November PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.R.E.- Waves and Electrons Sechton 1330 sulting at each level of modulation was determined. For a typical adjustment and a frequency shift of ± 2 Mc, second-harmonic amplitude was measured to be 32 db below that of the fundamental- and third-harmonic amplitude 37 db below fundamental. Somewhat better linearity of modulation has been obtained by more careful adjustment of the circuit. When operated from regulated power sources, the 6AK5 oscillator proved to be quite free of frequency drifts. After a one-hour warm-up period, a drift of 25 kc took place in the succeeding hour. Modulation at powerline frequency was measured and found to be ±8 kc. AM effects have not as yet been evaluated but these effects are known to be small. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The writer wishes to acknowledge the helpfujl cooperation of W. M. Goodall and A. F. Dietrich of these Laboratories in the design and testing of this oscillator. The Reactance-Tube Oscillator * HAN CHANGt AND V. C. RIDEOUTt, Summary-The reactance-tube oscillator is a combination reactance-tube circuit and oscillator circuit which uses but a single tube. It has two forms-one derived from the capacitive reactance-tube circuit and one from the inductive reactance-tube circuit; with slight variations the first may be made to resemble the Hartley oscillator circuit, and the second the Colpitts oscillator circuit. Experiments with this oscillator have shown that linear frequency variation versus grid voltage change with constant output amplitude may be obtained over a range of more than five per cent in the region of 1 to 4 Mc. MEMBER, IRE Then YT = 1 + rp - gmnA cos 0 + igmA sin 0 1 j +-. (3) RT XT = -- Here RT and XT are the effective parallel resistive and reactive components of YT. It can be seen that RT may be negative if rp is large and cos 0 is negative. The necessary condition for cos 6 to be negative is that the reacI. ANALYSIS OF OPERATION tive parts of Z, and Z2 have opposite signs. If RT can be C ONSIDER the schematic circuit of the reactance- made negative in this manner and if a parallel resonant tube shown in Fig. 1. The admittance across ter- circuit is connected across terminals a-b, oscillations may build up. Furthermore, since 1/rp and gm vary in minals a-b is: same way with grid bias voltage, RT might be exthe 1 1 gmZ2 to remain constant over a considerable range. pected (1) + + Yab Zl +Z2 rp Z1+ Z2 Fig. 2(a) shows such an oscillator circuit derived from a capacitive reactance-tube circuit. In this case the freThe first term on the right side of equation (1) is the quency of and condition for oscillation are approxiadmittance of the phase-shifting network. The remain- mately given by +gMCo(LpRv + LvRv) 1 g .. CpEp(l + a) ] 2r/LpCp(l + -a) L + RpCp(Lp- Lg) + CpLp2/Corp + Cp2LpRp/Co -1/2 (4) where a = ing terms represent the admittance added by the tube, which will be called YT. Let Z2 = Aej0 = A cos 0 + jA sin 0. (6) Similar expressions for the oscillator circuit of Fig. 2(b), which is derived from the inductive reactance-tube circuit, are --I b I Fig. 1-Basic reactance-tube circuit. ZI + Z2 (Co/Cp)(1 + Lg/Lp). (2) * Decimal classification: R355.911.1. Original manuscript received by the Institute, April 4, 1949; revised manuscript received, August 1, 1949. t University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. f= gm > b F VF1+ 1I 2 7r \LpCp L_ + b "] gnLpRv Lo(l + b)_ (7) (Lo + Lp)(RpCO/Lp + C,,/Cprp) (Cv + Cv) (Rg + Ro) La, (8) Chang and Rideout: The Reactance- Tube Oscillator 1949 1331 II. NOTES ON DESIGN In both types of circuits the frequency is approxib = (Lp/Lo)(1 + Cp/Cv). (9) mately 1/2rV/LPCP. The percentage frequency deviaIn equations (4) and (7) the circuit constants are so tion can be determined by considering the term gmRgLp/ chosen that the second term within the brackets is small. Lo in the inductive reactance-tube circuit and gmRgCo/ Both may then be expanded to show that a linear change Cp in the capacitive reactance-tube circuit. Note that the latter expression is obtained from (4) by assuming in frequency with gm is possible. LpRp>>L,R,, a condition which is necessary in practice for good operation. The ratios Lp/Lo or Co/Cp should be very small, say about 0.1. By fixing the gm variation range, R0 is determined. The impedance of Z2 should be about one-fifth CoI of the impedance of Z1. Under the above conditions a tank circuit of effective Q of about 20 was found satisfactory in the case of a 6L6 tube. The exact value of Lp or Cp is determined, with the help of the approximate R frequency, by the condition for oscillation. This condition should hold at the smallest value of gm in the range L of operation. where (a) Cg (b) Fig. 2-(a) Capacitive reactance-tube oscillator circuit. (b) Inductive reactance-tube oscillator circuit. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Experiments have been conducted chiefly in the 1- to 4-Mc range. Fig. 3 shows typical sets of curves of frequency variation and radio-frequency current in the tank capacitor Cp as grid voltage is varied. Greater frequency variation is possible by increasing R0 and then making other compensating adjustments, or by extending the grid voltage range to include positive voltages. z 0 w ,4 z From (6) it may be seen that the frequency of oscillation is lower than the natural frequency of the tank circuit, and that increase in gm causes the frequency to become still lower, with resultant operation still further down on the resonance curve of the tank circuit. The reduced output voltage which might be expected in this case is counter-balanced by the increased plate current which results when grid bias is decreased to increase gm,,. Thus it is possible to see in a qualitative way that reasonably constant output might be expected. By a similar argument, constant output may be expected in the inductive reactance-tube oscillator circuit. Here, however, operation is on the high-frequency side of tankcircuit resonance, and increasing gm further increases frequency. The circuits of Fig. 2 may be simplified by making Cp equal to zero in Fig. 2(a) or making Lp infinite in Fig. 2(b). It is interesting to note that the first reactancetube oscillator circuit then resembles the Hartley oscillator and the second the Colpitts oscillator. 0 a 4 C- wa a: F GRID BIAS (VOLTS) Fig. 3-Typical curves of frequency and amplitude for a capacitive reactance-tube oscillator (center frequency 1,322 kc), and an inductive reactance-tube oscillator (center frequency 1,553 kc). A modified circuit resembling the Hartley oscillator was tested and was found to give a 7 per cent linear range of frequency variation with the constants used. Tests made with a number of different types of tubes show that beam power tubes are most satisfactory, although power triodes have been used successfully.