THE LISTS ENGINEERING FIRMS | BUSINESS PARKS | PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE FIRMS | COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES OIL AND GAS PDC Energy facing class action, 3 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Noble Energy’s expansion in Greeley marches on, 9 DISCOVERIES Mapping the wind with fiber-optic light detector, 23 THE BUSINESS JOURNAL OF THE BOULDER VALLEY AND NORTHERN COLORADO VOLUME 33 | ISSUE 16 | AUG. 22-SEPT. 4, 2014 More cities eye broadband bandwagon High-speed networks would compete with private-sector offerings By JoSHua LinDenStein Local governments in the Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado are looking at going head-to-head with private Internet service providers to build super-fast broadband networks they say are critical to their communities’ economic health and that private companies aren’t providing. But these governments’ efforts may do even more, spurring private companies to offer faster service at lower prices in places where cities also are in the game. Comcast, for instance, promotes lower pricing for its fastest tier of Internet service in cities around the nation, such as Chattanooga, Tenn., and Burlington, Vt., where it competes against municipal broadband networks. Longmont is building out its own fiber-based broadband network that will offer 1-gigabit data speeds to every home and business in town. Fort Collins is exploring the value of such a publicly owned network. Boulder will ask voters in November to remove legislative barriers put in place by the state that keep municipalities from offering telecommunications services without special approval from voters. Detractors of municipal broadband say launching such a network ➤ See Broadband, 6 Ann DAllocchio / For BizWeSt larimer county is proposing an extension of its open-space tax to continue funding acquisition of scenic, high–value landscapes, such as this horsetooth mountain open Space, west of Fort collins. Local tax issues head for a ballot box in your neighborhood Transportation projects, flood-repair work and more in the lineup By Steve Lynn Voters in the Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado on Nov. 4 will decide on numerous requests by local governments to increase sales and use taxes to fund everything from open space to transportation projects and flood-related repair work. In Larimer County, the Help Preserve Open Spaces sales and use tax of a quarter-cent, if approved by voters Nov. 4, will extend for 25 years beginning Jan. 1, 2019, when the current sales and use tax expires. The amended measure would evenly split proceeds to cities and Larimer County, while cities used to receive a greater share of the tax to divide among themselves. The county’s portion of the tax has conserved about 33,000 acres, as well as 83 miles of trail to date at open spaces. The county maintains open spaces such as Devil’s Backbone, Hermit Park, Red Mountain and Horsetooth Mountain. Also on the ballot will be a citizen- Up to the voters tax increases and extensions on the november ballot. Boulder County .185-percent sales and use tax, which equals .2 cents on a $10 purchase, for flood recovery. extension of a .9 mill ad valorem property tax for another 15 years to help fund social services. Larimer County .25-cent sales and use tax extension for 25 years to fund county and city open spaces. .10-cent sales and use tax for an animal control facility beginning Jan. 1 and ending when debt is paid or by Dec. 31, 2020. .2-percent sales and use tax to fund operations of larimer county Jail for 25 years. the percentage equals 1.5 cents on a $10 purchase. City of Boulder .3-cent sales and use tax from 2015 to 2018 to fund a variety of capital improvement projects.* City of Longmont .75 cent sales and use tax for 10 years to fund transportation maintenance, operations and improvements. town of Windsor .75 cent sales tax increase for 20 years to fund a $16.1 million expansion of the community recreation center.* *Must first be approved by local governments. sources: Boulder and Larimer counties, cities of Boulder and Longmont and town of Windsor. ➤ See Tax, 2 CONTENTS Careers carrie Pinsky .......................................................................27 Keep it Legal Dan Jones..............................................................................5 Marketing laurie macomber................................................................27 real estate Dave Pettigrew ....................................................................13 Briefcase .............................28 Business news Digest ..........8 editorial ...............................38 For the record ....................33 nonprofit network...............30 on the Job ..........................32 the eye .................................3 time out .............................31 BizWest is an independent, locally owned business journal. 2 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 Taxes BizWest | from 1 initiated ballot measure for a onetenth of one cent countywide sales and use tax to build a new Animal Care and Control Facility. Citizens collected signatures on petitions for the tax-increase proposal to be placed on the ballot. Another proposed measure would extend the sales and use tax of .2 percent to fund operations of the Larimer County Jail for 25 years. Larimer County commissioners have certified that measure for the ballot. The tax has been in place for 20 years and provides about $7.5 million in annual funding to pay jail staff members, said Larimer County budget manager Bob Keister. In Boulder, the city council is considering a .3 cent sales and use tax from 2015 to 2018 to fund a variety of capital-improvement projects. Boulder estimates the tax will raise $27.6 million during the three-year period. Projects funded by the tax would include a $2 million investment in residential pedestrian lighting in the Hill and another nearly $2 million for Boulder Creek path lighting and improvements. Boulder County Commission members have approved resolutions to place on the ballot a flood-recovery sales and use tax and an extension of the mill levy that funds social services. The f lood-recovery sales and Ann Dallocchio / For BizWest If voters approve extension of the Larimer County open-space tax, it would provide additional funding for open space for the next 25 years. use tax of .185 percent would fund costs of repairing public infrastructure, including roads and bridges, restoration of waterways and assistance to residents. Boulder County has spent $40 million through July on flood recovery and response and plans to spend an additional $217 million on recovery during the next five years. The tax would raise a total of 49.6 million to cover most of a $56.1 million funding shortfall not covered by federal and state dollars. The county also will ask voters to extend a .9 mill ad valorem property tax for another 15 years to fund safety net services for residents. The mill levy generates about $5 million annually for services promoting family stability and help residents through crises. The mill levy equals about $21 per year for a property valued at $300,000. The city of Longmont, meanwhile, will ask voters to extend a three-quarter cent sales and use tax for 10 years to fund transportation maintenance, operations and improvements. The tax expires at the end of 2016, so if passed Clinton Baker, Partner, Kennedy and Coe by voters it will extend through 2026. The tax, which has been in place since 1986 and reauthorized in fiveyear increments since 1994, generates about $12 million annually for roads, bridges, sidewalks, traffic signals and other improvements. The city plans to improve bridges to withstand flooding such as that experienced last September. “The maintenance, repair and improvement of our entire street and transportation system rely on this tax,” said Holly Milne, spokeswoman for Longmont’s Public Works and Natural Resources department. Various districts in Weld County have until Sept. 5 to submit ballot content for tax increases or extensions. Multiple entities, including the town of Windsor, are working with the office for measures to appear on the ballot. Windsor may ask voters to approve a .75-cent sales-tax increase for a $16.1 million expansion of the Community Recreation Center, Town Manager Kelly Arnold said. The Town Board was expected at its meeting Aug. 25 to approve the measure for the ballot. Steve Lynn can be reached at 970232-3147, 303-630-1968 or slynn@ Follow him on Twitter at @SteveLynnBW. Adam Sweetman, Sweetman Investments GET THE BUSINESS OUT OF THE OFFICE. At Kennedy and Coe, we have the courage to do something GLHUHQWWRJHWWRQHZSODFHV Even if it means rolling up our sleeves, and our trousers. | 800.303.3241 Consultants Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | 3 Chamber Class-action suit targets PDC Energy staff dumps on boss who asked for it By Steve Lynn I t was a chilling experience,” quipped John Tayer, president and chief executive of the Boulder Chamber, “but my staff relished the opportunity to prove that I’m all wet.” “ BIZWEST EYE So on a warm Aug. 15, Tayer stood outside the Chamber’s front door, yelled “Bring it!” to the conspirators on the balcony above, and took the “Ice Bucket Challenge” to help raise awareness for the Rocky Mountain chapter of the ALS Foundation and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. About 30,000 Americans now have ALS, which attacks nerve cells and ultimately leads to total paralysis, although the mind remains sharp. Life expectancy is typically two to five years after diagnosis. The social-media marketing and fundraising phenomenon has taken off this summer. People get ice water dumped on themselves, post the video online and then challenge someone else to do the same within 24 hours or donate $100 to the ALS foundation. Many do both. People have shared more than 1.2 million videos on Facebook between June 1 and Aug. 13. As of Aug. 17, according to the foundation, it had received $13.3 million in donations since July 29, compared with $1.7 million during the same period last year. The staff of McGuckin Hardware soaked themselves, then challenged Tayer, who in turn challenged Boulder County commissioners. Usually the victim gets doused with a single bucket, but this is Boulder, home to the New Year’s Day Polar Bear Plunge, “so we had to give it a Boulder flavor,” Tayer said, and involve not one but six buckets. “McGuckin’s graced us with enough buckets to do the damage, but we used our own manual labor – and a little bit of sadism.” The Chamber staff dumped ice water on themselves and then announced to Tayer, “You’re next!” “You think you’re ready and you know it’s coming,” Tayer said, “but it hit me pretty hard.” Viewers of the resulting video on the Chamber’s Facebook page will note that Tayer is in full business attire. “The wool suit isn’t recoverable,” he said, “but it’s worth it for the cause.” PDC Energy Inc. says a jury trial is scheduled for September in a classaction lawsuit where plaintiffs are seeking approximately $175 million plus interest, according to a company filling with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Denver-based PDC Energy (Nasdaq: PDCE), a Nevada corporation and a major oil and natural-gas producer in Weld County, reported a second-quarter charge of $20.8 mil- lion related to the lawsuit in its report filed with the SEC on Aug. 8. The charge stems from the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in December 2011 by owners of limited partnership units. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit allege that PDC made “false” and “misleading” statements in proxy statements related to the limited partnerships, violating federal securities laws. A PDC representative declined to comment and the company’s outside counsel did not respond to requests for comment. Attorneys for plaintiffs in the case did not return phone calls and emails. Contact information for Orange County, Calif., residents Jeffrey Schulein and Linda Schulein, listed as plaintiffs in the lawsuit, was not publicly listed. In all, the lawsuit lists 13 plaintiffs, although an estimated 10,000 limited partners invested a total of more than $294 million in the limited partnerships formed from 2002 to 2005. In 2013, PDC reported a net loss of ➤ See PDC, 4 Doug Storum / BizWest Synergy Resources Corp., based in Platteville, recently completed a natural-gas drill and storage site east of 66th Avenue and north of Fourth Street in Greeley. It is next to Northridge High School and across the street from an apartment complex under construction. A wall has been erected to mitigate noise and visual impacts. Wells sprout near Greeley homes, schools City’s mineral wealth means oil & gas work dominates landscape By Doug Storum GREELEY — It’s 400 oil and gas wells and counting within Greeley’s city limits. Oil and natural-gas companies continue to tap the rich reserves known as the Wattenberg Field, which accounts for the high number of wells drilled in Weld County, which includes Gree- ley. Synergy Resources Corp., KP Kauffman Co. Inc., Noble Energy Inc. and Mineral Resources Inc. have applications being reviewed by the city’s planning department to drill more horizontal wells to extract natural gas from below the surface – and, in many instances, from underneath homes. While many of the nearly 20,000 wells in Weld County are on sparsely populated farm land, many of the wells constructed within Greeley are near schools, homes and apartment complexes. Brad Mueller, director of Greeley’s Community Development Department, said there has been a steady three-year stream of applications from oil and natural-gas companies seeking land-use permits to drill wells after receiving a permit from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. “We have seen a recent increase in permits issued by the state, and that resulted in the new (setback) decisions,” Mueller said. As of Aug. 1, oil and gas companies are required to establish a larger 500-foot buffer between new wells and homes. The decision by the com➤ See Wells, 22 4 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 /2&$/0$77(56 ZZZFROXPELQHKHDOWKFRP Longmont POWER & COMMUNICATIONS BizWest | PDC from 3 $22.3 million, down from a net loss of $130.7 million the prior year. Total revenue hit $411.3 million in 2013, up from $320.6 million in 2012. PDC said in December that it would invest $469 million in Weld County in 2014, up from the $272 million invested in 2013. The investment in Northern Colorado represents the lion’s share of PDC’s $647 million capital budget for 2014. The lawsuit centers on the contents of the proxy statements made by PDC to a dozen limited partnerships acquired by the company in 2010 and 2011. The statements allegedly omitted material facts about the value of assets held by the partnerships, which PDC had formed to raise funding to finance oil and gas development in Weld County and on the Western Slope. After issuing proxy statements that urged the limited partners to vote in favor of mergers, PDC merged the limited partnerships and cashed out the owners at “grossly unfair prices and thereby enriched PDC at the limited partners’ expense,” according to the lawsuit. The proxy statements stated that declining natural gas prices along with the prospect of prolonged reductions in cash distributions to the limited partners offered compelling reasons for limited partners to agree to the mergers, according to the lawsuit. “PDC claimed in each of the proxy statements that the revenue from the partnerships’ assets would not be able to support the future development of the partnerships’ assets,” the lawsuit says. “As a consequence, PDC asserted that the cash distributions owed to the limited partners would continue to be reduced in order to fund the development of each partnership’s assets.” In January, plaintiffs in the case were certified as a class. A jury trial originally scheduled for May was rescheduled to begin in September. PDC said in its SEC filing that the company has held mediation meet- ings with plaintiffs and has proposed a settlement to resolve the allegations. The proposal includes a transfer of mostly profit interests in a certain number of wells that would generate cash in future years, plus a lesser value in an up-front cash payment. “The mediation effort is ongoing, but there can be no assurance that the mediation meetings will continue or will result in a settlement on the terms we proposed or at all,” PDC said in its SEC filing. The company has accrued a total of $24.1 million in liability in the case as of the second quarter ended June 30. “We continue to believe we have good defenses to both the asserted claims and plaintiffs’ damage calculations,” the company added in the filing. The lawsuit has not dampened analysts’ expectations for PDC. Fourteen of 23 analysts polled by Thomson Reuters have rated the stock as “outperform.” Four other analysts have rated the stock a “buy.” Following the $250 million sale of its natural-gas assets in the Marcellus in West Virginia, PDC is leaner and financially positioned to execute on its investments in Weld County, according to an Aug. 11 report by Gabriele Sorbara, vice president for exploration and production at New York Citybased Topeka Capital Markets. “With the sale of the Marcellus, PDCE will make a turn to a top-tier liquids growth company, with stronger margins,” reads the report. PDC reported a net loss of $28.2 million during the second quarter, down from net income of $19.9 million. The company blamed the loss in part on the litigation charge. PDC shares have risen about 8 percent from a year ago to $56.95 as of Aug. 18. Steve Lynn can be reached at 970232-3147, 303-630-1968 or slynn@ Follow him on Twitter at @SteveLynnBW. CorreCTions A BizWest poll published Aug. 8 incorrectly described a proposed gmo-labeling initiative as a constitutional amendment. the initiative, if approved, would require a change to colorado statute, not the colorado constitution. the poll question is being rerun in this issue. Public Power, Community Pride Public Power Week is Oct. 5-12 and celebrates the more than 2,000 towns and cities across the U.S. that own and operate their own electric utilities. This year, Longmont Power & Communications is putting the “public” in Public Power Week with a photo contest. Show us what you do in the community, whether it’s enjoying the parks, eating out, or just posing for a picture with your co-workers. Include a “Public Power, Community Pride” sign, then submit your photos and be entered to win a prize. For more information and photo contest rules visit: or call 303-651-8386 BizWest will correct any errors that appear in its pages. to suggest a correction or clarification, please contact executive editor Jerd Smith at 303-630-1951, or email at Volume 33 : issue 16 Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 Copyright 2014. BizWest Media LLC. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content without written permission is prohibited. BizWest (USPS 018-522, ISSN 1528-6320) is published biweekly, with an extra issue in December, by BizWest Media LLC, a Colorado LLC, 1790 30th Street, Suite 300, Boulder Colorado, 80301. Periodical Postage Paid at Boulder, CO and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions are $49.97. International subscriptions are $180.00. POSTMASTER; Send change of address notices to: BizWest Media LLC, P.O. Box 270810, Fort Collins, CO 80527. (303) 440-4950 Fax: (303) 440-8954 Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | State laws pose challenges for homeowners, builders Owner-association statutes have led to large-scale suits A f ter precipitous declines since 2007, regional economic growth has pushed the demand for housing ahead to the point where, in the Denver metro area, home prices are hitting all-time highs that exceed even the pre-crash levels of 2006. According to the S&P/ Case-Shiller Denver Home Price Index, as of April 30, home prices in the Denver market area were 50.58 percent higher than they were in January 2000, and more than 8 percent higher than a year ago. This increase in housing prices has reignited concerns among many civic leaders in Colorado about affordable housing, and one problem that has been highlighted is a relative lack of condominium construction. Condominiums often are viewed as an affordable middle ground been apartments and single-family homes. However, as a recent report from InsideRealEstateNews indicated, citing statistics from the Home Builders Association of Metro Denver, condominiums accounted for only 1 percent of the total housing permits issued from Boulder to Castle Rock in 2013. Apartments accounted for 34 percent of the issued permits. While the economic downturn is largely to blame for a sluggish condo-building sector, another factor blamed by builders and civic leaders is Keep it LegaL Colorado’s set Dan Jones of laws related to construction defects. Construction-defects cases are addressed primarily in the Construction Defect Action Reform Act (CDARA), and also in portions of the Colorado Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). CDARA sets forth procedures that construction-defects cases must follow, with specific requirements for notices to be provided, timelines for responses, lists of alleged defects, inspection processes and offers to settle or repair, among other points. Parties involved in a constructiondefect case must pay close attention to those details. CDARA has been a center of controversy between advocates for homeowners and advocates for home builders. Since it became effective in 2001, CDARA has been amended in 2003 (known as CDARA II) and in 2007 (through the Homeowner Protection Act of 2007), and was the subject of three more legislative bills in 2014, although none of the bills passed this year. Over the years, the changes to CDARA sought by builders have focused largely on placing limits on the kinds and amounts of damages that owners can pursue (such as the areas where triple damages are allowed through the CCPA), and on requiring opportunities to repair alleged defects before lawsuits are brought. Changes sought by owners, for example, have included limits on the ability of builders to insert provisions in their contracts whereby owners waive rights to various claims or damages. Another problem with condominiums arises out of Colorado’s owner-association statutes, set forth in the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. That act gives an owner association the power to “institute, defend or intervene in litigation or administrative proceedings in its own name on behalf of itself or two or more unit owners on matters affecting the common-interest community.” For better or for worse, this provision has been invoked in large-scale lawsuits alleging extensive construction defects in large condominium communities. While this may, in some cases, be a boon for the owners, such actions are the bane of condo builders, and such cases are one reason builders’ insurance costs are so high. Multiple online sources indicate that builders of condo developments containing 100 or more units get sued, rightly or wrongly, at least 80 percent of the time, that builders’ insurance costs for multi-family condos are three to four times as expensive as insurance costs for multi-family apartments, and the number of available insurance carriers for Colorado condo builders has dwindled from twenty in 2008 to five or six now. CDARA undoubtedly will remain a focus of political attention. More bills to amend CDARA provisions are likely to arise next year, and the powerful competing constituencies of homebuilders and homeowners are sure to keep the debate a lively one. Daniel W. Jones, an attorney for Coan, Payton & Payne LLC at the Greeley office, can be reached at or 970-3393500. HOW ARE YOUR BUSINESS SAVINGS STACKING UP? $3< %XVLQHVV0RQH\0DUNHW )RU%DODQFHVWR 5DWH*XDUDQWHHGWKUX'HFHPEHU <RXZRUNKDUGIRU\RXUPRQH\ <RXUPRQH\VKRXOGZRUNKDUGIRU\RXWRR,IDSURPRWLRQIRU\RXUPRQH\ LVORQJRYHUGXH³LQWURGXFH\RXUVDYLQJVWR9HFWUD%DQNDQGJLYH\RXU PRQH\WKHERRVWLQUHVSRQVLELOLW\LWGHVHUYHV 2SHQ\RXU0RQH\0DUNHWDFFRXQWWRGD\ YHFWUDEDQNFRP 5 3URDFWLYH5HODWLRQVKLS%DQNLQJ $3<$QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH<LHOG%XVLQHVV0RQH\0DUNHW5DWHVFXUUHQWDVRIDQGLVJXDUDQWHHGWKURXJK'HFHPEHU5DWHVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHDIWHU 'HFHPEHU0LQLPXPGHSRVLWDPRXQWWRHDUQDGYHUWLVHG$3<LV$3<LVEDVHGRQWKHIROORZLQJGDLO\EDODQFHWLHUV± $3< WR $3< $3<GHSRVLWVRYHUHDUQ$3<$9HFWUD%XVLQHVV&KHFNLQJ$FFRXQWLVUHTXLUHG 0LQLPXPEDODQFHUHTXLUHGWRDYRLGDVVRFLDWHGPDLQWHQDQFHIHHVLV)HHVPD\UHGXFHHDUQLQJV6HH%DQNHUIRUGHWDLOV 0HPEHU)',& 6 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 Broadband BizWest | from 1 in hopes of disrupting the market is a gamble given the risks involved for local taxpayers if the new utility doesn’t end up supporting itself. Still, the idea of injecting more competition into the marketplace is a difficult one to ignore for many cities, especially when they believe they can bring faster speeds and lower prices to their communities sooner rather than later. Based on prices for unbundled Internet services on Comcast’s website, the company’s highest tier of service offered locally in such cities as Longmont, Fort Collins and Denver is 105 megabits per second for $115 per month. But in Chattanooga, where a successful municipal broad- band network offering 1-gig speeds was launched five years ago, Comcast offers that 105-MB service for $90 per month. In Burlington, where the municipal broadband utility has been plagued by mismanagement and growing debt, Comcast touts its 105-MB service for $60 per month. Municipal broadband advocates admit that finding a cause-and-effect relationship between private ISPs’ location and pricing can be difficult to track. Cindy Parsons, vice president for public relations for Comcast in Denver, cautions that promotional rates for new customers often change from city to city. In Colorado, where the idea of municipal broadband is just starting to gain traction, Parsons said Comcast has increased speeds 13 times in the past 12 years, doubling the capacity of its network every 18 months. “Regarding our investment in broadband specifically, we have fiber at the core of our network,” Parsons said, “and for the past decade we have been extending it deeper into neighborhoods and closer to homes.” For a growing number of cities, however, those changes haven’t come fast enough. Tom Roiniotis, general manager for Longmont’s electric and communications utility, said that aside from faster speeds and lower prices, the city’s push to build out its own fiber network also www.HomeStateBank.DPm Our business loans adjust to Your business because we know every business customer deserves special consideration. Competitive Rates tFlexible TermTt-PDal DeDisions Your home for better banking. Member FDIC 970.203.6100 303.682.7100 Loans subject to credit approval. has been driven by the desire to attract and retain primary employers in an area where several growing communities are competing to lure businesses. Roiniotis said Longmont talked with Comcast and CenturyLink about when they might provide similar service to the city. He said the city never got the impression that such service for the city was a high priority for the ISPs. Instead, Longmont voters last fall authorized the city to issue up to $45 million in revenue bonds to fund the new network. The city ultimately issued $40.3 million in bonds, which it plans to pay back with broadband revenues over the next 15 years. The network is being built out in six stages, with the entire city expected to have access to the service by 2017. Residents who sign up for the service as soon as it becomes available in their area will be able to buy 1-gig service –10 times faster than Comcast’s 105-MB service and 25 times faster than CenturyLink’s 40-MB service – at a charter members rate of $50 per month. “If Comcast and CenturyLink were going to build a network like this here in the city, we wouldn’t have done it,” Roiniotis said. CenturyLink made a splash earlier this month by announcing plans to start offering 1-gig speeds in much of Denver as well as the “majority” of new developments as they’re built along the Front Range. A CenturyLink spokesperson said The Trails at Timberline and Buckinghorse Townhomes neighborhoods in Fort Collins, as well as the Solana 3100 Pearl apartments in Boulder, are examples of local areas that would have access to the 1-gig service, for which CenturyLink will charge about $150 per month unbundled or about $80 per month if bundled with other services such as phone or DirecTV. However, Scott Russell, CenturyLink general manager for the Denver metro area, said he couldn’t say when that type of service would be available in older areas. Major infrastructure investment, he said, is easier to provide for new construction than for established neighborhoods. Russell said the potential presence of municipal broadband wouldn’t likely have a big effect on CenturyLink’s pricing or services. Because of the high fixed costs involved, though, economies of scale absolutely would affect which areas are upgraded first, meaning much of the company’s focus will be on Denver in the near term. “Based on how the market responds, we’re going to continue to evaluate where we go from here,” Russell said. “Our strategy is always about going where we believe the customer demand is at. For this first big step, we believe in the center part of Denver there is opportunity to deploy at scale.” Comcast likewise is taking a market-demand approach to upgrades. As with Longmont, Fort Collins and Boulder aren’t sure what that means for them. While Boulder is waiting to see what voters decide in Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | November before it does any in-depth study into the costs and benefits of providing municipal broadband, Fort Collins is planning to employ such studies next year before moving forward with a vote. Fort Collins city manager Darin Atteberry will present his recommended 2015 budget to the city council next month. That budget includes $300,000 that would go toward evaluating case studies of other municipal broadband utilities, gathering feedback from the community, weighing different models and exploring what types of public-private partnerships might be available with such providers as Comcast and CenturyLink. Once all of the information is gathered, Atteberry said, if it seems municipal broadband would be beneficial, Fort Collins then would ask its voters for permission to provide such services. That vote, he said, could come in 2015 but would be more likely in 2016. “We think it’s going to be important to go out and see what others have done and learn from those lessons,” Atteberry said. Close to 100 communities nationwide have publicly owned fiber-to-thehome networks reaching most or all of their communities, according the Minneapolis-based Institute for Local Self-Reliance. Those networks have had varying degrees of success. Private providers question how fair it is for municipalities to be in competition with them, particularly when cities can charge the ISPs for rights of way and have say over some of the regulation that goes into such franchise agreements. If municipalities get into the business, they say, it should be limited to areas not served by private providers. Charles Davidson and Michael Santorelli, directors at The Advanced Communications Law & Policy Institute at New York Law School, published a paper in June outlining many of the risks involved with municipal broadband. Besides putting taxpayers and cities’ credit ratings at risk if the efforts go south as some have, they also assert that a wide variety of factors such as tax breaks have much more influence on businesses’ decisions about where to locate than access to ultra-fast Internet does. They write that publicly owned broadband utilities could upset the free market. “Introducing a ‘competitor’ with a perceived (or actual) competitive advantage because of its affiliation with government could chill or drive away investment, slow innovation, and undermine the very market forces that have fostered a vibrantly competitive environment in this space,” Davidson and Santorelli wrote. But Danna Bailey, a spokesperson for Chattanooga’s broadband utility, said the private ISPs in town – Comcast and AT&T – did the opposite when the city launched its broadband services. When Comcast launched its new Xfinity platform in 2010, Chattanooga Cities across the country, frustrated at their inability to access super-fast broadband services, are building their own networks and competing with the private sector. Here, a worker installs a superfast broadband network in Longmont. was one of the initial 10 cities to get the new bells and whistles alongside markets such as Boston, Philadelphia, Joshua Lindenstein can be reached at 303-630-1943, 970-416-7343 or Follow him on Twitter at @joshlindenstein. Jonathan Castner / For BizWest At Summit Bank & Trust we believe when a community bank gets to know you, great things happen; like quick and easy loan approvals, and products and services that make banking more enjoyable. Our wide variety of accounts and loans are backed by experienced, knowledgeable professionals ready to help with all of your business and personal banking needs. So come on in or log on to, and get to know the bank that gets to know you. 2002 E. Coalton Rd. %URRPÀHOG :DVKLQJWRQ6W 7KRUQWRQ 6%ULJJV6W (ULH EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Stephanie Miller 460.4713 Christopher Combs 439.4864 Andy Fritz 460.4733 7 Chicago, Washington and Seattle. Bailey said price increases from the private ISPs also suddenly halted about the time of Chattanooga’s municipal launch. “They did step up their game,” Bailey said. Of 170,000 total possible customers in the utility’s service area, Chattanooga has about 57,000 residential and 4,500 business customers. Longmont is hoping it can snare a similar proportion of the market. Roiniotis said the city’s goal is to have 34 percent market share within five years, a figure that would generate millions per year in revenue. As for competition, Longmont will provide phone service but not cable television, giving the ISPs an advantage in that regard. But in addition to the costs it would have added for the city, Roiniotis said one reason Longmont decided not to provide television service was because it sees it as a declining industry, with many viewers now watching their favorite shows over the Internet. Before it decided what services to offer, the city did a survey of the community about residents’ willingness to buy standalone Internet service. “Based upon the data we got,” Roiniotis said, “we feel pretty confident that the business plan will work here.” The kind of personal service you just don’t get anywhere else! Wendy Reynolds 460.4703 | Steve Slaughter 460.4704 Drew Sauer 460.4711 Kurt Sava 460.4702 8 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | business News digest Region’s jobless rate low again in July What follows is a compilation of recent online news reported online in BizWest Northern Colorado and BizWest Boulder Valley. Find the full stories at by using the search window at the top of the homepage. Colorado’s unemployment rate continued to be well below that of the nation as a whole in July, and the rates in Northern Colorado and the Boulder Valley were even lower. According to the survey of households done by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, the state’s jobless rate decreased two tenths of a percentage point in July to 5.3 percent. The Boulder-Longmont and Fort Collins-Loveland areas posted 4.3 percent jobless rates in July. Broomfield County had a 4.8 percent rate in July, while Greeley held steady at 5.4 percent for July over June, trailing the Northern Colorado pack but scoring a big improvement from a 7.2 percentage rate in July 2013. Posted Aug. 18. Boulder approves Avery Incentives worth $90K BOULDER – The city of Boulder has approved up to $90,000 in permit fee and tax rebates for Avery Brewing Co., as the growing craft brewery builds a new $27 million home in Gunbarrel. The 96,000-square-foot building Avery is constructing at 4910 Nautilus Court will include a taproom and restaurant in addition to the brewery. The new brewery is expected to double Avery’s initial production to 100,000 barrels per year, and employ at least 150 people. Posted Aug. 19. Schneider named interim Visit Fort Collins director FORT COLLINS – Katy Schneider, director of marketing for Visit Fort Collins, was named the convention and visitors’ bureau’s interim executive director, replacing Jim Clark, who abruptly resigned after nearly a decade at the helm. Gary Buffington, Visit Fort Collins board chairman, said he hoped to have a permanent replacement for Clark named by December. Schneider, who has worked with the bureau for more than seven years, is a member of the Colorado Tourism Office’s international promotions committee as well as many local board and committee positions. Posted Aug. 19. Boulder unveils utility transition plan BOULDER – The city of Boulder released a plan that includes buying power from Xcel Energy Inc. (NYSE: XEL) during the period when the city transitions to creating its own electric utility. The report outlines ways Boulder can provide a safe and reliable system, minimize customer impacts, manage costs and expand its renewable energy portfolio. The plan envisions that Boulder would begin operating its own utility and billing customers during the third quarter of 2016. The city, however, would have to buy “some or all of its energy from Xcel Energy for an interim period of time in order to minimize the city’s financial obligations, especially if Xcel Energy is successful in arguing that it is entitled to stranded costs.” Posted Aug. 14. Health-care administrative costs still rising, say CEOs Administrative costs for healthcare providers have soared because of the Affordable Care Act and lower health-care costs may be still years away, health care leaders said at a BizWest CEO Roundtable at Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti LLP in Boulder. Eight months after much of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate to purchase health insurance took effect, providers have seen administrative costs rise as they seek to follow a stream of regulations. The executives said they expect costs to continue rising for at least a few years, and that the ACA has decreased the population of uninsured people but has not lowered the cost of health care. They said billing insurers for services has led to higher costs for health care providers. Posted Aug. 19. Advanced Energy confirms layoffs FORT COLLINS – Advanced Energy Industries Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) laid off some employees, although how many people have lost their jobs remains unclear. Danny Herron, chief financial officer for Advanced Energy, said in an email that the company has “combined several positions in various locations across our company” as part of a reorganization. Advanced Energy executives announced the reorganization during an earnings conference call with analysts. Advanced Energy, based in Fort Collins, makes solar and precisionpower products. Posted Aug. 13. Bidder for Advantage Bank suing creditor LOVELAND – A Greeley oil and gas executive seeking to buy the financially troubled Advantage Bank has filed suit against a bank creditor, contending that it won a public auction to purchase the bank but is being blocked by the creditor who it claims also wishes to own the bank. Greeley-based Richmark Holdings Inc., for Mineral Resources Inc. President Arlo Richardson and his family, filed a motion for a preliminary injunction against Advantage Bank creditor Jeff Demaske of Windsor in Weld County District Court in Greeley July 21. A hearing on the preliminary injunction has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Sept. 18 in Weld District Court. Posted Aug. 13. Five new startups join CSU’s Innosphere hatchery FORT COLLINS – Five new companies have moved into the Colorado State University Hatchery at Rocky Mountain Innosphere. The five companies are all graduates of the Venture Accelerator Immersion Lab at CSU’s college of business. That program is a 16-week course in which student entrepreneurs are paired with mentors and business advisers. The five include: deYrd, a producer of wireless ear buds; Greyfall Training, which provides survival training as well as consulting to law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and federal agencies; TurfToes, which makes flip-flops that create the sensation of walking barefoot through grass; Tadpole Pedicabs; and Living Ink Technologies, which is developing greeting cards printed with blooming algae. Posted Aug. 12. Google Boulder eyes new offices at Pearl Place BOULDER – Google Information Inc. has signed a letter of intent to lease approximately 200,000 square feet of Class A-office space at the southwest corner of 30th and Pearl streets in Boulder, according to the Colorado Real Estate Journal. Google Boulder currently occupies Suite 110 at 2950 Pearl St. Forum Real Estate Group and Brickstone Partners Ltd., both based in Denver, are developing the Pearl Place site. Plans call for three four-story office buildings totaling about 300,000 square feet of space and underground parking. Posted Aug. 11. Manage your energy, your way SmartHub is a FREE and covenient app that allows you to access your account information. Use online or on any smartphone or tablet. Sign up at Pay your bill Report an outage View consumption history Update contact information ȱȱ¢țȱ Bizwest BizWest | Real Estate & Construction Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 10-11 12 13 20 | 9 |Engineering firms | Business parks | Column: Home sales | Property & casualty insurance firms Booming Noble plans more Greeley expansion Firm’s $9.4M addition to include training, fitness facilities By Doug Storum GREELEY — Only one year af ter complet i ng a t wo - stor y 66,500-square-foot field operations center in Greeley in 2012, Noble Energy Inc. put in the paperwork to add 75,300 more square feet to the site to support the rapid growth of its oil and gas operations in the DenverJulesburg Basin. The new addition is under construction and is valued at $ 9.4 million by the city of Greeley’s planning department. It’s the most significant commercial project the city has seen in the past 12 months in terms of cost, and second in size to 100,000 square feet of self-storage units being built by American Self-Serv Storage. Houston-based Noble Energy (NYSE: NBL) owns 23 acres in the Highpointe Business Park in the West Greeley Tech Center at the southwest tip of the city. The gray structure is visible to travelers along U.S. Highway 34. Noble Energy is one of the bigger oil and natural-gas producers in Weld County. It is operating about 6,000 wells between Denver International Airport and Wyoming in the D-J Basin that includes Greeley and Weld County. The company reported revenue of $1.4 billion and net income of $192 million during its second quarter ending June 30. A quarterly highlight was its record horizontal production of ➤ See Noble, 18 Doug Storum / BizWest Colorado Springs-based G.E. Johnson Construction Co. is building a 75,300-square-foot addition to Noble Energy Inc.’s field operations center at 2115 117th Ave. in southwest Greeley. This view is of the west side of the new construction. Doug Storum / BizWest This view is of the east side of Noble Energy’s new 75,300-square-foot wing, which connects to the original field office’s building seen on the right. 10 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest LIST BizWest | Engineering Firms Ranked by number of licensed engineers Number of licensed engineers Number of employees Services provided Current notable projects Phone Website Person in charge Title Year founded RANK Firm 1 Ayres Associates 3665 JFK Parkway, Building 2, Suite 200 Fort Collins, CO 80525 20 33 Full-service engineering firm providing consulting services in a variety of disciplines, including water resources engineering. Fountain Creek Channel improvements design, Woodland Park; Lewstone Creek Scour Stabilization, Fort Collins; Weld County 2013 flood response; City of Loveland 2013 flood response 970-223-5556 James Schall vice president 1967 2 3 4 5 Hyde Engineering + Consulting Inc. 6260 Lookout Road, Suite 120 Boulder, CO 80301 20 32 Engineering, commissioning and qualification of equipment and clean utility systems. 303-530-4526 John Hyde chairman/founder 1993 ESC Engineering Inc. 3540 JFK Parkway Fort Collins, CO 80525 16 61 Electrical power, planning, controls, automation and integration, GIS for utilities, municipals, and industry. Multiple transmission lines for Tri-State; GIS for City of Sterling 970-224-9100 Kevin Hartig president 1978 Anderson Consulting Engineers Inc. 375 E. Horsetooth Road, Building 5 Fort Collins, CO 80525 12 21 Civil engineering, water resources and environmental consulting. 970-226-0120 Bradley Anderson president 1998 Farnsworth Group 1612 Specht Point Road, Suite 105 Fort Collins, CO 80525 11 24 Water and wastewater engineering, civil engineering, survey, GIS, energy services, MEP engineering, commissioning, sustainability consulting, architecture. South Fort Collins Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion; Harmony Development, Timnath 970-484-7477 Brian Zick Richard Saxton principals 1891 6 7 Terracon Consultants Inc. 1901 Sharp Point Drive, Suite C Fort Collins, CO 80525 7 34 Geotechnical, environmental, materials and facilities. Lory Student Center Revitalization, CSU; Recreation Center, CU; Lancaster Cryogenic Plant, Fort Lupton; , Aurora Dairy Expansion, Boulder 970-484-0359 John Graves principal 1965 Interwest Consulting Group 1218 W. Ash St., Unit C Windsor, CO 80550 7 20 Civil engineering and entitlement processing; project management. Boulder County flood recovery; Woodward Technology Campus, Fort Collins; North College Ave. Corridor Improvements, Fort Collins; Main St. and Ken Pratt Blvd. intersection improvements, Longmont 970-674-3300 Terry Rodrigue president 2002 8 9 10 11 K L & A Inc. 421 E. Fourth St. Loveland, CO 80537 7 19 Consulting structural engineers. Aspen Art Museum 970-667-2426 Greg Kingsley CEO/president 1994 Triad Systems Engineering Inc. 2637 Midpoint Drive, Suite E Fort Collins, CO 80525 7 10 Design and build of instrumentation and control systems. 970-493-7586 2001 Geomega Inc. 2525 28th St., Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 6 45 Regulatory compliance, permitting, groundwater modeling, infiltration analysis, geochemical characterization, impact assessment, exit strategies, feasibility studies, forensics, litigation support. 303-443-9117 Andy Davis president/founder 1995 Northern Engineering Services 301 N. Howes St., Suite 100 Fort Collins, CO 80521 6 27 Civil engineering and land surveying services. Fort Collins Banner Health Medical Campus; Fort Collins Museum of Discovery; The District at Campus West; The Grove at Fort Collins; Odell Brewing Co.; Highland Meadows Golf Course; Timnath Ranch 970-221-4158 George Schock Bud Curtiss president vice president 1987 12 Scott, Cox & Associates Inc. 1530 55th St. Boulder, CO 80303 6 20 Land surveying, civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing and special inspections. 303-444-3051 Donald Ash M. Glassgow IV Principal principal 1959 Region surveyed includes Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties and the city of Brighton. LOCAL. LOYAL. COMMITTED. D OF OU OU R PR 40+ Years Fort Collins 970.204.0100 | IN B U SIN ES S Researched by Mariah Tauer Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | BizWest LIST | 11 Engineering Firms Ranked by number of licensed engineers Number of licensed engineers Number of employees Services provided Current notable projects Phone Website Person in charge Title Year founded RANK Firm 13 14 15 16 17 Lamp, Rynearson & Associates 4715 Innovation Drive, Suite 100 Fort Collins, CO 80525 6 17 Civil engineering, survey, planning and consulting firm. 970-226-0342 Frank Kohl principal 1959 CivilArts Inc. 1860 Lefthand Circle, Suite A Longmont, CO 80501 6 13 Civil engineering design for grading and drainage, utility infrastructure, streets, parking and platting. Boundary and alta surveys, design mapping and subdivision platting. 303-682-1131 Frank Drexel president 1994 Atkinson-Noland & Associates Inc. 2619 Spruce St. Boulder, CO 80302-3808 6 9 Structural engineers specializing in in-situ nondestructive testing and evaluation services; material testing; design of repairs; and forensic services for existing and historic masonry structures. 303-444-3620 Michael Schuller president 1975 Lightning Eliminators & Consultants Inc. 6687 Arapahoe Road Boulder, CO 80303 5 28 Lightning protection, grounding and surge protection design, solutions, equipment and systems based on charge transfer technology. 303-447-2828 Avram Saunders CEO/president 1971 CTL Thompson Inc. 351 Linden St., Suite 140 Fort Collins, CO 80524 5 27 Material testing, construction observation, structural and foundation design, geotechnical investigations, septic design, environmental engineering, asbestos testing, phase I and II site assessments. Max BRT line, Avago expansion, helical pier testing, Candelas subdivision 970-206-9455 Wayne Thompson branch manager 1971 18 19 20 21 22 AeroSolutions LLC 5500 Flatiron Parkway, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 5 21 Cellular tower reinforcement design. 720-304-6882 Jim Lockwood CEO 2004 Exponential Engineering Co. 328 Airpark Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524 5 19 Consulting electrical engineers. Tall Grass Energy - design of 16 substations; Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District - substation and transmission design; Xcel Energy - power plant relay upgrade design 970-207-9648 Thomas Ghidossi president/principal engineer 1993 Lidstone and Associates Inc. 4025 Automation Way, Building E Fort Collins, CO 80525 5 18 Engineering, geology and water resources consulting. 970-223-4705 Chris Lidstone president 1986 Olsson Associates 5285 McWhinney Blvd. Loveland, CO 80538 5 13 Engineering and design firm. Homestead Park neighborhood, Greeley; Kendall Brook neighborhood, Loveland; Caliche High School Water and Wastewater Treatment Facility 970-461-7733 Kris Pickett office leader 1956 Studio NYL Structural Engineers Inc. 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 314 Boulder, CO 80303 5 10 Structural design and facade consulting services for a wide variety of building types and materials including concrete, steel, timber, masonry, aluminum, structural glass and FRP. CSU Lory Student Center Addition; Denver Botanic Gardens Science Pavilion and Le Portager Pavilion 303-558-3145 Julian Lineham Christopher OHara principals 2004 23 Ascent Group Inc. 4909 Pearl East Circle, Suite 201 Boulder, CO 80301 5 9 Structural engineering. Denver Union Station; Flatirons Village; Grist Brewery; GSA Skaggs Building; Global Village Academy; Coal Creek Village; Pinnacle at Ute Creek; Fairfield Village at Quincy Reservoir 303-499-3022 Andrew Kelsey vice president 2000 24 Colorado Civil Group Inc. 1413 W. 29th St. Loveland, CO 80538 5 8 Civil Engineering consulting, Municipal Engineering, street design, potable and raw water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm drainage modeling and systems, land development, GIS. 970-278-0029 ext. 108 Dave Lindsay president 2007 Researched by Mariah Tauer Region surveyed includes Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties and the city of Brighton. < ( $56 ï 12 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest LIST BizWest | BUSINESS PARKS (Ranked by number of square feet developed) Developed space in square feet Developed space at 100% build out Principal tenants/ Amenities 1 2 3 4 5 Gunbarrel Business Park 6285 Lookout Road Boulder, CO 80301 5,567,000 5,567,000 Crispin Porter, Qualcomm, Lockheed Martin, Celestial Seasonings. N/A Andrew Freeman 303-449-1420; 303-892-1111 Centerra 2725 Rocky Mountain Ave. Loveland, CO 80538 3,700,000 13,750,000 Rock Bottom Brewery, Macy's Target, Staples, First National Bank, numreous car dealerships Regional location at U.S. 36 and I-25. Health club,restaurant, shopping, hotels, banking and entertainment. Ron Kuehl 970-613-4562 Colorado Technology Center Dillon Road and 96th Street Louisville, CO 80027 2,739,191 N/A Pearl Izumi, Design Mechanical, Vaisala Inc., Fresca Foods, Udi's Bakery, Service Pro, Babolat, Sierra Nevada N/A Carla Wilson 303-589-5271 Great Western Industrial Park 2005 Howard Smith Ave. East Windsor, CO 80550 2,300,000 12,000,000 Range Energy, Halliburton, Vestas, Hexcel, Schlumberger, Kodak, Musket, Great Western Daily service froom the Great Western Railway of Colorado with acess to BNSF & Union Pacific railroads Rich Montgomery 303-398-0500 Interlocken Advanced Technology Environment U.S. Highway 36 and Flatiron Circle Broomfield, CO 80021 1,877,477 1,800,000 Omni Interlocken Resort, Vail Resorts, N/A Frank Kelley Chris Phenicie 303-628-1700 6 7 Centennial Valley Business Park U.S. Highway 36 and McCaslin Boulevard Louisville, CO 80027 1,800,000 3,200,000 Zayo, Westcon, National Instruments, Cable Labs, Medtronic Walkable Amenties-Restaurants, day care, banking, retail shops Aaron DeJong 303-300-8850 The Campus at Longmont 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., No. 101 Longmont, CO 80501 1,246,220 1,246,220 Front Range Community College, Micron, nSpire Health, Hampton Inn, Lowes Histroic downtown, shopping, dining, trails and outdoor recreation Scott Garel Becky Gamble 303-647-4011 8 9 Corporate Center at Centennial Valley 363 Centennial Parkway Louisville, CO 80027 771,091 771,091 Envysion, GHX, Globelmmune N/A Blake Harris 720-528-6300 Flatiron Park 5500 Flatiron Parkway Boulder, CO 80301 740,000 2,100,000 RealD, Active Interest Media, Rogue Wave, Upslope N/A Scott Garel Becky Gamble 303-442-6995 10 11 Bromley Interstate Business Park Interstate 76 and Bromley Lane Brighton, CO 80601 650,000 3,300,000 United Power, Staples, Western United Electric Supply, Transwest, pony Express Storage. Interstate visability, BNSF rail, excess utility capacity, 15 minutes to DIA. Mike Camp 720-528-6373 Promontory Business Park U.S. Highway 34 Bypass and Colorado Highway 257 Greeley, CO 80634 538,838 5,000,000 State Farm, JBS Mountain views, commons area with lakes and trails, amphitheatre, campus-style setting, access to I-25 and Highway 85, utilities on site. Mark Bradley 970-346-9900 12 Clover Basin Business Park North 75th Street and Nelson Drive Longmont, CO 80503 450,000 1,200,000 Seagate Technology, OnCore Manufacturing, Microsoft. N/A Stan Whitaker 303-469-4200 RANK Business Park Leasing agent Phone Website Researched by Kiley Gant Regions surveyed include Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties. Extraordinary Happens Here Longmont Has the Right Environment for Your Company: •Over1millionsquarefeetofflexand industrialspaceavailable •CurrentlyhometoSeagate,Intrado,WesternDigital, DigitalGlobeandCircleGraphics •Shovel-readygreenfieldsites •OnestopfacilitationfromtheLongmont AreaEconomicCouncil •RapidResponseteamfromCitystafftomeetyour projecttimeline •Incentivesavailableforqualifyingprojects Theaters Canyon West Ballroom Rooftop Deck “The Lincoln Center’s beautiful, versatile spaces make our events feel customized and unique. Responsive and knowledgeable staff helped guide us in easy and worry-free planning. It is always a pleasure to host our events at the Lincoln Center.” Bohemian Foundation and Bohemian Companies 970-221-6369 | BizWest | Area home sales keep up last year’s pace R esidential home sales in the Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado continue to keep pace with last year’s record-breaking performance. For the year to date, sales are virtually even, the median price is up 4.3 percent to $260,700 and the total volume is now at $3.57 billion. Weld County reaL esTaTe is the only area with an increase Dave Pettigrew in sales, and all areas show a price increase for the year to date, ranging from 13.1 percent in Broomfield County to 6.0 percent in Boulder County. With 60 percent of the year in the books, we are on a pace for about 18,500 home sales compared with 18,689 last year. The median price should be in the range of $261,500, which would be a 5 percent increase over last year. The total volume is expected to break $6 billion for the first time. Sales in July actually showed a small increase, from 2,105 last year to 2,110 this year, and the median price was up 5.5 percent to $269,000. Just four years ago, in 2009, sales bottomed out at 13,647 and the Local home sales 2013 2014 Med. Price % Increase % Increase Sales Price 3,042 $355,237 -7.4% 6.0% $283,000 708 $320,000 -3.0% 13.1% 4,086 $239,900 3,871 $255,000 -5.3% 6.3% Weld County 2,997 $201,000 3,386 $222,700 13.0% 8.0% ToTaL/aVg. 11,099 $249,900 11,007 $260,700 -0.8% Med. Price Boulder County 3,286 $335,000 Broomfield County 730 Larimer County | 13 #1 BROKER ASSOCIATE AT GIBBONS-WHITE, INC. SINCE 2005 CHRIS BOSTON, CCIM, MBA Year-to-date (January - July) Sales Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 Sales Vice President of Brokerage Services D-303-586-5930 O-303-442-1040 CommerCial real estate Investment Property – Landlord &Tenant Representation 4.3% source: Dave Pettigrew median price dropped to $210,400. The total market volume in these two years averaged $3.65 billion, so the figures for 2013 and 2014 are a decided recovery. The good news is that the inventory of homes for sale is starting to increase. There are currently 6,510 active listings compared with 4,016 a month ago and 3,744 at the end of May. With an expected demand for 7,500 homes in the last five months of this year, there is now a 4.3-month supply, compared with a two- or three-month supply for the fi rst half of the year. This extra supply should help to moderate the price increase and, coupled with mortgage rates that are staying in the 4 percent range, it is about as good as it is going to get for home buyers. The National Association of Realtors just released the second-quarter report on the national median home pricing, and the 4.4-percent increase from a year earlier is the smallest annual gain in two years. This prompted Lawrence Yun, chief economist for NAR, to say, “The market is moving from being somewhat heated to a balanced market. We are returning to more moderate middle ground.” Dave Pettigrew can be contacted at or 970-2829305. Subscribe: 303-630-1956 ■ 970-232-3146 14 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | Growth in Greeley slower but steady By Doug Storum Doug Storum / BizWest W.M. Brown Construction Corp. of Westminster is building an 81-room Homewood Suites by Hilton at 2510 46th Ave. in Greeley. E GREELEY — The number of building permits issued by the city of Greeley spiked last fall, exceeding 1,000 in September and 1,300 in October, but since then has calmed down to an average of about 450 permits per month. The majority of permits are for renovations to homes and businesses and plans for single-family homes. Commercial projects valued at more than $100,000 are coming online at a much slower rate of three to five per month. The largest commercial project during the past year is the nearly $10 million, 75,000-square-foot expansion of Texas-based Noble Energy Inc.’s Colorado headquarters office building at 2115 117th Ave. in southwest Greeley (See page 9). Significant commercial and industrial projects that are in the works or have been recently completed include retail shops, fast-food restaurants, medical clinics, housing for seniors and midsize hotels. Two hotels making their way into the marketplace are a recently completed Candlewood Suites at 3530 W. 29th St. and an 81-room Homewood xplore Real Estate Trends and Network with NoCo’s Industry Leaders Topics Include UÜÌÜÃÊ>`Ê*>ÀÌiÀà «Ã UÕÃ}ÊvvÀ`>LÌÞ U,i>ÊÃÌ>ÌiÊ1«`>Ìi UiÛiÀ½ÃÊ1Ê-Ì>Ì U,i>ÊÃÌ>ÌiÊÜ>À`à Individual tickets $75, NCCAR and Everitt Real Estate Center Members $35 Event Sponsorships available Event Sponsorships pay for event costs, and proceeds benefit the Everitt Real Estate Center Real Estate Scholarship. Email for more information Denver Mayor V >iÊ°Ê>VV Bohemian Foundation’s -ÌÕÊ>V> Blue Ocean Enterprises’ -ÌiÛiÊ-V ÀÞiÀ Downtown Development Authority’sÊ>ÌÌÊ,Li>Ì Brinkman Partners’ à ÊÕiÀÃiÞ Economic & Planning System’s >ÊÕ` Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck’s ÀÕViÊ>ià Everitt Companies’ >Û`ÊÛiÀÌÌ Trammell Crow’s Êà iÀ Register today 3.5 hours of Continuing Education credits will be available for this conference £nÌ ÊÕ>Ê ÀÌ iÀÊ À>`Ê ,i>ÊÃÌ>ÌiÊ viÀiVi Embassy Suites | 4705 Clydesdale Parkway | Loveland, CO 80538 Wednesday, Oct. 1 | 12:30-5:30 p.m. Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | Suites by Hilton at 2510 46th Ave. being built by W.M. Brown Construction Corp. Sunrise Community Health is building a medical-office building at 1010 A St., next to its dental clinic already in operation at 1012 A St. The two-story, 21,000-square-foot medical-office building, being built by F.C.I. Constructors, is valued at $2.2 million. Fresenius Medical Care North America, a division of Massachusetts-based Fresenius Medical Care (NYSE: FMS), a provider of products and services for people undergoing dialysis because of chronic kidney failure, has completed a 7,660-square-foot medical center at 1212 Ninth St. Accessible Space Inc., a Minnesota-based company that provides low-income housing opportunities for adults with disabilities, is building the Chinook Wind Apartments, 60 units for seniors, at 6622 W. 10th St. Of the 60 apartments, 12 will be wheelchair accessible. The complex will feature a library, lounge, business center, computer lab and exercise facilities. “Chinook Wind helps address the market’s need for senior-living options and provides specialized housing that goes a long way toward alleviating challenges that many seniors face in their daily lives,” said Beth Stohr, director of low-income ➤ See greeley, 16 15 Doug Storum / BizWeSt chinook Wind Apartments, housing for low-income seniors, is going up at 6622 W. 10th St. in greeley. Making Green Building Common Practice For More information, or to join the Colorado Green Bulding Guild, please visit | Upgrading Facilities with the FUTURE in Mind (303) 661-0613 16 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | Glass Experts serving Colorado’s front range for over 45 years. Doug Storum / BizWeSt An architectural rendering shows what the chinook Wind Apartments complex will look like when completed. Your Ideas in Glass Phone: (303) 776-9511 • www .hillcrest NEW OFFICE, SAME GREAT SERVICE! RE/MAX Traditions Commercial Division Keith Kanemoto Bayne Gibson, CCIM Don Rulle, CCIM Ken Kanemoto, CCIM Ed Kanemoto, CCIM Ken Voss CALL FOR YOUR COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE NEEDS! greeLey from 15 housing tax credit investments for U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corp., U.S. Bank’s community development subsidiary. Also, the Villa at Greeley, a 94-unit assisted-living center at 1750 Sixth St., is nearing completion. Retail building activity has been brisk along Centerplace Drive in southeast Greeley. Fast-food restaurants Chick-fil-A, Steak ‘n’ Shake and Panera Bread, along with Ulta, a beauty salon and cosmetics retailer, are building along the drive. Construction of the Chick-fi l-A restaurant with a drive-through at 4555 Centerplace Drive by Embree Construction Group Inc. is valued at $675,000. Steak ‘n’ Shake’s restaurant at 4214 Centerplace Drive, being constructed by Fine Builders Inc. was valued at $750,000, and Panera Bread is adding to its presence in Greeley with a restaurant at 4333 Centerplace Drive. Roche Constructors recently completed office and warehouse space for Western Plains Seed and Garden Supply at 11407 24th St. The project was valued at $2 million. Roche also is putting the final touches on the $7.4 million Salida del Sol Academy, a kindergartenthrough-eighth-grade bilingual charter school at 111 E. 26th St. Other recent commercial const r uct ion project s include an 18,000-square foot Goodwill store at 2510 47th St.; a 5,000-square-foot Kum & Go convenience store at 6503 29th St.; and a Family Dollar Store at 130 22nd St. Doug Storum can be reached at 303630-1959, 970-416-7369 or dstorum@ Need to raise funds for your startup? We’ll be your angel. Serving Boulder County for over 35 years • Tenant and Landlord Representation • Land Sales/Development • Commercial Sales • Asset/Property Management • Market, Site and Financial Analysis 303-772-2222 2204 18th Ave., Longmont, CO 80501 BOULDEROPOLIS.COM S T A R T . I N N O V A T E . S O A R . Independently owned and operated. FUNDING | LIFESTYLE | RECREATION | JOBS BOARD Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | BizWest LIST | 17 Colleges and Universities Ranked by 2014 Fall Enrollment 2014 Full-time Part-time Undergraduates Grad. students MBA students Full-time teaching staff Part-time teaching staff Person in charge Title Year founded Website RANK Institution Phone/Fax 1 Colorado State University 900 Oval Drive Fort Collins, CO 80523 970-491-6444/N/A 31,514 27,034 4,480 22,565 3,927 184 1,470 240 Anthony (Tony) Frank president 1870 2 University of Colorado Boulder 565 UCB, University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80309 303-492-6893/303-492-4491 29,325 27,432 1,893 24,418 4,907 146 1,424 514 Philip DiStefano chancellor 1876 3 Front Range Community College 4616 S. Shields St. Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-226-2500/N/A 20,687 6,256 14,431 20,687 0 0 259 934 Andrew Dorsey president 1968 4 University of Northern Colorado 1862 10th Ave. Greeley, CO 80639 970-351-1890/970-351-3340 12,710 9,787 2,923 9,947 2,763 0 509 271 Kay Norton president 1889 5 Aims Community College 5401 W. 20th St. Greeley, CO 80634 970-339-6404/970-506-6929 4,500 1,600 2,900 4,500 0 0 200 300 Dr. Marsi Liddell CEO/president 1967 6 IBMC College 155 E. Boardwalk St., Suite 260 Fort Collins, CO 80525 970-223-2669/N/A 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 295 115 Steve Steele CEO 1987 7 Naropa University 2310 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-0202/303-444-0410 992 992 0 383 609 0 90 180 Charles G. Lief president 1974 8 University of Colorado Law School Campus Box 401 Boulder, CO 80309-0401 303-492-8047/303-492-1757 514 514 0 0 514 0 46 33 Philip J. Weiser dean 1892 9 Pingree Park Mountain Campus-CSU 8044 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523-8044 970-491-4747/N/A 0 200 0 200 0 0 5 0 Pat Rastall director 1914 Researched by Kiley Gant Regions surveyed include Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties. Source: BizWest survey Providing Integrity, Value & Outstanding Service Since 1986. ,ɉJPLUJ`>VYRZ TM is a new ,ɉJPLUJ`>VYRZ WHY[ULYZOPW is a new TM HTVUNÄ]L WHY[ULYZOPW Northern HTVUNÄ]L Loveland (970) 669-7609 Fort Collins (970) 224-3242 Granby (970) 531-0960 3317 North Lincoln Avenue Loveland, CO 80538 Colorado utilities. Northern Colorado utilities. We help you identify and implement JVZ[LɈLJ[P]LLɉJPLUJ`\WNYHKLZ We help you identify and implement MVY`V\YI\ZPULZZ JVZ[LɈLJ[P]LLɉJPLUJ`\WNYHKLZ MVY`V\YI\ZPULZZ The most sustainable way to use energy is to use as little HZULJLZZHY`[VTLL[`V\YULLKZ<ZPUNLULYN`LɉJPLU[S` The most sustainable way to use energy is to use as little PZHSZV[OLTVZ[JVZ[LɈLJ[P]L^H`[VYLK\JLLTPZZPVUZ HZULJLZZHY`[VTLL[`V\YULLKZ<ZPUNLULYN`LɉJPLU[S` VMNYLLUOV\ZLNHZLZ>P[O[OPZPUTPUK,ɉJPLUJ`>VYRZ PZHSZV[OLTVZ[JVZ[LɈLJ[P]L^H`[VYLK\JLLTPZZPVUZ VɈLYZHZZPZ[HUJL[VOLSW`V\ZH]LLULYN`ZH]LTVUL` VMNYLLUOV\ZLNHZLZ>P[O[OPZPUTPUK,ɉJPLUJ`>VYRZ HUKWYV[LJ[[OLLU]PYVUTLU[ VɈLYZHZZPZ[HUJL[VOLSW`V\ZH]LLULYN`ZH]LTVUL` Visit^^^,ɉJPLUJ`>VYRZ*6[VZPNU\WMVYHMYLL HUKWYV[LJ[[OLLU]PYVUTLU[ MHJPSP[`HZZLZZTLU[HWWS`MVYLɉJPLUJ`YLIH[LZHUK Visit^^^,ɉJPLUJ`>VYRZ*6[VZPNU\WMVYHMYLL ÄUKHSVJHS,ɉJPLUJ`>VYRZ7YV]PKLY[VPTWSLTLU[`V\Y MHJPSP[`HZZLZZTLU[HWWS`MVYLɉJPLUJ`YLIH[LZHUK LɉJPLUJ`WYVQLJ[ ÄUKHSVJHS,ɉJPLUJ`>VYRZ7YV]PKLY[VPTWSLTLU[`V\Y LɉJPLUJ`WYVQLJ[ 18 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 noBLe BizWest | from 9 112,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from the D-J Basin and Marcellus Shale plays, 56 percent higher than second quarter of last year. The D-J Basin is centered in eastern Colorado and extends into southeast Wyoming, western Nebraska and western Kansas. Marcellus shale is centered in the Appalachian Mountains. Noble officials did not respond to requests for comment for this article, but in a second-quarter earnings statement, Noble chairman Charles Davidson said the company’s growth plans are on track. “We continued to make great progress on numerous fronts during the second quarter and fi nd ourselves well-positioned to accelerate our growth profi le in the second half of 2014 and into 2015,” Davidson said. The company is accelerating its long-term growth plans in the D-J Basin and is forecasting that its production companywide will more than double by 2018, and its cash flow will increase to $1 billion per year. Noble’s new three-story wing in Greeley will have more offices, training operations and a fitness center for employees. Noble has about 280 employees housed in the original building and about 150 off-site employees, known as pumpers, who maintain and repair wells and visit the main office about once a week. The new wing will have office Doug Storum / BizWeSt noble energy inc. built this 66,500-square-foot office building in 2012 for its colorado field operations center to house 300 employees, a combination of workers moved from an office in Platteville along with new hires. space for another 170 employees and 90 pumpers, a training yard and four open-side pavilions housing display and training equipment along with a three-bay loading dock, according to city documents. Denver-based Barker Architecture handled the design, and Colorado Springs-based G.E. Johnson Construction Co., which built the original center, is building the addition. A nada rko Pet roleu m Cor p. ( N YSE : A PC ) , a not her la rge Weld County oil producer, built a 50,000-square-foot office building in the Platteville Energy Park last year to house 150 employees. Doug Storum can be reached at 303630-1959 or 970-416-7369 and via email at SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS! ClimateWise, Business Smart Wherethe the Rubber Meets the Road It’s All About Bike at Intel. New Belgium Brewing Company is no stranger to sustainability. Nearly everything it does incorporates sustainability. In partnering with Waste-Not Recycling and the Fort Collins Bike Co-op, they created a program enabling residents to drop off un-patchable tubes and tires at the Bike Co-op where they are recycled. It just goes to show that the rubber can meet the road when it comes to sustainability. At Farmers Bank, all deposits and money stay here to support and fund other local businesses. These people are your customers, your neighbors and your friends. Can the “Mega” banks in town say that? 713 S. Lemay Ave., • Ft. Collins CO • 970.221.2020 119 First St., Ault CO • 970.834.2121 • 800.241.4440 Ali, New Belgium Brewing ClimateWise Paltinum Partner Photo by Cambon Studios Exploring craft/micro beers one pour at a time! S A T U R D AY Exploring Exploring craft/micro craft/micro beersbeers one pour one pour at a time! at a time!pm Saturday, September 13, 1:00-6:00 Sept.Lafayette 13th, 2014 Marketplace 1:00pm6:00pm 400 W. South Boulder Rd., Lafayette LAFAYETTE MARKETPLACE SS AA TU TU RR DD AY AY Sept. Sept. 13th, 13th, 2014 2014 For more information go to, call 303-666-9555 or email LIVE6:00pm 1:00pm1:00pm6:00pm 400 W. S. Boulder Rd. Lafayette Presenting Sponsor LAFAYETTE LAFAYETTE MARKETPLACE MARKETPLACE Presenting Sponsor TheBoulder Chris Band Presenting Sponsor 400 W. 400 S.W. Boulder S. Rd.Daniels Lafayette Rd. Lafayette Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | 19 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN GREELEY Here is a chart showing commercial construction projects in the city of Greeley in various stages, including proposed, approved and under construction. The location of each project can be found by the corresponding number on the map. 21 4th ST. 22 10th ST. 10th ST. 34 15 20th ST. 34 47th AVE. 34 23th AVE. 18 71st AVE. 95th AVE. 14th AVE. 16th ST. 8 19 12 14 11 20 23 9 8th AVE. 34 11th AVE. 7 5th ST. BUS 4 5 13 17 BUS 85 3 2 1 16 10 6 45 45 PROPOSED 1 Name of Project A & W Water NA 3040 4th Ave. 2 CDOT Headquarters 3 Chipper’s Lanes 4 City Center West 5 City Center West 6 7 8 9 10 11 APPROVED Building sf/acres 40,000 Description Outdoor storage of oil and gas supplies 12 Anderson Sales & Salvage Office building 13 McDonald’s 14 Mineral Resources Inc. 15 Mineral Resources Inc. North of 13th Street between 59th and 65th avenues 1061 Highway 34 5,500 Name of Project Expansion of bowling alley 2454 8th Ave. 36,000 Health cub 12,000 Les Schwab Tire Center 9,600 Addition for office and warehouse NA Horizontal wells SW corner of 8th Street and future 69th Avenue Lot 2, Block 1 Greeley Furnace Co. NW corner of 95th Avenue and 10th Street Mineral Resources Inc. NA Horizontal wells Mineral Resources Inc. 17 NA Horizontal wells 18 NA Horizontal wells 19 401 17th St. Mineral Resources Inc. NE corner of 32nd Street and 29th Avenue Synergy Resources Corp. 20 NA Centerplace Drive and 38th Avenue Source: City of Greeley Planning Department 12,000 Equipment building 4,400 Fast-food restaurant NA Expansion of existing oil and gas facility NA Directional and horizontal wells 1490 E. 8th St. NW corner of 10th Street and 69th Avenue Highway 34 Bypass/ 1st Avenue Name of Project 16 71st Avenue south of Sheep Draw Description UNDER CONSTRUCTION 112 E. 30th St. Greeley Roth Oil & Gas Building sf/acres Horizontal wells 21 American Self-Serv Storage Building sf/acres Description 100,000 Self-storage units NA 60-unit affordable apartment complex for seniors NA 81-room hotel 75,000 Headquarters expansion 3,750 Fast-food restaurant 21,000 Community health clinic NA Horizontal wells 10,000 Beauty salon and cosmetic retail store 2450 29th St. Chinook Wind Apartment 6622 W. 10th St. Homewood Suites by Hilton 2510 46th Ave. Noble Energy Inc. 2231 117th Ave. Steak ’n’ Shake 4214 Centerplace Drive Sunrise North Greeley 1010 A St. 22 Synergy Resources Corp. 23 Ulta Salon 66th Avenue and 4th Street Centerplace Shopping Center 20 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest LIST BizWest | Property & Casualty Insurance Firms Number of licensed agents Number of employees Number of offices First name Title Year founded Phone/Fax Website RANK Company 1 2 TrueNorth Insurance and Financial Strategies 275 S. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 196 240 1 303-776-5122/303-776-5495 Bryan Taylor Managing Director 1905 Flood and Peterson 4687 W. 18th St. Greeley, CO 80634 80 115 2 970-356-0123/970-506-6836 Royal Lovell Brett Kemp executive vice presidents 1939 3 4 5 6 7 8 PFS Insurance Group LLC 4848 Thompson Parkway, Suite 200 Johnstown, CO 80534 30 35 1 970-635-9400/970-635-9401 Dave Janssen managing principal 1999 Taggart Insurance 1600 Canyon Blvd. Boulder, CO 80302 14 33 1 303-442-1484/303-442-8822 Mike Taggart president 1933 Brown and Brown Insurance 4532 Boardwalk Drive, Suite 200 Fort Collins, CO 80525 13 15 1 970-482-7747/970-484-4165 Greg Soden executive vice president 1939 Ewing Leavitt Insurance Agency Inc. 4025 St. Cloud Drive, Suite 100 Loveland, CO 80538 9 12 2 970-679-7333/866-456-4265 Steve Ewing president 1980 Long's Insurance Agency 7800 Miller Drive, Unit C Frederick, CO 80504 5 5 1 720-684-6012/N/A Jim Long principal 2008 VolkBell 1100 Haxton Drive, Unit 100 Fort Collins, CO 80525 4 5 3 970-223-1804/N/A John Bell Steve Smith principals 1987 9 10 11 12 Front Range Insurance Group LLC 1100 Haxton Drive, Suite 100 Fort Collins, CO 80525 3 8 1 970-223-1804/970-225-6596 Dave Woolridge owner 1985 John C. Beckett & Associates Inc. 220 Smith St. Fort Collins, CO 80524 3 4 1 970-484-2805/970-484-2885 Tim Beckett president 1983 Roy Christman Agency - American Family Insurance 2903 Aspen Drive, Unit D Loveland, CO 80538 3 4 1 970-669-0007/970-669-0008 Roy Christman owner/agent 1997 Daniel Insurance Agency 2627 Redwing Road, Suite 330 Fort Collins, CO 80526 1 2 1 970-223-5902/N/A Carl Daniel owner 2002 Researched by Kiley Gant Regions surveyed include Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties Now Shred Here® Does Hard Drive Shredding & Electronics Recycling Just like our secure document shred & watch service… We will shred your hard drive while you are here, so you leave with the peace of mind that your information has been completely destroyed. THE BENEFITS NAVIGATOR TM We also offer a pick-up service for those larger jobs. Please call us at 970-493-2455 to schedule a pick-up today. Just look for the The Benefits NavigatorTM is our landmark corporate risk management program that dispels the myths of employee benefits, improves departmental clarity and reduces organizational exposures and costs so that business leaders align the real costs of healthcare benefits with employee accountability. ® LIFE | HEALTH | HOME | AUTO | BUSINESS Learn more by calling 303/776-5122. Monday-Friday 9-5 5001 South College, Unit B Fort Collins, CO 80525 signs. Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | AN ADVERTISING FEATURE OF BIZWEST ThoughtLeaders BUSINESS ANSWERS TO PRESSING B2B MATTERS HEALTH CARE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Health and Wellness in Fort Collins Northern Colorado Industrial Market In a unique partnership, the City of Fort Collins, Columbine Health Systems and University of Colorado Health have combined resources to provide accessible and affordable Health & Wellness programming as part of the Senior Center Expansion. Launching in September of 2014, a variety of new wellness opportunities will become available to the community with Diane Horak a focus on 50-plus. The ultimate Program Manager goal is to provide a sequence of programs that will deliver evidence based outcomes for a variety of health issues. Wellness topics such as stress relief, weight management, chronic condition support, pain relief, nutrition, and hearing and eye health, to name a few, will be offered at the Senior Center by vetted experts in their field. On going services such as massage, Rossiter, acupuncture and reflexology will also be available. See the green Health and Wellness pullout in the Fall Recreator for a complete list of activities and registration information. The resurgence of the national economy has been bolstered locally by the oil and gas and new construction boom in Northern Colorado. There has been a flood of national and regional companies moving into this market to take advantage of the prospering local economy. This has led to the lowest industrial vacancy rates this market has seen in many years, causing rental rates to increase drastically Nate Heckel along with driving up the cost to Vice President buy and build new. Cassidy Turley Vacancy rates in Larimer and Weld counties have dipped below 2.5% causing average rental rates to climb over $7.00 per square foot triple-net (NNN). Some industrial buildings between 5,000-15,000 SF are drawing lease rates of $12/ SF NNN +. These trends will continue for the foreseeable future with the cost to build new being so high. The heightened industrial market should continue to spur on the local economy and is a good indicator that economic recovery in Northern Colorado is in full swing. Diane Horak Program Manager 1200 Raintree Drive (Senior Center) Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-305-1912 diane.horak@columbinehealth.c0om Challenging the Conventional ACCOUNTING Tax Credits Incentivize Small Businesses to Offer Health Insurance If you’re like many business owners out there, you’re still reeling from the complicated web of paperwork and regulations that came with the Affordable Care Act. Most small businesses are shielded from the coverage requirements of the ACA, but for many companies it may be beneficial to offer a plan anyway. Mark E. Lumsden, Since 2010, a tax credit has been CPA available to qualifying small employ- Anton Collins Mitchell ers that pay at least half of their employees’ health premiums. Originally 35% of premiums paid (25% for tax-exempt employers), the credit is now 50% (35% for tax-exempt employers) for tax years beginning in 2014 or later. Starting in 2014, premiums only qualify if the plan is offered through the SHOP marketplace (Connect For Health Colorado, for Colorado businesses). When discussing tax law, the rules can be complicated, so it’s best to discuss this opportunity with your tax professional. In this age of talent shortages, offering a health plan could increase competitiveness in the job market. Offering the benefit at half the cost might just prove to be win-win for your business. 772 Whalers Way, #200 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Phone: 970.267.7724 Email: Mark E. Lumsden, CPA 303-440-0399 Challenging the Conventional Challenging the Conventional Driving Superior Results for Our Clients Discover the value of industry veterans, supported by an innovative platform, delivering new solutions to your most challenging real estate needs. Discover Opportunity in Commercial Real Estate Capital Markets / Project Leasing / Property Management / Tenant Representation Corporate Services / Project & Development Services Driving Superior Results for Our Clients Discover the value of industry veterans, supported by an innovative platform, delivering new solutions to your most challenging real estate needs. Discover Opportunity in Commercial Real Estate 21 22 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 Wells BizWest | from 3 mission replaces a previous 350-foot setback for urban areas and a 150-foot requirement for rural ones. Synergy Resources Corp., based in Platteville, recently completed a drill site east of 66th Avenue and west of Fourth Street in Greeley. It is across the street from an apartment complex under construction and near Northridge High School’s football field, but it met setback requirements at the time. Mueller said while the state must issue the drilling permit and govern how far a well should be from homes and schools, the city’s special-use review process for wells includes notifying landowners within 500 feet of the proposed drilling site and offering a forum for public comments. According to Greeley’s municipal code, written prior to the commission’s new setback rules, a well and storage tank needed to be at least 200 feet away from a habitable building and 150 feet from streets. For higher-impact areas such as schools and homes, oil and gas tanks typically needed to be set back 500 feet. The city can require screening and “camouflage” requirements to try to hide the wells from site, Mueller said. While the state monitors and governs air quality and emission standards, most aspects of potential Doug Storum / BizWest Homes are near Synergy Resources Corp.’s natural-gas drill and storage site in Greeley. While the state must issue the drilling permit and enforce setback rules, the city’s special-use review process for wells includes notifying landowners within 500 feet of the proposed drilling site and offering a forum for public comments. surface impacts are part of local government regulations, Mueller said. Blue Onion is a Colorado spot media buying agency with complementary services ranging from video production and post-production to Web design and brand strategy. Blue Onion COO, Todd Kuhlmann and CEO/President Norty Frickey Our business doesn’t run in slow motion—neither can our bank. In the high-tech world of special effects video, green screens and computer graphics, Blue Onion switched banks because of good, old-fashioned customer service. “We needed big-bank products and solutions, but preferred small-bank personal service. Colorado Business Bank gave us the best of both worlds.” Solutions for success. Now that’s a wrap. Proud to support our community’s growth COBIZBANK.COM • PART OF COBIZ BANK • MEMBER FDIC The city of Greeley regulates impacts to roads and maintenance of a drill site including the control of weeds. Striking deals Greeley-based Mineral Resources has applications for four wells in the works, and the city recently approved land-use permits for two others. Like other companies, Mineral Resources has been striking deals for mineral rights with property owners inside city limits for years. A Mineral Resources spokeswoman said the company has experienced about a 90 percent success rate. It uses a mail campaign, sending letters to property owners offering them several options: a one-time buyout of mineral rights, an oil and gas lease with royalty payments based on production, or giving them the opportunity to become partners in the well for an upfront fee of $10,000. Homeowners are offered a signing bonus of $300 per acre. The agreement locks in the homeowners, and even if a subsequent search of records reveals the homeowners don’t own the mineral rights, they get to keep the signing bonus. When the company identifies a potential well site, it will send the letters to homeowners in the area, sometimes prior to knowing who owns the mineral rights. The company staff researches public records to determine the mineral ownership in each of its project areas. For farm and ranch projects, the process can take weeks or perhaps months; in urban settings, the process literally can take years to complete, the company explained on its website. Mueller said the city is not involved in these mineral-rights deals. “These are private real estate transactions,” he said. Mineral Resources offers royalties of 14 percent of the gross produced, proportionate to the amount of land owned. Royalties are higher for someone who partners with the company, but they also must share in some of the operational costs. Mineral Resources’ horizontal wells generally are drilled to a depth of 7,000 feet and can stretch horizontally beneath the surface up to a mile, according to Mineral Resources’ spokeswoman. Doug Storum can be reached at 303630-1959, 720-416-7369 or dstorum@ BizWest BizWest | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 | 23 Discoveries FOCUS: Universities, Labs & The Economy Jonathan Castner / for BizWest Boulder-based Sibelloptics has developed a wind-mapping device it believes will help firefighters pinpoint remote fires more quickly and help air traffic controllers manage flights more efficiently in high winds. Showing off the device are co-founders Steve Vetorino, left, and Rich Higgins. Boulder firm’s mission: Watch the wind If only raising cash for prototype were a breeze By Joshua Lindenstein BERTHOUD — Initial reports of smoke in the Waldo Canyon area near Colorado Springs began filtering in to local fire departments on June 22, 2012. But first responders looked for the source of the smoke until dark that day, to no avail. Flames weren’t located until around noon the next day – and by then dry and windy conditions had the blaze well on its way to becoming what was at the time the most destructive wildfire in Colorado history. Now, a Boulder-based company has developed a wind-mapping device it believes could have helped those first responders pinpoint the source of the smoke in mountainous terrain well before the fire got out of hand. “It potentially could have made a huge, huge difference,” said Rich Higgins, co-founder and vice president for cyber systems at Sibelloptics LLC. Originally developed for NASA to study the wake vortices produced by the wings of large aircraft, Sibelloptics is marketing its Windimager for all types of practical applications, from helping firefighters to increasing wind-farm efficiency and pollution tracking. The fiber-optic light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system can create a real-time picture of wind activity covering a 15-kilometer (9.3mile) radius that extends from the ground to up to 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) into the sky. Sibelloptics also is in a race against the calendar to raise the funds necessary to build a second Windimager that it can show off to potential customers. NASA – which funded development of the device through $1.75 million in Small Business Innovation Research grants – owns the first Windimager. Sibelloptics has the device at the Berthoud home of co-founder Steve Vetorino for a few more weeks while the company updates and tests new software before it must ship it back to NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia. In the meantime, the company has revved up an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign in an attempt to raise the $750,000 needed to build another device and ramp up marketing. “It’s got a lot of value,” Vetorino said. “It’s just that we don’t have the money to build another one, and we need that to be able to demonstrate to airports, wind farms, firefighters.” The use of the device at airports could help in a variety of applica➤ See Discoveries, 24 24 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | Discoveries Professor V. Chandrasekar at CSU’s CHILL radar site The Science of Better Detection. With more than 800 tornadoes touching down in the U.S. each year, CSU is focused on public safety by developing the next generation of severe weather early detection systems. from 23 tions itself. In addition to the wake vortices, Windimager, or “Windy” for short, also can help detect dangerous wind shear or microburst events near the ground, giving pilots warning as they get ready to take off or land. But largely, NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration want to get a better idea of what happens to the wake vortices in clear airspace. “This wake measurement is a really important issue for air traffic management,” said Narashima Prasad, an aerospace technologist at Langley. The swirling horizontal columns can create a major hazard for trailing aircraft that pass through them. As a general rule of thumb, airports try to keep large commercial-type aircraft five miles apart, Vetorino said. But with air traffic expected to increase significantly in coming years, more precise knowledge of the wake vortices could help reduce the needed buffer between planes, thus decreasing the time needed between planes taking off and landing. “You can’t just build more airports,” Vetorino said. “People don’t like more airports. They don’t like more runways. So they’ve got to figure out how to do a better job with what they’ve got.” Windimager isn’t the first device of its kind. Vetorino helped develop Lockheed Martin’s WindTracer, a device with similar capabilities. WindTracers are in operation at airports in Hong Kong and Japan, and the FAA owns three itself. But Windimager, at a projected price tag of about $1 million for airports, is less than half the price of WindTracer, Vetorino said. It’s also much smaller. While the WindTracer is more high-powered, Vetorino said the Windimager is more adaptable as far as the range of phenomenon that can be observed. “Right now it has a lot of advantages in not only cost but in the agility it can provide,” Prasad said. That agility is one of the major selling points. In the case of the Waldo Canyon Fire, had firefighters had access to Windy, they could have placed it atop a ridge or mountain overlooking a wide area near where the reports of smoke were coming from. Unlike radar, which has a longer range but can only see larger events such as storms or water droplets in the air, the LIDAR system interacts with dust particles and would have been able to detect the smoke plume above the trees before it was easily visible. In addition to locating wildfires, the system could be used to monitor winds while firefighters are battling blazes and give them enough advance warning of wind shifts that they could get out of harm’s way. Other applications include pollution tracking. In a train crash resulting Project2_Layout 1 1/11/13 1:49 PM Page 1 CU research partnerships The ROI on innovation has never been stronger. with national laboratories deliver new knowledge and learning opportunities, a surging entrepreneurial environment, and a positive impact on our economy and quality of life. The Power of Partnership The University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus has established a national leadership position in transforming university innovations into real-world medicines. We are a catalyst—bringing faculty inventors and researchers together with biotechnology, pharmaceutical, device and information technology companies—to translate ideas into products that make a difference. It’s a partnership that provides seamless collaboration between our researchers and clinicians, and your company—supported by our broad range of research labs, affiliated hospitals and bio-specimen facilities. We offer the kind of connections and services that ensure ideas are leveraged to their greatest potential and improve clinical outcomes. To learn how your company can take advantage of our fresh thinking, research expertise and partnership approach, visit Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | in a chlorine spill, for instance, the device could identify and monitor the escaping, airborne chlorine. For wind farms, Windy’s data could be used to keep turbines oriented in the optimal direction for coming wind, and give operators time to adjust the pitch of blades to protect against damaging wind events. Windy’s creators also see the device coming in handy for marinas, which could provide wind data to boaters via mobile app. Getting to the point of commercialization has been about two and a half years in the making. Vetorino and Higgins founded the company along with president Russ Sibell and vice president for research Allen Tracy. Vetorino, Sibell and Tracy worked together at Coherent Technologies Inc., which was acquired by Lockheed Martin. Higgins, meanwhile, spent much of his career working in the cable industry after attending Colorado State University with Vetorino. While the cost of Windy would be about $1 million for airports because of the advanced software needed for their use, that figure would be more in the $500,000 to $600,000 range for other applications. Higgins and Vetorino said they hope the company could sell enough devices early on that they could use profits to build Windimagers that would be available to lease for fire agencies, which are often strapped for cash and might need the device for only a few months out of the year anyway. 25 How Windimager works Light Detec3on And Ranging 2 Each pulse illuminates a small volume of air. Particles and aerosols moving with the air reflect energy back to the receiver. This energy is frequency-shifted according to the Doppler effect. The shift in frequency is directly related to the average wind speed. 1 Windimager emits eye-safe laser pulses 4,00020,000 times per second. 4 Transmitting the beam through a scanner allows the system to quickly generate wind and pollutant profile maps. 3 High-speed data processing calculates the average wind speed from the Doppler-shifted returns. Windimager For now, though, the company is just focusing on producing a second Windy. If the crowdfunding campaign comes up short, the Sibelloptics crew may turn to angel investors to get the commercial venture off the ground. “If we can build enough of these things and make them inexpensive enough, then you’re really looking Realities For Children’s Business Members Make it their business to make a difference Realities For Children Charities is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing for children in Larimer County who have been abused, neglected or are at-risk. In order to maintain 100% distribution of donations; we have over 170 local businesses underwrite our administrative expenses. Whenever you shop, dine or hire one of these businesses, you are becoming part of the solution to child abuse in our community. at sort of a disruptive technology, because it opens lots of other markets,” Higgins said, noting television stations or smaller airports that could make use of the technology. “Unfortunately firefighters, they’re out there risking everything. But they never have money,” Higgins said. “So it would be really great if we could 1 build these things inexpensively enough that we could actually get a lot of these into the hands of firefighters so they could help save lives.” Joshua Lindenstein can be reached at 303-630-1943, 970-416-7343 or Follow him on Twitter at @joshlindenstein. Connecting you With Your Customers . Connecting Connecting you you WithWith YourYour Customers Connecting you Customers . . • Business Telecommunications Solutions (Voice and Data) • Voice Processing Systems • Voice over IP Solutions • Business Telecommunications Solutions • Business Telecommunications Solutions Business Telecommunications Solutions Call Center Applications and Management •••Business Telecommunications Solutions (Voice and Data) (Voice and Data) (Voice andData) Data) and •(Voice Call Accounting • VoicePackages Processing Systems •• Voice Processing Systems Voice Processing Systems ••Voice Processing Systems Paging Solutions • IP Voice over IP Solutions • Voice over Solutions • Business Telecommunications Solutions Voice over IPSolutions Solutions •••Voice over Voice and•IP Data Cabling Call Center Applications and Management (Voice and Data) •• Call Center Applications and Management Call CenterWarranty Applications andManagement Management ••Call Center Applications Extended and and Partnership Programs • Call Accounting Packages • Voice Processing SystemsPackages • Call Accounting Call Accounting Packages •••Call Accounting Packages Service, Repair, and Remote Support • Paging Solutions • Voice over IP Solutions • Paging Solutions Paging Solutions •••Paging Moves,Solutions Adds, and Changes •Data Voice and Data Cabling • Call Center Applications and Management • Voice and Cabling Voice andData Data Cabling •••Voice and Cabling Full Project Management • Extended Warranty and Partnership Programs • Call Accounting Packages • Extended Warranty and Partnership Programs Extended Warranty andPartnership PartnershipPrograms Programs •••Extended and BusinessWarranty Financial Solutions • Service, Repair, and Remote Support • Paging Solutions • Service, Repair, and Remote Support Service,Repair, Repair,and andRemote RemoteSupport Support ••Service, • Moves, Adds, and Changes • Voice and Data Cabling • Moves, Adds, and Changes Moves, Adds,and andChanges Changes ••Moves, Adds, •and Full Project Management • Extended Warranty Partnership •• Full Project Management FullProject ProjectManagement Management Programs • Full • Remote Business Financial Solutions • Service,•• Repair, and Support Business Financial Solutions BusinessFinancial FinancialSolutions Solutions • Business • Moves, Adds, and Changes • Full Project Management • Business Financial Solutions With Your Customers. 970-282-7500 970-282-7500 970-282-7500 970-282-7500 We Welcome These New Business Members! Mountain Plains Group East Your membership fee is a tax deductible business marketing expense. We will provide you with comprehensive marketing benefits AND you will be giving back to the most vulnerable members of our community. | Realities For Children provides for the unmet needs of children who have been abused, neglected or are at-risk by uniting local businesses, youth agencies and the community in collaborative and mutually beneficial service. Connecting you With Your • Business Telecommunications Solutions (Voice and Data) • Voice Processing Systems • Voice over IP Solutions • Call Center Applications and Management • Call Accounting Packages • Paging Solutions • Voice and Data Cabling • Extended Warranty and Partnership Programs • Service, Repair, and Remote Support • Moves, Adds, and Changes • Full Project Management • Business Financial Solutions 970-282-7500 Wit Customers. 970-282-7500 For more information on becoming a Business Member or for a listing of all Business Members, please call 970.484.9090 or visit C • Busin (Voice • Voice • Voice • Call C • Call A • Pagin • Voice • Exten • Servic • Move • Full Pr • Busin Co With • Busines (Voice a • Voice Pr • Voice ov • Call Cen 26 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | The edge Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | BizWest | 27 Advancing career need not be a solo journey I ndependence is a highly valued quality in our society. We take great pride in being able to think and act for ourselves. There is definitely something to be said for being self-sufficient. However, sometimes we can be independent to a fault. When overused, this quality of independence quickly becomes a weakness. I see this in my career-counseling practice. People come to me after months or even years of trying to find a job “all by themselves.” Armed with a fresh résumé, a boost in selfconfidence, a renewed process for connecting with others and some expert interview oaching, they quickly begin getting solid offers. Why do we struggle alone when help is often readily available? Sometimes we doubt that anyone can help us. Perhaps you reached out for help in the past and did not get the support you needed. We may imagine people are too busy. At the core, many of us believe asking for help is a sign of weakness. Careers Carrie Pinsky Achim Nowak, founder and president of Influens, an international leadership training firm, and author of, “Infectious: How to Connect Deeply and Unleash the Energetic Leader Within,” believes we need to flip a switch in our brain so that we see asking for help as a sign of strength. “The moment I ask for help, other forces of energy are being ➤ See Pinsky, 29 Make marketing systematic through automation 2014 Audi A4 2.OT Quattro Premium 349 mo ŝĪƃ` ış|ŒŒļĒ ŗĪŝ ış|ŒŒļĒ ·ŝō©Ďƃƃ ·ŝÄ©ĎÄÄ đĜÄōÔ lease plus tax 42-month closed-end lease offered to qualified customers by ŝƃĜĜ Audi Financial. Offer expires: ş®ê Ô 09/02/2014 $ đŗĎĎŝÔĜ đĜĎƃŗ ŝƃƃÄ ş®ê UŌ ŝƃƃÄ ş®ê Ä < ÔĪŝ ış|ŒŒļĒ ÔĪŝ ış|ŒŒļĒ ·ŗō©ĎĎĜ ·ŗÄ©ĎÄÄ ·Ôŗ©ÄÄÄ ĦĎŌƃħ ŝŝōéŗƃƃƃ )& đŗĎōƃƃĜ ŝĪƃ` ış|ŒŒļĒ )&,1'' 2015 Audi A3 1.8 FWD Premium S-tronic #41818. 2014 Audi A4 2.0T quattro Premium lease is 42 months | 7500 miles per year. $1995 due at lease signing (excludes taxes, title, other options and dealer fees). Must qualify for $1000 Audi Acquisition Program or Audi Owner Loyalty Program Incentive. MSRP $38,235. Residual value $19,499.85. Dealer to retain all rebates and incentives. ŷŷŷĪ|ş®êĪşń|ĪĒăŎ¼®é|ļļĒùù ŗƃƃŗ ZHe`+ H<<& pĪ %`Ī H<<.CZ© H 269mo lease plus tax #41959. 2015 Audi A3 1.8T FWD Premium S-tronic lease is 42 months | 7500 miles per year. $2995 due at lease signing (excludes taxes, title, other options and dealer fees). Must qualify for $750 Audi Owner Loyalty Program Incentive. MSRP $32,295. Residual value $18,731.10. Dealer to retain all rebates and incentives. $'9(57,6(5 (' &$552// 92/.6:$*(1 6$/(6 3(5621 3$75,&. %58&( 38%/,&$7,21 )&'$,/< $ ŝƃƃĎ ş®ê ō 3522) &5($7(' $7 30 3522) '8( 1(;7 581 '$7( 6,=( FRO ; LQ đĜĎĜƃ ŝƃĜƃ ş®ê ŗ Laurie Macomber, owner of Fort Collins-based Blue Skies Marketing, can be reached at 970-689-3000. 3/($6( 5($' &$5()8//< 68%0,7 &255(&7,216 21/,1( ¼ļŒêÏê¼® Ĥļ¼éĒŷĉ¼® Z|ù¼ń Ŷ¼ĉŒ greater average deal size, 20 percent higher team attainment of quota and 17 percent better forecast accuracy. (Source: Aberdeen Group, “Marketing Automation 101: Ensuring Early Success with the Basics; Maturing Your Deployment for long-term ROI.” June 2010) What the marketing automation systems do is connect all the dots – all the way through into Salesforce. com, if you like. This is where sales sees the graded leads and follows up on the hot ones. A small business can connect the dots for itself. And when they learn what is involved in taking a lead from awareness, to interest, to desire, and finally to action (or as Joel Comm puts it: “Know Me, Like Me, Trust Me, Pay Me”) and they experience some success, the investment in a comprehensive, all-in-one-place system could be the logical next step. To sum up, marrying marketing with software technology eliminates guesswork from the marketers’ budget and builds a direct, customized relationship with potential and actual customers. 2. :,7+ &255(&7,216 %<BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB How come this wasn’t possible before? Until the Internet, advertising was the primary way to reach a target audience. The advertiser did not own a big list. He or she piggybacked on the audience that NBC and Newsweek, for example, created. Now the marketer has the ability to go right to the prospect and deliver a custom message that is proved to resonate and likely result in sales. That’s powerful stuff. Can a small business get so systematic? Sure, without even using a full marketing automation system such as HubSpot or Marketo, a mom-and-pop shop can apply science to their select marketing efforts and watch them grow. For a fraction of what you’d pay to be on the big marketing automation systems (Marketo starts at $800 a month; HubSpot at $200 a month) you can use Mail Chimp (free!) or Constant Contact to send out an e-newsletter, keep records of the responses, review your website metrics to see which efforts brought the most people back to the site, and continue the cycle diligently. It’s a start! Here are some telling statistics on the return on investment of marketing automation: 107 percent better lead conversion rate, 40 percent 3522) 2. %< BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB D id you ever hear this punch can track the person from stranger line? to loyal purchaser: Lead generation, “I know half the money I lead grading, lead nurturing, lead spend on marketing is wasted, I just conversion and customer loyalty. don’t know which half!” From the time the prospect’s conThe joke tact information is entered into the was credited database, the marketing automation to retailer and system can begin to help you classify merchandisthe likelihood of conversion (or turning genius John ing your lead into a buyer.) Wanamaker in To begin with, there’s an email the early 1900s. component. You can find out which Fast forward leads read which short articles, which to today and ones repeatedly read your news snipWanamaker pets and which ask to unsubscribe or Marketing would be pretty Laurie Macomber never even open your mail. solid on how to Then there are other types of gauge his promotional expenditures. content that can be appealing to How? Big news here: Technology your potential customers, such as meets marketing, and marketing webinars, white papers, podcasts, has become a science. Wanamaker press releases and invitations to would be a lot closer to 100 percent your special events. Each time you on his assessment of his advertisprovide a segment of your database ing expenditure, with the help of with something of interest, you can specialized marketing software and see which of those targeted became loads more information about proscurious or even captivated. pects. Marketing automation is a way of With marketing automation, it keeping your bait all in one tackle starts with a John Doe and ends box, and then finding out which with a John We Know. fish bite. There’s a lot of analysis Tļ¼ŶêĒşńùź |ļ¼® ÏĒļĪĪĪ Tļ¼ŶêĒşńùź ļêŶ¼ĉĪĪĪ Take comesă|ŒŒ¼ļĪ with the comprehen.Ï êŒĹń an ĉĒŒanonymous | ¼ļŒêм® prospect Ĥļ¼éĒŷĉ¼® ş®ê© that êŒ ®Ē¼ńĉĹŒ and put that person through your sive software. You can determine marketing mill, otherwise known as which messages are most effective a “marketing automation system.” and which media are most efficient. Here are some of the processes that Then do more of that. 42-month closed-end lease offered to qualified customers by Audi Financial Services. Offer expires: 09/02/2014 28 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | briefcase CONTRACTS Colorado State University and Boulderbased Namasté Solar are partnering with Fort Collins Utilities on a pilot project to install solar panels on the roofs of university buildings. The city’s project will purchase electricity generated from the CSU solar systems. The panels developed by Namaste, to be installed on CSU’s Student Recreation Center, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Durrell Center and three residence halls, will provide 1,100 kilowatts of power to the city, equivalent to producing about 1.65 million kilowatt hours a year or powering about 180 homes. More than 70 providers at Boulder Medical Center, a multispecialty group that also operates an urgent-care clinic, are now using CORHIO’s health-information exchange, in addition to an advanced electronic medical record system, to coordinate care for more than 200,000 annual patient visits. Through nonprofit CORHIO’s secure electronic network, BMC doctors now are receiving laboratory results from hospitals and labs around the state without having to wait for faxes or other paper-based methods of communication, thus reducing patient wait times, helping doctors make faster and more accurate clinical decisions and saving staff time previously spent tracking down patients’ medical records. BMC has two Boulder locations and a third on the Avista Adventist Hospital campus in Louisville. Boulder-based Agua Inc. is implementing its unique plant-based biotechnology for the first time in the United States, beginning construction on a new wastewater treatment facility in Rochester, N.H. Agua’s plant also is the first to use electrochar, an absorbent material that facilitate the physical absorption of contaminants in wastewater. Agua technology is engaged in projects in Gambia, Uruguay, Spain, Haiti, Kenya and the Dominican Republic. A Virus Counter instrument developed by Boulder-based life science startup ViroCyt LLC is being used by the Filovirus Animal Nonclinical Group (FANG), a federal government-supported research consortium that is working to create vaccines and therapies for Ebola and Marburg viruses. ViroCyt, which develops instruments and reagents that allow for the quantification of virus particles in a given sample in just minutes, was formed early last year as a spinoff of Boulder-based InDevR Inc. Fort Collins-based Neenan Co. was selected as design-build partner for the Bureau of Land Management’s Twin Falls, Idaho, district office relocation project. Neenan will renovate the existing 70,000-square-foot warehouse and build a new 19,000-square-foot, single-story office facility. The project plans include maintenance of the site’s existing landscaping and signage. Construction is expected to begin in September with an anticipated completion in March, followed by relocation of the current Twin Falls office to the new site. Neenan will continue its relationship with project developer WD Schorsch on the federal lease project. Boulder-based startup mobile-app developer Clip Interactive LLC landed its first international customer through a partnership with Sphera Holding, a Padova, Italy-based radioholding company, to bring interactive radio to five Sphera stations. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Clip, founded in 2012, has a software platform and mobile app that allows radio stations, listeners and advertisers to interact. In the last three months, Clip Interactive has announced partnerships with Pennsylvania-based Entercom Communications, Indianapolis-based Cumulus Radio and Portland, Ore.-based Salem Communications. TD Bank chose Boulder-based Lumos Solar’s LSX frameless solar modules to cover its retail drive-through structures. These structures provide shade and protection from the elements for bank customers as well as producing clean renewable energy, helping TD Bank meet its sustainability goals. Boulder-based juwi group sold the project rights for one of the largest wind farms in the company’s history and its first in South America, and retained responsibility for building it. The wind farm will have a total installed capacity of 50 megawatts and is expected to achieve commercial operation in mid-2015. The wind farm is located in Cerro Largo, next to the town of Melo, in northern Uruguay, and will be owned and operated by a subsidiary of an Italian energy provider. The estimated annual production of approximately 200,000 megawatt hours of clean electricity will be sold to the state-owned energy provider UTE (Usinas y Transmisiones del Estado) as part of a 20-year power purchase agreement. EARNINGS Array BioPharma Inc. (Nasdaq: ARRY) reported revenue of $42 million for its fiscal year ending June 30, down from $69.6 million the year prior. Boulder-based Array, which focuses primarily on developing drugs to treat various cancers, saw a net loss for the year of $85.3 million, or 69 cents per share, compared with a net loss of $61.9 million, or 57 cents per share last year. Revenue was $6 million, down from $25.4 million for the same period last year. Net loss was $28.2 million, or 22 cents per share, compared with $17.6 million, or 15 cents per share last year. Boulder-based natural foods company Boulder Brands Inc. (Nasdaq: BDBD) reported an 18.7-percent increase in revenue in the second quarter versus the same period a year ago. Boulder Brands’ offerings include the Glutino, Udi’s Gluten Free, Earth Balance, Level Life, Evol and Smart Balance brands. Revenue for the period ending June 30 was $131.3 million, up from $110.7 million a year ago. Net income was $2.8 million, or 4 cents per diluted share, down slightly from profit of $3.1 million, or 5 cents per share in the second quarter last year. Boulder-based Clovis Oncology Inc. (Nasdaq: CLVS) reported a net loss of $34.8 million for the second fiscal quarter ending June 30. Clovis is developing drugs to treat multiple types of cancer. The company reported no revenue in the second quarter. The net loss amounted to $1.03 per share, compared with a net loss of $19.3 million, or 72 cents per share for the same period last year. Longmont-based data storage equipment manufacturer Dot Hill Systems Corp. (Nasdaq: HILL) reported second-quarter revenue of $48.2 million for the period ending June 30, down from $50.7 million last year. The net loss was $78,000, or less than 1 cent per share, after a profit of $2.1 million, or 4 cents per share last year. Louisville-based drug maker GlobeImmune Inc. (Nasdaq: GBIM) released its first quarterly earnings report since its initial public offering last month, posting a net loss of $9.2 million for the three months ending June 30, well above the net loss of $2.1 million recorded for the same period last year. GlobeImmune earned revenue of $1.7 million for the period, down from the $4.2 million it earned during the same time last year. Brazilian meatpacker JBS S.A., the parent company of Greeley-based JBS USA, earned $112 million during the second quarter, down from $149 million during the same period a year earlier. Despite the lower earnings, second-quarter net revenue grew to $12.8 billion, a 32-percent increase from $9.7 billion the same period a year earlier. Net revenue from exports grew to $1.3 billion during the second quarter, a nearly 30 percent increase from $1 billion during the second quarter of last year. JBS USA Beef, which includes the company’s beef plant in Greeley as well as operations in Australia and Canada, posted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of $108.6 million, down 33 percent from $161.7 million the same quarter a year ago. Despite the lower earnings, the company’s beef unit reported net revenue of $5.3 billion, up 11 percent from the second quarter of last year. JBS owns a controlling interest in Pilgrim’s Pride, which announced in July second-quarter earnings of $190.4 million, flat from the $190.7 million in earnings during the same period last year. Broomfield-based fast-casual restaurant chain Noodles and Co. (Nasdaq: NDLS) reported revenue of $99.5 million for its second quarter ending July 1, up 11.5 percent from the same period last year, and largely attributable to the opening of 16 new restaurants in the quarter, including 12 company-owned and four franchise restaurants. The increase in revenue, however, was somewhat offset by a decrease in sales at comparable base restaurants. Those sales decreased 0.6 percent for company-owned restaurants and 0.7 percent systemwide. Noodles net income also rose in the second quarter to $3.5 million, or 11 cents per share, compared with $68,000, or less than one cent per share, last year. FLOOD RELIEF Gov. John Hickenlooper announced $2.29 million in grants for 19 new stream-recovery projects in Boulder, Larimer, Weld and Jefferson counties. The grants, approved by the Colorado Water Conservation Board on July 16, will reimburse up to 50 percent of eligible expenses used for cleaning up debris or restoring watersheds. KUDOS courtesy Connecting Point Ted Warner, left, president of Greeley-based network management firm Connecting Point, and Scott Warner, right, the company’s vice president for sales, join T/Sgt. John Cox as they show off Patriot Awards, presented to them by the Secretary of Defense for their support of company employees who also are members of the Air and Army National Guards. Cox, a managed information technology consultant at Connecting Point, and Michael Brown, a project engineer there, nominated the Warners for the award. Cox, assigned as an aircraft crew chief to the 153rd Airlift Wing, Wyoming National Guard, will serve four months in the Middle East while Brown, assigned to the 1158th Army Space Support Company, Colorado Army National Guard, will be deployed for 14 months with the 193rd Military Police Battalion in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Nine influential Northern Colorado women and an outstanding mentor were honored during the sixth annual Northern Colorado Women of Distinction event, presented by BizWest Media and held Aug. 6 at Embassy Suites in Loveland. Honorees were chosen by an evaluation panel from a group of 64 finalists. Honored were Nancy Brigden, former Greeley city councilwoman and mayor pro tem; Goldie Augustmoon of My Office Etc.; Dr. Deborah Crawford of Plan de Salud de Valle; Roxanne Fry of the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado; Diane Jones of the city of Fort Collins; Dr. Marsi Liddell of Aims Community College in Greeley; Sarah MacQuiddy of the Greeley Chamber of Com- merce; Flo Mikkelson of Guaranty Bank; Donna Smith of The Neenan Co. and Tom Dwyer of Embassy Suites. The cities of Longmont, Loveland, Fort Collins and Greeley received 2014 Governor’s Awards for Downtown Excellence for recent projects that reflect an attitude of perseverance and dedication to community revitalization in Colorado. Denver-based nonprofit Downtown Colorado Inc. runs the awards program that honors projects completed between Sept. 1, 2010 and May 30. Loveland won the Best New Construction, Infill, or Redevelopment category for The Gallery Flats apartment complex. Longmont and Fort Collins tied in the Best Façade Program category. Longmont was recognized for its Alleyscape Façade Program and topped the Community Creativity category for its Downtown Longmont Creative District. Fort Collins was honored for its Avery Block Façade Rehabilitation Project. Greeley won the Colorful Colorado award for its Greeley Creative District. All winners will be featured at the Governor’s Award Dinner and Reception at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11 at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins. University of Northern Colorado special-education professor Kay Ferrell received the C. Warren Bledsoe Award from the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired in recognition of her book, “Reach Out and Teach” during AER’s international conference held July 30-Aug. 3 in San Antonio. The book guides parents and teachers in promoting the development of young children with visual and multiple impairments. Bonnie Clipper, chief nursing officer at Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland, was named one of 20 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellows for 2014. She will join the select group of nurses from across the nation chosen to participate in the final cohort of the three-year leadership development program. Dale Katechis, owner of Longmont-based Oskar Blues Brewery and REEB Cycles, was recognized by Boulder-based eTown with an E-Chievement award for his philanthropic contributions in the days following the September flood that hit Oskar Blues’ hometowns of Lyons and Longmont hard. Katechis created the Oskar Blues CAN’d Aid Foundation as a way to raise and distribute funds to flood-affected individuals and businesses. Starting with a personal donation of $125,000, Katechis reached out to the craft beer industry and raised more than $500,000 in three months. Nearly a year later, Katechis and the foundation continue to work with the town of Lyons on large-scale recovery projects. Thus far, the Foundation has given $700,000 to flood-related efforts, totaling more than $1 million raised. He received the award at the June 11 taping of The Infamous Stringdusters and Rodney Crowell show, which was recorded in front of a live audience at E-town Hall in Boulder and aired the week of Aug. 6-12 on KBCO-FM 97.3 and more than 300 other radio stations across North America and via podcast. Larimer County community information manager Deni La Rue and budget director Bob Keister were awarded a “superior” award of excellence for the county’s 2013 Community Report from the National Association of County Information Officers. La Rue also received an “excellence” award for the county’s podcasts of the its radio show “Community at Work.” The competition included more than 330 entries. Holland and Hart, a Denver-based law firm with an office in Boulder, was recognized as one of the “50 Best Law Firms for Women” in 2014 by Working Mother magazine and FlexTime Lawyers. The list lauds firms for their family-friendly policies and business-development and career-development initiatives that are helping to retain women attorneys and ad- Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | 29 briefcase vance them into the leadership pipeline. Attorney Jacob W. Paul of Coan, Payton & Payne LLC graduated from the Greeley Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Weld County program on May 8 along with 21 other members of the Northern Colorado business community. Paul also was appointed as one of seven members of the town of Erie’s Tree Board. Naropa University in Boulder was recognized as a College of Distinction for the 2014-15 academic year by the Colleges of Distinction website. MOVES The Fort Collins Board of Realtors opened an office Aug. 11 at 826 W. Drake Road in the Drake Center Marketplace, moving from its former office at 110 W. Harvard St. OPENINGS Harmony Foundation, which runs an addiction treatment program in Estes Park, opened a community relations office at 825 E. Speer Pinsky Blvd., Suite 302, in Denver to help it strengthen relationships with health-care, government and businesses. Teles Properties LLC, a California-based brokerage of luxury homes, is opening an office at 900 Pearl St., Unit 4, in Boulder. James Simpson, who will manage the office, was with Teles when it was founded in 2007 and ran its office in Beverly Hills, Calif. Since moving to Colorado, Simpson has worked at Fuller Sotheby International Realty Inc.’s office in Boulder. Zwei Brüder Brewing opened at 4612 S. Mason St, Unit 120 in Fort Collins. The German name means “two brothers, referring to owners Kirk Lombardi, who was brewmaster for the C.B. & Potts locations in Colorado and Wyoming for 25 years, and Eric Lombardi, who was brewmaster for 17 years at that chain’s Fort Collins location. AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) opened a store using the company’s new design at 1 W. FlatIron Cross- ing Drive in Broomfield. 12-ounce cans will remain at 8 percent ABV. Sport Clips Haircuts wopened a new store at 535 W. South Boulder Road in Lafayette, the 102nd Sport Clips opening for David Wesemen, one of the chain’s top franchise owners. Fort Collins-based New Belgium Brewing introduced Tour de Fall, a seasonal American-style pale ale to celebrate Tour de Fat, the brewery’s traveling festival of bikes, beer and bemusement. The ale, at 6 percent ABV and 38 IBUs with pale malt, chocolate rye and caramel, will be available through October in 12-ounce bottles and on draft. PRODUCT UPDATE Longmont-based FactSmash introduced two trivia-game packages: a Small-Business Edition for small restaurants, bars, coffee shops and nonprofits, and a Frenzy Edition for large restaurants, bars, hotels, hotels, senior living facilities and other large businesses. Longmont-based Oscar Blues Brewery will begin distributing what it says is the first craft “nitro” beer in a 16.4-ounce can. “Nitro” refers to the addition of nitrogen gas to the carbonation process. The nitro version of Old Chub has been modified from 8 percent alcohol by volume to 6.9 percent to ensure full pint pours rather than 8-ounce or 10-ounce “tulip” or “rocks” glass pours as a result of the high ABV. The original Old Chub Scotch Ale Longmont-based storage supplier Dot Hill Systems Corp. (Nasdaq:HILL) announced an innovation that improves snapshot performance in storage arrays. Generated by its AssuredSnap snapshot software, which is part of the company’s Data Management Services suite, snapshots are versatile and useful tools for backup and data recovery operations. By reducing the number of operations required to access snapshot metadata, the invention disclosed in Dot Hill’s 97th US patent, numbered 8,751,467, improves storage controller performance when using data snapshots, which can result in faster system recovery. from 27 released that want me to be successful,” Nowak said. “I am giving others a chance to share in my success by offering their expertise and good will. These people then become my allies.” Job seekers often express frustration about networking. It is easy to think, “Why would someone want to help me?” According to Nowak, “Most people will feel honored to be asked to share their expertise. The request alone makes someone feels good. The moment we ask, collaborative goodwill kicks into motion. This kind of helping energy accelerates success – our own success and that of the person we ask.” Still, asking for help takes skill and know-how. The first step is measuring our own level of readiness for help. If you lack confidence in your abilities, people will feel that. We need to believe in ourselves before we enlist help from others. Nowak added, “I don’t ask for help because I somehow feel deficient. I ask because it will enhance my experience, and it will make the outcome stronger.” The next step is being selective about who we go to for assistance. Are you looking for a friendly shoulder or could you benefit from professional coaching? Turn to people who have a mindset of abundance. Abundant thinkers believe there is enough opportunity for everyone. Your success will not be seen as a threat but as a ripple of good in the world that leads to a greater overall experience for everyone. “Trust your instincts,” Nowak advised. “It may be presumptuous to ask for significant help from someone you barely know. Assess the quality of the relationship as well as the nature of your request. Avoid going to people who are too busy or who don’t have the expertise to be of real help. … Choose your allies wisely.” Finally, be very clear about your needs. In essence, consider how to help your helper. People want to be helpful, and it is tremendously beneficial when you are specific in making a request. This sets others up to be successful in helping you. When we sense someone’s passion and clearly understand their needs, right away we begin offering ideas and resources. On the other hand, we can feel frustrated or irritated if someone is vague about what they need and we are unable to offer assistance. For example, it is ineffective to ask for help “finding a job.” This is much too broad. A better approach is to say, “You have a lot of experience as a hiring manager. I am wondering if you would be willing to look at my résumé and give me some feedback about how to grab the attention of a recruiter?” “Offering a clear context shows that you are focused and offers a framework for the conversation,” Nowak said. “Again, most people want to be helpful. When we are specific about our needs, we make it much easier for others to offer valuable assistance.” When we follow these steps, asking for help is a way of acting on our dreams. It clarifies our position and shows that we are ready to move forward. We need to learn to ask for what we need and then give the world a chance to respond. “One of the ironies is that the more senior we are, the more pressure there is to act as if we know everything,” Nowak said. “Truly great leaders, at every level of their careers, are willing to be vulnerable. They recognize the value in considering multiple sources of information when making decisions.” Stop and ask yourself, “What is one thing I need right now? What problem have I spent way too long trying to figure out on my own? What positive changes would occur if I were to receive the help I needed to move forward?” Independence is a worthy value. Still, I would encourage you to tap into the power of connection. Consider how much farther you could go if you were to cultivate a greater sense of inter-connectedness with others. Asking for help does not make you weak or needy. In fact, it does the very opposite. By asking for what you need, you actually become stronger, more informed and more capable. We need each other. You can try to go it alone but I guarantee you will get much farther when you learn to ask for what you need and give generously of all you have to offer. Carrie Pinsky is a freelance writer, job-search coach and training specialist. Reach her at Pink Sky Counseling and Career Services, 970-225-0772 or Accelerate Colorado: Advancing Colorado’s Innovation Ecosystem SYMPOSIUM & SHOWCASE October 1-3, 2014 at the Rocky Mountain Center for Innovation and Technology UI4USFFU48t-PWFMBOE$0 The event is hosted and sponsored by the City of Loveland. Attendees will gain access to great educational sessions, networking opportunities and product demonstrations. Join Fellow Innovators and Entrepreneurs for this FREE Event. PRE-REGISTER NOW! Space is limited. %JSFDURVFTUJPOTUP .BSDJF&SJPO$JUZPG-PWFMBOE .BSDJF&SJPO!DJUZPøPWFMBOEPSH 30 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | National Experience—Local Presence HUB and Jim Sampson working together to meet the needs of Northern Colorado. Offering Benefits Consulting expertise in the areas of: - Self funding, claims, network and RX evaluation Contact Jim: 970-420-1352 - Plan analytics, modeling and development - Private & Public Exchanges and Defined Contribution - Telemedicine and employee wellness - ACA planning and compliance Serving Northern Colorado from our new Fort Collins office Presented by Chamber of Commerce Visit Greeley Legacy of the Land Exploring the History and Land Use of the Prairie 2014 Ag Tour Greeley Chamber of commerce Friday, September 12, 2014 7:30 am - 4:30pm Centennial Village 1475 A Street, Greeley Chamber Members $25 Non-Chamber Members $35 Register online at Sponsors S Western Dairy Association NoNProfIt neTWorK FUnDraisers A golf tournament to benefit Court-appointed Special advocates of Larimer County will be held Aug. 29 at the olde course at loveland, 2115 W. 29th St. in loveland. loveland-based law firm Jess m. Perez PC is tournament sponsor. For more information, call tournament director tomas Perez at 970-800-3388. Fort collins-based new Belgium Brewing is holding an outdoor Bike-in movie series on thursday nights, with all proceeds benefitting nonprofit Wolverine Farm Publishing. the series started Aug. 21 with “ratatouille” and continues with “the Breakfast club” and “Whensday” Aug. 28, “Stand By me” Sept. 4 and “ghostbusters” Sept. 11. gates open at 7 p.m. at new Belgium’s front parking lot, with shows beginning at dusk. Admission is $2. nearly $3,500 was raised to help pay heating bills for coloradans last winter when touchstone energy Cooperatives rode in the three-day Pedal the Plains bike tour through southeastern colorado a year ago. they are getting ready to ride again Sept. 19-21. Poudre valley rea is one of 18 electric coop-connected organizations sponsoring the touchstone energy bike team and participating as a sponsor for the 2014 tour. Starting in Wiggins this year, the tour will head to Fort morgan for an evening of car-show entertainment before riding to Sterling for Sugar Beet Days. the final day of the ride will bring the cyclists back along interstate 76 to Wiggins. the Powering the Plains co-op team, which includes PVreA employees ramon Serrano, Bryan moorman, Bryant Pangrac and Jay Pratz, will ride to raise money for energy outreach Colorado, a nonprofit organization that helps struggling colorado families pay their heating bills in the winter. Proceeds from the seventh annual Duck race Bookfair, held Aug. 15-17 at the Barnes & noble bookstore at the Promenade Shops at centerra, went toward Loveland rotary’s drive to give each third-grader in the thompson School District a dictionary – whether or not he or she attends a district school. children entering the store were given free rubber ducklings and parents were asked to donate $5 to enter a duck in the annual race, to be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 23 at Fairgrounds Park in loveland as part of the old Fashioned corn roast Festival Aug. 22-23. Ducks still can be entered at the rotary booth at the festival. gooD DeeDs newmark merrill mountain States donated $5,000 to the i Have a Dream Foundation on Aug. 1 during the ceremony marking the demolition of twin Peaks mall in longmont and groundbreaking for Village at the Peaks, the retail center newmark merrill is developing. All but $300 of the donation came from proceeds from the auction newmark merrill held to sell fixtures and other items from the old mall. nineteen students from northern colorado and the Boulder Valley are among 113 statewide who were awarded scholarships for the 2014-15 school year from the Denverbased Pinnacol Foundation. the scholarships’ value totaled $400,000. During the past 14 years, the foundation has given scholarships totaling nearly $3.3 million to the children of colorado workers who were killed or seriously injured in work-related accidents. Among those receiving scholarships are Jayme and Jason Bass of Fort collins; Chelsea and melissa Bullock of lafayette; Carly Carter and zachary english of greeley; emilia Cintora of Ault; avery Clift of evans; anne and marie trujillo and Bayley DeSotel of Broomfield; Desarae gore of Briggsdale; rubi Pulido, Haley and Logan robertson and natalee randolph of longmont; Brandon and Jessie Slepicka of niwot; and Joshua Smith of loveland. nonprofit solar installer griD alternatives Colorado and Flatirons Habitat for Humanity teamed up Aug. 16 to bring solar energy to three low-income families in a triplex in Boulder while bringing hands-on solar training to renewable-energy students and community volunteers. habitat for humanity anticipates seeing a total monetary savings in electricity costs of $1,163.66 per year per unit. the triplex was selected thanks to a grant from the city of Boulder’s climateSmart program. For the fourth straight year, Boulder-based law firm Caplan and earnest LLC collected school supplies for students from the Boulder Valley and St. Vrain Valley school districts. For this year’s crayons to calculators community challenge, the firm raised more than $880 for students in need, as well as supplying backpacks, calculators, notebooks and other school supplies. arC of Weld County donated $10,000 to the city of greeley for Shanes’ inspiration for Purposes of aven’s village, a vision to build an inclusive playground at island grove regional Park, 501 n. 14th Ave., greeley, in place of the current playground. Shane’s inspiration is a nonprofit organization devoted to creating inclusive playgrounds and programs that unite children of all abilities. granTs the Community Foundation Serving greeley and Weld County announced grants totaling $16,646.19 from the Littler youth Fund’s 116th distribution to area teachers who encourage and support experiential learning, enhance student understanding and increase student achievement. teachers and projects funded in this distribution were: Kristen Baker, imagine charter School, for a recycling program; Jenny Bates, university elementary School, for the Young Ameritowne educational program; Steve Cline, Windsor high School, for a geo-Spatial program; Susan eastin, greeley West high School, for a book club project; Don Hurt, university elementary School, for a union civil War uniform project; Peter marino, Fort lupton middle School, for a mindfulness project; Jen mcLoud, highland elementary School, for a school garden project; Diane odbert, Knowledge Quest Academy, for Junior great books; teri romshek, Skyview School Stem, for a modular robot project; Kelsey rosenoff, Windsor high School, for Spanish readers and video; teresa Santos, Winograd K-8 School, for a Discovery education subscription; and Larea Warden, Winograd K-8 School, for a Wild Animal Sanctuary project. rei in Fort collins awarded $15,000 in grants to Fort Collins natural areas, Larimer County Conservation Corps, Poudre Wilderness volunteers and the Friends of Lory State Park to promote stewardship opportunities, enhance local outdoor spaces, and encourage community members to give back to the outdoor places where they play. the funds will be used to help with fire and flood restoration projects, volunteer appreciation and redesign of the mountain bike park at lory State Park. longmont-based First nations Development institute was awarded a $306,000 grant from the Battle creek, mich.-based W.K. Kellogg Foundation under its “catalyzing community giving” effort. First nations will use the grant to collaborate with smaller local or regional native American nonprofit organizations to build their internal capacity while engaging new donors – both native and non-native – around those organizations’ efforts in building sustainable food systems and strengthening native culture among youth. Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | 31 TiMe oUT courteSY BArBArA colomBo / 11:11 PhotogrAPhY Bill obermeier, executive director of event host Dairy center for the Arts, left, joins Boulder chamber executive director John tayer Aug. 12 at a Business After hours event in Boulder. courteSY greeleY chAmBer oF commerce Barb Wasung of norco cPAs, left, joins norma carter of greeley Friends and newcomers at an Aug. 13 Business Before hours hosted by Bonell good Samaritan center in greeley. courteSY greeleY chAmBer oF commerce romia Pritchett of rc Auto Detail and carpet cleaning, chats with James lopez of lutheran Family Services at an Aug. 13 Business Before hours event in greeley. courteSY greeleY chAmBer oF commerce elaine hicks of the humane Society of Weld county, left, meets Jim riesberg of greeley and cheri Sonday of Flood and Peterson at an Aug. 13 Business Before hours in greeley. Submit your event photos for BizWest’s Time Out page! Email your event photos to Dallas Heltzell, Include complete identification of individuals as well as name, date and place of the event. New WINDOWS • SIDING • DOORS Windows for America Schedule your FREE in-home estimate! courteSY greeleY chAmBer oF commerce christine cunningham of hospice of northern colorado, left, and monica londono of Seniors helping Seniors attend an Aug. 13 Business Before hours event in greeley. Every day is someone’s special occasion. Success becomes you. Send flowers Scentsational good wishes & congratulations . to Northern Colorado Women of Distinction. 3710 Mitchell Drive 226-0200 Family owned since 1912 100% GUARANTEED Satisfaction 3710 Mitchell Drive, 970.226.0200 We Can Help Grow Your Business Serving Nearly l 8,000 8 000 BBB Accredited Busi Businesses and Charities Throughout 12 Counties in the Greater Denver/Boulder Area Become BBB Accredited Today! becomeaccredited org • denver bbb org • 303.996.3645 303 996 3645 Fort Collins ­ Open and delivering flowers & gifts 7-days a week with extended hours to serve you. 32 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | oN the JoB aCCoUnTing Scott miller was promoted to manager of the loveland office of lenexa, Kan.-based accounting and consulting firm Kennedy and coe llc. An attorney with a background in taxation and business consulting, miller specializes in corporate, partnership, Miller and international tax; estate planning; and mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations. he also represents clients before the internal revenue Service. aDVerTising, CoMMUniCaTions matt ingwalson was named creative director at Boulder-based imm, a full-service interactive branding agency. he most recently served as creative director at Karsh hagan. in the past decade, ingwalson has received more than 150 awards, including Ingwalson national recognition from Print magazine and communication Arts and local awards from Ad club Denver and the Art Directors club of Denver. arCHiTeCTUre, ConsTrUCTion Kyle Chism joined Pete meyer as a vice president for business development at Fort collins-based Brinkman Partners, focusing on m Boulder county and metro Denver. chism has nearly 20 years of industry experience including an extensive construction Chism and development background. he received a bachelor’s degree in architecture and planning with an emphasis on construction management from the university of colorado Boulder. BanKing, FinanCe Dave armstrong, anita Kelly, Kelsey Kennedy and Ken Schmidt ajoined elevations credit union as mortgage loan officers in Fort collins and loveland., bringing a total of 80 years of experience. on the accounting faculty at Kennesaw (ga.) State university, georgia State university, Wake Forest university and the university of illinois at urbana-champaign. Armstrong Kennedy Kelly Schmidt eConoMiC DeVeLoPMenT vallene Kailburn, owner and creative director of old town media inc. in Fort collins, is the larimer county Small Business Development center’s 20th and newest business consultant. Since 2007, old town media, a full-service marketing and website design agency, Kailburn has designed and built more than 550 websites for businesses and organizations. eDUCaTion Bret naber was named chief information officer at the university of northern colorado in greeley. he has 15 years of experience in information management and technology in higher education. he previously served as director of institutional systems and architecture at Naber unc. certified public accountant audrey gramling began duties July 1 as chair of the department of accounting at colorado State university’s college of Business. She came to cSu from Bellarmine university in louisville, Ky., where she also chaired the accounting department. She previously was Business Marketplace Business Marketplace 1 million residents. 128,000 million residents. businesses. 28,000 29,700businesses. readers. 29,700 1 amazing readers. advertising 1 amazing advertising opportunity. opportunity. BizWest BizWest BizWest BizWest BOULDER VALLEY t NORTHERN COLORADO BOULDER VALLEY t NORTHERN COLORADO To advertise, call 970-232-3144 To advertise, call 970-232-3144 Want to purchase Want to purchase minerals and minerals and other oil/gas other oil/gas interests. interests. Send details to: Send details to: P.O. Box 13557, P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201 Denver, CO 80201 David reed began July 1 as faculty director of the interdisciplinary telecom Program at the university of colorado Boulder. he had been associate faculty director in 2013. he plans to continue teaching at a reduced level and conducting research. reed heads the cenReed ter for Broadband engineering and economics within itP, which has received recent research gifts from google and comcast. reed worked at the Federal communications commission’s office of Plans and Policy in the early 1990s, and spent nearly 20 years with cablelabs in louisville, first as chief technology officer and then as chief strategy officer before joining itP in 2012. engineering Loren Labovitch, an international development and environmental expert, rejoined Broomfield-based mWh global as director of emerging market growth and partnerships. labovitch brings more than 20 years of project and policy experience in developing countries throughout latin America, Africa, eastern europe, Southeast Asia and the middle east. he previously was director of finance, investment and trade and director of environmental and social performance during eight years at the millennium challenge corp., an independent u.S. foreign aid agency created by congress in 2004. labovitch also worked for the White house council on environmental Quality as a climate-adaptation manager. he previously spent 14 years with mWh in strategic planning and consultant positions. he is based in the mWh office in Washington. goVernMenT gov. John hickenlooper appointed certified public accountant michael D. Weatherwax of Weatherwax & Associates, Pc in Boulder to a four-year term on the colorado lottery commission. Weatherwax will fill the statutorily required cPA repreWeatherwax sentative position on the five-member panel, which is charged with oversight of the operations of scratch and jackpot lotteries conducted in colorado. Weatherwax has more than 46 years of practice experience in tax and business advisory services and has a long history of local, state and national community, professional and government volunteer service. Boulder county commissioner elise Jones was appointed vice chair of the Denver regional council of governments board of directors for the remainder of 2014. officer elections for 2015 occur in February. HeaLTH Care Dr. amy grove joined A Woman’s healing center in Fort collins, an all-women obstetrics and gynecology practice that includes three other board-certified obstetrician-gynecologists. grove completed her residency at the university of connecticut health center in Farmington, conn., has a medical degree and a master’s from Boston university, and a bachelor of arts degree from Yale university in new haven, conn. HigH TeCH alexander Filatov was named chief executive of niwot-based pattern-recognition company Parascript, replacing Bill Pearlman. Filatov joined the company at its founding in 1996 and most recently was its president and chief technology officer. he previously was Filatov on the management team at Paragraph international. Pearlman, who was ceo at Parascript from 1996 to 2000, then came out of retirement to return to that role in 2010, will continue to serve as a consultant for the company. Drew Jensen was named vice president for global business development at longmontbased Sage electronic engineering, a provider of open-source firmware solutions for x86 embedded processing and network solutions. Jensen previously was software strategic marketing manager for the iot group at intel corp. Washburn Hite Garifi Hansen reaL esTaTe the group, inc., real estate, added four broker associate/partners in Fort collins: tom Washburn and Lisa Hite in the 375 e. horsetooth road office and Brandi garifi and eric Hansen at its 2803 e. harmony road office. Washburn, a resident of northern colorado for more than 25 years, held management and leadership positions with hewlett Packard co. for 24 years. hite, who earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from northern Arizona university, has worked in the fitness and health industry in northern colorado since 2004. garifi worked with national homebuilder Dr horton for 17 years and was recognized as community Sales manager of the Year in 2010 and 2011. hansen was head swimming coach at the university of Wisconsin from 1999 to 2011 and the university of Arizona from 2011 to 2014, and coached the u.S. national team from 1994 to 2014. After retiring Aug. 9 as vice president for real estate at loveland-based developer mcWhinney, where he had worked for 13 years, ron Kuehl started an independent real estate brokerage. he will work through realtec in loveland and still will list many mcWhinney properties. Deadline to submit items for On the Job is three weeks prior to publication of each biweekly issue. Mail to Editor, BizWest Media LLC, 1790 30th St., Suite 300,Boulder, CO 80301; or email to with On the Job in the subject line. Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | 33 for the record Bankruptcies Applications for bankruptcy protection are filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Denver. Chapter 7 denotes filings made for liquidation. Chapter 11 indicates filings for reorganization. Chapter 13 indicates filings that enable petitioners to pay off their creditors over three to five years. Foreclosures Includes notices of election and demand filed by creditors alleging default on a debt. Foreclosures are not final until a Public Trustee’s Deed has been issued. State Tax Liens Judgments filed against assets of individuals or businesses with delinquent taxes. Judgments Judgments constitute decisions by a court of law against an individual or corporation for payment of monetary damages. Warranty Deeds Transfers property while guaranteeing a clear title free of any encumbrances that are not listed on the deed. This information is obtained from SKLD Information Services. Bankruptcies Boulder County Chapter 7 Leslie Alan Rope, 2203 Emery St #B, Longmont; Case #2014-20339, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Cerise J Campbell, 3045 Blue Sky Circle Unit 18105, Erie; Case #2014-20421, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Juan Carlos Granillo, 3161 Madison Avenue, Boulder; Case #2014-20467, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Kathryn J Wilson, Po Box 21463, Boulder; Case #2014-20468, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Jorge Ivan Amaya Loya, 307 Sheley Court, Longmont; Case #2014-20469, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Heather L Morgan, 2206 Calais Drive, Longmont; Case #2014-20504, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Casey George Degraff, Po Box 7339, Boulder; Case #2014-20509, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Hilah Neisha Remaily, 125 Fairbanks Place, Longmont; Case #2014-20558, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Jaclyn Moczulewski, 4840 Meredith Way #206, Boulder; Case #2014-20559, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 David A Grant, 2140 Meadow Cout, Longmont; Case #2014-20560, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Jason Williams Elkins, 1820 Faith Place, Boulder; Case #2014-20596, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Pamela Lynne Hill, 27037 Boulder Canyon Drive, Nederland; Case #2014-20597, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Chapter 7 Joseph Anthony Sutton, 13302 Alcott St, Broomfield; Case #2014-20347, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Veronica Lynn Gibson, 1025 E 9th Ave #301, Broomfield; Case #201420716, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Lynette Barela, Po Box 6755, Broomfield; Case #2014-20728, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Rita Marie Boone, 1118 Opal Street #104, Broomfield; Case #2014-20778, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Lizabeth Ann Merryman, 13597 Via Varra #2401, Broomfield; Case #201420851, Date Filed: 8/8/2014 Chapter 13 Jimmy Dunehew, 1927 Ashford Circle, Longmont; Case #2014-20759, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Broomfield County Deanne M Escareno, 3450 Riva Ridge Place, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20723, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Julio Armando Rodriguez, 6515 Finch Court, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20738, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Robert Allen Burgett, 2244 W Vine Dr, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20767, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Marjorie Kathleen Dare, 5312 Fossil Ridge Drive, Fort Collins; Case #201420779, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Jesse J Walter, 2502 Silver Fir Avenue, Loveland; Case #2014-20315, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Jaclyn Sanders, 4825 Hahns Peak Dr, Loveland; Case #2014-20371, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 James J Montoya, 6675 S Lemay Ave Unit E11, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20391, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Michael G Cross, 1309 Welch St, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20392, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Barbara Marie Ekstrom, 3602 Kunz Court Unit A, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20406, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Brad Charles Brooks, 365 Edison Place, Superior; Case #2014-20626, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Abelino Larrea, 208 17th Ave, Greeley; Case #201420719, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Larimer County Chapter 7 Robert Allen Burke, 1606 Amherst Drive, Longmont; Case #2014-20741, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Eric Lin Doub, 1887 Orchard Avenue, Boulder; Case #2014-20372, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Stacy Suzanne Spears, 150 Blossom Dr, Loveland; Case #2014-20718, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Chris W Gonzales, 519 South Meldrum Street, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20775, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Sean D Smith, 4179 Cherry Orchard Drive, Loveland; Case #2014-20401, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Chapter 13 Laura Kay Dieter, 155 S Dickson St, Keenesburg; Case #2014-20640, Date Filed: 8/2/2014 Mario Felipe Horta, 244 Powderhorn Trl, Broomfield; Case #2014-20745, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Christina Raye Shadowens, 1702 Longs Peak Ave, Longmont; Case #201420628, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Cindy Jo Miller, 2450 Airport Rd #K2105, Longmont; Case #2014-20802, Date Filed: 8/7/2014 Marco Paul Sandoval, 1827 Somerville Dr #C2, Fort Collins; Case #201420691, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Allison Lynn Dhooghe, 915 E Drake #184b, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20769, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Scott D Trebilcock, 1931 14th Street Sw, Loveland; Case #2014-20398, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Arvis Jean Martin, 1509 Sidon Circle, Lafayette; Case #2014-20750, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Jose Asunction Rive Munoz, 1067 N Pond Dr, Brighton; Case #201420630, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Cassandra Felice Kennebrew, 11469 Uptown Ave No 201, Broomfield; Case #2014-20531, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Jenifer Stacey Klein, 2824 Eagle Cir, Erie; Case #201420611, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Glenn Matthew Davis, 51 21st Ave Apt 44, Longmont; Case #2014-20742, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Kimberly Ann Spencer, 2921 Timberwood Dr #302, Fort Collins; Case #201420667, Date Filed: 8/2/2014 Thomas Lee Menjares, 400 Hickory #18, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20426, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Kyle Jay Soeby, 3982 Blackstone Ct, Loveland; Case #2014-20432, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Sabrina M Williams, 3650 S Timberline Rd #E107, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20499, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Casey James Cunningham, 2941 Swing Station Way, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20541, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Erik Matthew Johnson, 1020 Wabash Street #13104, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20552, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Edward Thomas Billadeau, 2602 Ashland Lane, Fort Collins; Case #201420589, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Tiffanie Rae Brewer, 1209 W Plum St Apt A13, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20787, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Chapter 13 Mahrya Elizabeth Ricord, 1519 Patton Street, Fort Collins; Case #2014-20794, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Weld County Chapter 7 Peter Alan Bidgood, 1924 34th Avenue, Greeley; Case #2014-20334, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Tonya Eva Lujan, 831 Mckinley Ave, Fort Lupton; Case #2014-20352, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Zurn Ventures Inc, 531 Pine Drive, Windsor; Case #2014-20364, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Jennifer Nancy Sciumbato, 1922 Cr 41, Hudson; Case #2014-20367, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Zachary James Morris, 2826 W 22nd Street Road, Greeley; Case #2014-20375, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Kayleigh Jayne Passmore, 3206 W 7th St Unit 40, Greeley; Case #2014-20405, Date Filed: 7/31/2014 Michelle Devore, 199 W Southern St Apt 302, Brighton; Case #2014-20568, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Joni Ann Armstrong, 12221 Magnolia Way, Brighton; Case #2014-20569, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Joseph Otto Dvorak, 20980 Wcr 57, Kersey; Case #2014-20591, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Jazmin Dezarae Weiler, 1547 Plum Court, Brighton; Case #2014-20619, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Jeremiah J Garcia, 406 Park Ave, Eaton; Case #2014-20720, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Shane W Jones, 719 51st Avenue, Greeley; Case #2014-20721, Date Filed: 8/5/2014 Debra Ann Lucero, 1511 Appleton Court, Brighton; Case #2014-20768, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Clayton Wayne Wagstaff, Po Box 56, Grover; Case #2014-20786, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Shawn Paul Winters, 36889 Wcr 35, Eaton; Case #2014-20796, Date Filed: 8/6/2014 Michael Anthony Fuqua, 12035 Monaco Dr, Brighton; Case #2014-20808, Date Filed: 8/7/2014 Rachel Ann Werner, 490 S Rachel Ave, Milliken; Case #2014-20816, Date Filed: 8/7/2014 Gilbert Joseph Salazar, 2030 28th Ave Unit 3, Greeley; Case #2014-20822, Date Filed: 8/7/2014 Kimberly Anne Dukeroser, 3311 Collins Ave, Evans; Case #2014-20870, Date Filed: 8/8/2014 Paul Andrew Lange, 6207 East 123rd Place, Brighton; Case #2014-20883, Date Filed: 8/8/2014 Chapter 13 David Wayne Echols, 5092 Goshawk Court, Brighton; Case #2014-20349, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 James Donavand Mckinney, 36300 E 160th Ave, Keenesburg; Case #2014-20380, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Justin Daniel Kelley, 1136 Glen Creighton Dr, Dacono; Case #2014-20384, Date Filed: 7/30/2014 Heather L Aronson, 1012 Trapper Drive, Fort Lupton; Case #2014-20562, Date Filed: 8/1/2014 Darrell Adam Moser, 127 Calabria Dr, Windsor; Case #2014-20878, Date Filed: 8/8/2014 Foreclosures Boulder County Borrower: Margaret Miller, 768 Club Cir, Louisville. Lender: Wells Fargo Bank, Amount Due: $328366. Case #3392781. 7/23/2014 Borrower: David Linn Wagner, 1426 Terry St, Longmont. Lender: Bank America, Amount Due: $289175. Case #3392782. 7/23/2014 Borrower: Joseph Eugene & Cynthia A Eichelberger, 109 E Cannon St, Lafayette. Lender: River Bend Corp, Amount Due: $110529. Case #3392783. 7/23/2014 Borrower: Jeffrey D Jordan, 132 Sky Trail Rd, Boulder. Lender: Bank America, Amount Due: $93819. Case #3394086. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Vernon D & Margaret A Smith, 1021 Coffman St, Longmont. Lender: Onewest Bank, Amount Due: $45823. Case #3394087. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Aaron P Berkley, 991 Hummer Dr, Nederland. Lender: Us Bank National Association T, Amount Due: $256172. Case #3394088. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Bradley O Parks, 140 County Road 128, Nederland. Lender: Wells Fargo Bank, Amount Due: $534725. Case #3394562. 8/1/2014 Borrower: Mark E Mitchell, 33 S Boulder Cir Apt 208, Boulder. Lender: Pnc Bank National Association, Amount Due: $132874. Case #3394563. 8/1/2014 Borrower: Jill Denise Tennyson, 1204 Redbird St, Longmont. Lender: Phh Mortgage Corp, Amount Due: $272463. Case #3394564. 8/1/2014 Broomfield County Borrower: Kevin P Zimmermann, 13899 Legend Trl Unit 102, Broomfield. Lender: Deutsche Bank National Trust C, Amount Due: $190604. Case #7000. 7/31/2014 Larimer County Borrower: William G Buch, 144 Mount Simon Dr, Livermore. Lender: First National Bank Omaha, Amount Due: $19720. Case #40300. 7/24/2014 Borrower: David R & Cecilia M Everson, 8418 Terra View Cir, Fort Collins. Lender: Bank New York Mellon, Amount Due: $415133. Case #40541. 7/25/2014 Borrower: Eric J & Ashley L Caster, 2232 Forecastle Dr, Fort Collins. Lender: Bank America, Amount Due: $244074. Case #41150. 7/29/2014 Borrower: Fred & Danielle Doan, 652 Halbach Ln, Estes Park. Lender: Habitat For Humanity Estes Val, Amount Due: $76650. Case #41151. 7/29/2014 Borrower: Christopher P & Iris S Bonar, 913 Knobcone Pl, Loveland. Lender: First Tech Federal Credit Unio, Amount Due: $553580. Case #41562. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Jessica Larsen, 1204 102nd Ave, Greeley. Lender: Colo Housing Fin Authority, Amount Due: $150638. Case #4032415. 7/23/2014 Borrower: Joshua D & Antrese D Tapia, 877 S Hoover Ave, Fort Lupton. Lender: Colo Housing Fin Authority, Amount Due: $140138. Case #4032416. 7/23/2014 Borrower: Steven B & Thea A Hammers, 5110 47th Ave, Greeley. Lender: Security Service Fed Credit Un, Amount Due: $228943. Case #4032640. 7/24/2014 Borrower: Kelly Wiebold, 1737 Homestead Dr, Fort Lupton. Lender: Branch Bk Trust Co, Amount Due: $247812. Case #4032641. 7/24/2014 York Mellon, Amount Due: $160611. Case #4034723. 8/1/2014 Borrower: Cesar Nevarez, 2300 33rd Ave, Greeley. Lender: Bk Am, Amount Due: $130970. Case #4034724. 8/1/2014 Borrower: Lance C & Susan J Wherry, 2188 Pinon Dr, Erie. Lender: Ocwen Loan Servicing Llc, Amount Due: $265593. Case #4035181. 8/2/2014 Borrower: Lance C & Susan J Wherry, 2188 Pinon Dr, Erie. Lender: Ocwen Loan Servicing Llc, Amount Due: $265593. Case #4035191. 8/2/2014 Borrower: Joseph T & Jane K Wilk, 1004 Stage Dr, Fort Lupton. Lender: Us Bk, Amount Due: $131800. Case #4035551. 8/5/2014 Borrower: Humberto Vasquez, 204 N 23rd Ave, Greeley. Lender: Bk Am, Amount Due: $100270. Case #4032991. 7/25/2014 Judgments Borrower: Joann R Mullett, 1206 103rd Ave, Greeley. Lender: Bk Am, Amount Due: $124873. Case #4032992. 7/25/2014 Debtor: Tory James Morrison, Creditor: Transwest Freightliner Llc. Amount: $93431.12. Case #D-13cv-032238. Date: 7/24/2014 Borrower: Melissa Sue Mireles, 623 N 29th Ave, Greeley. Lender: Us Bk, Amount Due: $94626. Case #4032993. 7/25/2014 Boulder County Debtor: Snowcap Creamery Inc, Creditor: Jonathan Reyes. Amount: $38012.62. Case #D-11-Cv-02755-JlkKmt. Date: 7/24/2014 Borrower: Michael J & Laurie L Frick, 709 Main St, Windsor. Lender: Bk New York Mellon, Amount Due: $89852. Case #4032994. 7/25/2014 Debtor: Leanne Deherrera, Creditor: Portfolio Recovery Assoc Llc. Amount: $1527.98. Case #C-14c031409. Date: 7/25/2014 Borrower: Carlos C Pena, 2616 Quay St, Evans. Lender: Us Bk, Amount Due: $175333. Case #4032995. 7/25/2014 Debtor: Excaliburexteriors Llc, Creditor: Am Bldrs Contractors Supply Co. Amount: $188890.7. Case #D-12cv-001618. Date: 7/26/2014 Borrower: Danny D Stark, 37012 Soaring Eagle Cir, Severance. Lender: Bk Am, Amount Due: $434360. Case #4033295. 7/26/2014 Borrower: Jason Vaughn Voss, 1924 Jade Ave, Lochbuie. Lender: Colo Housing Fin Authority, Amount Due: $215470. Case #4033993. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Kelly J Bonner, 2241 11th St, Greeley. Lender: Nationstar Mtg Llc, Amount Due: $118641. Case #4033994. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Jose Luis Avila, 324 Stockton St, Gilcrest. Lender: Lakeview Loan Servicing Llc, Amount Due: $91624. Case #4033995. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Shane M & Amanda J Pantier, 4541 Dinosaur Ct, Greeley. Lender: Bk Am, Amount Due: $130467. Case #4033996. 7/30/2014 Debtor: Ronald K Ebeling, Creditor: Capital One Bk Usa. Amount: $12660.63. Case #C-08c-004995. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Michelle Cameron, Creditor: Alpine Credit Inc Co. Amount: $5844.59. Case #C-13c-030097. Date: 7/30/2014 Debtor: Eltron Research Devl Llc, Creditor: Kelly Services Inc. Amount: $5527.76. Case #D-11cv-030643. Date: 7/30/2014 Debtor: Richard L Waters, Creditor: Velocity Invest Llc. Amount: $3985.69. Case #C-14c-031671. Date: 7/31/2014 Debtor: Fire Defense Inc, Creditor: Irwin Invest Llc. Amount: $16586.63. Case #C-14c-032633. Date: 8/1/2014 Debtor: William Virgil Myers, Creditor: Elizabeth Marie Ford. Amount: $26881.1. Case #D-08cv-001307. Date: 8/2/2014 Borrower: Keith Leon & Carmen A Mason, 3304 N Colorado Ave, Loveland. Lender: Deutsche Bank National Trust C, Amount Due: $143478. Case #41563. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Keith F Blackburn, 2118 Buena Vista Dr, Greeley. Lender: Household Fin Corp Iii, Amount Due: $165221. Case #4034373. 7/31/2014 Borrower: Bart J Weichel, 742 Marigold Ln, Fort Collins. Lender: Advantage Bk, Amount Due: $241001. Case #41564. 7/30/2014 Borrower: Catherine F Mosciski, 16961 Potts Pl, Mead. Lender: Bk Am, Amount Due: $236624. Case #4034374. 7/31/2014 Debtor: Ruth V & Ruth De Magtanong, Creditor: Natl Credit Acceptance Inc. Amount: $5246.62. Case #C-14c-032203. Date: 8/2/2014 Borrower: Mary Frissell Smith, 1618 Sagewood Dr, Fort Collins. Lender: Wells Fargo Financial Colo Inc, Amount Due: $235064. Case #41939. 7/31/2014 Borrower: Jason M & Thomas J Coufal, 2063 27th Ave, Greeley. Lender: Colo Housing Fin Authority, Amount Due: $161148. Case #4034375. 7/31/2014 Debtor: Nichole Marie Tollefson, Creditor: Precision Recovery Analytics. Amount: $0.0. Case #C-10c5266. Date: 7/24/2014 Borrower: Ann Schlenzig, 4433 E County Road 48, Fort Collins. Lender: Bank America, Amount Due: $226108. Case #42233. 8/1/2014 Borrower: Balthazar Antonio & S Lopez, 2323 Balsam Ave, Greeley. Lender: Hsbc Bk Usa, Amount Due: $110051. Case #4034376. 7/31/2014 Debtor: Betty L Beard, Creditor: Central Credit Corp. Amount: $508.9. Case #C-04c-003229. Date: 7/24/2014 Borrower: Cindy & Craig Lebaron, 4235 Smith Park Ct, Loveland. Lender: Us Bank, Amount Due: $442108. Case #42234. 8/1/2014 Borrower: Alberto Herreravasquez, 323 Stockton St, Gilcrest. Lender: Bk Am, Amount Due: $72483. Case #4034721. 8/1/2014 Broomfield County Borrower: David A & Deborah C Munger, 4295 White Deer Ln, Wellington. Lender: Bank New York Mellon, Amount Due: $208820. Case #42237. 8/1/2014 Weld County Borrower: Shawn J Maupin, 75 E Broadway St, Keenesburg. Lender: Colo Housing Fin Authority, Amount Due: $148136. Case #4034722. 8/1/2014 Borrower: Jesus & Carrie Rivera, 154 Granville Ave, Firestone. Lender: Bk New Debtor: Tory J & Tory James Morrison, Creditor: Transwest Freightliner Llc. Amount: $93431.12. Case #D-13cv-032238. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Dean D & Dean Derrick Smith, Creditor: Empire Staple Co. Amount: $23472.68. Case #D-14cv-031250. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Keri A Gutierrez, Creditor: Am Family Mutual Ins Co. Amount: $5757.36. Case #C-07c-001206. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Moving Connection Inc, Creditor: Pinnacol Assurance. Amount: $30490.35. Case #D-14cv-030290. Date: 7/30/2014 Debtor: Fire Defense Inc, Creditor: Irwin Invest Llc. Amount: $16586.63. Case #C-14c-032633. Date: 8/1/2014 Debtor: William Virgil Myers, Creditor: Elizabeth Marie Ford. Amount: $26881.1. Case #D-08cv-001307. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Kevin D Byerly, Creditor: Shannon K Byerly. Amount: $230691.07. Case #D-12dr-001359. Date: 8/6/2014 Debtor: Laverne Sharer, Creditor: Vion Holdings Llc. Amount: $3449.97. Case #C-11c-000999. Date: 8/2/2014 Larimer County Debtor: Justin L Story, Creditor: Discover Bk. Amount: $5685.02. Case #C-10c-004478. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Ra Warkentin Constr Inc, Creditor: Nbh Bk. Amount: $80527.95. Case #D-08cv-000470. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Ra Warkentin Constr Inc, Creditor: Nbh Bk. Amount: $61969.46. Case #D-08cv-000470. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Laura L Hettrick, Creditor: Capital One Bk Usa. Amount: $2171.61. Case #C-14c-030630. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Patrick & Sarah C Geiger, Creditor: Wakefield Assoc Inc. Amount: $4197.46. Case #C-13c031327. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Garrett J Schaub, Creditor: Asset Acceptance Llc. Amount: $1444.91. Case #C-13c-035175. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Scott & Tishka Brantley, Creditor: Jeffrey S Wolff. Amount: $1791.73. Case #C-14s-000191. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Max L Arment, Creditor: Unifund Ccr Partners. Amount: $13580.28. Case #C-07c-000832. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Jenell Maxine Starkel, Creditor: Autovest Llc. Amount: $9657.15. Case #C-14c-032133. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Cameron L & Michelle Travis, Creditor: Natl Collegiate Student Loan T. Amount: $39637.78. Case #D-13cv-031329. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Cameron & Michelle Travis, Creditor: Natl Collegiate Student Loan T. Amount: $11935.16. Case #C-14c-030173. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Cameron & Michelle Travis, Creditor: Natl Collegiate Student Loan T. Amount: $11935.16. Case #C-14c-030173. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: John E & John E Iii Hahmann, Creditor: Capital One Bk. Amount: $3675.62. Case #C-06c-106995. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: David M Eisen, Creditor: Cach Llc. Amount: $2262.83. Case #C-14c030354. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Fire Defense Inc, Creditor: Irwin Invest Llc. Amount: $16586.63. Case #C-14c-032633. Date: 8/1/2014 See Record, 34 34 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | for the record from 33 Debtor: Lisa K Drovdal, Creditor: Jefferson Capital Systems Llc. Amount: $763.75. Case #C-14c033005. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Mark Torres, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $902.96. Case #C-14c-030252. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Cynthia Turcotte, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $1021.45. Case #C-14c-031310. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Jo Cochrane, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $4029.48. Case #C-14c-030597. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Lonny Nickless, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $741.23. Case #C-14c-030462. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Rita Martinez, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $703.87. Case #C-14c-031985. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Richard K & Richard Jordan, Creditor: Am Family Mutual Ins Co. Amount: $13334.8. Case #C-13c-031581. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Krista Riley, Creditor: Autovest Llc. Amount: $29292.34. Case #D-14cv-030506. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Valerie Exelby, Creditor: Account Brokers Larimer County. Amount: $983.92. Case #C-08c008481. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Troy L Resler, Creditor: Wakefield Assoc Inc. Amount: $631.01. Case #C-13c-031348. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Pamela M Bondhus, Creditor: Capital One Bk Usa. Amount: $0.0. Case #C-11c9457. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Eric James Haenschen, Creditor: Mark Sabiers. Amount: $926.84. Case #C-00s-100265. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Chris W Taylor, Creditor: Pioneer Ridge Homeowners Assoc. Amount: $1465.07. Case #C-10c-009217. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Ardelle L Luna, Creditor: Capital One Bk Usa. Amount: $1319.22. Case #C-08c-007312. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Michael Freel, Creditor: Alternative Revenue Systems In. Amount: $0.0. Case #C-2008c8962. Date: 7/31/2014 Debtor: Dereck Frank, Creditor: Pioneer Ridge Community Assoc. Amount: $2211.62. Case #C-14c033425. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Casandra M Sanchez, Creditor: Am Family Mutual Ins Co. Amount: $18306.65. Case #C-13c034858. Date: 8/2/2014 Weld County Debtor: Margarito Rodarte, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $1420.55. Case #C-14c031611. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Kristin Flynn Alles, Creditor: Bonita L Henley Trust. Amount: $2912.85. Case #C-14c-033555. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Admyrd Inc, Creditor: Steve Sharp Transportation Inc. Amount: $55754.33. Case #D-13cv-030926. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Excaliburexteriors Llc, Creditor: Am Bldrs Contractors Supply In. Amount: $188890.7. Case #D-12cv-001618. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Robert W Jr Phillips, Creditor: Colo Dept Revenue. Amount: $5158.75. Case #D-14cv-800023. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Ra Warkentin Constr Inc, Creditor: Nbh Bk. Amount: $80527.95. Case #D-08cv-000470. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Kenneth Schwols, Creditor: Colo Dept Revenue. Amount: $1359.0. Case #D-13cv-801855. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Matthew W Heil, Creditor: Capital One Bk. Amount: $4248.09. Case #C-08c-004996. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Annette R & Richard J Gonzales, Creditor: Account Brokers Larimer Cnty I. Amount: $1869.4. Case #C-10c-007844. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Trl Enterprises Inc, Creditor: Colo Iron Metal Inc. Amount: $4921.31. Case #C-10c10330. Date: 7/30/2014 Debtor: Tyler Thomas Koerner, Creditor: Otero Fed Credit Union. Amount: $1947.3. Case #Cv- New Mexico. Date: 8/1/2014 Debtor: Paul K Weiser, Creditor: Professional Fin Co Inc. Amount: $3874.0. Case #C-06c-202074. Date: 8/1/2014 Debtor: Amanda Jane Brazeal, Creditor: Collindale Pud Assoc. Amount: $0.0. Case #C-2012c10103. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Robert W Jr Phillips, Creditor: Colo Dept Revenue. Amount: $1239.0. Case #D-14cv-800560. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Gene S Hart, Creditor: Pioneer Ridge Community Assoc. Amount: $2671.83. Case #C-14c033664. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Ra Warkentin Constr Inc, Creditor: Nbh Bk. Amount: $61969.46. Case #D-08cv-000470. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Amy Fiedler, Creditor: Comenity Bk. Amount: $1473.64. Case #D-14cv-030079. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Snowcap Creamery Inc, Creditor: Jonathan Reyes. Amount: $38012.62. Case #D-11-Cv-02755-JlkKmt. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Ben & Kelly S Selders, Creditor: Wakefield Assoc Inc. Amount: $898.72. Case #C-14c032315. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Tory James Morrison, Creditor: Transwest Freightliner Llc. Amount: $93431.12. Case #D-13cv-032238. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Joseph A Martinez, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $1476.66. Case #C-14c032438. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Scott Helgesen, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $1256.48. Case #C-14c-030420. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Matthew Lind, Creditor: Midland Funding Llc. Amount: $5591.55. Case #C-14c-030421. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Crystal M Ybarra, Creditor: Am Family Mut Ins Co. Amount: $3191.6. Case #C-08c-006238. Date: 7/26/2014 Debtor: Chad Sanger, Creditor: Marsha J & James Harris. Amount: $13225.0. Case #C-12c-008655. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Jason M Roten, Creditor: Unifund Ccr Partners. Amount: $10289.42. Case #C-08c-000451. Date: 7/30/2014 Debtor: Boyd Holdings Inc, Creditor: Bk West. Amount: $152719.12. Case #D-14cv-030174. Date: 7/31/2014 Debtor: Fire Defense Inc, Creditor: Irwin Invest Llc. Amount: $16586.63. Case #C-14c-032633. Date: 8/1/2014 Debtor: Paul A Chacon, Creditor: Global Asset Recovery Llc. Amount: $230165.22. Case #D-14cv-030385. Date: 8/2/2014 Debtor: Lorenzo O & Hilda Tarango, Creditor: Chicago Title Ins Co. Amount: $36633.83. Case #D-14cv-030565. Date: 8/5/2014 Debtor: Joshua Jarrad Peters, Creditor: Ellicia Corrigal. Amount: $150.0. Case #D-09jv000453. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Paul H Scanlon, Creditor: Wakefield Assoc Inc. Amount: $2035.17. Case #C-10c-007252. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Levina & James S Ness, Creditor: Wakefield Assoc Inc. Amount: $5789.63. Case #C-13c005380. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Dawn R Cruikshank, Creditor: Wakefield Assoc Inc. Amount: $2124.29. Case #C-13c033681. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Jonathan Kushner, Creditor: Glenrock Place Homeowners Asso. Amount: $0.0. Case #C-10c9202. Date: 7/24/2014 Debtor: Chris W Taylor, Creditor: Pioneer Ridge Homeowners Assoc. Amount: $1465.07. Case #C-10c-009217. Date: 7/25/2014 Debtor: Michael R Blaylock, Creditor: Capital One Bk Usa. Amount: $1559.67. Case #C-09c-009527. Date: 7/30/2014 Debtor: Louie Alaniz, Creditor: Discover Bk. Amount: $0.0. Case #C-2007c8709. Date: 7/31/2014 Debtor: Richard J & Annette R Gonzales, Creditor: Bonded Adjusting Service. Amount: $728.47. Case #C-2009c4289. Date: 8/1/2014 Debtor: Brian Richmond, Creditor: Am Express Centurion Bk. Amount: $5609.53. Case #C-11c008779. Date: 8/5/2014 Debtor: Joshua B Weisberg, Creditor: Colo St Revenue. Amount: $948.0. Case #D-D622012cv802955. Date: 8/5/2014 Release Of Judgment Boulder County Debtor: Sook Kim, Creditor: Cavalry Portfolio Service Llc. Amount: $0.0. Case #D-09c2540. Date: 7/23/2014 Debtor: Patricia Sue & James Dean, Creditor: Bc Services Inc. Amount: $0.0. Case #C-13c31368. Date: 7/26/2014 Larimer County Debtor: Aleesa Cheri Whiteis, Creditor: Fia Card Services. Amount: $0.0. Case #D-14-13054-Eeb. Date: 7/29/2014 Debtor: Aleesa Cheri Whiteis, Creditor: Discover Bk. Amount: $0.0. Case #D-14-13054-Eeb. Date: 7/29/2014 Social Click Inc, $727.41, Case #40510, 7/25/2014 Weld County Weld County Debtor: Leigh & Corey Kraft, Creditor: Liberty Acquisitions Servicing. Amount: $0.0. Case #D-1314442eeb. Date: 7/31/2014 Aquatic Wetland Co, $145.49, Case #4034061, 7/30/2014 Debtor: Leigh & Corey Kraft, Creditor: Capital One Bk Usa. Amount: $0.0. Case #D-13-14442eeb. Date: 7/31/2014 Debtor: Leigh & Corey Kraft, Creditor: Cach Llc. Amount: $0.0. Case #D-1314442eeb. Date: 7/31/2014 State Tax Liens Boulder County A Retailers Supply Warehouse L, $909.0, Case #3394315, 7/30/2014 Casarrubias Inc, $13196.0, Case #3394317, 7/30/2014 Dillon Devl Inc, $1934.16, Case #3394258, 7/30/2014 Eustace Consulting Llc, $1902.33, Case #3394821, 8/2/2014 Green Valley Llc, $232.0, Case #3394314, 7/30/2014 Ifm Grace Coach Lines Inc, $1456.63, Case #3394263, 7/30/2014 Innovative Outdoor Designs Llc, $169.16, Case #3394251, 7/30/2014 Kennedy Siteworks Llc, $11086.25, Case #3394505, 7/31/2014 Lamas Plumbing, $2487.56, Case #3394090, 7/30/2014 Minuteman Heating Cooling Llc, $6140.0, Case #3394316, 7/30/2014 C Morgen Masonry Inc, $91676.49, Case #4032876, 7/24/2014 California Security Services I, $1232.43, Case #4033770, 7/29/2014 Cokan Enterprises Inc, $1292.6, Case #4035405, 8/2/2014 Ctd Computers Inc, $2739.0, Case #4034553, 7/31/2014 Fire Defense Inc, $749.8, Case #4034062, 7/30/2014 Isla Bonita Inc, $833.26, Case #4034802, 8/1/2014 K2d Inc, $15566.64, Case #4032878, 7/24/2014 Marcor Inc, $1394.41, Case #4032877, 7/24/2014 Mundt Energy Services Llc, $11053.11, Case #4035406, 8/2/2014 West Weld Mechanical Contracto, $782.87, Case #4034063, 7/30/2014 Whitfield Hay;Grain, $164.15, Case #4034552, 7/31/2014 Release Of State Tax Liens Boulder County Alke Inc, $0.0, Case #3394820, 8/2/2014 Aspen Test Engineering Inc, $8355.29, Case #3394513, 7/31/2014 Blue Mtn Stone Inc, $0.0, Case #3394252, 7/30/2014 New Horizon Automation Inc, $735.42, Case #3394504, 7/31/2014 Goliath Solutions Llc, $0.0, Case #3394255, 7/30/2014 Spiritus Veritas Inc, $1341.0, Case #3394313, 7/30/2014 Goliath Solutions Llc, $242.63, Case #3394254, 7/30/2014 This Time Medical Weight Loss, $6584.0, Case #3394318, 7/30/2014 Goliath Solutions Llc, $0.0, Case #3394253, 7/30/2014 Trenching For Les Llc, $521.13, Case #3394038, 7/29/2014 Broomfield County Bella Nails Llc, $835.76, Case #6765, 7/26/2014 Kennedy Siteworks Llc, $9387.0, Case #6986, 7/31/2014 Larimer County Am Honda Education Corp, $721.33, Case #41901, 7/31/2014 Auto Trends Llc, $189.0, Case #41571, 7/30/2014 Beach Law Firm Llc, $709.39, Case #41582, 7/30/2014 El Valle Llc, $1318.19, Case #41017, 7/29/2014 Moxie Glass Inc, $802.32, Case #41016, 7/29/2014 Munu Llc, $6508.0, Case #41574, 7/30/2014 Nails 2000 Inc, $817.41, Case #42210, 8/1/2014 Panda Bicycles Llc, $2739.0, Case #41572, 7/30/2014 Pbm Llc, $465.88, Case #40792, 7/26/2014 Play It Again Sports, $3326.0, Case #41573, 7/30/2014 Goliath Solutions Llc, $0.0, Case #3394256, 7/30/2014 Lyons Community Monessori Inc, $852.93, Case #3393563, 7/25/2014 Jimmiemcabee, $0.0, Case #3393828, 7/29/2014 Jimmiemcabee, $0.0, Case #3393829, 7/29/2014 Jimmiemcabee, $0.0, Case #3393831, 7/29/2014 Jimmiemcabee, $0.0, Case #3393830, 7/29/2014 Wolf Flooring Inc, $269.25, Case #3394514, 7/31/2014 Larimer County Douglas Adenney, $0.0, Case #42604, 8/2/2014 Douglas Adenney, $0.0, Case #42603, 8/2/2014 Ryan Pmarzec, $0.0, Case #40011, 7/23/2014 Moyer Machine Tools Inc, $0.0, Case #42617, 8/2/2014 Washouse Management Llc, $874.77, Case #42211, 8/1/2014 Washouse Management Llc, $682.73, Case #42212, 8/1/2014 Wild Wings Things Inc, $0.0, Case #41583, 7/30/2014 Weld County Radian Services Llc, $1130.36, Case #41581, 7/30/2014 Aplin Constr Llc, $0.0, Case #4034554, 7/31/2014 Rfi Llc, $942.61, Case #41900, 7/31/2014 Front Range Insulation Inc, $0.0, Case #4032875, 7/24/2014 Snarfs Ft Collins Llc, $2853.94, Case #41580, 7/30/2014 Warranty Deeds Boulder County Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | for the reCorD Seller: michael ruby Buyer, Buyer’s address: richard Wiss, 635 Dakota Blvd address: 635 Dakota Blvd, Boulder Price: $633500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Douglas & Jennifer campbell Buyer, Buyer’s address: Brian r & megan l morris, 2805 Shoshone trl address: 2805 Shoshone trl, lafayette Price: $1010000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: gene r Starkey Buyer, Buyer’s address: robert P & June h hunnicutt, 6822 countryside ln Apt 297 address: 6822 countryside ln Apt 297, niwot Price: $206600 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: helen l Spunt Buyer, Buyer’s address: Delta tau chi llc, 312 e Buffalo St # 300 address: mult Prop, Price: $785000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Kerry Borcherding Buyer, Buyer’s address: mary mchenry, 187 2nd Ave # 1 address: 187 2nd Ave # 1, lyons Price: $415000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Fannie mae Buyer, Buyer’s address: John heathfield, 645 Dudley ln address: 645 Dudley ln, longmont Price: $205000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: thomas A obanion Buyer, Buyer’s address: harvey Wayne leiser, 2835 links Dr address: 2835 links Dr, Boulder Price: $905500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Joseph A romano Buyer, Buyer’s address: leigh Bray romano, 2570 glenwood Dr address: 2570 glenwood Dr, Boulder Price: $523600 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Amy Duckro Buyer, Buyer’s address: Jonathan W Kohn, 7415 rodeo Dr address: 7415 rodeo Dr, longmont Price: $614500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: clifford l & ruth A chillemi Buyer, Buyer’s address: elmer F & motria S ramos, 1200 hawk ridge rd address: 1200 hawk ridge rd, lafayette Price: $840000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Byron r & Dorothy J Beier Buyer, Buyer’s address: Jessica A hoyle, 154 Jackson Pl address: 154 Jackson Pl, erie Price: $212000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: carl t A & e Jeanette Johnk Buyer, Buyer’s address: Stephen h cook, 2468 ginny Way address: 2468 ginny Way, lafayette Price: $642500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Kimmett Family trust Buyer, Buyer’s address: Stephen robert & Drew gillaspie calvert, 112 Aline St address: 112 Aline St, louisville Price: $419000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Yuju & troy r curtiss Buyer, Buyer’s address: carson matthew grogg, 1618 tanaka Dr address: 1618 tanaka Dr, erie Price: $376000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: neil r Draxler revocable trust Buyer, Buyer’s address: Vincent A Difabbio, 2458 lexington St address: 2458 lexington St, lafayette Price: $547500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: David mitchell Buyer, Buyer’s address: elroy e Quenroe, 3687 roundtree ct address: 3687 roundtree ct, Boulder Price: $530500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: lance Dehning Buyer, Buyer’s address: Angela l hitt, 201 Sherwood ct address: 201 Sherwood ct, longmont Price: $373300 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: David & michelle c czopek Buyer, Buyer’s address: Julia A & William J trainor, 1880 eldorado cir address: 1880 eldorado cir, Superior Price: $660000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: errol e & Barbara J harano Buyer, Buyer’s address: ryan mitchell herrmann revocab, 644 W Sagebrush Dr address: 644 W Sagebrush Dr, louisville Price: $750500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Steven m & Stephanie l grant Buyer, Buyer’s address: timothy t & charlene A Walker, 605 Deerwood Dr address: 605 Deerwood Dr, longmont Price: $429300 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Jessica Silbaugh Buyer, Buyer’s address: Jason l & Paula c maguire, 141 Kelling Dr address: 141 Kelling Dr, lyons Price: $393000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Douglas m & Susan gerrard Buyer, Buyer’s address: merrill P Anderson, 4603 Portofino Dr address: 4603 Portofino Dr, longmont Price: $346500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: ryan r lamb Buyer, Buyer’s address: nelson71 llc, 8664 Portico ln address: 712 nelson Park cir, longmont Price: $312000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: matthew michael zlaten Buyer, Buyer’s address: Bernardo rodriguez Benitez, 1153 longdon St address: 1153 longdon St, longmont Price: $188000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Jacob c mckusker Buyer, Buyer’s address: Kelly A Fleming, 1442 tulip St address: 1442 tulip St, longmont Price: $245000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Jairo h maldonado Buyer, Buyer’s address: Annette Dula, 822 Fred St address: 579 Fred St, Boulder Price: $112000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: edward J & maria e monares Buyer, Buyer’s address: Wayne t ertzbischoff, 1018 Pratt St address: 1018 Pratt St, longmont Price: $239900 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: William D murray Buyer, Buyer’s address: Justin & nancee gold, 409 Spruce St address: 341 Spruce St, Boulder Price: $1100000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: ronnie D & louisa K hudson Buyer, Buyer’s address: mark A todd, 1106 Button rock ct address: 1106 Button rock ct, longmont Price: $416000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Patrick l & rebecca n Jensen Buyer, Buyer’s address: Patricia Danzig, 4154 longview ln address: 4154 longview ln, Boulder Price: $474000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Dee & Bryon neitzel Buyer, Buyer’s address: Allison & nader Akhnoukh, 619 Quince cir address: 619 Quince cir, Boulder Price: $1075000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Jason l & Paula c maguire Buyer, Buyer’s address: Bradley Allen Antho todaro, 626 glenarbor cir address: 626 glenarbor cir, longmont Price: $325000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: erin e Poe Buyer, Buyer’s address: Shannon m Petro, 1262 monarch Dr address: 1262 monarch Dr, longmont Price: $255000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Anne m Paulu Buyer, Buyer’s address: matthew S olson revocable livi, 4710 holiday Dr unit 204 address: 4710 holiday Dr unit 204, Boulder Price: $420000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: ryland group inc Buyer, Buyer’s address: Jan A larson, 1315 lander ln address: 1315 lander ln, lafayette Price: $391000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Julia A trainor living trust Buyer, Buyer’s address: Kevin hoskinson, 1333 greening Ave address: 1333 greening Ave, erie Price: $585000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: lianna marie list Buyer, Buyer’s address: Witt Family trust, 7496 old mill trl address: 7496 old mill trl, Boulder Price: $427600 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: lisa D & Jonathan taft ray Buyer, Buyer’s address: Alan & Jacqueline curtis, 525 S Snowmass cir address: 525 S Snowmass cir, Superior Price: $749000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: granary llc Buyer, Buyer’s address: tabitha & Douglas Slemmer, 1125 redwood Ave address: 1125 redwood Ave, Boulder Price: $1632700 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: lindsay Kenney Buyer, Buyer’s address: marcel e meier Family trust, 5040 Buckingham rd address: 5040 Buckingham rd, Boulder Price: $265000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Ben & Kelly merkel Buyer, Buyer’s address: lara mcdermott, 135 rowena Pl address: 135 rowena Pl, lafayette Price: $292900 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Sarah tuthill Buyer, Buyer’s address: cathy edwards, 898 Sir galahad Dr address: 898 Sir galahad Dr, lafayette Price: $189000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Ashley J Sacks Buyer, Buyer’s address: charlene J & lyder D gulbrandsen, 1148 Shell Basket ln address: 370 S taft ct, louisville Price: $230000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: richard leavitt Buyer, Buyer’s address: Jacob g & magdalena e Joyce, 4404 Wellington rd address: 4404 Wellington rd, Boulder Price: $462500 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Davis A gunderson Buyer, Buyer’s address: michael W & Karen g Watson, 568 W Sagebrush ct address: 730 copper ln Apt 106, louisville Price: $151800 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: Jenny marie mitchell Buyer, Buyer’s address: isaiah Joseph Valdez, 905 terry St address: 1931 red cloud rd, longmont Price: $299000 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: coast to coast residential Dev Buyer, Buyer’s address: Briana n & m Stottmessickboehmer, 4152 Westcliffe ct address: 4152 Westcliffe ct, Boulder Price: $809900 Date Closed: 7/22/2014 Seller: chelsey ternes Buyer, Buyer’s address: lauren leroy, 1707 Yarmouth Ave unit 210 address: 1707 Yarmouth Ave unit 210, Boulder Price: $141200 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Judy P ladd Buyer, Buyer’s address: miquelina herasme, 404 n Bermont St address: 404 n Bermont St, lafayette Price: $437000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: r Shawn Bleam Buyer, Buyer’s address: Steve V & cammie l muller, 594 Wingate Ave address: 594 Wingate Ave, Boulder Price: $966500 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: James P & Amy houlihan Buyer, Buyer’s address: Kenneth g Jr & christina l Palmen, 2848 Antelope ct address: 2848 Antelope ct, lafayette Price: $630000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: James A & linda K Kelley Buyer, Buyer’s address: Steve Sabine, 2707 Valmont rd Apt 216d address: 3891 Paseo Del Prado, Boulder Price: $410000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Andrew e zirkelbach Buyer, Buyer’s address: michael t & melissa t clymer, 1486 old tale rd address: 1486 old tale rd, Boulder Price: $928000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Daniel J & Dawn l Diehl Buyer, Buyer’s address: ciara Wentworth, 1532 oak Ave address: 1532 oak Ave, Boulder Price: $655000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Scott A Drees Buyer, Buyer’s address: David S Bierman, 2329 Bobwhite ln address: 311 cattail ct, longmont Price: $262500 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: 1325 indian Paint Brush llc Buyer, Buyer’s address: John & melanie Bimson, 1325 indian Paintbrush ln address: 1325 indian Paintbrush ln, longmont Price: $365000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Samuel robert & nancy B Shaw Buyer, Buyer’s address: Deborah F Benyik, 1500 norwood Ave address: 1500 norwood Ave, Boulder Price: $985000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: ian levi York See record, 36 You are invited to visit 35 Stunning New Homes On Parade in Northern Colorado! Every detail of the homes in the 2014 NOCO HBA Parade of Homes fulfils the promise “The Luxury You Deserve”. Home builders and remodelers in Northern Colorado are building homes in some of the most beautiful locations in Weld and Larimer counties. They are using innovative technology, and creating spacious yet energy conscious designs for the most discerning home buyers. “Luxury at Every Size” is reflected in every home including custom estate homes, country club community homes, coach homes, single family homes and luxurious remodelled homes. Three Full Weekends! Sept. 6th & 7th Sept. 13th & 14th Sept. 20th & 21st Open 10 am – 5 pm Go to to find a list of homes in the parade along with location and amenities. Watch for the official Parade of Homes magazine in the September 5th issue of BizWest | 35 36 | Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | for the record from 35 Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Timothy J Mazzola, 1760 Shallot Cir Address: 1760 Shallot Cir, Lafayette Price: $217500 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Austin Michael Perez Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Nicholas Samuels, 1360 Walnut St Apt 214 Address: 1360 Walnut St Apt 214, Boulder Price: $481000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Mae Martin Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Steven Mark & Mary Lynn Bruny, 790 10th St Address: 790 10th St, Boulder Price: $1411600 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Allen R Boutz Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Ian Bennett, 1302 Ceres Dr Address: 1302 Ceres Dr, Lafayette Price: $279900 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Tonya & Lane Johnson Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Paul Dopp, 1955 Vassar Cir Address: 1955 Vassar Cir, Boulder Price: $1100000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Dawn Q Mclane Buyer, Buyer’s Address: R W P Iv Allen, 1520 Whitehall Rd Address: 1129 Hillside Ln, Louisville Price: $500000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Mary C Junkin Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Scott & Rosemary Klemm, 419 5th Ave Address: 139 Ewald Ave, Lyons Price: $320000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Willis C Elrod Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Shane J Ready, 763 9th Ave Address: 763 9th Ave, Longmont Price: $207000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Marian L Kleinbach Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Natalie C Jones, 1130 Valley Ln Address: 175 Iroquois Dr, Boulder Price: $485000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Kimberly Rogerscarrete Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Rebecca N & Patrick L Jensen, 1790 Balsam Ave Address: 1790 Balsam Ave, Boulder Price: $680000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Ross W & Jennifer M H Lundman Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Ben Nevis Mcgee, 1756 Holeman Dr Address: 1756 Holeman Dr, Erie Price: $417000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Jeanne Sirovatka Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Erin M & Corey M Johnson, 1390 Banner Cir Address: 1390 Banner Cir, Erie Price: $341000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Kenneth T Hayes Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Cary P Leech, 630 Barberry Dr Address: 630 Barberry Dr, Longmont Price: $265000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Frank Joseph Toland Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Andrew Brandt, 3077 4th St Address: 771 W Cleveland Cir, Lafayette Price: $140000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Frances P Parman Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Daniel D Lee, 804 Summer Hawk Dr Unit 10101 Address: 804 Summer Hawk Dr Unit 10101, Longmont Price: $180000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Dava Jean Ottero Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Twisted Properties Llc, 9907 Isabelle Rd Address: 1650 Judson Dr, Longmont Price: $248500 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: David J Feeser Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Matthews Family Limited Partne, 625 Linden Ave Address: 3705 Birchwood Dr Apt 7, Boulder Price: $298900 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Gregory Randal White Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Terence M Fairbanks, 2390 Andrew Dr Address: 2390 Andrew Dr, Superior Price: $355000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Mary Vivian Montoya Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Colleen Mary Roarty, 425 S 45th St Address: 425 S 45th St, Boulder Price: $500000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Florence D & George Dvirnak Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Donn Lee & Dawn Lee Devries, 4033 Arezzo Dr Address: 4033 Arezzo Dr, Longmont Price: $325000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Crystal Ridge Colorado Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Mapleton Hill Investments Llc, 311 Mapleton Ave Address: , Price: $15000000 Date Closed: 7/23/2014 Seller: Dennis R Fatland Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Joseph Paul Rodriguez, 283 W Sycamore Ln Address: 283 W Sycamore Ln, Louisville Price: $360000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Robert F & Margaret M Caspari Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Samuel Robert & Nancy B Shaw, 2528 Pampas Ct Address: 2528 Pampas Ct, Boulder Price: $1180000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Stein Co Real Estate Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Peter K Abel, 2040 Spruce St Address: 2040 Spruce St, Boulder Price: $306700 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Lakeside Coffman Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: 1302 S Coffman St Llc, 3405 Martin Dr Address: 1310 S Coffman St, Longmont Price: $430000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Yongqiang Zhang Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Robert L & Holly A Powell, 1530 Turin Dr Address: 1530 Turin Dr, Longmont Price: $570000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Jennifer J & Alain Jobart Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jane E Lowry, 1015 Venice St Address: 1015 Venice St, Longmont Price: $224500 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Jeffrey F & Heather Weltzin Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Katherine Fuh, 1245 James Cir # 2 Address: 1245 James Cir # 2, Lafayette Price: $215000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Joy & Peter J Lance Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Alex Louis Wilsdon, 3787 Ridge Rd Address: 3787 Ridge Rd, Nederland Price: $485000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Phillip D & Khristine Turner Rolfe Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Kristen Laughlin, 1480 Quince Ave Unit 201 Address: 1480 Quince Ave Unit 201, Boulder Price: $242200 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: James Daniel Angel Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jill A Grano, 2990 19th St Address: 3250 Oneal Cir Apt L33, Boulder Price: $109000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Javan M Stackley Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Scott A & Katherine L Grubbs, 656 Buchanan Ln Address: 656 Buchanan Ln, Longmont Price: $229000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Meritage Homes Colorado Inc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Scott & Vicki L Donza, 721 San Juan Dr Address: 721 San Juan Dr, Lafayette Price: $435500 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Julie A Nelson Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Laura Beth Collierfogdall, 1811 Lydia Dr # 101 Address: 1811 Lydia Dr # 101, Lafayette Price: $220000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Dawn & Steven W Ehli Buyer, Buyer’s Address: John L Hoebel, 585 Wild Ridge Ln Address: 585 Wild Ridge Ln, Lafayette Price: $345000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Barbara Ann Hester, 2240 Dunbar Ct Address: 2240 Dunbar Ct, Longmont Price: $205400 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Mark A Jellison Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jonathan & Courtney Phillips, 1990 Poplar Ave Address: 1990 Poplar Ave, Boulder Price: $753300 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Richard Wiss Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Benjamin Darwin Oppenheimer, 1690 Oak Ave Address: 1690 Oak Ave, Boulder Price: $749700 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Adler Family Trust Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Edward Gene & Valerie Lynne Johnson, 11895 Flatiron Dr Address: 11895 Flatiron Dr, Lafayette Price: $375000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Elisabeth R Boxhud Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Melissa A & Anthony A Decino, 1611 9th Ave Address: 1611 9th Ave, Longmont Price: $199000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Christopher & Nina Herrick Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Amber N & Jeffrey R Thompson, 206 Acadia Ave Address: 206 Acadia Ave, Lafayette Price: $279900 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: James A Reich Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Risa Booze, 939 Hover Ridge Cir Address: 939 Hover Ridge Cir, Longmont Price: $260000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Bank New York Melon Trustee Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Nick Altomari, 1642 Kimbark St Address: 1918 Kimbark St, Longmont Price: $124000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Bank New York Mellon Trustee Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Nick Altomari, 1642 Kimbark St Address: 1918 Kimbark St, Longmont Price: $124000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Elizabeth J Smith Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Ronald & Glenda Hartmann, 1660 Centaur Cir Address: 1660 Centaur Cir, Lafayette Price: $174000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Subramanian Ramachandran Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Debra Simpson, 4985 Twin Lakes Rd Apt 85 Address: 4985 Twin Lakes Rd Apt 85, Boulder Price: $185000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Jeffrey S Boring Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Ann Hunter, 430 Emery St Address: 430 Emery St, Longmont Price: $225000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Susan Clark Andrews Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Thomas L Rickman, 19 Anchorage Ct Address: 19 Anchorage Ct, Longmont Price: $169000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Suzanne S Stamm Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Danielle Katherine Rocks, 410 Dewey Ave Address: 410 Dewey Ave, Boulder Price: $1583000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Charles W Brown Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Andrew & Anne Kinney, 408 Jasper Way Address: 408 Jasper Way, Superior Price: $710000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Kenneth J Case Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Lisa M Paoletti, 408 Po Box 1044 Address: 539 Prospect St, Lyons Price: $235000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Andrew Scott Richardson Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Melissa & Craig Cunningham, 4229 Sumac Ct Address: 3265 34th St Apt 47, Boulder Price: $185000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Bolyard Rentals Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Edward Baker, 2440 Panorama Ave Address: 102 W Cannon St, Lafayette Price: $134500 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Richard J & Kathleen L Zumbrennen Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Joseph C Zumbrennen, 836 Walnut St Apt E Address: 836 Walnut St Apt E, Boulder Price: $275000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Jonathan Laurie Miller Family Buyer, Buyer’s Address: 437 Pearl Street Llc, 1035 Pearl St # 405 Address: 437 Pearl St, Boulder Price: $808600 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Michael W & Jami S Mccormick Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Daniel W & Jennifer K Singer Rupp, 466 Muirfield Cir Address: 466 Muirfield Cir, Louisville Price: $577000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Harlan E & Linda L Weber Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Robert P & Marguerite E Tierney, 1332 Ilium Dr Address: 1332 Ilium Dr, Lafayette Price: $320000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Paul Kram Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Zoe & Brian Whitmore, 1564 Aster Ct Address: 1564 Aster Ct, Superior Price: $420000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: 2523 Broadway Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Elisol Llc, 1919 17th St #812 Address: 2523 Broadway St # 200, Boulder Price: $912500 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Margaret A & Eugene H Jr Fosnight Buyer, Buyer’s Address: David L Dyer, 511 Highland Ave Address: 511 Highland Ave, Boulder Price: $1435000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Julie A Nelson Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Laura Beth Collierfogdall, 1811 Lydia Dr # 101 Address: 1811 Lydia Dr # 101, Lafayette Price: $220000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Meritage Homes Colorado Inc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Michael Wayne Olszowy, 631 Benton Ln Address: 631 Benton Ln, Erie Price: $566800 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Sandra & Jeffery A Roberts Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Dennis Crouthers, 1662 High Plains Dr Address: 1662 High Plains Dr, Superior Price: $323000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Karen G Peperzak Living Trust Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Bc Beyond Llc, 9501 Laird Rd Address: 1155 Canyon Blvd Ste 406, Boulder Price: $5300000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Russell L Leabch Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Theodore J Krings, 707 Bittersweet Ln Address: 707 Bittersweet Ln, Longmont Price: $462500 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Janice Rosales Flood Living Tr Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Kurt Andrew Carlson, 968 Steamboat Valley Rd Address: 968 Steamboat Valley Rd, Lyons Price: $375000 Date Closed: 7/2/2014 Seller: Mountain Starr Investments Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Flatiron View Farm Llc, 2503 Texland Cir Address: , Price: $1100000 Date Closed: 7/3/2014 Seller: Kenneth G Jr Sharon K Carlson Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Lakside Coffman Llc, 3612 Yellow Pine Pl Address: 331 21st Ave, Longmont Price: $450000 Date Closed: 7/24/2014 Seller: Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Mac Boulder Llc, 100 Crescent Ct Ste 200 Address: 6304 Spine Rd, Boulder Price: $13400000 Date Closed: 7/25/2014 Seller: Marc Whipp Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Mario Christopher Najera, 9322 Rogers Rd Address: 9322 Rogers Rd, Longmont Price: $427500 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Janet Legare Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Karen J Mckinley, 1737 Reliance Ct Address: 1737 Reliance Ct, Superior Price: $400000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Allen L Ting Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Megan A Fessenden, 2059 Eagle Ave Address: 2059 Eagle Ave, Superior Price: $212000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Dan & Orna Peleg Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Shannon Marie West, 217 Iroquois Dr Address: 217 Iroquois Dr, Boulder Price: $510500 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Pedro P Castillo Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Kyle & Deanne Sylvester, 1376 Flannagan Ct Address: 1376 Flannagan Ct, Erie Price: $345000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Carole Jean Hammett Trust Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Gregory Haarburger, 1720 Walnut St Address: 1720 Walnut St, Boulder Price: $475000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Jessica Marie Schilling Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Rita Mangeyn, 1707 Yarmouth Ave Unit 209 Address: 1707 Yarmouth Ave Unit 209, Boulder Price: $153700 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: David F & Cecilia E Lange Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Michelle Ann Johnston, 1119 Utica Ave Address: 1119 Utica Ave, Boulder Price: $775000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Ronald A Millikan Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Erik & Evelyn Bollinger, 1407 Pinewood Ct Address: 1407 Pinewood Ct, Longmont Price: $269000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Mark D Jr & Deborah A Burton Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Shawna T & John C Martin, 3227 Opal Ln Address: 3227 Opal Ln, Superior Price: $609000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Brendan Hodge Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jay Droeger, 1707 Yarmouth Ave Unit 204 Address: 1707 Yarmouth Ave Unit 204, Boulder Price: $149600 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Donald E & Tammy J Martella Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Analissa D & Paul J Hilt, 1910 Bell Dr Address: 1910 Bell Dr, Erie Price: $516000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Jackie Chang Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Seth Heine, 818 W Tamarisk St Address: 5122 Williams Fork Trl Apt 109, Boulder Price: $162000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Tomic Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: John Adam & Nicole Alise Summers, 706 James St Address: 706 James St, Longmont Price: $217000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: 205 Echo Place Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: David Dube, 205 Echo Pl Address: 205 Echo Pl, Boulder Price: $874000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Ashley & Samuel Miller Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jg P Properties Llc, 6229 Holman Ct Address: 1222 Kinnikinnick Ct, Longmont Price: $184800 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Eugene & Mary J Melick Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Fred Max Iii Hauck, 1114 Red Oak Dr Address: 1114 Red Oak Dr, Longmont Price: $232500 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: David J & Cynthia S Baron Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Dana B Hauser, 4170 Longview Ln Address: 4170 Longview Ln, Boulder Price: $505000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Richard Franklin Merryman Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Rosalie E Summers, 1011 Sonoma Cir Unit H Address: 1011 Sonoma Cir Unit H, Longmont Price: $200500 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Richard M & Carol Clarke Bedell Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Peter & Catherine S Zaidel, 316 Caribou Pass Cir Address: 316 Caribou Pass Cir, Lafayette Price: $501000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Joshua Wickstrom Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Matthew & Bonnie Nerbonne, 16019 Barton River Ln Address: 932 Milo Cir Unit A, Lafayette Price: $182000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: 461 Main Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Rosalees Pizzeria Llc, 2161 Fruntion St Address: 461 Main St, Longmont Price: $290000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Peter J Mcelroy Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Kristopher A & Dale M Korba, 730 S 46th St Address: 3030 Oneal Pkwy Apt M11, Boulder Price: $149500 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Ronald L Paschen Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jordan A & Sara Andrews, 362 Conrad Dr Address: 362 Conrad Dr, Erie Price: $345000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Aldrich Rodriguez Living Trust Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Mary F Breitenstein, 4927 Bella Vista Dr Address: 4927 Bella Vista Dr, Longmont Price: $460000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Blake H & Jessica H Catlin Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Boyce I Greer Gst Taxable Mari, 89 N State St Address: 1650 Wilson Ct, Boulder Price: $2800000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Margaret A & Roger W Ayan Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Blake H & Jessica H Catlin, 2585 Kohler Dr Address: 2585 Kohler Dr, Boulder Price: $1320000 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Julie L Isernhagen Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Christine H Smock, 392 W Sycamore Ln Address: 392 W Sycamore Ln, Louisville Price: $381900 Date Closed: 7/28/2014 Seller: Ursula Geiger Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Bear Cub Properties Llc, 377 Ord Dr Address: 2141 Baseline Rd Apt 23, Boulder Price: $290000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: David S & Jan Miller Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Mark & Any J Santiago, 2306 Sunrise Dr Address: 2306 Sunrise Dr, Longmont Price: $225000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Sandra H & Marvin J Straus Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Philip T & Rebecca R Gruber, 865 Willowbrook Rd Address: 2228 Holyoke Dr, Boulder Price: $940200 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Melody Homes Inc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Michael A & Jennifer R Kiley, 980 Sumner Wy Address: 980 Sumner Wy, Erie Price: $531500 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Gail A & Michael E Rapport Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jennifer Diane Plass, 6662 Drew Ranch Ln Address: 6662 Drew Ranch Ln, Boulder Price: $542500 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Longmont United Hospital Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Marion Jill & Edward Stephen Cassells, 2007 Hollyhock Ct Address: 1246 Frontier Dr, Longmont Price: $170000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Christopher B & Breanne B Newcomb Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Alex Wright, 3005 23rd St Address: 3005 23rd St, Boulder Price: $529700 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Torey A Taylor Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Zachary D Robison, 709 Folklore Ave Address: 709 Folklore Ave, Longmont Price: $320000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Jenifer & Thomas A Atkinson Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Matthew B Bonoma, 4872 Earle Cir Address: 4872 Earle Cir, Boulder Price: $485000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Peter B Hancock Buyer, Buyer’s Address: James G & Elizabeth Kealey, 812 Po Box 40329 Address: 812 20th St Apt 10, Boulder Price: $235000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Rachel R Zelaya Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Carole Kaye, 3043 7th St Address: 8060 Niwot Rd Apt 30, Niwot Price: $148000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Alan C & Arrie May Flowers Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Christine Lietz, 1353 Trail Ridge Rd Address: 1353 Trail Ridge Rd, Longmont Price: $264900 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Leanne Deherrera Buyer, Buyer’s Address: William C H & Beth A Legg, 1542 Chapman Ln Address: 1542 Chapman Ln, Longmont Price: $292000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Barbara L Kish Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jerome E Rau, 1633 Feltham Pl Address: 1633 Feltham Pl, Longmont Price: $217500 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Timothy J & Ruth Hoar Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Rebecca K Montange, 762 W Willow St Address: 762 W Willow St, Louisville Price: $456000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Mary L Hummer Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Todd S Johnson, 804 Summer Hawk Dr Unit 2208 Address: 804 Summer Hawk Dr Unit 2208, Longmont Price: $148500 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Emily E A Oates Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Creekside Trust, 753 Po Box 3038 Address: 753 Pearl St, Boulder Price: $785000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Marcos Barron Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Rosa Elva Borrego, 814 S Gay St Address: 814 S Gay St, Longmont Price: $239000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Jack D & Eugenia H Burson Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Robert M Cornell, 2605 Clayton Cir Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | 37 for the record Address: 2605 Clayton Cir, Superior Price: $485000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Kyle & Rachel Hensley Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Brendan & Shiela Roberts, 280 Iroquois Dr Address: 280 Iroquois Dr, Boulder Price: $515000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Benjamin Merkel Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jessie D Ivankovich, 711 E Baseline Rd Address: 711 E Baseline Rd, Lafayette Price: $176000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Judith D Hensel Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Alexander L Beal, 3880 Colorado Ave Apt K Address: 3880 Colorado Ave Apt K, Boulder Price: $390000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Stephen J & Sarah K Remmert Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Thomas William Virden, 1545 Sunset Blvd Address: 1545 Sunset Blvd, Boulder Price: $2600000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: W Reed & Dana L Bunker Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Kraig & Cathleen Corbin, 3138 E 94th Ln Address: 1958 Hamron Ct, Erie Price: $350000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: William H & James R Bergh Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Bjorn Fox, 3138 Po Box 4943 Address: , Price: $110000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Lee D Gibbons Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jennifer Clare Mattern, 1376 Tipperary St Address: 1376 Tipperary St, Boulder Price: $305000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Jenny E & Paul F Campos Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Lindon L Lewis, 1735 Garland Ln Address: 1735 Garland Ln, Boulder Price: $708000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Nichole L Moore Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Julie L Isernhagen, 1285 Trail Ridge Rd Address: 1285 Trail Ridge Rd, Longmont Price: $250000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Donald R Grohne Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Andrew L Berzanskis, 1839 W Barberry Ct Address: 1839 W Barberry Ct, Louisville Price: $462000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Jennifer L Mehren Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Christopher Haefele, 824 Nelson Park Dr Address: 824 Nelson Park Dr, Longmont Price: $320000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Jose A Bencomo Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jose Monge Valenzuela, 825 Alpine St Address: 825 Alpine St, Longmont Price: $207000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Robert J & Scarlett Massine Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jonathan R & Ashley E Wallace, 1611 Centaur Cir Address: 1611 Centaur Cir, Lafayette Price: $318000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Marcey J & Gerard R Cote Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Gary M & Stefanie S Traverso, 1140 Portland Pl Apt 306 Address: 1140 Portland Pl Apt 306, Boulder Price: $470000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Paul W Sullivan Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Lucas R Ingmire, 402 E Baseline Rd Address: 402 E Baseline Rd, Lafayette Price: $329000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Jane Goel Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jarred L Pinkston, 2033 Willow Creek Dr Address: 1005 Acadia Ave, Lafayette Price: $295000 Date Closed: 7/29/2014 Seller: Kudos Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Habitat For Humanity Stvrain V, 738 Po Box 333 Address: Mult Prop, Price: $430000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Daniel Depaemelaere Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Molly Lynn Clark, 1900 Chalcis Dr # D42 Address: 1900 Chalcis Dr # D42, Lafayette Price: $130000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Pete & Wendy Ferrara Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Annie C & Brian V Haselfeld, 650 Ithaca Dr Address: 650 Ithaca Dr, Boulder Price: $738900 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Ryland Group Inc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Karimuthu Rengasamy, 1417 Lander Ln Address: 1417 Lander Ln, Lafayette Price: $453500 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Robb A Yarger Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Graham Mccann, 4115 Florentine Dr Address: 4115 Florentine Dr, Longmont Price: $375000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Hannelore Mary Pittinaro Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Hannah Loren Hennig, 8050 Niwot Rd Apt 56 Address: 7911 Countryside Dr Apt 133, Niwot Price: $125000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Matthew P & Christina Heid Scholbrock Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Rachel Ruthanna Zelaya, 948 Rose St Address: 948 Rose St, Longmont Price: $246000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Holly Hyatt & David Langdon Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Zachary & Aimee L Park, 501 W Linden St Address: 501 W Linden St, Louisville Price: $649900 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Mark S Fetter Buyer, Buyer’s Address: David Dupuis, 1634 Westin Dr Address: 1634 Westin Dr, Erie Price: $245000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Markel Homes Construction Co Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Mila P R Hyde, 1838 Blue Star Ln Address: 1838 Blue Star Ln, Louisville Price: $561400 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Joshua M Mcneese Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Judith Karen & Victo Christjaner, 130 E Turner Ave Address: 2577 Stonewall Ln, Lafayette Price: $300000 Date Closed: 7/30/2014 Seller: Leslie R Mayer Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Mindy Sanchez, 4866 Brandon Creek Dr Address: 4866 Brandon Creek Dr, Boulder Price: $282500 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Scott Cobb Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Michael T Weiss, 1234 Carolina Ave Address: 1234 Carolina Ave, Longmont Price: $290000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Derek Ross Loudermilk Buyer, Buyer’s Address: George Atabaev, 2800 Kalmia Ave Apt A120 Address: 2800 Kalmia Ave Apt A120, Boulder Price: $186000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Robert G Gray Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Hunley Holdings Llc, 4894 Sweetwater Rd Address: 905 13th St, Boulder Price: $1175000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Luther L Landin Buyer, Buyer’s Address: James J Issa, 3240 Wright Ave Address: 3314 34th St, Boulder Price: $345000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Ivor Michel Walter Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Xiaobo Yin, 1346 Wicklow St Address: 1346 Wicklow St, Boulder Price: $590500 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Jmb Legacy Investments Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jose M Granillo Nunez, 307 E 5th Ave Address: 307 E 5th Ave, Longmont Price: $221900 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Meritage Homes Colorado Inc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Naini K Ahluwalia, 747 Cristo Ln Address: 747 Cristo Ln, Lafayette Price: $377600 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Jose Luis Juncar Pabon Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Roland Manfred & Lisa Kristine Herrmann, 1521 Red Mountain Dr Address: 1521 Red Mountain Dr, Longmont Price: $325000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Claire E & David M Nye Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Michelle Pauline Licata, 1325 Stockton Dr Address: 1325 Stockton Dr, Erie Price: $280000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: L V Wayne Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Stephen F & Laurie B Bayless, 7797 Country Creek Dr Address: 8011 Countryside Park Apt 212, Niwot Price: $123000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Richard F & Judith A Roth Buyer, Buyer’s Address: James V & Paula L Hemenway, 8428 Strawberry Ln Address: 8428 Strawberry Ln, Niwot Price: $1295000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Kim R Hagen Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Evelia Venegas, 2057 Spencer St Address: 2057 Spencer St, Longmont Price: $181500 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Roger A & Sue E Peck Buyer, Buyer’s Address: David Costa, 8154 Alfalfa Ct Address: 8154 Alfalfa Ct, Niwot Price: $495000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Giovanna Egiz Trust Buyer, Buyer’s Address: James Logan, 3014 13th St Address: 2800 Kalmia Ave Apt A220, Boulder Price: $177500 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Susan L & John A Fontaine Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Gigi Mitchell Trust, 333 Sanders Cir Address: 4668 Ingram Ct, Boulder Price: $462000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Kenneth Hargett Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Richard & Angela Thompson, 1809 Tyler Ave Address: 1809 Tyler Ave, Longmont Price: $261000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Karen Taylor Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Lyn B Lowry, 1538 Kimbark St Address: 1538 Kimbark St, Longmont Price: $185000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Robert K Schader Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Douglas P Jowdy, 5613 Po Box 590 Address: 5613 Quarry Ct, Boulder Price: $430000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO ISN’T THAT WHAT EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT? ISN’T THAT WHAT EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT? ARE YOU READY TO BUILD SALES & GENERATE LEADS USING 21ST CENTURY MARKETING TECHNIQUES FOR A BRIGHTER AND MORE PROFITABLE FUTURE? ARE YOU READY TO BUILD SALES & GENERATE LEADS USING 21ST CENTURY MARKETING TECHNIQUES FOR A BRIGHTER AND MORE PROFITABLE FUTURE? Producing Videos. Producing Sales. Producing Results. Producing Videos. Producing Sales. Producing Results. 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At press time (Aug. 19), the Colorado secretary of state had not yet certified the measure for the ballot, but supporters turned in more than twice the number of signatures needed to qualify and we believe it will make its way to voters. As always, it’s not as simple as typing out a label and applying it to a package of sugar or a raw carrot. But it’s still something that needs to occur. We like this measure because it is statutory, meaning it will change the way a Colorado law is enforced. It doesn’t rewrite the constitution. We like it as well because more than 70 percent of Coloradans polled are in favor of some kind of labeling, and we think their wishes need to be respected. Colorado lawmakers have tried to enact similar measures in each of the past two years and have failed. Frankly, we prefer measures hammered out by the folks we elect to take on these tough issues, but when they fail to perform, the ballot box is the next option. Still, there are cautionary notes that need to be sounded. As a society, we have a lot to learn about genetically modified food – and what we know so far is that it’s not all bad. Some genetically modified strains of corn, for instance, require fewer pesticides and less water. Those are good things. What we know less about is the impact of genetic engineering on the long-term resilience of the plants we require to feed ourselves. Are we weakening the plant universe by creating genetically engineered versions, and are these versions going to be less adaptable than those that have evolved naturally? It’s not clear yet. Can these labeling requirements be applied in a way that doesn’t impose overly burdensome costs on farmers and small markets? We believe they can be, and if this measures is approved by voters, lawmakers will need to address costs and administrative chores. According to Colorado State University, at least 21 countries and the European Union have embraced mandatory labeling. We think it’s time Colorado and the United States did the same. BizWest opinion poll Colorado voters may be asked this fall to approve a new law requiring that food labels disclose whether genetically modified ingredients have been used. Would you vote in favor of such an initiative? Answer now at * The BizWest Opinion Poll is not scientific and reflects only the opinions of those Internet users who have chosen to participate. aDMinisTraTion Publishers Jeff Nuttall ....................... 970-232-3131 | 303-630-1955 Christopher Wood........... 303-630-1942 | 970-232-3133 editorial intern Yuchen Wu 970-232-3132 | 303-630-1965 Chief researcher Kiley Gant ................ 303-630-1960 | 970-232-3138 Vice President of operations Ken Amundson ......... 970-232-3142 | 303-630-1952 WeB Manager Chase Miller 303-630-1949 | 970-232-3135 Business support Manager Carol Wood ..................... 970-232-3151 | 303-630-1963 aDVerTising Controller Dave Spencer .............. 970-232-3149 | 303-630-194 eDiToriaL executive editor Jerd 303-630-1946 | 970-232-3130 Copy editor Dallas Heltzell 970-232-3149 | 303-630-1962 reporters Joshua Lindenstein ... 303-630-1943 | 970-416-7343 Steve Lynn .......................... 970-232-3147 | 303-630-1968 Doug Storum ................. 303-630-1959 | 970-416-7369 Vice President of strategic Partnerships Sandy Powell 970-232-3144 | 303-630-1954 senior account executives Julie Constance ........... 970-232-3148 | 303-630-1958 Kevin Loewen .............. 303-630-1945 | 970-232-3145 account executives Rachel Finley 970-232-3136 | 303-630-1955 Missy Moss 970-232-3143 | 303-630-1953 advertising and event Coordinator Kimberly Willard 970-232-3152 | 303-630-1967 ProDUCTion Design Director Steve Miller .......................... 303-630-1941 Production Manager Bernie Simon ................... 970-232-3140 | 303-630-1957 art Director Chad Collins 970-232-3141 | 303-630-1964 VoLUMe 33, issUe 16 CirCULaTion anD aUDienCe DeVeLoPMenT Director of Circulation/audience Developmen Janet 970-232-3146 | 303-630-1956 subscribe 970-232-3146 | 303-630-1956 BoULDer oFFiCe 1790 30th St., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80301 Fax: 303-440-8954, ForT CoLLins oFFiCe To advertise (Boulder/Broomfield): 303-630-1954 To advertise (Larimer/Weld): 970-232-3144 The entire contents of this newspaper are copyrighted by BizWest Media LLC with all rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. 1550 E. Harmony Road, 2nd floor Fort Collins, CO 80525 P.O. Box 270810, Fort Collins, CO 80527 Fax: 970-221-5432, Aug. 22-Sept. 4, 2014 BizWest | | 39 for the record from 37 Price: $495000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: David H Christensen Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Min Da Cai, 2380 Kohler Dr Address: 1390 Judson Dr, Boulder Price: $588000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Somerset Meadows Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Sopris Homes Llc, 6420 Gunpark Dr Ste D Address: 3615 Glenn Eyre Dr, Longmont Price: $152500 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Joel D & Joel Mcelroy Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Nasrin Khoshand, 2600 S Rock Creek Pkwy # 1 204 Address: 2404 Concord Cir, Lafayette Price: $305000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Richard Gribbon Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Cecilia Chance Royal, 590 Dakota Blvd Address: 590 Dakota Blvd, Boulder Price: $987000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Galina & Kim Plotkin Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Thomas J & Dorothy L Reed, 4832 Primrose Path Address: 4651 Cloud Ct, Boulder Price: $568000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: William M Lillian Janice Holme Buyer, Buyer’s Address: David Vollmar, 1480 Quince Ave Unit 103 Address: 935 Laramie Blvd Unit A, Boulder Price: $215000 Date Closed: 7/31/2014 Seller: Erik A & Kelly R Duffield Buyer, Buyer’s Address: James B & Beth A Steinmetz, 4300 S Hampton Cir Address: 4300 S Hampton Cir, Boulder Price: $865000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Melia Jo Paquin Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Devon E Kupfner, 1850 Lonic Dr #A Address: 1850 Lonic Dr #A, Lafayette Price: $153000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Peter G Young Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Vicki Diane Mellott, 2775 7th St Address: 1671 Zamia Ave, Boulder Price: $420000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Karen Marie Pierce Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Linda G Rowland, 947 Terry St Address: 947 Terry St, Longmont Price: $256000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Go Lc Kum Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Stephen D Tebo, 3111 28th St Address: , Price: $875500 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Valin B & Allyson A Thorn Buyer, Buyer’s Address: John S Jr & Shannon R Watts, 6100 Stonegate Run Address: 1145 Timber Ln, Boulder Price: $2275000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Hartman Ely Investments Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jb Murray Properties Llc, 334 Caribou Rd Address: 1081 Tantra Park Cir, Boulder Price: $465200 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Billy G Rame Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Emily F & Jennifer Landon, 601 Bramer Rd Address: 601 Bramer Rd, Ward Price: $148700 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Jeffrey & Julie Simcock Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Sibyl Gardner, 219 Vivian St Address: 219 Vivian St, Longmont Price: $305000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Kevin Cochran Construction Co Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Thomas J Pilarski, 140 E 5th Ave Address: 140 E 5th Ave, Longmont Price: $157000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Donald C & Susan L Landwer Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Tim B & Teresa G Brinkley, 591 S Skinner Rd Address: 591 S Skinner Rd, Allenspark Price: $620000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: David Job & Erica L Gardner Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Valentin Martinez Pillet, 1564 Daily Dr Address: 1564 Daily Dr, Erie Price: $315000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Felicia Naranjo Martinez Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Lauren M Casalino, 4436 Driftwood Pl Address: 4436 Driftwood Pl, Boulder Price: $435000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Jon M Rumley Buyer, Buyer’s Address: K R Spotts, 395 Majestic View Dr Address: 395 Majestic View Dr, Boulder Price: $1435000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Michael J Murphy Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Americus Trustee & Asuncion Trustee Kalmar, 9505 Teller St Address: 2039 Estes Ln Apt 6, Longmont Price: $118000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Eric R Rutherford Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Marylan Suzanne Starbuck, 3065 Denton Ave Address: 3065 Denton Ave, Boulder Price: $355000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Ann M Reiser Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Pearce W Melcher, 510 N Parkside Dr Apt C Address: 510 N Parkside Dr Apt C, Longmont Price: $240000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Donna Zerner Revocable Trust Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jordan C & Elizabeth S Williams, 2625 6th St Address: 2625 6th St, Boulder Price: $875000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Elise G Edson Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Juan Lin, 831 Snowberry St Address: 831 Snowberry St, Longmont Price: $245000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Boulder Creek Pinnacle Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Richard R & Mary A Bevan, 2124 Calais Dr Unit B Address: 2124 Calais Dr Unit B, Longmont Price: $350400 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Meritage Homes Colorado Inc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Jennie L & Daniel J Kasid, 5013 Eagan Cir Address: 5013 Eagan Cir, Longmont Price: $526000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Joyce A Thorp Buyer, Buyer’s Address: 1315 Llc, 2775 Iris Ave Address: 1315 Tamarack Ave, Boulder Price: $1500000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Moblio Llc Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Gerard P & Carolyn A Carroll, 315 Arapahoe Ave Apt 303 Address: 315 Arapahoe Ave Apt 303, Boulder Price: $497000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Robert K Schmutz Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Shawn J Bailey, 1164 Meadow St Address: 1164 Meadow St, Longmont Price: $199900 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Thomas A Jr Honohan Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Autumn King, 1027 Sunset St Address: 1027 Sunset St, Longmont Price: $209900 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Christopher F Krechter Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Hanli Liu, 47 Qualla Ct Address: 47 Qualla Ct, Boulder Price: $580000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Ryan & Cynthia Lewis Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Timothy R Moran, 2015 Norwood Ave Address: 2015 Norwood Ave, Boulder Price: $1790000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Mark S Hodo Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Amy Menell, 1546 Chambers Dr # 44 Address: 1546 Chambers Dr # 44, Boulder Price: $419900 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Sandra K & Ira J Bornstein Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Santhpur N Rao, 3366 Opal Ln Address: 3366 Opal Ln, Superior Price: $740000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Melody R Cooey Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Stepheny L Moskal, 2623 Danbury Dr Address: 2623 Danbury Dr, Longmont Price: $210000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Julie Ann Laffins & Steven Gustav Erich Buyer, Buyer’s Address: David E & Leslie B Herz, 4453 Rustic Trl Address: 4453 Rustic Trl, Boulder Price: $875000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: James Daniel Wise Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Albert Jr Gentile, 2119 Center Square Rd Address: 935 Broadway Apt 107, Boulder Price: $355000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Catherine Luna Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Brandon Mauck, 2148 Kay St Address: 2148 Kay St, Longmont Price: $241000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Penny A & John L Baker Buyer, Buyer’s Address: David G Pillmore, 1152 Po Box 301 Address: 1152 Olympia Ave Unit 16c, Longmont Price: $218000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Ryan Spinharney Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Chad A Steffl, 1356 W 10th Ave Address: 1356 W 10th Ave, Longmont Price: $205000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Anna C Clark Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Christine M Carter, 3487 28th St Apt 16 Address: 3487 28th St Apt 16, Boulder Price: $234900 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Shaun Michael Cummins Buyer, Buyer’s Address: James Stephen Barron, 1450 Agape Way Address: 1450 Agape Way, Lafayette Price: $183000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Christopher M & Elizabeth G Lowery Buyer, Buyer’s Address: John Pritchard, 1325 Jade Ln Address: 1325 Jade Ln, Longmont Price: $780000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Greg Norris Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Andrew Strom, 139 Eagles Dr Address: 139 Eagles Dr, Boulder Price: $830000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Sandra Bamford Oldfield Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Lori D Merager, 4870 Twin Lakes Rd Apt 4 Address: 4870 Twin Lakes Rd Apt 4, Boulder Price: $193000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Porchfront Homes At Sanitas Te Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Frank & Debra A Long, 1820 Mary Ln # 2 Address: 1820 Mary Ln # 2, Boulder Price: $410700 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Lorna J Astonott Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Lisa Marie Lynn, 1313 Reserve Dr Address: 829 Independence Dr, Longmont Price: $181500 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Seller: Lisa M & Karl Knodl Buyer, Buyer’s Address: Scott Marrett, 3860 Colorado Ave Apt C Address: 3860 Colorado Ave Apt C, Boulder Price: $420000 Date Closed: 8/1/2014 Behind Every Great Building, Is A Great Story. Fort Collins based Rodelle, Inc. has created premier baking and cooking essenƟals since 1936. The company manufactures gourmet products including vanilla extract, baking cocoa, and spices. In 2009, Rodelle built a 32,717 SF headquarters in Harmony Technology Park. To accommodate growing producƟon, a new 32,000 SF expansion of the facility was completed in 2014. Brinkman Partners worked closely with Rodelle to construct both faciliƟes to meet their unique producƟon and manufacturing needs. The end product resulted in a state-of-the-art space to support the company’s development. At Brinkman Partners, we are proud to be a part of bringing our clients’ stories to life. Colorado’s Leader in I N T E G R AT E D R E A L E S TAT E S O LU T I O N S Commercial Brokerage Capital Markets ConstrucƟon Development Real Estate Management Brinkman Partners | 3003 East Harmony Road, Suite 300 | Fort Collins, CO 80528 970.267.0954 |