final_mrs-fcv6n3_draft.qxd 1/3/2012 3:52 PM Page 1 To spread information and knowledge and to promote collaboration in the area of Materials Research, Engineering and Technology amongst the members of MRS-S Vol 6 w No. 3 w Jan. - Mar., 2012 | ISSN 1793-3609 Ø MRS-S Activities: Past, Present and Future The Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S) organized six International and four National Conferences in Singapore since 2001. The biennial 'International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT)' series were held in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011. The biennial National Conferences were held in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. MRS-S also sponsored/supported several other conferences, workshops, symposia and public lectures. To reach out to the public, MRS-S has organized number of public lectures by Nobel Laureates and also an Astronaut. MRS-S recently instituted the 'MRS-S Medal' with the School of Materials Science & Engineering, and the 'Book Prize' with the Renaissance Engineering Programme (REP) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. CONTENTS Highlights Highlights of previous ICMAT ICMAT Conferences page 109... Highlights Highlights of previous National Conferences page 110... 110... Highlights Highlights of the Recent Literature page 11 111... Recent Books and Review Articles page 119... 119... MRS-S Membership page 151... MRS-S recently instituted Student Bursaries for 8 students with the Faculty of Science at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prof. B. V. R. Chowdari, President, MRS-S has been elected as a Member of the 'International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)' for a two-year term with effect from Jan., 2012. Prof. Chowdari is a professor of Physics at NUS and is also Executive Director, NUS-India Research Initiatives and GEM4. Prof. Andrew Wee T.S., Vice President, MRS-S has been elected as a Fellow of the 'Singapore National Academy of Sciences (SNAS)', in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the areas of Physics and Materials Science. Prof. Andrew is a professor of Physics and Dean, Faculty of Science at NUS. Prof. Jagadese J. Vittal has co-authored the book entitled, 'Crystal Engineering: A Textbook', along with Profs. Gautam R. Desiraju and Arunachalam Ramanan. The book was published by IISc Press & World Sci. Publ., India, 2011. Prof. Vittal is a professor of Chemistry at NUS. Hearty Congratulations to the above three MRS-S Committee Members. A report on the ACCMS-6 Conference held in Sept., 2011 in Singapore is included in this Issue. The second Trilateral Conference on 'Advances in Nanoscience- Energy, Water & Healthcare' was held at Donghua University in Shanghai, China during 9-12, Nov., 2011. It was organized by Chinese MRS in association with the MRS-S and MRS-I (India) with Prof. Zhu Meifang as Chair. The International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (ICYRAM) under the aegis of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) will be organized by the MRS-S during 1-6 July, 2012 in Singapore. Ø Highlights of previous ICMAT Conferences Conference Report page 151... Forthcoming Conferences page 157... Materials Education & Research in Singapore page 161... Invitation Invitation to MRS-S Members page 161... © 2012 MRS-S, Singapore. All rights reserved. Year 2001: 1-6, July 2001; 16 Symposia; 10 Plenary Lectures; 4 Public Lectures by Nobel Laureates; 1400 delegates; 18 Best Poster Awards; 36 Exhibitors. Year 2003: 7-12, Dec., 2003; 16 Symposia; 9 Plenary Lectures; 2 Public Lectures by Nobel Laureates; 1500 delegates; 19 Best Poster Awards ; 29 Exhibitors. Year 2005: 3-8, July 2005; 25 Symposia; 9 Plenary Lectures; 2 Theme Lectures; 3 Public Lectures by Nobel Laureates; 2200 Delegates; 28 Best Poster Awards ; 43 Exhibitors. Year 2007: 1-6, July 2007; 18+6 Symposia; 9 Plenary Lectures; 2 Theme Lectures; 2 Public Lectures by Nobel Laureates; 2300 Delegates; 25 Best Poster Awards; 41 Exhibitors. Year 2009: 28 June -3, July 2009; 23 Symposia, 9 Plenary and 3 Theme Lectures, 3 Public Lectures by Nobel Laureates; 2170 Participants; 37 Best Poster Awards; 43 Exhibitors. Year 2011: 26 June -1, July 2011; 40 Symposia, 9 Plenary and 3 Theme Lectures; 2 Public Lectures by Nobel Laureates; 3139 Papers; 3212 Participants from 64 countries; 48 Best Poster Awards; 68 Exhibitors. MRS-S OUTLOOK MRS-S Activities Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Highlights of Previous National Conferences MRS-S Executive Committee (For 2012–2013) Year 2004: 6 Aug., 2004; 20 Invited Talks; 130 Poster Papers; 4 Best Poster Awards. Year 2006: 18–20, Jan., 2006; Includes the Symposium on ‘Physics and Mechanic of Advanced Materials’; 60 Invited Talks; 200 Poster Papers; 1 Public Lecture; 5 Best Poster Awards. Year 2008: Feb., 25–27, 2008. Incorporated the MRS-I Mumbai (India)-Chapter Joint Indo-Singapore Meeting; 2 Keynote Talks, 60 Invited Talks; 211 Poster Papers; 10 Best Poster Awards. Year 2010: March, 17–19, 2010. 1 Keynote Talk, 26 Invited Talks; 137 Poster Papers; 7 Best Poster Awards. President B. V. R. Chowdari, NUS Founding President Shih Choon Fong, KAUST Vice Presidents Andrew Wee, T.S. , NUS Ma Jan, NTU Secretary Joachim S.C. Loo, NTU Joint Secretary Ding Jun, NUS Treasurer FENG Yuan Ping, NUS Joint Treasurer Ramam, Akkipeddi, IMRE Members Chia Ching Kean, IMRE Ho Ghim Wei, NUS Liu Zishun, IHPC Ng Teng Yong, NTU S. Shannigrahi, IMRE Shen Ze Xiang, NTU J.J. Vittal, NUS Wan Andrew Chwee Aun, IBN P.K. Wong, ICES Honorary Auditors Karen CHONG, IMRE Stefan ADAMS, NUS Highlights of MRS-S Trilateral Conference on ‘Advances in Nanoscience- Energy, Water & Healthcare’ held in Singapore Year 2010: Aug., 11–13, 2010. Incorporated the Chinese MRS and MRS-I (India); 1 Keynote Talk; 34 Invited Talks; 98 Poster Papers; 5 Best Poster Awards. Highlights of ACCMS-6 Conference Jointly Organized by MRS-S in Singapore NUS: National University of Singapore NTU: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore IBN: Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore ICES: Institute of Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Singapore IHPC: Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore IMRE: Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Singapore KAUST: King Abdulla University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia Year 2011: Sept., 6–9, 2011. Jointly organized by the National University of Singapore (NUS), Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S), Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), and Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) at the Nanyang Technological University, MRS-I (India); 180 participants from 19 countries; 2 Plenary Talks; 1 ACCMS Award lecture; Several Invited Talks; 84 Poster Papers; 5 Best Poster Awards. MRS-S OUTLOOK (ISSN 1793-3609) is published quarterly by the Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S), c/o Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, 3, Research Link, Singapore 117 602. Editor: G.V. Subba Rao. Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in ‘MRS-S OUTLOOK’ are solely those of the authors, and do not reflect those of MRS-S, nor the editor and staff. Permissions: The subject matter contained in ‘MRS-S OUTLOOK’ can be freely reproduced for not-for-profit use by the readers; however, a word of acknowledgement will be appreciated. page 110 A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK Highlights of Recent Literature (Contributed by the Editor) Synthesis and Structure Determination of the Hierarchical Meso-Microporous Zeolite ITQ-43 The formation of mesopores in microporous zeolites is generally performed by postsynthesis acid, basic, and steam treatments. The hierarchical pore systems thus formed allow better adsorption, diffusion, and reactivity of these materials. By combining organic and inorganic structuredirecting agents and high-throughput methodologies, Jiang et al.1 were able to synthesize a zeolite with a hierarchical system of micropores and mesopores, with channel openings delimited by 28 tetrahedral atoms (Fig.1). Its complex crystalline structure was solved with the use of automated diffraction tomography. basis for its puzzling adsorption behavior, which appears to be intermediate between that of a medium(10-ring) and a large-pore (12-ring) zeolite. By applying advanced crystallographic techniques (structure solution in four-dimensional (4D) space and interpretation of three-dimensional (3D) diffuse scattering by Monte Carlo simulation) and crystal chemistry considerations to high-quality single-crystal x-ray diffraction data collected on a microcrystal (∼2µm× 2µm×8 µm), Baerlocher et al.1 have been able to derive a comprehensive description of its silicate framework structure. The framework is related to that of ZSM-11 but is commensurately modulated along the c axis (P 4̄m2), a = b = 20.091Å, c = 110.056 Å) to yield a structure with a 12-ring:10-ring ratio of 1:15. Disorder of the 12-rings results in a 3D 10-ring channel system with large isolated pockets. The structure helps to clarify the material’s catalytic activity. Highlights of Recent Literature Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Reference 1. C. Baerlocher, T. Weber, L. B. McCusker, L. Palatinus and S. I. Zones, Science, 333(6046), 1134–1137 (2011) (26 Aug., Issue). Femtoscale Magnetically Induced Lattice Distortions in Multiferroic TbMnO3 Fig.1. The 28-ring channnel of Zeolite ITQ-43 (oxygens omitted for clarity, except those in the silanol groups). It adopts an orthoromnic structure. Reference 1. J. Jiang, J. L. Jorda, J. Yu, L. A. Baumes, E. Mugnaioli, M. J. Diaz-Cabanas, U. Kolb and A. Corma, Science, 333(6046), 1131–1134 (2011) (26 Aug., Issue). Unraveling the Perplexing Structure of the Zeolite SSZ-57 Previous high-resolution x-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies of the zeolite, SSZ-57 could not fully elucidate the structural Magneto-electric multiferroics exemplified by TbMnO3 possess both magnetic and ferroelectric longrange order. The magnetic order is mostly understood, whereas the nature of the ferroelectricity has remained more elusive. Competing models proposed to explain the ferroelectricity are associated respectively with charge transfer and ionic displacements. Exploiting the magneto-electric coupling, Walker et al.1 used an electric field to produce a single magnetic domain state, and a magnetic field to induce ionic displacements. Under these conditions, interference between charge and magnetic x-ray scattering arose, encoding the amplitude and phase of the displacements. When combined with a theoretical analysis, the data allowed the authors to resolve the ionic A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 111 MRS-S OUTLOOK Highlights of Recent Literature Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 displacements at the femtosecond scale, and show that such displacements make a substantial contribution to the zero-field ferroelectric moment. Reference 1. H. C. Walker, F. Fabrizi, L. Paolasini, F. de Bergevin, J. Herrero-Martin, A. T. Boothroyd, D. Prabhakaran and D. F. McMorrow, Science, 333(6047), 1273–1276 (2011) (2 Sept., Issue). Rational Design and Enhanced Biocompatibility of a Dry Adhesive Medical Skin Patch A new type of medical skin patch has been developed by Kwak et al.1 that contains high-density, mushroomlike micropillars. The latter are made of soft polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) material. Such dry-adhesive micropillars are highly biocompatible, have minimized side effects, and provide reasonable normal adhesion strength. To arrive at optimal conditions for the dry adhesive skin patch, the proper design of various structural and material parameters of micropillars is investigated. The authors state that, ‘the dry adhesive patch would be useful as an alternative to the current wet medical skin patch as well as a fixation unit in a U-health system’. Reference 1. M. K. Kwak, H. –E. Jeong and K. Y. Suh, Adv. Mater., 23(34), 3949–3953 (2011). Magnetic-Field-Induced Charge-Stripe Order in the High-Temperature Superconductor YBa2 Cu3 Oy Electronic charges introduced in copper-oxide (CuO2 ) planes generate high-transition-temperature(Tc ) superconductivity but, under special circumstances, they can also order into filaments called stripes. Whether an underlying tendency towards charge order is present in all copper oxides and whether this has any relationship with superconductivity are, however, two highly controversial issues. To uncover underlying electronic order, magnetic fields strong enough to destabilize superconductivity can be used. Such experiments, including quantum oscillations in YBa2 Cu3 Oy (an extremely clean copper oxide in which charge order has not until now been observed) have suggested page 112 that superconductivity competes with spin, rather than charge, order. Here, Wu et al.1 report nuclear magnetic resonance measurements showing that high magnetic fields actually induce charge order, without spin order, in the CuO2 planes of YBa2 Cu3 Oy (y = 6.54; p = 0.108, where p is the hole concentration per planar Cu). The observed static, unidirectional, modulation of the charge density breaks translational symmetry, thus explaining quantum oscillation results, and the authors argue that it is most probably the same 4a-periodic modulation as in stripe-ordered copper oxides. That it develops only when superconductivity fades away and near the same 1/8 hole doping as in La2− x Bax CuO4 , suggests that charge order, although visibly pinned by CuO chains in YBa2 Cu3 Oy , is an intrinsic propensity of the superconducting planes of high-Tc copper oxides. Reference 1. T. Wu, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M. Horvatić, C. Berthier, W. N. Hardy, R. Liang, D. A. Bonn and M. –H. Julien, Nature, 477(7363), 191–194 (2011) (8 Sept., Issue). A Simple, Multidimensional Approach to High-Throughput Discovery of Catalytic Reactions Transition metal complexes catalyze many important reactions that are employed in medicine, materials science, and energy production. Although highthroughput methods for the discovery of catalysts that would mirror related approaches for the discovery of medicinally active compounds have been the focus of much attention, these methods have not been sufficiently general or accessible to typical synthetic laboratories to be adopted widely. Here, Robbins and Hartwig1 report a method to evaluate a broad range of catalysts for potential coupling reactions with the use of simple laboratory equipment. Specifically, they screened an array of catalysts and ligands with a diverse mixture of substrates and then used mass spectrometry to identify reaction products that, by design, exceed the mass of any single substrate. With this method, they discovered a coppercatalyzed alkyne hydro-amination and two nickelcatalyzed hydro-arylation reactions, each of which displayed excellent functional-group tolerance. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK 1. D. W. Robbins and J. F. Hartwig, Science, 333(6048), 1423–1427 (2011) (9 Sept., Issue). A Lithium Superionic Conductor Kamaya et al.1 reported the synthesis and properties of a new lithium superionic conductor (also called, Li-fast ion conductor or Li-solid electrolyte), namely, Li10 GeP2 S12 that has a three-dimensional framework structure, consisting of (Ge0.5 P0.5 )S4 tetrahedra, PS4 tetrahedra, LiS4 tetrahedra, and LiS6 octahedra. It exhibits an extremely high Li-ionic conductivity of 1.2×10− 2 S cm− 1 at room temperature (300 K). This value is comparable to or higher than those of organic liquid electrolytes currently used in practical Li-ion systems, like the Li-ion batteries. Structure determination showed a tetragonal unit cell with cell parameters of a = 8.71771(5) Å and c = 12.63452(10) Å (space group, P42 /nmc), and a highly anisotropic conduction of Li-ions along one crystal direction, namely through partially occupied LiS4 tetrahedra and interstitial positions that are connected by a common edge. It has a low activation energy for ionic conduction (Ea ) = 24 kJ mol− 1 , which leads to a conductivity of ∼1×10− 3 S cm− 1 at 245 K. The authors fabricated an all-solid-state Li-ion battery, which consisted of a LiCoO2 cathode, a Li10 GeP2 S12 electrolyte and an In-metal anode. The battery exhibited a discharge capacity of over 120 mA h g− 1 and an excellent discharge efficiency of about 100% after the second cycle, at a current density of 14 mA g− 1 , in the voltage range, 2–3.6V, demonstrating that Li10 GeP2 S12 is applicable as a practical solid electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries. Reference 1. N. Kamaya, K. Homma, Y. Yamakawa, M. Hirayama, R. Kanno, M. Yonemura, T. Kamiyama, Y. Kato, S. Hama, K. Kawamoto and A. Mitsui, Nature Mater., 10(9), 682–686 (2011). Superconductivity up to 35 K in the Iron Platinum Arsenides (CaFe1− x Ptx As)10 Pt4− y As8 with Layered Structures The family of iron arsenide superconductors is expanded by the synthesis of new iron platinum compounds, (CaFe1− x Ptx As10 )Pt4−y As8 with novel crystal structures by Löhnert et al.1 Layers of FeAs4/4 tetrahedra and of nearly planar PtAs4/2 squares with (As2 )4− dumbbells are stacked in different ways, resulting in polytypes with triclinic or tetragonal symmetry. Superconductivity up to 35 K is induced either by Pt-doping of the Fe site or by electron transfer from PtAs to FeAs layers. Reference 1. C. Löhnert, T. Stürzer, M. Tegel, R. Frankovsky, G. Friederichs and D. Johrendt, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50(39), 9195–9199 (2011). Efficient Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid Using an Iron Catalyst Hydrogen is one of the essential reactants in the chemical industry, though its generation from renewable sources and storage in a safe and reversible manner remain challenging. Formic acid (HCO2 H or FA) is a promising source and storage material in this respect. Here, Boddien et al.1 present a highly active iron catalyst system for the liberation of H2 from FA. Applying 0.005 mole percent of Fe(BF4 )2 6H2 O and tris [(2-diphenylphosphino)ethyl] phosphine [P(CH2 CH2 PPh2 )3 , PP3 ] to a solution of FA in environmentally benign propylene carbonate, with no further additives or base, affords turnover frequencies up to 9425 per hour and a turnover number of more than 92,000 at 80◦ C. The authors used in situ nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, kinetic studies, and density functional theory calculations to explain possible reaction mechanisms. Highlights of Recent Literature Reference Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Reference 1. A. Boddien, D. Mellmann, F. Gärtner, R. Jackstell, H. Junge, P. J. Dyson, G. Laurenczy, R. Ludwig and M. Beller, Science, 333(6050), 1733–1736 (2011) (23 Sept., Issue). Oxygen Rich Titania: A Dopant Free, High Temperature Stable, and Visible-Light Active Anatase Photocatalyst The simultaneous existence of visible light photocatalytic activity and high temperature anatase phase stability up to 900◦ C in undoped titania (TiO2 ) is reported A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 113 MRS-S OUTLOOK Highlights of Recent Literature Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 for the first time by Etacheri et al.1 These properties are achieved by the in-situ generation of oxygen through the thermal decomposition of peroxo-titania complex, formed by the precursor modification with H2 O2 . TiO2 containing the highest amount of oxygen (16 H2 O2 TiO2 ) retains 100% anatase phase even at 900◦ C, whereas the control sample exists as 100% rutile at this temperature. The same composition exhibits a six-fold and two-fold increase in visible light photocatalytic activities in comparison to the control sample and the standard photocatalyst Degussa P-25, respectively. Among the various parameters affecting the photocatalytic action, such as band gap narrowing, textural properties, crystallite size, and anatase phase stability, band gap narrowing was identified as the major factor responsible for the visible light photocatalytic activity. Increased Ti–O–Ti bond strength and upward shifting of the valence band (VB) maximum, which is responsible for the high temperature stability and visible light activity, respectively are identified from FT–IR, XPS, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopic studies. It is therefore proposed that the oxygen excess defects present in these TiO2 -samples are responsible for the high temperature stability and enhanced visible light photocatalytic activities. Reference 1. V. Etacheri, M. K. Seery, S. J. Hinder and S. C. Pillai, Adv. Funct. Mater., 21(19), 3744–3752 (2011). Dispersible Exfoliated Zeolite Nanosheets and Their Application as a Selective Membrane Thin zeolite films are attractive for a wide range of applications, including molecular sieve membranes, catalytic membrane reactors, permeation barriers, and low-dielectric-constant materials. Synthesis of thin zeolite films using high-aspect-ratio zeolite nanosheets is desirable because of the packing and processing advantages of the nanosheets over isotropic zeolite nanoparticles. Attempts to obtain a dispersed suspension of zeolite nanosheets via exfoliation of their lamellar precursors have been hampered because of their structure deterioration and morphological damage (fragmentation, curling, and aggregation). Here, Varoon et al.1 demonstrated the synthesis and structure determination of highly crystalline nanosheets of zeolite frameworks, MWW and MFI. page 114 The purity and morphological integrity of these nanosheets allow them to pack well on porous supports, facilitating the fabrication of molecular sieve membranes. Reference 1. K. Varoon, X. Zhang, B. Elyassi, D. D. Brewer, M. Gettel, S. Kumar, J. A. Lee, S. Maheshwari, A. Mittal, C. –Y. Sung, M. Cococcioni, L. F. Francis, A. V. McCormick, K. A. Mkhoyan and M. Tsapatsis, Science, 334(6052), 72–75 (2011) (7 Oct., Issue). A Major Constituent of Brown Algae for Use in High-Capacity Li-Ion Batteries The identification of similarities in the material requirements for applications of interest and those of living organisms provides opportunities to use renewable natural resources to develop better materials and design better devices. In this work, Kovalenko et al.1 harness this strategy to build high-capacity silicon (Si) nanopowder–based lithium (Li)–ion batteries with improved performance characteristics. Si offers more than one order of magnitude higher capacity than graphite, but it exhibits dramatic volume changes during electrochemical alloying and de-alloying with Li, which typically leads to rapid anode degradation. The authors show that mixing Si nanopowder with Na-alginate (a natural polysaccharide extracted from brown algae) as a binder, yields a stable battery anode possessing reversible capacity eight times higher than that of the state-of-the-art graphitic anodes. Reference 1. I. Kovalenko, B. Zdyrko, A. Magasinski, B. Hertzberg, Z. Milicev, R. Burtovyy, I. Luzinov and G. Yushin, Science, 334(6052), 75–79 (2011) (7 Oct., Issue). A Self-Quenched Defect Glass in a Colloid-Nematic Liquid Crystal Composite Colloidal particles immersed in liquid crystals frustrate orientational order. This generates defect lines known as disclinations. At the core of these defects, the orientational order drops sharply. Wood et al.1 have discovered a class of soft solids, with shear moduli up to 104 pascals (Pa), containing A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK for metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) and are found for a novel, highly microporous copper-based MOF as reported by Lassig et al.1 Thermal analyses showed a stability of the flexible framework up to 250◦ C. Reference 1. D. Lässig, J. Lincke, J. Moellmer, C. Reichenbach, A. Moeller, R. Gläser, G. Kalies, K. A. Cychosz, M. Thommes, R. Staudt and H. Krautscheid, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50(44), 10344–10348 (2011). Reference 1. T. A. Wood, J. S. Lintuvuori, A. B. Schofield, D. Marenduzzo and W. C. K. Poon, Science, 334(6052), 79–83 (2011) (7 Oct., Issue). Nanoparticle Superlattice Engineering with DNA A current limitation in nanoparticle superlattice engineering is that the identities of the particles being assembled often determine the structures that can be synthesized. Therefore, specific crystallographic symmetries or lattice parameters can only be achieved using specific nanoparticles as building blocks (and vice versa). Here, Macfarlane et al.1 present six design rules that can be used to deliberately prepare nine distinct colloidal crystal structures, with control over lattice parameters on the 25- to 150-nm length scale. These design rules outline a strategy to independently adjust each of the relevant crystallographic parameters, including particle size (5 to 60 nm), periodicity, and inter-particle distance. The authors state that, ‘this work represents an advance in synthesizing tailorable macroscale architectures comprising nanoscale materials in a predictable fashion.’ Reference 1. R. J. Macfarlane, B. Lee, M. R. Jones, N. Harris, G. C. Schatz and C. A. Mirkin, Science, 334 (6053), 204–208 (2011) (14 Oct., Issue). A Microporous Copper Metal–Organic Framework with High H2 and CO2 Adsorption Capacity at Ambient Pressure Uptakes of 9.2 mmol g−1 (40.5 wt%) for CO2 at 273 K and at 0.1 MPa and 15.23 mmol g−1 (3.07 wt%) for H2 at 77 K and at 0.1 MPa are among the highest reported Torsional Carbon Nanotube Artificial Muscles Rotary motors of conventional design can be rather complex and are therefore difficult to miniaturize. Previous carbon nanotube (CNT) -artificial muscles provide contraction and bending, but not rotation. Here, Foroughi et al.1 show that an electrolytefilled twist-spun CNT yarn, much thinner than a human hair, functions as a torsional artificial muscle in a simple three-electrode electrochemical system, providing a reversible 15,000◦ rotation and 590 rev. per min. A hydrostatic actuation mechanism, as seen in muscular hydrostats in nature, explains the simultaneous occurrence of lengthwise contraction and torsional rotation during the yarn volume increase caused by electrochemical double-layer charge injection. The use of a torsional yarn muscle as a mixer for a fluidic chip is demonstrated. Highlights of Recent Literature high concentrations of colloidal particles (volume fraction, >20%) directly dispersed into a nematic liquid crystal. Confocal microscopy and computer simulations show that the mechanical strength derives from a percolated network of defect lines entangled with the particles in three dimensions. The authors state that, ‘such a “self-quenched glass” of defect lines and particles can be considered as a self-organized analog of the “vortex glass” state in type II superconductors.’ Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Reference 1. J. Foroughi, G. M. Spinks, G. G.Wallace, J. Oh, M. E. Kozlov, S. Fang, T. Mirfakhrai, J. D. W. Madden, M. K. Shin, S. J. Kim and R. H. Baughman, Science, 334 (6055), 494–497 (2011) (28 Oct., Issue). Electrical Control of the Ferromagnetic Phase Transition in Cobalt at Room Temperature Electrical control of magnetic properties is crucial for device applications in the field of spintronics. Although the magnetic coercivity or anisotropy has been successfully controlled electrically in metals as well as in semiconductors, the electrical control of Curie temperature (TC ) has been realized only in semiconductors at low temperature. Here, Chiba et al.1 demonstrate the roomtemperature electrical control of the ferromagnetic A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 115 MRS-S OUTLOOK Highlights of Recent Literature Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 phase transition in cobalt, one of the most representative transition-metal ferromagnets. Solid-state field effect devices consisting of a ultrathin cobalt film covered by a dielectric layer and a gate electrode were fabricated. The authors prove that the TC of cobalt can be changed by up to 12 K by applying a gate electric field of about ±2 MV cm− 1 . The two-dimensionality of the cobalt film may be relevant to the observations. The authors state that, ‘the demonstrated electric field effect in the ferromagnetic metal at room temperature is a significant step towards realizing future low-power magnetic applications.’ Reference 1. D. Chiba, S. Fukami, K. Shimamura, N. Ishiwata, K. Kobayashi and T. Ono, Nature Mater., 10(11), 853–856 (2011). Porphyrin-Sensitized Solar Cells with Cobalt (II/III)–Based Redox Electrolyte Exceed 12% Efficiency The I2 /I3 − redox shuttle has limited the efficiencies accessible in dye-sensitized solar cells. Here, Yella et al.1 report mesoscopic solar cells that incorporate a Co( I I/I I I ) tris (bipyridyl)–based redox electrolyte in conjunction with a custom synthesized donor-π-bridge-acceptor, zinc porphyrin dye as sensitizer (designated YD2-o-C8). The specific molecular design of YD2-o-C8 greatly retards the rate of interfacial back electron transfer from the conduction band of the nanocrystalline TiO2 -film to the oxidized cobalt mediator, which enables attainment of strikingly high photovoltages approaching 1 V. Because the YD2-o-C8 porphyrin harvests sunlight across the visible spectrum, large photocurrents are generated. Co-sensitization of YD2-o-C8 with another organic dye further enhances the performance of the device, leading to a measured power conversion efficiency of 12.3% under simulated air mass (AM) 1.5 global sunlight. Reference 1. A. Yella, H. –W. Lee, H. N. Tsao, C. Yi, A. K. Chandiran, Md. K. Nazeeruddin, E. W. –G. Diau, C. –Y. Yeh, S. M. Zakeeruddin and M. Grätzel, Science, 334(6056), 629–634 (2011) (4 Nov., Issue). page 116 Ionic Liquid–Mediated Selective Conversion of CO2 to CO at Low Overpotentials Electroreduction of carbon dioxide (CO2 )—a key component of artificial photosynthesis—has largely been stymied by the impractically high overpotentials necessary to drive the process. Here, Rosen et al.1 report an electrocatalytic system that reduces CO2 to carbon monoxide (CO) at overpotentials below 0.2 V. The system relies on an ionic liquid electrolyte, namely, 1-ethyl-3methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (EMIM-BF4 ) to lower the energy of the (CO2 )− intermediate, most likely by complexation, and thereby lower the initial reduction barrier. The silver cathode then catalyzes formation of the final products. Formation of gaseous CO is first observed at an applied voltage of 1.5 V, just slightly above the minimum (i.e., equilibrium) voltage of 1.33 V. The system continued producing CO for at least 7h at Faradaic efficiencies >96%. Reference 1. B. A. Rosen, Amin Salehi-Khojin, Michael R. Thorson, Wei Zhu, Devin T. Whipple, Paul J. A. Kenis, and Richard I. Masel, Science, 334(6056), 643–644 (2011) (4 Nov., Issue). Wireless Solar Water Splitting Using Silicon-Based Semiconductors and Earth-Abundant Catalysts Here, Reece et al.1 describe the development of solar water-splitting cells, both with and without connecting wires. The cells consist of a triple junction, amorphous silicon (Si) photovoltaic interfaced to hydrogen- evolving and oxygen-evolving catalysts, a ternary alloy, NiMoZn and cobalt|borate catalyst, respectively. The devices carry out the solar-driven water-splitting reaction at efficiencies of 4.7% for a wired- configuration and 2.5% for a wireless- configuration when illuminated with 1 sun (100 mW cm−2 ) of air mass 1.5 simulated sunlight. The authors state that, ‘fuel-forming catalysts interfaced with light-harvesting semiconductors afford a pathway to direct solar-to-fuels conversion that captures many of the basic functional elements of a leaf.’ A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK 1. S. Y. Reece, J. A. Hamel, K. Sung, T. D. Jarvi, A. J. Esswein, J. J. H. Pijpers and D. G. Nocera, Science, 334(6056), 645–648 (2011) (4 Nov., Issue). Hot Carrier–Assisted Intrinsic Photoresponse in Graphene Here, Gabor et al.1 report on the intrinsic optoelectronic response of high-quality dual-gated monolayer and bilayer graphene p-n junction devices. Local laser excitation (λ = 850 nm) at the p-n interface leads to striking six-fold photovoltage patterns as a function of bottom- and top-gate voltages. These patterns, together with the measured spatial and density dependence of the photoresponse, provide strong evidence that nonlocal hot carrier transport, rather than the photovoltaic effect, dominates the intrinsic photoresponse in graphene. The authors state that, ‘this regime, which features a long-lived and spatially distributed hot carrier population, may offer a path to hot carrier-assisted thermoelectric technologies for efficient solar energy harvesting.’ Reference 1. N. M. Gabor, J. C. W. Song, Q. Ma, N. L. Nair, T. Taychatanapat, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. S. Levitov and P. Jarillo-Herrero, Science, 334(6056), 648–652 (2011) (4 Nov., Issue). Electrically Driven Directional Motion of a Four-Wheeled Molecule on a Metal Surface Propelling single molecules in a controlled manner along an unmodified surface remains extremely challenging because it requires molecules that can use light, chemical or electrical energy to modulate their interaction with the surface in a way that generates motion. Nature’s motor proteins have mastered the art of converting conformational changes into directed motion, and have inspired the design of artificial systems such as DNA walkers and light- and redox-driven molecular motors. But although controlled movement of single molecules along a surface has been reported, the molecules in these examples act as passive elements that either diffuse along a preferential direction with equal probability for forward and backward movement or are dragged by an STM (scanning tunnelling microscopy) tip. Here, Kudernac et al.1 present a molecule with four functional units-the previously reported rotary motors- that undergoes continuous and defined conformational changes upon sequential electronic and vibrational excitation. STM confirms that activation of the conformational changes of the rotors through inelastic electron tunnelling propels the molecule unidirectionally across a Cu(111) surface. The system can be adapted to follow either linear or random surface trajectories or to remain stationary, by tuning the chirality of the individual motor units. The authors state that, ‘the design provides a starting point for the exploration of more sophisticated molecular mechanical systems with directionally controlled motion.’ Reference 1. T. Kudernac, N. Ruangsupapichat, M. Parschau, B. Maci, N. Katsonis, S. R. Harutyunyan, K. –H. Ernst and B. L. Feringa, Nature, 479(7372), 208–211 (2011) (10 Nov., Issue). Highlights of Recent Literature Reference Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 N2 Reduction and Hydrogenation to Ammonia by a Molecular Iron-Potassium Complex The most common catalyst in the Haber-Bosch process for the hydrogenation of dinitrogen (N2 ) to ammonia (NH3 ) is an iron surface promoted with potassium cations (K+ ), but soluble iron complexes have neither reduced the N-N bond of N2 to nitride (N3− ) nor produced large amounts of NH3 from N2 . Here, Rodriguez et al.1 report a molecular iron complex that reacts with N2 and a K- reductant to give a complex with two nitrides, which are bound to Fe and K cations. The product has a Fe3 N2 core, implying that three iron atoms cooperate to break the N-N triple bond through a six-electron reduction. The nitride complex reacts with acid and with H2 to give substantial yields of N2 -derived ammonia. The authors state that, ‘these reactions, although not yet catalytic, give structural and spectroscopic insight into N2 cleavage and N-H bondforming reactions of iron.’ Reference 1. M. M. Rodriguez, E. Bill, W. W. Brennessel and P. L. Holland, Science, 334(6057), 780–783 (2011) (11 Nov., Issue). A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 117 MRS-S OUTLOOK Highlights of Recent Literature Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Giant Piezoelectricity on Si for Hyperactive MEMS Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) incorporating active piezoelectric layers offer integrated actuation, sensing, and transduction. The broad implementation of such active MEMS has long been constrained by the inability to integrate materials with giant piezoelectric response, such as Pb(Mg1/3 Nb2/3 )O3 -PbTiO3 (PMN-PT). Here, Baek, et al.1 synthesized high-quality PMNPT epitaxial thin films on vicinal (001) Si wafers with the use of an epitaxial (001) SrTiO3 template layer with superior piezoelectric coefficients (e31, f = –(27 ± 3 C/m2 ) and figures of merit for piezoelectric energyharvesting systems. The authors have incorporated these heterostructures into micro-cantilevers that are actuated with extremely low drive voltage due to thinfilm piezoelectric properties that rival bulk PMN-PT single crystals. The authors state that, ‘these epitaxial heterostructures exhibit very large electromechanical coupling for ultrasound medical imaging, microfluidic control, mechanical sensing, and energy harvesting.’ Reference 1. S. H. Baek, J. Park, D. M. Kim, V. A. Aksyuk, R. R. Das, S. D. Bu, D. A. Felker, J. Lettieri, V. Vaithyanathan, S. S. N. Bharadwaja, N. Bassiri-Gharb, Y. B. Chen, H. P. Sun, C. M. Folkman, H. W. Jang, D. J. Kreft, S. K. Streiffer, R. Ramesh, X. Q. Pan, S. TrolierMcKinstry, D. G. Schlom, M. S. Rzchowski, R. H. Blick and C. B. Eom, Science, 334(6058), 958–961 (2011) (18 Nov., Issue). Ultralight Metallic Microlattices Ultralight (<10 mg/cm3 ) cellular materials are desirable for thermal insulation; battery electrodes; catalyst supports; and acoustic, vibration, or shock energy damping. Here, Schaedler et al.1 present ultralight materials based on periodic hollow-tube microlattices. These materials are fabricated by starting with a template formed by self-propagating photopolymer waveguide prototyping, coating the template by electroless nickel plating, and subsequently etching away the template. The resulting metallic microlattices exhibit densities ρ ≥ 0.9 mg/cm3 , complete recovery after compression exceeding 50% strain, and energy absorption similar to elastomers. Young’s modulus, page 118 E scales with density as E ∼ ρ2 , in contrast to the E ∼ ρ3 scaling observed for ultralight aerogels and carbon nanotube foams with stochastic architecture. The authors attribute these properties to structural hierarchy at the nm, µm and mm- scales. Reference 1. T. A. Schaedler, A. J. Jacobsen, A. Torrents, A. E. Sorensen, J. Lian, J. R. Greer, L. Valdevit and W. B. Carter, Science, 334(6058), 962–965 (2011) (18 Nov., Issue). Silica-Like Malleable Materials from Permanent Organic Networks Permanently cross-linked materials have outstanding mechanical properties and solvent resistance, but they cannot be processed and reshaped once synthesized. Non–cross-linked polymers and those with reversible cross-links are processable, but they are soluble. Here, Montarnal et al.1 designed epoxy networks that can rearrange their topology by exchange reactions without depolymerization and showed that they are insoluble and processable. Unlike organic compounds and polymers whose viscosity varies abruptly near the glass transition, these networks show Arrheniuslike gradual viscosity variations like those of vitreous silica. Like silica, the materials can be wrought and welded to make complex objects by local heating without the use of molds. The authors state that ‘the concept of a glass made by reversible topology freezing in epoxy networks can be readily scaled up for applications and generalized to other chemistries.’ Reference 1. D. Montarnal, M. Capelot, F. Tournilhac and L. Leibler, Science, 334(6058), 965–968 (2011) (18 Nov., Issue). Enhancing Hydrogen Evolution Activity in Water Splitting by Tailoring Li+ -Ni(OH)2 -Pt Interfaces Improving the sluggish kinetics for the electrochemical reduction of water to molecular hydrogen (H2 ) in alkaline environments is one key to reducing the high overpotentials and associated energy losses in wateralkali and chlor-alkali electrolyzers. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK Here, the authors found that a controlled arrangement of nm-scale Ni(OH)2 clusters on platinum (Pt) electrode surfaces manifests a factor of 8 activity increase in catalyzing the H2 evolution reaction relative to state-of-the-art metal and metal-oxide catalysts. In a bifunctional effect, the edges of the Ni(OH)2 clusters promoted the dissociation of water and the production of hydrogen-intermediates that then adsorbed on the nearby Pt surfaces and recombined into H2 . The generation of these hydrogen-intermediates could be further enhanced via Li+ -induced destabilization of the HO–H bond, resulting in a factor of 10 total increase in activity. Reference 1. R. Subbaraman, D. Tripkovic, D. Strmcnik, K.–C. Chang, M. Uchimura, A. P. Paulikas, V. Stamenkovic and N. M. Markovic, Science, 334(6060), 1256–1260 (2011) (2 Dec., Issue). Recent Books and Review Articles in the Area of Materials Science, Engineering and Technology (Contributed by the Editor) Books • Statistical Physics of Liquids at Freezing and Beyond By Shankar P. Das. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011. Hardback. 584 pages. $130, £80. ISBN 9780521858397. • Handbook of Battery Materials Edited by Daniel, Claus/Besenhard, J. O. Two Volumes. Second and completely revised and enlarged Edition. WileyVCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 989 pages. Euro 349. ISBN-10: 3-527-32695-2. ISBN-13: 978-3527-32695-2 - Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. Recent Books and Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites By Zhang, Ming Qiu/Rong, Min Zhi. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 440 pages. Euro 109. ISBN-10: 0-470-49712-2. ISBN-13: 978-0-47049712-8 - John Wiley & Sons. • Phase Transitions By Ricard V. Solé. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2011.Paperback: 237 pages. $39.50, £27.95. ISBN 9780691150758. • Principles of Solar Cells, LEDs and Diodes The role of the PN junction. By Kitai, Adrian. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 334 pages. Euro 142. ISBN 978-1-4443-1834-0; Softcover. Euro 55.90. ISBN-10: 1-4443-1833-0. ISBN-13: 978-1-44431833-3 - John Wiley & Sons. • Crystal Engineering: A Textbook By Gautam R. Desiraju, Jagadese J. Vittal and Arunachalam Ramanan. IISc Press & World Sci. Publ., India, 2011. 216 pages. £65. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 119 MRS-S OUTLOOK Recent Books and Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 For a review, see, M. Zaworotko, Nature Chem., 3(9), 653, (2011). For a review, see, M. Zaworotko, • Introductory Nanoscience – Physical and Chemical Concepts. By Masaru Kuno. Garland Science (Taylor and Francis), New York, 2011. Paperback: 463 pp. $110. ISBN 9780815344247. • New Trends in the Physics and Mechanics of Biological Systems –École de Physique des Houches, Session XCII, 6–31 July 2009. Edited by Martine Ben Amar et al. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011. Hardback: 379 pp., $72, £40. ISBN 9780199605835. • Principles of Multiscale Modeling By Weinan E. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011. Hardback: 484 pp., $75, £45. ISBN 9781107096547. • Engineering Strategies for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation By Ian S. F. Jones. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011. Hardback: 182 pp., illus. $85, 55. ISBN 9780521516020. Paperback: 182 pp., illus. $40, £24.99. ISBN 9780521731591. Nanocomposites Edited by Vikas Mittal. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011. Hardback: 405 pp., $130, £80. ISBN 9780521190756. • Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications Edited by Detlev Stolten. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2010. 878 pp. Hardcover. Euro 249.00. ISBN 978-3527327119. For a review, see, Ludwig Jörissen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50(42), 9787(2011). • Computational Methods for Large Systems – Electronic Structure Approaches for Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. By Reimers, Jeffrey R. WileyVCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 688 pages. Euro 119. ISBN-10: 0-470-48788-7. ISBN-13: 978-0470-48788-4 - John Wiley & Sons. • Dendrimers –Towards Catalytic, Material and Biomedical Uses. By Turrin, CedricOlivier/Laurent, Regis/Ouali, Arnelle/DelavauxNicot, Beatrice. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 566 pages. Euro 155. ISBN-10: 0470-74881-8. ISBN-13: 978-0-470-74881-7 - John Wiley & Sons. • Holographic Microscopy of Phase Microscopic Objects By Tatyana Tishko, Tishko Dmitry, and Titar Vladimir. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2011.Hardback: 107 pp., illus. $74, £49. ISBN 9789814289542. • Fundamentals of Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites By Gary W. Beall and Clois E. Powell. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011. Hardback: 193 pp., $120, £70. ISBN 9780521876438. • Thermally Stable and Flame Retardant Polymer page 120 • Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends – Volume 2. Edited by Isayev, Avraam I. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 404 pages. Euro 139. ISBN-10: 3-52731930-1. ISBN-13: 978-3-527-31930-5 - WileyVCH, Weinheim. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Advanced Materials and Processing 2010 – Proceedings of the 6th Intl. Conf. on ICAMP. Lijiang, Yunnan, P. R. China, 19–23 July 2010 Edited by Y. F. Zhang et al. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2011. Hardback: 358 pp., $140, £87. ISBN 9789814322782. • Supramolecular Photochemistry –Controlling Photochemical Processes. By Ramamurthy, V. WileyVCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 640 pages. Euro 129. ISBN-10: 0-470-23053-3. ISBN-13: 978-0470-23053-4 - John Wiley & Sons. • Advances in Atomic Physics – An Overview. By Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and David Guéry-Odelin. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2011. Paperback: 791 pp., $48, £30. ISBN 9789812774972. • Dynamical Heterogeneities in Glasses, Colloids and Granular Media By Ludovic Berthier et al. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011.Hardback: 464 pp., $135, £75. ISBN 9780199691470. • Molecular Machines Edited by Benoı̂t Roux. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2011. Hardback: 287 pp., $118, £77. ISBN 9789814343442. • Introduction to Membrane Science and Technology By Strathmann, Heinrich. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 524 pages. Euro 75. ISBN10: 3-527-32451-8. ISBN-13: 978-3-527-32451-4 Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. • Viscoelastic Behavior of Rubbery Materials By C. M. Roland. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011. Hardback: 340 pp., $98.50, £55. ISBN 9780199571574. Recent Books and Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • The Physics Book – From the Big Bang to Quantum Resurrection, 250 Milestones in the History of Physics. By Clifford A. Pickover. Sterling, New York, 2011. Hardback. 528 pages. $29.95, C$32.95. ISBN 9781402778612. • Introduction to Modeling and Simulation of Technical and Physical Systems with Modelica By Fritzson, Peter. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.2011. Softcover. 232 pages. Euro 51.90. ISBN-10: 1-118-01068-X. ISBN-13: 978-1-118-01068-6 - John Wiley & Sons. • Translational Dynamics and Magnetic Resonance – Principles of Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo NMR. By Paul T. Callaghan. Oxford University Press, New York, 2011. Hardback: 565 pp., illus. $94.95, £49.95. ISBN 9780199556984. • Supramolecular Soft Matter –Applications in Materials and Organic Electronics. By Nakanishi, Takashi. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 504 pages. Euro 109. ISBN-10: 0-470-55974-8. ISBN-13: 978-0-470-55974-1 - John Wiley & Sons. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 121 MRS-S OUTLOOK Recent Books and Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Biopolymers – Biomedical and Environmental Applications. By Kalia, Susheel/Avérous, Luc. Wiley-Scrivener, 2011. Hardcover. 642 pages. Euro 169. ISBN-10: 0-470-63923-7. ISBN-13: 978-0470-63923-8 - John Wiley & Sons. • Introduction to Surface Engineering and Functionally Engineered Materials By Martin, Peter. WileyScrivener 2011. Hardcover. 584 pages. Euro 155. ISBN-10: 0-470-63927-X. ISBN-13: 978-0-47063927-6 - John Wiley & Sons. • Tissue Engineering in Regenerative Medicine Edited by Harold S. Bernstein. Humana (Springer), New York, 2011. Hardback: 440 pp. $239. ISBN 9781617793219. • Laser Welding of Plastics – Materials, Processes and Industrial Applications. By Klein, Rolf. WileyVCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 252 pages. Euro 99. ISBN-10: 3-527-40972-6. ISBN-13: 978-3-52740972-3 - Wiley-VCH, Berlin. • Terpyridine-based Materials – For Catalytic, Optoelectronic and Life Science Applications. By Schubert, Ulrich S. / Winter, Andreas / Newkome, George R. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.2011. Hardcover. 522 pages. Euro 149. ISBN-10: 3-527-33038-0. ISBN-13: 978-3-527-33038-6 - Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. page 122 • Plasma Processing of Nanomaterials Edited by R. Mohan Sankaran. CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. Catalogue No: K12993. Hardback: 432 pages. £82.00. ISBN: 9781439866764. ISBN 10: 1439866767. • Introduction to Photovoltaic System Design By John Balfour, Michael Shaw and Nichole Nash. Jones and Bartlett India Pvt Ltd.Ansari Road, Daryaganj. New Delhi-110002. 2011. Hardcover. 556 Pages. ISE Price for India US$ 42.00 (Rs 2180). 9781449624675-PB-2013. Website: A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Multifunctional Polymer Particles with Distinct Compartments. By J. Yoon, K. J. Lee and J. Lahann, J. Mater. Chem., 21(24), 8502–8510, (2011). Abstract Polymer particles with controlled internal architecture are currently under development for a number of emerging applications. In compartmentalized particles, well-defined pockets of distinct materials can be designed that can give rise to a set of orthogonal (i.e., dissimilar) properties within the same particle. While this aspect appears crucial, when multifunctional particles for sensing, imaging or drug delivery are sought after, their experimental realization has only recently been explored in broader terms. In this review, the authors highlight current progress related to the design and fabrication of multicompartmental particles and discuss potential benefits and experimental challenges associated with different synthetic routes. 121 References. • Fabrication of Molecular Sieve Fibers by Electrospinning. By J. Di, Y. Zhao and J. Yu, J. Mater. Chem., 21(24), 8511–8520, (2011). • Biosensors based on One-Dimensional Nanostructures. By I. M. Feigel, H. Vedala and A. Star, J. Mater. Chem., 21(25), 8940–8954, (2011). Abstract Over the past decade, one-dimensional nanostructures (1D-NS) have been studied for the detection of biological molecules. These nanometre-scale materials, with diameters comparable to the size of individual biomolecules, offer the advantage of high sensitivity. In this article, the authors discuss different techniques of biosensing using 1D-NS, namely electrical, electrochemical, optical, and mechanical methods, with a focus on the advancement of these techniques. Advantages and disadvantages of various synthesis and functionalization methods of 1D-NS, as well as biosensor device fabrication procedures are discussed. The main focus of this review is to demonstrate the progress of protein and DNA sensors based on 1D-NS over the past decade, and in addition present an outlook for the future of this technology. 173 References. Review Articles Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Formation, Morphology Control and Applications of Anodic TiO2 Nanotube Arrays. By Z. Su and W. Zhou, J. Mater. Chem., 21(25), 8955–8970, (2011). Abstract Abstract Molecular sieves, such as zeolites and mesoporous materials, have been widely used in the fields of catalysis, adsorption, ion-exchange, and are finding new applications in optics, electronics, magnetism, medicine, etc. Molecular sieves with different morphologies or aggregation states, such as spheres, films, and fibers have been prepared to fulfil the need for various applications. Electrospinning offers a simple and straightforward way for generating ultrafine fibers with diameter in the range of nanometres to micrometres from a variety of materials. In recent decades, electrospinning has been introduced to prepare molecular sieve fibers. In this review, fibrous molecular sieves including zeolite fibers, siliceous and nonsiliceous mesoporous fibers prepared by electrospinning are summarized, and their prominent applications in optics, adsorptions, catalysis, etc. are highlighted. 99 References. Anodic titanium dioxide films, especially anodic TiO2 nanotube arrays, have attracted extensive interest in the past decade. A number of electrolytes, either aqueous or non-aqueous, fluoride containing or fluoride free, have been chosen to grow anodic titanium oxide films. With great improvements in the morphology control on porosity, pore size, nanotube length and pore ordering, anodic titanium oxide films have been widely applied in photochemical water splitting, hydrogen sensing, dye-sensitized solar cells, templating for low dimensional nanomaterials and biomedical research. This article presents a brief review of the progress to date in the formation mechanism, morphology control and some applications of these smart materials. 173 References. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 123 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Silicate Cathodes for Lithium Batteries: Alternatives to Phosphates?. By M. S. Islam, R. Dominko, C. Masquelier, C. Sirisopanaporn, A. R. Armstrong and P. G. Bruce, J. Mater. Chem., 21(27), 9811–9818, (2011). Abstract Polyoxyanion compounds, particularly the olivinephosphate LiFePO4 , are receiving considerable attention as alternative cathodes for rechargeable lithium batteries. More recently, an entirely new class of polyoxyanion cathodes based on the orthosilicates, Li2 MSiO4 (M = Mn, Fe, and Co), has been attracting growing interest. In the case of Li2 FeSiO4 , iron and silicon are among the most abundant and lowest cost elements, and hence offer the tantalising prospect of preparing cheap and safe cathodes from rust and sand! This article presents an overview of recent developments and future challenges of silicate cathode materials focusing on their structural polymorphs, electrochemical behaviour and nanomaterials chemistry. 36 References. • Mitigating the Initial Capacity Loss (ICL) Problem in High-Capacity Lithium Ion Battery Anode Materials. By G. Ji, Y. Ma and J. Y. Lee, J. Mater. Chem., 21(27), 9819–9824, (2011). Abstract This review highlights the research progress on the mitigation of the ICL of high capacity non-carbonaceous anode materials. For completeness, it begins with a short account of the ICL of carbon anodes. The origin of ICL in non-carbonaceous anode materials is then introduced next. Since Sn, SnO2 and Si have attracted the most research interest, they are the focus of the discussion. This is followed by a survey of reported methods on mitigating the ICL of these materials. The literature on this subject matter is rather limited, and some of the methods have not been replicated besides the original work. Nonetheless, the authors provide their perspectives and approach to solving this pertinacious material deficiency. 41 References. • One Dimensional Si/Sn - based Nanowires and Nanotubes for Lithium-ion Energy Storage Materials. By N. –S. Choi, Y. Yao, Y. Cui and J. Cho, J. Mater. Chem., 21(27), 9825–9840, (2011). page 124 Abstract There has been tremendous interest in using nanomaterials for advanced Li-ion battery electrodes, particularly to increase the energy density by using high specific capacity materials. Recently, it was demonstrated that one dimensional (1D) Si/Sn nanowires (NWs) and nanotubes (NTs) have great potential to achieve high energy density as well as long cycle life for the next generation of advanced energy storage applications. In this article, the authors review recent progress on Si-based NWs and NTs as high capacity anode materials. Fundamental understanding and future challenges on one dimensional nanostructured anode are also discussed. 108 References. • Transition Metal Vanadium Oxides and Vanadate Materials for Lithium Batteries. By F. Cheng and J. Chen, J. Mater. Chem., 21(27), 9841–9848, (2011). Abstract Transition metal vanadium oxides and vanadates have been widely investigated as possible active materials for primary and rechargeable lithium batteries. As compared to the classic lithium-insertion compounds such as LiCoO2 , the composite vanadium oxides and vanadates have the prominent advantages of high theoretical capacities owing to multistep reductions and more electron transfer upon lithium intercalation. This review presents a survey of recent advances made in the application of transition metal vanadium oxides and vanadates. Particularly, the structure, synthesis and electrochemical properties of silver vanadium oxides (e.g., AgVO3 , Ag2 V4 O11 and Ag4 V2 O6 F2 ) and copper vanadates (e.g., CuV2 O6 , Cu2.33 V4 O11 and Cu1.1 V4 O11 ) are discussed, with the illustration of the effect of crystal structure, composition, and morphology on the battery performance. Benefits gained from reducing the particle size have been particularly demonstrated. 62 References. • Interfacing Electrolytes with Electrodes in Li Ion Batteries. By K. Xu and A. von Cresce, J. Mater. Chem., 21(27), 9849–9864, (2011). A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK Since its birth in early 1990s, Li ion battery technology has been powering the rapid digitization of our daily life and finally made its debut in 2010 into the large format application for electrified vehicles such as the Nissan Leaf and GM Chevrolet Volt. However, much of the chemistry and processes underneath this amazing energy storage device still remain to be understood, among which is the interphase between electrolyte and electrodes. Interphases are formed in situ on electrode surfaces from sacrificial decomposition of electrolytes. Their ad hoc chemistry supports the reversible Li+ -intercalation in both anode and cathode materials at extreme potentials, while preventing parasitic reductions/oxidations on the reactive surfaces of those electrodes. But, their existence places restrictions on energy and power densities of the device by impeding Li+ -transport and setting operating voltage limits, respectively. It has been the dream of battery engineers to maximize the former and minimize the latter. This review summarizes the most recent knowledge about the chemistry and formation mechanism of this elusive battery component on both anode and cathode surfaces. The attempts to tailor a desired interphasial chemistry via diversified means are also discussed. 124 References. • 3D-Lithium Ion Batteries – From Fundamentals to Fabrication. By M. Roberts, P. Johns, J. Owen, D. Brandell, K. Edstrom, G. E. Enany, C. Guery, D. Golodnitsky, M. Lacey, C. Lecoeur, H. Mazor, E. Peled, E. Perre, M. M. Shaijumon, P. Simon and P. –L. Taberna, J. Mater Chem., 21(27), 9876–9890, (2011). Abstract Three dimensional (3D)-microbatteries are proposed as a step change in the energy and power per footprint of surface mountable rechargeable batteries for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and other small electronic devices. Within a battery electrode, a 3D nanoarchitecture gives mesoporosity, increasing power by reducing the length of the diffusion path; in the separator region it can form the basis of a robust but porous solid, isolating the electrodes and immobilising an otherwise fluid electrolyte. 3D microarchitecture of the whole cell allows fabrication of interdigitated or interpenetrating networks that minimise the ionic path length between the electrodes in a thick cell. This article outlines the design principles for 3D microbatteries and estimates the geometrical and physical requirements of the materials. It then gives selected examples of recent progress in the techniques available for fabrication of 3D battery structures by successive deposition of electrodes, electrolytes and current collectors onto microstructured substrates by self-assembly methods. 45 References. Review Articles Abstract Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • SnO2 Hollow Structures and TiO2 Nanosheets for Lithium-ion Batteries. By J. S. Chen, L. A. Archer and X. W. (David) Lou, J. Mater Chem., 21(27), 9912–9924, (2011). Abstract As an important energy storage platform for portable electronics, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been challenged by steadily growing demands for better performance, improved safety, and enhanced reliability. A variety of nanomaterials has emerged with good electrochemical properties and can be regarded as promising electrode materials for LIBs. In this article, the authors specifically discuss two nanomaterials systems with unique structures, which show particular promise as anode materials for LIBs: tin dioxide (SnO2 ) hollow spheres and anatase titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) nanosheets (NSs) with exposed (001) high-energy facets. For both systems, the approaches for synthesizing the unique nanostructured materials required for improved LIB performance are given, and subsequently their Li-storage properties are reviewed. By focusing on SnO2 and TiO2 , the authors seek to provide rational understanding of the relationship between proper nanostructuring and enhanced physicochemical properties of the active anode material in LIBs, hopefully uncovering new possibilities to generate advanced materials for next generation rechargeable batteries. 129 References. • Nanostructured Negative Electrodes Based on Titania for Li-Ion Microbatteries. By T. Djenizian, I. Hanzu and P. Knauth, J. Mater. Chem., 21(27), 9925–9937, (2011). A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 125 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Abstract This article reviews recent developments on Li-ion microbatteries. After a short literature overview, use of TiO2 as an alternative anode for Li-ion batteries and enhanced electrochemical performances of nanostructured titania electrodes is introduced. Principle and formation mechanism of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes by electrochemical anodization and electrochemical fabrication of metallic nanowires are discussed in detail. Electrochemical performance of negative electrodes for Li-ion microbatteries composed of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes and composite TiO2 nanotubes–oxide nanowires is presented. 184 References. • A Review of Advanced and Practical Lithium Battery Materials. BY R. Marom, S. F. Amalraj, N. Leifer, D. Jacob and D. Aurbach, J. Mater. Chem., 21(27), 9938–9954, (2011). Abstract Presented herein is a discussion of the forefront in research and development of advanced electrode materials and electrolyte solutions for the next generation of lithium ion batteries (LIBs). The main challenge of the field today is in meeting the demands necessary to make the electric vehicle (EV) fully commercially viable. This requires high energy and power densities with no compromise in safety. Three families of advanced cathode materials (the limiting factor for energy density in the Li battery systems) are discussed in detail: LiMn1.5 Ni0.5 O4 high voltage spinel compounds, Li2 MnO3 –LiMO2 high capacity composite layered compounds, and LiMPO4 , where M = Fe, Mn. Graphite, Si, Lix TOy , and MO (conversion reactions) are discussed as anode materials. The electrolyte is a key component that determines the ability to use high voltage cathodes and low voltage anodes in the same system. Electrode–solution interactions and passivation phenomena on both electrodes in LIBs also play significant roles in determining stability, cycle life and safety features. This presentation is aimed at providing an overall picture of the road map necessary for the future development of advanced high energy density LIBs for EV applications. 85 References. page 126 • Engineering Nanostructured Electrodes Away from Equilibrium for Lithium-Ion Batteries. By Y. Liu, D. Liu, Q. Zhang and G. Cao, J. Mater. Chem., 21(27), 9969–9983, (2011). Abstract Boosted by the rapid advances of science and technology in the field of energy materials, Li-ion batteries (LIBs) have achieved significant progress in energy storage performance since their commercial debut in 1991. The development of nanostructured electrode material is regarded as one of the key potentials for the further advancement in LIBs. This article summarizes the authors’ recent efforts in the synthesis and characterization of nanostructured electrode materials for high-performance LIBs. The electrode materials include manganese oxide nanowall arrays, vanadium oxide nanofibers and films, vanadium oxide–carbon nanocomposites, lithium iron phosphate–carbon nanocomposite films, and titanium oxide nanotube arrays. Enhanced Li+ intercalation capacities, improved rate capabilities and better cyclic stability were achieved by constructing micro- or nanostructure, controlling materials crystallinity and introducing desired defects on the surface and/or in the bulk. The fabrication of binderless and additive-free nanostructured electrodes for LIBs via sol–gel processing is also highlighted. 118 References. • 3D Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering. By J. M. Holzwarth and P. X. Ma, J. Mater. Chem., 21(28), 10243–10251, (2011). Abstract Combining the efforts of numerous fields, tissue engineering is tackling the most significant and widespread clinical issues. One of the key aspects of tissue engineering is the scaffold. Recently, advancements at the interface of materials science and cell biology have led to the development of synthetic polymer nanofibrous scaffolds. These novel constructs enhance cell adhesion, differentiation, and tissue formation by serving as a biomimetic extracellular matrix. This review covers the modern advancements of the three major fabrication techniques currently used to A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Biotemplating Routes to Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystals. By M. R. Jorgensen and M. H. Bartl, J. Mater. Chem., 21(28), 10583–10591, (2011). Abstract The strikingly colorful world of insects is in large part the result of light interacting with periodically organized biopolymeric structures incorporated into wings, hairs and exoskeletons. Such structural colors have recently gained tremendous interest as photonic crystals with their ability to control the behavior of light in revolutionary new ways. This article reviews recent developments in employing biological structures as unique templates for the fabrication of inorganic photonic crystals. Different biotemplating methods, including atomic layer deposition, conformal-evaporated-film-by-rotation and sol–gel chemistry, are introduced and discussed. Under optimized conditions these methods produce highfidelity inorganic replica structures with improved sensing, light emission and photonic band gap properties. 65 References. • Iodine-Free Redox Couples for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. By H. Tian and L. Sun, J. Mater. Chem., 21(29), 10592–10601, (2011). Abstract Redox couples, as one of the crucial components of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs), have been investigated for many years. Due to the many drawbacks of I− /I3 − electrolyte, scientists have paid more attention to seeking other alternative electrolyte systems. Up to now, the best efficiency of iodine-free redox couple-based DSCs, 7.5%, has been achieved by ferrocene/ferrocenium redox couple under AM 1.5 G, 100 mW cm− 2 light illumination and other redox couples also show the promising future in DSCs. In this article, the authors systematically present three series of iodine-free redox couples including metal-complexes, inorganic and pure organic redox couples, and further compare the different photovoltaic and photo-physical properties of these redox couples. As a consequence, the goals of this article are to show the important progress achieved in the redox couples research area of DSCs and analyze the advantages as well as the disadvantages of these redox couples to speed up the further development of iodine-free redox couples in the future. 76 References. Review Articles create nanofibrous scaffolds: electrospinning, molecular self-assembly, and thermally induced phase separation. Additionally, developments in the biological applications, with a focus on bone and cartilage tissue engineering, are surveyed by looking at the various adult and stem cell sources, the ability of the scaffolds to support the differentiation of various stem cells down multiple lineages, and the capacity of the constructs to form clinically relevant three dimensional (3D) tissue. 117 References. Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Carboxylic Group Functionalized Ordered Mesoporous Silicas. By L. Han, O. Terasaki and S. Che, J. Mater. Chem., 21(30), 11033–11039, (2011). Abstract Many research efforts have focused on the synthesis of organic and inorganic hybrid ordered mesoporous silicas (MSs) with functionalization of the exterior and/or interior surfaces aiming for applications in separation, adsorption, catalysis, drug delivery, and nanotechnology. Among the organic groups, the carboxylic group is a particularly useful reactive group for many applications. This article provides a brief overview of the carboxylic group functionalized MSs and the recent progress in synthetic strategies and applications have been reviewed. 49 References. • Nanostructured cathode materials: a key for better performance in Li-ion batteries. By R. Pitchai, V. Thavasi, S. G. Mhaisalkar and S. Ramakrishna, J. Mater. Chem., 21(30), 11040–11051, (2011). Abstract Battery technology plays critical role under clean energy systems because it contributes for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Breakthroughs in cathodes, anodes, and electrolyte materials are needed to reach high power and energy density in lithium ion batteries (LIBs). The electrochemical performance (cycling stability, power density, and reversibility) depends on the morphological and compositional characteristics of the electrode materials, which could be controlled during the synthesis and also the annealing process. Enormous leverage can result from the A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 127 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 advances in nanostructured electrode materials. Nano sized electrodes exhibit minimal impedance growth, which means no substantial loss of power with cycling, also increase the electrode/electrolyte contact area, which in turn increase the charge/discharge rate to achieve maximum power. This article reviews novel nanostructured cathode materials and their influence on the electrochemical performance of LIBs. 85 References. • Chemical Functionalisation of Silicon And Germanium Nanowires. By G. Collins and J. D. Holmes, J. Mater. Chem., 21(30), 11052–11069 (2011). Abstract The reduced dimensionality of nanowires implies that surface effects significantly influence their properties, which has important implications for the fabrication of nanodevices such as field effect transistors and sensors. This review explores the strategies available for wet chemical functionalisation of silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) nanowires. The stability and electrical properties of surface modified Si and Ge nanowires is explored. While this review focuses primarily on nanowire surfaces, much has been learned from work on planar substrates and differences between two dimensional (2D) and nanowire surfaces are high-lighted. The possibility of band gap engineering and controlling electronic characteristics through surface modification provides new opportunities for future nanowire based applications. Nano-sensing is emerging as a major application of modified Si nanowires and the progress of these devices to date is also discussed. 198 References. • Formation and Morphology Control of Nanoparticles Via Solution Routes in an Autoclave. By Y. Zhu, T. Mei, Y. Wang and Y. Qian, J. Mater. Chem., 21(31), 11457–11463, (2011). Abstract Formation and morphology control of nanomaterials is a crucial issue in nanoscience research in the exploitation of novel properties. This article presents a review of some research activities on the formation and morphology control of nanoparticles via solution routes in page 128 an autoclave over the last decade. Several solution systems, including hydrothermal, solvothermal and mixed solvothermal routes, are specifically discussed and highlighted. A helical belt template mechanism was proposed for the formation of the Te nanotubes in aqueous ammonia. Assisted by the surfactant of sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate (SDBS), nickel nanobelts were hydrothermally synthesized. Ethylenediamine (En) and n-butylamine can be used as shape controllers to one-dimensional (1D) semiconductor nanostructures in the solvothermal process. The phase of metastable and stable MnS crystallites can be controlled by solvothermal reaction in various solvents. Selective preparation of 1D to 3D CdS nanostructures was achieved by controlling the volume ratio of the mixed solvents. With poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) serving as a soft template, the transformation from nanowires to nanotubes, then to nanowires was observed in the mixed solvents of distilled water and ethanolamine (EA). 74 References. • Mesoporous Titania Photocatalysts: Preparation, Characterization and Reaction Mechanisms. By A. A. Ismail and D. W. Bahnemann, J. Mater. Chem., 21(31), 11686–11707, (2011). Abstract Titanium dioxide, TiO2 is a very important semiconductor with a high potential for applications in photocatalysis, solar cells, photochromism, sensoring, and various other areas of nanotechnology. Increasing attention has recently been focused on the simultaneous achievement of high bulk crystallinity and the formation of ordered mesoporous TiO2 frameworks with high thermal stability. Mesoporous TiO2 has continued to be highly active in photocatalytic applications because it is beneficial for promoting the diffusion of reactants and products, as well as for enhancing the photocatalytic activity by facilitating access to the reactive sites on the surface of photocatalyst. This steady progress has demonstrated that mesoporous TiO2 nanoparticles are playing and will continue to play an important role in the protection of the environment and in the search for renewable and clean energy technologies. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Recent Progress of High Performance Organic Thin Film Field-Effect Transistors. By Q. Meng, H. Dong, W. Hu and D. Zhu, J. Mater. Chem., 21(31), 11708–11721, (2011). Abstract During the past few decades, thousands of organic semiconductors have been designed and synthesized for organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). However, most of them exhibit non-ideal performance. After carefully reviewing recent OTFTs with high performance, e.g., OTFTs with mobility over 1.0 cm2 V− 1 s− 1 , guidelines for device fabrication are highlighted, especially the importance in finding promising compounds and regulating molecular properties for OTFTs, as well as in modifying surfaces of dielectric and electrodes for high-quality devices. 121 References. • Transition Metal Hydrogenophosphates: A Potential Source of New Protonic and Lithium Conductors. By V. Pralong, V. Caignaert and B. Raveau, J. Mater. Chem., 21(33), 12188–12201, (2011). Abstract The research of new frameworks with excellent protonic and lithium ion conduction properties is a topic of high interest for the development of energy storage, as materials in fuel cells and batteries. The authors review herein, the investigations that have been performed on transition metal hydrogenophosphates, whose hydroxyl (OH) group or (H2 O) molecules or (H3 O+ ) cations allow protonic conduction but also precursors for Li ion conduction to be generated, using both H-Li exchange and direct lithium insertion. 107 References. • Polymorphous Transformations of Nanometric Iron(III) Oxide: A Review. By L. Machala, J. Tucek, and R. Zboril, Chem. Mater., 23(14), 3255–3272, (2011). Abstract There is great interest in iron oxides, especially in nanosized form, for both fundamental and practical reasons. Because of its polymorphism, ferric oxide, Fe2 O3 is one of the most interesting and potentially useful phases of the iron oxides. Each of the four different known crystalline Fe2 O3 polymorphs (alpha-, beta, gamma-, and epsilon-Fe2 O3 ) has unique biochemical, magnetic, catalytic, and other properties that make it suitable for specific technical and biomedical applications. High temperature treatment is a key step in most syntheses of iron(III) oxides but often triggers polymorphous transformations that result in the formation of undesired mixtures of Fe2 O3 polymorphs. This review discusses the dependence of the mechanism and kinetics of the polymorphous transformations of Fe2 O3 on the intrinsic properties of the material (polymorph structure, particle size, particle morphology, surface coating, particle aggregation, incorporation of particles within a matrix) and external parameters of synthetic and/or natural. The use of selected analytical tools in studying the polymorphous transformations of Fe2 O3 is also discussed, with particular emphasis on in situ approaches. Finally, key objectives for future research in this area are highlighted: (i) the development of more sophisticated kinetic control of the γ-Fe2 O3 → ε-Fe2 O3 phase transformation; (ii) investigation of particle morphology changes during the polymorphous transformations of Fe2 O3 ; and (iii) the study of high-pressure induced phase transformations of Fe2 O3 polymorphs other than α-Fe2 O3 . 165 References. Review Articles This review focuses on the preparation and characterisation of mesoporous TiO2 , noble metals nanoparticles, transition metal ions, non-metal/doped mesoporous titania networks. The photocatalytic activity of mesoporous titania materials upon visible and UV illumination are reviewed, summarized and discussed, in particular, concerning the influence of preparation and solid-state properties of the materials. Reaction mechanisms that are being discussed to explain these effects are presented and critically evaluated. 155 References. Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Electron Transfer Dynamics in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. By A. Listorti, B. O’Regan and J. R Durrant, Chem. Mater., 23(15), 3381–3399, (2011). Abstract In this review, the authors address the materials design parameters that control the processes of charge separation, and thereby device efficiency, in dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical solar cells. The review starts A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 129 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 with an overview of the structure, energetics and kinetics of dye-sensitized solar cells. The parameters determining the efficiency of the two primary charge separation steps in these devices are described in detail: electron injection from the dye excited state into the metal oxide electrode, and regeneration of the dye ground state by the redox electrolyte. They consider the kinetic competition between these desired charge separation steps and the undesired loss pathways of excited state decay to ground and electron recombination with dye cations. The review avoids detailed mathematical and spectroscopic discussion, but rather tries to summarize the key conclusions relevant to materials design. A recurring theme is the energy cost of achieving charge separation, and how this limits device performance. A further factor addressed is, real as opposed to ideal materials behavior, including, for example, consideration of the implications of empirical observations of an exponential density of acceptor states in the metal oxide, as well as identification of unresolved issues. 211 References. • Synthesis, Assembly and Applications of Semiconductor Nanomembranes. By J. A. Rogers, M. G. Lagally and R. G. Nuzzo, Nature, 477, 45–53, (2011). Abstract Research in electronic nanomaterials, historically dominated by studies of nanocrystals/fullerenes and nanowires/nanotubes, now incorporates a growing focus on sheets with nanoscale thicknesses, referred to as nanomembranes. Such materials have practical appeal because their two-dimensional geometries facilitate integration into devices, with realistic pathways to manufacturing. Recent advances in synthesis provide access to nanomembranes with extraordinary properties in a variety of configurations, some of which exploit quantum and other size-dependent effects. This progress, together with emerging methods for deterministic assembly, leads to compelling opportunities for research, from basic studies of two-dimensional physics to the development of applications of heterogeneous electronics. 99 References. page 130 • Beyond the Shine: Recent Progress in Applications of Nanodiamond. By A. Krueger, J. Mater. Chem., 21(34), 12571–12578, (2011). Abstract In the past few years a variety of new fields for the use of nanoscale diamond have emerged. In this article newly developed applications such as the use of nanodiamond in composites or for catalytic, electrochemical and biomedical purposes are discussed. Furthermore, nanodiamond can be used as a sensitive and stable luminescent label when suitable lattice defects are present in the nanoparticles. Those defects are also the basis for magnetic and quantum applications of this carbon material. 69 References. • Pt-based Composite Nanoparticles for Magnetic, Catalytic, and Ciomedical Applications. By Y. Liu, D. Li and S. Sun, J. Mater. Chem., 21(34), 12579–12587, (2011). Abstract This article highlights the recent advances in the synthesis of Pt-based binary alloy and core–shell nanoparticles (NPs) for magnetic, catalytic and biomedical applications. These composite NPs are made by thermal decomposition and reduction of metal precursors in a high boiling point organic solvent with their size, shape, composition and shell thickness controlled by metal precursor concentrations, surfactant concentrations and reaction temperatures. The as-synthesized alloy NPs adopt typically the face centered cubic (fcc) structure and can be further converted into the face centered tetragonal (fct) structure upon high temperature annealing. The NP size, shape, composition and structure dependent magnetism and catalysis are further illustrated. The studies show that the fct structured NPs are ferromagnetic and are promising components for magnetic data storage media, and that the core– shell NPs are better catalysts for fuel cell reactions with much enhanced activity and durability, and that the fcc structured FePt NPs have great potential for multimodality imaging and for therapeutic applications. 97 References. • Mimicking Tricks from Nature with Sensory Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Materials. By R. Martı́nez-Máñez, F. Sancenón, M. Biyikal, A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK Abstract Design strategies for (bio) chemical systems that are inspired by nature’s accomplishments in system design and operation on various levels of complexity are increasingly gaining in importance. Within the broad field of biomimetic chemistry, this article highlights various attempts toward improved and sophisticated sensory materials that rely on the combination of supramolecular (bio) chemical recognition principles and nanoscopic solid structures. Examples range from more established concepts such as hybrid sensing ensembles with improved sensitivity and selectivity or for target analytes to very recent approaches relying on target-gated amplified signalling with functionalised mesoporous inorganic supports and the integration of native biological sensory species such as trans-membrane proteins in spherically supported bilayer membranes. Besides obvious mimicry of recognition-based processes, selected approaches toward chemical transduction junctions utilizing artificially organized synapses, hybrid ensembles for improved antibody generation and uniquely colour changing systems are discussed. All of these strategies open up exciting new prospects for the development of sensing concepts and sensory devices at the interface of nanotechnology, smart materials and supramolecular (bio) chemistry. 135 References. • Recent Advances in Photofunctional Guest/Layered Double Hydroxide Host Composite Systems and their Applications: Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives. By D. Yan, J. Lu, M. Wei, D. G. Evans and X. Duan, J. Mater. Chem., 21(35), 13128–13139, (2011). In this article, recent advances in the field of photoactive guest/layered double hydroxide (LDH) host composite systems and their prospective applications are reviewed. Firstly, several chromophore/LDH solid-state powdered materials with attractive photophysical properties are introduced. Attention is then focused on ordered photoemissive LDH-based thin films, and their polarized luminescence properties and stimuliresponsive behavior as sensors. Finally, theoretical investigations of the geometric and electronic structure of the photofunctional guest/LDH host supramolecular architecture employing molecular dynamics simulations and periodic density functional calculations are briefly reviewed. 74 References. Review Articles M. Hecht and K. Rurack, J. Mater. Chem., 21(34), 12588–12604, (2011). Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • A Journey in Search of Single-Walled Metal– Organic Nanotubes. By P. Thanasekaran, T.–T. Luo, C.–H. Lee and K.–L. Lu, J. Mater. Chem., 21(35), 13140–13149, (2011). Abstract Single-walled metal–organic nanotubes (SWMONTs) represent a family of new structured porous materials. Metal–organic nanotubes (MONTs) offer an attractive alternative to carbon nanotubes because cationic metal ions are incorporated into the backbones of MONTs. However, efforts regarding the preparation of metal–organic nanotubes have been few in number, compared with the focus on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and synthetic nanotubes (SNTs). In particular, the preparation of single-walled metal–organic nanotubes (SWMONTs) remains largely unexplored. The goal of this article is to highlight synthetic strategies, the structural characteristics of this unique class of SWMONTs materials and explore possible applications. 35 References. • Nitridosilicates and Oxonitridosilicates: From Ceramic Materials to Structural and Functional Diversity. By M. Zeuner, S. Pagano and W. Schnick, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50(35), 7754–7775, (2011). Abstract Incorporation of organic photofunctional guests into host matrices has attracted considerable interest as a means of achieving controllable luminescence and other photofunctional properties for application in the next generation of light-emitting materials and sensors. Abstract Silicates are one of the most important classes of compounds on this planet, and more than 1000 silicates have been identified in the mineral kingdom. Additionally, several hundreds of artificial silicates have been A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 131 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 synthesized. The substitution of oxygen by nitrogen leads to the structurally diverse and manifold class of nitridosilicates. Silicon nitride, one of the most important non-oxidic ceramic materials, is the binary parent compound of nitridosilicates, and it symbolizes the inherent material properties of these refractory compounds. However, prior to the last decades, a broad systematic investigation of nitridosilicates had not been accomplished. In the meantime, these and related compounds have reached a remarkable level of industrial application. This review illustrates recent progress in synthesis and structure–property relationships and also applications of nitridosilicates, oxonitridosilicates, and related SiAlONs. 212 References. • Advanced Organic Optoelectronic Materials: Harnessing Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer (ESIPT) Process. By J. E. Kwon and S. Y. Park, Adv. Mater., 23(32), 3615–3642, (2011). Abstract Recently, organic fluorescent molecules harnessing the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) process are drawing great attention due to their unique photophysical properties which facilitate novel optoelectronic applications. After a brief introduction to the ESIPT process and related photophysical properties, molecular design strategies towards tailored emission are discussed in relation to their theoretical aspects. Subsequently, recent studies on advanced ESIPT molecules and their optoelectronic applications are surveyed, particularly focusing on chemical sensors, fluorescence imaging, proton transfer lasers, and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs. 116 References. • Recent Progress in Synergistic Catalysis over Heterometallic Nanoparticles. By H.–L. Jiang and Q. Xu, J. Mater. Chem., 21(36), 13705–13725, (2011). Abstract Heterometallic nanoparticles (NPs) have been emerging as a type of important catalyst. Bimetallic NPs with alloyed and core–shell structures have higher activities than monometallic counterparts in catalysis due to the synergistic effects between the two metals. page 132 Compared to the straightforward synthesis of bimetallic alloy NPs, the preparation strategies for bimetallic core–shell NPs are flexible and diversified. In addition, synergistic catalysis over trimetallic and multimetallic NPs has also received considerable interest in recent years. In this article, the authors provide an overview of the recent developments of heterometallic NPs for improved catalytic performance. 169 References. • Structure–Property Relationships of Iron Arsenide Superconductors. By D. Johrendt, J. Mater. Chem., 21(36), 13726–13736, (2011). Abstract Iron based superconductors sent material scientists into a renewed excitement reminiscent of the time when the first high-Tc superconductors were discovered 25 years ago. This article reviews relationships between structural chemistry and magnetic as well as superconducting properties of iron arsenide compounds, which are outstandingly rich and uniquely coupled. Particular attention is paid to the nature of the structural phase transitions of the parent compounds and their possible origins, on effects of doping on the crystal structures and on the coexistence of magnetic ordering and superconductivity. In spite of the many fascinating insights that have already enriched the research on superconductivity, many questions are still open and prove iron based superconductors to be a good recipe for future discoveries in this lively field. 95 References. • Solid State Synthesis of Nitride, Carbide and Boride Nanocrystals in an Autoclave. By Y. Zhu, Q. Li, T. Mei and Y. Qian, J. Mater. Chem., 21(36), 13756–13764, (2011). Abstract This article provides a brief overview of the latest developments in the solid state synthesis of various nitride, carbide and boride nanocrystals in an autoclave at mild temperatures. An additive assisted route was developed for nitride, carbide and boride nanocrystals. In the presence of S powder, 3C–SiC nanocrystals were obtained utilizing waste plastics and Si powder at 350–500◦C. With the assistance of I2 , rare-earth and alkaline-earth hexaboride nanocrystals were prepared at temperatures below 400◦ C. As N-aminothiourea and A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Progress in Non-Volatile Memory Devices based on Nanostructured Materials and Nanofabrication. By J. –S. Lee, J. Mater. Chem., 2(37), 14097–14112, (2011). Abstract Semiconductor device technology has continuously advanced through active research and the development of innovative technologies during the past decades. Semiconductor devices are expected to descend below the 10 nm scale within the next ten years. Meanwhile, nanofabrication technology and the synthesis of nanostructured materials for novel device applications have made considerable progress too. This review discusses new technologies that make this continuous device scaling possible. The recent efforts and research activities are discussed regarding the fabrication and characterization of non-volatile memory devices made of nanostructured materials and by nanofabrication. The review concludes with an analysis of device fabrication strategies and device architectures beyond the device scaling limit with an emphasis on some promising technologies from bottom-up approaches. 117 References. • Toward Flexible Polymer and Paper-Based Energy Storage Devices. By L. Nyholm, G. Nyström, A. Mihranyan and M. Strømme, Adv. Mater., 23(33), 3751–3769, (2011). Abstract All-polymer and paper-based energy storage devices have significant inherent advantages in comparison with many currently employed batteries and supercapacitors regarding environmental friendliness, flexibility, cost and versatility. The research within this field is currently undergoing an exciting development as new polymers, composites and paper-based devices are being developed. The authors review recent progress concerning the development of flexible energy storage devices based on electronically conducting polymers and cellulose containing composites with particular emphasis on paper-based batteries and supercapacitors. They discuss recent progress in the development of the most commonly used electronically conducting polymers used in flexible device prototypes, the advantages and disadvantages of this type of energy storage devices, as well as the two main approaches used in the manufacturing of paper-based charge storage devices. 166 References. Review Articles iodine were added to the system containing Si and NaN3 , β-Si3 N4 nanorods and α,β-Si3 N4 nanoparticles could be prepared at 60◦ C. A ternary nitride of MgSiN2 can also be prepared at 350–500◦C using Si, Mg, and NaN3 as reactants. 100 References. Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Bipolar Host Materials: A Chemical Approach for Highly Efficient Electrophosphorescent Devices. By A. Chaskar, H. –F. Chen and K. –T. Wong, Adv. Mater., 23(34), 3876–3895, (2011). Abstract The future of organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) is drifting from electrofluorescence toward electrophosphorescence due to the feasibility of realizing 100% internal quantum efficiency. There is limited availability of transition metals (TMs) such as Ir, Os, and Pt, which are used for color-tunable phosphorescent emitters, and the use of the host-guest strategy is necessary for suppressing the detrimental triplettriplet annihilation inherently imparted by the TMcentered emitters. The inevitable demands of organic host materials provide organic chemists with tremendous opportunities to contribute their expertise to this technology. With suitable molecular design and judicious selection of chemical structures featured with different electronic nature, the incorporation of holetransporting (HT) and electron-transporting (ET) moieties combines the advantages of both functional units into bipolar host materials, which perform balanced injection/transportation/recombination of charge carriers and consequentially lead the OLEDs to have higher performances and low roll-off efficiencies. This review highlights recently developed bipolar host materials with the focus on molecular design strategies and the structure-property-performance relationships of various classes of bipolar host materials, which are classified into several categories according to the structural features of their constituents (HT/ET blocks and spacers). 109 References. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 133 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • One-Dimensional Nanostructures of Ferroelectric Perovskites. By P. M. Rørvik, T. Grande and M. –A. Einarsrud, Adv. Mater., 23(35), 4007–4034, (2011). Abstract Nanorods, nanowires, and nanotubes of ferroelectric perovskites have recently been studied with increasing intensity due to their potential use in nonvolatile ferroelectric random access memory devices, nano-electromechanical systems, energy-harvesting devices, advanced sensors, and in photocatalysis. This review summarizes the current status of these onedimensional(1D) nanostructures and gives a critical overview of synthesis routes with emphasis on chemical methods. The ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of the 1D nanostructures are discussed and possible applications are highlighted. Finally, prospects for future research within this field are outlined. 202 References. • Shape Matters: Anisotropy of the Morphology of Inorganic Colloidal Particles — Synthesis and Function. By S. Polarz, Adv. Funct. Mater., 21(17), 3214–3230, (2011). are discussed that can be found for the synthesis of anisotropic metal and metal-oxide nanoparticles. 194 References. • Role of Molecular Order and Solid-State Structure in Organic Field-Effect Transistors. By M. Mas-Torrent and C. Rovira, Chem Rev., 111(8), 4833–4856, (2011). Abstract This review highlights the influence of the molecular organization on the mobility of the organic fieldeffect transistors (OFETs), with emphasis on some of the factors that should be born in mind, such as polymorphism, intermolecular interactions, and interfaces. It is imperative to gain a better insight into the influence of the intermolecular interactions on the solidstate structure and the transport properties so that it will be feasible to design materials for specific applications. 181 References. • Electroluminescent Materials for White Organic Light Emitting Diodes. By G. M. Farinola and R. Ragni, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(7), 3467–3482, (2011). Abstract Abstract The shape of a crystalline particle can be defined by a characteristic set and abundance of surfaces corresponding to the lattice planes [hkl] of the crystal. The structure, the density, the electronic system, and the energy of each [hkl]-surface is different from the others. Consequently, every morphology is also characterized by a unique free energy compared to alternative shapes at a constant surface-to-volume ratio. Using tools from geometrical crystallography, an attempt is made to describe the systems in terms of morphology energy landscapes. It is obvious that, similar to surface phenomena, shape-related properties are also apparent, in particular at the nanometer-scale. However, morphology effects go much beyond surface effects. It is shown that not only catalytic properties differ with particle shape, but also magnetic, optical, electronic, mechanical, and self-assembly properties are influenced. In addition, analytical methods are highlighted that are suitable for the determination of the shape of the particles. Different methods page 134 White organic light emitting diodes (WOLEDs) are promising devices for application in low energy consumption lighting since they combine the potentialities of high efficiency and inexpensive production with the appealing features of large surfaces emitting good quality white light. However, lifetime, performances and costs still have to be optimized to make WOLEDs commercially competitive as alternative lighting sources. Development of efficient and stable emitters plays a key role in the progress of WOLED technology. This review discusses the main approaches to obtain white electroluminescence with organic and organometallic emitters. Representative examples of each method are reported highlighting the most significant achievements together with open issues and challenges to be faced by future research. 67 References. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK Abstract This tutorial review presents some recent developments in the design, synthesis and implementation of organic solution-processable molecular fluorophores for non-doped electroluminescent lightemitting devices. After a brief presentation of the basic principles of operation and main characteristics of electroluminescent devices, some examples of active emitters representative of the main classes of nondoped molecular electrofluorophores will be discussed. Emphasis is placed on the relationships between the molecular structure and the electronic properties of molecular emitters, in which high photoluminescence efficiency, synthetic accessibility and processability are combined by design with additional functions such as hole and/or electron injection and transport. 50 References. • Metal-organic Complex Ferroelectrics. By T. Hang, W. Zhang, H. –Y. Ye and R. –G. Xiong, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40 (7), 3577–3598, (2011). Abstract Ferroelectric materials are of importance and interest in both fundamental scientific research and various technological applications. Metal-organic complexes (MOCs) represent a class of molecule-based ferroelectrics, which have shown various properties or functionalities due to their hybrid inorganic–organic nature. This article reviews the recent developments of the MOC ferroelectrics with particular emphases on the mechanism of ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition, symmetry consideration, and multifunctionality. 29 References. • Electron Transporting Semiconducting Polymers in Organic Electronics. By X. Zhao and X. Zhan, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(7), 3728–3743, (2011). Abstract Significant progress has been achieved in the preparation of semiconducting polymers over the past two decades, and successful commercial devices based on them are slowly beginning to enter the market. However, most of the conjugated polymers are hole transporting, or p-type, semiconductors that have seen a dramatic rise in performance over the last decade. Much less attention has been devoted to electron transporting, or n-type, materials that have lagged behind their p-type counterparts. Organic electron transporting materials are essential for the fabrication of organic p–n junctions, organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs), n-channel organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and complementary logic circuits. In this review the authors focus upon recent developments in several classes of electron transporting semiconducting polymers used in OLEDs, OFETs and OPVs, and survey and analyze what is currently known concerning electron transporting semiconductor architecture, electronic structure, and device performance relationships. 87 references. Review Articles • Solution-Processable Single-Material Molecular Emitters for Organic Light-Emitting Devices. By X.–H. Zhu, J. Peng, Y. Cao and J. Roncali, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(7), 3509–3524, (2011). Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Electronic Conduction in Polymers, Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene. By A. B. Kaiser and V. Skákalová, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(7), 3786–3801, (2011). Abstract In the years since the discovery of organic polymers that exhibited electrical conductivities comparable to some metals, other novel carbon-based conductors have been developed, including carbon nanotubes and graphene (monolayers of carbon atoms). In this review the authors discuss the common features and the differences in the conduction mechanisms observed in these carbon-based materials, which range from near ballistic and conventional metallic conduction to fluctuation-assisted tunnelling, variable-range hopping and more exotic mechanisms. For each category of material, they discuss the dependence of conduction on the morphology of the sample. The presence of heterogeneous disorder is often particularly important in determining the overall behavior, and can lead to surprisingly similar conduction behavior in polymers, carbon nanotube networks and chemicallyderived graphene. 122 References. • Application of Carbon Fibers to Biomaterials: A New Era of Nano-Level Control of Carbon Fibers after 30-Years of Development. By N. Saito, A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 135 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 K. Aoki, Y. Usui, M. Shimizu, K. Hara, N. Narita, N. Ogihara, K. Nakamura, N. Ishigaki, H. Kato, H. Haniu, S. Taruta, Y. A. Kim and M. Endo, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(7), 3824–3834, (2011). Abstract Carbon fibers are state-of-the-art materials with properties that include being light weight, high strength, and chemically stable, and are applied in various fields including aeronautical science and space science. Investigation of applications of carbon fibers to biomaterials was started 30 or more years ago, and various products have been developed. Because the latest technological progress has realized nano-level control of carbon fibers, applications to biomaterials have also progressed to the age of nano-size. Carbon fibers with diameters in the nano-scale (carbon nanofibers) dramatically improve the functions of conventional biomaterials and make the development of new composite materials possible. Carbon nanofibers also open possibilities for new applications in regenerative medicine and cancer treatment. The first three-dimensional constructions with carbon nanofibers have been realized, and it has been found that the materials could be used as excellent scaffolding for bone tissue regeneration. In this review, the authors summarize the history of carbon fiber application to the biomaterials and describe future perspectives in the new age of nanolevel control of carbon fibers. 122 References. • Ordered Mesoporous Non-oxide Materials. By Y. Shi, Y. Wan and D. Zhao, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(7), 3854–3878, (2011). Abstract Ordered mesoporous inorganic non-oxide materials attract increasing interest due to their plenty of unique properties and functionalities and potential applications. Lots of achievements have been made on their synthesis and structural characterization, especially in the last five years. In this review, the ordered mesoporous non-oxide materials are categorized by compositions, including non-oxide ceramics, metal chalcogenides, metal nitrides, carbides and fluorides, and systematically summarized on the basis of their synthesis approaches and mechanisms, as well as properties. page 136 Two synthesis routes such as hard-templating (nanocasting) and soft-templating (surfactant assembly) routes are demonstrated. The principal issues in the nanocasting synthesis including the template composition and mesostructure, pore surface chemistry, precursor selection, processing and template removal are emphatically described. A great number of successful cases from the soft-templating method are focused on the surfactant liquid-crystal mesophases to synthesize mesostructured metal chalcogenide composites and the inorganic-block-organic copolymer self-assembly to obtain non-oxide ceramics. 296 References. • Ternary and Higher Pnictides; Prospects for New Materials and Applications. By J. M. Cameron, R. W. Hughes, Y. Zhao and D. H. Gregory, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(7), 4099–4118, (2011). Abstract Discoveries of complex solid compounds of the group 15 elements have risen dramatically over the past two decades and within the last ten years, the potential offered by unusual and unexpected physical and chemical properties and phenomena are beginning to be realised in a materials context. This review highlights some of the many areas in which ternary and higher pnictides are making an impact. A growing understanding of synthesisstructure-property relationships in nitrides, phosphides, arsenides and antimonides in particular has led to amazing progress over a very short space of time and provided insight that has proved to be transferrable to other areas of solid state and materials chemistry. 254 References. • Nanomaterials of High Surface Energy with Exceptional Properties in Catalysis and Energy Storage. By Z. –Y. Zhou, N. Tian, J. –T. Li, I. Broadwell and S. –G. Sun, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(7), 4167–4185, (2011). Abstract The properties of nanomaterials for use in catalytic and energy storage applications strongly depends on the nature of their surfaces. Nanocrystals with high surface energy have an open surface structure and possess a high density of low-coordinated step and kink atoms. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Construction of Heterostructure Materials Toward Functionality. By H. Zheng, Y. Li, H. Liu, X. Yin and Y. Li, Chem. Soc. Rev., 40(9), 4506–4524, (2011). Abstract One- and zero-dimensional organic/inorganic heterostructure materials have been attracting considerable attention in materials science because of their outstanding optical and electrical properties and high tailorability in terms of composition, structure, and morphology. Strong interactions between the organic and inorganic units can lead to novel or improved physical or chemical performance relative to that of the individual components, thereby realizing synergistic (“1 + 1 > 2”) performance. In this review, the authors discuss the synthetic methods available for preparing heterostructures incorporating diverse components; the functionality of the heterostructure materials; and their potential applications in the fields of electronics, optics, biology, and catalysis. The future development of such heterostructure materials will require deeper understanding of organic–inorganic or organic–organic interfaces on the nanoscale, collective phenomena, and interparticle coupling. 91 References. • Development of Hafnium based High-k Materials — A Review. By J. H. Choi, Y. Mao, J. P. Chang, Mater. Sci. & Engg., R 72(6), 97–136, (2011). Abstract The move to implement metal oxide based gate dielectrics in a metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOS-FET) is considered one of the most dramatic advances in materials science since the invention of silicon based transistors. Metal oxides are superior to SiO2 in terms of their higher dielectric constants that enable the required continuous down-scaling of the electrical thickness of the dielectric layer while providing a physically thicker layer to suppress the quantum mechanical tunneling through the dielectric layer. Over the last decade, hafnium based materials have emerged as the designated dielectrics for future generation of nano-electronics with a gate length less than 45 nm, though there exists no consensus on the exact composition of these materials, as evolving device architectures dictate different considerations when optimizing a gate dielectric material. In addition, the implementation of a non-silicon based gate dielectric means a paradigm shift from diffusion based thermal processes to atomic layer deposition processes. Here, the authors review how HfO2 emerges from all likely candidates to become the new gold standard in the microelectronics industry, its different phases, reported electrical properties, and materials processing techniques. Then they use specific examples to discuss the evolution in designing hafnium based materials, from binary to complex oxides and to non-oxide forms as gate dielectric, metal gates and diffusion barriers. To address the impact of these hafnium based materials, their interfaces with silicon as well as a variety of semiconductors are discussed. Finally, the integration issues are highlighted, including carrier scattering, interface state passivation, phonon engineering, and nano-scale patterning, which are essential to realize future generations of devices using hafnium-based high-k materials. 302 References. Review Articles Possession of such features can lead to exceptional catalytic properties. The current barrier for widespread industrial use is found in the difficulty to synthesise nanocrystals with high-energy surfaces. A review of the progress made for producing shape-controlled synthesis of nanomaterials of high surface energy using electrochemical and wet chemistry techniques is presented. Important nanomaterials such as nanocrystal catalysts based on Pt, Pd, Au and Fe, metal oxides TiO2 and SnO2 , as well as lithium Mn-rich metal oxides are covered. Emphasis of current applications in electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, gas sensor and lithium ion batteries are extensively discussed. Finally, a future synopsis about emerging applications is given. 139 References. Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Current-Induced Domain Wall Motion in Nanoscale Ferromagnetic Elements. By O. Boulle, G. Malinowski, M. Kläui, Mater. Sci. & Engg., R72(9), 159–187, (2011). Abstract The manipulation of a magnetic domain wall (DW) by a spin polarized current in ferromagnetic nanowires has attracted tremendous interest during the last few A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 137 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 years due to fundamental questions in the fields of spin dependent transport phenomena and magnetization dynamics but also due to promising applications, such as DW based magnetic memory concepts and logic devices. Here, the authors comprehensively review recent developments in the field of geometrically confined domain walls and in particular, current- induced DW dynamics. They focus on the influence of the magnetic and electronic transport properties of the materials on the spin transfer effect in DWs. After considering the different DW structures in ferromagnetic nanowires, the theory of magnetization dynamics induced by a spin polarized current is presented. They first discuss the different current induced torques and their origin in the light of recent theories based on a simple s-d exchange model and beyond. Experimental results illustrating the effects of spin transfer in different ferromagnetic materials and geometries constitute the body of the review. The case of soft in-plane magnetized nanowires is described first, as it is the most widely studied class of ferromagnetic materials in this field. High perpendicular anisotropy materials characterized by narrow domain walls have also raised considerable interest. These materials with only a few nanometer wide DWs combined several key advantages over soft magnetic materials such as higher non-adiabatic effects leading to lower critical current densities and high domain wall velocities. The authors also review the recent experimental results obtained in this class of materials and discuss the important implications they entail for the nature of the spin torque effect acting on DWs. 312 References. • Simple Rules for the Understanding of Heusler Compounds. By T. Graf, C. Felser and S. S. P. Parkin, Progr. Solid State Chem., 39(1), 1–50, (2011). Abstract Heusler compounds are a remarkable class of intermetallic materials with 1:1:1 (often called HalfHeusler) or 2:1:1 composition comprising more than 1500 members. Today, more than a century after their discovery by Fritz Heusler, they are still a field of active research. New properties and potential fields of page 138 applications emerge constantly; the prediction of topological insulators is the most recent example. Surprisingly, the properties of many Heusler compounds can easily be predicted by the valence electron count. Their extremely flexible electronic structure offers a toolbox which allows the realization of demanded but apparently contradictory functionalities within one ternary compound. Devices based on multifunctional properties, i.e., the combination of two or more functions such as superconductivity and topological edge states will revolutionize technological applications. The subgroup of more than 250 semiconductors is of high relevance for the development of novel materials for energy technologies. Their band gaps can readily be tuned from zero to ≈4 eV by changing the chemical composition. Thus, great interest has been attracted in the fields of thermoelectrics and solar cell research. The wide range of their multifunctional properties is also reflected in extraordinary magneto-optical, magnetoelectronic, and magnetocaloric properties. The most prominent example is the combination of magnetism and exceptional transport properties in spintronic devices. To take advantage of the extremely high potential of Heusler compounds, simple rules for the understanding of the structure, the electronic structure and the relation to the properties are reviewed. 437 References. • Rare-earth Hexaborides Nanostructures: Recent Advances in Materials, Characterization and Investigations of Physical Properties. By X. H. Ji, Q. Y. Zhang, J. Q. Xu and Y. M. Zhao, Progr. Solid State Chem., 39(2), 51–69, (2011). Abstract Nanostructured rare-earth hexaborides (REB6 ) are promising materials for photonic and electronic applications due to their unique characteristic. These include high melting point, hardness, chemical stability, low work function, low volatility at high temperatures, superconductivity, magnetic properties, efficiency, thermionic emission, and narrow band semiconductivity. This article focuses on recent developments regarding the synthesis, characterization, and applications A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Electronic Properties of Oxides: Chemical and Theoretical Approaches. By S. F. Matar, G. Campet and M. A. Subramanian, Progr. Solid State Chem., 39(2), 70–95, (2011). Abstract An original analysis of the electronic and chemical properties of oxides is proposed based on the electronegativity χ and the chemical hardness η. This model which has been applied to various oxide based metals, degenerate semiconductors and optical properties of transition metal oxides allows explaining their electronic behaviors: Strong electronegativity and weak chemical hardness characterize oxides of transition elements with high oxidation state. Strong electronegativity and strong chemical hardness feature insulators with a large optical gap. Weak electronegativity and moderate chemical hardness describe alkali and alkaline earth oxides and weak electronegativity and strong chemical hardness are for ionic oxides with a relatively large optical gap. For a few illustrative case studies, ab intio electronic band structure calculations within the density functional theory framework are used. 64 References. • Microstructural Evolution of Oxides and Semiconductor Thin Films. By Z. W. Chen, Z. Jiao, M. H. Wu, C. H. Shek, C. M. L. Wu and J. K. L. Lai, Progr. Mater. Sci., 56(7), 901–1029, (2011). Abstract This review article introduces the preparation methodologies and the microstructural characteristics of semiconductor thin films, including SnO2 thin films, Au/Ge bilayer films, and Pd–Ge alloy thin films, and metal oxides, including SnO, SnO2 , Mn2 O3 and Mn3 O4 nanocrystals which can be in the form of nanoparticles, nanowires, nanorods, and nanofractals. Firstly, the preparation methodologies and the microstructural characteristics of tin oxides have been investigated in detail. Secondly, the crystallization of amorphous Ge, and the formation of nanocrystals and compounds developed with improved microand nanostructured features are described. Thirdly, a novel selective synthesis route for various morphologies of manganese oxides nanocrystals, including nanoparticles, nanorods and nanofractals, and their unique microstructural characteristics are presented. Intricate fundamental properties of manganese oxides nanocrystals are studied in detail. To sum up, it is expected that the fabrication methodologies developed and the knowledge of microstructural evolution gained in semiconductor thin films, will provide an important fundamental basis underpinning further interdisciplinary (physics, chemistry and materials science) research in this field leading to promising exciting opportunities for future technological applications involving these oxide and thin film materials. 392 References. Review Articles of REB6 nanostructures. The authors first summarize information regarding the classification and crystal chemistry of REB6 . Next, they examine the means by which researchers have successfully synthesized REB6 . The structural properties and morphology of REB6 , and the growth mechanism involved in their fabrication are considered. Finally, the authors offer suggestions for the use of REB6 nanostructures in photonic and electronic applications, and identify four areas for further research. 88 References. Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Shape-memory Polymers and their Composites: Stimulus Methods and Applications. By J. Leng, X. Lan, Y. Liu and S. Du, Progr. Mater. Sci., 56(7), 1077–1135, (2011). Abstract Shape-memory polymers (SMPs) undergo significant macroscopic deformation upon the application of an external stimulus (e.g., heat, electricity, light, magnetism, moisture and even a change in pH value). They have been widely researched since the 1980s and are an example of a promising smart material. This article provides a comprehensive review of SMPs, encompassing a fundamental understanding of the shape-memory effect, fabrication, modeling and characterization of SMPs, various actuation methods and multifunctional properties of SMP composites, and potential applications for SMP structures. A definition of SMPs and their fundamentals are first presented. Next, a description of their fabrication, characterization and constitutive models of SMPs are introduced. SMP composites, which act to improve a certain function as functional materials or the general mechanical A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 139 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 properties as structural materials, are briefly discussed. Specially, the SMP composites can be developed into multifunctional materials actuated by various methods, such as thermal-induced, electro-activated, lightinduced, magnetic-actuated and solution-responsive SMPs. As smart materials, the applications of SMPs and their composites receive much interest, including deployable structures, morphing structures, biomaterials, smart textiles and fabrics, SMP foams, automobile actuators and self-healing composite systems. 313 References. • Graphene based Materials: Past, Present and Future. By V. Singh, D. Joung, L. Zhai, S. Das, S. I. Khondaker and S. Seal, Progr. Mater. Sci., 56(8), 1178–1271, (2011). Abstract Graphene, a two dimensional monoatomic thick building block of a carbon allotrope, has emerged as an exotic material of the 21st century, and received worldwide attention due to its exceptional charge transport, thermal, optical, and mechanical properties. Graphene and its derivatives are being studied in nearly every field of science and engineering. Recent progress has shown that the graphene-based materials can have a profound impact on electronic and optoelectronic devices, chemical sensors, nanocomposites and energy storage. The aim of this review article is to provide a comprehensive scientific progress of graphene to date and evaluate its future perspective. Various synthesis processes of single layer graphene, graphene nanoribbons, chemically derived graphene, and graphenebased polymer and nano particle composites are reviewed. Their structural, thermal, optical, and electrical properties were also discussed along with their potential applications. The article concludes with a brief discussion on the impact of graphene and related materials on the environment, its toxicological effects and its future prospects in this rapidly emerging field. 465 References. • Mechanical and Electronic Properties of Diborides of Transition 3d–5d Metals from First Principles: Toward Search of Novel Ultra-Incompressible and Superhard Materials. By A. L. Ivanovskii, Progr. Mater. Sci., 57(1), 184–228, (2012). page 140 Abstract Currently, appreciable progress has been achieved in the development of design principles, synthesis, investigations and predictions of various groups of ultraincompressible and superhard materials. One of the recently proposed families of these promising materials is represented by the diborides of heavy 4d and 5d metals. Along with experiments, the theoretical ab initio methods, which involve no a priori assumptions about the electronic structure and intraatomic interactions, are very effective approaches in the determination and prediction of structural, mechanical, magnetic, optical, dielectric and superconducting properties of such materials. This paper offers a review of the recent advances in theoretical understanding and predictions of the mechanical properties- as obtained by means of ab initio calculations – for a broad family of metal diborides MB2 , and their relations to electronic, cohesive and bonding characteristics of these materials. 332 References. • Laser Sintering of Polyamides and other Polymers. By R. D. Goodridge, C. J. Tuck and R. J. M. Hague, Progr. Mater. Sci., 57(2), 229–267, (2012). Abstract With the evolution of additive techniques from prototyping tools (Rapid Prototyping; RP) to the production of actual end-use parts (Additive Manufacturing; AM), there is a growing need to develop and be able to process a much greater variety of materials than is currently possible. The handful of current polymeric materials that exist for processing by additive techniques does not meet the requirements of the majority of commercial products. There is therefore considerable interest from industrial and academic organizations, who realize the capabilities this technology has in the design and implementation of products, to increase material choice and to have a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental material properties. This review looks at the factors that need to be considered when selecting and processing polymers and the research that has been carried out to date, focusing on laser sintering, which is one of the most established and widely used AM approaches. It also examines the A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Strong, Low Thermal Expansion Niobate Ceramics. By M. J. Dejneka, C. L. Chapman and S. T. Misture, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 94(8), 2249–2261, (2011). Abstract A new family of low thermal expansion niobate ceramics was discovered that sinter to form unusual high permeability microstructures. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) can be tailored from −4 × 10− 7 /◦ C to +40 × 10− 7 /◦ C by control of composition and firing temperature. The inherent vapor-phase transport sintering gives rise to low to negative firing shrinkage, more than 50% porosity, and a microstructure of loosely packed interlocking acicular grains that result in highly permeable porous filters with good strength and low backpressure in clean and soot-loaded conditions. The acicular grains show extensive solid solution with multiple components that enables a large compositional flexibility for engineering properties. The low thermal expansion and high strength coupled with the low structural Young’s modulus of the fibrous microstructure give these materials excellent thermal shock resistance. Titanium and zirconium niobates are resistant to potassium-based NOx adsorbers up to 900◦ C, are chemically durable, thermally stable, and suitable for diesel particulate filters and catalyst supports. 26 References. • A Review of Accelerated Conditioning for a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell. By X. –Z. Yuan, S. Zhang, J. C. Sun and H. Wang, J. Power Sources., 196(22), 9097–9106, (2011). Abstract A newly fabricated polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell usually needs a so-called breakin/conditioning/incubation period to activate it and reach its best performance. Typically, during this activation period the cell performance increases gradually, and then reaches a plateau without further increase. Depending on the membrane electrode assemblies, this process can take hours and even days to complete, which consumes a considerable amount of hydrogen fuel, leading to a higher operating cost. To provide for accelerated conditioning techniques that can complete the process in a short time period, this paper reviews established conditioning protocols and reported methods to condition PEM single cells and stacks, in an attempt to summarize available information on PEM fuel cell conditioning and the underlying mechanisms. Various techniques are arranged into two categories: on-line conditioning and off-line conditioning. For each technique, the experimental procedure and outcomes are outlined. Finally, weaknesses of the currently used conditioning techniques are indicated and further research efforts are proposed. 43 References. Review Articles limitations of current laser sintering systems in relation to the processing of polymer materials. The effect this has on the development of new and improved materials for laser sintering is evaluated, in addition to the difficulties experienced in maintaining consistency with current laser sintering polymers. 134 References. Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • A Review of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Durability Test Protocols. By X. –Z. Yuan, H. Li, S. Zhang, J. Martin and H. Wang, J. Power Sources., 196(22), 9107–9116, (2011). Abstract Durability is one of the major barriers to polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) being accepted as a commercially viable product. It is therefore important to understand their degradation phenomena and analyze degradation mechanisms from the component level to the cell and stack level so that novel component materials can be developed and novel designs for cells/stacks can be achieved to mitigate insufficient fuel cell durability. It is generally impractical and costly to operate a fuel cell under its normal conditions for several thousand hours, so accelerated test methods are preferred to facilitate rapid learning about key durability issues. Based on the US Department of Energy (DOE) and US Fuel Cell Council (USFCC) accelerated test protocols, as well as degradation tests performed by researchers and published in the literature, the authors review the degradation test protocols at both component and cell/stack levels (driving cycles), aiming to gather the available information on accelerated test methods and degradation test protocols for PEMFCs, and thereby provide practitioners with a useful toolbox to study durability issues. These protocols help A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 141 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 prevent the prolonged test periods and high costs associated with real lifetime tests, assess the performance and durability of PEMFC components, and ensure that the generated data can be compared. 107 References. • Fluorescent Conjugated Polyelectrolytes for Bioimaging. By K. –Y. Pu and B. Liu, Adv. Funct. Mater., 21(18), 3408–3423, (2011). Abstract This article summarizes the recent advances of watersoluble fluorescent conjugated polyelectrolytes (CPEs) in bioimaging. Apart from a brief overview of traditional linear CPEs, a special emphasis is placed on CPEs that can self-assemble into or are born with three-dimensional nano-architectures, including grafted CPEs, hyperbranched CPEs, and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS)-based CPE derivatives. These CPEs naturally form nanoparticles with sizes ranging from 3 to 100 nm in aqueous media, and possess reactive functional groups for bioconjugation or complexation with desired biorecognition elements. The tunable size, low cytotoxicity, good photostability, and ease of surface modification ultimately enable these CPEs with wide applications in in vitro intracellular protein sensing, cell detection, in vivo cell imaging and drug tracking. Moreover, traditional linear CPEs can be transformed into uniform nanoparticles by complexation with oppositely charged biomolecules to allow for cell detection and in situ drug release monitoring. The work featured herein not only reveals the important molecular design principles of CPEs for different imaging tasks, but also highlights the promising directions for the further development of CPE-based imaging materials. 116 References. • Towards the Next Level of Bioinspired Dry Adhesives: New Designs and Applications. By M. K. Kwak, C. Pang, H. –E. Jeong, H. –N. Kim, H. Yoon, H. –S. Jung and K.-Y. Suh, Adv. Funct. Mater., 21(19), 3606–3616, (2011). Abstract This article aims to highlight the authors’ recent efforts to develop more robust gecko-inspired dry adhesives and their applications. page 142 Due to recent progress in micro- and nanofabrication techniques, it is possible to fabricate highly sophisticated multiscale, hierarchical structures using various polymer materials. In addition, the adhesion strength of synthetic dry adhesives has been shown to be similar to or exceed that of real gecko foot-hair by several times. Therefore, it is timely and appropriate to drive the research of gecko-inspired dry adhesives into a new epoch by investigating more robust dry adhesive structures, efficient detachment mechanisms, and new applications. Here, the authors present a series of recent achievements to overcome some of the limitations of geckolike hair structures such as rough surface adaptation, durability, and controlled geometry, with particular emphasis on materials issues and detachment mechanism. For potential applications, a clean transportation device and a biomedical skin patch are briefly described to expand the application realm from the well-known wall climbing robot. 64 References. • A Material’s Point of View on Recent Developments of Polymeric Biomaterials: Control of Mechanical and Biochemical Properties. By V. Gribova, T. Crouzier and C. Picart, J. Mater. Chem., 21(38), 14354–14366, (2011). Abstract Cells respond to a variety of stimuli, including biochemical, topographical and mechanical signals originating from their micro-environment. Cell responses to the mechanical properties of their substrates have been increasingly studied for about 14 years. To this end, several types of materials based on synthetic and natural polymers have been developed. Presentation of biochemical ligands to the cells is also important to provide additional functionalities or more selectivity in the details of cell/material interaction. In this review article, the authors emphasize the development of synthetic and natural polymeric materials with well-characterized and tunable mechanical properties. They also highlight how biochemical signals can be presented to the cells by combining them with these biomaterials. Such developments in materials science are not only important for fundamental biophysical studies on cell/material interactions but also for the design of a new generation of advanced and A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • Dendrimers in Biosensors: Concept and Applications. By J. Satija, V. V. R. Sai and S. Mukherji, J. Mater. Chem., 21(38), 14367–14386, (2011). Abstract The performance of biosensors, i.e. the sensitivity, specificity, linearity, reusability, chemical stability, and reproducibility is critically dependent on the biofunctionalization of the sensor platform. The type(s) of linkers used for the immobilization of the capture probes and the exact immobilization protocol play a vital role in the overall performance of sensors. Supramolecular dendritic architectures have shown immense potential in designing and developing the sensor platforms. Researchers have demonstrated that these hyperbranched three dimensional (3D) molecules show enhanced sensitivity, reduced nonspecific binding, greater accessibility of the probe for the target analyte, high stability and low variability in their response. Hence, designing a sensor with a dendrimer as a linker is a successful approach to obtain superior sensor performance and minimize the overall cost of a sensor. In this article, the authors discuss various aspects of dendrimers from the point of view of sensor design, hoping that this review will excite more researchers into exploiting the exceptional properties of dendrimers in biosensor development. 156 References. • Medical Applications of Inorganic Fullerene-like Nanoparticles. By A. R. Adini, M. Redlich and R. Tenne, J. Mater. Chem., 21(39), 15121–15131, (2011). This article provides a short overview of the progress in the materials synthesis of IF and INT phases. Subsequently, a progress report of the various efforts to apply such coatings to medical devices and drug delivery is described. 50 References. • Preparation and Functionality of Clay-containing Films. By C. –H. Zhou, Z. –F. Shen, L. –H. Liu and S. –M. Liu, J. Mater. Chem., 21(39), 15132–15153, (2011). Review Articles highly functional biomaterials. 126 References. Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Abstract This article provides an insight into state-of-the-art advances in the preparation and functionalization of clay-containing thin films. Layered clay minerals and their synthetic counterparts such as cationic montmorillonite, saponite, laponite and anionic layered double hydroxides are often used as main components or functional fillers in the hybrid films. Strategic assembly of clay minerals or layered double hydroxides with functional molecules has led to a variety of nanostructured clay-containing hybrid films. Many studies have suggested that the functional clay-containing films have potential applications in many areas such as catalysis, modified electrodes and optoelectronic devices, anti-corrosion and packaging materials. The prospects for the future preparation and applications of clay-containing films are discussed. 202 References. • Putting Anion–π Interactions Into Perspective. By A. Frontera, P. Gamez, M. Mascal, T. J. Mooibroek and J. Reedijk, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,, 50(41), 9564–9583, (2011). Abstract Nanoparticles of layered compounds, like MoS2 and WS2 , having hollow closed-cage structures and known as fullerene-like (IF) and inorganic nanotubes (INT), are synthesized in macroscopic amounts. They were found to have superior tribological properties and can serve as solid-state additives to different lubrication fluids. More recently, metallic films incorporating the IF nanoparticles were prepared via wet deposition methods and also by physical vapor deposition techniques. The incorporation of the nanoparticles endows such coatings self-lubricating behavior, i.e., low friction and wear, which is highly desirable for variety of applications. Abstract Supramolecular chemistry is a field of scientific exploration that probes the relationship between molecular structure and function. It is the chemistry of the noncovalent bond, which forms the basis of highly specific recognition, transport, and regulation events that actuate biological processes. The classic design principles of supramolecular chemistry include strong, directional interactions like hydrogen bonding, halogen bonding, and cation–π complexation, as well as less directional forces like ion pairing, π–π, solvophobic, and van der Waals potentials. In recent years, the anion–π interaction (an attractive force between an A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 143 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 electron-deficient aromatic π system and an anion) has been recognized as a hitherto unexplored noncovalent bond, the nature of which has been interpreted through both experimental and theoretical investigations. The design of selective anion receptors and channels based on this interaction represent important advances in the field of supramolecular chemistry. The objectives of this Review are 1) to discuss current thinking on the nature of this interaction, 2) to survey key experimental work in which anion–π bonding is demonstrated, and 3) to provide insights into the directional nature of anion–π contact in X-ray crystal structures. • Hybrid Semiconductor Nanoparticles: π-Conjugated Ligands and Nanostructured Films. By Y. Park and R. C. Advincula, Chem. Mater., 23(19), 4273–4294, (2011). Abstract Hybrid inorganic–organic colloidal nanoparticles can be designed to achieve specific and complementary optoelectronic properties different from their sole organic and inorganic counterparts. The efficient coupling between organic and inorganic moieties facilitates optimization of these optoelectronic properties as single particles. A compatible organic shell facilitates greater solubility and dispersion of the inorganic core in a host polymer matrix. The use of a dendronic ligand provides an interesting method for facilitating surface functionalization, nanoparticle solubility, and electrochemical reactivity. By focusing on chalcogenide and semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) or quantum dots (QDs), it is possible to limit the properties directly to charge carrier transport and energy transfer mechanisms. Each hybrid nanoparticle in essence carries the same properties replicated or dispersed within a film or a pattern. This review focuses on the design, preparation, and properties of such nanomaterial systems. 236 References. • Mass and Heat Transport in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells. By A. Ismail, S. K. Kamarudin, W. R. W. Daud, S. Masdar and M. R. Yosfiah, J. Power Sources., 196(23), 9847–9855, (2011). page 144 Abstract The direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is a better alternative to the conventional battery. The DMFC offers several advantages, namely, faster building of potential and longer-lasting fuel. However, there are still several issues that need to be addressed to design a better DMFC system. This article is a wide-ranging review of the most up-to-date studies on mass and heat transfer in the DMFC. The discussion is focused on the critical problems limiting the performance of DMFCs. In addition, a technique for upgrading the DMFC with an integrated system is presented, along with existing numerical models for modeling mass and heat transfer as well as cell performance. 123 References. • Thienoacene-Based Organic Semiconductors. By K. Takimiya, S. Shinamura, I. Osaka and E. Miyazaki, Adv. Mater., 23(38), 4347–4370, (2011). Abstract Thienoacenes consist of fused thiophene rings in a ladder-type molecular structure and have been intensively studied as potential organic semiconductors for organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) in the last decade. They are reviewed here. Despite their simple and similar molecular structures, the hitherto reported properties of thienoacene-based OFETs are rather diverse. This Review focuses on four classes of thienoacenes, which are classified in terms of their chemical structures, and elucidates the molecular electronic structure of each class. The packing structures of thienoacenes and the thus-estimated solid-state electronic structures are correlated to their carrier transport properties in OFET devices. With this perspective of the molecular structures of thienoacenes and their carrier transport properties in OFET devices, the structure– property relationships in thienoacene-based organic semiconductors are discussed. The discussion provides insight into new molecular design strategies for the development of superior organic semiconductors. 109 References. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK • The Growth of Mixed Alkaline-earth Fluorides for Laser Host Applications. By J. T. Mouchovski, K. A. Temelkov and N. K. Vuchkov, Progr. Crystal Growth & Character. Mater., 57(1), 1–41, (2011). Abstract Mitigation of the global energy crisis requires tailoring the thermal conductivity of materials. Low thermal conductivity is critical in a broad range of energy conversion technologies, including thermoelectrics and thermal barrier coatings. Here, the authors review the chemical trends and explore the origins of low thermal conductivity in crystalline materials. A unifying feature in the latest materials is the incorporation of structural complexity to decrease the phonon velocity and increase scattering. With this understanding, strategies for combining these mechanisms can be formulated for designing new materials with exceptionally low thermal conductivity. 88 References. Abstract • Methods for Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis—Review. By J. Prasek, J. Drbohlavova, J. Chomoucka, J. Hubalek, O. Jasek, V. Adam and R. Kizek, J. Mater. Chem., 21(40), 15872–15884, (2011). Abstract Abstract Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been under scientific investigation for more than fifteen years because of their unique properties that predestine them for many potential applications. The field of nanotechnology and nanoscience push their investigation forward to produce CNTs with suitable parameters for future applications. It is evident that new approaches of their synthesis need to be developed and optimized. Here, the authors review the history, types, structure and especially the different synthesis methods for CNTs preparation including arc discharge, laser ablation and chemical vapour deposition. They also mention some rarely used ways of arc discharge deposition which involves arc discharge in liquid solutions in contrary to standard method of deposition in a gas atmosphere. In addition, the methods for uniform vertically aligned CNTs synthesis using lithographic techniques for catalyst deposition as well as a method utilizing a nanoporous anodized aluminium oxide as a pattern for selective CNTs growth, are reported. 166 References. A comprehensive analysis is implemented concerning the growth, properties, and applications of doped– co-doped single and mixed alkali earth fluoride systems. A procedure has been established for providing researchers with optical quality calcium–strontium fluoride crystals with widely varying composition grown under practically identical conditions, using the Bridgman–Stockbarger method. 104 References. Review Articles • Phonon Engineering through Crystal Chemistry. By E. S. Toberer, A. Zevalkink and G. J. Snyder, J. Mater. Chem., 21(40), 15843–15852, (2011). Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Ordering and Magnetostriction in Fe Alloy Single Crystals. By S. Guruswamy, G. Garside, C. Ren, B. Saha and M. Ramanathan, Progr. Crystal Growth & Character. Mater., 57(2–3), 43–64, (2011). Short-range and long-range ordering in α-Fe terminal solid solution phase (A2 phase with bcc structure) influences its physical, mechanical, magnetic and magnetostrictive behavior. Single crystal sample forms are ideal for examining order in these alloys using X-ray and neutron scattering techniques. Limited structural information available suggests that the lattice of A2 phase at room temperature contains a mixture of regions with local atomic environments similar to those expected in the long-range ordered structures in stable/metastable equilibrium with the A2 phase. The nature and extent of these regions are sensitive to alloy composition and the thermal history. The lattice strain modulations result from the nature of solute atom distribution (short-range ordering) in each region and impact the physical, mechanical, corrosion and magnetic behaviors. A need for a fundamental understanding of ordering in Fe and other alloys through structural evaluations of local atomic environments in alloy single crystals is suggested in this review. 68 References. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 145 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Piezoelectric Materials for High Temperature Sensors. By S. Zhang and F. Yu, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 94(10), 3153–3170, (2011). Abstract Piezoelectric materials that can function at high temperatures without failure are desired for structural health monitoring and/or nondestructive evaluation of the next generation turbines, more efficient jet engines, steam, and nuclear/electrical power plants. The operational temperature range of smart transducers is limited by the sensing capability of the piezoelectric material at elevated temperatures, increased conductivity and mechanical attenuation, variation of the piezoelectric properties with temperature. This article discusses properties relevant to sensor applications, including piezoelectric materials that are commercially available and those that are under development. Of particular interest is oxyborate [RECa4 O(BO3 )3 ] (RE = rare earth) single crystals for ultrahigh temperature applications (>1000◦C). These crystals offer piezoelectric coefficients and electromechanical coupling factors, significantly higher than those values of α-quartz piezocrystals. Furthermore, the absence of phase transitions prior to their melting points ∼1500◦ C, together with ultrahigh electrical resistivities (>106 Ωcm at 1000◦ C) and thermal stability of piezoelectric properties (< 20% variations in the range of room temperature ∼1000◦ C), allow potential operation at extreme temperature and harsh environments. 166 References. • Biologically Inspired Hairy Structures for Superhydrophobicity. By S. –H. Hsu, K. Woan and W. Sigmund, Mater. Sci., & Engg., R72(10), 189–201, (2011). Abstract Superhydrophobic surfaces have received tremendous attention in the last decade, owing to the number of emerging applications in conservation of environment. These surface properties are based on physio-chemical principles and can be transferred into technical “biomimetic” materials, as successfully done for the Lotus leaves. This article provides a review of the most recent development in superhydrophobic surfaces. Examples page 146 of superhydrophobic surfaces from nature are presented. It focuses on the hairy exterior of many different plant and animal species which renders them water repellent for protecting and maintaining crucial life functions. The classical Wenzel and Cassie–Baxter models along with manufacturing and understanding of the wettability of flexible hairy structures are reviewed. 123 References. • Intermediate-Temperature Proton Conductors and their Applications to Energy and Environmental Devices. By T. Hibino J. Ceram. Soc, Japan, 119 (1393), 677–686, (2011). Abstract The development of proton conductors has proceeded rapidly in recent years. A number of organic or inorganic materials show proton conductivities of ∼10− 2 S cm− 1 at temperatures below 100◦ C. However, although there is great current demand for proton conductors capable of operating in the temperature range of 100–400◦C in practical applications, very few materials that can satisfy this demand have been reported to date. Acceptor-doped SnP2 O7 are promising candidate materials because their proton conductivities reach >10− 1 S cm− 1 in the temperature range of interest. This article presents an overview of the current status of acceptor-doped SnP2 O7 , highlighting the mechanism and kinetics of proton conduction and the development of electrochemical devices using these materials. New insights for proton insertion and conduction are proposed that use electrochemical techniques. Two approaches to designing SnP2 O7 -based composite electrolytes with good mechanical properties have also been developed for different operating temperatures. In addition, the benefits of intermediatetemperature operation using these materials are discussed in terms of practical applications, especially in fuel cells, exhaust sensors, and solid catalysts. 70 References. • Light-Trapping Nano-Structures in Organic Photovoltaic Cells. By D. –H. Ko, J. R. Tumbleston, A. Gadisa, M. Aryal, Y. Liu, R. Lopez and E. T. Samulski, J. Mater. Chem., 21(41), 16293–16303, (2011). A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK Nano-structures used as light trapping schemes in organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells are reviewed. Light management via nano-structures enables one to exploit sub-diffraction limit properties, thereby giving access to enhanced light absorption in OPV cells. Light trapping schemes have been demonstrated in the form of surface plasmons, anti-reflection coatings, and photonic crystal patterns. Versatile methods are now available to facilitate fabrication of such nano-structures on sufficiently large areas for OPV applications. 134 References. • A Review on Self-Cleaning Coatings. By V. A. Ganesh, H. K. Raut, A. S. Nair and S. Ramakrishna, J. Mater. Chem., 21(41), 16293–16303, (2011). Abstract This review summarizes the key areas of self-cleaning coatings, primarily focusing on various materials that are widely used in recent research and also in commercial applications. The article discusses hydrophobic and hydrophilic coatings, their working mechanism, fabrication techniques that enable the development of such coatings, various functions like Anti-icing, Electro-wetting, Surface-switchability and the areas where self-cleaning technology can be implemented. Moreover, different characterization techniques and material testing feasibilities are analyzed and discussed. Though several companies have commercialized a few products based on self-cleaning coating technology, much potential still remains in this field. 173 References. • Self-Assembly and Flux Closure Studies of Magnetic Nanoparticle Rings. By A. Wei, T. Kasama and R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16686–16693, (2011). Abstract Thermoremanent magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) can self-assemble into rings through dipolar interactions, when dispersed under appropriate conditions. Analysis of individual MNP rings and clusters by off-axis electron holography reveals bistable flux closure (FC) states at ambient temperatures, and their reversible switching by magnetic field gradients. The authors introduce a line-bond formalism to describe the coupling between MNPs. 39 References. • Chemically Induced Self-Assembly of Spherical and Anisotropic Inorganic Nanocrystals. By D. Baranov, L. Manna and A. G. Kanaras, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16686–16693, (2011). Abstract The self-assembly of inorganic nanoparticles is a research area of great interest aiming at the fabrication of unique mesostructured materials with intrinsic properties. Although many assembly strategies have been reported over the years, chemically induced selfassembly remains one of the dominant approaches to achieve a high level of nanoparticle organization. In this article the authors review the latest developments in assembly driven by the active manipulation of nanoparticle surfaces. 129 References. Review Articles Abstract Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Metal Nanomaterial-based Self-Assembly: Development, Electrochemical Sensing and SERS Applications. By S. Guo and S. Dong, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16704–16716, (2011). Abstract Metal nanomaterials (MNMs) have received considerable interest from different scientific communities due to their size, shape, composition and architecturedependent chemical and physical properties. MNMsbased self-assembly techniques are often essential for creating new multi-dimensional assembly architectures, which are very important for revealing new or enhanced properties and application potentials. This feature article will focus on recent advances in MNMsbased self-assembly and their potential application in electrochemical sensor and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). First, new significant developments in different self-assembly strategies for constructing two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) MNMs-based arrays or superstructures will be summarized. Then, diversified assembling approaches to different types of hybrid or multifunctional nanomaterials containing MNMs will be outlined. The review next introduces some exciting new pushes for the use of nanoarchitectures produced through self-assembly techniques for applications in electrochemical sensors and SERS. Finally, we conclude with a look at the A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 147 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 future challenges and prospects of the development of MNMs-based self-assembly. 96 References. • Click-Chemistry for Nanoparticle-Modification. By N. Li and W. H. Binder, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16717–16734, (2011). Abstract Both function and use of nanoparticles (NPs) to a great extent are dominated by interfacial energies, which in turn can be addressed by chemical modifications. This article focuses exclusively on the use of ‘click’chemistry for NP-surface modification, also putting a major focus on the application of the resulting NPs in bio- and nanoscience. As ‘click’-chemistry is a universal method to link reaction partners in high efficiency, solvent insensitivity and at moderate reaction conditions, its use for engineering NP surfaces has become widespread. The basic approach of Cu(I)catalyzed azide/alkyne-‘click’ (CuAAC) chemistry for NP-science is elucidated in this article, together with the applications of the resulting surface modified NPs in medicine, nanotechnology and bioassay-science. 207 References. • Bionanoparticles and Hybrid Materials: Tailored Structural Properties, Self-assembly, Materials and Developments in the field. By P. van Rijn and A. Böker, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16735–16747, (2011). Abstract The authors discuss new developments with respect to bionanoparticles as well as bionanoparticle hybrid systems and their use in composite materials. The recognition of the particle character and behavior of proteins and viral particles has a major impact on the development of novel nanoparticle systems and adds new functions and possibilities. The types of particles discussed in this review will give access to new functional materials, not only in medical- and biotechnological applications but also in electronic devices and possibly membrane-technology. Though, many systems have been developed, still more is to be discovered and significant advances are expected if more (sub-) disciplines are combined. 92 References. page 148 • 2D Superlattices and 3D Supracrystals of Metal Nanocrystals: A New Scientific Adventure. By M. P. Pileni, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16748–16758, (2011). Abstract Nanocrystals are able to self-assemble in hexagonal networks (2D) and in supracrystals (3D). Here, it is shown that the interparticle distance is tuned by the presence of water molecules adsorbed at the nanocrystal interface and on the alkyl chains used as coating agents. By using an intrinsic property due to the nanocrystal ordering, a new, but destructive, method is proposed to detect defects on a large monolayer scale. The supracrystal growth mechanism changes with the nanocrystal size from a heterogeneous (layer-by-layer) to a homogeneous (growth in solution) process. Co supracrystals are highly stable after annealing at 350◦ C with an improvement in the nanocrystal ordering, i.e., in the supracrystallinity. With Ag supracrystals it was possible, from the same batch of 5 nm Ag nanocrystals, to control the supracrystallinity with phase transitions of hcp to fcc and amorphous solids to hcp and bcc. Finally a tentative analogy between atoms and nanocrystals is proposed in the crystal growth process. These data open a new research area with a large potential for discovering new chemical and physical properties. 56 References. • Gold Nanorod Ensembles as Artificial Molecules for Applications in Sensors. By L. Xu, H. Kuang, L. Wang and C. Xu, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16759–16782, (2011). Abstract The central goal in nanoscience is to achieve control of the structural characteristics of ensembles (artificial molecules) of anisotropic nanoparticles (NPs), which contain new fundamental information about plasmonically or electronically coupled single NPs. Based on their collective behavior, these artificial molecules have potential in optoelectronics and sensing. This review mainly covers different strategies for the synthesis and self-assembly of gold nanorods (GNRs), the properties of self-assembled structures, the application of such structures as sensors, and the trends and future perspective of the self-assembly of GNRs. 220 References. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK Abstract In this review the authors discuss the creation of two dimensional (2D) nanostructures based on selfassembly of latex particles. Furthermore they show that optical properties of these structures can be controlled with their morphology and materials used for their preparation. Two representative structures, namely 2Darrays of triangles and holes are discussed in detail, starting with the preparatory step, followed by the structural and optical characterization, as well as the theoretical explanation of the plasmonic properties. 78 References. • Self-assembly of Particles: Some Thoughts and Comments. By X. C. Jiang, Q. H. Zeng, C. Y. Chen and A. B. Yu, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16797– 16805, (2011). Abstract Self-assembly can happen to particles at all length scales, including atomic, nano-, meso- and macroparticles. Although widely used in nanoresearch, many nano-structures reported in the literature are not selfassembled, posing some fundamental questions. This paper briefly reviews this topic, answering the following questions: what is the current status in self-assembling nanoparticles? Why is it so difficult to produce self-assembled structures of nanoparticles? How can we effectively overcome the difficulty? The important role of controlling forces of various types in relation to different self-assembly techniques is discussed. Self-assembly is demonstrated as a complex problem that still needs intensive multi-scaled studies. 97 References. • Chiral Nanoparticle Assemblies: Circular Dichroism, Plasmonic Interactions, and Exciton Effects. By A. O. Govorov, Y. K. Gun’ko, J. M. Slocik, V. A. Gérard, Z. Fan and R. R. Naik, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16806–16818, (2011). Abstract The paper reviews recent progress on chiral nanocrystal assemblies with induced optical chirality and related circular dichroism. Many natural molecules and biomolecules are chiral and exhibit remarkably strong optical chirality (circular dichroism) due to their amazingly uniform atomic composition in a large ensemble. It is challenging to realize artificial nanoscale systems with optical chirality since the atomic structure of artificial nanostructures may not be always controlled or even known. Nevertheless, the artificial optical chirality has been accomplished and it is the main scope of this review. In particular, the autghors discuss assemblies incorporating chiral molecules, metal nanocrystals, and semiconductor quantum dots. Plasmon-induced and plasmon-enhanced circular dichroism effects appear in nanoscale assemblies built with metal nanocrystals, while excitonic and surface-states related phenomena are observed in semiconductor quantum dots conjugated with chiral molecules. 97 References. Review Articles • Self-Assembly of Latex Particles for the Creation of Nanostructures with Tunable Plasmonic Properties. By P. Patoka and M. Giersig, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16783–16796, (2011). Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 • Magnetic Nanoparticles: Recent Advances in Synthesis, Self-assembly and Applications. By S. Singamaneni, V. N. Bliznyuk, C. Binek and E. Y. Tsymbal, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16819–16845, (2011). Abstract Nanostructured magnetic materials have a variety of promising applications spreading from nano-scale electronic devices, sensors and high-density data storage media to controlled drug delivery and cancer diagnostics/treatment systems. Magnetic nanoparticles offer the most natural and elegant way for fabrication of such (multi-) functional materials. In this review, the authors briefly summarize the recent progress in the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles (which now can be done with precise control over the size and surface chemistry), and nanoscale interactions leading to their self-assembly into 1D, 2D or 3D aggregates. Various approaches to selforganization, directed-, or template-assisted assembly of these nanostructures are discussed with the special emphasis on magnetic-field enabled interactions. They also discuss new physical phenomena associated with magnetic coupling between nanoparticles A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 149 MRS-S OUTLOOK Review Articles Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 and their interaction with a substrate and the characterization of the physical properties at the nanoscale using various experimental techniques (including scanning quantum interferometry (SQUID) and magnetic force microscopy). Applications of magnetic nanoparticle assemblies in data storage, spintronics, drug delivery, cancer therapy, and prospective applications such as adaptive materials and multifunctional reconfigurable materials are also highlighted. 272 References. • Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering of Electrically Percolating Arrays of Nanoparticles: A Mini Review. By J. Kane, J. Ong and R. F. Saraf, J. Mater. Chem., 21(42), 16846–16858, (2011). Abstract Nanoparticles and their arrays do not obey Ohm’s law, even when the particles are made of metal, because of their small size. The non-Ohmic behavior is due to their low capacitance that allows (local) storage of charge at the single electron level to pose a substantial barrier to the passage of current at bias, V, below a threshold voltage, VT . The VT is inversely proportional to the size of the particle. For a typical <10 nm particle, the electrostatic barrier energy of the particle due to charging by a single electron is significantly larger compared to the thermal energy, affecting a substantial Coulomb blockade. The signature of the single electron effect is a highly non-linear current-bias behavior characterized by a critical point at VT with a subsequent rise in current that scales as (V/VT – 1)ζ , where ζ = 1 is the critical exponent. The authors review the fabrication chemistry, device physics, and engineering applications of nanoparticle-based Single Electron Devices with architectures ranging from a single nanoparticle to arrays in one and two dimensions. The arrays are particularly interesting due to their natural integrability with microelectronic circuitry and robust single electron behavior at room temperature. These features open doors to a broad range of potential applications, such as chemical sensors, biomedical devices, data storage devices, and energy devices. 105 References. • Graphene: Piecing it Together. By M. H. Rümmeli, C. G. Rocha, F. Ortmann, I. Ibrahim, H. Sevincli, F. Börrnert, J. Kunstmann, A. Bachmatiuk, M. Pötschke, M. Shiraishi, M. Meyyappan, B. Büchner, page 150 S. Roche and G. Cuniberti, Adv. Mater, 23(39), 4471–4490, (2011). Abstract Graphene has a multitude of striking properties that make it an exceedingly attractive material for various applications, many of which will emerge over the next decade. However, one of the most promising applications lie in exploiting its peculiar electronic properties which are governed by its electrons obeying a linear dispersion relation. However, if graphene is to be the material for future electronics, then significant hurdles need to be surmounted, namely, it needs to be mass produced in an economically viable manner and be of high crystalline quality with no or virtually no defects or grains boundaries. Hence, the future of graphene as a material for electronic based devices will depend heavily on our ability to piece graphene together as a single crystal and define its edges with atomic precision. In this article, the properties of graphene that make it so attractive as a material for electronics is introduced to the reader. The focus then centers on current synthesis strategies for graphene and their weaknesses in terms of electronics applications are highlighted. 145 References. • Nanostructured Ferroelectrics: Fabrication and Structure–Property Relations. By H. Han, Y. Kim, M. Alexe, D. Hesse and W. Lee, Adv. Mater., 23(40), 4599–4613, (2011). Abstract With the continued demand for ultrahigh density ferroelectric data storage applications, it is becoming increasingly important to scale the dimension of ferroelectrics down to the nanometer-scale region and to thoroughly understand the effects of miniaturization on the materials properties. In this review, the recent progress in fabrication and structure-property relations of nanostructured ferroelectric oxides is summarized. Various fabrication approaches are reviewed, with special emphasis on a newly developed stencil-based method for fabricating ferroelectric nanocapacitors, and advantages and limitations of the processes are discussed. Stress-induced evolutions of domain structures upon reduction of the A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK dimension of the material and their implications on the electrical properties are discussed in detail. Distinct domain nucleation, growth, and propagation behaviors in nm-scale ferroelectric capacitors are discussed and compared to those of micrometer-scale counterparts. The structural effect of ferroelectric nanocapacitors on the domain switching behavior and cross-talk between neighboring capacitors under external electric field is reviewed. 116 References. MRS-S Membership Readers are invited to become members of the Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S). Professional Membership is open to any person engaged in activities associated with materials science, engineering and technology. Conference Report Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Student Membership is open to any bonafide student of a tertiary institution genuinely interested in the practice of materials science, engineering and technology. Corporate Membership is open to any organisation, government or private, commercial or otherwise, that is in any way engaged in any activities that deal with any aspect of material science, engineering and technology. A Corporate Membership is entitled to nominate two of its employees as its official representatives and to change its nominees from time to time provided the Committee has no objection to any such nomination. Annual Subscription Fee: Professional Membership: S$50 Student Membership: S$10 Corporate Membership: S$500 For details and application form, please visit: Report on the 6thConference of the Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-6) (Contributed by Prof. Yuan Ping Feng, Physics Dept., National University of Singapore, Singapore. E-mail: The 6th Conference of the Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-6) was held at Biopolis in Singapore during 6 – 9 Sept., 2011. It was jointly organized by the National University of Singapore (NUS), Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S), Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), and Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) at the Nanyang Technological University, with financial supports from NUS, MRS-S, IHPC, IAS, Lee Foundation, US Air Force Office of Scientific Research Asian Office of Aerospace R & D, Novaglobal Pte Ltd, Accelrys, and Singapore Tourism Board. ACCMS The ACCMS was established to nurture and promote research and development activities in computational materials science in Asian countries. The biennial ACCMS conference has become an international event for exchanging A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 151 Conference Report Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 MRS-S OUTLOOK information and sharing latest developments in advanced computational methodologies and their applications in material science and engineering. The previous ACCMS conferences were successfully held in India (Bangalore 2001), Russia (Novosibirsk, 2004), China (Beijing, 2005), Korea (Seoul, 2007), and Vietnam (Hanoi, 2009). ACCMS-6 drew 180 participants from 19 countries/regions. Countries/regions strong in computational materials science such as Japan, Korea, China, India, Singapore, and Taiwan were well represented. ACCMS-6 also saw a significantly increased number of participants from countries such as Thailand (14) and Vietnam (7) that are fast developing research activities in computational materials science. Participants of ACCMS-6. The conference covered topics ranging from fundamental computational methodologies (density functional theory and beyond, quantum mechanical based interatomic potentials, molecular dynamic and Monte-Carlo simulation of thermodynamic and kinetic properties at large length and time scales, phase field method of microstructural simulation, etc.) to their applications in understanding different materials properties as well as predicting new ones. Highlights of the Conference The three-day conference consisted of plenary sessions, invited talks, contributed talks, and poster presentations, covering a wide range of topics of computational materials science. Many leading computational materials scientists in Asia, such as Prof. Jisoon Ihm from Korea, Prof. Yoshiyuki Kawazoe from Japan, Profs. Enge Wang and Xingao Gong from mainland China, Prof. C. T. Chan from Hong Kong, Prof. Mei-Yin Chou from Taiwan, Profs G. P. Das and Vijay Kumar from India, to name only a few, attended the conference and presented their latest research findings. Top researchers from other parts of the world such as Profs. Steven G. Louie and P. Jena from USA, Prof. O. K. Andersen from Germany, Prof. J. Tse from Canada gave invited talks at the conference. In his plenary lecture, Prof. Louie (Univ. of California at Berkeley) presented recent progress in employing and extending the GW approach to novel materials, defects in solids, nanostructures, and molecules. Results from some selected systems and several conceptual and methodological issues were discussed. It is noted that with the recent advances, ab initio GW calculations of systems with hundreds of atoms may now be carried out. As illustrations, Prof. Louie described findings on several systems of current interest, including investigations on the properties of graphene and graphene nanostructures, charge transition levels and spectroscopic properties of defects in solids (e.g., vacancies in hafnia and the NV- center in diamond), electronic multiplet structure in open-shell systems, and topologically protected surface states on topological insulators. page 152 A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 In the other plenary lecture, Prof. O. K. Andersen (Max Planck Inst. for Solid State Res., Stuttgart) illustrated how electronic structure calculations can be used to design superconductors with higher Tc , based on nickelates, instead of cuprates. By using density-functional calculations followed by downfolding to a correlated, low-energy Hubbard Hamiltonian, and solving the latter in the dynamical mean-field approximation (DMFT), Prof. Andersen and his collaborators have shown that by confining a single layer of LaNiO3 (lanthanum nickelate) between layers of an insulating oxide, higher T c can be achieved. With a single layer of nickelate and properly chosen confining material, the electron correlations in such a system help to empty the (3z2 -1)-like band and enforce a single (x2 - y2 )-like conduction band with a Fermi-surface whose shape is like that of the cuprates with the highest Tc . Conference Report MRS-S OUTLOOK Prof. O. K. Andersen (left) and Prof. S. G. Louie delivering their plenary lectures. A number of speakers presented latest developments in computational methods, including GW approximation, quantum Monte Carlo, all-electron mixed-basis ab initio method, multi-scale simulation, molecular dynamics (MD)- based on self-consistent and environment dependent (SCED) Hamiltonian developed in the framework of linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO), magnetic potentials coarse-grained from electronic structure calculations for defect modeling, etc. As in other materials science conferences in recent years, graphene, topological insulators and related materials were the favorite topics and prominently featured in the ACCMS-6. A number of presentations were devoted to computational studies of bilayer graphene, twisted multilayer graphene, hydrogenated graphene, graphene superlattices and nanoribbons, graphene oxide, as well as related materials such as boron nitride sheet. Another type of materials that strongly featured in ACCMS-6 was energy storage materials, such as hydrogen storage materials, solid state batteries, and photovoltaic materials. Computational approaches, particularly based on ab initio electronic structure methods, have become important tools in discovering and designing new materials. Materials design was also a popular topic among papers presented. Y. H. Lu of NUS, Singapore proposed a new hexagonal phase for TiO2 which has a smaller band gap and can make more efficient use of sun light in photocatalytic hydrogen production. P. Sen of Harish-Chandra Res. Inst., India presented his work on design of a new class of magnetic superatoms. To accommodate more oral presentations without lengthening the duration of the conference, parallel sessions were introduced for the first time in ACCMS-6 for this conference series. Except the early morning session which included a plenary talk/award winning lecture in each of the three days, the rest of the sessions were conducted with two sessions in parallel. It was a challenge for the organizer to plan the sessions to minimize potential overlaps between the two sessions, and for the session chairs to keep the time. However, the meeting rooms were next two each other which made it easy for participants to move from one session to the other. Both sessions were well attended. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 153 MRS-S OUTLOOK Conference Report Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Kawazoe Best Poster Awards In addition to high quality invited and contributed oral presentations, more than half of the papers were presented as posters, which allowed more interactions between the authors and participants of the conference. Five posters, listed below, were chosen from the 84 posters presented for the Kawazoe Poster Awards. The authors were presented with a certificate, a book (co)-authored by Prof. Y. Kawazoe and cash prize during the conference banquet held on 8 Sept., 2011. Authors Chan-Yeup Chung, Hiroshi Mizuseki, and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe Do Ngoc Son and Takahashi Kaito Jeongwoon Hwang, Changwon Park, Gunn Kim, and Jisoon Ihm Ming Yang, Chun Zhang, Yuanping Feng, and Ariando Xiaoping YANG and Haibin SU Organization Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan Academia Sinica, Taiwan Seoul National University, S. Korea National University of Singapore, Singapore Topic Oxygen Vacancy Effects on Single Crystalline La3(Ta0.5Ga5.5)O11 Piezoelectric Materials Selectivity of PdCo Alloy towards Oxygen Reduction Reaction Pseudospin Rotation and Valley Mixing in Electron Scattering at Various Graphene Edges Ultra-Flat Graphene on Si3N4 with High Electron Mobility Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Polarization and Electric Field Dependence of Electronic Properties in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures List of Kawazoe Poster Award winners. ACCMS Short Courses Following the tradition of previous ACCMS conferences, two one-day pre-conference short courses were organized on 6 Sept., 2011. These short courses were designed to provide a practical starting point of materials research using computational methods, and specifically to address two challenging issues in computational materials science, namely, simulating large systems such as nanostructures and achieving high accuracy. The short course program started with an introductory lecture by Prof. G. P. Das (Indian Assoc. for the Cultivation of Sci., Kolkata, India) who presented an overview of the density functional theory (DFT) and the different basis sets used viz., plane wave, spherical waves, atomic orbitals, muffin-tin orbitals, and mixed basis sets, leading to various state-of-the-art DFT- based packages. This set the stage for the two short courses, “Quantum Mechanics based Simulations of Real Materials: SCED-LCAO” and “Tohoku Mixed Basis Orbitals ab initio Program (TOMBO)”. In the SCED-LCAO short course, Profs. C. S. Jayanthi and M. Yu (Univ. of Louisville, Kentucky, USA) introduced the self-consistent and environment dependent (SCED) Hamiltonian developed in the framework of LCAO. This semiempirical method includes two-center as well as multi-center electron-ion interactions, on-site electronelectron correlations as well as inter-site electron-electron correlations. It is designed to address the size bottleneck of ab initio simulations as well as the issue of non-transferability of most of the existing semi-empirical Hamiltonians. Benchmarking calculations show that the SCED-LCAO-MD scheme is about 30 times faster than DFT-based VASP software and it requires about five times less memory. In addition, by implementing the order-N scheme into the framework of the SCED-LCAO Hamiltonian for total energy and force calculations, full geometry optimization page 154 A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 can be performed for systems of sizes up to 20,000 atoms. Thus, reliable large-scale quantum-mechanics based MD simulations are now attainable using the O(N)/SCED-LCAO scheme. Participants of the short course had opportunities to experience the robustness of the SCED-LCAO Hamiltonian through selected case studies of carbon that included the C29 cluster, the bucky-diamond carbon, the (5,0) single wall carbon nanotube, and graphene. In the TOMBO short course, Prof. Kawazoe and his team from the Inst. of Mater. Res., Tohoku Univ., Japan, introduced the TOMBO program. Kawazoe Laboratory has been developing this first-principles simulation package in the last 15 years. It is based on the all-electron mixed basis approach in which electron wave functions are expressed by using both plane waves (PWs) and atomic orbitals (AOs). Since AOs are numerically defined inside the non-overlapping atomic spheres in radial (logarithmic) mesh, all-electron calculations with PWs can be performed very accurately with a modest computational cost. The number of PWs required in this method is significantly fewer than that required in standard pseudo-potential or PAW methods. Moreover, one can avoid problems such as the basis set superposition error (BSSE) appearing in standard LCAO methods and the over-completeness problem appearing in standard mixed-basis methods. TOMBO can describe extended PW-like states as well as localized core states with modest number of basis functions. It is applicable to various kinds of systems including atoms, molecules, clusters, surfaces, and crystals. Therefore, it has an apparent advantage compared to many pre-existing first-principles methods. During the hands-on sessions, participants had first-hand experience in the study of CH4 molecule and hydrogen storage materials such as metal organic frameworks (MOFs). Another interesting application of TOMBO is to simulate electron dynamics of an electronic excited-state in materials. The time evolution of the electrons and holes in the electronic excited states can be treated by using TOMBO on the basis of the adiabatic local density approximation (adiabatic LDA) in the time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) combined with the Ehrenfest theorem for the adiabatic process. As a very simple example, the possibility of dissociation of a hydrogen molecule around a nickel dimer was studied. Conference Report MRS-S OUTLOOK Participants of ACCMS-6 Short Courses. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 155 MRS-S OUTLOOK Conference Report Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 ACCMS Award Another highlight of ACCMS-6 was the presentation of the 2011 ACCMS award to Prof. Enge Wang, School of Phys., Peking Univ., China, at the conference banquet held in the evening of 8 September. The Award is to recognize scientists in Asia who have made outstanding contributions to computational materials science and to ACCMS. Since 2004, the Award has been presented at the ACCMS general meeting. Prof. Wang was recognized for his outstanding contributions to atomistic simulations of surface growth dynamics and the formation of nanostructures, and his support to ACCMS. Prof. Enge Wang received his Bachelor degree in theoretical physics from Liaoning Univ. (1982) and obtained his Ph.D. in condensed matter physics from Peking Univ. (1990). After spending several years at Princeton Univ., Inst. d’Electronique, de Microelectronique de Nanotechnologie (France), and Univ. of Houston, he started his academic career in 1995 as a professor at the Inst. of Phys., Chinese Acad. of Sci. (CAS). He was the Director of the Inst. of Phys., CAS, from 1999 to 2007. Currently, he is a Vice President and Provost at Peking Univ. Prof. Wang is the recipient of many prestigious awards including the HLHL Science and Technol. Award (2010), the Humboldt Res. Award (2005), the TWAS Award in Phys. (2005), the IBM Faculty Award (2003–2004), the Achievement in Asia Award (AAA) of the Overseas Chinese Phys. Assoc. (2002–2003), and “Zhou Pei-Yuan Physics Awards” (CPS, 2005). He was elected an Academician of the CAS in 2007 and the Academy of Sci. for the Developing World (TWAS) in 2008, and a Fellow of the American Phys. Soc. in 2006. Prof. Wang was the Chair of the third ACCMS general meeting which was held in Beijing in 2005. In his Award Lecture in the morning of 9 Sept., Prof. Wang presented his latest work on surface of ice. Using computer simulation, he and his team discovered unusual structure and dynamics of ice surface at atomic scale. An order parameter which defines the surface energy of ice Ih (hexagonal crystal form of ordinary ice) surfaces has been identified for the first time. They also predicted that the proton order-disorder transition, which occurs in the bulk at ∼72 K, will not occur at the surface at any temperature below surface melting. In addition, they found that vacancy formation on crystalline ice surface exhibits characteristics of an amorphous material, and the formation of vacancies facilitates pits on the surface and other processes that may contribute to pre-melting and formation of a quasi-liquid layer. Despite ice being a ubiquitous and well-studied substance, Prof. Wang’s work provides new insights to basic surface properties and structure of ice. Prof. Kawazoe (second from left) is presenting the ACCMS Award to Prof. Enge Wang (third from left) at the ACCMS-6 banquet on 8 Sept., 2011, with Prof. G. P. Das, citation reader (extreme left), and Prof. Yuan Ping Feng, Co-chair of ACCMS-6 (right), looking on. page 156 A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK ACCMS-7 At the International Advisory Committee meeting held on 8 Sept., it was decided that the next ACCMS conference, ACCMS-7, will be held in Thailand. Prof. Sukit Limpijumnong of Suranaree Univ. of Technol., will lead the organizing committee. Details of ACCMS-7 will be announced later. Conferences: Forthcoming Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Prof. Sukit Limpijumnong, Chair of ACCMS-7, inviting participants to Thailand in 2013. ACCMS-6 web site More information about ACCMS-6 can be found at the conference web site: Forthcoming Conferences 2nd Molecular Materials Meeting (M3) @ Singapore Jan., 9–11, 2012, Singapore Organized by Singapore A*STAR’s Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), in partnership with other A*STAR institutes, research organizations and industries, the event, themed around molecular materials, welcomes leading researchers in chemistry, materials science, physics, biology, medicine, engineering etc. with the intention of developing cross-disciplinary and collaborative research ideas on the following themes: 1) Materials Synthesis, Assembly & Device Fabrication; 2) Energy & Sustainable Materials; A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 157 MRS-S OUTLOOK Conferences: Forthcoming Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 3) Optical & Electronic Materials; 4) Materials for Imaging & Sensing Plenary Speakers: Prof. Ada Yonath (Israel); Prof. Kurt Wüthrich (Switzerland); Prof. Tobin J. Marks (USA); Prof. Christopher Murray (USA); Prof. Omar Yaghi (USA). Conference Chair: Andy Hor (IMRE); Abstract Submission: 15 Oct., 2011 General Enquiries: Website: Frontiers in Electronic Materials: Correlation Effects and Memristive Phenomena June 17–20, 2012, Aachen, Germany The above Conference is organized by the Nature Publishing Group and Jlich- Aachen Research Alliance (JARA) and will be held in Germany. An emphasis will be placed on few invited keynote talks. In addition, there will be the opportunity for further academic exchange between participants during nanosessions, which integrate posters, brief oral presentations, and stimulating discussions in small groups. Discussion leaders for the nanosessions will be selected from the abstract submissions. Scientific Sessions • • • • • • • • • Session 1: Fundamentals and cross-disciplinary topics Session 2: Electron correlation and unusual quantum effects Session 3: Oxide heterostructures and interfaces Session 4: Multiferroics, spintronics, ferroelectrics and flexoelectrics Session 5: Memristive phenomena – phase-change materials and nanoionic redox systems Session 6: Energy conversion – superionic conductors, thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, artificial photosynthesis Session 7: Information technology – chip architectures and computational concepts Session 8: Nanotechnology – Atomic layer deposition, physical layer deposition, novel patterning techniques Session 9: Advanced characterization – spectroscopy, scattering methods, microscopy, scanning probe methods Session 10: Theory and Modelling – model Hamiltonian, first principle methods, molecular dynamics, multiscale simulation More than 25 Invited Speakers are expected. The meeting will offer exhibiting as well as sponsorship opportunities. Contact–E-mail: Website: IUMRS-ICYRAM Conference, July, 1–6, 2012, Singapore The International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS)-International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (ICYRAM) is organized by the Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S) during 1–6 July, 2012 in Singapore. The mission of ICYRAM is to provide a platform for researchers under the age of 40 to present technical findings of their research, to network within the international community of other young researchers, and to increase the breadth of their general materials-based knowledge. page 158 A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 There will also be opportunities for young researchers to seek the insight and advice of successful senior researchers through plenary sessions and instructive seminars. Panel sessions will be held in both small and large settings, for focused and general discussions. The aim is to create an environment for interaction and the exchange of perspectives across a broad range of materials-related topics. Technical Program The Technical Program will emphasize materials falling under six general themes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Biomaterials and Healthcare Energy and the Environment Electronic Materials Optical Materials Magnetic and Spintronic Materials Carbon-based Materials Conferences: Forthcoming MRS-S OUTLOOK Conference Highlights • • • • • • • • • Roughly equal time devoted to technical presentations, discussion, plenary and informative seminars Plenary lectures by internationally renowned researchers Seminars directed toward providing perspective and guidance on key aspects of early career development Small-scale, focused panel discussions to conclude technical sessions, allowing young, leading researchers to actively engage international colleagues. ICYRAM-wide panel discussions with both young and senior researchers focusing on subjects of importance to the entire materials community Web-based social and scientific networking for conference participants to interact prior, during and after the conference Inaugural Young Researcher Award to be presented Poster sessions and poster awards Social events Conf. Secretariat: Miss Eileen So, Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S), 3, Research Link, #03-13, Singapore 117602. DID: (+65) 6874 1176; Email: Conf. Website: IUMRS-ICA 2012 Aug., 26-31, 2012, Busan, Korea The International Union of Materials Research Society – International Conference in Asia – 2012 (IUMRS-ICA2012) will be held from August 26 to 31, 2012 at BEXCO in Busan, Korea. The IUMRS-ICA-2012 is a continuation in the series of the conferences among the Asian MRS Members including C-MRS, MRS-I, MRS-J, MRS-K, MRS-S and MRS-T, and this year’s conference is supported by the Material Research Society of Korea (MRS-K). The program of the IUMRS-ICA-2012 consists of 20 symposia under five broad categories: Electronic and Photonic Materials; Functional Materials; Advanced Structural Materials; Materials for Energy and Environmental; Modeling and Characterization. A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore page 159 MRS-S OUTLOOK Conferences: Forthcoming Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Since the first Conference was commenced, this meeting has become a fundamental ground to exchange quality results and ideas provided by the researchers and scientists within the industry. Furthermore, it also provides a forum to present the cutting-edge research outputs for future collaborations which would help both students and researchers within their future research studies and works to be conducted. The individuals actively engaged in materials research and developments are encouraged to participate in the meeting and gain academic insights they have desired. Abstract deadline: March, 1, 2012. Conf. Chair: Bo-Young Hur (Gyeongsang National Univ., Korea) Website: Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM 2012) Oct., 15 to 19, 2012, Singapore The Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM) conference series is the world’s largest theoretical and computational materials science forum which aims to disseminate the latest development in the field of multiscale materials modeling. MMM 2012 is organized jointly by the Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S) and A*Star Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Singapore. Our overriding motivation to host the 2012 edition of the MMM conference is to provide an international forum for the exchange and sharing of the recent advances in multiscale modeling and simulation of materials. Emphasis will be placed on new ideas in the form of novel theroies, refined mathematical modes, innovative simulation approaches and application of computation methodology to both traditional and emerging materials applications. Emphasis will be on the hierarchy of simulation techniques, coupling techniques from first principles to continuum models and methods that are multiscale in both / either space and time. The scientific environment in Singapore is vibrant, advanced and a priority for the highest level policy makers within Singapore. Furthermore, Singapore possesses excellent intellectual property rights and regulatory infrastructure, further adding to its exceptional environment for research and development. Hence, the 2012 edition of the MMM conference has been chosen to be held in Singapore. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your partners in Singapore. A series of interesting and fruitful plenary and invited talks have been in lined for all of you Co-chairs: David J. Srolovitz (IHPC) and B. V. R. Chowdari (MRS-S and NUS) Abstract Submission: 15 January, 2012 Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 15 March, 2012 Conference Registration & Payment (Early Bird): 15 July, 2012 Conference Registration & Payment (Normal Rate): 1 Sept., 2012 Contact: Ms. Eileen So, Project Executive, Materials Research Society of Singapore. Telephone: (+65) 6874 1176. Email: / Conference Website: page 160 A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 Materials Education & Research in Singapore There are two Universities and several Research Institutes in Singapore involved in teaching, research and development in the broad area of Materials Science, Engineering and Technology. These are listed below along with the Websites and provide information on the available courses and opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and post doctoral research. They also entertain queries regarding openings for Research Scientists and Faculty positions. National University of Singapore: Nanyang Technological University: Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE): Institute of Microelectronics (IME): Data Storage Institute: Institute of Chemical & Engineering Sciences: Institute of High Performance Computing: Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology: Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN): Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore: Republic Polytechnic, Singapore: A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore Materials Education & Research in Singapore MRS-S OUTLOOK page 161 MRS-S OUTLOOK Invitation Volume 6 • No.3 • Jan–Mar., 2012 INVITATION MRS-S members are welcome to contribute to ‘MRS-S OUTLOOK’ • To suggest topics and prospective author(s) for ‘thematic’ articles pertaining to the areas of materials science, engineering and technology. These will be of general interest to the students, teachers as well as active researchers. These can be 10–15 pages (A4-size, single spaced) with figures, tables and select references. • To contribute reports on the recently held conferences and information on the forthcoming conferences. • To contribute ‘Highlights from Recent Literature’ in the areas of materials science, engineering and technology. These must pertain to the past two years, and be of general interest to non-specialists, students, teachers as well as active researchers. Each ‘Highlight’ must not exceed 250–300 words, including reference(s). Contributing author(s) and e-mail address(es) will be included under each ‘Highlight’. • To contribute information about the recent awards and distinctions conferred on the MRS-S members. • To contribute ‘Letters to the Editor’. They may be edited for brevity, clarity and available space, and the author(s) will be informed. Information on the above aspects may be communicated to the Editor: Dr. G.V. Subba Rao E-mail: The Editorial Board of ‘MRS-S OUTLOOK’ reserves the right to include or not any of the submitted contributions. Design & Typeset by Research Publishing Services page 162 A Quarterly publication by the Materials Research Society of Singapore