Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering MULTISIM / NETWORKS Laboratory Manual GOKARAJU RANGARAJU INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institute under JNTU Hyderabad) MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB CERTIFICATE This is to certify that it is a bonafide record of practical work done in the Multisim/Networks Laboratory in I sem of II year during the year 2011-2012 Name: Roll No: Branch: GRIET/EEE Signature of staff member 2 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Contents 1.Thevenin’s Theorem. 2. Norton’s Theorem 3. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. 4. Superposition and Reciprocity Theorems. 5. Z and Y parameters. 6. Transmission and Hybrid Parameters. 7. Compensation and Milliman’s Theorems. 8. Series Resonance 9.Parallel Resonance. 10. Locus of Current Vector in an R-L Circuit 11. Locus of Current Vector in an R-C Circuit 12Measurement of 3-phase power by two wattmeter method for unbalanced loads. 13. Measurement of Active and Reactive power by star and delta connected balanced loads. GRIET/EEE 3 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 1. Thevenin’s Theorem Aim: 1. To construct a circuit and verify Thevenin’s Theorem for the given circuit. Apparatus Required: 1. Voltmeter 2. Resistances 3. Bread board 4. Ammeter 5. DC voltage source Theory: Thevenin’s Theorem: This theorem states that a network composed of lumped, linear circuit elements may , for the purposes of analysis of external circuit or terminal behaviour, be replaced by a voltage source V(s) in series with a single impedance. Thevenin’s theorem simplifies the method of finding current through any specified branch. For this purpose we have to find two things: 1. Thevenin’s Resistance Rth 2. Thevenin’s Voltage Vth GRIET/EEE 4 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Circuit Diagram: Theoretical Calculations: To find current through 1k ohm resistor using Thevenin’s theorem: 1) To find Thevenin’s resistance (Rth) across 1k ohm resistor: 2.2k R1 R2 1 2.2k 0 Rth = (2.2* 2.2)*106/ (2.2+2.2)(10)3= 1.1k ohm 2) To find Thevenin’s voltage (Vth) across 1k ohm resistor: 2.2k 2 R1 1 R2 2.2k V1 10 V 00 I=10/4.4*103 =2.27mA GRIET/EEE 5 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Applying KVL, -10 + (2.2*103*2.27*10-3) +Vth =0 Vth=5.006V Thevenin’s equivalent circuit is: 1.1k R1 2 V1 5.006 V 0 1 Finding current through 1k ohm resistor using Thevenin’s theorem, 1.1k 2 R1 R2 3 1k V1 5.006 V 0 0 It=5.006/ (2.1*103) = 2.38 mA Current through 1k ohm resistor is 2.38mA. Hence Thevenin’s theorem is verified. Procedure: A) Thevenin’s procedure 1. Remove the resistor R5.4. Remove the voltage source and short the terminals 2, 4. 5. Resistance measured between 1, 3 is Thevenin’s resistance. 6. Thevenin equivalent circuit is obtained by connecting Vth and Rth in series. 7. Connect the resistance 1K in series with Thevenin equivalent circuit and measure current across the load 8. Verify the current measured in Thevenin equivalent circuit and original circuit. Observations: Thevenin’s Voltage (Vth) = GRIET/EEE 6 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Thevenin’s Resistance (Rth) = Load Current (IL) = Multisim Results: Thevenin’s Voltage (Vth) = Thevenin’s Resistance (Rth) = Load Current (IL) = Theoretical Calculations to be done by Students: GRIET/EEE 7 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: 1. Thevenin’s theorem is verified. GRIET/EEE 8 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 2. Norton’s Theorem Aim: To construct a circuit and verify Norton’s Theorem for the given circuit. Apparatus Required: 1. Voltmeter 2. Resistances 3. Bread board 4. Ammeter 5. DC voltage source Theory: Norton’s Theorem: Any linear circuit containing several energy sources and resistance can be replaced by a single constant generator parallel with a single resistor. Circuit diagram: 1 R1 R2 2 100 V1 10 V 150 R3 51 3 GRIET/EEE 9 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Norton’s procedure: 1. Remove the resistance R2. 2. Insert an ammeter across the open terminals. 3. Measure the resistance between the terminals replacing 10v DC source with a ‘short’ let us say this equ Rn (Norton’s resistance) 4. Construct an equivalent circuit and verify the current across the load in both circuits. Theoretical calculations: 1 R1 R2 2 100 150 V1 10 V R3 51 3 STEP 1: Finding R equivalent: To find R R1 1 100 R2 51 0 GRIET/EEE 10 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Req= (100*51)/151 =33.77ohm STEP 2: To find IN: R1 1 4 100 V1 10 V R2 51 Since there is a short circuit path across R2, so current will not pass through R2, R2 can be neglected. IN=10/100=0.1A 1 I1 0.1 A R1 33.77 150 R2 2 I150= (0.1)*(33.77/33.77+150) =0.0183A Observations: Norton’s Current (IN) = GRIET/EEE 11 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Norton’s Resistance (RN) = Load Current (IL) = Multisim Results: Norton’s Current (IN) = Norton’s Resistance (RN) = Load Current (IL) = Theoretical Calculations to be done by Students: GRIET/EEE 12 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: Norton’s theorem is verified. GRIET/EEE 13 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 14 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 3. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Aim: 1. To construct a circuit and verify Maximum Power transfer Theorem for the given circuit. Apparatus Required: 1. Voltmeter 2. Resistances 3. Bread board 4. Ammeter 5. DC voltage source Theory: Maximum Power transfer theorem: Maximum power transfer theorem states that the power delivered from a source to a load is maximum when sour resistance equals load resistance. Circuit Diagram: 1 R1 RL a 2.2k V1 10 V R3 2.2k 0 Procedure: Maximum Power transfer theorem GRIET/EEE 15 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 1. Construct the circuit. 2. Connect the circuit with different loads. 3. Note down the power delivered to load and voltage. 4. Verify the resistance at which maximum power is delivered is equal to R1. Observations: For Maximum power transfer: S.No V(volts) I(mA) Power delivered R(load)Ώ V2/4RL To load V×I 1. 2.381 2.381 5.66m 1k 2. 2.5 2.273 5.68m 1.1k 3. 3.33 1.515 5.04m 2.2k 4. 1.687 3.012 5.08m 2.2k 5. 0.417 4.167 1.73m 100 6. 4.051 0.863 3.49m 4.7k 5.68 Maximum power transfer calculations: Load current= I= VS / (RN + RL) GRIET/EEE 16 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB P= Power delivered to load = (VS / (RN + RL)) 2 RL Maximum power transferred = V2/4RL STEP1: To find equivalent resistance across ab (Rab) 1.Rab is found out by shorting the voltage source and calculating resistance across a&b. R2 3 2.2k R4 2.2k 0 Rab= ((2.2K)//(2.2k))/94.4k) =1.1k Ώ STEP 2: Finding VTH 1. VTH is the voltage across a&b. R5 4 2.2k 2 V2 10 V R6 2.2k 0 GRIET/EEE 17 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Voltage across ab is VTH Current through 2.2k=10/ (2.2+2.2) k =2.27mA VTH= (2.2k)*(2.27m) =5V Therefore, VTH=5V Maximum power transfer occurs when RL=Rab=1.1KΏ Power transferred = (VTH*VTH)/ (4*RL) =25/ (4*1.1k) =0.00568W. Also, V*I= (2.5)*(2.2727m) =0.00568W Therefore VI= (VTH*VTH)/ (4*RL) Hence maximum power transfer theorem is verified. Theoretical calculations to be done by students: GRIET/EEE 18 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 19 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: Maximum power transfer theorem is verified. GRIET/EEE 20 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 21 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 4. Super position Theorem and Reciprocity Theorem. Aim: 1. To construct a circuit and verify Super position Theorem for the given circuit. 2. To construct a circuit and verify Reciprocity Theorem for the given circuit. Theory: A) Super position Theorem: In any linear network containing two or more sources ‘response’ in any element is equal to the algebraic sum of responses caused by individual sources acting while the other sources are inoperative. The word inoperative means a voltage source is replaced by a short circuit while the current source replaced by open circuit. B) Reciprocity Theorem: In a circuit having several branches, if a source of voltage V produces a current I in another branch, the same current I will flow in the first branch if voltage source is put in the second branch. That means voltage source and ammeter can be interchanged but the ammeter reading will remain unaltered. Circuit Diagram: A) Super position Theorem: 1 R1 2.2k V1 10 V R2 2 10 4.7k R3 3.3k V2 8V 0 . B) Reciprocity Theorem: GRIET/EEE 22 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB R2 6 + - R4 2 2.2k 0.099m A 3 10k U1 DC 1e-009 R5 4.7k R1 3.3k R3 1.0k 4 5 V1 10 V 0 Procedure: Superposition: 1. First measure the current through R5 due to source V1 while source V2 is replaced with short circuit. Let this current be Iv1. 2. Next measure current through R5 due to source V2 while source V1 is replaced with short circuit. 3. Let this current be Iv2. 4. Now let both sources be in place. The current through R5 is measured once again. Let this current be I. 5. Verify whether I= Iv1+Iv2. Reciprocity: 1. Construct the circuit given. 2. Measure the current in the R5. 3. Now replace ammeter with voltage source and voltage source with ammeter measure the current in R3. 4. Compare both readings. GRIET/EEE 23 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Observations: 1) Superposition theorem: V1 V2 R1 R2 R3 I1 I2 I’3.3k (volts) (volts) (ohms) (ohms) (ohms) (mA) (mA) = I’’3.3k (mA) 10 2 2.2k 4.7k 3.3k 1.4194 0.5316 1.951 2) Reciprocity Theorem Experiment: R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Vs I I’ Vs/I Vs/I’ (kohms) (kohms) (kohms) (kohms)(kohms) (volts) (mA) (mA) (kohms) (kohms) 3.3 111.11 111.111 2.2 1 10 4.7 10 0.09 0.09 Theoretical calculations: 1) Superposition theorem: GRIET/EEE 24 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB R1 1 R2 2.2k 10 4.7k 2 R3 3.3k V1 10 V V2 8V 0 Consider 10V D.C. voltage source and replace 8V D.C. voltage source with short circuit. 1 R1 R2 2 2.2k 4.7k + - 1.419m V1 10 V U2 A DC 1e-009 4 R3 3.3k 0 Total resistance, RT = (4.7k||3.3k) +2.2k =4.139 kohms. Total current, I = 10 / RT =10 / 4.139 =2.416 mA. The current through 3.3kohm resistor is, I’= I x 4.7k / (4.7k + 3.3k) = 2.416 x 4.7 / 8k GRIET/EEE 25 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB = 1.4194 mA. Now, consider 8V D.C. voltage source and replace 10V D.C. voltage source by short circuit. 8 5 4.7k + - R6 U1 A DC 1e-009 0.531m R4 2.2k V2 8V 7 R5 3.3k 0 Total resistance, RT = (2.2k || 3.3k) + 4.7k = 6.02 kohms. Total current, I = 8 / 6.02k = 1.3289 mA. The current through 3.3kohm is, I2 = 1.3289mA x 2.2k / 5.5k = 0.5316 mA. Therefore, the total current passing through 3.3kohm I’3.3k = I1 + I2 =1.4194 + 0.5316 = 1.951 mA. Now consider both the voltage sources, V’ GRIET/EEE 26 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 3 R7 2.2k R9 6 4.7k + - V3 10 V 9 1.950m U3 A DC 1e-009 V4 8V 11 R8 3.3k 0 Applying nodal analysis, (V’ – 10)/2.2k + V’/3.3k + (V’-8)/4.7k =0 Therefore, V’ = 6.4388V. The current through 3.3kohm resistor is, I’’3.3k = V’ / 3.3k = 6.4388 / 3.3k = 1.9512mA. HENCE PROVED. 2) Reciprocity theorem: V’ GRIET/EEE 27 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 6 R2 R4 2 2.2k + 3 10k U1 0.099m - A DC 1e-009 R5 4.7k R1 3.3k R3 1.0k 4 5 V1 10 V 0 Applying nodal analysis, V’ /5.5k + V’/1k + (V’ – 10)/14.7k =0 V’ = 0.54V. The current I in the 3.3kohm resistor branch is, I = V’ / 5.5k = 0.54/5.5k =0.09mA. Now, the reciprocal circuit to the above circuit is, V’ GRIET/EEE 28 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB R2 R4 2 2.2k 3 10k 1 R1 3.3k + R3 1.0k - 0.099m 6 A U1 DC 1e-009 4 R5 4.7k V1 10 V 0 Applying nodal analysis, (V’ – 10) / 5.5k + V’ / 1k + V’ / 14.7k =0 V’ = 1.45V. The current I in the branch is, I’ = V’ / R = 1.45 / 14.7k = 0.09mA. HENCE PROVED. Bread Board Results: 1) Superposition theorem: V1 V2 R1 R2 R3 I1 I2 I’3.3k (volts) (volts) (kohms) (kohms) (kohms) (mA) (mA) = I”3.3k (mA) 10 8 GRIET/EEE 2.2k 4.7k 3.3k 1.42 0.5 1.92 29 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 2) Reciprocity theorem: Vs I I’ Vs / I Vs / I’ (volts) (mA) (mA) (kohms) (kohms) 10 0.1 0.1 100 100 Multisim Results: 1) Superposition theorem: V1 V2 (volts) (volts) 10 8 I2 I’3.3k = I”3.3k (kohms) (kohms) (kohms) (mA) (mA) (mA) 2.2 0.531 1.95 R1 R2 4.7 R3 3.3 I1 1.419 2) Reciprocity theorem: Vs I I’ Vs / I Vs / I’ (volts) (mA) (mA) (kohms) (kohms) 10 0.099 0.099 101.01 101.01 Theoretical Calculations to be done by Students: GRIET/EEE 30 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 31 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 32 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 33 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: 1. Superposition theorem is verified for the given circuit. 2. Reciprocity Theorem is verified for the given circuit. GRIET/EEE 34 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 5. Z and Y Parameters Aim: To find z & y parameters of a given two port network. Apparatus: 1. DC voltage source. 2. Resisters. (100Ω, 47Ω, 220Ω, 680Ω, 560Ω). 3. Voltmeter. 4. Ammeter. 5. Breadboard. Theory: Networks having two terminals designated as input terminals and two terminals designated as output terminals ar called Two Port Networks. The set of input terminals is called INPUT PORT and the set of output terminals is called OUTPUT PORT. A two port network is described by V1, I1, V2, I2 and their inter relations are expressed by Z parameters normally used in power systems. Y parameters normally used in power systems. ABCD parameters used in transmission lines. H parameters electronics. Z parameters V1= Z11I1+Z12I2 V2= Z21I1+Z22I2 Y parameters I1= Y11V1+Y12V2 I2= Y21V1+Y22V2 GRIET/EEE 35 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Circuit diagram: R1 5 R3 1 100 2 47 R2 220 V1 10 V 6 R5 560 0 V2 10 V R4 3 680 Pocedure: Determination of Z parameters 1. Connect a DC voltage source of 5v to the input and measure the current I1. Since I2 =0. 2. Using the same circuit we can determine Z21. For this value we have to measure V2 3. Note that even if a voltmeter is connected at the output there is no current at outputs as voltmeter has a very hi resistance. As I2 =0. 4. To determine Z12, I1must be zero. So do not connect anything at the input. 5. Connect a DC voltage source of 5V at the output and measure the voltage v1 since I1 = 0. 6. Using same circuit we can determine Z22. Since I1 = 0. Determination of Y parameters 1. To determine Y11, V2 should be zero. So short the output terminals and measure input current and input voltage. As V2 = 0 2. Using the same circuit we can determine Y21, Measure the short circuit current I2. As V2 =0. 3. To determine Y21, V1 should be zero. So short the terminals through an ammeter GRIET/EEE 36 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 4. Determine Y22, as V1 = 0, I2 = Y22V2 Theoretical calculations: Z Parameters: V1= Z11I1+Z12I2 V2= Z21I1+Z22I2 Step1: Open the output terminals. U1 A + 0.011 4 R6 R8 9 100 11 47 DC 1e-009 7 R7 220 V3 10 V + - R9 8 0 560 R10 2.500 V U2 DC 10M 12 680 I2=0A I1=10/ (100+220+560) =0.01136A V2=0.01136x220=2.42v Z11=V1/I1=880Ω Z21=V2/I1=220Ω Step2: open the input terminals. GRIET/EEE 37 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB R6 4 R8 9 100 10 47 + + - V 2.323 R7 220 U2 DC 10M 7 0.011 A U1 DC 1e-009 8 V3 10 V R9 R10 0 560 11 680 I1=0A V2=10V I2=10/ (47+220+680)=0.0105567A V1=0.01055x220=2.323V Z12=V1/I2=220Ω Z22=V2/I2=947Ω Z21=Z12 Y Parameters: I1= Y11V1+Y12V2 I2= Y21V1+Y22V2 Step1: Short the output terminals. 4 R6 R8 9 100 + 47 10 U1 A DC 1e-009 0.012 + R7 220 7 - V3 10 V 2.803m A U2 DC 1e-009 11 R9 8 0 560 R10 680 V2=0V V1=10V GRIET/EEE 38 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Req = [(470+680)||220]+660=828.8Ω I1=10 / (828.8) =0.012A I2= - (0.012x220)/ (220+727) = -0.0027A Y11=I1/V1=0.0012mohs Y21=I2/V1= -0.00027mohs Step2: Short the input terminals. U2 - 2.803m + A 4 R6 R8 9 100 10 47 DC 1e-009 + R7 220 7 0.011 A U1 DC 1e-009 8 V3 10 V R9 0 560 R10 11 680 V1=0v V2=10v Req = [(100+560) ||220] +47+680 =892Ω I2= (10/892) =0.0112A I1= - (0.0112x220) / (220+660) = -0.0028A Y12=I1/V2= -0.00028mohs Y22=I2/V2=0.000112mohs Y12=Y21 Observations: Z parameters: GRIET/EEE 39 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB V1(v) V2(v) I1(m A) I2(m A) Z11 (k Ω) Z21(k Ω) 10.02 2.48 11.5 0 0.87 0.21 8 2.02 9.2 0 0.87 0.21 V1(v) V2(v) I1(m A) I2(m A) Z12 (k Ω) Z22(k Ω) 2.3 10.02 0 10.6 0.22 0.96 2.75 12 0 12.5 0.22 0.96 V1(V) V2(V) I1(m A) I2(m A) Y11(m mohs) Y21(m mohs) 10.02 0 12.4 - 2.8 1.2 -0.28 8 0 9.66 - 2.25 1.2 -0.28 V1(V) V2(V) I1(m A) I2(m A) Y12(m mohs) Y22(m mohs) 0 10.02 -2.8 11.4 -0.28 1.1 0 12 -3.4 13.9 -0.28 1.1 Y Parameters GRIET/EEE 40 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Using multisim: Z parameters: V1(v) V2(v) I1(m A) I2(m A) Z11 (k Ω) Z21(k Ω) 10 2.5 11.364 0 0.87 0.21 8 2 9.652 0 0.82 0.21 V1(v) V2(v) I1(m A) I2(m A) Z12 (k Ω) Z22(k Ω) 2.323 10 0 10.56 0.219 0.95 2.78 12 0 12.67 0.219 0.95 V1(v) V2(v) I1(m A) I2(m A) Y11(m mohs) Y21(m mohs) 10 0 12 2.802 1.2 0.28 8 0 9.652 2.22 1.2 0.28 V1(V) V2(V) I1(m A) I2(m A) Y12(m mohs) Y22(m mohs) Y Parameters GRIET/EEE 41 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 0 10 2.803 11 0.28 1.1 0 12 3.363 13 0.28 1.1 Theoretical Calculations to be done by Students: GRIET/EEE 42 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 43 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 44 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: Z and Y parameters are found for the given 2-port network. GRIET/EEE 45 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 6. Transmission and Hybrid Parameters. Aim: To find out the Transmission and Hybrid parameters of the given two port network. Apparatus Required: 1. DC Voltage source. 2. Resistors. 3. Voltmeter. 4. Ammeter. Theory: Networks having two terminals designated as input terminals and two terminals designated as output terminals are called TWO PORT NETWORKS. The set of input terminals is called INPUT PORT and the set of output terminals is called OUTPUT PORT. A two port network is described by V1, I1, V2, I2 and their inter relations are expressed by Z parameters normally used in power systems. Y parameters normally used in power systems. ABCD parameters used in transmission lines. H parameters used in electronics. Hybrid parameters: V1=h11I1+h12V2 I2=h21I1+h22V2 Transmission parameters: V1=AV2+BI2 I1=CV2+DI2 Procedure: Hybrid parameters: GRIET/EEE 46 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 1. Input voltage V1 and output current are taken as dependent variables; these parameters are called Hybrid Parameters. 2. Keeping the input terminals open I1 = 0 so V1 = h12V2 3. Using the same circuit h22 can be measured, as I1= 0, I2 = h22V2 4. To determine h12 output terminals are shorted through an ammeter as V2 = 0, V1 = h11I1 5. Same circuit can be used to determine h21 also V2 =0, I2 = h21I1 Transmission parameters: 1. A = V1/V2 is measured when receiving end is open circuited. 2. C = I1/V2 is also measured when receiving end is open circuited. 3. B = V1/ I2 is measured when receiving end is shorted. 4. D = I1/I2 is measured when receiving end is shorted. Circuit Diagram: Theoretical Calculations: Hybrid parameters: GRIET/EEE 47 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB To determine the h parameters first short circuit output terminal V1= 10V V2= 0 Req= [47||560] +100 =143.36 ohm I1= 10/143.36= 0.06975A I2= - (0.6975x560)/560+47 = -0.06435amps h11=V1/I1 = 143.369 h21= I2/I1=-0.06435/0.06975= - 0.9225A Now open input terminals R1 4 100 + - 0.000 V 3 R2 1 - 47 U1 DC 10M + U2 DC 1e-009 2 R3 560 12 V 0 V2=12V A 0.000 V1 I1=0 GRIET/EEE 48 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB I2= 12/607 = 0.0197A v1= 560x0.0197= 11.070V h12 =V1/V2 = 11.07/12 = 0.922 h22= I2/V2 = 0.0197/12 = 0.00164 mho h12= - h21 Transmission parameters: Open the output terminals: I1= 10/660 = 0.015A I2= 0A V1= 10V V2= 0.015x560 = 8.48V A= V1/V2 = 10/8.48 = 1.179 C= I1/V2= 0.015/8.48 = 0.00176 mohs Now short the output terminals GRIET/EEE 49 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB V1=10V V2=0V Req = 146.36 I1= 10/143.36 = 0.06995A I2= (- 0.0699x560)\ (560+47) = - 0.06434A B= V1/I2 = 10/0.06434 = -155.423ohms D = I1/I2 = 0.06975/0.06434 = - 1.0841 AD-BC= (1.179x1.0841)-(155.4x0.00176) =1 Observations: Hybrid parameters: V1(v) V2(v) I1(mA) I2(mA) h12 h22( m mho) 11.06 12.02 0 19.28 0.92 1.6 10.15 11.01 0 18.5 0.92 1.6 GRIET/EEE 50 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB V1(v) V2(v) I1(mA) I2(mA) h11 ohm h21 10.02 0 69.8 -64.5 143.5 -0.92 5.01 0 34.5 -32.0 143.5 -0.92 Transmission parameters: V1(v) V2(v) I1(mA) I2(mA) A C(m mohs) 10 8.49 15.3 0 1.178 1.8 5.01 4.25 7.6 0 1.178 1.8 V1(v) V2(v) I1(mA) I2(mA) B (mohms) D 10.01 0 69.8 -64.3 -0.155 -1.1 5.01 0 34.5 -32.0 -0.156 -1.1 I1(mA) I2(mA) h12 h22( m mho) Using Multisim: Hybrid parameters: V1(v) GRIET/EEE V2(v) 51 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 11.07 12 0 19.76 0.92 1.6 10.14 11 0 18 0.92 1.6 V1(v) V2(v) I1(mA) I2(mA) h11 ohm h21 10 0 69.75 -64.35 143.5 -0.92 5 0 35 -32.0 143.5 -0.92 Transmission parameters: V1(v) V2(v) I1(mA) I2(mA) A C(m mohs) 10 8.48 15.15 0 1.178 1.8 5 4.242 7.576 0 1.178 1.8 V1(v) V2(v) I1(mA) I2(mA) B (mohms) D 10 0 69.75 -64.35 -0.155 -1.1 5 0 35 -32.0 -0.156 -1.1 GRIET/EEE 52 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Theoretical Calculations to be done by Students: GRIET/EEE 53 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 54 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 55 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: Hybrid parameters, transmission parameters for the given circuit are determined. GRIET/EEE 56 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 7. Compensation and Milliman’s Theorems. Aim: 1. Verify compensation theorem for a given network. 2. Verify Milliman’s theorem for a given network. Apparatus Required: 1. Voltmeter 2. Resistances 3. Bread board 4. Ammeter 5. DC voltage source Theory: 1) Compensation Theorem: It states that in any linear bilateral network, any element can be replaced by voltage source of magnitude equal to current through the element multiplied by value of element provides currents and voltages in another part of circuit remain unaltered. Consider the network as shown in figure. GRIET/EEE 57 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB In the above circuit, the resistance R, can be replaced by a voltage source at value IR 2) Milliman’s Theorem: Milliman’s theorem states that in any linear active bilateral network consisting of no of voltage sources which are parallel and are in series with their internal resistances then this entire system of circuit can be replaced by a sing voltage source in series with a single resistance. Let us consider the circuit shown below consisting of no of voltage sources V1,V2,V3............Vn are in series w their internal resistances r1,r2,r3..........rn can be reduced into a single circuit with a voltage source ‘V’ and the resistance ‘R’ as shown in the figure ‘b’. Fig (a) GRIET/EEE 58 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB fig (b) Circuit Diagram: 1) Compensation Theorem: R1 1 R2 3.3kΩ 2.2kΩ 3 V1 12 V R3 1kΩ 0 Fig (1) R1 1 3.3kΩ V1 12 V R2 3 2 2.2kΩ R4 1.1kΩ R3 1kΩ 0 Fig (2) GRIET/EEE 59 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB R1 R2 3.3kΩ 2 2.2kΩ 3 R4 1.1kΩ 1 R3 1kΩ V1 1.03 V 0 Fig (3) 2) Milliman’s Theorem: 1 V1 10 V V2 12 V 3 2 R1 100Ω R3 560Ω R2 470Ω 0 Fig (4) Procedure: 1) Compensation Theorem: 1. Consruct the circuit as shown in figure. 2. Note the ammeter reading I1 3. Modify the circuit in fig (1) as fig (2) and replace R2 with R2+∆R and voltage source V’=I1-∆R. 4. Note the ammeter reading I2 5. Construct the circuit as in fig (3) and note the ammeter reading I 3 GRIET/EEE 60 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 6. Tabulate the above readings by repeating the experiment for 5 sets of resistor values. 2) Miliman’s Theorem: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig (a). 2. An ammeter is connected in series with the load resistance R3 and the corresponding load current I1 (IL) is determined. 3. The circuit is reduced into the equivalent form of thevenins voltage with a resistor of Rth. 4. Now the current across the load is measured as Il’. 5. If the currents Il & Il’ are equal then the milliman’s theorem is verified. Observations: 1. Compensation theorem: Theoretical Calculations: From fig (1): 3 R1 R3 1 3.3kΩ 2.2kΩ R2 1kΩ 0 Req = (3.3+0.688)*1000 = 3.98 k ohms I = V/R = 12/3.98k = 3.009 mA I1 = I (1/1+2.2) = 3.009*(1/3.2) = 0.94 mA GRIET/EEE 61 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB To find I2 add ∆R =1k ohm From fig (2): Req = ((3.3*1/1+3.3)+3.3)*1000 = (0.767+3.3)*1000 = 4.067 k ohms I = V/R = 12/4.067*1000 = 2.95 mA I2 = I (1/1+3.3) = 2.95 * 0.233 = .686 mA I’ = I1 – I2 = 0.94 – 0.686 = 0.253 mA VERIFICATION: From fig (3): V = I *∆R = 0.94*1.1 =1.03 volts Req = (((2.2+1.1)1/2.2+1.1+1)+3.3)*1000 = (3.3/4.3)+3.3 = 4.067 k ohms I’ = V/R GRIET/EEE 62 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB = 1.03/4.067 = 0.253 mA Both currents are equal Hence compensation theorem is verified. Bread board results: V R1 R2 R3 I1 ∆R V’=I1.∆R I2 (A) I3 (A) I1-I2 (A) (A) 12 3.3k 2.2k 1k 0.941 1.1k 0.99 0.686 0.255 0.255 12 1k 3.3k 2.2k 2.069m 1.1k 2.276 1.622m 0.446 0.447 12 560 100 100 9.836m 470 4.622 2.776m 7.057 7.060 12 100 560 470 0.015 100 1.5 13m 2.02m 2m 12 2.2k 1k 560 1.683m 100 0.168 1.575m 0.109 0.108 Multisim Results: V R1 R2 R3 I1 ∆R V’=I1.∆R I2 (A) I3 (A) I1-I2 (A) GRIET/EEE (A) 63 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 12 3.3k 2.2k 1k 0.941 1.1k 0.99 0.686 0.255 0.255 12 1k 3.3k 2.2k 2.069m 1.1k 2.276 1.622m 0.446 0.447 12 560 100 100 9.836m 470 4.622 2.776m 7.057 7.060 12 100 560 470 0.015 100 1.5 13m 2.02m 2m 12 2.2k 1k 560 1.683m 100 0.168 1.575m 0.109 0.108 2. Millimans theorem: Theoretical calculations: From fig (4): Applying K.C.L, (V-10)/100 + (V-12)/470 +V/560 = 0 V(1/100 + 1/470 + 1/560) = (10/100 +12/470) V(0.01 + 0.002 + 0.002) = 0.1+0.026 V(0.014) = 0.126 V = 9 volts I = V/R = 9/560 = 0.016A GRIET/EEE 64 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Using millimans theorem, R’=1/ (G1+G2) = 1/ ((1/100) + (1/470)) = 1/ (0.01+0.002) = 83.3 ohms V’= (V1G1 +V2G2)/ (G1+G2) = ((10/100) + (12/470))/ (0.012) = 0.126/0.012 = 10.5 volts 2 R2 83.3Ω 1 R3 560Ω V1 10.5 V 3 I’ = V’/Req = 10.5/ (83.3+560) = 0.016A Both currents are equal, Hence millimans theorem is verified. Breadboard results: GRIET/EEE 65 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB V1 V2 (V) (V) 10 12 R1 100 R2 R3 470 560 R2 R3 I’ V’ (mA) (mA) (V) 16.2 16.1 10.5 82.46 I I’ V’ R’ (A) (A) (V) 0.016 0.016 10.5 I R’ Multisim results: V1 V2 (V) (V) 10 12 R1 100 470 560 82.46 Theoretical Calculations to be done by Students: GRIET/EEE 66 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 67 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 68 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 69 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: 1. Compensation Theorem is verified. 2. Milliman’s Theorem is verified. GRIET/EEE 70 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 8. Series Resonance Aim: 1. To observe the resonance and calculate resonant frequency, band width, quality factor in series resonance circuit. Apparatus Required: 1. AC voltage source. 2. Resistor. 3. Inductor. 4. Capacitor. 5. Voltmeter Theory: Series Resonance: As the frequency is varied in a RLC circuit maximum current is observed at a particular frequency. This phenomenon is called series resonance. Also referred to as current resonance. Z Circuit Diagram: A) Series Resonance: U1 + 0.000 DC 10M R1 1 V1 100 U2 V + 0.000 2 DC 10M L1 V 3 10mH + 4V 50 Hz 0Deg C1 .100u 0.000 V U3 DC 10M 0 GRIET/EEE 71 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Procedure: A) Series Resonance: 1. Connect resistor, inductor and capacitor in series. 2. Using the formula. ƒr=1/ (2П√LC) Calculate resonant frequency. 3. Note down current through the circuit, Voltage across (V R ), Voltage across Inductor (VL),Voltage acr capacitor (Vc) 4. Plot the graph Current Vs Frequency and Impedance Z Vs Frequency. 5. Plot the graph VRVs Frequency, VLVs Frequency and VCVs frequency. 6. From the graph note down the frequency at which Vc is maximum (Fc), the frequency at which Vr is maximum (Fr) and the frequency at which Vl is maximum (Fl). It is observed that Vc becomes maximum at a frequency lower than the resonant frequency and Vl becomes maximum at a frequency more than the resonant frequency. 7. Frequency at which Vc becomes maximum can be calculated using the formula. ƒc=1/2П ((1/LC)-(R*R/2L)) 1/2 Frequency at which Vl becomes maximum can be calculated using the formula. ƒl=1/2П ((1/LC)-(R*R*C*C)/2)1/2 Verify with observed values. 8. On the graph current Vs frequency, note down the maximum current.Calaculate 70.7% of this current and draw horizontal line corresponding to this value on the graph. Note down the values at which this horizontal line intersects the curve (f1 and f2). 9. The average of frequencies f2-f1 is called Band Width (BW). 10. fr/BW is known as Q (quality factor). GRIET/EEE 72 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Calculate Q using Q=BW/fr and also Q=Xlr/R =2Пfrl/R Where Xlr is reactance of inductor at resonant frequency. 11. Voltage across capacitor =IXc=V/ώrCR=VώrL/R=QV. Calculate the ratio of voltage across Capacitor to applied voltage. Observe that ratio (amplification) is =Q.High Q coils are sometimes used to produce high voltages. GRIET/EEE 73 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB OBSERVATION:S.NO: FREQUENCY (hz) APPLIED VOLTAGE Vr (volts) VL (volts) Vc (volts) CURRENT (I) (amps) Va(volts) 1 50 4 3.8 0.12 1.21 0.038 2 100 4 3.96 0.24 0.65 0.0389 3 150 4 4 0.38 0.43 0.039 4 159.2 4 4 0.4 0.396 0.04 Practical Values Multisim Values 1 2 3 4 GRIET/EEE 74 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRAPHS:CURRENT~FREQUENCY :- GRIET/EEE 75 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB CAPACITOR VOLTAGE~FREQUENCY:- INDUCTOR VOLTAGE~FREQUENCY:- GRIET/EEE 76 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 77 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 78 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 79 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 80 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB RESULT:1. Resonant frequency=159.2 Hz 2. Band Width=1575 Hz 3. Quality Factor=0.101 GRIET/EEE 81 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 9. Parallel Resonance Aim: To observe the resonance and calculate resonant frequency, band width, quality factor in parallel resonance circuit Apparatus Required: 1. AC voltage source. 2. Resistor. 3. Inductor. 4. Capacitor. 5. Voltmeter Theory: Parallel Resonance: As the frequency is varied in a RLC circuit maximum voltage is observed at a particular frequency. This phenomenon is called Parallel resonance. Also referred to as voltage resonance. Circuit Diagram: Parallel Resonance GRIET/EEE 82 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB XMM1 R2 1 100Ω 2 R1 10kΩ V2 10 Vrms 50 Hz 0° L1 10mH C1 10uF XMM2 3 Procedure: Parallel Resonance: 1. Connect a voltmeter across the parallel combination and note down voltage as frequency is gradually increas You will note that voltage will be maximum at a certain frequency. This frequency is known as resonant frequen Note down the voltage across series resistor. 2. Note down the maximum value of voltage and mark a horizontal line at 0.707 times Vmax. At the points intersection mark f1 & f2 known as half power frequencies. S.NO FREQUENCYAPPLIED (HZ) Vr VOLTAGE (volts) Vout (volts) (Va)volts I=Vr/r Z=V/I (AMPS) (ohms) 1 503 10 1.515 8.485 0.01515 560.066 2 550 10 4.52 7.657 0.0452 169.402 3 450 10 5.315 7.271 0.05315 136.8 4 350 10 8.963 3.806 0.08963 42.463 5 300 10 9.467 2.764 0.09467 29.196 GRIET/EEE 83 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB CALCULATIONS: Fr = (1/ (2П√lc)) =1/ (2*∏√10*10*10ˆ-9) Fr =503.292 hz Xl=j31.16 Xc=-j31.162…. 3. Draw the curves Vout Vs frequency I Vs frequency Z Vs frequency. 4. Calculate Half power frequencies f1 and f2 using the formula. ω1=-1/2RC+ [(1/2RC) 2 +1/LC] 1/2 (Lower Half power Frequency) ω2=1/2RC+ [(1/2RC) 2 +1/LC] 1/2 (Upper Half power Frequency). 5. Band Width = ω2- ω1=1/RC. f2-f1=1/2ПRC. Quality Factor=ωrRC. Observations: S.NO FREQUENCYAPPLIED (HZ) VOLTAGE (volts) (Va)volts GRIET/EEE Vr Vout (volts) I=Vr/r Z=V/I (AMPS) (ohms) 84 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 1 2 3 4 5 GRIET/EEE 85 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 86 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 87 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 88 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 89 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 90 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 91 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 92 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB RESULT: Parallel Resonance is verified GRIET/EEE 93 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 10. LOCUS OF CURRENT VECTOR IN AN R-L CIRCUIT CONTENT: In this experiment you will learn that current vector leads the applied voltage and the tip of the current vector describes a semi circle when one of the components (R or L) is varied from zero to infinity. CIRCUIT 1:An RL circuit is shown below: v current I =-------R+jXL V(R+JXL) V.R -------------------- = ---------R2+XL2 R2+XL2 jVXL + ------------R2+XL2 Z=( R2+XL2)1/2 GRIET/EEE 94 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB VR jVXL SO I= ----- + --------Z2 =Ix+jIy say Z2 Two cases arises: a) Keep XL constant and vary R (different resistors used) b) Keep R constant and vary Xl (different inductors used ) In either case tip of the current vector describes a semi circle. PROCEDURE: CIRCUIT 1: GRIET/EEE 95 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB These are three methods to draw the locus METHOD 1: Using a multimeter in AC voltage range, note down voltage applied, voltage across resistor and voltage across capacitor. Keeping resistor constant and for various values of capacitor, note down meter readings and fill up the following table: S.No Vapplied Vr VL 1 2 3 4 5 Keeping C constant, use values of R and note down Vapplied, Vr and VL producing a table similar to above. GRIET/EEE 96 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB For each set of readings a triangle can be constructed using a compass as shown. All the points such as A, B etc., lie on a semi circle. METHOD 2: Connect oscilloscope channel 1 and channel 2 as shown in circuit 1. The wave forms are as shown below when the oscilloscope is kept in dual mode. GRIET/EEE 97 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB The time delay between the two waves is t. T is the period. Both t and T are noted for each value of capacitor. The angle between the two wave forms is a = t*360/T Measure also magnitudes Va and Vl from the oscilloscope. Draw the triangle as shown. Different triangles can be constructed for different values of capacitor. Tips of all such triangles fall on a semi circle. METHOD 3: GRIET/EEE 98 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Third method uses Lissazous figure to measure angle between the applied voltage and voltage across resistor Vr. By making connections as above, channel 1 displays the applied voltage and channel 2 displays the voltage across the resistance. If we select dual-trace option Va and Vr are displayed simultaneously and the time lag between the two can be measured and converted to angle. If we select XY option we can display the Lissazous figure and angle can be obtained using the formula Y1 X1 Sina = ----- = -----Y2 GRIET/EEE X2 99 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB ‘AB’ is marked proportional to applied voltage. Using a protractor mark a line at an angle mark a to AB. Mark the magnitude of voltage across resistance on this line to get the point P, join PB. Using several values of resistor R repeat the experiment. It can be observed that for each resistor value a different location for point P is obtained. It is also observed that all the points P1, P2, P3…. Fall on a semi circle. GRIET/EEE 100 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Take reading as shown below S.NO Vr Vs X1 X2 Y1 Y2 sina=Y1/Y2 a 1 4 2.2 2 2.2 3.6 4 0.9089 65.39 2 4 2 1.8 2 3.6 4 0.8995 64.1 3 4 1.6 1.6 1.6 3.6 4 1 90 4 4 0.6 1 1.2 3.8 4 0.8332 56.43 NOTE: All the above three methods can be used to obtain the locus of current vector in the case where capacitor value is kept unchanged and various values of resistors are used. Also note that the current vector in this experiment is actually represented by voltage across the resistor to scale. GRIET/EEE 101 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 102 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 11. LOCUS OF CURRENT VECTOR IN AN R-C CIRCUIT CONTENT: In this experiment you will learn that current vector leads the applied voltage and the tip of the current vector describes a semi circle when one of the components (R or C) is varied from zero to infinity. CIRCUIT 1: An RC circuit is shown below: V current I =-------R+jXc V(R+JXc) V.R jVXc -------------------- = ---------- + ------------R2+Xc2 R2+Xc2 R2+Xc2 Z=( R2+Xc2)1/2 GRIET/EEE 103 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB VR jVXc SO I= ----- + --------Z2 =Ix+jIy say Z2 Two cases arise: a) Keep Xc constant and vary R (different resistors used) b) Keep R constant and vary Xl (different capacitors used ) In either case tip of the current vector describes a semi circle. PROCEDURE: CIRCUIT 1: GRIET/EEE 104 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB These are three methods to draw the locus METHOD 1: Using a multimeter in AC voltage range, note down voltage applied, voltage across resistor and voltage across capacitor. Keeping resistor constant and for various values of capacitor, note down meter readings and fill up the following table: S.No Vapplied Vr Vc 1 2 3 4 5 Keeping C constant, use values of R and note down Vapplied, Vr and Vc producing a table similar to above. For each set of readings a triangle can be constructed using a compass as shown. All the points such as A, B etc., lie on a semi circle. GRIET/EEE 105 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB METHOD 2: Connect oscilloscope channel 1 and channel 2 as shown in circuit 1. The wave forms are as shown below when the oscilloscope is kept in dual mode. The time delay between the two waves is t. T is the period. Both t and T are noted for each value of capacitor. The angle between the two wave forms is a = t*360/T GRIET/EEE 106 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Measure also magnitudes Va and Vl from the oscilloscope. Draw the triangle as shown. Different triangles can be constructed for different values of capacitor. Tips of all such triangles fall on a semi circle. METHOD 3: Third method uses Lissazous figure to measure angle between the applied voltage and voltage across resistor Vr. By making connections as above, channel 1 displays the applied voltage and channel 2 displays the voltage across the resistance. If we select dual-trace option Va and Vr are displayed simultaneously and the time lag between the two can be measured and converted to angle. If we select XY option we can display the Lissazous figure and angle can be obtained using the formula Y1 X1 Sina = ----- = -----Y2 GRIET/EEE X2 107 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB ‘AB’ is marked proportional to applied voltage. Using a protractor mark a line at an angle mark a to AB. Mark the magnitude of voltage across resistance on this line to get the point P, join PB. Using several values of resistor R repeat the experiment. It can be observed that for each resistor value a different location for point P is obtained. It is also observed that all the points P1, P2, P3…. Fall on a semi circle. GRIET/EEE 108 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Take reading as shown below S.NO Vr Vs X1 X2 Y1 Y2 sina=Y1/Y2 A 1 4 2.2 2 2.2 3.6 4 0.9089 65.39 2 4 2 1.8 2 3.6 4 0.8995 64.1 3 4 1.6 1.6 1.6 3.6 4 1 90 4 4 0.6 1 1.2 3.8 4 0.8332 56.43 NOTE: All the above three methods can be used to obtain the locus of current vector in the case where capacitor value is kept unchanged and various values of resistors are used. Also note that the current vector in this experiment is actually represented by voltage across the resistor to scale. GRIET/EEE 109 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 110 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB 12.Measurement of 3-phase power by two wattmeter method for unbalanced loads. Objective: Measurement of power by 2-wattmeters for unbalanced loads in a 3- phase circuit. Apparatus: 32 Amps, 3 pole Fuse Switch 0 -300 W, U.P.F. Wattmeter’s 0 – 10 A, Ammeter 0-300 V, Voltmeter Theory: In a 3-phase, 3-wire system, power can be measured using two wattmeter’s for balance and unbalanced loads and also for star, delta type loads. This can be verified by measuring the power consumed in each phase. In this circuit, the pressures coils are connected between two phase such that one of the line is coinciding for both the meters. P1 + P2 = 3 VPh IPh COSø Power factor Cosø = Cos (tan-1 √3 ((P1 –P2)/ (P1 +P2))) Circuit diagram: GRIET/EEE 111 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Observations: Type of Load (W) W1 W2 I1 I2 Vph W W Ma mA Volts W1+ W2 P KW KW R1=R2=R3=1K 52.908 52.908 230.018 230.018 R1+L1=1K+40m 52.904 52.904 229.99 229.99 R1+C1=1K+1uf 4.757 4.757 68.9 68.94 GRIET/EEE 112 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB FOR UNNBALANCED LOADS: TYPE OF LOAD I1 I2 Vph W1+W2 P (V) (W) (KW) W1(W) W2(W) (mA (mA 2.832 77.802 594.456 71.169 94.746 240.393 410.746 1.045 2.832 77.802 594.456 71.169 I1 I2 Vph W1+W2 P (mA (mA (V) (W) (KW) R1=560, R2=1K, R3=220 R1+L1=560+1m, R2+L2=1K+10m R3+L3=220+20m R1+C1=560+1uf R2+C2=1K+1uf R3+C3=220+10uf TYPE OF LOAD W1(W) GRIET/EEE W2(W) 113 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 114 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: Three Phase Power Measured by two wattmeter method for unbalanced load is 13. Measurement of Active and Reactive power by star and delta connected balanced loads. Objective: Measurement of active and reactive power using 1-wattmeter at different R, L & C loads. Apparatus: Hardware: Name of the apparatus Quantity 32 Amps, 3 pole Fuse Switch 1 No 0 -300 W, U.P.F. Wattmeters GRIET/EEE 1 No 0 – 10 A, A.C Ammeter 1 No 0-300 V, A.C Voltmeter 1 No 115 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Theory: The active power is obtained by taking the integration of function between a particular time intervals from t1 to t2 t2 P = 1/ (t2- t1) P (t) dt t1 By integrating the instantaneous power over one cycle, we get average power. The average power dissipated is Pav = Veff[ Ieff cosθ] From impedance triangle, Cosθ = R/Z Substituting, we get Reactive Power Pr = Veff[ Ieff sinθ] Active power measurement: GRIET/EEE 116 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Reactive power measurement: GRIET/EEE 117 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Procedure: a) Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. b) Keep all the toggle switches in ON condition. c) Switch on equal loads on each phase i.e. balanced load must be maintained with different load combinations. d) Connect the ammeter in R-Phase and then switch OFF the toggle switch connected across the ammeter symbol. e) Connect the pressure coil of the wattmeter across R-Y phase and current coil in R-phase to measure active power. Observations: Load: Balanced load Active Power: GRIET/EEE 118 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Type of load Vph Il Pph Pactual Cosθ (Volts) (mA) (Watts) P=3*Pph =P/( 3VlIl ) (Watts) R=10k 120.009 11.992 1.439 4.296 0.986 R-10k 120.009 11.432 1.302 3.906 0.949 120.009 100 12 36 0.999 C=1µF L=1mH F Reactive Power: Type of the load Vph Il Pph Pactual Cosθ (Volts) (mA) (Var) P=3*Pph =P/( 3VlIl ) (Var) R=10k 120.009 11.992 4.150 12.45 0.9612 R-10k 120.009 11.432 1.602 4.806 0.389 120.009 99.647 9.4 28.287 0.788 C=1µF L=1Mh F GRIET/EEE 119 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB Result: Active and Reactive powers were measured using 1-wattmeter at R, L and C Loads. GRIET/EEE 120 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 121 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 122 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 123 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 124 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 125 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 126 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 127 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 128 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 129 MULTISIM / NETWORKS LAB GRIET/EEE 130