EECC - Jahangirabad Institute of Technology


Jahangirbad Institute of Technology

Mohd Asif Ikbal


Semester IV, 2015

MASTER SCHEDULE week 1 Class 1 Monday, 18 January,2016

Unit 1: introduction of the course

Class 2

Operational Amplifier:

Tuesday, 19 January,2016

Inverting and non-inverting configurations week 1 Class 3


Wednesday, 20 January,2016 Class 4 Thursday, 21 January,2016 difference amplifier, week 1 Class 5 Friday, 22 January,2016

Effect of finite open loop gain and bandwidth on

Class 6


Monday, 25 January,2016 circuit performance

Week 2 Republic Day Celebration

Tuesday 26, January, 2016

Class 7 Wednesday, 27 January,2016

Large signal operation of op-amp.

Week 2 Class 8 Thursday, 28 January,2016


Class 9 Friday, 29 January,2016

Numerical problems and revision of unit

Week 3 Class 10 Monday, February 01,2016

Unit 3:

BJT: Review of device structure operation and

Class 11


Tuesday, February 02,2016

V-I characteristics

Week 3 Class 12

BJT circuits at DC

Wednesday, February 03,2016 Class 13 Thursday, February 04,2016

BJT as amplifier and switch

Week 3 Class 14 Friday, February 05,2016 biasing in BJT amplifier circuit

Class 15 Monday, February 08,2016 small-signal operation and models

Week 4 Class 16 Tuesday, February 09,2016 single stage BJT amplifier

Class 17


Wednesday, February 10,2016

Week 4 Class 18 Thursday , February 11,2016 Class 19

BJT internal capacitances and high frequency Continue…….

Friday, February 12,2016 model

Week 4 Class 20 Monday, February 15,2016

Frequency response of CE amplifier.

Class 21


Tuesday, February 16,2016

Week 5 Class 22 Wednesday , February 1,2016

Numerical problems and revision of unit

Class 23 Thursday, February 18,2016

Group discussion and presentation.

Week 5 Class 24


Friday, February 19,2016 20 February to 22 February 2016

Sports Events

Week 6 22 February to 25 February 2016

Medical Camp

Class 25 Friday, February 26,2016 preparation of sessional exams and queries of students

Week 6

Class 26 students

Monday, February 29,2016

01 March to 03 March,2016 preparation of sessional exams and queries of

Mid Semester Exam

Week 7 Class 27 Friday, March 04,2016

Solution of question paper and discussion.

07 March Monday, 2016

Mahashivratri Holiday

Week 8 Class 28

Unit 2:

Tuesday, March 08,2016 Class 29


Wednesday, March 09,2016

MOSFET: Review of device structure operation and V-I characteristics

Week 8 Class 30 Thursday, March 10,2016

Circuits at DC

Class 31 Friday, March 11,2016

MOSFET as Amplifier and switch

Week 9

Class 32 Monday, March 14,2016

15 March, 2016

Biasing in MOS amplifier circuits

Kashiram Jayanti Holiday

Week 9 Class 33


Wednesday, March 16,2016 Class 34 Thursday, March 17,2016 small-signal operation and models

Week 9 Class 35 Friday, March 18,2016 single stage MOS amplifier

Week 10

Class 36 Monday, March 21,2016

MOSFET internal capacitances and high frequency

Class 37


Tuesday, March 22,2016

Friday, March 25,2016

Frequency response of CS amplifier

Week 10 23 to 24 March Class 39 Monday, March 2,2016

Holi Festival Holiday Unit 4:

Differential Amplifier: MOS differential pair

Week 11 Class 40 Tuesday, March 29,2016 small signal operation of the MOS differential

Class 41

Continue……. pair

Wednesday, March 30,2016

Week 11

Class 42 Thursday, March 31,2016

Class 43 other non-ideal characteristic of the Differential

BJT differential pair amplifier (DA),

Friday, April 01,2016

Week 12 Class 44


Monday, April 04,2016

Class 45

DA with active load.

Tuesday, April 05,2016

Week 12 Class 46 Wednesday, April 06,2016 07 April to 09 April, 2016

Revision and quarry of students Second Mid Sem Exam

Week 13 Class 47 Monday, April 11,2016 discussion of question paper

Class 48

Unit 5:

Tuesday, April 12,2016

The general feedback structure, properties of negative feed back

Week 13

Class 49 Wednesday, April 13,2016

14 April, 2016 the four basic feedback topologies

Ambedkar Jayanti Holiday

Week 13 15 April, 2016

Ram Navami Holiday

Class 50 Monday, April 18,2016 the series-shunt feedback amplifier

Week 14 Class 51 Tuesday, April 19,2016

The series-series feedback amplifier

Class 52 Wednesday, April 20,2016

The shunt-shunt and shuntseries feedback amplifier.

Week 14

21 April, 2016

Hazrat Ali Birthday Holiday

22 April, 2016

Earth Day Celebration

Week 14 Class 53 Monday, April 25,2016 Class 54

Basic principles of sinusoidal oscillators

Tuesday, April 26,2016

Op-amp RC oscillator circuits, LC oscillator.

Week 15 Semester Exam Preparation and Query Semester Exam Preparation and Query Classes


Week 15 Semester Exam Preparation and Query Semester Exam Preparation and Query Classes



Teaching Staff:

Mohd Asif Ikbal,

Course Web Site:

Class Meetings:

Room no 214

Course Objectives:

Broad aims of the course:

This course is the basic of electronics. Although students have study this course in the first year at primary level, here it is organized in a way to give them more detailed description of the besics of electronics. So I have planned to give them overall exposure and develop their fundamental.


This is a 5-unit graduate course. Accordingly, the course has been designed to demand approximately 5 hours per week of your time. It is expected that each student will prepare for and attend all of the class sessions and will contribute regularly.

Academic Integrity:

Full group and class collaboration on all aspects of this course is highly encouraged. It is almost impossible to share too much information without the support of students.

Reading Materials:

The primary reading materials for the class are the book

Text Book

: A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press, 5th Ed.

Reference Books:

Jacob Millman and Arvin Grabel, “Microelectronics”, 2nd Ed TMH

The text books are available at the library.


Evolution Scheme sessional marks

Class Test

Teacher assessment


External marks

30 20 50 50

Subject total


Classes and Topics

Class 1 Monday, 18 January,2016


The operational amplifier is arguably the most useful single device in analog electronic circuitry. With only a handful of external components, it can be made to perform a wide variety of analog signal processing tasks. It is also quite affordable, most general-purpose amplifiers selling for under a dollar apiece. Modern designs have been engineered with durability in mind as well: several “op-amps” are manufactured that can sustain direct short-circuits on their outputs without damage.

Class 2 Tuesday, 19 January,2016 & Class 3 Wednesday, 20 January,2016


The output is in phase with (has the same sign as) v 2 and is out of phase with (has the opposite sign of) v 1. For this reason, input terminal 1 is called the inverting input terminal and is distinguished by a “−” sign, while input terminal 2 is called the noninverting input terminal and is distinguished by a “+” sign.

Class 4 Thursday, 21 January,2016


Having studied the two basic configurations of op-amp circuits together with some of their direct applications, we are now ready to consider a somewhat more involved but very important application. Specifically, we shall study the use of op amps to design difference or differential amplifiers.

Class 5 Friday, 22 January,2016 & Class 6 Monday, 25 January,2016


So far we have studied about assumed Opamp as having infinite closed loop gain in this lecture we will learn the closed loop gain under the assumption that the op-amp open-loop gain A is finite

Class 7 Wednesday, 27 January,2016 & Class 8 Thursday, 28 January,2016


In this class we will study we study the limitations on the performance of op-amp circuits when large output signals are present.

Class 9 Friday, 29 January,2016

Numerical problems and revision of unit

Class 10 Monday, February 01,2016

Unit 3:


Figure shows a simplified structure for the BJT.

As shown in Fig the BJT consists of three semiconductor regions: the emitter region ( n type), the base region ( p type), and the collector region ( n type).

Class 11


Tuesday, February 02,2016

Class 12 Wednesday, February 03,2016

We are now ready to consider the analysis of BJT circuits to which only dc voltages are applied

Class 13 Thursday, February 04,2016

We now begin our study of the utilization of the BJT in the design of amplifiers.13 The basis for this important application is that when operated in the active mode, the BJT functions as a voltage-controlled current source: the base–emitter voltage controls the collector current. Although the control relationship is nonlinear

(exponential), we will shortly devise a method for obtaining almost-linear amplification from this fundamentally nonlinear device.

Class 14 Friday, February 05,2016

Biasing enables us to obtain almost-linear amplification from the BJT. This technique will be illustrated in this class. A dc voltage is selected to obtain operation at a point Q on the segment YZ of the VTC. We will also learn how to select an appropriate location for the bias point Q.

Class 15 Monday, February 08,2016

Having learned the basis for the operation of the BJT as an amplifier, in this class we now take a closer look at the small-signal operation of the transistor .

Class 16 Tuesday, February 09,2016 & Class 17 Wednesday, February 10,2016

With our study of BJT amplifier basics complete, we now put everything together by presenting practical circuits for discrete-circuit amplifiers

Class 18 Thursday , February 11,2016 & Class 19 Friday, February 12,2016

An equivalent circuit model for the BJT will be discussed in this class. This model represents the BJT as a voltage-controlled current source and explicitly includes the input resistance looking into the base, r

Class 20 Monday, February 15,2016 & Class 21 Tuesday, February 16,2016

Thus far, we have assumed that the gain of BJT amplifiers is constant independent of the frequency of the input signal. This would imply that BJT amplifiers have infinite bandwidth, which of course is not true. To illustration will be made in this class

Class 22 Wednesday , February 1,2016

Numerical problems and revision of unit

Class 23 Thursday, February 18,2016 & Class 24 Friday, February 19,2016

Group discussion and presentation.

Friday, March 04,2016 Class 25 Friday, February 26,2016 & Class 26

Preparation of sessional exams and queries of students

Class 27 Tuesday, March 08,2016

Solution of question paper and discussion.

Class 28 Wednesday, March 09,2016 & Class 29 Thursday, March 10,2016

Unit 2:

The enhancement-type MOSFET is the most widely used field-effect transistor. this class is devoted to the study of the enhancement-type MOSFET. We begin class by learning about its structure and physical operation.

This will lead to the current–voltage characteristics of the device

Class 30 Friday, March 11,2016

Having studied the current–voltage characteristics of MOSFETs, we now consider circuits in which only dc voltages and currents are of concern. Specifically, we shall present a series of design and analysis examples of

MOSFET circuits at dc. The objective is to instill in the student a familiarity with the device and the ability to perform MOSFET circuit analysis both rapidly and effectively

Class 31 Monday, March 14,2016

It is useful at this point to take stock of where we are and where we are going in our study of MOSFET amplifiers and MOSFET as a switch.

Class 32 Wednesday, March 16,2016 & Class 33 Thursday, March 17,2016

The most straightforward approach to biasing a MOSFET is to fix its gate-to-source voltage VGS to the value required9 to provide the desired ID . This voltage value can be derived from the power-supply voltage VDD through the use of an appropriate voltage divider

Class 34 Friday, March 18,2016

In this class, we explore the small-signal operation in some detail. For this purpose we utilize the conceptual amplifier circuit Here the MOS transistor is biased by applying a dc voltage8 VGS , and the input signal to be amplified, vgs , is superimposed on the dc bias voltage VGS . The output voltage is taken at the drain.

Class 35 Monday, March 21,2016

In this class we will be able to perform rapid first-order analysis of transistor circuits and to design single-stage transistor amplifiers.

Class 36 Tuesday, March 22,2016 & Class 37 Monday, March 28,2016

In this class we will learn about basically two types of internal capacitance in the MOSFET Gate capacitance effect: the gate electrode forms a parallel-plate capacitor with gate oxide in the middle Junction capacitance effect: the source/body and drain/body are pn-junctions at reverse bias

Class 38 Tuesday, March 29,2016

Thus far, we have assumed that the gain of MOS amplifiers is constant, independent of the frequency of the input signal. This would imply that MOS amplifiers have infinite bandwidth, which of course is not true it will be elaborated in this lecture.

Class 39 Wednesday, March 30,2016

The differential-pair or differential-amplifier configuration is the most widely used building block in analog integrated-circuit design. For instance, the input stage of every op amp is a differential amplifier. Also, the BJT differential amplifier is the basis of a very-high-speed logic circuit family

Class 40 Thursday, March 31,2016 & Class 41 Friday, April 01,2016

In this class we build on the understanding gained of the basic operation of the differential pair and consider in some detail its operation as a linear amplifier.

Class 42 Monday, April 04,2016

In this class we will learn about BJT differential pair. very similar to the MOSFET circuit and consists of two matched transistors, Q 1 and Q 2, whose emitters are joined together and biased by a constant-current source I

Class 43 Tuesday, April 05,2016 & Class 44 Wednesday, April 06,2016

In this class we will learn other non-ideal characteristic of the Differential amplifier (DA), like Input Offset

Voltage of the Bipolar Differential Amplifier & MOSFET Differential Amplifier.

Class 45 Monday, April 11,2016

The differential amplifiers we have studied thus far have been of the differential output variety; that is, the output is taken between the two drains (or two collectors) rather than between one of the drains (collectors) and ground. Taking the output differentially it has two major advantages which will be discussed in this class.

Class 46 Tuesday, April 12,2016 & Class 47 Wednesday, April 13,2016

Revision and quarry of students

Class 47 Wednesday, April 13,2016

Discussion of question paper

Class 48 Monday, April 18,2016

Fig shows the general feedback structure. Rather than showing voltages and currents, Fig is a signal-flow diagram , where each of the quantities x can represent either a voltage or a current signal. Apart from that we will also learn about the properties of negative feed back

Class 49 Tuesday, April 19,2016

Based on the quantity to be amplified (voltage or current) and on the desired form of output (voltage or current), amplifiers can be classified into four categories. These categories will be discussed in this chapter. In the following, we shall review this amplifier classification and point out the feedback topology appropriate in each case.

Class 50 Wednesday, April 20,2016

As mentioned before, series–shunt is the appropriate feedback topology for a voltage amplifier. The ideal structure of the series–shunt feedback amplifier will be discussed in this class.

Class 51 Thursday, April 21,2016

The series–series feedback topology stabilizes and is therefore best suited for trans-conductance amplifiers. In this class we will study the ideal structure for the series–series feedback amplifier

Class 52 Wednesday, April 20,2016

The shunt–shunt feedback topology stabilizes and is thus best suited for trans-resistance amplifiers In this class we will have a look at that.

Class 53 Monday, April 25,2016

In this class, we study the basic principles of the design of linear sine-wave oscillators. In spite of the name linear oscillator, some form of nonlinearity has to be employed to provide control of the amplitude of the output sine wave. In fact, all oscillators are essentially nonlinear circuits.

Class 54 Tuesday, April 26,2016

In this section we shall study some practical oscillator circuits utilizing op amps and RC networks.
