Advertisement for Project Positions – PR01876 Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Two research positions are available in the Department of Science and Technology sponsored project titled “Personal Authentication using Hand-Based Biometrics”. Details of the Project: In the modern social and business environment, many critical processes require higher levels of physical security and trusted e-security that cannot be provided by traditional identification methods such as ID cards and passwords. Biometrics refers to the identification of human beings based on their physiological or/and behavioural characteristics. Biometric characteristics are unique to an individual and unlike passwords or PINs, they cannot be lost or forgotten. The objective of this project proposes to develop hand-based biometrics system/ techniques which can deliver higher confidence/performance using hand-based discriminatory features. The goal is to acquire multiple biometrics in single shot, using state-of-art-imaging, select the best combination of features, to achieve best possible online performance. The ongoing project offers rare opportunity for the selected candidates to step in the fastest growing and demanding field of biometric recognition. Vacancy and Duration: Project Scientist – One, Project Associate – One; Each of these two positions are initially for one year but extendable up to two more years. Salary: Salary will commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the candidates. The maximum salary for project scientist is Rs. 15,800/- (consolidated per month) and for project associate is Rs. 10,800/- (consolidated per month). Qualifications: Project Scientist – M.Tech/M.Eng. in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Signal Processing/Communication Engg., or related areas. Project Associate – B.Tech/B.Eng. in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Signal Processing/Communication Engg., or related areas. The candidates with equivalent qualifications (MCA/MSc) but experience in image processing and pattern recognition applications can also apply. Candidates must have suitable experience and knowledge of image processing and pattern recognition hardware/software techniques. The selected candidates will be highly encouraged to register for higher degree (M.S.(R) or Ph.D.) as full time students in the institute. The last date for the application is 24th September, 2006. The interested candidates can submit their application and CV (i) preferably by an email to, or (ii) by surface mail addressed to Dr. Ajay Kumar, II-202, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110016. Biometrics Research Centre, Computer Technology Group, IIT Delhi 1