7 Promotion guide of Indian Monitoring and Control organizations 2 Preface The present document has been detailed under the efforts of the Euclid project consortium. EUCLID is an ambitious and innovative EU funded initiative aiming to enhance the cooperation in the field of Networked Monitoring and Control Systems (NMCS) between EU and India in key areas of mutual interest in order to create substantial socio-economic benefits in both the regions through research and technological cooperation. A range of diversified activities will be implemented to achieve this objective which include Organization of a partnership tour to bring India and EU research and industry to have face to face interactions and establish future collaborative partnerships. Analyze the Indian and EU research and industrial NMCS domain. Analyze EU and Indian priorities in monitoring and control systems domain to identify commonalities and establish collaboration in the commonly identified priority areas Create a ‘pool’ of key NMCS players from India to promote collaboration with their EU counterparts. Advice and consult highly motivated NMCS actors from both the regions and support their collaboration under FP7-ICT research activities. Author: Indian Institute of science (IISc) - Annapurna Kuchibhotla EUCLID – Page 2/96 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE OF THE GUIDE..................................................................................... 5 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 6 2. INDIAN MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEMS ORGANIZATIONS ...... 10 2.1. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE ................................................................................................................................ 10 2.1.1. IISc-ECE- Faculty...................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2. IISC-CEDT- FACULTY 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 18 3. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-MADRAS ................................................................................ 19 3.1. 4. IIT MADRAS- EE FACULTY ..................................................................................................................................... 21 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- BOMBAY .................................. 22 4.1. IIT-DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-1 ...................................................................................................... 24 THEORETICAL CONCEPTS .................................................................................................................................. 24 4.2. IIT-DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-2 ...................................................................................................... 25 4.3. IIT-DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-3 ...................................................................................................... 26 4.4. IIT-DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-4 ...................................................................................................... 30 4.5. IIT- DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ........................................................................................................... 31 4.6. IIT-DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING- FACULTY 1 ............................................................................. 33 4.7. IIT- DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING .......................................................................................................... 37 4.8. IIT- DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING- FACULTY ............................................................................................ 39 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 6. NATIONAL INSTITUTES ....................................................................... 40 BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-HYDERABAD ............................................................................................ 40 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TEHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 41 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY -CALICUT .......................................................................................... 43 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- HAMIRPUR ...................................................................................... 44 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- ALLAHABAD ................................................................. 45 JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................... 47 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING-PUNE ................................................................................................................... 49 AMRITA VISWA VIDYAPEETAM ........................................................................................................................ 50 PUBLIC COMPANIES IN MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEMS .......... 53 6.1. TCS INNOVATION LABS-KOLKATTA .................................................................................................................. 53 6.2. TCS INNOVATION LABS- BANGALORE .............................................................................................................. 55 6.3. HONEYWELL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LIMITED ............................................................................................ 55 6.4. ABB .................................................................................................................................................................. 57 6.5. INFOSYS ........................................................................................................................................................... 58 6.6. SIFY .................................................................................................................................................................. 59 6.7. CONTROL & SOLUTIONS (INDIA)PVT LTD .................................................................................................................. 61 6.8. NIPPON INSTRUMENTS (INDIA) PVT LTD ......................................................................................................... 63 APPLICATION DOMAINS ........................................................................................................................................... 64 6.9. EMERSON ........................................................................................................................................................ 64 6.10. LARSON &TOUBRO .......................................................................................................................................... 65 THEORETICAL CONCEPTS; ................................................................................................................................. 66 APPLICATION DOMAINS ...................................................................................................................................... 66 L&T is and has executed several national and international projects in industrial engineering. It is one of the big players and has spun off several SME’s. .................................................................................................................. 67 6.11. RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LIMITED ....................................................................................................................... 68 APPLICATION DOMAINS ...................................................................................................................................... 68 6.12. CHENNAKESAVA PURA TRUST ......................................................................................................................... 69 6.13. COGNIZANT ..................................................................................................................................................... 70 EUCLID – Page 3/96 4 6.14. 7. YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION ............................................................................................................ 71 PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES ...................................................................... 72 7.1. DHIRUBHAI INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................ 72 7.2. REVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT ................................................................................. 74 APPLICATION DOMAINS ...................................................................................................................................... 75 7.3. PES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 77 7.4. M S RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-BANGALORE ............................................................................... 78 7.5. VJTI- BOMBAY .................................................................................................................................................. 79 APPLICATION DOMAINS ........................................................................................................................................... 80 7.6. R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ............................................................................................................................... 80 7.7. CALCUTTA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND MANGEMENT .......................................................................... 83 7.8. NIRMA UNIVERSITY ......................................................................................................................................... 84 8. PUBLIC RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS ................................................... 86 8.1. CENTRAL POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE .......................................................................................................... 86 8.2. THE ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE ................................................................................................................. 87 TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) .................................................................................................................... 89 APPLICATION DOMAINS .......................................................................................................................................... 89 8.3. CENTER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED COMPUTING ............................................................................. 90 THEORETICAL CONCEPTS .................................................................................................................................. 92 8.4. NATIONAL AERONAUTICALS LIMITED.............................................................................................................. 93 8.5. CENTRE FOR STUDY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY .......................................................................... 94 EUCLID – Page 4/96 5 S COPE OF THE G UIDE The scope of the guide is to highlight the research competencies and interests of prominent Indian actors such as the research institutes, academic institutes, government research organizations and public companies and Private academic institutions. The purpose of the catalogue is to showcase India’s research potential thus paving way for collaborative research. The catalogue is structured according to the type of organizations grouping them into public, R&D institutions and private organizations that exhibit research interests. It should be noted that the lists of organizations included in this Guide are neither exhaustive nor exclusive. The catalogue details the collective research interests of the respective departments along with the projects ongoing and executed. However, in India unlike Europe a researcher in a position of Associate or Assistant Professor can independently undertake research projects and hence the contact details and research interests of the faculty who showed keen interest in cooperating with EU has been included. In most of the premier institutes the Assistant/Associate professor runs his own lab with his research group and lab facilities. EUCLID – Page 5/96 6 1. I NTRODUCTION This is a promotional guide of Indian organizations eager to develop international cooperation with Europe in networked monitoring and control systems. The profile of each organization includes: Title, acronym and logo Type (R&D organization/ private company/ Department, and Size) Brief description of the organization (general description of the organization, research activities international cooperation experience, if any) R&D competencies in monitoring and control systems (Theoretical, Application Domains and Technological concepts) Relevant publications and projects (Recent national and international projects) International collaborative experience if any, (optional) Contact details (Name, Website, email, Phone, Address) To find Monitoring and Control research competences of the Indian organizations present in this guide, please refer to the summary table on the next page. EUCLID – Page 6/96 IIT-M IITEE-B IIT- B Chem IISc Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Discrete Manufacturing Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Surgery and Exams Assistive/rehabilitation robotics Transportation Biomedical Devices Air Vehicles Y Road Traffic management Y Air traffic management Water Automatic vehicle control Waste Water treatment Irrigation Ind-Auto Clean water Supply Batch Manufaturing Energy Mgmt Continuos manufacturing Carbon capture anSequestration Renewable energy D irect current Networks Energy Efficiency Embedded Sys Smart Grids Technological Concepts Smart Buildings Monitoring and Control Networks Verification and validation Inst &mearmt Real time systems Sensor fusion Pervasive sensors Theoretical concepts Wireless sensors Principal component analysis (PCA) Coordinated control Multivariate statistics Distributed parameter systems Statistical performance monitoring Probabilstic Networked control Discrete events/ Hybrid Estimation / identification Observers Predictive control Adaptive control Non linear control Robust control 7 2. S UMMARY OF NETWORKED MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEMS R&D COMPETENCIES Application Domains Health 8 IIT- B CSE BITSH NITC NIT H NIT -T Y Y Y ABB Infos ys Sify Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RIL CK Trust Y Y CSIL Nipp on Emer son L&T Y Y Y IIIT-A Jadav pur Univ COEP -Pune Amrit ha TCS KOL TCS B HTSL Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 Yogo kawa Cogni zant DIITGuj RIEM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NAL Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y TERI CDAC Y Y Y Y CPRI Y Y PESIT MSRI T NIRM A VJTI Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 10 3. INDIAN MONITORING ORGANIZATIONS 3.1. AND CONTROL SYSTEMS Indian Institute of Science 3.1.1. IISc-ECE- Faculty Contact Name Professor Vinod sharma, Chairman ECE Department Website www.ece.iisc.ernet.in Email office@ece.iisc.ernet.in Phone +91 80 2293 2276 / 2278; +91 80 2360 0563 80 2360 0563 Address Brief Description Research areas Fax : +91 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 The Indian Institute of Science is one of the oldest institutions in the country for higher education and world class research in both Science and Engineering. The faculty and alumni of the Institute have been responsible for establishing and spearheading many new institutions and programs across the country, reflecting in a real sense, a major contribution of this centre of learning to national growth and development. Communication networks: Network test bed labs with Cisco routers, wireless LAN devices, link and traffic emulaters, miniature wireless sensors, and several reconfigurable PCs; ERNET network operations centre; protocol engineering & testing software; network simulation software: ns2, OPNET, Qualnet. The department has the following labs: network_labs@ernet.in Performance Analysis Lab Protocol Engineering & Technology Unit Wireless Research Lab Microwave and Optical Communications Coding and Modulation Lab Coding and Signal Design Lab Next Generation Wireless Systems Lab Signal Processing for Communications (SPC) Nano-Devices and Sensors :We have a strong research group 11 actively involved in device and materials research for nanoelectronics, MEMs and sensor based applications. In this group, we cover the wide spectrum of conceiving novel device concepts, modeling and simulation, materials engineering, fabrication and characterization of devices. VLSI: We also do extensive R&D in VLSI circuits and systems, involving custom chip design as well as FPGA and off-the-shelf based electronics system design. We have a tie-up with external chip foundries via the Europractice IC fabrication program through which we get our chips fabricated. Microwave Laboratory of ECE is motivated to work towards the design and analysis of microwave circuits, components and subsystems including micromachined devices for RF, microwave, millimeter wave applications. Micromachined antennas, phase shifters, and filters are some such components. In addition we are involved in the design of RF MEMS switches for space applications and a low cost option for such devices. R&D projects Education and Research Network (ERNET), (Dept. of Information Technology, MCIT) MCIT Cognitive Radio Project (2010-2013) MCIT WiMAX QoS Project (2009-2012) Sensor Network Project Program on advanced research in mathematical engineering (DRDO) Broadband wireless communications research (DST) National MEMS design center (NPSM) Device variability and its impact on circuit design 12 Contact Name Website Email Professor Bhardwaj Amrutur http://chips.ece.iisc.ernet.in amrutur@ece.iisc.ernet.in Phone +919886054723 Address Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 Professor Amrutur is an Associate professor in IISc Electronics and Communication Engineering department of IISc. His research interests include VLSI systems, circuits and architecture. He and his group is currently involved in research in low power techniques for circuits and systems for applications like Large scale visual sensing systems with wireless connectivity for security applications Low cost electrochemical sensing of glycated hemoglobin Implantable electronics for neural prosthetics. Replacing wires with robust, low power wireless links Low power microcontroller platform with high efficiency signal processing Brief Description While circuit and chip design has been their primary focus, the research group works on sensor design and algorithm design too in collaboration with other experts of IISc. The lab is involved in sensor fabrication, and is looking at building experimental prototypes. He works with 15 phd students and 2 masters. Besides analysis and simulations, they look to build experimental prototypes to learn and validate ideas. They fabricate sensors inhouse in the CENSE facilty, chips through external foundries, PCBs through local companies, FPGAs and embedded systems on their respective development kits. The group has access to the state of the art Chip/FPGA/PCB/System design tools and also makes liberal use of open source software. Our testing lab is equipped with high speed oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzer, data acquisition system and other ancillary equipments to test the experimental prototypes they build. 13 1 2 3 4 5 R&D Projects and publications R&D activities Wireless sensor network for urban pollution management Urban air quality monitoring through large scale wireless sensor network,CISTUP@2010 Wireless sensor network for surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks for human intruder detection, Journal of IISc, 2010 Wireless sensor with video and locationing for emergency response agents. Wireless Sensor Networks for human intruder detection, Smart Detect Project Team, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Vo. 90, No. 3, July-Sep 2010, pp. 347-380. [pdf] Memory Bandwidth and Power Reduction using Lossy Reference Frame Compression in Video Encoding, Ajit D. Gupte, Bharadwaj Amrutur, Mahesh M. Mehendale, Ajit V. Rao, Madhukar Budagavi, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2010. Urban air quality monitoring through large scale wireless sensor network, Arun Kumar, Mahodaya, Syam Krishnan V, Umanath Kamath, Bharadwaj Amrutur, Navakanta Bhat, S. Mohan, Kaustubh Rau, Rajesh Kasturirangan, CISTUP@CISTUP 2010. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Statistical performance monitoring: Statistical performance monitoring APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management: Energy efficiency Health care: Biomedical devices, Assistive/rehabilitation robotics Other domains (use keywords) Pollution monitoring, video surveillance TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors, Pervasive sensors, Sensor fusion. Embedded systems: Real time systems 14 Contact Name Professor Neelesh B Mehta Website http://ece.iisc.ernet.in/~nbmehta/ Email neeleshbmehta@gmail.com Phone Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 Professor Mehta is an Assistant professor in the ECE department of IISc. His research areas are mainly into Next generation wireless communication systems and standards, multiple access protocols, cooperative communications, interference modeling, and low complexity multi-antenna diversity techniques. Address Brief Description R&D Projects and publications His current research interests are Next generation Wireless systems lab focuses on performance analysis and design of next generation cellular mobile radio systems such as HSPA, LTE, and WiMAX, wireless system and protocol design for energy harvesting wireless sensor networks, cognitive radio, cooperative communications, multiple antenna systems, and interference modeling. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent Probabilistic: Stochastic APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management: Energy efficiency Other domains (use keywords) Wireless communications TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors 1 “Voluntary Energy Harvesting Relays and Selection in Cooperative Wireless Networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireleless Communications, Nov. 2010 2 "A Novel, Balanced, and Energy-Efficient Training Method for Receive Antenna Selection," IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Sept. 2010 3 “The Relay Selection and Transmission Tradeoff in Cooperative Communication Systems,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Aug. 2010 4 “Performance Analysis of a Cooperative System with Rateless Codes and Buffered Relays,” To appear in IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, 2011 5 “Moment-Matched Lognormal Modeling of Uplink Interference with Power Control and Cell Selection,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Mar. 2010 15 Type University/Research institute Contact name Professor P Vijay Kumar Email pvk1729@gmail.com, vijay@ece.iisc.ernet.in Phone number 08022933155 Address Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 Professor Kumar has research interests in Signal design for wireless communication including distributed space-time codes for cooperative communication and low-correlation sequences for CDMA; algorithms for distributed detection in sensor networks Research interests R&D Competencies Recent publications and projects Coding for Distributed Storage, Distributed space-time codes for cooperative communication, Space-time codes for multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) antenna communication, Sensor Networks, Algorithms for Distributed Detection and Localization, Low-correlation sequence design for multiple-access communication TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (Sensing) Instruments and measurements : Wireless sensors [TransIT_RBT] N. B. Shah, K. V. Rashmi, P. V. Kumar and K. Ramchandran, ``Distributed Storage Codes with Repair-byTransfer and Non-achievability of Interior Points on the StorageBandwidth Tradeoff,'' submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, available online at arXiv:1011.2361 [cs.IT]. [TransIT_PM] K. V. Rashmi, N. B. Shah and P. V. Kumar, ``Optimal Exact-Regenerating Codes for the MSR and MBR Points via a Product-Matrix Construction,'' accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, available online at arXiv:1005.4178 [cs.IT]. Also presented at IEEE ISIT 2010 Recent Results Poster Session. [TransIT_MSR] N. B. Shah, K. V. Rashmi, P. V. Kumar and K. Ramchandran, ``Interference Alignment in Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage: Necessity and Code Constructions,'' submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, available online at arXiv:1005.1634v3 [cs.IT]. 16 Wireless Sensor Networks Error Control for Reliable Distributed Storage Networks Multiple Antenna Communication Wireless Networks R&D Projects TYPE University/ Research Institute Size >100 Contact Name Website Professor K V S Hari http://www.ece.iisc.ernet.in/~hari Email address hari@ece.iisc.ernet.in Phone number +91-80-22932745 Address Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 Brief description R&D activities The Department of Electrical Engineering is an active participant in many technological projects of national and international importance and is constantly in the process of providing a vision for the future technological trends in the country. The department has 25 faculty members currently teaching and researching on the Communications and Networking, Signal Processing, Microwave Engineering, Microelectronics, Micro-Nano-Electronics and Photonics. The department currently has over 122 Phd students working in one of the above topics. Professor Hari has research interests in Statistical Signal Processing Wireless Communication: MIMO - OFDM systems, MIMO Wireless channel modelling, Wireless Sensor Networks, Array Signal Processing: Direction Estimation using sensor arrays, Microphone arrays. He has 7 Phd and 3 Masters students working in these areas. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters Estimation / identification: System identification, Closed loop identification, Parameter estimation Coordination control: Synchronization Probabilistic: Stochastic 17 Distributed parameter systems: Multivariate statistics: Statistical performance monitoring: Principal component analysis (PCA): APPLICATION DOMAINS Transportation: Road traffic management TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors, Sensor fusion Embedded systems: Real time systems Rrecent publications R&D Projects Satya Sudhakar Yedlapalli and K. V. S. Hari, " THE LINE SPECTRAL FREQUENCY MODEL OF A FINITE LENGTH SEQUENCE," Special Issue on Model Order Selection in Signal Processing Systems, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, June 2010. M R Bhavani Shankar and K V S Hari, 'Systematic Construction of Linear Transform based Full Diversity, Rate One Space-TimeFrequency Codes,' IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, issue 6, June 2009, pp. 2285-2298. M. R. Bhavani Shankar and K. V. S. Hari, 'On the Variations in Mutual Information of MIMO Communication Systems Due to Perturbed Channel State Information at Transmitter' IEEE Transactions in Communications, Volume 54, Issue 9, Sept. 2006 Page(s): 1593 1603 1 Co-Channel Interference Cancellation in Wireless COmmunication, NOKIA Research Centre, Helsinki 2 India-UK Advanced Technology Centre for Next Generation Communication Systems 3 Indo-Swedish Strategic partnership Programme on position location indoors. 4 Wireless sensor networks for Road traffic monitoring 18 3.2. TYPE Size IISc-CEDT- Faculty 1 University/ Research Institute >100 Contact Name Email address Phone number Address Mr T V Prabhakar tvprabs@cedt.iisc.ernet.in +91 80 23600810 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012 The areas of work of special interest to CEDT are : Brief description Communication Networks, Power electronics and Energy systems, Control Systems, Embedded Systems, Electronics Packaging and VLSI Mr Prabhakar’s research interest are mainly Energy related issues. Specifically, he works on Energy harvesting wireless sensor networks special issues arising out them. He is interested in "System building" essentially build a piece of hardware from scratch and the software flesh around it to create a platform. The idea is then to use this platform to drive from harvested energies. Cyber Physical Systems is of overall interest. Area of work - Communication networks. Course offered TCP/IP networking. Research work - Energy Harvesting for wireless sensor networks - Platform building, Characterization and Algorithms, Application of WSNs to agriculture - sensing and monitoring, and Technologies for Healthcare. 19 4. D EPARTMENT OF E LECTRICAL E NGINEERING -I NDIAN I NSTITUTE OF T ECHNOLOGY -M ADRAS Contact name Dr. Enakshi Bhattacharya, Head of the Department Website www.ee.iitm.ac.in Email address eeoffice@ee.iitm.ac.in Phone number 91 - 44 - 2257 4400 / 5407, Fax: +91 - 44 - 2257 4402 Indian Institute of Technology Madras, I.I.T. Post Office, Chennai - 600 036 India Address Brief Description of the organization EE department activities Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, is one among the foremost institutes of national importance in higher technological education, basic and applied research. IIT Madras is a residential institute with nearly 460 faculty, 4500 students and 1250 administrative & supporting staff and is a self-contained campus located in a beautiful wooded land of about 250 hectares. It has established itself as a premier centre for teaching, research and industrial consultancy in the country. The Institute has fifteen academic departments and a few advanced research centers in various disciplines of engineering and pure sciences, with nearly 100 laboratories organized in a unique pattern of functioning. A faculty of international repute, a brilliant student community, excellent technical & supporting staff and an effective administration has all contributed to the pre-eminent status of IIT Madras. The department of Electrical engineering has 51 faculty members, forming into four major groups conducting research addressing the pressing needs of India and other developing countries. consists of 8 Reasearch group of master's (MS) and doctoral (PhD) students. The major research areas of interest to the group can be summarized in the following categories: Communication, Telematics and Fibre Optics Control Guidance and Robotics Integrated Electronics lab Machines and Drives Measurements and Instrumentation Microelectronics & MEMS Analog & Digital VLSI Power Systems and High Voltage 20 EE department activities R&D Activities TeNeT GroupThe group working on the Power Electronics, Control, Robotics and Instrumentation is involved with application of Power Electronics Technology to control machine drives, converter and inverter control. The following works are carried out by research students in this group: Hybrid active power filters, Grid connected inverter control, Sensor less BLDC motor control, Position control of PMSM machines, Condition monitoring of induction machines, Harmonic detection for use with Active power filters, Digital Control of Scalable AC/DC and DC/DC Converters, New architectures for robotic mapping and exploration The Dynamics and Control Laboratory is involved in research on theoretical and implementation aspects of control with emphasis on robotic systems. A wide-range of areas are of interest to the group and they include nonlinear control, applications of sliding-mode and energy-based control laws for the stabilization of nonholonomic systems. Stabilization in the presence of state-constraints is one such area that the group is currently involved. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Non linear control: Feedback linearization, Differential geometry, Back stepping, Sliding mode, Passivity based control Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent 21 4.1. IIT Madras- EE Faculty Contact name Dr. Arun D. Mahindrakar Organization Indian Institute of Technology Madras Website http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~arun_dm Email address arun_dm@iitm.ac.in Phone number 91-44-22574445 Indian Institute of Technology Madras, I.I.T. Post Office, Chennai - 600 036 India Dr Mahindrakar’s group has 3 students currently working with him and his research interests are Nonlinear control, optimal control and constrained stabilization with particular emphasis on applications to underactuated mechanical systems, Nonlinear systems and control, control of piezoelectric tubes and mapping of mobile robots. Also in the formation control of aerial vehicles. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Non linear control: Feedback linearization, Differential geometry, Back stepping, Sliding mode, Passivity based control Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent Robust stabilization of a class of underactuated mechanical systems using time-scaling and Lyapunov redesign", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, to appear . V. Sankarnarayanan and Arun D. Mahindrakar , "Control of a class of under actuated mechanical systems using sliding modes.", IEEE Trans. on Robotics Mobile Robot Navigation Through a Hardware- Efficient Implementation for Control-Law-Based Construction of Generalized Voronoi Diagram", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, to appear . Address Research activities R&D Competencies R&D projects or recent publications Interested in cooperating with EU Joint research projects, Co- Supervision 22 5. I NDIAN I NSTITUTE OF T ECHNOLOGY - B OMBAY Department of Electrical Engineering –IIT Bombay Contact Name Professor V Ramgopal Rao Website www.ee.iib.ac.in Email address eeoffice @ee.iitb.ac.in Phone Number 91 22 2576 7401, 7402 Address Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Brief Description of the Organization The EE department at IIT Bombay has been active in teaching and research since its inception in 1957. Currently, about 45 faculty members are engaged in research in the areas of Communication and Signal Processing, Control and Computing, Power Electronics and Power Systems, Microelectronics and VLSI design, and Electronic Systems. The department has academic programmes with about 320 undergraduate and 340 postgraduate students. The department is equipped with the latest experimental and computational facilities for taking up R & D and consultancy activities in various fields. Fax: +91 22 2572 3707 The EE department at IITB is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities and infrastructure. A wide variety of research topics are under investigation, and several industry-sponsored projects are being carried out in various disciplines. Research areas The Communication and Signal Processing Group has been active in various research areas: Wireless Communication, Microwave RF, Antenna, Signal Processing, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Communication Networks, Computer Vision, Media processing, Image Processing. The activities of the Control and Computing Group include Automatic control, Computational methods for systems theory, Graph and matroid decompositions, Cryptography and coding theory, Dynamical systems, Grobner basis methods The Power Electronics and Power Systems Group is engaged in research in a broad range of activities. An important aspect of the group's programme is the integration of power electronics with the study of power systems. The group is actively providing 23 R&D activities in monitoring and control systems R&D Projects research and development support for the national electric power infrastructure Research activities in the Microelectronics Group span a wide range of areas: physics, technology, characterization, modeling, simulation, design, and CAD tools. The Group is a part of the Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics. In addition to the microelectronics group faculty members, over 15 faculty members from 8 different departments/schools take part in the Nanoelectronics centre activities. This Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics is one of the two centres created in the country through an initiative from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The research areas being pursued by the Electronic Systems Group are Embedded System design, Signal processing, Biomedical Electronics, Electronic Instrumentation, and Audio and Speech Processing THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent, Control of networks, Control over network Coordination control: Synchronization Principal component analysis (PCA) Fault detection and diagnosis APPLICATION DOMAINS Health care: Biomedical devices TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors, Pervasive sensors, Sensor fusion Silicon sensors for electroporation (Praman Technology) Channel engineering for 100 nm CMOS devices (DST) Characterization of vertical MOS transistors (Siemens) Design and characterization of Flash memories (Hitachi) Neonatal monitor, Pulse oxymeter Impedance cardiograph Impedance glottograph, Diagnostic audiometer, Intravenous drip rate indicator Electronic Circuits & Instrumentation Sampling instruments, active eqvt of ac bridges,family of A/D & D/A structures Time multiplexed SC filters Subband adaptive filter structure for low computational load Fault diagnosis in analog circuits CM & DM separator & analysis tool for conducted EMI filter design DSP Systems VLSI implementation of DSP-based system. DSP based multiprocessor system for real time simulation 24 Multi-tasking scheduler for DSP based control applications DSP based navigation system for space applications DSP based system for low bit rate speech compression 5.1. IIT-Department of Electrical Engineering-1 Department of Electrical Engineering –IIT Bombay Contact Name Website Prof V RamGopal Rao http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~rrao/ Email address rrao@ee.iitb.ac.in Phone Number +91-22-25767456 Address Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Brief Description of the Organization Professor Ramagopal Rao is a part of the Microelectronics and VLSI group with research interests in Nanoelectronics, Technology Aware Design Challenges with Emerging Technologies (ProcessDevice-Circuit Interactions with Multigate MOSFETs, Polymer Transistors, Molecular Electronics etc.) CMOS Reliability, and BioMEMS. He is currently guiding 11 Phd students and 1 Masters. He is the chief coordinator for the Centre for Nano electronics which is a new fabrication facility built with 25 million US dollars. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS R&D activities in monitoring and control systems Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent, Control of networks, Control over network Coordination control: Synchronization Principal component analysis (PCA) Fault detection and diagnosis APPLICATION DOMAINS Health care: Biomedical devices TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors, 25 Pervasive sensors, Sensor fusion International Collaborative experience: Intel-(Circuit Research Lab) (high-k modeling, mixed-signal CMOS, Multi-gate MOSFETs) (Current) Infineon, Munich, Germany (IO Circuit Optimizations using Novel Devices) (Current) Universita della Calabria, Italy (High-k characterization for CMOS/Finfets) (Current) Tokyo Institute of Technology-Japan (Finfets) (Current) Nanyang Technological University-Singapore (Organic Electronics) (Current) University of Cambridge, UK (Sensors) (Current) University of Washington, USA (MEMS) (Current) IBM (Technology Aware Design Challenges) IMEC-Belgium (Multi-gate MOSFETs) International Rectifier Corporation (Super-junction Power MOSFETs) National University of Singapore (High-k Dielectric Characterization) University of California -Los Angeles (Single Halo MOSFETs & Mixed signal CMOS) Yale University (JVD nitrides) Universitaet der Bundeswehr Munich-Germany (Vertical transistors) 1. V. Seena, Avil Fernandes, S. Mukherji, V. Ramgopal Rao, "Photoplastic Microcantilever Sensor Platform for Explosive Vapor Detection", To appear in International Journal of Nanoscience 2011. Recent Publications 5.2. 2. V. Seena, Ravishankar S. Dudhe, Harshil N. Raval, Sheetal Patil, Anil Kumar, Soumyo Mukherji and V. Ramgopal Rao, "Organic Sensor Platforms for Environmental and Security Applications", Electro-Chemical-Society (ECS) Transactions - Volume 35, "Tutorials in Nanotechnology: Dielectrics in Nanosystems", To be published in April, 2011 IIT-Department of Electrical Engineering-2 26 Contact name Email address: Prof Debraj Chakraborty http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/wiki/faculty/dc dc@ee.iitb.ac.in Address Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Website : Professor Debraj Chakraborthy belongs to the electrical engineering department of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He is a part of the 15 member Control and Computing group. His research interests are in Optimal Control, Linear Systems, Optimization, Differential, Games, Game Theory. He works with 2 Phd students and 2 M tech students. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: LMI, LQR Non linear control: Feedback linearization, Sliding mode Networked control: Control over network Fault detection and diagnosis: Fault detection and diagnosis Research areas R&D activities 1 2 3 R&D projects or recent publications 4 5 5.3. Contact name Project: ISRO funded project: Hybrid Control and Fault Detection during re-entry of Reusable Launch Vehicles Project: Royal Academy of Eng, London funded project: Widearea Damping Control With Limited Data Feedback S. Mukhopadhyay and D. Chakraborty, “A Computational Algorithm for Selecting Robust Designs in Safety and Quality Critical Processes”, accepted in San Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri, Debraj Chakraborty and Balarko Chaudhuri, “Damping Control in Power Systems under Constrained Communication Bandwidth: A Predi D. Chakraborty and J. Hammer, “Robust optimal control: Operating with low error for the longest time”, International Journal of Control, Volume 83. IIT-Department of Electrical Engineering-3 Dr. VIVEK AGARWAL, PROFESSOR, DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 27 Phone 91-22-25767422 Website www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~agarwal mail address: agarwal@ee.iitb.ac.in Address Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Professor Agarwal’s research interests include Research areas R&D Competencies R&D Projects and Publications 1. Power conversion: New converter topologies, High frequency link power conversion, ZCS-ZVS configurations, Switched Capacitor DC-DC converters 2. Power quality issues: Power factor correction techniques, Static VAR compensation, Active filters 3. Non-conventional energy (solar PV, wind, fuel cell) : Power conditioning, maximum power point tracking, stand-alone and grid connected systems, Microgrid 4. Intelligent control of power electronic systems (including electric drives): Advanced control schemes, DSP and FPGA based control 5. Design of electronic systems : Design and fabrication of hardware for a range of applications such as biomedical applications, navigation systems and intelligent trransportation systems etc., Radiation effects on electronic and power electronic systems and components. 6. ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI): EMI analysis and mitigation techniques for electronic and power electronic circuits and power systems. APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management: Smart grids, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy Transportation: Automotive vehicle control Health care: Biomedical devices, Assistive/reabilitation robotics TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Embedded systems: Real time systems 1. Design and Development of a High Frequency, High Voltage Supply for High-Field Asymetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometer (FA- MS) application - Sponsoring Agency : Defense Research and Development Establishment, Amount of Grant: Rs.10 Lakhs (US$ 20,000 approx.), Duration and year: 18 months (2009-2010) 2. Design, development and analysis of high power switched capacitor- Inductorless DC-DC converters - Sponsoring Agency : Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences , Amount of Grant: Rs.15.25 Lakhs (US$ 30,500 approx.), Duration and year: 2 years (2009-2011) 3. Analysis of transient loading, inverter current loading propagation to fuel cells and design of bi-directional active power network - Sponsoring Agency : Defense Research and 28 Development Establishment , Amount of Grant: Rs.10 Lakhs (US$ 20,000 approx.), Duration and year:18 months (20092011) 4. Development of a Wireless Remote Controlled Vehicle for Nuclear Radiation Sensing and Intensity Mapping in Nuclear Power Plants and Surrounding Facilities - Sponsoring Agency : BARC, Amount of Grant: Rs.15.5 Lakhs (US$ 31,000 approx.), Duration and year: 18 months (Aug 2009- Jan 2011) - (Project finalized, yet to be started) 5. Development of a Remote Whole Body Radioactivity Detector and a Centralised Continuous Monitoring Data Display System for In-patient Nuclear Medicine Therapy Procedures - Sponsoring Agency : BARC, Amount of Grant: Rs.12.8 Lakhs (US$ 25,600 approx.), Duration and year: 18 months (Aug 2009- Jan 2011) - (Project finalized, yet to be started) Somaiah, B., Agarwal, V., Choudhary, S. R., Duttagupta, S. and Govindan, K. : Analysis And Comparative Study Of Pulsating Current Of Fuel Cells By Inverter Load With Different Power Converter Topologies,(Accepted Paper) - to appear in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier Science). Recent publication 1. R. Thakur, Agarwal, V. and Nataraj, P.S.V. : A Reliable and Accurate Calculation of Excitation Capacitance Value for an Induction Generator Based on Interval Computation Technique, (Accepted Paper) - to appear in International Journal of Automation and Computing (A Springer Verlag Publication). 2. Agarwal, V., Murali N. and Chandramouli, C.: A Cost Effective Ultrasonic Sensor Based Driver Assistance System for Congested Traffic Cond tions,(Accepted Paper) - to appear in IEEE Tran. on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 3. Agarwal V., Ranganadh T.S. and Chandramouli C.: Design and Development of a Wireless Internet based ECG Monitoring System for Ambulatory Applications,(Accepted Paper) - to appear in International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology. 4. Patel, H. and Agarwal V.: Investigations into the Performance of PV based Active Filter Configurations and their Control Schemes under Uniform and Non-Uniform Insolation Conditions,(Accepted Paper) - to appear in IET Proc. on Renewable Power Generation. 5. Agarwal V., Aggarwal R., Patidar P., and Patki C.: A Novel Scheme for Rapid Tracking of Maximum Power point in Wind Energy Generation Systems, (Accepted Paper) - to appear in IEEE Tran. On Energy Conversion. 29 30 5.4. Contact name IIT-Department of Electrical Engineering-4 Professor HARISH PILLAI Phone 91-22-25767424 Email address hp@ee.iitb.ac.in Address Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Research areas R&D activities Professor pillai’s research interests include: Control theory, Systems theory, Multidimensional systems, Numerical and computational methods, Coding theory, Optimization techniques, Electromagnetics THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: H, LMI, Non linear control Feedback linearization, Differential geometry, Sliding mode, Passivity based control, Predictive control: MPC, Explicit MPC, Observers, Luenberger Estimation / identification, Parameter estimation Discrete events/ Hybrid Networked control: Control of networks, Control over network Coordination control Synchronization, Consensus APPLICATION DOMAINS Transportation: Road traffic management Water management: Waste water treatment TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements Wireless sensors, Sensor fusion Embedded systems Monitoring and Control Networks 31 5.5. IIT- Department of Systems and control Contact name Phone Website : Email Address Research areas R&D activities R&D projects Dr P. S. V NATARAJ 91-22-25727887 www.sc.iitb.ac.in\~nataraj nataraj@sc.iitb.ac.in Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Professor Nataraj’s current research interests are in the areas of Robust Stability and Control especially using quantitative feedback theory (QFT) techniques, Nonlinear System Analysis and Control, and Reliable Computing using interval analysis techniques. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: LMI, LQR Non linear control: Feedback linearization, Sliding mode Networked control: Control over network Fault detection and diagnosis: Fault detection and diagnosic 1. Aeronautical Research and Development Board (ARDB) sponsored “Prediction of Limit Cycle Oscillations”, sanctioned received Rs 500 thousand 2. Aeronautical Rs. 1.5 crores, Research and Development Board (ARDB) sponsored “Flight Control System Design using QFT”, March 2002 – ongoing Rs 400 thousand 3. Technology development mission, "Integrated design and competitive manufacturing (IDCM)", team member, 1995-1999. 4. Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) Sponsored Project "Multivariable Control of Nuclear Steam Supply System in an Indian PHWR" (Rs. 9.0 Lakhs), Principal Investigator. 1998. (Coinvestigator: Prof. J. B. Doshi, Mechanical Engg. IIT Bombay). Recent Publications 1. On Speeding up a basic global optimization algorithm of interval analysis, P. S. V. Nataraj and A. K. Prakash, submitted to Reliable Computing. (Download zipped PDF file) 2. A Monotonicity based Method for Robust Stability Analysis of Uncertain Polynomials with Nonlinear Uncertainty Structures, P. S. V. Nataraj and Nandkishor S. Kubal, submitted to Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods, and Applications. (Download zipped PDF file) 3. Experiments with a new randomized rule for bisection direction selection in range computations, P. S. V. Nataraj and A. K. Prakash. (Download zipped PDF file) 32 4. An interval method to compute stability margins for fractional order systems, P. S. V. Nataraj and Mangala K. Deshpande. (Download zipped PDF file) 5. Algorithm to reliably and accurately compute robust margins and crossover frequencies for nonrational transfer functions with nonlinear parametric dependencies, P. S. V. Nataraj and Jayesh J. Barve. (Download zipped PDF file) 6. A reliable algorithm to compute the spectral set of uncertain polynomials with nonlinear parametric dependencies, P. S. V. Nataraj and J. J. Barve. (Download zipped PDF file) Department of Computer Science Engineering –IIT Bombay Contact Name Professor Bhaskaran Raman Website www.cse.iitb.ac.in Email address office cse iitb ac in Phone Number 91-22-2576 7901/02 Fax : +91-22-2572 0022 Address Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076 The CSE is one largest departments in India with the best talented faculty who has their research areas in Algorithms , Database and Information Systems ,Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing , Software Engineering, Formal Methods, Distributed Systems, Computer Networks, Data Mining, Real-Time and Embedded Systems. The dept has the following labs Brief Description R&D activities Centre for Indian Language Technologies Database and Information Systems Laboratory Embedded Real-Time Systems Laboratory GCC Resource Center Gigabit Networking Laboratory Graphics and Vision Laboratory Laboratory for Intelligent Internet Research Systems and Networks Research Group Geospatial Information Science & Engineering THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Networked control: Control over network Coordination control: Synchronization APPLICATION DOMAINS Transportation Road traffic management 33 TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements : Wireless sensors, Pervasive sensors Embedded systems: Real time systems 5.6. IIT-Department of Computer Science EngineeringFaculty 1 Department of Computer Science Engineering –IIT Bombay Contact Name Email Phone number Website Address Research Interests Prof Bhaskaran Raman br@cse.iitb.ac.in +91-9820082064 http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~br/ Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Professor Bhaskaran Raman research interests are Computer networks, Wireless and mobile networks, Protocol design & evaluation, Wireless measurement studies, Computing and communication system design for the developing world, System building and protocol design for embedded wireless sensor applications. Research Projects SYNERG stands for SYstems and NEtworks Research Group. It is a research group at IITB, with research focus on networking and distributed systems Wireless networks Network performance analysis Communication systems for the developing world Distributed systems Bri Mon is a project the aim of which is to monitor the health of the innumerable bridges. BriMon is a wireless sensor network based system for such monitoring. In the design of the system, attention was paid to two specific aspects: application requirements, and detailed measurement studies of several pieces of the architecture. We have an initial prototype of several aspects of the 34 system and are planning to test the system on a real train bridge to gain some deployment experience. Recent Publications “BriMon: A Sensor Network System for Railway Bridge Monitoring”, Kameswari Chebrolu, Bhaskaran Raman, Nilesh Mishra, Phani Kumar Valiveti, Raj Kumar, The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, ACM MobiSys 2008, Jun 2008, Breckenridge, CO (USA) [Acceptance rate: 17.9%]. Received an honorable mention at MobiSys 2008 FRACTEL Mesh networks based on IEEE 802.11 are a costeffective option for providing Internet connectivity to rural regions, especially in developing countries. Road Sound Sense: Acoustic Sensing based Road Congestion Monitoring in Developing Regions Rijurekha Sen, Pankaj Siriah, Bhaskaran Raman, “Road Sound Sense: Acoustic Sensing based Road Congestion Monitoring in Developing Regions”, The 8th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON'11), Salt Lake City, Utah (USA), June 27-30, 2011. Wireless Across Road: RF-Based Road Traffic Congestion Detection Swaroop Roy, Rijurekha Sen, Swanand Kulkarni, Purushottam Kulkarni, Bhaskaran Raman, Lokendra Singh, “WirelessAcrossRoad: RF based Road Traffic Congestion Detection”, The 5th Annual Worshop on Wireless Systems: Advanced Research and Development (WISARD'11), A Workshop in COMSNETS 2011, Bangalore, India, Jan 4-5, 2011. details Challenges In Communication Assisted Road transportation Systems for Developing Regions Rijurekha Sen, Vishal Sevani, Prashima Sharma, Zahir Koradia, Bhaskaran Raman, “Challenges In Communication Assisted Road Transportation Systems for Developing Regions”, 3rd ACM Workshop on Networked Systems for Developing Regions (NSDR'09), a workshop in SOSP'09, Big Sky, Montana, USA, 11 Oct 35 2009. R&D Competencies THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Networked control: Control over network Coordination control: Synchronization APPLICATION DOMAINS Transportation Road traffic management TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements : Wireless sensors, Pervasive sensors Embedded systems: Real time systems Contact name Dr Sharad Bharatiya Phone 00-91-22-25767225 Website : Email www.che.iitb.ac.in bharthiya@che.iitb.ac.in Address Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Research areas Dr Sharad ‘s research interests is in predictive control of nonlinear hybrid system, Predictive control of nonlinear hybrid systems using generalized outer approximation (GOA), Colloids and complex fluids, process systems engineering, nano materials, bio systems THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: LQR ,Non linear control Feedback linearization, Differential geometry Adaptive control: direct Predictive control:MPC, Explicit MPC, NL Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters, Luenberger, Non linear observability R&D activities 36 Estimation / identification: System identification, Closed loop identification, Parameter estimation Discrete events/ Hybrid : Discrete events, Hybrid, Reachability Stochastic, Randomizing Distributed parameter systems: Distributed parameter systems Heuristic: Fuzzy, Neural, GT (Genetic Algorithms) APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management Renewable energy Industrial automation Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing, Discrete manufacturing Other domains (use keywords) Systems biology R&D projects Novel approach to mpQP MPC for multimodel hybrid systems Lexicographic approach to MPC of DPS 37 5.7. IIT- Department of Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Department–IIT Bombay Contact name Professor Ravindra gudi Phone +91 (22) 2576 7204 (O) +91 (22) 2576 8204 (R) Website : Email www.che.iitb.ac.in gudi@che.iitb.ac.in Address Indian Institute of Technology, - Powai, Bombay Research areas R&D activities The department is involved in a variety of frontier and traditional areas in chemical engineering research, under the broad areas of: Biological Systems Engineering Energy & Environment Materials Engineering Process Systems Engineering Reactor Engineering Transport Phenomena and Complex Fluids THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: LQR ,Non linear control Feedback linearization, Differential geometry Adaptive control: direct Predictive control:MPC, Explicit MPC, NL Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters, Luenberger, Non linear observability Estimation / identification: System identification, Closed loop identification, Parameter estimation Discrete events/ Hybrid : Discrete events, Hybrid, Reachability Stochastic, Randomizing Distributed parameter systems: Distributed parameter systems Heuristic: Fuzzy, Neural, GT (Genetic Algorithms) APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management Renewable energy Industrial automation Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing, Discrete 38 manufacturing Other domains (use keywords) Systems biology R&D projects Contact name Phone Solar Bio-fuel and Carbon Sequestration with Cyanobacteria : Role of Genetic Networks. Prediction of thermodynamic properties for industrially important polymerization systems using molecular simulation Electronics design using DSP, FPGA, CPLD and Micro controllers through simulation and direct access of the hardware Dr GOPAL R. PATIL 00-91-22-25767308 Email www.civil.iitb.ac.in/~gpatil gpatil@civil.iitb.ac.in Address Indian Institute of Technology- Website : Research areas R&D activities R&D Publications Prof Patil’s Research Interests include Transportation systems planning Network optimization Freight transportation modeling Traffic operations Demand modeling Traffic emissions THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Multivariate statistics: Multivariate statistics Statistical performance monitoring: Statistical performance monitoring APPLICATION DOMAINS Transportation: Road traffic management 1. Patil, G. R., Ukkusuri, S., (2010). The Sample Average Approximation technique for the Flexible Network Design Problem, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering , In Press. 2. Ukkusuri, S, Ramadurai, G., and Patil, G. R., (2010). A robust transportation signal control problem accounting for traffic dynamics, Computers and Operations Research , Volume 37, Issue 5, pp 869-879. 3. Ukkusuri, S.V., Patil, G., (2009). Multi-period transportation network design under demand uncertainty, Transportation 39 Research Part B: Methodological, 43 (6), pp. 625-642. 4. Holguin-Veras, J., and Patil, G. R., (2008). A Multicommodity Integrated Freight Origin-destination Synthesis Model, Networks and Spatial Economics, 8(2-3), pp 309-326. 5.8. IIT- Department of Chemical engineering- Faculty 40 6. NATIONAL INSTITUTES 6.1. BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-HYDERABAD University/institute Birla Institute of Technology and science Dr P Ramakrishna, Assistant Professor- Department of Contact name electrical engineering Phone 040-66303550 Email p.ramkrishna@bits-hyderabad.ac.in Address BITS, Pilani - Hyderabad Campus, Jawahar Nagar, Shameerpet Mandal, Hyderabad, 500078, Andhra Pradesh.INDIA Brief Description of the organization The Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani is an allIndia Institute for higher education. The primary motive of BITS is to "train young men and women able and eager to create and put into action such ideas, methods, techniques and Information. The institute is engaged in training of undergraduate, post graduate and PHD students in technical education. The department of electrical engineering has 8 professors working in Instrumentation and Control, Microelectronics, Signal Processing and Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, Telecommunication, Robotics and Intelligent Systems,VLSI fabrication and Testing, MEMS, VLSI Arithmetic, Low Power VLSI and Embedded Systems, Battery Management, Power Electronics and Image Processing. Dr Ramakrishna Pasumarthy is a part of the electrical engineering department working in the research areas of: Infinite-dimensional Systems, Nonlinear Control, and Power Grids. Modeling and Simulation of large scale infrastructures (eg. power plants, power grids), Distributed control of large scale systems. 41 PLC and SCADA for Substation Automation Instrumentation Sensors and Electronics for Data acquisition THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Non linear control: Differential geometry, Passivity based control Predictive control: MPC Distributed parameter systems: Distributed parameter systems R&D activities and competencies APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management : Smart grids Water management: Irrigation Other domains (use keywords) Power Plant Simulators 1 2 R&D projects or recent publications 6.2. Developing Simulators for power plants Modeling and Control of irrigation canals. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TEHNOLOGY NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- Thiruchirapally, TamilNadu University/ Institute Size 1. National Institute of technology >100 Prof Daniel , Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Contact name Email Phone Address daniel@nitt.edu Ph: 0431-2503256 (office) Tanjore Main Road, National Highway 67, Tiruchirappalli - 620015, Tamil Nadu, India. The National Institute of Technology (formerly known as Regional Engineering College) Tiruchirappalli, situated in the heart of Tamil Nadu a Brief description southern state in India on the banks of river Cauvery. The institution offers Under Graduate Courses in ten branches and Post Graduate Courses in twenty one disciplines of Science, Engineering & Technology besides Ph.D. in all the departments. The institute has 10 undergraduate programmes 42 and 23 post graduate programmes. The faculty strength is 246. The total number of Phd students from all departments account for 242. The main motto of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is to be the centre of excellence in Electrical Energy systems. It is headed by Professor Arul Daniel. The department has more than 3 professors, 7 Assistant professors, and one Associate professor working along with Phd students on various areas such as the Renewable Energy Applications, Power Quality ,Power electronics, applications, wind energy conversion systems ,Distributed networks, Micro grids power systems, Renewable energy, and DSP applications. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust Control-LMI Non Linear control-Feedback linearization Adaptive control-Indirect Predictive control-MPC Estimation/identification-Closed loop identification Discrete events/ Hybrid- Reachability Networked control- Control over network Coordination control- synchronization Probabilistic- Stochastic Heuristic- Fuzzy, Neural, GT Multi way PCA R&D Competencies Technological Instrumentation and measurements- Wireless sensors Embedded systems- Real time systems Application Domains Energy management- Energy efficiency, Renewable energy Transportation- Road Traffic management Industrial automation-Continuous manufacturing Health care- Biomedical devices Water Management- Clean water supply Process modeling and online monitoring of laser beam welding Online control of multivariable process using soft computing 43 6.3. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY -CALICUT Type Research Institute Size >100 Contact Name Dr Malladi Pavan Kumar Email mvpavank@gmail.com Phone Number +91-9746920959 Address National Institute of Calicut is a premier institute engaged in training high quality technical personnel in developing engineering, management and innovative research capabilities. Brief organization of the organization Research publications The department of chemical engineering has 9 faculty members and is engaged research areas such as Energy engineering, polymer technology, Process control reactive distillation, absorption and control MV Pavan Kumar & N Kaistha (2008). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 47, 7304-7311. 2 MV Pavan Kumar & N Kaistha (2008). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 47, 7294-7303. 3 MV Pavan Kumar & Nitin Kaistha (2008).Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research47, 2778- 2787. 4 MV Pavan Kumar & Nitin Kaistha (2008). Journal of Process Control, 18, 692-706. 44 6.4. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- HAMIRPUR Organization National Institute of Technology- Hamirpur TYPE University/Research organizations Size Contact name >100 Dr Y R Sood, Department of Electrical engineering Phone 01972-254500, 254524 (O) Website email Address www.nith.ac.in yrsood@nitham.ac.in NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HAMIRPUR, HIMACHAL PRADESH PIN 177 005 INDIA Electrical Engineering Department, established in the year 1986, is one of the oldest departments of National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. The department has been imparting quality education at undergraduate and post graduate level technical education. The course curriculum is being revised from time to time so as to keep abreast with the latest developments and emerging technologies. Various departmental laboratories have been strengthened and modernized by procuring state Brief Description of the of art equipments and latest soft ware. Three post graduate programs in organization the areas of Power System, Signal Processing & Control and Condition Monitoring Protection & Control of Electrical Apparatus are running in the department. The department has 4 professors 4 Assistant professors and 2 lecturers working in the areas of Power systems, Instrumentation and control. The research interests include VLSI, wireless sensor nodes, communication R&D activities and Competences systems, DSP and power systems. TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS Embedded systems-Monitoring and Control 45 Recent R&D projects MEMS based VCO Low power LC VCO Ultra wide band LC VCO Design issues of VCO 6.5. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYALLAHABAD Organization Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, U.P., India 211012 Contact name Dr Vijay K Chaurasiya, Assistant professor Computer Science email Phone vijayk@iiita.ac.in , vijay.chaurasiya@gmail.com, Phone : +91-532-2922179 (O); +91-532-2922164 (R); +919415648188(M) Address IIIT Allahabad, Deoghat, Jhalwa, Allahabad, India 211012 The Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad (IIIT-A) was established in 1999, as a center of excellence in Information Technology and allied areas. The institute came into being with a vision to equip students in the emerging new technologies of Information Technology through its doctoral and master’s program as a means of capacity building for the nation. Brief description of the The department has over 8 professors with many PHD students working on Wireless sensor networks, Industrial Automation – Design, process, production, control, security surveillance and security for industry and defense, safety in general and in transportation systems in particular, wireless networks, wireless sensor networks, adhoc networks, DSP, and mobile networks. organization Dr. Chaurasiya is working as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the MBA (IT) & MS (Cyber Law and Information Security) 46 R&D activities and Competences in control and monitoring systems Division of Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad. He has published more than 20 papers in reputed International Journals and conferences in the area of Network Protocols, P2P networks, Routing Techniques, Clustering and Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Security, Load Balancing, Data Backup and Reliability etc. His current research interests include resource utilization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing Protocols for Wireless Networks and Information Security. He has graduated more than 30 Master students. He is also professional member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He has two PHD students working in the areas of wireless networks. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Networked control Control of networks Control over network Distributed systems Neural Genetic Algorithms Technological concepts Wireless Sensors Embedded systems Real time systems Monitoring and Control networks Localized control Application Domains Energy management Smart grids Smart buildings Energy efficiency Monitoring & Control Monitoring over the network Data Mining Transportation Road Traffic management Health care Other domains, biomedical, bio informatics and Information security. 47 6.6. JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY TYPE: University/ Research organization Size >100 Contact name Dr Ratna Ghosh, Head of the department E-mail rg@iee.jusl.ac.in, ratna_g@gmail.com Website Phone www.jaduniv.edu.in 2335-2587 (O) 9831847291 (M) Address Salt Lake City , Block-LB, Plot No. 8, Sector - III, Kolkata - 700098 The University has been formally awarded the status of a university in 1955 although many departments had been functioning from 1910. Jadavpur University has successfully established itself as a foremost Indian University with a vast repertoire of courses offered, a well qualified list of faculty members and has come to be known for its commitment towards advanced study and research. Brief description of the organization International Collaboration The departments of Electrical engineering, ECE, and Instrumentation Engineering have over 35 experienced faculty and groups researching in Sensor networks, Sensor signal processing, Wireless sensors and Control systems, Biomedical instrumentation and sensors, Neural networks, WSN topology, measurement and instrumentation and process instrumentation and energy efficiency, Intelligent control, computational intelligence, Control systems . Jadavpur university is a partner university from the Asia Partner universities for the European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus programme. It has collaborative programmes with Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. Faculty Exchange and Research on Web based distance education, Bolzano University, Italy, Exchange programme, Brunei University, UK. Faculty Exchange & Research, Shastri Indo Canadian Foundation, Faculty & Student Exchange, Research, staffordshire University, UK (www.staffs.ac.uk) Distance learning programme: MA in Sustainable Development, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy Research 48 R&D Competencies Recent projects Technological Wireless sensors Real time systems Theoretical concepts Non linear control- Feedback linearization Adaptive control: learning control Neural distributed parameter systems Discrete events: Reachability Probabilistic: Stochastic Heuristic: neural Application Domains Smart grids, Energy Efficiency Renewable energy Automotive Vehicle control Road traffic management Air Traffic management 1. Using self organized map in wireless sensor networks for designing emerging efficient topologies. 2. Working as Principal Investigator in a project entitled “Non Classical Estimation Techniques for Homing Interceptor Guidance” in the Dept of Instrumentation & Electronics Eng., JU sanctioned by DRDO from April 2005 till 31/03/2009. 3. Worked as Co- Investigator in a project entitled “Development of a Tool for De-coupling Control of Multivariable Processes using Message Passing across embedded Controllers ” in the Department of Power Engineering, Jadavpur University, sponsored by the BRNS(Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences) from 22/06/2004 till 31/12/2008. 4. Working as Co- Controllers ” in the D . Investigator in a project entitled “Development of PI Department of Power Engineering, Jadavpur University, sponsored by the BRNS(Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences) from 01/04/2007 till 01/06/2009. 49 6.7. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING-PUNE University/ Institute College of Engineering, Pune Size: >50 Contact Name Email Dr B N Chuadhari, Head of the Department- Electrical Engineering Dr. S. D. Agashe, Head of the Department- Instrumentation Engineering hod.instru@coep.ac.in; hod.elect@coep.ac.in, sda.instru@coep.ac.in Phone 02025507111/2; 02025507171 Address Brief Description College of Engg. Pune,Wellesely Rd, Shivajinagar,Pune-411 005. Maharashtra, INDIA. College of Engineering, Pune (COEP) is one of the most prestigious engineering colleges in India. Established in 1854, it is the third oldest engineering college in Asia, after the College of Engineering, Guindy (1794) and IIT Roorkee (1847). It is located in Pune, Maharashtra. The Department of Electrical Engineering is established in 1932. It has excellent team of experienced, qualified faculty and non-teaching staff. Electrical engineers produced by this department have contributed to industrial development over the last 75 years at national and international level. Department has a good liaison with industry. The Electrical department has 5 professors, 7 Assistant Professors and 4 lecturers and one head of the department working in the areas of Power System protection, Demand side management, Voltage Stability, Airborne Control Systems, Advanced power electronics drivers. The department has a well equipped state of art labs such as the Industrial Electrical Systems and drivers lab, Advanced Electrical machines lab, Power Electronics lab, Power systems and protection lab and Control systems lab The department of Instrumental engineering has 4 assistant professors, 4 lecturers working in the research areas of Process control and automation, instrumentation on chip, Biomedical Instrumentation, and Sensor Development. The department has well equipped labs such as the Process lab, DSP lab, PLC lab, and the Biomedical lab. 50 Technological concepts Instrumentation and Measurements-Wireless Sensors R&D activities and Competences R& D Projects and Recent publication 6.8. Application Domains: Transportation: Automotive Vehicle Control Industrial automation : Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing, Discrete manufacturing Health care: Biomedical devices Investigation of radiated Emission of Ruggedized GPS based vehicle Tracking systems Plant optimization for food processing industry 2 Development of embedded process control tool AMRITA VISWA VIDYAPEETAM TYPE Size Academic and Research Institute >80 Dr Maneesha V Ramesh, Head, Amrita Center of Wireless Networks and Applications, Head, Indo-US and International Initiatives, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Contact Name Website www.amrita.edu/wna Email maneesha@am.amrita.edu, maneesha@amrita.edu Address Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Ettimadai Post, Coimbatore - 641 105 Brief Description Located at the Amritapuri Campus by the beautiful backwaters of Kerala, minutes away from the Arabian Sea, the Amrita WNA carries out research in the fields of wireless communications, mobile computing, sensor networks, embedded systems, signal processing and applications such as landslide detection, environmental monitoring, etc. All the laboratories are well equipped with measuring 51 instruments and other equipment and software tools required for B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D. programs. The school has stateof-the-art computer laboratories and high-end supercomputing facilities. The Electrical and electronics department has Power electronics, Electric Machines and Control Systems, Electrical Measurements and Embedded Systems Laboratories in addition to Electrical Workshop. Each laboratory is equipped with instruments and equipments for teaching, learning and research. Dr Maneesha and her research group is involved in research in wireless sensor networks and Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Adaptive Algorithms, System Architecture Development, Disaster Management Applications. Amrita participated www.winsoc.org International collaboration in the FP6 project WINSOC, Known for its successful completion of the Indo-European WINSOC Project, Amrita WNA is recognized worldwide today for its deployment of the first-ever wireless sensor network system for predicting landslides. The system uses wireless sensor technology to provide advance warning of an impending landslide disaster, facilitating evacuation and disaster management. The Government of India has shown interest to deploy this system in all landslide prone areas including the Himalayas and the Konkan Region in India Amrita partners with KTH, Sweden for joint project on Energy Management on Smart Grid using Embedded Systems Read More » Research Projects Amrita has successfully developed a secured wireless based media propagation and communication system for Konkan Sky Bus Metro Project. The application was deployed at the 1.6 km long Sky Bus test track in Madgaon, Goa. The striking features of the system include Video surveillance, Two way audio communication, Real time location tracking of the Sky Bus on the track, Live Voice Announcement capability, Pre-recorded voice announcements, Prerecorded video displays and much more. 1. Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Kala John K., "Real - Time Monitoring and Detection of Heart Attack Using Wireless Sensor Networks", SENSORCOMM 2010 Conference. Research publications 1. Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh,"Real - Time Wireless Sensor Network for Landslide Detection", SENSORCOMM 2009, IEEE Digital Library, 2009. 2. Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Jisha, Lekshmi, "Intruder Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks", 2010 IEEE 52 International Conference on Computational Intelligenece and Computing Research, Dec 28-29, 2010. 3. Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Nisha M. S., "Brain Machine Interface for Continuous Monitoring and Detection of Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless Networks", Brain Machine Interface for Continuous Monitoring and Detection of Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless Networks, Vol. 1, PP: 144-153, Sep 2010. 4. Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Simi S., "Wireless Sensor Network for Remote Monitoring And Detection of Explosives (W-ReMADE)", 1st International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Web - SSW 2010 27-28 October, 2010 Valencia, Spain In conjunction with the 2nd International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - IC3K 2010. 5. Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Simi S., Real-time Wireless Sensor Network for Remote Monitoring And Detection of Explosives at Airports",ACM-W First Conference of Women in Computing in India, Sep 16-17, 2010. 6. A complete chapter named "Wireless Sensor Networks for Disaster Management", for the book titled "Wireless Sensor Networks" published by INTECH. etences 53 7. PUBLIC COMPANIES IN MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEMS 7.1. TCS INNOVATION LABS-KOLKATTA TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES- INNOVATION LABS TYPE: Public Limited R&D organization Size Contact Name >1>100 Mr Jay dip sen, Email jaydip.sen@tcs.com Phone Ph no: +91 98361 89765 Brief description of the organization R&D activities and Competences TATA Innovation labs is engaged in R&D activities in the areas of Multimedia, Industrial automation, Networked video surveillance, Wireless technologies- security in wireless networks, cross layer optimization for QoS. The lab focuses on the convergence of applications/contents like voice, video, and data over the new age information superhighway and also uses the sensor network to connect the distributed world of information. Solutions from this lab address telecom, media, and information services and manufacturing services. The lab has research alliances with leading universities in India and abroad. TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS: Instrumentation and measurement : Wireless sensors, Pervasive Sensors, Sensor fusion Embedded systems: Real time systems THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Non linear - Feedback linearization Adaptive Control- Direct Predictive Control-MPC Estimation/identification-Closed loop identification & parameter estimation Networked Control- Cooperative/Multiagent, Control of networks, & Control over networks Coordination control-localized control Probabilistic- stochastic, randomizing Heuristic- Fuzzy, GT Chemo metrics- Mutivariate statistics Statistical performance monitoring 54 Statistical Process monitoring Application Domains Energy management- Smart grids Transportation-Automotive vehicle control Industrial Automation-Continuous Manufacturing Health care- Biomedical Devices 22 publications (conference, journal and book chapters) R&D projects and R&D projects in sensor network security publications Ubiquitous Pervasive computing Mesh network Throughput optimizing routing 1. Jaydip Sen. “A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Security”, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), Vol. 1, No. 2, August 2009, pp. 59 – 82. 2. Jaydip Sen, “A Distributed Trust Management Framework for Detecting Malicious Packet Dropping Nodes in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network”, International Journal of Network Security and its Applications (IJNSA), Vol. 2, No.4, pp. 92-104, October 2010. 3. Jaydip Sen, “An Agent-Based Intrusion Detection System for Local Area Networks”, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), Vol 2, No 2, pp. 128 – 140, August 2010. 4. Jaydip Sen, “An Efficient Certification Scheme for Nodes in a Wireless Ad Hoc Network”, International Journal on Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT), Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 57 – 66, October, 2010. 5. Jaydip Sen, “An Efficient and User Privacy-Preserving Routing Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks”, in the International Journal Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Special Issue on Network and Distributed Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 345 – 358, January 2011. 6. Jaydip Sen, “A Robust Mechanism for Defending Distributed Denial of Service Attacks on Web Servers”, in International Journal of Network Security and its Applications, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 162 – 179, March 2011. 7. Debasis Bandyopadhyay and Jaydip Sen, “Internet of Things: Applications and Challenges in Technology and Standardization”, Springer International Journal of Wireless Recent Publications 55 Personal Communications, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 49 – 69. Special Issue: Distributed and Secure Cloud Clustering (DISC). (DBLP) 7.2. TCS INNOVATION LABS- BANGALORE Experience certainty. IT Services, Business Solutions, OutsTA TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES- INNOVATION LABS- BANGALORE TYPE: Public Limited R&D organization Size Contact Name >100 Mr P Balamurali Email balamurali.p@tcs.com Website www.tcs.com Research in error control coding, ubiquitous sensor networks, biomedical and multimedia signal processing, applied electro magnetic, and emerging technologies and algorithms for the next generation radio communication technologies. Embedded and Wireless technologies: Distributed multimodal sensing communications monitoring and control. The lab has research alliances with leading universities in India and abroad. Brief description The applications of these research activities include health monitoring of people, structure and equipment monitoring, safety and security of assets and security, automatic data gathering for managing environment, infrastructures and resources and monitoring of regulations and policy evaluation for network industries. Solutions from this lab cater to the telecom, healthcare, manufacturing, infrastructure, government and insurance verticals. 7.3. HONEYWELL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LIMITED HONEYWELL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LIMITED TYPE: Size Contact Name Website Email Phone number MultiNational Corporation >100 Dr Venkoporao Vijendran, Director R&D, Dr Vishwanath Talasila, Lead Scientist www.honeywell.com Viswanath.talasila@honeywell.com 91 80 43615000 56 Address Brief description Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab (HTSL) Devarabisanahalli Village KR Puram Hobli, Bangalore HTSL supports and develops product solutions in two key areas of Honeywell businesses – aerospace and automation and control solutions. Automation and Control Solutions at HTSL has come a long way in satisfying business priorities through a total solution ownership approach The computation and communication systems (CCS) lab focuses on core research in the fields of computation systems with a primary focus on wireless system design. The CCS lab has core competencies in research pertaining to algorithm design, analysis and parallelization, large scale complex system design and implementation, model based development, modeling and simulation of networks and performance analysis, etc,. R&D activities Research interest The Intelligence Vehicle Technologies group works on autonomous vehicle systems for various applications like Unmanned Air Vehicles, Mining, Agriculture, Smart transportation systems, Robot vehicles, Marine vessels, etc,. The focus areas include navigation, perception sensing, guidance, x-by-wire controls, multi-sensor fusion, fault tolerance and reconfiguration, smart communication and computing platforms with competencies ranging from multisensor fusion algorithms, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning to Vision sensor processing techniques, and Robotics The research focus of Control Automation Technologies group is in developing technologies in the areas of process optimization, monitoring and control for various industry verticals. The key competencies of the group are in advanced modeling, optimization, system identification, data analytics and control. The Advanced Technology Solutions group focuses on demonstrating business and societal value of advanced/emerging/nascent technologies by creating innovative applications and solutions and the group’s key capabilities include Algorithms implementation & Optimization, System architecture and design, Embedded Systems, Usability and Human Factors, and Modeling & Simulation. APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy Management: Smart Grids, Energy Efficiency Transportation: Automatic Air traffic control, Air vehicles, Technological Concepts: Instruments and Measurements: Wireless Sensors, Sensor fusion Embedded Systems: Real time Systems, Verification and 57 Validation, Monitoring and control networks Theoretical concepts Robust Control: LMI Non Linear Control: Feedback linearization Adaptive Control: direct Estimation/identification: Parameter estimation Fault Detection and analysis. 7.4. ABB Contact name Mr Seshadhri Srinivasan Email seshucontrol@gmail.com Website www.abb.com Address White field Road, 5th Block, Mahadevpura, Bangalore Phone number +91-9901427455 ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Corporate Research Center in India is based in Bangalore. ABB works very closely with other research centers, ABB businesses and universities in India. The focus areas are manufacturing technologies, software technologies and communication technologies and protocols. Brief description ABB works in the research areas of Networked control systems, real time control systems, Industrial software systems, Hybrid systems, consensus and cooperative control, automation and remote control for the application domains of Energy management, Smart grids, industrial automation and robotics. ABB Bangalore research centre is into developing software for Process automation Substation and distribution automation Automation products Robotics R&D activities THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control :H, LMI, LQR Adaptive control: direct 58 Predictive control: MPC, Explicit MPC Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters Estimation / identification: System identification, Parameter estimation Discrete events/ Hybrid: Discrete events, Hybrid, Reachability Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent, Control of networks, Control over network Coordination control: Consensus Probabilistic: Stochastic Fault detection and diagnosis : Fault detection and diagnosis Distributed parameter systems: Distributed parameter systems APPLICATION DOMAINS Industrial automation: Continuous manufacturing TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors Embedded systems: Real time systems, Verification and validation, Monitoring and Control Networks 1. S. Seshadhri and R. Ayyagari, Dynamic controller for Networked control systems with Random Communciation delays, vol. 3, no.2, IJSCC 2. Platooning over packet dropping links, In IJSCC, vol.9, no.1,2/3, 2011 3. Controller design for NCSs with Random delays, IJSCC, 2011 1 Consensus among robotic agents over packet dropping links, IEEE BMEI conference, China 2 Stochastic Hybrid Controllers for Networked Control Systems subjected to Random Delays and Packet Losses, IEEE ARTCom conference, 2009 R&D projects or recent publications 7.5. INFOSYS TYPE Private Company Size >100 Contact Name Mr Vishav Vikram Kapoor Email Vishav_kapoor@infosys.com 59 Address Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 100 Phone 91 9814076231 Brief description INFOSYS convergence lab has research groups working on various areas of wireless technologies: Wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor nodes, Mobility, convergence of screens, mobile security, and wireless technologies for distributed networks. The Convergence Lab seeds the progress of innovative products in connected communities, tele-health, media convergence and blended services. The key activities involve, generating IP, creating working proof of concepts, early product prototypes and analyzing product needs from the market. This apart, Convergence Lab also disseminates e2e solutions for multiple markets in the chosen domains. The Convergence CoE pursues research in the following areas: Digital Convergence , Sensors , Healthcare ,Advanced Testing , Networking . R& D Competencies TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS Instrumentation and Measurement: Wireless Sensors, Pervasive sensors APPLICATION DOMAINS: Energy efficiency,Bio medical devices 7.6. SIFY Type INTEGRATED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Private company Size >100 Contact Name Mr Venkata Enumula Email venkata.enumula@sifycorp.com Website www.sifycorp.com Phone number II Floor, Tidel Park, No.4, Canal Bank Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113, India. +91 9176683848/ +91 44 42118283 Brief description Sify corp is one of India’s leading integrated information technologies companies It is involved in data center automation, cloud computing automation and monitoring. Sify is the first company to have introduced IPv6 enabled commercial services through the FP6 funded project 6choice. Address Sify Technologies Limited (SIFY) becomes the first-ever Integrated Information & Communication Technology (ICT) company to land an International Undersea Cable in India. 60 THEORETICAL CONCEPTS: Networked control Control of networks, Control over network R&D activities TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS Embedded Systems: Verification and validation and Monitoring and control of networks 61 7.7. Type Control & Solutions (India)Pvt Ltd Control & Solutions (India) Pvt.Ltd Private company Size >100 Contact Name MR. VILAS CHITNIS Email chitnis@csil.co.in Website www.csil.co.in D-102, Dheeraj Residency II , Shastri Nagar, Santacruz West Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 054, India 00 91-9820186801 Address Phone number Control & Solutions (India) Pvt Ltd. (CSIL) is a knowledge-based company engaged in Process Automation. They are into system Integrations and undertake the consultancy jobs for total automation. The team of engineers associated with us has experience on various PLC, DCS, SCADA and Data Acquisition Systems. CSIL promotes the concept of open system architecture DCS to provide the cost effective solution. CSIL is a private limited company based in Mumbai undertaking activities in the field of Power Sector ,Instrumentation, Information Technology, and Process Control Automation. The company has the state of the art technologies in the fields and has back up from some of the foremost worldwide technical experts. Brief description CSIL pride them selves in providing effective control & efficient solution for Automation in all the industry verticals, CSIL offers Energy Management Solutions providing metering from different vendors. They provide solutions for energy measurements & analysis of total energy consumption in each area of plant. CSIL also provides solutions for State Electricity boards for Automatic Data Logging systems (ADLS) or Automatic meter reading (AMR) and Substation Automation. DCS & PLC : They have built their expertise in providing Control System using different brands with Indusoft SCADA. They have installations in various industry sectors such as Nuclear power, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Sugar plants. It offers the following services 62 Basic & detail Engineering in Instrumentation and Process Control. Basic & detail Engineering on total automation of the process using DCS or PLC Consultancy on Field bus technology and its implementation Installation & Supervision Documentation On-site Training - Industrial training on subjects related to Instrumentation and Process Control. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Networked control: Control of networks Distributed parameter systems: Distributed parameter systems Heuristic: Fuzzy Multivariate statistics R&D activities APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management :Smart buildings, Energy efficiency Industrial automation: Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing Water management: Clean water supply, Waste water treatment TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements :Wireless sensors Embedded systems: Real time systems Client :Design of reliable Bus Transfer Control For Fast Transfer Control: Projects When running power source fails, standby source supplies power to connected auxiliaries. The system, which transfers bus from running source to standby source and vice versa is called Bus Transfer System (BTS). Control and Solution can provide complete solution in this area. Read More.... Client GAIL(India) Ltd.GAIL (INDIA) LTD. had a requirement for modern monitoring and control system for their Gas Detection Plant in Guna, Madhya Pradesh. Read More.... Client :KFUPM University of Saudi Arabia: KFUPM University of Saudi Arabia had a requirement of automatic monitoring and control of the installed Chiller plant in order to have a control over the centralized Air conditioning system. Client Lubrizol Pvt.Ltd.Located in Turbhe,Thane: Lubrizol Pvt. Ltd. required automatic monitor and control of their installed tanks status and ERP connectivity in order to improve their plant efficiency. Client:Lupin PHARMA Ltd.Located in Tarapur,Boisar:The main 63 challenge was to meet the clauses specified by the US Food and Drug Administration & provide round the clock reliability. Client :Indian Aluminum Company Limited (INDAL): The requirement was to monitor & control the data of two Allen Bradely PLC of different series with Data Acquisition System.Read More... Client :Thermax Limited, Pune The challenge was to communicate, control & monitor the data of two S7 - 200 series Siemens PLCs.Read More... Client :Nelco Ltd, Navi Mumbai Monitor the data of Energy Meters as well as of CMRI (Common Meter Reading Instrument) & create the energy audit reports for the same.Read More... Client :Kanoria Chemicals: Uttar Pradesh Monitor the data of Energy Meters & create the energy audit reports for the same. Read More... 7.8. NIPPON INSTRUMENTS (INDIA) PVT LTD Type Private Limited Company Size >100 Contact name Web site Email address Phone number Hemant Shroff www.nipponinstruments.com nityanand@nipponinstruments.com 02228755867 Address 106, Shivsagar Ind. Estate Premises Co-Op. Society Ltd., Kotkar Road, Off Vishveshwar Road, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063. 64 Brief description of the company Nippon Instruments & Nippon technologies is a premier company manufacturing and supplying flameproof enclosures, temperature transmitters, temperature controllers, PID controllers, process controllers, humidity controllers, frequency indicators, temperature sensors, timers and counters, Energy Saving products. Nippon Instruments (I) Pvt. Ltd. & Nippon Technologies has devoted its entire resources to the Design & production of Process Control Instruments & Sensors since last 15 Years. The manufacturing capacity is 50000 Instruments and 300000 sensors per annum. Till date Nippon has Installed 240000 Instruments and 600000 sensors. Nippon has a committed team of 110 members. The Technical staff consists of R & D, Production, and Quality Control engineers. The manufacturing facility is supported by assemblers. The Products are marketed by application & sales engineers. The entire operation is administered by techno-commercial personnel. Theoretical Concepts Adaptive control: direct Coordination control: Synchronization Heuristic: Fuzzy APPLICATION DOMAINS R&D Activities in monitoring and control systems R&D Projects 7.9. Industrial automation: Batch manufacturing, Discrete manufacturing TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors, Sensor fusion Embedded systems: Real time systems, Monitoring and Control Networks Other relevant information R&D projects or recent publications 1 scanner with 64 channels, 2 PID controllers, 3 multi input temperature transmitters, 4 multi input signal isolators. EMERSON Type Private Company Size >100 65 Contact name Web site Email Address Phone number Brief description of the company R&D activities Projects 7.10. MR. A. S. PRASAD www.emerson.com prasad.as@emerson.com Emerson Electric Co, 301 Solitaire Corporate Park, 151 M.V. Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400 093 00-91-22-66620444 Emerson is a diversified global manufacturing and technology company. We offer a wide range of products and services in the areas of network power, process management, industrial automation, climate technologies, and tools and storage businesses. Recognized widely for our engineering capabilities and management excellence, Emerson has approximately 127,700 employees and 240 manufacturing locations worldwide. Emerson Industrial Automation, offers the most trusted and innovative brands in power generation, electrical protection, power quality, mechanical power transmission, fluid automation, materials joining, precision cleaning and machine motion. Emerson offers Fluid automation, Flow control products, Pneumatic and motion control products, Industrial Electrical Products, Electrical Construction Material, Power Supplies and Power Quality Solutions, and Industrial Lighting. TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors Embedded systems: Monitoring and Control Networks Emerson has executed many projects in Nuclear Technologies Solar Power Technologies Wind Power Technologies Critical Power Technologies LARSON &TOUBRO TYPE Size Contact name Private Company >100 MR. SANDEEP A. BHAT & MR. ABRAHAM SAMSON Website www.automation4me.com; www.larsontoubro.com 66 Email Address Phone number Brief description of the company bhatsandeep@lntebg.com; SamsonAA@lntebg.com Control & Automation Business Unit, Automation Campus A-600, TTC Industrial Area Navi Mumbai - 400 710, INDIA 00-91-9820323109; 00-91-9820141575 Control & Automation (C&A) Business Unit of Larsen & Toubro is a comprehensive industrial automation solution provider. C&A has been effectively providing discrete and turnkey automation solutions for a wide variety of industries since 1972. C&A also specializes in Engineering, Procurement and Commissioning (EPC) of customized automation solutions for diverse industry types. Control & Automation Business Unit is a part of Larsen & Toubro's, Electrical & Electronics Division (formerly EBG). PLCs for normal and high availability safety applications (like Emergency Shut Down Systems, Fire & Gas Systems) Distributed Control Systems, for plant-wide distributed control to stand-alone control and protection of specific assets Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition System (SCADA) , Remote Telemetry Units with telecommunication systems Electrical Power Distribution System including Switchyard Plant Information systems, integration of process control systems with business systems and web enabling of legacy systems Material Handling Systems Control & Instrumentation packages THEORETICAL CONCEPTS; Heuristic: Fuzzy, Neural Statistical performance monitoring: Statistical performance monitoring Statistical process monitoring :Statistical process monitoring APPLICATION DOMAINS R&D activities Energy management : Smart grids, Smart buildings, Renewable energy Transportation: Road traffic management Industrial automation : Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing, Discrete manufacturing Water management :Waste water treatment TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements : Wireless sensors, sensor fusion, pervasive sensors Embedded systems : 67 Verification and validation, Monitoring and Control Networks Projects L&T is and has executed several national and international projects in industrial engineering. It is one of the big players and has spun off several SME’s. 68 7.11. RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LIMITED TYPE Size Contact name Private company >500 DR. PARASU VEERA UPPARA Website Email Phone number www.ril.com parasuveera.uppara@ril.com 00-91-9987061360 The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (19322002), is India's largest private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group's annual revenues are in excess of US$ 58 billion.The Group's activities span exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing, petrochemicals (polyester, fibre intermediates, plastics and chemicals), textiles, retail, infotel and special economic zones. Brief description of the company APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management : Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, Carbon capture and sequestration R&D activities Industrial automation :Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing, Discrete manufacturing Water management : Irrigation, Clean water supply, Waste water treatment Major achievements RIL won the 'Excellent Energy Efficient Unit Award for FY 2009-10' from CII in 2010. Dahej Manufacturing Division bagged the 'Excellent Energy Efficient Unit Award 2010' for its energy conservation efforts from CII in 2010. Dahej Manufacturing Division received the 'National Energy Conservation Award 2010' for its energy conservation initiatives from the Ministry of Power, Government of India. Jamnagar Manufacturing Division received the 'National Award for Excellence in Energy Management' for its energy conservation techniques from CII in 2010. Jamnagar Manufacturing Division received the 'I.C.C. Award for Excellence in Energy Management' for its energy performance from the Indian Chemical Council in 2010. 69 7.12. CHENNAKESAVA PURA TRUST CHENNAKESAVA PURA TRUST TYPE Size Contact name Website Email Phone number Address Brief description R&D activities SME >10 Mr P R Seshagiri Rao girickp@gmail.com Chenna kesava pura,Pavagada Taluk- Karnataka- India C K Pura trust was formed after the implementation of the Swiss development agency funded project COMMON SENSE which was a project on deploying ground wireless sensors to record and monitor the soil moisture, temperature, water salinity etc which would help as a decision support tool to the farmers. The trust is managed by Mr Seshagiri Rao who is a scientist turned farmer. He has a practical exposure to the ground issues of farming and the necessary technical background to find solutions to them. Ck Pura trust was a part of this project along with EPFl- Switzerland, and IISc , Bangalore Two deployments are undertaken in parallel in India and Siwtzerland, with a total of 100 nodes to be installed in the field. THEORECTICAL CONCEPTS Multivariate statistics:Multivariate statistics Principal component analysis (PCA):Principal component analysis (PCA) APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management Renewable energy, Carbon capture and sequestration Water management Irrigation, Waste water treatment TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) None R&D interests 1 Use of Extended range forecast for agriculture risk management, IIT, delhi led consortium 70 2 Carbon and energy benefits by use of organic nutrient sources- PISCES project under DFID, MSSRF. 3 COMMONSENSE project led by CEDT, EPFL 7.13. COGNIZANT TYPE Size Contact name Private company >500 MR. DEEPAK NAIK www.cognizant.com Website Email Address Phone number Brief description R&D activities deepak.naik@cognizant.com Behind Unity Building Complex, 3rd Cross, Mission Road Bangalore - 560 027 India 00-91-9604400258 Cognizant is involved in IT services and business consulting for various industry verticals, it is involved in providing integrated solutions in virtualization and cloud computing, data center management. Energy and utilities is one of the focus areas. Focus areas are smart grid and data modelling. It offers services in Enterprise Computing , Infrastructure Security , Network & Convergence , End-User Computing ,IT Management Consulting. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Networked control:Control over network Coordination control: Synchronization APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management: Smart grids, Energy efficiency Transportation: Automotive vehicle control Industrial automation: Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing, Discrete manufacturing Water management: Waste water treatment TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors Embedded systems: Real time systems, Monitoring and Control Networks 71 7.14. YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION TYPE Size MultiNational Corporation >100 Contact name MR. DINESH JAGUSTE Website Email Address Phone number www.yokogawa.com dinesh.jaguste@yokogawa.co.in Brief description 00-91-9892525727 Yokogawa has been engaged in developing businesses that are based on its technologies in measurement, control, and information fields. Since its foundation in 1915, the Company has contributed to the growth of industries and made the world a better place by supplying reliable solutions. These have been developed under the founding principle of Quality First and our advanced technologies. The company offers industrial automation and control solutions such as SCADA, PLC, DCS, Controllers, Recorders and Data acquisitions, CCTV and other surveillance solutions. The company offers many industrial automation products and services to various sectors such as oil, refining, pharmaceuticals, power, paper and various other industries. R&D activities APPLICATION DOMAINS Industrial automation: Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing, Discrete manufacturing. 72 8. PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES 8.1. DHIRUBHAI INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TYPE University/Research Institute Size >100 Phone 91-79-30510-553 Contact Name Email Address Brief description of the Organization R&D activities and Competences Professor Prabhat ranjan Prabhat_ranjan@daiict.ac.in Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology,Near Indroda Circle, Gandhinagar 382 007, Gujarat (India) DA-IICT has emphasized and encouraged research right from its founding in the year 2001. The institute is engaged in research in many ICT related areas of Communication and Signal Processing, Distributed & Service-Oriented Computing, ICT in Agriculture & Rural development, Natural Information Processing, Networks & Security, Next Generation Wireless Systems, Pattern Recognition & Image Processing, Sensor Networks, Speech Processing, VLSI, & Wireless communication. The research group is involved in research and teaching related to embedded systems and sensor networks. The group is working to bring WSN technology to various application domains in India. Currently the group is involved with many interesting projects including those related to planetary exploration and wildlife monitoring. This group consists of 8 Professors and Associate professors, 2 PhD Scholars, 8 Research Engineers. It has the capability to Simulate, Design and develop embedded devices as well as networked embedded device such as Sensor Networks. Technological Concepts Wireless sensors for distributed systems Theoretical Concepts 73 Non Linear observability Parameter estimation Control of networks Statistical performance monitoring APPLICATION Domains Energy Efficiency Automotive Vehicle control Water Detection on Moon : Seed funds have been provided to develop a Sensor Network based system to detect presence of water in the permanently shadowed polar craters in collaboration with PRL Planex Group. Lunar Seismic Sensor Network : A proposal in collaboration with PRL Planex group has been submitted to carry out subsurface analysis of Lunar Surface using Seismic Sensor Network and Thermal Probes. It is proposed to be carried aboard Chandrayaan-2. WildCense: In collaboration with Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun(WII), Prof. Prabhat Ranjan and his group are working on Design of Sensor Nodes to monitor social behaviour of Spotted Deer and migration pattern of Swamp Deer. TigerCense : In collaboration with WII, Prof Prabhat Ranjan and his group are working to set up a IR Image Sensor Network to monitor tiger movements. TurtleCense : This project aims to track Hill-turtle in WII campus by utilizing a grid of receivers and localizing the turtle as well as providing microclimate and details about hibernation Acoustic Sensor Network: Carrying out vocalization digitization and processing on local nodes to find out the distribution of Purple Frogs. Coral Reef Monitoring 3-d Sensor Network : We are working on a joint proposal to setup a 3-d coral reef in Lakshdweep in collaboration with Indian and Australian Team. CePal - Tilt Sensor based Universal Remote Control for cerebral palsy patients. This device that was awarded HP Innovate 2009 is being supported by "National Trust" for further development. Recent publications In-Vessel Sensor Network for Tokamaks : approved for support by "National Fusion Program", this would develop sensor nodes that can be deployed inside a Tokamak Vessel. 1. Sengupta and P. Ranjan , Modified neural networks for rapid recovery of tokamak plasma parameters for real time control, Review of Scientific Instruments, 73, 74 (2002) 2566 2. Sengupta and P. Ranjan, "Forecasting Disruptions in the ADITYA tokamak using neural networks", Nuclear Fusion 40 (2000) 1993 3. Sengupta and P. Ranjan, " Prediction of Density Limit Disruption Boundaries from Diagnostic Signals using neural networks", Nuclear Fusion, 41 (2001) 487 4. P. Ranjan, S.K. Dhurandhar, K. Mahajan, H. Gulati, A. Sengupta, I. Bandyopadhyay, S. Deshpande and SST-1 Team, "Central Control System for SST-1 Tokamak", Proceedings of 2nd IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Steady-State Operation of Magnetic Fusion Devices, Vol. III, Oct. 25-29, 1999, Fukuoka, Japan, P. 723 5. A. Sengupta and P. Ranjan, "Identification of plasma parameters and optimization of magnetic sensors in the SST-1 tokamak using neural networks", Fusion Technology, 39(2001)1 8.2. REVA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Contact name University/Institute Prof Vijay Kumar B P Reva Institute of Technology and Management Website www.revainstitution.org/ritm/cse.html Email vijaykbp@yahoo.co.in Phone 919980634134 Address Yelahanka, Bangalore, 560064 75 Brief Description Reva Institute of Technology and Management was incepted in the year 2004 College is affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, The institute has 9 Departments which cater to the technical and managerial needs with 125 highly qualified and dedicated faculty,2000 talented and motivated students and 1500 distinguished Alumini. Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2004 with an intake of 60 and was enhanced to 90 and 120 in the years 2005 and 2006, respectively. Department has well qualified and experienced teaching faculty and technical staff with state of the art laboratories to meet the quality education required for present challenging societal and industrial needs. It is involved in research activities in the areas of Ubiquitous/Pervasive computing technologies, Intelligent Agent Technologies, Computational Intelligence Applications, Image Processing and Database Management. The research areas Professor Kumar and his team is working on are mobile adhoc and sensor networks. With sensor network test bed and simulation platform. Design and development of algorithms for the critical issues in sensor networks like routing, energy mgmt., security and aggregation R&D Competencies THEORETICAL CONCEPTS: Adaptive control: learning control Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters Discrete events/ Hybrid: Reachability Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent Coordination control: Synchronization Probabilistic: Stochastic Heuristic: Fuzzy, Neural, GT (Genetic Algorithms) Principal component analysis (PCA): APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management : Energy efficiency Transportation: Road traffic management Water management: Waste water treatment Health care: Biomedical devices TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors Embedded systems: Verification and validation 76 77 8.3. PES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Type Size Contact name Email Phone Number Website Address Brief description Research interests Research Institute >100 Dr Venkatesh Vadde, Assistant Professor Computer science Department vvadde@gmail.com 91-9945715725 www.pes.edu 100 Feet Ring Road, BSK III Stage, Bangalore-560085 PES institute of technology trains students in many fields of engineering and technology. It has well equipped departments with state of art facilities and experienced faculty. The institute attracts 50% of the top 500 students who are selected through highly competitive exams. The institute is engaged in research activities in various areas of ICT and other thematic sectors. Wireless-System Design: wireless network design and deployment using motes, wireless-nodes for specific applications, Software integration: SW development in the application layer and system performance algorithm development, Wireless-Analytics: analysis of wireless signals and inputs to manage network loads better in traffic for roadtransport systems. MEMS-Sensors: MEMS-based wireless sensor design and optimization for various industrial wireless needs, energy harvesting sensors, Applications: land-based communication systems, intelligent transportation systems, underwater acoustic systems for the Navy, or earth observation, space-based satellite communication UWA Modeling: modeling of propagation of acoustic signals through various channel types for sonar-signaling, UWA Communications: techniques to improve data-rate, reliability and range of UWA telematics using advanced space-time concepts UWA Sonar Signal-processing: Sonar signal echo-toreverberation dynamic modeling and ERR-enhancement UWASensors: scalar and vector sensors development as well as integration into wireless sensor networks. The department is keen to cooperate in the domain of intelligent transportation systems, especially using ICT-enabled bicycles and ICT-enabled bicycle-kiosks for last mile connectivity. 78 APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy Management: Smart buildings Energy efficiency DC networks Renewable energy Transportation: Road traffic management R&D Competencies TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements, Wireless sensors 8.4. M S RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-BANGALORE M S RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Type Research Institute Size >100 Contact Name Dr. S. Sethu Selvi Email hod_ec@msrit.edu Website http://www.msrit.edu/node/436 Phone number 080 23600822 Address MSRIT -New Bel Road, Bangalore Brief Description M S Ramaiah has carved out for itself a big name all over the country and is recognized as a premier educational institution in India. It abounds in well equipped and sophisticated laboratories, well stocked libraries and highly qualified, experienced and dedicated staff members. The department of Electronics and Communication was started in 1975. The department offers UG and PG and Research programs. The M.Tech program in "Digital Electronics & Communication" was started in 2002 and Research centre status was approved to the department. The department has 31 teaching Staff, 5 Technical supporting staff and 3 Non Technical staff. The research activities of the department are in Signal processing and image processing. Department of Electrical and electronics has a team of 18 highly dedicated faculty members, of which 3 are Doctorates, 14 Masters degree holders and 1 Bachelor degree holders. The average experience of the faculty of the department is around 13 years. The department is engaged in teaching and training of power systems, power electronics, MEMS, 79 Research publications R&D competencies 8.5. The department of ECE is engaged in research areas covering Robotics, H-infinity filtering,Multi-source multi-sensor Information Fusion, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Systems, Parameter Estimation for closed loop and non-linear systems/Factorisation filtering & maximum likelihood techniques/flight data analysis/system identification/sensor failure detection. Sudesk K. Kashyap, VPS Naidu, Jatinder Singh, Girija G. and J.R. Raol. Tracking of Multiple Targets using Interacting Multiple Model and Data Association Filter. Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) Journal, Vol. 58, No.1, pp. 65-74, Feb. 2006. VPS Naidu, Girija G. and J R Raol. Estimation of launch and impact points of a flight trajectory using U-D Kalman filter/smoother. Defence Science Journal, New Delhi, Vol. 56, no. 4, Oct. 2006, pp. 451-463. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Adaptive control: learning control Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters Estimation / identification: System identification, Closed loop identification, Parameter estimation Heuristic: Fuzzy, Neural, GT (Genetic Algorithms) Principal component analysis (PCA): Principal component analysis (PCA) Multiway PCA: Multiway PCA APPLICATION DOMAINS Transportation: Air vehicles Health care: Biomedical devices Other domains (use keywords) Electrical Shock Prediction, Full body scan TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Sensor fusion Embedded systems: Monitoring and Control Networks VJTI- BOMBAY Type Private Academic Institute Size >100 80 Contact Name Dr H A Mangalvedkar & Dr NAVDEEP M. SINGH Email www.vjti.org.in Website nmsingh@vjti.org.in; Phone number 00-91-9819737960 / 00-91-22-24198173 Address Brief Description R&D competencies The department of Electrical Engineering was established in 1903. The department conducts a variety of courses at the diploma, bachelors and masters level in electrical and electronics engineering. It is also recognized for doctoral research heritage and competent faculty in many diverse fields including digital signal processing, control theory, communication engineering and power systems engineering and robotics. A 'state of the art' high voltage laboratory has been developed with the help of generous donations by M/s Siemens India Ltd. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: H, LMI, LQR , Non linear control, Flatness, Feedback linearization, Differential geometry, Back stepping, Passivity based control Predictive control:MPC, NL Observers ;Non linear observability Estimation / identification :System identification, Closed loop identification, Parameter estimation Networked control : Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent, Control of networks Coordination control, Synchronization, Consensus, Localized control Distributed parameter systems: Distributed parameter systems APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management ; Smart grids 8.6. R V College of Engineering Contact Name Website email Address o Professor B S Satya Narayana www.rvce.edu.in principal@rvce.edu.in Mysore Road, R V Vidyaniketan post Bangalore 560059 Established in 1963 with three engineering branches namely Civil, 81 Mechanical and Electrical, today RVCE offers 12 Under Graduate Engineering programmes, 16 Master Degree programmes and Doctoral Studies. Located 13 km from the heart of Bangalore City – the Silicon Valley of India, on Mysore Road. Sprawling campus spread over an area of 52 acres set in sylvan surroundings. Rated one amongst the top ten self-financing Engineering Institutions in the country. Has collaborative arrangements with leading universities in USA, France, Australia and Germany for PostGraduate and research programmes. The department has a total faculty strength of 41 out of which two are PhD holders and ten are pursuing PhD. The department has a student staff ratio of 12:1. Most of the faculty members are PG degree holders with good teaching experience. The department has excellent infrastructure with state of the art equipment and software. The department is having computer centre with 150 computers cater to student needs. Research activities R&D projects The IT curriculum encompasses cutting edge industry relevant technologies like Signal & Image Processing, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, VLSI and HDL Design, Computer Networking, Process Instrumentation and Controls, Bio-Medical Instrumentation, Virtual Instrumentation, Product Design Technology, etc., the contents of which are updated in consonance with the changing industrial needs. The department offers consultancy services and executes Research projects related to Biomedical Instrumentation, Process Control and Instrumentation, Signal Processing, Bioinformatics, etc. Research activities have been carried out in the areas of (i). Image Processing, (ii). Broadband Communication, (iii). RADAR, (vi). Antennas (v). Control & Automation & (vi). Testing in VLSI. Implementation of Self Tuning Controller Implementation of Self Tuning Controller ASIC Control for AC Servomotor Drive for Military applications Design and development of controller working on 1553b digital bus in various modes. Design & Hardware implementation of Universal Controller for Radar Control in Marine applications A study and analysis of active array antennas embedded in hemispherical and hemispheroidal shaped dielectric lenses for airborne mobile communications Design and development and integration of coprocessor with DSP using FPGA for Naval application 82 83 8.7. CALCUTTA MANGEMENT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND University/ Institute Calcutta Institute of Engineeing and Management Contact Name Dr Chiranjib patra, Assistant professor Email chiranjibpatra@gmail.com, Website www.ciemcal.org Address 24/1A CHANDI GHOSH ROAD, KOLKATA - 700040,WEST BENGAL, INDIA. Phone (033)2421- 99518998, 91 9831518949 Brief description of organization R&D activities and Competences The Institute was started in the year 2003 with an aim to develop a “Center for Excellence” by eminent academicians, social workers and the Government of West Bengal. The Institute with 5.08 acres of land has built up a huge infrastructure in the shape of lecture rooms, laboratory rooms, and a central library with other amenities as per the All India Council of Technical Education guidelines. The department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Electronics and Communication engineering is involved in training and educating undergraduate and postgraduate students in engineering. There are 4 professors and 20 lecturers in both the departments working in the areas of Adhoc networks and Sensor networks. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Adaptive control- Learning control Probabilistic- Stochastic Heuristic- Neural Multi way PCA TECHNOLOGICAL Instrumentation and measurements- Wireless sensors APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management- Energy efficiency 84 8.8. NIRMA UNIVERSITY Private University/ Research Institute Type: www.nirmauniv.in Website >80 Size Contact person Prof. (Dr.) Dipak Adhyaru, Head, Department of Instrumentation and Control dipak.adhyaru@nirmauni.ac.in E-mail Address Brief description of the organization Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway, Post : Chandlodia, Via : Gota, Ahmedabad - 382 481.Gujarat, India. Institute of Technology, Nirma University is a leading institute offering multi disciplinary postgraduate & undergraduate programmes in engineering. The institute became a constituent of the Nirma university since 2003. The department of Electrical Engineering comprises of three sections -Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering. The department offers three B. Tech programmes in Electrical Engineering (EE), Electronics & Communication Engineering(EC), Instrumentation & Control Engineering (IC) and five M.Tech programmes in VLSI Design, communication Engineering, Power Electronics Machines and Drives, Electrical Power system, Control and Automation. The instrumentation and controls department trains students in Measurement and Transducers, Control Systems components, Biomedical Instrumentations, Process Instrumentation and Control, Micro Processors and Micro Controllers. The department has enrolled a few candidates for Ph.D. Under the faculty development programme large number of faculty member have registered for M tech and Ph.D programmes. Many faculty members are likely to complete their Ph.D. soon. Hence the department is getting fully equipped to undertake research & development in the state of the art technology. The department has well equipped laboratories such as the Control System Components Laboratory, Bio Medical Instrumentation Laboratory, Measurement and Control Laboratory, Process instrumentation Laboratory, Computerized Process Control 85 Laboratory & Power Electronics Laboratory. R&D Competences THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: H, LMI, LQR Non linear control: Feedback linearization, Back stepping, Sliding mode Adaptive control: direct, indirect, learning control Predictive control: MPC Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters, Luenberger Estimation / identification: System identification, Parameter estimation Networked control: Control of networks, Control over network Coordination control: Synchronization Heuristic: Fuzzy, Neural, GT (Genetic Algorithms) 86 9. PUBLIC RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS 9.1. CENTRAL POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE CENTRAL POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE Contact name Dr. S. SEETHARAMU Website Email address Phone number http://cpri.in Address Brief Description of the organization R&D Competencies ssramu@cpri.in 080-23600399 Prof.Sir C.V.Raman Road, Post Box No: 8066, Sadasiva Nagar (p.o), Bangalore, India , Pincode : 560 080 Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) is an autonomous society under Ministry of Power, Government of India. Set up in 1960 by the Government of India, it functions as a centre for applied research in electrical power engineering assisting the electrical industry in product development, Consultancy and quality assurance. CPRI also serves as an independent authority for testing and certification of power equipment. CPRI's governing body includes eminent professionals from industries, utilities, prestigious academic and research institutions and the government. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Probabilistic: Stochastic, Randomizing Heuristic: Fuzzy, Neural, GT (Genetic Algorithms) Fault detection and diagnosis :Fault detection and diagnosis Statistical process monitoring : Statistical process monitoring APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management: Smart grids, Smart buildings, Energy efficiency, DC networks, Renewable energy, Carbon capture and sequestration Water management: Waste water treatment Other domains (use keywords) : Real time digital simulation, Ultra high voltage engineering., Short circuit engineering., Earthquake engineering., Diagnostic studies in the power sector, Switchgear,etc TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors, Pervasive sensors, Sensor fusion. 87 Embedded systems: Real time systems, Verification and validation, Monitoring and Control Networks Power system planning, improvement, studies Diagnostic and condition monitoring of power system equipments. Reliability enhancement of power station equipment etc SCADA & PLC IT in Power IT for relay protection (internet based) Grid security Management through wide area network monitoring An integrated energy management system Enhancement of power carrying capacity of transmission corridor through temperature monitoring AC/DC parallel operation, simulation and operational experience Intellligent energy metering system at Poles Distribution Management for small Distribution Franchisees. GPS based Data repository Technology assessment Package for 100kW to 10MW generating units- Electrical & Mechanical & Materials aspects. Distribution Management software for a Substation- testing and validation Transient and dynamic stability requirement of wind farm Performance Analysis and Trading of Wind Power Generation in Emerging Power system Development of appropriate algorithms for efficient management of Energy Control Centers Optimal placement of Sectionalizing switches and distributed generation resources for Improving service Reliability in power distribution system Wide area measurement and control for improving observability and stability of power systems Research Activities R&D national projects 9.2. THE ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Type Research organization Size >100 88 Website www.terin.org Contact Name T Senthil kumar Email tsenthil@teri.res.in, Address Ph number 4th Main, Domlur II Stage Bangalore - 560 071 Karnataka 080-25356590 TERI’s SRC (Southern Regional Centre) was set up at Bangalore in 1990 with initial support from the Government of India and the European Commission. Its main objectives were to promote concepts and practices for improving industrial energy efficiency through a concerted programme of research, consultancy, training, and information dissemination. Brief Description Over the years, the Centre has built up a reputation not only in the realm of energy efficiency but also in the other spheres like ES (environmental services) and also RRE (rural and renewable energy). It has successfully executed innumerable projects for various eminent Indian and multinational organizations, corporates, state and government departments, public and private sector enterprises, and international financial and aid agencies. One of the main achievements of this Centre has been the implementation of the ‘Indo-German Energy Efficiency Project‘, a joint initiative of the Indian and German governments, for nearly eight years. Industrial Energy, Rural and renewable energy, and Environmental studies encompassing energy audit for energy efficiency. Industrial Energy Group of TERISRC has so far completed 650 energy efficiency projects that fall under different categories. Comprehensive audits of all industrial sectors covering areas of energy (thermal and electrical), water, power quality, electrical safety Collaborative Research Activities Capacity building and practical energy audit programmes for various levels of industry. Scrutiny of green field projects for incorporation of efficiency parameters at design stage itself Unique/special problem studies for the industries. Implemented one of the biggest energy efficiency programme titled as ‘Indo-German Energy Efficiency Project’, a joint initiative of Indo-German government especially for Industrial Sector (7years). 89 Implemented the ‘Nepal Power Sector Efficiency Project’ under the industrial energy management that was funded by the World Bank (IDA Credit 2347 NEP) and Ministry of Industries of Nepal (2 years). Undertook five projects for the Nepal-ESPS/Danida Project, under the environment sector programme, and provided technical assistance services to develop and conduct training course for engineers in energy efficiency. It also provided with technical consultancy work in cleaner production. Rational use for energy trainings and capacity building’ – Energy advisory project for Deutsche GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) GmbH and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Government of Uganda (6 projects) Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Jordan—German Energy Efficiency for Jordan Engineers—Deutsche GTZ GmbH (3 projects) R&D projects or recent publications Project with BBMP to have energy efficent building by having the specifications in the bye law. Energy Efficency sevices to Power Plants Energy Audits to industries Exchange of knowledge and know-how on solar technologies between Germany, Belgium and India Capacity building for European Union - June 2005.This is a European Union project on capacity building in solar thermal and solar photovoltaic system technologies coordinated by Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Handwerkskammer Aachen (Chamber of Handicraft) Aachen (HWK AC), Germany; and Zentrum für Ausund Weiterbildung des Mittelstands, Eupen (ZAWM), Belgium. TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements Embedded systems: Real time systems R&D Competencies APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management 90 Smart buildings, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy Water management Clean water supply 9.3. CENTER COMPUTING FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED CENTER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED COMPUTING Type Size Contact Name Email Research Institute >100 Mr V.Muralidharan murali@cdactvm.in Phone +91 9446571499 Website www.cdactvm.in CDAC is a national Centre of Excellence, pioneering application oriented research, design and development in Electronics and Information Technology. There are various groups and departments working in the Power Electronics and Control systems and Instrumentation groups Brief Description Power Electronics group is the vital part of industrial control and is a major thrust area for C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram. The major activities of the group are focused on the Power Quality solutions using Custom Power Devices, Power Controllers for tapping energy from Non-conventional energy sources like Wind, Solar etc., Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Automotive Electronics, Systems for Industrial Automation, Digital Controllers and Power Control Systems for Industrial application, Networking of Power Electronic systems and the Development of industrial control products like Variable Speed Drive systems, High Performance Uninterruptible Power Supply systems, High efficiency Switched Mode Power Converters, Remote Controlled Mobile platforms, etc. The control and instrumentation group has its focus mainly on General Purpose Control System, Power, Energy, Networking 91 Office Automation, Cyber forensic and Energy system. The technology developed by the group is Distribution Automation SCADA, Vehicle Tracking System, Urban Traffic Control System, General Purpose Control System, Artificial Intelligence Tools, Hospital Management System, On-line Message Controller and Cyber Forensic Tools. Research projects Monitoring and Control System for Silicon Reactors, Metkem Silicon, Mettur Skid detection system for Blooming Mill, BSP Boiler Control System at Seshasayee Paper and Boards, Erode Online color control system at Seshasayee Paper and Boards, Erode Boiler Control System for Nath Pulp Mills Synthetic rutile pilot plant automation system for Travancore Cochin Chemicals, Cochin Sinter Plant Automation for Bhilai Steel Plant High speed data acquisition system for Blooming mill, BSP Computerized Energy Management System for BSP Data Acquisition System for Kolaghat Thermal Power Plant Waste immobilisation Plant Control for Baba Atomic Research Centre Expert System for seizure management Expert System for Agriculture Fuel monitoring and truck tracking system for Vikram Sarabai Space Centre Brightness Monitoring and Control System for SPB, Erode Technical Resource centre for Cyber Forensics Computerised Energy Management System for Bhilai Steel Plant Remote Monitoring and Control System for Teesta Canal Falls Hydel Project Power Station I Filter bed automation for Kerala Water Authority Distribution Automation for Trivandrum city ASTeC - Automation Systems Technology Centre Intelligent Transportation System Area raffic Contol system Energy management system IP65 wireless sensor mote 92 THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: H, LQR Non linear control: Back stepping, Sliding mode Adaptive control: direct, indirect, learning control Predictive control: MPC, NL Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters, Luenberger, Non linear observability Estimation / identification: System identification, Closed loop identification, Parameter estimation Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent Probabilistic: Stochastic Distributed parameter systems: Distributed parameter systems Heuristic: Fuzzy, Neural, GT (Genetic Algorithms) Fault detection and diagnosis: Fault detection and diagnosis Statistical process monitoring: Statistical process monitoring R&D Competencies APPLICATION DOMAINS Energy management: Smart grids Transportation: Automotive vehicle control, Road traffic management Industrial automation: Continuous manufacturing, Batch manufacturing Water management: Irrigation, Clean water supply TECHNOLOGICAL CONCEPTS (sensing) Instrumentation and measurements: Wireless sensors, Sensor fusion Embedded systems: Real time systems, Verification and validation, Monitoring and Control Networks 93 9.4. NATIONAL AERONAUTICALS LIMITED TYPE SIZE Contact Person Website Email Phone Address Research Organization >80 Dr Sridharamurthy S, Head, Knowledge and Technology Management Division/Dr M Sathyanarayana, Joint Head, KTMD www.nal.res.in ssmurthy@nal.res.in, mns@nal.res.in (+91-80)25086147, Tel: (+91-80)25086130, Fax: 91-8025086166 National Aerospace Laboratories,PB 1779, Bangalore 560 017, India NAL is a high technology oriented institution concentrating on advanced topics in the aerospace and related disciplines. Originally started as National Aeronautical Laboratory, it was renamed National Aerospace Laboratories to reflect its major involvement in the Indian space programme, its multidisciplinary activities and global positioning. It is India’s only civilian aerospace laboratory with a high level of competence and the expertise of its scientists is globally acknowledged. Its research areas in which it has developed technologies include: Multi sensor, multi tracking and fusion, Brief Description Battery of integrated user interactive software, FUESDAT, MultiDAT, IMDAT, BEARDAT, VARDAT, DTMSDF, MSMTDTF. Detection and tracking of maneuvering target, Decentralized square root information filter fusion. Seeker filter, adaptive modified Kalman filters, Decision fusing using fuzzy logic. Range safety applications , Low cost INS for autonomous landing system with DLR germany, Image tracking and fusion, situation assessment / Artificial intelligence methods, Sensor fusion and health monitoring, Cockpit data fusion, Underwater tracking and Fusion Flight path reconstruction and data analysis Identification of non linear, unstable systems Online Parameter Estimation 94 R&D activities THEORETICAL CONCEPTS Robust control: H, LQR Non linear control: Back stepping, Sliding mode Adaptive control: direct, indirect, learning control Predictive control:MPC, NL Observers: Kalman filters; EKF, Particle filters, Luenberger, Non linear observability Estimation / identification: System identification, Closed loop identification, Parameter estimation Networked control: Cooperative/ coordinated /multiagent Probabilistic: Stochastic Distributed parameter systems: Distributed parameter systems Heuristic:Fuzzy, Neural, GT (Genetic Algorithms) Fault detection and diagnosis: Fault detection and diagnosis APPLICATION DOMAINS Transportation: Air vehicles, Air management TECHNOLOGY CONCEPTS (Sensing) Instruments and measurements: Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensor fusion Embedded systems: Real time systems, Verification and Validation and Monitoring of networks. 9.5. CENTRE FOR STUDY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY CENTRE FOR STUDY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY TYPE SIZE Research Organization >100 Contact Person Website Email Phone Address Dr Rahul Tongia www.cstep.in tongia@cstep.in +91-80-4249-0013 Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy, Old CAIR Building, Dr. Raja Ramanna Complex, High Grounds. Bangalore 560 001 CSTEP focuses on several such options such as biofuels, solar energy, nuclear power, and coal gasification and liquefaction. CSTEP's Research involves technology modeling, economic analysis and life cycle assessment. CSTEP researchers also focus on assessment of natural gas supply and pricing options Brief Description Dr Rahul Tongia is Program Director at CSTEP, and was previously at Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on infrastructure and technology for sustainable development, 95 Recent Publications R&D projects especially for under-served regions such as India or Africa. Using quantitative policy and decision analysis, he has focused on the Information and Communications as well as the energy/power domains. In addition to engineering-economic analyses, his work also deals with broader policy issues such as security, international collaboration (especially US-India), and technology analysis and transfer. His current work covers the broad areas of Digital Divide, ICT for Sustainable Development, Smart Grids and Smart Metering for Electricity Networks, and Energy for Developing Regions.. A. Bharadwaj, R. Tongia, V. S. Arunachalam, “Scoping Technology Options for India’s Oil Security, Part II: Coal to Liquids and Bio-Diesel”, Bharadwaj, Current Science, 92(9), May 10, 2007 A. Bharadwaj, R. Tongia, V. S. Arunachalam, “Scoping Technology Options for India’s Oil Security, Part I: Ethanol for Gasoline”, Current Science, 92(8), April 25, 2007 R. Tongia, “Connectivity in Emerging Regions: The Need for Improved Technology and Business Models” (2007), IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on New Directions in Networking Technologies in Emerging Economies, 45(1), January 2007, pp. 96-103 Solar Thermal Modeling Karnataka ESCOMs IT Analysis and Roadmap: This project involves detailed studies of existing business processes and information flows in four Electricity Supply Companies (ESCOMs) in Karnataka to analyze IT needs under RAPDRP and beyond. The aim is to create a framework and a roadmap for deployment of IT over the medium to long term. Energy Efficiency Bescom New Equipment Evaluation IT in Power Sector Nuclear Report UCG Conference 10 mm