:7560- 1974
61506 Specification for gold cladding IS:7562- 1974
Code of practice for structural design of cut and cover concrete conduits
61507 IS:7563- 1975
Code of practice for structural design of cut and cover concrete conduits
61508 IS:7563- 1975
Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-arrangement of
61509 building components and assemblies IS:7564(Part 1)- 1974
Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-arrangement of
61510 building components and assemblies IS:7564(Part 2)- 1974
Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-arrangement of
61511 building components and assemblies IS:7564(Part 3)- 1974
Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-arrangement of
61512 building components and assemblies IS:7564(Part 4)- 1975
Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-arrangement of
61513 building components and assemblies IS:7564(Part 5)- 1974
61515 Specification for cast acrylic sheets for use in luminaires IS:7569- 1981
Methods of tests for ceramics for telecomunication and allied purposes
61516 IS:7571- 1974
61517 Specification for enamellled round winding wires IS:4800(Part 3)- 1968
61518 Specification for enamelled round winding wires IS:4800(Part 1)- 1968
Specification for enamelled round winding wires part 4: Wires with high
61519 mechanical properties IS:4800(Part 4)- 1968
61520 Specification for enamelled round winding wires IS:4800(Part 5)- 1968
61521 Specification for enamelled round winding wires IS:4800(Part 6)- 1968
61522 Specification for enamelled round winding wires IS:4800(Part 8)- 1970
61523 Specification for enamelled round winding wires IS:4800(Part 8)- 1970
61524 Specification for enamelled roundwinding wires IS:4800(Part 9)- 1971
Specification for enamelled round winding wires part 10: Self bonding wires
61525 IS:4800(Part 10)- 1977
61526 Specification for enamelled round winding wires IS:4800(Part 11)- 1981
61528 Specification for resistance welding equipment IS:4804(Part 1)- 1968
61529 Specification for resistance welding equipment IS:4804(Part 2)- 1968
Specification for resistance welding equipment part 3: Single phase spot and
61531 projection welding machines IS:4804(Part 3)- 1969
61533 Specification for resistance welding equipment IS:4804(Part 4)- 1973
Specification for switches and switch isolators above 100v but not exceeding
61534 11000v IS:4710- 1968
Code of practice for ventilation of surface hydel power stations IS:4720- 1968
Accuracy requirements for precision gears IS:4725- 1968
Specification for rivets for shipbuilding IS:4732- 1968
Safety code for tunneling work IS:4756- 1968
61542 Methods of measurement of noise emitted by machines IS:4758- 1968
61543 Methods of measurement of noise emitted by machines IS:4758- 1968
61544 Specification for push button switches IS:4794(Part 1)- 1968
61547 Specification for guide pins for foundry pattern plates IS:4981- 1984
61548 Specification for closing pins for foundry moulding boxes IS:4982- 1984
Code of practice for installations of raingauge(non recording type) and
61551 measurement of rain IS:4986- 1983
Glossary of terms and classification of earth moving machinery IS:4988(Part
61552 1)- 1969
Glossary of terms and classification of earth moving machinery IS:4988(Part 3)61553 1968
Glossary of terms and classification of earth moving machinery IS:4988(Part 4)61554 1968
Glossary of terms and classification of earth moving machinery IS:4988(Part
61555 5)- 1968
Glossary of terms and classification of earth moving machinery IS:4988(Part 2)61556 1968
Specification for foam concentrate (compound)for producing mechanical foam
61557 for fire fighting IS:4989(Part 1)- 1985
Specification for foam concentrate for producing mechanical foam for fire
61558 fighting IS:4989(Part 2)- 1984
Specification for varnish bonded glass fibre covered copper conductors
61559 IS:4685(Part 2)- 1984
61561 Basic dimensions for square threads IS:4694- 1968
Methods of measurements on geiger muller counter tubes IS:4697- 1968
Specification for refined secondary zinc IS:4699- 1984
Code of practice for earthwork on canals IS:4701- 1982
Accuracy requirements for high precision gears IS:4702- 1968
Specification for silver tin dental amalgam alloy IS:4704- 1985
Specification for dental mercury IS:4705- 1985
61570 Methods for sampling of steel pipes,tubes and fittings IS:4711- 1974
61571 Specification for forged steel,socket- welding fittings IS:4712- 1984
61572 Code of practice for ventilation of surface hydel power stations IS:4720- 1982
Terminal markings and direction of rotation for rotating electrical machinery
61573 IS:4728- 1975
61574 Safety code for tunneling work IS:4756- 1978
Specification for hot-dip zinc coatings on structural steel and other alllied
61575 products IS:4759- 1984
Specification for manganese ore for production of ferromanganese IS:476361576 1982
61578 Specification for dental casting gold alloys,non porcelain bonding IS:4799-1985
61579 Specification for flexible shafts IS:4600- 1968
61580 Specification for pattern plates for machine moulding boxes IS:4604- 1975
61581 Specification for steel shot for use in foundries IS:4606- 1983
61582 Specification for switch socket outlets(Non intelocking type) IS:4615- 1968
61583 Specification for sheepsfoot roller IS:4616- 1968
Specification for indicating bolts for use in public baths and lavatories IS:462161584 1975
61585 Recommendations for structural design of fixed wheel gates IS:4622- 1978
61586 Recommendations for structural design of radial gates IS:4623- 1984
61587 Code of practice for laying of epoxy resin floor toppings IS:4631- 1968
61588 Method for testing performance of batch type concrete mixers IS:4634- 1968
61589 Specification for ball,pebble and tube mills IS:4642- 1968
61590 Specification for suction wrenches for fire brigade use IS:4643- 1984
Methods of chemical analysis of copper phoaphorus brazing alloys
61591 IS:4646(Part 2)- 1976
61592 Guide for electrical layout in residential buildings IS:4648- 1968
61593 Specification for adaptors for flexible steel conduits IS:4649- 1968
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
61595 IS:4682(Part 1)- 1968
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
61596 IS:4682(Part 2)- 1969
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
61597 IS:4682(Part 3)- 1969
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
61598 IS:4682(Part 4)- 1969
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
61599 IS:4682(Part 5)- 1970
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
IS:4682(Part 6)- 1970
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
IS:4682(Part 7)- 1974
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
IS:4682(Part 8)- 1974
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
IS:4682(Part 9)- 1974
Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes
IS:4682(Part 10)- 1974
Specification for varnish bonded glass fibre covered copper conductors
IS:4685(Part 1)- 1968
Code of practice for design of tunnels conveying water part 1:General design
IS:4880(Part 1)- 1975
61607 Code of practice for design of tunnels conveying water IS:4880(Part 2)- 1976
61608 Code of practice for design of tunnels conveying water IS:4880(Part 3)- 1976
61609 Code of practice for design of tunnels conveying water IS:4880(Part 4)- 1971
Code of practice for design of tunnels conveying water part 5:Structural design
61610 of concrete lining in soft atrata and soils IS:4880(Part 5)- 1972
61611 Code of practice for design of tunnels conveying water IS:4880(Part 6)- 1971
61612 Code of practice for design of tunnels conveying water IS:4880(Part 7)- 1975
61614 Specification for centrifugal fans IS:4894- 1968
61615 Specification for teak logs IS:4895- 1986
Specification for one percent chromium steel castings for resistance to
61616 abrasion IS:4896- 1976
61618 Specification for steel castings for case carburizing IS:4898- 1982
Specification for ferritic steel castings for use at low temperatures IS:489961619 1976
Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours IS:4651(Part
61620 1)- 1974
Code of practice for design and construction of dock and harbour structures
61621 IS:4651(Part 2)- 1969
Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours IS:4651(Part
61622 3)- 1974
Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours IS:4651(Part 4)61623 1979
61624 Specification for form vibrators for concrete IS:4656- 1968
61625 Glossary of terms on powdered and non powdered trucks IS:4660- 1968
61626 Specification for portable electric motor operated tools IS:4665(Part 1)- 1984
61627 Specification for portable electric motor operated tools IS:4665(Part 2)-1984
Methods of chemical analysis of silver copper brazing alloys IS:4667(Part 2)61629 1969
Recommendations for structural design criteria for low head slide gates
61630 IS:5629- 1985
Specification for large hollow porcelains for use in electrical installations
61631 IS:5621- 1970
61632 Specification for cast cruciform bollards IS:5625- 1970
Specification for shackle type connector units for high tensile steel chain for
61633 conveyors in mines IS:5626- 1970
61635 Specification for cast deck end rollers IS:5628- 1970
61636 Specification for mild steel forged triangular lifting eyes IS:5629- 1970
61637 Specification for wolframite concentrate IS:5632- 1970
61638 Specification for milybdenum oxide(technical) IS:5634- 1970
61640 Specification for cans for 16 mm projector spools IS:5636- 1970
61641 Specification for pumps handling chemical and corrosive liquids IS:5639- 1970
Method of test for determining aggregates impact value of soft coarse
61642 aggregates IS:5640- 1970
Method for determination of interlocking porosity of sintered powder metal
61643 structural parts and oil-impregnated bearings IS:5642- 1970
Method for determination of wet density and interlocking porosity of sintered
61644 powder metal structural parts and porous bearings IS:5642- 1982
Method of determination of hydrogen loss of copper, tungsten and iron
61645 powders IS:5644- 1970
Method for determination of hydrogen loss of copper, tungsten and iron
61646 powders IS:5644- 1981
61649 Specification for jim crows IS:5657-1970
61651 Specification for pumps for process water IS:5659- 1970
Code of practice for packing and marking of packages of paints,
61652 enamels,varnishes and allied products IS:5661- 1970
61654 Specification for brick and mason's chisels IS:5663- 1970
61655 Methods of tests for still projectors IS:5673- 1970
61656 Specification for 16mm projector spools IS:5674- 1970
Specification for treble swivel assembly for ship's union purchase IS:572961657 1970
Specification for engineer's drawing instruments, curve pens IS:5737- 1970
Specification for cystoscope IS:5738- 1970
Specification for rotary disc vacuum filters IS:5675- 1971
Specification for pipe vices(chain type) IS:5684- 1970
Glossary of terms relating to welding of plastics IS:5687- 1970
61664 Guide for laying combinations lining for existing unlined canals IS:5690- 1982
Specification for engineers' drawing instruments, dotting pens IS:5694-1970
Specification for ripping chisels IS:5697- 1970
Methods for chill testing of cast iron IS:5699- 1970
Specification for cinematograph screens IS:5700- 1977
Specification for vulcanized fibre rods and tubes for electrical purposes IS:571161671 1970
61672 Specification for hydrant stand pipe for fire fighting
61673 Specification for engineers drawing instruments,bordering pens IS:5726- 1970
61674 Guide for short circuit calculations IS:5728- 1970
61675 Specification for reinforced concrete fence posts IS:4996- 1984
Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of granular and
61676 powdery materials IS:4995(Part 2)- 1974
Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for the storage of granular and
61677 powdery materials IS:4995(Part 1)- 1974
61678 Glossary of terms relating to modular co-ordination IS:4993- 1983
61679 Specification for door handles for mortice locks(Vertical type) IS:4992- 1975
61681 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys IS:4998(Part 1)- 1975
61682 Glossary of terms for valves and their parts IS:4854(Part 1)- 1969
61683 Guide for construction of brick kiln IS:4805- 1978
61684 Specification for silica refractories for coke oven IS:4812- 1972
Specification for self calcelling direction indicator switches for automobiles
61686 IS:4815- 1982
Specification for thin vulcanized fibre sheet (including leatheroid) for electrical
61687 purposes IS:4819- 1968
61688 Specification for vulcanized fibre sheets for electrical purposes IS:4820- 1968
Specification for cable glands and cable sealing boxes for use in mines
61689 IS:4821- 1968
61690 Specification for bead wire for tyres IS:4824- 1973
Specification for electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium on coper and
61691 coper alloys IS:4827- 1983
Specification for electroplated coatings of copper,nickel and chromium on zinc
61692 alloys IS:4828- 1983
61693 Specification for chemical resistant mortars IS:4832(Part 1)- 1969
61694 Specification for chemical resistant mortars IS:4832(Part 2)- 1969
Specification for polyvinyl acetate dispersion based adhesives for wood
61695 IS:4835- 1979
Specification for pressure sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes part
61696 2: Methods of test IS:7809(Part 2)- 1977
61697 Guidance on mould growth testing IS:7805- 1975
Code of procedure for conducting studies on underground corrosion of metals
61699 IS:7808- 1975
Specification for pressure sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes part
61700 1: general requirements IS:7809(Part 1)- 1975
Specification for pressure sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes
61702 IS:7809(Part 3/sec2)- 1981
Specification for pressure sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes
61703 IS:7809(Part 3/sec3)- 1981
Specification for pressure sensitive adhesive taper for electrical purposes
61704 IS:7809(Part 3/sec 4)- 1977
Specification for pressure sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes part
3: specifications for individual materials section 5 cellulosic paper with
61705 thermosetting adhesive IS:7809(Part 3/sec5)- 1977
61707 Specification for phosphor bronze rods and bars IS:7811- 1975
61708 Specification for phosphor bronze sheet, strip amd foil IS:7814- 1975
61709 Guide for testing insulation resistance of rotating machines IS:7816- 1975
61710 Method of test for ignition temperature IS:7820- 1975
61711 Specification for electrical wind screen wipers IS:7827(Part 1)- 1975
61712 Specification for electrical eind screen wipers IS:7827(Part 2)- 1975
Specification for injection moulded pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
61713 joints for water supplies IS:7834(Part 1)- 1975
Specification for injection moulded pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
61714 joints for water supplies IS:7834(Part 2)- 1975
Specification for injection moulded pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
joints for water supplies part 3: specific requirements for 90 degree elbows
61715 IS:7834(Part 3)- 1975
Specification for injection moulded pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
joints for water supplies IS:7834(Part 4)- 1975
Specification for injection moulded pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
joints for water supplies IS:7834(Part 5)- 1975
Specification for injection moulded pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
joints for water supplies IS:7834(Part 7)- 1975
Specification for standard cells IS:7914- 1975
Dimensions for connections for aircraft ground electrical supplies IS:79151976
Code of practice for open power channels IS:7916- 1975
Specification for refractometer-abbe type IS:7919- 1975
Recommendation for modular co-ordination- multimodulaes and preferred
61726 sizes for horizontal co-ordinating and controlling diemnsions IS:7921- 1975
Specification for low alloy types of abrasion resistant iron castings IS:792561728 1976
61729 Dimensions of toroids made of magnetic oxides or iron powder IS:7930-1976
Specification for automatic and semi-automatic welding equipment with self
61730 adjusting arcs(mig/mag processes) IS:7931(Part 2)- 1975
Specification for automatic and semi automatic welding equipment with self
adjusting arcs(mig.mag processes) part 3: welding gun and ancillary
61731 equipment IS:7931(Part 3)- 1975
Dimensions of square cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts
61732 IS:7934- 1981
Specifications for insulator fittings for overhead power lines with a nominal
61733 voltage up to and including 1000v IS:7935- 1975
61734 Specification for lamps for aerodrome lighting fittings IS:8901- 1978
61735 Specification for area exposure product meter IS:8902- 1978
Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000 V IS:8544(Part
61736 3/Sec2)- 1979
Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000V IS:8544(Part
61737 3/Sec 1)- 1979
Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000V IS:8544(Part
61738 4)- 1979
Method of checking insulation of anodized coating by measurement of
61739 breakdown potential IS:8554- 1977
Specification for aluminium clad aluminium alloy sheet and strip for aircraft
61740 purposes(alloy 24530) IS:8560- 1977
Specification for aluminium alloy clad sheet and strip for aircraft purposes(alloy
61741 76528) IS:8561- 1977
61742 Methods of sampling chrome ore IS:8562- 1977
Specification for half round mild steel wire for the manufacture of split pins
61743 IS:8563- 1977
61744 Specification for steel wire for nipples for spokes IS:8564-1977
61745 Specifcation for heald wire IS:8565- 1977
61746 Specification for steel wire for reeds IS:8566- 1977
61747 Specification for presspaper for electrical purposes IS:8570- 1977
Specification for digital electronic DC voltmeters and DC electronic analogue to
61749 digital converters IS:8573-1977
Environmental tests for aircraft equipment part 6:Waterproofness IS:8252(Part
61750 6)- 1976
61751 Environmental tests for aircraft equipment IS:8252(Part 11)- 1976
61752 Environmental tests for aircraft equipment IS:8252(Part 14)- 1982
Specification for quick release couplings for vacuum pipelines IS:8262(Part 1)61753 1976
Specification for quick release couplings for vacuum pipelines IS:8262(Part 2)61754 1976
61755 Specification for expansion shell type roof bolts IS:8266- 1976
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators part 2:Series AA section
61756 1 quartz crystal unit type AA-01 IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 1)- 1981
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61757 IS:8271(Part 3/Sec1)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61758 IS:8271(Part 4/Sec1)- 1983
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61759 IS:8271(Part 3/Sec 2)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:8271(Part 2/sec2)61760 1981
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:8271(Part 2/Sec3)61761 1981
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61762 IS:8271(Part 3/Sec3)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 4)61763 1981
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61764 IS:8271(Part 3/Sec4)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 5)61765 1981
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators part 2:Series AA section
61766 6 quartz crystal unit type AA-06 IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 6)- 1981
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:8271(Part 3/Sec6)61767 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators part 3:Series BC section
61768 7 quartz crystal unit type BC-07 IS:8271(Part 3/Sec7)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61769 IS:8271(Part 3/Sec 8)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61770 IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 8)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal used for frequency control and selection part
2:Series AA for oscillators section 9 quartz crystal unit type AA-09 IS:8271(Part
61771 2/Sec 9)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
part 3:Series BC for oscillators section 9 quartz crystal unit type BC-09
61772 IS:8271(Part 3/Sec 9)- 1982
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
part 2:Series AA for oscillators section 10 quartz crystal unit type AA-10
61773 IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 10)- 1984
Selection for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61774 IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 11)- 1984
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61775 IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 12)- 1984
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61776 IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 11)- 1984
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61777 IS:8271(Part 2/Sec 14)- 1984
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61778 IS:8271(Part 4/Sec 3)- 1984
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
61779 IS:8271(Part 4/Sec 4)- 1984
Dimensions for carbide tips for drills with point angle 115 degree (type AB)
61780 IS:8301- 1976
61781 Specification for twist drills,morse taper shank,long series IS:8305- 1976
61782 Specification for carbide tipped twist drills,morse taper shank IS:8306- 1976
61783 Specification for carbide tipped,twist drills,parallel shank IS:8307- 1976
Specification for compression type tubular in-line connectors for aluminium
61784 conductors of insulated cables IS:8308- 1976
Specification for compression type tubular terminal ends for aluminium
61785 conductors of insulated cables IS:8309- 1976
61786 Dimensions for indicator tubes IS:8319(Part 1)- 1977
61787 Dimensions of indicator tubes IS:8319(Part 2)- 1977
61788 Dimensions of indicator tubes IS:8319(Part 3)- 1977
61789 Specification for reflex reflectors for automobiles IS:8339- 1976
61790 Specification for spiral pins(heavy duty type) IS:8351- 1977
61791 Specification for flat countersunk square neck bolts IS:8352- 1977
61792 Specification for flat countersunk nib bolts IS:8353- 1977
61794 Specification for spiral pins(medium duty type) IS:8379- 1977
Method of test for fabrication integrity of oil hydraulic filter elements IS:838361795 1977
Method of test for collapse/burst resistance of oil hydraulic filter elements
61796 IS:8384- 1977
Method of test for material compatibility of oil hydraulic filter elements IS:838561797 1977
61798 Method of test for end load rating of oil hydraulic filter elements IS:8386- 1977
Specification for soldering and welding type terminal ends for conductors of
61799 insulated cables IS:8394- 1977
61800 Specification for circular thread rolling dies IS:8405- 1976
Test chart for gear hobbing machines,standard precision(vertical axis) IS:840761801 1977
61802 Specification for rims for mopeds IS:8410- 1977
61803 Specification for foot tyre inflators for road vehicles IS:8411- 1977
Specification for slotted countersunk head bolts for steel structures IS:841261804 1977
61805 Glossary of lubrication terms IS:8417- 1977
61806 Specification for horizontal centrifugal self- priming pumps IS:8418- 1977
61807 Specification for hydraulic props IS:8421- 1977
Specification for inspection gauges for checking type 1(size 1) taper threads of
61808 gas cylinder valves,taper 1 in 16 IS:9687- 1980
Code of practice for the selection, installation, operation and maintenance of
61809 horizontal centrifugal pumps for agricultural applications IS:9694(Part 1)- 1980
Code of practice for the construction of aerial ropeways for the transportation
61810 of material IS:9706- 1980
61811 Terms and definitions of weights of mopeds IS:9726- 1984
Specification for equal cross body for oil hydraulic couplings IS:9746(Part 1)61812 1983
Specification for washers for thin walled half bearings and wrapped bushes
61813 IS:9764- 1981
Specification for tee coupling assemblies for oil- hydraulic systems IS:976761814 1981
Specification for bulkhead straight body for oil- hydraulic couplings IS:976861815 1981
Specification for bulkhead straight coupling assembly for oil hydraulic systems
IS:9769- 1981
Specification or bulkhead elbow coupling assembly for oil hydraulic systems
IS:9770- 1981
Nomenclature of parts for wrist watches IS:9783- 1981
Specification for low pressure regulators for use with liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) mixtures IS:9798- 1981
Specification for synchronous belt drive belts IS:9804- 1981
Test chart for crankshaft grinding machines IS:9809- 1981
Specification for line output transformers used with TV picture tubes
IS:9819(Part 2)- 1982
Specification for line output transformers(EHT) used with TV picture tubes
IS:9819(Part 3)- 1982
Specification for line output transformer (EHT) used with TV picture tubes
IS:9819(Part 4)- 1984
Specification for portable pneumatic sanders IS:9828- 1981
Marking system for valves IS:9866- 1981
Alpine ski terminology IS:9969- 1981
Alpine ski terminology IS:9969- 1981
Specification for arm and bed assembly for sewing machines for household
purposes IS:9874- 1981
Specification for 'O' rings IS:9975(Part 1)- 1981
Specification for safety gears and governors for electric passenger and goods
lifts IS:9878- 1981
61832 Dimensions for ferrous valves -face to face and end to end IS:9884- 1981
Dimensions for sintered pellets of hard metal(carbide) for wire,bar and tube
61833 drawing dies IS:9888- 1981
61834 Specification for general purpose ball valves IS:9890- 1981
Specification for edge connectors for printed wiring board and insulated board
61835 having contact pitch 2.54mm IS:9891(Part 2)- 1981
Specification for edge connectors for printed wiring board and insulated board
having contact pitch 2.54mm part 3:Non-polarised plug types 9891 IS-0261836 11/25/33-I-A-0.75 IS:9891(Part 3)- 1981
Specification for edge connectors for printed wiring board and insulated board
61837 having contact pitch 2.54mm IS:9891(Part 4)- 1981
61838 Gauging practice for line pipe threads used in petroleum industry IS:9996-1981
Method for braze strength testing of coal and rock cutting tools with laid on
61840 tungtsen-carbide tips IS:9910- 1981
Recommended colours for PVC insulation for lf wires and cables IS:993861841 1981
Limits of sizes for ISO metric external screw threads for high temperature
61842 applications IS:9965- 1981
61843 Specification for 'O' rings IS:9975(Part 3)- 1984
61844 Specification for 'O' rings IS:9975(Part 2)- 1984
61845 Specification for 'O' rings IS:9975(Part 4)- 1984
61846 Specification for piston rings for IC engines IS:8422(Part 1)- 1977
61847 Specification for piston rings for IC engines IS:8422(Part 2)- 1977
61848 Specification for piston rings for IC engines IS:8422(Part 3)- 1977
61849 Specification for piston rings for IC engines IS:8422(Part 5)- 1977
61850 Specification for piston rings for IC engines IS:8422(Part 6)- 1977
Specification for piston rings for IC engines part 4:Napier oil scraper rings from
61851 30 up to 200mm nominal diameter N-Rings IS:8422(Part 4)- 1977
61852 Specification for piston rings for IC engines IS:8422(Part 7)- 1977
61853 Specificaton for piston rings for IC engines IS:8422(Part 8)- 1977
Code of practice for visual inspection of dissolved acetylene gas cylinders
61854 IS:8433- 1984
Code of practice for visual inspection of high pressure gas cylinders IS:845161855 1984
Specification for regenerative self-priming pumps for clear, cold,fresh water
61856 IS:8472- 1977
61857 Specification for link bars used in mines IS:8473- 1977
Code of practice for maintenance of tungsten carbide tipped integral stems
61858 IS:8486- 1977
Technical supply conditions for aluminium alloy pistons for internal combustion
61859 engines IS:8503- 1977
Specification for fixed,insulated,hermeticallly sealed tantalum capacitors with
61861 solid electrolyte IS:8507(Part 2/sec 1)-1981
Specification for fixed,insulated,hermetically sealed tantalum capacitors with
61862 solid electrilyte r IS:8507(Part 3/sec 1)- 1981
Specification for fixed insulated hermetically sealed tantalum capacitors with
61863 solid electrolyte IS:8507(Part 4/sec 1)- 1983
Specification for fixed,insulated ,hermetically sealed tantalum capacitors with
61864 solid electrolyte IS:8507(Part 2/sec 2)- 1982
Specification for fixed,insulated,hermetically sealed tantalum capacitors with
61865 sealed electrolyte IS:8507(Part 3/sec 2)- 1982
61866 Sizes for cylinder bores and ports for pneumatic cylinders IS:8526- 1977
61867 Specification for pulleys for belt conveyors IS:8531- 1977
Method of test for flow fatigue characteristics of oil hydraulic filter elements
61868 IS:8532- 1977
Specification for general purpose carabiners for mountaineering IS:8533- 1977
Specification for mine tub couplings IS:8534(Part 1)- 1977
Specification for mine tub couplings IS:8534(Part 2)- 1977
Specification for mine tub couplings IS:8534(Part 3)- 1977
Specification for mine tub couplings IS:8534(part 4)- 1977
Terminology for features of fasteners IS:8535- 1977
Dimensioning of fasteners IS:8536- 1977
Nomenclature and terminology of fasteners IS:8537- 1977
Methods of tests for split bamboos IS:8242- 1976
Methods of measurement of performance characteristics of vapour vacuum
pumps IS:8243(Part 1)- 1976
Graphical symbols for vacuum technology IS:8245- 1976
Specification for liquid resins for use in shell process in foundries IS:82461976
Specification for antireflection coating on glass optical components IS:82481976
61884 Environmental tests for aircraft equipment IS:8252(Part 18)- 1978
61885 Specification for ophthalmoscope IS:8257- 1976
Glossary of terms relating to ophthalmic lenses and spectacle frames
61886 IS:8260(Part 1)- 1976
Glossary of terms relating to ophthalmic lenses and spectacle lenses
61887 IS:8260(Part 2)- 1976
61888 Method for radio interference test on high voltage insulators IS:8263- 1976
61889 Methods for switching impulse tests on high voltage insulators IS:8269- 1976
Guide for preparation of diagrams,charts and tables for electrotechnology part
61890 1:Definitions and classification IS:8270(Part 1)- 1976
Guide for preparation of diagrams,charts and tables for electrotechnology
61891 IS:8270(Part 2)- 1976
Recommended procedure for welding of flexible PVC(flexible polyvinyl
61892 chloride) IS:8002-1976
Recomended procedure for welding of rigid PVC (rigid polyvinyl chloride)
61893 IS:8004- 1976
Specifications for injection moulded high density polyethylene(HDPE) fittings
61894 for potable water supplies IS:8008(Part 1)- 1976
Specification for injection moulded high density polethylene (HDPE) fittings for
61895 potable water supplies IS:8008(Part 2)- 1976
Specification for injection moulded high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for
61896 potable water supplies IS:8008(Part 3)- 1976
Specification for injection moulded high density polyethylene(HDPE) fittings for
61897 potable water supplies IS:8008(Part 4)- 1976
Specification for injection moulded high density polyethylene(HDPE) fittings for
61898 potable water supplies IS:8008(Part 5)- 1976
Specification for injection moulded high density polyethylene(HDPE) fittings for
61899 potable water supplies IS:8008(Part 6)- 1976
Specification for injection moulded high density polyethylene(HDPE) fittings for
61900 potable water supplies IS:8008(Part 7)- 1976
Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations IS:8009 (Part 2)61901 1980
Methods for measurements of frequency and equivalent resistance of
61902 unwanted resonances of filter crystal units IS:8011- 1976
Specification for platinum and platinum alloy wires for thermocouple elements
61903 IS:8018- 1976
61904 Specification for luminaires for hospitals IS:8030- 1976
61905 Specification for mild steel transformer cooling tubes IS:8036- 1976
Method of testing corrosion resistance of metallic and other non organic
61906 coatings by corrodkote test IS:8038- 1985
Methods of tests for chromate conversion coatings on zinc and cadmium
61907 surfaces IS:8602- 1977
Dimensions for porcelain transformer bushings for use in heavily polluted
61908 atmospheresIS:8603(Part 1)- 1977
Dimensions for porcelain transformer bushings for use in heavily polluted
61909 atmospheres IS:8603(Part 2)- 1977
Dimensions for porcelain transformer bushings for use in heavily polluted
61910 atmospheres IS:8603(Part 3)- 1977
Method for determination of compression strength of iron ore pellets after
61911 reduction IS:8604- 1977
61912 Code of practice for construction of masonry in dams IS:8605- 1977
General and safety requirements for electrical equipment used in medical
practice IS:8607(Part 1)- 1977
General and safety requirements for electrical equipment used in medical
practice IS:8607(Part 2)- 1978
General and safety requirements for electrical equipment used in medical
practice IS:8607(Part 3)- 1979
General and safety requirements for electrical equipment used in medical
practice IS:8607(Part 4)- 1985
General and safety requirements for electrical equipment used in medical
practice IS:8607(Part 6)- 1984
General and safety requirements for electrical equipment used in medical
practice part 7:Construction IS:8607(Part 7)- 1985
General and safety requirements for electrical equipment used in medical
practice IS:8607(Part 8)- 1985
61922 Method for determination of crushing strength of iron ore pellets IS:8625- 1977
61923 Specification for copper base alloys for marine propellers IS:8631- 1977
Code of practice for protection of iron and steel structures from atmospheric
61924 corrosion IS:8692(Part 1 to 3)- 1977
Specification for engineers' drawing instruments,double line pens IS:863061925 1977
61926 Method for identification of test piece axes IS:8632- 1977
Recommendations for dimensional parameters for industrial buildings IS:864061927 1977
61929 Glossary of terms used in acetylene generators IS:8452- 1977
Guide for drafting of performance specifications for gyromagnetic materials for
61930 use at microwave frequencies IS:8454- 1977
61931 Recommended procedure for welding of polyethylene IS:8455-1977
Guidance on method of mounting of electronic and electrical items for dynamic
61932 tests IS:8456- 1977
Specification for tyre pressure gauges for automobiles (pocket type) IS:845761933 1977
61934 Specification for steel card index cabinets IS:8467- 1977
61935 Specification for on load tap changers IS:8468-1977
61936 Requirements for acetylene generators IS:8471(Part 1)- 1977
61937 Requirements for acetylene generators IS:8471(Part 2)- 1977
61938 Requirements for acetylene generators IS:8471(Part 3)- 1977
Requirements for acetylene generators part 4:Medium pressure,stationary of
61939 water to carbide and carbide to water type IS:8471(Part 4)- 1977
61940 Requirements for acetylene generators IS:8471(Part 5)- 1977
Procedure for inspection and testing of aluminium and aluminium alloy wires
61941 (for rivets) for aircraft purposes IS:8474- 1977
Specification for lead base antifriction bearing alloy for heavy duty applications
61942 IS:8475- 1977
61943 Application guide for on load changers IS:8478-1977
Specification for copper powder for powder metallurgical applications IS:848561945 1977
Analogue DC voltage signals for industrial process measurement and control
61946 systems IS:8493- 1977
Specification for strip wound cut cores for grain oriented silicon iron alloy
61948 IS:8644- 1977
61949 Dimensions for magnets for energy meters IS:8645-1977
61950 Specification for flame photometer IS:8651- 1977
Specification for magnetic sound tape recording and re-producing
61951 equipment(reel to reel) part 1: Methods of measurement IS:8655(Part 1)- 1977
61952 Specification for polarimeter and saccharimete(optical) IS:8661- 1977
Specification for copper and copper alloy covered electrodes for manual metal
61953 arc welding IS:8666- 1977
61954 Specification for wooden anvil blocks IS:4650-1968
61955 Specification for triangular scales IS:8679- 1978
Specification for engineers' drawing instruments,compass,bow pen,double
61956 knee jointed with sector head joints IS:8680- 1978
Specification for engineer's drawing instruments,compass,bow pencil,double
61957 knee jointed with sector head joints IS:8681- 1978
61958 Specification for aircraft lamps IS:8685- 1977
61959 Specification for static protective relays IS:8686- 1977
61960 Application guide for measuring devices for high voltage testing IS:8690- 1977
61961 Specification for mirror stereoscope and stereometer IS:8691- 1978
61962 Specification for net pyrradiometer IS:8693-1978
Specification for fabricated high density poluethylene(HDPE) fittings for potable
61963 water supplies IS:8360(Part 3)- 1977
Specification for copper and copper alloy rolled plates for condensers and heat
61964 exchangers IS:8362- 1977
Specification for bare wire electrodes for electroslag welding of steels IS:836361965 1976
61968 Specification for metallic tin powder IS:8367- 1977
61969 Specification for tungsten carbide powder IS:8368- 1977
61970 Specification for titanium carbide powder IS:8369- 1977
Specification for iron powders for powder metallurgical applications IS:837061971 1977
Specification for bitumen mastic,anti-static and electrically conducting grade
61972 IS:8374- 1977
61973 Method for checking continuity of anodized coatings IS:8375- 1977
Specification for electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium on plastics for
61974 decorative purposes IS:8376- 1977
Recommended practice for quarrying stones for construction purposes IS:838161975 1977
61976 Code of practice for installation and use of raingauges,recording IS:8389-1983
61977 Specification for are combs IS:8390- 1977
61978 Specification for tungsten powder IS:8392- 1977
61979 Specification for cable terminations for automobile wiring IS:8395(Part 1)-1977
Specification for cable terminations for automobile wiring IS:8395(Part 2)61980 1977
Criteria for river training works for barrages and weirs in alluvium IS:840861981 1976
61982 Requirements for biological treatment equipment IS:8413(Part 1)- 1977
Guidelines for design of under seepage control measures for eartn and rockfill
61983 dams IS:8414- 1977
61984 Mounting dimensions of headlights for automobiles IS:8415- 1977
61985 Mounting dimensions of fog ights for automobiles IS:8416- 1977
61986 Requirements for filtration equipment IS:8419 (Part 1)- 1977
Requirements for rapid sand gravity filteration equipment IS:8419(Part 2)61987 1984
Methods of measurements for properties of gyromagnetic materials for use at
61990 microwave(frequencies) IS:8426(Part 1)- 1977
Methods of measurements for properties of gyromagnetic materials for use at
61991 microwave frequencies IS:8426(Part 2)- 1977
Method of measurement for properties of gyromagnetic materials for use at
61992 microwave frequencies IS:8426(Part 3)- 1977
Methods for measurement of thickness of metallic coatings of plastics IS:843561993 1977
Method for thermal cycling test for evaluation of electroplated plastics IS:843661994 1977
61995 Guide on effects of current passing through the human body IS:8437- 1977
Methods of measurements on incidental x-radiation from electron tubes
61998 IS:8441- 1977
Functional requirements for stand post type water monitor for fire fighting
61999 IS:8442- 1977
Guide for preparation of diagrams,charts and tables for electrotechnology
62001 IS:8270(Part 3)- 1977
Guide for preparation of diagrams,charts and tables for electrotechnology
62002 IS:8270(Part 5)- 1976
Specification for quartz crystal units used for frequency control and selection
62004 IS:8271(Part 1)- 1981
Specification for gypsum plaster for use in the manufacture of fibrous plaster
62005 boards IS:8272- 1984
62006 Specification for fibrous gypsum plaster boards IS:8273- 1984
62007 Specification for binocular eyepieces for microscope IS:8275- 1976
62008 Methods for calibration of vacuum gauges IS:8276(Part 1)- 1976
62009 Method of calibration of ionization vacuum gauges IS:8280- 1976
Code of practice for installation,maintenance and observations of pore
pressure measuring devices in concrete and masonry dams IS:8282(Part 1)62010 1976
Method for tensile testing of copper and copper alloy rolled flat products
62011 (thickness less than 2.5mm) IS:8285- 1976
62012 Specification for bakeable flanges IS:8288- 1976
62013 Specification for electrical equipment with type of protection 'n' IS:8289- 1976
Specification for general purpose audio frequency output power meters
62014 IS:8290- 1976
Methods for evaluation of working qualities of timber under different operations
62015 IS:8292- 1976
62016 Specification for bamboo chicks IS:8295(Part 1)- 1976
62017 Specification for bamboo chicks IS:8295(Part 2)- 1976
Specification for electrical timer relays for industrial purposes part 3:Electronic
62020 IS:5834(Part 3)- 1981
62021 Specification for inner wire ropes for automobile control cables IS:5836- 1970
Method for measuring the bulk density or unit weight of iron ores, pellets and
62022 sinters less than 40mm in size IS:5842- 1970
Method for measuring the bulk density of iron ore and iron ore agglomerates
including sinters in a large container(applicable for size over 40 mm) IS:584362023 1970
Recommendations for hydrostatic stretch testing of compressed gas cylinders
IS:5844- 1970
Specification for coal cutting tools,radial V and FV faced tungsten carbide
tipped IS:5854- 1970
Specification for corrosion and heat-resisting chromium- nickel steel solid
welding rods and bare electrodes IS:5856- 1970
Specification for nickel and nickel alloy bare solid welding rods and electrodes
IS:5857- 1970
Specification for accessories to mechanical ventilation systems on board ships
IS:5858(Part 1)- 1970
Specification for accessories to mechanical ventilation systems on board ships
IS:5858(Part 2)- 1970
Specification for accessories to mechanical ventilation systems on board ships
IS:5858(Part 3)- 1970
Specification for tools for handling of anchor chains and attachments IS:58591970
Specification for pillar taps for marine use IS:5869- 1970
62034 Specification for steel cut wire shots for use in foundries IS:5873- 1970
62035 Specification for open deck scuppers IS:5875- 1970
62036 Specification for hopper scuppers IS:5876- 1970
62037 Specification for air receivers for compressed air installation IS:7938- 1976
62038 Code of practice for daylighting of educational buildings IS:7942- 1976
62039 Specification for horn rings for automobiles IS:7953- 1976
62040 Recommendations for selection of dairy floor finishes IS:7956- 1975
Basic method for the measurement of resonance frequency and equivalent
series resistance of quartz crystal units by zero phase technique in a network
62041 IS:7957- 1976
Methods of measurement for piezoelectric vibrators operating over the
62042 frequency range up to 30 MHz IS:7962- 1975
62043 Criteria for controlling pollution of marine coastal areas IS:7967- 1976
62044 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials IS:7969- 1975
62046 Code of practice for architectural and building working drawings IS:7973- 1976
62047 Code of practice for canal outlets IS:7986- 1976
62048 Guide for selection of high voltage AC circuit breakers IS:7987- 1976
62049 Reference tables for chromel-kopel thermocouples IS:7988- 1976
Specification for injection moulded pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
62051 joints for water supplies IS:7834(Part 8)- 1975
Specification for studio spot lights for use in motion picture studios IS:784862052 1975
62053 Specification for wooden box for microscope slides IS:7850- 1975
62054 Voltages and frequency for aircraft electrical systems IS:7854- 1975
Form of declaration of performance of aircraft electrical equipment IS:785562055 1975
Safety features for ground power units for direct current aircraft servicing and
62056 engine starting IS:7856- 1975
Specification for aircraft fuel nozzle grounding plugs and sockets IS:785762057 1975
62058 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting IS:7861(Part 1)- 1975
62059 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting IS:7861(Part 2)- 1981
Criteria for hydraulic design of groyne walls(curved wing) for sediment
62060 distribution at offtake points in a canal IS:7871- 1975
62061 Specification for freezers IS:7872- 1975
62062 Code of practice for lime concrete lining for canals IS:7873- 1975
Criteria for hydraulic design of skimming platform for sediment control in
62063 offtaking canal IS:7880- 1975
62064 Glossary of terms relating to builder's hardware IS:7881(Part 1)- 1975
62065 Glossary of terms relating to builders hardware IS:7881(Part 2)- 1976
Specification for aluminium sheet and strip for aircraft purposes (19000)
62066 IS:7882- 1975
Specification for aluminium manganese alloy sheet and strip for aircraft
62067 purposes (alloy no. 31000) IS:7883- 1975
Specification for mild steel wire rod for general engineering purposes IS:788762068 1975
62069 Specification for vibration galvanometers IS:7889- 1975
Specification for low alloy steel castings suitable for pressure service IS:789962070 1975
Specification for alloy steel castings suitable for pressure service IS:789962071 1984
62072 Guide for equipment reliability testing IS:8161 (Part 4)- 1985
62073 Guide for equipment reliability testing IS:8161 (Part 5)- 1981
62075 Guide for equipment reliability testing IS:8161(Part 7)- 1977
62076 Guide for equipment reliability testing IS:8161 (Part 11)- 1983
62077 Method for determination of raducibility of iron ore and sinter IS:8167- 1976
Marking codes for values and tolerances of resistors and capacitors IS:818662078 1976
62079 Specification for d- type fuses IS:8187- 1976
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compresses gases IS:8198(Part 6)62080 1979
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compressed gases part 7: ammonia gas
62081 IS:8198(Part 7)- 1979
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compresses gases IS:8198(Part 8)62082 1979
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compressed gases IS:8198(Part 12)62083 1982
Specification for steel ingots and billets for the production of hard- drawn steel
62084 wire for upholstery springs IS:8056- 1976
Specification for steel ingots and billets for the production of wire rod for the
62085 manufacture of machune screws (by cold heading process) IS:8057- 1976
Code of practice for design, installation and maintenance of service lines up to
62086 and including 650 v IS:8061- 1976
Code of practice for cathodic protection of steel structures IS:8062 (Part 1)62087 1976
Code of practice for cathodic protection of steel structures IS:8062 (Part 2)62088 1976
Code of practice for cathodic protection of steel structures IS:8062 (Part 3)62089 1977
Code of practice for cathodic protection of steel structures IS:8062 (Part 4)62090 1979
62091 Specification for silver coated copper wire IS:8080- 1976
62092 Specification for slotted sections IS:8081-1976
62093 Dimensions os ceramic dielectric capacitors of the plate type IS:8083- 1976
Specification for interconnecting bus bars for AC voltage above 1 kv up to and
62094 including 36 kv IS:8084- 1976
Specification for couplings, branch pipe, nozzle used in hose reel tubing for fire
62095 fighting IS:8090- 1876
62096 Specification for fire beater IS:8096- 1976
Method of chemical analysis of soft solders for jointing aluminium and
62097 aluminium alloys IS:8097- 1976
62098 Specification for rapid hardening portland cement IS:8041- 1978
62099 Specification for white portland cement IS:8042- 1978
62100 Specification for hydrophobic portland cement IS:8043- 1978
Specification for steel ingots and billets for the production of volute,helical and
62102 laminated springs for automotive suspension IS:8051- 1976
Specification for steel ingots and bellets for the production of volute and helical
62103 springs (for railway rolling stock) IS:8052- 1976
Specification for steel ingots and billets for production of laminated springs
62104 (railway rolling stock) IS:8054- 1976
Specification for steel ingots and billets for the production of steel wire for the
62105 manufacture of wood screws IS:8053- 1976
Specification for steel ingots and billets for the production of spring washers
62106 IS:8055- 1976
62107 Specification for steel glass- front cabinets IS:7760- 1985
62108 Recommendations for orientation of buildings IS:7662 (Part 1)- 1974
Specification for aluminium alloy forging stock and forgings(for parts operated
62110 at elevated temperatures) for aircraft purposes(alloy 22588) IS:7670- 1975
62111 Glossary of terms for fire fighting equipment IS:7673- 1975
Procedure for inspection and testing of aluminium alloy forging stock and
62112 forgings for aircraft purposes IS:7674- 1975
Method of photometric testing of incandescent type luminaires for general
62113 lighting service IS:7678- 1975
Mathematical guide to the terms and definitions for reliability of electronic
62119 equipment and components(or parts) used therein IS:7690- 1975
62120 Frequencies for special power applications IS:7691- 1975
62121 Specification wooden headform for testing of helmets IS:7692- 1975
Specification for oil-immersed electrical apparatus for use in explosive gas
62122 atmospheres IS:7693- 1975
62123 Specification for instrument jewels IS:8311-1976
62125 Glossary of terms applicable to plumbing work IS:8321- 1976
Guide for drafting of performance specifications for cores of transformers and
62126 inductors for telecommunication IS:8322-1976
62127 Specification for free cutting copper bars,rods and sections IS:8328- 1977
Specification for centrifugally cast (spun) ductile, iron pressure pipes for water,
62128 gas and sewage IS:8329- 1977
62129 Specification for telescopic tripod for surveying instruments IS:8330- 1977
62130 Specification for thermoelectric pyranometer IS:8336- 1977
Specification for performance requirements of compression joints of aluminium
62131 conductors in insulated cables IS:8337- 1976
Recommendations relating to primary elements in the design of school library
62132 buildings IS:8338- 1976
Code of practice for stacking and packing of stone slabs for transportation
62133 IS:8348-1977
Deviations for untoleeranced dimensions of melleable iron castings IS:834962134 1977
Deviations for untoleranced dimensions of spherroidal or nodular graphite iron
62135 castings IS:8350- 1977
Specification for fabricated high density polyethylene(HDPE) fittings for potable
62136 water supplies IS:8360(Part 1)- 1977
Specification for fabricated high density polyethylene(HDPE) fittings for potable
62137 water supplies IS:8360(Part 2)- 1977
62138 Specification for strong room doors IS:7152- 1974
62140 Code of practice for conveyor safety IS:7155- 1974
62141 Code for selection and use of bucket elevators IS:7167- 1974
62142 Specification for shore hardness of bucket elevators IS:7172- 1974
Method for verification of scleroscope hardness testing machines IS:717262143 1984
Specification for carbon steel tubes for use on board ships for working
62144 pressures 0.7 to 1.7N/mm2 IS:7174- 1974
62146 Specification for glass fibre base coal tar pitch and bitumen felts IS:7193- 1974
62148 Specification for hold fast IS:7196- 1974
Specification for double action floor springs (without oil check ) for heavy doors
62149 IS:7197- 1974
62150 Specification for blast furnace stove refractories IS:7199- 1974
Tolerances of form and of position for engineering Drawings IS:8000 ( Part 1)62151 1976
62152 Specification for indented wire for prestressed concrete IS:6003- 1970
62153 Specification for indented wire for prestressed concrete IS:6003- 1983
Criteria for hydraulic design of sediment ejector for irrigation and power
62154 channels IS:6004- 1971
Specification for uncoated stress relieved strand for prestressed concrete
62155 IS:6006- 1970
62156 Code of practice for phosphating of iron and steel IS:6005- 1970
Specification for uncoated stress relieved strand for prestressed concrete
62157 IS:6006- 1983
62158 Specification for pipe vices(hinged type) IS:6007- 1971
62160 Specification for single operator ac/dc arc welding power source IS:6008- 1971
62161 Method for evaluation of results of accelerated corrosion tests IS:6009- 1970
Recommended practice for photographic processing in spectrochemical
62162 analysis IS:6010- 1971
Specification for carbon steel tubes for use on board ships for pressure
62163 services IS:6011- 1970
Specification for hose connection for welding and cutting equipment IS:601662165 1970
Specification for hose connection for welding and cutting equipment IS:601662166 1982
62167 Specification for platinum, platinum-rhodium catalyst gauges IS:6018- 1971
62170 Specification for hand operated sirens IS:6026- 1985
62171 Specification for edge type vacuum filters IS:6034- 1971
Code of practice for construction of autoclaved cellular concrete block masonry
62172 IS:6041- 1971
Tolerances of form and of positionfor engineering Drawings IS:8000(Part 2 )62173 1976
Tolerancersof form and of position for engineering drawings part 4:Practical
62175 examples of indications on drawings IS:8000(Part 4)- 1976
Specification for single ended prograssive type plan snap gauges(up to
62176 100mm) IS:8023- 1976
Specification for round washers with square hole for wood fastenings IS:803362177 1976
62178 Specification for shallow well hand pumps IS:8035- 1976
62179 Specification for wheel axleassemblies for mine cars IS:8003- 1976
62180 Method of designation of presses IS:8064- 1978
Specification for carbide tips for light cutting operations IS:8065- 1976
Specification for mine cars IS:8066- 1976
Specification for pneumatic impact wrenches IS:8067- 1976
Specification for tab washers IS:8068- 1976
62185 Specification for slotted capstan screws (tommy bolt) IS:8070- 1976
Code for inspection of surface quality of steel castings for valves and
62186 fittings(visual method) IS:8092-1976
Sizes of collars for circular saw blades for woodworking machines IS:809962187 1976
62188 Test chart for woodworking routing machines IS:8107- 1976
62190 Requirements for well screens and slotted pipes IS:8110- 1985
62191 Specification for moped spokes and nipples for spokes IS:8116- 1976
62192 Specification for guide bushes for press tool sets IS:8127- 1976
Test chart for circular tables for machine tools (table diameter up to 630 mm)
62193 IS:8131- 1976
62194 Tolerances for screw threads used in aeronautics IS:8141- 1976
Test chart for manually operated dividing heads for machine tools IS:816562195 1976
62196 Specification for rotary drill bits for drilling principally in coal IS:8166- 1976
62197 Specification for pin vices IS:8177- 1976
62198 Guide for selection of fitment bores for cylinderical shaft ends IS:8192- 1976
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compresses gases IS:8108(Part 1)62199 1984
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compressed gases IS:8198(Part 2)62200 1984
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compresses gases IS:8198(Part 3)62201 1984
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compressed gases IS:8198(Part 4)62202 1984
Specification for cut irons and cap irons fir carpenters wooden bodied bench
62203 planes IS:8200-1976
Specification for carpenter's wooden bodied nose planes without ramshorn
62204 handle IS:8202- 1976
62205 Specification for carpenters' wooden bodied nose palnes IS:8203- 1976
62206 Specification for carpenters' wooden bodied jack planes IS:8204- 1976
62207 Specification for carpenters' wooden bodied try planes IS:8205- 1976
62208 Specification for carpenters' wooden bodied smoothing planes IS:8286- 1976
Sizes for cylinder bores and piston rod diameters for fluid power systems
62209 IS:8208- 1976
62210 Technical supply conditions for carpenters' bodied bench planes IS:8210- 1976
62211 Dimensions of pipe thread runouts and undercuts IS:8217- 1976
62212 Guide for safety procedures in hand operated hand tools IS:8235- 1976
62213 Environmental tests for aircraft equipment l IS:8252(Part 1)- 1976
62214 Environmental tests for aircraft equipment IS:8252(Part 3)- 1978
Guide for preparation of diagrams,charts and tables for electrotechnology part
62215 4:Circuit diagrams IS:8270(Part 4)- 1977
62216 Glossary of aeronautical terms IS:7879(Part 1)- 1975
62217 Glossary of aeronautical terms IS:7879(Part 2)- 1975
62218 Glossary of Aeronautical terms IS:7879(Part 3)- 1975
62219 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms IS:7879(Part 4)- 1980
62220 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms ) IS:7879(Part 5)- 1982
Glossary of Aeronautical and Astronautical terms IS:7879(Part 6 )- 1978
Helical compression springs IS:7906(Part 2)- 1975
Helical compression springs IS:7906(Part 2)- 1975
Helical extension springs IS:7907(Part 2)- 1976
Helical extension springs IS:7907(Part 1 )- 1976
Data for outside design conditions for air conditioning for summer month
62227 IS:7896- 1975
62228 Specification for integral stems for percussive drilling IS:7913- 1975
Glossary of terms and definitions relating to drives using v-belts and grooved
62229 pulleys IS:7923- 1975
62230 Specification for flare nut wrench,double ended flat IS:7939- 1976
62231 Specification for hand vices IS:7958- 1976
Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps,plans and geological crosee
62232 sections IS:7974(Part 1)- 1976
Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps,plans and geological cross
62233 sections IS:7974(Part 2)- 1977
Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps,peans and geological cross
62234 sections IS:7974(Part 3)- 1976
Specification for driving parts for hand-operated square drive socket wrenches
62235 IS:7975(Part 1)- 1976
Specification for driving parts for hand operated square drive socket wrenches
62236 IS:7975(Part 2)- 1976
62237 Specificaion for portable peneumtic rivet cutters IS:7978- 1984
62238 Specifiction for portable pneumatic rivetting hammers IS:7979- 1984
62239 Glossary of Aeronautical and Astronautical terms IS:7879(Part 8)- 1987
62240 Specification for pliers for external circlips IS:7990- 1976
Specification for attachments for hand operated square drive socket wrenches
62241 IS:7991- 1976
62242 Specification for power operated square drive socket wrenches IS:7993- 1976
62243 Dimensions for pneumatic concrete breaker shanks IS:7995- 1978
62244 Specification for driving squares for power socket wrenches IS:7996- 1976
62245 Specification for pliers for internal circlips IS:7989- 1976
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens IS:7739(Part 4)62246 1975
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens IS:7739(Part 6)62247 1975
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens part 7:
62248 magnesium amd its alloys and their examination IS:7739(Part 7)- 1975
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens Part 8: nickel
62249 and its alloys and their examination IS:7739(Part 8)- 1975
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens IS:7739(Part 10)62251 1975
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens IS:7739(Part 11)62252 1976
62253 Code of practice for road gullies IS:7740- 1975
62254 Specification for loudspeakers IS:7741(Part 1)- 1975
62255 Specification for loudspeakers IS:7741 (Part 2)- 1975
62256 Specification for loudspeakers IS:7741(Part 4)- 1977
62257 Specification for loudspeakers IS:7741(Part 3)- 1975
Recommended practice for magnetic particle testing and inspection of steel
62258 forgings IS:7743- 1975
62259 Code of practice for in situ shear test on rock IS:7746- 1975
62260 Specification for variable capacitors IS:7748 (Part 1)- 1975
62261 Specification for slide switches IS:7751 (Part 1)- 1975
62262 Specification for slide switches IS:7751 (Part 2)- 1985
Guide for improvement of power factor in consumers' installations IS:7752
62263 (Part 1)- 1975
62264 Guide for testing single- phase AC and universal motors IS:7572- 1974
Specification for bunched enamelled copper wires with silk covering IS:757662265 1974
62266 Glossary of mining terms(transport) IS:7580- 1975
62267 Specification for radio frequency diathermy apparatus IS:7583- 1974
Specification for cege suspension gear for winding in mines IS:7587(Part 4)62268 1975
Specification for cage suspension gear for winding in mines IS:7587(Part 1)62269 1975
Specification for cage suspension gear for winding in mines part 2:Capples
62270 IS:7587(Part 2)- 1975
Specification for magnetic sound tape recording and reproducing equipment
62271 (cassette type) IS:7594(Part 1)- 1978
Specification for magnetic sound tape recording and reproducing
62273 equipment(cassett) IS:7594(Part 2)- 1979
62275 Specification for wire cloth for general purposes IS:1568- 1970
Specification for capacitors for use in tabular fluorescent,high pressure
mercury and low pressure sodium vapour discharge lamp circuits IS:156962276 1976
62277 Schedules for wrought steels IS:1570 (Part 2)- 1979
62278 Schedules for wrought steels IS:1570(Part-3)- 1979
62279 Schedules for wrought steels IS:1570(Part 5)- 1972
Specification for bituminous compounds for waterproofing and caulking
62281 purposes IS:1580- 1969
62282 Glossary of terms for electrical cables and conductors IS:1591- 1960
62284 Specification for asbestos cement pressure pipes IS:1592- 1960
Metric sizes of copper wires and conductors for electrical purposes IS:159462286 1960
Specification for enamelled round copper wire with high mechanical properties
62287 IS:1595- 1967
Specification for polyethylene insulated cables for working voltages up to and
62291 including 1100 volts IS:1596- 1977
Recommendations for characteristic quantities and designation of hydraulic
62292 fluid power gas loaded accumulators with separators IS:11277- 1985
Specification for feed bar for sewing machines for household purposes
62293 IS:11280- 1985
62294 Specification for jig feet with cylinderical shank IS:11278- 1985
62295 Method for magnetic testing of tv ferrite components IS:11296(Part 2)- 1985
62296 Method for magnetic testing of tv ferrite components IS:11296(Part 3)- 1985
62297 Specification for adjustable clamp support IS:11325- 1985
62298 Requirements for refrigerant condensing units IS:11327- 1985
62299 Specification for self-contained automatic ice makers IS:11328- 1985
Specification for finned type heat exchanger for room air conditioner IS:1132962300 1985
Specification for finned type heat exchanger for room air conditioner IS:1132962301 1985
62302 Specification for refrigeration oil separator IS:11330- 1985
62303 Code of practice for industrial ovens IS:11332- 1985
Specification for oscillating shaft crank for sewing machines for household
62304 purposes IS:11345- 1985
Specification for shuttle driver for sewing machines for household purposes
62305 IS:11347- 1985
62306 Specification for extractor cotter pin IS:11381- 1985
Performance evaluation of braking system of scooters and motorcycles
62307 IS:11716- 1986
Specification for circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment
62308 for frequencies below 3 MHz including DC IS-01 IS:11777(Part 2)- 1986
Specification for circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment
62309 for frequencies below 3 MHz including DC IS:11777(Part 4)- 1986
Specification for circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment
62310 for frequencies below 3 MHz including DC IS-01 IS:11777(Part 6)- 1987
Specification for circular connectors for radio and associated sound equipment
62311 for frequencies below 3 MHz including DC IS:11777(Part 7)- 1987
Specification for circular connectors for radio abd associated sound equipment
for frequencies below 3 MHz including DC part 5: fixed five socket connector
62312 for radio player and tape recorder type 11777 IS-04 IS:11777(Part 5)- 1986
62313 Specification for spoke wrenches for bicycle and moped IS:11847- 1987
Specification for alpha, beta, and alpha-beta contamination maters and
62314 monitors IS:11866- 1987
Specification for portable x or gamma radiation exposure rate maters and
62315 monitors for use in radiological protection IS:11867- 1987
Specification for lubrication and oil seal system for dynamic compressors
62316 IS:11891- 1986
62317 Specification for tapered roller bearings IS:12102- 1987
62318 Code of practice for selection of rotary table feeder IS:12108- 1987
Code of practice for provision of waterstops at transverse contraction joints in
62319 masonry and concrete dams IS:12200- 1987
62320 Dimensions of screw cores made of ferromagnetic oxides IS:7430-1974
Guide for types fo measurements for structures in river valley projects and
62321 criteria for choice and location of measuring instruments IS:7436(Part 1)- 1974
Guide for types of measurements for structures in river valley projects and
62322 criteria for choice and location of measuring instruments IS:7436(Part 2)- 1976
Method of test for acid -insoluble content of copper, and iron powders IS:743862323 1974
Essential ratings and characteristics of analogue integrated circuits
62324 IS:7440(Part 1)- 1974
Essential ratings and characteristics of analog integrated circuits IS:7440(Part
62325 2)- 1974
Essential ratings and characteristics of analogue integrated circuits
62326 IS:7440(Part 3/sec1)- 1976
Essential ratings and characteristics of analogue integrated circuits
62327 IS:7440(Part 3/sec2)- 1977
Essential ratings and characteristics of digital integrated circuits part 1:general
62328 format IS:7441(Part 1)- 1974
Specification for hot rolled steel sections for doors,windows and ventilators
62329 IS:7452- 1982
62330 Specification for portable and mobile troughed belt conveyors IS:7465- 1974
Recommendation for polarity of earth connections and marking of electrical
62331 equipment for automobiles IS:7471- 1974
Dimensions of cross cores (X-Cores) made of ferromagnetic oxides and
62332 associated parts IS:7489- 1974
Criteria for hydraulic design of silt selective head regulator for sediment control
62334 in offtaking canals IS:7495- 1974
62335 Glossary of terms for electrostatic precipitators IS:10919- 1984
Specification for copper foil for use in the manufacture of copper-clad base
62336 material IS:10922- 1984
Technical supply conditions for carbide tipped and solid carbide reamers
62337 IS:10923- 1984
Tables of vickers hardness values for use in tests made on flat surfaces
62338 IS:10927(Part 1)- 1984
Tables of vickers hardness values for use in tests made on flat surfaces
62339 IS:10927(Part 2)- 1984
62340 Representations of time of the day IS:10934- 1983
62341 Representation of ordinal dates IS:10935- 1983
62342 Designation system for tyre tube valves for automotive vehicles IS:10939- 1984
62343 Sizes of dovetail guideways for machine tools IS:10941- 1984
62344 Specification for ferrules IS:10942- 1984
62345 Method of measurement of fuel consumption of mopeds IS:10944- 1983
62346 Code of practice for painting procedure for machine tools IS:10949- 1984
Recommendations for drills for use prior to tapping screw threads IS:1095262347 1984
Specification for welding coupling body for oilhydraulic couplings IS:1095662348 1984
62350 General check list of functions of joints in building IS:10958- 1984
62351 Glossary of terms for sealants for building purposes IS:10959- 1984
62352 Grain sizes for diamond or cubic boron nitride IS:10960(Part 1)- 1984
62353 Grain sizes for diamond or cubic boron nitride IS:10960(Part 2)- 1984
Specification for diagnostic x-ray tube with rotating anode part 2: Type DRA 2
62354 IS:10961(Part 2)- 1984
Specification for diagnostic x-ray tube with rotating anode part 3: Type DRA 3
62355 IS:10961(Part 3)- 1984
Specification for diagnostic x-ray tube with rotating anode IS:10961(Part 4)62356 1984
Specification for diagnostic x-ray tube with rotating anode IS:10961(Part 5)62357 1984
Technical supply conditions for reciprocating air compressors above 60kw
62358 IS:10962- 1984
62359 Specification for valves for aircraft tyre tubes IS:10965- 1984
62360 Dimensions of valve system of aircraft tyre tube valves IS:10966- 1984
62361 Drawing practice for simplified presentation IS:10968- 1984
62362 Guide for the preparation of variant drawings IS:10967- 1984
Specification for single point carbide tipped internal threading tools, IND 3(55
62363 degree or 60 degree) IS:10969- 1984
62364 Specificaton for keps for mine cages IS:10970- 1984
Specification for welding coupling assembly for oil hydraulic systems IS:1097862365 1984
Specification for aerospace bolts and nuts (MJ threads) IS:10980(Part 1)62366 1984
62367 Specification for aerospace bolts and nuts (MJ threads) IS:10980(Part 2)- 1984
62368 Requirements for chlorination equipment IS:10553(Part 4)- 1983
Dimensions for radiographic intensifying screens for medical use IS:1055462369 1983
62370 Specification for paper tape rolls for data processing IS:10557- 1983
62371 Application guide for power transformers IS:10561- 1983
Recommended practice for minimization of electromagnetic interference from
62372 radio frequency heating equipment IS:10564- 1983
Methods of tests for performed fillers for expansion joints in concrete paving
62373 and structural construction IS:10566- 1983
62374 Specification for aluminium bronze rods and bars IS:10569- 1983
62375 Method of testing refractory catables IS:10570- 1983
Method for grading(by size) of phlogopite mica blocks,thins and splittings
62376 IS:9043- 1979
Method of measuring thickness of mica blocks,thins,films and splittings
62377 IS:9044- 1979
62378 Thermal classification of phlogopite mica splittings IS:9045- 1979
Specification for AC contactors for voltages above 1000v up to and including
62379 11000v IS:9046- 1978
Nominal dimensions of cylinderical machined graphite electrodes with threaded
62380 sockets and connecting pins for use in electric arc furnaces IS:9050- 1979
62381 Specification for rheostats IS:9051- 1979
62382 Specification for lubricated cotton gland packings IS:9066-1979
Specification for vitreous integrated squatting pans for marine use IS:907662383 1979
Code of practice for corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in RB abd RCC
62384 construction IS:9077- 1979
62385 Safety requirements in electro-heat installations IS:9080(Part 1)- 1979
Safety requirements in electro-heat installations part 2:Particular requirements
for resistance heating equipment section 1 protection in direct resistance
62386 heating installations IS:9080(Part 2/Sec 1)- 1979
62387 Safety requirements in electro-heat installations IS:9080(Part 3)- 1979
62388 Specification for correction slide for barometers IS:9085- 1979
Code of practice for preservation os bamboos for structural purposes IS:909662389 1979
Guide for laying lining of canals with hot bitumen or bituminous felts IS:909762390 1979
62391 Specification for pure tone audiometers IS:9098- 1979
Code of acceptance test for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps- class B
62392 IS:10981- 1983
General survey, designation and nomenclature of diamond or cubic boron
62394 nitride grinding wheels and saws IS:10986- 1984
Method of measuring noise from machine tools (excluding testing in anechoic
62395 chambers) IS:10988- 1984
Specification for cast or forged steel check valves ( flanged or butt welding
ends) for petroleum, petrochemicals, chemicals and allied industries IS:1098962396 1984
62397 Code of practice for industrial piping diagrams IS:10990- 1984
Specification for high speed tubeless tyres for civil aircraft IS:10992(Part 1)62398 1984
Specification for high speed tubeless tyres for civil aircraft IS:10992(Part 2)62399 1984
Specification for high speed tubeless tyres for civil aircraft IS:10992(Part 3)62400 1984
62401 Specification for certridges for shot guns IS:10994(Part 1)- 1984
62402 Specification for cartridges for shot guns IS:10994(Part 2)- 1984
62403 Specification for cartridges for shot guns IS:10994(Part 3)- 1984
62404 Specification for cartridges for shot guns IS:10994(Part 5)- 1985
62405 Specification for cartridges for shot guns IS:10994(Part 6)- 1985
62406 Specification for cartridges for shot guns IS:10994(Part 7)- 1984
62407 Speciications for cartridges for shot guns IS:10994(Part 8)- 1984
62408 Specification for cartridges for shot guns IS:10994(Part 9)- 1984
62409 Specification for tuning fork IS:10995- 1984
Specification for stop clock with fly- back action IS:10996- 1984
Specification for rail tongs for railways IS:6000- 1971
Specification for tommy bars for box spanners IS:6002- 1971
Specification for trowels for use in foundries IS:6013- 1970
Specification for carbide tipped single point planning tools IS:6075- 1971
Specification for double ended clamps IS:6080- 1985
Specification for plain clamps IS:6081- 1985
Spacification for slotted clamps IS:6082- 1985
Dimensions for 16mm motion picture film IS:6084- 1971
Specification for parallel action flat nose pliers IS:6086- 1971
Specification for cam operated clamps IS:6090 1984
Specification for hexagon socket set screws IS:6094- 1981
62423 Specification for cans for 35mm motion picture films IS:6095- 1971
62424 Dimensions for sprockets for 35mm motion picture projectors IS:6096- 1971
62425 Dimensions for cores for motion picture and magnetic films IS:6097- 1971
62426 Specification for slotted pan head screws IS:6101- 1982
62427 Specification for feed fingers IS:6105- 1971
62428 Specification for aluminium fasteners for building purposes IS:6113- 1970
62429 Specification for slip- joint pliers IS:6118- 1971
62430 Specification for square box wrenches (spanners) IS:6129- 1971
62431 Specification for square tee wrenches (spanners) IS:6130- 1971
Technical requirements for hand operated wrenches (spanners) and sockets
62432 IS:6131- 1971
Specification for gauging members for plain plug gauges, go and no go
62433 members (size range from 1 up to and including 40mm) IS:6137- 1983
Specification for gauging members for plain plug gauges "No go" member (size
62434 range 1 to 30mm) IS:6138- 1971
62435 Specification for single-ended open-jaw adjustable wrenches IS:6149- 1984
Specification for ISO metric screw thread measuring prisms IS:6150- 1971
Valve inspection and test IS:6157- 1981
Specification for thin taper keys and keyways IS:6166- 1971
Specification for thin parallel keys and keyways IS:6167- 1971
Technical supply conditions for screwing taps IS:6171- 1979
62441 Specification for hand taps for pipe threads ,parallel IS:6172- 1971
62443 Specification for nuts taps for ISO metric screw threads,coarse IS:6174- 1971
62445 Dimensions of cathode ray tubes IS:5840(Part 2)- 1970
62448 Dimensions for fitted half couplings IS:6196- 1971
Test chart for vertical boring and turning mills with table diameter up to
62449 1600mm IS:6197- 1971
Guide for selection,installation and maintenance of air compressor plants with
62450 operating pressures up to 10 bars IS:6206- 1985
62451 Method of test for stress relaxtion of gasket material IS:6210- 1979
62452 Specification for phosphors for cathode ray tubes IS:6214- 1971
Macroscopic methods for determination of non-metallic inclusion contents in
62453 wrought steels IS:10138(Part 2)- 1983
Macroscopic mathods for determination of non-metallic inclusion content in
62454 wrought steels IS:10138(Part 3)- 1983
Presentation of raliability,maintainability and availability predictions IS:1013962455 1982
62456 Specification for electronic speed limiters for diesel vehicles IS:10144- 1982
62457 Specification for bamboo supports for camouflaging equipment IS:10145- 1982
Proforma for analysis of unit rate of earthwork used in construction of river
62458 valley projects IS:10160- 1982
Guidelines for utilization and disposal of solid wastes from paper industry
62459 IS:10152-1982
62460 Guidelines for utilization and disposal of fly ash IS:10153- 1982
Methods of analysis of solid wastes(excluding industrial solid wastes) IS:1015862461 1982
62462 Specification for moving coil voltage regulators IS:10161- 1982
Specification for spacers and spacer dampers for twin horizontal bundle
62463 conductors IS:10162- 1982
Recommended methods of tests for the determination of dielectric properties
62464 of insulating materials at frequencies above 300MHz IS:10163(Part 1)- 1982
Method for calibration of standardized test block for verification of scleroscope
62465 hardness testing equipments IS:10166-1982
62466 Method for upsetting test on metallic materials IS:10167- 1982
Recommended practice for preparation of zinc alloy die castings for
62467 electroplating IS:10173-1982
Method for modified erichsen cupping test fior metallic sheet and strip IS:1017562468 1982
Code of practice for control of air pollution in petroleum refineries IS:1017962469 1982
Method for determination of magnetic permeability of iron and steel IS:1018162470 1982
Dimensions and tolerances for hot rolled track shoe sections IS:10182(Part 1)62471 1982
62472 Specification for lumbered synthetic quartz crystal IS:10184- 1982
Recommendations for manual tungsten inert gas arc welding of copper and
62473 copper alloys IS:10186-1982
Specification for synthetic resin bonded glass fibre(SRBGI) sheets for electrical
62474 purposes IS:10192- 1982
62475 Specification for industrial process control valves IS:10189(Part 1)- 1982
Guide for determination of thermal endaurance properties of electrical
62478 insulating materials IS:8504(Part 2)- 1983
62479 Specification for laboratory electrical resistance furnaces IS:8506- 1977
Specification for fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte IS:8507(Part 1)62480 1977
62481 Recommeended practice for hot dip aluminizing of iron and steel IS:8508 1977
Specification for tinned steel wire for banding of armatures and rotors
62482 IS:7510(Part 1 to 3)- 1977
Specification for aluminium alloy wire for cold forged rivets for aircraft
62483 purposes(alloy 55000) IS:8513- 1977
Specification for aluminium alloy wire for cold forged rivets for aircraft
62484 purposes(alloy 24530) IS:8514-1977
Specification for aluminium wire for cold forged rivets for cold forged rivets for
62485 aircraft purposes (alloy 19500) IS:8515- 1977
Methods of test for determining electrolytic corrosion with insulating materials
62486 IS:8516- 1977
Recommendations for design of linear scales and indexes for indicating
62487 instruments to be read to 0.33-1.25 percent resolution IS:8525- 1977
62488 Specification for maximum demand indicators,class 1 IS:8530- 1977
Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000V IS:8544(Part
62489 1)- 1977
Specification for motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000 V
62490 IS:8544(Part 2)-1977
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62491 IS:10124(Part 2)- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62492 IS:10124(Part 3)- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62493 IS:10124(Part 4)- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62494 IS:10124(Part 5)- 1982
Specification for fabricated PVC fittings for potable water supplies
62495 IS:10124(Part 6)- 1982
Specification for fabricated PVC fittings for potable water supplies
62496 IS:10124(Part 7)- 1983
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies part 8:
62497 specific requirements for 90 degree bends IS:10124(Part 8)- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62498 IS:10124(Part 9)- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62499 IS:10124(Part 10)- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62500 IS:10124(Part 9)- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies part 12:
62501 specific requirements for 22 1/2 degree bends IS:10124(Part 12)- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62502 IS:10124(Part 13)- 1982
Guidelines for utilization and disposal of solid wastes rom coal mining and
62503 washery industries IS:10127- 1982
Method of test for materials for use in the preparation of magnesium
62504 oxychloride flooring compositions IS:10132- 1982
62505 Code of practice for drainage system for gravity dams IS:10135- 1982
Code of practice for selection of disc insulator fittings for highest system
62506 voltages of 72.5 kv and above IS:10136- 1982
62507 Guidelines for selection of spillways and energy dissipators IS:10137- 1982
62509 Methods of measurement for hot cathode gas filled tubes IS:10071- 1981
Specification for compaction mould assembly for light and heavy compaction
62510 test for soils IS:10074- 1982
Specification for start relay and overload protector for resistance start induction
62511 run hermetic compressor IS:10075- 1981
Specification for linearity control units used with TV picture tubes
62512 IS:10076(Part 1)- 1981
Specification for equipment for determination of shrinkage factors IS:1007762513 1982
62514 Specification for jolting apparatus used for testing cement IS:10078-1982
Specification for cylindrical metal measures for use in tests of aggregates and
62515 concrete IS:10079- 1982
62516 Specification for vibration machine IS:10080- 1982
Method of test for determination of tensile strength by indirect tests on rock
62517 specimens IS:10082- 1981
62518 Criteria for design of diversion works IS:10084(Part 1)- 1982
62519 Methods for chemical analysis of zircon flour or sand IS:10085- 1982
Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete IS:1008662520 1982
62521 Code of practice for handling of electrostatic sensitive devices IS:10087- 1981
62522 Specification for numericals IS:10090- 1982
62523 Specification for iron oxide powder for use in foundries IS:10091- 1981
Recommendations for inspection,testing and maintenance of radial gates and
62525 their hosts IS:10096(Part 1/Sec 1)- 1983
Recommendations for inspection,testing and maintenance of radial gates and
62526 their hosts IS:10096(Part 2)- 1983
Recommendations for inspection, testing and maintenance of radial gates and
62527 their hosts IS:10096(Part 3)- 1982
General requirements for electric infra-red emitters for heating purposes
62528 IS:10098- 1982
62532 Specification for structural steel (High tensile) IS:961- 1975
Equivalent metric units for scales, dimensions and quantities in general
62533 construction work IS:965- 1963
Specification for lead- acid storage batteries (heavy duty) for motor vehicles
62534 IS:985- 1962
Methods of chemical analysis of solders (soft and rosin cored) IS:998(Part 1)62540 1983
Methods of chemcial analysis of solders (soft and rosin cored) IS:998(Part 2)62541 1983
Methods of chemical analysis of solders (soft and rosin cored) IS:998(Part 3)62542 1983
62543 Fire hazard testing IS:11000(Part 2/Sec 1)- 1984
62544 Fire hazard testing IS:11000(Part 2/Sec 2)- 1984
Specification for holders for indicator lamps for electronic and
62545 telecommunication equipment IS:4795(Part 1)- 1968
Recommendations for mounting dimensions for hydraulic fluid power- single
62546 rod cylinders 160 bar medium series bore 25 to 500mm IS:11003- 1984
Code of practice for installation and maintenance of deepwell hand pumps
62548 IS:11004(Part 1)- 1985
Code of practice for installation and maintenance of deepwell hand pumps
62549 IS:11004(Part 2)- 1984
62550 Specification for flash back arrestor (flame arrestor) IS:11006- 1984
62551 Glossary of terms relating to wood working machines IS:11011- 1984
Technical supply conditions for reciprocating air compressors above 25 and up
62552 to and including 60kw IS:11012- 1984
General safety requirements for machine tools and their operation IS:1101662553 1984
Expression of the properties of cathode ray oscilloscopes IS:11018(Part 2)1984
Specification for razor hone IS:11026- 1984
Definitions of tolerances for rolling bearings IS:11027- 1984
Specification for handle bars for mopeds IS:11028- 1984
Specification for moped seat pillars IS:11030- 1984
Recommendations for storage and handling of inner tubes, tube valves and
62559 flaps for use with pneumatic tyres for automotive vehicles IS:11031- 1984
Specification for endless hexagonal belts for agriculture machinery and groove
62560 section of corresponding pulleys IS:11038- 1984
62561 Specification for binding screws for alpine skis IS:11042(Part 1)- 1984
Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements IS:11050(Part
62562 1)- 1984
62564 Glossary of terms relating to building finishes IS:10403- 1983
Specification for intrinsically safe transformers primarily for bell signaling
62565 circuits IS:10406- 1983
62566 Specification for drums for electric cables IS:10418- 1982
Method of determination of sound absorption coefficient of timber by standing
62567 wave method IS:10420- 1982
Proforma for analysis of unit rate of shuttering/formwork for concrete items
62568 IS:10421- 1983
Specification for personal sound exposure meter IS:10423- 1982
Guide for design and use of printed boards IS:10424- 1982
Specification for multichannel television tuner IS:10425- 1983
Specification for public address amplifiers IS:10426- 1983
Methods of test for covered conductors for electrical equipment IS:10452(Part
62573 2)- 1983
Functional requirements for small foam tender for fire brigade use IS:1046062574 1983
Method for determination of resistance to inter granular corrosion of austentic
stainless steels test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass
(huey test) IS:10461(Part 1)- 1983
Method for determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of austenitic
stainless steels IS:10461(Part 2)- 1985
Fictitious calculation method for determination of dimensions of protective
coverings of cablesIS:10462(Part 1)- 1983
Listening test on loudspeakers IS:10467- 1983
62579 Specification for antipiping compound for foundry IS:10469- 1983
Recommended practice for corrosion prevention in electronic component and
62580 assemblies IS:10471- 1983
62581 Specification for cloud searchlight IS:10473- 1983
Specification for 150-litre capacity chemical fire engine,foam type IS:1047462582 1983
Dimensions for tapers for shaft ends and hubs for fuel injection pumps
62583 IS:10478- 1983
62584 Specification for connectors for printed wiring board IS:10482(Part 1)- 1983
62585 Code for designating perforations of industrial plate sieves IS:10483- 1983
62586 Specification for sand rammer IS:10487- 1983
Specification for apparatus for determining permeability of foundry sands
62587 IS:10498- 1983
62588 Specification for wooden toggles IS:10499- 1983
62589 Specification for lancing pipes IS:10577- 1982
Specification for polyethylene (PE) insulation and sheath of telecommunication
62590 cables IS:10579- 1983
62591 Service conditions for electrical equipment IS:10580- 1983
Methods of test for the determination of IONIC impurities in electrical insulating
62592 materials by extraction with liquids IS:10581- 1983
62593 Specification for equipment for subsurface sounding of soils IS:10589- 1983
Requirements for power driven bucket type sewer cleaning machine IS:1059562595 1983
62596 Purchaer's data sheet for generalpurose dryers IS:8576- 1977
62597 Purchaser's data sheet for rotary vacuum filters IS:8577- 1977
62598 Purchaser's data sheet for pulverizers IS:8578- 1977
62599 Purchaser's data sheet for crystallizers IS:8579- 1977
62600 Supplier's data sheet for vibrating screens IS:8580- 1977
62601 Suplier's data sheet for cooling towers for process industry IS:8581- 1977
62602 Supplier's data shet for basket type centrifuges IS:8582- 1977
Recommenation for centralised lubrication as applied to plant and machinery
62603 IS:8593(Part 1 )- 1977
Recommendations for centralized lubrication as applied to plant and machinery
62604 IS:8593( Part 3 )- 1984
62605 Terminologyfor parameters of stationary steam boilers IS:8595- 1977
62606 Recommended parameters of stationary steam boilers IS:8596- 1977
62607 Specification for flat belt conveyors IS:8597- 1977
62608 Specification for idlers and idler sets for belt conveyors IS:8598- 1977
62609 Recommendations for selection of apron conveyors IS:8599- 1977
62610 Technical supply conditions for milling arbors and accessories IS:8611- 1977
Specification for milling arbors with morse taper and positive drive IS:861262611 1977
Specificaion for stub milling arbors with morse taper and positive drive IS:861362612 1977
62613 Specification for milling arbors with self- release 7/24 taper IS:8614- 1977
62614 Specification for stub milling arbors with self-release 7/24 taper IS:8615- 1977
Specification for stub milling arbors with self- release 7/24 taper and with key
62615 IS:8616- 1977
62616 Specification for stub milling arbors with morse taper and key IS:8617- 1977
62617 Specification for spacing collars for milling arbors IS:8618- 1977
62618 Specification for retaining screw for milling arbors IS:8621- 1977
62619 Specification for bearing collars for milling arbors IS:8619- 1977
62620 Specification for clamping nuts for milling arbors IS:8620- 1977
Technical requirements for loction of boiler installations and boiler house
62621 IS:8633- 1977
62622 Specification for scraper (flight) conveyors IS:8646- 1977
62623 Desogn Creteria for pneumatic conveying systems IS:8647- 1977
62624 Specification for ice axe for mountaineering IS:8648- 1977
62625 Specifiction for tapered adapter sleeves for rolling bearings IS:8656- 1977
62626 Specifiction for tapered withrawal sleeves for rolling bearing IS:8657- 1977
62627 Purchaser's data sheet for vibrating screens IS:8658- 1978
62628 Purchaser's data sheet for basket type centrifuges IS:8659- 1978
62629 Purchaser's Data sheet for vibrator for use with bin and hopper IS:8660- 1978
62630 Suplier's data sheet for cooling towers for process industry IS:8581- 1977
62631 Dimensions for spiral ratchet screwdriver shanks IS:8668- 1977
62632 Dimensions for hexagon drive ends for power tools IS:8669- 1977
62633 Specification for screwdrivers for hexagon insert bits IS:8670- 1977
62634 Specification for nail puller IS:8671- 1977
Specification for flat nose pliers without cutter, short IS:8672- 1977
Specification for farrier's chisels with handle IS:8673- 1977
Dimensions for spiral ratchet screwdriver shanks IS:8668- 1977
Specification for electromagnetic chucks IS:8710- 1978
Capacities and dimensions for gap frame open back presses (inclinable and
62639 non- inclinable) IS:8711- 1978
62640 Specification for fish bolts (cup oval neck bolts) for collieries IS:8721- 1978
62641 Specification for fish bolts with square head for collieries IS:8722- 1978
Dimensions for vibrating conveyors and feeders with rectangular or trapezoidal
62642 trough IS:8723- 1978
62644 Technical supply conditions for generalpurpose gear hobs IS:8731- 1978
62645 Tolerances for single start gear hobs IS:8733- 1978
62646 Specification for single staart gear hobs with axial keyway IS:8732- 1978
62647 Methods of tests for internal combustion engines IS:10000(Part 4)- 1980
62648 Methods of tests for internal combustion engines IS:10000(Part 10)- 1980
Specification for performance requirements for constant speed compression
62649 ignition(diesel) engines for general purposes(up to 20 kw) IS:10001- 1981
Specification for performance requirements for constant speed compression
62650 ignition (diesel) engines for general purposes (above 20 kw) IS:10002- 1981
Specification for performance requirements for compression ignition (diesel)
engines for automotive purposes IS:10003- 1981
Specification for beater addition jointings IS:10008- 1981
Specification for open ended cogged V-belting IS:10022- 1981
Specification for ascenders for mountaineering IS:10023- 1981
Specification for rotating hoks for sewing machines for industrial use IS:1004062656 1981
62657 Glossary of terms for airline technical operations IS:10041- 1981
Symbols for controls, indicators and telltales for scooters and motorcycles
62658 IS:10043- 1981
62659 Specification for dog spikes for mine haulage tracks IS:10046- 1981
Dimensions of end fittings of rear shock absorbers for scooters and
62660 motorcycles IS:10063- 1982
62661 Specification for press working die sets IS:10068(Part 1)- 1982
62662 Specification for press working die sets(plain type) IS:10068(Part 2)- 1982
Specification for gauging members for go and no go screw plug gauges and
screw check plug gauges for ISO metric screw threads (size range above
M120 up to and including M200) IS:10085- 1985
Glossary of terms (and materials of construction)for rotary equipment IS:100921982
Guidelines for selection of tipplers for broad gauge open railway wagons
IS:10095- 1982
Method of test for ferrule type couplings used in oil hydraulic systems IS:101031982
Specification for fittings for cylinder pressure indicators for internal combustion
engines IS:10105- 1982
Supplier's data sheet for rotary dryers IS:10120- 1982
62669 Data sheet for shell and tube type heat exchangers IS:10123- 1982
Dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends for
62670 hydraulic fluid power- positive displacement pumps and motors IS:10129- 1982
62671 Specification for bandsaw blades for woodworking IS:10140- 1982
Mounting dimensions for pneumatic fluid power cylinders, single rod62672 detachable mounting 10 bar series bore 32 mm to 320 mm IS:10143- 1982
Code of practice for installation of stop,tail and turn signal lights for
62674 automobiles IS:10256- 1982
62675 Specification for aluminium foilstock IS:10257- 1987
Specification for voltage dependent resistors (varistors) IS:10249(Part 1)62676 1982
Specification for severities for environmental tests for automotive electrical
62677 equipment IS:10250- 1982
General condition of delivery and inspection of aluminium and aluminium alloy
62678 products IS:10259-1982
Guidelines for design and construction of prestressed rock anchors IS:1027062679 1982
62680 Specification for edison screw lampholders IS:10276(Part 1)- 1982
62681 Specification for edison screw lamp holders IS:10276(Part 2)- 1982
Code of practice for photogeological interpretation and mapping of river valley
62682 project sites IS:10290- 1982
62683 Safety code for dress divers in civil engineering works IS:10291- 1982
Specification for dimensional requirements for rubber sealing rings for C.I.D
62684 joints in asbestos cement piping IS:10292(Part 1)- 1982
Specification for cast iron saddle pieces for service connection form asbestos
62685 cement pressure pipes IS:10299- 1982
Guidelines for installation,maintenance and observation of deformation
62686 measuring devices in concrete and masonry dams IS:10434(Part 1)- 1982
Specification for inverted type cable end boxes for outdoor terminations
62687 suitable for paper insulated cables IS:10435(Part 1)- 1983
62688 Specification for electric frying pans and deep fat fryers IS:10436- 1983
62690 Code of practice for patent glazing IS:10439- 1983
Code of practice for construction of RB and RBC floors and roofs IS:1044062691 1983
Method for determination of apparent density of non free flowing powders
62692 IS:10441- 1982
62693 Specification for earth augers (spiral type) IS:10442- 1983
62694 Glossary of terms relating to water supply and sanitation IS:10446- 1983
62695 Specification for steel sliding shutters (top hung type) IS:10451- 1983
Methods of test for covered conductors for electrical equipment IS:10452(Part
62696 1)- 1983
62698 Methods of sampling steel wires IS:10206- 1982
62699 Methods of sampling grey iron and melleable iron castings IS:10207- 1982
62700 Specification for electroplated coatings of tin lead alloy(solder) IS:10209- 1982
62701 Design criteria of hydraulic hoists for gates IS:10210- 1982
Specification for standard signal generator in the freuqency range 30 mhz to
62702 500 mhz IS:10211(Part 2)- 1982
62703 Methods for sampling bentonite IS:10214-1982
62704 Methods of tests for submerged arc furnaces IS:10215- 1982
Code of practice for coating and wrapping of underground mild steel pipelines
62705 IS:10221- 1982
Specification for IF and RF transformers and inductors(coils) IS:10230(Part 1)62706 1982
62707 Recommendations for general pipeline welding IS:10234- 1982
Specification for taper barrelled delivery spool for covered round electrical
62708 winding wires IS:10031- 1981
62709 Specification for organic no bake binders for use in foundries IS:10032- 1981
Basic requirements for equipment for determining moisture content in foundry
62711 sand IS:10034- 1981
62713 Requirements for sludge dewatering equipment IS:10037(Part 1)- 1981
62714 Requirements for sludge dewatering equipment IS:10037(Part 3)- 1983
Code of practice for site investigations for foundation in gravel boulder deposit
62715 IS:10042- 1981
62716 Code of practice for manufacture of lime based blocks IS:10049- 1981
62717 Method for determination of slake durability index of rocks IS:10050- 1981
Specification for PVC insulated winding wires for submersible motors for 105
62718 degree C operation IS:10051-1981
Specification for electromagnetic interference measuring apparatus and
62721 measurement mathods IS:10052(Part 4)- 1984
Requirements for equipment for jackson candle turbidimeter and determination
62722 of turbidity IS:10053- 1981
Performa for analysis of units rate of excavation of tunnels by cyclic drilling and
62723 blasting IS:10061- 1981
Specification for machine for abrasion testing of coarse aggregates IS:1007062725 1982
Specification for fixed resistors general purpose, low power IS:5786(Part 5)62727 1982
Spesification for fixed resistors,general purpose,low power IS:5786(Part 7)62729 1982
Specification for fixed resistors,general purpose,low power IS:5786(Part 8)62732 1982
62733 Specification for fixed resistors part 9:Resistor type FR 8 IS:5786(Part 9)- 1976
Specification for fixed resistors,general purpose,low power IS:5786(Part 10)62735 1982
Specification for fixed resistors,general purpose,low power IS:5786(Part 12)62736 1982
62737 Technical supply conditions for piston rings for IC engines IS:5791- 1977
62738 Specification for optical bevel protractors IS:5812- 1970
62739 Specification for lancets for use in foundries IS:5824- 1970
Specification for inner wire ropes for automobile control cables IS:5836- 1977
Specification for lineman's pliers IS:6078- 1977
Dimensions of cathode ray tubes IS:5840(Part 1)- 1970
Dimensions of cathode ray tubes IS:5840(Part 3)- 1970
62747 Specification for fluted core cleaners for use in foundries IS:5841- 1970
Code of practice for visual inspection of low pressure welded steel gas
62748 cylinders in use IS:5845- 1984
62749 Specification for socket reamers with parallel shanks IS:5882- 1970
62750 Specification for star (triangular) cutters for use in foundries IS:5850- 1970
Specification for coal cutting tools parrot beak,V and FV faced tungsten carbide
62751 tipped IS:5855- 1982
62752 Specification for taper pin hand reamers IS:5881- 1984
62753 Specification for steel roller conveyors IS:5895- 1985
62754 Specification for socket reamers with morse taper shanks IS:5907- 1970
62755 Specification for machine bridge reamers IS:5919- 1970
62756 Specification for shell reamers IS:5926- 1970
62757 Specification for reduction sleeves 7/24 tapers to morse tapers IS:5927- 1981
62758 Boundary dimensions for thrust ball bearings with flat seats IS:5932- 1970
62759 Tolerances for thrust ball bearings with flat seats IS:5933- 1970
62760 Chamfers and follet radil for rolling bearings IS:5934- 1970
62761 Radial internal clearances in unloaded radial rolling bearings IS:5935- 1970
62762 Specification for arbors with morse taper shanks for shell tools IS:5936- 1981
62763 Specification for single angle sine tables IS:5939- 1970
62764 Specification for compound angle sine tables IS:5943- 1970
Dimension for screw threads for thread forming tapping screws IS:5957- 1970
Specification for sine centres IS:5979- 1970
Specification for bench centres IS:5980- 1970
Specification for sleekers for use in foundries IS:5981- 1970
Specification for spring dowel sleeves (light and heavy patterns) for use in
foundries IS:5988- 1970
Specification for hole mills IS:5989- 1971
Specification for pipe grip pliers IS:5995- 1971
Specification for parallel sided clamp plates IS:5998- 1984
Specification for swing latches IS:5999- 1971
62776 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives IS:10013(Part 1)- 1981
62777 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives IS:10013(Part 2)- 1981
62778 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives IS:10013(Part 3)- 1981
Specification for insulating varnishes containing solvents IS:10026(Part 3/Sec
62782 3)- 1983
Specification for insulating varnishes containing solvents IS:10026(Part3/Sec
62783 4)- 1983
Specification for insulating vernishes containing solvents IS:10026(Part 3/Sec
62784 5)- 1983
Specification for insulating varnishes containing solvents IS:10026(Part 3/Sec
62785 6)- 1983
Specificaion for insulating varnishes containing solvents IS:10026(Part 3/Sec
62786 7)- 1983
Code of parctice for selection, installation and maintenance of transformers
62788 IS:10028(Part 2)- 1981
62790 Methods of measurement of colour television picture tubes IS:10503- 1983
62791 Specification for exothermic feeding aid for foundry IS:10504- 1983
Code of practice for construction of floors and roofs using precast concrete
62792 waffle units IS:10505- 1983
62793 Specification for vee-bee consistometer IS:10510- 1983
Method for determination of asphaltenes in bitumen by precipitation with
62794 normal heptane IS:10511- 1983
62795 Method for determination of wax content in bitumen IS:10512- 1983
62796 Specification for snap flask moulding boxes and jackets IS:10518- 1983
62797 Specification for collapsible gates IS:10521- 1983
62798 Specification for valve guides for internal combustion engines IS:10533- 1983
Method of measurement of airborne noise emitted by gas turbine istallation
62799 IS:10534- 1983
Safety requirements for refrigerators and food freezers for household and
62800 similar purposes IS:10542- 1983
62801 Method for dry powder magnetic particle testing IS:10543- 1983
62802 Specification for medical treatment lamps IS:10550- 1983
Specification for zircon mullite refractories for glass furnace applications
62803 IS:10551- 1983
Specification for buckets to be used in power driven bucket type sewer
62804 cleaning machine IS:10552- 1983
62805 Requirements for chlorination equipment IS:10553(Part 1)- 1983
62806 Requirements for chlorination equipment IS:10553(Part 2)- 1983
62807 Code of practice for thin-walled tube sampling of soils IS:2132- 1972
62809 Specification for standed galvanized steel wire for fencing IS:2140- 1962
62810 Specification for standed galvanized steel wire for fencing IS:2140- 1962
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switchgear and
62812 controlgear IS:2147- 1962
62813 Specification for flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus IS:2148- 1981
62814 Specification for luminaires for street lighting IS:2149- 1970
Specification for rivets for general purposes(below 12mm diameter) IS:215562815 1962
62817 Specification for coolant pumps for machine tools IS:2161- 1962
Method of testing panel type air filters for air conditioning and ventilation
62818 purposes IS:7613- 1975
62819 Specification for portable low speed food grinding machines IS:7603- 1975
Guide for calculation of the effective parameters of magnetic piece parts
62821 IS:7616- 1974
62824 Methods of sampling of plywood IS:7638- 1975
62825 Methods of sampling of asbestos cement products IS:7639- 1975
Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies IS:7634 (Part
62826 1)- 1975
Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies IS:7634 (Part
62827 3)- 1975
Specification for silicone compounds for application of high voltage porcelain
62828 insulators IS:7648- 1975
62829 Specification for manual blowpipes for welding and cutting IS:7653- 1975
62830 Method of spectrographic analysis of aluminium IS:7658- 1975
Reagents and standard solutions for use in chemical analysis of metals, ores
62831 and minerals IS:7659 (Part 1)- 1975
Procedure for basic climatic and durability tests for optical instrumentst
62833 IS:10236(Part 3)- 1982
Procedure for basic climatic and durability tests for optical instruments
62834 IS:10236(Part 5)- 1982
Procedure for basic climatic and durability tests for optical instruments
62835 IS:10236(Part 4)-1982
Procedure for basic climatic and durability tests for optical instruments
62836 IS:10236(Part 6)- 1982
Procedure for basic climatic and durability tests for optical
62837 instrumentsIS:10236(Part 7)- 1983
Procedure for basic climatic and durability tests for optical instruments part
62838 10:Bump test IS:10236(Part 10)- 1985
62839 Specification for DC moters for Aircraft IS:10237- 1982
62840 General requirements for electrical equipment for aircraft IS:10240- 1982
62841 Specification for electrical cables for aircraft IS:10241(Part 1)- 1982
62842 Specification for electrical cables for aircraft IS:10241(Part 2)- 1982
62845 Specification for electrical installations in ships IS:10242(Part 3/Sec2)- 1984
62846 Specification for electrical installations in ships IS:10242(Part 3/Sec3)- 1984
62847 Specification for lift door locking devices and contacts IS:7759- 1975
62849 Specification for steel book cases IS:7761- 1983
Specification for elevated type aerodrome lighting fittings IS:7785 (Part 2)62850 1976
Specification for elevated type aerodrome lighting fittings IS:7785 (Part 3)62851 1976
Schedule properties and availability of stones for construction purposes
62852 IS:7779 (Part 1/Sec1)-1975
Schedule for properties and availability of stones for construction purposes
62853 IS:7779 (Part 1/Sec 2)- 1975
Schedule for properties and availability of stones for construction purposes
IS:7779 (Part 1/Sec3)- 1975
Schedule for properties and availability of stones for construction purposes
IS:7779 (Part 2/Sec1)- 1979
Schedule of propertied and availability of stones for construction purposes
IS:7779 (Part 2/Sec 2)- 1979
Schedule for properties and availability of stones for construction purposes
IS:7779 (Part 2/Sec 3)- 1979
Code of practice for design of cross drainage works part 1: general features
IS:7784(Part 1)- 1975
Specification for elevated type aerodrome lighting fittings IS:7785 (Part 1)1975
Specification for elevated type aerodrome lighting fittings IS:7785 (Part 4/Sec
1)- 1981
Specification for elevated type aerodrome lighting fittings IS:7785 (Part 5/Sec
1)- 1981
62862 Specification for single phase traction power converters IS:7788- 1975
62863 Specification for aluminium alloys for I.C. engine pistons IS:7793- 1975
62864 Specification for quadrature phase- shifting voltage transformers IS:7700- 1975
62865 Specification for standard hydrophone IS:7709- 1975
General requirements and tests for magnetic cores for application in coincident
current matrix stores having a nominal selection ratio of 2:1 and a linear select
memory stores IS:7717- 1974
Recommendations for inspection, testing and maintenance of fixed wheel and
slide gate part 1: insepction, testing and assembly at the manufacturing stage
IS:7718(Part 1)- 1975
Recommendations for inspection, testing and maintenance of fixed wheel and
slide gate IS:7718(Part 2)- 1978
Recommendations for inspection, testing and maintenancs of fixed wheel and
slide gate IS:7718(Part 3)- 1975
Criteria for investigation, planning and layout for barrages and weirs IS:77201975
62871 Analogue pneumatic signals for process control systems IS:7722- 1975
Specification for sand filled protection of electrical equipment for use in
62872 explosive atmospheres IS:7724- 1975
Specification for analogue DC current signals for process control systems
62874 IS:7728- 1984
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens IS:7739(Part 1)62875 1975
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens IS:7739(Part 2)62876 1975
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens IS:7739(Part 3)62877 1975
Code of practice for preparation of metallographic specimens IS:7739(Part 5)62878 1976
Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of buildng elements IS:11050(Part
62879 2)- 1984
Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements IS:11050(Part
62880 3)- 1984
62881 Methods of measurements for television sweep generators IS:11051- 1984
62882 Specification for process pumps IS:11053- 1983
62883 Drawing practice for axonometric projections IS:11065(Part 1)- 1984
62884 Specification for ICE daggers for mountaineering IS:11072- 1984
62885 Specification for expansion bolts for mountaineering IS:11073- 1984
62886 Specification for rope ladders for mountaineering IS:11074- 1984
Specification for radio frequency connectors of BNC, TNC and UHF series
62887 IS:11075(Part 2/Sec 1)- 1984
62888 Glossary of terms for printing machinery IS:11097(Part 1)- 1984
Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction- columns IS:1110762889 1984
Method of determination of seat index point for earth moving equipment
62890 IS:11113- 1985
Definitions of dimensions and symbols for earth moving machinery
62891 IS:11114(Part 1)- 1985
Human physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space
62892 envelope for earth moving machinery IS:11115- 1985
Guidelines for technical evaluation of general purpose parallel lathes with
62893 swing over bed up to 800mm IS:11118- 1984
Technical supply conditions for sliding vane rotary air compressors IS:1111962894 1984
Specification for carbide tipped single point boring tools (arbor mounted type),
62895 IND 4 IS:11120- 1984
Specification for letterpress printing plates and equipment IS:11122(Part 1)62896 1985
Specification for leter press printing plates and equipment IS:11122(Part 3)62897 1984
Specification for letterpress printing plates and equipment part 2: Flat metal
62898 duplicate plates IS:11122(Part 2)- 1984
Specification for letterpress printing plates and equipment IS:11122(Part 4)62899 1984
62900 Specification for holders fr knurling wheels IS:11127- 1984
62901 Specification for steering ball races for mopeds IS:11029- 1984
62902 Specification for ammonia valves IS:11132- 1985
Recommendations for symbols for lubrications appearing in machine tools
62903 IS:11133- 1984
62904 Code of practice for setting out of buildings IS:11134- 1984
Specification for snow dead boy and dead man for mountaineering IS:1113862905 1984
Code of practice for sampling of soils by thin wall sampler with stationary piston
62906 IS:10108- 1982
Recommended peactice for calibration of emulsion for photographic
62907 photometry IS:10113- 1982
Specification for enamelled and varnish bonded glass fibre covered rectangular
62908 copper wires IS:10114- 1982
Code of practice for the selection,installation and maintenance of switchgear
62910 and controlgear IS:10118(Part 2)- 1982
Code of practice for selection,installation and maintenance of switchgear and
62911 controlgear IS:10118(Part 3)- 1982
Code of practice for selection,installation and maintenance of switchgear and
62912 controlgear IS:10118(Part 4)- 1982
62913 Methods of tests for crucible induction furnaces IS:10122- 1982
Specification for fabricated pvc fittings for potable water supplies
62914 IS:10214(Part 1)- 1982
62915 Data for procurement of worm and wormwheels IS:10185- 1982
Recommendations for mounting surfaces for four-port directional control
62916 valves IS:10187- 1982
Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction wing bases for
columns IS:10188- 1982
Specification for car and counterweight guide rails,guide rail supports and
fastenings for lifts IS:10191- 1982
Specification for sandwich belting IS:10213- 1982
Gauging practice for pipe threads where pressure tight joints are not made on
the threads IS:10216- 1982
62921 Specification for descenders (type letter 'E') for mountaineering IS:10220- 1982
62922 Specification for open end V-belts IS:10229- 1982
62923 Method of determination of impact index IS:10247- 1982
62924 Terms,definitions and classification of plain bearings IS:10260(Part 1)- 1982
62925 Terms,definitions and classification of plain bearings IS:10260(Part 2)- 1982
62926 Terms,definitions and classification of plain bearing IS: 10260(Part 3)- 1982
Methods for assesment of circularity error from polar graphs obtained by using
62927 stylus-type form measuring instrument IS:10275- 1982
Guidelines for format and contents of manuals for earth moving equipment
62928 IS:10280- 1982
Code of practice for preservation and storage of earth moving equipment
62929 IS:10303- 1982
Specification for feed rock shaft for sewing machines for household purposes
62930 IS:10304- 1982
Specification for feed lifting rock shaft crank for sewing machines for
62931 household purposes IS:10306- 1982
62932 Specification for cranks and chain wheels for mopeds IS:10323- 1982
Specification for formed asbestos packing rings for high pressure and high
62933 temperature valves IS:10330- 1982
62934 Specification for fuel tap for mopeds IS:10331- 1982
Recommended sizes and capacities for oil expellers (single chamber)
62935 IS:10341- 1982
Test chart for internal cylinderical grinding machines with horizontal spindle
62936 IS:10352- 1982
62937 Specification for box spanners for rail screws IS:7663- 1975
62938 Specification for manual portable grease guns IS:7794- 1984
Limits of sizes for ISO metric trapezoidal nut threads (diameter range 8 to
62939 100mm) IS:7684- 1975
Limits of sizes for ISO metric trapezoidal bolt threads diameter range 8 to
62940 100mm IS:7685- 1975
62941 Specification for reflex reflectors for cycles IS:7699- 1975
Specification for bolster plates for gap frame presses without die cushion
62942 IS:7706- 1975
Specification for bolster plates for gap frame presses with die caushion IS:770762943 1975
62944 Method of sealability test for gasket materials IS:7714- 1975
Limits of sizes for ISO metric trapezoidal nut threads(diameter range 105 to
62945 300mm) IS:7726- 1975
62946 Limits of sizes for ISO metric trapezoidal bolt threads IS:7727- 1975
62947 Dimensions for drip feed lubricators IS:7744- 1975
62948 Dimensions for lubrication holes, grooves and bore reliefs IS:7745- 1975
Method for designation of the microstructure of graphite in cast iron IS:775462949 1975
Specification for projector alignment test film for 35mm motion picture sound
62950 reproducers IS:7791- 1975
Specification for twist drills for jig boring machines IS:7766- 1975
Specification for shell core drills IS:7772- 1975
Holding dimensions for broaching tools IS:7773- 1975
Specification for domed cap nuts IS:7790- 1975
Specification for hexagon nuts with collar IS:7795- 1975
62956 Specification for hand taps for pipe threads, taper IS:7796- 1975
Specification for long shank machine taps with nominal diameter from 3 to
62958 24mm IS:7821- 1975
62960 Specification for twist drills, parallel shank extra long series IS:7823- 1983
Recommended spindle diameters for woodworking machines with rotating
62961 bored tools IS:7228- 1983
62963 Sizes of gravity filling orifices for aircraft IS:7828- 1975
62964 Marking of aircraft gas cylinders IS:7829- 1975
62965 Dimensions of aircraft seat rails and pins IS:7830- 1975
62966 Dimensions of aircraft lubricating nipples IS:7831- 1975
62967 Dimensions for aircraft connections for ground air-conditioning IS:7832- 1975
62968 Technical drawings for glasswear IS:7849- 1983
Gauge allowances and manufacturing tolerances for plain gauges for inside
62969 measurements for ISO fit sizes(nominal size up to 500mm) IS:7859- 1975
62970 Specification for upholstery springs IS:7864(Part 1)- 1975
62971 Specification for rotary drill rods for drilling principally in coal IS:7868- 1975
Gauge allowances and manufacturing tolerances for plain gauges for outside
62972 measurements for ISO fit sizes (nominal size up to 500mm) IS:7876- 1975
Recommendations for modular co-ordination- principles and rules IS:1060062973 1983
Specification for steel globe valves (flanged and butt-welded ends) for
petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries IS:10605- 1983
Specification for straight sided spline hobs IS:10608- 1983
Refrigerants- number designation IS:10609- 1983
Aircraft pressure cabin ground test connections IS:10610- 1983
Specification for steel gate valves (flanged and butt welded ends) for
62978 petroeum,petrochemicals and allied industries IS:10611- 1983
62979 Specification for 4 jaw independent lathe chucks IS:10612- 1983
Specification for hermetic compressors part 1:High temperature application
62980 group IS:10617(Part 1)- 1983
62981 Specification for hermetic compressors IS:10617(Part 2)- 1983
62982 Specification for hermetic compressors IS:10617(Part 3)- 1983
62983 General requirements for aerospace bolts and nuts IS:10682- 1983
Code of identification of ring type needle bearings (including sealed bearings)
62984 IS:10648- 1983
62985 Specification for pressure pins IS:10650- 1983
62986 Specification for hub axle, front, for mopeds IS:10651- 1983
62987 Specification for pedal assembly for mopeds IS:10652- 1983
62988 Specification for hub axle, rear for mopeds IS:10653- 1983
Specification for glass fibre reinforced polyester chemical resistant tanks
62989 IS:10661- 1983
62990 Specification for mechanical multi-disc clutches(wet type) IS:10686- 1983
62991 Method for proving gas tightness of vacuum plants IS:10688- 1983
Minimum dimensions for access openings on earth moving machinery
62992 IS:10689- 1983
62993 General requirements for rims for automotive vehicles IS:10694(Part 1)- 1984
62994 General requirements for rims for automotive vehicles IS:10694(Part 2)- 1983
62995 General reqirements for rims for automotive vehicles IS:10694(Part 3)- 1983
62996 General requirements for rims for automotive vehhiclesIS:10694(Part 4)- 1983
62997 General requirements for rims for automotive vehicles IS:10694(Part 5)- 1983
62998 General requirements for rims for automotive vehicles IS:10694(Part 6)- 1984
62999 General requirements for rims for automotive vehicles IS:10694(Part 7)- 1983
63000 General requirements for rims for automotive vehicles IS:10694(Part 8)-1983
Sizes of drawing sheets (ISO title: Technical drawings-sizes and layout of
63001 drawing sheets) IS:10711- 1983
Presentation of items references on technical drawings (ISO title: technical
63002 drawings- item references) IS:10712- 1983
Scales for use on technical drawings (ISO title: technical drawings- scales)
63003 IS:10713- 1983
General principles of presentation on technical drawings (ISO title: Technical
63004 drawings- general principles of presentation) IS:10714- 1983
63006 Rules for representation of springs on technical drawings IS:10716- 1983
Conventional representation of gears on technical drawings (ISO title:
63007 Technical drawings- conventional representation of gears) IS:10717- 1983
63008 Specification for adjusters for control cables for mopeds IS:11139- 1984
63009 Specification for footrest assembly for mopeds IS:11140- 1984
63010 Specification for ground high speed steel tool bits IS:11143- 1984
Method for determination of deformaation load and breaking load on alpine
63011 skis IS:11144- 1984
63012 Peripheral length checking of thin walled half bearings IS:11145- 1984
Recommendation for bore and rod area ratios for hydraulic cylinders IS:1114663013 1984
63014 Specification for rubber gaskets IS:11149- 1984
63015 Specification for pneumatic tyres for mopeds- diagonal ply IS:11157- 1984
Proportions and dimensions of symbols for geometrical tolerancing used in
63016 technical drawings IS:11158- 1984
Dimensions of non insulated terminal tags for electronic equipment
63017 IS:11162(Part 5)- 1985
Dimensions of non insulated terminal tags for electronic equipment
63018 IS:11162(Part 6)- 1985
Dimensions os non insulated terminal tags for electronic equipment
63019 IS:11162(Part 7)- 1985
Dimensions of non insulated terminal tags for electronic equipment
63020 IS:11162(Part 8)- 1985
Data sheet for aerial ropeway and cableways to be provided to intending
63021 purchaser and user IS:11168(Part 1)- 1985
Recommendations for tool shanks for numerically controlled machine tools
63022 (tool stationary type) part 1: cylindrical shanks IS:11172(Part 1)- 1985
Recommendations for tool shanks for numerically controlled machine tools
63023 (tool stationary type) part 2: prismatic shank IS:11172(Part 2)- 1985
Recommendations for tool shanks 7/24 taper for numerically controlled
machine tools with automatic tool changers (tool rotating type) IS:11173(Part 1)63024 1985
Recommendations for tool shanks 7/24 taper for numerically controlled
machine tools with automatic tool changers (tool rotating type) IS:11173(Part 2)63025 1985
63026 Dimensions of metal lithographic plates IS:11175- 1985
Recommendations for storage and handling of pneumatic tyres for automotive
63027 vehicles IS:11178- 1985
Specification for kellys for direct rotary drilling IS:11180(Part 1)- 1985
Specification for vault doors IS:11188- 1985
Methods of tubewell development IS:11189- 1985
Specification for helmets for mountaineers IS:11207- 1983
Recommendations for parameter definitions and letter symbols for hydraulic
63032 fluid power pumps, motors and integral transmissions IS:11147-1984
63033 Data sheet for selection of front end loaders IS:11249- 1985
Zones of comfort and reach for controls for earth moving machinery IS:1125263034 1985
63035 Method of test for cables IS:10810- 1984
63036 Methodsof test for cables IS:10810 (Part 51)- 1984
63037 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 52)- 1984
63038 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 53)- 1984
63039 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 54)- 1984
63040 Specification for ceramic dielectric capacitors, type 1 IS:10825(Part 2)- 1984
Specification for ceramic capacitors, type 1 IS:10825(Part 3)- 1984
Specification for pad saw IS:10826- 1984
Specification for roving punches IS:10827- 1984
Specification for nylon faced hammers IS:10838- 1984
Specification for jewellers' saw IS:10839- 1984
Specification for front brake control lever for scooters and motorcycles
IS:10841- 1984
Glossary of terms for crushers IS:10843- 1984
Specification for taper pin machine reamers with parallel shanks IS:108511984
Volumetric rating of elvating scrapers IS:10856- 1984
Volumetric rating of dumper bodies IS:10859- 1984
63051 Specification for carpenters' wooden bodied bead planes IS:10860- 1984
63052 Specification for one day alarm clocks IS:10863- 1984
63053 Recommendations for heat exchanger gaskets IS:10864- 1984
63054 Specification for spring bars for watch cases and straps IS:10865- 1984
63055 Data sheet for air-cooled heat exchangers IS:10873- 1983
63056 Specification for felsite grinding media and liner stones IS:10874- 1983
Glossary of terms and material of construction for rotary dryers and coolers
IS:10875- 1983
Specification for buckles for laminated springs for railway roling stock IS:108761984
Specification for flat form springs IS:10878(Part 1)- 1984
Flat form springs IS:10878(Part 2)- 1984
Dimensions of nipples for insert earphones IS:10879- 1984
Specification for single wheel type pipe cutters IS:10883- 1984
Specification for carbide tippes chucking reamers with morse taper shanks
IS:10885- 1984
Specification for carbide tipped chucking reamers with parallel shanks
IS:10884- 1984
Specification for carpenters' vice IS:10886- 1984
Specification for steel wire ropes for winches and ropeways used in forestry
and agriculture IS:10887- 1983
63069 Specification for steel wire ropes for aerial ropeways IS:10891(Part 1)- 1984
63070 Methods of inspection for striaght bevel gears IS:10911- 1984
63071 Specification for brakes for electric passenger and goods lifts IS:10913- 1984
Specification for pneumatic tyres for automotive vehicles IS:10914(Part 1)63072 1984
63073 Terms, definitions and types of twist drills IS:10915- 1984
Dimensions for fixing devices for threaded back covers for watch cases
63074 IS:10363- 1982
Dimensions for crystal and dial opening diameters for watch cases IS:1036663075 1983
Dimensions for crystal and dial openings(shaped or circular) for watch cases
63076 IS:10367- 1983
63077 Specification for lock grip pliers IS:10372- 1982
63078 Specification for poker IS:10375- 1982
63079 Performance requirements of braking system for mopeds IS:10376- 1982
Method of evaluation of acceleration performance of scooters and motorcycles
63080 IS:10407- 1983
63081 Recommendation on nominal strokes for fluid power cylinder IS:10411- 1983
System of designation and marking of single point cutting tools wit carbide tips
63082 IS:10412- 1983
63083 Glossary of terms relating to fluid power IS:10416- 1982
Specification for equal cross coupling assembly for oil hydraulic systems
63084 IS:10417- 1983
Specification for male stud tee body (stud run) for oil hydraulic coupling
63085 IS:10433(Part 1)- 1983
63086 Specification for general purpose plug valves IS:10459- 1983
63087 Glossary of terms for bulk handling equipment IS:10463(Part 2)- 1985
63088 Specification for connectors for printed wiring board IS:10482(Part 2)- 1983
63089 Specification for connectors for printed wiring board IS:10482(Part 4)- 1986
63090 Performance requirements for class 'A' safes IS:10486- 1983
Specification for frame output transformers used with television picture tubes
63091 IS:10488(Part 2)- 1983
63092 Specification for steel dresser for abrasive wheels IS:10489- 1983
Specification for breech loading shot guns,single and double barrel IS:1049063093 1983
Specification for muzzle loading shot guns, single and double barrel IS:1049163094 1983
Specification for split taper socket for tools with parallel shank and driving
63095 tenon IS:10514- 1983
63096 Specification for diamond abrasive circular segmental saws IS:10519- 1983
63097 Specification for radio drive cords IS:10544(Part 2)- 1983
63098 Specification for radio drive cords IS:10544(Part 3)- 1983
Specification for split taper sockets for tools with parallel shank, driving square
63099 and driving tenon IS:10571- 1983
63100 Methods of sampling for pumps IS:10572- 1983
Dimensions for modular units for machine tool construction-wing bases for
63101 slide units IS:10576- 1983
63102 Terminology for screw threads IS:10587- 1983
Tables of brinell hardness values os use in tests made on flat surfaces
63103 IS:10588- 1983
63104 Specification for segmental saws for cold sawing IS:10591- 1983
Code of practice for selection,installation,operation and maintenance of pumps
63105 for industrial applications IS:10596(Part 1)- 1983
Code of practice for selection,installation,operation and maintenance of pumps
63106 for industrial applications IS:10596(Part 3)- 1983
Code of practice for selection,installation,operation and maintenance of pumps
63107 for industrial applications IS:10596(Part 4)- 1983
Classification of imperfections in metallic fusion welds, with explanations
63108 IS:10793- 1983
63109 Recommended pumping systems for agricultural IS:10804- 1984
Specification for foot valves for centrifugal pumps for agricultural purpses
63110 IS:10805- 1984
63111 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 0)- 1984
63112 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 1)-1984
63113 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 2)- 1984
63114 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 3)- 1984
63115 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 4)- 1984
63116 Methods of test for cablesIS:10810(Part 5)- 1984
63117 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 6)- 1984
63118 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 7)- 1984
63119 Method of test for cables IS:10810(Part 8)- 1984
63120 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 9)- 1984
63121 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 10)- 1984
63122 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 11)- 1984
63123 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 12)- 1984
63124 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 13)- 1984
63125 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 14)- 1984
63126 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 15)- 1984
63127 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 18)- 1984
63128 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 19)- 1984
63129 Method of test for cables IS:10810(Part 20)- 1984
63130 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 21)- 1984
63131 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 22)- 1984
63132 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 23)- 1984
63133 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 24)- 1984
Methods of test for cables part 25: Conductivity of water extract test of
63134 insulating paper IS:10810(Part 25)- 1984
63135 Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 26)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 27)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 28)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 29)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 30)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 31)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 32)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 33)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 34)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 35)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 36)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 37)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 38)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 39)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 40)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 41)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 42)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 43)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 44)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 45)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 46)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 47)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 48)- 1984
Methods of test for cables IS:10810(Part 49)- 1984
Method of indicating surface texture on technical drawings (ISO title: Technical
63160 drawings- method of indicating surface texture on drawings ) IS:10719- 1983
Datum and datum systems for geometrical tolerancing on technical drawings
(ISO title: Technical drawings-geometrical tolerancing- datums and datum63162 systems for geometrical tolerances) IS:10721- 1983
63163 Graphical synbols for elements of kinematic diagrams, IS:10722(Part 1)- 1983
Graphical symbols for elements of kinematic diagrams, part 2(ISO title:
63164 Kinematic diagrams-graphical symbols- Part 2) IS:10722(Part 2)- 1983
63165 Graphical symbols for kinematic diagrams IS:10722(Part 3)- 1983
63166 Purchaser's data sheet for gauge glasses for pressure vessels IS:10732- 1983
25 Pin DTE DCE interface connector and pin assignments for data
communication (ISO title: Data communication- 25 pin DTE/DCE interface
63167 connector and pin assignments) IS:10735- 1983
37- Pin and 9-pin DTE/DCE interface connectors and pin assignments for data
communication (ISO title: Data communication-37-pin and 9-pin DTE/DCE
63168 interface connectors and pin assignments IS:10736- 1983
15 Pin DTE/DCE interface connector and pin assignments for data
communication (ISO title: Data communication- 15 pin DTE/DCE interface
63169 connector and pin assignments IS:10737- 1983
Specification for an interface system for programmable measuring
63170 instruments(Byte serial, bit parallel) IS:10767(Part 2)- 1983
Methods of measuremenr of the eletroacoustical characteristics of hearing aids
63171 IS:10776(Part 2)- 1984
Specification for reference coupler for the calibration of earphones used in
63172 audiometry IS:10779- 1984
Specification for reference coupler for the measurement of hearing aids using
63173 earphones coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts IS:10781- 1984
63174 Classification and terminology of stitch types used in seams IS:10789- 1983
63175 Specification for control cable assembly for mopeds IS:10791- 1983
63176 Specification for electrical controls for household appliances IS:7153- 1973
Methods of measurement for cylinder,tube and screw cores of magnetic oxides
63177 IS:9333- 1979
63178 Layout of numeric keyboard for elctronic calculators IS:9306- 1979
63179 Specification for processed disk records IS:9305- 1979
Basic environmental testing procedures for elctronic and electrical items t
63180 IS:9000(Part 6)- 1978
63181 Technical supply conditions for steel castings IS:8800-1978
Specification for filter units for electromagnetic interference suppresion IS:888063182 1978
Specification for cast iron screw down stop valves and stop and check valves
63184 for water works purposes IS:9338- 1979
Specification for polyethylene insulated and PVC sheathed(heavy duty) electric
63185 cables IS:5959(Part 1)- 1970
Specification for polyethylene insulated and PVC sheathed (heavy duty) electric
63186 cables IS:5959(Part 2)- 1970
Code of practice for selection of switches(voltage not exceeding 1000 V)
63187 IS:5987- 1970
Code of practice for use of metal arc welding in tubular structures IS:622763190 1971
63192 Method of reverse bend testing of copper and copper alloy wire IS:6878- 1973
63193 Methods of tests for high pressure mercury vapour lamps IS:7023- 1973
Code of practice for construction of clarifier- digester for treatment of sewage
63194 IS:8403- 1977
63195 Dimensions for rewirable fuses up to 650 v IS:8724- 1978
Specification for slotted countersunk head and slotted raised countersunk head
63196 screws, small head series(Dia 1.6 to 6mm) IS:5308- 1969
63197 Specification for fine silver ingot IS:5320- 1969
63198 Specification for hot dip galvanized coatings on fasteners IS:5358- 1969
Method for determination of specific gravity of iron ores, pellets and sinters
63199 IS:5483- 1969
63200 Guide for selection of linings for canals IS:5331- 1969
Specification for polyester film dielectric capacitors for direct current IS:536163201 1969
Measurement of air flow of compressors and exhausters IS:5538(Part 1)63202 1969
Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy rivet stock for cold forged
63203 rivets for aircraft purposes IS:5902- 1970
63204 Specification for high voltage expulsion fuses and similar fuses IS:5792- 1970
Specification for aluminium and aluminium-mangese alloy sheet and strip for
63205 aircraft purposes IS:5909- 1970
Specification for air drying and antitracking insulating varnishes for electrical
63207 purposes IS:8246- 1976
Specification for test chambers of non- injection type for constant relative
63208 humidity IS:8145- 1976
63210 Code of practice for electrical wiring installations in hospitals IS:7733- 1975
Functional requirements for flame resistant and heat resistant suits IS:761263211 1974
63212 Specification for bright bars ( standard quality) IS:7270- 1974
63213 Tests for magnetic properties of ferrite aerial rods IS:7431(Part 2)- 1976
63214 Tests for magnetic properties of ferrite aerial rods IS:7431(Part 1)- 1974
63215 Specification for bright bars ( ordinary/commercial quality) IS:7271- 1974
Code of practice for immersed ultrasonic testing by the reflection method using
63216 pulsed longitudinal waves IS:7281- 1974
Specification for seamless high carbon steel cylinders for permanent and high
63217 pressure liquefiable gases IS:7311- 1974
63220 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part-11)- 1965
63223 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 6)- 1965
63224 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 1)- 1962
63225 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 2)- 1962
63226 Specification for cotton covered rectangular copper conductors IS:2068- 1962
63227 Grephical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032(Part 4)- 1964
63229 Equivalent metric units for quantities in mechanical engineering IS:1926- 1961
Specification for portable fire extinguisher, water type (bucket pump) IS:192463230 1973
63231 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 13/Sec 1)- 1968
63232 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 32)- 1972
63233 Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part-2)- 1961
63235 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 3)- 1963
63236 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 4)- 1963
63237 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 5)- 1964
63238 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 7)- 1964
63239 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 9)- 1964
63240 Allowable deviations for dimensions without specified tolerances IS:2102- 1969
Recommendations for machining deviations for dimensions without specified
63242 tolerances IS:2102- 1962
Recommendations for machining deviations for dimensions without specified
63243 tolerances IS:2102- 1962
Specification for carbon steel black bars for production of machined parts for
63244 general engineering purposes IS:2073- 1970
63246 Method of impulse voltage testing IS:2070- 1962
63247 Method of impulse voltage testing IS:2070- 1962
63248 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 10)- 1965
63249 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 10)- 1965
63250 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part-11)- 1965
63252 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 14)- 1966
63253 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 8)- 1964
63254 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 7)- 1964
63255 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 12)- 1965
63256 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 12)- 1965
63257 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 6)- 1965
63258 Specification for 15- ampere tumbler switches IS:2120- 1963
Environmental tests for electronic and electrical equipment IS:2106 (Part 18)63259 1973
Environmental tests for electronic and electrical equipment IS:2106(Part 13)63260 1973
Environmental tests for electronic and electrical equipment IS:2106 (Part 16)63261 1971
63262 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 15)- 1966
63263 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 15)- 1966
63264 Environmental tests for electronic equipment IS:2106 (Part 14)- 1966
Recommendations for providing first aid fire fighting arrangements in public
63265 buildings IS:2217- 1982
63266 Dimensions for milling cutters IS:1831- 1961
63267 Sizes for general purpose lathes IS:2392- 1963
Specification for precision hexagon bolts,screws,nuts and lock nuts(Diameter
63272 range 1.6 to 5 mm) IS:2389- 1968
Recommendation for modular coordination applied to RCC framed structures
63274 IS:2375- 1963
Code of practice for electrical wiring installations (System voltage exceeding
63276 650 volts) IS:2274- 1963
63277 Specification for lamps for flashlights IS:2261- 1975
63278 Specification for reamers IS:1836- 1961
63279 Specification for electrical apparatus comprising resistors IS:1565- 1966
63280 Specification for electrical apparatus comprising resistors IS:1565- 1966
63281 Specification for eletcrical apparatus comprising resistors IS:1565- 1966
63282 Specification for metal clad switches IS:1567- 1960
63285 Specification for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring IS:1653- 1972
Specification for paper- covered rectangular copper conductors for transformer
63286 windings IS:1666- 1961
Specification for paper- covered rectangular copper conductors for transformer
63287 windings IS:1666- 1961
Method for simple bend testing of steel sheet and strip less than 3mm thick
63288 IS:1692- 1974
Method for modified erichsen cupping test for steel sheet and strip IS:175663289 1974
Specification for alternating cuurent isolators(Disconnectors) and earthing
63290 switches IS:1818- 1972
Recommendations for general requirements of public addreaa amplifiers
IS:1819- 1961
Specification for ac motor starters of voltage not exceeding 1000 volts IS:18221967
Code for type testing of constant speed internal combustion engines for
general purposes IS:1600- 1960
Code for type testing of constant speed internal combustion engines for
general purposes IS:1600- 1960
Code for type testing of constant speed internal combustion engines for
general purposes IS:1600- 1960
Code of type testing of veriable speed internal combustion engines for
automotive purposes IS:1602- 1960
Code for type testing of variable speed internal combustion engines foe
automotive purposes IS:1602- 1960
Code for type testing of variable speed internal combustion engines foe
automotive purposes IS:1602- 1960
Specification for performance of variable speed internal combustion engines
for automotive purpose IS:1603- 1960
Specification for performance of variable speed internal combustion engines
for automotive purpose IS:1603- 1960
Code of practice for preparation of lime morter for use in buildings IS:16251971
Specification for performance of variable speed internal combustion engines
for automotive purpose IS:1603- 1960
Rules for grading of cut sizes of timber IS:1629- 1960
63308 Specification for paper-insulated cables for use in mines IS:1027- 1968
Specification for hot rolled mild steel and medium tensile steel deformed bars
63309 for concrete reinforcement IS:1139- 1966
Recommendations for modular co-ordination of dimensions in the building
63310 industry IS:1233- 1958
Recommendations for modular co-ordination of dimensions in the building
63311 industry IS:1233- 1969
63312 Code of building byelaws IS:1256- 1958
63313 Code of building byelaws IS:1256- 1958
Specification for covered electrodes for the metal arc welding of high tensile
63315 structural steel IS:1442- 1964
Tests and general requirements for IF transformers and RF coils IS:151263317 1969
63323 Code of practice for preservation of timber IS:401- 1961
63324 Code of practice for preservation of timber IS:401- 1967
63325 Specification for chisels IS:402- 1964
63326 Specification for rolled brass plate, sheet, strip and foil IS:410- 1967
Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel
63329 wire for concrete reinforcement IS:432(Part 2)- 1966
63334 Specification for hasps and staples IS:363- 1970
63358 Specification for parliament hinges IS:362- 1975
63359 Specification for galvanized steel sheets( plain and corrugated) IS:277- 1969
63360 Specification for shovels IS:274(Part 1&2)- 1966
63361 Methods for chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 13)- 1982
Specification for ordinary rapid- hardening and low heat portland cement
63363 IS:269- 1958
Specification for galvanized steel wire for telegraph and telephone purposes
63366 IS:279- 1972
63367 Specification for mild steel wire for general engineering purposes IS:280- 1962
Specification for tower bolt IS:204- 1974
Specification for non-ferrous metal butt hings IS:205- 1966
Specification for structural steel (standard quality) IS:226- 1969
Code of practice for preservation of timber IS:401- 1954
Methdos for chemical analysis of steels part 1: determination of carbon by
volumetric method (for carbon >=0.1 percent ) IS:228(Part 1)- 1972
Specification for tower bolts IS:204- 1966
Specification for soft solder IS:193- 1977
Specification for soft solder IS; 193- 1966
Specification for plywood for general purposes IS:303- 1960
Specification for rubber and canvas conveyor and elevator belting IS:19811961
Specification for rubber and canvas conveyor and elevator belting IS:18911961
Code of practice for manufacture of lime in vertical mixed feed type kilns
IS:1861- 1961
Dimensions for angle sections with legs of unequal width and thickness
IS:1864- 1963
Specificaion for Boiler rivets IS:1928- 1961
Specification for carbon steel billets, blooms, slabs and bars for forgings
IS:1875- 1971
63430 Specification for metal shelving racks (adjustable type) IS:1883- 1966
63439 Schedule of unit weights of building materials IS:1911- 1961
63440 Schedule of unit weights of building materials IS:1911- 1961
63441 Code of practice for structural safety of buildings: masonry walls IS:1905- 1961
63442 Code of practice for structural safety of buildings: masonry walls IS:1905- 1961
Code of practice for structural safety of buildings: foundations IS:1904- 1986
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 3/Sec1)- 1965
Electrotechnical vocabulary IS:1885(Part 3/Sec1)- 1965
Conversion tables for ordinary use IS:1020- 1957
63496 Code of practice for fire safety of non industrial buildings IS:2406- 1963
Specification for reduction sleeves and extension sockets for morse tapers
63497 IS:2608- 1964
Specification for air- break isolators for voltages not exceeding 1000 volts
63498 IS:2607- 1967
63499 Specification for bright bars for threaded components IS:2517- 1963
Specification for well glass lighting fittings for use underground in mines
63501 IS:2493- 1963
63502 Specification for suction hose of rubber for fire services IS:2410- 1963
Specification for low carbon steel cylinders for the storage and transportation of
63503 liquefiable gases IS:2872- 1967
63504 Specification for electric saucepans IS:3482- 1966
63506 Specification for polystrene wall tiles IS:3463- 1966
Code of practice for measurement of civil engineering wors IS:3385(Part 1)63507 1965
63509 Specification for paper-covered round copper conductors IS:3454- 1966
Code of practice for measurement of civil engineering works IS:3385(Part 1)63510 1965
Tests and generalrequirements for audio frequency transformers and chokes
63511 IS:3289- 1965
63514 Methods of mesurements on microphones IS:2748- 1964
63516 Specification for parallel keys and keyways for machine tools IS:2710- 1964
Specification for enamelled round copper wire for elevated temperatures
63518 IS:2659- 1964
Recommendation for type approval and sampling procedures for electronic
63519 components IS:2612- 1965
Recommendation for type approval and sampling procedures for electronic
63520 components IS:2612- 1965
63521 Specification for quartz crystal uits used in oscillators IS:2916(Part 4)- 1972
63522 Specificaion for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:2916( Part 3)- 1972
63523 Specificaion for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:2916 ( Part 2)- 1972
63524 Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:2916( Part 1)-1969
63525 Specification forquartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:2916(Part 6)- 1972
63526 Specification forquartz units used in oscillators IS:2916(Part 5)- 1972
63527 Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:2916(Part 8)- 1976
63528 Specification for drums for trolley and contact wire IS:2889- 1964
63529 Specification for quartz crystal units used in oscillators IS:2916(Part 10)- 1977
63531 Specification for fixed carbon film resistors type 2 IS:2903- 1964
63532 Specification for quartz crystal uints used in oscillators IS:2916(Part 9)- 1976
63536 Code of practice for climate proofing of electrical equipment IS:3202- 1965
63538 Classification of bricks IS:3102- 1965
Specification for thermoplastic insulated weatherproof cables IS:3935(Part 2)63540 1965
Specification for thermoplastic insulated weatherproof cables IS:3035(Part 2)63541 1965
63542 Specification for bentonite for use in foundaries IS:3021- 1965
63543 Specification for non-wire-wound variable resistors IS:2934(Part 1)- 1964
Specification for copper conductors in insulated cables andcords IS:298263544 1965
Specification for non wire wound variable resistors (Potentiometers) type 2
63545 IS:2934(Part 1)- 1964
Specification for thermoplastic insulated weatherproof cables IS:3035(Part 2)63546 1965
63547 Specification for underground fire hydrant, double value type IS:936- 1965
63549 Specification for 1800-1/min motor fire engine IS:945- 1966
Marking and arrangement for switchgear bus-bars, main connections and
63551 auxiliary wiring IS:375-1963
63552 Specification for rubber insulated cables IS:434(Part 1)- 1964
63554 Specification for rubber insulated cables IS:434(Part 2)- 1964
Specification for enamelled high- conductivity annealed round copper wire
63555 (oleo- resinous enamel) IS:449- 1962
63557 Specification for cotton covered round copper conductors IS:450- 1964
Specification formains transformers for electronic equipment IS:591- 1964
Specification for twist drills IS:599- 1960
Specification for ac electricity meters IS:722(Part 4)- 1966
Specification for ac electricity meters IS:722(Part 4)- 1966
63565 Specification for varnished cambric insulated cables IS:693- 1965
63566 Specification for center drills IS: 664- 1963
63573 Functional requirements for 1350-1/min small fire engine IS:938- 1973
63574 Specification for electro-enchphalograph (EEG) IS:11302(Part 1)- 1985
Method for conducting pull out test on anchor bars and rock bolts IS:1130963575 1985
Methods for quanitative description of discontinuities in rock masses part 1:
63576 orientation IS:11315(Part 1)- 1987
Method for the quantitative descriptions of discontinuities in rock masses
63577 IS:11315(Part 11)- 1985
63578 Specification for graphite for graphite crucibles IS:11321- 1985
Method for partial discharge measurement in instrument transformers
63579 IS:11322- 1985
Specification for flameproof dry type transformers for use mines IS:1133363580 1985
Guidelines for iron hardened iron ore pellets for iron making in blast furnaces
63581 IS:11336- 1985
Method for measuring the apparent specific gravity and the porosity of iron ore
63582 pellets IS:11348- 1989
Specification for oscilloscopes and peak voltmrters for impulse test IS:1134963583 1985
Specification for smoke detectors for use in automatic electrical fire alarm
63584 system IS:11360- 1985
63585 Method for macroetch test of wrought steel products IS:11371- 1985
63586 Specification for scintillation counters IS:11393- 1985
Specification for alternating current precision kilowatt- hour meters of glass 0.5
63587 for testing purposes IS:11426- 1985
Specification for low frequency, threaded coupling, circular connectors
63588 IS:11778(Part 1)- 1987
63589 Specification for electric steam cookers IS:11879- 1986
Specification for piezoelectric ceramic trilaminate elements used in
phonograph pick- ups, ultrasonic transducers and similar devices IS:1188063590 1986
63591 Methods of measurements for multi channel television tuners IS:11975- 1987
63592 Specification for Direct Current resistive volt ratio boxes IS:11212- 1985
Coded markings of values of capacitance and resistance by letters and digits
63593 IS:4114- 1967
Specification for brass bars, rods and sections suitable for forging IS:348863596 1966
63599 Specification for load bearing lightweight concrete blocks IS:3590- 1966
63600 Methods of measurements on hearing aids IS:3641- 1976
63601 Boundary dimensions for tapered roller bearings IS:3697- 1966
Specification for connectors for frequencies below 3 Mc/s IS:3826 (Part 1)63603 1966
63604 Specification for sound level meters for general purpose use IS:3932- 1966
Specification for sound level meters for the measurement of noise emitted by
63605 motor vehicles IS:3931- 1966
Specification for cold rolled carbon steel strip for general engineering purposes
63606 IS:4030- 1973
63607 Code of practice for fixing of polystyrene wall tiles IS:4112- 1967
63608 Specification for mould steels IS:4430- 1979
Specification for multiple paper- covered round copper conductors IS:471863609 1968
63610 Specification for rubber- insulated cables for mines IS:4817- 1968
Specification for foam compound for producing mechanical foam for fire
63612 fighting IS:4989- 1974
63614 Specification for plain plug gauges IS:3484- 1966
63618 Specification for shell and tube type heat exchangers IS:4503- 1967
Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings IS:532963621 1983
63622 Code of practice for installation of septic tanks IS:2470(Part 2)- 1985
Code of basic requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation IS:117263623 1971
63624 Indian Standard code practice for steel bridges IS:1915- 1961
63625 Code of practice for steel bridges IS:1915- 1961
Code of practice for selection installation and maintenance of domestic water
63626 meters IS:2401- 1973
63627 Code of practice for installation of septic tanks IS:2470(Part 1)- 1985
63628 Specification for caulking lead IS:782- 1978
63630 Code of practice for domestic hot water installations IS:7558- 1974
63631 Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement pressure pipes IS:6530- 1972
Code of practice fir ancillary structures in sewerage system IS:4111(Part 1)63632 1967
Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system IS:4111(Part 3)63633 1967
63634 Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes IS:3114- 1985
Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of sluice valves
63635 IS:2685- 1971
63637 Code of practice for laying of glazed stoneware pipes IS:4127- 1983
Method for determination of fastness of dyestuffs to metals in the dyebath :
63641 chromium salts IS:1962- 1961
Specification for portable chemical fire extinguishers, chlorobromomethane
63642 type IS:1933- 1961
63643 Specification for screwing taps IS:1988- 1962
63644 Code of practice for general Engineering Drawings IS:695- 1972
63645 Code of practice for general engineering drawings IS:696- 1960
63647 Code of practice for general engineering drawings IS:696- 1972
63649 Specification for A C mains-operated community radio receivers IS:706- 1955
General requirements and tests for pressure unit operated horn loudspeaker
63652 systems IS: 1032- 1957
General requirements and tests for direct radiator moving coil loudspeaiers
63653 IS:1033- 1957
Specification for loudspeaker systems for community radio receivers IS:103463654 1957
Specification fro 6- vot accumulator -operated community radio receivers
63655 IS:1036- 1957
Methods for measurement of flow of water in open channels using notches
63656 weirs, and flumes IS:1193- 1959
Methods for test for determination for free lime in portland cement IS:129863657 1958
63658 Methods of test for determinationof free lime in portland cement IS:1298- 1958
63659 Defination of MICA terms IS:1174- 1957
Specification for single pole 5-ampere tumbler switches for AC/DC IS:108763661 1957
Specification for self-contained breathing ,appartus for fir ,brigade UseIS:191063663 1961
63665 Method for vickers hardness test for light metals and their alloys IS:1810- 1961
Specification for performance of constant speed internal combustion engines
63668 for general purposes IS:1601- 1960
Specification for performance of constant speed internal combustion engines
63670 for purposes IS:1601- 1960
63671 Specification forsingle cylinder fuelinjection pumps IS:1543- 1964
Specification for transformers used in vibrator power supplies IS:1496- 1959
Specification for cable laid coir rope IS:1412- 1959
Specificarion for shroud-laid coir rope IS:1411- 1959
Specification for shroud- laid sisal rope IS:1371- 1958
63677 Technical supply coditions for threaded fasteners IS:1367- 1961
Dimensions for screw threads for general purposes (diameter range 1.6 to
63678 39mm) IS:1362- 1962
63679 General plan for metric screw threads with ISO profile IS:1330- 1958
63680 General plan for metric screw threads with ISO profile IS:1330- 1958
63681 Methods of measurements on audio amplifiers IS:1302- 1958
Code of safety requirements for electric mains- operated audio amplifiers
63682 IS:1301- 1958
Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish IS:2114- 1984
Code of practice for flat finish: mud phuska IS:2115- 1965
Code of practice for flat roof finish mud phuska IS:2115- 1980
Specification for sand for masonry mortars IS:2116- 1965
Guide for manufacture of hand made common burnt clay building bricks
IS:2117- 1975
Code of practice for construction of jack arch type of built up floor or roof
IS:2118- 1962
Code of practice for construction of brick cum concrete composite (Madras
terrance) floor or roof IS:2119- 1962
Specification for conductors and earth wire accessories for overhead power
lines IS:2121 (Part 2)- 1981
Code of practice for selection, storage, installation and maintenance of belting
63691 for power transmission IS:2122 (Part 1)- 1973
63695 Specification for rolled steel beam, channel and angle section IS:808- 1957
63703 Specification for fixing accessories for corrugated sheet roofing IS:730- 1956
63704 Specification for rolled steel beam, channel and angle sections IS:808- 1952
63705 Specification for prestressed concrete pipes IS:784- 1959
63712 Specification for building limes IS:712- 1964
Specification for sluice valves for water works purposes (50 to 300mm sizes)
63718 IS:780- 1969
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, wire (for general
63720 engineering purposes) IS:739- 1966
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, sheet and strip (for
63721 general engineering purposes) IS:737- 1965
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, bars, rods and
63722 sections (for general engineering purposes) IS:733- 1967
63723 Specification for water meters (domestic type) IS:779-1965
Specification for gunmetal gate, globe and check valves for water, steam and
63725 oil only (not intended for use in petroleum industry) IS:778- 1964
Specification for flushing cisterns for water closets and urinals( valveless
63728 siphonic type) IS:774- 1971
Specification for drawer locks, cupboard locks and box locks IS:729- 1969
Code of practice for general engineering drawings IS:696- 1960
Code of practice for general engineering drawings IS:696- 1972
Code of practice for general engineering drawings IS:696- 1972
Specification for natural and manufactured aggregates for use in mass
concrete IS:515- 1959
Basic climatic and mechanical durability tests for electronic components IS:5891961
Specification for tensile testing of metals IS:497- 1953
Inch -millimeter conversion for industrial use IS:3- 1949
Specification for tenslie testing of metals IS:223- 1950
63752 Specification for principles of mechanical guarding of machinery IS:9474- 1980
ISI Handbook of Quantities, conversion factors, formule and tables
ISI Handbook for Structural engineers
ISI Handbood for Structural Engineers
ISI Handbook for Structural Engineers
ISI Handbook for Structural Engineers
63762 ISI Handbook of Quantities, conversion factors, formule and tables
63763 ISI Handbook for Structural engineers
63764 ISI Handbook for Structural Engineers
63765 ISI handbook of quantities, conversion factors, formulae and tables
63766 ISI Handbook of Quantities, conversion factors, formule and tables
63767 ISI Handbook of Quantities, conversion factors, formule and tables
63769 ISI Handbook of Quantities, conversion factors, formule and tables
63771 ISI Handbook of Quantities, conversion factors, formule and tables
63774 Specification for line pipe IS:1978- 1982
Code of practice for design, fabrication and erection of vertical mild steel
63775 cylindrical welded oil storage tanks IS:803- 1976
63776 Application guide for insulation co-ordination IS:3716- 1978
63777 ISI Handbook of Quantities, conversion factors, formule and tables
63779 ISI Handbook for Structural Engineers SP: 6 (7)- 1972
Expression of the properties of cathode-ray oscilloscopes IS:11018(Part 1)63780 1984
63781 Specification for diamond core drilling equipment IS:10208- 1982
Specification for an interface system for programmable measuring instruments
63782 IS:10767(Part 1)- 1984
63783 Code for unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
63785 National building code of India 1983
63786 National electrical code SP: 30- 1984
63787 Handbook on concrete mixes
63788 Method of measurement of building works IS:1200- 1964
Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete for general building
63790 construction IS:456- 1953
Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete for general building
63791 construction IS:456- 1957
63793 Handbook on concrete mixes
63794 Handbook on concrete mixes
63796 Handbook on concrete Mixes:based on Indian standard
63797 Handbook on concrete mixes
63798 National building code of Indian 1970 SP:7- 1970
63800 Handbook on concrete mixes
63802 Code for unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
63803 Handbook on concrete mixes
63804 Handbook on concrete mixes
63805 Handbook on concrete mixes
63806 National Building Code of India 1983 SP(3)- 1983
63807 Handbook on concrete mixes
63808 Handbook on timber engineering
63809 Handbook on concrete mixes
63811 Handbook on concret mixes based on Indian Standards
63812 Handbook on concrete mixes
Handbook of concrete mixes:based on Indian standards SP:23(S&T)- 1982
National electrical code SP: 30- 1984
Explanatory handbook on masonry code
Explanatory handbook on masonry code
Explanatory handbook on masonry code
National Building Code of India 1983 SP(3)- 1983
National Building Code of India 1983 SP(3)- 1983
National building code of India 1983
National building code of India
National Building Code Of India 1983 SP: 7(4)- 1983
Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes for electronic items
63825 IS:10673- 1983
Print specifiction for magnetic INK character recognition for Information
63828 processing IS:11170-1985
63829 Expression of the properties of sampling oscilloscopes IS:11017- 1984
Code of practice for design, fabrication and erection of verticl mild steel
63830 cylinderical welded oil storage tanks IS:803- 1962
Recommended procedure for CO2 gas shielded metal arc welding of structural
63831 steels IS:10178- 1981
63833 Methods of chemical analysis of iron ores IS:1493 (Part 3)- 1987
63834 ISI handbook 1975
63842 Glossary of terms applicable to timber, plywood and joinery IS:707- 1958
Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced concrete for
63843 dams and other massive structures IS:457- 1957
63844 Specifications for general requirements for wooden tool handles IS:620- 1965
63849 Specification for clay roofing tiles, mangalore pattern IS:654- 1962
63850 Specification for concrete pipes IS:458- 1961
Specification for synthetic resin adhesives for construction work in wood IS:85163851 1957
63853 Code of practice for use of structuraltimber in building IS:883- 1961
63854 Code of practice for use of structuraltimber in building IS:883- 1961
63860 Technical supply conditions for wood screws IS:451- 1972
63863 Specification for portland blastrurnace slag cement IS:455- 1962
Specification for solid-woven impregnated hair belting for power transmission
63867 IS:530- 1959
Specification for solid-woven impregnated hair belting for power transmission
63868 IS:530- 1959
Specification for bicycle spokes (plain) and nipples for spokes IS:630- 1961
Specification for swage blocks and stands IS:845- 1974
Specification for swage blocks and stands IS:845- 1961
Specification for hand hammers IS:841- 1957
Specification for solid- woven impregnated cotton belting for power
transmission IS:529- 1959
Specification for solid woven impregnated cotton belting for power transmission
IS:529- 1959
Specification for solid -woven impregnated hair belting for power transmission
IS:530- 1959
Explanatory Handbook on masonay code SP: 20- 1981
63887 1988 Annual book of ASTM standards:water and environmental technology
63889 1988 annual book of ASTM standards : water and environmental technology
Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
63891 structures IS:875(Part 5)- 1987
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compressed gases part 12:Gases for
63892 medical use IS:8198(Part 12)- 1982
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compressed gases part 12:Gases for
63893 medical use IS:8198(Part 12)- 1982
Recommendations for production, rectification and repair of steel castings by
63894 metal arc welding process IS:5530- 1987
Specification for rationalized steels for the automobile and ancillary industry
63895 IS:9175 (Part 32)- 1987
Recommendation on nominal temperatures for process equipment IS:284663896 1964
Specification for engineers' drawing instruments, boxes for leads and needles
63897 IS:3219- 1966
63898 Specification for smith's tongs IS:843- 1968
63899 Specification for smith's fullers IS:847- 1968
Specification for synthetic resin adhesives for construction work ( Non63900 structural) in wood IS:851- 1978
63903 National Electrical Code
63904 Handbook on Industrial Fasterners
63908 Handbook-1996
63909 Handbook on statistical quality control
63910 Handbook of Agricultural Machinery Terminology
63911 Specification for evaporative air coolers (desert coolers) IS:3315- 1974
Quality Systems IS:10201(Part 2)- 1988
Quality systems IS:10201 (Part 1)- 1988
Quality systems IS:10201(Part 4)- 1988
Quality sytems IS:10201(Part 5)- 1988
Quality systems IS:10201 (Part 6)- 1988
63917 Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimney IS:6533- 1971
63919 Methods of tests for strength of concrete IS:516- 1959
Specification for high tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete IS:209063920 1962
63923 Glossary of terms relating to welding and cutting of metals IS:812- 1957
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compresses gases IS:8198(Part 10)63924 1980
Code of practice for steel cylinders for compresses gases IS:8198(Part 10)63925 1980
63926 Specification for wick feed lubricators IS:4673- 1968
Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works IS:1200(Part63929 12)- 1976
Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works IS:1200(Part
63930 14)- 1984
Method of measurement of building and civil engineering work IS:1200(Part63931 17)- 1985
Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works part-20: laying
63932 of gas and oil pipe lines IS:1200(Part-20)- 1981
Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works IS:1200(Part63933 21)- 1973
Method of meaurement of building and civil engineering works IS:1200(Part
63934 22)- 1982
Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works IS:1200(Part
63935 24)- 1983
Method of measurement of building and civi enginering works IS:1200(Part
63936 25)- 1971
63938 Silk or rayon covered round copper wire BS:2480- 1954
Structural timber: measurement of characteristics affecting strength IS:1860
63939 (Part 1)- 1959
63942 Electrical performance of rotating electrical machinery BS:2613- 1957
Recommended practice for accelerated strength testing and evaluation of
63945 concrete for road and airfield constructions IRC:85- 1983
Indian railway standard code of practice for the design of bridge piers and
63956 abutments
Indian railway standard code of practice for the design of bridge piers and
63957 abutments
Indian Railway standard code of practice for the construction of reinforced
63963 concrete structures for the storage of liquids
63966 Indian railway standard code of practice for reinforced concrete construction
63967 Indian railway standard code of practice for reinforced concrete construction
63969 Guidelines for traffic prediction on rural highways IRC:108- 1996
Guidelines on accommodation of utility services on roads in urban areas
63973 IRC:98- 1997
Code of practice for resistance spot welding for light assemblies in mild steel
63976 IS:819- 1957
63977 Warning symbol for dangerous voltages IS:8923- 1978
63978 ISI handbook for structural engineers : structural steel sections
Painting of structures in aggressive chemical environment- guidelines IS:1442863979 1997
Specification for continuously variable voltage auto- transformers IS:514263985 1969
Specification for alternating current disconnectors (isolators) and earthing
63986 switches for voltages above 1000v IS:9921 (Part 2)- 1982
63987 Specification for series capacitors for power systems IS:9835- 1981
Application guide for surge arresters with series gap and non- linear resistors
63988 for AC systems IS:4004- 1985
63990 Specification for electrical relays for power system protection IS:3231- 1965
63991 Application guide for measuring devices for high voltage testing IS:8690- 1977
Specification for porcelain insulators for overhead power lines with a nominal
63992 voltage greater than 1000 V IS:731- 1971
63994 Specification for power transformers IS:2026(Part 4)- 1977
63999 Specification for summation current transformers IS:6949- 1973
64000 Methods for partial discharge measurements IS:6209- 1982
Dimensions of indoor and outdoor porcelain post insulators and post insulator
units for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000v IS:5350(Part3)64002 1971
64003 Application guide for electrical relays for AC systems IS:3842 (Part 7)- 1972
64004 Application guide for electrical relays for ac systems IS:3842 (Part 6)- 1972
64005 Application guide for electrical relays for AC systems IS:3842(Part 9)- 1977
64007 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032 (Part 22)- 1978
British Standard Specification for the electrical performance of transformers for
64010 power and lighting 171- 1936
Corrosion of metals and alloys recommended values for the corrosivity
64013 categories of atmospheres IS:14321- 1995
64014 Seventy percent alumina bricks specification IS:14313- 1995
64015 Kyanite for refractory industry specification IS:14301- 1995
64016 Dolomite for refractory industry -Specification IS:14296- 1995
Methods of sampling and physical tests for refractory materials IS:1528 (Part
64017 9)- 1995
Hydraulic power -cylinders rod end plain eyes -mounting dimensions IS:1156064019 1995
Hydraulic fluid power -cylinders rod end spherical eyes mounting dimensions
64020 IS:11559- 1995
64021 Enginering Metrology -dial snap gaues specification IS:14271- 1995
64022 Cranes - classification IS:13834 (Part 3 )- 1995
Hydraulic fluid power -cylinders -piston seal housings incorporating bearing
64023 rings dimensions and tolerances IS:6547- 1981
64024 Quantities and units IS:1890(Part 12)- 1995
64025 Fasteners -hexagon socet head cap screws IS:2269- 1995
Acceptance standards for liquid penetrant inspection of steel castings IS:1173264026 1995
Corrosion resistant high alloy steel, nickel base andcobalt base investment
64027 castingsfor severe applications IS:11286- 1995
Repair of cast castings by oxy- acetylene andmanual metal A R C welding 64028 recommendations IS5139: 1995
Co Gas shieloded metal -A R C welding of structural steels -recomendations
IS:10178- 1995
Quantities and units IS:1890(Part 7)- 1995
Mechanical testing of metals tensile testing IS:1608- 1995
Sampling inspection procedures IS:2500 (Part 3)- 1995
Specification for T-nuts IS:2015- 1977
64041 Graphical symbols used in electrotechnology IS:2032 (Part 6)- 1965
Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines measurement of rotating
64042 shafts and evaluation IS:7919(Part 1)- 1986
Engineering drawing practice for schools & colleges SP 47: 1988
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Specification for high strength structuralbolts IS:3757- 1985
Specification for high strength structuralbolts IS:3757- 1985
Specification for high strength structural bolts IS:3757- 1985
Methods of sampling for alcoholic drinks IS:3753- 1984
Mild steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought steel fittings IS:1239(Part 1 )64067 1990
64068 Mild steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought steel fittings IS:1239(Part 1)- 1990
Process measurement control function and instrumentation- symbolic
64073 representation IS:12754(Part 1)- 1989
Process measurement control function and instrumentation- symbolic
64074 representation IS:12754(Part 1)- 1989
Technical drawings - simplified representation of pipelines IS:10990( Part 2 )64077 1992
Technical drawings- simplified representation of pipelines IS:10990(Part 1)64081 1991
Technical drawings - simplified representation of pipelines IS:10990( Part 2 )64084 1992
Technical Drawings- simplified representation of pipelines IS:10990 (Part 2)64087 1992
Specification for mild steel tubes , tubulars and other wrought steel fitting
64094 IS:1239 (Part 2)- 1992
Specification for mild steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought steelfittings
64099 IS:1239(Part 2 )- 1992
64104 Specification for line pipe IS:1978-1982
64105 Specification for line pipe IS:1978-1982
Code of practice for design, fabrication and erection of vertical mild steel
64106 cylindrical welded oil storage tanks IS:803- 1976
Code of practice for design, fabrication and erection of vertical mild steel
64107 cylindrical welded oil storage tanks IS:803- 1976
64112 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64113 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64114 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64115 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64116 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64117 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64118 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64119 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64120 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64121 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64122 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
64123 Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Code of unfired pressure vessels IS:2825- 1969
Specification for keys for lathe chucks IS:2989- 1980
Direction of koperation of controls for machine tools-recmmendations IS:29871992
Specification for taper handles for machine tools IS:2890- 1983
Specification for pipe union bolt IS:3174- 1974
Engineer's Drawing instruments -lengthening baars -Specification IS:32121991
64148 Engineer's drawing instruments, pencil points -Specification IS:3214- 1991
64149 Engineer's drawing instruments -handles - Specification IS:3113- 1991
64150 Engineer's drawing instruments needle points- Specification IS:3215- 1991
64151 Engineer's drawing instruments needle points- Specification IS:3215- 1991
Engineer's drawing instruments, prickers- Specification IS:3217- 1991
Haematite iron ore -Classification IS:5442- 1992
High heat duty fireclay refratories - Specification IS:8- 1994
Specification for foundry parting agents IS:8250- 1988
Dimensions and tolerances kfor copper and copperr alloy rods and bars for
64156 general engineering purposes IS:2826- 1986
64157 Method of test for determining shear strength of metals IS: 5242- 1979
Specification for solders for jointingaluminium and aluminium alloys IS: 547964158 1985
Procedure for climatic and durability test for optical instruments IS: 10236 (Part
64159 2)- 1982
64160 Method for chemical analysis of steels IS:228(Part 4)- 1987
64161 Specification for tenons IS:2990- 1986
64162 Mild steel for metal ARC welding electrods -Specification IS:2879- 1998
64163 Steel for the manufacture of volute and helical springs IS:3195- 1992
64164 Specification for sealing washers for pipe unions IS:3175- 1974
64165 Internal combustion engines fuel injection nozzle holders IS:3171(Part 2)- 1997
Engineer's drawing instruments -spring bow compasses -Specification IS:320964166 1989
64167 Screwing taps IS:6175(Part 2)- 1992
64168 Screwing taps IS:6175(Part 1)- 1992
64169 Steels for die blocks for drop forging IS:5518- 1996
Wooden handels for hand hammers- Specification IS:4953- 1989
Specification for commercial steel wool IS:5319- 1987
Cold rolled steel strips - Specification IS:5872- 1990
End mill with parallel shank - Specification IS:6353- 1991
Steel castings -Methods of sampling IS:6907- 1992
Free cutting brasswire - Specification IS:8364- 1989
Vapour vacuum pumps - Measurement of performance characteristics IS:8243
64176 (Part 2)- 1993
64177 High carbon steel wire rods - Specification IS:7904- 1995
Aluminium alloy forging stock and forgings for aerospace applications 64178 Specification IS:7902- 2001
64179 Specification for twist drills morse taper shank, extra long series IS:7822- 1983
Ultrasonic examination of ferritic castings of carbon and low alloy steel64180 Recommedned procedure IS:7666- 1988
64181 Classification of Steels IS:7598- 1990
Rolled copper plate, sheet, strip and foils for general engineering purposes
64182 IS:14811- 2000
Macroscopic methods for determination of non- metallic inclusion content in
64183 wrought steels IS:10138 (Part 1 )- 1992
64184 Driving and driven machines- shaft heights IS:2031- 1987
64185 Specification for hot forged steel rivets for hot closing IS:1929- 1982
64186 Dimension for saw tooth threads IS:4696 (Part 3)- 1976
64187 Automotive vehicles- shock absorbers- Specification IS:5423- 1989
64188 Specification for abrasion-resistant iron castings IS: 4771- 1985
Code of practice for radiographic examination of resistance spot welds on
64189 aqluminium and its alloys IS:7810- 1999
Recommendations for drills for use prior to tapping screw threads IS:1095264190 1984
Automotive vehicles -Mopeds, Scooters and Motorcycles- methos of evaluation
64191 of fuel consumption IS:10881- 1994
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy forging stock and forging IS: 73464192 1975
64193 Specification for test sieves IS:460(Part 2)- 1985
64194 Steel for general structural purposes IS:2062- 1999
64195 Rolling bearings -Static load ratings IS:3823- 1988
64196 Screwing taps IS:6175 (Part 3 )- 1992
64197 Specification for steels for pneumatic tools IS:5651- 1987
64198 Specification for electroplated coatings of Zinc on iron and steel IS:1573- 1986
64199 Thermal insulation of clod storage code of practice IS:661- 2000
Welded low carbon steel cylinders exceding 5 litre water capacity for low
64200 pressure liquefiable gases IS:3196(Part 2)- 1992
Specification for carbon steel boiler tubes and superheater IS:1914(Part 1 to 4)64201 1982
Test chart for precision lathes -lathes with swing over bed up to 500 mm and
64202 distance between centres up to 1 500 mm IS:6040- 1993
64203 Steels for hardening and tempering- Specification IS:5517- 1993
Vocabulary for basic and general terms in dimensional metrology IS:837864204 1987
64205 7-Bit coded character set forinformation interchange IS:10315- 1991
64206 Specification for automotive v- Belt drives IS: 5635- 1983
Method for rock well dardness test for metallic material IS:1586- 2000
Electric traction lifts IS:14665(Part 2/Sec 1 & 2)- 2000
ISO System of limits and fits IS:919(Part 2/Sec. 1&2)- 1993
Engineer's drawing instruments,pen points IS:3211- 1991
Engineer's Drawing instruments rotating compasses- Specification IS:32071989
Engineering Metrology -feeler gauges IS:3179- 1990
Internal combustion engines fuel injection equipments-single and bouble ended
pipe unions IS:3172- 1997
Internal combustion engines two stage, one litre, dieselfuel filters IS:31691991
Carbon steel cast billet ignots, billets, blooms and slabs fro re-rolling into low
tensile structural steel IS:2831- 2001
Carpenter's augers- Specification IS:2852- 1998
Carbon steel cast billet ingots, billets, blooms and slabs for re-rolling into steel
64217 for general structural purposes -Specification IS:2830- 1992
64218 Specification for mild steel wire for general engg. purposes IS:280- 1978
64219 Methods for chemical analysis of Steels IS:228(Part 1)- 1987
64220 Hot dip galvanized stay strand -Specification IS:2141- 2000
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for manufacture of utensils
64221 specification IS:21- 1992
64222 Technical supply condition for threaded steel fasteners IS:1367(Part 1)- 1980
Engineer's drawing instruments -half set fo compasses -Specification IS:320864223 1989
64224 Driving and driven machines - shaft heights IS:2031- 1987
Carbon Steel billets, blooms ,slabs and bars for forgins -Specification IS:187564225 1992
64226 Specification for steel wire ropes for haulage purpses IS:1856- 1977
64227 Internal combustion engines fuel injection nozzles IS:3170(Part 1)- 1997
64228 Specification for external micrometer IS:2967- 1983
64229 Non- ferrous rivets -Specification IS:2907- 1998
64230 Specification for fire extinguisher, carbon dioxde type IS:2878- 1986
64231 Galvanized steel sheets (plain and corrugated)- Specification IS:277- 1992
Austenitic -manganese steel castings -specification IS:276- 2000
Methods for chemical analysis of steel IS:228(Part 6)- 1987
Methods for chemical analysis of steel IS:228(Part 5)- 1987
Tee and strap hinges -Specification IS:206- 1992
General requirments fkor automobile lighting and signalling devices IS:31051980
Specification for slip gauges IS:2984- 1981
3-Jaw and 4-Jaw scroll manually operated self-centering lathe chucks IS:28761999
Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of productgrades A & B IS:1364(Part 1)1992
Metallic materials - verificationof static uniaxial testing machines IS:1828(Part
64240 1)- 1991
64241 Poultry feeds- Specification IS1374: 1992
Welded low carbon steel cylinders exceeding 5 litre water capacity for low
64242 pressure liquefiable gases IS:3136(Part 1)- 1992
64243 Grey Iron castings -Specification IS:210- 1993
64244 Automotive vehicles -electric horns -Specification IS:1884- 1993
Specification for stranded steel wire ropes for winding and man-riding haulages
64245 in mines IS:1855- 1977
Symbols to be givenon indication plates of machine tools -recommendations
64246 IS:2182- 1993
Recommendations on graphical symbols for process flow diagrams, piping and
64247 instrumentation dirams IS:3232- 1999
Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage- Specification
64248 IS:1538- 1993
Acceptance code for machine tools- geometric accuracy of machines operating
64249 under no-load or finishing conditions IS:2063- 1988
Thread cutting tapping screws screw threads and ends dimensions IS:780064250 1990
64251 Equal angle milling cutters Specification IS:6326- 1996
Stainless steel sheets and strips for utensils -Specification IS:5522- 1992
Hardmetals - rockwll hardness test IS:5652( Part 1)- 1993
Specification for keyway milling cutters IS:6355- 1982
Pig Iron -Specification IS:13502- 1992
64256 Copper alloys for spot and seam resistance welding electrodes IS:8365- 1991
64257 Specification for knuckle screw threads IS :4695(Part 1)- 1988
ARC Welding power source, single operator rectifier type, ac and dc 64258 Specification IS:6008- 1989
Quick change drill chucks, collets and floating reamer holders - Specification
64259 IS:7824- 1995
Automotive vehicles opacity of exhaut gas from vehicles equipped
compression ignition engines operating under free acceleration method of
64260 measurement IS:8118- 1998
64261 Die stock for circular screwing dies - Specification IS:3239- 1994
64262 Recommendations for layout and planning of drawing offices IS:5197- 1987
Calibration blocks for use in ultrasonic non-destructive testing -Specification
64263 IS:4904- 1990
Specification for spheroidal or nodular grahite iron castings for paper mill dryer
64264 rolls IS:5787- 1986
64265 Splitting tensile strength of concrete method of test IS:5816- 1999
Specification for pressure regulators for gas cylinders used in welding ,cutting
64266 and related processes IS:6901- 1988
64267 Specification for knuckle screw threads IS:4695(Part 2)- 1988
Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: vertical co64268 ordination IS:7922- 1987
Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy bars,rods and section
64269 IS:733- 1983
64270 Stainless steel plate, sheet and strip- Specification IS:6911- 1992
Specification for covered electrodes for manual metal ARC welding of stainless
64271 steel andother similar high allloy steels IS:5206- 1983
Code of practice for testing of positive displacement type air compressors and
64272 exhausters IS:5456- 1985
Assessment of noise exposure during work for hearing conservation purpose
64273 IS:7194- 1994
Carbide tipped single point tools ind series -Specification IS:13743(Parts 1 to
64274 10)- 1997
64275 ISO System of limits and fits IS:919(Part 1)- 1993
64276 Testing of refrigerant compressors IS:5111- 1993
64277 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete IS:456- 1978
64280 Plain and reinforced concrete-code of practice IS 456:2000
Standard test methods for determining aerobic biodegradation of radiolabeled
64281 plastic materials in an aqueous or compost environment
64282 Standard test methods for decomposition kinetics by thermogravimetry
Standard practice for calculating thermal endurance of materials from
64283 thermogravimetric decomposition data
Specification for injection moulded pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
joints for water supplies part 6: specific requirements for sockets IS:7834(Part
61718 6)- 1975