Bibliography - Orangutan SSP

Pongo pygmaeus: A Bibliography
Original Version (1985):
Terry L. Maple, Ph.D., Alyson Miller, and Ted. W. Finlay
School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology
Updated (1991 - 1995):
Melanie Bond
Zoological Park, Washington D.C.
Updated (2011):
Christine M. Cassella
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Cleveland, OH
BIRTH (10)
BLOOD (12)
OTHER (72)
PLAY (74)
Aiello, L.C. 1981. The allometry of primate body proportions. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London,
Anderton, J.C. 1988. Anomalies and atavisms in appendicular myology. In: J.H. Schwartz, ed. Orangutan
Biology, pp.331-345. New York: Oxford University Press.
Anemone, R.L. 1993. The functional anatomy of the hip and thigh in primates. In: Gebo, D.L., ed. Postcranial
Adaptation in Nonhuman Primates, pp. 150-174, DeKalb,IL:Northern Illinois Press.
Armstrong, E. and G.T. Frost. 1988. The diencephalon: A comparative review. In: J.H. Schwartz, ed.
Orangutan Biology, pp.117-190. New York:Oxford University Press.
Blaney, S.P. 1986. An allometric study of the frontal sinus in Gorilla, Pan and Pongo. Folia Primatologica,
Brandes, G. 1927. Der kehlsack und die stimme des orang-utan. Der Naturforscher, 3:633-635. [The throat sac
and the voice of the orangutan.]
------. 1929a. Die backenwulste des orang-mannes. Zoologische Garten, 7:365-368. [The cheek pouches of the
orangutan male.]
------. 1929b. Die bedeutung des orang-kehlsacks. Zeitchrift fur Saugetierkunde, 4:81-83. [The significance of
the orangutan throat sacs.]
------. 1938. Das singen der alten orangmaenner. Zoologische Garten, 10:31-33.
Brown, B. and S.C. Ward. 1988. Basicranial and facial topography in Pongo and Sirapithecus. In: J.H.
Schwartz, ed. Orangutan Biology, pp.247-261. New York:Oxford University Press.
Camper, P. 1779. Account of the organs of speech in the orang-utan. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society, 69:139-159.
Cant, J.G.H. 1987. Effects of sexual dimorphism in body size on feeding postural behavior of sumatran
orangutans, Pongo pygmaeus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 74(2):143-148.
Cant, J.G.H. 1992. Positional behavior and body size of arboreal primates: A theoretical framework for field
studies and an illustration of its application. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 88(3): 273283.
Chare, R.E. and D.F. de Garis. 1938. Anomalies of vena cavae superiores in an orang. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 24:61-65.
Chopra, S.R.K., S. Kaul, and R.K. Pathak. 1982. Morphometric affinities in innominate bones of Old World
primates including man. Journal of Human Evolution, 11:105-108.
Crelin, E.S. 1988. Ligament of the head of the femur in the orangutan and Indian elephant. Yale Journal of
Biology and Medicine, 61(5): 383-388.
Daegling, D.J. 1989. Biomechanics of cross-sectional size and shape in the hominoid mandibular corpus.
American Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 80(1):91-106.
Dahl, J.F. 1988. External genitalia. In: J.H. Schwartz, ed. Orangutan Biology, pp.133-144. New York:Oxford
University Press.
Dahl, J.F.; K.G. Gould and R.D. Nadler. 1993. Testicle size of orangutans in relation to body size. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology 90(2):229-236.
Delisle, F. 1895. Notes sur l'osteometrie at la cranologie des orang- outangs. Nouvelle Archieves der Museum d'
Historie Naturelle, 7:83-114.
Dixson, A.F. 1987. Observations on the evolution of the genitalia and copulatory behavior in male primates.
Journal of Zoology, 213(3): 423-443.
Eckhardt, R.B. 1975. The relative body weights of Bornean and Sumatran orangutans. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 42:349-350.
------. 1987. Hominoid nasal region polymorphism and its phylogenetic significance. Nature (London),
Falk, D. 1993. Meningeal arterial patterns in great apes: Implications for hominid vascular evolution. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology 92(1):81-97.
Fick, R. 1895. Vergleichende anatomische studien an einem erwachsenen orang-utang. Archiv fuer Anatomie
und Physiologie Anatamische Abteilung, pp.1-100. [Comparative anatomical studies of an adult
------. 1929. Uber die koerpermasse und den kehlsack eines erwachsenen orangs. Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde,
4:65-80. [On the body mass and the throat sac of an adult orangutan.]
Frost, G.T. and E. Armstrong. 1986. A comparative assessment of the orangutan thalamus. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 69(2):201.
Gannon, P.J., A.R. Eden, and J.T. Laitman. 1988. The subarcuate fossa and cerebellum of extant primates:
Comparative study of a skull-brain interface. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 77(2):143-164.
Gucwinski, A. and Z. Michalaska. 1964. Eitrige kehlsackentzinduug beim orang-utan (P. pygmaeus). Internat.
Symp. Erkankungen Zootiere, 6: 62-65. [Inflammation of the throat sacs in the orangutan.]
Hassko, A. 1929. Uber die kehlsaecke des orang-utans und eine todbriugende erkrankung im kehlsacke eines
jungen orang. Zeitschrift Hals-Nas-Ohrenheilk, 23:258-262. [On the throat sac of an orangutan and a
fatal illness in the throat sac of a young orangutan.]
Hens SM. 2005. Ontogeny of craniofacial sexual dimorphism in the orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus). I: face and
palate. Source American Journal Of Primatology. 65(2): 149-166
Hilloowala, R.A. and R.B. Trent. 1988. Supraorbital ridge and masticatory apparatus I: Primates. Human
Evolution, 3(5):343-350.
Holloway, R.L. and M.C. De La Coste-Lareymondie. 1982. Brain endocast asymmetry in pongids and
hominids: Some preliminary findings on the paleontology of cerebral dominance. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 58(1):101-110.
Hunt, K.D. 1991. Positional behavior in the Hominoidea.
International Journal of Primatology 12(2):95-118
Jacobshagen, B. 1986. Size and shape of the orbital outline: A multivariate comparison and analysis of
intraspecific variation in four hominoid species. In: J.G. Else and P.C. Lee, eds. Primate Evolution,
pp.281-188. Cambridge, London:Cambridge University Press.
Jeffries, J. 1925. Some account of the dissection of a Simia satyrus - orang utang or wild man of the woods.
Boston Journal of Philosophic Arts, 2:570-586.
Jouffroy, F.K.; M. Godinot; Y. Nakano. 1991. Biometrical characteristics of primate hands.Human Evolution
Jungers, W.L. 1985. Relative growth of the locomotor skeleton in the orangutan and African apes. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology, 66(2):186-187.
------. 1990. Scaling of postcranial joint size in hominoid primates. In: F.K. Jouffroy, M.H. Stack, and C.
Niemitz, eds. Gravity, Posture and Locomotion in Primates, pp.87-95. Florence:Editrice Il Sedicesimo.
Kallner, M. 1956. Die muskulatur und die funktion des schulterguertels und der vorderextemitat des orangutan. Gegenbaurs Morphologie, (Leipzig), 97:554-666. [The musculature and the function of the
shoulder girdle and the forward extremities of the orangutan.]
Kanazawa, E. and A.L. Rosenberger. 1989. Interspecific allometry of the mandible, dental arch, and molecular
area in anthropoid primates: Functional morphology of masticatory components. Primates, 30(4): 543560.
Kaseda M, M Nakamura, N Ichihara, T Hayakawa, M Asari. 2008. A macroscopic examination of M. biceps
femoris and M. gluteus maximus in the orangutan. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 70(3):217-
Kawashima T, S Yoshitomi, H Sasaki. Nerve fibre tracing of branches to the coracobrachialis muscle in a
Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus). Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 36(1):19-23.
Koppe, T., K.-U. Schumacher, A. Willer, E. Stein, F. Kuhr, and D. Schultze. 1990. On aspects of palatal form in
pongids. Anatomischer Anzeiger, 170(3-4):199-203. [In German with English summary.]
Kunimatsu, Y. 1992. Allometry of the nuchal plane in hominoids, and its reduction in relation to bipedalism
in hominoids. pp. 209-220 in Matano, S.; R.H. Tuttle; H. Ishida, et al., eds. Topics in Primatology.
Vol 3: Evolutionary Biology, Reproductive Endocrinology, and Virology. Tokyo: University of Tokyo
LeMinor, J.M. 1990. Comparative morphology of the lateral meniscus of the knee in primates. Journal of
Anatomy, 170:161-171.
Le Minor, J.M. 1992. Brief communication: The popliteal sesamoid bone (cyamella) in primates. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology 87(1):107-110.
Leutenegger, W. and J. Cheverud. 1982. Correlates of sexual dimorphism in primates: Ecological and size
variables. International Journal of Primatology, 3:387-402.
------ and T.J. Masterson. 1989A. The ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in the cranium of Bornean orangutans
(Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus): I. Univariate analyses. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie,
------ and T.J. Masterson. 1989. The ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in the cranium of Bornean orangutans
(Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus): II. Allometry and heterochrony. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und
Anthropologie, 78(1):15-24.
Luboga, S.A. and B.A. Wood. 1990. Position and orientation of the foramen magnum in higher primates.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 81(1):67-76.
Maier, W. 1993. Evolution and functional morphology of primate facial skulls. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie
und Anthropologie 79(3):279-299. [German]
Martin, D.E. and K.G. Gould. 1981. The male ape genital tract and its secretions. In: C.E. Graham, ed.
Reproductive Biology of the Great Apes. Comparative and Biomedical Perspectives, pp.127-162. New
York, London:Academic Press.
Marzke, M.W.; K.L. Wullstein; S.F. Viegas. 1994. Variability at the carpometacarpal and midcarpal joints
involving the fourth metacarpal, hamate, and lunate in Catarrhini. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 93(2):229-240.
McHenry, H.M. 1984a. Size and shape of the hominoid foot: Implications for function and evolution. Journal
of Physical Anthropology, 63(2): 192.
Morbeck, M.E. and A.L. Zihlman. 1988. Body composition and limb proportions. In:J.H. Schwartz, ed.
Orangutan Biology, pp.285-297. New York:Oxford University Press.
Nakakuki, S.;A. Ehara. 1991. Distribution of the pulmonary artery and vein of the orangutan lung. Primates
Napier, J.R. 1960. Studies of the hands of living primates. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London,
O'Higgins, P. and I.L. Dryden. 1993. Sexual dimorphism in hominoids: Further studies of craniofacial shape
differences in Pan, Gorilla and Pongo. Journal of Human Evolution 24(3): 183-205.
Ohman, J.C. 1983. A change in morphology in the cervicothoracic region of the vertebral column in hominid
evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 60(2):233-234.
Oishi M, N Ogihara, H Endo, M Asari. 2008. Muscle architecture of the upper limb in the orangutan. Primates,
Owen, R. 1835. On the osteology of the chimpanzee and orang-utan. Transactions of the Zoological Society of
London, 1:343-379.
Oxnard, C. 1989. Hominoid relationships: Morphology, molecules and morphometrics. In: L.H. Schmitt, L.
Freedman, and N.W. Bruce, eds. The Growing Scope of Human Biology, pp.51-102. Nedlands, Western
Australia:University of Western Australia.
------. 1989. Morphological patterns in hominoids. Australian Primatology, 4(1):23.
Roerher-Ertl, O. 1989. On cranial growth of orangutan, with a note on the role of "intelligence in evolution."
Morphological study on directions of growth primarily dependent on the age, within a population of
Pongo satyrus borneensis Von Wurmb, 1784 from Skalau, West Borneo. Zoologische Abhandlungen,
44(2):155-177. [In German with English summary.]
Rose, M.D. 1985. Functional anatomy of orangutans and feet. American Journal of Physical Anthropology,
Ruff, C.B. 1986. Prediction of body weight from lower limb bone lengths and cross-sectional dimensions in
primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69(2):259.
-----. 1990. Body mass and hindlimb bone cross-sectional and articular dimensions in anthropoid primates. In: J.
Damuth and B.J. Mcfadden, eds. Body Size in Mammalian Paleobiology - Estimation and Biological
Implications, pp.119-149. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sarmiento, E.E. 1988. Anatomy of the hominoid wrist joint: Its evolutionary and functional implications.
International Journal of Primatology, 9(4):281-345.
Schultz, A.H. 1921. The occurrence of the sternal gland in orang-utan. Journal of Mammalogy, 2:194-196.
------. 1942. Morphological observations on a gorilla and an orang of closely known ages. American Journal of
Physical Anthropology, 29:1-21.
Schumacher, K.-U.; T. Koppe; J. Fanghaenel; G.-H. Schumacher; H. Nagai. 1994. Morphometric studies on the
facial skeleton of humans and pongids based on CT-scans. Kaibogaku Zasshi/ Acta Anat Nippon
Shapiro, J. S. 1995. Morphometric variation in the orang utan (Pongo pygmaeus), with a comparison of interand intra- specific variability in the African apes. Dissertation Abstracts International A56(3):1003.
Senut, B. 1982. Distal humeral end in Pan troglodytes and Pongo pygmaeus: First results from a tomographic
approach. Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie III, Sciences del la Vie,
294(12):613-616. [In French.]
------. 1986. Computed tomography of distal humerus in some living hominoid primates. In: D.M. Taub and
F.A. King, eds. Current Perspectives in Primate Biology, pp.171-181. New York:Van Nostrand
Reinhold Co., Inc.
Shea, B.T. 1988. Phylogeny and skull form in the hominoid primates. In: J.H. Schwartz, ed. Orangutan
Biology, pp.233-245. New York:Oxford University Press.
Soma, H. 1988. Morphology of the placenta. In: J.H. Schwartz, ed. Orangutan Biology, pp.145-155. New
York:Oxford University Press.
Sonntag, C.F. 1924. On the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the orang-utan. Proceedings of the
Zoological Society of London:349-450.
Stanyon, R. 1992. How polymorphisms and homoplasy can be informative about the evolution and
phylogeny of humans and apes. pp. 423-439 In: Nishida, T.; W.C. McGrew; P. Marler, et al., eds.
Topics in Primatology. Vol 1: Human Origins Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
Steudel, K. 1981. Sexual dimorphism and allometry in primate Ossa coxae. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, 55(2):209-216.
------. 1982a. Allometry and adaptation in the catarrhine postcranial skeleton. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, 59(4):431-442.
Straws, W.L. 1936. The thoracic and abdominal viscera of primates with special reference to the orang-utan.
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 76:1-85.
Swartz, S.M. 1990. Curvature of the forelimb bones of anthropoid primates: Overall allometric patterns and
specializations in suspensory species. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 83(4):477-498.
Tuttle, R.H. 1969. Qualitative and functional studies on the hands of the Anthropoidea. The Hominoidea
Journal of Morphology, 128:309-364.
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In: G.H. Bourne, ed. The Chimpanzee, Vol.2, Physiology, Behavior, Serology, and Diseases of
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------. 1977. Naturalistic positional behavior of apes and models of hominid evolution, 1929-1976. In: G.H.
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------, M.J. Velte, and J.V. Basmajian. 1983. Electromyography of brachial muscles in Pan troglodytes and
Pongo pygmaeus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 61:75-83.
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American Journal of Physical Anthropology 87(2):187-213.
Wall, C.E.; S.G. Larson; J.T. Stern, Jr. 1994. EMG of the digastric muscle in gibbon and orangutan: Functional
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Anthropology 94(4):549-567.
Whitehead, P.F. 1993. Aspects of the anthropoid wrist and hand. In: Gebo, D.L., ed. Postcranial Adaptation in
Nonhuman Primates DeKalb,IL:Northern Illinois Press. pp. 96-120.
Winkler, L.A. 1987. Sexual dimorphism in the cranium of infant and juvenile orangutans. Folia Primatologica,
------. 1988. Variation in the suboccipital anatomy. In: J.H. Schwartz, ed. Orangutan Biology, pp.191-199.
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ed. Orangutan Biology, pp.157-176. New York:Oxford University Press.
Adler, H.J. & G. Schaefer. 1992. [Birth of an orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)in the Leipzig Zoological Garten:
Pictorial documentation.] Zoologische Garten 62(2):103-114. [German]
Anon. 1968. Twin orangs born at Woodland Park Zoo. Animal Kingdom, LXXI(2):30.
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Anon. 1978. Twin orangutans born. AAZPA Newsletter, 19(9):6.
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Deitchman, M. 1985. Rare orangutan twins born at Audubon. At the Zoo, Spring:8-10.
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Fox, H. 1929. The birth of two anthropoid apes. Journal of Mammalogy, 10:37-51.
Galdikas, B.M.F. 1982. Wild orangutan birth at Tanjung Puting Reserve. Primates, 23:500-510.
Geissman, T. 1989. Multiple Births in Catarrhine Monkeys and Apes. A Review. Florence:Editrice. 77pp.
Gensch, W. 1965. Die geburt eines orang-utan im Dresden. Freunde des Kolner Zoo, 8:133-134. [The birth of
an orangutan in the Dresden Zoo.]
Graham-Jones, O. and W.C.O. Hill. 1962. Pregnancy and parturition in a Bornean orang-utan. Proceedings of
the Zoological Society of London, 139:503-510.
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Lappa, K. 1993. Chicago Zoological Park announces significant orangutan birth and training. AAZPA
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Lindburg, D.G. and L.D. Hazell. 1972. Licking of the neonate and duration of labor in great apes and man.
American Anthropologist, 74:318-325.
Linke, Karin von. 1985. Beobachtungen bei der Geburt und Aufzucht eines Orang-Utans im Zoologischen
Garten Rostock. Zoologische Garten, 55(4):225-242. [Observations of the birth and upbringing of the
Orangutans in the Rostock Zoo.]
Lippert, W. 1974. Beobachtungen zum schwangerschetfs und geburts- verhalten beim orang-utan (Pongo
pygmaeus) im Tierpark Berlin. Folia Primatologica, 21:108-134. [Observations on the pregnancy and
birthing behavior of the orangutan in the Berlin Zoo.]
Johnson, C.N. 1988. Dispersal and the sex ratio at birth in primates. Nature, 332(6166):726-728.
Olsen, Ralph. 1975. Twin orangutans healthy and popular at one year. Primate Record, 6(2):8-10,15.
Roberts, M. 1978. Second generation orangutan born. AAZPA Newsletter, 19(2):9.
Seal, U.S., N. Flesness, and T. Foose. 1985. Neonatal and infant mortality in captive-born great apes. In: C.E.
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pygmaeus, Hoppius 1763) im Leipzinger Zoo. Zoologische Garten, 38:310-321. [On the pregnancy and
premature birth of a stillborn young by an orangutan in Leipzinger Zoo.]
Seitz, A. 1969. Notes on the body weights of new-born and young orang- utans (Pongo pygmaeus).
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Stemmler-Morath, Carl von. 1983. Erinnerungen an eine Orang-Utan-Geburt. Zoologische Garten, 53(3-5):329338. [Recollections on the parturition of an orang-utan.] [In German.]
Ullrich, W. 1970. Geburt und natuerliche geburtshilfe beim orang-utan. Zoologische Garten, 39:284-289. [Birth
and natural birth assistance in the orangutan.]
Verstraete, A.P. 1977.Census of orangutan births in the U.K.: 1961-1976. Laboratory Primate Newsletter, 16:6-7.
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Maita, T., A. Araya, M. Goodman, and G. Matsuda. 1978. The amino acid sequences of the two main
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Folia Primatologica, 2: 129-148.
Nute, P.E. 1974. Multiple hemoglobin alpha chain loci in monkeys, apes and man. Annals of the New
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Schmitt, J., W. Spielmann, and M. Weber. 1963. Serologische befunde beim orang utan (Pongo pygmaeus
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Schroeder, W.A. 1978. The gamma chain of fetal hemoglobin of the orangutan. Biochemical Genetics,
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Sullivan, B. and P.E. Nute. 1968. Structural and functional properties of polymorphic hemoglobins from
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